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Info-graphic Research:
These are some facts about the video game industry
Games industry-
-5,473 employed in the games sector
-Average income £30,755
-14% Freelancers
-48% recruited direct from education
-There is 14% women in the workforce and there are 86% men in the workforce
-There is a shortage of 74% for technical development in the game industry
-The highest qualifications held are an undergraduate degree, certificate or diploma at 42%
-The main degree subjects studied are ICT practitioners at 30% and animation/Computer Animation/3D/electronic imaging at 13%
-less than 10% of the workforce have disabilities
-The main industry in the UK is based in the west midlands at 39%.
-In the game industry there are only 4% of the qualifications held in A-level in media studies of related subjects
-Also there is 0% of the game industry with advanced higher/ intermediate 2 in media or other subjects from Scotland
-At higher end of the scale in the games industry, technical directors, developers, producers and team managers can earn up to £70,000
and above.
-People working in the game industry usually have really flexible work hours which means you have to work from 9am to 5pm.
You have to have work experience to work in the games industry, because it is essential that you have a portfolio to give examples of the
work that you have done.
Info-graphic Research:
The comparison between freelance and permanent employment
is that with a freelance worker who is self-employed and I hired to
work for different companies on certain assignments , the job is
never permanent to that certain job and is more than likely
different every time.
Where as a permanent employment does not have a
predetermined end date to employment, as well in addition to
their wages, they often receive benefits like health care, paid
vacations and sick time and they also contribute to a retirement
plan. The difference between the two is that you do not get sick
pay and benefits when you are a freelancer as you are to blame
for everything that goes wrong where as a permanent worker gets
benefits. As well with a freelancer you have to manage your taxes
by yourself and do not get any help with it as the permanent
workers do.
Info-graphic Research:
Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate
information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper,
then scan those notes and add them here.
You will need to copy and paste this slide several times.
These are some facts about the video game industry
Games industry
This is what you need to be to be a level editor-
Have a close attention to detail
Be very imaginative and creative
You need to have a passion for games
Have the ability to work independently
The ability to visualise layouts
Have knowledge of 3D modelling and the firm grasp of game
design principles
The main asset of level editor is defining and creating interactive
architecture for a segment of a game, including the landscape,
buildings and objects
The main facts about the video game industry would
-5,473 employed in the games sector
-Average income £30,755
There is 14% women in the workforce and there are
86% men in the workforce
-There is a shortage of 74% for technical development
in the game industry
-The highest qualifications held are an undergraduate
degree, certificate or diploma at 42%
-less than 10% of the workforce have disabilities
-The main industry in the UK is based in the west
midlands at 39%.
The qualifications you will need to a level editor is that
you need to at least have a degree but it isn’t
necessary, also you could study design, engineering
Also you will usually need to know how to use
industry-standard 3D modelling packages, such as 3D
Max or Maya.
Info-graphic Bibliography:
Creative skill set – for infographic research
anon. (.). level editor. Available: Last accessed 13th
September 2017.
Wikipedia – to find out when they established irn-bru and where they produce it
jimmy wales, and larry sanger. (23rd 2017). Irn-Bru. Available: Last accessed 24th oct 2017.
My super market – to find out how much they sell irn-bru at different stores
.. (2005). Barr Irn Bru. Available: tesco-price-comparison/Soft_Drinks/Barr_Irn_Bru_500ml.html. Last
accessed 24th oct 2017.
Bubbl – used to make my mind map for idea about everything that I made
levon. (.). mind map. Available: Last accessed 25th oct 2017.
First class production adverts – this helped me to find out about the different narrative structures
.. (.). Advertising techniques. Available: Last
accessed 14th November 2017.
Prezi – this helped me to find out other styles of narrative structure and what they do
.. (.). genre and narrative styles of TV adverts. Available: Last
accessed 14th November 2017.
Put your info-graphic design work here.
This is the design which I came up with
through the day , in my opinion it isn't the
best but it is a start and with the designs I
used I think some of it is good and other
parts are not as good such as the light bulb
above the man I really don’t like because it
stands out like a sore thumb which I don’t
want and then there is the two hands in
the bottom left hand corner which I like a
lot because of the effect which surrounds
them because it looks like the hands are
imprinted into the page and then the
writing stands out so that even though they
don’t stand out at least the text stands out
and is the most necessary thing which you
see instead of the image because they are
all facts.
Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information:
The way I located my information was through a very good website called creative skillset which allows you to go through
any job that you can think of and see the facts and statistics about such as the gender of the workforce in the gaming
industry, as well I located this website through the internet because I needed information about the job that I would
consider doing in the future also I stored the information onto a USB stick and also I stored onto the PowerPoint as it is
very important that I did that. A downside to the website which I used was it didn’t always have a definite answer for
some of the facts it just didn’t have and answer and also the facts where not in-depth as it didn’t show you the exact
amount of people that worked in each department, which I thought would be extremely necessary but it was ok I
managed with the exact amount of people.
Audience research:
The clients would be anyone really, things that I would definitely need to
consider would be the Age, gender.
Irn-Bru advertise their product in very strange ways and original as they want to
stand out from the rest of the crowd and don’t want to blend in with the crowd.
The majority of the clients which I saw on the survey where aged 17-19 which I
think would the near the same for the irn-bru as the younger generation drink
more fizzy drinks and the elder generation not as much.
There are more males than females which drink irn-bru where males are at 9
and females at 5, although this isn’t nowhere near the amount of customers
irn-bru have I still think that more men than women would drink irn-bru as
males drink more fizzy drinks compared to women, as well in the survey there
where 10 people who had tried irn-bru and 5 had never tried it, but the
majority of people say they have seen and irn-bru advert before as only 1
person hadn’t seen and irn-bru advert.
In the survey they where asked what there favourite drink was and only 2
people said irn-bru and 5 people said coke and 5 said Fanta, and 2 said don’t
like fizzy drinks.
A.G barr make a wide variety of drinks including rockstar, Rubicon and barr
Market research:
The main competition for irn-bru would be coke as it is the highest selling fizzy drink in the world, for irn-bru having coke
as a competitor is difficult as they are such a recognisable brand all around the world, and also other competitors would
be any of the main fizzy drink companies such as Fanta, dr.pepper and vimto etc.
In comparison to coca cola, irn-bru have a very strange and new way of advertising there product where as coca cola have
there own way of advertising which is strange but it is very original. Also the target age of other fizzy companies such as
coke being 18-24 year-old age demographic and also for Pepsi there largest audience would be 65+.
Also with coca cola they have good product placement because it is in a lot of very popular movies and tv shows which
have a huge viewing which would increase the amount of coca cola which would be bought, they are in films such s
Jurassic park and hangover.
As well another competitor of irn-bru is Pepsi which does well in product placement because again like coca cola they
have there product imputed into very popular movies , such as World War Z and The Goonies.
The adverts for coca cola are always very vibrant and are based around the season you are in and also the main thing with
the adverts is that coca cola has its own catchphrase with it being ”Taste The Feeling”, where as for irn bru they have very
peculiar adverts and the have a catchphrase which says “ Original & Best” but the bad about irn-bru is that they don’t
advertise well as well as other companies such as coca cola.
Production research:
To make sure that my products include the cost and contents I will have to research through different sources to find out
how they make the drink and how much each drink costs as well as finding different locations which the IRN-BRU drinks
are made.
The origin of IRN-BRU is obviously Scotland but it is manufactured in countries all over the world such as Russia , Canada ,
United States and also Norway. These manufacturers are the main source IRN-BRU in different countries around the
world. Bru and other barr products are exported through the world in places such as Asia, Spain and parts of Africa.
As of the 1999 Irn-Bru contained 0.002% ammonium ferric citrate, sugar, 32 flavouring agents including caffeine and
quinine. Also Irn-Bru had controversial colourings which where Sunset Yellow FCF and Ponceau 4R, A.G. Barr agreed to
ban the two colourings but to this day in 2017 IRN-BRU still contains those two colourings.
The price of the Irn-Bru drink varies between each shop for example at Tesco the 500ml bottle of Irn-Bru is £1.15 where as
in ASDA the exact same bottle of Irn-Bru is £1.25 which is a 10p difference between the two shops, so it is just based on
whether or not the shop wants a higher price for their goods or if they want to be cheaper than other shops which sell
the same variety of products just at a different price to each other.
For my work I took inspiration for the ending of my game from
images like these two because with a light up street sign they
stand out more that any other signs which you may see
because they are really vibrant and exotic also I really like the
signs which have the lights which flicker on and of because
they are a lot nicer visually than the normal light up street
signs which don’t have the flickering effect which they have.
The image on the bottom is the main reason why i wanted to
make my text and the end of the game to flicker because it
looks really nice and it isn't like the normal ending text which
doesn't’t have anything which makes it stand out because
sometimes it isn't necessary to make these adjustments to the
text because it is just text but I want to use it because of the
vibrant colours and the effect that it is kind of breaking
because if it is flickering on and off it makes it seem as if it is
Idea Generation:
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use,
get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked
products. The reason which I got the idea from this game is because similar to
my advergame in this you have to click things which increase the amount of
points you have and then once you have hit a certain amount then you can
upgrade and buy new things which I have tried to recreate in my advergame
which I have made.
But in this game there is quite a huge difference between this and mine
because in this game it goes really in-depth with the customization and
unlocks which you have because there are objectives that you ned to
complete and then it will give you a certain amount of points which adds on
to your total which is hugely different from mine because I have not gone to
the same depth into the points and unlock system because I didn’t want it to
be to hard to actually create the game as it would be really time consuming
and would take more time than it took with making my advergame than it
already has.
Individual Idea:
This section is the ideas
which I came up on my
own but we decided on
someone else's idea as it
was better and more in
depth than what I came
up with and wrote down.
Group Idea:
These are idea which we collectively in the group
came up with and is illustrated by tahmed and in
these illustration the two people who act in the
advert are jack and tahmed and I'm recording the
whole thing as I didn't want to play anyone in the
Group Idea:
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Pot. Problem Effect on Production Solution/Control Person Responsible
The camera could break. It would set the time we needed back because we would
need a new camera.
We would have to get a new camera for the filming of it, and also to make sure that this doesn’t happen
we would have to be extremely careful with the camera.
The group.
We may not all be available at the same
time to both film and edit the advert.
It would cause us to take more time in the filming of the
advert and also the editing process.
A solution to this would be to plan a time that the whole group are available to film. The whole group.
We may not have enough props or are
missing props which are needed.
By missing props this would make it so we had either use
what we have and it isn’t as good or go and get them
which would take more time onto our time which we
To make sure that we don’t miss any props would be to make sure that we have all the props before
filming it and also we would have to go and get the props from the shops to make sure we had what we
needed for filming the advert.
The group.
A problem with the planning could be that
we may not be able to do the things we
want to do because of restrictions.
If we couldn’t do the things that we wanted to do we
would have to rethink our ideas and it would take us
more time, and to make sure that we can do the things
we want, in the idea will look at each thing and make sure
that we can do them without struggle.
We will have to look through our ideas and make sure that each and every section that we want, we can
do without any restrictions.
The person who chose
the frames for the
Some we didn’t want in the shot could
This would cause us to have to re-do that whole section
and it would consume more time than necessary.
A solution to this problem would be to go to an area which has no one around that area, and if there is
someone coming we would stop the recording and wait for them to go and then continue on filming.
Random people.
Not having what we need on time With us not having what we need on time, it will increase
the amount of time which it will take to film it because
one person will need to go and get what we need, and
while they are gone the people remaining cannot do what
they need to because they haven’t got what they need
To solve the problem of not having what we need on time, we will have to make sure that we have a list
of all the items which we need on that day, and this will stop us from having the problem of not having
what we need.
Everyone in the group.
The audio for the camera could corrupt The effect which corrupted audio would be that we would
have to either dub the video or we would have to
completely re-film the whole advert, which would take
double the amount of time because we will have done it
There is not solution or a way to make sure that the audio does not corrupt so it is all about chance
whether or not it corrupts.
No one can be blamed
for it.
The video file could corrupt in the camera If the camera video file corrupted, we would have to re-
film the entire advert because we wouldn’t have any
content to show. And it would take twice as much time.
Again, the same as the corrupted audio there is no way of stopping the corruption and there is no
solution on of the video file corrupting.
No one is to blame for it.
Someone in the group could be ill so that
they couldn’t attend the filming of the
This would make it so that we would have to come on
another day where they are all there at the same time so
that they could film the entire thing without a person
A solution would be to plan a date when someone in the group isn’t ill so that we don’t have to change
any dates that we need.
The person which is ill.
Having no free space on the memory card
for the camera.
If this happens we will have to go and get a new memory
card so that we can actually film the advert so we actually
have something filmed.
A solution for this would be to beforehand when we get the camera we will have to check the memory
card to see if it is free for space. And also, we could bring an extra memory card for the camera.
The person getting the
camera and not checking
The weather If the weather on the day isn’t how we want it for the
advert, we will have to wait for another day where the
weather is how we want it to be.
The solution would be to see which days are what we want and see the days we don’t want, and also
there is no way to control the weather.
No one is responsible.
The lighting The effect which the lighting may have would be, if we
wanted to take a shot but the lighting wasn’t what we
need it to be for that exact shot, we would either have to
wait for the light to change or come back the next day so
it is what we want.
A solution would be to make sure that we film when the light is exactly how we want it, but there is no
way to control the lighting.
No one is responsible
Someone may not want to go to the filming With the person not wanting to be a part of the group we
would have to look for someone else to part of the group
to help.
Make sure that everyone in the group wants to be part of the group and want to film with the group. The person who doesn’t
want to be part of the
Someone could hurt themselves during the
filming of it.
This would cause the production of the filming to take
longer than expected.
A solution to someone not getting injured would be to make sure that there is nothing around that
someone could get hurt on.
The person who gets
Contingency Planning
Project Title:
Consider: 1. Technical [camera, equipment,
etc.], 2. Organisational, 3. Logistical and 4.
Hazard Present
Severity Likelihood Risk Factor
1 Alcohol/drugs no n Vu Someone could do something which they are not
supposed to be doing.
2 Animals/insects no n Vu The risk could be someone could hurt an animal.
3 Audiences no n Vu They could interfere with the filming
4 Camera cable/grip equipment no n Vu You could trip over the cables
5 Confined spaces no n Vu Someone could be claustrophobic
6 Derelict buildings/dangerous
no n Vu They could fall on someone and they could get
7 Electricity/gas (other than normal
no n Vu Someone could severely hurt themselves on the
8 Fatigue/long hours no n Vu The person could start to feel dizzy
9 Fire/flammable materials no n Vu They could burn someone and damage the
10 Hazardous substances no n Vu They could cause severe damage to someone if not
used properly
11 Heat/Cold/extreme weather no n Vu It could interfere with the camera and break it.
12 Laser/strobe effects no n Vu It could cause someone to have an epileptic fit
13 Machinery/industrial/ crane/hoist no n Vu They could fall and severely injure someone.
14 Materials - glass, non-fire retardant
set materials
no n Vu The glass could smash and injure someone.
15 Night operation no n Vu You could not see where you are going and walk
into the road
16 Noise – high sound levels no n Vl There is no real risk of high sound levels.
17 standard manual handling yes n Vu You could drop some of the equipment and damage
18 Public/crowds no n Vu They could interfere with the filming
19 Radiation no n Vu You could get radiation and get severe permanent
20 Scaffold/Rostra no n Vu The scaffolding could fall and injure someone
underneath it
21 Smoking on set no n Vu You could affect the people around you.
22 Special effects/explosives no n Vu The special effects/explosions could malefaction and
hurt people around it.
23 Special needs (elderly, disabled,
no n Vu Someone could hurt a disabled person
24 Specialised rescue/first aid no n Vu Someone could get injured and the first aid could
not get to them
25 Stunts, dangerous activities no n Vu Someone could get seriously injured.
26 Tall scenery/suspended ceilings no n Vu The suspended could fall onto someone and injure
27 Vehicles/speed no n Vu Someone could get hit by a high-speed vehicle and
get severely injured
28 Water/proximity to water no n Vu Someone could fall into a large amount of water
and they may not be able to swim.
29 Weapons no n Vu Someone could accidently hurt each other by hitting
with a weapon which wasn’t intentional.
30 Working at heights no n Vu Someone could fall from big heights and broke some
bones and also someone could have a phobia of
31 Working overseas no n vu There is no risk of working overseas there isn’t any
32 Other risks
Title of project
Name and Number
Complete the following table rating
 each risks severity on scale from Negligible
(N), Low risk (L), Moderate risk (M), Severe
(S), Very severe (V)
 each risks likelihood on scale from Very
unlikely (VU), Unlikely (U), Possible (P), Likely
(L), Very likely (VL)
 Determine the risk factor from the table
The reason which we have a risk assessment form is because
we need to make sure that we have all the possible risk which
could occur and how likely each one is to happen in
comparison to whether or not that certain thing is present at
the time of filming, nearly everything Is a no which shows the
filming in general is really safe and next to nothing should
cause any risks when filming.
This is the call sheet for the whole filming section,
we have the phone numbers of the people
participating in the recording and also we have our
parent / guardian and also there is the tutor. We
collected the numbers just incase something went
Planning Docs (Advergame):
This is the proposal for my advergame
which I plan on making I've including
everything which I want In the advergame.
These are two of the final designs which I decided to go with but out
of the two which are on the screen I decided to go with the one on the
left as I thought that the blue at the top made it looked better as you
can see all the different dispersion particles coming out and then I
wanted to go with orange as the box because it looked better because
I didn't clash with the other section of orange that I chose.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.

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3. research(1)
7. evaluation (1)
7. evaluation (1)7. evaluation (1)
7. evaluation (1)
6. production reflection
6. production reflection6. production reflection
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Fmp proposal
Fmp proposalFmp proposal
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3. research(1)
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Irn bru pro forma 1

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: These are some facts about the video game industry Games industry- -5,473 employed in the games sector -Average income £30,755 -14% Freelancers -48% recruited direct from education -There is 14% women in the workforce and there are 86% men in the workforce -There is a shortage of 74% for technical development in the game industry -The highest qualifications held are an undergraduate degree, certificate or diploma at 42% -The main degree subjects studied are ICT practitioners at 30% and animation/Computer Animation/3D/electronic imaging at 13% -less than 10% of the workforce have disabilities -The main industry in the UK is based in the west midlands at 39%. -In the game industry there are only 4% of the qualifications held in A-level in media studies of related subjects -Also there is 0% of the game industry with advanced higher/ intermediate 2 in media or other subjects from Scotland -At higher end of the scale in the games industry, technical directors, developers, producers and team managers can earn up to £70,000 and above. -People working in the game industry usually have really flexible work hours which means you have to work from 9am to 5pm. You have to have work experience to work in the games industry, because it is essential that you have a portfolio to give examples of the work that you have done.
  • 3. Info-graphic Research: The comparison between freelance and permanent employment is that with a freelance worker who is self-employed and I hired to work for different companies on certain assignments , the job is never permanent to that certain job and is more than likely different every time. Where as a permanent employment does not have a predetermined end date to employment, as well in addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like health care, paid vacations and sick time and they also contribute to a retirement plan. The difference between the two is that you do not get sick pay and benefits when you are a freelancer as you are to blame for everything that goes wrong where as a permanent worker gets benefits. As well with a freelancer you have to manage your taxes by yourself and do not get any help with it as the permanent workers do.
  • 4. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. You will need to copy and paste this slide several times. These are some facts about the video game industry Games industry This is what you need to be to be a level editor- Have a close attention to detail Be very imaginative and creative You need to have a passion for games Have the ability to work independently The ability to visualise layouts Have knowledge of 3D modelling and the firm grasp of game design principles The main asset of level editor is defining and creating interactive architecture for a segment of a game, including the landscape, buildings and objects The main facts about the video game industry would be- -5,473 employed in the games sector -Average income £30,755 There is 14% women in the workforce and there are 86% men in the workforce -There is a shortage of 74% for technical development in the game industry -The highest qualifications held are an undergraduate degree, certificate or diploma at 42% -less than 10% of the workforce have disabilities -The main industry in the UK is based in the west midlands at 39%. The qualifications you will need to a level editor is that you need to at least have a degree but it isn’t necessary, also you could study design, engineering Also you will usually need to know how to use industry-standard 3D modelling packages, such as 3D Max or Maya.
  • 5. Info-graphic Bibliography: Creative skill set – for infographic research anon. (.). level editor. Available: Last accessed 13th September 2017. Wikipedia – to find out when they established irn-bru and where they produce it jimmy wales, and larry sanger. (23rd 2017). Irn-Bru. Available: Last accessed 24th oct 2017. My super market – to find out how much they sell irn-bru at different stores .. (2005). Barr Irn Bru. Available: tesco-price-comparison/Soft_Drinks/Barr_Irn_Bru_500ml.html. Last accessed 24th oct 2017. Bubbl – used to make my mind map for idea about everything that I made levon. (.). mind map. Available: Last accessed 25th oct 2017. First class production adverts – this helped me to find out about the different narrative structures .. (.). Advertising techniques. Available: Last accessed 14th November 2017. Prezi – this helped me to find out other styles of narrative structure and what they do .. (.). genre and narrative styles of TV adverts. Available: Last accessed 14th November 2017.
  • 6. Info-graphic: Put your info-graphic design work here. This is the design which I came up with through the day , in my opinion it isn't the best but it is a start and with the designs I used I think some of it is good and other parts are not as good such as the light bulb above the man I really don’t like because it stands out like a sore thumb which I don’t want and then there is the two hands in the bottom left hand corner which I like a lot because of the effect which surrounds them because it looks like the hands are imprinted into the page and then the writing stands out so that even though they don’t stand out at least the text stands out and is the most necessary thing which you see instead of the image because they are all facts.
  • 7. Research: Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information: The way I located my information was through a very good website called creative skillset which allows you to go through any job that you can think of and see the facts and statistics about such as the gender of the workforce in the gaming industry, as well I located this website through the internet because I needed information about the job that I would consider doing in the future also I stored the information onto a USB stick and also I stored onto the PowerPoint as it is very important that I did that. A downside to the website which I used was it didn’t always have a definite answer for some of the facts it just didn’t have and answer and also the facts where not in-depth as it didn’t show you the exact amount of people that worked in each department, which I thought would be extremely necessary but it was ok I managed with the exact amount of people.
  • 8. Audience research: The clients would be anyone really, things that I would definitely need to consider would be the Age, gender. Irn-Bru advertise their product in very strange ways and original as they want to stand out from the rest of the crowd and don’t want to blend in with the crowd. The majority of the clients which I saw on the survey where aged 17-19 which I think would the near the same for the irn-bru as the younger generation drink more fizzy drinks and the elder generation not as much. There are more males than females which drink irn-bru where males are at 9 and females at 5, although this isn’t nowhere near the amount of customers irn-bru have I still think that more men than women would drink irn-bru as males drink more fizzy drinks compared to women, as well in the survey there where 10 people who had tried irn-bru and 5 had never tried it, but the majority of people say they have seen and irn-bru advert before as only 1 person hadn’t seen and irn-bru advert. In the survey they where asked what there favourite drink was and only 2 people said irn-bru and 5 people said coke and 5 said Fanta, and 2 said don’t like fizzy drinks. A.G barr make a wide variety of drinks including rockstar, Rubicon and barr flavours.
  • 9. Market research: The main competition for irn-bru would be coke as it is the highest selling fizzy drink in the world, for irn-bru having coke as a competitor is difficult as they are such a recognisable brand all around the world, and also other competitors would be any of the main fizzy drink companies such as Fanta, dr.pepper and vimto etc. In comparison to coca cola, irn-bru have a very strange and new way of advertising there product where as coca cola have there own way of advertising which is strange but it is very original. Also the target age of other fizzy companies such as coke being 18-24 year-old age demographic and also for Pepsi there largest audience would be 65+. Also with coca cola they have good product placement because it is in a lot of very popular movies and tv shows which have a huge viewing which would increase the amount of coca cola which would be bought, they are in films such s Jurassic park and hangover. As well another competitor of irn-bru is Pepsi which does well in product placement because again like coca cola they have there product imputed into very popular movies , such as World War Z and The Goonies. The adverts for coca cola are always very vibrant and are based around the season you are in and also the main thing with the adverts is that coca cola has its own catchphrase with it being ”Taste The Feeling”, where as for irn bru they have very peculiar adverts and the have a catchphrase which says “ Original & Best” but the bad about irn-bru is that they don’t advertise well as well as other companies such as coca cola.
  • 10. Production research: To make sure that my products include the cost and contents I will have to research through different sources to find out how they make the drink and how much each drink costs as well as finding different locations which the IRN-BRU drinks are made. The origin of IRN-BRU is obviously Scotland but it is manufactured in countries all over the world such as Russia , Canada , United States and also Norway. These manufacturers are the main source IRN-BRU in different countries around the world. Bru and other barr products are exported through the world in places such as Asia, Spain and parts of Africa. As of the 1999 Irn-Bru contained 0.002% ammonium ferric citrate, sugar, 32 flavouring agents including caffeine and quinine. Also Irn-Bru had controversial colourings which where Sunset Yellow FCF and Ponceau 4R, A.G. Barr agreed to ban the two colourings but to this day in 2017 IRN-BRU still contains those two colourings. The price of the Irn-Bru drink varies between each shop for example at Tesco the 500ml bottle of Irn-Bru is £1.15 where as in ASDA the exact same bottle of Irn-Bru is £1.25 which is a 10p difference between the two shops, so it is just based on whether or not the shop wants a higher price for their goods or if they want to be cheaper than other shops which sell the same variety of products just at a different price to each other.
  • 11. For my work I took inspiration for the ending of my game from images like these two because with a light up street sign they stand out more that any other signs which you may see because they are really vibrant and exotic also I really like the signs which have the lights which flicker on and of because they are a lot nicer visually than the normal light up street signs which don’t have the flickering effect which they have. The image on the bottom is the main reason why i wanted to make my text and the end of the game to flicker because it looks really nice and it isn't like the normal ending text which doesn't’t have anything which makes it stand out because sometimes it isn't necessary to make these adjustments to the text because it is just text but I want to use it because of the vibrant colours and the effect that it is kind of breaking because if it is flickering on and off it makes it seem as if it is broken. Idea Generation:
  • 12. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products. The reason which I got the idea from this game is because similar to my advergame in this you have to click things which increase the amount of points you have and then once you have hit a certain amount then you can upgrade and buy new things which I have tried to recreate in my advergame which I have made. But in this game there is quite a huge difference between this and mine because in this game it goes really in-depth with the customization and unlocks which you have because there are objectives that you ned to complete and then it will give you a certain amount of points which adds on to your total which is hugely different from mine because I have not gone to the same depth into the points and unlock system because I didn’t want it to be to hard to actually create the game as it would be really time consuming and would take more time than it took with making my advergame than it already has.
  • 13. Individual Idea: This section is the ideas which I came up on my own but we decided on someone else's idea as it was better and more in depth than what I came up with and wrote down.
  • 14. Group Idea: These are idea which we collectively in the group came up with and is illustrated by tahmed and in these illustration the two people who act in the advert are jack and tahmed and I'm recording the whole thing as I didn't want to play anyone in the advert.
  • 16. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Pot. Problem Effect on Production Solution/Control Person Responsible The camera could break. It would set the time we needed back because we would need a new camera. We would have to get a new camera for the filming of it, and also to make sure that this doesn’t happen we would have to be extremely careful with the camera. The group. We may not all be available at the same time to both film and edit the advert. It would cause us to take more time in the filming of the advert and also the editing process. A solution to this would be to plan a time that the whole group are available to film. The whole group. We may not have enough props or are missing props which are needed. By missing props this would make it so we had either use what we have and it isn’t as good or go and get them which would take more time onto our time which we have. To make sure that we don’t miss any props would be to make sure that we have all the props before filming it and also we would have to go and get the props from the shops to make sure we had what we needed for filming the advert. The group. A problem with the planning could be that we may not be able to do the things we want to do because of restrictions. If we couldn’t do the things that we wanted to do we would have to rethink our ideas and it would take us more time, and to make sure that we can do the things we want, in the idea will look at each thing and make sure that we can do them without struggle. We will have to look through our ideas and make sure that each and every section that we want, we can do without any restrictions. The person who chose the frames for the advert. Some we didn’t want in the shot could appear This would cause us to have to re-do that whole section and it would consume more time than necessary. A solution to this problem would be to go to an area which has no one around that area, and if there is someone coming we would stop the recording and wait for them to go and then continue on filming. Random people. Not having what we need on time With us not having what we need on time, it will increase the amount of time which it will take to film it because one person will need to go and get what we need, and while they are gone the people remaining cannot do what they need to because they haven’t got what they need To solve the problem of not having what we need on time, we will have to make sure that we have a list of all the items which we need on that day, and this will stop us from having the problem of not having what we need. Everyone in the group. The audio for the camera could corrupt The effect which corrupted audio would be that we would have to either dub the video or we would have to completely re-film the whole advert, which would take double the amount of time because we will have done it twice. There is not solution or a way to make sure that the audio does not corrupt so it is all about chance whether or not it corrupts. No one can be blamed for it. The video file could corrupt in the camera If the camera video file corrupted, we would have to re- film the entire advert because we wouldn’t have any content to show. And it would take twice as much time. Again, the same as the corrupted audio there is no way of stopping the corruption and there is no solution on of the video file corrupting. No one is to blame for it. Someone in the group could be ill so that they couldn’t attend the filming of the advert. This would make it so that we would have to come on another day where they are all there at the same time so that they could film the entire thing without a person missing. A solution would be to plan a date when someone in the group isn’t ill so that we don’t have to change any dates that we need. The person which is ill. Having no free space on the memory card for the camera. If this happens we will have to go and get a new memory card so that we can actually film the advert so we actually have something filmed. A solution for this would be to beforehand when we get the camera we will have to check the memory card to see if it is free for space. And also, we could bring an extra memory card for the camera. The person getting the camera and not checking it. The weather If the weather on the day isn’t how we want it for the advert, we will have to wait for another day where the weather is how we want it to be. The solution would be to see which days are what we want and see the days we don’t want, and also there is no way to control the weather. No one is responsible. The lighting The effect which the lighting may have would be, if we wanted to take a shot but the lighting wasn’t what we need it to be for that exact shot, we would either have to wait for the light to change or come back the next day so it is what we want. A solution would be to make sure that we film when the light is exactly how we want it, but there is no way to control the lighting. No one is responsible Someone may not want to go to the filming With the person not wanting to be a part of the group we would have to look for someone else to part of the group to help. Make sure that everyone in the group wants to be part of the group and want to film with the group. The person who doesn’t want to be part of the group Someone could hurt themselves during the filming of it. This would cause the production of the filming to take longer than expected. A solution to someone not getting injured would be to make sure that there is nothing around that someone could get hurt on. The person who gets injured Contingency Planning Project Title: Consider: 1. Technical [camera, equipment, etc.], 2. Organisational, 3. Logistical and 4. Personnel
  • 17. Hazard Present ? Severity Likelihood Risk Factor 1 Alcohol/drugs no n Vu Someone could do something which they are not supposed to be doing. 2 Animals/insects no n Vu The risk could be someone could hurt an animal. 3 Audiences no n Vu They could interfere with the filming 4 Camera cable/grip equipment no n Vu You could trip over the cables 5 Confined spaces no n Vu Someone could be claustrophobic 6 Derelict buildings/dangerous structures no n Vu They could fall on someone and they could get injured 7 Electricity/gas (other than normal supplies) no n Vu Someone could severely hurt themselves on the electricity 8 Fatigue/long hours no n Vu The person could start to feel dizzy 9 Fire/flammable materials no n Vu They could burn someone and damage the surroundings 10 Hazardous substances no n Vu They could cause severe damage to someone if not used properly 11 Heat/Cold/extreme weather no n Vu It could interfere with the camera and break it. 12 Laser/strobe effects no n Vu It could cause someone to have an epileptic fit 13 Machinery/industrial/ crane/hoist no n Vu They could fall and severely injure someone. 14 Materials - glass, non-fire retardant set materials no n Vu The glass could smash and injure someone. 15 Night operation no n Vu You could not see where you are going and walk into the road 16 Noise – high sound levels no n Vl There is no real risk of high sound levels. 17 standard manual handling yes n Vu You could drop some of the equipment and damage them. 18 Public/crowds no n Vu They could interfere with the filming 19 Radiation no n Vu You could get radiation and get severe permanent injuries 20 Scaffold/Rostra no n Vu The scaffolding could fall and injure someone underneath it 21 Smoking on set no n Vu You could affect the people around you. 22 Special effects/explosives no n Vu The special effects/explosions could malefaction and hurt people around it. 23 Special needs (elderly, disabled, inexperienced) no n Vu Someone could hurt a disabled person 24 Specialised rescue/first aid no n Vu Someone could get injured and the first aid could not get to them 25 Stunts, dangerous activities no n Vu Someone could get seriously injured. 26 Tall scenery/suspended ceilings no n Vu The suspended could fall onto someone and injure someone 27 Vehicles/speed no n Vu Someone could get hit by a high-speed vehicle and get severely injured 28 Water/proximity to water no n Vu Someone could fall into a large amount of water and they may not be able to swim. 29 Weapons no n Vu Someone could accidently hurt each other by hitting with a weapon which wasn’t intentional. 30 Working at heights no n Vu Someone could fall from big heights and broke some bones and also someone could have a phobia of heights. 31 Working overseas no n vu There is no risk of working overseas there isn’t any risks. 32 Other risks RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Title of project Name and Number Address Complete the following table rating  each risks severity on scale from Negligible (N), Low risk (L), Moderate risk (M), Severe (S), Very severe (V)  each risks likelihood on scale from Very unlikely (VU), Unlikely (U), Possible (P), Likely (L), Very likely (VL)  Determine the risk factor from the table overleaf. The reason which we have a risk assessment form is because we need to make sure that we have all the possible risk which could occur and how likely each one is to happen in comparison to whether or not that certain thing is present at the time of filming, nearly everything Is a no which shows the filming in general is really safe and next to nothing should cause any risks when filming.
  • 18. This is the call sheet for the whole filming section, we have the phone numbers of the people participating in the recording and also we have our parent / guardian and also there is the tutor. We collected the numbers just incase something went wrong.
  • 19.
  • 20. Planning Docs (Advergame): This is the proposal for my advergame which I plan on making I've including everything which I want In the advergame.
  • 21. These are two of the final designs which I decided to go with but out of the two which are on the screen I decided to go with the one on the left as I thought that the blue at the top made it looked better as you can see all the different dispersion particles coming out and then I wanted to go with orange as the box because it looked better because I didn't clash with the other section of orange that I chose.
  • 22.
  • 23. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 24. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.