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           in honor of
The Jewish Federation’s Centennial

Selected Blessings and Readings
      September 9, 2011
Lighting of Candles
            The candles are lit before the blessing is recited.

           Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam
Blessed are you, Ado-nai, our God, sovereign of the universe

                asher kid’shanu b’mitz-votav v’tzivanu
                 who hallows us with mitzvot,

                 l’hadlik neir shel Shabbat.
       commanding us to kindle the light of Shabbat.
Blessing of Children

             For A Boy                                       For A Girl

Y’simcha Elohim k’Efrayim v’chiM’nasheh       Y’simech Elohim k’Sarah Rivkah Rachel v’Leah
May God inspire you to live like                 May God inspire you to live like
     Ephraim and Menasseh                       Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah
                               For Both Boys and Girls

       Y’varech’cha Ado-nai v’yishm’recha. Ya-eir Ado-nai panav eilecha vichuneka.
                     Yisa Ado-nai panav eilecha v’yaseim l’cha shalom.
                         May God bless you and keep you.
     May God’s light shine upon you, and may God be gracious to you.
   May you feel God’s Presence within you always, and may you find peace.
Shalom Aleichem
Shalom Aleichem malachei hasharet malachei elyon,
mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
Bo’achem l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon,
mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
Bar’chuni l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon,
mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
Tzeit’chem l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon,
mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

         Peace be to you, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High
                      Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing
          Enter in peace, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High
                      Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing
      Bless me with peace, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High
                     Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing
         Depart in peace, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High
                     Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing
Eshet Chayil: A Woman of Valor

Eshet Chayil mi yimtza, v’rachok mi’pninim michrah.
Batach bah lev ba’lah, v’shalal lo yechsar.
G’malat’hu tov v’lo ra kol y’mei chayeha.
Darsha tsemer ufishtim, va-ta-as b’chefetz kapeha.
Hay’tah ko-oniyot socher, mimerchak tavi lachma.
Va-takom b’od lailah,
  va’titen teref l’veitah v’chok l’na’aroteha.
Zam’mah sadeh v’tikachehu,
  mi-pri chapeha nat’ah karem.
Chag’rah v’oz motneha, vat’ametz z’ro’oteha.
Ta’m’a ki tov sachrah, lo yichbe valayla nerah.
Yadeha shilcha vakishor, v’kapeha tam’chu phalech.
Kapah par’sah le-ani, v’yadehah shil’cha la-evyon.
Lo tira l’veitah mi-shaleg,
  ki chol beitah l’vush shanim.
Marvadim as’tah lah, shesh v’argaman l’vushah.
Nodah ba-sha’arim ba’lah, b’shivto im ziknei aretz.
Sadin as’tah v’timkor, v’chagor nat’nah la-kna’ani.
Oz v’hadar l’vushah, vatischak l’yom acharon.
Piha pat’cha v’chochmah, v’torat chesed al l’shonah.
Tsofiya halichot beita, v’lechem atzlut lo tochel.
Kamu vaneha va-y’ashruhah, ba’alah vay’hal’lah.
Rabot banot asu chayil, v’at alit al kulanah.
Sheker hachen v’hevel hayofi,
  ishah yir’at Ado-nai hi tit’halal.
T’nu lah mi-p’ri yadeha,
  vihal’luha va-sh’arim ma-aseha.

Eshet Chayil: A Woman of Valor
       A woman of strength, who can find? Her worth is far beyond pearls.
          Her husband’s heart trusts in her, and he has no lack of gain.
              She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
              She seeks wool and linen, and works with willing hands.
     She is like a ship laden with merchandise, bringing her food from afar.
        She rises while it is still night, providing food for her household,
                                portions for her maids.
    She considers a field and buys it; from her earnings she plants a vineyard.
        She girds herself with strength, and braces her arms for her tasks.
      She sees that her business goes well; her lamp does not go out at night.
     She holds the distaff in her hand, and grasps the spindle with her palms.
    She reaches out her palm to the poor, and extends her hand to the needy.
       She has no fear for her family when it snows, for all her household is
                               clothed in crimson wool.
     She makes elegant coverings; her clothing is fine linen and purple wool.
 Her husband is well known in the gates, where he sits with the elders of the land.
  She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies merchants with sashes.
   She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
  She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the law of kindness is on her tongue.
 She watches over the ways of her household,and never eats the bread of idleness.
        Her children rise and call her happy; her husband also praises her:
              “Many women have excelled; but you surpass them all.”
                         Charm is deceptive and beauty vain;
                 it is the God-fearing woman who deserves praise.
  Give her the reward she has earned; let her deeds bring her praise in the gates.

                               Alternate Version
   The woman of valor - a priceless find, a treasure more precious than pearls.
     An unfailing asset to her husband, she assures him a life of contentment.
Eager, engergetic, far-sighted, and strong, her family knows she will always be near.
           Her optimism never wavers, her industriousness never flags.
        She extends a hand to the poor, she offers her hands to the needy.
       She projects strength and dignity, and is confident about the future.
  Her speech abounds with wisdom, she soothes everyone with words of kindness.
        Her children bring her fulfillment, her husband sings her virtues:
             “Many women have excelled, but you surpass them all.”
 Charm is a mask and beauty is vain, but a righteous woman is deserving of praise.
        Her handiwork attests to her merit; all her actions bring her honor.
Ashrei Eesh: Blessed Is the Man

 (In Praise of the Man of the Household; from Psalm 112)

          Blessed is the man who reveres Ado-nai,
           who delights in God’s commandments.
        His descendants will be honored in the land,
      a generation of the upright, they will be blessed.
Prosperity fills his household, his righteousness is enduring.
     Even in the darkness, light shines for the upright,
   for the one who is gracious, compassionate, and just.
         All goes well with the man who is generous,
           whose dealings are marked by integrity.
                   He shall never be shaken,
          his kindness will always be remembered.
               Evil tidings do not frighten him;
           his mind is firm, trusting in Ado-nai.
          His heart is steady, he will not be fearful,
        for his enemies are destined to be overcome.
                He has given freely to the poor;
          his goodness is an inspiration to others;
                  his life is exalted in honor.
Kiddush: Blessing Over Wine or Grape Juice
                                            Short Version

                        Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam
              Blessed are you, Ado-nai our God, sovereign of the universe

                                        borei p’ri hagafen.
                                Creator of the fruit of the vine.
                                             Full Version
Vay’hi erev vay’hi voker yom hashishi.
Vay’chulu hashamayim veha-aretz v’chol tz’va-am.
Vay’chal Elohim bayom hash’vi-i m’lachto asher asah.
Vayishbot bayom hash’vi-i mikol m’lachto asher asah.
Vay’varech Elohim et yom hash’vi-i va-y’kadesh oto.
Ki vo shavat mikol m’lachto asher barah Elohim la’asot.

            The heaven and the earth were finished, and all their array.
        On the seventh day God finished the work that God had been doing,
      and God ceased on the seventh day from all the work that God had done.
               And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy;
     because on it God ceased from all the work of creation that God had done.
Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam
borei p’ri hagafen.
Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam,
asher kid’shanu b’mitz-votav v’ratzah vanu.
v’Shabat kodsho b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchilanu,
zikaron l’maaseih v’reishit.
Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikraei kodesh, zecher litziat
Mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta
mikol ha-amim. V’Shabat kodsh’cha b’ahavah
uv’ratzon hinchaltanu.
Baruch atah Ado-nai, m’kadeish HaShabat.

           Praised are You, Ado-nai our God, Sovereign of the universe,
                            Creator of the fruit of the vine.
            Praised are You, Ado-nai our God, Sovereign of the universe
                 who finding favor with us, sanctified us with mitzvot.
             In love and favor, You made the holy Shabbat our heritage
                        as a reminder of the work of Creation.
          As first among our sacred days, it recalls the Exodus from Egypt.
                    You chose us and set us apart from the peoples.
      In love and favor You have given us Your holy Shabbat as an inheritance.
                  Praised are You, Ado-nai, who sanctifies Shabbat.
Netilat Yadaim: Rinsing of Hands before Eating Bread

           Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam
 Blessed are you, Ado-nai our God, sovereign of the universe

        asher kid’shanu b’mitz-votav v’tzivanu al n’tilat yadayim.
              instilling in us the holiness of mitzvot
            by commanding us to rinse our hands.

            Ha-Motzi: Blessing Over Bread

            Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam
  Praised are You, Ado-nai our God, who rules the universe,

                    hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz.
             bringing forth bread from the earth.
                        The meal is served.
Birkat Ha-Mazon: Thanksgiving for the Meal
                                          Short Version

                             Baruch atah Ado-nai, hazan et ha-kol.
                  Blessed are You, Ado-nai our God, who feeds all life.
                                      Full Version
                        Shir Hama’alot: A Song for Transcendings
Shir Hama’alot, b’shuv Ado-nai et shivat tziyon
hayinu k’chol’mim. Az y’male s’chok pinu
ulshoneinu rina. Az yom’ru vagoyim higdil Ado-nai
la’asot im eleh; higdil Ado-nai la’asot imanu
hayinu s’meichim. Shuva Ado-nai et sh’viteinu
ka’afikim banegev. Hazor’im b’dimah b’rinah
yiktzoru. Haloch yelech uvacho, nosei meshech
hazara, bo yavo v’rinah nosei alumotav.

                  When Ado-nai carried the captives back to Zion
                          We thought we were in a dream.
                     Our mouth was filled with laughter then,
                              Our tongue with song,
                    Among the nations there was wonder then,
                  “How grandly has God dealt with these people!”
                        How grandly has God dealt with us!
                                We were so happy…
                         Carry our captives back, O God,
                    In torrents turning desert streams to flood,
                         Then those who sow with weeping
                                 Will reap with joy,
           Those who trudge the row, watering with tears their trail of seed,
                        When they come back that way again,
                            Will march with song, erect,
                      Their arms uplifted, sheaves piled high!
Zimun: Invitation to Praise the Provider

                     Rabotai (or, Cha-vei-rai v’chavei-rotai) n’varech.
                              Friends, let us praise God!

                    Yehi shem Ado-nai m’vorach me-ata v’ad olam
    Let the Name of God be praised from this moment to the end of time.

       Bir’shut mara-nan verabanan v’rabotai (or, Bir’shut cha-vei-rai v’chavei-rotai),
          n’varech (if ten or more are present, Elo-heinu) sheachalnu mishelo.
                 With the permission of our friends here gathered,
                let us praise (if ten or more are present, our God,)
                       the One of whose bounty we have eaten.

   Baruch (if ten or more are present, Elo-heinu) sheachalnu mishelo, uvetuvo chayinu.
                 Praised be (if ten or more are present, our God,)
the One of whose bounty we have eaten and through whose goodness we survive.

                               Baruch hu uvaruch shemo!
                      Praised be You! Praised be Your Name!
The First Blessing: For Food
Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu melech ha-olam,
hazan et haolam kulo betuvo, bechen bechesed
uverachamim. Hu noten lechem lechol basar, ki
le-olam chasdo, uvetuvo hagadol tamid lo chasar
lanu, ve-al yechsar lanu mazon le-olam vaed,
baavur shemo hagadol, ki hu El zan umefarnes lakol,
umetiv lakol umechin mazon lechol briotav asher
bara. Baruch atah Ado-nai, hazan et hakol.

                         You are praised, Ado-nai our God,
                              Ruler of time and space,
                         Who feeds the world, all the world,
                   With goodness and grace, love and compassion.
                             You give bread to all flesh,
     For the love with which You sealed Your covenant with humanity is eternal.
                 Because of Your great goodness, Your great Name,
                           There is no lack of food for us,
                    There should never be any lack of food for us,
                  For You are a God who feeds and sustains all life,
                            Who does good for all things,
                      Who prepares food for all Your creatures
                                Whom You created.
                         You are praised, Ado-nai our God,
                                 Who feeds all life.
The Second Blessing: For the Land
Nodeh lecha Ado-nai Elo-heinu al shehinchalta
laavoteinu (uleimoteinu) eretz chemda tova
urechava, ve-al shehotzeitanu Ado-nai
Elo-heinu meeretz Mitzrayim ufeditanu mibeit
avadim,ve-al beritcha shechatamta bivesarenu
(uvelibenu), ve-al Toratcha shelimadtanu,
ve-al chukeha shehodatanu, ve-al chayim chen
vachesed shechonantanu, ve-al achilat mazon
sha-ata zan umefarnes otanu tamid, bechol yom
uvechol et uvechol shaah.

   We thank You, Ado-nai our God, for bestowing on our fathers and mothers a
     pleasant land, good and broad, for bringing us out of the narrow land of
 Mitzrayim, ransoming us from the house of slaves and for Your covenant that You
  have sealed in our flesh (and on our heart); for Your Torah which You Yourself
have taught us; for Your ancient laws that You have revealed to us; for life and grace
 and covenantal love which You have graciously given us; and for the eating of food
   with which You feed and sustain us always, every day, every season, every hour.

             hj-kf hpc lna lrc,h l,ut ohfrcnu lk ohsun ubjbt ubhvkt hh kfv kgu
            vcyv .rtv-kg lhvkt hh-,t ,frcu ,gcau ,kftu cu,ff /sgu okugk shn,
                        /iuznv-kgu .rtv-kg hh v,t lurc lk-i,b rat
  Ve-al hakol Ado-nai Elo-heinu anachnu modim lach, umevarechim otach, yitbarach shimcha befi chol
chai tamid le-olam vaed. Kakatuv: ve-achalta vesavata uverachta et Ado-nai Elohecha al ha’aretz hatova
                  asher natan lach. Baruch atah Ado-nai, al ha’aretz ve-al hamazon.
For everything, Ado-nai our God, we thank You and praise You–how praiseworthy
is Your Name forever, in every place, at every moment, in the mouth of everything
that lives! As it is written (Deuteronomy 8:10): “And you shall eat and you shall be
 satisfied and you shall praise Ado-nai your God for the good land which God has
            given you.” You are praised, Ado-nai, for the land and for food.
The Third Blessing: For Sustenance
Rachem Ado-nai Elo-heinu al Yisrael amecha
ve-al Yerushalayim irecha ve-al Tziyon mishkan
kevodecha ve-al malchut beit David meshichecha
ve-al habayit hagadol vehakadosh shenikra shimcha
alav, Elo-heinu avinu re-einu zuneinu parneseinu
vechalkeleinu veharvicheinu veharvach lanu
Ado-nai Elo-heinu meheira mikol tzaroteinu,
Vena al tatzricheinu Ado-nai Elo-heinu lo lidei
matnat basar vadam velo lidei halvaatam,
ki im leyadcha hameleiah hapetucha hakedosha
veharechava, shelo nevosh velo nikalem le-olam vaed.

 Shed compassion over this people Israel that You created, Ado-nai our God: over
Jerusalem, Your own city; over Zion, the resting place of Your glory; over the realm
  of the house of David, Your anointed messiah; and over the great and holy House
 over which Your Name is spoken, Our God, our Father and our Mother, shepherd
   us, feed us, nurture us, sustain us, relieve us, grant us relief soon, Ado-nai our
  God, from all our sorrows! And pray, do not make us dependent on the hand of
  other people, through gifts or loans, but only on Your hand, full and open, holy
and generous, that we might never be disgraced or degraded at any time, in any place,

                                  Insertion: A Shabbat Prayer

  Retzei vehachalitzeinu Ado-nai Elo-heinu be-mitzvotecha uvemitzvat yom hashevii haShabat hagadol
vehaka-dosh ha-zeh. Ki yom zeh gadol vekadosh hu lefanecha, lishbot bo velanuach bo be-ahava kemitzvat
   retzonecha, uvirtzoncha haniach lanu Ado-nai Elo-heinu shelo tehei tzara veyagon vaanacha beyom
    menuchateinu vehareinu Ado-nai Elo-heinu benechamat Tziyon irecha uvevinyan Yerushalayim ir
                         kodshechaki atah hu baal hayeshuot uvaal hanechamot.
 Favor us with a mind at peace, Ado-nai our God, as we strive to fulfill Your mitzvot,
   especially the mitzvah of the Seventh Day, Shabbat, so grand and holy. For this
   grand and holy day exists in Your presence, lovingly to cease work and to rest,
  according to the mitzvah with which You have favored us. For through Your favor,
 Ado-nai our God, it has given us rest, that there might be no sorrow, no pain, no
grief, on this day of our rest. Instead, Ado-nai our God, show us the comforting of
   Zion Your city and the rebuilding of Jerusalem Your holy city, for You are the
           source of victory over all enemies, You are the source of comfort.
The Third Blessing continued: A Prayer for Jerusalem

                    Uvnei Yerushalayim ir hakodesh bimheira veyameinu.
                Baruch atah Ado-nai, boneh verachamav Yerushalayim. Amen.
     And rebuild Jerusalem, Your holy city, quickly, while we are still alive.
 You are praised, Ado-nai, who with compassion is rebuilding Jerusalem. Amen.

                          The Fourth Blessing: For Good
Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam,
haEl avinu malkeinu adireinu boreinu goaleinu
yotzreinu kedosheinu kedosh Yaakov. Ro-einu
roei Yisrael, hamelech hatov vehameitiv
lakol, shebechol yom vayom hu heitiv hu meitiv hu
yeitiv lanu, hu gemalanu hu gomleinu hu yigmeleinu
laad, lechen lechesed ulerachamim ulerevach hatzala
vehatzlacha beracha vishua nechama parnasa
vechalkala, verachamim vechayim veshalom vechol
tov, umikol tuv le-olam al yechasreinu.

      You are praised, Ado-nai our God, ruler over time and space,God our
Motherfather, our Sovereign, our Might, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Shaper,
  Source of our holiness, Holy One of Jacob, our Shepherd, Shepherd of Israel,
Sovereign who is good and does good for all. Every single day You have done good,
You do good, and may You continue to do good for us. You have been kind to us,
 You are kind to us, and may You continue to be kind to us, showing us grace and
    love, compassion and redress, salvation and success, blessing and salvation,
   comfort, sustenance and support, compassion, long life and peace, and every
               goodness. May no goodness ever be lacking from us.
Concluding Prayers

                  Harachaman hu yimloch aleinu le-olam va-ed.
     May the Compassionate One rule over us always, wherever we may be!

                 Harachaman hu yitbarach bashamayim uva-aretz.
     May the Compassionate One be praised in the heavens and on earth!

         Harachaman hu yishtabach ledor dorim, veyitpaar banu lenetzach netzachim,
                        veyit-hadar banu laad ule-olmei olamim.
May the Compassionate One be hailed in every generation, glorified through us
      forever until eternity, adorned by us forever, until the end of time!

                         Harachaman hu yefarneseinu bechavod.
                May the Compassionate One sustain us honorably.

     Harachaman hu yishbor uleinu me-al tzavareinu, vehu yolicheinu komemiyut le-artzeinu.
       May the Compassionate One break the yoke that bends our neck,
                   and bring us walking upright into our land.

   Harachaman hu yishlach beracha meruba babayit hazeh ve-al shulchan zeh she-achalnu alav.
         May the Compassionate One send bountiful blessings to this
               house and upon this table on which we have eaten.

               Harachaman hu yishlach lanu et Eliyahu hanavi zachur latov,
                     vivaser lanu besorot tovot yeshuot venechamot.
   May the Compassionate One send us Eliyahu haNavi,Elijah the Prophet,
        who is remembered for all his goodness! May he bestow on us
      the good news of righteous victories and messianic consolations.

Concluding Prayers
                                         A woman says:

              Harachaman hu yevarech oti (ve-et ishi) (ve-et zari) ve-et kol asher li.
              May the Compassionate One bless me (and my husband)
                       (and our children) and all my family.
                                          A man says:

              Harachaman hu yevarech oti (ve-et ishti) (ve-et zari) ve-et kol asher li.
                May the Compassionate One bless me (and my wife)
                       (and our children) and all my family.
                        Those dining in their parents’ home say:

   Harachaman hu yevarech et avi mori baal habayit hazeh ve-et imi morati baalat habayit hazeh,
                    otam ve-et beitam ve-et zaram ve-et kol asher lahem.
May the Compassionate One bless my father and mother, my teachers, who guide
 this household, they and all who dwell here, their children, and all they have.
                                    Guests in a home say:

           Harachaman hu yevarech et baal habayit hazeh ve-et baalat habayit hazeh,
                   otam ve-et beitam ve-et zaram ve-et kol asher lahem.
        May the Compassionate One bless those who guide this household,
          they and all who dwell here, their children, and all they have.
                                             All say:

    Otanu ve-et kol asher lanu, kemo shenitbarechu (imoteinu Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel veLeah, ve)
                     avoteinu Avraham, Yitzchak, veYaakov, bakol, mikol, kol.
              Ken yevarech otanu kulanu yachad bivracha sheleima, venomar amen.
         May God bless all of us and all that belong to us, as You blessed
  (our mothers Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and ) our fathers Abraham,
  “with all” (Genesis 24:1), Isaac, “from all” (Genesis 26:33), and Jacob, “all”
                 (Genesis 33:11.) So may God bless us all together,
            with a blessing of complete harmony, and let us say: Amen.
Bamarom yelamedu aleihem ve-aleinu zechut shetehei lemishmeret shalom, venisa veracha
  me-et Ado-nai utzedaka meiElohei yisheinu, venimtza chen vesechel tov be-einei Elohim ve-adam.
 May our merit be expounded on high, that it might safeguard our peace and welfare.
Let a divine blessing be raised for us, and justice from the God who gives salvation.
  May we find grace and good understanding in the eyes of God and humanity.

           Harachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabat,umenucha lechayei ha-olamim.
               May the Compassionate One bestow on us a day of total
                Sabbath, filled with the restfulness of the life to come.

               Harachaman hu yezakeinu limot hamashiach ulechayei ha-olam haba.
              May the Compassionate One let us merit seeing the days of
                   the Messiah and the life of the World to Come.

              Migdol yeshuot malko veoseh chesed limshicho leDavid ulezaro ad olam.
          Oseh shalom bimromav hu yaaseh shalom aleinu ve-al kol Yisrael, ve-imru amen.
God is a tower of salvation for the one who rules in God’s name, an eternal Provider
 of covenantal love for the one God has anointed, David and his seed. May the One
  who makes peace in the high places make peace over us and over all Israel. Amen.

Yeru et Ado-nai kedoshav ki ein machsor lirei-av. Kefirim rashu vera-eivu vedorshei Ado-nai lo yachseru
   chol tov. Hodu lAdo-nai ki tov, ki le-olam chasdo, pote-ach et yadecha umasbia lechol chai ratzon.
 Baruch hagever asher yivtach bAdo-nai,vehaya Ado-nai mivtacho. Naar hayiti, gam zakanti, velo raiti
 tzadik ne-ezav vezaro mevakesh lachem. Ado-nai oz le-amo yiten, Ado-nai yevarech et amo vashalom.
 Revere Ado-nai, O holy ones, for nothing is lacking to those who revere the Eternal.
 Young lions are ever ravenous, but those who seek Ado-nai lack nothing of the good.
  Give thanks to Ado-nai who is good, whose love is eternal, opening Your hand and
giving every living thing the satisfaction of Your favor. Blessed is the person who trusts
 in Ado-nai, whose reliance is on God. A youth was I, and even as I age, never have I
seen a righteous person really abandoned, with children begging for bread. Ado-nai,
     You give strength to Your people. May You ever bless Your people with peace.

                                        Shabbat Shalom!
A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis

We wrestle with Torah every Shabbat and every holiday, every Monday

and every Thursday…It is not easy to wrestle with Torah. You get

wounded…You have to look at yourself in the mirror of the text…and

maybe see parts of yourself you prefer not to notice. And you do it

year after year after year, and each year you see something different,

something new. The texts haven’t changed… but you have.

       Rabbi Laura Geller is Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanuel
                    in Beverly Hills, California
A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis

If the Jew observes Shabbos and the world doesn’t know it, has the Jew
observed Shabbos? If the world is unchanged by our Shabbos, have we
accomplished G-d’s purpose in commanding us to observe it? If the
answer is “no” (and I think it is), then there is another vital dimension
of Shabbos that we need to explore. It’s a dimension that we’ll call
“observing Shabbos on Tuesday”. Toward what end do we replicate,
over and over again, the seven-day framework within which G-d
created the universe? Toward recognizing, ever more deeply with each
successive repetition of the cycle, that we are employees in the Divine
workshop; employees charged with preserving and enhancing our
heavenly employer’s project. It is thus on Tuesdays and Thursdays and
Sundays that the impact of our Shabbos observance must be felt.
Shabbos is a terrific thing. So what are you doing next Tuesday?

     Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky leads B’nai David-Judea Congregation
                    in Los Angeles, California
A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis

                 I love to change the world,
         But I rarely appreciate things as they are.
                     I know how to give,
          But I don’t always know how to receive.
                  I know how to keep busy,
                   But I don’t often listen.
                I look, but I don’t often see.
                      I yearn to succeed,
         But I often forget what is truly important.
  Teach me, God, to slow down. May my resting revive me.
          May it lead me to wisdom, to holiness
                    To peace and to You.

  Rabbi Naomi Levy is the founder and spiritual leader of
            Nashuvah in Venice, California
A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis

IN A DISCUSSION OF SHABBAT, Adin Steinsaltz writes that we must do
no work on the Sabbath-not even work on our souls. Yet we know that our
souls are supposed to be elevated on Shabbat, that we should reach higher
on Shabbat than we do during the week. How can that be if for the entire
day we do not strive spiritually?
I remember when I was learning to swim. The hardest part was floating.
Swimming is about propulsion: One must kick, stroke, move. But floating
asks us to be still, to trust in the buoyancy of the water. Swimming is work;
floating takes faith.
In the ocean it is sometimes necessary to swim, but the swimmer goes
beneath the wave while the floater rides its crest. Similarly, the one who
works on himself or herself all week should aim to float on Shabbat.
Floating will carry you higher than the often strenuous effort of the week.
On Shabbat we are to consider the week’s tasks complete: Shabbat asks us to
trust the wave of God’s world.
This Shabbat, do not work on the world or on yourself. Save that for the
other six days, and when Shabbat comes, float.

           Rabbi David A.Wolpe is Senior Rabbi of Temple Sinai
                        in Los Angeles, California

                 The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
           6505 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048 • (323) 761-8000
                    The Jewish Federation Valley Alliance
            22622 Vanowen St., West Hills, CA 91307 • (818) 464-3200
                  Sue Meltzer and Laurel Warner
                   100 Shabbat Celebrations Co-Chairs

Based on Jewish values, The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
convenes and leads the community and leverages its resources to assure
the continuity of the Jewish people, support a secure State of Israel, care
for Jews in need here and abroad, and mobilize on issues of concern to the
local community, all with our local, national, and international partners.

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100 Shabbat Celebrations Booklet

  • 1. 100 Shabbat CELEBRATIONS in honor of The Jewish Federation’s Centennial Selected Blessings and Readings September 9, 2011
  • 2. Lighting of Candles The candles are lit before the blessing is recited. Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam Blessed are you, Ado-nai, our God, sovereign of the universe asher kid’shanu b’mitz-votav v’tzivanu who hallows us with mitzvot, l’hadlik neir shel Shabbat. commanding us to kindle the light of Shabbat.
  • 3. Blessing of Children For A Boy For A Girl Y’simcha Elohim k’Efrayim v’chiM’nasheh Y’simech Elohim k’Sarah Rivkah Rachel v’Leah May God inspire you to live like May God inspire you to live like Ephraim and Menasseh Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah For Both Boys and Girls Y’varech’cha Ado-nai v’yishm’recha. Ya-eir Ado-nai panav eilecha vichuneka. Yisa Ado-nai panav eilecha v’yaseim l’cha shalom. May God bless you and keep you. May God’s light shine upon you, and may God be gracious to you. May you feel God’s Presence within you always, and may you find peace.
  • 4. Shalom Aleichem Shalom Aleichem malachei hasharet malachei elyon, mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Bo’achem l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Bar’chuni l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Tzeit’chem l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Peace be to you, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing Enter in peace, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing Bless me with peace, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing Depart in peace, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing
  • 5. Eshet Chayil: A Woman of Valor Eshet Chayil mi yimtza, v’rachok mi’pninim michrah. Batach bah lev ba’lah, v’shalal lo yechsar. G’malat’hu tov v’lo ra kol y’mei chayeha. Darsha tsemer ufishtim, va-ta-as b’chefetz kapeha. Hay’tah ko-oniyot socher, mimerchak tavi lachma. Va-takom b’od lailah, va’titen teref l’veitah v’chok l’na’aroteha. Zam’mah sadeh v’tikachehu, mi-pri chapeha nat’ah karem. Chag’rah v’oz motneha, vat’ametz z’ro’oteha. Ta’m’a ki tov sachrah, lo yichbe valayla nerah. Yadeha shilcha vakishor, v’kapeha tam’chu phalech. Kapah par’sah le-ani, v’yadehah shil’cha la-evyon. Lo tira l’veitah mi-shaleg, ki chol beitah l’vush shanim. Marvadim as’tah lah, shesh v’argaman l’vushah. Nodah ba-sha’arim ba’lah, b’shivto im ziknei aretz. Sadin as’tah v’timkor, v’chagor nat’nah la-kna’ani. Oz v’hadar l’vushah, vatischak l’yom acharon. Piha pat’cha v’chochmah, v’torat chesed al l’shonah. Tsofiya halichot beita, v’lechem atzlut lo tochel. Kamu vaneha va-y’ashruhah, ba’alah vay’hal’lah. Rabot banot asu chayil, v’at alit al kulanah. Sheker hachen v’hevel hayofi, ishah yir’at Ado-nai hi tit’halal. T’nu lah mi-p’ri yadeha, vihal’luha va-sh’arim ma-aseha. (continued)
  • 6. Eshet Chayil: A Woman of Valor A woman of strength, who can find? Her worth is far beyond pearls. Her husband’s heart trusts in her, and he has no lack of gain. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and linen, and works with willing hands. She is like a ship laden with merchandise, bringing her food from afar. She rises while it is still night, providing food for her household, portions for her maids. She considers a field and buys it; from her earnings she plants a vineyard. She girds herself with strength, and braces her arms for her tasks. She sees that her business goes well; her lamp does not go out at night. She holds the distaff in her hand, and grasps the spindle with her palms. She reaches out her palm to the poor, and extends her hand to the needy. She has no fear for her family when it snows, for all her household is clothed in crimson wool. She makes elegant coverings; her clothing is fine linen and purple wool. Her husband is well known in the gates, where he sits with the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the law of kindness is on her tongue. She watches over the ways of her household,and never eats the bread of idleness. Her children rise and call her happy; her husband also praises her: “Many women have excelled; but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive and beauty vain; it is the God-fearing woman who deserves praise. Give her the reward she has earned; let her deeds bring her praise in the gates. Alternate Version The woman of valor - a priceless find, a treasure more precious than pearls. An unfailing asset to her husband, she assures him a life of contentment. Eager, engergetic, far-sighted, and strong, her family knows she will always be near. Her optimism never wavers, her industriousness never flags. She extends a hand to the poor, she offers her hands to the needy. She projects strength and dignity, and is confident about the future. Her speech abounds with wisdom, she soothes everyone with words of kindness. Her children bring her fulfillment, her husband sings her virtues: “Many women have excelled, but you surpass them all.” Charm is a mask and beauty is vain, but a righteous woman is deserving of praise. Her handiwork attests to her merit; all her actions bring her honor.
  • 7. Ashrei Eesh: Blessed Is the Man (In Praise of the Man of the Household; from Psalm 112) Blessed is the man who reveres Ado-nai, who delights in God’s commandments. His descendants will be honored in the land, a generation of the upright, they will be blessed. Prosperity fills his household, his righteousness is enduring. Even in the darkness, light shines for the upright, for the one who is gracious, compassionate, and just. All goes well with the man who is generous, whose dealings are marked by integrity. He shall never be shaken, his kindness will always be remembered. Evil tidings do not frighten him; his mind is firm, trusting in Ado-nai. His heart is steady, he will not be fearful, for his enemies are destined to be overcome. He has given freely to the poor; his goodness is an inspiration to others; his life is exalted in honor.
  • 8. Kiddush: Blessing Over Wine or Grape Juice Short Version Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam Blessed are you, Ado-nai our God, sovereign of the universe borei p’ri hagafen. Creator of the fruit of the vine. Full Version Vay’hi erev vay’hi voker yom hashishi. Vay’chulu hashamayim veha-aretz v’chol tz’va-am. Vay’chal Elohim bayom hash’vi-i m’lachto asher asah. Vayishbot bayom hash’vi-i mikol m’lachto asher asah. Vay’varech Elohim et yom hash’vi-i va-y’kadesh oto. Ki vo shavat mikol m’lachto asher barah Elohim la’asot. The heaven and the earth were finished, and all their array. On the seventh day God finished the work that God had been doing, and God ceased on the seventh day from all the work that God had done. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy; because on it God ceased from all the work of creation that God had done.
  • 9. Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam borei p’ri hagafen. Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitz-votav v’ratzah vanu. v’Shabat kodsho b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchilanu, zikaron l’maaseih v’reishit. Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikraei kodesh, zecher litziat Mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha-amim. V’Shabat kodsh’cha b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchaltanu. Baruch atah Ado-nai, m’kadeish HaShabat. Praised are You, Ado-nai our God, Sovereign of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Praised are You, Ado-nai our God, Sovereign of the universe who finding favor with us, sanctified us with mitzvot. In love and favor, You made the holy Shabbat our heritage as a reminder of the work of Creation. As first among our sacred days, it recalls the Exodus from Egypt. You chose us and set us apart from the peoples. In love and favor You have given us Your holy Shabbat as an inheritance. Praised are You, Ado-nai, who sanctifies Shabbat.
  • 10. Netilat Yadaim: Rinsing of Hands before Eating Bread Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam Blessed are you, Ado-nai our God, sovereign of the universe asher kid’shanu b’mitz-votav v’tzivanu al n’tilat yadayim. instilling in us the holiness of mitzvot by commanding us to rinse our hands. Ha-Motzi: Blessing Over Bread Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam Praised are You, Ado-nai our God, who rules the universe, hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz. bringing forth bread from the earth. The meal is served.
  • 11. Birkat Ha-Mazon: Thanksgiving for the Meal Short Version Baruch atah Ado-nai, hazan et ha-kol. Blessed are You, Ado-nai our God, who feeds all life. Full Version Shir Hama’alot: A Song for Transcendings Shir Hama’alot, b’shuv Ado-nai et shivat tziyon hayinu k’chol’mim. Az y’male s’chok pinu ulshoneinu rina. Az yom’ru vagoyim higdil Ado-nai la’asot im eleh; higdil Ado-nai la’asot imanu hayinu s’meichim. Shuva Ado-nai et sh’viteinu ka’afikim banegev. Hazor’im b’dimah b’rinah yiktzoru. Haloch yelech uvacho, nosei meshech hazara, bo yavo v’rinah nosei alumotav. When Ado-nai carried the captives back to Zion We thought we were in a dream. Our mouth was filled with laughter then, Our tongue with song, Among the nations there was wonder then, “How grandly has God dealt with these people!” How grandly has God dealt with us! We were so happy… Carry our captives back, O God, In torrents turning desert streams to flood, Then those who sow with weeping Will reap with joy, Those who trudge the row, watering with tears their trail of seed, When they come back that way again, Will march with song, erect, Their arms uplifted, sheaves piled high!
  • 12. Zimun: Invitation to Praise the Provider Leader Rabotai (or, Cha-vei-rai v’chavei-rotai) n’varech. Friends, let us praise God! Participants Yehi shem Ado-nai m’vorach me-ata v’ad olam Let the Name of God be praised from this moment to the end of time. Leader Bir’shut mara-nan verabanan v’rabotai (or, Bir’shut cha-vei-rai v’chavei-rotai), n’varech (if ten or more are present, Elo-heinu) sheachalnu mishelo. With the permission of our friends here gathered, let us praise (if ten or more are present, our God,) the One of whose bounty we have eaten. Participants Baruch (if ten or more are present, Elo-heinu) sheachalnu mishelo, uvetuvo chayinu. Praised be (if ten or more are present, our God,) the One of whose bounty we have eaten and through whose goodness we survive. Leader Baruch hu uvaruch shemo! Praised be You! Praised be Your Name!
  • 13. The First Blessing: For Food All Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu melech ha-olam, hazan et haolam kulo betuvo, bechen bechesed uverachamim. Hu noten lechem lechol basar, ki le-olam chasdo, uvetuvo hagadol tamid lo chasar lanu, ve-al yechsar lanu mazon le-olam vaed, baavur shemo hagadol, ki hu El zan umefarnes lakol, umetiv lakol umechin mazon lechol briotav asher bara. Baruch atah Ado-nai, hazan et hakol. You are praised, Ado-nai our God, Ruler of time and space, Who feeds the world, all the world, With goodness and grace, love and compassion. You give bread to all flesh, For the love with which You sealed Your covenant with humanity is eternal. Because of Your great goodness, Your great Name, There is no lack of food for us, There should never be any lack of food for us, For You are a God who feeds and sustains all life, Who does good for all things, Who prepares food for all Your creatures Whom You created. You are praised, Ado-nai our God, Who feeds all life.
  • 14. The Second Blessing: For the Land Nodeh lecha Ado-nai Elo-heinu al shehinchalta laavoteinu (uleimoteinu) eretz chemda tova urechava, ve-al shehotzeitanu Ado-nai Elo-heinu meeretz Mitzrayim ufeditanu mibeit avadim,ve-al beritcha shechatamta bivesarenu (uvelibenu), ve-al Toratcha shelimadtanu, ve-al chukeha shehodatanu, ve-al chayim chen vachesed shechonantanu, ve-al achilat mazon sha-ata zan umefarnes otanu tamid, bechol yom uvechol et uvechol shaah. We thank You, Ado-nai our God, for bestowing on our fathers and mothers a pleasant land, good and broad, for bringing us out of the narrow land of Mitzrayim, ransoming us from the house of slaves and for Your covenant that You have sealed in our flesh (and on our heart); for Your Torah which You Yourself have taught us; for Your ancient laws that You have revealed to us; for life and grace and covenantal love which You have graciously given us; and for the eating of food with which You feed and sustain us always, every day, every season, every hour. hj-kf hpc lna lrc,h l,ut ohfrcnu lk ohsun ubjbt ubhvkt hh kfv kgu vcyv .rtv-kg lhvkt hh-,t ,frcu ,gcau ,kftu cu,ff /sgu okugk shn, /iuznv-kgu .rtv-kg hh v,t lurc lk-i,b rat Ve-al hakol Ado-nai Elo-heinu anachnu modim lach, umevarechim otach, yitbarach shimcha befi chol chai tamid le-olam vaed. Kakatuv: ve-achalta vesavata uverachta et Ado-nai Elohecha al ha’aretz hatova asher natan lach. Baruch atah Ado-nai, al ha’aretz ve-al hamazon. For everything, Ado-nai our God, we thank You and praise You–how praiseworthy is Your Name forever, in every place, at every moment, in the mouth of everything that lives! As it is written (Deuteronomy 8:10): “And you shall eat and you shall be satisfied and you shall praise Ado-nai your God for the good land which God has given you.” You are praised, Ado-nai, for the land and for food.
  • 15. The Third Blessing: For Sustenance Rachem Ado-nai Elo-heinu al Yisrael amecha ve-al Yerushalayim irecha ve-al Tziyon mishkan kevodecha ve-al malchut beit David meshichecha ve-al habayit hagadol vehakadosh shenikra shimcha alav, Elo-heinu avinu re-einu zuneinu parneseinu vechalkeleinu veharvicheinu veharvach lanu Ado-nai Elo-heinu meheira mikol tzaroteinu, Vena al tatzricheinu Ado-nai Elo-heinu lo lidei matnat basar vadam velo lidei halvaatam, ki im leyadcha hameleiah hapetucha hakedosha veharechava, shelo nevosh velo nikalem le-olam vaed. Shed compassion over this people Israel that You created, Ado-nai our God: over Jerusalem, Your own city; over Zion, the resting place of Your glory; over the realm of the house of David, Your anointed messiah; and over the great and holy House over which Your Name is spoken, Our God, our Father and our Mother, shepherd us, feed us, nurture us, sustain us, relieve us, grant us relief soon, Ado-nai our God, from all our sorrows! And pray, do not make us dependent on the hand of other people, through gifts or loans, but only on Your hand, full and open, holy and generous, that we might never be disgraced or degraded at any time, in any place, Insertion: A Shabbat Prayer Retzei vehachalitzeinu Ado-nai Elo-heinu be-mitzvotecha uvemitzvat yom hashevii haShabat hagadol vehaka-dosh ha-zeh. Ki yom zeh gadol vekadosh hu lefanecha, lishbot bo velanuach bo be-ahava kemitzvat retzonecha, uvirtzoncha haniach lanu Ado-nai Elo-heinu shelo tehei tzara veyagon vaanacha beyom menuchateinu vehareinu Ado-nai Elo-heinu benechamat Tziyon irecha uvevinyan Yerushalayim ir kodshechaki atah hu baal hayeshuot uvaal hanechamot. Favor us with a mind at peace, Ado-nai our God, as we strive to fulfill Your mitzvot, especially the mitzvah of the Seventh Day, Shabbat, so grand and holy. For this grand and holy day exists in Your presence, lovingly to cease work and to rest, according to the mitzvah with which You have favored us. For through Your favor, Ado-nai our God, it has given us rest, that there might be no sorrow, no pain, no grief, on this day of our rest. Instead, Ado-nai our God, show us the comforting of Zion Your city and the rebuilding of Jerusalem Your holy city, for You are the source of victory over all enemies, You are the source of comfort.
  • 16. The Third Blessing continued: A Prayer for Jerusalem Uvnei Yerushalayim ir hakodesh bimheira veyameinu. Baruch atah Ado-nai, boneh verachamav Yerushalayim. Amen. And rebuild Jerusalem, Your holy city, quickly, while we are still alive. You are praised, Ado-nai, who with compassion is rebuilding Jerusalem. Amen. The Fourth Blessing: For Good Baruch atah Ado-nai, Elo-heinu, melech ha-olam, haEl avinu malkeinu adireinu boreinu goaleinu yotzreinu kedosheinu kedosh Yaakov. Ro-einu roei Yisrael, hamelech hatov vehameitiv lakol, shebechol yom vayom hu heitiv hu meitiv hu yeitiv lanu, hu gemalanu hu gomleinu hu yigmeleinu laad, lechen lechesed ulerachamim ulerevach hatzala vehatzlacha beracha vishua nechama parnasa vechalkala, verachamim vechayim veshalom vechol tov, umikol tuv le-olam al yechasreinu. You are praised, Ado-nai our God, ruler over time and space,God our Motherfather, our Sovereign, our Might, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Shaper, Source of our holiness, Holy One of Jacob, our Shepherd, Shepherd of Israel, Sovereign who is good and does good for all. Every single day You have done good, You do good, and may You continue to do good for us. You have been kind to us, You are kind to us, and may You continue to be kind to us, showing us grace and love, compassion and redress, salvation and success, blessing and salvation, comfort, sustenance and support, compassion, long life and peace, and every goodness. May no goodness ever be lacking from us.
  • 17. Concluding Prayers Harachaman hu yimloch aleinu le-olam va-ed. May the Compassionate One rule over us always, wherever we may be! Harachaman hu yitbarach bashamayim uva-aretz. May the Compassionate One be praised in the heavens and on earth! Harachaman hu yishtabach ledor dorim, veyitpaar banu lenetzach netzachim, veyit-hadar banu laad ule-olmei olamim. May the Compassionate One be hailed in every generation, glorified through us forever until eternity, adorned by us forever, until the end of time! Harachaman hu yefarneseinu bechavod. May the Compassionate One sustain us honorably. Harachaman hu yishbor uleinu me-al tzavareinu, vehu yolicheinu komemiyut le-artzeinu. May the Compassionate One break the yoke that bends our neck, and bring us walking upright into our land. Harachaman hu yishlach beracha meruba babayit hazeh ve-al shulchan zeh she-achalnu alav. May the Compassionate One send bountiful blessings to this house and upon this table on which we have eaten. Harachaman hu yishlach lanu et Eliyahu hanavi zachur latov, vivaser lanu besorot tovot yeshuot venechamot. May the Compassionate One send us Eliyahu haNavi,Elijah the Prophet, who is remembered for all his goodness! May he bestow on us the good news of righteous victories and messianic consolations. (continued)
  • 18. Concluding Prayers A woman says: Harachaman hu yevarech oti (ve-et ishi) (ve-et zari) ve-et kol asher li. May the Compassionate One bless me (and my husband) (and our children) and all my family. A man says: Harachaman hu yevarech oti (ve-et ishti) (ve-et zari) ve-et kol asher li. May the Compassionate One bless me (and my wife) (and our children) and all my family. Those dining in their parents’ home say: Harachaman hu yevarech et avi mori baal habayit hazeh ve-et imi morati baalat habayit hazeh, otam ve-et beitam ve-et zaram ve-et kol asher lahem. May the Compassionate One bless my father and mother, my teachers, who guide this household, they and all who dwell here, their children, and all they have. Guests in a home say: Harachaman hu yevarech et baal habayit hazeh ve-et baalat habayit hazeh, otam ve-et beitam ve-et zaram ve-et kol asher lahem. May the Compassionate One bless those who guide this household, they and all who dwell here, their children, and all they have. All say: Otanu ve-et kol asher lanu, kemo shenitbarechu (imoteinu Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel veLeah, ve) avoteinu Avraham, Yitzchak, veYaakov, bakol, mikol, kol. Ken yevarech otanu kulanu yachad bivracha sheleima, venomar amen. May God bless all of us and all that belong to us, as You blessed (our mothers Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and ) our fathers Abraham, “with all” (Genesis 24:1), Isaac, “from all” (Genesis 26:33), and Jacob, “all” (Genesis 33:11.) So may God bless us all together, with a blessing of complete harmony, and let us say: Amen.
  • 19. Bamarom yelamedu aleihem ve-aleinu zechut shetehei lemishmeret shalom, venisa veracha me-et Ado-nai utzedaka meiElohei yisheinu, venimtza chen vesechel tov be-einei Elohim ve-adam. May our merit be expounded on high, that it might safeguard our peace and welfare. Let a divine blessing be raised for us, and justice from the God who gives salvation. May we find grace and good understanding in the eyes of God and humanity. Harachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabat,umenucha lechayei ha-olamim. May the Compassionate One bestow on us a day of total Sabbath, filled with the restfulness of the life to come. Harachaman hu yezakeinu limot hamashiach ulechayei ha-olam haba. May the Compassionate One let us merit seeing the days of the Messiah and the life of the World to Come. Migdol yeshuot malko veoseh chesed limshicho leDavid ulezaro ad olam. Oseh shalom bimromav hu yaaseh shalom aleinu ve-al kol Yisrael, ve-imru amen. God is a tower of salvation for the one who rules in God’s name, an eternal Provider of covenantal love for the one God has anointed, David and his seed. May the One who makes peace in the high places make peace over us and over all Israel. Amen. Yeru et Ado-nai kedoshav ki ein machsor lirei-av. Kefirim rashu vera-eivu vedorshei Ado-nai lo yachseru chol tov. Hodu lAdo-nai ki tov, ki le-olam chasdo, pote-ach et yadecha umasbia lechol chai ratzon. Baruch hagever asher yivtach bAdo-nai,vehaya Ado-nai mivtacho. Naar hayiti, gam zakanti, velo raiti tzadik ne-ezav vezaro mevakesh lachem. Ado-nai oz le-amo yiten, Ado-nai yevarech et amo vashalom. Revere Ado-nai, O holy ones, for nothing is lacking to those who revere the Eternal. Young lions are ever ravenous, but those who seek Ado-nai lack nothing of the good. Give thanks to Ado-nai who is good, whose love is eternal, opening Your hand and giving every living thing the satisfaction of Your favor. Blessed is the person who trusts in Ado-nai, whose reliance is on God. A youth was I, and even as I age, never have I seen a righteous person really abandoned, with children begging for bread. Ado-nai, You give strength to Your people. May You ever bless Your people with peace. Shabbat Shalom!
  • 20. A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis We wrestle with Torah every Shabbat and every holiday, every Monday and every Thursday…It is not easy to wrestle with Torah. You get wounded…You have to look at yourself in the mirror of the text…and maybe see parts of yourself you prefer not to notice. And you do it year after year after year, and each year you see something different, something new. The texts haven’t changed… but you have. Rabbi Laura Geller is Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills, California
  • 21. A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis If the Jew observes Shabbos and the world doesn’t know it, has the Jew observed Shabbos? If the world is unchanged by our Shabbos, have we accomplished G-d’s purpose in commanding us to observe it? If the answer is “no” (and I think it is), then there is another vital dimension of Shabbos that we need to explore. It’s a dimension that we’ll call “observing Shabbos on Tuesday”. Toward what end do we replicate, over and over again, the seven-day framework within which G-d created the universe? Toward recognizing, ever more deeply with each successive repetition of the cycle, that we are employees in the Divine workshop; employees charged with preserving and enhancing our heavenly employer’s project. It is thus on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays that the impact of our Shabbos observance must be felt. Shabbos is a terrific thing. So what are you doing next Tuesday? Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky leads B’nai David-Judea Congregation in Los Angeles, California
  • 22. A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis I love to change the world, But I rarely appreciate things as they are. I know how to give, But I don’t always know how to receive. I know how to keep busy, But I don’t often listen. I look, but I don’t often see. I yearn to succeed, But I often forget what is truly important. Teach me, God, to slow down. May my resting revive me. May it lead me to wisdom, to holiness To peace and to You. Rabbi Naomi Levy is the founder and spiritual leader of Nashuvah in Venice, California
  • 23. A Reading from One of Our Community Rabbis IN A DISCUSSION OF SHABBAT, Adin Steinsaltz writes that we must do no work on the Sabbath-not even work on our souls. Yet we know that our souls are supposed to be elevated on Shabbat, that we should reach higher on Shabbat than we do during the week. How can that be if for the entire day we do not strive spiritually? I remember when I was learning to swim. The hardest part was floating. Swimming is about propulsion: One must kick, stroke, move. But floating asks us to be still, to trust in the buoyancy of the water. Swimming is work; floating takes faith. In the ocean it is sometimes necessary to swim, but the swimmer goes beneath the wave while the floater rides its crest. Similarly, the one who works on himself or herself all week should aim to float on Shabbat. Floating will carry you higher than the often strenuous effort of the week. On Shabbat we are to consider the week’s tasks complete: Shabbat asks us to trust the wave of God’s world. This Shabbat, do not work on the world or on yourself. Save that for the other six days, and when Shabbat comes, float. Rabbi David A.Wolpe is Senior Rabbi of Temple Sinai in Los Angeles, California
  • 24. The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048 • (323) 761-8000 The Jewish Federation Valley Alliance 22622 Vanowen St., West Hills, CA 91307 • (818) 464-3200 Sue Meltzer and Laurel Warner 100 Shabbat Celebrations Co-Chairs Based on Jewish values, The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles convenes and leads the community and leverages its resources to assure the continuity of the Jewish people, support a secure State of Israel, care for Jews in need here and abroad, and mobilize on issues of concern to the local community, all with our local, national, and international partners.