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(Neo4j)-[:          ]->Cypher
   Michael Hunger - Neo Technology

(Michael) -[:WORKS_ON]-> (Neo4j)

Cypher             community



          Spring               Cloud

is a

NOSQL       Neo4j

Graph Database

We're talking about a
Property Graph

We're talking about a
Property Graph


We're talking about a
Property Graph



We're talking about a
Property Graph
                                             Em                                       Joh
                                                  il                                      a   n
                                   knows                                     knows
                      Alli                                         Tob                                    Lar

                             son                                       ias           knows                   s
                                           And                                       And                  knows
                      knows                      rea                                       rés
                                                           knows             knows                knows
                      Pet                                          Miic
                                                                   Mc                knows                 Ian
                         er                knows                        a
                                   knows                   knows
                                            De                                       Mic
                                               lia                                      h   ael


             Properties (each a key+value)

        + Indexes (for easy look-ups)
(Neo4j) -[:IS_A]-> (Graph Database)
Sharding                                      1 M/s



                                 VA                               RA
                                    IL.                       TE
                                                                   PROVIDES                        ACID
        Server     RUN
                       S_A                                        LI                                TX
                          S                                         CE
 Ruby                                                                                 IK

            JS                                                                           E

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                                                               N                             Mongo
     embedded                                                     Heroku
                            Nodes                                                                   9
How do you query this
  graph database?

With a Graph Query

What is Cypher?
๏Pattern-Matching Query Language
๏Humane language
๏Declarative: Say what you want, not how
๏borrows from well known query langs
๏Aggregation, Ordering, Limit
๏Update the Graph

Something new? Why?
๏ Existing Neo4j query mechanisms were not simple enough
   • Too verbose (Java API)
   • Too prescriptive (Gremlin)
๏ SQL: Unable to express paths
   • these are crucial for graph-based reasoning
   • Neo4j is schema/table free
๏ SPARQL: designed for a different data model
   • namespaces
   • properties as nodes
A Graph
Can‘t see the Patterns for the Trees


It‘s all about Patterns


             B       C

We want to find this Pattern!
Patterns in a Graph

Patterns as ASCII-ART

Patterns as ASCII-ART

   () --> ()
Named Nodes

 A      B

Named Nodes

 A      B

(A) --> (B)

Named Directed Rels
    A           B

Named Directed Rels
    A           B

   A -[:LOVES]-> B


A     B     C


A     B     C

A --> B --> C


      B       C


       B       C

A --> B --> C, A --> C


       B       C

A --> B --> C, A --> C
 A --> B --> C <-- A
Variable Length Paths
        A     B

    A             B

A                      B

    A -[*]-> B        26
Optional Relationships

     A         B

Optional Relationships

     A         B

   A -[?]-> B

How does it work?

How does it work?

How does it work?
// lookup starting point in an index
start n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’)


How does it work?
// lookup starting point in an index
   then traverse to find results
start n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’)
  match (n)--()--(foaf) return foaf


The Parts of Cypher

๏ START <lookup> RETURN <expressions>
๏ START binds terms using simple look-up
   •directly using known ids
   •or based on indexed Property
๏ RETURN expressions specify result set

๏ START <lookup> RETURN <expressions>
๏ START binds terms using simple look-up
   •directly using known ids
   •or based on indexed Property
๏ RETURN expressions specify result set
  // lookup node id 0, return that node
  start n=node(0) return n
  // lookup node in Index, return that node
  start n=node:Person(name="Andreas") return n
  // lookup all nodes, return all name properties
  start n=node(*) return

Cypher: MATCH
๏ START <lookup> MATCH <pattern> RETURN <expr>
๏ MATCH describes a pattern of nodes+relationships
   •node terms in optional parenthesis
   •lines with arrows for relationships

Cypher: MATCH
๏ START <lookup> MATCH <pattern> RETURN <expr>
๏ MATCH describes a pattern of nodes+relationships
   •node terms in optional parenthesis
   •lines with arrows for relationships
 // lookup 'n', traverse any relationship to some 'm'
 start n=node(0) match (n)--(m) return n,m
 // any outgoing relationship from 'n' to 'm'
 start n=node(0) match n-->m return n,m
 // only 'KNOWS' relationships from 'n' to 'm'
 start n=node(0) match n-[:KNOWS]->m return n,m
 // from 'n' to 'm' and capture the relationship as 'r'
 start n=node(0) match n-[r]->m return n,r,m
 // from 'n' outgoing to 'm', then incoming from 'o'
 start n=node(0) match n-->m<--o return n,m,o
Cypher: RETURN
๏ RETURN <expressions>, aggregation(expr) as alias
๏ RETURN nodes, rels, properties
๏ RETURN expressions of functions and operators
๏ RETURN aggregation functions on the above

Cypher: RETURN
๏ RETURN <expressions>, aggregation(expr) as alias
๏ RETURN nodes, rels, properties
๏ RETURN expressions of functions and operators
๏ RETURN aggregation functions on the above

  // aggregate on n, count the m‘s
  start n=node(0) match n--m return n,count(*)
  // alias as name
  start n=node(0) return as name
  // aggregate m‘s into list
  start n=node(*) match n--m return n,collect(m)
  // filter m‘s by name
  start n=node(*) match n--m return n,filter(x in collect(m): ˜= /A.*/) as a_block
Cypher: WHERE
๏ START <lookup> [MATCH <pattern>]
 WHERE <condition> RETURN <expr>
๏ WHERE filters nodes or relationships
   •uses expressions to constrain elements

Cypher: WHERE
๏ START <lookup> [MATCH <pattern>]
 WHERE <condition> RETURN <expr>
๏ WHERE filters nodes or relationships
   •uses expressions to constrain elements
  // lookup all nodes as 'n', constrained to name 'Andreas'
  start n=node(*) where'Andreas' return n
  // filter nodes where age is less than 30
  start n=node(*) where n.age<30 return n
  // filter using a regular expression
  start n=node(*) where =~ /Tob.*/ return n
  // filter for a property exists
  start n=node(*) where has( return n

Cypher: CREATE
๏ CREATE <node>[,node or relationship] RETURN <expr>
  •create nodes with optional properties
  •create relationship (must have a type)

Cypher: CREATE
๏ CREATE <node>[,node or relationship] RETURN <expr>
  •create nodes with optional properties
  •create relationship (must have a type)

 // create an anonymous node
 create n
 // create node with a property, returning it
 create n={name:'Andreas'} return n
 // lookup 2 nodes, then create a relationship and return it
 start n=node(0),m=node(1) create n-[r:KNOWS]-m return r
 // lookup nodes, then create a relationship with properties
 start n=node(1),m=node(2) create n-[r:KNOWS {since:2008}]->m

๏ CREATE UNIQUE node-[rel]->(node {prop : value})
   •„fixes“ the graph
   •starts at bound nodes, properties rels and nodes by
     comparing types and
                           tries to find

   •if not found creates them

๏ CREATE UNIQUE node-[rel]->(node {prop : value})
   •„fixes“ the graph
   •starts at bound nodes, properties rels and nodes by
     comparing types and
                           tries to find

   •if not found creates them
 // create a new relationship
 start n=.., m=.. create unique n-[:KNOWS]->m
 // create a new node AND relationship
 start n=... create unique n-[:TAGGED]->(tag {name:“neo“})
 // matches the tag node by name only creates new relationship
 start n=... create unique n-[:TAGGED]->(tag {name:“neo“})

Cypher: SET
๏ SET [<node property>] [<relationship property>]
   •update a property on a node or relationship
   •must follow a START

Cypher: SET
๏ SET [<node property>] [<relationship property>]
   •update a property on a node or relationship
   •must follow a START

  // update the name property
  start n=node(0) set'Peter'
  // update many nodes, using a calculation
  start n=node(*) set n.size=n.size+1
  // match & capture a relationship, update a property
  start n=node(1) match n-[r]-m set r.times=10

Cypher: DELETE
๏ DELETE [<node>|<relationship>|<property>]
  •delete a node, relationship or property
  •toall relationships must be deleted first
      delete a node,

Cypher: DELETE
๏ DELETE [<node>|<relationship>|<property>]
  •delete a node, relationship or property
  •toall relationships must be deleted first
      delete a node,

 // delete a node
 start n=node(5) delete n
 // remove a node and all relationships
 start n=node(3) match n-[r]-() delete n, r
 // remove a property
 start n=node(3) delete n.age

More Advanced

START user = node(1)
                                           MATCH user -[user_skill]-> skill
                                           RETURN skill, user_skill
SELECT skills.*, user_skill.*
FROM users
JOIN user_skill ON = user_skill.user_id
JOIN skills ON user_skill.skill_id = WHERE = 1

               Old, Influential Friends
START me = node(...)
MATCH (me) - [f:FRIEND] - (old_friend)
           - [:FRIEND ] - (fof)
WHERE ({today}-f.begin) > 365*10

WITH  old_friend, collect( as names

WHERE    length(names) > 100
RETURN   old_friend, names
          f:FRIEND            :FRIEND
     me              friend             fof
                     Simple Recommendation
START me = node(...)
MATCH (me) -[r1:RATED   ]->(thing)
          <-[r2:RATED   ]- (someone)
           -[r3:RATED   ]->(cool_thing)
WHERE ABS(r1.stars-r2.stars) <= 2
       AND r3.stars > 3
RETURN cool_thing, count(*) AS cnt
          r1:RATED     thing   r2:RATED
     me                                       so
                               r   3: RA
                       thing                   41
Cypher Cheat Sheet

The Rabbithole

                 This Graph:
How to use Cypher
in YOUR programs

Neo4j API
 ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDB);

 String query = „start n=node:Person(name={name})
  match n-[:ACTS_IN]->movie<-[:ACTS_IN]-friend
  return friend“;
 ExecutionResult result = engine.query(query, map(„name“, „Keanu“);

 for (Map<String,Object> row : result) {
     Node friend = row.get(„friend“);

 Iterator<Node> friends = result.columnAs(„friend“);

How to get started?

How to get started?
๏ Documentation

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference
    • Neo4j in Action

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference
    • Neo4j in Action
    • Good Relationships

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference
    • Neo4j in Action
    • Good Relationships
๏ Get Neo4j

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference
    • Neo4j in Action
    • Good Relationships
๏ Get Neo4j

How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference
    • Neo4j in Action
    • Good Relationships
๏ Get Neo4j
๏ Participate
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
    • - tutorials+reference
    • Neo4j in Action
    • Good Relationships
๏ Get Neo4j
๏ Participate
    • a session like this one ;)
Neo4j-JDBC Driver & MovieDB Dataset
Got a Conference? Need a Dataset?
Neo4j in Action
Software Metrics

Graphs in Software Technolgoy
๏ UML Diagrams are graphs
๏ dependencies between classes, packages, modules etc are graphs
๏ Software Metrics use dependency analysis
๏ Visualizations
๏ Cyclomatic Complexity,
๏ Fan-in (afferent-coupling) / Fan-out (efferent coupling) etc.

Code City

Class Diagram is a Graph


But there is more
๏Visualize & query Method, Field
๏Collaborative filtering (co-usage)
๏God classes
๏Paths between classes

Welcome to Class-Graph
๏take a JAR
๏put it under ASM
๏scan it superfast
๏pull everything into Neo4j
๏add categories, indexes
๏Have Fun   56
Welcome to Class-Graph

Interactive Hands-On Session
๏Lots of tasks
๏use Cypher to solve them
๏be creative, work together
๏ask !
๏just the beginning
Task: Find java.lang.Number and return it

Task: Find java.lang.Number and return it

START o=node:types(name="java.lang.Number") 

Task: Subclasses of Number?

•Return just the name
•Order them alphabetically

Task: Subclasses of Number?

START n=node:types(name="java.lang.Number") 

•Return just the name
•Order them alphabetically

Task: Which Methods does it have / how many

•Find the top 5 classes with the most members

Task: Which Methods does it have / how many

START n=node:types(name="java.lang.Number") 

•Find the top 5 classes with the most members

Task: Calculate the fan-out of

•Calculate fan-in
•Which class has the highest fan-out
•What about package-level?             62
Task: Calculate the fan-out of
START o=node:types(name="j.l.StringBuilder")
RETURN o,count(distinct tf)
       + count(distinct tp)
       + count(distinct tr) as fan_out;

•Calculate fan-in
•Which class has the highest fan-out
•What about package-level?             62
Task: Find longest Inheritance Path

Task: Find longest Inheritance Path

start c=node:types(name="java.lang.Object") 
match path=p<-[:SUPER_TYPE*]-c 
return extract(n in nodes(path) :,
length(path) as len
order by len desc 
limit 5;

Task: Find the class that used IOException
most often

Task: Find the class that used IOException
most often

START ex=node:types(name=""
RETURN c, count(*)
ORDER BY count(*)

Task: Which other classes did classes that
 threw IOException use most often?

•What could be a source of IOExceptions
Task: Which other classes did classes that
 threw IOException use most often?
START ex=node:types(name="")
MATCH ex<-[:THROWS]-m<-[:METHOD_OF]-c,
WHERE =~ /.+[.].+/
RETURN, count(*)
ORDER BY count(*) desc
•What could be a source of IOExceptions
Task: Find a class you like and add a field with
your name and some type

Task: Find a class you like and add a field with
 your name and some type
START c=node:types(name="void"),
CREATE c-[:FIELD_OF]->(field {name:“Michael“})

Task: Delete the most annoying class and all its
methods, fields and their relationships

Task: Delete the most annoying class and all its
 methods, fields and their relationships
START c=node:types(name="java.awt.List"),
MATCH c-[r1:FIELD_OF|METHOD_OF]->mbr-[r2]-()
DELETE c,mbr,r1,r2,r;


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Intro to Cypher

  • 1. (Neo4j)-[: ]->Cypher Michael Hunger - Neo Technology 1
  • 2. (Michael) -[:WORKS_ON]-> (Neo4j) console Cypher community graph Community ME Server Spring Cloud 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. is a 4
  • 5. NOSQL Neo4j 5
  • 7. 7
  • 8. We're talking about a Property Graph 7
  • 9. We're talking about a Property Graph Nodes 7
  • 10. We're talking about a Property Graph Nodes Relationships 7
  • 11. We're talking about a Property Graph Em Joh il a n knows knows Alli Tob Lar Nodes son ias knows s knows And And knows knows rea rés s knows knows knows Pet Miic Mc knows Ian er knows a a knows knows De Mic lia h ael Relationships Properties (each a key+value) + Indexes (for easy look-ups) 7
  • 12. 7
  • 13. 8
  • 14. (Neo4j) -[:IS_A]-> (Graph Database) Lucene Sharding 1 M/s Master/ Index LS Slave TRAVERSA HIG TES H_A VA RA G IL. TE IN PROVIDES ACID Server RUN S_A LI TX S CE NS ED _L ES_T Ruby IK RU JS E MySQL S _A NS SC AL O Clojure _O NS .net RU N Mongo 34bn embedded Heroku Nodes 9
  • 15. How do you query this graph database? 10
  • 16. With a Graph Query Language: Cypher 11
  • 17. What is Cypher? ๏Pattern-Matching Query Language ๏Humane language ๏Expressive ๏Declarative: Say what you want, not how ๏borrows from well known query langs ๏Aggregation, Ordering, Limit ๏Update the Graph 12
  • 18. Something new? Why? ๏ Existing Neo4j query mechanisms were not simple enough • Too verbose (Java API) • Too prescriptive (Gremlin) ๏ SQL: Unable to express paths • these are crucial for graph-based reasoning • Neo4j is schema/table free ๏ SPARQL: designed for a different data model • namespaces • properties as nodes 13
  • 19. A Graph Can‘t see the Patterns for the Trees 14
  • 20. It‘s all about Patterns A B C We want to find this Pattern! 15
  • 21. Patterns in a Graph 16
  • 22. 17
  • 23. 18
  • 24. 19
  • 25. 20
  • 27. Patterns as ASCII-ART () --> () 21
  • 29. Named Nodes A B (A) --> (B) 22
  • 30. Named Directed Rels LOVES A B 23
  • 31. Named Directed Rels LOVES A B A -[:LOVES]-> B 23
  • 32. Paths A B C 24
  • 33. Paths A B C A --> B --> C 24
  • 35. Cyclic-Path-Patterns A B C A --> B --> C, A --> C 25
  • 36. Cyclic-Path-Patterns A B C A --> B --> C, A --> C A --> B --> C <-- A 25
  • 37. Variable Length Paths A B A B A B ... A -[*]-> B 26
  • 39. Optional Relationships A B A -[?]-> B 27
  • 40. 28
  • 41. How does it work? 28
  • 42. How does it work? 28
  • 43. How does it work? // lookup starting point in an index start n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’) And rea s 28
  • 44. How does it work? // lookup starting point in an index then traverse to find results start n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’) match (n)--()--(foaf) return foaf And rea s 28
  • 45. 28
  • 46. The Parts of Cypher 29
  • 47. 30
  • 48. Cypher: START + RETURN ๏ START <lookup> RETURN <expressions> ๏ START binds terms using simple look-up •directly using known ids •or based on indexed Property ๏ RETURN expressions specify result set 30
  • 49. Cypher: START + RETURN ๏ START <lookup> RETURN <expressions> ๏ START binds terms using simple look-up •directly using known ids •or based on indexed Property ๏ RETURN expressions specify result set // lookup node id 0, return that node start n=node(0) return n // lookup node in Index, return that node start n=node:Person(name="Andreas") return n // lookup all nodes, return all name properties start n=node(*) return 30
  • 50. 31
  • 51. Cypher: MATCH ๏ START <lookup> MATCH <pattern> RETURN <expr> ๏ MATCH describes a pattern of nodes+relationships •node terms in optional parenthesis •lines with arrows for relationships 31
  • 52. Cypher: MATCH ๏ START <lookup> MATCH <pattern> RETURN <expr> ๏ MATCH describes a pattern of nodes+relationships •node terms in optional parenthesis •lines with arrows for relationships // lookup 'n', traverse any relationship to some 'm' start n=node(0) match (n)--(m) return n,m // any outgoing relationship from 'n' to 'm' start n=node(0) match n-->m return n,m // only 'KNOWS' relationships from 'n' to 'm' start n=node(0) match n-[:KNOWS]->m return n,m // from 'n' to 'm' and capture the relationship as 'r' start n=node(0) match n-[r]->m return n,r,m // from 'n' outgoing to 'm', then incoming from 'o' start n=node(0) match n-->m<--o return n,m,o 31
  • 53. 32
  • 54. Cypher: RETURN ๏ RETURN <expressions>, aggregation(expr) as alias ๏ RETURN nodes, rels, properties ๏ RETURN expressions of functions and operators ๏ RETURN aggregation functions on the above 32
  • 55. Cypher: RETURN ๏ RETURN <expressions>, aggregation(expr) as alias ๏ RETURN nodes, rels, properties ๏ RETURN expressions of functions and operators ๏ RETURN aggregation functions on the above // aggregate on n, count the m‘s start n=node(0) match n--m return n,count(*) // alias as name start n=node(0) return as name // aggregate m‘s into list start n=node(*) match n--m return n,collect(m) // filter m‘s by name start n=node(*) match n--m return n,filter(x in collect(m): ˜= /A.*/) as a_block 32
  • 56. 33
  • 57. Cypher: WHERE ๏ START <lookup> [MATCH <pattern>] WHERE <condition> RETURN <expr> ๏ WHERE filters nodes or relationships •uses expressions to constrain elements 33
  • 58. Cypher: WHERE ๏ START <lookup> [MATCH <pattern>] WHERE <condition> RETURN <expr> ๏ WHERE filters nodes or relationships •uses expressions to constrain elements // lookup all nodes as 'n', constrained to name 'Andreas' start n=node(*) where'Andreas' return n // filter nodes where age is less than 30 start n=node(*) where n.age<30 return n // filter using a regular expression start n=node(*) where =~ /Tob.*/ return n // filter for a property exists start n=node(*) where has( return n 33
  • 59. 34
  • 60. Cypher: CREATE ๏ CREATE <node>[,node or relationship] RETURN <expr> •create nodes with optional properties •create relationship (must have a type) 34
  • 61. Cypher: CREATE ๏ CREATE <node>[,node or relationship] RETURN <expr> •create nodes with optional properties •create relationship (must have a type) // create an anonymous node create n // create node with a property, returning it create n={name:'Andreas'} return n // lookup 2 nodes, then create a relationship and return it start n=node(0),m=node(1) create n-[r:KNOWS]-m return r // lookup nodes, then create a relationship with properties start n=node(1),m=node(2) create n-[r:KNOWS {since:2008}]->m 34
  • 62. 35
  • 63. Cypher: CREATE UNIQUE ๏ CREATE UNIQUE node-[rel]->(node {prop : value}) •„fixes“ the graph •starts at bound nodes, properties rels and nodes by comparing types and tries to find •if not found creates them 35
  • 64. Cypher: CREATE UNIQUE ๏ CREATE UNIQUE node-[rel]->(node {prop : value}) •„fixes“ the graph •starts at bound nodes, properties rels and nodes by comparing types and tries to find •if not found creates them // create a new relationship start n=.., m=.. create unique n-[:KNOWS]->m // create a new node AND relationship start n=... create unique n-[:TAGGED]->(tag {name:“neo“}) // matches the tag node by name only creates new relationship start n=... create unique n-[:TAGGED]->(tag {name:“neo“}) 35
  • 65. 36
  • 66. Cypher: SET ๏ SET [<node property>] [<relationship property>] •update a property on a node or relationship •must follow a START 36
  • 67. Cypher: SET ๏ SET [<node property>] [<relationship property>] •update a property on a node or relationship •must follow a START // update the name property start n=node(0) set'Peter' // update many nodes, using a calculation start n=node(*) set n.size=n.size+1 // match & capture a relationship, update a property start n=node(1) match n-[r]-m set r.times=10 36
  • 68. 37
  • 69. Cypher: DELETE ๏ DELETE [<node>|<relationship>|<property>] •delete a node, relationship or property •toall relationships must be deleted first delete a node, 37
  • 70. Cypher: DELETE ๏ DELETE [<node>|<relationship>|<property>] •delete a node, relationship or property •toall relationships must be deleted first delete a node, // delete a node start n=node(5) delete n // remove a node and all relationships start n=node(3) match n-[r]-() delete n, r // remove a property start n=node(3) delete n.age 37
  • 71. More Advanced Examples 38
  • 72. START user = node(1) MATCH user -[user_skill]-> skill RETURN skill, user_skill SELECT skills.*, user_skill.* FROM users JOIN user_skill ON = user_skill.user_id JOIN skills ON user_skill.skill_id = WHERE = 1 39
  • 73. Example: Old, Influential Friends START me = node(...) MATCH (me) - [f:FRIEND] - (old_friend) - [:FRIEND ] - (fof) WHERE ({today}-f.begin) > 365*10 WITH  old_friend, collect( as names WHERE length(names) > 100 RETURN old_friend, names ORDER BY ASC f:FRIEND :FRIEND me friend fof
  • 74. Example: Simple Recommendation START me = node(...) MATCH (me) -[r1:RATED ]->(thing) <-[r2:RATED ]- (someone) -[r3:RATED ]->(cool_thing) WHERE ABS(r1.stars-r2.stars) <= 2 AND r3.stars > 3 RETURN cool_thing, count(*) AS cnt ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10 r1:RATED thing r2:RATED me so TED r 3: RA cool thing 41
  • 75. Cypher Cheat Sheet 42
  • 76. The Rabbithole This Graph: 43
  • 77. How to use Cypher in YOUR programs 44
  • 78. Neo4j API ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDB); String query = „start n=node:Person(name={name}) match n-[:ACTS_IN]->movie<-[:ACTS_IN]-friend return friend“; ExecutionResult result = engine.query(query, map(„name“, „Keanu“); for (Map<String,Object> row : result) { Node friend = row.get(„friend“); } Iterator<Node> friends = result.columnAs(„friend“); 45
  • 79. How to get started? 46
  • 80. How to get started? ๏ Documentation 46
  • 81. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference 46
  • 82. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • 46
  • 83. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • • Neo4j in Action 46
  • 84. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships 46
  • 85. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Get Neo4j 46
  • 86. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Get Neo4j • 46
  • 87. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Get Neo4j • • ๏ Participate • • 46
  • 88. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • - tutorials+reference • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Get Neo4j • • ๏ Participate • • • a session like this one ;) 46
  • 90. Neo4j-JDBC Driver & MovieDB Dataset help-in-testing-neo4j-jdbc.html 48
  • 91. Got a Conference? Need a Dataset? need-dataset-neo4j-at.html 49
  • 93. Graphs in Software Technolgoy ๏ UML Diagrams are graphs ๏ dependencies between classes, packages, modules etc are graphs ๏ Software Metrics use dependency analysis ๏ Visualizations ๏ Cyclomatic Complexity, ๏ Fan-in (afferent-coupling) / Fan-out (efferent coupling) etc. 51
  • 94. Code City 52
  • 95. Class Diagram is a Graph 53
  • 96. SonarJ 54
  • 97. But there is more ๏Visualize & query Method, Field dependencies ๏Collaborative filtering (co-usage) ๏Ranking ๏God classes ๏Paths between classes 55
  • 98. Welcome to Class-Graph ๏take a JAR ๏put it under ASM ๏scan it superfast ๏pull everything into Neo4j ๏add categories, indexes ๏Have Fun 56
  • 100. Interactive Hands-On Session ๏Lots of tasks ๏use Cypher to solve them ๏be creative, work together ๏ask ! ๏Server ๏just the beginning 58
  • 101. Task: Find java.lang.Number and return it 59
  • 102. Task: Find java.lang.Number and return it START o=node:types(name="java.lang.Number")  RETURN o; 59
  • 103. Task: Subclasses of Number? •Return just the name •Order them alphabetically 60
  • 104. Task: Subclasses of Number? START n=node:types(name="java.lang.Number")  MATCH n<-[:SUPER_TYPE]-s RETURN ORDER BY; •Return just the name •Order them alphabetically 60
  • 105. Task: Which Methods does it have / how many •Find the top 5 classes with the most members 61
  • 106. Task: Which Methods does it have / how many START n=node:types(name="java.lang.Number")  MATCH n-[:METHOD_OF|FIELD_OF]->m RETURN m; •Find the top 5 classes with the most members 61
  • 107. Task: Calculate the fan-out of java.lang.StringBuilder •Calculate fan-in •Which class has the highest fan-out •What about package-level? 62
  • 108. Task: Calculate the fan-out of java.lang.StringBuilder START o=node:types(name="j.l.StringBuilder") MATCH o-[:FIELD_OF]->f-[:FIELD_TYPE]->tf, o-[:METHOD_OF]->m-[:PARAM_TYPE]->tp, m-[:RETURN_TYPE]->tr RETURN o,count(distinct tf) + count(distinct tp) + count(distinct tr) as fan_out; •Calculate fan-in •Which class has the highest fan-out •What about package-level? 62
  • 109. Task: Find longest Inheritance Path 63
  • 110. Task: Find longest Inheritance Path start c=node:types(name="java.lang.Object")  match path=p<-[:SUPER_TYPE*]-c  return extract(n in nodes(path) :, length(path) as len order by len desc  limit 5; 63
  • 111. Task: Find the class that used IOException most often 64
  • 112. Task: Find the class that used IOException most often START ex=node:types(name="" MATCH ex<-[:THROWS]-m<-[:METHOD_OF]-c RETURN c, count(*) ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 5; 64
  • 113. Task: Which other classes did classes that threw IOException use most often? •What could be a source of IOExceptions 65
  • 114. Task: Which other classes did classes that threw IOException use most often? START ex=node:types(name="") MATCH ex<-[:THROWS]-m<-[:METHOD_OF]-c,  mbr<-[:METHOD_OF|FIELD_OF]-c, mbr-[:FIELD_TYPE|PARAM_TYPE| RETURN_TYPE|THROWS]->other_type WHERE =~ /.+[.].+/ RETURN, count(*) ORDER BY count(*) desc LIMIT 10; •What could be a source of IOExceptions 65
  • 115. Task: Find a class you like and add a field with your name and some type 66
  • 116. Task: Find a class you like and add a field with your name and some type START c=node:types(name="void"), t=node:types(name="java.lang.reflect.Proxy")  CREATE c-[:FIELD_OF]->(field {name:“Michael“}) -[:FIELD_TYPE]->t; 66
  • 117. Task: Delete the most annoying class and all its methods, fields and their relationships 67
  • 118. Task: Delete the most annoying class and all its methods, fields and their relationships START c=node:types(name="java.awt.List"), MATCH c-[r1:FIELD_OF|METHOD_OF]->mbr-[r2]-() c-[r]-() DELETE c,mbr,r1,r2,r; 67

Editor's Notes

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  21. There existed a number of different ways to query a graph database. This one aims to make querying easy, and to produce queries that are readable.\n\nWe looked at alternatives - SPARQL, SQL, Gremlin and other...\n
  22. There existed a number of different ways to query a graph database. This one aims to make querying easy, and to produce queries that are readable.\n\nWe looked at alternatives - SPARQL, SQL, Gremlin and other...\n
  23. There existed a number of different ways to query a graph database. This one aims to make querying easy, and to produce queries that are readable.\n\nWe looked at alternatives - SPARQL, SQL, Gremlin and other...\n
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  62. There existed a number of different ways to query a graph database. This one aims to make querying easy, and to produce queries that are readable.\n\nWe looked at alternatives - SPARQL, SQL, Gremlin and other...\n
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  108. There existed a number of different ways to query a graph database. This one aims to make querying easy, and to produce queries that are readable.\n\nWe looked at alternatives - SPARQL, SQL, Gremlin and other...\n
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  124. Life-Console\n&amp;#x2022;In Memory GDBs in Web Session\n&amp;#x2022;Set up with mutating Cypher (or Geoff)\n&amp;#x2022;Executes Cypher (also mutating)\n&amp;#x2022;Visualizes Graph &amp; Query Results (d3)\n&amp;#x2022;Multiple Cypher Versions\n&amp;#x2022;Share: short link, tweet, yUML\n&amp;#x2022;Embeddable &lt;iframe&gt;\n&amp;#x2022;Live Console for Docs\n
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