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 Note- File for Final Evaluation

                             A PUNJAB EDUSAT SOCIETY PRODUCTION
                                       SUBJECT- ENGLISH
                                           CLASS- IX
                                 TOPIC: DETERMINERS-USAGE-II

 (An answer sheet is shown where a student’s answer to a question is shown. The question
 paper may be shown on the top in the form of a printed paper with the question written. The
 answer sheet could be shown as a handwritten paper written with a blue ink pen) Reference
 images I and II given.

Ques.Write          The hotter month of
  a short           summers is May. An
 paragraph          temperature varies from
on ‘Summer          40-50 degree Celsius in it.
  Season’           People prefer things like
                    ice cream, lemonade etc.
                    than coffee to beat a heat.
                    Only a little of them like
                                         IMAGE I
                    to go out in the scorching
                    heat. The schools are
                    closed for a vacation of
                    nearly 2 months and

                                    IMAGE II


 Hello Children! Welcome back to the IInd. Part on the usage of ‘Determiners’ .Let us know what Babli
 wrote for her paragraph on ‘Summer Season’.

 VO with the text on screen, as shown in the above images.

 QUESTION: Write a short paragraph on ‘ Summer Season’

 (A girl, called Babli, answers as below)

The hotter month of summers is May. An temperature varies from 40-50 degree Celsius in it. People
prefer things like ice cream, lemonade etc. than coffee to beat a heat. Only a little of them like to go out
in the scorching heat. The schools are closed for a vacation of nearly 2 months and both children enjoy
playing in her homes. Since there is many heat outside much parents don’t allow their children to go
out. I love summers as I get to visit new places in the vacations, enjoy swimming and eat ice creams
and pastries.

(A dialogue between the teacher, Mrs. Puri, and the student, Babli, in a classroom environment,
as in Episode maintain a continuity.The dialogues to be shown in bubbles.)

Mrs. Puri: Babli, have you seen your English answer sheet? You have made a number of mistakes.
“An temperature”, “The hotter month of summers”, “beat a heat” – that is all incorrect.

Babli: Madam, I am sorry. Last week, you told us what determiners are- I learnt everything you told
us- much, more, little are determiners. But I still cannot use them correctly. Can you please explain how
to use such words?

Mrs. Puri: I am glad you have realised where you are going wrong. I will be happy to help you out my
dear. But let us first quickly recall what we learnt in our last class for the benefit of all of us.

VO with text on screen: (show one major point on one screen. Pause for 2-3 seconds before
going to the next point. The following 2 points should be shown on2different screens)

   •   Determiners are words 1` which signal the coming of a’ noun’ in a sentence.

   •   They can be categorized into 6 categories:
           Articles – a, an, the
           Possessives – my, her, their, etc.
           Demonstratives- this, that, etc.
           Numericals and Number expressions – few, several, lots of, one, two, every, each, etc
           Quantifiers- much, some, no, etc.
           Interrogatives or ‘wh ‘ words - what, where, etc.

You just saw how Babli was able to recall everything her teacher had taught on Determiners. Yet, the
child made mistakes. Simply knowing about determiners and their different types, is just not enough.
We need to understand their correct usage too. This is what our current module is all about. Here, have
a look at what’s in store for today.


After this session, you will be able to

   •   Appreciate the need for learning usage of determiners

   • Choose the correct alternative between similar meaning determiners such as
            Much, Many
          Few, A Few ,the few, Little,a little, the little
          Each, Every All
          Either, Neither
          What, Whose and Which



Voice over with text on screen: (Please show each point eg. i,ii, etc on different screens)

VERY IMPORTANT- Pls use different colour for each set of determiners marked A, B, C, etc. Part
A (Some, Any) – Use Red. Part B (Few, a Few, Little)- Use Blue, etc There are SIX parts in all-
from A to F.

      •    ‘Some’ and ‘Any’(Show animated sentences)

   MM 2.

   -Each pair of sentence is to be animated for the correct sentence, marked with a tick.
         • ‘Some’ means a small number and is followed by an uncountable singular Noun, or a
             plural countable Noun (normally in place of ‘a few.’)

           •   Mostly, ’Some’ is always used in an affirmative or positive sentence. – do it in Punjabi

Eg: He has got some flowers (Show a tick mark)           Ref.IMAGE I
            He has got any flowers (Show a cross)
                                                                            Ref. IMAGE II

  He will get some coffee for you if you want.(Show a tick mark)
               He will get any coffee for you if you want. (Show a cross) (Note- show a better image of a
child carrying coffee)


There are some children in the room.(Show a tick mark)
            There are any children in the room.(Show a cross.) Ref. IMAGE-III

            • ‘Any’ is used in a negative statement, or question. I haven’t got
            Eg: I haven’t got any book. (Show a tick mark)        any book!!!

            I have got any book. (Show a cross)
            Hasn’t she got any pets?. (Show a tick mark) Ref. IMAGE IV

                                                             Ref. IMAGEV.

         She hasn’t got some pets?. (Show a cross)

            •    ‘Any’ can also be used with negative adverbs.
                  Eg: They scarcely go to any program.(referring to ‘scarcely’ , the negative adverb.)
            •    He is hardly able to complete any work on time.(referring to ‘hardly’, the negative

            •    ‘Any’ is also used after ‘if’ or ‘whether’ and expressions of doubt.

                  Eg: If you find any material, please tell me.
                    Whether today or tomorrow, any day suits me.

             • ‘some’ is used when the answer is expected as ‘yes’ like-
             Did some of you sleep on the floor ?
             Did some of you hear the bell?
             • ‘any’ can be used in all those questions where speaker has no idea whether the
                answer is going to be ‘yes’ or ‘no’
                Eg: Have you got any money?
                    Did you get any response?

             •   ‘some’ can also be used before a noun to indicate a considerable amount.
                 Eg: This is really some help from the staff.

        MM 3:
  Babli , the girl and Mrs. Puri the Teacher seen Talking. Lip movement with dialogues in
Babli: fJ; B/ ;kohnk rZbK B/ ;gZFN eo fdZsk j?. w? jw/Fk jh fJj efjzdh ;h fe
“I am going out to play anything with my friends. go j[D w?~ ;wM nk frnk j? fe w?I rbs ;h
w?~ efjDk ukjhdk ;h fe “I am going out to play some thing with my friends!”
Mrs.Puri: fpbe[b mhe my dear child! fJE/ n;hI SOME ns/ ANY pko/ Quiz eoKr/. Let’s see
how many of these you can get right!


(Show one question with a blank and then fill in the blank with the answer after 2 seconds)

Fill up the blanks using some or any.
               • Have you _______ idea where I kept my glasses? (Ans- any)
               • You can come and visit me ____ time. You are always welcome. (Ans. any)
               • Can I borrow ____________ milk, please? I had left __________in my kitchen but I
                  want more. (Ans. some, some)


Children, I am sure now you have clarity regarding the use of ‘some’ and ‘any’. Let us shift our focus
to some other types of determiners, especially the ones that talk about numbers. Like each, every,
either ,neither , much, many. It’s interesting actually. I have many ideas, no, much ideas, no, all ideas,
oh what the heck! I guess I am going to come and sit with you and learn myself!

Voice over with text on screen Please insert colourful animated images wherever possible)

   •   .Much and Many
   •   Much is used before singular uncountable nouns to denote quantity. do it in Punjabi
              Eg: I haven’t got much money.
                   She hasn’t got much time.

            • Many is used before plural countable nouns to denote number. do it in Punjabi
             Eg: She hasn’t got many dresses now.
                 I haven’t received many entries for the competition.

        i.    Much and many are usually used in negative and interrogative sentences. do it in Punjabi
               Eg: There aren’t many boys in my group.
                   How many people were there in the hotel?

              •    Few, a few, the few, little, a little, the little

              Plural countable nouns are used with’ few’, ‘a few’ and ‘the few.’

              ‘Few’ denotes number/scarcity or lack of something
               Eg He has few friends (nearly no friends)
                  He has read few books (almost no books)

              A few denotes at least some

                  They came to the party only for a few minutes (At least for some minutes)
                  The basket had a few apples. (at least some apples)

             The few (Whatever small the number – but all under reference)
                They sold the few eggs in the basket.
                 They took the few cards that were left.

              •  ‘Little’ denotes quantity, so singular uncountable nouns are used with ‘little’, ‘a little’
                 and ‘the little’.
              Eg.. He has little money.
                   Put little sugar in my cup of tea.

                    Can I ask for a little favour from you?
                    The child needed a little attention in the class.

                I have spent the little money that I had.
                  The beggar took the little rice that Bobby gave. ns/ fJE/ fJZe rZb j'o :kd
          oZyD tkbh j? fe little and few has negative sense oZydk j?.

              •    Each and Every

              •    Each is used for everyone out of a known number of a group of people or objects. - do
                   it in Punjabi
                   Eg: Each of the members in the meeting had a different point of view.
                         Each pencil in the box is sharpened.

              •    ‘Every’ is used for everyone out of an unknown number of a group people or things. -
                   do it in Punjabi
                  Eg: Every small shop in this area sells junk food.
                      Every person in this office is well- qualified.

                 •   Either and Neither

                 • Either means any one of the two objects, places or persons while neither means
                   ‘not one nor the other of the two’.
                 • Either and neither are used only in the case of two objects ,persons or places.
                  Eg: You can take either of the two books.
                      Neither of the dresses suits me.

                 •   Interrogatives or’ Wh’ words.

         What, whose, which can also be used as determiners while asking general questions.
                Eg. Whose book is this?
                    What shape is this box?
                    Which of the dresses have you tried from these?


So we saw the usage of various determiners in different situations. By now I hope you all will be able to
solve any problem given to you. But before some brain storming, let’s have a quick revision of what we
have learnt today.



   •   ‘Some’ is used with affirmative sentences while any is used with negative sentences.
   •   .’Much’ is used before single uncountable nouns while ‘many’ is used before plural countable
   •   Plural countable nouns are used with ‘few’ while singular uncountable nouns are used with
   •   Both ‘little’ and ‘few’ are used in negative sense.
   •   ‘Each’ and ‘every’ both are used for two or more people or things or places.
   •   ‘Either’ means ‘one’ of the two while ‘neither’ means ‘none’ of the two. They are used only in
       the case of two objects, persons, or places.
   •   Interrogatives’ or ‘wh’ words like’ what’, ‘which’ etc. can also be used as determiners, while
       asking questions.



    VO with Text on screen

QUES. Choose the right alternative.( Show the correct answer after 1 second and let it fill up
the blank space)

               •       How ____________ hours do you work?
                    i. Much
                   ii.   Many (correct because ’hours’ is a countable noun.)

               • She had different nail paint on __________ finger.
                iii. Each (correct because ‘fingers’ is a known number of a group)
                iv. Every

               •      Each of us ________ to wear uniform to school.
                   v.    Has (correct because ‘has’ is used with a singular number ,’Each’, which means
                   vi. Have

               •     d .Very___ __dogs could run fast.

               i   little
ii    few (correct because ’few’ is used with ‘countable nouns ‘and here the noun ,’dogs’                is

               •     Every girl ________ to look pretty.

                     i   want

                ii wants (correct because we add an ‘s’ to the verb when it is used for a singular
          noun or a pronoun.)

          ANCHOR 5

QUES. Choose the correct possessive determiners in the following letter Raji wrote for her
friend. Possessive determiners are words like his, her, their, our, it’s, my, your, etc.

Text on screen , to freeze for one minute so that the studentscan copy and fill in the blanks.

                                                                           23, Rouse Avenue,
                                                                             New Delhi.
Dear Savita,

Hi! Since------holidays will be over very soon,it would be good if we take------books and go to the Public

Library.-----been long since we went there.--------books are very good. How is -----mother? I remember

-----pet dog.-------hair is so fluffy.--------My sister is doing well now. Hope to meet you soon.

------Friend ,

QUES. Which determiner completes the sentence: "some" or "any"? (Remember ‘some’ for
positive sentences and ‘any’ for negative sentences.)

           Vicky has candles.

            Katrina doesn't have money.

            Sarika will give us information.

           There is milk in the fridge.

            There isn't bread at home.

            There aren't boys in my family.

            Bose will not give me help.

            Arti shouldn't eat chocolates.

            Shubham must do homework tonight.

            My brother can't speak Chinese.

            My sister can speak Spanish.

            I can't speak Chinese or Spanish.

            I must study second languages.

            Dheera isn't smarter than Arun.

            Anahita should eat fresh fruit.

           The script is frozen by Mrs Manjeet Kaur.


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Ix determiners part 2_master file by manjeet

  • 1. PES/ENG/IX/019 Note- File for Final Evaluation A PUNJAB EDUSAT SOCIETY PRODUCTION SUBJECT- ENGLISH CLASS- IX TOPIC: DETERMINERS-USAGE-II MM1: (An answer sheet is shown where a student’s answer to a question is shown. The question paper may be shown on the top in the form of a printed paper with the question written. The answer sheet could be shown as a handwritten paper written with a blue ink pen) Reference images I and II given. Answer: Ques.Write The hotter month of a short summers is May. An paragraph temperature varies from on ‘Summer 40-50 degree Celsius in it. Season’ People prefer things like ice cream, lemonade etc. than coffee to beat a heat. Only a little of them like IMAGE I to go out in the scorching heat. The schools are closed for a vacation of nearly 2 months and IMAGE II ANCHOR: 1 Hello Children! Welcome back to the IInd. Part on the usage of ‘Determiners’ .Let us know what Babli wrote for her paragraph on ‘Summer Season’. VO with the text on screen, as shown in the above images. QUESTION: Write a short paragraph on ‘ Summer Season’ ANSWER: (A girl, called Babli, answers as below) 1
  • 2. PES/ENG/IX/019 The hotter month of summers is May. An temperature varies from 40-50 degree Celsius in it. People prefer things like ice cream, lemonade etc. than coffee to beat a heat. Only a little of them like to go out in the scorching heat. The schools are closed for a vacation of nearly 2 months and both children enjoy playing in her homes. Since there is many heat outside much parents don’t allow their children to go out. I love summers as I get to visit new places in the vacations, enjoy swimming and eat ice creams and pastries. MM-1 (A dialogue between the teacher, Mrs. Puri, and the student, Babli, in a classroom environment, as in Episode maintain a continuity.The dialogues to be shown in bubbles.) Mrs. Puri: Babli, have you seen your English answer sheet? You have made a number of mistakes. “An temperature”, “The hotter month of summers”, “beat a heat” – that is all incorrect. Babli: Madam, I am sorry. Last week, you told us what determiners are- I learnt everything you told us- much, more, little are determiners. But I still cannot use them correctly. Can you please explain how to use such words? Mrs. Puri: I am glad you have realised where you are going wrong. I will be happy to help you out my dear. But let us first quickly recall what we learnt in our last class for the benefit of all of us. VO with text on screen: (show one major point on one screen. Pause for 2-3 seconds before going to the next point. The following 2 points should be shown on2different screens) • Determiners are words 1` which signal the coming of a’ noun’ in a sentence. • They can be categorized into 6 categories:  Articles – a, an, the  Possessives – my, her, their, etc.  Demonstratives- this, that, etc.  Numericals and Number expressions – few, several, lots of, one, two, every, each, etc  Quantifiers- much, some, no, etc.  Interrogatives or ‘wh ‘ words - what, where, etc. ANCHOR- 2: You just saw how Babli was able to recall everything her teacher had taught on Determiners. Yet, the child made mistakes. Simply knowing about determiners and their different types, is just not enough. We need to understand their correct usage too. This is what our current module is all about. Here, have a look at what’s in store for today. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After this session, you will be able to • Appreciate the need for learning usage of determiners 2
  • 3. PES/ENG/IX/019 • Choose the correct alternative between similar meaning determiners such as Much, Many  Few, A Few ,the few, Little,a little, the little  Each, Every All  Either, Neither  What, Whose and Which SUPER 1 USING DETERMINERS Voice over with text on screen: (Please show each point eg. i,ii, etc on different screens) VERY IMPORTANT- Pls use different colour for each set of determiners marked A, B, C, etc. Part A (Some, Any) – Use Red. Part B (Few, a Few, Little)- Use Blue, etc There are SIX parts in all- from A to F. • ‘Some’ and ‘Any’(Show animated sentences) MM 2. -Each pair of sentence is to be animated for the correct sentence, marked with a tick. • ‘Some’ means a small number and is followed by an uncountable singular Noun, or a plural countable Noun (normally in place of ‘a few.’) • Mostly, ’Some’ is always used in an affirmative or positive sentence. – do it in Punjabi Eg: He has got some flowers (Show a tick mark) Ref.IMAGE I He has got any flowers (Show a cross) Ref. IMAGE II He will get some coffee for you if you want.(Show a tick mark) He will get any coffee for you if you want. (Show a cross) (Note- show a better image of a child carrying coffee) 3
  • 4. PES/ENG/IX/019 There are some children in the room.(Show a tick mark) There are any children in the room.(Show a cross.) Ref. IMAGE-III • ‘Any’ is used in a negative statement, or question. I haven’t got Eg: I haven’t got any book. (Show a tick mark) any book!!! I have got any book. (Show a cross) Hasn’t she got any pets?. (Show a tick mark) Ref. IMAGE IV Ref. IMAGEV. She hasn’t got some pets?. (Show a cross) • ‘Any’ can also be used with negative adverbs. Eg: They scarcely go to any program.(referring to ‘scarcely’ , the negative adverb.) • He is hardly able to complete any work on time.(referring to ‘hardly’, the negative adverb.) • ‘Any’ is also used after ‘if’ or ‘whether’ and expressions of doubt. 4
  • 5. PES/ENG/IX/019 Eg: If you find any material, please tell me. Whether today or tomorrow, any day suits me. • ‘some’ is used when the answer is expected as ‘yes’ like- Did some of you sleep on the floor ? Did some of you hear the bell? • ‘any’ can be used in all those questions where speaker has no idea whether the answer is going to be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Eg: Have you got any money? Did you get any response? • ‘some’ can also be used before a noun to indicate a considerable amount. Eg: This is really some help from the staff. MM 3: Babli , the girl and Mrs. Puri the Teacher seen Talking. Lip movement with dialogues in bubbles. Babli: fJ; B/ ;kohnk rZbK B/ ;gZFN eo fdZsk j?. w? jw/Fk jh fJj efjzdh ;h fe “I am going out to play anything with my friends. go j[D w?~ ;wM nk frnk j? fe w?I rbs ;h w?~ efjDk ukjhdk ;h fe “I am going out to play some thing with my friends!” Mrs.Puri: fpbe[b mhe my dear child! fJE/ n;hI SOME ns/ ANY pko/ Quiz eoKr/. Let’s see how many of these you can get right! VOICE OVER WITH TEXT ON SCREEN: (Show one question with a blank and then fill in the blank with the answer after 2 seconds) Fill up the blanks using some or any. • Have you _______ idea where I kept my glasses? (Ans- any) • You can come and visit me ____ time. You are always welcome. (Ans. any) • Can I borrow ____________ milk, please? I had left __________in my kitchen but I want more. (Ans. some, some) ANCHOR 3: Children, I am sure now you have clarity regarding the use of ‘some’ and ‘any’. Let us shift our focus to some other types of determiners, especially the ones that talk about numbers. Like each, every, either ,neither , much, many. It’s interesting actually. I have many ideas, no, much ideas, no, all ideas, oh what the heck! I guess I am going to come and sit with you and learn myself! Voice over with text on screen Please insert colourful animated images wherever possible) • .Much and Many • Much is used before singular uncountable nouns to denote quantity. do it in Punjabi Eg: I haven’t got much money. She hasn’t got much time. 5
  • 6. PES/ENG/IX/019 • Many is used before plural countable nouns to denote number. do it in Punjabi Eg: She hasn’t got many dresses now. I haven’t received many entries for the competition. i. Much and many are usually used in negative and interrogative sentences. do it in Punjabi Eg: There aren’t many boys in my group. How many people were there in the hotel? • Few, a few, the few, little, a little, the little Plural countable nouns are used with’ few’, ‘a few’ and ‘the few.’ ‘Few’ denotes number/scarcity or lack of something Eg He has few friends (nearly no friends) He has read few books (almost no books) A few denotes at least some Eg They came to the party only for a few minutes (At least for some minutes) The basket had a few apples. (at least some apples) The few (Whatever small the number – but all under reference) Eg They sold the few eggs in the basket. They took the few cards that were left. • ‘Little’ denotes quantity, so singular uncountable nouns are used with ‘little’, ‘a little’ and ‘the little’. Eg.. He has little money. Put little sugar in my cup of tea. Can I ask for a little favour from you? The child needed a little attention in the class. I have spent the little money that I had. The beggar took the little rice that Bobby gave. ns/ fJE/ fJZe rZb j'o :kd oZyD tkbh j? fe little and few has negative sense oZydk j?. • Each and Every • Each is used for everyone out of a known number of a group of people or objects. - do it in Punjabi Eg: Each of the members in the meeting had a different point of view. Each pencil in the box is sharpened. • ‘Every’ is used for everyone out of an unknown number of a group people or things. - do it in Punjabi 6
  • 7. PES/ENG/IX/019 Eg: Every small shop in this area sells junk food. Every person in this office is well- qualified. • Either and Neither • Either means any one of the two objects, places or persons while neither means ‘not one nor the other of the two’. • Either and neither are used only in the case of two objects ,persons or places. Eg: You can take either of the two books. Neither of the dresses suits me. • Interrogatives or’ Wh’ words. What, whose, which can also be used as determiners while asking general questions. Eg. Whose book is this? What shape is this box? Which of the dresses have you tried from these? ANCHOR:4 So we saw the usage of various determiners in different situations. By now I hope you all will be able to solve any problem given to you. But before some brain storming, let’s have a quick revision of what we have learnt today. SUPER 2: SUMMARY • ‘Some’ is used with affirmative sentences while any is used with negative sentences. • .’Much’ is used before single uncountable nouns while ‘many’ is used before plural countable nouns. • Plural countable nouns are used with ‘few’ while singular uncountable nouns are used with ‘little’. • Both ‘little’ and ‘few’ are used in negative sense. • ‘Each’ and ‘every’ both are used for two or more people or things or places. • ‘Either’ means ‘one’ of the two while ‘neither’ means ‘none’ of the two. They are used only in the case of two objects, persons, or places. • Interrogatives’ or ‘wh’ words like’ what’, ‘which’ etc. can also be used as determiners, while asking questions. SUPER 3 EXERCISE VO with Text on screen 7
  • 8. PES/ENG/IX/019 QUES. Choose the right alternative.( Show the correct answer after 1 second and let it fill up the blank space) • How ____________ hours do you work? i. Much ii. Many (correct because ’hours’ is a countable noun.) • She had different nail paint on __________ finger. iii. Each (correct because ‘fingers’ is a known number of a group) iv. Every • Each of us ________ to wear uniform to school. v. Has (correct because ‘has’ is used with a singular number ,’Each’, which means one. vi. Have • d .Very___ __dogs could run fast. i little ii few (correct because ’few’ is used with ‘countable nouns ‘and here the noun ,’dogs’ is countable.) • Every girl ________ to look pretty. i want ii wants (correct because we add an ‘s’ to the verb when it is used for a singular noun or a pronoun.) ANCHOR 5 QUES. Choose the correct possessive determiners in the following letter Raji wrote for her friend. Possessive determiners are words like his, her, their, our, it’s, my, your, etc. Text on screen , to freeze for one minute so that the studentscan copy and fill in the blanks. 23, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi. 1.06.09 Dear Savita, Hi! Since------holidays will be over very soon,it would be good if we take------books and go to the Public Library.-----been long since we went there.--------books are very good. How is -----mother? I remember 8
  • 9. PES/ENG/IX/019 -----pet dog.-------hair is so fluffy.--------My sister is doing well now. Hope to meet you soon. ------Friend , Rajji. QUES. Which determiner completes the sentence: "some" or "any"? (Remember ‘some’ for positive sentences and ‘any’ for negative sentences.) Vicky has candles. Katrina doesn't have money. Sarika will give us information. There is milk in the fridge. There isn't bread at home. There aren't boys in my family. Bose will not give me help. Arti shouldn't eat chocolates. Shubham must do homework tonight. My brother can't speak Chinese. My sister can speak Spanish. I can't speak Chinese or Spanish. I must study second languages. Dheera isn't smarter than Arun. Anahita should eat fresh fruit. The script is frozen by Mrs Manjeet Kaur. 9