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Jianwai SOHO – An Art of Experience
On case study from Yamamoto and theories from Peter Zumthor
                     Nicholas Socrates

            AR1Ad040 Architecture Reflections
                      (2009-2010 Q4)
                  Teacher: Nelson Motto
                     12 January 2011
1. Introduction

Memorable experiences of architecture break through our consciousness. People who visit,
work and live in architecture identify themselves within the space. Architecture is the art of
bringing together beings and the world, and this intervention takes place through our senses.

Experiencing architecture is multi-sensory. Qualities of space, matter and scale are measured
together by the eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue, skeleton and muscle. Architecture strengthens
one’s sense of being in the world, and this is basically an enforced experience of the self.
Instead of mere vision, or the use of the five classical senses, architecture can involve several
realms of sensory experience simultaneously, which interact and fuse into each other.1

“There was a time when I experienced architecture without thinking about it. Sometimes I can
almost feel a particular door handle in my hand, a piece of metal shaped like the back of a
spoon. I used to take hold of it when I went into my aunt’s garden. That door handle still
seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells. I
remember the sound of the gravel under my feet, the soft gleam of the waxed oak staircase, I
can hear the heavy front door closing behind me as I walk along the dark corridor and enter
the kitchen, the only really brightly lit room in the house.
[...] Memories like these contain the deepest architectural experience that I know. They are
the reservoirs of the architectural atmospheres and images which I explore in my work as an
architect.” 2

Light, form, colour, sound, movement, texture and smell, are examples of how architects have
created certain atmospheres. These atmospheres are the stimuli in Peter Zumthor’s basic
model of emotions. Similarly, architect Riken Yamamoto also has this way to feel and design
architecture. In this essay, I am going to explore the case study Jianwai SOHO designed by
Yamamoto combined with Zumthor’s theories on experiencing architecture by all the senses.

  Experiencing Workshop, Available at:

        Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.

2. Background

“Large, high French windows let the sunshine in, bathing the rooms and reflecting off the
white surfaces. This technique is widely used in Japanese interior design, and Riken
Yamamoto makes better use of it than anyone.” 3

Jianwai SOHO is located at 39 East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (opposite
the China World Trade Center). The buildings have a total gross floor area of 700,000 square
meters on a site of 169,000 square meters. Jianwai SOHO includes 20 high rise towers and
four villas. There are 20 rooftop gardens and 16 pedestrian lanes. This Project was completed
in 2007.

Redstone Industrie invited the Japanese architect Riken Yamamoto to design a project in
Beijing. Beijing is where Riken was born, and the project was where he could realize an
architectural concept that he had failed to achieve in Japan. This concept was SOHO, standing
for “Small Office Home Office”. This architectural concept was in line with the philosophy of
Pan Shiyi, chairman of Redstone. Jianwai SOHO, is a housing project which combines
housing and working space through the adoption of information technology. The high-rise
SOHO buildings, together with the China World Trade Center, lend Beijing a cosmopolitan
air. 4

There are several hundred stores at Jianwai SOHO, including Starbucks Flagship Store,
Tongrentang Flagship Store, Yuxiang Renjia Flagship Restaurant, Dong Tian Image Styling,
Markor Furnishings, Ajisen Ramen, Wendy Wu Restaurant and many other stylish boutiques.
These shops, along with the several hundred companies that have moved in or signed leases,
have turned Jianwai SOHO into one of the busiest urban centers integrating residential areas,
offices, recreation facilities and retail outlets. An increasing number of commercial, cultural,
and fashion events have taken place at Jianwai SOHO. At the Jianwai SOHO Summer
Carnival, which runs for four months each year, pop stars, poets, artists and writers present
concerts, poetry recitals, street displays and theme salons to audiences who come in large
  Jianwai SOHO: Leader in a New Way of Life, Available at:	
  Jianwai SOHO Official Website Available at:	

numbers from all over the city. Fashion shows of famous brands have also been held here.
Each year, Jianwai SOHO plays host to over 40 events of various types. Jianwai SOHO has
introduced not only a new style of housing, but also a new way of living.5

The building and all its spaces and elements make up a total environment where every detail
belongs to the same family of forms. Every object relate to its neighbouring objects. Even the
SOHO’s smallest interior details, lounges, chairs, signs, and telephone booths were designed
to harmonize with the shaped buildings. He wanted passengers passing through the building
to experience a fully-designed environment, in which each part arises from another and
everything belongs to the same formal world.

Thirteen pedestrian streets connect the fourteen buildings at Jianwai SOHO. The design of the
underground garage includes a sunken grass field, lending the whole area the quality of a
three-dimensional space. Jianwai SOHO is located in the Beijing Central Business District
(CBD), but its streets are filled with human activity, in strong contrast to the unfortunate
situation of lively daytimes but lonely evenings common to US and European CBDs. Riken
explained that his design of the streets was inspired by his experience of Ceuta's traditional

“I would like to build Jianwai SOHO into a place with alleys running between buildings for
people to explore. I do not want to call it a street block because it is not a closed, monotonous
space, but rather an open place with department buildings, stores and offices in it.”

“I gained my inspiration from a Moroccan city called Ceuta. Every possible thing--human
beings, donkey’s dancing, sheep’s bleat, shops, ancient houses mosques, restaurants, the
fragrance of mint and tobacco, and the odor of human bodies--were mixed together
indiscriminately. Passing through an alleyway lined with souvenir shops aimed at tourists
and brushing away the importunate hands of vendors, I suddenly arrive at a street of houses.
There is an entrance to a mosque, well ornamented with strikingly beautiful tiles, and then a
small square. Corridors of houses cross casually overhead. In no time at all I feel lost. The
entire city is a maze.” 6

  Jianwai SOHO: Leader in a New Way of Life, Available at:	

       Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at:

Yamamto himself says about his design: ‘…buildings in which the architecture combined the
surroundings would express the drama and specialness and excitement of travel… a place of
movement and transition…’ Movement, as one of the architectural means that Yamamoto
used to create specific architectural atmospheres, can elicit specific emotions.

As we have said, the majority of people consider architecture and space as an essentially
visual experience. But in this case, Yamamoto design Jianwai SOHO not only as single
building blocks where space in between the buildings is the emptiness, but also as a great
environment for life; an environment that is stimulating to the senses. It is obviously light and
shadow, proportion and colour, perspective and decoration, sounds that reverberate, surfaces
that our feet walk upon, textures that we touch, temperatures that determine our degree of
comfort and smells that surround and seduce us. All these things together multiply one
another into an ensemble that we perceive as a whole SOHO surrounding us, the movement of
life; feeling and experiencing it as a whole.

3. Case Studies

The buildings in Jianwai SOHO can serve to move occupants emotionally and elevate their
experience. Every space is about the layering of perceptional stimuli for all of the senses. Like
a musical composition, spatial features come together into a symphony for occupants to
experience. In Jianwai SOHO, there is a sense of pressure, a sense of balance, a sense of
rhythm, a sense of movement, a sense of life, a sense of warmth, even a sense of self, which
psychology is beginning to recognize. 7

3.1. Sight

The eyes want to collaborate with the other senses. They define the interface between the skin
and the environment between the opaque interiority of the body and the exteriority of the

  Rasmussen S.E., “Experiencing Architecture” (The MIT Press, 1962)

While Zumthor imagines his childhood experience by visualisation by the other senses,
Yamamoto was also firstly touched by seeing Ceuta’s busy and amazing city image and then
he went on to design Jianwai SOHO.

Jianwai SOHO has a greatly appealing image because of its variety, eventfulness, possibilities
of choices for walking through and the stimulation of an intense atmosphere that each
individual can explore a specific and unique story by themselves. For many visitors and
residents in SOHO, these paths are dominant elements of SOHO’s image. They observe this
SOHO city while walking through it. It is designed as a maze which can be explored by

There is a potpourri of every conceivable thing. It is not just the roads that crisscross. Paths
along with the other environmental elements are arranged and related. The passageways,
small squares, public green spaces and shopping streets all do so, sometimes drawing the
pedestrian unknowingly into a building. From a street so narrow two people can barely
squeeze past each another, one enters a square where people are gathered. Every step forward
brings a change of scenery. The pace is dizzying. Moving through these spaces, one can
almost feel the SOHO city breathing in and out.

People walking in SOHO can also visualize the neat planning grid of the district planning by
looking at the “edges” of SOHO buildings. By edges, I mean the linear elements of façade of
the SOHO buildings. One edge closes one block off from another. The similar façades of the
SOHO buildings as a whole give us a “break-linear” image, like a dash line, to some extent
leading people in certain directions of this city maze. These edge elements, as dominant as
paths, are for many people important organizing features of the SOHO city.

As a district part of Beijing, in a sense we deem that the SOHO maze is composed by several
elements sharing similar characters – similar overpasses, similar facades and etc. Despite the
similarities existing everywhere in this district, Jianwai SOHO still stands out in the
surroundings while still in keeping with the similarity of its neighbourhood by a ‘30 degree

In order to eliminate interference from one building upon another, Riken Yamamoto shaped
each structure to be slender, and angled them at 30 degrees eastward. In this way, every

apartment will boast access to both moderate sunshine and privacy.8 Overpasses extend over
them, so that one has the impression of being in an underground passage, but in the next
moment the sun in beating down from directly overhead, making everything a dazzling white.
This feature was highly appreciated in the bidding evaluation and might be called a minor
invention at least in Beijing where history animates the present, almost all buildings are
oriented on a north-south axis and nowhere can we find any large buildings that are even
slightly angled.

3.2. Hearing

“I gained my inspiration from a Moroccan city called Ceuta. Every possible thing--human
beings, donkey’s dancing, sheep’s bleat, shops, ancient houses mosques, restaurants, the
fragrance of mint and tobacco, and the odor of human bodies--were mixed together

“I remember the sound of the gravel under my feet; […] I can hear the heavy front door
closing behind me as I walk along the dark corridor and enter the kitchen…”10

Hearing is another way of experiencing things or architecture supported by both Yamamoto
and Zumthor. In terms of architecture territory, sounds measure space and make its scale
understandable. Sounds reflect in a space, and that way it gives us an impression of its form
and material.

When we stand on the ground floor outside Jianwai SOHO buildings, we can “hear” the
people of this area, as internalised by Yamamoto. People are given a parallel experience by
closing their eyes and putting themselves in their surroundings, especially at night. Hearing
busy shops besides them and people talking and walking through the over bridges connecting
buildings above the ground, they can imagine the layout of this area, and enjoy a spatial
experience by listening to the seeming remote traffic sound and construction sound nearby.
They can hear how spaces or buildings radiate out from themselves by different echoes.

  Jianwai SOHO Official Website Available at:	
  Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at:	
  Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.	

“The live reflections of echo and re-echo within a stone cathedral increase our awareness of
the vastness, geometry and material of its space. Imagine the same space with carpet and
acoustically softened… a spatial and experiential dimension of the architecture is lost. We
could redefine space by shifting our attention from the visual to how it is shaped by resonant
sounds, vibrations of materials and textures."(Steven Holl)

“Sight isolates, whereas sound incorporates; vision is directional, whereas sound is omni-
directional”.11 One regards an object, while sound approaches; the eye reaches, while the ear
receives. SOHO buildings don’t respond to our stare, but they do send back our echo. Every
particular building has its own characteristic sound because of different volumes that they
have, which forms a grade of intimacy of distance, an invitation or rejection. Through its echo,
a space is understood as equally as through its visual shape. This is often unrecognized by
people because the acoustic observation is generally an unaware background experience. But
still, this is one of the goals that the designer wanted to achieve—to make people listen, listen
in the maze.

3.3. Touch

“Sometimes I can almost feel a particular door handle in my hand, a piece of metal shaped
like the back of a spoon. I used to take hold of it when I went into my aunt’s garden.”12

The skin reads texture, weight, density and temperature. ‘The only sense which can give a
sensation of spatial depth is touch, because touch senses the resistance and three-
dimensionalality of shapes and material bodies, and therefore makes us aware that things
extend away from us in all our direction.’13 Vision exposes what the touch already knows. We
could consider the sense of touch as the unconsciousness of vision.

In Zumthor’s theory, “touch” is an important way to feel/design architecture. Despite that this
point doesn't seem to be an indispensable means of Yamamoto’s designing, we still can find
out one or two in the deisgn of Jianwai SOHO which is involved with “design via touching”.

  Architectural Means, Available at:	

  Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.	
  Architectural Means, Available at:	

The first way to experience SOHO by “touch” is “texture from touch” which refers to the
processing of information about surface material and microgeometry obtained from tactile
exploration. Though textural information can be obtained both visually and auditorily, touch
yields much finer and more complex textural information than do the other sensory
modalities.14 When we run our fingers across a surface of the SOHO buildings, we perceive
the surface as being rough, like sandpaper, or smooth, like glass; the surface may also vary
along other sensory stimuli, such as hardness (e.g. facade texure) vs. softness (e.g. grass in
green space), stickiness vs. slipperiness. Also, whether a texture is thermally isolating or
thermally conductive (like metal) contributes to the textural percept. Different aspects of
texture are encoded by different populations of receptors.

Large, high French windows let the sunshine in, bathing the rooms and reflecting off the
white surfaces. People touch the sunshine and feel the warmth---this is the second aspect
which is associated with “touch”. This technique is widely used in Japanese interior design,
and Riken Yamamoto makes better use of it than anyone. In Riken's design, whiteness, light
colors and decent furniture have formed an unprecedented fashion in exterior and interior
decoration in Jianwai SOHO. No matter what Colorfulness called it, 'whiteness guided' or
'whiteness dominated' for the texture of building is not only the interior that is gray and white
but also the whole building.

3.4. Smell

[…] restaurants, the fragrance of mint and tobacco, and the odor of human bodies--were
mixed together indiscriminately.15

[…] were hard and unyielding under my feet, and a smell of oil paint issued from the kitchen

The most determined memory of any space is often its smell. ‘A particular smell makes us
unknowingly re-enter a space completely forgotten by the retinal memory: the nostrils awaken

  Rebecca Maxwell , Peter-John Cantrill, “Beyond Appearances - Architecture and the senses” Available at:	
  Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at:	

  Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.

a forgotten image, and we are enticed to enter a vivid daydream. The nose makes the eyes
remember.’17 Memory and imagination remain associated in the meantime.

Jianwai SOHO is a combination of multi-functional buildings. People walking by can “smell”
the “function” of SOHO city. It is not complicated for people walking to be aware of the
location of the restaurants, clothes shops, copy shops, supermarkets and central green space.
In light of this, smell is a last but not least way for people to experience Jianwai SOHO by
stimulated olfaction.

4. Conclusion

Our experiences are the result of our perception with our senses. We experience by what we
see, what we hear, smell and touch. Without our senses there would be no experience. From
our childhood on we learn from our experiences with the world around us. Rasmussen says:
“By a variety of experiences (the child) quite instinctively learns to judge things according to
weight, solidity, texture, heat-conducting ability.” All this also holds true for architecture.
The stimuli we perceive with our senses tell us all we need to know about a space.

In architecture all senses are important, but the sense of sight is very dominant. The other
senses are underappreciated in architecture. We could pay more attention to the other senses,
as the combined perception of all the senses gives us our total experience of a space.
Researches show us that perceiving solely with vision gives us a distorted perception of
space, especially in comparison with the separate use of smell and touch. They tend to
describe space a lot more accurately. We leave so much of our spatial experience to chance if
we leave the other senses untouched during the design process.

“[…] modern design at large has housed the intellect and the eye, but has left the body and
the other senses, as well as our memories, imaginations and dreams, homeless.” (Pallasmaa)



  Rebecca Maxwell , Peter-John Cantrill, “Beyond Appearances - Architecture and the senses” Available at:	

Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006)

Rasmussen S.E., “Experiencing Architecture” (The MIT Press, 1962)

Article in Books/on Internet:

Kevin Lynch, “The City Image and Its Elements”, Melville C. Branch, Urban Planning

Theory (University of Southern Califonia, 1975)

Rebecca Maxwell , Peter-John Cantrill, “Beyond Appearances - Architecture and the senses”

Available at: (Accessed 9 January



Multiplicity and Memory: Talking About Architecture with Peter Zumthor, Available at:

peter-zumthor (Accessed 10 January 2011)

Experiencing Workshop, Available at:

D=3662453&SID=skim725X515840 (Accessed 10 January 2011)

Architectural Means, Available at: (Accessed 8 January


Jianwai SOHO: Leader in a New Way of Life, Available at: (Accessed 11 January 2011)

Jianwai SOHO Official Website Available at: (Accessed 1 January 2011)

Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at: http://www.chinese- (Accessed 1 December 2010)


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Jianwai Soho and Peter Zumthor comparisons

  • 1. Jianwai SOHO – An Art of Experience On case study from Yamamoto and theories from Peter Zumthor Nicholas Socrates AR1Ad040 Architecture Reflections (2009-2010 Q4) Teacher: Nelson Motto 12 January 2011
  • 2. 1. Introduction Memorable experiences of architecture break through our consciousness. People who visit, work and live in architecture identify themselves within the space. Architecture is the art of bringing together beings and the world, and this intervention takes place through our senses. Experiencing architecture is multi-sensory. Qualities of space, matter and scale are measured together by the eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue, skeleton and muscle. Architecture strengthens one’s sense of being in the world, and this is basically an enforced experience of the self. Instead of mere vision, or the use of the five classical senses, architecture can involve several realms of sensory experience simultaneously, which interact and fuse into each other.1 “There was a time when I experienced architecture without thinking about it. Sometimes I can almost feel a particular door handle in my hand, a piece of metal shaped like the back of a spoon. I used to take hold of it when I went into my aunt’s garden. That door handle still seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells. I remember the sound of the gravel under my feet, the soft gleam of the waxed oak staircase, I can hear the heavy front door closing behind me as I walk along the dark corridor and enter the kitchen, the only really brightly lit room in the house. [...] Memories like these contain the deepest architectural experience that I know. They are the reservoirs of the architectural atmospheres and images which I explore in my work as an architect.” 2 Light, form, colour, sound, movement, texture and smell, are examples of how architects have created certain atmospheres. These atmospheres are the stimuli in Peter Zumthor’s basic model of emotions. Similarly, architect Riken Yamamoto also has this way to feel and design architecture. In this essay, I am going to explore the case study Jianwai SOHO designed by Yamamoto combined with Zumthor’s theories on experiencing architecture by all the senses.                                                                                                                           1  Experiencing Workshop, Available at: ight%2Flayout.xml&showFlipBtn=true&AID=10829131&PID=3662453&SID=skim725X515840   2 Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.   1
  • 3. 2. Background “Large, high French windows let the sunshine in, bathing the rooms and reflecting off the white surfaces. This technique is widely used in Japanese interior design, and Riken Yamamoto makes better use of it than anyone.” 3 Jianwai SOHO is located at 39 East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (opposite the China World Trade Center). The buildings have a total gross floor area of 700,000 square meters on a site of 169,000 square meters. Jianwai SOHO includes 20 high rise towers and four villas. There are 20 rooftop gardens and 16 pedestrian lanes. This Project was completed in 2007. Redstone Industrie invited the Japanese architect Riken Yamamoto to design a project in Beijing. Beijing is where Riken was born, and the project was where he could realize an architectural concept that he had failed to achieve in Japan. This concept was SOHO, standing for “Small Office Home Office”. This architectural concept was in line with the philosophy of Pan Shiyi, chairman of Redstone. Jianwai SOHO, is a housing project which combines housing and working space through the adoption of information technology. The high-rise SOHO buildings, together with the China World Trade Center, lend Beijing a cosmopolitan air. 4 There are several hundred stores at Jianwai SOHO, including Starbucks Flagship Store, Tongrentang Flagship Store, Yuxiang Renjia Flagship Restaurant, Dong Tian Image Styling, Markor Furnishings, Ajisen Ramen, Wendy Wu Restaurant and many other stylish boutiques. These shops, along with the several hundred companies that have moved in or signed leases, have turned Jianwai SOHO into one of the busiest urban centers integrating residential areas, offices, recreation facilities and retail outlets. An increasing number of commercial, cultural, and fashion events have taken place at Jianwai SOHO. At the Jianwai SOHO Summer Carnival, which runs for four months each year, pop stars, poets, artists and writers present concerts, poetry recitals, street displays and theme salons to audiences who come in large                                                                                                                           3  Jianwai SOHO: Leader in a New Way of Life, Available at:   4  Jianwai SOHO Official Website Available at:     2
  • 4. numbers from all over the city. Fashion shows of famous brands have also been held here. Each year, Jianwai SOHO plays host to over 40 events of various types. Jianwai SOHO has introduced not only a new style of housing, but also a new way of living.5 The building and all its spaces and elements make up a total environment where every detail belongs to the same family of forms. Every object relate to its neighbouring objects. Even the SOHO’s smallest interior details, lounges, chairs, signs, and telephone booths were designed to harmonize with the shaped buildings. He wanted passengers passing through the building to experience a fully-designed environment, in which each part arises from another and everything belongs to the same formal world. Thirteen pedestrian streets connect the fourteen buildings at Jianwai SOHO. The design of the underground garage includes a sunken grass field, lending the whole area the quality of a three-dimensional space. Jianwai SOHO is located in the Beijing Central Business District (CBD), but its streets are filled with human activity, in strong contrast to the unfortunate situation of lively daytimes but lonely evenings common to US and European CBDs. Riken explained that his design of the streets was inspired by his experience of Ceuta's traditional alleyways. “I would like to build Jianwai SOHO into a place with alleys running between buildings for people to explore. I do not want to call it a street block because it is not a closed, monotonous space, but rather an open place with department buildings, stores and offices in it.” “I gained my inspiration from a Moroccan city called Ceuta. Every possible thing--human beings, donkey’s dancing, sheep’s bleat, shops, ancient houses mosques, restaurants, the fragrance of mint and tobacco, and the odor of human bodies--were mixed together indiscriminately. Passing through an alleyway lined with souvenir shops aimed at tourists and brushing away the importunate hands of vendors, I suddenly arrive at a street of houses. There is an entrance to a mosque, well ornamented with strikingly beautiful tiles, and then a small square. Corridors of houses cross casually overhead. In no time at all I feel lost. The entire city is a maze.” 6                                                                                                                           5  Jianwai SOHO: Leader in a New Way of Life, Available at:   6 Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at:   3
  • 5. Yamamto himself says about his design: ‘…buildings in which the architecture combined the surroundings would express the drama and specialness and excitement of travel… a place of movement and transition…’ Movement, as one of the architectural means that Yamamoto used to create specific architectural atmospheres, can elicit specific emotions. As we have said, the majority of people consider architecture and space as an essentially visual experience. But in this case, Yamamoto design Jianwai SOHO not only as single building blocks where space in between the buildings is the emptiness, but also as a great environment for life; an environment that is stimulating to the senses. It is obviously light and shadow, proportion and colour, perspective and decoration, sounds that reverberate, surfaces that our feet walk upon, textures that we touch, temperatures that determine our degree of comfort and smells that surround and seduce us. All these things together multiply one another into an ensemble that we perceive as a whole SOHO surrounding us, the movement of life; feeling and experiencing it as a whole. 3. Case Studies The buildings in Jianwai SOHO can serve to move occupants emotionally and elevate their experience. Every space is about the layering of perceptional stimuli for all of the senses. Like a musical composition, spatial features come together into a symphony for occupants to experience. In Jianwai SOHO, there is a sense of pressure, a sense of balance, a sense of rhythm, a sense of movement, a sense of life, a sense of warmth, even a sense of self, which psychology is beginning to recognize. 7 3.1. Sight The eyes want to collaborate with the other senses. They define the interface between the skin and the environment between the opaque interiority of the body and the exteriority of the world.                                                                                                                           7  Rasmussen S.E., “Experiencing Architecture” (The MIT Press, 1962)   4
  • 6. While Zumthor imagines his childhood experience by visualisation by the other senses, Yamamoto was also firstly touched by seeing Ceuta’s busy and amazing city image and then he went on to design Jianwai SOHO. Jianwai SOHO has a greatly appealing image because of its variety, eventfulness, possibilities of choices for walking through and the stimulation of an intense atmosphere that each individual can explore a specific and unique story by themselves. For many visitors and residents in SOHO, these paths are dominant elements of SOHO’s image. They observe this SOHO city while walking through it. It is designed as a maze which can be explored by visualisation. There is a potpourri of every conceivable thing. It is not just the roads that crisscross. Paths along with the other environmental elements are arranged and related. The passageways, small squares, public green spaces and shopping streets all do so, sometimes drawing the pedestrian unknowingly into a building. From a street so narrow two people can barely squeeze past each another, one enters a square where people are gathered. Every step forward brings a change of scenery. The pace is dizzying. Moving through these spaces, one can almost feel the SOHO city breathing in and out. People walking in SOHO can also visualize the neat planning grid of the district planning by looking at the “edges” of SOHO buildings. By edges, I mean the linear elements of façade of the SOHO buildings. One edge closes one block off from another. The similar façades of the SOHO buildings as a whole give us a “break-linear” image, like a dash line, to some extent leading people in certain directions of this city maze. These edge elements, as dominant as paths, are for many people important organizing features of the SOHO city. As a district part of Beijing, in a sense we deem that the SOHO maze is composed by several elements sharing similar characters – similar overpasses, similar facades and etc. Despite the similarities existing everywhere in this district, Jianwai SOHO still stands out in the surroundings while still in keeping with the similarity of its neighbourhood by a ‘30 degree strategy’. In order to eliminate interference from one building upon another, Riken Yamamoto shaped each structure to be slender, and angled them at 30 degrees eastward. In this way, every   5
  • 7. apartment will boast access to both moderate sunshine and privacy.8 Overpasses extend over them, so that one has the impression of being in an underground passage, but in the next moment the sun in beating down from directly overhead, making everything a dazzling white. This feature was highly appreciated in the bidding evaluation and might be called a minor invention at least in Beijing where history animates the present, almost all buildings are oriented on a north-south axis and nowhere can we find any large buildings that are even slightly angled. 3.2. Hearing “I gained my inspiration from a Moroccan city called Ceuta. Every possible thing--human beings, donkey’s dancing, sheep’s bleat, shops, ancient houses mosques, restaurants, the fragrance of mint and tobacco, and the odor of human bodies--were mixed together indiscriminately.”9 “I remember the sound of the gravel under my feet; […] I can hear the heavy front door closing behind me as I walk along the dark corridor and enter the kitchen…”10 Hearing is another way of experiencing things or architecture supported by both Yamamoto and Zumthor. In terms of architecture territory, sounds measure space and make its scale understandable. Sounds reflect in a space, and that way it gives us an impression of its form and material. When we stand on the ground floor outside Jianwai SOHO buildings, we can “hear” the people of this area, as internalised by Yamamoto. People are given a parallel experience by closing their eyes and putting themselves in their surroundings, especially at night. Hearing busy shops besides them and people talking and walking through the over bridges connecting buildings above the ground, they can imagine the layout of this area, and enjoy a spatial experience by listening to the seeming remote traffic sound and construction sound nearby. They can hear how spaces or buildings radiate out from themselves by different echoes.                                                                                                                           8  Jianwai SOHO Official Website Available at:   9  Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at:   10  Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.     6
  • 8. “The live reflections of echo and re-echo within a stone cathedral increase our awareness of the vastness, geometry and material of its space. Imagine the same space with carpet and acoustically softened… a spatial and experiential dimension of the architecture is lost. We could redefine space by shifting our attention from the visual to how it is shaped by resonant sounds, vibrations of materials and textures."(Steven Holl) “Sight isolates, whereas sound incorporates; vision is directional, whereas sound is omni- directional”.11 One regards an object, while sound approaches; the eye reaches, while the ear receives. SOHO buildings don’t respond to our stare, but they do send back our echo. Every particular building has its own characteristic sound because of different volumes that they have, which forms a grade of intimacy of distance, an invitation or rejection. Through its echo, a space is understood as equally as through its visual shape. This is often unrecognized by people because the acoustic observation is generally an unaware background experience. But still, this is one of the goals that the designer wanted to achieve—to make people listen, listen in the maze. 3.3. Touch “Sometimes I can almost feel a particular door handle in my hand, a piece of metal shaped like the back of a spoon. I used to take hold of it when I went into my aunt’s garden.”12 The skin reads texture, weight, density and temperature. ‘The only sense which can give a sensation of spatial depth is touch, because touch senses the resistance and three- dimensionalality of shapes and material bodies, and therefore makes us aware that things extend away from us in all our direction.’13 Vision exposes what the touch already knows. We could consider the sense of touch as the unconsciousness of vision. In Zumthor’s theory, “touch” is an important way to feel/design architecture. Despite that this point doesn't seem to be an indispensable means of Yamamoto’s designing, we still can find out one or two in the deisgn of Jianwai SOHO which is involved with “design via touching”.                                                                                                                           11  Architectural Means, Available at:   12  Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.   13  Architectural Means, Available at:     7
  • 9. The first way to experience SOHO by “touch” is “texture from touch” which refers to the processing of information about surface material and microgeometry obtained from tactile exploration. Though textural information can be obtained both visually and auditorily, touch yields much finer and more complex textural information than do the other sensory modalities.14 When we run our fingers across a surface of the SOHO buildings, we perceive the surface as being rough, like sandpaper, or smooth, like glass; the surface may also vary along other sensory stimuli, such as hardness (e.g. facade texure) vs. softness (e.g. grass in green space), stickiness vs. slipperiness. Also, whether a texture is thermally isolating or thermally conductive (like metal) contributes to the textural percept. Different aspects of texture are encoded by different populations of receptors. Large, high French windows let the sunshine in, bathing the rooms and reflecting off the white surfaces. People touch the sunshine and feel the warmth---this is the second aspect which is associated with “touch”. This technique is widely used in Japanese interior design, and Riken Yamamoto makes better use of it than anyone. In Riken's design, whiteness, light colors and decent furniture have formed an unprecedented fashion in exterior and interior decoration in Jianwai SOHO. No matter what Colorfulness called it, 'whiteness guided' or 'whiteness dominated' for the texture of building is not only the interior that is gray and white but also the whole building. 3.4. Smell […] restaurants, the fragrance of mint and tobacco, and the odor of human bodies--were mixed together indiscriminately.15 […] were hard and unyielding under my feet, and a smell of oil paint issued from the kitchen cupboard.16 The most determined memory of any space is often its smell. ‘A particular smell makes us unknowingly re-enter a space completely forgotten by the retinal memory: the nostrils awaken                                                                                                                           14  Rebecca Maxwell , Peter-John Cantrill, “Beyond Appearances - Architecture and the senses” Available at:   15  Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at:   16  Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006), P 1.   8
  • 10. a forgotten image, and we are enticed to enter a vivid daydream. The nose makes the eyes remember.’17 Memory and imagination remain associated in the meantime. Jianwai SOHO is a combination of multi-functional buildings. People walking by can “smell” the “function” of SOHO city. It is not complicated for people walking to be aware of the location of the restaurants, clothes shops, copy shops, supermarkets and central green space. In light of this, smell is a last but not least way for people to experience Jianwai SOHO by stimulated olfaction. 4. Conclusion Our experiences are the result of our perception with our senses. We experience by what we see, what we hear, smell and touch. Without our senses there would be no experience. From our childhood on we learn from our experiences with the world around us. Rasmussen says: “By a variety of experiences (the child) quite instinctively learns to judge things according to weight, solidity, texture, heat-conducting ability.” All this also holds true for architecture. The stimuli we perceive with our senses tell us all we need to know about a space. In architecture all senses are important, but the sense of sight is very dominant. The other senses are underappreciated in architecture. We could pay more attention to the other senses, as the combined perception of all the senses gives us our total experience of a space. Researches show us that perceiving solely with vision gives us a distorted perception of space, especially in comparison with the separate use of smell and touch. They tend to describe space a lot more accurately. We leave so much of our spatial experience to chance if we leave the other senses untouched during the design process. “[…] modern design at large has housed the intellect and the eye, but has left the body and the other senses, as well as our memories, imaginations and dreams, homeless.” (Pallasmaa) Bibliography: Books:                                                                                                                           17  Rebecca Maxwell , Peter-John Cantrill, “Beyond Appearances - Architecture and the senses” Available at:     9
  • 11. Peter Zumthor, “A Way of Looking at Things” (Spon Press, 2006) Rasmussen S.E., “Experiencing Architecture” (The MIT Press, 1962) Article in Books/on Internet: Kevin Lynch, “The City Image and Its Elements”, Melville C. Branch, Urban Planning Theory (University of Southern Califonia, 1975) Rebecca Maxwell , Peter-John Cantrill, “Beyond Appearances - Architecture and the senses” Available at: (Accessed 9 January 2011) Internet: Multiplicity and Memory: Talking About Architecture with Peter Zumthor, Available at: peter-zumthor (Accessed 10 January 2011) Experiencing Workshop, Available at: D=3662453&SID=skim725X515840 (Accessed 10 January 2011) Architectural Means, Available at: (Accessed 8 January 2011) Jianwai SOHO: Leader in a New Way of Life, Available at: (Accessed 11 January 2011) Jianwai SOHO Official Website Available at: (Accessed 1 January 2011) Jianwai SOHO/Riken Yamamoto, Available at: http://www.chinese- (Accessed 1 December 2010)   10
  • 12.   11