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John Steinbeck Juxtaposition
In John Steinbeck's 1947 novella entitled The Pearl, Steinbeck employs his mastery in the usage of literary devices to intentionally to convey a theme,
one that notes how before one rushes into a supposedly better life, they first must consider both consequences that will arise from the scenario and how
the previous lifestyle may still offer greater advantages to their person. Steinbeck often uses imagery through the vivd descriptions found in his writing,
but such imagery is occasionally often just a stepping stone towards a much more consequential literary device: juxtaposition. Using juxtaposition,
Steinbeck manages to craft elaborate, dramatically contrasting lifestyles, settings, and even characteristics between those of different social... Show
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For instance, as Kino and his procession of villagers head towards the house of the 'illustrious' doctor, Steinbeck states, "They came to the place
where the brush houses stopped and the city of stone and plaster began, the city of harsh outer walls..." (8). Obviously, imagery that shows the
superiority of the upper class from the lower class is present, but a far more important item to partake from this quote is Steinbeck's remarkable
juxtaposition between the houses of brush and those of stone and plaster. Also, symbolism is converyed through the philosophy that the town
maintains harsh, rigid outer walls, meaning that the town contains a defined population of a certain social class, not a population easily permeable
by those who face abject poverty yet still work much more strenously. The constructive use of all these different types of literary devices combine to
show the legitimacy of the theme which he is attempting to convey: that one who attempts to break his bonds from his lifestyle must carefully
consider such a complex decision thoroughly. Kino, who attains the pearl the day after this dramatic episode takes place, is eager to shed his skin of
poverty, heal his son, and then begin a new life as a rich man, one who is freed from ignorance by knownledge he imagines his son will partake to them
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Greed In John Steinbeck's The Pearl
Throughout his life, Kino has been searching for pearls to make him rich without success until one fateful day when the poor pearl diver finds a
perfect pearl in John Steinbeck's The Pearl. However, the pearl he has found glows with a kind of "evil" that will tear the village apart from its greed.
This story shows that greed can make any man evil, and can tear people apart from the ones they love.
In the beginning of the story, Coyotito, the baby, gets stung by a scorpion. When taken to the doctor, the doctor refuses to heal him, saying, "Have I
nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary." (11). Later in the book however, when Kino finds thepearl,
the doctor was very quick to help the baby, showing immediate interest when saying, "You have a pearl?, a good pearl?" (35). Kino goes on to say
that he will pay the doctor for healing the baby once the pearl is sold. This shows that the doctor is overcome by greed, and, once reluctant to heal
Coyotito, is now very willing to heal him because of the promise of money from the pearl. ... Show more content on ...
Juano suggests that they should throw the pearl back into the water because of the terrible things that it has done to their family. By this point,
Kino has also been engulfed by greed, and disagrees with her, wanting to keep the pearl so his family can be rich and so he can afford a good
education for his son. In the night while Kino is sleeping, Juana takes the pearl outside to throw back into the ocean. Kino wakes up and when he
finds out, he is flooded with anger. In the book, it is described that, "He leaped at her and caught her arm and wrenched the pearl from her. He struck
her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in her side" (59). This shows that greed for the pearl made
him hurt his own
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Pearl Bunk's The Good Earth
Pearl Bunk wrote the book called The Good Earth. Her point of writing this book was to give people a better out look of Chinese culture and living
style. This gives people in other countries an outlook on how we all don't live the same or have the same culture. I am writing about his because it
gave me the outlook of how the stories characters life is different from my life. What was Pearl Buck's life and connection with china? What is some
of the criticism that the experts have on her book The Good Earth? Throughout Pearl bunks life there was many changes in her life style. Even though
she moved to china her parents still "living a dual life in a formal English home with Chinese playmates" (Pearl Sydensticker Buck 2008). At this time
her family lived in china there was a lot of uprising such as "The Box ... Show more content on ...
After, she moved back to china she wrote a book about Chinese culture and life style. But she didn't have any research "she didn't as the
government for assistance but she went into china as a private citizen" (Ulvang 2010) through her living in china as a citizen she was able to
observe people's lives. When her daughter "Visited all the places pearl went, she learned that during the Cultural revolution any Chinese that knew
or liked pearl were punished" (Ulvang 2010) so it shows how much the Chinese hated whites after she returned four years later. The reason she
wrote the book The Good Earth was because when she was living in china "she saw the Chinese hardship of the countryside" (Doyle 1981). "While
Buck wrote too much, too hastily and thus produced many books that lacked distinction, she will be remembered for creating the best portraits ever
drawn in china" (Doyle 1981) and because of this people still enjoy reading her books today. Even though she
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Who Is Responsible For Michael Jackson's Downfall
Everybody witnesses numerous rises and falls in their lifetimes. Kino is a character from John Steinbeck's The Pearl, a realistic–fiction novel, who
retrogresses thoroughly throughout the plot. Michael Jackson was known as The King of Pop. However, the record–breaking artist's career took a
major fall as time went on. Throughout their lives, both Kino and Michael Jackson made numerous, unfortunate decisions driven by greed and power
that led to their downfalls.
In the very beginning of the book, Kino hears the "The Song of the Family" and has breakfast peacefully with his loved ones (Steinbeck 2). Kino is a
peaceful, ordinary, innocent young man who has a special bond with his family. When Kino finds hispearl, he decides what he will do with the money.
He decides that he would like "new clothes", "a rifle", "to be married in the church", and for his son, Coyotito, to go to school (Steinbeck 25–26). Kino
is a loving individual who cares about his family and wants the best for them.
Towards the middle of the story, Kino angrily stabs a man out of fear for himself and the pearl. "He felt cloth,... Show more content on
Jackson felt as if he needed to look perfect for the crowd. His plastic surgery experiments, however, led to him looking like a completely different
person. Later, Jackson had children sleep in his bed at his ranch house. Sleeping with underage kids was a terrible thing Michael Jackson did that
ruined his good reputation. Towards the end of his life, Jackson was almost broke. Jackson's terrible, unfortunate decision making led to him having
almost no money. Sadly, Michael Jackson died on June 25th, 2009 of drug addiction and overdose. Michael Jackson wasn't only addicted to drugs, but
he was addicted to fame and fortune. Unfortunately, these obsessions resulted in the death of one of music's greatest stars. He is a legend that will
never be
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How Does Steinbeck Characterize Kino's Greed
Greed is a desire for something or selfishness and is not a favorable characteristic to possess. Greed is depicted many ways throughout the novel The
Pearl through the main character Kino, a poverty–stricken brush house Indian who finds "the pearl of the world" while pearl diving. Greed changed
Kino mentally and changed his life. Kino's greed reshaped his family, Juana and Coyotito, his wife and baby, and destroys their lives as well. Kino
tries to throw his desirous ways away, yet greed cannot just walk out of his life in a simple way, it must take everything important to him first. Greed
overtakes Kino in a macabre way that one cannot imagine.
Hunger for more changed Kino mentally and his life as a whole. Kino became very greedy and left his satisfying life that he once had. "A dead man
in the path and Kino's knife, dark bladed beside him, convinced [Juana]. All of the time Juana had been trying to rescue something of the old peace, of
the time before the pearl. But now it was gone, and there was no retrieving it" (Steinbeck 59). The author foreshadows this event multiple times. In
chapter 3, a person tries to ... Show more content on ...
Juana and Coyotito had to be chased away from their home even though they had done nothing. However, when Kino's family's house burned down,
Juana and Coyotito were lucky not to be inside. Steinbeck uses personification in chapter 5 to explain this tragic event caused by greed. "[Kino] saw
a little glow ahead of him, and then without interval a tall flame leaped up in the dark with a crackling roar..." (Steinbeck, 61). As a result of Kino's
greed, they are pursued by trackers who end up killing Coyotito with a gunshot. "...[The] keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in
the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death" (Steinbeck 85). All problems, even the death, could have been avoided if Kino had not become greedy
with his
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Kino's Change In The Pearl By John Steinbeck
If money had caused you so much pain and loss, would you still search for more? In Jordan Steinbeck's book, The Pearl, the main character, Kino,
loses nearly everything, including his son. All of this misfortune happens because of one pearl. Kino is poor and hasn't had much of an education.
Many of the people outside of his neighborhood don't like him because of his race, and he thinks that the pearl can help him change this. When Kino
finds the "pearl of the world," he thinks he'll be able to get lots of great things and live a more comfortable life. Unfortunately, the pearl makes his
life worse. He changes as a person, and the people around him change as well; they all become filled with greed. This shows readers that money
doesn't buy happiness. ... Show more content on ...
When Juana tries to tell him that the pearl is evil, he doesn't believe her. He says, "No one shall take our good fortune from us." Kino is determined
to sell the pearl and become rich; no one seems to be able to tell him otherwise. He also says, "This pearl has become my soul. If I give it up, I shall
lose my soul." He has become so invested in this pearl that he feels like it is now a part of him. Kino says this right after he killed someone and his
house burned down, which all happens because of the pearl. Despite all of the bad things that have happened, Kino is still unwilling to give up the
pearl. He is so focused on getting money that his greed prevents him from seeing the destruction that money has
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Scarlet Letter Romanticism Quotes
Pearls hold a great price to mankind, but no pearl has ever been obtained at such a high cost as to Hester Prynne, who is an energetic heroine in
Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The
Scarlet Letter. Throughout the novel, Pearl becomes a dynamic symbol, one that always changes.
In the novel, Hawthorne places a dynamic character, like Pearl, who is honest and questions the behavior of Hester and Reverend Arthur Dimondale's
relationship, to explore the theme of romanticism. Pearl is the beautiful interior to a hideous exterior, is a living momentum of her mother's scarlet
letter, and points people unintentionally to their sin. Her name is Pearl, means precious, and resembles a great price paid.
Pearl is the breathing portrayal of Hester Prynne's ... Show more content on ...
Although Hester never explains to Pearl what the scarlet letter means , she constantly asks questions to try and get her mother to live up to her sin.
Hester believes that Pearl's purpose on earth is to torture her but also to be her light and joy in a town where they are mocked. "Pearl was a born
outcast of the infantile world. An evil imp, emblem, and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants" (Hawthorne 77). Pearl screams
and throws rocks at other children when they gather around her. Pearl cannot be made amendable to any rules simply because, at a young age, she is
disobedient. Pearl is a mystery. Not Pearl herself but the child she appears to be. Pearl can almost sense any emotion her mother, or any adult, is
having and is often called the demons child in an angel's clothing. Seeing behind the labeling of a demon, Pearl is completely different from this
stereotype. The real Pearl, who is intelligent, inquisitive, and a beautiful creature, becomes a symbol of salvation to her mother. Being the fruit of her
parent's transgressions, Pearl often points people to their
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Scarlet Letter Devil Child Quotes
Pearl, devil child or human? The Scarlet Letter, is a fictional novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, it takes place in Boston in the 1800's. It is about a
woman named Hester Prynne, who is an adulturist, a clothes designer, and a mother to Pearl. Hester committed the crime of being an adulturist with
Arthur Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale doesn't take the consequences of being Pearl's father, he is a coward, and a sinner till the end where he finally
confesses. Pearl was actually both, a devil child who became human. In the Scarlet Letter, Pearl a devil child, a human, and symbol of the curse being
Pearl the devil child, Pearl is born by sin, because her mother and Arthur Dimmesdale committed adultery. Pearl in growing up as a devil child, is
seen here as when kids gather around her she would, "...grow positively terrible in her puny wrath, snatching up stones to fling at them" (Hawthorne
64). Hawthorne shows Pearl as being a child of the devil she never listens, she is defiant, and evil. Pearl is evil in many ways as shown, "Pearl
would frown, and clench her little fist, and harden her small features into a stern" (Hawthorne 63). This was because her mother would sometimes just
start crying and she resulted in a violent look, Pearl is seen as a child of the devil. ... Show more content on ...
Pearl becomes human when she is seven, because right before Dimmesdale's death he says, "dear little Pearl, wilt thou kiss me now?... Pearl kissed
his lips. A spell was broken." (Hawthorne 175). This is when Pearl turns human, she has uplifted the curse. She has broke the curse that she is no
longer going to be the devils child, she is going to be a child of God
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The Pearl Symbolism Essay
The short novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck is based on an old folktale and is about a man named Kino, his wife named Juana, their baby named
Coyotito, and the struggle they face when Kino finds the pearl of the world. Steinbeck shows that materialism and greed, left unchecked, can lead to
immoral behavior through the characters of the town doctor, Kino, and the three attackers. Steinbeck uses the doctor as a symbol to represent the
materialism and greed, left unchecked, can lead to immoral behavior. This seen when the town doctor refuses to treat the dying Coyotito. The
narrator states, "Have I nothing better to do then cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor not a veterinarian."( ?). This shows that the doctor
is too greedy to treat the baby because he knows they have no money to pay for it. He is a doctor and should be willing to help someone, payment or
no payment. Another time the doctor becomes a... Show more content on ...
He shows this when Juana is trying to throw the pearl back but Kino beats her. The narrator states, "Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at her
and caught her arm and wrenched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he
kicked her in her side." ( ?) Here Kino beats up his wife in order to save a pearl that was tearing his family apart. He no longer cares about who he
hurts or what he hurts just that he gets what he is after. Another example of Kino's greed is when is going to sell the pearl. Kino declines an offer
from a pearl buyer, not because he knows the pearl is more valuable but because he wants more money, more things, more opportunities, and is he not
willing to give that up under any circumstances. All of these show that being greedy can put us in unwanted situations that could have been
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How Does Kino Change In John Steinbeck
The novel The Pearl explains "There are only good and bad things and black and white things and good and evil things and no in between
anywhere"(Steinbeck 1). Kino the main character in the pearl by John Steinbeck does not realize what he has and loses it all. Furthermore, Steinbeck
tells a story about a poor man kino and his wife Juana and their baby Coyotito.This story takes place in a small fishing village in La Paz
Mexico.Throughout this story kino finds a pearl that changes his and his family life forever.For this reason kino's character changes from a protective
husband to a marriage partner who is equal in standing. His change in character is indicated by his thoughts and actions.
First , kino changes his character throughout the story by his thoughts. In the beginning of the story Kino and Juana lead a simple life, although they
do not have much they're happy. For example, when kino wakes up the author ... Show more content on ...
His family was really close and they loved each other without money. His obsession with the pearl caused his son Coyotito to die. Kinos tends to forget
that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something he does not have but appreciating and recognizing what he does have. Throughout the
pearl" Kino and his family learned this the hard way. The pearl demonstrates Kino was already making a hard skin for himself against the world"(29).
Kino changes his character throughout the story by his thoughts and actions. In the first chapter of the novel kino is presented as a loving protect her
husband who wants nothing more than support for his family. Furthermore to know was cruel to his wife after he found the pearl. Having a lot of
money but not being happy is worse than being happy and not having money. Perhaps, people should learn the having a lot of money is not as
important as
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The Pearl John Steinbeck Literary Analysis
The Pearl relates to post–colonial criticism because the book displays many different cultures and views of the world. Throughout all chapters, there is
a distinct separation between the brush huts and stone and plaster city, the doctor's wants, and the wages. Not just physical appearance, but the brush
houses and city are extremely different, as well as the doctor's greediness, and the way of income done by the poor versus the rich. In the first chapter
of The Pearl, Steinbeck is describing the setting, and he writes on the first page, "Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds
chittered and flurried with their wings." Immediately, the reader can understand that the people who live in these brush houses cannot afford... Show
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Even though the book never describes how the people who live in the city earn their money, it is clear that it's not the same as how the people who
live in the brush houses earn theirs. After reading how Kino goes down under water for over two minutes to search for oysters, pearl diving is a
skill and art. It is also their only income, and diving is vital to them, because it's their source of food and clothes. To pearl diving, you need a canoe,
and Kino is being given one by his father, but the canoe was his grandfather's to begin with. On page 14, the narrator tells the story of the canoe by
saying, "It was very old. Kino's grandfather had brought it from Nayarit, and he had given it to Kino's father, and so it had come to Kino. It was at
once property and source of food, for a man with a boat can guarantee a woman that she will eat something." This quote tells the reader how pearl
diving is a tradition, and the canoe is something that has being passed down from Kino's family. Then, pearl diving is being described on page 16,
where Steinbeck writes, "Kino had two ropes, one tied to a heave stone and one to a basket. He stripped off his shirt and trousers and laid his hat in
the bottom of the canoe... He took his rock in one hand and his basket in the other, and he slipped feet first over the side and the rock carried him to
the bottom." Pearl
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Scarlet Letter Pearl Quotes
Thomas Carlyle, a famous Scottish philosopher known for his poetry, and morality once said, "It is through symbols that man consciously or
unconsciously lives, works and has beings." This quote relates to Pearl in The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne because of her ability to make
her own moral choices apart from those of her mother, or the townspeople. Throughout the novel, the letter A, the rose, and nature all symbolize Pearl
and her morality. To begin, the letter A is presumably a symbol for Pearl. Pearl is an uncontrollable little girl who has behavioral issues and acts
similar to a demon child. It seems nearly impossible for her mother, Hester, to control her. Like the A on Hester's chest, Hester cannot just pluck Pearl
out of... Show more content on ...
Hawthorne writes that the rose symbolizes, "a sweet moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of
human frailty and sorrow"(34). In this quote, the moral blossom that he talks about stands for Pearl. Her function in the book is to remind Hester
of what she has done wrong and to remind her of her morals. Equally important, people know red roses for their beauty. Like a rose and her letter
A, Hester always dresses Pearl in red. Although the town commonly recognizes Pearl for her misbehavior, everyone also knows Pearl for her pure
beauty and innocence. They do not define her for her mother's mistake. Pearl, "a lovely and immortal flower,"(61) seems to radiate her beauty
everywhere she goes. In nature, a rose symbolizes immortal love and passion. Coincidentally, Pearl is a product of her mother's passion, and
Hester has an immortal love for her even though Pearl symbolizes a mistake in her life. Like Pearl, a rose has thorns and flaws, but those thorns do
not take away from the overall beauty of the flower, or a person's overall character. Correspondingly, Pearl wants what roses have. Although Pearl and
the rose both have flaws, the rose has the power of purity and moral freedom. Just like the rose, Pearl is an innocent being who is morally free from
sin, unlike Hester. In spite of this, the only thing that
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Analyzing John Steinbeck's 'The Pearl'
Tiffany Duggins
Professor Hancock
English 111, Section #W–0
3, October 2014
Pearl Essay Literature, when done well, has always had the power to bring to life stories that in some way mirror human tendencies. Throughout John
Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl, he illustrates how something as pure as the importance of family can be poisoned by greed and hate. From the
beginning, Steinbeck instills in his character, Kino, the importance of family. He does this by giving him an inner symphony which often guides the
character in observing what goes on around him. The main song that continues to occupy Kino's mind is The Song of the Family as it is referred to.
Even when the Song of Evil tries to overwhelm Kino's thoughts, the lingering tune which ... Show more content on ...
While people seemed pleased for Kino, their good tidings were laced with dark intentions. Even the priest made a visit in order to insure that the
church would receive its share. Another instance is when the doctor, whom hours before had rejected Kino's plea to save Coyotito's life, was suddenly
there to come to his aid. It is even suspected that the doctor intentionally made the baby sick in order to make his services required. Kino could see the
darkness in him but because he could not deny the doctor's diagnosis, he promised him payment when the pearl was sold. Consequently, it was this very
task that brought out the greed in Kino's own heart. Everyone knew of Kino's great discovery, including the pearl buyers who therefore planned to
buy the pearl for the lowest price possible. They themselves would receive no greater salary and yet they looked forward to cheating Kino. When
presented with an offer of 1,000 pesos he immediately turns them down knowing the pearl is worth way more. Kino had determined in his mind what
he should be given and refused to take anything less even if it meant remaining in poverty for another day. Although no one could deny that the pearl
was worth more, even his neighbors, "hoped that sudden wealth would not turn Kino's head," and slowly, "graft onto him the evil limbs of greed,"
(Steinbeck 43). As he
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How Does Steinbeck Make Life Changing Decisions
Have you ever faced a life changing decision? Have you ever felt like if you make the wrong decision then your life is over? Kino from The Pearl
by John Steinbeck has, he was not only challenged with a life changing decision he also felt that his decision might have been the wrong one. Dominic
from the movie War Dance has had to make some very, very hard life changing decisions in his life and regrets many of them but he turned his life
around, but still lives with the pain that he had caused.
Kino faces a life changing decisions, like choosing between the pearl and his family. One of Kino's big life changing decisions that have occurred in
The Pearl is whether Kino should sell his pearl or not. When Kino finally decides to sell the pearl
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La Perla
LA PERLA Index пѓ History of La Perla пѓ Emilia–Romagna Region (Bologna–Modena–Regio Emilia) Major Exports пѓ Building and
Reinforcing the ID пѓ La Perla in Bologna пѓ Value Chain La Perla пѓ La Perla Analysis Suppliers Buyers Customers Evolution of
Customers and Trends Customer Target per Region пѓ SWOT analysis of La Perla пѓ SWOT analysis of BREM пѓ La Perla and Economic
Environment пѓ Competition пѓ New Media and Technology пѓ Drivers in of Change in the Fashion Industry пѓ Ageing and Economic Climate in
Italy пѓ Recommendations пѓ Conclusions пѓ Bibliography History of La Perla The company was founded in 1954 by Ada Masotti in a small
confection lab named L'Ape. The name is... Show more content on ...
CATTANEO Libera Universita delle Arti, private fashion and Design school La Perla in Bologna (ER) The company was founded in Bologna, an one
of the most important epicenter of fashion in Italy, which helped the company to take advantage of the strong presence of fashion suppliers in the
region. This helped the company developed high end lingerie with the finest products. From the sociocultural point of view, Bologna helped La Perla
on developing an AVANT
–GARD lingerie through the roots of the city's tradition on being open minded and cooperative networking. Value Chain
of La Perla Although the company is very secretive about its process and value chain, we identify some large common denominators with the
lingerie industry. La Perla, along with all major fashion houses relies on designers for the election of their fabrics and they play a major role on the
election of suppliers. This is the first step into their value chain, assessing quality and selecting the best supplier for each line and product. Once the
raw materials are in its warehouse the most important step occurs, the confection and cut of the fabric, this is done by experts and where La Perla
focus is added value. Once the product is
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Examples Of Greed In John Steinbeck
The works of John Steinbeck have been used universally on scholarly account because of his ability to establish themes in his writing that are relevant
to life. The Pearl, is one work that contains issues as ideas that are still significant to this day. One theme, such as greed, is displayed throughout the
course of the novel. As each character develops, their intentions with the pearl become evident to the reader. This theme is seen through many of the
characters who are eager to obtain the pearl. In The Pearl, the theme of greed is shown through the doctor's intentions, Kino's attitude, and Juana's
discontent of the pearl. The doctor, along with common people in the town, is very judgemental and only cares about what he will benefit from,
long term. They only want to be there to help if later it will fulfill their wishes for with what they desire. "The doctor looked past his aged patient
and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine." (Steinbeck 23) The doctor is clearly only concerned
for what he will be able to get out of Kino. As ... Show more content on ...
She watches him go through the motions and how the pearl corrupts his decision making abilities. "Kino this pearl is evil. Let us throw it before it
destroys us. Let us crush it between two stones...Kino, it is evil, it's evil!"(Steinbeck 56) The pearl is destroying each and every character's
livelihood. They want to destroy it before it destroys them. "It is the pearl." said Juan Tomas, 'There is a devil in the pearl." (Steinbeck 64) The
pearl has only brought harm and hardships i.e. "the devil" This is a parallel to how money in society can affect someone. "...It has ruined everyone I
know" (Steinbeck/Morris 111) "It" is something that that has taken control of everyone. Greed and social status also come to play because it was
something they had never had, something only
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Essay On The Perfect Pearl
The "Perfect Pearl"
The Pearl in Steinbeck's story of the same symbolizes the corrupting power of materialism which recently destroys everything worthwhile in Kino's
life. In this book, it takes place in a little town in Mexico called La Paz. This book begins with a description of the loving family's life of Kino and his
wife Juana and there infant son Coyotito.
One early morning on coast of Mexico, Kinos family was getting ready for breakfast. When Kino went to check on Coyotito, he loves how sweet his
baby boy looks when he sleeps, but as he began to get closer he was shocked with fear! There was a scorpion crawling down the splintery–wooden rope
that held the baby's cradle. Then a million thought went through Kinos head and he sprung ... Show more content on ...
This was very odd but that's what happens when you have money, people want to know you so you give them money because your friends. But the
worst part is that they will now be able to make there son's life not just okay but great.This shows that money changes people, just like drugs do now.
When you become wealthy your mind thinks money, money, money where is the time for family and fun?Kino's neighbors wonder what they would
do if they had found the pearl, and suggest giving it as a present to the Pope, buying Masses for the souls of his family, and distributing it among the
poor of La Paz. Kino goes to sell his pearl, accompanied by his neighbors, but the pearl dealer only offers a thousand pesos when Kino believes that
he deserves fifty thousand. Although other dealers inspect the pearl and give similar prices, Kino refuses their offer and decides to go to the capital
to sell it there. That night, Kino is attacked by more thieves, and Juana once again reminds Kino that the pearl is evil. However, Kino vows that he
will not be cheated, for he is a man.
Later that night, Juana attempts to take the pearl and throw it into the ocean, but Kino finds her and beats her for doing so. While outside, a group of
men accost Kino and knock the pearl from his hand. Juana watches from a distance, and sees Kino approach her, limping with another man whose
throat Kino has slit. Juana finds the pearl, and they decide that they must go away even if the murder was in self–defense.
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The Pearl Quote Analysis
In The Pearl, society is responsible for Kino's failure because it never gives Kino the chance for an education and discriminates against Kino because
of his race.
Society never gives Kino a chance to have an education, setting him up for failure. When Kino is given the opportunity to change his life by selling a
valuable pearl, he takes it. Along with his wife, they think that the pearl can provide their infant son, Coyotito, with an education, provide them
with a wedding and a new life. However, society does not allow this to happen. Since, Kino was not educated as a child, he does not understand nor
know the pearl's value. Juan Tomis cautions his brother, "'You must be careful to see they do not cheat you... We do not know what prices are paid in
other places... How can we know what is a fair price, if we do not ... Show more content on ...
In the novel, Steinbeck writes, "No,[Kino] said, 'I will fight this thing. I will win over it. We will have our chance... No one shall take our good
fortune from us." (Steinbeck 57) This quote reveals how Kino is making his own decisions, creating his own fate. But Kino only performs these
actions out of spite. He only did these actions because society discriminated against him, and society did not allow him to have an education. For
example, the doctor states, "Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary"' (Steinbeck 11)
Because the doctor refused to help Kino's ailing child, Kino is forced to cu. So, he finds a pearl and tries to sell it. But with being taken advantage of
by the buyers and the constant discrimination against him, Kino ends up becoming overwhelmed and paranoid of his surroundings. With the constant
paranoia and anger, Kino kills a man, burns his home down, and flees away from his home. All these acts are caused by society not allowing him to
have an education and society discriminating against him because of his
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Scarlet Letter Pearl Quotes
Little innocent Pearl. The baby born into one of the worst sins possible and has to stand with her mother while she is humiliated publically. Pearl is
the one that helps Hester get through this tough time and she makes the story. Without Pearl, Hester would have given up on life and left all good
morals behind. Through Pearl's actions and encounters with people readers learn how important she is as a character in The Scarlet Letter. In the
novel, readers are told about Pearl's appearance. (quote on how Pearl looks) Pearl resembles the scarlet letter that is upon her mother's bosom.
Hawthorne does this because she is a symbol of adultery just like the "A" is. She admires the letter and her mother even though she doesn't fully
understand the... Show more content on ...
"She screamed and shouted, too, with a terrific volume of sound which, doubtless, caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them. The victory
accomplished, Pearl returned quietly to her mother, and looked up, smiling, into her face."(96). Pearl yells at the kids who are throwing mud at her
mother because she is a child and doesn't know any better. "At first, as already told, she had flirted fancifully with her own image in a pool of water,
beckoning the phantom forth, and–as it declined to venture–seeking a passage for herself into the sphere of impalpable earth and unattainable sky.(168).
Now that she is older, she has noticed how her mother acts around other people and plays by herself. She has fun even though she is her only
friend. Pearl begins to care about other things than just herself. "Perceiving a flock of beach birds that fed and fluttered along the shore, the naughty
child picked up her apron full of pebbles, and creeping from rock to rock after these small seafowl, displayed remarkable dexterity in pelting
them."(168). When she sees that she has hurt the poor creature she stops throwing the pebbles. Her emotions build due to her being alone for so long.
Pearl wants a friend, but Hester knows that if Pearl has friends they will tell her the true meaning of the scarlet
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The Pearl Thesis
The Pearl is a book written by John Steinbeck that describes a family in distress after a series of terrible events. Kino, Juana, and Coyotito form a
small family that lives in a village on a beach in Mexico. Kino is the father of Coyotito and the unofficial husband of Juana. The marriage has not
been conducted in the church and that is why the marriage is unofficial. Kino, like the rest of his people, is a pearl diver and hopes to make money
off of selling his pearls. Kino's wife Juana a simple person that doesn't talk much, but expresses herself through her actions. Coyotito is their infant child
who is defenseless against almost everything. In The Pearl this family's fortune changes dramatically, but sometimes not for the better.... Show more
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Kino and the rest of the family dresses nice for the event, hoping to leave a good impression on the buyer causing them to offer more money.
Many of the pearl divers take a break from working to watch the deals being made between the buyers and Kino. The first potential buyer looks at
the pearl and makes an offer of 1000 pesos. Kino is enraged at this low offer insisting that the pearl is worth at least 50000 pesos. He proceeds to
see the other potential buyers of which two reject the pearl saying it is too large and has no value, and the third offers 500 pesos. This offer is a
disgrace to Kino, so much so that Kino announces that he will be traveling to the capital to sell the pearl. After hearing this, the buyers raise their
offers to 1500 pesos, but Kino refuses to have such low offers. Kino returns to his home and reburies the pearl under his sleeping mat. That night
Kino stays awake to keep the pearl safe and think about his options. Kino senses somebody lurking near the house and he readies his knife to fight.
The person lurking outside attacks Kino and then flees leaving Kino bloody and hurt. Juana again helps clean the wounds of Kino and tries to
convince him that the pearl is a threat and that he should throw it out. Kino declines telling her that they would leave in the boat to go to the capital
and sell the pearl the next day. Juana agrees against her own
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The Pearl By John Steinbeck
Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. In the novella, The Pearl
by John Steinbeck, Kino lives with his wife, Juana, and his child Coyotito. The family lives in a small village in a town where the Spanish colonized.
Coyotito goes through something striking and in order to fix it, Kino finds something life changing. Throughout the story, Steinbeck shows that
materialism and greed left unchecked can lead to immoral behavior shown through the unnamed trackers, the doctor, and the main character Kino
Kino's attachment to the pearl causes him to destroy his marital relationship and blind himself of the bad it has caused. An example is when Kino
beats up his own wife, Juana, on the beach. Juana once saw the pearl as hope, but now she views it as evil. She tries to get rid of it and throw it
back into the ocean because she couldn't take it anymore. Kino, a once loving husband, turns angry and violent showed when he says, "Quietly he
tracked her, and his brain was red with anger" (58). He follows her down to the beach and wrenches the pearl from her hands. He then punched her
in the face with his fist and when she fell onto the boulders, he kicked her in the side. Kino allowed himself to love the pearl more than his own
wife. Also, Juana begs Kino multiple times to get rid of the pearl because she knows it is causing evil and ripping apart their family. She says to Kino,
"I am
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Kino's Harmful Decisions In The Pearl By John Steinbeck
In the novel, "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, Kino, the main character is responsible for his son, Coyotito's death. Kino is responsible due to his rash
and harmful decisions he made without thinking of the consequences. Despite the dangers and warnings signs he encountered, he continued on with
his damaging behavior. Kino's dynamic and unique personality is a heavy part of his character, as well as his animalistic behavior, which are reasons
why he repeatedly makes audacious decisions. Throughout the story, Steinbeck displays Kino's animalistic and childlike traits in various ways. An
example would be Kino howling at the discovery of the pearl, similar to a wolf howling to the moon (pg. ... Show more content on ...
In the beginning of the novel, Kino and his family's religion and culture revolved mainly around songs; such as the Song of the Family and the
Song of the Evil. However, after Kino discovered the pearl, he began to ignore the songs, and ignore his culture. Kino's brother, Juan Tomas, and
Juana both suggest him to get rid of the pearl. Making the pearl his main priority instead of his family, Kino ignored their suggestions. If he had
listened, no harm would have occurred, and he and his family would still be alive and well. Because of Kino's obliviousness, he ended up bringing
bad luck to his family, rather than the good that he fantasized about. After Kino rejected the offer of one thousand pesos, he declared that he would
travel to the Capital and sell the pearl there. However, he did not plan out where he was going to sell it, nor know the exact value of the "Pearl of the
World". This led to his encounter with "the Dark Ones". The "Dark Ones" burned his house and destroyed his prized heirloom, the canoe. This forced
Kino, Juana and Coyotito to flee to the mountains, which ultimately led to Coyotito's unfortunate
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The Pearl
The relationship of Juana and Kino in "The Pearl", by John Steinbeck, changes dramatically throughout the course of the novel. As the book begins you
can fully understand the trust, love, and devotion felt between the couple.
During the first part of the book u can truly understand the connection between Janna and Kino. On page 8 when coyotito gets stung by a scorpion
both Kino and Janna rush to save coyotito which show their fight for their baby. "He threw it down and beat it into the earth floor with his fist. "This
quote shows Janna that she has husband that cares about others especially the ones closest to him. Kino loves his son. "She put her lips down over
the puncture and sucked hard and spat and sucked again while Coyotito screamed". This quote most likely warms Kino heart knowing he has a wife
that cares about the wellbeing of a family member. ... Show more content on ...
As said here in the book Juana saw that the pearl was evil and tried to throw it away. She said to Kino, "This thing is evil. This pearl is a sin! It will
destroy us. Throw it away, Kino. Let us break it between stones. Let us bury it and forget the place. Let us throw it back into the sea. It has brought
us evil. Kino, my husband, it will destroy us." Kino thought he could beat everyone because he was a man. She was not consoled. In the morning
she snuck out and tried to throw it away but he found her before she could and hit her. Steinbeck tells the story like this, "Her arm was up to throw
when he leaped at her and caught her arm and wretched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face...she fell among the boulders...he kicked her in
the side. "Now that Kino is kicking his wife in the side now something is defiantly wrong with the relationship. The only problem is that I the book
she said she accepts him beating her witch makes is really
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What Does Kino Change In The Pearl By John Steinbeck
In The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck, the main character, Kino, has to take care of his family amidst the his poverty when things take a turn for
the worse when Kino's son gets bitten by a scorpion. While seeking a way of payment for a doctor, Kino discovers the Pearl of the World, which
leads to his the people of his and the town seeing him in a different way. All of the events in the story lead to the progression of the view of Kino's
character from Animal, to Man, and then back to animal through the eyes of these peers. To start off the novel, the author tells the reader that Kino,
along with his people, are treated like and thought of as animals. Early in the novel, the author states that Kino could "He could kill the man more
easily than he could talk to him, for all of the doctor's race spoke to all of Kino's race as if they were simple animals," (Steinbeck Page 9). In this
quote, the author implies that the people of the town, which includes the doctor, consider Kino and his race to be less intelligent than themselves.
This is the reason that the doctor's race speaks to Kino's race as they are animals; they feel that Kino's race is not intelligent enough to understand
what they are saying. Later in the chapter, the doctor says while talking about Kino's son, "'I am a doctor, not a veterinary,'" (Steinbeck Page 11). By
stating this, the doctor is implying that he considers the Kino and his family to be animals. Veterinarians treat animals, so by saying that he does
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Kino's Synthesis Essay
How is Kino a man who thought of only his child and family "self–serving" "arrogant" and so on? On the night in question Kino simply sleeping in his
home was awoken by a strange figure within his house. He watched as the figure moved closer to his child causing alarm but the figure then ran out of
the house snatching kino and his families future, the pearl. So kino did what any person in that situation he followed the thief looking to see who they
are. But as thief neared the bay kino jumped into action to prevent this thief from throwing away his family's future. He attacked the thief striking
the thief in the process but that person was a criminal and Kino did in defense of a crime that would be committed. He did not kill her like a soldier
chasing a thief would. He simply did what he must to retrieve his property before it was gone forever. ... Show more content on ...
Kino was a man simply looking to improve his family's way of living using the pearl. Domestic/Spousal abuse means "willful intimidation, physical
assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate
partner against another." However, Kino and Juana were never legally married. Furthermore, Kino only looked for what was best when it came to
improving his family's well being. Kino's mind had considered in the past and had given up as impossible. In the pearl, he saw Juana and Coyotito
and himself standing and kneeling at the high altar, and they were being married now that they could pay. Kino was not legally married so what he did
does not fall
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An Evil and Erie Find in The Pearl by John Steinbeck Essay
For this book report, I have chosen to read the book, "The Pearl". The book "The Pearl" has a very strong moral and plot. The book is classified
under the genres "Fiction", and "novella". The book "The Pearl" has a total of 90 pages. John Steinbeck is the author of this book. The main
character in this story is "Kino". Kino is a poor gentlemen in a relationship with "Juana". Kino and Juana live on a beach in a bush house. There
are many other poor families living in bush houses on the beach as well as Kino and Juana. Kino and Juana also have a son named "Coyotito".
Coyotito is a baby about 2 years old. In Kino's life, he is hearing music in his head. He hears the music of family, evil, and peace. Everything that goes
on in his... Show more content on ...
The doctor told the servant to lie to Kino and say he was busy with an elder. When the servant came outside and announced that the doctor was
busy, everyone was disappointed and everyone started to go and do their own things again. Kino was very upset and Kino also knew that the
doctor just didn't want to see them. But when Kino and Juana came back, the neighbors were around their bush hut to see what has happened to
Coyotito since. Luckily, when Coyotito was stung, Juana sucked out most of the poison. But, Coyotito was still very swollen on the shoulder and
they still didn't know if he was going to be alright. After a while, Coyotito had mostly healed and Kino needed some more money so he and Juana
and decided to go on his special canoe and go hunt for pearls. His boat was special because it was well taken care of and had lots of coating on the
boat. When they went out to sea, Kino dived into the ocean and started to look for good oysters that hadn't been opened yet. He had collected
about a bucket when he spotted a massive oyster that wasn't with the others. He was very anxious to get to the canoe and open the oyster to see if
there was a pearl. When Kino was able to get back on the canoe, he showed Juana the massive oyster and her eyes popped at the size of it. They start
to open the pearl and they see this massive pearl in the inside of it. Kino knew this was the pearl of the world that everyone was
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The Pearl
Steinbeck quoted in one of his novels, "A story has many versions as it has readers. Everyone takes what he wants or can from it and thus changes it to
his measure. Some pick out parts and reject the rest, some strain the story through their mesh of prejudice, some paint it with their own delight." His
quote explains how each reader depicts the novel into their own understanding. John Ernst Steinbeck, an American novelist, is the author of the novella,
The Pearl, published in 1947. The three main characters in The Pearl are Kino, Juana, and their baby, Coyotito. The Pearl is the story of Kino, a
young Native American man, who finds a magnificent pearl, is greedy when trying to sell the pearl for a high price. He is so obsessed with trying to ...
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Kino and Juana hear the Song of the Family when they are at peace and trying to protect their family. Family is idolized by its warmth and safety
throughout the novella. In the beginning of The Pearl, Kino protects his family above all else and does this in an animalistic way. Family is closely
tied together to gender roles in the text, since the duty of the mother and father, husband and wife are an important part of identity. The narrator
explained, "Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in
a loop that placed him close to her breast. Kino could see these things without looking at them. Juana sang softly an ancient song that had only three
notes and yet endlessly variety of interval. And this was part of the family song too...aching chord that caught the throat, saying this is safety, this is
warmth, this is the Whole (Steinbeck 9). Juana's song has three notes to represent the three members of her and Kino's family. When Coyotito dies,
the entire family is completely destroyed: what is left is no longer whole. While the pearl sparks greed in people's hearts the purity of the family is in
danger. The love of family is real and not dependent on monetary value. The greed associated with the pearl blinds Kino's eyes to
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Rhetorical Analysis On La Perla
La Perla garnered negative press on Twitter after a picture was taken showing one of its mannequins in the New York store with its ribs protruding.
Twitter users were extremely frustrated and angry with La Perla and created a hashtag implying that they were no longer going to buy La Perla's
products. After being alerted of the issue, La Perla quickly removed the mannequin from its store and released a statement saying it would no longer use
that mannequin. The article highlights the issue of body–shaming and the issue of fashion companies using stick–thin mannequins to model clothing.
Many people feel that the use of these mannequins promotes an unhealthy lifestyle and an unrealistic image for young girls, which can lead to eating
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The Pearl By John Steinbeck Essay
Materialism is an identity crisis–Bryant Mcgill. In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, Kino finds a pearl that could lead him to wealth and could help
financially back the family but instead led the family to destruction. Through the actions of the three attackers, the doctor, and Kino himself,
Steinbeck shows what materials and greed can lead to, just like Mcgill said. With the world of the pearl spreading, in three chapters, three
attackers attempt to rob Kino from the pearl by any means necessary. One example is on page 37, "...and then his head crashed with lighting and
exploded with pain." After everyone knew about the pearl, one person decided to go and attempt to mug Kino to get the pearl. Another example is
on page 56, "Blood oozed down from his scalp and there was a long deep cut in his cheek from ear to chin, a deep, bleeding slash." After Kino got
the pearl back from Juana and was walking, he endeavoured another encounter with an attacker. Lastly, Kino kills the man that attacked him on page
56, "You have killed a man." These examples show the violence being dealt to Kino due to his possession of the pearl. Through the doctor, Steinbeck
shows what one thing can make a man do. First, the doctor rejected Cayotito as a patient due to his race and the... Show more content on ...
On page 58–59, Juana takes the pearl to throw it in the ocean, thus ridding it from the "evil". Kino finds out and viciously beats Juana. "He struck
her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and kicked her in the side." This shows how one thing can make you want to
hurt and beat someone who always stood by your side. If there is any part in the book where greed doesn't effect the story, I have failed to see it.
Steinbeck shows through the attackers, the doctor, and Kino, that greed and materialistic things can control anyone unless they have the willpower to
not be seduced by
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Why Is The Pearl Bad
Sometimes one must search for a valuable pearl and find the true villain of that world. The search for that pearl does not need to go any farther than
John Steinbeck's The Pearl. In this story, the assumed hero, Kino, finds a valuable pearl and starts the downfall of his family with this pearl and his
covetousness for money. So Kino's family and friends are the heroes, while the real villain of The Pearl is Kino.
Kino knew that the pearl was evil, but he still did not give the pearl away. Kino himself stated that "Do not speak anymore. In the morning we will
sell the pearl, then the evil will be gone, and the good will remain. Now hush my wife." Kino knows that the pearl is evil, but he's caught up in his
ambitious dreams. And he loses the chance to sell the pearl, proving ... Show more content on ...
Kino's neighbors state that, "Luck, you see, brings bitter friends". This shows that the neighbors of Kino knew that the pearl was evil, but Kino was
not listening, and he started the downfall of his family. Since Kino did not listen, the pearl unleashed its evil upon Kino and his family. Juana also
stated that, "This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us." Kino acts like he is a man, shows no respect to his wife, and tells his wife that everything is
alright when it is truly not. Kino does not care about the evil that will hurt his family, he just wants the money. Kino shows a lot of ignorance, which
proves the fact that Kino is the true villain of this story.
Overall, the true villain of this churning story is the one and only Kino. His own thoughts, his abusive actions, and his ignorance of others truly show
that he is the real villain of this story and he brought down his family. Great stories such as John Steinbeck's The Pearl offer a view of the true villain
that disguises itself as the hero. The story of a villain disguised as the hero is truly an epic story throughout writing
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The Pearl Greed
Happiness is a lovely thing, but greed can easily poison its light. John Steinbeck, the author of the novella, The Pearl, shows how easily something
is tainted. This parable describes a simple fisherman, Kino, and his discovery of a magnificent pearl. This pearl becomes an omen, and his whole
world changes, growing dark and ominous. Throughout the story, what Kino perceives as important in life changes as he tries to cope with his
internal conflicts. At the beginning of the story, the most important thing in life for Kino was his family and his boat. "For a man with a boat can
guarantee a woman that she will eat..."(Steinbeck,14). If a man has a boat, he can fish for food. If a man fishes and gets food, then he can feed
himself and his family. Kino's family meant everything to him. He could hear, 'the family song, too...this is the"whole" (Steinbeck, 3). The "whole" for
Kino, before the pearl, was being able to feed himself, and being with his family. His family gave him reason to push forward, to not give up on
anything. But his simple happiness of his family and boat are soon not enough. ... Show more content on ...
"We will be married in the church...We will have new clothes... A rifle, perhaps a rifle... My son will go to school..."(Steinbeck,25) KIno is filled
with 'knowing' he will be wealthy, and makes plans that he might not fulfill. Kino will be shamed forever if he doesn't fulfill his plans . " My son
will read and open the books, and my son will write and will know writing..."(Steinbeck,26) Kino wants to spend the money mostly one Coyotito's
education. Although KIno appears to be selfless by using the money for Coyotito, he is doing this to free himself. When Kino finds the pearl, the
awakening of anger and need for wealth seem to consume
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Thesis Statement For The Pearl By John Steinbeck
In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, the theme of "greed as a destructive force" has been shaped strongly throughout the entire book. My thesis
statement is that if Kino had the ability to change himself, his life could have also been changed. As written in the book, "The sun was behind them
and their long shadows stalked ahead, and they seemed to carry two towers of darkness with them." (Steinbeck, 88). Being a parable, "The Pearl"
provides examples of greed and the role of fate in a human's life. If Kino had never found the pearl, his life and his family's life would not have
been changed. They would have lived in peace forever. But the pearl was found and the evil and greed changed everything in Kino's life. The
happiness was gone. "The Pearl" tells us about the consequences that may happen if one allows greed to have a destructive influence on their life. What
I liked about the story is that the development of the characters have been shown throughout the book. For example, Juana in "The Pearl", changed
from "...all–knowing and all– her role as submissive wife (she) does not have enough power to make Kino listen to her warnings...her role
becomes significant only near the end of the tragic tale, when the formative events have already occurred." (Wagner–Martin, xvii). Kino's ... Show more
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Kino says, "'Hush,' he said fiercely. 'I am a man. Hush.' And she was silent, for his voice was command." (Steinbeck, 58). This showed that after
Kino has found the pearl, his actions were influenced by greed. Also, there was violence in the story. When Juana was about to throw the pearl
away, she received a punch from Kino. "He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the borders, and he kicked her in the
side." (Steinbeck, 59) His actions were caused by his greed towards his fantasy of wealth and social class. "His senses were dulled by his emotion."
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John Steinbeck Doctor
The Doctor, A character in the book the Pearl by John Steinbeck, is a character that is not described well. The one thing we can tell about him is
the tone which is Disgust and hatred. In the story, the Doctor is disliked because of the way he has treated Kino's race. John Steinbeck states,"This
Doctor was not of his people.This Doctor was of a race which for nearly four hundred years had beaten and starved and robbed and despised Kino's
race....". Steinbeck's character, the Doctor is a Spaniard and doesn't think Kino should have equal rights or to be treated the same as his race. In the
past, the Spaniards have treated Mexicans unfairly and different. That's why he is hated so much he has never been kind to Kino or his race. When the
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Struggling with Greed in John Steinbeck’s "The Pearl" Essay
The Pearl written by John Steinbeck is a parable, a story that teaches a moral lesson. The focus of this novel is on a poor Indian family. The family
consists of three members: Kino, a husband, father, and fisherman, Juana, his wife and loving mother; and Coyotito their infant son. This indigent
family lives in a small brush hut along the Gulf of Mexico by the town of La Paz. One day Coyotito, is bitten by a scorpion; a scorpion sting can be
deadly to a baby. Kino and Juana are very worried over the health of their baby; therefore, they hope to find a pearl worthy enough for the doctor's
payment to the doctor to treat Coyotito. With luck on their side, Kino finds a pearl the size of a seagull's egg; he calls it "The Pearl of the ... Show more
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No, they never have any money. I, I alone in the world I am supposed to work for nothing–and I am tired of it. See if he has any money! (11)
With these words, Steinbeck tries to show how greedy the doctor is and how he will not help a young defenseless baby from death–just because they
are poor Indians, who have nothing of value to pay him for his services. The doctor's words and actions clearly illustrates humanity's struggle with
greed. Another example of greed is shown when Juana takes the pearl from Kino to throw back into the sea. Kino realizes what she is doing and
goes after her. Just as Juana is about to discard the pearl, Kino grabs her arm and wrenches the pearl from her. He punches her in the face and when
she falls on the boulders, he kicks her in the side. The following quote establishes the violence that Kino unleases on his wife in order to protect his
precious pearl from harm, due to his greediness of what the pearl will bring to him and his family: "...Rage surged in Kino. He leaped at Juana and
wrenched the pearl from her...with clenched fists, struck her in the face...kicked her in the side...Greedy fingers went through his clothes" (58–59).
This quote shows the greed in Kino is getting greater and greater. The reader can tell this because Kino is willing to hurt the person who he loves the
most, and who loves him the most, just to keep his pearl safe. The final example of greed Kino portrays is when he is willing to kill the
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The Pearl Greed
The Pearl
John Steinbeck's fiction novella, The Pearl, takes place in a small village in La Paz, on the coast of the Baja Peninsula. Kino, the protagonist, is a
pearl diver. One day, when Kino is pearl diving, he finds a large pearl that he knows can sell for lots of money. When Kino findsthe pearl he realizes
that he can treat his son, Coyotito who is stung by a scorpion. Before Kino finds the Pearl, he is a nice, family man who treats his family with great
respect. However, the pearl leads to immoral behavior, which disconnects Kino from his family. A moral developing throughout The Pearl is that greed
can destroy a person's life.
From the very beginning, finding the pearl causes Kino to become a greedy man and bad things start to happen to him and his family. Kino's main
goal is to help his son, Coyotito. However, when the doctor asks Kino for the pearl to treat his baby, he... Show more content on ...
When Juana follows Kino back to their brush house, she sees it burning. Juana says, "It was torn up and floor dug, even the baby's box turned out,
and as I looked they put the fire to the outside"(63). This quote shows how Kino's decision to keep the pearl cost his family their house. Kino
realizes that it is time to go to the city and cash in the pearl. However, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito are being tracked. They decide to go to the top of
a mountainside where there is a cave. Since there are trackers hunting Kino for the pearl, he decides to creep up behind them and kill them.
However, before Kino made a move, the trackers heard a noise at the cave were Juana and Coyotito are staying and then shoot towards that way and
hits Coyotito. After Kino kills the trackers he rushes back to the cave and "Saw Coyotito lying in the little cave with the top of his head shot
away"(86). This quote shows how Kino's greed is destroying his and Juana's lives. It shows how he lost his only son because he let a pearl control his
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The Pearl Essay
The Pearl This Essay will discuss the use of symbols in the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck. In this novel there are many themes explored. These
include the destructiveness of greed, how love can give someone great courage and strength, knowledge is power, but a power which can be abused,
and how a dream is good until it starts to destroy the things of value in a person's life. The destructiveness of greed is shown when the doctor comes
to Kino's house and heals Coyotito after Kino has found The Pearl. When Coyotito had been bitten by the scorpion, his father and mother take Kino to
the doctor in order to get a treatment. But the doctor refuses to heal Coyotito because Kino is poor. Later On, after Kino owns the pearl, the doctor...
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During his mission he loses sight of his cultural traditions and his society. His dreams start to destroy him. This leads the theme of how a dream
is good, until it begins to destroy the things of value in a person's life. Because Kino believes The Pearl will help him achieve all the dreams he has
in store for his son Coyotito Kino does not want to give up the pearl. Juana, who is smart enough to figure out that the pearl is going to cause
trouble, asks Kino to throw the pearl away multiple times. And even tries to get rid of it herself. Juana says, "This pearl is evil. This pearl is like a
sin. It will destroy us all!" Even though Juana warns Kino that the pearl will bring great misfortunes to the family and asks him to throw the pearl
away, Kino decides not to listen or take the advice his wife is giving because Kino's mind is already overtaken by his dreams he wishes of
achieving with The Pearl. He is blinded by the dream of: "Juana and Coyotito and himself standing and kneeling at the high alter in the new white
clothes holding a Winchester carbine and ''Coyotito sitting at a little desk in a school". It is now clear to us that he is slowly starting to become
greedy and that his selfish thoughts are suddenly starting to control his actions and what he says. After Kino has found "the pearl of the world",
everyone is eager to own it and they all begin to start thinking of their own dreams and what they can achieve if they had a pearl like Kino's, "Every
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How Does Steinbeck Present Greed In The Pearl Of The World
Every living thing, despite its beauty, is pursued. Even something as simple as a deer is hunted, but in The Pearl, a "Pearl of the World" is found.
John Steinbeck, a famous American author, wrote the novella The Pearl. Kino, an American Indian man who would do anything for his family, finds a
pearl of great value. The pearl changes the humble man into a greedy monster of a man. He becomes violent towards those he loves. He will soon
learn a beneficial lesson about greed. Throughout the story, a man lets a material item change his life for the worse as he copes with his inner demons.
At the beginning of the story, Kino sees his family and his boat as the priorities in life. "For a man with a boat can guarantee a woman she will eat
something." (Steinbeck, pg.14). In this quote he is saying that because he has a boat, he can provide Juana and Coyotito with livelihood. Kino's
families' lives depend on what Kino and his canoe, bring in day after day. "Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat, saying this ...
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"...he turned slowly to Juana and held the pearl out to her. She stood beside him, still holding her dead bundle over her shoulder." (Steinbeck,
pg.89). To ease his guilt, he tries to give Juana the pearl to throw away, because him refusing to get rid of it, is the reason Coyotito is dead.
Throwing away the pearl eases some of this pain, but it probably would have felt better for Kino, internally, if Juana had because Juana kept warning
him, time after time. "Kino's lips were thin and his jaws tight...he was as dangerous as a rising storm." (Steinbeck, pg. 88). This quote shows how
physically, he shows anger. Describing how dangerous he is proves how emotionally anger he was. At the end of the book, Kino feels guilty as well as
angry about Coyotito's death and how the pearl changed
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The Pearl Greed
The Pearl shows a simple idea of how money is not always everything. In the novella the protagonist and the antagonist show how money can never
bring you so far. Kino started off with a humble life with a small yet growing family. He had Coyotito and Juana by his side, and the "song of
family" whispering in his ears. "and the sound of breakfast, but those were other songs, their pigs were other pigs, their wives were not Juana."
(Steinbeck 3) In the phrase it showed that he had a certain amount of affection towards Juana stating she was his wife and his alone. But when he got
his pearl, he started to grow corrupt, at one point hitting Juana and kicking her, and at a another killing a man. In the end even with the money he was
supposed to earn
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John Bowlby's Attachment Theory
Applications of Theories on Precious Precious is a movie based on the novel Push by Sapphire (Daniels and Fletcher, 2008). It is on the life of an
illiterate 16 year old African American girl, Claireece "Precious" Jones. (Natividad, 2010). I have applied John Bowlby's Attachment Theory and Erik
Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development on the film. These theories helped identify an understanding of the characters, family group, and
community in the film. I have primarily assessed Precious as the chosen character. This paper will analyze the many factors in assessing her human
behavior. The main character of the movie is Claireece Precious Jones who often went by her middle name Precious. She lived a life of abuse and
suffering since a
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John Steinbeck Juxtaposition

  • 1. John Steinbeck Juxtaposition In John Steinbeck's 1947 novella entitled The Pearl, Steinbeck employs his mastery in the usage of literary devices to intentionally to convey a theme, one that notes how before one rushes into a supposedly better life, they first must consider both consequences that will arise from the scenario and how the previous lifestyle may still offer greater advantages to their person. Steinbeck often uses imagery through the vivd descriptions found in his writing, but such imagery is occasionally often just a stepping stone towards a much more consequential literary device: juxtaposition. Using juxtaposition, Steinbeck manages to craft elaborate, dramatically contrasting lifestyles, settings, and even characteristics between those of different social... Show more content on ... For instance, as Kino and his procession of villagers head towards the house of the 'illustrious' doctor, Steinbeck states, "They came to the place where the brush houses stopped and the city of stone and plaster began, the city of harsh outer walls..." (8). Obviously, imagery that shows the superiority of the upper class from the lower class is present, but a far more important item to partake from this quote is Steinbeck's remarkable juxtaposition between the houses of brush and those of stone and plaster. Also, symbolism is converyed through the philosophy that the town maintains harsh, rigid outer walls, meaning that the town contains a defined population of a certain social class, not a population easily permeable by those who face abject poverty yet still work much more strenously. The constructive use of all these different types of literary devices combine to show the legitimacy of the theme which he is attempting to convey: that one who attempts to break his bonds from his lifestyle must carefully consider such a complex decision thoroughly. Kino, who attains the pearl the day after this dramatic episode takes place, is eager to shed his skin of poverty, heal his son, and then begin a new life as a rich man, one who is freed from ignorance by knownledge he imagines his son will partake to them ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Greed In John Steinbeck's The Pearl Throughout his life, Kino has been searching for pearls to make him rich without success until one fateful day when the poor pearl diver finds a perfect pearl in John Steinbeck's The Pearl. However, the pearl he has found glows with a kind of "evil" that will tear the village apart from its greed. This story shows that greed can make any man evil, and can tear people apart from the ones they love. In the beginning of the story, Coyotito, the baby, gets stung by a scorpion. When taken to the doctor, the doctor refuses to heal him, saying, "Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary." (11). Later in the book however, when Kino finds thepearl, the doctor was very quick to help the baby, showing immediate interest when saying, "You have a pearl?, a good pearl?" (35). Kino goes on to say that he will pay the doctor for healing the baby once the pearl is sold. This shows that the doctor is overcome by greed, and, once reluctant to heal Coyotito, is now very willing to heal him because of the promise of money from the pearl. ... Show more content on ... Juano suggests that they should throw the pearl back into the water because of the terrible things that it has done to their family. By this point, Kino has also been engulfed by greed, and disagrees with her, wanting to keep the pearl so his family can be rich and so he can afford a good education for his son. In the night while Kino is sleeping, Juana takes the pearl outside to throw back into the ocean. Kino wakes up and when he finds out, he is flooded with anger. In the book, it is described that, "He leaped at her and caught her arm and wrenched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in her side" (59). This shows that greed for the pearl made him hurt his own ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Pearl Bunk's The Good Earth Pearl Bunk wrote the book called The Good Earth. Her point of writing this book was to give people a better out look of Chinese culture and living style. This gives people in other countries an outlook on how we all don't live the same or have the same culture. I am writing about his because it gave me the outlook of how the stories characters life is different from my life. What was Pearl Buck's life and connection with china? What is some of the criticism that the experts have on her book The Good Earth? Throughout Pearl bunks life there was many changes in her life style. Even though she moved to china her parents still "living a dual life in a formal English home with Chinese playmates" (Pearl Sydensticker Buck 2008). At this time her family lived in china there was a lot of uprising such as "The Box ... Show more content on ... After, she moved back to china she wrote a book about Chinese culture and life style. But she didn't have any research "she didn't as the government for assistance but she went into china as a private citizen" (Ulvang 2010) through her living in china as a citizen she was able to observe people's lives. When her daughter "Visited all the places pearl went, she learned that during the Cultural revolution any Chinese that knew or liked pearl were punished" (Ulvang 2010) so it shows how much the Chinese hated whites after she returned four years later. The reason she wrote the book The Good Earth was because when she was living in china "she saw the Chinese hardship of the countryside" (Doyle 1981). "While Buck wrote too much, too hastily and thus produced many books that lacked distinction, she will be remembered for creating the best portraits ever drawn in china" (Doyle 1981) and because of this people still enjoy reading her books today. Even though she ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Who Is Responsible For Michael Jackson's Downfall Everybody witnesses numerous rises and falls in their lifetimes. Kino is a character from John Steinbeck's The Pearl, a realistic–fiction novel, who retrogresses thoroughly throughout the plot. Michael Jackson was known as The King of Pop. However, the record–breaking artist's career took a major fall as time went on. Throughout their lives, both Kino and Michael Jackson made numerous, unfortunate decisions driven by greed and power that led to their downfalls. In the very beginning of the book, Kino hears the "The Song of the Family" and has breakfast peacefully with his loved ones (Steinbeck 2). Kino is a peaceful, ordinary, innocent young man who has a special bond with his family. When Kino finds hispearl, he decides what he will do with the money. He decides that he would like "new clothes", "a rifle", "to be married in the church", and for his son, Coyotito, to go to school (Steinbeck 25–26). Kino is a loving individual who cares about his family and wants the best for them. Towards the middle of the story, Kino angrily stabs a man out of fear for himself and the pearl. "He felt cloth,... Show more content on ... Jackson felt as if he needed to look perfect for the crowd. His plastic surgery experiments, however, led to him looking like a completely different person. Later, Jackson had children sleep in his bed at his ranch house. Sleeping with underage kids was a terrible thing Michael Jackson did that ruined his good reputation. Towards the end of his life, Jackson was almost broke. Jackson's terrible, unfortunate decision making led to him having almost no money. Sadly, Michael Jackson died on June 25th, 2009 of drug addiction and overdose. Michael Jackson wasn't only addicted to drugs, but he was addicted to fame and fortune. Unfortunately, these obsessions resulted in the death of one of music's greatest stars. He is a legend that will never be ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Does Steinbeck Characterize Kino's Greed Greed is a desire for something or selfishness and is not a favorable characteristic to possess. Greed is depicted many ways throughout the novel The Pearl through the main character Kino, a poverty–stricken brush house Indian who finds "the pearl of the world" while pearl diving. Greed changed Kino mentally and changed his life. Kino's greed reshaped his family, Juana and Coyotito, his wife and baby, and destroys their lives as well. Kino tries to throw his desirous ways away, yet greed cannot just walk out of his life in a simple way, it must take everything important to him first. Greed overtakes Kino in a macabre way that one cannot imagine. Hunger for more changed Kino mentally and his life as a whole. Kino became very greedy and left his satisfying life that he once had. "A dead man in the path and Kino's knife, dark bladed beside him, convinced [Juana]. All of the time Juana had been trying to rescue something of the old peace, of the time before the pearl. But now it was gone, and there was no retrieving it" (Steinbeck 59). The author foreshadows this event multiple times. In chapter 3, a person tries to ... Show more content on ... Juana and Coyotito had to be chased away from their home even though they had done nothing. However, when Kino's family's house burned down, Juana and Coyotito were lucky not to be inside. Steinbeck uses personification in chapter 5 to explain this tragic event caused by greed. "[Kino] saw a little glow ahead of him, and then without interval a tall flame leaped up in the dark with a crackling roar..." (Steinbeck, 61). As a result of Kino's greed, they are pursued by trackers who end up killing Coyotito with a gunshot. "...[The] keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death" (Steinbeck 85). All problems, even the death, could have been avoided if Kino had not become greedy with his ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Kino's Change In The Pearl By John Steinbeck If money had caused you so much pain and loss, would you still search for more? In Jordan Steinbeck's book, The Pearl, the main character, Kino, loses nearly everything, including his son. All of this misfortune happens because of one pearl. Kino is poor and hasn't had much of an education. Many of the people outside of his neighborhood don't like him because of his race, and he thinks that the pearl can help him change this. When Kino finds the "pearl of the world," he thinks he'll be able to get lots of great things and live a more comfortable life. Unfortunately, the pearl makes his life worse. He changes as a person, and the people around him change as well; they all become filled with greed. This shows readers that money doesn't buy happiness. ... Show more content on ... When Juana tries to tell him that the pearl is evil, he doesn't believe her. He says, "No one shall take our good fortune from us." Kino is determined to sell the pearl and become rich; no one seems to be able to tell him otherwise. He also says, "This pearl has become my soul. If I give it up, I shall lose my soul." He has become so invested in this pearl that he feels like it is now a part of him. Kino says this right after he killed someone and his house burned down, which all happens because of the pearl. Despite all of the bad things that have happened, Kino is still unwilling to give up the pearl. He is so focused on getting money that his greed prevents him from seeing the destruction that money has ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Scarlet Letter Romanticism Quotes Pearls hold a great price to mankind, but no pearl has ever been obtained at such a high cost as to Hester Prynne, who is an energetic heroine in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter. Throughout the novel, Pearl becomes a dynamic symbol, one that always changes. In the novel, Hawthorne places a dynamic character, like Pearl, who is honest and questions the behavior of Hester and Reverend Arthur Dimondale's relationship, to explore the theme of romanticism. Pearl is the beautiful interior to a hideous exterior, is a living momentum of her mother's scarlet letter, and points people unintentionally to their sin. Her name is Pearl, means precious, and resembles a great price paid. Pearl is the breathing portrayal of Hester Prynne's ... Show more content on ... Although Hester never explains to Pearl what the scarlet letter means , she constantly asks questions to try and get her mother to live up to her sin. Hester believes that Pearl's purpose on earth is to torture her but also to be her light and joy in a town where they are mocked. "Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world. An evil imp, emblem, and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants" (Hawthorne 77). Pearl screams and throws rocks at other children when they gather around her. Pearl cannot be made amendable to any rules simply because, at a young age, she is disobedient. Pearl is a mystery. Not Pearl herself but the child she appears to be. Pearl can almost sense any emotion her mother, or any adult, is having and is often called the demons child in an angel's clothing. Seeing behind the labeling of a demon, Pearl is completely different from this stereotype. The real Pearl, who is intelligent, inquisitive, and a beautiful creature, becomes a symbol of salvation to her mother. Being the fruit of her parent's transgressions, Pearl often points people to their ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Scarlet Letter Devil Child Quotes Pearl, devil child or human? The Scarlet Letter, is a fictional novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, it takes place in Boston in the 1800's. It is about a woman named Hester Prynne, who is an adulturist, a clothes designer, and a mother to Pearl. Hester committed the crime of being an adulturist with Arthur Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale doesn't take the consequences of being Pearl's father, he is a coward, and a sinner till the end where he finally confesses. Pearl was actually both, a devil child who became human. In the Scarlet Letter, Pearl a devil child, a human, and symbol of the curse being broken. Pearl the devil child, Pearl is born by sin, because her mother and Arthur Dimmesdale committed adultery. Pearl in growing up as a devil child, is seen here as when kids gather around her she would, "...grow positively terrible in her puny wrath, snatching up stones to fling at them" (Hawthorne 64). Hawthorne shows Pearl as being a child of the devil she never listens, she is defiant, and evil. Pearl is evil in many ways as shown, "Pearl would frown, and clench her little fist, and harden her small features into a stern" (Hawthorne 63). This was because her mother would sometimes just start crying and she resulted in a violent look, Pearl is seen as a child of the devil. ... Show more content on ... Pearl becomes human when she is seven, because right before Dimmesdale's death he says, "dear little Pearl, wilt thou kiss me now?... Pearl kissed his lips. A spell was broken." (Hawthorne 175). This is when Pearl turns human, she has uplifted the curse. She has broke the curse that she is no longer going to be the devils child, she is going to be a child of God ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Pearl Symbolism Essay The short novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck is based on an old folktale and is about a man named Kino, his wife named Juana, their baby named Coyotito, and the struggle they face when Kino finds the pearl of the world. Steinbeck shows that materialism and greed, left unchecked, can lead to immoral behavior through the characters of the town doctor, Kino, and the three attackers. Steinbeck uses the doctor as a symbol to represent the materialism and greed, left unchecked, can lead to immoral behavior. This seen when the town doctor refuses to treat the dying Coyotito. The narrator states, "Have I nothing better to do then cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor not a veterinarian."( ?). This shows that the doctor is too greedy to treat the baby because he knows they have no money to pay for it. He is a doctor and should be willing to help someone, payment or no payment. Another time the doctor becomes a... Show more content on ... He shows this when Juana is trying to throw the pearl back but Kino beats her. The narrator states, "Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at her and caught her arm and wrenched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in her side." ( ?) Here Kino beats up his wife in order to save a pearl that was tearing his family apart. He no longer cares about who he hurts or what he hurts just that he gets what he is after. Another example of Kino's greed is when is going to sell the pearl. Kino declines an offer from a pearl buyer, not because he knows the pearl is more valuable but because he wants more money, more things, more opportunities, and is he not willing to give that up under any circumstances. All of these show that being greedy can put us in unwanted situations that could have been ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How Does Kino Change In John Steinbeck The novel The Pearl explains "There are only good and bad things and black and white things and good and evil things and no in between anywhere"(Steinbeck 1). Kino the main character in the pearl by John Steinbeck does not realize what he has and loses it all. Furthermore, Steinbeck tells a story about a poor man kino and his wife Juana and their baby Coyotito.This story takes place in a small fishing village in La Paz Mexico.Throughout this story kino finds a pearl that changes his and his family life forever.For this reason kino's character changes from a protective husband to a marriage partner who is equal in standing. His change in character is indicated by his thoughts and actions. First , kino changes his character throughout the story by his thoughts. In the beginning of the story Kino and Juana lead a simple life, although they do not have much they're happy. For example, when kino wakes up the author ... Show more content on ... His family was really close and they loved each other without money. His obsession with the pearl caused his son Coyotito to die. Kinos tends to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something he does not have but appreciating and recognizing what he does have. Throughout the pearl" Kino and his family learned this the hard way. The pearl demonstrates Kino was already making a hard skin for himself against the world"(29). Kino changes his character throughout the story by his thoughts and actions. In the first chapter of the novel kino is presented as a loving protect her husband who wants nothing more than support for his family. Furthermore to know was cruel to his wife after he found the pearl. Having a lot of money but not being happy is worse than being happy and not having money. Perhaps, people should learn the having a lot of money is not as important as ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Pearl John Steinbeck Literary Analysis The Pearl relates to post–colonial criticism because the book displays many different cultures and views of the world. Throughout all chapters, there is a distinct separation between the brush huts and stone and plaster city, the doctor's wants, and the wages. Not just physical appearance, but the brush houses and city are extremely different, as well as the doctor's greediness, and the way of income done by the poor versus the rich. In the first chapter of The Pearl, Steinbeck is describing the setting, and he writes on the first page, "Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chittered and flurried with their wings." Immediately, the reader can understand that the people who live in these brush houses cannot afford... Show more content on ... Even though the book never describes how the people who live in the city earn their money, it is clear that it's not the same as how the people who live in the brush houses earn theirs. After reading how Kino goes down under water for over two minutes to search for oysters, pearl diving is a skill and art. It is also their only income, and diving is vital to them, because it's their source of food and clothes. To pearl diving, you need a canoe, and Kino is being given one by his father, but the canoe was his grandfather's to begin with. On page 14, the narrator tells the story of the canoe by saying, "It was very old. Kino's grandfather had brought it from Nayarit, and he had given it to Kino's father, and so it had come to Kino. It was at once property and source of food, for a man with a boat can guarantee a woman that she will eat something." This quote tells the reader how pearl diving is a tradition, and the canoe is something that has being passed down from Kino's family. Then, pearl diving is being described on page 16, where Steinbeck writes, "Kino had two ropes, one tied to a heave stone and one to a basket. He stripped off his shirt and trousers and laid his hat in the bottom of the canoe... He took his rock in one hand and his basket in the other, and he slipped feet first over the side and the rock carried him to the bottom." Pearl ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Scarlet Letter Pearl Quotes Thomas Carlyle, a famous Scottish philosopher known for his poetry, and morality once said, "It is through symbols that man consciously or unconsciously lives, works and has beings." This quote relates to Pearl in The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne because of her ability to make her own moral choices apart from those of her mother, or the townspeople. Throughout the novel, the letter A, the rose, and nature all symbolize Pearl and her morality. To begin, the letter A is presumably a symbol for Pearl. Pearl is an uncontrollable little girl who has behavioral issues and acts similar to a demon child. It seems nearly impossible for her mother, Hester, to control her. Like the A on Hester's chest, Hester cannot just pluck Pearl out of... Show more content on ... Hawthorne writes that the rose symbolizes, "a sweet moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow"(34). In this quote, the moral blossom that he talks about stands for Pearl. Her function in the book is to remind Hester of what she has done wrong and to remind her of her morals. Equally important, people know red roses for their beauty. Like a rose and her letter A, Hester always dresses Pearl in red. Although the town commonly recognizes Pearl for her misbehavior, everyone also knows Pearl for her pure beauty and innocence. They do not define her for her mother's mistake. Pearl, "a lovely and immortal flower,"(61) seems to radiate her beauty everywhere she goes. In nature, a rose symbolizes immortal love and passion. Coincidentally, Pearl is a product of her mother's passion, and Hester has an immortal love for her even though Pearl symbolizes a mistake in her life. Like Pearl, a rose has thorns and flaws, but those thorns do not take away from the overall beauty of the flower, or a person's overall character. Correspondingly, Pearl wants what roses have. Although Pearl and the rose both have flaws, the rose has the power of purity and moral freedom. Just like the rose, Pearl is an innocent being who is morally free from sin, unlike Hester. In spite of this, the only thing that ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analyzing John Steinbeck's 'The Pearl' Tiffany Duggins Professor Hancock English 111, Section #W–0 3, October 2014 Pearl Essay Literature, when done well, has always had the power to bring to life stories that in some way mirror human tendencies. Throughout John Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl, he illustrates how something as pure as the importance of family can be poisoned by greed and hate. From the beginning, Steinbeck instills in his character, Kino, the importance of family. He does this by giving him an inner symphony which often guides the character in observing what goes on around him. The main song that continues to occupy Kino's mind is The Song of the Family as it is referred to. Even when the Song of Evil tries to overwhelm Kino's thoughts, the lingering tune which ... Show more content on ... While people seemed pleased for Kino, their good tidings were laced with dark intentions. Even the priest made a visit in order to insure that the church would receive its share. Another instance is when the doctor, whom hours before had rejected Kino's plea to save Coyotito's life, was suddenly there to come to his aid. It is even suspected that the doctor intentionally made the baby sick in order to make his services required. Kino could see the darkness in him but because he could not deny the doctor's diagnosis, he promised him payment when the pearl was sold. Consequently, it was this very task that brought out the greed in Kino's own heart. Everyone knew of Kino's great discovery, including the pearl buyers who therefore planned to buy the pearl for the lowest price possible. They themselves would receive no greater salary and yet they looked forward to cheating Kino. When presented with an offer of 1,000 pesos he immediately turns them down knowing the pearl is worth way more. Kino had determined in his mind what he should be given and refused to take anything less even if it meant remaining in poverty for another day. Although no one could deny that the pearl was worth more, even his neighbors, "hoped that sudden wealth would not turn Kino's head," and slowly, "graft onto him the evil limbs of greed," (Steinbeck 43). As he ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Does Steinbeck Make Life Changing Decisions Have you ever faced a life changing decision? Have you ever felt like if you make the wrong decision then your life is over? Kino from The Pearl by John Steinbeck has, he was not only challenged with a life changing decision he also felt that his decision might have been the wrong one. Dominic from the movie War Dance has had to make some very, very hard life changing decisions in his life and regrets many of them but he turned his life around, but still lives with the pain that he had caused. Kino faces a life changing decisions, like choosing between the pearl and his family. One of Kino's big life changing decisions that have occurred in The Pearl is whether Kino should sell his pearl or not. When Kino finally decides to sell the pearl ... Get more on ...
  • 15. La Perla LA PERLA Index пѓ History of La Perla пѓ Emilia–Romagna Region (Bologna–Modena–Regio Emilia) Major Exports пѓ Building and Reinforcing the ID пѓ La Perla in Bologna пѓ Value Chain La Perla пѓ La Perla Analysis Suppliers Buyers Customers Evolution of Customers and Trends Customer Target per Region пѓ SWOT analysis of La Perla пѓ SWOT analysis of BREM пѓ La Perla and Economic Environment пѓ Competition пѓ New Media and Technology пѓ Drivers in of Change in the Fashion Industry пѓ Ageing and Economic Climate in Italy пѓ Recommendations пѓ Conclusions пѓ Bibliography History of La Perla The company was founded in 1954 by Ada Masotti in a small confection lab named L'Ape. The name is... Show more content on ... CATTANEO Libera Universita delle Arti, private fashion and Design school La Perla in Bologna (ER) The company was founded in Bologna, an one of the most important epicenter of fashion in Italy, which helped the company to take advantage of the strong presence of fashion suppliers in the region. This helped the company developed high end lingerie with the finest products. From the sociocultural point of view, Bologna helped La Perla on developing an AVANT –GARD lingerie through the roots of the city's tradition on being open minded and cooperative networking. Value Chain of La Perla Although the company is very secretive about its process and value chain, we identify some large common denominators with the lingerie industry. La Perla, along with all major fashion houses relies on designers for the election of their fabrics and they play a major role on the election of suppliers. This is the first step into their value chain, assessing quality and selecting the best supplier for each line and product. Once the raw materials are in its warehouse the most important step occurs, the confection and cut of the fabric, this is done by experts and where La Perla focus is added value. Once the product is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Examples Of Greed In John Steinbeck The works of John Steinbeck have been used universally on scholarly account because of his ability to establish themes in his writing that are relevant to life. The Pearl, is one work that contains issues as ideas that are still significant to this day. One theme, such as greed, is displayed throughout the course of the novel. As each character develops, their intentions with the pearl become evident to the reader. This theme is seen through many of the characters who are eager to obtain the pearl. In The Pearl, the theme of greed is shown through the doctor's intentions, Kino's attitude, and Juana's discontent of the pearl. The doctor, along with common people in the town, is very judgemental and only cares about what he will benefit from, long term. They only want to be there to help if later it will fulfill their wishes for with what they desire. "The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine." (Steinbeck 23) The doctor is clearly only concerned for what he will be able to get out of Kino. As ... Show more content on ... She watches him go through the motions and how the pearl corrupts his decision making abilities. "Kino this pearl is evil. Let us throw it before it destroys us. Let us crush it between two stones...Kino, it is evil, it's evil!"(Steinbeck 56) The pearl is destroying each and every character's livelihood. They want to destroy it before it destroys them. "It is the pearl." said Juan Tomas, 'There is a devil in the pearl." (Steinbeck 64) The pearl has only brought harm and hardships i.e. "the devil" This is a parallel to how money in society can affect someone. "...It has ruined everyone I know" (Steinbeck/Morris 111) "It" is something that that has taken control of everyone. Greed and social status also come to play because it was something they had never had, something only ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay On The Perfect Pearl The "Perfect Pearl" The Pearl in Steinbeck's story of the same symbolizes the corrupting power of materialism which recently destroys everything worthwhile in Kino's life. In this book, it takes place in a little town in Mexico called La Paz. This book begins with a description of the loving family's life of Kino and his wife Juana and there infant son Coyotito. One early morning on coast of Mexico, Kinos family was getting ready for breakfast. When Kino went to check on Coyotito, he loves how sweet his baby boy looks when he sleeps, but as he began to get closer he was shocked with fear! There was a scorpion crawling down the splintery–wooden rope that held the baby's cradle. Then a million thought went through Kinos head and he sprung ... Show more content on ... This was very odd but that's what happens when you have money, people want to know you so you give them money because your friends. But the worst part is that they will now be able to make there son's life not just okay but great.This shows that money changes people, just like drugs do now. When you become wealthy your mind thinks money, money, money where is the time for family and fun?Kino's neighbors wonder what they would do if they had found the pearl, and suggest giving it as a present to the Pope, buying Masses for the souls of his family, and distributing it among the poor of La Paz. Kino goes to sell his pearl, accompanied by his neighbors, but the pearl dealer only offers a thousand pesos when Kino believes that he deserves fifty thousand. Although other dealers inspect the pearl and give similar prices, Kino refuses their offer and decides to go to the capital to sell it there. That night, Kino is attacked by more thieves, and Juana once again reminds Kino that the pearl is evil. However, Kino vows that he will not be cheated, for he is a man. Later that night, Juana attempts to take the pearl and throw it into the ocean, but Kino finds her and beats her for doing so. While outside, a group of men accost Kino and knock the pearl from his hand. Juana watches from a distance, and sees Kino approach her, limping with another man whose throat Kino has slit. Juana finds the pearl, and they decide that they must go away even if the murder was in self–defense. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Pearl Quote Analysis In The Pearl, society is responsible for Kino's failure because it never gives Kino the chance for an education and discriminates against Kino because of his race. Society never gives Kino a chance to have an education, setting him up for failure. When Kino is given the opportunity to change his life by selling a valuable pearl, he takes it. Along with his wife, they think that the pearl can provide their infant son, Coyotito, with an education, provide them with a wedding and a new life. However, society does not allow this to happen. Since, Kino was not educated as a child, he does not understand nor know the pearl's value. Juan Tomis cautions his brother, "'You must be careful to see they do not cheat you... We do not know what prices are paid in other places... How can we know what is a fair price, if we do not ... Show more content on ... In the novel, Steinbeck writes, "No,[Kino] said, 'I will fight this thing. I will win over it. We will have our chance... No one shall take our good fortune from us." (Steinbeck 57) This quote reveals how Kino is making his own decisions, creating his own fate. But Kino only performs these actions out of spite. He only did these actions because society discriminated against him, and society did not allow him to have an education. For example, the doctor states, "Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary"' (Steinbeck 11) Because the doctor refused to help Kino's ailing child, Kino is forced to cu. So, he finds a pearl and tries to sell it. But with being taken advantage of by the buyers and the constant discrimination against him, Kino ends up becoming overwhelmed and paranoid of his surroundings. With the constant paranoia and anger, Kino kills a man, burns his home down, and flees away from his home. All these acts are caused by society not allowing him to have an education and society discriminating against him because of his ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Scarlet Letter Pearl Quotes Little innocent Pearl. The baby born into one of the worst sins possible and has to stand with her mother while she is humiliated publically. Pearl is the one that helps Hester get through this tough time and she makes the story. Without Pearl, Hester would have given up on life and left all good morals behind. Through Pearl's actions and encounters with people readers learn how important she is as a character in The Scarlet Letter. In the novel, readers are told about Pearl's appearance. (quote on how Pearl looks) Pearl resembles the scarlet letter that is upon her mother's bosom. Hawthorne does this because she is a symbol of adultery just like the "A" is. She admires the letter and her mother even though she doesn't fully understand the... Show more content on ... "She screamed and shouted, too, with a terrific volume of sound which, doubtless, caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them. The victory accomplished, Pearl returned quietly to her mother, and looked up, smiling, into her face."(96). Pearl yells at the kids who are throwing mud at her mother because she is a child and doesn't know any better. "At first, as already told, she had flirted fancifully with her own image in a pool of water, beckoning the phantom forth, and–as it declined to venture–seeking a passage for herself into the sphere of impalpable earth and unattainable sky.(168). Now that she is older, she has noticed how her mother acts around other people and plays by herself. She has fun even though she is her only friend. Pearl begins to care about other things than just herself. "Perceiving a flock of beach birds that fed and fluttered along the shore, the naughty child picked up her apron full of pebbles, and creeping from rock to rock after these small seafowl, displayed remarkable dexterity in pelting them."(168). When she sees that she has hurt the poor creature she stops throwing the pebbles. Her emotions build due to her being alone for so long. Pearl wants a friend, but Hester knows that if Pearl has friends they will tell her the true meaning of the scarlet ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Pearl Thesis The Pearl is a book written by John Steinbeck that describes a family in distress after a series of terrible events. Kino, Juana, and Coyotito form a small family that lives in a village on a beach in Mexico. Kino is the father of Coyotito and the unofficial husband of Juana. The marriage has not been conducted in the church and that is why the marriage is unofficial. Kino, like the rest of his people, is a pearl diver and hopes to make money off of selling his pearls. Kino's wife Juana a simple person that doesn't talk much, but expresses herself through her actions. Coyotito is their infant child who is defenseless against almost everything. In The Pearl this family's fortune changes dramatically, but sometimes not for the better.... Show more content on ... Kino and the rest of the family dresses nice for the event, hoping to leave a good impression on the buyer causing them to offer more money. Many of the pearl divers take a break from working to watch the deals being made between the buyers and Kino. The first potential buyer looks at the pearl and makes an offer of 1000 pesos. Kino is enraged at this low offer insisting that the pearl is worth at least 50000 pesos. He proceeds to see the other potential buyers of which two reject the pearl saying it is too large and has no value, and the third offers 500 pesos. This offer is a disgrace to Kino, so much so that Kino announces that he will be traveling to the capital to sell the pearl. After hearing this, the buyers raise their offers to 1500 pesos, but Kino refuses to have such low offers. Kino returns to his home and reburies the pearl under his sleeping mat. That night Kino stays awake to keep the pearl safe and think about his options. Kino senses somebody lurking near the house and he readies his knife to fight. The person lurking outside attacks Kino and then flees leaving Kino bloody and hurt. Juana again helps clean the wounds of Kino and tries to convince him that the pearl is a threat and that he should throw it out. Kino declines telling her that they would leave in the boat to go to the capital and sell the pearl the next day. Juana agrees against her own ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Pearl By John Steinbeck Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. In the novella, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, Kino lives with his wife, Juana, and his child Coyotito. The family lives in a small village in a town where the Spanish colonized. Coyotito goes through something striking and in order to fix it, Kino finds something life changing. Throughout the story, Steinbeck shows that materialism and greed left unchecked can lead to immoral behavior shown through the unnamed trackers, the doctor, and the main character Kino himself. Kino's attachment to the pearl causes him to destroy his marital relationship and blind himself of the bad it has caused. An example is when Kino beats up his own wife, Juana, on the beach. Juana once saw the pearl as hope, but now she views it as evil. She tries to get rid of it and throw it back into the ocean because she couldn't take it anymore. Kino, a once loving husband, turns angry and violent showed when he says, "Quietly he tracked her, and his brain was red with anger" (58). He follows her down to the beach and wrenches the pearl from her hands. He then punched her in the face with his fist and when she fell onto the boulders, he kicked her in the side. Kino allowed himself to love the pearl more than his own wife. Also, Juana begs Kino multiple times to get rid of the pearl because she knows it is causing evil and ripping apart their family. She says to Kino, "I am ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Kino's Harmful Decisions In The Pearl By John Steinbeck In the novel, "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, Kino, the main character is responsible for his son, Coyotito's death. Kino is responsible due to his rash and harmful decisions he made without thinking of the consequences. Despite the dangers and warnings signs he encountered, he continued on with his damaging behavior. Kino's dynamic and unique personality is a heavy part of his character, as well as his animalistic behavior, which are reasons why he repeatedly makes audacious decisions. Throughout the story, Steinbeck displays Kino's animalistic and childlike traits in various ways. An example would be Kino howling at the discovery of the pearl, similar to a wolf howling to the moon (pg. ... Show more content on ... In the beginning of the novel, Kino and his family's religion and culture revolved mainly around songs; such as the Song of the Family and the Song of the Evil. However, after Kino discovered the pearl, he began to ignore the songs, and ignore his culture. Kino's brother, Juan Tomas, and Juana both suggest him to get rid of the pearl. Making the pearl his main priority instead of his family, Kino ignored their suggestions. If he had listened, no harm would have occurred, and he and his family would still be alive and well. Because of Kino's obliviousness, he ended up bringing bad luck to his family, rather than the good that he fantasized about. After Kino rejected the offer of one thousand pesos, he declared that he would travel to the Capital and sell the pearl there. However, he did not plan out where he was going to sell it, nor know the exact value of the "Pearl of the World". This led to his encounter with "the Dark Ones". The "Dark Ones" burned his house and destroyed his prized heirloom, the canoe. This forced Kino, Juana and Coyotito to flee to the mountains, which ultimately led to Coyotito's unfortunate ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Pearl The relationship of Juana and Kino in "The Pearl", by John Steinbeck, changes dramatically throughout the course of the novel. As the book begins you can fully understand the trust, love, and devotion felt between the couple. During the first part of the book u can truly understand the connection between Janna and Kino. On page 8 when coyotito gets stung by a scorpion both Kino and Janna rush to save coyotito which show their fight for their baby. "He threw it down and beat it into the earth floor with his fist. "This quote shows Janna that she has husband that cares about others especially the ones closest to him. Kino loves his son. "She put her lips down over the puncture and sucked hard and spat and sucked again while Coyotito screamed". This quote most likely warms Kino heart knowing he has a wife that cares about the wellbeing of a family member. ... Show more content on ... As said here in the book Juana saw that the pearl was evil and tried to throw it away. She said to Kino, "This thing is evil. This pearl is a sin! It will destroy us. Throw it away, Kino. Let us break it between stones. Let us bury it and forget the place. Let us throw it back into the sea. It has brought us evil. Kino, my husband, it will destroy us." Kino thought he could beat everyone because he was a man. She was not consoled. In the morning she snuck out and tried to throw it away but he found her before she could and hit her. Steinbeck tells the story like this, "Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at her and caught her arm and wretched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face...she fell among the boulders...he kicked her in the side. "Now that Kino is kicking his wife in the side now something is defiantly wrong with the relationship. The only problem is that I the book she said she accepts him beating her witch makes is really ... Get more on ...
  • 24. What Does Kino Change In The Pearl By John Steinbeck In The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck, the main character, Kino, has to take care of his family amidst the his poverty when things take a turn for the worse when Kino's son gets bitten by a scorpion. While seeking a way of payment for a doctor, Kino discovers the Pearl of the World, which leads to his the people of his and the town seeing him in a different way. All of the events in the story lead to the progression of the view of Kino's character from Animal, to Man, and then back to animal through the eyes of these peers. To start off the novel, the author tells the reader that Kino, along with his people, are treated like and thought of as animals. Early in the novel, the author states that Kino could "He could kill the man more easily than he could talk to him, for all of the doctor's race spoke to all of Kino's race as if they were simple animals," (Steinbeck Page 9). In this quote, the author implies that the people of the town, which includes the doctor, consider Kino and his race to be less intelligent than themselves. This is the reason that the doctor's race speaks to Kino's race as they are animals; they feel that Kino's race is not intelligent enough to understand what they are saying. Later in the chapter, the doctor says while talking about Kino's son, "'I am a doctor, not a veterinary,'" (Steinbeck Page 11). By stating this, the doctor is implying that he considers the Kino and his family to be animals. Veterinarians treat animals, so by saying that he does ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Kino's Synthesis Essay How is Kino a man who thought of only his child and family "self–serving" "arrogant" and so on? On the night in question Kino simply sleeping in his home was awoken by a strange figure within his house. He watched as the figure moved closer to his child causing alarm but the figure then ran out of the house snatching kino and his families future, the pearl. So kino did what any person in that situation he followed the thief looking to see who they are. But as thief neared the bay kino jumped into action to prevent this thief from throwing away his family's future. He attacked the thief striking the thief in the process but that person was a criminal and Kino did in defense of a crime that would be committed. He did not kill her like a soldier chasing a thief would. He simply did what he must to retrieve his property before it was gone forever. ... Show more content on ... Kino was a man simply looking to improve his family's way of living using the pearl. Domestic/Spousal abuse means "willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another." However, Kino and Juana were never legally married. Furthermore, Kino only looked for what was best when it came to improving his family's well being. Kino's mind had considered in the past and had given up as impossible. In the pearl, he saw Juana and Coyotito and himself standing and kneeling at the high altar, and they were being married now that they could pay. Kino was not legally married so what he did does not fall ... Get more on ...
  • 26. An Evil and Erie Find in The Pearl by John Steinbeck Essay For this book report, I have chosen to read the book, "The Pearl". The book "The Pearl" has a very strong moral and plot. The book is classified under the genres "Fiction", and "novella". The book "The Pearl" has a total of 90 pages. John Steinbeck is the author of this book. The main character in this story is "Kino". Kino is a poor gentlemen in a relationship with "Juana". Kino and Juana live on a beach in a bush house. There are many other poor families living in bush houses on the beach as well as Kino and Juana. Kino and Juana also have a son named "Coyotito". Coyotito is a baby about 2 years old. In Kino's life, he is hearing music in his head. He hears the music of family, evil, and peace. Everything that goes on in his... Show more content on ... The doctor told the servant to lie to Kino and say he was busy with an elder. When the servant came outside and announced that the doctor was busy, everyone was disappointed and everyone started to go and do their own things again. Kino was very upset and Kino also knew that the doctor just didn't want to see them. But when Kino and Juana came back, the neighbors were around their bush hut to see what has happened to Coyotito since. Luckily, when Coyotito was stung, Juana sucked out most of the poison. But, Coyotito was still very swollen on the shoulder and they still didn't know if he was going to be alright. After a while, Coyotito had mostly healed and Kino needed some more money so he and Juana and decided to go on his special canoe and go hunt for pearls. His boat was special because it was well taken care of and had lots of coating on the boat. When they went out to sea, Kino dived into the ocean and started to look for good oysters that hadn't been opened yet. He had collected about a bucket when he spotted a massive oyster that wasn't with the others. He was very anxious to get to the canoe and open the oyster to see if there was a pearl. When Kino was able to get back on the canoe, he showed Juana the massive oyster and her eyes popped at the size of it. They start to open the pearl and they see this massive pearl in the inside of it. Kino knew this was the pearl of the world that everyone was ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Pearl Steinbeck quoted in one of his novels, "A story has many versions as it has readers. Everyone takes what he wants or can from it and thus changes it to his measure. Some pick out parts and reject the rest, some strain the story through their mesh of prejudice, some paint it with their own delight." His quote explains how each reader depicts the novel into their own understanding. John Ernst Steinbeck, an American novelist, is the author of the novella, The Pearl, published in 1947. The three main characters in The Pearl are Kino, Juana, and their baby, Coyotito. The Pearl is the story of Kino, a young Native American man, who finds a magnificent pearl, is greedy when trying to sell the pearl for a high price. He is so obsessed with trying to ... Show more content on ... Kino and Juana hear the Song of the Family when they are at peace and trying to protect their family. Family is idolized by its warmth and safety throughout the novella. In the beginning of The Pearl, Kino protects his family above all else and does this in an animalistic way. Family is closely tied together to gender roles in the text, since the duty of the mother and father, husband and wife are an important part of identity. The narrator explained, "Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in a loop that placed him close to her breast. Kino could see these things without looking at them. Juana sang softly an ancient song that had only three notes and yet endlessly variety of interval. And this was part of the family song too...aching chord that caught the throat, saying this is safety, this is warmth, this is the Whole (Steinbeck 9). Juana's song has three notes to represent the three members of her and Kino's family. When Coyotito dies, the entire family is completely destroyed: what is left is no longer whole. While the pearl sparks greed in people's hearts the purity of the family is in danger. The love of family is real and not dependent on monetary value. The greed associated with the pearl blinds Kino's eyes to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Rhetorical Analysis On La Perla La Perla garnered negative press on Twitter after a picture was taken showing one of its mannequins in the New York store with its ribs protruding. Twitter users were extremely frustrated and angry with La Perla and created a hashtag implying that they were no longer going to buy La Perla's products. After being alerted of the issue, La Perla quickly removed the mannequin from its store and released a statement saying it would no longer use that mannequin. The article highlights the issue of body–shaming and the issue of fashion companies using stick–thin mannequins to model clothing. Many people feel that the use of these mannequins promotes an unhealthy lifestyle and an unrealistic image for young girls, which can lead to eating disorders ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Pearl By John Steinbeck Essay Materialism is an identity crisis–Bryant Mcgill. In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, Kino finds a pearl that could lead him to wealth and could help financially back the family but instead led the family to destruction. Through the actions of the three attackers, the doctor, and Kino himself, Steinbeck shows what materials and greed can lead to, just like Mcgill said. With the world of the pearl spreading, in three chapters, three attackers attempt to rob Kino from the pearl by any means necessary. One example is on page 37, "...and then his head crashed with lighting and exploded with pain." After everyone knew about the pearl, one person decided to go and attempt to mug Kino to get the pearl. Another example is on page 56, "Blood oozed down from his scalp and there was a long deep cut in his cheek from ear to chin, a deep, bleeding slash." After Kino got the pearl back from Juana and was walking, he endeavoured another encounter with an attacker. Lastly, Kino kills the man that attacked him on page 56, "You have killed a man." These examples show the violence being dealt to Kino due to his possession of the pearl. Through the doctor, Steinbeck shows what one thing can make a man do. First, the doctor rejected Cayotito as a patient due to his race and the... Show more content on ... On page 58–59, Juana takes the pearl to throw it in the ocean, thus ridding it from the "evil". Kino finds out and viciously beats Juana. "He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and kicked her in the side." This shows how one thing can make you want to hurt and beat someone who always stood by your side. If there is any part in the book where greed doesn't effect the story, I have failed to see it. Steinbeck shows through the attackers, the doctor, and Kino, that greed and materialistic things can control anyone unless they have the willpower to not be seduced by ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Why Is The Pearl Bad Sometimes one must search for a valuable pearl and find the true villain of that world. The search for that pearl does not need to go any farther than John Steinbeck's The Pearl. In this story, the assumed hero, Kino, finds a valuable pearl and starts the downfall of his family with this pearl and his covetousness for money. So Kino's family and friends are the heroes, while the real villain of The Pearl is Kino. Kino knew that the pearl was evil, but he still did not give the pearl away. Kino himself stated that "Do not speak anymore. In the morning we will sell the pearl, then the evil will be gone, and the good will remain. Now hush my wife." Kino knows that the pearl is evil, but he's caught up in his ambitious dreams. And he loses the chance to sell the pearl, proving ... Show more content on ... Kino's neighbors state that, "Luck, you see, brings bitter friends". This shows that the neighbors of Kino knew that the pearl was evil, but Kino was not listening, and he started the downfall of his family. Since Kino did not listen, the pearl unleashed its evil upon Kino and his family. Juana also stated that, "This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us." Kino acts like he is a man, shows no respect to his wife, and tells his wife that everything is alright when it is truly not. Kino does not care about the evil that will hurt his family, he just wants the money. Kino shows a lot of ignorance, which proves the fact that Kino is the true villain of this story. Overall, the true villain of this churning story is the one and only Kino. His own thoughts, his abusive actions, and his ignorance of others truly show that he is the real villain of this story and he brought down his family. Great stories such as John Steinbeck's The Pearl offer a view of the true villain that disguises itself as the hero. The story of a villain disguised as the hero is truly an epic story throughout writing ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Pearl Greed Happiness is a lovely thing, but greed can easily poison its light. John Steinbeck, the author of the novella, The Pearl, shows how easily something is tainted. This parable describes a simple fisherman, Kino, and his discovery of a magnificent pearl. This pearl becomes an omen, and his whole world changes, growing dark and ominous. Throughout the story, what Kino perceives as important in life changes as he tries to cope with his internal conflicts. At the beginning of the story, the most important thing in life for Kino was his family and his boat. "For a man with a boat can guarantee a woman that she will eat..."(Steinbeck,14). If a man has a boat, he can fish for food. If a man fishes and gets food, then he can feed himself and his family. Kino's family meant everything to him. He could hear, 'the family song, too...this is the"whole" (Steinbeck, 3). The "whole" for Kino, before the pearl, was being able to feed himself, and being with his family. His family gave him reason to push forward, to not give up on anything. But his simple happiness of his family and boat are soon not enough. ... Show more content on ... "We will be married in the church...We will have new clothes... A rifle, perhaps a rifle... My son will go to school..."(Steinbeck,25) KIno is filled with 'knowing' he will be wealthy, and makes plans that he might not fulfill. Kino will be shamed forever if he doesn't fulfill his plans . " My son will read and open the books, and my son will write and will know writing..."(Steinbeck,26) Kino wants to spend the money mostly one Coyotito's education. Although KIno appears to be selfless by using the money for Coyotito, he is doing this to free himself. When Kino finds the pearl, the awakening of anger and need for wealth seem to consume ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Thesis Statement For The Pearl By John Steinbeck In "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, the theme of "greed as a destructive force" has been shaped strongly throughout the entire book. My thesis statement is that if Kino had the ability to change himself, his life could have also been changed. As written in the book, "The sun was behind them and their long shadows stalked ahead, and they seemed to carry two towers of darkness with them." (Steinbeck, 88). Being a parable, "The Pearl" provides examples of greed and the role of fate in a human's life. If Kino had never found the pearl, his life and his family's life would not have been changed. They would have lived in peace forever. But the pearl was found and the evil and greed changed everything in Kino's life. The happiness was gone. "The Pearl" tells us about the consequences that may happen if one allows greed to have a destructive influence on their life. What I liked about the story is that the development of the characters have been shown throughout the book. For example, Juana in "The Pearl", changed from "...all–knowing and all– her role as submissive wife (she) does not have enough power to make Kino listen to her warnings...her role becomes significant only near the end of the tragic tale, when the formative events have already occurred." (Wagner–Martin, xvii). Kino's ... Show more content on ... Kino says, "'Hush,' he said fiercely. 'I am a man. Hush.' And she was silent, for his voice was command." (Steinbeck, 58). This showed that after Kino has found the pearl, his actions were influenced by greed. Also, there was violence in the story. When Juana was about to throw the pearl away, she received a punch from Kino. "He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the borders, and he kicked her in the side." (Steinbeck, 59) His actions were caused by his greed towards his fantasy of wealth and social class. "His senses were dulled by his emotion." (Steinbeck, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. John Steinbeck Doctor The Doctor, A character in the book the Pearl by John Steinbeck, is a character that is not described well. The one thing we can tell about him is the tone which is Disgust and hatred. In the story, the Doctor is disliked because of the way he has treated Kino's race. John Steinbeck states,"This Doctor was not of his people.This Doctor was of a race which for nearly four hundred years had beaten and starved and robbed and despised Kino's race....". Steinbeck's character, the Doctor is a Spaniard and doesn't think Kino should have equal rights or to be treated the same as his race. In the past, the Spaniards have treated Mexicans unfairly and different. That's why he is hated so much he has never been kind to Kino or his race. When the story ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Struggling with Greed in John Steinbeck’s "The Pearl" Essay The Pearl written by John Steinbeck is a parable, a story that teaches a moral lesson. The focus of this novel is on a poor Indian family. The family consists of three members: Kino, a husband, father, and fisherman, Juana, his wife and loving mother; and Coyotito their infant son. This indigent family lives in a small brush hut along the Gulf of Mexico by the town of La Paz. One day Coyotito, is bitten by a scorpion; a scorpion sting can be deadly to a baby. Kino and Juana are very worried over the health of their baby; therefore, they hope to find a pearl worthy enough for the doctor's payment to the doctor to treat Coyotito. With luck on their side, Kino finds a pearl the size of a seagull's egg; he calls it "The Pearl of the ... Show more content on ... No, they never have any money. I, I alone in the world I am supposed to work for nothing–and I am tired of it. See if he has any money! (11) With these words, Steinbeck tries to show how greedy the doctor is and how he will not help a young defenseless baby from death–just because they are poor Indians, who have nothing of value to pay him for his services. The doctor's words and actions clearly illustrates humanity's struggle with greed. Another example of greed is shown when Juana takes the pearl from Kino to throw back into the sea. Kino realizes what she is doing and goes after her. Just as Juana is about to discard the pearl, Kino grabs her arm and wrenches the pearl from her. He punches her in the face and when she falls on the boulders, he kicks her in the side. The following quote establishes the violence that Kino unleases on his wife in order to protect his precious pearl from harm, due to his greediness of what the pearl will bring to him and his family: "...Rage surged in Kino. He leaped at Juana and wrenched the pearl from her...with clenched fists, struck her in the face...kicked her in the side...Greedy fingers went through his clothes" (58–59). This quote shows the greed in Kino is getting greater and greater. The reader can tell this because Kino is willing to hurt the person who he loves the most, and who loves him the most, just to keep his pearl safe. The final example of greed Kino portrays is when he is willing to kill the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Pearl Greed The Pearl John Steinbeck's fiction novella, The Pearl, takes place in a small village in La Paz, on the coast of the Baja Peninsula. Kino, the protagonist, is a pearl diver. One day, when Kino is pearl diving, he finds a large pearl that he knows can sell for lots of money. When Kino findsthe pearl he realizes that he can treat his son, Coyotito who is stung by a scorpion. Before Kino finds the Pearl, he is a nice, family man who treats his family with great respect. However, the pearl leads to immoral behavior, which disconnects Kino from his family. A moral developing throughout The Pearl is that greed can destroy a person's life. From the very beginning, finding the pearl causes Kino to become a greedy man and bad things start to happen to him and his family. Kino's main goal is to help his son, Coyotito. However, when the doctor asks Kino for the pearl to treat his baby, he... Show more content on ... When Juana follows Kino back to their brush house, she sees it burning. Juana says, "It was torn up and floor dug, even the baby's box turned out, and as I looked they put the fire to the outside"(63). This quote shows how Kino's decision to keep the pearl cost his family their house. Kino realizes that it is time to go to the city and cash in the pearl. However, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito are being tracked. They decide to go to the top of a mountainside where there is a cave. Since there are trackers hunting Kino for the pearl, he decides to creep up behind them and kill them. However, before Kino made a move, the trackers heard a noise at the cave were Juana and Coyotito are staying and then shoot towards that way and hits Coyotito. After Kino kills the trackers he rushes back to the cave and "Saw Coyotito lying in the little cave with the top of his head shot away"(86). This quote shows how Kino's greed is destroying his and Juana's lives. It shows how he lost his only son because he let a pearl control his ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Pearl Essay The Pearl This Essay will discuss the use of symbols in the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck. In this novel there are many themes explored. These include the destructiveness of greed, how love can give someone great courage and strength, knowledge is power, but a power which can be abused, and how a dream is good until it starts to destroy the things of value in a person's life. The destructiveness of greed is shown when the doctor comes to Kino's house and heals Coyotito after Kino has found The Pearl. When Coyotito had been bitten by the scorpion, his father and mother take Kino to the doctor in order to get a treatment. But the doctor refuses to heal Coyotito because Kino is poor. Later On, after Kino owns the pearl, the doctor... Show more content on ... During his mission he loses sight of his cultural traditions and his society. His dreams start to destroy him. This leads the theme of how a dream is good, until it begins to destroy the things of value in a person's life. Because Kino believes The Pearl will help him achieve all the dreams he has in store for his son Coyotito Kino does not want to give up the pearl. Juana, who is smart enough to figure out that the pearl is going to cause trouble, asks Kino to throw the pearl away multiple times. And even tries to get rid of it herself. Juana says, "This pearl is evil. This pearl is like a sin. It will destroy us all!" Even though Juana warns Kino that the pearl will bring great misfortunes to the family and asks him to throw the pearl away, Kino decides not to listen or take the advice his wife is giving because Kino's mind is already overtaken by his dreams he wishes of achieving with The Pearl. He is blinded by the dream of: "Juana and Coyotito and himself standing and kneeling at the high alter in the new white clothes holding a Winchester carbine and ''Coyotito sitting at a little desk in a school". It is now clear to us that he is slowly starting to become greedy and that his selfish thoughts are suddenly starting to control his actions and what he says. After Kino has found "the pearl of the world", everyone is eager to own it and they all begin to start thinking of their own dreams and what they can achieve if they had a pearl like Kino's, "Every ... Get more on ...
  • 37. How Does Steinbeck Present Greed In The Pearl Of The World Every living thing, despite its beauty, is pursued. Even something as simple as a deer is hunted, but in The Pearl, a "Pearl of the World" is found. John Steinbeck, a famous American author, wrote the novella The Pearl. Kino, an American Indian man who would do anything for his family, finds a pearl of great value. The pearl changes the humble man into a greedy monster of a man. He becomes violent towards those he loves. He will soon learn a beneficial lesson about greed. Throughout the story, a man lets a material item change his life for the worse as he copes with his inner demons. At the beginning of the story, Kino sees his family and his boat as the priorities in life. "For a man with a boat can guarantee a woman she will eat something." (Steinbeck, pg.14). In this quote he is saying that because he has a boat, he can provide Juana and Coyotito with livelihood. Kino's families' lives depend on what Kino and his canoe, bring in day after day. "Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat, saying this ... Show more content on ... "...he turned slowly to Juana and held the pearl out to her. She stood beside him, still holding her dead bundle over her shoulder." (Steinbeck, pg.89). To ease his guilt, he tries to give Juana the pearl to throw away, because him refusing to get rid of it, is the reason Coyotito is dead. Throwing away the pearl eases some of this pain, but it probably would have felt better for Kino, internally, if Juana had because Juana kept warning him, time after time. "Kino's lips were thin and his jaws tight...he was as dangerous as a rising storm." (Steinbeck, pg. 88). This quote shows how physically, he shows anger. Describing how dangerous he is proves how emotionally anger he was. At the end of the book, Kino feels guilty as well as angry about Coyotito's death and how the pearl changed ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Pearl Greed The Pearl shows a simple idea of how money is not always everything. In the novella the protagonist and the antagonist show how money can never bring you so far. Kino started off with a humble life with a small yet growing family. He had Coyotito and Juana by his side, and the "song of family" whispering in his ears. "and the sound of breakfast, but those were other songs, their pigs were other pigs, their wives were not Juana." (Steinbeck 3) In the phrase it showed that he had a certain amount of affection towards Juana stating she was his wife and his alone. But when he got his pearl, he started to grow corrupt, at one point hitting Juana and kicking her, and at a another killing a man. In the end even with the money he was supposed to earn ... Get more on ...
  • 39. John Bowlby's Attachment Theory Applications of Theories on Precious Precious is a movie based on the novel Push by Sapphire (Daniels and Fletcher, 2008). It is on the life of an illiterate 16 year old African American girl, Claireece "Precious" Jones. (Natividad, 2010). I have applied John Bowlby's Attachment Theory and Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development on the film. These theories helped identify an understanding of the characters, family group, and community in the film. I have primarily assessed Precious as the chosen character. This paper will analyze the many factors in assessing her human behavior. The main character of the movie is Claireece Precious Jones who often went by her middle name Precious. She lived a life of abuse and suffering since a ... Get more on ...