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The client is the NHS, NHS provides high quality treatment foe everyone
in England. NHS stands for National Health Service and that name refers
to the Government funded health care people get in the United Kingdom
without having to pay for a full cost of the service that is given. The NHS
often does many campaigns about peoples health etc to promote good
health and a better lifestyle and promoting the idea of making an
appointment, along with raising awareness of certain illnesses and
symptoms. A previous campaign that the NHS has done is the Better
Health Campaign that was launched in 2009 to promote better health for
the older generation. Their typical audience is usually people in need of
medical help, mostly older people but can include anyone in the UK.
Change4Life,was firstly launched in 2009 to promote a better lifestyle but was then it was relaunched on
27th July 2020 by the Government under the Better Health brand. This campaign encouraged people to
achieve a healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking, drinking and to start exercising etc. The campaign help
prevented people gaining serious illnesses form things like being overweight etc and offered free support, it
also prevented people being hospitalised because of COVID-19.
Topic : Drinking Alcohol
The short term effects of alcohol is a decrease in anxiety and lack of motor skills, along
with euphoria at low doses of alcohol. Then at higher doses there is unconsciousness,
slurred speech and impulsive behaviour. The long term effects of alcohol is depression,
memory loss and potential dementia, it also increases the chance of having heart
problems and having strokes. Drinking alcohol excessively can make you have constant
memory problems and will increase the chances of getting dementia, and because of the
constant changes in mood and high aggression it could cause long term tension within
families and relationships with other people. Drinking alcohol can increase the chances
of getting many serious health conditions like (heart disease, stroke, liver disease, liver
cancer, bowel cancer, mouth cancer, breast cancer and pancreatitis.) Liver disease can
damage the brain which could be the reason for the mood changes, memory, personality
changes etc. Too much alcohol may impact negatively on the brain cell growth. Drinking
too much can lower your immune system which could out you at risk for many illnesses.
Poster Analysis
The target audience for this poster is towards young adults and adults (18-26 year olds) that may drink a lot, I know
this a lot because in the poster is an adult looking like an zombie, which is what the effects of alcohol can do to people
if they excessively drink alcohol. The key message is to not over drink and to not underestimate the effect of alcohol
and to show that drunk people act about like zombies, also highlights the aggression drunk people may have, I know
this because it’s a drunk person that is made out to look like a zombie with the title as the ‘Invasion of the mindless
drunk’ which is imitating titles of zombie films. The colour is quite dark and grungy and has a green tint to it, the text is
in a light teal/border with the smaller text being all white. It highlights that drunk people are more likely to injure
themselves and others. The story conventions for this poster is that, the reason why this poster was made was to
spread awareness to others on drinking and the effects of it, the effect that they want this poster to have is to make
people stop drinking as much because of the effects of drinking and the risks of accidents etc. The Calderdale Council,
are trying to show that alcohol makes people act zombie like when drinking too much, they want to show that the main
reason for accidents from 8pm to 5am on weekends is because of alcohol abuse. The character in this poster, who is
standing a slightly off from the centre is a zombie like man who has a bottle of alcohol in his hand, the point of this man
is to make us look twice because to the general audience he looks like a average drunk person but when you read the
text and look again you realise he looks ore zombie like, this is to show the similarity between the drunk and zombies
humorously. They placed the character off from the centre to show that he is disorderly. For the form conventions of
this poster, the colour is important for posters as it sets the tone and the colours that are used in this poster (dark grey,
grey and green), can all be associated with illness and nightmares as it says in the text ‘Don’t let your night out
become a nightmare.’ The text that is used with this poster is sans-serif font, which is unfancy and is in bold letters,
this text in particular is in all caps and the letters are scattered from each other, matching the look of the character
being a zombie and disorderly. The technical codes for the poster, is the lighting is pretty dark to match the tone of the
poster with it being around alcohol and zombies, the dark lighting matches the tone of ‘nightmares’, the lighting is
similar to a street light with everything being dark except from the character. The camera is put at a straight on angle
with it containing the full body of the character, this is to show the actions of the character and to include movement
which in this case is zombie-like. The background setting of this poster is like a dark street, with the lighting fitting this
tone making it look similar to a street light. The overall mise-en-scene in this poster ties together nicely and fits the
tone of the nightmares and zombies aspect, the lighting is dark and looks like a street light to highlight the character,
the background setting looks like a street/alleyway, the movement of the character is zombie like and the camera
angle gets the full body in with a straight on full body shot, the blend of these elements allows a somewhat story to
come through over a poster. The codes and conventions that I will challenge with this product is doing full body shots
and makes things really clear, in at least one of my posters I want a close up shot with text, the codes and conventions
guidelines that I will follow is using sans serif font, serif font is way too fancy and I want something more modern and
bold which will fit the tone better
Poster Analysis
The target audience for this poster is parents/adults who drink a lot and who may have drinking problems, I know
this because it shows a little kid drinking alcohol and on the title it says ‘Like father…like son’ and ‘Is your drinking
having an impact on your child?’. The overall key message for this poster is to motivate people with drinking
problems to find help for their child, or parents that may think that their problems with alcohol is already effecting
their child's behaviour. For the story conventions, the cause and effect of this poster is, the cause of this poster is to
spread awareness of alcohol abuse and how that effects the children in peoples life's, this affect of this is to spread
awareness of alcohol abuse in a different light as many alcoholics are unlikely to do it for themselves but if they
have a granddaughter etc they are more likely to have a bigger motivation for them. The one character who is in this
poster is a little boy, sitting down and holding alcohol, the purpose of this character is to create motivation for the
target audience to stop drinking. The colours in this poster is significant as it highlights the purpose of this poster
and draws attention to certain objects, the background of the little boy is in black and white and the writing and the
alcohol is in red, this directs the audience attention to the bottle and the writing which is sans serif font. The point of
the sans serif font is to create a clean and modern look, this is to not take away from the actual point of the poster.
In regards to the codes and conventions , for the technical codes the camera is at a over shoulder shot almost,
looking down onto the kid who is sitting with the bottle of alcohol, this is to create a effect on peering on or looking
down in disappointment onto the kid with the alcohol, it also make the bottle of alcohol the centre of the image, this
makes the bottle of alcohol the first thing that the audience sees. The editing of this image is very significant as they
have edited everything in red and white except from the background of the kid which is in lack and white, this
highlights the bottle of alcohol even more. The red can mean urgency and importance as it is what the audience
sees first and because of the topic. There isn’t much lighting happening in this image, the background mage is
natural lighting, this can mean that because the set up is very natural looking, it is to mimic the average day for a
alcoholic for it to seem very natural for the child to be sitting there with a bottle of alcohol, this can create an effect of
the adult feeling uncomfortable with the sight and then having a reality check on what the effect could be on their
children etc because of their alcohol abuse. The acting and movement of the kid is very natural and so is the setting,
it matches the natural lightning with the kid acting like drinking alcohol very normal, it is almost mocking the adults
who do the same and giving them a reality check. The overall mise-en-scene of this poster is very good as it all
blends into one with the way the kid is acting and the lighting, it s very natural to mimic how the adults in their life
act. The codes and conventions for this poster that I will challenge is having a lot of blockiness and blocks of colour,
I feel like it takes up too much space and that there is too much writing . I will follow the codes and conventions with
colours and using that as a tool to attract my target audience and to create a story.
Poster Analysis
The target audience for this poster could be someone who has a close family or someone who has a family
and is alcoholic or even someone who isn’t, I know this because in this Russian poster it shows a family
photo with scissors in the shape of a vodka bottle cut out a family member who has the physical causes of
being an alcoholic. The overall key message of this poster is that alcohol and excessively drinking can ruin
someone's life and make it lonely, drinking can make someone lose their job, turn aggressive and have
severe personality changes, I know this because alcohol can cause severe tension between families and
relationships with other people. This poster is an odd one as it is graphics and there is no angle to the
camera etc. The editing is very good as the background is a bright yellow with everything else being in a
dark colour, this is different as it draws attention to the poster more as most of the alcohol abuse posters are
dark, there is a pair of scissor cutting through the photo with alcohol on them, this shows that alcohol ruins
one social and family life and distances them. The lighting for this poster is very bright with the bright
background which insinuates that there's a darkness to this poster and a second story. In the written codes,
the text is in Russian and Is very bold but small, this is to let the poster and image speak for itself. For the
symbolic codes, mise en scene is very important as it allows the poster to have story telling it, with the
setting, in the mage there is very bland and black background which shows how vintage this poster is. The
scissors with the alcohol bottle is right in the center and is what the audience sees first; this allows them to
get an idea on what this poster is insinuating.
These result show me that it is more likely for someone
to have been drunk than for them to never have been
drunk. This shows that alcohol is very common and it
tells me that my target audience is going to be people
who drink excessively or social drink regularly.
These results show me that people have drank but they
haven’t drank to the point of being drunk and mostly
everyone has once drank with supervision. This shows
me that my target audience is mostly everyone who has
drank but mainly people who are young and drink
regularly being of social activities etc.
These results show me that people have also drank
without supervision along with drinking with supervision.
This tells me that my target audience are open to drink
anytime with or without supervision.
These results show me that nearly half of the people that have done
this test have drank more than once a week, this tells me that my
target audience is people that always drink at certain social events
or people that drink multiple times a week because they want the
effect of alcohol and they might have problems with excessive use
Focus Group
Going in clockwise, what is your name, age and gender?
Have you ever drunk?
If not, what is your opinion on drinking alcohol, specifically
people your age drinking alcohol excessively?
Do you have people in your family who casually drinks?
Have you ever binge/excessively drank at a social event?
Do you drink a lot outside of social events (while watching tv,
with just one friend etc and in your own company)?
Do you sometimes drink at social events or in general because
you think it helps with things like awkwardness or social anxiety?
Focus Group Answers
Based on the answers on this focus group, I would change my questions
next time and the format I did the questions in, I would change the
questions to be more specific so I would get more detailed answers to the
person and get more of an idea of my target audience. This would help me
with the process after with the audience profile since it would be more
specific to a certain audience, and I would know what type of style I want
for my advertisement. (Click on the black box and select play.)
Audience Profiling Gender
The gender which is more likely to
excessively drink at social events and to
drink more is males, 59% have reported of
drinking within the last 30 days while47%
of women have reported to drinking within
the last 30 days. Men are 2% more likely to
become addicted to alcohol than women.
My target audience will be people who may
have people in their family who casually drink
and have a bad relationship with drinking as
they may gain a habit for that and be more
likely to gain an addiction and too much of a
normality of drinking loads of alcohol in their
family. Also families who are lower class might
increase the chance of someone having
problems with drinking.
Most young people get drunk because of social
events so my target audience would be
someone who was social and goes to a lot of
parties, and may even drink more than once a
week, like shown on my survey
People with bad mental health
might drink more for social events
than the average person and might
drink because they think that
alcohol may help them to become
less awkward and feel better in
social situations if they have
anxiety about anything
While doing this video I learnt how to work with
the cameras more and how to edit on software's
more. This helped me get an idea on what the
environment would be like while making a video
in a group of people, everybody had ideas and
were involved in the process. Next time I would
get more involved with the recording process as
I feel more comfortable doing that and since I
am also more comfortable with the Adobe
software's I could try to edit the videos without
any help and in my own style on how I view a
theme (for example this one was a cowboy
shoot out.) In my next project I will have more
opinion and get more involved in the making
and editing process of it, and I will opt for more
videos and adverts than my comfort zone which
is posters etc to widen my portfolio and to gain
more experience in multiple type of media.
Foley Sound Research
Jack Foley
American sounds effects artist who invented many sounds techniques for film.
Jack Foley invented the art of the Foley, despite the fact that we now have modernised
equipment and technology many still use and go back to the original to enhance the
auditory experience. Foley sounds makes scenes more realistic and pleasing to the
ears of the audience. Jack Foley originally worked in an era of silent films, and one day
decided to record put ins on simple actions like picking up a gun etc. Joe Sikorsky, who
worked with Jack said that, "Jack emphasized you have to act the scene, you have to
be the actors and get into the spirit of the story the same as the actors did, on the set.
It makes a big difference.“ If there was too many effects to do, he asked the prop men
to help him all day of imitating sounds. In the movie ‘Pink Submarine’, needed a motor
sound and Jack reversed a bump and looped the sound for the effect of a comical
motor. A director of a drama movie wanted a creak when a character was running
down the stairs, Jack said that he wanted them to make the scene/movie into rough
print then “I'll park myself in an old rocking chair in front of a microphone-and when
the lady's foot hits the fourth step, I'll just rock, myself back slowly.” Jack Foley
received a number of awards including the Golden Reel Awards.
How did they do the Foley sound technique?
To do the Foley, they have props, viewing screens as well as recording
equipment. They use a variety of props to create sounds to match the
actions in the scene to make it more realistic and appealing to the
audiences ears. The foley artist mimic the actions of the actor such as
footsteps, fighting, knocking on doors etc.
Why do they use foley sounds?
Foley sounds are used to enhance the sounds of every day movements while remaining appealing to the audiences ears. The
sound ios essential for story telling so foley always to tell a story fast and easy whiole keeping the viewers attenmtiopn.

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Investigation & Analysis1.pptx

  • 1. WHO IS THE CLIENT? The client is the NHS, NHS provides high quality treatment foe everyone in England. NHS stands for National Health Service and that name refers to the Government funded health care people get in the United Kingdom without having to pay for a full cost of the service that is given. The NHS often does many campaigns about peoples health etc to promote good health and a better lifestyle and promoting the idea of making an appointment, along with raising awareness of certain illnesses and symptoms. A previous campaign that the NHS has done is the Better Health Campaign that was launched in 2009 to promote better health for the older generation. Their typical audience is usually people in need of medical help, mostly older people but can include anyone in the UK.
  • 2. BETTER HEALTH CAMPAPIGN Change4Life,was firstly launched in 2009 to promote a better lifestyle but was then it was relaunched on 27th July 2020 by the Government under the Better Health brand. This campaign encouraged people to achieve a healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking, drinking and to start exercising etc. The campaign help prevented people gaining serious illnesses form things like being overweight etc and offered free support, it also prevented people being hospitalised because of COVID-19.
  • 3. Topic : Drinking Alcohol The short term effects of alcohol is a decrease in anxiety and lack of motor skills, along with euphoria at low doses of alcohol. Then at higher doses there is unconsciousness, slurred speech and impulsive behaviour. The long term effects of alcohol is depression, memory loss and potential dementia, it also increases the chance of having heart problems and having strokes. Drinking alcohol excessively can make you have constant memory problems and will increase the chances of getting dementia, and because of the constant changes in mood and high aggression it could cause long term tension within families and relationships with other people. Drinking alcohol can increase the chances of getting many serious health conditions like (heart disease, stroke, liver disease, liver cancer, bowel cancer, mouth cancer, breast cancer and pancreatitis.) Liver disease can damage the brain which could be the reason for the mood changes, memory, personality changes etc. Too much alcohol may impact negatively on the brain cell growth. Drinking too much can lower your immune system which could out you at risk for many illnesses.
  • 4. Poster Analysis The target audience for this poster is towards young adults and adults (18-26 year olds) that may drink a lot, I know this a lot because in the poster is an adult looking like an zombie, which is what the effects of alcohol can do to people if they excessively drink alcohol. The key message is to not over drink and to not underestimate the effect of alcohol and to show that drunk people act about like zombies, also highlights the aggression drunk people may have, I know this because it’s a drunk person that is made out to look like a zombie with the title as the ‘Invasion of the mindless drunk’ which is imitating titles of zombie films. The colour is quite dark and grungy and has a green tint to it, the text is in a light teal/border with the smaller text being all white. It highlights that drunk people are more likely to injure themselves and others. The story conventions for this poster is that, the reason why this poster was made was to spread awareness to others on drinking and the effects of it, the effect that they want this poster to have is to make people stop drinking as much because of the effects of drinking and the risks of accidents etc. The Calderdale Council, are trying to show that alcohol makes people act zombie like when drinking too much, they want to show that the main reason for accidents from 8pm to 5am on weekends is because of alcohol abuse. The character in this poster, who is standing a slightly off from the centre is a zombie like man who has a bottle of alcohol in his hand, the point of this man is to make us look twice because to the general audience he looks like a average drunk person but when you read the text and look again you realise he looks ore zombie like, this is to show the similarity between the drunk and zombies humorously. They placed the character off from the centre to show that he is disorderly. For the form conventions of this poster, the colour is important for posters as it sets the tone and the colours that are used in this poster (dark grey, grey and green), can all be associated with illness and nightmares as it says in the text ‘Don’t let your night out become a nightmare.’ The text that is used with this poster is sans-serif font, which is unfancy and is in bold letters, this text in particular is in all caps and the letters are scattered from each other, matching the look of the character being a zombie and disorderly. The technical codes for the poster, is the lighting is pretty dark to match the tone of the poster with it being around alcohol and zombies, the dark lighting matches the tone of ‘nightmares’, the lighting is similar to a street light with everything being dark except from the character. The camera is put at a straight on angle with it containing the full body of the character, this is to show the actions of the character and to include movement which in this case is zombie-like. The background setting of this poster is like a dark street, with the lighting fitting this tone making it look similar to a street light. The overall mise-en-scene in this poster ties together nicely and fits the tone of the nightmares and zombies aspect, the lighting is dark and looks like a street light to highlight the character, the background setting looks like a street/alleyway, the movement of the character is zombie like and the camera angle gets the full body in with a straight on full body shot, the blend of these elements allows a somewhat story to come through over a poster. The codes and conventions that I will challenge with this product is doing full body shots and makes things really clear, in at least one of my posters I want a close up shot with text, the codes and conventions guidelines that I will follow is using sans serif font, serif font is way too fancy and I want something more modern and bold which will fit the tone better
  • 5. Poster Analysis The target audience for this poster is parents/adults who drink a lot and who may have drinking problems, I know this because it shows a little kid drinking alcohol and on the title it says ‘Like father…like son’ and ‘Is your drinking having an impact on your child?’. The overall key message for this poster is to motivate people with drinking problems to find help for their child, or parents that may think that their problems with alcohol is already effecting their child's behaviour. For the story conventions, the cause and effect of this poster is, the cause of this poster is to spread awareness of alcohol abuse and how that effects the children in peoples life's, this affect of this is to spread awareness of alcohol abuse in a different light as many alcoholics are unlikely to do it for themselves but if they have a granddaughter etc they are more likely to have a bigger motivation for them. The one character who is in this poster is a little boy, sitting down and holding alcohol, the purpose of this character is to create motivation for the target audience to stop drinking. The colours in this poster is significant as it highlights the purpose of this poster and draws attention to certain objects, the background of the little boy is in black and white and the writing and the alcohol is in red, this directs the audience attention to the bottle and the writing which is sans serif font. The point of the sans serif font is to create a clean and modern look, this is to not take away from the actual point of the poster. In regards to the codes and conventions , for the technical codes the camera is at a over shoulder shot almost, looking down onto the kid who is sitting with the bottle of alcohol, this is to create a effect on peering on or looking down in disappointment onto the kid with the alcohol, it also make the bottle of alcohol the centre of the image, this makes the bottle of alcohol the first thing that the audience sees. The editing of this image is very significant as they have edited everything in red and white except from the background of the kid which is in lack and white, this highlights the bottle of alcohol even more. The red can mean urgency and importance as it is what the audience sees first and because of the topic. There isn’t much lighting happening in this image, the background mage is natural lighting, this can mean that because the set up is very natural looking, it is to mimic the average day for a alcoholic for it to seem very natural for the child to be sitting there with a bottle of alcohol, this can create an effect of the adult feeling uncomfortable with the sight and then having a reality check on what the effect could be on their children etc because of their alcohol abuse. The acting and movement of the kid is very natural and so is the setting, it matches the natural lightning with the kid acting like drinking alcohol very normal, it is almost mocking the adults who do the same and giving them a reality check. The overall mise-en-scene of this poster is very good as it all blends into one with the way the kid is acting and the lighting, it s very natural to mimic how the adults in their life act. The codes and conventions for this poster that I will challenge is having a lot of blockiness and blocks of colour, I feel like it takes up too much space and that there is too much writing . I will follow the codes and conventions with colours and using that as a tool to attract my target audience and to create a story.
  • 6. Poster Analysis The target audience for this poster could be someone who has a close family or someone who has a family and is alcoholic or even someone who isn’t, I know this because in this Russian poster it shows a family photo with scissors in the shape of a vodka bottle cut out a family member who has the physical causes of being an alcoholic. The overall key message of this poster is that alcohol and excessively drinking can ruin someone's life and make it lonely, drinking can make someone lose their job, turn aggressive and have severe personality changes, I know this because alcohol can cause severe tension between families and relationships with other people. This poster is an odd one as it is graphics and there is no angle to the camera etc. The editing is very good as the background is a bright yellow with everything else being in a dark colour, this is different as it draws attention to the poster more as most of the alcohol abuse posters are dark, there is a pair of scissor cutting through the photo with alcohol on them, this shows that alcohol ruins one social and family life and distances them. The lighting for this poster is very bright with the bright background which insinuates that there's a darkness to this poster and a second story. In the written codes, the text is in Russian and Is very bold but small, this is to let the poster and image speak for itself. For the symbolic codes, mise en scene is very important as it allows the poster to have story telling it, with the setting, in the mage there is very bland and black background which shows how vintage this poster is. The scissors with the alcohol bottle is right in the center and is what the audience sees first; this allows them to get an idea on what this poster is insinuating.
  • 7. These result show me that it is more likely for someone to have been drunk than for them to never have been drunk. This shows that alcohol is very common and it tells me that my target audience is going to be people who drink excessively or social drink regularly. These results show me that people have drank but they haven’t drank to the point of being drunk and mostly everyone has once drank with supervision. This shows me that my target audience is mostly everyone who has drank but mainly people who are young and drink regularly being of social activities etc. These results show me that people have also drank without supervision along with drinking with supervision. This tells me that my target audience are open to drink anytime with or without supervision. These results show me that nearly half of the people that have done this test have drank more than once a week, this tells me that my target audience is people that always drink at certain social events or people that drink multiple times a week because they want the effect of alcohol and they might have problems with excessive use
  • 8. Focus Group Questions Going in clockwise, what is your name, age and gender? Have you ever drunk? If not, what is your opinion on drinking alcohol, specifically people your age drinking alcohol excessively? Do you have people in your family who casually drinks? Have you ever binge/excessively drank at a social event? Do you drink a lot outside of social events (while watching tv, with just one friend etc and in your own company)? Do you sometimes drink at social events or in general because you think it helps with things like awkwardness or social anxiety?
  • 9. Focus Group Answers Based on the answers on this focus group, I would change my questions next time and the format I did the questions in, I would change the questions to be more specific so I would get more detailed answers to the person and get more of an idea of my target audience. This would help me with the process after with the audience profile since it would be more specific to a certain audience, and I would know what type of style I want for my advertisement. (Click on the black box and select play.)
  • 10. Audience Profiling Gender The gender which is more likely to excessively drink at social events and to drink more is males, 59% have reported of drinking within the last 30 days while47% of women have reported to drinking within the last 30 days. Men are 2% more likely to become addicted to alcohol than women. Family My target audience will be people who may have people in their family who casually drink and have a bad relationship with drinking as they may gain a habit for that and be more likely to gain an addiction and too much of a normality of drinking loads of alcohol in their family. Also families who are lower class might increase the chance of someone having problems with drinking. Most young people get drunk because of social events so my target audience would be someone who was social and goes to a lot of parties, and may even drink more than once a week, like shown on my survey People with bad mental health might drink more for social events than the average person and might drink because they think that alcohol may help them to become less awkward and feel better in social situations if they have anxiety about anything
  • 12. BTS While doing this video I learnt how to work with the cameras more and how to edit on software's more. This helped me get an idea on what the environment would be like while making a video in a group of people, everybody had ideas and were involved in the process. Next time I would get more involved with the recording process as I feel more comfortable doing that and since I am also more comfortable with the Adobe software's I could try to edit the videos without any help and in my own style on how I view a theme (for example this one was a cowboy shoot out.) In my next project I will have more opinion and get more involved in the making and editing process of it, and I will opt for more videos and adverts than my comfort zone which is posters etc to widen my portfolio and to gain more experience in multiple type of media.
  • 14. Jack Foley American sounds effects artist who invented many sounds techniques for film. Jack Foley invented the art of the Foley, despite the fact that we now have modernised equipment and technology many still use and go back to the original to enhance the auditory experience. Foley sounds makes scenes more realistic and pleasing to the ears of the audience. Jack Foley originally worked in an era of silent films, and one day decided to record put ins on simple actions like picking up a gun etc. Joe Sikorsky, who worked with Jack said that, "Jack emphasized you have to act the scene, you have to be the actors and get into the spirit of the story the same as the actors did, on the set. It makes a big difference.“ If there was too many effects to do, he asked the prop men to help him all day of imitating sounds. In the movie ‘Pink Submarine’, needed a motor sound and Jack reversed a bump and looped the sound for the effect of a comical motor. A director of a drama movie wanted a creak when a character was running down the stairs, Jack said that he wanted them to make the scene/movie into rough print then “I'll park myself in an old rocking chair in front of a microphone-and when the lady's foot hits the fourth step, I'll just rock, myself back slowly.” Jack Foley received a number of awards including the Golden Reel Awards.
  • 15. How did they do the Foley sound technique? To do the Foley, they have props, viewing screens as well as recording equipment. They use a variety of props to create sounds to match the actions in the scene to make it more realistic and appealing to the audiences ears. The foley artist mimic the actions of the actor such as footsteps, fighting, knocking on doors etc. Why do they use foley sounds? Foley sounds are used to enhance the sounds of every day movements while remaining appealing to the audiences ears. The sound ios essential for story telling so foley always to tell a story fast and easy whiole keeping the viewers attenmtiopn.