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                Intercultural Competence                                                                               Updates: Last 7 Days
                Thought I would share .... the article just touches the surface because the author is really
                describing cultural protocol realities ... the true learning is raising the cultural competence of              Kevin Carter and 2 more
                leaders that they have an awareness of the culture that they represent, foster and have a                       commented on:
                bias towards; a recognition of how that culture is different than the one they are in and their                 Intercultural Competence
                ability to adapt and integrate the cultures of others ....
                                                                                                                                54 seconds ago       37 comments
                6 days ago

                The Cobra Was O.K.; The Duck Tongue Not So Much New York Times                                                  Hamlin Grange likes: Intercultural
                Cultural delights and minefields characterize business travel for Gary Pomerantz, executive
                vice president of the international engineering firm WSP Flack & Kurtz.                                         1 hour ago     Like (1)

                                                                                                                                Peter Bye and 4 more commented
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                                                                                                                                Intercultural Competence
                                                                                                                                10 hours ago     37 comments

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                                                                                                                                Professionals recommend
                                                                                                                                AT&T Networking
                     Neal Goodman • Kevin. There is much complexity here. First, I must admit (as a social                      Exchange by AT&T
                     psychologist) that I find the IDI to not be the best approach to deal with this, though I
                     understand why people see it as a solution. The field of intercultural relations and the             Recommend          Share
                     field of diversity are not the same, yet there is much overlap. Many Diversity specialists
                     have recently "found" cultural competence but they have little grounding in the field of
Follow Neal
                     intercultural relations so they jump to simple solutions. Likewise there are few in the
                     intecultural field who really understand diversity and inclusion and the importance of
                     power that this entails. What it means for managers in a corporate setting is that they
                     need to build their cultural competence to work effectively with people from other
                     national cultural backgrounds and they need to develop D&I skills to be able to see and
                     deal with the hidden biases, power differentials etc. so that their interactions within the
                     workplace, markets etc. are as inclusive as possible. After 47 years doning this and
                     training hundreds of thousands of corporate managers and leaders I am always learning                                       See more AT&T products »
                     something new and surprised by how much there is still to learn. I have several related
                     articles on our website under resources if you are interested.            Latest Post
                     23 hours ago
                                                                                                                                Obama FCC Caves on Net
                                                                                                                                Neutrality - Tuesday Betrayal
                                                                                                                                Assured (by Huffington Post)
                     Neal Goodman • Kevin and others. Sorry the correct link to the articles is                                 Ana Isabel B. B. Paraguay            See all »
            I am also sending a link to a
                     recent artice on Global Diversity which is very critical and which few organization are
                     approching effectively.
                                                                                                                       Top Influencers This Week
Follow Neal
                     Good luck. Neal                                                                                            Kevin Carter
                     23 hours ago

                                                                                                                                David Lipscomb
                     Marc Brenman • Hi Neal; in regard to your question, "if not socialization then what?" I
                     take your question to be in the context of implicit or unconscious bias. I'm not a wild
                     enthusiast for this theory, though as the test results accumulate, I'm coming around...I                   Damian Hanft
                     think the originators might say that the human mind and consciousness operate at a
                     deep level that goes beyond socialization, which is more on the surface and operates
Follow Marc
                     for one generation only. Our brains are the result of millions of years of evolution and                   Joel Martin
                     survival. Even under the best of circumstances, neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to
                     "rewire" itself) works only for one generation. For example, even people raised in homes
                     in which there is tolerance and acceptance for others, including an accepting religious
                                                                                                                                Ana Isabel B. B. Paraguay
                     belief structure, will still show results of prejudice and discrimination on the implicit bias
                     tests. Even African-Americans will show prejudice against other African-Americans. (I
                     acknowledge that some would say that this is due to imposed societal self-hate.) Some
                     psychiatrists say that "insight never cured anything other than ignorance." If this is true
                     (if somewhat exaggerated) then intercultural education only reaches the surface
                23 hours ago

                Kevin Carter • Hi Neal,

                Thank you. I will visit (
       and read

                I am not sure that D&I professionals are jumping to simple solutions as much as
                attempting to learn models or processes that will assist them to learn, grow and be more
                effective in the intercultural competence and intercultural relations fields. Models or
                processes like IDI, or Cultural Navigator, etc. are probably a jumping off point for further
                growth for many.

                What would you say are the key tenets of intercultural relations that are different than
                D&I and visa-versa?

                I will review the material on your website, as well, thank you for sharing it.

                23 hours ago

                Marc Brenman • Thanks, Neal, I always enjoy your articles and insights. I share your
                concern with the IDI and most other test and questionnaire-oriented instruments.
                Though I thought the example Kevin supplied was interesting. In regard to your
                discussion of the difference between intercultural relations and diversity, I agree,
                particularly with this: "they need to develop D&I skills to be able to see and deal with the
Follow Marc
                hidden biases, power differentials etc." As I have tried to point out elsewhere, D+I are
                built on a foundation of nondiscrimination, equity, civil rights laws, and redress systems.
                Intercultural relations has no such foundation, legitimately so, because it usually crosses
                national borders. As in your own valuable and long background, it is based on social
                psychology and not law. Efforts in international human rights law, especially in Europe,
                try to overcome this gap. And as shown in Europe, the two are often not a good fit.
                Merkel disses Turkish-Germans for failing to assimilate, France and Italy cast out Roma,
                Switzerland bans minarets on mosques, Belgium bans veils, the UK indulges in caste
                discrimination, etc.
                23 hours ago

                Neal Goodman • Marc, Very insightful comments. Europeans typically approach thes
                issues politically while Americans deal with thes issues legalistically. This is due to our
                different histories and what it means to be a citizen.
                23 hours ago

 Follow Neal

                Hamlin Grange • This is indeed a wonderful discussion to ring in the New Year!. And
                yes Neal, there appears to be a wide discrepancy in the meaning of cultural
                competence...ranging from the academic (which creates that "glazed" look I sometimes
                see in the faces of participants in training sessions) to the theoretical (that has no
                tangible meaning for folks on "the shop floor.")
Follow Hamlin
                Of course being culturally competent is more than just being able to enjoy Jamaican jerk
                chicken or knowing when to/or not extend your hand for a handshake.
                A member of our group shared this definition sometime ago: "Cultural competence is the
                individual and organizational ability to have and utilize policies, appropriately trained and
                skilled employees and specialized resources, to systematically anticipate, recognize and
                respond to the varying expectations of clients, customers, and co-workers of diverse
                backgrounds." I like this definition because it encompasses D&I principles as well as
                issues of Power and Privilege.
                Unfortunately, separate camps have emerged: Those in the D&I Camp and those in the
                Anti-Oppression Camp. Those in the later believe that for an anti-oppression, anti-
                racism approach must be taken in order for progress to be made. Those in the former
                (where I reside) believe that D&I offers a large enough tent where issues of power and
                privilege, racism and oppression can be addressed without excluding others. I have
                been present at a conference where both sides clashed, and it wasn't pretty.

                Being a culturally competent individual (organization, etc) requires awareness,
                knowledge, skills and an open attitude towards difference. It should be the goal along
                the journey we are all on and the one that we accompany our clients. Diversity and
                Inclusion is the floor, Cultural Competence is the ceiling.
                23 hours ago
Neal Goodman • Hamlin, I am on the same page with you. We should be able to bring
                 D&I and Intercultural Competence together. Neal
                 22 hours ago

 Follow Neal

                 Kevin Carter • Hamlin,

                 I like these statements: "D&I offers a large enough tent where issues of power and
                 privilege, racism and oppression can be addressed without excluding others" and
                 "Diversity and Inclusion is the floor, Cultural Competence is the ceiling." I would be on
                 this page as well.

                 Our challenge is that many managers would not accept the premise or business
                 ramifications of this philosophy. Our gift is to meet them where they are along this
                 journey and connect our efforts to business outcomes.
                 22 hours ago

                 Hamlin Grange • is indeed a challenge. However, if there was a framework
                 that encompasses these important concepts (which are really attributes of a productive
                 organization or team) then managers and others would be more open. I have been
                 fortunate to have been able to develop such a framework but it requires creativity and,
                 as my friend Billy Vaughn at DTUI says, a willingness to "lean into discomforts."
Follow Hamlin
                 Which in a way brings us back to what started this discussion in the first place: the NY
                 Times article "The Cobra was OK, the Duck Tongue Not So Much" by Gary Pomerantz.

                 Now he says he makes "a point of reading as much as I can about local culture to gain
                 a better understanding of customs." This is part of leaning into our discomforts because
                 it is in the leaning in where the real learning begins.
                 Thanks for starting this conversation Kevin. I learned a few new things.

                 I wish each and everyone of you the very best of the Season.
                 22 hours ago

                 Kevin Carter • Thanks, Hamlin,

                 If you feel comfortable, please share (or direct us to a link) and discuss your framework.

                 Very best of the Season to everyone, as well!
                 21 hours ago

                 Hamlin Grange • The framework is called the Six Cylinders. More info on our website at
                 In practice, each Cylinder has Key Performance Indicators that must be implemented in
                 order to activate the cylinders.
                 18 hours ago
Follow Hamlin

                 Peter Bye • I approach this overall topic of intercultural competence (or, as I usually
                 refer to it intercultural expertise) from the perspective of Hammer's Intercultural
                 Development Continuum (IDC). More on IDC:

Stop Following
                 We each are somewhere on IDC and think we are further along. Almost all of us over-
                 estimate our level of intercultural expertise, no matter where we are on the continuum.

                 IDC is five successive worldviews of how a person tends to experience, think and feel
                 about, and react to diversity and cultural difference. Briefly, from our website:
                 # Denial. Being comfortable with the familiar. Not anxious to complicate life with “cultural
                 differences”. Not noticing much cultural difference around you. Maintaining separation
                 from others who are different.

                 # Polarization: Defense. A strong commitment to one’s own thoughts and feelings about
                 culture and cultural difference. Aware of other cultures, but with a relatively incomplete
                 understanding of them and probably fairly strong negative feelings or stereotypes about
                 some of them. May lead to some distrust of, and a tendency to be judgmental about,
                 cultural behavior or ideas that differ from one’s own.

                 Polarization: Reversal is the opposite of Defense. The person feels that some other
                 culture is better and tends to exhibit distrust of, and be judgmental of, their own culture.
# Minimization. Aware that other cultures exist all around you, with some knowledge
              about differences in customs and celebrations. Not putting others down. People from
              other cultures are pretty much like you, under the surface. Treating other people as you
              want to be treated. A tendency to assume you understand the situation the same as a
              person from another culture. Two-thirds of ANY large population will be somewhere in
              this stage.

              # Acceptance. Aware of your own culture(s). See your own culture as just one of many
              ways of experiencing the world. Understanding that people from other cultures are as
              complex as yourself. Their ideas, feelings, and behavior may seem unusual, but you
              realize that their experience is just as rich as your own. Being curious about other
              cultures. Seeking opportunities to learn more about them.

              # Adaptation. Recognizing the value of having more than one cultural perspective
              available to you. Able to “take the perspective” of another culture to understand or
              evaluate situations in either your own or another culture. Able to intentionally change
              your culturally based behavior to act in culturally appropriate ways outside your own

              Development must consider one's current place on IDC. E.g. Consider someone at
              Polarization with a "us and them" judgmental mindset. A person at this stage must first
              become comfortable that we all have a lot in common before delving into the deeper
              nature and effects of the ways in which we differ. First getting to the ethnocentric
              Golden Rule is developmental progress. Confronting a person at this stage with
              difference, power, privilege, and racism will be counter-productive. This only becomes
              productive at Acceptance.

              I use the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a psychometric instrument that
              measures where an individual or group is on IDC and where they think they are. This
              enables stage-appropriate individual coaching and/or group development. More on IDI:


              Hamlin Grange made the outstanding point that we need to make the learning relevant
              with real-world examples. The importance of this cannot be over-stated. I don't even
              talk about intercultural competence / expertise at first. It tends to be extremely engaging
              and effective to let people experience the effect of different mindsets regarding diversity
              and cultural difference on business / real world situations. Then the eye glaze stops and
              people tend to want to learn more.
              10 hours ago

              Kevin Carter • Thanks, Hamlin,

              The Six Cylinderss approach (
              option=com_content&view=article&id=77) appears to be an overall framework to conduct
              D&I organizational analysis somewhat like Ed Hubbard's Diversity 9-S audit framework
              ( These frameworks are a
              good place to start in terms of organizational D&I analysis. I couldn't find the piece,
              however, regarding intercultural competence.

              I have used Hubbard's framework, the APQC Measurement Alignment Worksheet
              pdf?destination=node/37279) and a slightly modified version of Peter Bye's Business-
              Aligned® diversity and inclusion framework

              Thanks, Peter for providing the overview of the IDC I / IDI model.

              Marc and Neal, what do you view as the strengths and weaknesses of the IDC / IDI
              approach since you have concerns about IDI and most other test and questionnaire-
              oriented instruments. If a manager is interested in beginning the journey to improve their
              level of intercultural competence in order to create more productive personal and
              business relationships, how do they begin?
              1 hour ago

              Neal Goodman • Kevin, Great question and discussion.
              You begin by finding out what the organizational need is. Is it D&I, Cross-Cultural
              Competency, OD or other. Some of the instruments mentioned can be helpful once you
              have conducted your objective analysis of the situation. Only then can you find the
              appropriate tools/solutions. Too many have "invested" in processes such as the IDI and
Follow Neal
              see this as the only tool in their toolkit and then try to convince their clients of its
              appropriateness to solve their perceived issue. (I will move your people from point A to
              point B, C& D). To a carpenter, all I need is a nail and hammer (no pun intended).This
              is very unfortunate as it limits our thinking and potential solutions. I would also like to
              add that conceptually, the IDI is based on the ideas of Milton Bennett who of course
              based it on the theories of others. We need to listen very carefully and inclusively before
              settling on a possible solution. There are no quick fixes. I have seen significant change
and improvements based on self-reported applications of our training/coaching etc. but
                   no two solutions are ever the same. Neal
                   1 hour ago

                   Marc Brenman • I agree with Neal that "You begin by finding out what the
                   organizational need is." One also looks at the mission of the organization. Not the phony
                   mission statements like hamburger companies saying they're serving the public, but real
                   mission statements like "Sell lots of hamburgers and make lots of money for the
                   shareholders." From a globalized marketing perspective, this kind of real mission
   Follow Marc
                   statement can lead to a realization that intercultural learning and knowledge are useful.
                   This is the horizon scan, and looking over the horizon, which is part of strategic
                   planning. For example, "Well, maybe we can't sell lots of hamburgers in China, but what
                   else can we sell that Chinese will buy and eat?" Or "Guess we have to serve wine with
                   those hamburgers at our stores in France." One can do organizational diagnosis: "How
                   well prepared are we to meet and fulfill those global needs?" This I think is where the
                   instruments can come in-- to evaluate each manager to ascertain whether or not she is
                   able to carry out the task successfully. But we also know that some managers are
                   simply better at these diverse, intercultural, global tasks than others. Effectiveness is
                   determined by results, and if a given manager is producing results, what the heck does
                   it matter whether she fills out an instrument or not? I can imagine, however, that in a
                   situation where large numbers of less-experienced managers are thrown into the fray in
                   an intensely intercultural situation, such as young US military officers in Afghanistan, it
                   might be useful to kickstart their learning by evaluating where they are on a scale of
                   intercultural understanding and ability. Maybe Neal can tell us whether his programs
                   have ever been used by the military. I've approached the problem from the diversity and
                   counter-insurgency side, with a curriculum for the military; and from the conflict
                   resolution side, with a program for culturally appropriate alternative dispute resolution.
                   Neither uses an IDI-type instrument, but maybe the former should. I'm open to thinking
                   about it, and maybe Neal can provide some thoughts on the subject.
                   11 minutes ago

                   Kevin Carter • Thanks, Neal and Marc

                   I would agree with this approach:

                   Step 1: organization analysis (and there many tools / frameworks out there that can
                   complete this process) that arrives at a clarity of the organization's business goals and
                   how changes in the workforce or work environment could accelerate the attainment of
                   these goals

                   Step 2: identification and introduction of the tool, project, training, education etc. that will
                   foster these changes, along with confirmation of the success metric (both direct - such
                   as project completion, education rating, etc and in-direct such as increased sales, new
                   products or services, cost savings, etc.)

                   Step 3: implementation and progress monitoring of intervention

                   Step 4: close out intervention (or stage of intervention) and report results

                   Step 5: incorporate intervention within existing processes to foster continuous

                   As you suggest, within such a methodology, I would not rule-in, or rule-out IDI, or any
                   other tool, I would just want to be sure I was utilizing the right tool for the right situation
                   to assist my client achieve their organizational goals.

                   Other thoughts, anyone?
                   54 seconds ago • Delete • Edit Comment 13 minutes left

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Intercultural Competence2

  • 1. Account Type: Business Kevin Carter Add Connections Home Profile Contacts Groups Jobs Inbox 86 Search Companies More Groups The Diversity and Inclusion Group Discussions Members Promotions Jobs Search More... Start a discussion Your comment has been posted successfully. Intercultural Competence Updates: Last 7 Days Thought I would share .... the article just touches the surface because the author is really describing cultural protocol realities ... the true learning is raising the cultural competence of Kevin Carter and 2 more leaders that they have an awareness of the culture that they represent, foster and have a commented on: bias towards; a recognition of how that culture is different than the one they are in and their Intercultural Competence ability to adapt and integrate the cultures of others .... 54 seconds ago 37 comments 6 days ago The Cobra Was O.K.; The Duck Tongue Not So Much New York Times Hamlin Grange likes: Intercultural Competence Cultural delights and minefields characterize business travel for Gary Pomerantz, executive vice president of the international engineering firm WSP Flack & Kurtz. 1 hour ago Like (1) Peter Bye and 4 more commented Like Comment Stop Following Flag More on: Intercultural Competence 10 hours ago 37 comments Hamlin Grange likes this See all updates » 37 comments Show previous comments 91 Professionals recommend AT&T Networking Neal Goodman • Kevin. There is much complexity here. First, I must admit (as a social Exchange by AT&T psychologist) that I find the IDI to not be the best approach to deal with this, though I understand why people see it as a solution. The field of intercultural relations and the Recommend Share field of diversity are not the same, yet there is much overlap. Many Diversity specialists have recently "found" cultural competence but they have little grounding in the field of Follow Neal intercultural relations so they jump to simple solutions. Likewise there are few in the intecultural field who really understand diversity and inclusion and the importance of power that this entails. What it means for managers in a corporate setting is that they need to build their cultural competence to work effectively with people from other national cultural backgrounds and they need to develop D&I skills to be able to see and deal with the hidden biases, power differentials etc. so that their interactions within the workplace, markets etc. are as inclusive as possible. After 47 years doning this and training hundreds of thousands of corporate managers and leaders I am always learning See more AT&T products » something new and surprised by how much there is still to learn. I have several related articles on our website under resources if you are interested. Latest Post 23 hours ago Obama FCC Caves on Net Neutrality - Tuesday Betrayal Assured (by Huffington Post) Neal Goodman • Kevin and others. Sorry the correct link to the articles is Ana Isabel B. B. Paraguay See all » I am also sending a link to a recent artice on Global Diversity which is very critical and which few organization are approching effectively. Top Influencers This Week media#diversity_exec Follow Neal Good luck. Neal Kevin Carter 23 hours ago David Lipscomb Marc Brenman • Hi Neal; in regard to your question, "if not socialization then what?" I take your question to be in the context of implicit or unconscious bias. I'm not a wild enthusiast for this theory, though as the test results accumulate, I'm coming around...I Damian Hanft think the originators might say that the human mind and consciousness operate at a deep level that goes beyond socialization, which is more on the surface and operates Follow Marc for one generation only. Our brains are the result of millions of years of evolution and Joel Martin survival. Even under the best of circumstances, neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to "rewire" itself) works only for one generation. For example, even people raised in homes in which there is tolerance and acceptance for others, including an accepting religious Ana Isabel B. B. Paraguay belief structure, will still show results of prejudice and discrimination on the implicit bias tests. Even African-Americans will show prejudice against other African-Americans. (I acknowledge that some would say that this is due to imposed societal self-hate.) Some psychiatrists say that "insight never cured anything other than ignorance." If this is true (if somewhat exaggerated) then intercultural education only reaches the surface
  • 2. manifestations. 23 hours ago Kevin Carter • Hi Neal, Thank you. I will visit ( and read I am not sure that D&I professionals are jumping to simple solutions as much as attempting to learn models or processes that will assist them to learn, grow and be more effective in the intercultural competence and intercultural relations fields. Models or processes like IDI, or Cultural Navigator, etc. are probably a jumping off point for further growth for many. What would you say are the key tenets of intercultural relations that are different than D&I and visa-versa? I will review the material on your website, as well, thank you for sharing it. Kevin 23 hours ago Marc Brenman • Thanks, Neal, I always enjoy your articles and insights. I share your concern with the IDI and most other test and questionnaire-oriented instruments. Though I thought the example Kevin supplied was interesting. In regard to your discussion of the difference between intercultural relations and diversity, I agree, particularly with this: "they need to develop D&I skills to be able to see and deal with the Follow Marc hidden biases, power differentials etc." As I have tried to point out elsewhere, D+I are built on a foundation of nondiscrimination, equity, civil rights laws, and redress systems. Intercultural relations has no such foundation, legitimately so, because it usually crosses national borders. As in your own valuable and long background, it is based on social psychology and not law. Efforts in international human rights law, especially in Europe, try to overcome this gap. And as shown in Europe, the two are often not a good fit. Merkel disses Turkish-Germans for failing to assimilate, France and Italy cast out Roma, Switzerland bans minarets on mosques, Belgium bans veils, the UK indulges in caste discrimination, etc. 23 hours ago Neal Goodman • Marc, Very insightful comments. Europeans typically approach thes issues politically while Americans deal with thes issues legalistically. This is due to our different histories and what it means to be a citizen. 23 hours ago Follow Neal Hamlin Grange • This is indeed a wonderful discussion to ring in the New Year!. And yes Neal, there appears to be a wide discrepancy in the meaning of cultural competence...ranging from the academic (which creates that "glazed" look I sometimes see in the faces of participants in training sessions) to the theoretical (that has no tangible meaning for folks on "the shop floor.") Follow Hamlin Of course being culturally competent is more than just being able to enjoy Jamaican jerk chicken or knowing when to/or not extend your hand for a handshake. A member of our group shared this definition sometime ago: "Cultural competence is the individual and organizational ability to have and utilize policies, appropriately trained and skilled employees and specialized resources, to systematically anticipate, recognize and respond to the varying expectations of clients, customers, and co-workers of diverse backgrounds." I like this definition because it encompasses D&I principles as well as issues of Power and Privilege. Unfortunately, separate camps have emerged: Those in the D&I Camp and those in the Anti-Oppression Camp. Those in the later believe that for an anti-oppression, anti- racism approach must be taken in order for progress to be made. Those in the former (where I reside) believe that D&I offers a large enough tent where issues of power and privilege, racism and oppression can be addressed without excluding others. I have been present at a conference where both sides clashed, and it wasn't pretty. Being a culturally competent individual (organization, etc) requires awareness, knowledge, skills and an open attitude towards difference. It should be the goal along the journey we are all on and the one that we accompany our clients. Diversity and Inclusion is the floor, Cultural Competence is the ceiling. 23 hours ago
  • 3. Neal Goodman • Hamlin, I am on the same page with you. We should be able to bring D&I and Intercultural Competence together. Neal 22 hours ago Follow Neal Kevin Carter • Hamlin, I like these statements: "D&I offers a large enough tent where issues of power and privilege, racism and oppression can be addressed without excluding others" and "Diversity and Inclusion is the floor, Cultural Competence is the ceiling." I would be on this page as well. Our challenge is that many managers would not accept the premise or business ramifications of this philosophy. Our gift is to meet them where they are along this journey and connect our efforts to business outcomes. 22 hours ago Hamlin Grange • is indeed a challenge. However, if there was a framework that encompasses these important concepts (which are really attributes of a productive organization or team) then managers and others would be more open. I have been fortunate to have been able to develop such a framework but it requires creativity and, as my friend Billy Vaughn at DTUI says, a willingness to "lean into discomforts." Follow Hamlin Which in a way brings us back to what started this discussion in the first place: the NY Times article "The Cobra was OK, the Duck Tongue Not So Much" by Gary Pomerantz. Now he says he makes "a point of reading as much as I can about local culture to gain a better understanding of customs." This is part of leaning into our discomforts because it is in the leaning in where the real learning begins. Thanks for starting this conversation Kevin. I learned a few new things. I wish each and everyone of you the very best of the Season. 22 hours ago Kevin Carter • Thanks, Hamlin, If you feel comfortable, please share (or direct us to a link) and discuss your framework. Very best of the Season to everyone, as well! 21 hours ago Hamlin Grange • The framework is called the Six Cylinders. More info on our website at In practice, each Cylinder has Key Performance Indicators that must be implemented in order to activate the cylinders. 18 hours ago Follow Hamlin Peter Bye • I approach this overall topic of intercultural competence (or, as I usually refer to it intercultural expertise) from the perspective of Hammer's Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC). More on IDC: Peter Stop Following We each are somewhere on IDC and think we are further along. Almost all of us over- estimate our level of intercultural expertise, no matter where we are on the continuum. IDC is five successive worldviews of how a person tends to experience, think and feel about, and react to diversity and cultural difference. Briefly, from our website: # Denial. Being comfortable with the familiar. Not anxious to complicate life with “cultural differences”. Not noticing much cultural difference around you. Maintaining separation from others who are different. # Polarization: Defense. A strong commitment to one’s own thoughts and feelings about culture and cultural difference. Aware of other cultures, but with a relatively incomplete understanding of them and probably fairly strong negative feelings or stereotypes about some of them. May lead to some distrust of, and a tendency to be judgmental about, cultural behavior or ideas that differ from one’s own. Polarization: Reversal is the opposite of Defense. The person feels that some other culture is better and tends to exhibit distrust of, and be judgmental of, their own culture.
  • 4. # Minimization. Aware that other cultures exist all around you, with some knowledge about differences in customs and celebrations. Not putting others down. People from other cultures are pretty much like you, under the surface. Treating other people as you want to be treated. A tendency to assume you understand the situation the same as a person from another culture. Two-thirds of ANY large population will be somewhere in this stage. # Acceptance. Aware of your own culture(s). See your own culture as just one of many ways of experiencing the world. Understanding that people from other cultures are as complex as yourself. Their ideas, feelings, and behavior may seem unusual, but you realize that their experience is just as rich as your own. Being curious about other cultures. Seeking opportunities to learn more about them. # Adaptation. Recognizing the value of having more than one cultural perspective available to you. Able to “take the perspective” of another culture to understand or evaluate situations in either your own or another culture. Able to intentionally change your culturally based behavior to act in culturally appropriate ways outside your own culture. Development must consider one's current place on IDC. E.g. Consider someone at Polarization with a "us and them" judgmental mindset. A person at this stage must first become comfortable that we all have a lot in common before delving into the deeper nature and effects of the ways in which we differ. First getting to the ethnocentric Golden Rule is developmental progress. Confronting a person at this stage with difference, power, privilege, and racism will be counter-productive. This only becomes productive at Acceptance. I use the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a psychometric instrument that measures where an individual or group is on IDC and where they think they are. This enables stage-appropriate individual coaching and/or group development. More on IDI: Hamlin Grange made the outstanding point that we need to make the learning relevant with real-world examples. The importance of this cannot be over-stated. I don't even talk about intercultural competence / expertise at first. It tends to be extremely engaging and effective to let people experience the effect of different mindsets regarding diversity and cultural difference on business / real world situations. Then the eye glaze stops and people tend to want to learn more. 10 hours ago Kevin Carter • Thanks, Hamlin, The Six Cylinderss approach ( option=com_content&view=article&id=77) appears to be an overall framework to conduct D&I organizational analysis somewhat like Ed Hubbard's Diversity 9-S audit framework ( These frameworks are a good place to start in terms of organizational D&I analysis. I couldn't find the piece, however, regarding intercultural competence. I have used Hubbard's framework, the APQC Measurement Alignment Worksheet ( base/download/37279/a%3A1%3A%7Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A1%3A%222%22%3B%7D/inline. pdf?destination=node/37279) and a slightly modified version of Peter Bye's Business- Aligned® diversity and inclusion framework ( Thanks, Peter for providing the overview of the IDC I / IDI model. Marc and Neal, what do you view as the strengths and weaknesses of the IDC / IDI approach since you have concerns about IDI and most other test and questionnaire- oriented instruments. If a manager is interested in beginning the journey to improve their level of intercultural competence in order to create more productive personal and business relationships, how do they begin? 1 hour ago Neal Goodman • Kevin, Great question and discussion. You begin by finding out what the organizational need is. Is it D&I, Cross-Cultural Competency, OD or other. Some of the instruments mentioned can be helpful once you have conducted your objective analysis of the situation. Only then can you find the appropriate tools/solutions. Too many have "invested" in processes such as the IDI and Follow Neal see this as the only tool in their toolkit and then try to convince their clients of its appropriateness to solve their perceived issue. (I will move your people from point A to point B, C& D). To a carpenter, all I need is a nail and hammer (no pun intended).This is very unfortunate as it limits our thinking and potential solutions. I would also like to add that conceptually, the IDI is based on the ideas of Milton Bennett who of course based it on the theories of others. We need to listen very carefully and inclusively before settling on a possible solution. There are no quick fixes. I have seen significant change
  • 5. and improvements based on self-reported applications of our training/coaching etc. but no two solutions are ever the same. Neal 1 hour ago Marc Brenman • I agree with Neal that "You begin by finding out what the organizational need is." One also looks at the mission of the organization. Not the phony mission statements like hamburger companies saying they're serving the public, but real mission statements like "Sell lots of hamburgers and make lots of money for the shareholders." From a globalized marketing perspective, this kind of real mission Follow Marc statement can lead to a realization that intercultural learning and knowledge are useful. This is the horizon scan, and looking over the horizon, which is part of strategic planning. For example, "Well, maybe we can't sell lots of hamburgers in China, but what else can we sell that Chinese will buy and eat?" Or "Guess we have to serve wine with those hamburgers at our stores in France." One can do organizational diagnosis: "How well prepared are we to meet and fulfill those global needs?" This I think is where the instruments can come in-- to evaluate each manager to ascertain whether or not she is able to carry out the task successfully. But we also know that some managers are simply better at these diverse, intercultural, global tasks than others. Effectiveness is determined by results, and if a given manager is producing results, what the heck does it matter whether she fills out an instrument or not? I can imagine, however, that in a situation where large numbers of less-experienced managers are thrown into the fray in an intensely intercultural situation, such as young US military officers in Afghanistan, it might be useful to kickstart their learning by evaluating where they are on a scale of intercultural understanding and ability. Maybe Neal can tell us whether his programs have ever been used by the military. I've approached the problem from the diversity and counter-insurgency side, with a curriculum for the military; and from the conflict resolution side, with a program for culturally appropriate alternative dispute resolution. Neither uses an IDI-type instrument, but maybe the former should. I'm open to thinking about it, and maybe Neal can provide some thoughts on the subject. 11 minutes ago Kevin Carter • Thanks, Neal and Marc I would agree with this approach: Step 1: organization analysis (and there many tools / frameworks out there that can complete this process) that arrives at a clarity of the organization's business goals and how changes in the workforce or work environment could accelerate the attainment of these goals Step 2: identification and introduction of the tool, project, training, education etc. that will foster these changes, along with confirmation of the success metric (both direct - such as project completion, education rating, etc and in-direct such as increased sales, new products or services, cost savings, etc.) Step 3: implementation and progress monitoring of intervention Step 4: close out intervention (or stage of intervention) and report results Step 5: incorporate intervention within existing processes to foster continuous improvement As you suggest, within such a methodology, I would not rule-in, or rule-out IDI, or any other tool, I would just want to be sure I was utilizing the right tool for the right situation to assist my client achieve their organizational goals. Other thoughts, anyone? 54 seconds ago • Delete • Edit Comment 13 minutes left Add a comment... Send me an email for each new comment. Add Comment Ads by LinkedIn Members Action Day Planners Global mobility expo Free shipping thru 12/31/10. Great gift or One day conference on global relocation personal organizer. Made in USA! and international assignments Customer Service About Blog Careers Advertising Recruiting Solutions Tools Mobile Developers Publishers Language Upgrade My Account
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