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Justification Of The Atomic Bomb
On 6 August 1945 the Enola Gay, a B–29 bomber, dropped the first atomic bomb to be used in actual combat on Hiroshima, Japan. The aftermath of
this single bomb was over 130,000 dead and wounded. The skyline of Hiroshima was almost completely leveled. This caught the
Japanese completely off guard. This as well as the bombing of Nagasaki three days later led to the final and unconditional surrender of the Japanese
Empire and the end to World War II. The end result of these bombings outweighed the alternative of invading the Japanese mainland instead of
unleashing atomic weapons on the Japanese by a great deal.
The months and years that lead up to this massive blow against the
Japanese were full of heated debates and arguments on the moral implications of using an atomic weapon against a civilian target. At the time the
Japanese were running rampant in the Pacific and our nation was fighting a three front war: one front in the Pacific, one front in Europe, and the final
front in North Africa. This placed a great deal of strain on our wartime resources, the tactic of Island Hopping was becoming successful but the amount
of manpower being needed for the other two fronts meant that the Pacific front was not able to become a top priority.
The Manhattan Project had been underway since 1942 as a last resort option. The Manhattan Project was of the utmost importance and conducted with
the highest levels of security possible. With the help of various
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The Atomic Bomb Essays
August 6th, 1945, 70,0000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.
Today many argue whether or not the U.S. should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating
weapon? To answer that first we must look at was going on in the world at the time of the conflict. The U.S. had been fighting a massive war since
1941. Moral was most likely low, and resources were at the same level as moral. Still both sides continued to fight and both were determined to win.
Obviously the best thing that could have possibly happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end with a minimum of allied casualties.
Harry Truman's decision to... Show more content on ...
We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war." This quote embodies the spirit of the American people of the
time. The public was eager for a quick end to the war and American casualties. Also Truman threatens to utilize the A
–bomb's power again until we are
victorious. In hindsight it is clear the correct decision was made. How can anyone be certain that Japan would have continued to fight? It is possible
that they were preparing for surrender, no one can say for certain exactly what would have happened but by examining evidence of Japanese culture
and warfare it is obvious that would not have been the case. At the time of WWII systematic and organized education made efficient
"brainwashing" possible. In public schools, students were taught to die for the emperor. By late 1944, a slogan of Jusshi Reisho meaning,
"Sacrifice life," was taught. In addition to civilian's dedication to their country, there was a group of military pilots called the Kamikaze.
Kamikaze were "suicide" pilots. They would load up an airplane and try to nose dive it into an enemy target. Think about what must be on that pilot's
mind. Imagine the undying love for his country. He would fight to the bitter end for his emperor. The most frightening part of this is that the entire
Japanese military thought this way. The fact that the enemy is willing to die so long as you die with him is not something
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Justification Of Atomic Bombs
The United States justifies dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because they told Japan that unless they surrendered they will drop
atomic bombs on them. Since the Japanese did not reply, President Truman felt that it was right to get revenge for the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
However, I completely disagree because tons of innocent people were killed just because Japan did not respond to the United States threat. In the
Modern World History book by McDougal Littell it states that "a Japanese city of nearly 350,000 people. Between 70,000 and 80,000 people died in
the attack." Thousands of innocent children and families were instantly killed in this bombing. A better alternative could have happened, but did not.
The United
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Is The Atomic Bomb Justified
1945 was a big year for the world. Tyrannical ruler of Germany, Adolf Hitler, had committed suicide after realizing that he had lost World War II (Staff,
Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims). Two years earlier in 1943, Hitler's ally Benito Mussolini had surrendered (Staff, Italian
surrender is announced). After Hitler committed suicide in 1945, Germany announced its surrender, thus ending the greatest war mankind has ever
known so far (Staff, Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims). However, despite most of the Axis powers surrendering, one nation
refused or so we all thought. That nation was Japan. In July 1944, American military forces captured the Mariana Islands and Saipan, two vital areas
within... Show more content on ...
Was It Necessary to Drop the Atom Bomb on Japan? n.d. 16 11 2015. .
Barnes, Michael. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb: Arguments Against. 13 1 2013. 17 11 2015. .
Britannica, Encyclopaedia and Dr. Thomas B. Cochran. nuclear weapon. n.d. Inc. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 18 November 2015. .
Dannen, Gene. Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945. 21 July 2015. 18 November 2015. .
Dietrich, Bill. PRO AND CON–ON DROPPING THE BOMB. 1995. Seattle Times Company. 17 11 2015. .
Eisenhower, Dwight D. The White House Years: Mandate for Change: 1953
–1956: A Personal Account. 1st. Vol. 1. New York: Doubleday & Co., n.d.
16 11 2015. .
Freeman, Robert. Was the Atomic Bombing of Japan Necessary. 6 8 2006. 17 11 2015. . hiroshima day committee. Hiroshima & Nagasaki Bombing,
Facts about the Atomic Bomb. n.d. 18 November 2015. .
Long, Doug. HIROSHIMA: WAS IT NECESSARY? Part 1 of 2. 2010. 18 11 2015. .
Radiation Effects Research Foundation. Frequently Asked Questions. 19 September 2007. 17 November 2015. .
Rossenfeld, Carrie. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ed. Carrie Rossenfeld. 2015. Chris Griffith. 17 November 2015.
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Essay On The Atomic Bomb
President Harry S. Truman approved the atomic bomb on July 30, 1945. In August 1945 the United States dropped two atomic bombs over the
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Hiroshima atomic bomb, nicknamed "Little Boy" , was the first ever atomic bomb deployed on another
country and killed about eighty thousand people from the initial explosion. The second bomb was dropped in Nagasaki three days later and killed an
estimated forty thousand people from the initial explosion. There is an ongoing battle of controversy on whether it was the right decision to make. It
is estimated that the bombs killed 246,000 people over all. Most of these victims were civilians and militants mainly from Japan. Although, Japan
suffered a profound impact from the bomb attacks the United States was rational when it came to the use of the atomic bomb in Japan because Japan
refused multiple opportunities to surrender, the lives of civilians of both countries were taken in consideration, and it brought it end to the ongoing war.
The United States was rational when it came to the use of the atomic bomb in Japan because Japan refused multiple opportunities to surrender. After
countless, the United States negotiating with Japan, they were not willing to surrender nor refuse to put end to the war any time soon. According to a
letter, Harry Truman he says, "the only language they seem to understand is the one we have been using to bombard them ... When you have to deal
with a beast you have to treat him
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Atomic Bomb Necessary
Was it necessary to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? It was a heavily debated whether or not to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, but not really cared
considered by Americans. It is World War 2 Japan had lost many territories they had gained and was attacked by two atomic bombs without warning.
This topic was a major part of World War two that had major consequences on Japan. It was not necessary to drop the atomic bomb on Japan because
it killed innocent, Japan was on the brink to surrendering, and there was other options to make japan surrender if they did not.
The atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan killed many innocent people. About 140,000 people died because of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
About 80,000 more died from the 2nd atomic bomb ... Show more content on ...
Japan was losing land they gained during World War 2 to the US and The Soviet Union begun to invade Manchuria. No matter what Japan did not
have very many options to keep fighting now that the Soviet Union became involved and wanted to take away land from Japan as well. Most of the
Invasion from the US also weakened Japan's military. Due to the invasions from the US and the Soviet Union Japan were ready to surrender because
they could not afford to continue even if they would not surrender the US had other options to make Japan surrender.
Lastly, The atomic bombs were not necessary because there were other options to make Japan surrender. Admiral William Leahy believed that an
economic blockade and conventional bombing would make Japan surrender. There were other options to make Japan surrender, but not many were
taken on consideration because of Truman. There were other options to make Japan surrender but Truman saw to use the atomic bomb to save
American lives.
In conclusion the atomic bomb was not necessary because it killed innocent people, Japan would've eventually surrender without the use of atomic
bombs and there were other options to make Japan surrender. The use of the atomic bomb was a very important topic to learn of because of its
consequences. We today have learned a lot when the atomic bombs were dropped in
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Atomic Bomb 8
Atomic Bomb
In 1945, two bombs were dropped on Japan, on in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki. Theses bombs marked the end to the world’s largest
armed conflict. Despite the ghastly effects of such a weapon, it offered the best choice for a quick and easy defeat of Japan. President Truman, who
authorized the use of the atomic bomb, made a wise decision under the circumstances of the war. Fifty years ago this is what people thought. Now
many people are starting to find out that there might be more to the story than what was originally thought (Grant 26).
The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused massive amounts of damage and ruined thousands of lives, but they saves many more lives by
ending ... Show more content on ...
The battles for Okinawa, Wake and Guam all were ample testament to the Japanese willingness to die in the face of overwhelming odds. The kamikaze
was a
perfect example of the Japanese battle attitude. Japanese pilots would strap themselves into planes loaded with explosives and fly them into American
ships. By the war’s conclusion the Japanese kamikaze attacks had sunk 3 aircraft carriers, damaged 285 craft and sunk a total of 34. The
Japanese also did well in increasing support for the war effort. “Both scientist and publicists were in fact powerful instruments inflaming
popular hatred against the democratic countries and in regimenting the people into blindly supporting the war of aggrandizement (Ferrell 16).'; This
resolve would only have been strengthened had American and Russian forces tried to invade Japan. This almost suicidal type of fighting would have
resulted in a tremendous amount of casualties for both sides. American casualties alone were projected at 500,000. The amount of deaths caused by an
invasion would easily dwarfed those of the atomic bombings (Purcell 82).
Air power offered American forces a method of remaining relatively unscathed against the fanatical Japanese military while laying waste to entire
cities. This was possible because while Japanese ground forces remained strong, air defense had been severely weakened. This gave
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Atomic Bombs On Japan
On the 6th of August 1945, the American bomber, Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Immediately, 80 000
people were killed. Tens of thousands more died in the following weeks from wounds and radiation poisoning. On the 9th of August, another bomb
was dropped on the city of Nagasaki, killing between 40 000 and 50 000 more people. The question is, was it necessary for the Unites States to drop
the atomic bombs on Japan? In my opinion, the United States was justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. During the course of the Second
World War, the United States suffered the loss of more than 418 000 lives, both military officials and civilians. This was one of the reasons why the
United States wanted the
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The Atomic Bomb
The asseveration, made on September 39, 1938, by the League of Nations is unlikely to be questioned by any government or authoritative body even
if it is willing to act contrary to it: "Any attack on legitimate military objectives must be carried out in such a way that civilian populations in the
neighbourhood are not bombed through negligence." Just as important today, if not more so, is the resolution that "the use of chemical or bacterial
methods in the conduct of war is contrary to international law." Even though it is over 70 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
they remain controversial as conscientious struggle with the ethics of using such weaponry in the course of armed conflict. President Truman had a
number of options apart from the atomic bomb. He could have left the invasion of Japan to the Russians, whom wanted revenge for the
Russo–Japanese War of 1904–05, as well as the more recent conflict in Manchuria (Goldman, 2012). The dropping of the atomic bombs must have
shocked many who were not aware that such a capacity existed; others who were privy to government and military operations and policy makers may
still have been taken unawares that the bomb was actually used when there were many alternatives.
On the 6th and 9th of August 1945, during the final stage of World War II, the United States (U.S) dropped down atomic bombs on the Japanese cities
Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. These bombings resulted in hundreds of thousands of
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The Threat Of The Atomic Bomb
Very few events in human history will be remembered forever. Everyday things such as driving to work or spending time with a loved one, will all
soon be part of the past. Even seemingly horrifying events that in the present seem to cause chaos, such as a wildfire that destroys thousands of
homes, or a plane crash that tears apart many families will be forgotten by humanity in a comparably short amount of time. The atomic bomb is
one of the few events that will forever be remembered by people all over the world for the remainder of human history. Robert Oppenheimer, the
main scientist in building the bomb, will be remembered as the person who created the most devastating weapon ever used in combat. The
destruction that was caused by the bomb was mainly felt in the country of Japan, but its impact spread throughout the world. Ending World War II
was made possible by the U.S. government, and their crucial decision to drop Oppenheimer 's atomic device onto the cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Soon after, the once destructive device was forbidden to be used for any reason and nuclear power plants were developed to make use of
the unique power. The dropping of the atomic bomb had a much greater impact on the world than just its immediate destruction. Robert Oppenheimer,
the man behind the atomic bomb, grew up in the early 1900s in New York City (Rummel 13). Oppenheimer's American journey started long before he
was born. His father, Julius, immigrated in 1888 from
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Hiroshima And The Atomic Bomb
In the midst of WWII, on August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, which was the first time an atomic bomb was
used in war. Three days later, the United States proceeded to drop an atomic bomb again on another city, Nagasaki, which was the last time that an
atomic bomb has ever been used in the world till today. Soon after the devastating bombings, with thousands of Japanese civilians dead, the Japanese
emperor Hirohito surrendered, marking the official end of WWII. Consequently, whether or not dropping the atomic bomb was the right decision
remains relevant today. Those who support the dropping of the bomb argue that the dropping of the bomb was necessary because it forced the
Japanese to surrender. However, the atomic bomb should not have been dropped because although the bomb ended the war quickly, there were
alternative ways to force the Japanese to surrender, and the bomb decimated Japanese cities which therefore created the atomic age. The supporters of
the atomic bomb assume that the atomic bomb was the sole reason of the Japanese surrender. On the contrary Japan would have surrendered without
the use of the atomic bomb. Two days after the first bomb was dropped, Emperor Hirohito said "now that such a new weapon has appeared, it has
become less and less possible to continue the war" (Hasegawa). This revealed that the Japanese Emperor understood that they would lose the war and
that there was already signs of discontent amongst the
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The Atomic Bomb
In the 1930's and the 1940's there was a change in American leadership. Having this change not only changed the outcome of the war that we were
currently in, but how the rest of the world would view our country after the war. The decision that Harry Truman was forced to make on the choice
to drop the atomic bomb or to attempt more land invasions was a choice that shaped the outcome of the war. There were major influences and side
effects from the dropping of the atomic bomb and what it did to the country of Japan. Having the option and the weight of the moral decision
weighing on Truman's shoulders about what decision should be made, he was the only one who was capable of making the decision that shaped
the outcome of the war. Having dropped the bomb on Japan, as a statement of power and a means to an end in a form was the only way that
American lives could have been spared as comparing that to the lives that would have been lost in a land invasion. Knowing what the issues with
the bomb was; one has to look at the moral issues, the results of the incident, and also how it played in the rest of the development of the world. The
first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, one of the larger cities of the country of Japan. The announcement that an atomic bomb had
been dropped on Japan came from Truman as a "scientific landmark and the age of atomic energy" . This power came as not only for the advancement
of civilization, but also the ability for civilization to be
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The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima
On August 6th, 1945, the Enola gay took off to bomb Japan, changing the world forever. At 8:15 in the morning, a massive, mushroom cloud rose
over Hiroshima, Japan killing more than 70,000 people. The first atomic bomb had been used in combat. Then on August 9, another bomb was sent
in by the bomber Bock's Car. It was originally supposed to go to the city of Kokura, but the weather was bad so it was redirected to Nagasaki killing
40,000 people. With the death tolls at around 129,000, Japan unconditionally surrendered several days later ending World War Two. Although, at the
same time it put the world into a new generation of war. American President Harry Truman's controversial choice to drop the atomic bomb on Japan
had ended World War 2 but consequently started the nuclear age. Since the surrender, Truman's choice has been the subject of a great deal controversy,
in large part because of the high civilian death toll. However, the choice to bomb Japan had ended the long lasting war. Truman's decision to use the
atomic bomb was justifiable by Japan's refusal to give up unconditionally, the cost of the Manhattan Project, and the high death toll anticipated from an
invasion of Japan.
By dropping the Atomic Bomb, The United States was able to save American and Japanese people. There were two strategic attacks on Japan:
Operation Torch and Operation Coronet. Operation Torch was to attack the island of Kyushu while Operation Coronet was supposed to happen at the
island of
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Essay On The Atomic Bomb
Ethan Hasert English Comp. Per. 4 Atomic Bomb Oppenheimer once said: "Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" (recited from the
Bhagavad–Gita). That was the day of Trinity, the first test of an atomic bomb's raw, awesome power. It was the beginning of a deadly technology
that is ever evolving to reach more dangerous heights: atomic and nuclear weapons. These weapons have only been fired twice, and yet the entire
world is on edge when a country threatens to use them. The Atomic bomb was created out of fear and necessity; to be used for such a purpose; but it
was still a weapon of mass destruction. At first, the greatest fear of the Allied science community was the fact that the Nazis had already started work
on atomic weapons.... Show more content on ...
There was even a plan to use an atomic bomb on the Nazis, but their surrender prevented its use. The Atomic and Nuclear bombs are weapons of
mass destruction. Even before their use there was, "a petition among the scientists opposing the use of the bomb on moral grounds" (p 5, Simkin).
Since there was no singling out a certain person in their use, both types of bombs will destroy everything and anything in their way. It's why they
can be so useful. The use of an atomic bomb is a message to the rest of society, a statement of power and having the will to use it. Yet, it comes at
the cost of thousands of civilian lives. People thought of it afterwards as, "a great atrocity: a mass killer of women, children and the aged, a cynical
Cold War gambit, the blinding dawn of a tense and troubled half–century known as the Atomic Age" (p 2, Lifton and Putnam). The only way to combat
this, is the threat of mutual destruction. The Cold War is a perfect example of this. There the Soviet Union and the United States threatened the use
of nuclear weapons. If both sides had attacked each other, the world would have been doomed to suffer a nuclear winter for hundreds of years killing
millions if not billions of people in the process. With the dissolvement of the Soviet Union in 1991, the "Red Menace" was mostly gone. Though to
say the threat of nuclear war was over would be false. Until recently, North Korea
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The Atomic Bomb Essay
In this paper, it will be discussed why the Atomic Bomb is the biggest method of destruction known to man. The paper will be discussing the results of
the Atomic Bombs, along with the effects years after the initial explosion. People always wonder how many people actually died in the two
Atomic Bombs which were dropped in Japan. This question will be answered, along with the method that citizens were actually killed by the bomb.
Besides the initial blast winds that an Atomic Bomb gives off, people may be killed by several other things including heat rays, radiation and the
implosion of their home.
Robert S. Oppenheimer, was the father of the Atomic
Bomb. After Albert Einstein stated that if the Nazi's made anuclear weapon first, the ... Show more content on ...
In the two bombings there was a large gap in the number of people that died. In Hiroshima the city population at the time of the bombing was 310,000,
The estimated deaths was
90,000–140,000 people. As for the Nagasaki bombing, the city population before the bombing was 250,000. The estimated number of deaths was
60,000–80,000 people.
Notice that the word, "estimated", was used for both amounts of deaths. The reason for this is because, the number of deaths cannot be
precisely known because records of military personnel in each city were destroyed.
There have been several comparisons between the damage capabilities of the two bombs. First of all, it was said that to achieve maximum blast effect,
the bomb had been set to detonate 1800 feet over Hiroshima. This is approximately
548 meters. The bomb in Hiroshima reached a height of
580+/–15 meters. As for the bomb in Nagasaki, it reached a height of 500+/–10 meters. The radius in which ceramic roof tiles melted was 600m in the
Hiroshima bombing and 1000m in the Nagasaki bombing. The radius in which granite stone melted was 1,000m for the Hiroshima bomb and 1,600m
for the Nagasaki bomb. What can be determined from these statistics is that the Nagasaki bomb has much stronger heat rays in it, and in turn would
destroy more territory and kill more people. As said earlier in this essay, the location of
Nagasaki prevented that. It was said that when
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Essay On The Atomic Bomb
World War II was one of the most devastating wars in history. This war was drastically different from all of the other wars. The reason being because
the atomic bomb was first used. The atomic bomb had been dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. At the time of the dropping of
the bombs, the United States public had no clue it even existed. This leads to the question, what did the United States citizens think about the dropping
of the bombs? The country was divided between support for that drastic measure and criticism of the devastation.
Something so devastating can be hard at times to formulate an opinion on. Also, the United States civilians were not informed of something that could
bring such devastation to the world. At the time, all they knew was that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and we had to retaliate. Consequently, this caused
a lot of confusion, and eventual opinions that led down both the paths. The devastation caused division between public opinion. Opponents of the
weapon were sharply critical and came from all different types of backgrounds.
Those who had opposed it opposed it on moral grounds, and the devastation was repulsive to them. Opposition was even found from those who helped
create the bomb. On August 2nd, 1939, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard had written a letter to President Roosevelt, implying that they should create
their own nuclear program before Nazi Germany. In 1947 however, Einstein had felt completely different after the
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The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs
Devastation Justified: How the U.S. was Right in Dropping the Atomic Bombs In 1945, President Truman had to make one of the toughest decisions
a president has ever been faced with. This decision, of course, being whether to drop the atomic bombs on Japanese cities, not drop the bombs at all,
or do a demonstration by dropping a bomb in the ocean near Tokyo. Truman eventually chose to drop the atomic bombs on both Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in August of 1945. This choice to drop the atomic bombs was right because these bombings assisted in slowing the expansion of the Soviet
Union, changed the Japanese never–give–up mentality, and prevented the loss of many American and Japanese lives. For a start, the use of the atomic
bombs helped slow the... Show more content on ...
On top of curtailing the expansion of the Soviet Union, dropping the atomic bombs induced the Japanese to give up their never–surrender mentality. To
begin with, in the battles of the Pacific War, the Japanese would always continue to fight as long as any soldiers were still alive. Also, wounded
Japanese soldiers often attempted to use grenades to kill any enemy soldiers and medics who came near them, and they frequently used grenades to
commit suicide rather than going through the disgrace of being taken alive. These accounts of the lack of quit of the Japanese soldiers displayed how
they had no intention of surrendering to enemy forces no matter how bad the situation was. Additionally, in April of 1945, Japan's government initiated
a policy known as Ketsugo, which trained all Japanese civilians, regardless of age or gender, on how to make their own weapons to help fight against
invading soldiers. Japan's Ketsugo policy was meaningful since it illustrated the nation's willingness to fight and die as a nation before giving in. In
contrast, following the bombing of Nagasaki, Hirohito, Japan's Emperor, impressed upon his country's Cabinet and Supreme Council the need for their
agreement to the Potsdam Proclamation. This
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Atomic Bomb Dbq
There are three main reasons as to why the atomic bomb should have been dropped on Japan. The main reason behind the atomic bomb being used is
that Japan failed to respond to the Potsdam Declaration. President Truman also knew that the american public wanted the war to end soon. Within his
knowledge was the admittedly high american casualties. To meet the demands of the public and to minimize further american casualties, president
Truman made his decision. The atomic bomb was to be dropped on Japan. Many american military leaders opposed this decision. Some claimed that
when the Soviets declared war, Japan would undoubtedly surrender, while others feared for the future of humanity if such a weapon was used. General
Dwight Eisenhower was one
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Atomic Bomb Dbq
On August 6th and 9th 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The attacked could be described as
catastrophic, with tens of thousand killed per bomb, and thousands killed after, due to radiation. Controversies erupted following the bombing, and
debates continue to this date. It is this controversial subject that students in Period 1–2 AP Statistic were asked about. Two questions were asked, more
normal question and an biased one. The normal question was, "Was the US Justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?" And the biased question
was "Should the US have protected the lives of millions of Americans by dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?" After polling, the results for both
questions were
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Use Of The Atomic Bomb
Decision to use the Atomic Bomb
By reece farnsworth
The article that I suport was the article supporting the use of the Atomic bomb. This article was written by Michael Barnes. The first argument in the
article was that it saved american lives. U.S. Army chief of staff george marshall thought the americans would suffer 31,000 casualties in the first thirty
days, while Admiral Ernest King, Chief of naval operations, put them between 31,0000 and 41,000. Chester nimitz, whose staff conducted their own
study and estimated 49,000 U.S. casualties in the first 30 days, including 5,000 at sea from kamikaze attacks.
Studies estimating the total U.S. casualties were equally varied and they were just as grim. One of the studies from the joint chiefs ... Show more content
on ...
The study was done by secretary of war stimson predicted five to ten million japanese fatalities. Their was some support for the bomb even among
some of the japanese. If the military had its way they would have kept fighting the japanese until all 80 million japanese were dead. A japanese
professor recalled that at wars end, due to extreme food rationing he had weighed less that 90 pounds and could scarcely climb a flight of stairs. He
said he couldn't have survived another month. The atomic bomb saved him and many japanese. Another concurrent argument supporting the use of the
bomb is that its primary objective of shortening the war. The bombs were dropped on August 6th and 9th. The next day the japanese requested a
halting of the war. The names of the two atomic bombs that they used were. "Little boy" the bomb used against hiroshima, and the fat man bomb.
Arguments against the dropping of the atomic bomb included that according to the league of nations bombs were allowed to be used but in
non–populated areas. The league of nations said the dropping of the atomic bomb was "illegal". Another argument against dropping the atomic bomb
was that it was created for defense only. "According to the article"... even though the United states fought major was in Korea, vietnam,iraq, and
afghanistan, nuclear weapons were never again deployed. In other words not using them in those wars has been an admission
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The Atomic Bombs
During the 20th century, specifically the year 1945, the United States of America had two atomic bombs that the commander and chief, and
president at the time, Harry Truman, knew about. President Truman plan was to drop the bombs on two of Japans cities, Hiroshima first and then
Nagasaki. Truman's plans went accordingly, which to this day leads to a very controversial topic on whether or not dropping the atomic bombs
was a good or bad thing. There is evidence and reasoning to back up both claims, in which everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, in
my opinion, I believe the choice of Harry Truman to drop the two atomic bombs was the right choice because it saved lives, helped end the war
faster, and it was merely the only choice for the sake of the American soldiers. During this time there was a lot going on. A few years before, between
the time 1937 and 1941 Japan owned most of the land of East and Southeast Asia. When the attack of theUnited States in December of 1941 at Pearl
Harbor, this caused the United States to enter the war. Japan did not have enough resources to fight against the United States and Britain causing them
to be pushed out of the land of East and Southeast Asia (Basic Information of the Bomb). The then president at the time FDR died in February 1945,
which leads to Truman becoming the new president soon after.
The United States had two options when addressing the pacific front. They had to either continue man–to–man combat or force
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Atomic Bomb Dbq
America's use of the atomic bombs on the Japanese cities also opened the door to other countries challenging them through their own use of nuclear
bombs. Many have criticized that the atomic bomb was an act of "muscle flexing" due to the sheer power and destruction caused by the decision to
drop the two bombs. (Nicholls, 67). Not only were these bombs a demonstration of the power that these nuclear weapons had, but they were a testament
of power that the United States now held. Never before had a country surrendered in war without first being invaded, so the decision to drop the bomb
and Japan's subsequent surrender were extremely significant (Baldwin, 39). These bombings didn't just impact the Japanese, but the whole world and
gave way to ... Show more content on ...
The gravity of such a decision was explained when Szilard wrote to President Truman about the bombs leading the way "to an era of devastation on
an unimaginable scale," (Szilard, 1). Though it was never fully known what the full extent of the damage to both cities was, many American and
Japanese government agencies tried to discern the devastation. When surveying the damage, it was found that Nagasaki's damages were close to
640,000,000,000 yen, which equated to 5.9 billion dollars, and Hiroshima's losses were approximated at 1,540,000,000,000 yen, equating to 14 billion
dollars (Committee, 391–392). The colossal loss of life added to the decrease in production, which caused the economy to suffer. Without factories to
produce goods, and able–bodied workers to run these factories, the Japanese economy was in shambles and the people were left to starve. Most
people who survived lost most, if not all, of their property and were left without sufficient funds and resources to pay for essentials, such as care for
physical injuries caused by the bombings. Survivors were unable to find adequate shelter, medical care, and food, so many turned desperate,
scavenging for resources that could help them survive. These economic problems not only weakened Japan as a whole, but also played a huge role in the
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Truman and Atomic Bombs
OPTION B You are a member of the editorial staff of the New York Times. You are to take a side and then write an editorial on Harry S Truman's
decision to order the dropping of the atom bomb. HARRY S TRUMAN & THE DECISION TO ORDER THE DROPPING OF THE ATOMIC
BOMB Boom! Boom! Seventy thousands Japanese citizens were perished instantly after the first atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima on August
6, 1945. Japanese still refused to surrender to Allied forces. On August 9, 1945, with the dropping of the second atomic bomb in Nagasaki, where
eighty thousands people were vaporized, Japanese surrendered unconditionally and the World War II ended ("The Decision to Drop the Bomb" 5
But was it a right decision of Harry S Truman to end... Show more content on ...
He wanted not only to avoid Congressional hearings, but also another term of office. His chances of reelection would be a zero if it were known
by the general public that he wasted money and lives of American soldiers by hiding a weapon that could have ended the war more quickly ("Why
did President Truman Drop the Atomic Bomb" 4). They also said that Truman should have chosen different ways to compel a Japanese surrender
instead of dropping atomic bombs into two cities. The most obvious alternative is an invasion of American into Japanese mainland because
Japanese was very close to defeat. And the World War II was close to the end. However, according to historians, the atomic bomb probably saved
half of a million U.S. lives, not to mention the number of Japanese casualties than the invasion. Moreover, Japanese was close to defeat, but not
close to surrender. Therefore, the decision of President Truman was necessary at that time. His decision was just for the good of America as well
as was to save lives of both American and Japanese soldiers. If the war was prolonged, a lot of soldiers would die and the expenses would increase.
In conclusion, it does not matter the decision of Truman to order the dropping of atomic bombs was right or wrong. It matters how effective that
decision in ending the war and saving lives of soldiers. And history proved it. With those two atomic bombs, the
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Ww1 Atomic Bomb
In 1945, the United States dropped a 5 ton atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.The bomb killed thousands of innocent people in hopes of Japan's
surrender from WWII. It was a success. The Japanese surrendered within 3 days of the bombs dropping. The United states was pleased with their
decision. Although there are many questions on if the bomb was the right thing to do. What were these bombs that the United States dropped? Was
the bomb the only alternative to end the war? How did this impact life in Japan and were there any survivors from the bomb? No question, this bomb
is one of the most infamous things the United States has ever done in history but was it the right thing to do? First of all, in 1941, The United States
decided to create a program that would conduct research on atomic weapons. It... Show more content on ...
He stood up after collapsing on his bike with flesh dangling from his body. For the last 70 years he has lived with scars on his whole body as well
as remains of three of his ribs that had rotted away. He was only 1.1 miles away from where the bomb was dropped.Sumiteru Taniguchi hopes that
no one will ever feel the pain of an atomic bomb. He heads a group of Nagasaki survivors that work against nuclear weapons. Another survivor of
the bombs,Tsutomu Yamaguchi was preparing to leave Hiroshima as the bomb was dropped. He was in Hiroshima on a business trip when the
bombs dropped According to his recollections, "Around 8:15 that morning, Yamaguchi was walking to Mitsubishi's shipyard a final time when he
heard the drone of an aircraft overhead. As he looked up, he saw a US bomb drone flying through the sky. A small object dropped out of the plane
with a parachute.Suddenly, the sky erupted in a blaze of light, which Yamaguchi later described as resembling the "the lightning of a huge magnesium
flare." He had just enough time to dive into a ditch before an ear–splitting boom rang
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The Dangers Of The Atomic Bomb
On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 am America released an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in Japan, (Hersey 1). This action was done to put an
end to World War II, and bring the soldiers of America back home. For many Americans, the dropping of the bomb meant nothing but to do what
had to be done.The end results were not taken into account because there was no way to know what could happen when using new technology,
(Okazaki). The results of the atomic bomb alone had a casualty rate of about 135,000 people, of that 66,000 died and 69,000 were injured, (The
Atomic Bombings). Prior to the atomic bomb, Japan had already lost their a majority of their defense, only had their navy left and was nearly
destroyed. From data, we were able to find out an equivalent to "'that bomb had more power than two thousands tons of TNT,'" (Hersey 49). The
excessive amount of power did not help to solve anything, it only created a race for nuclear power, (The Cold War). The dropping of the Atomic
bomb was an inhumane use of power and all countries should destroy the use of atomic power because it does not single out the enemies from
Japan, but it also affects Japan's civilians in that area innocent or not. All within a few seconds, families and friends were torn from each other
without a chance for any last words, all at the hands of the American people. The result of this action led very few people who were able to care for
those who needed help because very few people were left uninjured. The
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The Atomic Bomb
The beginnings of the Nuclear Age started when Albert Einstein wrote to President Franklin Roosevelt warning him of a dangerous weapon the Nazis
had begun researching, known as the atomic bomb. (1) Though, when President Roosevelt first read this letter, he was too preoccupied with events in
Europe to be bothered with such ideas. He at the time did not take the creation of such weapon to seriously, nor did he believe America had the
resources for such a task. (2) Finally, on October 19, 1939 President Roosevelt wrote back to Einstein stating that the United States had begun to
research the power of uranium. (2) With the help of the British, whom reluctantly gave the United States leadership on this project, in June of 1942 the
Manhattan Project had begun, though most of the world had no idea that this was even happening, not even Vice President Truman. (2) The
Manhattan Project was created with the simple suppose of creating an atomic bomb before Nazi German. When the Project arose the research was
done in three different colleges, Columbia University, the University of Chicago and the University of California at Berkeley. It wasn't until a
breakthrough in December 1942 when a man named Fermi led a group of physicists to create the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. After this
breakthrough there were nuclear facilities built to allow for a much deeper research ability. The main building, and the most famous, was the one at Los
Alamos, New Mexico. The Manhattan Project
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The Atomic Bomb : What's History Of The Atomic Bomb
What is it? What's it's history?
An atomic or nuclear bomb is a bomb that causes destruction using the power from the rapid release of nuclear energy by fission of an atomic nuclei,
causing damage through heat, blast, and radioactivity. Uranium and plutonium are the most popular ingredients in an atomic bomb. If an A–bomb is
dropped, death is highly likely and radiation poisoning is almost certain if one is caught within a radius of 0–3 kilometers from a 1 megaton airburst.
The 50% chance of death from the blast extends out to about 8 kilometers. The atomic bomb was only used twice to kill human beings: it was
dropped on the Japanese people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. On August 6th, 1945 the United States dropped the first bomb on the city of
Hiroshima. This bomb was known as "little boy". The Second Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, was nicknamed "Fat Man". When the "Fat Man" was
dropped and exploded with a blast yield equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT at an altitude of 1,650 feet. A total of about 199,000 people died in the
bombings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Who created the Atomic bomb? Several brilliant physicists and chemists that were a part of the Manhattan project are responsible for building the
Atomic bomb. But one man in particular was nicknamed the "Father Of The Atomic Bomb", his name is Robert Oppenheimer. Mr. Oppenheimer
(1904–1967) was an American theoretical physicist. In the Manhattan Project, he was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and responsible for
the research and design of an atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project was launched in the fall of 1942 and Oppenheimer was considered an exceptional
theoretical physicist, and was already considering the possibility of creating an atomic bomb. Oppenheimer was a student of J.J. Thomson, who had
been awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for detecting the electron. On July 16th, 1945, at Trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico, the
world's first atomic bomb was detonated. On August 6th 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Just three days after the first bombing,
The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki on August 9th.
How does it work? Nuclear or Atomic bombs are weapons of mass
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Atomic Bomb Essay
The Atomic Bomb was the deadliest weapons in the history of war. Throughout World War II one of the most stubborn countries to surrender was Japan
who relentlessly fought against the United States of America. After failing to defeat America, Japan was overwhelmed by allied forces. Staying with
tradition however, Japan would rather die in battle than to surrender. The Soviet Union also fought against America but that was towards the end of the
war. The United States dropped both of the Atomic Bombs in order to intimidate the Soviet Union and to make Japan to surrender unconditionally.
At the end of World War II America dropped the Atomic Bomb in order to intimidate the Soviet Union. "Mr. Byrnes's ... view [was] that our possessing
and ... Show more content on ...
To be captured was a disgrace and extremely frowned upon in Japan. America gave Japan fair warning about an explosive device and if they did not
declare a surrender, America would use it against them. Unfortunately they do not heed warning. "On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939
an American B–29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed Atomic Bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent
of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure" ( America kept its word
and the first bomb struck Hiroshima. Many casualties were taken in Japan and it severely hurt Japan's spirit and the nation's physical abilities. Japan
however did not stop fighting until a second Atomic Bomb was dropped in Japan. "Three days later, on August 9, a plutonium implosion–type (Fat
Man) bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Within the first two to four months following the bombings, the acute effects of the Atomic Bombings had killed
90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000–80,000 in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. During the
following months, large numbers died from the effect of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. In both
cities, most of the dead were
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Are Atomic Bombs Justified
The issue focused on in this page is why i believe dropping the atomic bombs was not justified for the United States to have done. Such as how the
United States could have tried harder for Japan to surrender, they did not want to let the Japanese keep their emperor. Which was like a God–like
figure to the Japanese the U.S. should of just let them keep their emperor and Japan would have possibly surrender. Don't you think that the United
States could have picked other places to drop the bomb not in inhabited places with innocent people that had no part in the war. Perhaps the United
States could have even explained the potential power of the bombs which could cause fear and also a method of convincing them to surrender. A few
250,000 people
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Dropping The Atomic Bombs
The decision for the United States to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been debated since the days they were dropped, just as
it was debated in the days leading up to the drop. It is a debate that people will likely always disagree on, considering it is such a high controversial
topic. The United States had been fighting the Japanese Empire for years, and had not made any significant strides that indicated a success any time
soon. Due to this seemingly never ending struggle, the United States made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. These bombs were more deadly and destructive than any weapons had ever been before and caused the suffering and death of thousands of
innocent civilians. ... Show more content on ...
Throughout Victory in the Pacific, images are shown focusing on the conditions that American soldiers faced while fighting the Japanese army.
Footage of death and destruction are accompanied with interviews with Americans soldiers recounting the circumstances and fear that they felt while
fighting. The Japanese tunnels are discussed emphasizing the torment that these tunnels placed on the American soldiers due to the fact that they never
knew when Japanese soldiers would appear and where they would come from. The tunnels ran all through the hills that they American soldiers moved
along while fighting the Japanese and the intricate connection of tunnels gave the Japanese a huge advantage. The video continues to talk about the
many ways that this took a physical and emotional toll on the American soldiers as it discusses the attacks on Sugar Loaf Hill. During the Battle of
Okinawa, the American soldiers were forced to travel on ridges and mountains trying to get to a position where they could attack the Japanese, but
they Japanese army had already created an intricate pathway of tunnels through the ridges that allowed them to move along the mountains and hills
underneath the American soldiers and then sneak up right next to or even behind them. This took an obvious physical toll on the American soldiers as
they never knew when the Japanese were going to attack, however they also took an emotional and mental toll on the soldiers due to the fact that they
could never relax. The American soldiers never had a moment of peace and could never escape the violence of the war. As word of the conditions that
the American soldiers were fighting in reached the American homeland, the American people hated the Japanese even more as the two cultures lived
and fought in two very opposing
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Atomic Bomb Impact
The atomic bomb is considered one of the most lethal forces ever used to inflict harm upon a nation or a group of people. The atomic bomb was used
because the Japanese military command had denied the request for unconditional surrender, because of this the American and British forces had
decided to drop an atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic bomb relates to science and technology because it was one of
the most leading edge pieces of technology available at the time. The atomic bomb had affected not only Japan but also the rest of the world. The
atomic bomb was dropped on the first Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. This is the day the world changed forever. The bomb impacted
Japan in immeasurable ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the most advanced weaponry that can be used in war. The atomic bomb was made usingplutonium, plutonium is created when an atom of
uranium–238 absorbs a neutron and thus becomes plutonium–239. The atomic bomb had a blast radius of 3km this meant that anything that was in the
blast radius would be decimated. The plane that had carried the bomb also known as "little boy" was Boeing B–29 plane also nicknamed "enola gay."
The most expensive thing about World War 2 was not the atomic bomb but the plane that carried it. The B
–29 plane made by Boeing was specialized
for the atomic bomb because it had a carry load and releasing capability of up to 10,000 pounds of atomic bomb. The United States of America
also did a lot of nuclear testing to make sure that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 100% possible. By July 25th 1945 a fully capable
nuclear atomic bomb was ready for testing and though the war with Germany was over, the war against Japan was still raging on. On July 16th,
America had tested their first and successful atomic bomb trial. The bomb was detonated near Los Alamos research facility. In all the Atomic bomb
was one of the most cutting edge pieces of weaponry available, because it allowed to deliver immense force and was able to decimate
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The Atomic Bomb
The Atomic Bomb
Albert Einstein predicted that mass could be converted into energy. This was the basis for the atomic bomb. Throughout this research paper, I will trace
the history of the atomic bomb. In addition, who was involved and why, what happened in this event, and explain the impact that it had on the world.
After Einstein predicted, that mass could be converted into energy. This was confirmed experimentally by John D. Cockcroft and Ernest Walton.
"Physicists from 1939 onward conducted much research to find answers to questions as how many neutrons were emitted in each fission and which
elements would not capture the neutrons but would moderate or reduce the velocity" (Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia The Atomic Bomb Mar.99 ...
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This was critical to the making of the atom bomb. He joined the Manhattan Project as an overseer to the scientists and a consultant to them as well.
Enrico passed away in November of 1954. If it was not for this man, I believe that the atom bomb would not have been successful. He held an
essential position in the "Manhattan Project" Joseph C. Carter was born on September 28, 1910. He went to the United States Naval Academy and at
age 18, he went to Columbia. At Columbia, he worked under General Leslie Groves. Carter and others constructed a pilot version of the atomic bomb.
He and others were major assets to the Manhattan Project.
Neils Bohr was born in 1885 in Denmark. He went to the University of Copenhagen where he studied physics. In 1911 he got his Ph.D. Neils presented
the fact that the fission chain reaction need u–235 to be possible. He fled and went to America to work on the Manhattan Project. Bohr wanted people
to know that the effects of nuclear bombs were good and bad. He asked the UN to rid themselves of nuclear weapon Projects. He later died in
November 1962.
General Groves bought land in Oakridge, Tennessee. This is where he had Oppenhemier start work on the Atomic bomb. The majority of the planning
took place in Manhattan.
That is where the research was done, and things were designed. Oakridge is where they made the main material, U–235 and PU–239 was
manufactured. In Los Alamos, New Mexico was the place of
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Atomic Bomb Dbq
The Atomic Bomb What made the second Great War change and bring it to an end? The answer to that is actually quite simple and it isn't what
you think. The real reason the war ended was actually because of the atomic bombs. The dropping of the atomic bombs was a turning point during
World War II. Many people don't understand the main reason for dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people still
speculate the main reason President Truman dropped the atomic bomb, was because he was a racist. The true reason he did it was because in the
eyes of our president, he didn't want to risk the lives of U.S. soldiers (Nicolas). After Okinawa and Iwo Jima 19,200 soldiers died. Truman wanted the
Japanese surrender by showing the power of the U.S., after the second bond was dropped on Japan, Japan finally surrendered and brought an end to
WWII ("Harry S..."). The Manhattan Project was a secret group that made the atomic bomb in the 1930s.
The Manhattan project was an organization that was formed to make mass weapons of war. It was formed in fear of the Germans, and we used the
project to make first atomic bomb. The first atomic was done "under the direction of theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer." His research
"ushered in the atomic age", and his group helped us make the first atomic bombs ... Show more content on ...
After the U.S. dropped both bombs it brought an end to World War II, after that no nuclear bombs have been used in war. Many decades after, the
U.S.S.R used spies to get ahold of secret information containing blueprints to an atomic bomb, and the files also showed the uranium in Eastern
Europe. This then ushered in the cold war. During this time, many world superpowers would make upon 100's of nuclear warheads. The U.S. and
Soviet Union agreed to a treaty that would halt all nuclear weapons. This was called the Nuclear Non–Proliferation treaty (
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The Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb
The dropping of the atomic bombs in Japan was a very helpful source for the United States during the WWII. President Truman, took the
responsibility of dropping and creation of the atomic bomb. For the reason that The United States was seeking revenge on Japan for the attack at
Pearl Harbor. The atomic bomb caused a high number of innocent Japanese deaths and also awful sickness. The atomic bombs left a big impact in the
Japanese empire; also effected the Japanese at the time of the atomic bomb and the generation following. There were several manners that led to the
usage of the atomic bomb, yet the usage of the atomic bomb caused a lot of negative effects for the people of Japan. The most important decision that
President Truman made on... Show more content on ...
First of all, the dropping of the atomic bomb caused the Japanese to surrender and leading to the end of the war. For the reason that, after the first
bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, yet Japan did not want to surrender. The Japanese empire surrender after that second atomic bomb
was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. According to Harrys S Truman's Decision "One week later, on August 14, 1945, after the second atomic
bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendered" . The results of the significant and brave decision that President Truman made; put a
stop to many issues that may had occurred during the WWII. Nevertheless, the usage of the second atomic bomb made the Japanese realize that the
United States had created a powerful weapon, and lead to their surrender. Second of all, the atomic bomb was the most proper manner in avoiding a
Japanese invasion. The United States was mostly concern on an unexpected invasion or attack from Japan, such as the attack on Pearl Harbor.
According to the article History, President Roosevelt commented "I believe I interpret the will of the congress and of the people when I assert that we
will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again." Moreover, the
unexpected attack on Pearl Harbor is a perfect example of the damages that they
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Atomic Bomb Dbq
On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan which caused many deaths. Should United States have dropped the Atomic
bomb on Japan? According to the following arguments there are many reasons this was a wise choice, a few of them are that the atomic bomb saved
American lives, saved Japanese lives, and also it shortened the war between United States and Japanese. The dropping of the atomic bomb took some
lives but overall was the best way for the war to come to an end which lead to having peace throughout the countries.
The dropping of the atomic bomb saved Japanese lives in many different types of ways. If United States did not drop the atomic bomb then they would
have to invade the home islands of Japan which would lead
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The Atomic Bomb Essays
August 6th, 1945, 70,0000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.
Today many argue whether or not the U.S. should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating
weapon? To answer that first we must look at was going on in the world at the time of the conflict. The U.S. had been fighting a massive war since
1941. Moral was most likely low, and resources were at the same level as moral. Still both sides continued to fight and both were determined to win.
Obviously the best thing that could have possibly happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end with a minimum of allied casualties.
Harry Truman's decision to... Show more content on ...
We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war." This quote embodies the spirit of the American people of the
time. The public was eager for a quick end to the war and American casualties. Also Truman threatens to utilize the A
–bomb's power again until we are
victorious. In hindsight it is clear the correct decision was made. How can anyone be certain that Japan would have continued to fight? It is possible
that they were preparing for surrender, no one can say for certain exactly what would have happened but by examining evidence of Japanese culture
and warfare it is obvious that would not have been the case. At the time of WWII systematic and organized education made efficient
"brainwashing" possible. In public schools, students were taught to die for the emperor. By late 1944, a slogan of Jusshi Reisho meaning,
"Sacrifice life," was taught. In addition to civilian's dedication to their country, there was a group of military pilots called the Kamikaze.
Kamikaze were "suicide" pilots. They would load up an airplane and try to nose dive it into an enemy target. Think about what must be on that pilot's
mind. Imagine the undying love for his country. He would fight to the bitter end for his emperor. The most frightening part of this is that the entire
Japanese military thought this way. The fact that the enemy is willing to die so long as you die with him is not something
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Atomic Weapons And The Atomic Bomb
On August 6th, 1945 Akihiro Takahashi, a 14–year old boy, never made it to school. Instead, he was engulfed in a "tremendous heat" and left on the
side of a Hiroshima street to watch his own flesh melt off his body (Takahashi). Later that week, despite surviving the dropping of the atomic bomb on
her city, Eiko Taoka would watch helplessly as her infant son died of radiation poisoning––something she blames herself for to this day (Taoka). There
are thousands of stories like these, and each one describes the incredible destructive power behind atomic weapons and the deep wounds they leave
behind. Even now, seventy years after that fateful day, writers and filmmakers utilize the terror induced by the thought of atomic warfare in their... Show
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This move was largely due to the hardships experienced on American soil during the Great Depression and its losses in World War I (American
Isolationism). However on December 7th, 1941, the isolationist stance held by the United States was shattered when the Japanese attacked Pearl
Harbor and war was officially declared on Japan, Germany, and Italy (American Isolationism). This war would go on for another four years, taking with
it close to 50 million lives and devastating not only families, but entire nations (By The Numbers). Due to the incredible loss of life, the United States
understood that ending the war, especially the ongoing war in the pacific, was of paramount importance. Unfortunately for the Japanese, it would be its
country's own sense of pride and nationalism that brought its undoing. Despite being overpowered, without resources, and lacking a functioning navy,
the Japanese government refused to surrender to the United States (Powers). Many have speculated that a contributing factor may have been Japan's
ancient belief in "bushido"––an old Samurai idea that "the supreme sacrifice of life" was the "purest of accomplishments" (Powers). This suggested that
the Japanese army was willing to fight until they had exhausted all their resources, all their lives, and left their country in ruin. While he knew that
continuing the
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Atomic Bomb : The Birth Of The Atomic Bombs
The Atomic Bomb The birth of the Atomic bombs was during WWII, when the nations around the world were fighting against each other, due to
disagreements between one another. At the beginning of the war, America was at a stalemate because they did not want to get involved in the war.
Even though they were not involved in the war they were helping friendly allies with food supplies and ammunition. And then there was island to
the east of the Korean peninsula, also known as Japan, who suddenly decided to send a full blown aerial attack on american territory. In december 7,
1941 Japan launched a full blown attack on Pearl Harbor, an American naval base. This was the turning point of WWII because this spark America to
enter into a war. What the enemy did not know, was that the U.S. had a secret under their hands, and that was the weapon that would bring an end the
war. An According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. the first Atomic Bomb was build in Los Alamos New Mexico
during WWII under the Manhattan Project ("Atomic Bomb." Encyclopaedia Britannica"). But after the bombs were drop the suffering of the Umany
people, gave way for the questioning of the actions, some of these questions were : was it the right thing to do, what effect it had in the places that the
bomb were dropped, how was America affected before, during, after and the bombs were dropped, what effect did the people had after experiencing the
explosion, but the most important
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Atomic Bomb Effects
My three main topics are what dangerous things are made out of the Atomic Bomb and my second interesting topic is the U.S. Americans dropped the
Atomic Bomb on the Nagasaki. And my third topic would be what were the long term effects that the people suffered for the the explosive Atomic
The first Atomic Bomb the U.S. Americans dropped was in war 11 they name for the atomic bomb was called little boy the little boy atomic bomb
was a gun–type weapon with a uranium core in the back of the bomb then close to the uranium core was a Hollow uranium bullet with is a bullet in
the back on the bomb and then in the middle of the bomb is a Gun barrel which is a tube where the bullet travels when the gun bullet fires and then at
the very top of the atomic bomb inside is a cylinder target witch is a target that enables you to detect and track images rolled into the cylinder it also
can identify the side length and diameters of the cylinder target and adding the images that you want to detect. And then once the atomic bomb hits any
object the bomb explodes witch means that the Gun barrel traveled through the bomb and that the uranium bullet has already exploded so that ... Show
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Japanese time in American 80,000 people are killed as a direct result of the effects on the fallout. U.S. president Harry. S. Truman discouraged by the
Japaneses response to the potsdam conferences demand for unconditional surrender. Made the decision to use the atomic bomb to end the war in order
to prevent what he predicted would be much greater loss of life where the united states to invade the Japanese mainland. And on August 6, while a
convent bombing of Japan was ubderway. LIttle boy the nickname for the atomic bombs available for use against Japan, was loaded ontop LT then
August 6 five hours later little boy was dropped exploding 1,9000 feet over a hospital and unleashing the equivalent of 12,2500 atoms of TNT. the
bomb had several
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Justification Of The Atomic Bomb

  • 1. Justification Of The Atomic Bomb On 6 August 1945 the Enola Gay, a B–29 bomber, dropped the first atomic bomb to be used in actual combat on Hiroshima, Japan. The aftermath of this single bomb was over 130,000 dead and wounded. The skyline of Hiroshima was almost completely leveled. This caught the Japanese completely off guard. This as well as the bombing of Nagasaki three days later led to the final and unconditional surrender of the Japanese Empire and the end to World War II. The end result of these bombings outweighed the alternative of invading the Japanese mainland instead of unleashing atomic weapons on the Japanese by a great deal. The months and years that lead up to this massive blow against the Japanese were full of heated debates and arguments on the moral implications of using an atomic weapon against a civilian target. At the time the Japanese were running rampant in the Pacific and our nation was fighting a three front war: one front in the Pacific, one front in Europe, and the final front in North Africa. This placed a great deal of strain on our wartime resources, the tactic of Island Hopping was becoming successful but the amount of manpower being needed for the other two fronts meant that the Pacific front was not able to become a top priority. The Manhattan Project had been underway since 1942 as a last resort option. The Manhattan Project was of the utmost importance and conducted with the highest levels of security possible. With the help of various European ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Atomic Bomb Essays August 6th, 1945, 70,0000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Today many argue whether or not the U.S. should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon? To answer that first we must look at was going on in the world at the time of the conflict. The U.S. had been fighting a massive war since 1941. Moral was most likely low, and resources were at the same level as moral. Still both sides continued to fight and both were determined to win. Obviously the best thing that could have possibly happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end with a minimum of allied casualties. Harry Truman's decision to... Show more content on ... We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war." This quote embodies the spirit of the American people of the time. The public was eager for a quick end to the war and American casualties. Also Truman threatens to utilize the A –bomb's power again until we are victorious. In hindsight it is clear the correct decision was made. How can anyone be certain that Japan would have continued to fight? It is possible that they were preparing for surrender, no one can say for certain exactly what would have happened but by examining evidence of Japanese culture and warfare it is obvious that would not have been the case. At the time of WWII systematic and organized education made efficient "brainwashing" possible. In public schools, students were taught to die for the emperor. By late 1944, a slogan of Jusshi Reisho meaning, "Sacrifice life," was taught. In addition to civilian's dedication to their country, there was a group of military pilots called the Kamikaze. Kamikaze were "suicide" pilots. They would load up an airplane and try to nose dive it into an enemy target. Think about what must be on that pilot's mind. Imagine the undying love for his country. He would fight to the bitter end for his emperor. The most frightening part of this is that the entire Japanese military thought this way. The fact that the enemy is willing to die so long as you die with him is not something ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Justification Of Atomic Bombs The United States justifies dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because they told Japan that unless they surrendered they will drop atomic bombs on them. Since the Japanese did not reply, President Truman felt that it was right to get revenge for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. However, I completely disagree because tons of innocent people were killed just because Japan did not respond to the United States threat. In the Modern World History book by McDougal Littell it states that "a Japanese city of nearly 350,000 people. Between 70,000 and 80,000 people died in the attack." Thousands of innocent children and families were instantly killed in this bombing. A better alternative could have happened, but did not. The United ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Is The Atomic Bomb Justified 1945 was a big year for the world. Tyrannical ruler of Germany, Adolf Hitler, had committed suicide after realizing that he had lost World War II (Staff, Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims). Two years earlier in 1943, Hitler's ally Benito Mussolini had surrendered (Staff, Italian surrender is announced). After Hitler committed suicide in 1945, Germany announced its surrender, thus ending the greatest war mankind has ever known so far (Staff, Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims). However, despite most of the Axis powers surrendering, one nation refused or so we all thought. That nation was Japan. In July 1944, American military forces captured the Mariana Islands and Saipan, two vital areas within... Show more content on ... Was It Necessary to Drop the Atom Bomb on Japan? n.d. 16 11 2015. . Barnes, Michael. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb: Arguments Against. 13 1 2013. 17 11 2015. . Britannica, Encyclopaedia and Dr. Thomas B. Cochran. nuclear weapon. n.d. Inc. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 18 November 2015. . Dannen, Gene. Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945. 21 July 2015. 18 November 2015. . Dietrich, Bill. PRO AND CON–ON DROPPING THE BOMB. 1995. Seattle Times Company. 17 11 2015. . Eisenhower, Dwight D. The White House Years: Mandate for Change: 1953 –1956: A Personal Account. 1st. Vol. 1. New York: Doubleday & Co., n.d. 16 11 2015. . Freeman, Robert. Was the Atomic Bombing of Japan Necessary. 6 8 2006. 17 11 2015. . hiroshima day committee. Hiroshima & Nagasaki Bombing, Facts about the Atomic Bomb. n.d. 18 November 2015. . Long, Doug. HIROSHIMA: WAS IT NECESSARY? Part 1 of 2. 2010. 18 11 2015. . –. HIROSHIMA: WHO DISAGREED WITH THE ATOMIC BOMBING? 2010. 18 11 2015. . Radiation Effects Research Foundation. Frequently Asked Questions. 19 September 2007. 17 November 2015. . Rossenfeld, Carrie. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ed. Carrie Rossenfeld. 2015. Chris Griffith. 17 November 2015. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay On The Atomic Bomb President Harry S. Truman approved the atomic bomb on July 30, 1945. In August 1945 the United States dropped two atomic bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Hiroshima atomic bomb, nicknamed "Little Boy" , was the first ever atomic bomb deployed on another country and killed about eighty thousand people from the initial explosion. The second bomb was dropped in Nagasaki three days later and killed an estimated forty thousand people from the initial explosion. There is an ongoing battle of controversy on whether it was the right decision to make. It is estimated that the bombs killed 246,000 people over all. Most of these victims were civilians and militants mainly from Japan. Although, Japan suffered a profound impact from the bomb attacks the United States was rational when it came to the use of the atomic bomb in Japan because Japan refused multiple opportunities to surrender, the lives of civilians of both countries were taken in consideration, and it brought it end to the ongoing war. The United States was rational when it came to the use of the atomic bomb in Japan because Japan refused multiple opportunities to surrender. After countless, the United States negotiating with Japan, they were not willing to surrender nor refuse to put end to the war any time soon. According to a letter, Harry Truman he says, "the only language they seem to understand is the one we have been using to bombard them ... When you have to deal with a beast you have to treat him ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Atomic Bomb Necessary Was it necessary to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? It was a heavily debated whether or not to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, but not really cared considered by Americans. It is World War 2 Japan had lost many territories they had gained and was attacked by two atomic bombs without warning. This topic was a major part of World War two that had major consequences on Japan. It was not necessary to drop the atomic bomb on Japan because it killed innocent, Japan was on the brink to surrendering, and there was other options to make japan surrender if they did not. The atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan killed many innocent people. About 140,000 people died because of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. About 80,000 more died from the 2nd atomic bomb ... Show more content on ... Japan was losing land they gained during World War 2 to the US and The Soviet Union begun to invade Manchuria. No matter what Japan did not have very many options to keep fighting now that the Soviet Union became involved and wanted to take away land from Japan as well. Most of the Invasion from the US also weakened Japan's military. Due to the invasions from the US and the Soviet Union Japan were ready to surrender because they could not afford to continue even if they would not surrender the US had other options to make Japan surrender. Lastly, The atomic bombs were not necessary because there were other options to make Japan surrender. Admiral William Leahy believed that an economic blockade and conventional bombing would make Japan surrender. There were other options to make Japan surrender, but not many were taken on consideration because of Truman. There were other options to make Japan surrender but Truman saw to use the atomic bomb to save American lives. In conclusion the atomic bomb was not necessary because it killed innocent people, Japan would've eventually surrender without the use of atomic bombs and there were other options to make Japan surrender. The use of the atomic bomb was a very important topic to learn of because of its consequences. We today have learned a lot when the atomic bombs were dropped in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Atomic Bomb 8 Atomic Bomb In 1945, two bombs were dropped on Japan, on in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki. Theses bombs marked the end to the world’s largest armed conflict. Despite the ghastly effects of such a weapon, it offered the best choice for a quick and easy defeat of Japan. President Truman, who authorized the use of the atomic bomb, made a wise decision under the circumstances of the war. Fifty years ago this is what people thought. Now many people are starting to find out that there might be more to the story than what was originally thought (Grant 26). The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused massive amounts of damage and ruined thousands of lives, but they saves many more lives by ending ... Show more content on ... The battles for Okinawa, Wake and Guam all were ample testament to the Japanese willingness to die in the face of overwhelming odds. The kamikaze was a perfect example of the Japanese battle attitude. Japanese pilots would strap themselves into planes loaded with explosives and fly them into American ships. By the war’s conclusion the Japanese kamikaze attacks had sunk 3 aircraft carriers, damaged 285 craft and sunk a total of 34. The Japanese also did well in increasing support for the war effort. “Both scientist and publicists were in fact powerful instruments inflaming popular hatred against the democratic countries and in regimenting the people into blindly supporting the war of aggrandizement (Ferrell 16).'; This resolve would only have been strengthened had American and Russian forces tried to invade Japan. This almost suicidal type of fighting would have resulted in a tremendous amount of casualties for both sides. American casualties alone were projected at 500,000. The amount of deaths caused by an invasion would easily dwarfed those of the atomic bombings (Purcell 82). Air power offered American forces a method of remaining relatively unscathed against the fanatical Japanese military while laying waste to entire cities. This was possible because while Japanese ground forces remained strong, air defense had been severely weakened. This gave ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Atomic Bombs On Japan On the 6th of August 1945, the American bomber, Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Immediately, 80 000 people were killed. Tens of thousands more died in the following weeks from wounds and radiation poisoning. On the 9th of August, another bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki, killing between 40 000 and 50 000 more people. The question is, was it necessary for the Unites States to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? In my opinion, the United States was justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. During the course of the Second World War, the United States suffered the loss of more than 418 000 lives, both military officials and civilians. This was one of the reasons why the United States wanted the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Atomic Bomb The asseveration, made on September 39, 1938, by the League of Nations is unlikely to be questioned by any government or authoritative body even if it is willing to act contrary to it: "Any attack on legitimate military objectives must be carried out in such a way that civilian populations in the neighbourhood are not bombed through negligence." Just as important today, if not more so, is the resolution that "the use of chemical or bacterial methods in the conduct of war is contrary to international law." Even though it is over 70 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they remain controversial as conscientious struggle with the ethics of using such weaponry in the course of armed conflict. President Truman had a number of options apart from the atomic bomb. He could have left the invasion of Japan to the Russians, whom wanted revenge for the Russo–Japanese War of 1904–05, as well as the more recent conflict in Manchuria (Goldman, 2012). The dropping of the atomic bombs must have shocked many who were not aware that such a capacity existed; others who were privy to government and military operations and policy makers may still have been taken unawares that the bomb was actually used when there were many alternatives. On the 6th and 9th of August 1945, during the final stage of World War II, the United States (U.S) dropped down atomic bombs on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. These bombings resulted in hundreds of thousands of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Threat Of The Atomic Bomb Very few events in human history will be remembered forever. Everyday things such as driving to work or spending time with a loved one, will all soon be part of the past. Even seemingly horrifying events that in the present seem to cause chaos, such as a wildfire that destroys thousands of homes, or a plane crash that tears apart many families will be forgotten by humanity in a comparably short amount of time. The atomic bomb is one of the few events that will forever be remembered by people all over the world for the remainder of human history. Robert Oppenheimer, the main scientist in building the bomb, will be remembered as the person who created the most devastating weapon ever used in combat. The destruction that was caused by the bomb was mainly felt in the country of Japan, but its impact spread throughout the world. Ending World War II was made possible by the U.S. government, and their crucial decision to drop Oppenheimer 's atomic device onto the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Soon after, the once destructive device was forbidden to be used for any reason and nuclear power plants were developed to make use of the unique power. The dropping of the atomic bomb had a much greater impact on the world than just its immediate destruction. Robert Oppenheimer, the man behind the atomic bomb, grew up in the early 1900s in New York City (Rummel 13). Oppenheimer's American journey started long before he was born. His father, Julius, immigrated in 1888 from ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Hiroshima And The Atomic Bomb In the midst of WWII, on August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, which was the first time an atomic bomb was used in war. Three days later, the United States proceeded to drop an atomic bomb again on another city, Nagasaki, which was the last time that an atomic bomb has ever been used in the world till today. Soon after the devastating bombings, with thousands of Japanese civilians dead, the Japanese emperor Hirohito surrendered, marking the official end of WWII. Consequently, whether or not dropping the atomic bomb was the right decision remains relevant today. Those who support the dropping of the bomb argue that the dropping of the bomb was necessary because it forced the Japanese to surrender. However, the atomic bomb should not have been dropped because although the bomb ended the war quickly, there were alternative ways to force the Japanese to surrender, and the bomb decimated Japanese cities which therefore created the atomic age. The supporters of the atomic bomb assume that the atomic bomb was the sole reason of the Japanese surrender. On the contrary Japan would have surrendered without the use of the atomic bomb. Two days after the first bomb was dropped, Emperor Hirohito said "now that such a new weapon has appeared, it has become less and less possible to continue the war" (Hasegawa). This revealed that the Japanese Emperor understood that they would lose the war and that there was already signs of discontent amongst the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Atomic Bomb In the 1930's and the 1940's there was a change in American leadership. Having this change not only changed the outcome of the war that we were currently in, but how the rest of the world would view our country after the war. The decision that Harry Truman was forced to make on the choice to drop the atomic bomb or to attempt more land invasions was a choice that shaped the outcome of the war. There were major influences and side effects from the dropping of the atomic bomb and what it did to the country of Japan. Having the option and the weight of the moral decision weighing on Truman's shoulders about what decision should be made, he was the only one who was capable of making the decision that shaped the outcome of the war. Having dropped the bomb on Japan, as a statement of power and a means to an end in a form was the only way that American lives could have been spared as comparing that to the lives that would have been lost in a land invasion. Knowing what the issues with the bomb was; one has to look at the moral issues, the results of the incident, and also how it played in the rest of the development of the world. The first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, one of the larger cities of the country of Japan. The announcement that an atomic bomb had been dropped on Japan came from Truman as a "scientific landmark and the age of atomic energy" . This power came as not only for the advancement of civilization, but also the ability for civilization to be ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima On August 6th, 1945, the Enola gay took off to bomb Japan, changing the world forever. At 8:15 in the morning, a massive, mushroom cloud rose over Hiroshima, Japan killing more than 70,000 people. The first atomic bomb had been used in combat. Then on August 9, another bomb was sent in by the bomber Bock's Car. It was originally supposed to go to the city of Kokura, but the weather was bad so it was redirected to Nagasaki killing 40,000 people. With the death tolls at around 129,000, Japan unconditionally surrendered several days later ending World War Two. Although, at the same time it put the world into a new generation of war. American President Harry Truman's controversial choice to drop the atomic bomb on Japan had ended World War 2 but consequently started the nuclear age. Since the surrender, Truman's choice has been the subject of a great deal controversy, in large part because of the high civilian death toll. However, the choice to bomb Japan had ended the long lasting war. Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb was justifiable by Japan's refusal to give up unconditionally, the cost of the Manhattan Project, and the high death toll anticipated from an invasion of Japan. By dropping the Atomic Bomb, The United States was able to save American and Japanese people. There were two strategic attacks on Japan: Operation Torch and Operation Coronet. Operation Torch was to attack the island of Kyushu while Operation Coronet was supposed to happen at the island of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay On The Atomic Bomb Ethan Hasert English Comp. Per. 4 Atomic Bomb Oppenheimer once said: "Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" (recited from the Bhagavad–Gita). That was the day of Trinity, the first test of an atomic bomb's raw, awesome power. It was the beginning of a deadly technology that is ever evolving to reach more dangerous heights: atomic and nuclear weapons. These weapons have only been fired twice, and yet the entire world is on edge when a country threatens to use them. The Atomic bomb was created out of fear and necessity; to be used for such a purpose; but it was still a weapon of mass destruction. At first, the greatest fear of the Allied science community was the fact that the Nazis had already started work on atomic weapons.... Show more content on ... There was even a plan to use an atomic bomb on the Nazis, but their surrender prevented its use. The Atomic and Nuclear bombs are weapons of mass destruction. Even before their use there was, "a petition among the scientists opposing the use of the bomb on moral grounds" (p 5, Simkin). Since there was no singling out a certain person in their use, both types of bombs will destroy everything and anything in their way. It's why they can be so useful. The use of an atomic bomb is a message to the rest of society, a statement of power and having the will to use it. Yet, it comes at the cost of thousands of civilian lives. People thought of it afterwards as, "a great atrocity: a mass killer of women, children and the aged, a cynical Cold War gambit, the blinding dawn of a tense and troubled half–century known as the Atomic Age" (p 2, Lifton and Putnam). The only way to combat this, is the threat of mutual destruction. The Cold War is a perfect example of this. There the Soviet Union and the United States threatened the use of nuclear weapons. If both sides had attacked each other, the world would have been doomed to suffer a nuclear winter for hundreds of years killing millions if not billions of people in the process. With the dissolvement of the Soviet Union in 1991, the "Red Menace" was mostly gone. Though to say the threat of nuclear war was over would be false. Until recently, North Korea ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Atomic Bomb Essay In this paper, it will be discussed why the Atomic Bomb is the biggest method of destruction known to man. The paper will be discussing the results of the Atomic Bombs, along with the effects years after the initial explosion. People always wonder how many people actually died in the two Atomic Bombs which were dropped in Japan. This question will be answered, along with the method that citizens were actually killed by the bomb. Besides the initial blast winds that an Atomic Bomb gives off, people may be killed by several other things including heat rays, radiation and the implosion of their home. Robert S. Oppenheimer, was the father of the Atomic Bomb. After Albert Einstein stated that if the Nazi's made anuclear weapon first, the ... Show more content on ... In the two bombings there was a large gap in the number of people that died. In Hiroshima the city population at the time of the bombing was 310,000, The estimated deaths was 90,000–140,000 people. As for the Nagasaki bombing, the city population before the bombing was 250,000. The estimated number of deaths was 60,000–80,000 people. Notice that the word, "estimated", was used for both amounts of deaths. The reason for this is because, the number of deaths cannot be precisely known because records of military personnel in each city were destroyed. There have been several comparisons between the damage capabilities of the two bombs. First of all, it was said that to achieve maximum blast effect, the bomb had been set to detonate 1800 feet over Hiroshima. This is approximately 548 meters. The bomb in Hiroshima reached a height of 580+/–15 meters. As for the bomb in Nagasaki, it reached a height of 500+/–10 meters. The radius in which ceramic roof tiles melted was 600m in the Hiroshima bombing and 1000m in the Nagasaki bombing. The radius in which granite stone melted was 1,000m for the Hiroshima bomb and 1,600m for the Nagasaki bomb. What can be determined from these statistics is that the Nagasaki bomb has much stronger heat rays in it, and in turn would destroy more territory and kill more people. As said earlier in this essay, the location of Nagasaki prevented that. It was said that when ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay On The Atomic Bomb World War II was one of the most devastating wars in history. This war was drastically different from all of the other wars. The reason being because the atomic bomb was first used. The atomic bomb had been dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. At the time of the dropping of the bombs, the United States public had no clue it even existed. This leads to the question, what did the United States citizens think about the dropping of the bombs? The country was divided between support for that drastic measure and criticism of the devastation. Something so devastating can be hard at times to formulate an opinion on. Also, the United States civilians were not informed of something that could bring such devastation to the world. At the time, all they knew was that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and we had to retaliate. Consequently, this caused a lot of confusion, and eventual opinions that led down both the paths. The devastation caused division between public opinion. Opponents of the weapon were sharply critical and came from all different types of backgrounds. Those who had opposed it opposed it on moral grounds, and the devastation was repulsive to them. Opposition was even found from those who helped create the bomb. On August 2nd, 1939, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard had written a letter to President Roosevelt, implying that they should create their own nuclear program before Nazi Germany. In 1947 however, Einstein had felt completely different after the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs Devastation Justified: How the U.S. was Right in Dropping the Atomic Bombs In 1945, President Truman had to make one of the toughest decisions a president has ever been faced with. This decision, of course, being whether to drop the atomic bombs on Japanese cities, not drop the bombs at all, or do a demonstration by dropping a bomb in the ocean near Tokyo. Truman eventually chose to drop the atomic bombs on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. This choice to drop the atomic bombs was right because these bombings assisted in slowing the expansion of the Soviet Union, changed the Japanese never–give–up mentality, and prevented the loss of many American and Japanese lives. For a start, the use of the atomic bombs helped slow the... Show more content on ... On top of curtailing the expansion of the Soviet Union, dropping the atomic bombs induced the Japanese to give up their never–surrender mentality. To begin with, in the battles of the Pacific War, the Japanese would always continue to fight as long as any soldiers were still alive. Also, wounded Japanese soldiers often attempted to use grenades to kill any enemy soldiers and medics who came near them, and they frequently used grenades to commit suicide rather than going through the disgrace of being taken alive. These accounts of the lack of quit of the Japanese soldiers displayed how they had no intention of surrendering to enemy forces no matter how bad the situation was. Additionally, in April of 1945, Japan's government initiated a policy known as Ketsugo, which trained all Japanese civilians, regardless of age or gender, on how to make their own weapons to help fight against invading soldiers. Japan's Ketsugo policy was meaningful since it illustrated the nation's willingness to fight and die as a nation before giving in. In contrast, following the bombing of Nagasaki, Hirohito, Japan's Emperor, impressed upon his country's Cabinet and Supreme Council the need for their agreement to the Potsdam Proclamation. This ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Atomic Bomb Dbq There are three main reasons as to why the atomic bomb should have been dropped on Japan. The main reason behind the atomic bomb being used is that Japan failed to respond to the Potsdam Declaration. President Truman also knew that the american public wanted the war to end soon. Within his knowledge was the admittedly high american casualties. To meet the demands of the public and to minimize further american casualties, president Truman made his decision. The atomic bomb was to be dropped on Japan. Many american military leaders opposed this decision. Some claimed that when the Soviets declared war, Japan would undoubtedly surrender, while others feared for the future of humanity if such a weapon was used. General Dwight Eisenhower was one ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Atomic Bomb Dbq On August 6th and 9th 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The attacked could be described as catastrophic, with tens of thousand killed per bomb, and thousands killed after, due to radiation. Controversies erupted following the bombing, and debates continue to this date. It is this controversial subject that students in Period 1–2 AP Statistic were asked about. Two questions were asked, more normal question and an biased one. The normal question was, "Was the US Justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?" And the biased question was "Should the US have protected the lives of millions of Americans by dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?" After polling, the results for both questions were ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Use Of The Atomic Bomb Decision to use the Atomic Bomb By reece farnsworth The article that I suport was the article supporting the use of the Atomic bomb. This article was written by Michael Barnes. The first argument in the article was that it saved american lives. U.S. Army chief of staff george marshall thought the americans would suffer 31,000 casualties in the first thirty days, while Admiral Ernest King, Chief of naval operations, put them between 31,0000 and 41,000. Chester nimitz, whose staff conducted their own study and estimated 49,000 U.S. casualties in the first 30 days, including 5,000 at sea from kamikaze attacks. Studies estimating the total U.S. casualties were equally varied and they were just as grim. One of the studies from the joint chiefs ... Show more content on ... The study was done by secretary of war stimson predicted five to ten million japanese fatalities. Their was some support for the bomb even among some of the japanese. If the military had its way they would have kept fighting the japanese until all 80 million japanese were dead. A japanese professor recalled that at wars end, due to extreme food rationing he had weighed less that 90 pounds and could scarcely climb a flight of stairs. He said he couldn't have survived another month. The atomic bomb saved him and many japanese. Another concurrent argument supporting the use of the bomb is that its primary objective of shortening the war. The bombs were dropped on August 6th and 9th. The next day the japanese requested a halting of the war. The names of the two atomic bombs that they used were. "Little boy" the bomb used against hiroshima, and the fat man bomb. Arguments against the dropping of the atomic bomb included that according to the league of nations bombs were allowed to be used but in non–populated areas. The league of nations said the dropping of the atomic bomb was "illegal". Another argument against dropping the atomic bomb was that it was created for defense only. "According to the article"... even though the United states fought major was in Korea, vietnam,iraq, and afghanistan, nuclear weapons were never again deployed. In other words not using them in those wars has been an admission ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Atomic Bombs During the 20th century, specifically the year 1945, the United States of America had two atomic bombs that the commander and chief, and president at the time, Harry Truman, knew about. President Truman plan was to drop the bombs on two of Japans cities, Hiroshima first and then Nagasaki. Truman's plans went accordingly, which to this day leads to a very controversial topic on whether or not dropping the atomic bombs was a good or bad thing. There is evidence and reasoning to back up both claims, in which everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, in my opinion, I believe the choice of Harry Truman to drop the two atomic bombs was the right choice because it saved lives, helped end the war faster, and it was merely the only choice for the sake of the American soldiers. During this time there was a lot going on. A few years before, between the time 1937 and 1941 Japan owned most of the land of East and Southeast Asia. When the attack of theUnited States in December of 1941 at Pearl Harbor, this caused the United States to enter the war. Japan did not have enough resources to fight against the United States and Britain causing them to be pushed out of the land of East and Southeast Asia (Basic Information of the Bomb). The then president at the time FDR died in February 1945, which leads to Truman becoming the new president soon after. The United States had two options when addressing the pacific front. They had to either continue man–to–man combat or force ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Atomic Bomb Dbq America's use of the atomic bombs on the Japanese cities also opened the door to other countries challenging them through their own use of nuclear bombs. Many have criticized that the atomic bomb was an act of "muscle flexing" due to the sheer power and destruction caused by the decision to drop the two bombs. (Nicholls, 67). Not only were these bombs a demonstration of the power that these nuclear weapons had, but they were a testament of power that the United States now held. Never before had a country surrendered in war without first being invaded, so the decision to drop the bomb and Japan's subsequent surrender were extremely significant (Baldwin, 39). These bombings didn't just impact the Japanese, but the whole world and gave way to ... Show more content on ... The gravity of such a decision was explained when Szilard wrote to President Truman about the bombs leading the way "to an era of devastation on an unimaginable scale," (Szilard, 1). Though it was never fully known what the full extent of the damage to both cities was, many American and Japanese government agencies tried to discern the devastation. When surveying the damage, it was found that Nagasaki's damages were close to 640,000,000,000 yen, which equated to 5.9 billion dollars, and Hiroshima's losses were approximated at 1,540,000,000,000 yen, equating to 14 billion dollars (Committee, 391–392). The colossal loss of life added to the decrease in production, which caused the economy to suffer. Without factories to produce goods, and able–bodied workers to run these factories, the Japanese economy was in shambles and the people were left to starve. Most people who survived lost most, if not all, of their property and were left without sufficient funds and resources to pay for essentials, such as care for physical injuries caused by the bombings. Survivors were unable to find adequate shelter, medical care, and food, so many turned desperate, scavenging for resources that could help them survive. These economic problems not only weakened Japan as a whole, but also played a huge role in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Truman and Atomic Bombs OPTION B You are a member of the editorial staff of the New York Times. You are to take a side and then write an editorial on Harry S Truman's decision to order the dropping of the atom bomb. HARRY S TRUMAN & THE DECISION TO ORDER THE DROPPING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB Boom! Boom! Seventy thousands Japanese citizens were perished instantly after the first atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Japanese still refused to surrender to Allied forces. On August 9, 1945, with the dropping of the second atomic bomb in Nagasaki, where eighty thousands people were vaporized, Japanese surrendered unconditionally and the World War II ended ("The Decision to Drop the Bomb" 5 –6). But was it a right decision of Harry S Truman to end... Show more content on ... He wanted not only to avoid Congressional hearings, but also another term of office. His chances of reelection would be a zero if it were known by the general public that he wasted money and lives of American soldiers by hiding a weapon that could have ended the war more quickly ("Why did President Truman Drop the Atomic Bomb" 4). They also said that Truman should have chosen different ways to compel a Japanese surrender instead of dropping atomic bombs into two cities. The most obvious alternative is an invasion of American into Japanese mainland because Japanese was very close to defeat. And the World War II was close to the end. However, according to historians, the atomic bomb probably saved half of a million U.S. lives, not to mention the number of Japanese casualties than the invasion. Moreover, Japanese was close to defeat, but not close to surrender. Therefore, the decision of President Truman was necessary at that time. His decision was just for the good of America as well as was to save lives of both American and Japanese soldiers. If the war was prolonged, a lot of soldiers would die and the expenses would increase. In conclusion, it does not matter the decision of Truman to order the dropping of atomic bombs was right or wrong. It matters how effective that decision in ending the war and saving lives of soldiers. And history proved it. With those two atomic bombs, the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Ww1 Atomic Bomb In 1945, the United States dropped a 5 ton atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.The bomb killed thousands of innocent people in hopes of Japan's surrender from WWII. It was a success. The Japanese surrendered within 3 days of the bombs dropping. The United states was pleased with their decision. Although there are many questions on if the bomb was the right thing to do. What were these bombs that the United States dropped? Was the bomb the only alternative to end the war? How did this impact life in Japan and were there any survivors from the bomb? No question, this bomb is one of the most infamous things the United States has ever done in history but was it the right thing to do? First of all, in 1941, The United States decided to create a program that would conduct research on atomic weapons. It... Show more content on ... He stood up after collapsing on his bike with flesh dangling from his body. For the last 70 years he has lived with scars on his whole body as well as remains of three of his ribs that had rotted away. He was only 1.1 miles away from where the bomb was dropped.Sumiteru Taniguchi hopes that no one will ever feel the pain of an atomic bomb. He heads a group of Nagasaki survivors that work against nuclear weapons. Another survivor of the bombs,Tsutomu Yamaguchi was preparing to leave Hiroshima as the bomb was dropped. He was in Hiroshima on a business trip when the bombs dropped According to his recollections, "Around 8:15 that morning, Yamaguchi was walking to Mitsubishi's shipyard a final time when he heard the drone of an aircraft overhead. As he looked up, he saw a US bomb drone flying through the sky. A small object dropped out of the plane with a parachute.Suddenly, the sky erupted in a blaze of light, which Yamaguchi later described as resembling the "the lightning of a huge magnesium flare." He had just enough time to dive into a ditch before an ear–splitting boom rang ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Dangers Of The Atomic Bomb On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 am America released an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in Japan, (Hersey 1). This action was done to put an end to World War II, and bring the soldiers of America back home. For many Americans, the dropping of the bomb meant nothing but to do what had to be done.The end results were not taken into account because there was no way to know what could happen when using new technology, (Okazaki). The results of the atomic bomb alone had a casualty rate of about 135,000 people, of that 66,000 died and 69,000 were injured, (The Atomic Bombings). Prior to the atomic bomb, Japan had already lost their a majority of their defense, only had their navy left and was nearly destroyed. From data, we were able to find out an equivalent to "'that bomb had more power than two thousands tons of TNT,'" (Hersey 49). The excessive amount of power did not help to solve anything, it only created a race for nuclear power, (The Cold War). The dropping of the Atomic bomb was an inhumane use of power and all countries should destroy the use of atomic power because it does not single out the enemies from Japan, but it also affects Japan's civilians in that area innocent or not. All within a few seconds, families and friends were torn from each other without a chance for any last words, all at the hands of the American people. The result of this action led very few people who were able to care for those who needed help because very few people were left uninjured. The ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Atomic Bomb The beginnings of the Nuclear Age started when Albert Einstein wrote to President Franklin Roosevelt warning him of a dangerous weapon the Nazis had begun researching, known as the atomic bomb. (1) Though, when President Roosevelt first read this letter, he was too preoccupied with events in Europe to be bothered with such ideas. He at the time did not take the creation of such weapon to seriously, nor did he believe America had the resources for such a task. (2) Finally, on October 19, 1939 President Roosevelt wrote back to Einstein stating that the United States had begun to research the power of uranium. (2) With the help of the British, whom reluctantly gave the United States leadership on this project, in June of 1942 the Manhattan Project had begun, though most of the world had no idea that this was even happening, not even Vice President Truman. (2) The Manhattan Project was created with the simple suppose of creating an atomic bomb before Nazi German. When the Project arose the research was done in three different colleges, Columbia University, the University of Chicago and the University of California at Berkeley. It wasn't until a breakthrough in December 1942 when a man named Fermi led a group of physicists to create the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. After this breakthrough there were nuclear facilities built to allow for a much deeper research ability. The main building, and the most famous, was the one at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The Manhattan Project ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Atomic Bomb : What's History Of The Atomic Bomb THE ATOMIC BOMB What is it? What's it's history? An atomic or nuclear bomb is a bomb that causes destruction using the power from the rapid release of nuclear energy by fission of an atomic nuclei, causing damage through heat, blast, and radioactivity. Uranium and plutonium are the most popular ingredients in an atomic bomb. If an A–bomb is dropped, death is highly likely and radiation poisoning is almost certain if one is caught within a radius of 0–3 kilometers from a 1 megaton airburst. The 50% chance of death from the blast extends out to about 8 kilometers. The atomic bomb was only used twice to kill human beings: it was dropped on the Japanese people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. On August 6th, 1945 the United States dropped the first bomb on the city of Hiroshima. This bomb was known as "little boy". The Second Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, was nicknamed "Fat Man". When the "Fat Man" was dropped and exploded with a blast yield equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT at an altitude of 1,650 feet. A total of about 199,000 people died in the bombings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Who created the Atomic bomb? Several brilliant physicists and chemists that were a part of the Manhattan project are responsible for building the Atomic bomb. But one man in particular was nicknamed the "Father Of The Atomic Bomb", his name is Robert Oppenheimer. Mr. Oppenheimer (1904–1967) was an American theoretical physicist. In the Manhattan Project, he was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and responsible for the research and design of an atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project was launched in the fall of 1942 and Oppenheimer was considered an exceptional theoretical physicist, and was already considering the possibility of creating an atomic bomb. Oppenheimer was a student of J.J. Thomson, who had been awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for detecting the electron. On July 16th, 1945, at Trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico, the world's first atomic bomb was detonated. On August 6th 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Just three days after the first bombing, The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki on August 9th. How does it work? Nuclear or Atomic bombs are weapons of mass ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Atomic Bomb Essay The Atomic Bomb was the deadliest weapons in the history of war. Throughout World War II one of the most stubborn countries to surrender was Japan who relentlessly fought against the United States of America. After failing to defeat America, Japan was overwhelmed by allied forces. Staying with tradition however, Japan would rather die in battle than to surrender. The Soviet Union also fought against America but that was towards the end of the war. The United States dropped both of the Atomic Bombs in order to intimidate the Soviet Union and to make Japan to surrender unconditionally. At the end of World War II America dropped the Atomic Bomb in order to intimidate the Soviet Union. "Mr. Byrnes's ... view [was] that our possessing and ... Show more content on ... To be captured was a disgrace and extremely frowned upon in Japan. America gave Japan fair warning about an explosive device and if they did not declare a surrender, America would use it against them. Unfortunately they do not heed warning. "On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939 –45), an American B–29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed Atomic Bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure" ( America kept its word and the first bomb struck Hiroshima. Many casualties were taken in Japan and it severely hurt Japan's spirit and the nation's physical abilities. Japan however did not stop fighting until a second Atomic Bomb was dropped in Japan. "Three days later, on August 9, a plutonium implosion–type (Fat Man) bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Within the first two to four months following the bombings, the acute effects of the Atomic Bombings had killed 90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000–80,000 in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. During the following months, large numbers died from the effect of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. In both cities, most of the dead were ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Are Atomic Bombs Justified The issue focused on in this page is why i believe dropping the atomic bombs was not justified for the United States to have done. Such as how the United States could have tried harder for Japan to surrender, they did not want to let the Japanese keep their emperor. Which was like a God–like figure to the Japanese the U.S. should of just let them keep their emperor and Japan would have possibly surrender. Don't you think that the United States could have picked other places to drop the bomb not in inhabited places with innocent people that had no part in the war. Perhaps the United States could have even explained the potential power of the bombs which could cause fear and also a method of convincing them to surrender. A few 250,000 people ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Dropping The Atomic Bombs The decision for the United States to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been debated since the days they were dropped, just as it was debated in the days leading up to the drop. It is a debate that people will likely always disagree on, considering it is such a high controversial topic. The United States had been fighting the Japanese Empire for years, and had not made any significant strides that indicated a success any time soon. Due to this seemingly never ending struggle, the United States made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombs were more deadly and destructive than any weapons had ever been before and caused the suffering and death of thousands of innocent civilians. ... Show more content on ... Throughout Victory in the Pacific, images are shown focusing on the conditions that American soldiers faced while fighting the Japanese army. Footage of death and destruction are accompanied with interviews with Americans soldiers recounting the circumstances and fear that they felt while fighting. The Japanese tunnels are discussed emphasizing the torment that these tunnels placed on the American soldiers due to the fact that they never knew when Japanese soldiers would appear and where they would come from. The tunnels ran all through the hills that they American soldiers moved along while fighting the Japanese and the intricate connection of tunnels gave the Japanese a huge advantage. The video continues to talk about the many ways that this took a physical and emotional toll on the American soldiers as it discusses the attacks on Sugar Loaf Hill. During the Battle of Okinawa, the American soldiers were forced to travel on ridges and mountains trying to get to a position where they could attack the Japanese, but they Japanese army had already created an intricate pathway of tunnels through the ridges that allowed them to move along the mountains and hills underneath the American soldiers and then sneak up right next to or even behind them. This took an obvious physical toll on the American soldiers as they never knew when the Japanese were going to attack, however they also took an emotional and mental toll on the soldiers due to the fact that they could never relax. The American soldiers never had a moment of peace and could never escape the violence of the war. As word of the conditions that the American soldiers were fighting in reached the American homeland, the American people hated the Japanese even more as the two cultures lived and fought in two very opposing ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Atomic Bomb Impact The atomic bomb is considered one of the most lethal forces ever used to inflict harm upon a nation or a group of people. The atomic bomb was used because the Japanese military command had denied the request for unconditional surrender, because of this the American and British forces had decided to drop an atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic bomb relates to science and technology because it was one of the most leading edge pieces of technology available at the time. The atomic bomb had affected not only Japan but also the rest of the world. The atomic bomb was dropped on the first Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. This is the day the world changed forever. The bomb impacted Japan in immeasurable ... Show more content on ... Perhaps the most advanced weaponry that can be used in war. The atomic bomb was made usingplutonium, plutonium is created when an atom of uranium–238 absorbs a neutron and thus becomes plutonium–239. The atomic bomb had a blast radius of 3km this meant that anything that was in the blast radius would be decimated. The plane that had carried the bomb also known as "little boy" was Boeing B–29 plane also nicknamed "enola gay." The most expensive thing about World War 2 was not the atomic bomb but the plane that carried it. The B –29 plane made by Boeing was specialized for the atomic bomb because it had a carry load and releasing capability of up to 10,000 pounds of atomic bomb. The United States of America also did a lot of nuclear testing to make sure that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 100% possible. By July 25th 1945 a fully capable nuclear atomic bomb was ready for testing and though the war with Germany was over, the war against Japan was still raging on. On July 16th, America had tested their first and successful atomic bomb trial. The bomb was detonated near Los Alamos research facility. In all the Atomic bomb was one of the most cutting edge pieces of weaponry available, because it allowed to deliver immense force and was able to decimate ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Atomic Bomb The Atomic Bomb Albert Einstein predicted that mass could be converted into energy. This was the basis for the atomic bomb. Throughout this research paper, I will trace the history of the atomic bomb. In addition, who was involved and why, what happened in this event, and explain the impact that it had on the world. After Einstein predicted, that mass could be converted into energy. This was confirmed experimentally by John D. Cockcroft and Ernest Walton. "Physicists from 1939 onward conducted much research to find answers to questions as how many neutrons were emitted in each fission and which elements would not capture the neutrons but would moderate or reduce the velocity" (Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia The Atomic Bomb Mar.99 ... Show more content on ... This was critical to the making of the atom bomb. He joined the Manhattan Project as an overseer to the scientists and a consultant to them as well. Enrico passed away in November of 1954. If it was not for this man, I believe that the atom bomb would not have been successful. He held an essential position in the "Manhattan Project" Joseph C. Carter was born on September 28, 1910. He went to the United States Naval Academy and at age 18, he went to Columbia. At Columbia, he worked under General Leslie Groves. Carter and others constructed a pilot version of the atomic bomb. He and others were major assets to the Manhattan Project. Neils Bohr was born in 1885 in Denmark. He went to the University of Copenhagen where he studied physics. In 1911 he got his Ph.D. Neils presented the fact that the fission chain reaction need u–235 to be possible. He fled and went to America to work on the Manhattan Project. Bohr wanted people to know that the effects of nuclear bombs were good and bad. He asked the UN to rid themselves of nuclear weapon Projects. He later died in November 1962. General Groves bought land in Oakridge, Tennessee. This is where he had Oppenhemier start work on the Atomic bomb. The majority of the planning took place in Manhattan. That is where the research was done, and things were designed. Oakridge is where they made the main material, U–235 and PU–239 was manufactured. In Los Alamos, New Mexico was the place of
  • 33. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Atomic Bomb Dbq The Atomic Bomb What made the second Great War change and bring it to an end? The answer to that is actually quite simple and it isn't what you think. The real reason the war ended was actually because of the atomic bombs. The dropping of the atomic bombs was a turning point during World War II. Many people don't understand the main reason for dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people still speculate the main reason President Truman dropped the atomic bomb, was because he was a racist. The true reason he did it was because in the eyes of our president, he didn't want to risk the lives of U.S. soldiers (Nicolas). After Okinawa and Iwo Jima 19,200 soldiers died. Truman wanted the Japanese surrender by showing the power of the U.S., after the second bond was dropped on Japan, Japan finally surrendered and brought an end to WWII ("Harry S..."). The Manhattan Project was a secret group that made the atomic bomb in the 1930s. The Manhattan project was an organization that was formed to make mass weapons of war. It was formed in fear of the Germans, and we used the project to make first atomic bomb. The first atomic was done "under the direction of theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer." His research "ushered in the atomic age", and his group helped us make the first atomic bombs ... Show more content on ... After the U.S. dropped both bombs it brought an end to World War II, after that no nuclear bombs have been used in war. Many decades after, the U.S.S.R used spies to get ahold of secret information containing blueprints to an atomic bomb, and the files also showed the uranium in Eastern Europe. This then ushered in the cold war. During this time, many world superpowers would make upon 100's of nuclear warheads. The U.S. and Soviet Union agreed to a treaty that would halt all nuclear weapons. This was called the Nuclear Non–Proliferation treaty ( ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb The dropping of the atomic bombs in Japan was a very helpful source for the United States during the WWII. President Truman, took the responsibility of dropping and creation of the atomic bomb. For the reason that The United States was seeking revenge on Japan for the attack at Pearl Harbor. The atomic bomb caused a high number of innocent Japanese deaths and also awful sickness. The atomic bombs left a big impact in the Japanese empire; also effected the Japanese at the time of the atomic bomb and the generation following. There were several manners that led to the usage of the atomic bomb, yet the usage of the atomic bomb caused a lot of negative effects for the people of Japan. The most important decision that President Truman made on... Show more content on ... First of all, the dropping of the atomic bomb caused the Japanese to surrender and leading to the end of the war. For the reason that, after the first bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, yet Japan did not want to surrender. The Japanese empire surrender after that second atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. According to Harrys S Truman's Decision "One week later, on August 14, 1945, after the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendered" . The results of the significant and brave decision that President Truman made; put a stop to many issues that may had occurred during the WWII. Nevertheless, the usage of the second atomic bomb made the Japanese realize that the United States had created a powerful weapon, and lead to their surrender. Second of all, the atomic bomb was the most proper manner in avoiding a Japanese invasion. The United States was mostly concern on an unexpected invasion or attack from Japan, such as the attack on Pearl Harbor. According to the article History, President Roosevelt commented "I believe I interpret the will of the congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again." Moreover, the unexpected attack on Pearl Harbor is a perfect example of the damages that they ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Atomic Bomb Dbq On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan which caused many deaths. Should United States have dropped the Atomic bomb on Japan? According to the following arguments there are many reasons this was a wise choice, a few of them are that the atomic bomb saved American lives, saved Japanese lives, and also it shortened the war between United States and Japanese. The dropping of the atomic bomb took some lives but overall was the best way for the war to come to an end which lead to having peace throughout the countries. The dropping of the atomic bomb saved Japanese lives in many different types of ways. If United States did not drop the atomic bomb then they would have to invade the home islands of Japan which would lead ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Atomic Bomb Essays August 6th, 1945, 70,0000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Today many argue whether or not the U.S. should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon? To answer that first we must look at was going on in the world at the time of the conflict. The U.S. had been fighting a massive war since 1941. Moral was most likely low, and resources were at the same level as moral. Still both sides continued to fight and both were determined to win. Obviously the best thing that could have possibly happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end with a minimum of allied casualties. Harry Truman's decision to... Show more content on ... We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war." This quote embodies the spirit of the American people of the time. The public was eager for a quick end to the war and American casualties. Also Truman threatens to utilize the A –bomb's power again until we are victorious. In hindsight it is clear the correct decision was made. How can anyone be certain that Japan would have continued to fight? It is possible that they were preparing for surrender, no one can say for certain exactly what would have happened but by examining evidence of Japanese culture and warfare it is obvious that would not have been the case. At the time of WWII systematic and organized education made efficient "brainwashing" possible. In public schools, students were taught to die for the emperor. By late 1944, a slogan of Jusshi Reisho meaning, "Sacrifice life," was taught. In addition to civilian's dedication to their country, there was a group of military pilots called the Kamikaze. Kamikaze were "suicide" pilots. They would load up an airplane and try to nose dive it into an enemy target. Think about what must be on that pilot's mind. Imagine the undying love for his country. He would fight to the bitter end for his emperor. The most frightening part of this is that the entire Japanese military thought this way. The fact that the enemy is willing to die so long as you die with him is not something ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Atomic Weapons And The Atomic Bomb On August 6th, 1945 Akihiro Takahashi, a 14–year old boy, never made it to school. Instead, he was engulfed in a "tremendous heat" and left on the side of a Hiroshima street to watch his own flesh melt off his body (Takahashi). Later that week, despite surviving the dropping of the atomic bomb on her city, Eiko Taoka would watch helplessly as her infant son died of radiation poisoning––something she blames herself for to this day (Taoka). There are thousands of stories like these, and each one describes the incredible destructive power behind atomic weapons and the deep wounds they leave behind. Even now, seventy years after that fateful day, writers and filmmakers utilize the terror induced by the thought of atomic warfare in their... Show more content on ... This move was largely due to the hardships experienced on American soil during the Great Depression and its losses in World War I (American Isolationism). However on December 7th, 1941, the isolationist stance held by the United States was shattered when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and war was officially declared on Japan, Germany, and Italy (American Isolationism). This war would go on for another four years, taking with it close to 50 million lives and devastating not only families, but entire nations (By The Numbers). Due to the incredible loss of life, the United States understood that ending the war, especially the ongoing war in the pacific, was of paramount importance. Unfortunately for the Japanese, it would be its country's own sense of pride and nationalism that brought its undoing. Despite being overpowered, without resources, and lacking a functioning navy, the Japanese government refused to surrender to the United States (Powers). Many have speculated that a contributing factor may have been Japan's ancient belief in "bushido"––an old Samurai idea that "the supreme sacrifice of life" was the "purest of accomplishments" (Powers). This suggested that the Japanese army was willing to fight until they had exhausted all their resources, all their lives, and left their country in ruin. While he knew that continuing the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Atomic Bomb : The Birth Of The Atomic Bombs The Atomic Bomb The birth of the Atomic bombs was during WWII, when the nations around the world were fighting against each other, due to disagreements between one another. At the beginning of the war, America was at a stalemate because they did not want to get involved in the war. Even though they were not involved in the war they were helping friendly allies with food supplies and ammunition. And then there was island to the east of the Korean peninsula, also known as Japan, who suddenly decided to send a full blown aerial attack on american territory. In december 7, 1941 Japan launched a full blown attack on Pearl Harbor, an American naval base. This was the turning point of WWII because this spark America to enter into a war. What the enemy did not know, was that the U.S. had a secret under their hands, and that was the weapon that would bring an end the war. An According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. the first Atomic Bomb was build in Los Alamos New Mexico during WWII under the Manhattan Project ("Atomic Bomb." Encyclopaedia Britannica"). But after the bombs were drop the suffering of the Umany people, gave way for the questioning of the actions, some of these questions were : was it the right thing to do, what effect it had in the places that the bomb were dropped, how was America affected before, during, after and the bombs were dropped, what effect did the people had after experiencing the explosion, but the most important ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Atomic Bomb Effects My three main topics are what dangerous things are made out of the Atomic Bomb and my second interesting topic is the U.S. Americans dropped the Atomic Bomb on the Nagasaki. And my third topic would be what were the long term effects that the people suffered for the the explosive Atomic Bomb. The first Atomic Bomb the U.S. Americans dropped was in war 11 they name for the atomic bomb was called little boy the little boy atomic bomb was a gun–type weapon with a uranium core in the back of the bomb then close to the uranium core was a Hollow uranium bullet with is a bullet in the back on the bomb and then in the middle of the bomb is a Gun barrel which is a tube where the bullet travels when the gun bullet fires and then at the very top of the atomic bomb inside is a cylinder target witch is a target that enables you to detect and track images rolled into the cylinder it also can identify the side length and diameters of the cylinder target and adding the images that you want to detect. And then once the atomic bomb hits any object the bomb explodes witch means that the Gun barrel traveled through the bomb and that the uranium bullet has already exploded so that ... Show more content on ... Japanese time in American 80,000 people are killed as a direct result of the effects on the fallout. U.S. president Harry. S. Truman discouraged by the Japaneses response to the potsdam conferences demand for unconditional surrender. Made the decision to use the atomic bomb to end the war in order to prevent what he predicted would be much greater loss of life where the united states to invade the Japanese mainland. And on August 6, while a convent bombing of Japan was ubderway. LIttle boy the nickname for the atomic bombs available for use against Japan, was loaded ontop LT then August 6 five hours later little boy was dropped exploding 1,9000 feet over a hospital and unleashing the equivalent of 12,2500 atoms of TNT. the bomb had several ... Get more on ...