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Effectively Preparing
for a Job Interview
By the end of today’s workshop, you will be able to:
Learn the tools and strategies that you can use to effectively
market yourself in an interview including using accomplishment
or STAR statements
Prepare answers to typical interview questions and
understand how to successfully tailor and present them to
employers during a job interview
Effectively prepare for a job interview which includes knowing
what to do before, during and after the interview
Part 1:
Preparing for a Job Interview
• Interviews are conversations between
a candidate and an employer and are
designed to exchange information
• An interview exchange helps the
employer in answering their ultimate
question: "why should we hire you?"
• Interviews allow you, the candidate, to
demonstrate your value to employers
with 1 Hiring
Manager to
discuss your fit
for the role.
Interviewing in
a group with
several other
candidates at
the same time.
with more than
1 Hiring
Manager during
your interview.
with Hiring
over the
with Hiring
through video –
FaceTime, etc..
What types of interviews have you been on?
Review the job posting
Connect your experience and
skills to the job requirements
Research the company
Checklist – 9 Ways To Prepare
Prepare responses to interview
Practice interviewing
Prepare your interview clothing
Checklist – 9 Ways To Prepare
Figure out directions to your
Print out and bring your resume,
cover letter, references, etc.
Identify and prepare 2 to 3
questions you can ask the
Checklist – 9 Ways To Prepare
• Video interviews are a popular,
cost-effective way for employers to screen a
potential candidate.
• A two-way video interview is interactive, where
a person meets the interviewers in real time
(like an in-person interview).
• A one-way video interview is where a candidate
video records themselves answering an
employers' interview questions then submits for
Source: Robert Half, YouTube
Source: Image by Theresa Chiechi © The Balance 2019
• Phone interviews are meetings used
to screen a candidate before meeting with a
hiring manager.
• Screening is a discussion of your skills and
qualifications from your resume as they
relate to the job position/description.
• Phone interviews could be conducted by
anyone in the company, including Human
Resources personnel
SOURCE: Indeed, YouTube
Source: llustration by Katie Kerpel. © The Balance, 2018
Interviews can be nerve-wracking!
Here are some tips you can use
to help calm your nerves
before and during an interview.
Superman Pose
Deep Breathing 4 – 7 – 8
Positive Self-Talk
Superman Pose • Participants who assume a couple of
superhero-type stances for a grand total of two
minutes feel more powerful and act that way
• Stand like a superhero, feel like a superhero,
act like superhero
• This includes the superman pose, or even
poses with your arms placed on the back of
your head
• Posing like this at home before your interview
can help you boost your feelings of confidence
Source: Psychology Today
Deep Breathing
4 – 7- 8
• Breathing techniques are designed to bring the
body into a state of deep relaxation and specific
patterns allow your body to replenish its oxygen
• Relaxation practices also help bring the body
back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight
response we feel when we’re stressed
• The 4-7-8 technique forces the mind and body to
focus on regulating the breath, rather than
replaying your worries and proponents claim it
can soothe a racing heart or calm frazzled nerves
• Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4
seconds, hold this breathe for 7 seconds, and
release this breathe through your mouth for 8
Source: Healthline
Positive Self Talk • By re-writing your self-talk, you will change
the way you feel and how you behave
• Negative self-talk will generate low self-
confidence and self-esteem issues while
positive self-talk produces the opposite effect
• Practice positive self-talk throughout your life
and your confidence levels will soar
• Students can choose to write down any
negative thoughts before an interview, cross
them out, and re-write the statements into
something positive and assertive
Source: Forbes
How do
you tackle
1) Fill in the blank: A panel interview is _______
a) Where you interview with a group of other candidates.
b) When you meet with one interviewer.
c) Meeting with more than one interviewer.
d) None of the above.
Answer: C
2) How could you prepare for an interview? Check all that apply:
a) Research the company
b) Practice interviewing
c) Print out and bring your resume, cover letter, references, etc.
d) Have no questions prepared to ask the interviewer
Answers: A, B, C
3) True or False: Positive Self Talk is one way to tackle anxiety before an interview
Answer: True
Part 2:
At, During and After
the Job Interview
Coffee / Tea
Smoking /
Chewing Gum
Eye Contact /
Be impatient Turn Phone Off
Arriving At Your Interview
What are your
DOs & DON’Ts
when arriving at
your interview?
Body Language
& Posture
MannerismsEye Contact
During Your Interview
What are
your DOs &
during your
Thank You &
Follow Up
After Your Interview
What are your
DOs & DON’Ts
at the end of
your interview?
Follow Up/Thank You Note
• After a job interview, it is
recommended that you contact the
employer again and thank them for
their time
• Thank you notes can be sent via
email or in the form of a physical
Thank You Emails / Notes
• Send a thank you note / email right away
(no later than 24 hours after interview)
• Send it to all interviewers
• Be professional
• Add at least one specific detail from your
• Personalize the message based on your
conversation during the interview
• Keep it concise and simple
• Make grammatical errors or
spelling mistakes
• Be too casual
• Write less than 3 sentences
Thank You Emails / Notes
Subject: Thank You – Executive Assistant Interview
Dear Mr. Smith,
I enjoyed speaking with you today about the Assistant Account Executive position at the Smith Agency. The job
seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests.
The creative approach to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you. In
addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness, and the ability to
encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.
I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing
from you regarding this position.
Jane Jones
Subject: Thank You – Executive Assistant Interview
1) Matching: Match Column A with the best answers in Column B
Answers: 1:c; 2:a; 3:b
2) Fill in the blank: After a job interview, it is recommended that you contact the
employer again by writing/emailing a concise thank you note. It can be sent via email
or as a physical card, no later than 24 hours after the interview. Be professional and
ensure you speak on one specific detail from your interview.
Column A Column B
1) At the Interview A) Make Eye Contact
2) During the Interview B) Follow Up/Thank You
3) After the Interview C) Phone is Off
Click to add text
Part 3:
Typical Interview Questions
Interviews can include common
and behavioural-based
interview questions
Common and behavioural-based
interview questions use your
past experiences to determine
your future behaviour
Common Questions
Why do you want to work
for our company?
What do you consider to be
your major strength/weakness
(or area for improvement)?
Tell me about yourself.
• Interviewers ask these questions to see if a candidate's
personality, character, values, skills, and other qualities
would match their work environment and overall corporate
Behaviour-Based Questions
Tell us about a time where
you succeeded in a
project. What was your
role? What was the result?
Tell us about a time where
you faced a difficult situation.
What did you do? How did
you handle it?
• Interviewers ask these questions to see if a candidate's
personality, character, values, skills, and other qualities
would match their work environment and overall corporate
Let’s Review:
Typical Interview Questions
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Break this answer down:
• Include details on your relevant education
• Include some main points and the length of experience
you have from your past work or volunteer experience
• Include your top 3 skills and how they can relate to the
job you are interviewing for – incorporate key words here
Example response for “Tell us a bit about yourself.”
I’m currently completing the 3rd year of my BBA degree in Marketing at
Sheridan College, where I’ve completed courses in Sales, Advertising and
E-Commerce. I have one year of experience working in sales as an
Account Manager using marketing strategies to sell to groups of students on
campus and through all of this, I have gained skills in communication,
outreach and building strong interpersonal relationships which I believe
will help me succeed in the Account Manager role at your company.
Why do you want to work for our company?
• Do your research!
• Learn about the company:
• What are their products/services, what are their values,
who do they partner with, what do you appreciate about
• Review the company website / their social media pages
Example response for “Why do you want to work for our
As a graduate from the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program, I really
value the City of York Region because your organization maintains geospatial
data, conducts research in client business requirements, and positively
evolves the region of York and its communities.
I also noticed that your organization is focused on participating in projects across
the region to help other organizations succeed. I appreciate that you partner with
Canadian Environmental Law Association in Toronto. This is definitely an
organization I would value being a part of and contributing to.
Why should we hire you?
• Show your value! Tell the employer about the skills and
experiences you can bring to the job, and give strong
• Review the job posting carefully and look for key skills /
abilities they are looking for and relate your experiences
to these!
Example response for “Why should we hire you?”
Through my 1 year of experience within IT Operations, I gained skills in
troubleshooting in the configuration, operation and maintenance of PC systems and
in communication to speak with frustrated customers about the challenges they are
experiencing with their computers.
One of my work projects included installing networks to 150 workstations, 50 printers,
and 4 communication rooms with supporting infrastructure. It was completed within
2 weeks, with no outstanding issues. I believe these skills would be helpful in the
IT Help Desk position at your organization.
What is your greatest strength / weakness?
• Identify a strength you have that could relate to the job
• Provide an example to back it up!
• Identify a weakness or an “area for improvement”
• Show the employer what you’re doing to improve
• Focus on skills that aren’t critical to the job
Example response for “What is your greatest
One of my significant strengths would be my strong writing skills. I’ve
worked as a Copywriter for eight years in several industries, and I am
committed to both creative excellence and communication performance
metrics when it comes to my work.
I’ve had to learn how to find the perfect balance between that creativity and
analytics, and it’s a personal passion of mine to demonstrate what good
writing can achieve for the bottom line—in advertising or otherwise.
An area that I’m hoping to improve on would be my public speaking in groups.
I’m naturally shy and I found that it prevented me from speaking up in group projects
or in class. After being part of a group assignment where we were struggling to meet
our goal and I felt too shy to share my thoughts, I decided I owed it to myself to learn
to confidently share my ideas.
I joined an improv acting class—it’s fun and has really helped me overcome my
shyness. I learned practical skills around leading discussions and sharing
diverse perspectives. Now, in group settings, I feel more confident when I start
Example response for “What is your greatest
STAR Method for Answering Behavioural Questions
• Use accomplishment (or STAR statements)
when responding to behavioural interview
• Accomplishment or STAR statements describe
your skills, experiences and achievements
• They go above and beyond a simple statement
of what you did and they show your added value
• Incorporate keywords into your accomplishment
statements and other answers!
STAR Method
Use the following S-T-A-R method to put together your
accomplishment statements:
Situation  define the situation; use action verbs
Task  describe the task clearly
Action  define the action you took; highlight skills you used
Result  summarize the outcome
STAR Method
Situation  Handled angry customers
Task  Met with customers in returns department
Action  Calm customers down, resolve problems, follow through
Result  Strong customer relationships
Simple Statement:
Responsible for customer service.
Action Verbs:
Selected, Recognized, Resolved
STAR Method Example
Accomplishment Statement
My manager selected me as the lead Customer Service Associate to handle
angry or frustrated customers specifically in the Returns department
where I had to meet with each customer regarding their complaint. I was
recognized by management for my ability to calm the customers down,
resolve problems through effective communication, and follow through
to make sure customers still showed loyalty to the company. This resulted in
our company gaining strong customer relationships and referrals, and
positive feedback.
STAR Method
Situation / Task
Did a
for my
class on
and delivered
a PowerPoint
on Marketing
modules to
engage peers.
STAR Statement
For my 2nd year Marketing
class, I developed and
delivered a PowerPoint
presentation on how to
develop effective Marketing
strategies, where I used
interactive modules to
engage my peers in the class.
This led to an increase in
knowledge for my peers and I
received a 95%.
While there are an unlimited amount of
possible behavioural questions an
Interviewer could ask you, there are several
specific categories they all fall into:
Teamwork &
Initiative &
Pressure, Stress &
Meeting Deadlines
Tell us about a time where you succeeded in a project. What was
your role? What was the result?
• Use Accomplishment / STAR statements when
responding to a question like this
• Talk about the Situation / Task you were involved in,
the specific Actions you took (provide details), and the
end Result
• Give the employer concrete examples
Example response for “Tell us about a time where you succeeded
in a project. What was your role? What was the result?”
S/T: During my 2nd year of the Computer Systems Technology – Software
Development and Network Engineering Program, I led a group for a project and
delegated tasks to team members.
A: I developed and delivered a presentation to the class on security solutions.
I delivered key points of the presentation, led an interactive activity and
engaged the class.
R: Our project received a grade of 93% and allowed students to learn more
about the topic.
Tell us about a time you had a conflict.
• Employers want to know how you would handle a difficult
situation. Use the C-A-R method:
C Conflict  describe the conflict
A Action  define the actions you took in hopes of resolving
the conflict
R Result  summarize the outcome and aim for an example
with a positive outcome
Example response for “Tell us about a time you had a
C: During a group project for my Metrics course, we decided that everyone would independently work on
parts and we would come together a week before it was due to combine everything for our final project. On the
day we met finalize the project, everyone except one member of our group had completed their parts. The rest of
the group was very upset, and everyone started to argue because without this person’s contributions we
wouldn’t be able to complete the assignment.
A: I pulled him aside and asked him what had gone wrong. When he realized I was actually looking for
answers and wasn’t just going to yell at him, he told me he thought he had a better understanding of Excel than
he actually did. He thought he’d have time to review more of his notes about this, but he also had to pick up some
extra shifts at work because he needed the extra money. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to do the project, he’d just
completely run out of time and he said he felt like he let everyone down. I calmed down the rest of the group
and we all sat down to figure out how to fix the problem. While we weren’t going to do the work for him, we
set a plan in place where each group member would meet with him for 15 minutes after class to help answer
his Excel questions and I shared a few great LinkedIn Learning modules I’ve used for Excel.
R: With the extra support, not only did he get the project done, but we all got an A+ grade on the assignment.
Do you have any questions for us?
• Employers expect you to ask questions as a sign that you
are engaged and interested
• Be prepared to ask 3 questions
• Questions should not be about salary, benefits, or
Example responses for “Do you have any questions
for us?”
• How would you describe the ideal candidate for
this position?
• How would you describe the team I would be
working with?
• What would be the biggest challenge that the
person stepping into this position would face?
• What qualities does the person stepping into this
position need in order to be successful in this role?
• How will the success for the holder of this position
be measured?
Example responses for “Do you have any questions
for us?”
Questions to Ask
What are some
other questions
you could ask the
employer after
your interview?
Video – “Expert Advice On Job Interviews” (THNKR, YouTube)
Video – Expert Advice on Job Interviews
1) True or False: Employers ask only common interview questions during interviews.
Answer: False; they could ask both common and behavioural questions
Interview and Career
Centre Resources
Come by or call us to book an appointment!
Davis B230  Trafalgar D103  HMC A247
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Student Success Officers / Front Desk:
905-459-7533 ext. 5400 (Davis)
905-845-9430 ext. 2533 (Traf) ext. 2528 (HMC)
In-Person Services
Meet 1-on-1 with an Employment Consultant or Career Counsellor
Employment Consultants:
• Resume, cover letter critique
• Interview preparation
• Assessment of your job search skills
• Developing a job search strategy, locating
advertised employment opportunities and
learning how to network your way to
unadvertised opportunities
• Using social media to search for work
Career Counsellors:
• Career testing & assessment
• Exploring career options, finding direction
• Research & evaluation of career
alternatives, setting career goals
• Labour market information, outlooks &
future trends
• Planning further education (university,
college programs, transfer agreements,
apprenticeships, etc.)
To find out when employers will be on campus,
follow us on social media:
Online Resources
• Optimal Resume (Tools for Resume and
Interview Preparation) -
• Exclusive Job Board for Sheridan Students &
Graduates -
• Career Management 101 Modules -

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Interview Workshop - SLATE

  • 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of today’s workshop, you will be able to: Learn the tools and strategies that you can use to effectively market yourself in an interview including using accomplishment or STAR statements Prepare answers to typical interview questions and understand how to successfully tailor and present them to employers during a job interview Effectively prepare for a job interview which includes knowing what to do before, during and after the interview
  • 3. Part 1: Preparing for a Job Interview
  • 4. WHAT ARE INTERVIEWS? • Interviews are conversations between a candidate and an employer and are designed to exchange information • An interview exchange helps the employer in answering their ultimate question: "why should we hire you?" • Interviews allow you, the candidate, to demonstrate your value to employers
  • 5. TYPES OF INTERVIEWS 1:1 Interviews Interviewing with 1 Hiring Manager to discuss your fit for the role. Group Interviews Interviewing in a group with several other candidates at the same time. Panel Interviews Interviewing with more than 1 Hiring Manager during your interview. Phone Interviews Interviewing with Hiring Manager(s) over the telephone. Video Interviews Interviewing with Hiring Manager(s) through video – Skype, FaceTime, etc.. What types of interviews have you been on?
  • 6. Review the job posting carefully Connect your experience and skills to the job requirements Research the company Checklist – 9 Ways To Prepare PREPARING FOR INTERVIEWS
  • 7. Prepare responses to interview questions Practice interviewing Prepare your interview clothing Checklist – 9 Ways To Prepare PREPARING FOR INTERVIEWS
  • 8. Figure out directions to your interview Print out and bring your resume, cover letter, references, etc. Identify and prepare 2 to 3 questions you can ask the interviewers Checklist – 9 Ways To Prepare PREPARING FOR INTERVIEWS
  • 9. VIDEO INTERVIEWS • Video interviews are a popular, cost-effective way for employers to screen a potential candidate. • A two-way video interview is interactive, where a person meets the interviewers in real time (like an in-person interview). • A one-way video interview is where a candidate video records themselves answering an employers' interview questions then submits for consideration.
  • 10. VIDEO INTERVIEW TIPS Source: Robert Half, YouTube
  • 11. VIDEO INTERVIEWS: AT A GLANCE Source: Image by Theresa Chiechi © The Balance 2019
  • 12. PHONE INTERVIEWS • Phone interviews are meetings used to screen a candidate before meeting with a hiring manager. • Screening is a discussion of your skills and qualifications from your resume as they relate to the job position/description. • Phone interviews could be conducted by anyone in the company, including Human Resources personnel
  • 14. PHONE INTERVIEWS: AT A GLANCE Source: llustration by Katie Kerpel. © The Balance, 2018
  • 15. TACKLING STRESS Interviews can be nerve-wracking! Here are some tips you can use to help calm your nerves before and during an interview.
  • 16. TACKLING STRESS Superman Pose Deep Breathing 4 – 7 – 8 Positive Self-Talk
  • 17. TACKLING STRESS Superman Pose • Participants who assume a couple of superhero-type stances for a grand total of two minutes feel more powerful and act that way • Stand like a superhero, feel like a superhero, act like superhero • This includes the superman pose, or even poses with your arms placed on the back of your head • Posing like this at home before your interview can help you boost your feelings of confidence Source: Psychology Today
  • 18. TACKLING STRESS Deep Breathing 4 – 7- 8 • Breathing techniques are designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation and specific patterns allow your body to replenish its oxygen • Relaxation practices also help bring the body back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed • The 4-7-8 technique forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath, rather than replaying your worries and proponents claim it can soothe a racing heart or calm frazzled nerves • Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold this breathe for 7 seconds, and release this breathe through your mouth for 8 seconds Source: Healthline
  • 19. TACKLING STRESS Positive Self Talk • By re-writing your self-talk, you will change the way you feel and how you behave • Negative self-talk will generate low self- confidence and self-esteem issues while positive self-talk produces the opposite effect • Practice positive self-talk throughout your life and your confidence levels will soar • Students can choose to write down any negative thoughts before an interview, cross them out, and re-write the statements into something positive and assertive Source: Forbes confidence/#63dabfae93c6
  • 20. TACKLING STRESS How do you tackle stress?
  • 21. INTERVIEW PART 1: MINI-QUIZ 1) Fill in the blank: A panel interview is _______ a) Where you interview with a group of other candidates. b) When you meet with one interviewer. c) Meeting with more than one interviewer. d) None of the above. Answer: C 2) How could you prepare for an interview? Check all that apply: a) Research the company b) Practice interviewing c) Print out and bring your resume, cover letter, references, etc. d) Have no questions prepared to ask the interviewer Answers: A, B, C
  • 22. INTERVIEW PART 1: MINI-QUIZ (2) 3) True or False: Positive Self Talk is one way to tackle anxiety before an interview Answer: True
  • 23. Part 2: At, During and After the Job Interview
  • 24. ARRIVING AT YOUR INTERVIEW Coffee / Tea Smoking / Scent Chewing Gum Introduction Eye Contact / Smiling Water Be impatient Turn Phone Off
  • 25. Arriving At Your Interview CHECK-IN What are your DOs & DON’Ts when arriving at your interview?
  • 26. DURING YOUR INTERVIEW Body Language & Posture Facial Expressions Fidgeting MannerismsEye Contact
  • 27. During Your Interview CHECK-IN What are your DOs & DON’Ts during your interview?
  • 28. AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW Thank You & Handshake Follow Up Business Cards
  • 29. After Your Interview CHECK-IN What are your DOs & DON’Ts at the end of your interview?
  • 30. Follow Up/Thank You Note AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW • After a job interview, it is recommended that you contact the employer again and thank them for their time • Thank you notes can be sent via email or in the form of a physical card
  • 31. Thank You Emails / Notes AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW Do’s • Send a thank you note / email right away (no later than 24 hours after interview) • Send it to all interviewers • Be professional • Add at least one specific detail from your interview • Personalize the message based on your conversation during the interview • Keep it concise and simple Don’ts • Make grammatical errors or spelling mistakes • Be too casual • Write less than 3 sentences THANK YOU
  • 32. Thank You Emails / Notes AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW Subject: Thank You – Executive Assistant Interview To: Dear Mr. Smith, I enjoyed speaking with you today about the Assistant Account Executive position at the Smith Agency. The job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you regarding this position. Sincerely, Jane Jones Subject: Thank You – Executive Assistant Interview
  • 33. INTERVIEW SECTION 2: MINI-QUIZ 1) Matching: Match Column A with the best answers in Column B Answers: 1:c; 2:a; 3:b 2) Fill in the blank: After a job interview, it is recommended that you contact the employer again by writing/emailing a concise thank you note. It can be sent via email or as a physical card, no later than 24 hours after the interview. Be professional and ensure you speak on one specific detail from your interview. Column A Column B 1) At the Interview A) Make Eye Contact 2) During the Interview B) Follow Up/Thank You 3) After the Interview C) Phone is Off
  • 34. INTERVIEW SECTION 2: MINI-QUIZ (2) Click to add text
  • 36. TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Interviews can include common and behavioural-based interview questions Common and behavioural-based interview questions use your past experiences to determine your future behaviour
  • 37. Common Questions TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Why do you want to work for our company? What do you consider to be your major strength/weakness (or area for improvement)? Tell me about yourself. • Interviewers ask these questions to see if a candidate's personality, character, values, skills, and other qualities would match their work environment and overall corporate culture
  • 38. TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Behaviour-Based Questions Tell us about a time where you succeeded in a project. What was your role? What was the result? Tell us about a time where you faced a difficult situation. What did you do? How did you handle it? • Interviewers ask these questions to see if a candidate's personality, character, values, skills, and other qualities would match their work environment and overall corporate culture
  • 40. QUESTION # 1 Tell us a bit about yourself. Break this answer down: • Include details on your relevant education • Include some main points and the length of experience you have from your past work or volunteer experience • Include your top 3 skills and how they can relate to the job you are interviewing for – incorporate key words here
  • 41. QUESTION # 1 Example response for “Tell us a bit about yourself.” Example: I’m currently completing the 3rd year of my BBA degree in Marketing at Sheridan College, where I’ve completed courses in Sales, Advertising and E-Commerce. I have one year of experience working in sales as an Account Manager using marketing strategies to sell to groups of students on campus and through all of this, I have gained skills in communication, outreach and building strong interpersonal relationships which I believe will help me succeed in the Account Manager role at your company.
  • 42. QUESTION # 2 Why do you want to work for our company? • Do your research! • Learn about the company: • What are their products/services, what are their values, who do they partner with, what do you appreciate about them? • Review the company website / their social media pages
  • 43. QUESTION # 2 Example response for “Why do you want to work for our company?” Example: As a graduate from the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program, I really value the City of York Region because your organization maintains geospatial data, conducts research in client business requirements, and positively evolves the region of York and its communities. I also noticed that your organization is focused on participating in projects across the region to help other organizations succeed. I appreciate that you partner with Canadian Environmental Law Association in Toronto. This is definitely an organization I would value being a part of and contributing to.
  • 44. QUESTION # 3 Why should we hire you? • Show your value! Tell the employer about the skills and experiences you can bring to the job, and give strong examples • Review the job posting carefully and look for key skills / abilities they are looking for and relate your experiences to these!
  • 45. QUESTION # 3 Example response for “Why should we hire you?” Example: Through my 1 year of experience within IT Operations, I gained skills in troubleshooting in the configuration, operation and maintenance of PC systems and in communication to speak with frustrated customers about the challenges they are experiencing with their computers. One of my work projects included installing networks to 150 workstations, 50 printers, and 4 communication rooms with supporting infrastructure. It was completed within 2 weeks, with no outstanding issues. I believe these skills would be helpful in the IT Help Desk position at your organization.
  • 46. QUESTION # 4 What is your greatest strength / weakness? Strength • Identify a strength you have that could relate to the job • Provide an example to back it up! Weakness • Identify a weakness or an “area for improvement” • Show the employer what you’re doing to improve • Focus on skills that aren’t critical to the job
  • 47. QUESTION # 4 Example response for “What is your greatest strength?” Example: One of my significant strengths would be my strong writing skills. I’ve worked as a Copywriter for eight years in several industries, and I am committed to both creative excellence and communication performance metrics when it comes to my work. I’ve had to learn how to find the perfect balance between that creativity and analytics, and it’s a personal passion of mine to demonstrate what good writing can achieve for the bottom line—in advertising or otherwise.
  • 48. QUESTION # 4 Example: An area that I’m hoping to improve on would be my public speaking in groups. I’m naturally shy and I found that it prevented me from speaking up in group projects or in class. After being part of a group assignment where we were struggling to meet our goal and I felt too shy to share my thoughts, I decided I owed it to myself to learn to confidently share my ideas. I joined an improv acting class—it’s fun and has really helped me overcome my shyness. I learned practical skills around leading discussions and sharing diverse perspectives. Now, in group settings, I feel more confident when I start conversations. Example response for “What is your greatest weakness?”
  • 49. STAR Method for Answering Behavioural Questions TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS • Use accomplishment (or STAR statements) when responding to behavioural interview questions • Accomplishment or STAR statements describe your skills, experiences and achievements • They go above and beyond a simple statement of what you did and they show your added value • Incorporate keywords into your accomplishment statements and other answers!
  • 50. STAR Method TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Use the following S-T-A-R method to put together your accomplishment statements: S T A R Situation  define the situation; use action verbs Task  describe the task clearly Action  define the action you took; highlight skills you used Result  summarize the outcome
  • 51. STAR Method TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS S T A R Situation  Handled angry customers Task  Met with customers in returns department Action  Calm customers down, resolve problems, follow through Result  Strong customer relationships Simple Statement: Responsible for customer service. Action Verbs: Selected, Recognized, Resolved
  • 52. STAR Method Example TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Accomplishment Statement My manager selected me as the lead Customer Service Associate to handle angry or frustrated customers specifically in the Returns department where I had to meet with each customer regarding their complaint. I was recognized by management for my ability to calm the customers down, resolve problems through effective communication, and follow through to make sure customers still showed loyalty to the company. This resulted in our company gaining strong customer relationships and referrals, and positive feedback.
  • 53. STAR Method TYPICAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS S Situation / Task T Did a presentation for my Marketing class on strategies. A Action Developed and delivered a PowerPoint presentation on Marketing strategies. R Result Used interactive modules to engage peers. STAR Statement For my 2nd year Marketing class, I developed and delivered a PowerPoint presentation on how to develop effective Marketing strategies, where I used interactive modules to engage my peers in the class. This led to an increase in knowledge for my peers and I received a 95%.
  • 54. PREPARING EXAMPLES While there are an unlimited amount of possible behavioural questions an Interviewer could ask you, there are several specific categories they all fall into: Teamwork & Collaboration Communication Skills Problem Solving Conflict Resolution Initiative & Leadership Pressure, Stress & Meeting Deadlines
  • 55. QUESTION # 5 Tell us about a time where you succeeded in a project. What was your role? What was the result? • Use Accomplishment / STAR statements when responding to a question like this • Talk about the Situation / Task you were involved in, the specific Actions you took (provide details), and the end Result • Give the employer concrete examples
  • 56. QUESTION # 5 Example response for “Tell us about a time where you succeeded in a project. What was your role? What was the result?” Example: S/T: During my 2nd year of the Computer Systems Technology – Software Development and Network Engineering Program, I led a group for a project and delegated tasks to team members. A: I developed and delivered a presentation to the class on security solutions. I delivered key points of the presentation, led an interactive activity and engaged the class. R: Our project received a grade of 93% and allowed students to learn more about the topic.
  • 57. QUESTION # 6 Tell us about a time you had a conflict. • Employers want to know how you would handle a difficult situation. Use the C-A-R method: C Conflict  describe the conflict A Action  define the actions you took in hopes of resolving the conflict R Result  summarize the outcome and aim for an example with a positive outcome
  • 58. QUESTION # 6 Example response for “Tell us about a time you had a conflict.” Example: C: During a group project for my Metrics course, we decided that everyone would independently work on parts and we would come together a week before it was due to combine everything for our final project. On the day we met finalize the project, everyone except one member of our group had completed their parts. The rest of the group was very upset, and everyone started to argue because without this person’s contributions we wouldn’t be able to complete the assignment. A: I pulled him aside and asked him what had gone wrong. When he realized I was actually looking for answers and wasn’t just going to yell at him, he told me he thought he had a better understanding of Excel than he actually did. He thought he’d have time to review more of his notes about this, but he also had to pick up some extra shifts at work because he needed the extra money. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to do the project, he’d just completely run out of time and he said he felt like he let everyone down. I calmed down the rest of the group and we all sat down to figure out how to fix the problem. While we weren’t going to do the work for him, we set a plan in place where each group member would meet with him for 15 minutes after class to help answer his Excel questions and I shared a few great LinkedIn Learning modules I’ve used for Excel. R: With the extra support, not only did he get the project done, but we all got an A+ grade on the assignment.
  • 59. QUESTION # 7 Do you have any questions for us? • Employers expect you to ask questions as a sign that you are engaged and interested • Be prepared to ask 3 questions • Questions should not be about salary, benefits, or vacation
  • 60. QUESTION # 7 Example responses for “Do you have any questions for us?” • How would you describe the ideal candidate for this position? • How would you describe the team I would be working with? • What would be the biggest challenge that the person stepping into this position would face?
  • 61. QUESTION # 7 • What qualities does the person stepping into this position need in order to be successful in this role? • How will the success for the holder of this position be measured? Example responses for “Do you have any questions for us?”
  • 62. Questions to Ask ACTIVITY What are some other questions you could ask the employer after your interview?
  • 63. Video – “Expert Advice On Job Interviews” (THNKR, YouTube) IN CONCLUSION Video – Expert Advice on Job Interviews
  • 64. INTERVIEW SECTION 3: MINI-QUIZ 1) True or False: Employers ask only common interview questions during interviews. Answer: False; they could ask both common and behavioural questions
  • 66. CAREER CENTRE RESOURCES Come by or call us to book an appointment! Locations: Davis B230  Trafalgar D103  HMC A247 Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Student Success Officers / Front Desk: 905-459-7533 ext. 5400 (Davis) 905-845-9430 ext. 2533 (Traf) ext. 2528 (HMC)
  • 67.
  • 68. CAREER CENTRE RESOURCES In-Person Services Meet 1-on-1 with an Employment Consultant or Career Counsellor Employment Consultants: • Resume, cover letter critique • Interview preparation • Assessment of your job search skills • Developing a job search strategy, locating advertised employment opportunities and learning how to network your way to unadvertised opportunities • Using social media to search for work Career Counsellors: • Career testing & assessment • Exploring career options, finding direction • Research & evaluation of career alternatives, setting career goals • Labour market information, outlooks & future trends • Planning further education (university, college programs, transfer agreements, apprenticeships, etc.)
  • 69. CAREER CENTRE RESOURCES To find out when employers will be on campus, follow us on social media: @Sheridan_CC
  • 70. CAREER CENTRE RESOURCES Online Resources • • Optimal Resume (Tools for Resume and Interview Preparation) - • Exclusive Job Board for Sheridan Students & Graduates - • Career Management 101 Modules -

Editor's Notes

  1. Introduce yourself and the workshop topic/title
  2. Review the slide bullet points When recruiters/hiring managers call candidates in for the interview, many times, the employer already believes you would be a qualified candidate The interview is an opportunity for them to learn more about you and whether you would be a good fit for the job It’s best to try and steer your interview into more of a conversation with the employer, while still maintaining professionalism and providing strong responses
  3. Quick recap of this section on the handout
  4. Quick recap of this section on the handout
  5. Quick recap of this section on the handout
  6. A lot of people feel stressed, nervous, worried, anxious (etc.) before interviews – it can be a lot of pressure to prepare and go in to meet with someone you don’t even know! It is okay and completely normal to have these feelings
  7. The following are some strategies that you can use to tackle stress: Superman Pose – according to Psychology Today, “…it seems that participants who assume a couple of superhero-type stances for a grand total of two minutes feel more powerful and act that way: Stand like a superhero, feel like a superhero, act like superhero.” This includes the superman pose, or even poses with your arms placed on the back of your head. Posing like this at home before your interview can help you boost your feelings of confidence. Deep Breathing (4-7-8) – according to Healthline, “Breathing techniques are designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. Specific patterns that involve holding the breath for a period of time allow your body to replenish its oxygen. Relaxation practices also help bring the body back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed. The 4-7-8 technique forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath, rather than replaying your worries…. Proponents claim it can soothe a racing heart or calm frazzled nerves.” Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold this breathe for 7 seconds, and release this breathe through your mouth for 8 seconds. Positive Self-Talk – according to Forbes, “By re-writing your self-talk, you will change the way you feel and how you behave. Negative self-talk will generate low self-confidence and self-esteem issues while positive self-talk produces the opposite effect. Practice positive self-talk throughout your life and your confidence levels will soar.” Students can choose to write down any negative thoughts before and interview, cross them out, and re-write the statements into a positive and assertive way.
  8. The following are some strategies that you can use to tackle stress: Superman Pose – according to Psychology Today, “…it seems that participants who assume a couple of superhero-type stances for a grand total of two minutes feel more powerful and act that way: Stand like a superhero, feel like a superhero, act like superhero.” This includes the superman pose, or even poses with your arms placed on the back of your head. Posing like this at home before your interview can help you boost your feelings of confidence. Deep Breathing (4-7-8) – according to Healthline, “Breathing techniques are designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. Specific patterns that involve holding the breath for a period of time allow your body to replenish its oxygen. Relaxation practices also help bring the body back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed. The 4-7-8 technique forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath, rather than replaying your worries…. Proponents claim it can soothe a racing heart or calm frazzled nerves.” Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold this breathe for 7 seconds, and release this breathe through your mouth for 8 seconds. Positive Self-Talk – according to Forbes, “By re-writing your self-talk, you will change the way you feel and how you behave. Negative self-talk will generate low self-confidence and self-esteem issues while positive self-talk produces the opposite effect. Practice positive self-talk throughout your life and your confidence levels will soar.” Students can choose to write down any negative thoughts before and interview, cross them out, and re-write the statements into a positive and assertive way.
  9. The following are some strategies that you can use to tackle stress: Superman Pose – according to Psychology Today, “…it seems that participants who assume a couple of superhero-type stances for a grand total of two minutes feel more powerful and act that way: Stand like a superhero, feel like a superhero, act like superhero.” This includes the superman pose, or even poses with your arms placed on the back of your head. Posing like this at home before your interview can help you boost your feelings of confidence. Deep Breathing (4-7-8) – according to Healthline, “Breathing techniques are designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. Specific patterns that involve holding the breath for a period of time allow your body to replenish its oxygen. Relaxation practices also help bring the body back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed. The 4-7-8 technique forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath, rather than replaying your worries…. Proponents claim it can soothe a racing heart or calm frazzled nerves.” Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold this breathe for 7 seconds, and release this breathe through your mouth for 8 seconds. Positive Self-Talk – according to Forbes, “By re-writing your self-talk, you will change the way you feel and how you behave. Negative self-talk will generate low self-confidence and self-esteem issues while positive self-talk produces the opposite effect. Practice positive self-talk throughout your life and your confidence levels will soar.” Students can choose to write down any negative thoughts before and interview, cross them out, and re-write the statements into a positive and assertive way.
  10. The following are some strategies that you can use to tackle stress: Superman Pose – according to Psychology Today, “…it seems that participants who assume a couple of superhero-type stances for a grand total of two minutes feel more powerful and act that way: Stand like a superhero, feel like a superhero, act like superhero.” This includes the superman pose, or even poses with your arms placed on the back of your head. Posing like this at home before your interview can help you boost your feelings of confidence. Deep Breathing (4-7-8) – according to Healthline, “Breathing techniques are designed to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. Specific patterns that involve holding the breath for a period of time allow your body to replenish its oxygen. Relaxation practices also help bring the body back into balance and regulate the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed. The 4-7-8 technique forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath, rather than replaying your worries…. Proponents claim it can soothe a racing heart or calm frazzled nerves.” Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold this breathe for 7 seconds, and release this breathe through your mouth for 8 seconds. Positive Self-Talk – according to Forbes, “By re-writing your self-talk, you will change the way you feel and how you behave. Negative self-talk will generate low self-confidence and self-esteem issues while positive self-talk produces the opposite effect. Practice positive self-talk throughout your life and your confidence levels will soar.” Students can choose to write down any negative thoughts before and interview, cross them out, and re-write the statements into a positive and assertive way.
  11. Brief Discussion: Ask participants if they have any ways they tackle stress before an interview that they are willing to share
  12. What NOT to do when Arriving at the Interview: Avoid drinking coffee or tea at your interview in case it might spill (on you or on the employer's property!) No unpleasant odors from smoking, body scents/perfume that might be distracting to an employer Remember to Trash your Chewing Gum/Candy discreetly before the interview! Don't appear to be impatient or in a bad mood (tapping fingers or legs, not smiling).   What TO do when Arriving at the Interview: Introduce yourself to the person at the Front Desk area and let them know why you're there and who you are meeting with. Make eye contact with key people in the organization that you are meeting with first (like the Front Desk associate), and smile to project friendliness and warmth. Bring a water bottle. Ensure your phone is shut off (interviewers could still hear the phone ring in "vibe" mode and it is distracting!)
  13. Facilitator to note ideas on whiteboard
  14. Quick recap of things to do during your interview
  15. Facilitator to note ideas on whiteboard
  16. Facilitator to note ideas on whiteboard
  17. Share with the participants that you’ll now review some typical interview questions with them
  18. Interviews can include all different types of questions, depending on the employer you’re interviewing with For this workshop, the focus will be on common and behavioural-based interview questions which many employers use Common and behavioural-based questions use your past experience to determine your future behaviour
  19. Review some examples of common and behavioural-based interview questions
  20. Review the slide with participants – the activity on the next slide will be based on this question
  21. Review one possible example on answering the question
  22. Review the slide with participants
  23. Review one possible example on answering the question
  24. Review the slide with participants
  25. Review one possible example on answering the question
  26. Review the slide with participants – the activity on the next slide will be based on this question
  27. Have the group divide into pairs and follow the steps listed on the slide, while using the appropriate activity worksheet
  28. Review one possible example on answering the question
  29. Review one possible example on answering the question
  30. STAR statements, or also known as accomplishment statements, give the employers more details about the work you’ve done, what you’ve achieved, and what results you’ve brought in It’s best to create STAR statements to help answer behavioural interview questions When creating the STAR statements, try and pull some keywords from the job posting to use in your statements
  31. The STAR acronym is broken down into the following – S T A R S & T – define the situation and task you were in very clearly to the interviewer(s) A – clearly highlight the actions you took in the situation / task R – what was the result of your actions? Summarize this for employers. Try and focus on positives.
  32. Share the following example with participants
  33. Share the following example with participants
  34. Share the following example with participants
  35. When preparing for an interview, a secret tip is to jot down 6 or 7 of the skills you believe the employer needs (refer to the job posting). Once you jot down the skills, include an experience you’ve had where you used that skill and include it under the skill heading. Format this experience into an accomplishment statement. When the employer asks you a question that you may not have prepared for, try and think of what the employer is really asking about. Is it about your Communication skills, your Collaboration skills, your Leadership skills? Use one of your examples that best matches what you believe the employer is asking about.
  36. Review the slide with participants
  37. Review one possible example on answering the question
  38. Review the slide with participants – the activity on the next slide will be based on this question
  39. Review one possible example on answering the question
  40. At the end of an interview, many employers will ask the candidates if they have any questions for them. It is highly recommended to ask questions at this point to both show your interest in the position and to learn more about the company/position
  41. Share with participants that these are some examples of questions that could be asked at the end of the interviews
  42. Share with participants that these are some examples of questions that could be asked at the end of the interviews
  43. Share with participants that these are some examples of questions that could be asked at the end of the interviews
  44. The Career Centre invites you to book an appointment with us if you need assistance.
  45. The Career Centre invites you to book an appointment with us if you need assistance.
  46. The Career Centre invites you to book an appointment with us if you need assistance.
  47. The Career Centre invites you to book an appointment with us if you need assistance.