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(MATrix LABoratory)
      Presented By:
      Bhavesh Shah
       Asst. Prof.,
    What is MATLAB?
    MATLAB Screen
    Variables, array, matrix, indexing
    Operators (Arithmetic, relational, logical)
    Display Facilities
    Flow Control
    Writing User Defined Functions
    Design Neural Network(NN)
    Graphical User Interface (GUI)
    Image Processing Toolbox
    Advantages and Disadvantages of MATLAB
    Conclusion

                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                  2
What is MATLAB?
    The MATLAB is high-performance language for technical computing integrates
    computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where
    problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation.

Where MATLAB is used

                  Math and computation

                  Algorithm development

                  Data acquisition

                  Modelling, simulation, and prototyping

                  Data analysis, exploration, and visualization

                  Scientific and engineering graphics

                  Application development, including graphical user interface building

                                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
 27-28 Sept,2012                                  Chapter                                 3
Toolboxes provided By MATLAB
1.     Aerospace Simulation
2.     Neural Network
3.     Parallel Computing
4.     Image Acquisition
5.     Image processing
6.     Genetic Algorithm
7.     Fuzzy Logic
8.     Database processing
9.     Video and Image processing
10.    Control System
11.    Signal Processing
12.    Statistics
13.    Financial Toolbox
14.    Curve fitting
                            MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                  4
Toolboxes provided By MATLAB
1.     Aerospace Simulation
2.     Neural Network
3.     Parallel Computing
4.     Image Acquisition
5.     Image processing
6.     Genetic Algorithm
7.     Fuzzy Logic
8.     Database processing
9.     Video and Image processing
10.    Control System
11.    Signal Processing
12.    Statistics
13.    Financial Toolbox
14.    Curve fitting
                            MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                  5
   Command Window
     type commands

   Current Directory
      View folders and m-files

   Workspace
      View program variables
      Double click on a variable
      to see it in the Array Editor

   Command History
     view past commands
     save a whole session
      using diary

                                      MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
     27-28 Sept,2012                             Chapter                  6
Structure of MATLAB

                      MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                  Chapter                  7
Comment used in MATLAB
   “%” is the neglect sign for MATLAB (equivalent of
    “//” in C). Anything after it on the same line is
    neglected by MATLAB compiler.

   Sometimes slowing down the execution is done
    deliberately for observation purposes. You can
    use the command “pause” for this purpose

            >>pause %wait until any key
            >>pause(3) %wait 3 seconds

                             MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                         Chapter                  8
Useful Commands

          The two commands used most by Matlab
           users are
             >>help functionname

             >>lookfor keyword

                          MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                      Chapter                  9
      No need for types. i.e.,

                  int a;
                  double b;
                  float c;

      All variables are created with double precision unless
       specified and they are matrices.


      After these statements, the variables are 1x1 matrices
       with double precision.
                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
    27-28 Sept,2012                      Chapter                  10

    Use meaningful names for variables
    MATLAB variable names
          – must begin with a letter
          – can contain any combination of letters, numbers and
            underscore (_)
          – must be unique in the first 31 characters
     MATLAB is case sensitive: “name”, “Name” and “NAME”
     are considered different variables.
    Never use a variable with the same name as a MATLAB
    Naming convention: use lowercase letters
                        MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                    Chapter                        11

Initialization using shortcut statements
– colon operator “first:increment:last”
  >> x = 1:2:10
       x =1 3 5 7 9
  >> y = 0:0.1:0.5
       y = 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  12

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  13

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  14
Array, Matrix
        a vector             x = [1 2 5 1]

         x =
                  1   2       5    1

        a matrix             x = [1 2 3; 5 1 4; 3 2 -1]

         x =
                  1       2        3
                  5       1        4
                  3       2       -1

        transpose            y = x’                      y =

                                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                                   Chapter                  15
Long Array, Matrix
                 t =1:10

         t =
                  1    2       3   4     5       6     7     8         9   10
                 k =2:-0.5:-1

         k =
                  2   1.5      1   0.5       0       -0.5    -1

                 B   = [1:4; 5:8]

                  1        2       3         4
                  5        6       7         8

                                   MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                               Chapter                           16
Built-in Variables

    pi: p value up to 15 significant digits
    i, j: sqrt(-1)
    Inf: infinity (such as division by 0)
    NaN: Not-a-Number (such as division of zero by zero).
    clock: current date and time as a vector
    date: current date as a string (e.g. 16-Feb-2004)
    eps: epsilon
    ans: default variable for answers
    tic…toc

                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                    17
Built-in Math function

    abs, sign
    log, log10, log2
    exp
    sqrt
    sin, cos, tan
    max, min
    round, floor, ceil, fix
    mod

                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                  18
Built in Functions

    sort
     sortrows
     mod(num,2)

                   MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012               Chapter                  19
Built in function related to String

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  20
MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  21
Limit and Integration

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  22

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  23
Solving Equations

>> solve('cos(2*x)+sin(x)=1')

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  24
Some useful Command

    who: show your workspace
    whos: show your workspace with details
    memory: show memory status
    clc: clear command window
    clear: clear workspace variable
    cntl+d: forcefully quit
    diary: to maintain a log

                     MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                 Chapter                  25
Initializing with Built-in Functions

    zeros(n)
    zeros(n,m)
    zeros(size(arr))
    ones(n)
    ones(n,m)
    ones(size(arr))
    eye(n)
    eye(n,m)
    length(arr)
    size(arr)
                        MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                    Chapter                  26
Generating Vectors from functions
   zeros(M,N) MxN matrix of zeros                 x = zeros(1,3)
                                                   x =
                                                     0     0      0

   ones(M,N)         MxN matrix of ones
                                                   x = ones(1,3)
                                                   x =
                                                     1     1     1
   rand(M,N)         MxN matrix of uniformly
                      distributed random      x = rand(1,3)
                      numbers on (0,1)        x =
                                                      0.9501        0.2311 0.6068

                                MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
    27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                              27
Matrix Index
     The matrix indices begin from 1 (not 0 (as in C))
     The matrix indices must be positive integer

     A(-2), A(0)

     Error: ??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

     Error: ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
                                MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
 27-28 Sept,2012                           Chapter                                     28
Concatenation of Matrices
        x = [1 2], y = [4 5], z=[ 0 0]

         A = [ x y]

                  1     2   4   5

          B = [x ; y]

                      1 2
                      4 5

          C = [x y ;z]
??? Error using ==> vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.

                                MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                            Chapter                         29
Operators (arithmetic)
    +     addition
    -     subtraction
    *     multiplication
    /     division
    ^     power
    „     transpose

                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                  30
Matrices Operations

        Given A and B:

     Addition      Subtraction            Product            Transpose

                         MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                     Chapter                              31
Operators (Element by Element)

    .* : element-by-element multiplication
    ./ : element-by-element division
    .^ : element-by-element power

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  32
The use of “.” – “Element” Operation
A = [1 2 3; 5 1 4; 3 2 1]
          1 2 3
          5 1 4
          3 2 -1

                                              b = x .* y          c=x./y          d = x .^2
x = A(1,:)             y = A(3 ,:)
                                              b=                  c=              d=
x=                     y=                          3 8 -3           0.33 0.5 -3        1   4        9
      1 2 3                 3 4 -1
         K= x^2
         ??? Error using ==> mpower Matrix must be square.
         ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
                                     MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
     27-28 Sept,2012                            Chapter                                        33
Matrix Operation(cont…)

     transpose(„)
     tril: lower triangular matrix
     triu: upper triangular matrix
     rank: show rank of matrix
     det: determinant of matrix
     diag: returns principle diagonal
     inv: inverse of the matrix
     eig: eign value(matrix must be
              square matrix)

                               MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                           Chapter                  34
MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  35
Displaying Data/Text

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  36
Displaying Data/Text(cont…)

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  37
Displaying Data/Text(cont…)

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  38
Import/Export Data from Command

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  39
Operators (relational, logical)

          == Equal to
          ~= Not equal to
          < Strictly smaller
          > Strictly greater
          <= Smaller than or equal to
          >= Greater than equal to
          & And operator
          | Or operator
                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                  40
Flow Control

          if
          for
          while
          break
           continue
           switch and case

                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                  41
Control Structures
                                           Some Dummy Examples
        If Statement Syntax
                                           if ((a>3) & (b==5))
                                                Some Matlab Commands;
   if (Condition_1)                        end
          MATLAB Commands
                                           if (a<3)
   elseif (Condition_2)                         Some Matlab Commands;
           MATLAB Commands                 elseif (b~=5)
   elseif (Condition_3)                         Some Matlab Commands;
           MATLAB Commands
   else                                    if (a<3)
                                                Some Matlab Commands;
           MATLAB Commands                 else
   end                                          Some Matlab Commands;
                    MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                Chapter                                  42
Control Structures
                                             Some Dummy Examples
    For loop syntax                         for i=1:100
for i=start: Last index                          Some Matlab Commands;
    MATLAB Commands
end                                          for j=1:3:200
                                                 Some Matlab Commands;

                                             for m=13:-0.2:-21
                                                 Some Matlab Commands;

                                             for k=[0.1 0.3 -13 12 7 -9.3]
                                                 Some Matlab Commands;
                          MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                      Chapter                                 43
Control Structures
                                  Dummy Example
    While Loop Syntax            while ((a>3) & (b==5))
                                     Some Matlab Commands;
while (condition)                 % while loop
  MATLAB Commands                 while(i<10)
end                                    i=i+1;

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                         44
Use of M-File
Click to create
a new M-File

  • Extension “.m”
  • A text file containing script or function or program to run
                        MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
 27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                        45
Switch and case

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  46
Continue statement

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  47
Break statement

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  48
Use of M-File                           Save file as Denem430.m

                                                      If you include “;” at the
                                                      end of each statement,
                                                      result will not be shown

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                                          49

>> A{1,1} = 'MATLAB ';
>> A{1,2} = 'SIMULINK ';
>> A = deblank(A)


      'MATLAB'    'SIMULINK'

                   MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012               Chapter                  50
Writing User Defined Functions

          Functions are m-files which can be executed by
           specifying some inputs and supply some desired
          The code telling the MATLAB that an m-file is actually
           a function is

                  function out1=functionname(inp1)
                  function out1=functionname(inp1,inp2,inp3)
                  function [out1,out2]=functionname(inp1,inp2)

          You should write this command at the beginning of the
           m-file and you should save the m-file with a file name
           same as the function name
                               MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                           Chapter                  51
How to read a text file

fid = fopen('message.txt','r');
ice1= fread(fid);
s = char(ice1');

Ans   hello

                                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                              Chapter                  52
How to write a text file

   txt=[65 67 68 69];
   fid = fopen('output.txt','wb');


                                MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                            Chapter                  53
Writing User Defined Functions
          Examples
            Write a function : out=squarer (A, ind)

              Which takes the square of the input matrix if the input
               indicator is equal to 1
              And takes the element by element square of the input
               matrix if the input indicator is equal to 2

                                                                 Same Name

                             MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                         Chapter                              54
Basic Task: Plot the function sin(x)
between 0≤x≤4π
         Create an x-array of 100 samples between 0
          and 4π.
    Syntax: linspace(start, interval, end);

         Calculate sin(.) of the x-array

         Plot the y-array

                               MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                           Chapter                  55
Plot the function e-x/3sin(x) between
      Create an x-array of 100 samples between 0
       and 4π.

      Calculate sin(.) of the x-array

      Calculate e-x/3 of the x-array

      Multiply the arrays y and y1
                             MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                         Chapter                  56
Plot the function e-x/3sin(x) between
    Multiply the arrays y and y1 correctly

    Plot the y2-array

             >>plot(y2)                            0.6









                                                         0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90        100

                           MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                       Chapter                                                             57
Display Facilities

    plot(par1,par2)                                       0.7



            Example:                                       0.4

            >>x=linspace(0,4*pi,100);                      0.3



            >>plot(y)                                       0

            >>plot(x,y)                                   -0.1


                                                                 0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90    100

                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                          Chapter                                                              58
Neural Network

                    MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                Chapter                  59
How to Design Neural Network

1.      Collect data
2.      Create the network
3.      Configure the network
4.      Initialize the weights and biases
5.      Train the network
6.      Validate the network
7.      Use the network

                      MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                  Chapter                  60
Simple              Neuron/1st                layer Perceptron

     X1                     wb=1


                            MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                   61
Transfer Function

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  62
Vectors used in NN

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  63
Neural Network Architecture

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  64
MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  65
MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  66
Multilayer NN

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  67
How to open Neural Network Tool


                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  68
Graph Plot

                    MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                Chapter                  69
Display Facilities

   title(.)
          >>title(‘This is the sinus function’)
                                                                                           This is the sinus function


   xlabel(.)                                                    0.6


          >>xlabel(‘x (secs)’)                                   0.2


   ylabel(.)                                                    -0.2



           >>ylabel(‘sin(x)’)                                     -1
                                                                        0   10   20   30       40      50    60         70   80   90    100
                                                                                                    x (secs)

                                    MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
    27-28 Sept,2012                            Chapter                                                                             70
                  (Graphical User Interface)

                       MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                   Chapter                  71

     GUIDE is Graphical User Interface Development Environment, provides a
     set of tools for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). These tools
     simplify the process of laying out and programming GUIs.

To open GUI :
   >> guide

                            MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                            72

        warndlg('hello');           helpdlg('hello');           errordlg('hello');


                            MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                                       73

[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Pick an M-file');
    if isequal(filename,0) | isequal(pathname,0)
       disp('User pressed cancel')
       disp(['User selected ', fullfile(pathname, filename)])

                                 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                             Chapter                  74

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  75

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  76

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  77

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  78

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  79

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  80

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  81

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  82

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  83

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  84

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  85

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  86

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  87

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  88

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  89

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  90
MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  91

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  92

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  93

a =imread('cameraman.tif');


                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
 27-28 Sept,2012                         Chapter                  94

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  95

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  96

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  97

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  98

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  99
a =imread('cameraman.tif');



                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
  27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                  100

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  101

 a =imread('cameraman.tif');



                           MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                       Chapter                  102

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  103

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  104

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  105

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  106


  if a ==1

  a =imread('cameraman.tif');




  a =imread('greens.jpg');




                                MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                            Chapter                  107

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  108

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  109

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  110

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  111

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  112

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  113
Image Processing

                     MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                 Chapter                  114
How to read an image

   a =imread('cameraman.tif');               a =imread('flowers.tif');
   imshow(a);                                imshow(a);
   pixval on;                                pixval on;

                            MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                        Chapter                           115

 I = imread('eight.tif');
 J = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',0.02);
 K = medfilt2(J);

                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
 27-28 Sept,2012                         Chapter                  116
How to read an audio file

 a =wavread('test.wav');

                     MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                 Chapter                  117
How to read an video file


                             MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                         Chapter                  118
Add two images

I = imread('rice.tif');
                                              I = imread('rice.tif');
J = imread('cameraman.tif');
K = imadd(I,J,'uint16');
                                               J = imadd(I,Irice50);
                                               subplot(1,2,1), imshow(I)
                                               subplot(1,2,2), imshow(J)

                               MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                           Chapter                          119
Subtract two images

I = imread('rice.tif');
 Iq = imsubtract(I,Irice50);
 subplot(1,2,1), imshow(I)
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(Iq)

                               MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                           Chapter                  120
Convert image to gray and binary
  close all
  a= imread('flowers.tif');
  b=imresize(a,[256 256]);

                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                          Chapter                  121
RGB component

                              MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                          Chapter                  122
Convert Image into One dimensional

a = imread('cameraman.tif');

[r c]=size(a);


b=reshape(a,[1 Len]);

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  123
Counting the Number of Objects in an
close all;
HolesClearedImage = imfill(ComplementImage,'holes');
[L,Num] = bwlabel(HolesClearedImage)
for i=1:3
                                     MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                                 Chapter                  124
Advantages and Disadvantages of MATLAB

    Advantages
         Ease of use
         Platform independence
         Predefined functions
         Plotting
    Disadvantages
         Can be slow
         Expensive

                        MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012                    Chapter                  125
Thank You…

                  MATLAB workshop under CSI Student
27-28 Sept,2012              Chapter                  126

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Introduction to MATLAB

  • 1. Introduction to MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) Presented By: Bhavesh Shah Asst. Prof.,
  • 2. Outline:  What is MATLAB?  MATLAB Screen  Variables, array, matrix, indexing  Operators (Arithmetic, relational, logical)  Display Facilities  Flow Control  Writing User Defined Functions  Design Neural Network(NN)  Graphical User Interface (GUI)  Image Processing Toolbox  Advantages and Disadvantages of MATLAB  Conclusion MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 2
  • 3. What is MATLAB? The MATLAB is high-performance language for technical computing integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Where MATLAB is used  Math and computation  Algorithm development  Data acquisition  Modelling, simulation, and prototyping  Data analysis, exploration, and visualization  Scientific and engineering graphics  Application development, including graphical user interface building MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 3
  • 4. Toolboxes provided By MATLAB 1. Aerospace Simulation 2. Neural Network 3. Parallel Computing 4. Image Acquisition 5. Image processing 6. Genetic Algorithm 7. Fuzzy Logic 8. Database processing 9. Video and Image processing 10. Control System 11. Signal Processing 12. Statistics 13. Financial Toolbox 14. Curve fitting MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 4
  • 5. Toolboxes provided By MATLAB 1. Aerospace Simulation 2. Neural Network 3. Parallel Computing 4. Image Acquisition 5. Image processing 6. Genetic Algorithm 7. Fuzzy Logic 8. Database processing 9. Video and Image processing 10. Control System 11. Signal Processing 12. Statistics 13. Financial Toolbox 14. Curve fitting MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 5
  • 6. MATLAB Screen  Command Window  type commands  Current Directory  View folders and m-files  Workspace  View program variables  Double click on a variable to see it in the Array Editor  Command History  view past commands  save a whole session using diary MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 6
  • 7. Structure of MATLAB MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 7
  • 8. Comment used in MATLAB  “%” is the neglect sign for MATLAB (equivalent of “//” in C). Anything after it on the same line is neglected by MATLAB compiler.  Sometimes slowing down the execution is done deliberately for observation purposes. You can use the command “pause” for this purpose >>pause %wait until any key >>pause(3) %wait 3 seconds MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 8
  • 9. Useful Commands  The two commands used most by Matlab users are >>help functionname >>lookfor keyword MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 9
  • 10. Variables  No need for types. i.e., int a; double b; float c;  All variables are created with double precision unless specified and they are matrices. >>x=5; >>x1=2;  After these statements, the variables are 1x1 matrices with double precision. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 10
  • 11. Variables(cont…)  Use meaningful names for variables  MATLAB variable names – must begin with a letter – can contain any combination of letters, numbers and underscore (_) – must be unique in the first 31 characters  MATLAB is case sensitive: “name”, “Name” and “NAME” are considered different variables.  Never use a variable with the same name as a MATLAB command.  Naming convention: use lowercase letters MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 11
  • 12. Variable(cont…) Initialization using shortcut statements – colon operator “first:increment:last” >> x = 1:2:10 x =1 3 5 7 9 >> y = 0:0.1:0.5 y = 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 12
  • 13. Variable(cont…) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 13
  • 14. Array MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 14
  • 15. Array, Matrix  a vector x = [1 2 5 1] x = 1 2 5 1  a matrix x = [1 2 3; 5 1 4; 3 2 -1] x = 1 2 3 5 1 4 3 2 -1  transpose y = x’ y = 1 2 5 1 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 15
  • 16. Long Array, Matrix  t =1:10 t = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  k =2:-0.5:-1 k = 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1  B = [1:4; 5:8] = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 16
  • 17. Built-in Variables  pi: p value up to 15 significant digits  i, j: sqrt(-1)  Inf: infinity (such as division by 0)  NaN: Not-a-Number (such as division of zero by zero).  clock: current date and time as a vector  date: current date as a string (e.g. 16-Feb-2004)  eps: epsilon  ans: default variable for answers  tic…toc MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 17
  • 18. Built-in Math function  abs, sign  log, log10, log2  exp  sqrt  sin, cos, tan  max, min  round, floor, ceil, fix  mod MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 18
  • 19. Built in Functions  sort  sortrows  mod(num,2) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 19
  • 20. Built in function related to String MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 20
  • 21. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 21
  • 22. Limit and Integration MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 22
  • 23. Differentiation MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 23
  • 24. Solving Equations >> solve('cos(2*x)+sin(x)=1') MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 24
  • 25. Some useful Command  who: show your workspace  whos: show your workspace with details  memory: show memory status  clc: clear command window  clear: clear workspace variable  cntl+d: forcefully quit  diary: to maintain a log MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 25
  • 26. Initializing with Built-in Functions  zeros(n)  zeros(n,m)  zeros(size(arr))  ones(n)  ones(n,m)  ones(size(arr))  eye(n)  eye(n,m)  length(arr)  size(arr) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 26
  • 27. Generating Vectors from functions  zeros(M,N) MxN matrix of zeros x = zeros(1,3) x = 0 0 0  ones(M,N) MxN matrix of ones x = ones(1,3) x = 1 1 1  rand(M,N) MxN matrix of uniformly distributed random x = rand(1,3) numbers on (0,1) x = 0.9501 0.2311 0.6068 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 27
  • 28. Matrix Index  The matrix indices begin from 1 (not 0 (as in C))  The matrix indices must be positive integer Given: A(-2), A(0) Error: ??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. A(4,2) Error: ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 28
  • 29. Concatenation of Matrices  x = [1 2], y = [4 5], z=[ 0 0] A = [ x y] 1 2 4 5 B = [x ; y] 1 2 4 5 C = [x y ;z] Error: ??? Error using ==> vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 29
  • 30. Operators (arithmetic) + addition - subtraction * multiplication / division ^ power „ transpose MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 30
  • 31. Matrices Operations Given A and B: Addition Subtraction Product Transpose MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 31
  • 32. Operators (Element by Element) .* : element-by-element multiplication ./ : element-by-element division .^ : element-by-element power MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 32
  • 33. The use of “.” – “Element” Operation A = [1 2 3; 5 1 4; 3 2 1] A= 1 2 3 5 1 4 3 2 -1 b = x .* y c=x./y d = x .^2 x = A(1,:) y = A(3 ,:) b= c= d= x= y= 3 8 -3 0.33 0.5 -3 1 4 9 1 2 3 3 4 -1 K= x^2 Error: ??? Error using ==> mpower Matrix must be square. B=x*y Error: ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 33
  • 34. Matrix Operation(cont…)  transpose(„)  tril: lower triangular matrix  triu: upper triangular matrix  rank: show rank of matrix  det: determinant of matrix  diag: returns principle diagonal  inv: inverse of the matrix  eig: eign value(matrix must be square matrix) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 34
  • 35. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 35
  • 36. Displaying Data/Text MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 36
  • 37. Displaying Data/Text(cont…) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 37
  • 38. Displaying Data/Text(cont…) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 38
  • 39. Import/Export Data from Command MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 39
  • 40. Operators (relational, logical)  == Equal to  ~= Not equal to  < Strictly smaller  > Strictly greater  <= Smaller than or equal to  >= Greater than equal to  & And operator  | Or operator MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 40
  • 41. Flow Control  if  for  while  break  continue  switch and case MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 41
  • 42. Control Structures Some Dummy Examples  If Statement Syntax if ((a>3) & (b==5)) Some Matlab Commands; if (Condition_1) end MATLAB Commands if (a<3) elseif (Condition_2) Some Matlab Commands; MATLAB Commands elseif (b~=5) elseif (Condition_3) Some Matlab Commands; end MATLAB Commands else if (a<3) Some Matlab Commands; MATLAB Commands else end Some Matlab Commands; end MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 42
  • 43. Control Structures Some Dummy Examples  For loop syntax for i=1:100 for i=start: Last index Some Matlab Commands; end MATLAB Commands end for j=1:3:200 Some Matlab Commands; end for m=13:-0.2:-21 Some Matlab Commands; end for k=[0.1 0.3 -13 12 7 -9.3] Some Matlab Commands; end MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 43
  • 44. Control Structures Dummy Example  While Loop Syntax while ((a>3) & (b==5)) Some Matlab Commands; end while (condition) % while loop i=1; MATLAB Commands while(i<10) disp(i); end i=i+1; end MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 44
  • 45. Use of M-File Click to create a new M-File • Extension “.m” • A text file containing script or function or program to run MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 45
  • 46. Switch and case MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 46
  • 47. Continue statement MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 47
  • 48. Break statement MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 48
  • 49. Use of M-File Save file as Denem430.m If you include “;” at the end of each statement, result will not be shown immediately MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 49
  • 50. Solution >> A{1,1} = 'MATLAB '; >> A{1,2} = 'SIMULINK '; >> A = deblank(A) A= 'MATLAB' 'SIMULINK' MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 50
  • 51. Writing User Defined Functions  Functions are m-files which can be executed by specifying some inputs and supply some desired outputs.  The code telling the MATLAB that an m-file is actually a function is function out1=functionname(inp1) function out1=functionname(inp1,inp2,inp3) function [out1,out2]=functionname(inp1,inp2)  You should write this command at the beginning of the m-file and you should save the m-file with a file name same as the function name MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 51
  • 52. How to read a text file fid = fopen('message.txt','r'); ice1= fread(fid); s = char(ice1'); fclose(fid); disp(s); Ans hello MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 52
  • 53. How to write a text file txt=[65 67 68 69]; fid = fopen('output.txt','wb'); fwrite(fid,char(txt),'char'); fclose(fid); ANS =ACDE MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 53
  • 54. Writing User Defined Functions  Examples  Write a function : out=squarer (A, ind)  Which takes the square of the input matrix if the input indicator is equal to 1  And takes the element by element square of the input matrix if the input indicator is equal to 2 Same Name MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 54
  • 55. Basic Task: Plot the function sin(x) between 0≤x≤4π  Create an x-array of 100 samples between 0 and 4π. Syntax: linspace(start, interval, end); >>x=linspace(0,4*pi,100);  Calculate sin(.) of the x-array >>y=sin(x);  Plot the y-array >>plot(y) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 55
  • 56. Plot the function e-x/3sin(x) between 0≤x≤4π  Create an x-array of 100 samples between 0 and 4π. >>x=linspace(0,4*pi,100);  Calculate sin(.) of the x-array >>y=sin(x);  Calculate e-x/3 of the x-array >>y1=exp(-x/3);  Multiply the arrays y and y1 >>y2=y*y1; MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 56
  • 57. Plot the function e-x/3sin(x) between 0≤x≤4π  Multiply the arrays y and y1 correctly >>y2=y.*y1;  Plot the y2-array 0.7 >>plot(y2) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 57
  • 58. Display Facilities  plot(par1,par2) 0.7 0.6 0.5 Example: 0.4 >>x=linspace(0,4*pi,100); 0.3 >>y=sin(x); 0.2 0.1 >>plot(y) 0 >>plot(x,y) -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 58
  • 59. Neural Network (NN) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 59
  • 60. How to Design Neural Network 1. Collect data 2. Create the network 3. Configure the network 4. Initialize the weights and biases 5. Train the network 6. Validate the network 7. Use the network MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 60
  • 61. Simple Neuron/1st layer Perceptron b X1 wb=1 w1 E y w2 X2 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 61
  • 62. Transfer Function MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 62
  • 63. Vectors used in NN MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 63
  • 64. Neural Network Architecture MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 64
  • 65. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 65
  • 66. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 66
  • 67. Multilayer NN MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 67
  • 68. How to open Neural Network Tool >>nftool MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 68
  • 69. Graph Plot MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 69
  • 70. Display Facilities  title(.) >>title(‘This is the sinus function’) This is the sinus function 1 0.8  xlabel(.) 0.6 0.4 >>xlabel(‘x (secs)’) 0.2 sin(x) 0  ylabel(.) -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 >>ylabel(‘sin(x)’) -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 x (secs) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 70
  • 71. GUI (Graphical User Interface) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 71
  • 72. GUIDE GUIDE is Graphical User Interface Development Environment, provides a set of tools for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). These tools simplify the process of laying out and programming GUIs. To open GUI : >> guide MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 72
  • 73. DIALOG BOX warndlg('hello'); helpdlg('hello'); errordlg('hello'); msgbox('hello'); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 73
  • 74. USER INTERFACE GET FILE [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Pick an M-file'); if isequal(filename,0) | isequal(pathname,0) disp('User pressed cancel') else disp(['User selected ', fullfile(pathname, filename)]) end MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 74
  • 75. GUI… MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 75
  • 76. PUSH BUTTON MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 76
  • 77. TOGGLE BUTTON MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 77
  • 78. RADIO BUTTON MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 78
  • 79. CHECKBOX MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 79
  • 80. EDIT TEXT MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 80
  • 81. STATIC TEXT MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 81
  • 82. SLIDER MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 82
  • 83. FRAME MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 83
  • 84. LISTBOX MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 84
  • 85. POPUP MENU MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 85
  • 86. AXES MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 86
  • 87. ALIGN OBJECTS MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 87
  • 88. MENU EDITOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 88
  • 89. M FILE EDITOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 89
  • 90. PROPERTY INSPECTOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 90
  • 91. MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 91
  • 92. RUN MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 92
  • 93. PUSH BUTTON MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 93
  • 94. WRITE THE CODE BELOW THE CALLBACK a =imread('cameraman.tif'); imshow(a); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 94
  • 95. RUN THE PROGRAM OR PRESS F5 MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 95
  • 96. RIGHT CLICK PUSH BUTTON & GO FOR PROPERTY INSPECTOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 96
  • 97. CHOOSE AXES MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 97
  • 98. RIGHT CLICK AXES & GO FOR PROPERTY INSPECTOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 98
  • 99. CHANGE THE STRING AND TAG VALUE MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 99
  • 100. WRITE THE CODE BELOW THE CALLBACK a =imread('cameraman.tif'); axes(; imshow(a); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 100
  • 101. RUN THE PROGRAM MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 101
  • 102. CODE a =imread('cameraman.tif'); axes(; imshow(a); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 102
  • 103. TOGGLE BUTTON MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 103
  • 104. RIGHT CLICK TOGGLE & GO FOR PROPERTY INSPECTOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 104
  • 105. CHANGE THE STRING AND TAG VALUE MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 105
  • 106. RIGHT CLICK TOGGLE & GO FOR M FILE EDITOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 106
  • 107. WRITE THE CODE BELOW THE CALLBACK a=get(hObject,'Value'); if a ==1 a =imread('cameraman.tif'); axes(; imshow(a); else a =imread('greens.jpg'); axes(; imshow(a); end MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 107
  • 108. RUN THE PROGRAM MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 108
  • 109. RIGHT CLICK CHECK BOX & GO FOR PROPERTY INSPECTOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 109
  • 110. CHANGE THE STRING AND TAG VALUE MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 110
  • 111. RIGHT CLICK CHECK BOX & GO FOR M FILE EDITOR MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 111
  • 112. WRITE THE CODE BELOW THE CALLBACK MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 112
  • 113. RUN THE PROGRAM MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 113
  • 114. Image Processing MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 114
  • 115. How to read an image a =imread('cameraman.tif'); a =imread('flowers.tif'); imshow(a); imshow(a); pixval on; pixval on; MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 115
  • 116. NOISE AND FILTER I = imread('eight.tif'); J = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',0.02); K = medfilt2(J); subplot(1,2,1);imshow(J) subplot(1,2,2);imshow(K) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 116
  • 117. How to read an audio file a =wavread('test.wav'); wavplay(a,44100); Plot(a); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 117
  • 118. How to read an video file a=aviread('movie.avi'); movie(a); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 118
  • 119. Add two images I = imread('rice.tif'); I = imread('rice.tif'); J = imread('cameraman.tif'); K = imadd(I,J,'uint16'); J = imadd(I,Irice50); imshow(K,[]) subplot(1,2,1), imshow(I) subplot(1,2,2), imshow(J) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 119
  • 120. Subtract two images I = imread('rice.tif'); Iq = imsubtract(I,Irice50); subplot(1,2,1), imshow(I) subplot(1,2,2), imshow(Iq) MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 120
  • 121. Convert image to gray and binary clc; clear; close all a= imread('flowers.tif'); subplot(2,2,1); imshow(a); subplot(2,2,2); b=imresize(a,[256 256]); imshow(b); subplot(2,2,3); c=rgb2gray(b); imshow(c); subplot(2,2,4); d=im2bw(c); imshow(d); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 121
  • 122. RGB component a=imread('flowers.tif'); subplot(2,2,1); imshow(a); R=a; G=a; B=a; R(:,:,2:3)=0; subplot(2,2,2); imshow(R); G(:,:,1)=0; G(:,:,3)=0; subplot(2,2,3); imshow(G); B(:,:,1)=0; B(:,:,2)=0; subplot(2,2,4); imshow(B); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 122
  • 123. Convert Image into One dimensional a = imread('cameraman.tif'); [r c]=size(a); Len=r*c; b=reshape(a,[1 Len]); MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 123
  • 124. Counting the Number of Objects in an Image clc; clear; close all; InputImage=imread('eight.tif'); subplot(2,2,1); imshow(InputImage);title('InputImage'); BinaryImage=im2bw(InputImage); subplot(2,2,2); imshow(BinaryImage); ComplementImage=imcomplement(BinaryImage); subplot(2,2,3); imshow(ComplementImage); HolesClearedImage = imfill(ComplementImage,'holes'); subplot(2,2,4); imshow(HolesClearedImage);title('HolesClearedImage'); [L,Num] = bwlabel(HolesClearedImage) for i=1:3 figure; imshow(L==i); pause(2) end MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 124
  • 125. Advantages and Disadvantages of MATLAB  Advantages  Ease of use  Platform independence  Predefined functions  Plotting  Disadvantages  Can be slow  Expensive MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 125
  • 126. Thank You… MATLAB workshop under CSI Student 27-28 Sept,2012 Chapter 126