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Wacky Family OWBC  Chapter 2
Ozzy was lying on his bed, daydreaming as usual. He knew that the career in politics would be interesting but he wasn't at all sure if he would be good at it. Sure, he knew plenty of it, understood more than some grown ups did but there was all the public part to handle with. Could he actually consider being a public person someday, the way his mother was already?
Oona didn't have such troubles. She knew what she liked and what she wanted. She wanted to eat food made of fresh ingredients and she wanted to grow those herself. She also wanted to make money, the more the better. And if that made her a public person... She shrugged, if it did, she didn't mind, it would certainly help her to get what she wanted.
Both twins remembered the discussion the family had had just couple days ago. Now that they were teens, their parents wanted to know what they would like to do with their lives. Turma had always wished that one of their kids would follow their parents into politics. After all, that was what Turma had been pursuing all along and Jonathan as well as he was hoping to become minister of education some time soon. - ”But someone is got to live here too”, Olivia was saying, ”you are the youngest so it would be easiest if it was one of you.” Olivia pointed both twins when saying this. - ”But I was thinking... that maybe...”, Ozzy started but Oona finished for him: - ”What Ozzy is saying that we have both been thinking to get a house of our own. I mean a house for both of us.”
- ”You mean you would still be living together?”, Olivia asked. - ”Yes”, Oona simply replied. - ”I also would like to get my own place”, Benjamin said, ”start a garden of my own and in any case I will be adult soon and the house is crowded as it is. I would like to get a family and I can't do it here with the house this full.” - ”But someone is got to stay here...”, Olivia tried but fell silent as everyone was looking at her, ”what? You are thinking that that someone would be me? Think again!”, she shouted and ran from the table. - ”That went well”, Turma sighed, ”but that's really the best option. She will come around”, she tried to convince everyone but wasn't sure if she was convinced even herself.
Olivia felt that she had to get out of the house and asked half heartedly if Oona would like to join her. She had been wanting that ever since she became teen so she agreed without hesitation. The whole intention of this small trip was of course to meet some boys but as they were in the hot tube they were again talking about the same thing as with the whole family. - ”Would it be really that bad to stay and live with mum and dad?”, Oona asked and made Olivia growl. - ”Think about it! How can I ever do anything that I want?” Oona grinned and asked, - ”Don't you always do whatever you want?” Oona was pretty sure that there had been smallest of the grins on Olivia's face. - ”I guess, but still...” - ”You wouldn't need to worry about money to start with, no need to go and buy a house and then try to make your living out of nothing”, Oona pointed out. - ”Hmm.. there is something in that”, Olivia had to agree.
- ”Oh, pizza. Great”, Benjamin thought and took one piece hungrily, ”we haven't had this ever before.” - ”True, but I thought that now we might”, Turma said from the table, eating her own slice.
- ”Anyway, I think she doesn't have that much against the idea anymore”, Oona finished as Benjamin sat down and he understood that it was about Olivia. Olivia herself was at work, she had taken a job already in slacker career saying that the day that she would be professional party guest would never be soon enough. - ”That's good”, Jonathan said mouth full of pizza, ”it would be such a waste to sell this house after... well, you know”, he sighed. It wasn't a nice thought that his and Turma's life was closer to an end than beginning.
After that the life went back to its usual tracks, there were things that had to be done...
…  and things that they wanted to do and sometimes while doing so some members of the family managed to max their skills or earn some badges.
Usually it was Olivia who cooked but sometimes other family members tried it too. - ”This is... really some extraordinary cheese and mac”, Olivia told Ozzy. - ”You are just saying that so I wouldn't feel bad. It is just stuff that I mixed together, it doesn't taste like anything.” Olivia sighed, that was true but Ozzy had at least tried and as uncharacteristic as it was for her, she didn't say anything as such. As mean as she could be, she seemed to have a soft spot for Ozzy.
Then came the day that had been long expected – or feared, depends who you asked. - ”Are you really happy for me or just happy that it isn't you standing here?”, Turma asked her colleague. But his answer was just to continue cheering along with everyone else with a slight grin on his face.
Turma aged gracefully but as she didn't feel comfortable with the new style she went to change for something more her style. After that the party continued like it usually does in Wacky household: eating plenty of cake and smustling!
- ”I have already packed my suitcase but you might want to go and pack yours”, Jonathan told his wife grinning widely. - ”Pack my suitcase? Why?” - ”Because the taxi to the airport is going to be here in about twenty minutes.” - ”Taxi to the airport? You mean... But... what about the kids?” - ”The kids will be just fine, they are all teens by now”, Jonathan reassured her wife. - ”That's exactly what I mean, all teens”, Turma sighed, ”you sure we will find the house as it is when we come back?” - ”Well... not completely but pretty sure. Anyway, I didn't buy tickets for them, only for us and you are wasting time now.” With that Turma stepped closer to Jonathan and after a long kiss finally went to pack.
- ”So you sure...?”, Turma tried again. Jonathan sighed, - ”Just come, the taxi is waiting, the kids will be just fine. Time for us to go and have some fun!”
As it turned out, the kids managed just fine. The school marks were pretty good, they never starved and they even had some fun.
For the kids the week had passed surprisingly fast. - ”Why did you want to play  chess  with me? Of all the games that there is?”, Olivia asked. - ”I have never seen you playing chess before and thought it would be about time. And I don't really like poker myself so I chose this one. I need to talk to you.” Olivia sighed, ”what about?”, she asked almost bored. - ”Have you thought about staying in this house even after you grow up?” - ”Oh, about that. Yeah, I guess I will stay here. But don't expect me to fill the house with grandchildren”, she warned and continued, ”I have some brilliant ideas for the house though. It needs some refurnishing definately. How was your holiday?”, Olivia quickly changed the subject. Jonathan decided to ignor the idea bout Olivia refurnishing the house and instead started telling about their holiday.
” It was very nice and relaxing. We arrived on Twikkii on the morning and booked a small bungalow for ourselves. We wanted to have a place next to the sea and with some space for us to spend time in. We didn't think we would be going out all the time after all.”
” We were first greeted by one of the locals. Your mother seemed quite as confused as I did when seeing the way the guy greeted us.”
” After we had changed to our holiday clothes we just wanted to relax on the beach for the rest of the day. There would be plenty of time to explore the area on other days.”
” While building the sandcastle I noticed that the sand was hiding some very beautiful shells and stones so I went to look for more of them. Meanwhile your mother went for some sunbathing.”
” Back at our bungalow I saw one of the locals dancing and decided to join her. I think I learned the dance well enough to show you it one day if you are interested.”
” We had plenty of time for relaxing and some romantic moments too, just enjoyed ourselves without hurry.”
” We both took massages and I even tried sauna. Maybe we should have one at home too, it was very relaxing.”
” Twikkii is very warm place with summer all year long but even there we managed to ran in middle of a hail storm. That luckily didn't last for long.”
” I spent almos one whole day exploring the pirate ship they have there. It was great fun even your mother laughed at me, for some reason she was telling me that I wasn't acting my age.”
” She herself was interested enough of the pirate ship to come and see it but quite quickly left it and went to enjoy her favourite past time on Twikkii.”
” As I have never been away from Strangetown, I couldn't suspect anything when this guy came talking to me. I admit he was weird but didn't think anything else of him. Later I noticed that he had taken my wallet, that much trusting for strangers on Twikkii... Luckily all our money wasn't in that wallet and the whole holiday wasn't ruined just because of that.”
” Of course the week won't last forever and it was time to head back home. I'm just happy that we got the chance to go for a holiday, very enjoyable experience.”
Soon the life was back to its normal again. The family even decided to take another cat, Nappi to keep company for the older cat they had, Tipsu.
Ozzy found a friend for himself even though everyone else in the family expected that there might be something more to it than just friendship.
Olivia continued cooking for the family, often supervised by Tipsu who no one had bothered to teach to stay away from the tables. Eventually the cats became pretty good friends and were often found spending time together.
Again it was time for birthday, this one quite important one as first of the kids was going to become an adult. Naturally there was a full party.
The party was enjoyed by the guests, family and the birthday hero himself just as much.
However, even more than Benjamin, it was Olivia who enjoyed the party most...
Of course the life wasn't just parties as there were things to learn. Ozzy tried hard to practise speeches. It was hard for him but he wanted to follow his mother into politics anyway. Whenever he was practising, he made sure that no one was listening.
Then one night...
- ”Pleace come quick, we have a burglar downstairs”, Jonathan whispered on the phone while Turma was panicking. Why they hadn't bought burglar alarm, why?
Luckily the police responded quickly to the phone call, the  burglar was caught and the family got some refund from the insurance company.
And then there was happy family incident too as Tipsu gave birth to two kittens, a male (Tupsu) and a female (Hilma).
Ozzy continued his not-seeing-him-just-friends-thing with Kilian.
Benjamin and Olivia went shopping for clothes, Olivia with a bit more enthusiasm than Benjamin though. Benjamin had just picked what his father had bought for himself and even there was nothing that badly wrong in the outfit, it quite wasn't his style. Olivia was preparing for her coming birthday and she used so much time picking the clothes that as patient as Benjamin was, even he was getting slightly anxious.
Benjamin also seemed to forget that they had two showers in the house...
Then it was again time to arrange a party, this time a birthday party for Olivia who was determined to have a real roof raising party with her own friends instead of their family friends. As she already had a work and her working hours clashed with the party evening she called sick and so did Benjamin who didn't want to miss Olivia's party either.
- ”They never grow up, do they?”, Turma sighed as she walked to the kitchen to see that everything was in order for the coming party.
Jonathan arrived from work just in time for the party that was already going inside. This was a good day, for one it was his daughter's birthday but he also had finally got promoted to minister of education.
As Olivia had wanted, everyone had fun and if the party wasn't exactly a roof raiser it was very much a succes anyway.
- ”Ok Nappi, you ready to move out?”, Benjamin talked to the family cat, ”your kittens will stay here but I have got a feeling that you would prefer quieter life. Besides the house is rather full so it is good for them that you move out with me.” Nappi only phurred, he seemed content with it and so did Benjamin move to his own house with Nappi.
Olivia enjoyed his life as an adult immediately. It gave her more freedom and of course that in her case meant seeing as many guys as possible.
It was either that or Olivia just had managed meet someone who didn't simply like the sight of her. Anyway, one evening at the sports hall she ended up in a fight. Of course the stranger didn't know who she had just met. If she had, she probably would have thought twice about picking up the fight. Olivia doesn't take it well when offended.
Not at all well... - ”There you have it. That's what you get when you attack to people whose strength you clearly don't know. No one messes with me. Got that?” The stranger only whimpered and walked away.
Apparently the guy who had been following the fight closely was very impressed by Olivia. - ”You did very well there...” Olivia leaned back and eyed the guy, he was pretty cute actually. - ”Thanks. She got just what she deserved. Is she usually picking up fights?” - ”I think she is but this time she finally met the one person I was hoping she would some day, the one who would give her what she has been asking for.” - ”Oh, thanks again. I'm Olivia by the way.” - ”Jyry”
Just too bad the stranger had conveniently forgotten that it was her who started the whole fight and was now kicking off the Wacky household's trash can whenever walking by or stealing their newspaper.
There also was a birthday that everyone failed to notice as Hilma and Tupsu grew up. They looked the same and they also shared the personality. However there was one big difference. For some reason Hilma was always starving even if the food trays were full of food. Apparently she was too interested about everything else and only went to eat when she had to.
Jonathan knew how difficult it was to start without nothing and decided to help his kids. Benjamin already had a job and a house and Olivia would get whatever she wanted while living with them. Then there were the twins . He knew that they were going to live together and he also knew that Oona wanted to start a company of his own so he thought that he could help them a bit by buying and opening own club. When Oona and Ozzy would move out, he could give the ownership of the club for Oona.
First Jonathan had worked just by himself but on other days he was often joined by Turma, Olivia or Oona. Turma wanted to help her husband, Olivia was curious to meet new people and of course there was the chance to play poker as much as she wanted and get paid for it.
Oona simply wanted to learn how everything worked even though she didn't know yet that it was all going to be hers one day. She was eager to sell the tickets and soon became better at it. She was happy for all of the simoleons that the customers paid.
Of course having Olivia working at the club also brought some problems...
After Benjamin left there was the question who would take care of the green house. Usually it fell for Turma or Oona who found gardening almost as interesting as planning new businesses.
Then one day Turma realised that she had, not only topped her career and finally become a city mayor, but also earned more money than she would have ever imagined. She was happy. In fact she was so happy that on that point she decided to retire and enjoy the days she still had left.  And just after she had called to her office, she decided to take care of another business too. Even Benjamin had taken Nappi with him, the house still had three cats and as Ozzy and Oona had refused to take two with them, they had already agreed to take Tipsu, there was only one way to go, give Hilma for adoption. Tupsu would still stay in his old home.
Olivia had to admit that she enjoyed the company of many men and she had quite a few of them as friends but no one interested her particularly. Well, except one certain Pirkka who she had met at their club house and she soon called him to ask for a date.
The date was soon followed by other one. -”Ouch, you really have to throw that hard?”, Pirkka asked when he again got hit by a ball. - ”Oh, you are the man here, stop complaining”, Olivia laughed. - ”I still can feel pain though.” - ”Fine, fine... let's go inside then”, Olivia said and muttered to herself, ”spoilsport.”
Luckily the date went better after that. - ”So... do you work somewhere or what you do?”, Olivia asked curious. Pirkka sighed,  - ”well, not at the moment, not really. I work in this restaurant part time but that's about it. I'm looking something better all the time though”, he quickly added. - ”Anything that would interest you?” - ”Some kind of a career in science would probably be interesting.” Olivia raised an eyebrow, - ”science?” - ”Yeah, what's wrong with it?” - ”Nothing probably, it is just one of the things that I'm not the least interested.”
- ”Oh that feels good. I owe you one”, Pirkka sighed happily, ”they have been stuck since... forever I think.” - ”I think I know some ways of paying me back”, Olivia replied and earned raised eyebrow from Pirkka.
As Pirkka kissed her, Olivia thought that Pirkka wasn't that hopeless at all, science guy or not. He actually understood what her remark had meant and wasn't too shy not to act along with it. - ”That hair has to go though”, Olivia told him when the kiss had finished. - ”Sorry?” - ”The hair. It must go. It tickles me, it goes to my mouth while kissing you and it is completely, utterly hideous on you.”
- ”So does that mean that you want to meet me again?”, Pirkka asked and the answer was pretty clear as Olivia started kissing Pirkka rather passionately. Indeed, there would be more, much more to come.
As Jonathan was finally the minister of education, he decided that he could relax a bit and use the vacation days he had earned to enjoy the other pleasures of the life. As it turned out, he found a new interest in sport and was so interested about it that he was soon granted the membership of a sports club.
Even though Jonathan had never been that interested about the gardening he was impressed by the effort other family members put for it. He thought that they needed some recognition and called to the garden club to ask if they could come and see if their garden would be good enough to make them members of the club.
- ”Reasonably well tend, I have seen worse, definately seen worse”, one of the members muttered while making notes.
- ”Plants look reasonably healthy even though there is also some weed. No bugs though, always a good sign.”
- ”Flamingos? Pink flamingos? The garden full of pink flamingos, do you get it?”, the woman asked. - ”I have really no idea, but did you count them?” - ”Most certainly not! What rubbish!” - ”There is altogether 18 of them. Isn't that a bit too much? I can hardly understand one and I even understand the gnomes, they sort of fit in some gardens but this is simply too much for me.”
- ”So what do you think?”, youngest of the members asked. - ”The greenhouse is small, there are only tomatoes and some weed and even though they are reasonably well kept, they could be better. Outside is pretty good but...” - ”... but don't forget the flamingos”, the woman finished. - ”So our decision?” - ”If we accepted them, we should accept half of the neighbourhood. Let's just tell them to improve those things, they can always apply again if they want to.” So the family didn't get the membership and thus no wishing well just yet.
And then... the youngests of the family were going to become adults too. Naturally again surrounded by friends and of course Benjamin was invited too.
- ”You will be fine with them, I'm sure of it. You are getting older but it will be fine there”, Turma was talking to Tipsu who was going to move with Oona and Ozzy to their new home.
The twins stayed couple days after the birthday while Ozzy was looking for a job. Meanwhile Oona got a bronzebadge in gardening and a surprise gift from his dad. - ”A present? For me? You serious?” - ”Yes, for you. I know you want to run your own business, you can start with the club.” - ”I... I don't know what to say.” - ”No need to say anything, just run it well.”
And so did the twins too leave the house. It was now only Olivia, Jonathan, Turma and Tupsu. For now... turn page --->
Last time I forgot to add Turma's statistics so here goes: Popularity – fortune sim Personality: 4/10/4/4/3 LTW: Become a city mayor and once accomplished; get 20 good friends Pre-destined hobby: music and dance couple notes about the chapter --->
So couple notes about this chapter. First I found out Jonathan's pre-destined hobby, thanks to help from Boolprop-forum! It turned out to be sports. Why, why it couldn't be something else, anything else? I have found before sports the most boring hobby to max. There aren't that many things to do and very rare of them the sims do automatically, expect catching. I had Jonathan play basket ball again, again and again because he always quit it for a reason or another before he was able to read the newspaper articles. Thing that he also quite often quits just after opening the newspaper... For the first time I let my sims decide what to do on a holiday, only asking them to do something if I saw it necessary. So building sandcastles and sunbathing were autonomous, as was Jonathan's exploring the pirate ship. I wrote the garden club members saying that the flamingos were rubbish and that's what they said! Wondering many times why the garden was full of trash. LOL Guess what Olivia rolled for secondary aspiration? Pleasure. So now she is romance-pleasure, a real pleasur for me. LOL As for him and Pirkka, they have 3 bolts just like that and Pirkka is a knowledge-sim, quite unexpected... Benjamin rolled family for secondary aspiration, Oona romance and Ozzy family. And Jonathan's LTW now that he became minister of education is to woohoo with 20 sims. Hardly. Until next time where we will see how Benjamin, Oona and Ozzy are doing and of course what happens to Olivia...

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From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.7From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.7
From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.7
ESWN 2.5
ESWN 2.5ESWN 2.5
ESWN 2.5
ESWN 1.4
ESWN 1.4ESWN 1.4
ESWN 1.4
ESWN 3.2
ESWN 3.2ESWN 3.2
ESWN 3.2
The Vetinari Dualegacy Chapter 19.5
The Vetinari Dualegacy Chapter 19.5The Vetinari Dualegacy Chapter 19.5
The Vetinari Dualegacy Chapter 19.5
Yakko's World: Chapter 14.2
Yakko's World: Chapter 14.2Yakko's World: Chapter 14.2
Yakko's World: Chapter 14.2

Owbc chapter 2

  • 1. Wacky Family OWBC Chapter 2
  • 2. Ozzy was lying on his bed, daydreaming as usual. He knew that the career in politics would be interesting but he wasn't at all sure if he would be good at it. Sure, he knew plenty of it, understood more than some grown ups did but there was all the public part to handle with. Could he actually consider being a public person someday, the way his mother was already?
  • 3. Oona didn't have such troubles. She knew what she liked and what she wanted. She wanted to eat food made of fresh ingredients and she wanted to grow those herself. She also wanted to make money, the more the better. And if that made her a public person... She shrugged, if it did, she didn't mind, it would certainly help her to get what she wanted.
  • 4. Both twins remembered the discussion the family had had just couple days ago. Now that they were teens, their parents wanted to know what they would like to do with their lives. Turma had always wished that one of their kids would follow their parents into politics. After all, that was what Turma had been pursuing all along and Jonathan as well as he was hoping to become minister of education some time soon. - ”But someone is got to live here too”, Olivia was saying, ”you are the youngest so it would be easiest if it was one of you.” Olivia pointed both twins when saying this. - ”But I was thinking... that maybe...”, Ozzy started but Oona finished for him: - ”What Ozzy is saying that we have both been thinking to get a house of our own. I mean a house for both of us.”
  • 5. - ”You mean you would still be living together?”, Olivia asked. - ”Yes”, Oona simply replied. - ”I also would like to get my own place”, Benjamin said, ”start a garden of my own and in any case I will be adult soon and the house is crowded as it is. I would like to get a family and I can't do it here with the house this full.” - ”But someone is got to stay here...”, Olivia tried but fell silent as everyone was looking at her, ”what? You are thinking that that someone would be me? Think again!”, she shouted and ran from the table. - ”That went well”, Turma sighed, ”but that's really the best option. She will come around”, she tried to convince everyone but wasn't sure if she was convinced even herself.
  • 6. Olivia felt that she had to get out of the house and asked half heartedly if Oona would like to join her. She had been wanting that ever since she became teen so she agreed without hesitation. The whole intention of this small trip was of course to meet some boys but as they were in the hot tube they were again talking about the same thing as with the whole family. - ”Would it be really that bad to stay and live with mum and dad?”, Oona asked and made Olivia growl. - ”Think about it! How can I ever do anything that I want?” Oona grinned and asked, - ”Don't you always do whatever you want?” Oona was pretty sure that there had been smallest of the grins on Olivia's face. - ”I guess, but still...” - ”You wouldn't need to worry about money to start with, no need to go and buy a house and then try to make your living out of nothing”, Oona pointed out. - ”Hmm.. there is something in that”, Olivia had to agree.
  • 7.  
  • 8. - ”Oh, pizza. Great”, Benjamin thought and took one piece hungrily, ”we haven't had this ever before.” - ”True, but I thought that now we might”, Turma said from the table, eating her own slice.
  • 9. - ”Anyway, I think she doesn't have that much against the idea anymore”, Oona finished as Benjamin sat down and he understood that it was about Olivia. Olivia herself was at work, she had taken a job already in slacker career saying that the day that she would be professional party guest would never be soon enough. - ”That's good”, Jonathan said mouth full of pizza, ”it would be such a waste to sell this house after... well, you know”, he sighed. It wasn't a nice thought that his and Turma's life was closer to an end than beginning.
  • 10. After that the life went back to its usual tracks, there were things that had to be done...
  • 11. … and things that they wanted to do and sometimes while doing so some members of the family managed to max their skills or earn some badges.
  • 12. Usually it was Olivia who cooked but sometimes other family members tried it too. - ”This is... really some extraordinary cheese and mac”, Olivia told Ozzy. - ”You are just saying that so I wouldn't feel bad. It is just stuff that I mixed together, it doesn't taste like anything.” Olivia sighed, that was true but Ozzy had at least tried and as uncharacteristic as it was for her, she didn't say anything as such. As mean as she could be, she seemed to have a soft spot for Ozzy.
  • 13. Then came the day that had been long expected – or feared, depends who you asked. - ”Are you really happy for me or just happy that it isn't you standing here?”, Turma asked her colleague. But his answer was just to continue cheering along with everyone else with a slight grin on his face.
  • 14. Turma aged gracefully but as she didn't feel comfortable with the new style she went to change for something more her style. After that the party continued like it usually does in Wacky household: eating plenty of cake and smustling!
  • 15. - ”I have already packed my suitcase but you might want to go and pack yours”, Jonathan told his wife grinning widely. - ”Pack my suitcase? Why?” - ”Because the taxi to the airport is going to be here in about twenty minutes.” - ”Taxi to the airport? You mean... But... what about the kids?” - ”The kids will be just fine, they are all teens by now”, Jonathan reassured her wife. - ”That's exactly what I mean, all teens”, Turma sighed, ”you sure we will find the house as it is when we come back?” - ”Well... not completely but pretty sure. Anyway, I didn't buy tickets for them, only for us and you are wasting time now.” With that Turma stepped closer to Jonathan and after a long kiss finally went to pack.
  • 16. - ”So you sure...?”, Turma tried again. Jonathan sighed, - ”Just come, the taxi is waiting, the kids will be just fine. Time for us to go and have some fun!”
  • 17.  
  • 18. As it turned out, the kids managed just fine. The school marks were pretty good, they never starved and they even had some fun.
  • 19. For the kids the week had passed surprisingly fast. - ”Why did you want to play chess with me? Of all the games that there is?”, Olivia asked. - ”I have never seen you playing chess before and thought it would be about time. And I don't really like poker myself so I chose this one. I need to talk to you.” Olivia sighed, ”what about?”, she asked almost bored. - ”Have you thought about staying in this house even after you grow up?” - ”Oh, about that. Yeah, I guess I will stay here. But don't expect me to fill the house with grandchildren”, she warned and continued, ”I have some brilliant ideas for the house though. It needs some refurnishing definately. How was your holiday?”, Olivia quickly changed the subject. Jonathan decided to ignor the idea bout Olivia refurnishing the house and instead started telling about their holiday.
  • 20. ” It was very nice and relaxing. We arrived on Twikkii on the morning and booked a small bungalow for ourselves. We wanted to have a place next to the sea and with some space for us to spend time in. We didn't think we would be going out all the time after all.”
  • 21. ” We were first greeted by one of the locals. Your mother seemed quite as confused as I did when seeing the way the guy greeted us.”
  • 22. ” After we had changed to our holiday clothes we just wanted to relax on the beach for the rest of the day. There would be plenty of time to explore the area on other days.”
  • 23. ” While building the sandcastle I noticed that the sand was hiding some very beautiful shells and stones so I went to look for more of them. Meanwhile your mother went for some sunbathing.”
  • 24. ” Back at our bungalow I saw one of the locals dancing and decided to join her. I think I learned the dance well enough to show you it one day if you are interested.”
  • 25. ” We had plenty of time for relaxing and some romantic moments too, just enjoyed ourselves without hurry.”
  • 26. ” We both took massages and I even tried sauna. Maybe we should have one at home too, it was very relaxing.”
  • 27. ” Twikkii is very warm place with summer all year long but even there we managed to ran in middle of a hail storm. That luckily didn't last for long.”
  • 28. ” I spent almos one whole day exploring the pirate ship they have there. It was great fun even your mother laughed at me, for some reason she was telling me that I wasn't acting my age.”
  • 29. ” She herself was interested enough of the pirate ship to come and see it but quite quickly left it and went to enjoy her favourite past time on Twikkii.”
  • 30. ” As I have never been away from Strangetown, I couldn't suspect anything when this guy came talking to me. I admit he was weird but didn't think anything else of him. Later I noticed that he had taken my wallet, that much trusting for strangers on Twikkii... Luckily all our money wasn't in that wallet and the whole holiday wasn't ruined just because of that.”
  • 31. ” Of course the week won't last forever and it was time to head back home. I'm just happy that we got the chance to go for a holiday, very enjoyable experience.”
  • 32. Soon the life was back to its normal again. The family even decided to take another cat, Nappi to keep company for the older cat they had, Tipsu.
  • 33. Ozzy found a friend for himself even though everyone else in the family expected that there might be something more to it than just friendship.
  • 34. Olivia continued cooking for the family, often supervised by Tipsu who no one had bothered to teach to stay away from the tables. Eventually the cats became pretty good friends and were often found spending time together.
  • 35. Again it was time for birthday, this one quite important one as first of the kids was going to become an adult. Naturally there was a full party.
  • 36. The party was enjoyed by the guests, family and the birthday hero himself just as much.
  • 37. However, even more than Benjamin, it was Olivia who enjoyed the party most...
  • 38. Of course the life wasn't just parties as there were things to learn. Ozzy tried hard to practise speeches. It was hard for him but he wanted to follow his mother into politics anyway. Whenever he was practising, he made sure that no one was listening.
  • 40. - ”Pleace come quick, we have a burglar downstairs”, Jonathan whispered on the phone while Turma was panicking. Why they hadn't bought burglar alarm, why?
  • 41. Luckily the police responded quickly to the phone call, the burglar was caught and the family got some refund from the insurance company.
  • 42. And then there was happy family incident too as Tipsu gave birth to two kittens, a male (Tupsu) and a female (Hilma).
  • 43. Ozzy continued his not-seeing-him-just-friends-thing with Kilian.
  • 44. Benjamin and Olivia went shopping for clothes, Olivia with a bit more enthusiasm than Benjamin though. Benjamin had just picked what his father had bought for himself and even there was nothing that badly wrong in the outfit, it quite wasn't his style. Olivia was preparing for her coming birthday and she used so much time picking the clothes that as patient as Benjamin was, even he was getting slightly anxious.
  • 45. Benjamin also seemed to forget that they had two showers in the house...
  • 46. Then it was again time to arrange a party, this time a birthday party for Olivia who was determined to have a real roof raising party with her own friends instead of their family friends. As she already had a work and her working hours clashed with the party evening she called sick and so did Benjamin who didn't want to miss Olivia's party either.
  • 47. - ”They never grow up, do they?”, Turma sighed as she walked to the kitchen to see that everything was in order for the coming party.
  • 48. Jonathan arrived from work just in time for the party that was already going inside. This was a good day, for one it was his daughter's birthday but he also had finally got promoted to minister of education.
  • 49.  
  • 50. As Olivia had wanted, everyone had fun and if the party wasn't exactly a roof raiser it was very much a succes anyway.
  • 51. - ”Ok Nappi, you ready to move out?”, Benjamin talked to the family cat, ”your kittens will stay here but I have got a feeling that you would prefer quieter life. Besides the house is rather full so it is good for them that you move out with me.” Nappi only phurred, he seemed content with it and so did Benjamin move to his own house with Nappi.
  • 52. Olivia enjoyed his life as an adult immediately. It gave her more freedom and of course that in her case meant seeing as many guys as possible.
  • 53. It was either that or Olivia just had managed meet someone who didn't simply like the sight of her. Anyway, one evening at the sports hall she ended up in a fight. Of course the stranger didn't know who she had just met. If she had, she probably would have thought twice about picking up the fight. Olivia doesn't take it well when offended.
  • 54. Not at all well... - ”There you have it. That's what you get when you attack to people whose strength you clearly don't know. No one messes with me. Got that?” The stranger only whimpered and walked away.
  • 55. Apparently the guy who had been following the fight closely was very impressed by Olivia. - ”You did very well there...” Olivia leaned back and eyed the guy, he was pretty cute actually. - ”Thanks. She got just what she deserved. Is she usually picking up fights?” - ”I think she is but this time she finally met the one person I was hoping she would some day, the one who would give her what she has been asking for.” - ”Oh, thanks again. I'm Olivia by the way.” - ”Jyry”
  • 56. Just too bad the stranger had conveniently forgotten that it was her who started the whole fight and was now kicking off the Wacky household's trash can whenever walking by or stealing their newspaper.
  • 57. There also was a birthday that everyone failed to notice as Hilma and Tupsu grew up. They looked the same and they also shared the personality. However there was one big difference. For some reason Hilma was always starving even if the food trays were full of food. Apparently she was too interested about everything else and only went to eat when she had to.
  • 58. Jonathan knew how difficult it was to start without nothing and decided to help his kids. Benjamin already had a job and a house and Olivia would get whatever she wanted while living with them. Then there were the twins . He knew that they were going to live together and he also knew that Oona wanted to start a company of his own so he thought that he could help them a bit by buying and opening own club. When Oona and Ozzy would move out, he could give the ownership of the club for Oona.
  • 59.  
  • 60. First Jonathan had worked just by himself but on other days he was often joined by Turma, Olivia or Oona. Turma wanted to help her husband, Olivia was curious to meet new people and of course there was the chance to play poker as much as she wanted and get paid for it.
  • 61. Oona simply wanted to learn how everything worked even though she didn't know yet that it was all going to be hers one day. She was eager to sell the tickets and soon became better at it. She was happy for all of the simoleons that the customers paid.
  • 62. Of course having Olivia working at the club also brought some problems...
  • 63. After Benjamin left there was the question who would take care of the green house. Usually it fell for Turma or Oona who found gardening almost as interesting as planning new businesses.
  • 64. Then one day Turma realised that she had, not only topped her career and finally become a city mayor, but also earned more money than she would have ever imagined. She was happy. In fact she was so happy that on that point she decided to retire and enjoy the days she still had left. And just after she had called to her office, she decided to take care of another business too. Even Benjamin had taken Nappi with him, the house still had three cats and as Ozzy and Oona had refused to take two with them, they had already agreed to take Tipsu, there was only one way to go, give Hilma for adoption. Tupsu would still stay in his old home.
  • 65. Olivia had to admit that she enjoyed the company of many men and she had quite a few of them as friends but no one interested her particularly. Well, except one certain Pirkka who she had met at their club house and she soon called him to ask for a date.
  • 66. The date was soon followed by other one. -”Ouch, you really have to throw that hard?”, Pirkka asked when he again got hit by a ball. - ”Oh, you are the man here, stop complaining”, Olivia laughed. - ”I still can feel pain though.” - ”Fine, fine... let's go inside then”, Olivia said and muttered to herself, ”spoilsport.”
  • 67. Luckily the date went better after that. - ”So... do you work somewhere or what you do?”, Olivia asked curious. Pirkka sighed, - ”well, not at the moment, not really. I work in this restaurant part time but that's about it. I'm looking something better all the time though”, he quickly added. - ”Anything that would interest you?” - ”Some kind of a career in science would probably be interesting.” Olivia raised an eyebrow, - ”science?” - ”Yeah, what's wrong with it?” - ”Nothing probably, it is just one of the things that I'm not the least interested.”
  • 68. - ”Oh that feels good. I owe you one”, Pirkka sighed happily, ”they have been stuck since... forever I think.” - ”I think I know some ways of paying me back”, Olivia replied and earned raised eyebrow from Pirkka.
  • 69. As Pirkka kissed her, Olivia thought that Pirkka wasn't that hopeless at all, science guy or not. He actually understood what her remark had meant and wasn't too shy not to act along with it. - ”That hair has to go though”, Olivia told him when the kiss had finished. - ”Sorry?” - ”The hair. It must go. It tickles me, it goes to my mouth while kissing you and it is completely, utterly hideous on you.”
  • 70. - ”So does that mean that you want to meet me again?”, Pirkka asked and the answer was pretty clear as Olivia started kissing Pirkka rather passionately. Indeed, there would be more, much more to come.
  • 71. As Jonathan was finally the minister of education, he decided that he could relax a bit and use the vacation days he had earned to enjoy the other pleasures of the life. As it turned out, he found a new interest in sport and was so interested about it that he was soon granted the membership of a sports club.
  • 72. Even though Jonathan had never been that interested about the gardening he was impressed by the effort other family members put for it. He thought that they needed some recognition and called to the garden club to ask if they could come and see if their garden would be good enough to make them members of the club.
  • 73. - ”Reasonably well tend, I have seen worse, definately seen worse”, one of the members muttered while making notes.
  • 74. - ”Plants look reasonably healthy even though there is also some weed. No bugs though, always a good sign.”
  • 75. - ”Flamingos? Pink flamingos? The garden full of pink flamingos, do you get it?”, the woman asked. - ”I have really no idea, but did you count them?” - ”Most certainly not! What rubbish!” - ”There is altogether 18 of them. Isn't that a bit too much? I can hardly understand one and I even understand the gnomes, they sort of fit in some gardens but this is simply too much for me.”
  • 76. - ”So what do you think?”, youngest of the members asked. - ”The greenhouse is small, there are only tomatoes and some weed and even though they are reasonably well kept, they could be better. Outside is pretty good but...” - ”... but don't forget the flamingos”, the woman finished. - ”So our decision?” - ”If we accepted them, we should accept half of the neighbourhood. Let's just tell them to improve those things, they can always apply again if they want to.” So the family didn't get the membership and thus no wishing well just yet.
  • 77. And then... the youngests of the family were going to become adults too. Naturally again surrounded by friends and of course Benjamin was invited too.
  • 78.  
  • 79.  
  • 80. - ”You will be fine with them, I'm sure of it. You are getting older but it will be fine there”, Turma was talking to Tipsu who was going to move with Oona and Ozzy to their new home.
  • 81. The twins stayed couple days after the birthday while Ozzy was looking for a job. Meanwhile Oona got a bronzebadge in gardening and a surprise gift from his dad. - ”A present? For me? You serious?” - ”Yes, for you. I know you want to run your own business, you can start with the club.” - ”I... I don't know what to say.” - ”No need to say anything, just run it well.”
  • 82. And so did the twins too leave the house. It was now only Olivia, Jonathan, Turma and Tupsu. For now... turn page --->
  • 83. Last time I forgot to add Turma's statistics so here goes: Popularity – fortune sim Personality: 4/10/4/4/3 LTW: Become a city mayor and once accomplished; get 20 good friends Pre-destined hobby: music and dance couple notes about the chapter --->
  • 84. So couple notes about this chapter. First I found out Jonathan's pre-destined hobby, thanks to help from Boolprop-forum! It turned out to be sports. Why, why it couldn't be something else, anything else? I have found before sports the most boring hobby to max. There aren't that many things to do and very rare of them the sims do automatically, expect catching. I had Jonathan play basket ball again, again and again because he always quit it for a reason or another before he was able to read the newspaper articles. Thing that he also quite often quits just after opening the newspaper... For the first time I let my sims decide what to do on a holiday, only asking them to do something if I saw it necessary. So building sandcastles and sunbathing were autonomous, as was Jonathan's exploring the pirate ship. I wrote the garden club members saying that the flamingos were rubbish and that's what they said! Wondering many times why the garden was full of trash. LOL Guess what Olivia rolled for secondary aspiration? Pleasure. So now she is romance-pleasure, a real pleasur for me. LOL As for him and Pirkka, they have 3 bolts just like that and Pirkka is a knowledge-sim, quite unexpected... Benjamin rolled family for secondary aspiration, Oona romance and Ozzy family. And Jonathan's LTW now that he became minister of education is to woohoo with 20 sims. Hardly. Until next time where we will see how Benjamin, Oona and Ozzy are doing and of course what happens to Olivia...