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Internal Medicine Clerkship Research Paper
I still remember something one of my college professors told me on the last day of his class:
"Never stop being curious," he said. I liked his message; it was simple without being trite.
To me, it emphasized following a path in life that is intellectually stimulating and promotes lifelong
learning. Those words still resonate loudly with me today as I prepare for my journey towards
residency and what I hope will prove to be a long and rewarding career in medicine. As a third year
medical student, several factors motivated me to choose a residency in
Internal Medicine. During my Internal Medicine clerkship, I experienced the intricate thought
processes involved in treating patients with multiple co–morbidities, as well as the energy and
compassion ... Show more content on ...
My job became not only to determine what brought these people to the hospital, but also to find out
who they really were because, more often than not, the two were intertwined. It moved me to see
how my curiosity and patience in learning about each person's background helped me to better treat
each individual.
For these reasons, a career in Internal Medicine would satisfy both my thirst for knowledge and my
desire for strong patient relationships. Furthermore, I know that I have the skill set and the drive that
will help me become a caring and competent physician. My involvement in activities both inside
and outside of medicine has made me well–rounded and enables me to work effectively with
different types of people in various situations. Being a member of a musical band has reinforced the
importance of communication and working as a teamplayer, and holding a class office for nearly
three years has instilled in me a great sense of responsibility and organization. Finally, co–chairing a
large–scale benefit event for Saint
Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia confirmed to me how much I enjoy playing an
active role in the community, and validated my ability to be a successful
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
Early experiences like these not only helped shape me into the person I am today, but has also led in
part to my interests in public health and pursuing a career in Internal Medicine. With a keen interest
in the biological sciences and an aspiration for a career in the field of Medicine, I earned a BSc in
Physiology and B.A in Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan. During my university years I
juggled many tasks including working a part time job, volunteering at the Royal University
Hospital, and being involved in associations such as the Animal Research and Ethics Board at the
University of Saskatchewan, and the Biochemistry Student Association. While my early
environment and experiences instilled in me an interest in serving more
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
When I was a fourth year medical student, I had a summer volunteer rotation in Intensive Care Unit
at University of Illinois Hospital at Chicago. It was a very short time but it definitely impacted my
life. Those two months spent there helped me to see the great clinical and investigational
opportunities that United States has which are being offered to young physicians. I was very
impressed with the excellence of education and dedication in research. It was then that I decided to
pursue my future career in US.
After my internal medicine clerkship and internship, it was very clear that I wanted to pursue my
career in the area of Internal Medicine which has a wide spectrum of diseases and it is related with
all organ systems. Being an internist ... Show more content on ...
I enjoyed the opportunity of providing preventive health services via informing and educating the
people on cancer screening, vaccinations, prenatal care, and complications of chronic diseases. I
went to the villages, schools, and public education centers and performed oral and poster
presentation series. During my time there, I discovered that being an effective educator is one of my
important strengths. Besides, I monitored the health status of people in my town to identify health
problems in the community, and reported to the Ministry of Public Health monthly. We developed
health plans and policies with our team based on the data we gathered from the population. We
organized a cancer screening program for colon, breast and cervix cancer, we have a lot of patients
to screen but we have limited health care professional to do these tests. I was the head of this team;
before starting the screening program I scheduled the timeline and the list of workers; meet the staff
to motivate my team. We finished successfully without having
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Internal Medicine Unit Short Story
The story takes place in a large acute care teaching hospital in Ontario, Canada, in the Internal
Medicine Unit. I assume that is it winter during the time of the story because the author described
the morning as "freezing". The author is in their office the majority of the story. He or she is
reflecting on a situation with a client and her son that previously occurred. The author is looking
through their voicemail messages. Throughout the story, the author is having a challenge with his
client and her son, Paul. The author wants the readers to know that the social work field has its
challenging days. Every other profession will too. The main point he or she is trying to make is that
social workers have to allow patients and their families'
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Internal Medicine Rotation
Shortly into my Internal Medicine rotation, I was discouraged. Though my residents and attendings
continuously taught me, and the patients were grateful for our care, my discouragement stemmed
from a personal goal: to influence medical management. My goal was to diagnose a DVT before an
attending or suggest drug combinations before my resident. With this goal in mind, my day ended
with me feeling exhausted, full of new information, and dissatisfied. However, when I noticed that
my patients were often confused about their care and were uncertain which of the white coat–
wearers would answer their questions, my goal changed. I was going to help patients understand
their illnesses and treatment options. Soon, the team used my recommended antibiotic combination
for Ms. W, a patient with a ... Show more content on ...
Using pathophysiology, physical exam skills, labs, and imaging, my team diagnosed and treated
Ms.W. During my Internal Medicine rotations, the process of how physicians understand and
diagnose patients fascinated me. Wading through years of medical history while integrating current
symptoms to develop differential diagnoses is a difficult task, but one I enjoy. As a student, I found
myself adept at synthesizing complicated patient diagnoses quickly on day one as well as managing
multiple comorbidities throughout their hospital admission. Over my Internal Medicine rotations,
I improved my clinical thought process, which enabled me to better care for my future patients.
Although Internal Medicine has taught me the importance of clinical decision–making by
physicians, my academic interests lie with how patients themselves make decisions that affect their
body for the rest of their lives. In my research year, I read over 200 transcripts of men with prostate
cancer deciding between treatment options and dissected transcripts from women with unilateral
breast cancer
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Example Of Internal Medicine Personal Statement
Personal Statement
I remember entering medical school with the intention of pursuing internal medicine, a specialty that
would fulfill my desire to be a strong advocate for adults as well as associate physicians. I cannot
even begin to describe how overwhelming it is to see patients improve after methodically figuring
out how to nurse them back to health. Internal medicine will allow me to apply my knowledge and
the resources available, to figure out the problematic nature of diseases. The challenging array of
diseases and working with adults is the reason I am fond of internal medicine.
Coming across patients from varying economic, social and cultural backgrounds, and being
challenged by a wide range of conditions during my internal medicine
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Informative Paper On Internal Medicine
Ms. King is a brittle diabetic who has been on medication for many years. A new insulin is available
on the market that could help her greatly, but will cost her $500 a prescription. Mr. Lennon has been
complaining of difficulty breathing and weight loss, but his insurance will not cover a CT scan until
something abnormal is seen on a cheaper test. In a time where medications, treatments, and tests are
rapidly improving, very few patients can afford the care they need. This is where an Internal
Medicine specialist, or Internist, comes into play. In my interview with Dr. Stephanie Altobellis, she
explained that Internists don't just treat patients, but also advocate for them in nearly every aspect of
the healthcare system.
Thus today, I want to share the three main things I learned about the field of Internal Medicine.
First, what exactly is an Internist and what kinds of problems do they treat? Second, how much
training is required to become one? Third, what additional duties do they perform besides treating
Transition 1: First, what exactly is an Internist and what problems do they diagnose and treat?
I. If you have ever seen a Pediatrician or Family Practice doctor for check–ups, physicals, or shots,
this is similar to what an Internist does save for a couple of differences.
A. An Internist generally sees older patients from age 40 to as high as age 105.
B. They are trained to handle most medical problems.
1. Deal with routine issues such as
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Acupuncture: The Yellow Emperor's Classic Of Internal...
Medicine has come in all forms sense there have been humans on this earth. Medicine is the
consequential tool we need as people to continue to live a better healthier life. From old home
remedies to over the counter medication, these alternative has been there to aid in healing the sick.
Sickness and diseases are two major problems we face every day. Its takes on a major role in how
we live. For years society has try to figure out ways to keep people healthy. Sometimes leading
medicine won't work on those who are in server pain and how we rely on other remedies and
therapies to handle a health issue. There's one alternative that has come to the front in aiding the sick
it is call Acupuncture. Acupuncture should be incorporated into ... Show more content on ...
The most serious events such as cardiac tamponade, punctured organs such as pneumothorax,
transmission of disease such as hepatitis, are rare but do occur and generally are associated with
poorly trained unlicensed acupuncturists. Reviewers who have examined these problems have
concluded that knowledge of anatomy and proper handling of needles are sufficient to guarantee that
these problems will not recur or will be minimized in normal practice. No serious adverse events
were found in four recent surveys in Japan, Sweden, and the United Kingdom of 140,229
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Essay Personal Statement For Internal Medicine
Personal Statement – Tuqa Al Khalaf
I write to explore the opportunity of securing a position in your prestigious Internal Medicine
residency program.
My passion for Internal Medicine started during my very first Internal Medicine rotation when I was
a fourth year medical student. I immediately knew that I was meant to be an Internist. I fitted in
perfectly. The vast sea of knowledge mastered by
Internists and the multiple different diseases they were exposed to simply astonished me. I found
that Internal Medicine was, in fact, the essence of medicine. I truly believe there is no other
specialty that is more comprehensive and more representative of the art of medicine. There was
nothing more pleasurable and rewarding ... Show more content on ...
I believe that my mind is somehow programmed towards Internal
Medicine; as I found myself thinking as an Internist no matter what rotation I was in. I always
viewed the patient's problem from an Internist's point of view. The view that deals with the patient
as a whole entity, rather than focusing on one aspect of the patient's concern, or viewing it from a
single or narrow angle.
My love for Internal Medicine was no secret and I will never forget the moment when one of my
colleagues told me during my first Internal Medicine rotation that I appeared as if I was living the
best days of my life. She was not exaggerating when she said that to me, because I literally was. My
relationship with Internal Medicine is a very unique and special one; I don't think there are words
that can truly describe my love and passion for this fascinating, unique and noble specialty. Internal
Medicine is my territory, it is where I am most comfortable, it is where I speak most fluently.
Many experiences I have been through had a tremendous impact on reinforcing my decision to enter
this marvelous field.
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
After a devastating earthquake struck Northern Pakistan during my high school years, I joined
several of my friends and the medical teams to help those injured from the natural disaster. My job
was to help gather medications and work with those leading the blood drives to collect much–
needed resources for the victims. It was then that I first saw doctors truly impacting the lives of the
people they served. My respect for doctors increased insurmountably, and I knew that I was
witnessing my future career.
Shortly after the experience, I enrolled in pre–med courses at my high school where my interest
peaked by the day. I found the complexities of the human body fascinating, and learning how a
healthy immune system fought off illnesses was nothing ... Show more content on
As time went on, however, I realized that Internal Medicine intrigued me the most due to the
complexity and vastness of caring for patients with in–depth disease processes. When I began my
clinical rotations in my third year, I knew I had found my fit in Internal Medicine, because I was
able to utilize all the skills I had learned to help patients with complex co–morbidities in both acute
and chronic scenarios.
My conviction to help others led to strong doctor–patient bonds, and I enjoyed the process of
communicating with and educating them during each visit. I also found great satisfaction in
providing preventative care, primary care, and coordination of care, which is why my commitment
to Internal Medicine continues to grow.
During my final year in medical school, I had the unique opportunity to participate in an elective
rotation at Kansas University Medical Center in the United States. The experience left me with a
much broader perspective and provided a chance to work with the latest medical technology and
diagnostic tools. It was during this time that I firmly made the decision to complete my Internal
Medicine residency in the United States to pursue
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My Clinical Placement For The University Hospital 's...
My clinical placement for the fall 2016 is in the UW Health East Clinic's Internal Medicine, which
is located in 5249 E. Terrace Drive, Madison, WI. The UW East Clinic operates under the healthcare
entities of the UW Medical Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to explore practice setting of
the internal medicine and role of my preceptor.
Practice Setting The Internal Medicine providers offer comprehensive diagnostic and primary care
services to general population. The providers are involved in treating complex medical problems,
the diagnosis and treatment of both acute and chronic illnesses, gynecological care, urgent care, and
minor surgery. The staff members, demographics of patient population, payers system, and practice
policies of the Internal Medicine is discussed below:
Staff Members
The team of the Internal medicine is composed of both physicians and non–physician health
professionals such as nurse practitioners (NPs). The other team members include clinic manager,
registered nurses, medical assistants, and schedulers. The physician are the primary care provider of
the patient, while the nurse practitioners are the part of the care team. The registered nurses (RNs)
worked as a triage nurse in the triage call center. The triage RNs are involved in triaging phone calls
and scheduling appointment for treatment accordingly, patient education such as wound care and
diabetes care, communication for medication refills through MyChart, and patient follow–up for
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Internal Medicine Residency Stages
The Beginning Stages of an Internal Medicine Residency
After completing the first four years of medical school, you may think that you've seen (and done) it
all... But starting your residency program is bound to teach you otherwise. A residency program like
the one offered as an internal medicine residency DC is bound to throw a few things in your
direction that you are unprepared for. To start on the right foot, it is important to clear your mind of
all of the things that you think you know, and go into your residency program with very few
expectations. The first few weeks of the program are bound to be overwhelming and new, despite
the extensive experience that you have had over the first years of your schooling, and it is important
to rely on the help that is available, as well as the experience of the senior residents and hospital or
facility employees.
Navigating Through an Internal Medicine Residency ... Show more content on ...
This experience is meant to act as both training and knowledge, and puts residents into direct
contact with other residents, patients, doctors and nurses, and the family members of those that
depend on quality care. Although residents will be making decisions and actually treating patients,
there is always someone "senior" to ensure that things are done properly and in the best interests of
those involved. The goal is to provide residents with the experience necessary to allow them to be
successful when they practice on their own, but this comes at a
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The American Medical Association: Internal Control In...
1. The American Medical Association is the professional society representing the field of medicine.
2 a Internal
b. external (page 178 in the textbook)
Internal Control in Medicine Description
Peer Review
The comments, questions, suggestions, and personal conversations that occur on a daily basis as
physicians work with or near each other.
Hospital Review
These credentials committees, internal quality control committees, mortality review committees, and
peer review organizations
State Board of Medicine
These consist of several health care practitioners with an investigative staff who can conduct
informal or formal hearings on charges against physicians. (pages 178–180 in the textbook)
Malpractice ... Show more content on ...
Students studying under PBL are more likely to have actual patient contact from the beginning of
medical school and to work routinely with patient case studies and stimulated patients.
Evidence–based medicine (EBM) It is effort to have physicians' selections of medical therapies rely
less on intuition and anecdotal evidence and more on medical therapies
Physicians are asked to integrate evidentiary knowledge with clinical experience and patient
preferences. (page 206 in the textbook)
8. To allow and assist doctors to see and help with more patients.
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Internal Medicine Admission Essay Sample
There are moments in life that hold you to a higher standard. Amid the practiced perfection with
which we navigate the majority of tasks, there are times that demand and draw on abilities that we
were yet to realize. It is in both music and medicine that I have discovered this challenge. My love
for internal medicine began in its consistent need for adaptability. Just as the change in one note can
alter the tone of a musical piece, similarly, one pertinent piece of information can shift the diagnosis
entirely and it is through the interpretation of these subtle clues that my interest in the diagnostic
process arose.
My preparation for any musical event always begins with emulation. I find myself listening
repeatedly to the same track, pouring ... Show more content on ...
My interest lies in a holistic view of the patient where I'm capable of seeing them through from
beginning to end. Knowing the nuances of a patient's life has impacted my life positively and it is in
finding this human connection with them that I find joy, a gentle reminder that the science of
medicine extends beyond scaling an academic summit.
My interactions with the medical team, ancillary staff, and my patients have made me realize that I
have a disposition suited to a career in the field of Internal Medicine. Having moved 10 times by the
time I was in the 10th grade and living in India, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, I am confident
of my ability to adapt cross–culturally in new and challenging environments.
In my brief experience, I have found that internal medicine is a division where the onus of moving
forward, finding the right path and pushing frontiers rests largely on you. The field requires a warm,
approachable nature, a thoughtful demeanor and an even temperament, qualities which I believe I
have. I seek to become a skillful physician and a committed educator. I aspire to surprise myself and
realize my potential. I hope to find a program that will consider me a worthy professional
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Effective Internal Medicine Experience Essay
Transitioning into the third year of medical school was invigorating as I was challenged to assume
the clinical responsibilities of a physician. With every rotation my fundamental base of medical
knowledge evolved, yet I was constantly craving more interactions with patients. I entered medical
school wanting not only to solve medical problems but also to serve as a confidant to those in need.
My internal medicine experience enabled me to satisfy this desire immediately.
Effective internal medicine is built on the physician accurately and attentively taking the patient's
history. Every morning I looked forward to hearing each patient's personal story and identifying his
or her needs, with the ultimate goal of providing appropriate and holistic care. Each patient narrative
helped me understand that what patients need might not just be clinical guidance, but also a
sounding board for personal and socioeconomic troubles that brought them to the hospital in the first
place. My upbringing in an immigrant family and involvement in my own and other cultural groups
have helped prepare me to work and connect with patients from diverse ... Show more content on ...
In all my clerkships I was continually drawn to the patients whose diseases I could analyze in the
context of microbiology and pathology. This fascination for complex infections and immunologic
issues was reinforced by my infectious disease consult elective. Curiosity is paramount to be an
effective clinician, and naturally inquisitive, I enjoy uncovering valuable medically relevant
information from patients' lives. I relish piecing together the personal and medical histories of
patients, paying special attention to the unusual facts of their travels, hobbies, animal interactions,
and food exposures, amongst the many others, to formulate a differential diagnosis and deliver the
best care
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Internal Medicine Residency Personal Statement
Limping out of the court with a twisted ankle, I winced in pain. As the main player of the university
Table–Tennis team, I was determined not to let my team's effort go in vain. The final match was two
days away and I decided to focus on my strengths– my backhand chop, as opposed to only
concentrating on my opponent's weakness. As I was getting my foot examined, my coach remarked,
"The pain of regret is greater than the fear of failure". This thought comes back to me today as I
prepare to apply for my Internal Medicine Residency in the United States. Exploring newer horizons
and pushing myself to resist complacency have always been my mantra, be it academics or sports.
During my medical school rotations, I was drawn towards Internal Medicine as a subject. The
hunger to go beyond the prescribed basic course requirements pushed me to ... Show more content
on ...
It was an incredible opportunity to broaden my horizon when I was accepted to work under Dr.
Michael F. Holick, a pioneer in Vitamin D and Metabolic Bone Diseases at Boston University. I took
it up as a challenge and over the months grew to understand the intricacies of research and how
perfection in every little step matters to the end result. The translational research strengthened the
application of my basic science knowledge in a clinical setting. During the six months spent in his
laboratory and clinic, I observed and followed up frequently misdiagnosed conditions such as
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I witnessed how medicine being an all
encompassing field requires the patient, doctor, as well as the society at large to play equally
important and coordinated roles, demanding perfection and utmost commitment. This experience
like many others before reinforced the importance of always pushing boundaries and exploring
newer territories, to grow as an
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Internal Medicine Career Research Paper
My choice of internal medicine as a career is based on my experiences through medical school.
Internal medicine allows me to manage patient issues, give treatments, and work with other health
care professionals to treat patients. Internal medicine is a sophisticated career that I would like to be
a part of.
During my first and second years of medical school, I had the opportunity to visit with internists and
sub–specialists of medicine, including a pulmonologist and a cardiologist. I was impressed by how
the physicians were able to discuss with patients about what their problems were and how they can
move forward with improving treatment. The physicians also discussed with me about how they
integrate basic sciences with clinical practice, which I was impressed with.
The internal medicine clerkship during my third year of medical school sparked my interest in
internal medicine. I was on an inpatient internal medicine team during my first month of the
clerkship. Analyzing patient data and developing plans of care with the internal medicine team
during rounds was exciting for me. I also observed how physicians would take ... Show more
content on ...
During the second month of the internal medicine clerkship, I was on an inpatient gastroenterology
and hepatology team. I appreciated the complexity of the pathophysiology behind the patient
illnesses, and understanding these principles helped guide management of patients in various
severities of illnesses. This month of the clerkship also still integrated principles of internal
medicine outside of the gastroenterology and hepatology that was used for patient care. In addition,
the attending physician would sit with the patients and their families for extended periods of time to
explain their illnesses and plans of management to them. I noticed that the patients and their families
would be more comfortable and receptive to what the physician was discussing with
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Internal Medicine : An Investigative Mind And Deep...
"We made it! We made it!" I was shouting with joy. Breathing heavily, I was trying to fill my lungs
with cold brisk air at 12000 feet from sea level; I was at Shipar top. The view was incredible! Vast
stretches of gigantic mountains covered with snow vanished into the horizon. I felt a pat on my
back, "I thought you would never make it this far", said my friend with appreciation. Although this
journey put my unconditioned body into test for two days, but the real test was of my resolve and
determination. Coming from a remote part of the country with limited educational resources; I had
to hear similar comments during the medical school. However, refuting all the doubts, I graduated
with grace.
I am drawn towards internal medicine because I feel I have an investigative mind and deep
observation of things. I enjoy the intellectual challenge it offers. Working on different systems in the
body, putting various pieces of information together like a jigsaw puzzle to create a clear picture at
the end is very interesting about this field. Internal medicine is also exciting because of its vast
realm of knowledge and continually evolving expertise. It also provides opportunity to interact with
individuals with diverse backgrounds and interesting life experiences
Working as an extern in USA in different institutions in the last 6 months has reinforced my
commitment to internal medicine. During this period I had firsthand experience of interacting with
the patients and observing the
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement Is The Mystery Of The...
Internal Medicine Personal Statement
Since high school I was mesmerized by the mystery of the human body. I always wanted to study
the structure of the smallest cells. Nevertheless, my admiration for the noble work of doctors in
helping people and relieving the suffering of others was one of my primary reasons for wanting to
pursue a career in medicine. Being born in a family that has always encouraged utilizing our
inherent gifts to the fullest extent, I have excelled in every academic venture I have undertaken. My
ambition to become a competent physician culminated when I was selected in the top 200 among a
100,000 applicants to attend the best medical school in my country, the University of Khartoum.
Oliver Twist always asks for ... Show more content on ...
During my internship, I had a patient newly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He and his family
came from a rural area and did not have enough knowledge about the disease. Seeing that, I took the
time to educate them about his condition and the details of his care.A year later I received a phone
call from this patient's family thanking me for what I did, and consulting me for a minor illness that
he encountered at that time. Although they knew I was a junior doctor, they have valued my opinion.
I felt appreciated and exhilarated to experience such a satisfying moment. Learning medicine in
Sudan was challenging, being in a country with a culturally diverse population and limited resources
doctors are confronted countless times by the lack of diagnostics, medications and even hospital
beds. Therefore, patient care necessitates sharp physicians who rely on their fierce clinical sense.
Throughout the years I realized how important it is for a physician to build such a firm clinical
background. It is stunning how minor changes in clinical signs and symptoms could lead to different
interpretations from one patient to another. Every case was challenging and mysterious, nonetheless
I incredibly enjoyed the intellectual stimuli and the excitement of solving clinical puzzles and
interacting with patients. Additionally, I believe I have an inquisitive nature, and I resolved to take
on the intellectual challenges offered. This along with my intense passion will guide me to
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Personal Statement : Internal Medicine
Personal Statement: Internal Medicine
It all began when I was eight years, my father and I were waiting patiently in our community health
center to see the doctor because I had a fever. Few minutes later, a young man stepped out from a
wooden door wearing a long white coat with a stethoscope gently resting around his neck. I turned
to my father and asked "Dad, is that an Angel"? My father replied, "No son that is the doctor we
came to see". This experience opened up my dream to become a physician.
My decision to study medicine received more attention when I was in the tenth grade, and I realized
the incessant lack of medical doctors in rural communities in Nigeria which has resulted in high
mortality even from preventable diseases. In fact, some of my relatives were victims of this. This
experience ignited a passion and desire within me to become an agent of positive change. As a result
of this, I decided to become a physician so that I can help people with their health needs. A few
years later, I secured admission into College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University in
Nigeria to study medicine.
Choosing a specialty was a very unique experience for me, being the first doctor in my family meant
I had to seek advice and also know what I really wanted to contribute positively to this noble
profession. I would like a specialty where, when I wake up in the morning I can't wait to get to work
and at the end of the day feel very reluctant to leave. Developing a
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Interna Internal Medicine: Personal Statement
The intricacies of the human body, especially related to acute and chronic illnesses, is something
that has intrigued me for as long as I can remember. My older brother is a physician, and I have
spent countless hours over the years discussing the challenges and intricacies of his interdisciplinary
career. It was during this time that my desire and drive to become a physician flourished, and as my
academic, professional, and personal endeavors continued, my intrigue with internal medicine
continued to expound.
After beginning medical school, I quickly realized that for every one question we could answer there
were about a dozen that could not be answered. I delved even deeper into my studies, determined to
learn all I could to help my patients to the best of my ability. Suddenly, two of my close family
members died, and with this my determination to find answers increased again. Something else
awoke within me during the morning of these loved ones, as well. I truly understood what families
were going through while watching their loved ones suffering, and my empathy, compassion, and
bedside manner became even stronger. ... Show more content on ...
As such, the vast volume of knowledge, the constant improvements in treatment, and the ability to
cure disease captivates me. No matter how simple or complex the problem may appear, Internists
are well equipped to deal with the majority of symptoms and conditions that a patient presents with.
Internists are faced with many puzzling medical problems. Nevertheless, I have faith that my
determination, diligence, and hardworking approach will empower me to overcome the challenges
and give me the perseverance to achieve the
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The General Internal Medicine Ward
"A lot of the appeal of internal medicine is Sherlockian – solving the case from the clues. We are
detectives; we revel in the process of figuring it all out. It's what doctors most love to do" Lisa
Reflecting on my clinical rotation in the general internal medicine ward, I worked on a variety of
cases. I got to work with a patient who had cirrhosis secondary to Hepatitis C infection, a patient
who had COPD and developed right sided heart failure, a patient who had an un–witnessed heart
attack that resulted in brain death, and much more. I enjoyed this variety, and I felt challenged
everyday to identify and evaluate differential diagnoses to come up with an appropriate management
for the patient. I also enjoyed the process of working independently to learn about the mechanism of
disease, and working collaboratively within the ward and in consultation with different services to
identify diagnosis and management plan.
Throughout my medical career, I have strived to succeed with the best of my abilities. I completed
all of my courses with above average scores. I have successfully passed my Step 1, 2 CS and CK,
and MCCEE exams on first attempt. I have used my knowledge to help fellow colleagues by
offering mentorship in to MD3 Neuroscience students while I was in MD4. As a clerk during
internal medicine core rotation I had the opportunity to work in both hospital and clinical setting. I
found this opportunity very rewarding and it helped my developed my patient care.
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
Personal statement
My interest in entering medicine was a combination of many factors. My love for biology,
chemistry, and math in high school, and my admiration and high respect for doctors and their noble
work gave me primary reasons for pursuing a career in Medicine. One of my college professors,
great mentor Dr. Kamolov during one of his lectures mentioned that if you want to live happily keep
in mind two things in your life. First, choosing your profession is crucial: you will spend most of
your time in your job and if you choose the profession which you are interested in, you will be
happy and be successful in your career. Second, choosing your spouse is vital: you will spend most
of time with your family, with the right supportive spouse ... Show more content on
Realizing the importance of solid clinical experience in the United States, I entered the externship
program at the Hoboken University Hospital. Two months of externship in internal medicine
provided me with an excellent foundation in comprehensive history taking, physical examination,
diagnosis, and management of various conditions. This hands–on clinical experience helped me gain
insight into the US health care systems as well as familiarized me with training programs in the US.
Moreover, I became more confident and familiar with the system, and this reinforced my decision to
pursue Internal Medicine. My professional goal is to be a respected physician. I believe Internal
Medicine is the right specialty for me, and I am enthusiastic to enter this field. I want to find the
program that encourages its residents to take care of the patients while under the guidance of the
faculty who love to teach. In addition, I also would like to have an opportunity to contribute my
strengths to the program not only to make it even more outstanding, but also make its patient care
more excellent. In the future, I envision myself working as a Hospitalist and maintaining an
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A Brief Note On Internal Medicine And Nursing Essay
People are my passion! I wake up each morning praying that I make a positive impact in someone's
life. The value of my life lies not on personal achievement and possessions but on how profitable I
have been to my neighbor and my world. This belief, no doubt has influenced my choice of career
and specialty. Internal medicine is my number one specialty. I love this specialty because it provides
me the opportunity to solve varied medical problems ranging from acute care to management of
chronic disease. Just like solving a puzzle, an internist applies critical thinking, sound science in
preventing, diagnosing and treating varied adult diseases. Internal Medicine is an ever evolving
discipline and requires continuous and persistent updating of one's knowledge. This sits well with
my massive appetite of reading. I enjoy the challenges the specialty presents. I love the fact that an
internist provides consults to other physicians in disease diagnosis and work as primary care
physician. The broad subspecialties in internal medicine match and exceeds my perception of a
complete doctor.
From a young age, my parents taught me to care and serve others. Although they had very little
western education, my parents became successful business owners and community leaders largely
due to hard work and dedicated service to people. They always told me that I could succeed in
anything I choose to do. They understood the value of education and supported me in all my
My decision, to
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Statement Of Internal Medicine
William Arthur Ward, author of "Fountains of Faith," once wrote: "Curiosity is the wick in the
candle of learning." I was always a curious child. Whenever I saw a sick person, I wondered what
happens inside the human body that causes illness, and my natural inquisitiveness only increased as
I got older. By the time I joined medical school, it was very clear to me that in this field I would be
dealing with the most precious thing in the world: human life. I truly believe that medicine is a
service to humanity because of the big difference a physician can make in a patient's life.
During medical school, I enjoyed the opportunity to rotate through the various wards of the hospital,
where I encountered scores of different types of patients with ... Show more content on ...
Internal medicine involves determining the crucial items from a huge pool of physical signs and lab
data, decisions on how to treat a difficult case, and estimating the risks and benefits of treatment for
a particular case. Of course, internal medicine is not only about diagnosing and managing a
particular case, but also about understanding every patient and being attuned to their changing
needs, concerns, and mental state. This is one of the only fields where providing healthcare and
health education go hand in hand. I personally enjoy managing the minute details of a case, helping
patients understand their conditions, and developing a comprehensive plan of care for them. The
great versatility of this field, the interplay between the different body systems involved, and the
necessity of managing the well–being of the patient in entirety are all aspects of internal medicine
that mesmerize
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
Over the last six years of my medical education, I realized Internal Medicine is the field that fulfills
my professional expectations. I believe that reaching any success should be based on the balance
between an extraordinary education, mentorship and practice. This combination explains why I
visualized myself doing a Residency Program in the United States.
Having experienced a few months in the American education system, I am confident I want to
complete my residency training in the United States, the quality of education and the respectable
standard of trained physicians are impressive and very noticeable. I wish to adopt this pathway as a
tool to enrich my training with the highest standards of pedagogy.
After my journey of three years
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Medicine : My Passion For Science In Internal Medicine
"You can't do passion halfway. Living your passion means you're all in. You trust your heart and
trust your gut wherever that takes you." This quote by Joe Plumeri portrays my journey that led me
through medicine. What attracted me to medicine was a combination of everything I loved doing:
critical analysis, science, and patient interaction. As an adolescent I loved the challenge of solving
puzzles and reading detective books which allowed me develop critical thinking skills. However, my
passion for science was strong as well. As I did my Internal Medicine rotation I was ecstatic at
finding the path I was searching for my entire life. It lit a fire in me that burned bright and I knew
that internal medicine was my calling.
The captivating quality about evidence based medicine is the intricate thought process that allows
you to put the picture together. For example, I admitted a patient who presented with classic
symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), but had a normal glucose level. The case forced me to
analyze her history. Through researching articles and journals I found out that about euglycemic
DKA. The perplexing thought process was gratifying as many of these unique pathologies are
overlooked. My passion for sciences involving critical thinking made internal medicine stand out
more than any other career path I could have followed.
What blew me away was the attending's knowledge of the pathology, up–to–date management, and
trials knowledge. The attending knew that the
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
My first introduction to Internal Medicine was even before starting kindergarten,when as a young
kid I used to visit my dad's clinic. I was always fascinated by the compassion my dad had for the
sick and grief stricken and the sense of joy and happiness he experienced when he used to see them
on the way to recovery. 30 years down the line I graduated from the same medical school as my dad.
One of the proudest moment for me and him alike.
In our folklore it says that the great riders never fall, but even greater are those who ride having
experienced the fall. Failure is the greatest teacher and I experienced it first hand when I lost an
extremely uphill battle to get a spot into medical school. The ground shook beneath my very feet.
All my life I worked hard to fulfill the dream of being a physician, pursuing anything else was not
an option. I learned from the master teacher, the failure himself, studied even harder, and that hard
work led me to have an option of 5 medical schools to choose from. ... Show more content on ...
During my Internal Medicine rotation, I experience the unique thought process and strategy needed
for the treatment of patients with multiple co–morbidities and the need to treat the patient as a
whole. I had my final year rotation with one of the best internist in my country, who later became
the Vice Chancellor of the university. His vast knowledge and clinical acumen inspired me even
further. The cycle of curiosity was vicious, the more I learned, the more I realized how little I knew
and more I wanted to
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Internal Medicine Personal Statement
From earliest childhood I had always expressed my desire to be a physician. This was driven; in
part, by the desire to help others and the influence of the primary care physicians I was exposed to
as I grew up in southern West Virginia. These interests lead me to volunteer at a rescue squad and to
work at a nursing home.
As a freshman at West Virginia University, I had no alternative plan to medicine. I was extraordinary
lucky to be accepted to two medical schools as a junior. I in fact used the credits from my first year
of medical school at Marshall University to complete my biology degree at WVU. I was drawn to
Internal Medicine from my clinical experiences on medical school rotations. I was fascinated by the
process ... Show more content on ...
An interest in problem solving, lead me to an increasing role in teaching. At about this time; a
relatively new specialty was growing, Critical Care Medicine. This allowed me to concentrate my
practice on complex patients with multi system problems. After fellowship I was given the
opportunity to return to the Summa Residency and teach.
My interest in teaching, problem solving, and willingness to accept unpopular tasks lead to new
opportunities. These opportunities were in committee leadership and clinical projects. I went on to
medical staff and the administrative leadership roles. I also helped start a Free Clinic and was the
medical director. At present I am the Chairman of the Department of Medicine.
My leadership style reflects my specialty selection. Complex issues are handled by input from many
sources. The best solutions are often compromises and need to be brokered by a coordinator. There
are however, crisis issues that require rapid decisions by a single individual and at the time may not
afford long debate. That's does not mean the decision cannot later be discussed and the logic for the
decision reviewed. I think most of my colleges would describe my as quiet, thoughtful, and
approachable. I have been told I am a calming influence in crisis
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Internal Medicine : What Makes Boulevard Unique?
Internal Medicine: What Makes Boulevard Unique?
Excellent health care is a major concern for families and individuals across the country. Finding
knowledgeable and experienced practitioners is not always easy. If you live in the Bronx, you may
have already discovered Boulevard Medical Healthcare, the Bronx's top primary care provider.
Boulevard Medical Healthcare provides comprehensive medical services to families and individuals,
as well as offering both employment and immigration physicals. Boulevard is unique, in that it is
able to provide an exceptional treatment environment. Not only does it have more diagnostic
equipment than most other healthcare environments, it is staffed by highly trained specialists in both
family and internal medicine. Doctors who focus on internal medicine, are called internists. They
concentrate on the diagnosis, medical treatment, and care of adults.
Family Medicine versus Internal Medicine
Family medicine is a specialty that provides healthcare for both families and individuals. Physicians
in family medicine provide medical diagnosis, treatment, and care to people of all ages, both sexes,
every organ system, and all diseases. The patient–doctor relationship is generally in the framework
of the family. Family medicine practitioners promote good health, stress disease prevention, and
coordinate referrals when necessary. Graduates in family medicine have completed a broad range of
study, which includes:
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Internal Medicine Internist Personal Statement
It was 2011 when the revolution burst out. I was studying for my pharmacology exam when I saw
on TV that people were getting injured and shot. There were a lot of field hospitals and volunteering
doctors that I knew. I wanted to go there and assist the injured, but I knew that my lack of medical
training would not allow me to do that. Since then I have been thinking of the best medical field to
help and be useful in the future. Internists are who people think of when they think of a doctor and
after having the opportunity to rotate through different specialties during my internship, I realized
that internal medicine exemplifies what I look upon to be, a compassionate, respected, and insightful
physician. When Internists go to work, they do not know what to ... Show more content on ...
It is the intellectual challenge every day and the opportunity to provide continuous care for the
patients that make internal medicine extremely appealing to me. I believe that with the knowledge
that internal medicine residency would provide me with; I could address the patient's emotional
needs as well as their medical needs. I have been inspired by my attending during my rotations. I
rotated for two months with him, during which I realized that in spite of the limited time he had, he
always took the time to explain and give support to his patients. He had to manage inpatients as well
as ICU patients simultaneously, but he always knew how to manage the patients and support their
families in addition to teaching us. All the patients respected him and knew they were in safe hands
with him. This was the doctor I would like to follow in footsteps, a doctor who is sensible, well–
informed and skilled, thorough but efficient, and acting as a humane ally in a place where there is a
lot of
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Internal Medicine Claimant: A Case Study
All available documentation submitted for this claim has been reviewed from the perspective of
Internal Medicine. The claimant is a female (DOB 07/30/1966) who was diagnosed with iron
deficiency anemia, fatigue, dizziness, morbid obesity, depression, anxiety, decreased concentration,
and sleep issues.
A recommendation for short–term disability benefits from 08/19/2017 through a subsequent return
to work date is being evaluated based on the documentation submitted by the treating physician.
The claimant's occupation is listed as a Deli Sales Associate and her essential job functions
including specific tasks were not submitted for review.
The claimant has a past medical history significant for an abnormal stress test, cardiac murmur,
chronic rhinitis, dyslipidemia, extremity atherosclerosis with intermittent claudication, Grave's
disease, hyperparathyroidism, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, vocal cord paralysis, GERD, and an
invasive ductal carinoma of the breast. However, there were no other office visit notes or diagnostic
tests pertaining to a medical condition that would determine if the above–mentioned diagnoses had
resulted in a functional impairment during the referenced time period. There is no documentation of
an existing medical condition that would need an ... Show more content on ...
The claimant has a past medical history significant for an abnormal stress test, cardiac murmur,
chronic rhinitis, dyslipidemia, extremity atherosclerosis with intermittent claudication, Grave's
disease, hyperparathyroidism, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, vocal cord paralysis, GERD, and an
invasive ductal carinoma of the breast. However, there were insufficient clinical objective evidence
to support a severe functional impairment secondary to any medical condition that would preclude
her from performing her regular, unrestricted job duties during the referenced time
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Internal Medicine Clerkship
The summer of 2005 was supposed to be great, I had survived my freshman year of college, and
things were starting to get better until the phone rang at 2 AM on June 20th. All I could hear was my
mom weeping. It was my uncle from India; he had phoned to let my mom know that her sister had
been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. My mom and I left for India the next day to be with her.
For nearly nine months, my aunt complained of unremitting dull lower abdominal pain, lack of
appetite, and unexplained weight gain. She was under the care of physicians at her local clinic
regarding her health concerns; however, her case was not investigated thoroughly on time. My aunt
and I were really close and seeing her spirit and body so broken down ... Show more content on ...
My past experience as Business Manager, in addition to holding Class office for more than two
years, has instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility, organization, and teamwork. While doing
my clerkships, I have also had the privilege to research clinical predictors for optimizing triage and
imaging decisions in children with closed head trauma. All of these experiences have allowed me to
refine my leadership skills, conduct thorough research and plan accordingly. My love for learning
has also led me to pursue a Masters degree in Healthcare administration, which will provide me with
the tools to contribute to the systemic changes in healthcare. As I acquire expertise in medicine
through clinical practice and education, I hope to be involved in improving health care policies and
protocols in low socioeconomic areas in the community. Educating patients and providing them with
tools to better manage their health is my ultimate
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Internal Medicine Admission Essay
I had an option between science of human and science of technology, I chose former as my career. I
love to follow principles and wish to serve humanity as well so this seems the perfect field for me.
After a thorough analysis and a complementary evaluation, I decided to be a general physician as
Internal Medicine has always fascinated me and it can help me reach my future goals.
My medical school has influenced me a lot to help discover my interests. I was very keen to
participate in every ward during my clerkship. But the general medicine wards were the one where I
found gratification to work there. One of the pragmatic reasons to join Internal Medicine is the need
to develop a more dynamic approach to problem solving, diagnosing and treating ... Show more
content on ...
I felt the strong need of charity for the non–affording patients during my internship. There were
many charitable organizations whom I contacted for the needy patient especially for their
medications and expensive medical tests. Sometimes, in life when I feel being indecisive I turn to
the poetic music, it helps me feeling refreshed and feeding my soul again.
I could be a valuable addition to internal medicine residency program based on my experiences
during internship in my home country and during externship in U.S. These experiences have
provided me the power to uphold my determination and confidence in the healthcare system of any
country where I am working. I have always deemed reliable by my patients and they have always
been satisfied with me. Now this depends upon the trust of my residency program in me and the
opportunities provided. My enthusiasm and the potential to learn about the new healthcare
environment is really worthy provided the real chance.
I am really looking forward to join as an Internal Medicine Resident in a program that has strong
academic aspects and offers a tremendous training opportunity, the program that owns me and in
turn we cherish this professional bond together and serve the community for not only these three
years but beyond that
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Internal Medicine Board Certification Requirements
In order to present yourself to the public as a qualified medical specialist in internal medicine, you
must complete the internal medicine board certification requirements. Successfully completing the
internal medicine board certification exams will indicate that you have a mastery of internal
medicine knowledge and experience. Becoming a board certified internal medicine physician also
shows that you have a professional commitment to the medical code of ethics.
Internal Medicine Board Certification Requirements
A non–profit organization, the American Board of Internal Medicine evaluates and certifies
physicians who practice internal medicine – as well as the subspecialties of internal medicine. Once
you have successfully completed a residency
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Personal Statement: Internal Medicine
Personal Statement – Internal Medicine
Picture opening up a box with over 1000 pieces belonging to a jigsaw puzzle, emptying the contents
out on to a tabletop, and then being tasked with putting those pieces together to ultimately create a
beautiful picture of the human anatomy. One can imagine the eye for detail, patience and
thoroughness that would be required to complete such a task. As with any puzzle it is critical that the
wider picture is envisioned at all times, as focusing on only one piece would effectively hinder any
progress towards completion.
When first presented with a patient who has a wide array of presenting symptoms and a chief
complaint, at first glance, one may feel like the contents of a puzzle have just been emptied
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Internal Medicine: A Personal Statement
I was 14 years old when my mother was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Her doctor, an
internist, took a lot of time explaining her new diagnosis. My mother realized that she would have to
make a lot of changes in her lifestyle and her doctor helped her every step of the way. Over the
years, they developed a strong relationship which I grew to admire and appreciate. When my mother
was diagnosed, my family and I were unaware of the many complications associated with the
disease. It was when I learned about Diabetes Mellitus in medical school that I grasped the effects of
the disease on almost every organ system. This reaction and thought process my new knowledge
evoked helped me to decide Internal Medicine as my field of choice. It is a field that involves
problem–solving, critical thinking, and immense patient interaction. The challenge of learning
endless amount of information was one I was eager to take on.
During my core rotation in Internal Medicine, I encountered many challenging patients. I realized
that treating such patients required an Internist to be compassionate, dedicated, and an effective
team player. Through various life experiences, I believe I have attained these qualities. Since the age
of 12, I ... Show more content on ...
My most memorable experiences came from volunteering at the Amazing Grace Foundation, one
that fosters Autistic children. Interacting with them required compassion and patience, two qualities
of mine which were greatly strengthened. Lastly, I learned the meaning of perseverance and
dedication when I committed myself to completing a research project in four weeks. Along with my
colleague and mentor, I studied the relationship between in–hospital mortality and the type of acute
myocardial infarction in the Puerto Rican population. My first endeavor into epidemiological
research was very enlightening and it's something I would like to
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Internal Medicine: A Personal Statement
When I was 8 , I saw a close family member getting a kidney transplant. Until then I only knew
about inanimate objects like televisions and cars being repaired. The thought of organ
transplantation and giving the gift of life was unbelievable for me at that age. The hospitality of
doctors and their commitment to cure illnesses amazed me and drew me closer to the profession of
My desire to learn was driven by my Curiosity. This curiosity has been a motivation factor to make
me participate in science quizzes or any co curricular activities. Solving news paper puzzles and
watching detective serials are my favorite past time activities. I was habituated to do an exhaustive
investigation for any problem before arriving at a final conclusion throughout my life. During my
medical school the branch of internal medicine charmed me the most. I felt that this is the area of ...
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At Medical school during the bedside clinics, I molded myself into a better physician by developing
skills of extensive history taking and clinical examination before arriving at the differential
diagnosis. I also understood that it takes more than just medical knowledge to be a good physician.
The ability to effectively communicate with a patient is crucial for physician–patient relationship. I
tried to develop this over the years by observing my teachers and seniors. I spent my after school
hours in library to familiarize myself with advancements in medicine and to reform myself into a
better clinician.
My first exposure to U.S health system was when I participated in an observer–ship program at a
hospital in South Dakota. I was thrilled to see the approach of physicians here towards patient care
and understood the advancement of U.S.A over the rest of the world in the field of medicine. I was
convinced that a residency program here will guide me to reach my mission to become a good
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I Want To Pursue A Degree In Internal Medicine
When I was second year medical student my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an
aggressive malignancy that has a poor prognosis. Witnessing my mother suffering physically and
emotionally throughout her illness until her passing away, I realized the effects such illness can have
on the patient and their families and appreciated how fulfilling being a well–trained competent
physician would be in such circumstances. That was the time when my interest in internal medicine
started. My interest in Internal Medicine continued to grow throughout medical school. During my
clerkships I found great satisfaction in spending long time in the medical wards after my usual
dedicated hours interacting with patients, listening to their concerns and trying to know every detail
about their medical conditions. To satisfy my passion for ... Show more content on
It has been a great opportunity to have a close view of the medical system in a United States
hospital. My daily interaction with residents from different levels of training provided me with good
insight into the typical daily schedule and duties of the medical resident. Additionally, having
observed multidisciplinary approach to all patients, I am able to appreciate the crucial input various
teams can have in providing effective care and ensuring a better outcome overall for the patient and
their families.
I believe that my personal qualities and the variety of experiences that I have gained will qualify me
to be a very competitive applicant. I am looking for an internal medicine residency program that
serves a diverse patient's population and provides broad based medical education. This will help me
not only to achieve my career goal of becoming competent physician but also will allow me to reach
my full potential as an educator for both patients and junior
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Internal Medicine Clerkship Research Paper

  • 1. Internal Medicine Clerkship Research Paper I still remember something one of my college professors told me on the last day of his class: "Never stop being curious," he said. I liked his message; it was simple without being trite. To me, it emphasized following a path in life that is intellectually stimulating and promotes lifelong learning. Those words still resonate loudly with me today as I prepare for my journey towards residency and what I hope will prove to be a long and rewarding career in medicine. As a third year medical student, several factors motivated me to choose a residency in Internal Medicine. During my Internal Medicine clerkship, I experienced the intricate thought processes involved in treating patients with multiple co–morbidities, as well as the energy and compassion ... Show more content on ... My job became not only to determine what brought these people to the hospital, but also to find out who they really were because, more often than not, the two were intertwined. It moved me to see how my curiosity and patience in learning about each person's background helped me to better treat each individual. For these reasons, a career in Internal Medicine would satisfy both my thirst for knowledge and my desire for strong patient relationships. Furthermore, I know that I have the skill set and the drive that will help me become a caring and competent physician. My involvement in activities both inside and outside of medicine has made me well–rounded and enables me to work effectively with different types of people in various situations. Being a member of a musical band has reinforced the importance of communication and working as a teamplayer, and holding a class office for nearly three years has instilled in me a great sense of responsibility and organization. Finally, co–chairing a large–scale benefit event for Saint Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia confirmed to me how much I enjoy playing an active role in the community, and validated my ability to be a successful ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Internal Medicine Personal Statement Early experiences like these not only helped shape me into the person I am today, but has also led in part to my interests in public health and pursuing a career in Internal Medicine. With a keen interest in the biological sciences and an aspiration for a career in the field of Medicine, I earned a BSc in Physiology and B.A in Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan. During my university years I juggled many tasks including working a part time job, volunteering at the Royal University Hospital, and being involved in associations such as the Animal Research and Ethics Board at the University of Saskatchewan, and the Biochemistry Student Association. While my early environment and experiences instilled in me an interest in serving more ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Internal Medicine Personal Statement When I was a fourth year medical student, I had a summer volunteer rotation in Intensive Care Unit at University of Illinois Hospital at Chicago. It was a very short time but it definitely impacted my life. Those two months spent there helped me to see the great clinical and investigational opportunities that United States has which are being offered to young physicians. I was very impressed with the excellence of education and dedication in research. It was then that I decided to pursue my future career in US. After my internal medicine clerkship and internship, it was very clear that I wanted to pursue my career in the area of Internal Medicine which has a wide spectrum of diseases and it is related with all organ systems. Being an internist ... Show more content on ... I enjoyed the opportunity of providing preventive health services via informing and educating the people on cancer screening, vaccinations, prenatal care, and complications of chronic diseases. I went to the villages, schools, and public education centers and performed oral and poster presentation series. During my time there, I discovered that being an effective educator is one of my important strengths. Besides, I monitored the health status of people in my town to identify health problems in the community, and reported to the Ministry of Public Health monthly. We developed health plans and policies with our team based on the data we gathered from the population. We organized a cancer screening program for colon, breast and cervix cancer, we have a lot of patients to screen but we have limited health care professional to do these tests. I was the head of this team; before starting the screening program I scheduled the timeline and the list of workers; meet the staff to motivate my team. We finished successfully without having ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Internal Medicine Unit Short Story The story takes place in a large acute care teaching hospital in Ontario, Canada, in the Internal Medicine Unit. I assume that is it winter during the time of the story because the author described the morning as "freezing". The author is in their office the majority of the story. He or she is reflecting on a situation with a client and her son that previously occurred. The author is looking through their voicemail messages. Throughout the story, the author is having a challenge with his client and her son, Paul. The author wants the readers to know that the social work field has its challenging days. Every other profession will too. The main point he or she is trying to make is that social workers have to allow patients and their families' ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Internal Medicine Rotation Shortly into my Internal Medicine rotation, I was discouraged. Though my residents and attendings continuously taught me, and the patients were grateful for our care, my discouragement stemmed from a personal goal: to influence medical management. My goal was to diagnose a DVT before an attending or suggest drug combinations before my resident. With this goal in mind, my day ended with me feeling exhausted, full of new information, and dissatisfied. However, when I noticed that my patients were often confused about their care and were uncertain which of the white coat– wearers would answer their questions, my goal changed. I was going to help patients understand their illnesses and treatment options. Soon, the team used my recommended antibiotic combination for Ms. W, a patient with a ... Show more content on ... Using pathophysiology, physical exam skills, labs, and imaging, my team diagnosed and treated Ms.W. During my Internal Medicine rotations, the process of how physicians understand and diagnose patients fascinated me. Wading through years of medical history while integrating current symptoms to develop differential diagnoses is a difficult task, but one I enjoy. As a student, I found myself adept at synthesizing complicated patient diagnoses quickly on day one as well as managing multiple comorbidities throughout their hospital admission. Over my Internal Medicine rotations, I improved my clinical thought process, which enabled me to better care for my future patients. Although Internal Medicine has taught me the importance of clinical decision–making by physicians, my academic interests lie with how patients themselves make decisions that affect their body for the rest of their lives. In my research year, I read over 200 transcripts of men with prostate cancer deciding between treatment options and dissected transcripts from women with unilateral breast cancer ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Example Of Internal Medicine Personal Statement Personal Statement I remember entering medical school with the intention of pursuing internal medicine, a specialty that would fulfill my desire to be a strong advocate for adults as well as associate physicians. I cannot even begin to describe how overwhelming it is to see patients improve after methodically figuring out how to nurse them back to health. Internal medicine will allow me to apply my knowledge and the resources available, to figure out the problematic nature of diseases. The challenging array of diseases and working with adults is the reason I am fond of internal medicine. Coming across patients from varying economic, social and cultural backgrounds, and being challenged by a wide range of conditions during my internal medicine ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Informative Paper On Internal Medicine Ms. King is a brittle diabetic who has been on medication for many years. A new insulin is available on the market that could help her greatly, but will cost her $500 a prescription. Mr. Lennon has been complaining of difficulty breathing and weight loss, but his insurance will not cover a CT scan until something abnormal is seen on a cheaper test. In a time where medications, treatments, and tests are rapidly improving, very few patients can afford the care they need. This is where an Internal Medicine specialist, or Internist, comes into play. In my interview with Dr. Stephanie Altobellis, she explained that Internists don't just treat patients, but also advocate for them in nearly every aspect of the healthcare system. Thesis: Thus today, I want to share the three main things I learned about the field of Internal Medicine. First, what exactly is an Internist and what kinds of problems do they treat? Second, how much training is required to become one? Third, what additional duties do they perform besides treating patients? Transition 1: First, what exactly is an Internist and what problems do they diagnose and treat? I. If you have ever seen a Pediatrician or Family Practice doctor for check–ups, physicals, or shots, this is similar to what an Internist does save for a couple of differences. A. An Internist generally sees older patients from age 40 to as high as age 105. B. They are trained to handle most medical problems. 1. Deal with routine issues such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Acupuncture: The Yellow Emperor's Classic Of Internal... Acupuncture Medicine has come in all forms sense there have been humans on this earth. Medicine is the consequential tool we need as people to continue to live a better healthier life. From old home remedies to over the counter medication, these alternative has been there to aid in healing the sick. Sickness and diseases are two major problems we face every day. Its takes on a major role in how we live. For years society has try to figure out ways to keep people healthy. Sometimes leading medicine won't work on those who are in server pain and how we rely on other remedies and therapies to handle a health issue. There's one alternative that has come to the front in aiding the sick it is call Acupuncture. Acupuncture should be incorporated into ... Show more content on ... The most serious events such as cardiac tamponade, punctured organs such as pneumothorax, transmission of disease such as hepatitis, are rare but do occur and generally are associated with poorly trained unlicensed acupuncturists. Reviewers who have examined these problems have concluded that knowledge of anatomy and proper handling of needles are sufficient to guarantee that these problems will not recur or will be minimized in normal practice. No serious adverse events were found in four recent surveys in Japan, Sweden, and the United Kingdom of 140,229 ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay Personal Statement For Internal Medicine Personal Statement – Tuqa Al Khalaf I write to explore the opportunity of securing a position in your prestigious Internal Medicine residency program. My passion for Internal Medicine started during my very first Internal Medicine rotation when I was a fourth year medical student. I immediately knew that I was meant to be an Internist. I fitted in perfectly. The vast sea of knowledge mastered by Internists and the multiple different diseases they were exposed to simply astonished me. I found that Internal Medicine was, in fact, the essence of medicine. I truly believe there is no other specialty that is more comprehensive and more representative of the art of medicine. There was nothing more pleasurable and rewarding ... Show more content on ... I believe that my mind is somehow programmed towards Internal Medicine; as I found myself thinking as an Internist no matter what rotation I was in. I always viewed the patient's problem from an Internist's point of view. The view that deals with the patient as a whole entity, rather than focusing on one aspect of the patient's concern, or viewing it from a single or narrow angle. My love for Internal Medicine was no secret and I will never forget the moment when one of my colleagues told me during my first Internal Medicine rotation that I appeared as if I was living the best days of my life. She was not exaggerating when she said that to me, because I literally was. My relationship with Internal Medicine is a very unique and special one; I don't think there are words that can truly describe my love and passion for this fascinating, unique and noble specialty. Internal Medicine is my territory, it is where I am most comfortable, it is where I speak most fluently. Many experiences I have been through had a tremendous impact on reinforcing my decision to enter this marvelous field. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Internal Medicine Personal Statement After a devastating earthquake struck Northern Pakistan during my high school years, I joined several of my friends and the medical teams to help those injured from the natural disaster. My job was to help gather medications and work with those leading the blood drives to collect much– needed resources for the victims. It was then that I first saw doctors truly impacting the lives of the people they served. My respect for doctors increased insurmountably, and I knew that I was witnessing my future career. Shortly after the experience, I enrolled in pre–med courses at my high school where my interest peaked by the day. I found the complexities of the human body fascinating, and learning how a healthy immune system fought off illnesses was nothing ... Show more content on ... As time went on, however, I realized that Internal Medicine intrigued me the most due to the complexity and vastness of caring for patients with in–depth disease processes. When I began my clinical rotations in my third year, I knew I had found my fit in Internal Medicine, because I was able to utilize all the skills I had learned to help patients with complex co–morbidities in both acute and chronic scenarios. My conviction to help others led to strong doctor–patient bonds, and I enjoyed the process of communicating with and educating them during each visit. I also found great satisfaction in providing preventative care, primary care, and coordination of care, which is why my commitment to Internal Medicine continues to grow. During my final year in medical school, I had the unique opportunity to participate in an elective rotation at Kansas University Medical Center in the United States. The experience left me with a much broader perspective and provided a chance to work with the latest medical technology and diagnostic tools. It was during this time that I firmly made the decision to complete my Internal Medicine residency in the United States to pursue ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. My Clinical Placement For The University Hospital 's... My clinical placement for the fall 2016 is in the UW Health East Clinic's Internal Medicine, which is located in 5249 E. Terrace Drive, Madison, WI. The UW East Clinic operates under the healthcare entities of the UW Medical Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to explore practice setting of the internal medicine and role of my preceptor. Practice Setting The Internal Medicine providers offer comprehensive diagnostic and primary care services to general population. The providers are involved in treating complex medical problems, the diagnosis and treatment of both acute and chronic illnesses, gynecological care, urgent care, and minor surgery. The staff members, demographics of patient population, payers system, and practice policies of the Internal Medicine is discussed below: Staff Members The team of the Internal medicine is composed of both physicians and non–physician health professionals such as nurse practitioners (NPs). The other team members include clinic manager, registered nurses, medical assistants, and schedulers. The physician are the primary care provider of the patient, while the nurse practitioners are the part of the care team. The registered nurses (RNs) worked as a triage nurse in the triage call center. The triage RNs are involved in triaging phone calls and scheduling appointment for treatment accordingly, patient education such as wound care and diabetes care, communication for medication refills through MyChart, and patient follow–up for ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Internal Medicine Residency Stages The Beginning Stages of an Internal Medicine Residency After completing the first four years of medical school, you may think that you've seen (and done) it all... But starting your residency program is bound to teach you otherwise. A residency program like the one offered as an internal medicine residency DC is bound to throw a few things in your direction that you are unprepared for. To start on the right foot, it is important to clear your mind of all of the things that you think you know, and go into your residency program with very few expectations. The first few weeks of the program are bound to be overwhelming and new, despite the extensive experience that you have had over the first years of your schooling, and it is important to rely on the help that is available, as well as the experience of the senior residents and hospital or facility employees. Navigating Through an Internal Medicine Residency ... Show more content on ... This experience is meant to act as both training and knowledge, and puts residents into direct contact with other residents, patients, doctors and nurses, and the family members of those that depend on quality care. Although residents will be making decisions and actually treating patients, there is always someone "senior" to ensure that things are done properly and in the best interests of those involved. The goal is to provide residents with the experience necessary to allow them to be successful when they practice on their own, but this comes at a ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The American Medical Association: Internal Control In... 1. The American Medical Association is the professional society representing the field of medicine. ( 2 a Internal b. external (page 178 in the textbook) 3 Internal Control in Medicine Description Peer Review The comments, questions, suggestions, and personal conversations that occur on a daily basis as physicians work with or near each other. Hospital Review These credentials committees, internal quality control committees, mortality review committees, and peer review organizations State Board of Medicine These consist of several health care practitioners with an investigative staff who can conduct informal or formal hearings on charges against physicians. (pages 178–180 in the textbook) 4. Malpractice ... Show more content on ... Students studying under PBL are more likely to have actual patient contact from the beginning of medical school and to work routinely with patient case studies and stimulated patients. Evidence–based medicine (EBM) It is effort to have physicians' selections of medical therapies rely less on intuition and anecdotal evidence and more on medical therapies Physicians are asked to integrate evidentiary knowledge with clinical experience and patient preferences. (page 206 in the textbook) 8. To allow and assist doctors to see and help with more patients. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Internal Medicine Admission Essay Sample There are moments in life that hold you to a higher standard. Amid the practiced perfection with which we navigate the majority of tasks, there are times that demand and draw on abilities that we were yet to realize. It is in both music and medicine that I have discovered this challenge. My love for internal medicine began in its consistent need for adaptability. Just as the change in one note can alter the tone of a musical piece, similarly, one pertinent piece of information can shift the diagnosis entirely and it is through the interpretation of these subtle clues that my interest in the diagnostic process arose. My preparation for any musical event always begins with emulation. I find myself listening repeatedly to the same track, pouring ... Show more content on ... My interest lies in a holistic view of the patient where I'm capable of seeing them through from beginning to end. Knowing the nuances of a patient's life has impacted my life positively and it is in finding this human connection with them that I find joy, a gentle reminder that the science of medicine extends beyond scaling an academic summit. My interactions with the medical team, ancillary staff, and my patients have made me realize that I have a disposition suited to a career in the field of Internal Medicine. Having moved 10 times by the time I was in the 10th grade and living in India, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, I am confident of my ability to adapt cross–culturally in new and challenging environments. In my brief experience, I have found that internal medicine is a division where the onus of moving forward, finding the right path and pushing frontiers rests largely on you. The field requires a warm, approachable nature, a thoughtful demeanor and an even temperament, qualities which I believe I have. I seek to become a skillful physician and a committed educator. I aspire to surprise myself and realize my potential. I hope to find a program that will consider me a worthy professional ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Effective Internal Medicine Experience Essay Transitioning into the third year of medical school was invigorating as I was challenged to assume the clinical responsibilities of a physician. With every rotation my fundamental base of medical knowledge evolved, yet I was constantly craving more interactions with patients. I entered medical school wanting not only to solve medical problems but also to serve as a confidant to those in need. My internal medicine experience enabled me to satisfy this desire immediately. Effective internal medicine is built on the physician accurately and attentively taking the patient's history. Every morning I looked forward to hearing each patient's personal story and identifying his or her needs, with the ultimate goal of providing appropriate and holistic care. Each patient narrative helped me understand that what patients need might not just be clinical guidance, but also a sounding board for personal and socioeconomic troubles that brought them to the hospital in the first place. My upbringing in an immigrant family and involvement in my own and other cultural groups have helped prepare me to work and connect with patients from diverse ... Show more content on ... In all my clerkships I was continually drawn to the patients whose diseases I could analyze in the context of microbiology and pathology. This fascination for complex infections and immunologic issues was reinforced by my infectious disease consult elective. Curiosity is paramount to be an effective clinician, and naturally inquisitive, I enjoy uncovering valuable medically relevant information from patients' lives. I relish piecing together the personal and medical histories of patients, paying special attention to the unusual facts of their travels, hobbies, animal interactions, and food exposures, amongst the many others, to formulate a differential diagnosis and deliver the best care ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Internal Medicine Residency Personal Statement Limping out of the court with a twisted ankle, I winced in pain. As the main player of the university Table–Tennis team, I was determined not to let my team's effort go in vain. The final match was two days away and I decided to focus on my strengths– my backhand chop, as opposed to only concentrating on my opponent's weakness. As I was getting my foot examined, my coach remarked, "The pain of regret is greater than the fear of failure". This thought comes back to me today as I prepare to apply for my Internal Medicine Residency in the United States. Exploring newer horizons and pushing myself to resist complacency have always been my mantra, be it academics or sports. During my medical school rotations, I was drawn towards Internal Medicine as a subject. The hunger to go beyond the prescribed basic course requirements pushed me to ... Show more content on ... It was an incredible opportunity to broaden my horizon when I was accepted to work under Dr. Michael F. Holick, a pioneer in Vitamin D and Metabolic Bone Diseases at Boston University. I took it up as a challenge and over the months grew to understand the intricacies of research and how perfection in every little step matters to the end result. The translational research strengthened the application of my basic science knowledge in a clinical setting. During the six months spent in his laboratory and clinic, I observed and followed up frequently misdiagnosed conditions such as Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I witnessed how medicine being an all encompassing field requires the patient, doctor, as well as the society at large to play equally important and coordinated roles, demanding perfection and utmost commitment. This experience like many others before reinforced the importance of always pushing boundaries and exploring newer territories, to grow as an ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Internal Medicine Career Research Paper My choice of internal medicine as a career is based on my experiences through medical school. Internal medicine allows me to manage patient issues, give treatments, and work with other health care professionals to treat patients. Internal medicine is a sophisticated career that I would like to be a part of. During my first and second years of medical school, I had the opportunity to visit with internists and sub–specialists of medicine, including a pulmonologist and a cardiologist. I was impressed by how the physicians were able to discuss with patients about what their problems were and how they can move forward with improving treatment. The physicians also discussed with me about how they integrate basic sciences with clinical practice, which I was impressed with. The internal medicine clerkship during my third year of medical school sparked my interest in internal medicine. I was on an inpatient internal medicine team during my first month of the clerkship. Analyzing patient data and developing plans of care with the internal medicine team during rounds was exciting for me. I also observed how physicians would take ... Show more content on ... During the second month of the internal medicine clerkship, I was on an inpatient gastroenterology and hepatology team. I appreciated the complexity of the pathophysiology behind the patient illnesses, and understanding these principles helped guide management of patients in various severities of illnesses. This month of the clerkship also still integrated principles of internal medicine outside of the gastroenterology and hepatology that was used for patient care. In addition, the attending physician would sit with the patients and their families for extended periods of time to explain their illnesses and plans of management to them. I noticed that the patients and their families would be more comfortable and receptive to what the physician was discussing with ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Internal Medicine : An Investigative Mind And Deep... "We made it! We made it!" I was shouting with joy. Breathing heavily, I was trying to fill my lungs with cold brisk air at 12000 feet from sea level; I was at Shipar top. The view was incredible! Vast stretches of gigantic mountains covered with snow vanished into the horizon. I felt a pat on my back, "I thought you would never make it this far", said my friend with appreciation. Although this journey put my unconditioned body into test for two days, but the real test was of my resolve and determination. Coming from a remote part of the country with limited educational resources; I had to hear similar comments during the medical school. However, refuting all the doubts, I graduated with grace. I am drawn towards internal medicine because I feel I have an investigative mind and deep observation of things. I enjoy the intellectual challenge it offers. Working on different systems in the body, putting various pieces of information together like a jigsaw puzzle to create a clear picture at the end is very interesting about this field. Internal medicine is also exciting because of its vast realm of knowledge and continually evolving expertise. It also provides opportunity to interact with individuals with diverse backgrounds and interesting life experiences Working as an extern in USA in different institutions in the last 6 months has reinforced my commitment to internal medicine. During this period I had firsthand experience of interacting with the patients and observing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Internal Medicine Personal Statement Is The Mystery Of The... Internal Medicine Personal Statement Since high school I was mesmerized by the mystery of the human body. I always wanted to study the structure of the smallest cells. Nevertheless, my admiration for the noble work of doctors in helping people and relieving the suffering of others was one of my primary reasons for wanting to pursue a career in medicine. Being born in a family that has always encouraged utilizing our inherent gifts to the fullest extent, I have excelled in every academic venture I have undertaken. My ambition to become a competent physician culminated when I was selected in the top 200 among a 100,000 applicants to attend the best medical school in my country, the University of Khartoum. Oliver Twist always asks for ... Show more content on ... During my internship, I had a patient newly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He and his family came from a rural area and did not have enough knowledge about the disease. Seeing that, I took the time to educate them about his condition and the details of his care.A year later I received a phone call from this patient's family thanking me for what I did, and consulting me for a minor illness that he encountered at that time. Although they knew I was a junior doctor, they have valued my opinion. I felt appreciated and exhilarated to experience such a satisfying moment. Learning medicine in Sudan was challenging, being in a country with a culturally diverse population and limited resources doctors are confronted countless times by the lack of diagnostics, medications and even hospital beds. Therefore, patient care necessitates sharp physicians who rely on their fierce clinical sense. Throughout the years I realized how important it is for a physician to build such a firm clinical background. It is stunning how minor changes in clinical signs and symptoms could lead to different interpretations from one patient to another. Every case was challenging and mysterious, nonetheless I incredibly enjoyed the intellectual stimuli and the excitement of solving clinical puzzles and interacting with patients. Additionally, I believe I have an inquisitive nature, and I resolved to take on the intellectual challenges offered. This along with my intense passion will guide me to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Personal Statement : Internal Medicine Personal Statement: Internal Medicine It all began when I was eight years, my father and I were waiting patiently in our community health center to see the doctor because I had a fever. Few minutes later, a young man stepped out from a wooden door wearing a long white coat with a stethoscope gently resting around his neck. I turned to my father and asked "Dad, is that an Angel"? My father replied, "No son that is the doctor we came to see". This experience opened up my dream to become a physician. My decision to study medicine received more attention when I was in the tenth grade, and I realized the incessant lack of medical doctors in rural communities in Nigeria which has resulted in high mortality even from preventable diseases. In fact, some of my relatives were victims of this. This experience ignited a passion and desire within me to become an agent of positive change. As a result of this, I decided to become a physician so that I can help people with their health needs. A few years later, I secured admission into College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria to study medicine. Choosing a specialty was a very unique experience for me, being the first doctor in my family meant I had to seek advice and also know what I really wanted to contribute positively to this noble profession. I would like a specialty where, when I wake up in the morning I can't wait to get to work and at the end of the day feel very reluctant to leave. Developing a ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Interna Internal Medicine: Personal Statement The intricacies of the human body, especially related to acute and chronic illnesses, is something that has intrigued me for as long as I can remember. My older brother is a physician, and I have spent countless hours over the years discussing the challenges and intricacies of his interdisciplinary career. It was during this time that my desire and drive to become a physician flourished, and as my academic, professional, and personal endeavors continued, my intrigue with internal medicine continued to expound. After beginning medical school, I quickly realized that for every one question we could answer there were about a dozen that could not be answered. I delved even deeper into my studies, determined to learn all I could to help my patients to the best of my ability. Suddenly, two of my close family members died, and with this my determination to find answers increased again. Something else awoke within me during the morning of these loved ones, as well. I truly understood what families were going through while watching their loved ones suffering, and my empathy, compassion, and bedside manner became even stronger. ... Show more content on ... As such, the vast volume of knowledge, the constant improvements in treatment, and the ability to cure disease captivates me. No matter how simple or complex the problem may appear, Internists are well equipped to deal with the majority of symptoms and conditions that a patient presents with. Internists are faced with many puzzling medical problems. Nevertheless, I have faith that my determination, diligence, and hardworking approach will empower me to overcome the challenges and give me the perseverance to achieve the ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The General Internal Medicine Ward "A lot of the appeal of internal medicine is Sherlockian – solving the case from the clues. We are detectives; we revel in the process of figuring it all out. It's what doctors most love to do" Lisa Sanders. Reflecting on my clinical rotation in the general internal medicine ward, I worked on a variety of cases. I got to work with a patient who had cirrhosis secondary to Hepatitis C infection, a patient who had COPD and developed right sided heart failure, a patient who had an un–witnessed heart attack that resulted in brain death, and much more. I enjoyed this variety, and I felt challenged everyday to identify and evaluate differential diagnoses to come up with an appropriate management for the patient. I also enjoyed the process of working independently to learn about the mechanism of disease, and working collaboratively within the ward and in consultation with different services to identify diagnosis and management plan. Throughout my medical career, I have strived to succeed with the best of my abilities. I completed all of my courses with above average scores. I have successfully passed my Step 1, 2 CS and CK, and MCCEE exams on first attempt. I have used my knowledge to help fellow colleagues by offering mentorship in to MD3 Neuroscience students while I was in MD4. As a clerk during internal medicine core rotation I had the opportunity to work in both hospital and clinical setting. I found this opportunity very rewarding and it helped my developed my patient care. ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Internal Medicine Personal Statement Personal statement My interest in entering medicine was a combination of many factors. My love for biology, chemistry, and math in high school, and my admiration and high respect for doctors and their noble work gave me primary reasons for pursuing a career in Medicine. One of my college professors, great mentor Dr. Kamolov during one of his lectures mentioned that if you want to live happily keep in mind two things in your life. First, choosing your profession is crucial: you will spend most of your time in your job and if you choose the profession which you are interested in, you will be happy and be successful in your career. Second, choosing your spouse is vital: you will spend most of time with your family, with the right supportive spouse ... Show more content on ... Realizing the importance of solid clinical experience in the United States, I entered the externship program at the Hoboken University Hospital. Two months of externship in internal medicine provided me with an excellent foundation in comprehensive history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, and management of various conditions. This hands–on clinical experience helped me gain insight into the US health care systems as well as familiarized me with training programs in the US. Moreover, I became more confident and familiar with the system, and this reinforced my decision to pursue Internal Medicine. My professional goal is to be a respected physician. I believe Internal Medicine is the right specialty for me, and I am enthusiastic to enter this field. I want to find the program that encourages its residents to take care of the patients while under the guidance of the faculty who love to teach. In addition, I also would like to have an opportunity to contribute my strengths to the program not only to make it even more outstanding, but also make its patient care more excellent. In the future, I envision myself working as a Hospitalist and maintaining an outpatient ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. A Brief Note On Internal Medicine And Nursing Essay People are my passion! I wake up each morning praying that I make a positive impact in someone's life. The value of my life lies not on personal achievement and possessions but on how profitable I have been to my neighbor and my world. This belief, no doubt has influenced my choice of career and specialty. Internal medicine is my number one specialty. I love this specialty because it provides me the opportunity to solve varied medical problems ranging from acute care to management of chronic disease. Just like solving a puzzle, an internist applies critical thinking, sound science in preventing, diagnosing and treating varied adult diseases. Internal Medicine is an ever evolving discipline and requires continuous and persistent updating of one's knowledge. This sits well with my massive appetite of reading. I enjoy the challenges the specialty presents. I love the fact that an internist provides consults to other physicians in disease diagnosis and work as primary care physician. The broad subspecialties in internal medicine match and exceeds my perception of a complete doctor. From a young age, my parents taught me to care and serve others. Although they had very little western education, my parents became successful business owners and community leaders largely due to hard work and dedicated service to people. They always told me that I could succeed in anything I choose to do. They understood the value of education and supported me in all my endeavors. My decision, to ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Statement Of Internal Medicine William Arthur Ward, author of "Fountains of Faith," once wrote: "Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning." I was always a curious child. Whenever I saw a sick person, I wondered what happens inside the human body that causes illness, and my natural inquisitiveness only increased as I got older. By the time I joined medical school, it was very clear to me that in this field I would be dealing with the most precious thing in the world: human life. I truly believe that medicine is a service to humanity because of the big difference a physician can make in a patient's life. During medical school, I enjoyed the opportunity to rotate through the various wards of the hospital, where I encountered scores of different types of patients with ... Show more content on ... Internal medicine involves determining the crucial items from a huge pool of physical signs and lab data, decisions on how to treat a difficult case, and estimating the risks and benefits of treatment for a particular case. Of course, internal medicine is not only about diagnosing and managing a particular case, but also about understanding every patient and being attuned to their changing needs, concerns, and mental state. This is one of the only fields where providing healthcare and health education go hand in hand. I personally enjoy managing the minute details of a case, helping patients understand their conditions, and developing a comprehensive plan of care for them. The great versatility of this field, the interplay between the different body systems involved, and the necessity of managing the well–being of the patient in entirety are all aspects of internal medicine that mesmerize ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Internal Medicine Personal Statement Over the last six years of my medical education, I realized Internal Medicine is the field that fulfills my professional expectations. I believe that reaching any success should be based on the balance between an extraordinary education, mentorship and practice. This combination explains why I visualized myself doing a Residency Program in the United States. Having experienced a few months in the American education system, I am confident I want to complete my residency training in the United States, the quality of education and the respectable standard of trained physicians are impressive and very noticeable. I wish to adopt this pathway as a tool to enrich my training with the highest standards of pedagogy. After my journey of three years ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Medicine : My Passion For Science In Internal Medicine "You can't do passion halfway. Living your passion means you're all in. You trust your heart and trust your gut wherever that takes you." This quote by Joe Plumeri portrays my journey that led me through medicine. What attracted me to medicine was a combination of everything I loved doing: critical analysis, science, and patient interaction. As an adolescent I loved the challenge of solving puzzles and reading detective books which allowed me develop critical thinking skills. However, my passion for science was strong as well. As I did my Internal Medicine rotation I was ecstatic at finding the path I was searching for my entire life. It lit a fire in me that burned bright and I knew that internal medicine was my calling. The captivating quality about evidence based medicine is the intricate thought process that allows you to put the picture together. For example, I admitted a patient who presented with classic symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), but had a normal glucose level. The case forced me to analyze her history. Through researching articles and journals I found out that about euglycemic DKA. The perplexing thought process was gratifying as many of these unique pathologies are overlooked. My passion for sciences involving critical thinking made internal medicine stand out more than any other career path I could have followed. What blew me away was the attending's knowledge of the pathology, up–to–date management, and trials knowledge. The attending knew that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Internal Medicine Personal Statement My first introduction to Internal Medicine was even before starting kindergarten,when as a young kid I used to visit my dad's clinic. I was always fascinated by the compassion my dad had for the sick and grief stricken and the sense of joy and happiness he experienced when he used to see them on the way to recovery. 30 years down the line I graduated from the same medical school as my dad. One of the proudest moment for me and him alike. In our folklore it says that the great riders never fall, but even greater are those who ride having experienced the fall. Failure is the greatest teacher and I experienced it first hand when I lost an extremely uphill battle to get a spot into medical school. The ground shook beneath my very feet. All my life I worked hard to fulfill the dream of being a physician, pursuing anything else was not an option. I learned from the master teacher, the failure himself, studied even harder, and that hard work led me to have an option of 5 medical schools to choose from. ... Show more content on ... During my Internal Medicine rotation, I experience the unique thought process and strategy needed for the treatment of patients with multiple co–morbidities and the need to treat the patient as a whole. I had my final year rotation with one of the best internist in my country, who later became the Vice Chancellor of the university. His vast knowledge and clinical acumen inspired me even further. The cycle of curiosity was vicious, the more I learned, the more I realized how little I knew and more I wanted to ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Internal Medicine Personal Statement PERSONAL STATEMENT From earliest childhood I had always expressed my desire to be a physician. This was driven; in part, by the desire to help others and the influence of the primary care physicians I was exposed to as I grew up in southern West Virginia. These interests lead me to volunteer at a rescue squad and to work at a nursing home. As a freshman at West Virginia University, I had no alternative plan to medicine. I was extraordinary lucky to be accepted to two medical schools as a junior. I in fact used the credits from my first year of medical school at Marshall University to complete my biology degree at WVU. I was drawn to Internal Medicine from my clinical experiences on medical school rotations. I was fascinated by the process ... Show more content on ... An interest in problem solving, lead me to an increasing role in teaching. At about this time; a relatively new specialty was growing, Critical Care Medicine. This allowed me to concentrate my practice on complex patients with multi system problems. After fellowship I was given the opportunity to return to the Summa Residency and teach. My interest in teaching, problem solving, and willingness to accept unpopular tasks lead to new opportunities. These opportunities were in committee leadership and clinical projects. I went on to medical staff and the administrative leadership roles. I also helped start a Free Clinic and was the medical director. At present I am the Chairman of the Department of Medicine. My leadership style reflects my specialty selection. Complex issues are handled by input from many sources. The best solutions are often compromises and need to be brokered by a coordinator. There are however, crisis issues that require rapid decisions by a single individual and at the time may not afford long debate. That's does not mean the decision cannot later be discussed and the logic for the decision reviewed. I think most of my colleges would describe my as quiet, thoughtful, and approachable. I have been told I am a calming influence in crisis ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Internal Medicine : What Makes Boulevard Unique? Internal Medicine: What Makes Boulevard Unique? Excellent health care is a major concern for families and individuals across the country. Finding knowledgeable and experienced practitioners is not always easy. If you live in the Bronx, you may have already discovered Boulevard Medical Healthcare, the Bronx's top primary care provider. Boulevard Medical Healthcare provides comprehensive medical services to families and individuals, as well as offering both employment and immigration physicals. Boulevard is unique, in that it is able to provide an exceptional treatment environment. Not only does it have more diagnostic equipment than most other healthcare environments, it is staffed by highly trained specialists in both family and internal medicine. Doctors who focus on internal medicine, are called internists. They concentrate on the diagnosis, medical treatment, and care of adults. Family Medicine versus Internal Medicine Family medicine is a specialty that provides healthcare for both families and individuals. Physicians in family medicine provide medical diagnosis, treatment, and care to people of all ages, both sexes, every organ system, and all diseases. The patient–doctor relationship is generally in the framework of the family. Family medicine practitioners promote good health, stress disease prevention, and coordinate referrals when necessary. Graduates in family medicine have completed a broad range of study, which includes: Pediatrics Pregnancy ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Internal Medicine Internist Personal Statement It was 2011 when the revolution burst out. I was studying for my pharmacology exam when I saw on TV that people were getting injured and shot. There were a lot of field hospitals and volunteering doctors that I knew. I wanted to go there and assist the injured, but I knew that my lack of medical training would not allow me to do that. Since then I have been thinking of the best medical field to help and be useful in the future. Internists are who people think of when they think of a doctor and after having the opportunity to rotate through different specialties during my internship, I realized that internal medicine exemplifies what I look upon to be, a compassionate, respected, and insightful physician. When Internists go to work, they do not know what to ... Show more content on ... It is the intellectual challenge every day and the opportunity to provide continuous care for the patients that make internal medicine extremely appealing to me. I believe that with the knowledge that internal medicine residency would provide me with; I could address the patient's emotional needs as well as their medical needs. I have been inspired by my attending during my rotations. I rotated for two months with him, during which I realized that in spite of the limited time he had, he always took the time to explain and give support to his patients. He had to manage inpatients as well as ICU patients simultaneously, but he always knew how to manage the patients and support their families in addition to teaching us. All the patients respected him and knew they were in safe hands with him. This was the doctor I would like to follow in footsteps, a doctor who is sensible, well– informed and skilled, thorough but efficient, and acting as a humane ally in a place where there is a lot of ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Internal Medicine Claimant: A Case Study All available documentation submitted for this claim has been reviewed from the perspective of Internal Medicine. The claimant is a female (DOB 07/30/1966) who was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, fatigue, dizziness, morbid obesity, depression, anxiety, decreased concentration, and sleep issues. A recommendation for short–term disability benefits from 08/19/2017 through a subsequent return to work date is being evaluated based on the documentation submitted by the treating physician. The claimant's occupation is listed as a Deli Sales Associate and her essential job functions including specific tasks were not submitted for review. The claimant has a past medical history significant for an abnormal stress test, cardiac murmur, chronic rhinitis, dyslipidemia, extremity atherosclerosis with intermittent claudication, Grave's disease, hyperparathyroidism, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, vocal cord paralysis, GERD, and an invasive ductal carinoma of the breast. However, there were no other office visit notes or diagnostic tests pertaining to a medical condition that would determine if the above–mentioned diagnoses had resulted in a functional impairment during the referenced time period. There is no documentation of an existing medical condition that would need an ... Show more content on ... The claimant has a past medical history significant for an abnormal stress test, cardiac murmur, chronic rhinitis, dyslipidemia, extremity atherosclerosis with intermittent claudication, Grave's disease, hyperparathyroidism, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, vocal cord paralysis, GERD, and an invasive ductal carinoma of the breast. However, there were insufficient clinical objective evidence to support a severe functional impairment secondary to any medical condition that would preclude her from performing her regular, unrestricted job duties during the referenced time ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Internal Medicine Clerkship The summer of 2005 was supposed to be great, I had survived my freshman year of college, and things were starting to get better until the phone rang at 2 AM on June 20th. All I could hear was my mom weeping. It was my uncle from India; he had phoned to let my mom know that her sister had been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. My mom and I left for India the next day to be with her. For nearly nine months, my aunt complained of unremitting dull lower abdominal pain, lack of appetite, and unexplained weight gain. She was under the care of physicians at her local clinic regarding her health concerns; however, her case was not investigated thoroughly on time. My aunt and I were really close and seeing her spirit and body so broken down ... Show more content on ... My past experience as Business Manager, in addition to holding Class office for more than two years, has instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility, organization, and teamwork. While doing my clerkships, I have also had the privilege to research clinical predictors for optimizing triage and imaging decisions in children with closed head trauma. All of these experiences have allowed me to refine my leadership skills, conduct thorough research and plan accordingly. My love for learning has also led me to pursue a Masters degree in Healthcare administration, which will provide me with the tools to contribute to the systemic changes in healthcare. As I acquire expertise in medicine through clinical practice and education, I hope to be involved in improving health care policies and protocols in low socioeconomic areas in the community. Educating patients and providing them with tools to better manage their health is my ultimate ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Internal Medicine Admission Essay I had an option between science of human and science of technology, I chose former as my career. I love to follow principles and wish to serve humanity as well so this seems the perfect field for me. After a thorough analysis and a complementary evaluation, I decided to be a general physician as Internal Medicine has always fascinated me and it can help me reach my future goals. My medical school has influenced me a lot to help discover my interests. I was very keen to participate in every ward during my clerkship. But the general medicine wards were the one where I found gratification to work there. One of the pragmatic reasons to join Internal Medicine is the need to develop a more dynamic approach to problem solving, diagnosing and treating ... Show more content on ... I felt the strong need of charity for the non–affording patients during my internship. There were many charitable organizations whom I contacted for the needy patient especially for their medications and expensive medical tests. Sometimes, in life when I feel being indecisive I turn to the poetic music, it helps me feeling refreshed and feeding my soul again. I could be a valuable addition to internal medicine residency program based on my experiences during internship in my home country and during externship in U.S. These experiences have provided me the power to uphold my determination and confidence in the healthcare system of any country where I am working. I have always deemed reliable by my patients and they have always been satisfied with me. Now this depends upon the trust of my residency program in me and the opportunities provided. My enthusiasm and the potential to learn about the new healthcare environment is really worthy provided the real chance. I am really looking forward to join as an Internal Medicine Resident in a program that has strong academic aspects and offers a tremendous training opportunity, the program that owns me and in turn we cherish this professional bond together and serve the community for not only these three years but beyond that ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Internal Medicine Board Certification Requirements In order to present yourself to the public as a qualified medical specialist in internal medicine, you must complete the internal medicine board certification requirements. Successfully completing the internal medicine board certification exams will indicate that you have a mastery of internal medicine knowledge and experience. Becoming a board certified internal medicine physician also shows that you have a professional commitment to the medical code of ethics. Internal Medicine Board Certification Requirements A non–profit organization, the American Board of Internal Medicine evaluates and certifies physicians who practice internal medicine – as well as the subspecialties of internal medicine. Once you have successfully completed a residency ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Personal Statement: Internal Medicine Personal Statement – Internal Medicine Picture opening up a box with over 1000 pieces belonging to a jigsaw puzzle, emptying the contents out on to a tabletop, and then being tasked with putting those pieces together to ultimately create a beautiful picture of the human anatomy. One can imagine the eye for detail, patience and thoroughness that would be required to complete such a task. As with any puzzle it is critical that the wider picture is envisioned at all times, as focusing on only one piece would effectively hinder any progress towards completion. When first presented with a patient who has a wide array of presenting symptoms and a chief complaint, at first glance, one may feel like the contents of a puzzle have just been emptied ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Internal Medicine: A Personal Statement I was 14 years old when my mother was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Her doctor, an internist, took a lot of time explaining her new diagnosis. My mother realized that she would have to make a lot of changes in her lifestyle and her doctor helped her every step of the way. Over the years, they developed a strong relationship which I grew to admire and appreciate. When my mother was diagnosed, my family and I were unaware of the many complications associated with the disease. It was when I learned about Diabetes Mellitus in medical school that I grasped the effects of the disease on almost every organ system. This reaction and thought process my new knowledge evoked helped me to decide Internal Medicine as my field of choice. It is a field that involves problem–solving, critical thinking, and immense patient interaction. The challenge of learning endless amount of information was one I was eager to take on. During my core rotation in Internal Medicine, I encountered many challenging patients. I realized that treating such patients required an Internist to be compassionate, dedicated, and an effective team player. Through various life experiences, I believe I have attained these qualities. Since the age of 12, I ... Show more content on ... My most memorable experiences came from volunteering at the Amazing Grace Foundation, one that fosters Autistic children. Interacting with them required compassion and patience, two qualities of mine which were greatly strengthened. Lastly, I learned the meaning of perseverance and dedication when I committed myself to completing a research project in four weeks. Along with my colleague and mentor, I studied the relationship between in–hospital mortality and the type of acute myocardial infarction in the Puerto Rican population. My first endeavor into epidemiological research was very enlightening and it's something I would like to ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Internal Medicine: A Personal Statement When I was 8 , I saw a close family member getting a kidney transplant. Until then I only knew about inanimate objects like televisions and cars being repaired. The thought of organ transplantation and giving the gift of life was unbelievable for me at that age. The hospitality of doctors and their commitment to cure illnesses amazed me and drew me closer to the profession of medicine. My desire to learn was driven by my Curiosity. This curiosity has been a motivation factor to make me participate in science quizzes or any co curricular activities. Solving news paper puzzles and watching detective serials are my favorite past time activities. I was habituated to do an exhaustive investigation for any problem before arriving at a final conclusion throughout my life. During my medical school the branch of internal medicine charmed me the most. I felt that this is the area of ... Show more content on ... At Medical school during the bedside clinics, I molded myself into a better physician by developing skills of extensive history taking and clinical examination before arriving at the differential diagnosis. I also understood that it takes more than just medical knowledge to be a good physician. The ability to effectively communicate with a patient is crucial for physician–patient relationship. I tried to develop this over the years by observing my teachers and seniors. I spent my after school hours in library to familiarize myself with advancements in medicine and to reform myself into a better clinician. My first exposure to U.S health system was when I participated in an observer–ship program at a hospital in South Dakota. I was thrilled to see the approach of physicians here towards patient care and understood the advancement of U.S.A over the rest of the world in the field of medicine. I was convinced that a residency program here will guide me to reach my mission to become a good ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. I Want To Pursue A Degree In Internal Medicine When I was second year medical student my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an aggressive malignancy that has a poor prognosis. Witnessing my mother suffering physically and emotionally throughout her illness until her passing away, I realized the effects such illness can have on the patient and their families and appreciated how fulfilling being a well–trained competent physician would be in such circumstances. That was the time when my interest in internal medicine started. My interest in Internal Medicine continued to grow throughout medical school. During my clerkships I found great satisfaction in spending long time in the medical wards after my usual dedicated hours interacting with patients, listening to their concerns and trying to know every detail about their medical conditions. To satisfy my passion for ... Show more content on ... It has been a great opportunity to have a close view of the medical system in a United States hospital. My daily interaction with residents from different levels of training provided me with good insight into the typical daily schedule and duties of the medical resident. Additionally, having observed multidisciplinary approach to all patients, I am able to appreciate the crucial input various teams can have in providing effective care and ensuring a better outcome overall for the patient and their families. I believe that my personal qualities and the variety of experiences that I have gained will qualify me to be a very competitive applicant. I am looking for an internal medicine residency program that serves a diverse patient's population and provides broad based medical education. This will help me not only to achieve my career goal of becoming competent physician but also will allow me to reach my full potential as an educator for both patients and junior ... Get more on ...