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The Intervention plan this paper is by Jaimee Dugger
titled “What are the effects of playing violent video games on
aggressive behaviors in young adults?” Where he reveals that
video games are produced and marketed to target children and
youths. According to him, the videos come in different forms
from cartoon games, football games, and violent and non-
violent games. Non-violent games help improve social skills
and reduce stress. They also improve sharpness and memory in
children. However, negative attention has been towards violent
video games, which have adverse negative effects. These video
games include American forces, doom, the grand theft auto and
death motto.
The research presentation motivated me to attribute
violent video games to the aggressive behaviors from their users
depending on their personalities. This is because they make
gamers, the target audience, to confuse between reality and
digital fantasy in these games. The research presentation shows
that effects of these games towards aggression depend on
cognition, arousal and affect, which are contributed by
frustration. Cognitive information processing model helps to
determine how social environment surrounding someone can
affect the way they react and interact. Moreover, past
experiences also affect the individual’s current behaviors.
Violent video games cause decrease in cardiac coherence, which
is enhanced by high stress levels caused by noise in the violent
video games as opposed to non-violent ones. Cardiac coherence
is a condition used to determine balance in the nervous system
and coordination between breathing and heart rate.
A change in the part of brain that deals with cognitive
function was discovered in individuals after a period of playing
violent video games. Long term effects of these games develop
due to the fact that human beings learn from infancy how to
respond to situations according to obtained knowledge. Users of
these games will tend to respond to situations using the
aggression used in these violent video games without noticing
the difference between reality and fantasy in these games.
According to McDonnell (2010), an intervention plan is
necessary for individuals that exhibit aggressive behavior a
result of violent video gaming, it should involve activities such
as; advising people in the surrounding to avoid any verbal
engagement with these individuals or touch them. During this
time, non-verbal signs and cues should be used to communicate
with these individuals. In addition, they should be allowed to sit
in silent rooms away from others and mostly should be near an
exit (McDonnell, 2010).
The research presentation explores various specific
techniques, as provision of small group instructions is also
necessary. These instructions will help to monitor the affected
individuals. Discussed procedures on how to execute their plan
on the individual should be followed by everyone in the group.
Moreover, he explores some skills that are to be
developed from the research presentation. Noise levels in the
surrounding environment should be reduced because noise
contributes to stress that stimulates aggressiveness. These
individuals are affected by level of noises in violent games so
they should avoid it during the intervention plan. In addition,
encouragement to participate in physical exercises is needed, as
it is very important in an intervention plan. This exercise entails
visiting the gym, playing interactive field play games like
football and basketball.
Additional processing time should be allowed to these
individuals. This avoids disturbances and provides full time for
the brain to work appropriately. They should also be isolated
from crowded areas because these areas act as a source of noise,
which disturbs the nervous system and stimulates aggression.
Natural lighting is also important where these individuals are
situated (McDonnell 2010).
A guidance counselor should be called to discuss the
behavior with the individuals. The counseling should be
conducted in a quiet separate room where they are just two of
them and the affected individual actions watched keenly.
Behavior therapy should be conducted on situations that
aggressiveness continues. This requires clinical advice or a
psychiatrist. It is essential to carry this activity at earlier stages
before the behavior disposes. Medication is also helpful at this
If the aggressive behavior continues to be evident in the
individual through actions of violence or causing harm to
others, the police or other state security agencies should be
notified. However, if the behavior is contained other
reinforcement activities should be enhanced on the individual.
These may include physical activities and field plays activities
(McDonnell 2010).
In conclusion, the above intervention steps for
individuals affected by violent video games should be enacted.
Parents should also look rating according to age written while
purchasing these video games to their children so as to ensure
that they purchase the right games for the right age.
McDonnell, A.A (2010). Managing aggressive behavior in care
settings: Understanding andapplying low arousal approaches.
United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell publishers.
What are the effects of family violence on social well-being in
Rehab Al Ghamdi
Dr. Sperry
EPSY 621
Did you know?
Millions of children are exposed to domestic violence in their
home (Carlson, 1984; Straus, 1992).
Millions of children classified as maltreated by parents and
other caretakers (USDHHS, 2006).
Co-occurrence of violence domestic as well as otherwise with
child abuse(Edleson, 2001; Tajima, 2004).
Links between domestic violence as well as child abuse with
adverse psychosocial and behavioral outcomes (T. Herrenkohl,
Sousa, Tajima, R. Herrenkohl, & Moylan, 2008; Sternberg,
2006; Wolfe, Crooks, Lee, McIntyre-Smith, & Jaffe, 2003).
The above facts represents a disheartening story related to the
dismal state of affairs with respect to the increasing incidents of
child abuse and violence .Such an exposure at the tender age
has a detrimental effect on their future personalities by
adversely influencing their internalizing and externalizing
Research question
Does the exposure to violence and child abuse at an early age
responsible for influencing the psychosocial outcomes in
adolescence comprising their internalizing and externalizing
This investigation aims to strengthen research on effects of
exposure to child abuse and domestic violence.
The effects of child abuse and exposure to domestic violence on
adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems.
The following slides will present the summary of the research
study authored by Moyan et al. to investigate and validate the
Moylan, C. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., Sousa, C., Tajima, E. A.,
Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). The effects of child
abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent
internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Journal of
family Violence, 25(1), 53-63.
Purpose of Study
The examination of the impact of child abuse and domestic
violence exposure in childhood on their internalizing adolescent
behavior resulting in psychological problems like anxiety and
depressionas well as their externalizing behaviors manifested as
delinquency and violence perpetration.
Moylan, C. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., Sousa, C., Tajima, E. A.,
Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). The effects of child
abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent
internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Journal of
family Violence,
The study by Moylan et al. attempted to investigate the
combined effects of exposure to child abuse and domestic
violence on psychosocial outcomes in adolescence and examine
interaction of gender with abuse and domestic violence
exposure in the prediction of youth outcomes.
Research hypothesis
The study postulates that
exposure to violence will enhance the likelihood of child
imbibing these outcomes, and
the risk is higher among the children who face child abuse along
with domestic as compared to those who are exposed to only
one type of abuse.
There is moderating effect of gender on the childhood exposure
as well as the later outcomes in adolescence.
The study by Moylan et al. particularly tried to investigate its
objectives of study by examining the above mentioned three
Lehigh Longitudinal Study
Descriptive research design using three time assessment
process with well structured interviews
individually face-to-face administered questionnaires
adolescent youth survey comprising 457 youth
information was captured on variables like parenting practices,
youth behaviour, youth psychological functioning, and youth
school experiences
To cross check the reliability of information and to lessen the
potential measurement bias data was procured from three
sources including official records; reports provided by mothers
and the retrospective reports by adolescents were used in the
The above slide provides a comprehensive list of the
characteristics of the research design used in the study by
Moylan et al.(2010)
The participants in the study included youth and parents(for the
preschool and school-age children)
Instrument for data collection
The study used well validated scales like the items from the
Achenbach Youth Self Report (YSR) (Achenbach 1991) in a
structured assessment form
Data collection techniques
Face to face interviews
The study employed the above mentioned methods to ensure the
generalization of the research findings.
Data analysis
Data analysis techniques
Regression models and
structural modelling program(SEM)using the MPlus
The use of software was done to ensure the fast speed for
calculations. The use of SEM facilitated the testing for the
hypothesis of interest. To make an assessment regarding the
possible gender differences across levels of the predictors and
outcomes it was used as a free-standing covariate.
The findings related to first hypothesis about the impact of
violence exposure on internalizing and externalizing behaviour
indicate exposure to be predictive for some outcomes and the
gender was also predictive for certain outcomes.
The study confirmed the complexity of the relationship between
violence exposure and later adolescent outcomes as results were
not statistically significant.
The study did indicate some observable but insignificant
differences across the predictions for children with dual
exposure and those who were exposed to either abuse or
domestic violence only. Also the comparison of results across
gender revealed the comparability of results for effect of
exposure between the boys and girls.
Though the findings indicated that the exposure to domestic
violence and child abuse at an early age impact certain type of
internalizing and externalizing outcomes in adolescence but it
failed to confirm if the dual exposure was more severe than the
individual. Further the moderating effect of gender on this
relationship was also observed.
Theoretical perspective
The theoretical perspective of the author on the issue to extend
the realms of cognitive-development by gaining a knowledge
that how the exposures in early life influence the outcomes at
later stage.
Cognitive development aims to identify the various factors that
influence the development of human beings across the different
stages of life.
Theoretical perspective
To verify the severity of double whammy effect (Herrenkohl et
al., 2008; Hughes, Parkinson, & Vargo, 1989) and to to measure
the developmental changes in the target group the study makes
use of longitudinal research.
The study aimed to verify the theory that that whether double
whammy effect (Herrenkohl et al., 2008; Hughes, Parkinson, &
Vargo, 1989) is more severe than the exposure to only one of
the factors but it could not gather substantive evidence to
support the issue.
Prospective effects of violence exposure across multiple
contexts on early adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing
The following slides will present the summary of the research
study authored by Mrug & Windle to investigate and validate
the findings.
Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Prospective effects of violence
exposure across multiple contexts on early adolescents’
internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of child
psychology and psychiatry, 51(8), 953-961
Purpose of Study
To examine the impact of cross-contextual (in community, home
or school )exposures on children by evaluating the effects of
witnessing violence and victimization both individual as well as
interactive on the adolescent’s internalizing and externalizing
The study by Mrug & Windle attempts to explore the cross
cultural impact of violence and abuse exposure on the shaping
of problems during early adolescence.
Research hypothesis
The study postulated
violence exposure in home and school is more detrimental in
cultivating the adjustment problems as compared to
community violence
violence exposure in the community have an attenuating impact
on violence exposure at home and school
Victimization has direct strong association with adjustment
issues in comparison to exposure to violence and therefore the
application of cross-context attenuation is more apt in
Violence rather than victimisation.
Longitudinal study of two assessments at a lag of 16 months
Two-stage probability sampling process with random selection
of schools followed by inviting the participants from the
selected schools
The study is correlational trying to deduce the impact of
witnessing violence and victimization on the behavior of
The Birmingham Youth Violence Study
(BYVS) was conducted between 2003 and 2005.
Sample survey comprising 603 boys and girls from . 5th grade
classrooms in 17 schools of the area
Sample was constituted by 78% African Americans and 20%
Use of standardized scales for measurement of variables like
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS;Reynolds
& Richmond, 1997), Major Depressive Disorder scale of the
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children
Predictive Scales (DPS; Lucas et al., 2001), Hopelessness Scale
for Children (Kazdin, Rodgers,& Colbus, 1986) etc. to ensure
the validity and relaiability of study findings.
Data analysis
Multiple regressions
Initial levels of internalizing and externalizing problems and
demographics were the control factors in the study.
The study used multiple regression to test the hypothesis of the
impact of independent and interactive effects of witnessing
violence or victimization across multiple cross-contexts.
The study concluded that Witnessing violence at school and
home was a predictor for anxiety and depression while
witnessing community violence was a predictor for delinquency.
Similarly for the victimization, the impact of victimization at
home was associated with anxiety, depression, and aggression
while victimization at school related with anxiety only and the
association of victimization in the community with any
outcomes could not be ascertained from the study.
The study suggested that the impact of witnessing violence at
home was more on the outcomes like anxiety, delinquency and
aggression in absence of exposure to community violence.
Violence exposure at home and school on internalizing and
externalizing outcomes was confirmed by the study and the
witnessing of community violence is found to have an
attenuating this effect.
Theoretical perspective
The theoretical perspective of the author on the issue to extend
the realms of cognitive-development by gaining a knowledge
that how the exposures in early life influence the outcomes at
later stage in the multiple contexts of community, school and
Theoretical perspective
The study makes use of longitudinal research to measure the
developmental changes in the target group.
Findings from similar research studies
A meta-analytic review of the video-game research literature
including various types of research settings like experimental
and non-experimental studies, in laboratory and field settings,
with males and females and explores the role of exposure to
violent video games in influencing aggressive behavior
concluded that exposure to violent video games increases
physiological arousal, cardiovascular arousal, aggressive
cognition, aggressive affect and aggression-related thoughts and
feelings whereas it has an adverse effect on pro-social behavior
and helping behavior (Anderson , Bushman).
Findings from similar research studies
Another study exhibits that effect of violent video games on
aggression is positively associated with type of game violence
and negatively related to time spent playing the games(Sherry).
Carnagey and Anderson in their study employed three
experiments for examining the effects of rewarding and
punishing violent actions in video games on the aggression-
related variables by using an experimental research design and
concluded that rewarding violent game actions increased
aggressive thinking, aggressive behavior as well as hostile
emotion where as the punishing violent actions increased hostile
emotion and did not increase aggressive thinking or aggressive
behavior. Therefore it can be drawn as an inference that games
that reward violent actions can increase aggressive behavior by
increasing aggressive thinking.
Findings from similar research studies
Study by Anderson and Dill revealed a positive association
between violent video game play with aggressive behavior and
delinquency and negative association between academic
achievement and overall amount of time spent playing video
games. It was further concluded that these associations were
stronger for aggressive and male individuals. The study by
Bartholow and Anderson examining the effect of playing a
violent video game on aggression in a laboratory setting using
an experimental research design and measuring aggression in
terms of the punishment levels set by participants for their
opponents confirmed the hypothesis that playing the violent
game would result in more aggression rather than playing of the
nonviolent game and the larger interaction effect between game
and sex for men.
Take home message
In the light of the evidences presented by the two studies by
Moylan et al.(2010) and Mrug & Windle it can be safely
concluded that the exposure to violence(domestic or otherwise)
as well as the child abuse at the tender age are responsible for
shaping the behavior of the adolescents reflected in their
internalizing behaviors like anxiety, depression as well as their
externalizing behaviors like delinquency.
Thank you
Moylan, C. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., Sousa, C., Tajima, E. A.,
Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). The effects of child
abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent
internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Journal of
family Violence, 25(1), 53-63.
Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Prospective effects of violence
exposure across multiple contexts on early adolescents’
internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of child
psychology and psychiatry, 51(8), 953-961.
Other References
Chan, K. L., Brownridge, D. A., Yan, E., Fong, D. Y., & Tiwari,
A. (2011). Child maltreatment polyvictimization: Rates and
short-term effects on adjustment in a representative Hong Kong
sample. Psychology of violence, 1(1), 4.
Lepistö, S., Luukkaala, T., & Paavilainen, E. (2011).
Witnessing and experiencing domestic violence: a descriptive
study of adolescents. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences,
25(1), 70-80.
Lepistö, S., Åstedt‐Kurki, P., Joronen, K., Luukkaala, T., &
Paavilainen, E. (2010). Adolescents’ experiences of coping with
domestic violence. Journal of advanced nursing, 66(6), 1232-
Margolin, G., & Vickerman, K. A. (2011). Posttraumatic stress
in children and adolescents exposed to family violence: I.
Overview and issues.
Quinn, A., Briggs, H. E., Miller, K. M., & Orellana, E. R.
(2014). Social and familial determinants of health: Mediating
effects of caregiver mental and physical health on children's
mental health. Children and Youth Services Review, 36, 163-
Smith, D. E., & Moore, T. M. (2013). Family Violence and
Aggression and Their Associations With Psychosocial
Functioning in Jamaican Adolescents. Journal of Family Issues,
34(6), 745-767.
Other References
Anderson, C. A., & Dill, K. E. (2000). Video games and
aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the laboratory
and in life. Journal of personality and social psychology, 78(4),
Anderson, C. A., Carnagey, N. L., Flanagan, M., Benjamin, A.
J., Eubanks, J., & Valentine, J. C. (2004). Violent video games:
Specific effects of violent content on aggressive thoughts and
behavior. Advances in experimental social psychology, 36, 200-
Anderson, C. A. (2004). An update on the effects of playing
violent video games. Journal of adolescence, 27(1), 113-122.
Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent
video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition,
aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior:
A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature.
Psychological science, 12(5), 353-359.
Evaluation Rubric for Research Presentation
Total Assignment = 100 pts (=23% of course grade)
10 pts -- Your research question/ appropriate selection of
articles and presentation length--total presentation should be no
shorter than 20 and no longer than 40 slides
45 pts -- Summary of each study; please include for each study
the following.
a. Purpose of Study--what are the study's research questions? (6
b. Design --First, answer this question: is this study
experimental?, quasi-experimental?, or correlational?
Experimental=are there randomly assigned groups that were
treated differently?, Quasi-Experimental--are there groups that
naturally occurred--e.g., smokers vs. non-smokers--that were
treated differently by the researcher?, Correlational--a group is
described and the results show differences among the group
members? Second, IF the study has a developmental focus,
analyze the developmental design: cross-sectional, longitudinal,
or sequential. (6 pts)
c. Methods--include participants, materials/instruments, data
collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. After
summarizing the methods, analyze what the researchers did in
terms of the criteria of 1) objectivity, 2) reliability, 3) validity,
4) representative sampling, and 5) replication. (21 pts)
Rubric II
d. Findings--look for information indicating significant
differences--connect the findings back to the research
hypotheses. The findings should be contained in the Results
section of the paper (6 pts)
e. Conclusions--summary of authors' interpretations from
Discussion section (6 pts)
15 pts--Theoretical Perspective--what are the researchers'
(probably implicit) perspectives on human development?--
defend your decisions for each study with reasons (from the
purpose, design, data collection and analysis, results, and
interpretation); you should 1) identify (2 pts), 2) explain (5 pts),
and 3) defend (8 pts) whether the perspective of each study is
organismic, cognitive-developmental, cognitive-learning,
behavioral, psychodynamic, contextual, or humanistic. If
possible to determine the specific theory being tested by the
study, further analyze the origins of the developmental approach
being used. Be sure to defend your point of view.
15 pts -- Take Home Message--having read these two studies
(notice this is a comparative analysis), what do you now
believe? (=conclusions, 5 pts) What other questions do you
have? (=future research questions, 5 pts) What can you not
know for sure? (=limitations, 5 pts)
Rubric III
15 pts -- Communicative Effectiveness
a. Presence of a brief introduction and conclusion (2 pts)
b. Does paper flow? (please use headings) (3 pts)
c. Are words misspelled or used incorrectly, are subject-verb
agreements correct? (4 pts)
d. Correct use of in-text citation (e.g., refer to studies by the
authors' last names and year of publication)--please note that
the only proper way to refer to a study in formal writing is by
the last names of the authors and the year of publication. No
article titles should appear in the narrative. (3 pts)
e. Style of references (3 pts)
For both d. and e. please follow the APA Manual of Style, 6th
ed. An APA tutorial is available under the Cunningham
Memorial Library's home page (see online tutorials).
Please post your presentation as an attachment (with document
in Power Point or Word or rtf, preferably) under the Research
Presentations Forum of the Discussion Board by the due date
listed in the Calendar (under Tools).
Instructions of Intervention Plan
· Intervention Plan
Students are asked to read several of the research presentations
and respond to ONE of them by creating a lesson plan or plan
for intervention to assist individuals with the problems
described in the research presentation.
· This assignment addresses the teaching goal of identifying
strategies for facilitating the development of people. For
example, if your classmate's presentation concerns adolescent
identity in the face of parental divorce, create a plan for
intervention or treatment to help those adolescents that is based
on the conclusions of the research presentation.
· If your classmate's presentation concerns caregivers' health
problems in the face of a family member with Alzheimer's,
create a plan for intervention or treatment to help those
caregivers that is based on the results of the studies summarized
in the presentation.
· If your classmate's presentation concerns college student
grades in the face of extracurricular involvement in athletics,
create a lesson plan or intervention plan to help college students
that is based on the results of the studies.
· If your classmate's presentation concerns the effects of silent
reading on middle schoolers' comprehension skills, create a
lesson plan to help middle schoolers that is based on the results
of the studies.
· Convince me that your plan is based on the results of the
· Please create your OWN intervention--do not borrow one used
in your school district or found in another study.
· Think CREATIVELY about what you might do, why it should
work, and exactly how you would implement it. Think through
the steps of implementation.
The plan should identify a target audience, and a target frame of
duration, and contain an objective, a summary of skills to be
developed, and specific techniques for reaching the objective
and developing the skills. Be sure to identify the research
presentation that you are responding to and explain how your
intervention addresses the issues explained in your classmate’s
research presentation.
Please note that in your References section you should not
include any article that you yourself have not read.
Your classmate’s research presentation will list both of the
studies your classmate read to produce the research
presentation. I encourage you to work from the summaries
produced by your classmate. Unless you have read those
original studies yourself, you may not ethically cite those
studies. If you use other sources in preparing your IP, you
should cite those sources faithfully.
I prefer that you write your IP in Word. Please attach the rubric
(available under the purple button "Course Documents") to the
end of your plan.
The IP will be evaluated according to the rubric under Course
Documents and is worth 7% of your course grade. Please send
the IP (in a Microsoft Word format) to me as an email
attachment with the rubric copied into the last pages no later
than the date listed in the Calendar.
· Intervention Plan Rubric
__of 1 point Identification of Research Presentation to which
your plan is in response
__ of 3 points Explain how the research presentation
findings motivated your intervention--be specific
__of 1 point Target Audience
__of 1 point Target Frame of Duration
__of 1 point Objective
__ of 4 points Skills to be developed
__ of 4 points Specific Techniques
__of 2 points Originality of Student's Intervention
__of 3 points Style--grammar, spelling, rhetorical structure, and
proper citation of any sources used, including your classmate's
research presentation--make a separate References page
__ of 20 points Total

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  • 1. INTERVENTION PLAN FOR AGGRESSIVENESS DUE TO VIOLENT VIDEO GAMING. The Intervention plan this paper is by Jaimee Dugger titled “What are the effects of playing violent video games on aggressive behaviors in young adults?” Where he reveals that video games are produced and marketed to target children and youths. According to him, the videos come in different forms from cartoon games, football games, and violent and non- violent games. Non-violent games help improve social skills and reduce stress. They also improve sharpness and memory in children. However, negative attention has been towards violent video games, which have adverse negative effects. These video games include American forces, doom, the grand theft auto and death motto.
  • 2. The research presentation motivated me to attribute violent video games to the aggressive behaviors from their users depending on their personalities. This is because they make gamers, the target audience, to confuse between reality and digital fantasy in these games. The research presentation shows that effects of these games towards aggression depend on cognition, arousal and affect, which are contributed by frustration. Cognitive information processing model helps to determine how social environment surrounding someone can affect the way they react and interact. Moreover, past experiences also affect the individual’s current behaviors. Violent video games cause decrease in cardiac coherence, which is enhanced by high stress levels caused by noise in the violent video games as opposed to non-violent ones. Cardiac coherence is a condition used to determine balance in the nervous system and coordination between breathing and heart rate. A change in the part of brain that deals with cognitive function was discovered in individuals after a period of playing violent video games. Long term effects of these games develop due to the fact that human beings learn from infancy how to respond to situations according to obtained knowledge. Users of these games will tend to respond to situations using the aggression used in these violent video games without noticing the difference between reality and fantasy in these games. According to McDonnell (2010), an intervention plan is necessary for individuals that exhibit aggressive behavior a result of violent video gaming, it should involve activities such as; advising people in the surrounding to avoid any verbal engagement with these individuals or touch them. During this time, non-verbal signs and cues should be used to communicate with these individuals. In addition, they should be allowed to sit in silent rooms away from others and mostly should be near an exit (McDonnell, 2010).
  • 3. The research presentation explores various specific techniques, as provision of small group instructions is also necessary. These instructions will help to monitor the affected individuals. Discussed procedures on how to execute their plan on the individual should be followed by everyone in the group. Moreover, he explores some skills that are to be developed from the research presentation. Noise levels in the surrounding environment should be reduced because noise contributes to stress that stimulates aggressiveness. These individuals are affected by level of noises in violent games so they should avoid it during the intervention plan. In addition, encouragement to participate in physical exercises is needed, as it is very important in an intervention plan. This exercise entails visiting the gym, playing interactive field play games like football and basketball. Additional processing time should be allowed to these individuals. This avoids disturbances and provides full time for the brain to work appropriately. They should also be isolated from crowded areas because these areas act as a source of noise, which disturbs the nervous system and stimulates aggression. Natural lighting is also important where these individuals are situated (McDonnell 2010). A guidance counselor should be called to discuss the behavior with the individuals. The counseling should be conducted in a quiet separate room where they are just two of them and the affected individual actions watched keenly. Behavior therapy should be conducted on situations that aggressiveness continues. This requires clinical advice or a psychiatrist. It is essential to carry this activity at earlier stages before the behavior disposes. Medication is also helpful at this stage.
  • 4. If the aggressive behavior continues to be evident in the individual through actions of violence or causing harm to others, the police or other state security agencies should be notified. However, if the behavior is contained other reinforcement activities should be enhanced on the individual. These may include physical activities and field plays activities (McDonnell 2010). In conclusion, the above intervention steps for individuals affected by violent video games should be enacted. Parents should also look rating according to age written while purchasing these video games to their children so as to ensure that they purchase the right games for the right age. Reference McDonnell, A.A (2010). Managing aggressive behavior in care settings: Understanding andapplying low arousal approaches. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell publishers.
  • 5. What are the effects of family violence on social well-being in adolescents? Rehab Al Ghamdi Dr. Sperry EPSY 621 1 Did you know? Millions of children are exposed to domestic violence in their home (Carlson, 1984; Straus, 1992). Millions of children classified as maltreated by parents and other caretakers (USDHHS, 2006). Co-occurrence of violence domestic as well as otherwise with child abuse(Edleson, 2001; Tajima, 2004). Links between domestic violence as well as child abuse with adverse psychosocial and behavioral outcomes (T. Herrenkohl, Sousa, Tajima, R. Herrenkohl, & Moylan, 2008; Sternberg, 2006; Wolfe, Crooks, Lee, McIntyre-Smith, & Jaffe, 2003). 2 The above facts represents a disheartening story related to the dismal state of affairs with respect to the increasing incidents of child abuse and violence .Such an exposure at the tender age has a detrimental effect on their future personalities by adversely influencing their internalizing and externalizing behaviors. 2
  • 6. Research question Does the exposure to violence and child abuse at an early age responsible for influencing the psychosocial outcomes in adolescence comprising their internalizing and externalizing behaviors. 3 This investigation aims to strengthen research on effects of exposure to child abuse and domestic violence. 3 Summary The effects of child abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. 4 The following slides will present the summary of the research study authored by Moyan et al. to investigate and validate the findings. Moylan, C. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., Sousa, C., Tajima, E. A., Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). The effects of child abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Journal of family Violence, 25(1), 53-63. 4
  • 7. Purpose of Study The examination of the impact of child abuse and domestic violence exposure in childhood on their internalizing adolescent behavior resulting in psychological problems like anxiety and depressionas well as their externalizing behaviors manifested as delinquency and violence perpetration. Moylan, C. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., Sousa, C., Tajima, E. A., Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). The effects of child abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Journal of family Violence, 5 The study by Moylan et al. attempted to investigate the combined effects of exposure to child abuse and domestic violence on psychosocial outcomes in adolescence and examine interaction of gender with abuse and domestic violence exposure in the prediction of youth outcomes. 5 Research hypothesis The study postulates that exposure to violence will enhance the likelihood of child imbibing these outcomes, and the risk is higher among the children who face child abuse along with domestic as compared to those who are exposed to only one type of abuse. There is moderating effect of gender on the childhood exposure as well as the later outcomes in adolescence. 6
  • 8. The study by Moylan et al. particularly tried to investigate its objectives of study by examining the above mentioned three hypothesis. 6 Design Lehigh Longitudinal Study Descriptive research design using three time assessment process with well structured interviews individually face-to-face administered questionnaires adolescent youth survey comprising 457 youth information was captured on variables like parenting practices, youth behaviour, youth psychological functioning, and youth school experiences To cross check the reliability of information and to lessen the potential measurement bias data was procured from three sources including official records; reports provided by mothers and the retrospective reports by adolescents were used in the study. 7 The above slide provides a comprehensive list of the characteristics of the research design used in the study by Moylan et al.(2010) 7 Methods Participants The participants in the study included youth and parents(for the preschool and school-age children) Instrument for data collection The study used well validated scales like the items from the
  • 9. Achenbach Youth Self Report (YSR) (Achenbach 1991) in a structured assessment form Data collection techniques Face to face interviews 8 The study employed the above mentioned methods to ensure the generalization of the research findings. 8 Data analysis Data analysis techniques Regression models and structural modelling program(SEM)using the MPlus 9 The use of software was done to ensure the fast speed for calculations. The use of SEM facilitated the testing for the hypothesis of interest. To make an assessment regarding the possible gender differences across levels of the predictors and outcomes it was used as a free-standing covariate. 9 Findings The findings related to first hypothesis about the impact of violence exposure on internalizing and externalizing behaviour indicate exposure to be predictive for some outcomes and the gender was also predictive for certain outcomes. The study confirmed the complexity of the relationship between violence exposure and later adolescent outcomes as results were not statistically significant.
  • 10. 10 The study did indicate some observable but insignificant differences across the predictions for children with dual exposure and those who were exposed to either abuse or domestic violence only. Also the comparison of results across gender revealed the comparability of results for effect of exposure between the boys and girls. 10 Conclusions Though the findings indicated that the exposure to domestic violence and child abuse at an early age impact certain type of internalizing and externalizing outcomes in adolescence but it failed to confirm if the dual exposure was more severe than the individual. Further the moderating effect of gender on this relationship was also observed. 11 11 Theoretical perspective The theoretical perspective of the author on the issue to extend the realms of cognitive-development by gaining a knowledge that how the exposures in early life influence the outcomes at later stage. 12
  • 11. Cognitive development aims to identify the various factors that influence the development of human beings across the different stages of life. 12 Theoretical perspective To verify the severity of double whammy effect (Herrenkohl et al., 2008; Hughes, Parkinson, & Vargo, 1989) and to to measure the developmental changes in the target group the study makes use of longitudinal research. 13 The study aimed to verify the theory that that whether double whammy effect (Herrenkohl et al., 2008; Hughes, Parkinson, & Vargo, 1989) is more severe than the exposure to only one of the factors but it could not gather substantive evidence to support the issue. 13 summary Prospective effects of violence exposure across multiple contexts on early adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems. 14 The following slides will present the summary of the research study authored by Mrug & Windle to investigate and validate the findings. Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Prospective effects of violence exposure across multiple contexts on early adolescents’
  • 12. internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 51(8), 953-961 14 Purpose of Study To examine the impact of cross-contextual (in community, home or school )exposures on children by evaluating the effects of witnessing violence and victimization both individual as well as interactive on the adolescent’s internalizing and externalizing issues. 15 The study by Mrug & Windle attempts to explore the cross cultural impact of violence and abuse exposure on the shaping of problems during early adolescence. 15 Research hypothesis The study postulated violence exposure in home and school is more detrimental in cultivating the adjustment problems as compared to community violence violence exposure in the community have an attenuating impact on violence exposure at home and school Victimization has direct strong association with adjustment issues in comparison to exposure to violence and therefore the application of cross-context attenuation is more apt in witnessing Violence rather than victimisation. 16 design
  • 13. Longitudinal study of two assessments at a lag of 16 months Two-stage probability sampling process with random selection of schools followed by inviting the participants from the selected schools The study is correlational trying to deduce the impact of witnessing violence and victimization on the behavior of adolescents. 17 Methods The Birmingham Youth Violence Study (BYVS) was conducted between 2003 and 2005. Sample survey comprising 603 boys and girls from . 5th grade classrooms in 17 schools of the area Sample was constituted by 78% African Americans and 20% Caucasians 18 Methods(contd.) Use of standardized scales for measurement of variables like Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS;Reynolds & Richmond, 1997), Major Depressive Disorder scale of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Predictive Scales (DPS; Lucas et al., 2001), Hopelessness Scale for Children (Kazdin, Rodgers,& Colbus, 1986) etc. to ensure the validity and relaiability of study findings. 19 Data analysis
  • 14. Multiple regressions Initial levels of internalizing and externalizing problems and demographics were the control factors in the study. 20 The study used multiple regression to test the hypothesis of the impact of independent and interactive effects of witnessing violence or victimization across multiple cross-contexts. 20 Findings The study concluded that Witnessing violence at school and home was a predictor for anxiety and depression while witnessing community violence was a predictor for delinquency. Similarly for the victimization, the impact of victimization at home was associated with anxiety, depression, and aggression while victimization at school related with anxiety only and the association of victimization in the community with any outcomes could not be ascertained from the study. The study suggested that the impact of witnessing violence at home was more on the outcomes like anxiety, delinquency and aggression in absence of exposure to community violence. 21 Conclusions Violence exposure at home and school on internalizing and externalizing outcomes was confirmed by the study and the witnessing of community violence is found to have an attenuating this effect. 22
  • 15. Theoretical perspective The theoretical perspective of the author on the issue to extend the realms of cognitive-development by gaining a knowledge that how the exposures in early life influence the outcomes at later stage in the multiple contexts of community, school and home. 23 Theoretical perspective The study makes use of longitudinal research to measure the developmental changes in the target group. 24 Findings from similar research studies A meta-analytic review of the video-game research literature including various types of research settings like experimental and non-experimental studies, in laboratory and field settings, with males and females and explores the role of exposure to violent video games in influencing aggressive behavior concluded that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal, cardiovascular arousal, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect and aggression-related thoughts and feelings whereas it has an adverse effect on pro-social behavior and helping behavior (Anderson , Bushman). 25
  • 16. Findings from similar research studies Another study exhibits that effect of violent video games on aggression is positively associated with type of game violence and negatively related to time spent playing the games(Sherry). Carnagey and Anderson in their study employed three experiments for examining the effects of rewarding and punishing violent actions in video games on the aggression- related variables by using an experimental research design and concluded that rewarding violent game actions increased aggressive thinking, aggressive behavior as well as hostile emotion where as the punishing violent actions increased hostile emotion and did not increase aggressive thinking or aggressive behavior. Therefore it can be drawn as an inference that games that reward violent actions can increase aggressive behavior by increasing aggressive thinking. 26 Findings from similar research studies Study by Anderson and Dill revealed a positive association between violent video game play with aggressive behavior and delinquency and negative association between academic achievement and overall amount of time spent playing video games. It was further concluded that these associations were stronger for aggressive and male individuals. The study by Bartholow and Anderson examining the effect of playing a violent video game on aggression in a laboratory setting using an experimental research design and measuring aggression in terms of the punishment levels set by participants for their opponents confirmed the hypothesis that playing the violent game would result in more aggression rather than playing of the nonviolent game and the larger interaction effect between game and sex for men. 27
  • 17. Take home message In the light of the evidences presented by the two studies by Moylan et al.(2010) and Mrug & Windle it can be safely concluded that the exposure to violence(domestic or otherwise) as well as the child abuse at the tender age are responsible for shaping the behavior of the adolescents reflected in their internalizing behaviors like anxiety, depression as well as their externalizing behaviors like delinquency. 28 Thank you 29 References References Moylan, C. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., Sousa, C., Tajima, E. A., Herrenkohl, R. C., & Russo, M. J. (2010). The effects of child abuse and exposure to domestic violence on adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Journal of family Violence, 25(1), 53-63. Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Prospective effects of violence exposure across multiple contexts on early adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 51(8), 953-961.
  • 18. Other References Chan, K. L., Brownridge, D. A., Yan, E., Fong, D. Y., & Tiwari, A. (2011). Child maltreatment polyvictimization: Rates and short-term effects on adjustment in a representative Hong Kong sample. Psychology of violence, 1(1), 4. Lepistö, S., Luukkaala, T., & Paavilainen, E. (2011). Witnessing and experiencing domestic violence: a descriptive study of adolescents. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 25(1), 70-80. Lepistö, S., Åstedt‐Kurki, P., Joronen, K., Luukkaala, T., & Paavilainen, E. (2010). Adolescents’ experiences of coping with domestic violence. Journal of advanced nursing, 66(6), 1232- 1245. Margolin, G., & Vickerman, K. A. (2011). Posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents exposed to family violence: I. Overview and issues. Quinn, A., Briggs, H. E., Miller, K. M., & Orellana, E. R. (2014). Social and familial determinants of health: Mediating effects of caregiver mental and physical health on children's mental health. Children and Youth Services Review, 36, 163- 169. Smith, D. E., & Moore, T. M. (2013). Family Violence and Aggression and Their Associations With Psychosocial Functioning in Jamaican Adolescents. Journal of Family Issues, 34(6), 745-767. Other References Anderson, C. A., & Dill, K. E. (2000). Video games and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the laboratory
  • 19. and in life. Journal of personality and social psychology, 78(4), 772. Anderson, C. A., Carnagey, N. L., Flanagan, M., Benjamin, A. J., Eubanks, J., & Valentine, J. C. (2004). Violent video games: Specific effects of violent content on aggressive thoughts and behavior. Advances in experimental social psychology, 36, 200- 251. Anderson, C. A. (2004). An update on the effects of playing violent video games. Journal of adolescence, 27(1), 113-122. Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological science, 12(5), 353-359. Rubric Evaluation Rubric for Research Presentation Total Assignment = 100 pts (=23% of course grade) 10 pts -- Your research question/ appropriate selection of articles and presentation length--total presentation should be no shorter than 20 and no longer than 40 slides 45 pts -- Summary of each study; please include for each study the following. a. Purpose of Study--what are the study's research questions? (6 pts) b. Design --First, answer this question: is this study experimental?, quasi-experimental?, or correlational? Experimental=are there randomly assigned groups that were treated differently?, Quasi-Experimental--are there groups that
  • 20. naturally occurred--e.g., smokers vs. non-smokers--that were treated differently by the researcher?, Correlational--a group is described and the results show differences among the group members? Second, IF the study has a developmental focus, analyze the developmental design: cross-sectional, longitudinal, or sequential. (6 pts) c. Methods--include participants, materials/instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. After summarizing the methods, analyze what the researchers did in terms of the criteria of 1) objectivity, 2) reliability, 3) validity, 4) representative sampling, and 5) replication. (21 pts) Rubric II d. Findings--look for information indicating significant differences--connect the findings back to the research hypotheses. The findings should be contained in the Results section of the paper (6 pts) e. Conclusions--summary of authors' interpretations from Discussion section (6 pts) 15 pts--Theoretical Perspective--what are the researchers' (probably implicit) perspectives on human development?-- defend your decisions for each study with reasons (from the purpose, design, data collection and analysis, results, and interpretation); you should 1) identify (2 pts), 2) explain (5 pts), and 3) defend (8 pts) whether the perspective of each study is organismic, cognitive-developmental, cognitive-learning, behavioral, psychodynamic, contextual, or humanistic. If possible to determine the specific theory being tested by the study, further analyze the origins of the developmental approach being used. Be sure to defend your point of view.
  • 21. 15 pts -- Take Home Message--having read these two studies (notice this is a comparative analysis), what do you now believe? (=conclusions, 5 pts) What other questions do you have? (=future research questions, 5 pts) What can you not know for sure? (=limitations, 5 pts) Rubric III 15 pts -- Communicative Effectiveness a. Presence of a brief introduction and conclusion (2 pts) b. Does paper flow? (please use headings) (3 pts) c. Are words misspelled or used incorrectly, are subject-verb agreements correct? (4 pts) d. Correct use of in-text citation (e.g., refer to studies by the authors' last names and year of publication)--please note that the only proper way to refer to a study in formal writing is by the last names of the authors and the year of publication. No article titles should appear in the narrative. (3 pts) e. Style of references (3 pts) For both d. and e. please follow the APA Manual of Style, 6th ed. An APA tutorial is available under the Cunningham Memorial Library's home page (see online tutorials). Please post your presentation as an attachment (with document in Power Point or Word or rtf, preferably) under the Research Presentations Forum of the Discussion Board by the due date listed in the Calendar (under Tools).
  • 22. Instructions of Intervention Plan · Intervention Plan Students are asked to read several of the research presentations and respond to ONE of them by creating a lesson plan or plan for intervention to assist individuals with the problems described in the research presentation. · This assignment addresses the teaching goal of identifying strategies for facilitating the development of people. For example, if your classmate's presentation concerns adolescent identity in the face of parental divorce, create a plan for intervention or treatment to help those adolescents that is based on the conclusions of the research presentation. · If your classmate's presentation concerns caregivers' health problems in the face of a family member with Alzheimer's, create a plan for intervention or treatment to help those caregivers that is based on the results of the studies summarized in the presentation. · If your classmate's presentation concerns college student grades in the face of extracurricular involvement in athletics, create a lesson plan or intervention plan to help college students that is based on the results of the studies. · If your classmate's presentation concerns the effects of silent reading on middle schoolers' comprehension skills, create a lesson plan to help middle schoolers that is based on the results of the studies. · Convince me that your plan is based on the results of the studies. · Please create your OWN intervention--do not borrow one used in your school district or found in another study. · Think CREATIVELY about what you might do, why it should work, and exactly how you would implement it. Think through the steps of implementation.
  • 23. The plan should identify a target audience, and a target frame of duration, and contain an objective, a summary of skills to be developed, and specific techniques for reaching the objective and developing the skills. Be sure to identify the research presentation that you are responding to and explain how your intervention addresses the issues explained in your classmate’s research presentation. Please note that in your References section you should not include any article that you yourself have not read. Your classmate’s research presentation will list both of the studies your classmate read to produce the research presentation. I encourage you to work from the summaries produced by your classmate. Unless you have read those original studies yourself, you may not ethically cite those studies. If you use other sources in preparing your IP, you should cite those sources faithfully. I prefer that you write your IP in Word. Please attach the rubric (available under the purple button "Course Documents") to the end of your plan. The IP will be evaluated according to the rubric under Course Documents and is worth 7% of your course grade. Please send the IP (in a Microsoft Word format) to me as an email attachment with the rubric copied into the last pages no later than the date listed in the Calendar. · Intervention Plan Rubric __of 1 point Identification of Research Presentation to which your plan is in response __ of 3 points Explain how the research presentation findings motivated your intervention--be specific __of 1 point Target Audience __of 1 point Target Frame of Duration __of 1 point Objective __ of 4 points Skills to be developed __ of 4 points Specific Techniques __of 2 points Originality of Student's Intervention
  • 24. __of 3 points Style--grammar, spelling, rhetorical structure, and proper citation of any sources used, including your classmate's research presentation--make a separate References page __ of 20 points Total