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Ischemic heart disease (IHD)
Sign and
Risk factors
Types of Ischemic heart disease
Sign and
Clinical Manifestations
Dagonistic Studies
Emergency Management and Treatment
The oxygenation of the heart
muscles occurs primarily
through the coronary
circulation, which consists of
arteries and veins that supply
blood to and from the heart
muscle itself. These coronary
arteries branch off the aorta
and provide oxygen-rich blood
to the heart muscle during
diastole (the resting phase of
the cardiac cycle).
This oxygenated blood
nourishes the heart muscle
cells, allowing them to function
properly and sustain the heart's
pumping action. When
coronary blood flow is
compromised, such as in
ischemic heart disease, the
heart muscle may not receive
enough oxygen, leading to
chest pain (angina) or even a
heart attack.
Ischemic heart disease (IHD)
also known as coronary artery
disease (CAD), occurs when
there is a reduced blood flow to
the heart muscle due to
narrowed coronary arteries.
This narrowing is often caused
by the buildup of plaque
(atherosclerosis) in the arteries,
leading to reduced oxygen
supply to the heart.
The pathophysiology of ischemic
heart disease involves:
 Atherosclerosis:
The most common cause of
ischemic heart disease,
atherosclerosis involves the
formation of plaques within the
coronary arteries. These plaques
consist of cholesterol, fatty
deposits, calcium, and other
cellular debris. Over time, the
plaques can narrow the arteries,
reducing blood flow to the heart
 Coronary Artery Spasm:
In some cases, the coronary
arteries can undergo spasms,
leading to a temporary reduction
in blood flow. This can occur in
individuals with or without
significant atherosclerosis.
 Thrombosis:
Atherosclerotic plaques can
rupture, leading to the formation
of blood clots (thrombi) at the site
of the plaque. These clots can
further narrow or completely
occlude the coronary artery,
leading to a sudden reduction or
cessation of blood flow to the
heart muscle.
 Impaired Oxygen Delivery:
Reduced blood flow to the heart
muscle results in decreased
oxygen delivery, leading to
myocardial ischemia. This can
manifest as angina (chest pain) or,
in more severe cases, as
myocardial infarction (heart
attack) if the blood flow is
severely compromised for an
extended period.
 Myocardial Infarction:
If a coronary artery becomes
completely blocked by a blood
clot, the portion of the heart
muscle supplied by that artery is
deprived of oxygen and nutrients,
leading to cell death. This results
in a myocardial infarction, causing
irreversible damage to the
affected area of the heart.
The pathophysiological
processes of ischemic heart
disease can lead to various
clinical manifestations, including
angina, acute coronary
syndromes, myocardial
infarction, and potentially heart
failure if the heart muscle is
Risk factors
Non-modifiable Risk Factors:
 Age:
The risk of developing ischemic
heart disease increases with
 Gender:
Men are generally at higher risk,
but after menopause, women's
risk approaches that of men.
Risk factors
Non-modifiable Risk Factors:
 Family history:
Having a close relative with a
history of heart disease
increases the risk.
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 High blood pressure
Elevated blood pressure puts
extra strain on the heart and
blood vessels, increasing the
risk of heart disease.
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 High cholesterol levels:
Elevated levels of LDL
cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
and low levels of HDL
cholesterol (good cholesterol)
can contribute to the
development of atherosclerosis,
leading to ischemic heart
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 Smoking:
Tobacco smoke contains
chemicals that can damage blood
vessels and heart tissue,
increasing the risk of
atherosclerosis and blood clots.
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 Diabetes:
Uncontrolled diabetes can
contribute to the development
of cardiovascular disease.
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 Obesity and physical
Being overweight or obese, and
leading a sedentary lifestyle, can
contribute to the development of
various risk factors for heart
disease, including high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, and
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 Unhealthy diet:
Consuming a diet high in
saturated fats, trans fats, and
cholesterol can contribute to the
development of atherosclerosis
and heart disease.
Risk factors
Modifiable Risk Factors:
 Excessive alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol can
raise blood pressure and increase
the levels of triglycerides in the
blood, both of which are risk
factors for heart disease.
Risk factors
Types of Ischemic Heart disease:
Sign and
Myocardial infarction
There are two main
types of Ischemic
heart disease:
Sign and
is severe chest pain due to
ischemia ( a lack of blood and
oxygen supply) of the heart muscle
,due to obstruction of the coronary
arteries. The pain is often triggered
by physical activity or emotional
Sign and
Types of Angina
Stable Angina:
this refers to Angina related to
myocardial ischemia. Typical
presentation of stable angina are
that of chest discomfort and
develops when heart works harder
in case of exercise or climb stairs
with minimal symptoms at rest
.lasts short time perhaps five
minutes or less following cessation
of precipitating activities.
Sign and
Types of Angina
Unstable Angina "Angina Pectoris":
It develops due to the formation of
blood clots that can block or reduce
flow through a narrowed artery, and
decreasing blood flow to the heart
Characteristics of unstable angina:
 Occurs even at rest.
 Is unexpected.
 It is usually more severe and lasts 30
minutes or longer.
 May not disappear with rest or use of
angina medication.
 Might signal a heart attack.
Sign and
Types of Angina
Variant Angina:
 It is occurring often at
night (unrelated to
 It is caused by coronary
artery spasm with or
without atherosclerotic
 It may often sever and may
be relieved by angina
Sign and
Types of Angina
Silent Ischemia:
it may occur with either activity
or with mental stress.
Sign and
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction
is a form of ACS. They occur when
your heart doesn’t get enough
blood supply. myocardial
infarction is also known as heart
Sign and
Types of MI
Non-ST segment elevation
myocardial infarction (NSTEMI):
is myocardial necrosis
(evidenced by cardiac markers
in blood; troponin I or troponin
T and CK will be elevated)
without acute ST-segment
elevation. ECG changes such as
ST-segment depression, T-wave
inversion, or both may be
Sign and
Types of MI
ST segment elevation
myocardial infarction (STEMI):
is myocardial necrosis with ECG
changes showing ST-segment
elevation that is not quickly
reversed by nitroglycerin or
showing new left bundle branch
Sign and
Types of MI
ST segment elevation
myocardial infarction (STEMI):
 Troponin I or troponin T and
creatine kinase (CK) are
 New left bundle branch block
(LBBB) represents large
anterior infarction, indication
for reperfusion therapy.
The narrowing of the arteries
due to the buildup of
cholesterol and other
substances, leading to
restricted blood flow to the
High blood pressure
Elevated blood pressure can
damage the arteries and make
them more susceptible to
High cholesterol:
Elevated levels of cholesterol
can promote the formation of
plaque in the arteries.
Tobacco smoke can damage the
lining of the arteries, making
them more prone to
Poorly controlled diabetes can
contribute to the development
of atherosclerosis and increase
the risk of heart disease.
Being overweight or obese can
lead to conditions such as
hypertension, high cholesterol,
and diabetes, which are all risk
factors for ischemic heart
Sedentary lifestyle:
Lack of physical activity can
contribute to obesity, high
blood pressure, and high
cholesterol, all of which are risk
factors for heart disease.
Clinical Manifestations
Chest pain or discomfort:
 lasting 20 min or longer.
 Pain can be described as:
pressure, tightness, heaviness, burning,
or a squeezing or crushing sensation,
located typically in the central chest or
epigastrium; it may radiate to the arms,
shoulders, neck, jaw, or back.
 Radiation of chest pain into the jaw
or teeth, shoulder, arm, and/or
 Shortness of breath, dyspnea,
tachypnea, and crackles if MI
caused pulmonary congestion.
 Pulmonary edema may be
 Nausea and vomiting.
 Epigastric pain
 Decreased urinary output may
indicate cardiogenic shock.
 Cool, clammy, diaphoretic,
and pale skin due to
sympathetic stimulation
 loss of contractility.
Neurological manifestation:
 Anxiety, restlessness, may
indicate increased
sympathetic stimulation or
decrease in contractility and
cerebral oxygenation.
 Headache, visual
disturbances, altered speech,
altered motor function.
Dagonistic Studies
Medical History:
The healthcare provider will ask
about symptoms, risk factors,
and any family history of heart
disease. Symptoms such as
chest pain (angina), shortness
of breath, and fatigue are
important indicators.
Dagonistic Studies
Dagonistic Studies
Physical Examination:
This may include checking vital
signs, listening to the heart and
lungs, and looking for signs of
heart disease such as swelling in
the legs or abnormal heart
Dagonistic Studies
Electrocardiogram (ECG):
This test records the electrical
activity of the heart and can
help identify abnormal rhythms,
areas of prior heart attack, and
signs of reduced blood flow to
the heart.
Dagonistic Studies
Stress Tests:
These tests are used to assess
how the heart responds to
exertion. They can be done
through an exercise stress test or
a pharmacological stress test (if
the patient is unable to exercise).
The aim is to detect any
abnormalities in the heart's blood
flow during physical activity.
Dagonistic Studies
This test uses sound waves to
create a moving picture of the
heart. It can show areas of the
heart that aren't contracting
normally due to poor blood flow,
as well as evaluate the heart
valves and overall pump
Dagonistic Studies
Coronary Angiography:
This invasive procedure involves
injecting a contrast dye into the
coronary arteries and taking X-
ray images to visualize any
blockages or narrowing in the
Dagonistic Studies
Cardiac CT or MRI:
These imaging tests can provide
detailed pictures of the heart and
its blood vessels, helping to
identify areas of reduced blood
flow or damage to the heart
Dagonistic Studies
Blood Tests:
These may be done to check for
certain enzymes that are
released into the bloodstream
when the heart is damaged, such
as troponin or creatine kinase-
Emergency Management:
In initial stages, of
1) Ensure patent airway & Place
patient in position of comfort.
2)MONA: morphine, O2, NTG,
and 162–325 mg non-enteric
coated aspirin.
 Administer IV morphine 4–8
mg initially and then 2-8 mg
every 5-15 min until
 Pain is controlled. (Monitor
for hypotension and
respiratory depression.)
 Administer supplemental O2
to maintain SpO2 >90%.
In initial stages, of
3) Continuous ECG monitoring,
and prepare resuscitation
4) Determine location of pain-
Assess severity using pain scale
5) Insert IV & urinary catheter.
6)Obtain cardiac enzyme levels.
In initial stages
of emergency
7)Monitor vital signs , level of
consciousness, O2 saturation and
8)Intubation if respiratory
distress is evident.
Treatment of ischemic heart
disease aims to relieve
symptoms, reduce the risk of
complications, and improve
overall heart health.
1) Lifestyle Modifications:
Healthy lifestyle habits, Regular
exercise, Smoking cessation, and
Stress management
2) Medications:
 Antiplatelet Agents:
Drugs like aspirin or clopidogrel
are used to prevent blood clots
from forming in the coronary
2) Medications:
 Cholesterol-lowering
Statins are commonly prescribed
to lower cholesterol levels and
reduce the risk of atherosclerosis
2) Medications:
 Nitroglycerin:
Used to relieve chest pain
(angina) by dilating the coronary
 Beta-blockers:
These medications can help
reduce the heart's workload and
decrease the risk of future heart
3) Revascularization Procedures:
 Angioplasty and Stenting:
This minimally invasive procedure
involves widening narrowed or
blocked coronary arteries using a
balloon-tipped catheter and
placing a stent to help keep the
artery open.
3) Revascularization Procedures:
 Coronary Artery Bypass
Grafting (CABG):
In more severe cases, bypass
surgery may be recommended to
create new routes for blood flow
to the heart muscle, bypassing
blocked arteries.
4) Cardiac Rehabilitation:
This structured program involves
exercise training, education on
heart-healthy living, and
counseling aimed at improving
overall cardiovascular health.
5)Implantable Devices:
 Implantable Cardioverter
Defibrillator (ICD):
This device monitors heart
rhythm and can deliver a shock
to restore a normal rhythm if a
life-threatening arrhythmia
 Pacemaker:
Used to control abnormal heart
rhythms by sending electrical
impulses to the heart to maintain
a suitable heart rate and rhythm.
Treatment 6) Continuous Medical
Myocardial infarction (heart
This occurs when a coronary
artery becomes completely
blocked, usually by a blood clot,
leading to permanent damage
to a portion of the heart muscle
due to lack of blood flow and
Heart failure:
Ischemic heart disease can lead
to weakened heart muscle
(cardiomyopathy) and impaired
cardiac function, resulting in
heart failure, a condition in
which the heart is unable to
pump blood effectively to meet
the body's needs.
Ischemic heart disease can
disrupt the normal electrical
activity of the heart, leading to
abnormal heart rhythms
(arrhythmias) such as atrial
fibrillation, ventricular
tachycardia, and ventricular
Sudden cardiac death:
Severe ischemic heart disease
can increase the risk of sudden
cardiac death, which occurs
when the heart suddenly stops
beating due to a life-threatening
arrhythmia or other cardiac
Complications of medical
Some treatments for ischemic
heart disease, such as coronary
artery bypass surgery or
percutaneous coronary
intervention (angioplasty and
stent placement), can carry risks
of complications such as
bleeding, infection, or blood
vessel damage.
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) pathophysiology , types , its causes and treatment

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Ischemic heart disease (IHD) pathophysiology , types , its causes and treatment

  • 3. Sign and Symptoms Causes Clinical Manifestations Complications Dagonistic Studies Emergency Management and Treatment Content
  • 5. Introduction The oxygenation of the heart muscles occurs primarily through the coronary circulation, which consists of arteries and veins that supply blood to and from the heart muscle itself. These coronary arteries branch off the aorta and provide oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle during diastole (the resting phase of the cardiac cycle).
  • 6. Introduction This oxygenated blood nourishes the heart muscle cells, allowing them to function properly and sustain the heart's pumping action. When coronary blood flow is compromised, such as in ischemic heart disease, the heart muscle may not receive enough oxygen, leading to chest pain (angina) or even a heart attack.
  • 8. Definition Ischemic heart disease (IHD) also known as coronary artery disease (CAD), occurs when there is a reduced blood flow to the heart muscle due to narrowed coronary arteries. This narrowing is often caused by the buildup of plaque (atherosclerosis) in the arteries, leading to reduced oxygen supply to the heart.
  • 10. The pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease involves:  Atherosclerosis: The most common cause of ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis involves the formation of plaques within the coronary arteries. These plaques consist of cholesterol, fatty deposits, calcium, and other cellular debris. Over time, the plaques can narrow the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart muscle. Pathophysiology
  • 11.  Coronary Artery Spasm: In some cases, the coronary arteries can undergo spasms, leading to a temporary reduction in blood flow. This can occur in individuals with or without significant atherosclerosis. Pathophysiology
  • 12.  Thrombosis: Atherosclerotic plaques can rupture, leading to the formation of blood clots (thrombi) at the site of the plaque. These clots can further narrow or completely occlude the coronary artery, leading to a sudden reduction or cessation of blood flow to the heart muscle. Pathophysiology
  • 13.  Impaired Oxygen Delivery: Reduced blood flow to the heart muscle results in decreased oxygen delivery, leading to myocardial ischemia. This can manifest as angina (chest pain) or, in more severe cases, as myocardial infarction (heart attack) if the blood flow is severely compromised for an extended period. Pathophysiology
  • 14.  Myocardial Infarction: If a coronary artery becomes completely blocked by a blood clot, the portion of the heart muscle supplied by that artery is deprived of oxygen and nutrients, leading to cell death. This results in a myocardial infarction, causing irreversible damage to the affected area of the heart. Pathophysiology
  • 15. The pathophysiological processes of ischemic heart disease can lead to various clinical manifestations, including angina, acute coronary syndromes, myocardial infarction, and potentially heart failure if the heart muscle is damaged. Pathophysiology
  • 17. Non-modifiable Risk Factors:  Age: The risk of developing ischemic heart disease increases with age.  Gender: Men are generally at higher risk, but after menopause, women's risk approaches that of men. Risk factors
  • 18. Non-modifiable Risk Factors:  Family history: Having a close relative with a history of heart disease increases the risk. Risk factors
  • 19. Modifiable Risk Factors:  High blood pressure (hypertension): Elevated blood pressure puts extra strain on the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Risk factors
  • 20. Modifiable Risk Factors:  High cholesterol levels: Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and low levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, leading to ischemic heart disease. Risk factors
  • 21. Modifiable Risk Factors:  Smoking: Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that can damage blood vessels and heart tissue, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and blood clots. Risk factors
  • 22. Modifiable Risk Factors:  Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Risk factors
  • 23. Modifiable Risk Factors:  Obesity and physical inactivity: Being overweight or obese, and leading a sedentary lifestyle, can contribute to the development of various risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Risk factors
  • 24. Modifiable Risk Factors:  Unhealthy diet: Consuming a diet high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Risk factors
  • 25. Modifiable Risk Factors:  Excessive alcohol consumption: Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure and increase the levels of triglycerides in the blood, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. Risk factors
  • 26. Types of Ischemic Heart disease:
  • 27. Sign and Symptoms Angina Myocardial infarction There are two main types of Ischemic heart disease:
  • 28. Sign and Symptoms Angina Angina: is severe chest pain due to ischemia ( a lack of blood and oxygen supply) of the heart muscle ,due to obstruction of the coronary arteries. The pain is often triggered by physical activity or emotional stress.
  • 29. Sign and Symptoms Types of Angina Stable Angina: this refers to Angina related to myocardial ischemia. Typical presentation of stable angina are that of chest discomfort and develops when heart works harder in case of exercise or climb stairs with minimal symptoms at rest .lasts short time perhaps five minutes or less following cessation of precipitating activities.
  • 30. Sign and Symptoms Types of Angina Unstable Angina "Angina Pectoris": It develops due to the formation of blood clots that can block or reduce flow through a narrowed artery, and decreasing blood flow to the heart muscle. Characteristics of unstable angina:  Occurs even at rest.  Is unexpected.  It is usually more severe and lasts 30 minutes or longer.  May not disappear with rest or use of angina medication.  Might signal a heart attack.
  • 31. Sign and Symptoms Types of Angina Variant Angina:  It is occurring often at night (unrelated to activity).  It is caused by coronary artery spasm with or without atherosclerotic lesions.  It may often sever and may be relieved by angina medication.
  • 32. Sign and Symptoms Types of Angina Silent Ischemia: it may occur with either activity or with mental stress.
  • 33. Sign and Symptoms Myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction is a form of ACS. They occur when your heart doesn’t get enough blood supply. myocardial infarction is also known as heart attacks.
  • 34. Sign and Symptoms Types of MI Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI): is myocardial necrosis (evidenced by cardiac markers in blood; troponin I or troponin T and CK will be elevated) without acute ST-segment elevation. ECG changes such as ST-segment depression, T-wave inversion, or both may be present.
  • 35. Sign and Symptoms Types of MI ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI): is myocardial necrosis with ECG changes showing ST-segment elevation that is not quickly reversed by nitroglycerin or showing new left bundle branch block.
  • 36. Sign and Symptoms Types of MI ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI):  Troponin I or troponin T and creatine kinase (CK) are elevated.  New left bundle branch block (LBBB) represents large anterior infarction, indication for reperfusion therapy.
  • 37.
  • 39. Atherosclerosis: The narrowing of the arteries due to the buildup of cholesterol and other substances, leading to restricted blood flow to the heart. High blood pressure (hypertension): Elevated blood pressure can damage the arteries and make them more susceptible to atherosclerosis. Causes
  • 40. High cholesterol: Elevated levels of cholesterol can promote the formation of plaque in the arteries. Smoking: Tobacco smoke can damage the lining of the arteries, making them more prone to atherosclerosis. Causes
  • 41. Diabetes: Poorly controlled diabetes can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and increase the risk of heart disease. Obesity: Being overweight or obese can lead to conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes, which are all risk factors for ischemic heart disease. Causes
  • 42. Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can contribute to obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Causes
  • 44. Chest pain or discomfort:  lasting 20 min or longer.  Pain can be described as: pressure, tightness, heaviness, burning, or a squeezing or crushing sensation, located typically in the central chest or epigastrium; it may radiate to the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, or back.  Radiation of chest pain into the jaw or teeth, shoulder, arm, and/or back. Clinical Manifestations
  • 45. Respiratory:  Shortness of breath, dyspnea, tachypnea, and crackles if MI caused pulmonary congestion.  Pulmonary edema may be present. Clinical Manifestations
  • 46. Gastrointestinal:  Nausea and vomiting.  Epigastric pain Genitourinary:  Decreased urinary output may indicate cardiogenic shock. Clinical Manifestations
  • 47. Skin:  Cool, clammy, diaphoretic, and pale skin due to sympathetic stimulation from  loss of contractility. Clinical Manifestations
  • 48. Neurological manifestation:  Anxiety, restlessness, may indicate increased sympathetic stimulation or decrease in contractility and cerebral oxygenation.  Headache, visual disturbances, altered speech, altered motor function. Clinical Manifestations
  • 50. Medical History: The healthcare provider will ask about symptoms, risk factors, and any family history of heart disease. Symptoms such as chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, and fatigue are important indicators. Dagonistic Studies
  • 51. Dagonistic Studies Physical Examination: This may include checking vital signs, listening to the heart and lungs, and looking for signs of heart disease such as swelling in the legs or abnormal heart sounds.
  • 52. Dagonistic Studies Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test records the electrical activity of the heart and can help identify abnormal rhythms, areas of prior heart attack, and signs of reduced blood flow to the heart.
  • 53. Dagonistic Studies Stress Tests: These tests are used to assess how the heart responds to exertion. They can be done through an exercise stress test or a pharmacological stress test (if the patient is unable to exercise). The aim is to detect any abnormalities in the heart's blood flow during physical activity.
  • 54. Dagonistic Studies Echocardiogram: This test uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart. It can show areas of the heart that aren't contracting normally due to poor blood flow, as well as evaluate the heart valves and overall pump function.
  • 55. Dagonistic Studies Coronary Angiography: This invasive procedure involves injecting a contrast dye into the coronary arteries and taking X- ray images to visualize any blockages or narrowing in the arteries.
  • 56. Dagonistic Studies Cardiac CT or MRI: These imaging tests can provide detailed pictures of the heart and its blood vessels, helping to identify areas of reduced blood flow or damage to the heart muscle
  • 57. Dagonistic Studies Blood Tests: These may be done to check for certain enzymes that are released into the bloodstream when the heart is damaged, such as troponin or creatine kinase- MB.
  • 59. In initial stages, of emergency management: 1) Ensure patent airway & Place patient in position of comfort. 2)MONA: morphine, O2, NTG, and 162–325 mg non-enteric coated aspirin.  Administer IV morphine 4–8 mg initially and then 2-8 mg every 5-15 min until  Pain is controlled. (Monitor for hypotension and respiratory depression.)  Administer supplemental O2 to maintain SpO2 >90%.
  • 60. In initial stages, of emergency management: 3) Continuous ECG monitoring, and prepare resuscitation equipment. 4) Determine location of pain- Assess severity using pain scale (0-10). 5) Insert IV & urinary catheter. 6)Obtain cardiac enzyme levels.
  • 61. In initial stages of emergency management: 7)Monitor vital signs , level of consciousness, O2 saturation and pain 8)Intubation if respiratory distress is evident.
  • 63. Treatment Treatment of ischemic heart disease aims to relieve symptoms, reduce the risk of complications, and improve overall heart health. 1) Lifestyle Modifications: Healthy lifestyle habits, Regular exercise, Smoking cessation, and Stress management
  • 64. Treatment 2) Medications:  Antiplatelet Agents: Drugs like aspirin or clopidogrel are used to prevent blood clots from forming in the coronary arteries.
  • 65. Treatment 2) Medications:  Cholesterol-lowering Medications: Statins are commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis progression.
  • 66. Treatment 2) Medications:  Nitroglycerin: Used to relieve chest pain (angina) by dilating the coronary arteries.  Beta-blockers: These medications can help reduce the heart's workload and decrease the risk of future heart attacks.
  • 67. Treatment 3) Revascularization Procedures:  Angioplasty and Stenting: This minimally invasive procedure involves widening narrowed or blocked coronary arteries using a balloon-tipped catheter and placing a stent to help keep the artery open.
  • 68. Treatment 3) Revascularization Procedures:  Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): In more severe cases, bypass surgery may be recommended to create new routes for blood flow to the heart muscle, bypassing blocked arteries.
  • 69. Treatment 4) Cardiac Rehabilitation: This structured program involves exercise training, education on heart-healthy living, and counseling aimed at improving overall cardiovascular health.
  • 70. Treatment 5)Implantable Devices:  Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD): This device monitors heart rhythm and can deliver a shock to restore a normal rhythm if a life-threatening arrhythmia occurs.  Pacemaker: Used to control abnormal heart rhythms by sending electrical impulses to the heart to maintain a suitable heart rate and rhythm.
  • 71. Treatment 6) Continuous Medical Monitoring
  • 73. Complications Myocardial infarction (heart attack): This occurs when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked, usually by a blood clot, leading to permanent damage to a portion of the heart muscle due to lack of blood flow and oxygen.
  • 74. Complications Heart failure: Ischemic heart disease can lead to weakened heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) and impaired cardiac function, resulting in heart failure, a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood effectively to meet the body's needs.
  • 75. Complications Arrhythmias: Ischemic heart disease can disrupt the normal electrical activity of the heart, leading to abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) such as atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation.
  • 76. Complications Sudden cardiac death: Severe ischemic heart disease can increase the risk of sudden cardiac death, which occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating due to a life-threatening arrhythmia or other cardiac event.
  • 77. Complications Complications of medical treatments: Some treatments for ischemic heart disease, such as coronary artery bypass surgery or percutaneous coronary intervention (angioplasty and stent placement), can carry risks of complications such as bleeding, infection, or blood vessel damage.