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Dr .A.Krishnamoorthi
Assistant Professor in zoology ,
Arignar Anna Government Arts College ,Namakkal
1 Introduction
 Neurosecretions are the main sources of hormone in the
 Neurosecretion is the storage, synthesis and release
of hormones from neurons.
 These neurohormones, produced by neurosecretory cells,
are normally secreted from nerve cells in the brain that
then circulate into the blood.
 These neurohormones are similar to non-
neural endocrine cells and glands in that they also
regulate both endocrine and non-endocrine cells.
 Neurosecretion cells synthesize and package their
product in vesicles and exocytose them at axon
endings just as normal neurons do, but release their
product fartheir from their target than normal neurons
(which release their neurotransmitters short distances
at synapses), typically releasing their neurohormones
into the circulatory system to reach their distant targets.
 In invertebrate neurosecretions appear to regulate
growth, regeneration, metamorphosis and reproductive
Neuroendocrine system in Crustacea
 A typical crustacean, the neuro-endocrine system has
the following components.
 1. Neurosecretory cells: In crustaceans, neurosecretory
cells are located in the brain, portions of the optic
lobe and all the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord.
 2.The neurosecretory X-organ or organ of Bellonci and
its associated three neurohemal organ:
i)The sinus gland. Both an X-organ and a sinus
gland are located in each eyestalk, and together they
are termed the eyestalk complex.
They made up of axon termini from the neurosecretory
cells of brain and optic ganglia. They receive storage
and release hormones secreted from neurosecretory cells
in brain and the optic lobe. Sinus gland contains
chromatophorotropin hormone and moult-inhibiting
(ii)The post commisure organ located immediately
posterior to the oesophagus and receiving axon from
the brain. It serves as a centre for storage and
release of secretion from the posterior part of the
brain(tritocerebraum). It affects the colour changes
(chromatophorotropin hormone).
(iii)The pericardial organ located in the wall of the
pericardium. They consist of neurosecretory cells and
axon terminals from various ventral ganglia. The
secretions of the organs are concentrated with the
increased heart beat and also responsible for the
regulation of gas transport and exchange.
3. There are three non-neural endocrine glands
 (i) The Y-organ located within antennary or
maxillary segments. It secretes a hormone that
influences moulting. It secretion is regulated by the X-
organ complex. An eye stalk hormone appears to
inhibit production of Y-organ hormone.
 (ii) Androgenic gland found in male crustaceans. Its
secretion is responsible for development of male
secondary sexual characters. The gland located on the
wall of the vasdeferens. It is performed by interstitial
cells of the testes.
 (iii) Ovaries found in female. Its secretion is
responsible for female secondary sexual characters.
Role of neuroendocrine system
 The various physiological process regulated by the
neuroendocrine system is divided into three groups
namely, kinetic, morphological and metabolic process.
 The kinetic process includes somatic pigmentation,
retinal pigment migration and cardiac regulation.
Colour changes or somatic pigmentation
 The neurohormones known as chromatophorotropins
secreted by the pigment cells (chromatophores) have
been found in the eyestalk complex and almost all part
of the nervous system that regulate colour changes.
 The best known are the light-adapting hormone and
the red-pigment-concentrating hormone.
 Regulation of the chromatophores allows an animal to
adapt to different backgrounds by changing colours or
by becoming lighter or darker.
Control of retinal pigment
 Crustacean eye is a compound structure compost of
many units called ommatidia.
 The ommatidium consists of three sets of pigments
namely, proximal retinal pigment, distal retinal pigments
and reflecting pigment.
 The movement of pigments are under the control of
the hormone of the eye-stalk and brain.
Cardiac regulation
 In most crustaceans, the heart is neurogenic with
elongated dorsal cardiac ganglion acting as the
 Heart rate is accelerated in crustaceans by a factor
called Myotropic factor released from the pericardial
 Extracts of these organs found to contain 5–hydroxyl-
tryptamine which increased heart rate and also regulates
gas transport and exchange.
 Growth is discontinuous process in arthropods.
 Increase in size being restricted to the period between
loss of the old exoskeleton and expansion and
hardening of the new one.
 Moulting may be a seasonal or continuous process and
it is influenced by a great variety of environmental
 Externally moulting may be appear sloughing off of the
hard exoskeleton to allow internal growth, internally it is
a complex metabolic adjustments and a well coordinated
neuro-endocrine mechanism operates this complex
 In crustaceans, molt cycle occurs in four stages.
 Pre-moult, moult, post-moult and inter-moult.
Premoult (proecdysis)
 Pre-moult (proecdysis) stage occurs just prior to
exuviation, and is characterized by separation of the
old exoskeleton from the underlying epidermal layer.
 The old exoskeleton is partly reabsorbed, and energy
reserves are mobilized from the midgut gland.
 Pre-moult begins with an increase in concentration of
moulting hormone in the hemolymph.
 The first indication that the prawn is entering proecdysis
is the withdrawal of the epidermis from the old cuticle
 Later the epidermis starts to hypertrophy and cells,
which appear to have a storage function, accumulate
in it.
 As the prawn proceeds through this stage, the
epidermis starts to secrete a new epicuticle and
 Feeding starts to decline and has completely ceased
by the end of the proecdysis.
 Oxygen consumption increases, glycogen is deposited
in the hypodemic tissue of the old cuticle and lost
limbs are regenerated rapidly.
 The materials for cuticle synthesis are derived from
two sources: accumulated reserves due to feeding and
resorption from the old cuticle.
Moult or Ecdysis
 Ecdysis, as a stage, only lasts a few minutes.
 It begins with the old exoskeleton opening at
the dorsal junction of the thorax and abdomen
in decapod crustaceans, and is completed when
the animal escapes from its confines.
 Moult is sloughing off of the old cuticle.
 This is accompanied by a marked increase in
size which accounts for rapid absorption of
water immediately after removal of the old
cuticle and the cuticle hardens appreciably
within a few hours afterwards.
 The steroid hormone ecdysone secreted from the Y-
organ stimulates moulting.
 After it is released into the blood, ecdysone is
converted to a 20-hydroxyecdysone, which is the
active moulting hormone.
 Edysone is blocked by a neurohormone called moult-
inhibiting hormone, produced by the eyestalk complex.
 In moult of the crustacean, the ablation of eyestalk
bring about accelerate the moulting cycle.
Post-moult (postecdysis)
 Post-moult is the stage just following exuviation
(shedding of the old exoskeleton).
 It is the period when the exoskeleton expands due to
increased hemolymph volume from water influx.
 Water influx occurs across the epidermis, gills, and gut.
 After several hours or days (depending upon total
length of the molt cycle), the new exoskeleton hardens
and retains its rigidity.
 Immediately after ecdysis, the only layers present are
the epicuticle and exocuticle.
 Within a few hours the epidermis starts to secrete the
 Most of the cuticle must be derived from materials
stored in the epidermis, as feeding does not begin until
the prawn is well into the inter-moult stage.
 This secretion continues until the prawns are in the
inter-moult condition, when the three layers are fully
 During inter-moult the exoskeleton becomes much
harder through mineral and protein deposition.
 Shrimp exoskeleton is relatively thin and soft compared
to crabs and lobsters (Chang, 1992).
 The volume, as well as the weight of the whole prawn
increases by 3-4% during the intermoult period.
 This increase may be due to extension of the thin
intersegmental connections of the abdomen, and
supports the concept that growth in penaeids is a more
continuous process than in the heavily armoured
decapods, which moult relatively infrequently.
 The X-organ sinus gland complex and Y-organ regulate
the process of moulting.
 The Y-organ performs a positive role in this process.
 Internal and external environmental conditions influence
the moulting pattern by either affecting the production of
MIH in the X organ or it release from the sinus gland.
 The function of Y organ is under the control of
circulating titters of MIH.
 During moulting phase concentration of MH higher and
the moulting is switched on.
 On other hand, when concentration of MIH increases it
inhibit Y-organ to synthesis MH and inhibition of
moulting process.
 The time and duration of each period may be varies
according to geographical distribution, environmental
condition age and sex of the animals.
 Most of the crustaceans are bisexual with clear cut
sexual dimorphism.
 sex is determined genetically, but the morphological and
functional expression are under the control of hormone.
 At the younger stages the sexes cannot be
distinguished however, the sexual differentiation
progressed with successive moults and continuous up to
the gonadal maturity and complete development of
secondary sexual characters.
Male reproductive hormone:
 The male sex hormone is produced by a pair of
androgenic glands located end of the each vasdeferens.
 In a genetic female, they fail to develop. But in male
the gland enlarged to form solid strand of cells, folded
several times and become functional androgenic glands.
 It is a holocrine gland, that is secretes total content
into the blood.
 The peptide hormone secreted by the androgenic glands
influence the normal development of testes and
subsequent spermatogenesis and expression of secondary
sexual characteristics
 In addition to this, injection of extract from the sub-
oesophageal and thoracic ganglia accelerate the gonadal
 This indicates that, some gonads accelerating factor
present in these ganglia.
 It is experimentally proved that, in shrimps and other
crustaceans the removal of androgenic glands or their
testes tent to function like ovaries.
 They spontaneously develop oocytes from primary germ
cells instead of sperms.
 When the androgenic glands are removed such
operation leads to either partial or complete castration of
a male individual.
 From this concluded that, the normal functional state of
testes and maintenance of secondary sexual character is
controlled by the male sex hormone secreted by the
androgenic glands.
 Testes as an organ however, have no endocrine role.
Female reproductive hormone:
 The normal functional state of the ovary and female
secondary sexual characters are controlled by two
hormones released from X organ sinus gland complex
of the eye stalk and the ovary.
 The eyestalk complex appears to produce a
neurohormone called ovary inhibiting hormone
that inhibits enlargement of ovary and vitellogenesis by
the fat body and blocks vitellogenin (yolk) deposition
in the oocytes in the ovary.
 Older follicles in the ovary, however, may secrete a
vitellogenin-stimulating hormone that overrides the effects
of the eyestalk neurohormone.
 During moulting, the ovarian inhibition hormone is
produced in large quantities thereby inhibiting
reproductive phase.
 On the other hand, during reproductive phase moult
inhibiting hormone is secretes in large quantities this
preventing the process of moulting.
 There are four known sources of factors that influence
water and ionic balance (osmoregulation) in
 The brain factor is known to regulate function of the
antennal glands (paired “kidneys” located at the base
of each antenna), the intestine, and the gills.
 The thoracic ganglion factor affects the stomach,
intestine, and gills.
 Both the antennal glands and the gills are affected by a
factor from the eyestalk complex.
 Finally, the pericardial organs (neurohemal glands
located in the pericardial cavity) influence salt and water
metabolism by heart muscle and gills.
Neuroendocrine system in Insects
 In insect, various life process like growth, metabolism,
colour adaptation and reproduction are controlled by well
coordinated endocrine system.
 The neuro-endocrine system of a typical insect is
compost of both aggregation of neurosecretory nuclei in
different regions of the nervous system and specialized
non neural endocrine glans.
 Insects contains two neurosecretory nuclei namely,
cerebral ganglia and corpora cardiaca, the non-neural
organs namely, corpora allata and prothoracic gland or
ecdysial gland.
 Cerebral ganglions are the important neurosecretory
centre of insects.
 It has two median ganglions and two lateral ganglions.
 Axons from the median ganglions cross each other and
emerging from the brain forming a pair of nerves called
Nervi Corporis Cardiaci-I (NCC-I) extend to a
neurohaemal organ corpora cardiac.
 The lateral ganglia or B-cells are usually smaller in size
and fewer in numbers then the median cells or ganglia.
 From these a paired nerves directly emerged out and
joint with corpora cardiaca that is called nervicorporis II
Cerebral ganglia
 They located lateral to the NCC-I. In some cases the
third group of trito-cerebral nuclei are present.
 From this the axons directly enter to the corpora
cardiac via NCC-III.
 These are the cerebral ganglions or cells found in the
various groups of insects.
 In addition to this, neurosecretory cells also found in
sub-oesophageal and other ganglia of ventral nerve
 The presence of neurosecretory cells in the sub-
oesophageal ganglia is a characteristic feature of
throughout the insect order.
Corpora cardiaca
 Corpora cardiaca are the principal neurohaemal organs
located just below the brain.
 They are small paired structure, bluish in appearance.
 The nerve trunks from cerebral ganglia (NCC-I, II and
III) are end in the corpora cardiaca. Each corpora
cardiaca is again connected to its corresponding corpora
allatum by a single nerve nervous corpora allati.
 Corpora allati composed of axons originating from the
 The corpora cardiaca can be considered as a modified
nerve ganglia functioning as a neurohaemal organ.
 Moreover, some nerve cells located in it may function
as neurosecretory cells.
 A large portion of the cardiacum is composed of axons
terminals of the brain neurosecretory cells.
 The neurosecretion of the cerebral nuclei may be
stored here or released directly into the haemolymph.
 But the secretory cells have been identified in cardiaca
from many species that function is not yet understood.
Corpoa allata
 The corpora allata are a non neural endocrine gland
located immediately below the corpora cardiaca.
 It is an ectodermal in origin, appeared as a solid
structure and ovoid in shape.
 The allata receive a pair of nerves from corpora
cardiaca which are primarily the extensions of the nervi
corporis cardiaci-I.
 Thus the allata becomes the segment of the
protocephalic neurosecretory pathway that extends from
the protocerebrum through the corpora cardiaca into the
 The corpora allata is the sources of juvenile hormone
(JH) or neotensis which play an important role in the
life cycle of insect particularly in the process of
Prothoracic gland or Ecdysial gland
 Prothoracic gland is a second non neural endocrine
gland arising from the ectodermal cells.
 The gland usually in pair and their location is varies in
different group of insects.
 Mainly it found in prothorax hence, it is called
prothoracic gland.
 It plays an important role in the process of moult or
 The functioning of the scdysial gland is controlled by a
tropic hormone released from the corpora cardiacum.
 The ecdysial gland secretes a steroid hormone called
 It plays an important role in the process of growth and
Endocrine control of moulting and
 The endocrine systems in insects control growth and
 In insects growth is a discontinuous process that leads
towards maturity through stages or instars.
 A key feature of insects is that they have exoskeletons.
 For an insect to grow, at the end of each instar
moulting occurs.
 During moulting the old binding exoskeleton is shed with
the formation of new one to providing space for further
growth of body.
 This shedding process is called moulting or ecdysis.
 The life of an insect consists of a series of discrete steps:
 growing followed by moulting, then more growing followed by
moulting, and so on.
 However, the rigid exoskeleton cannot change shape between
 In the moult cycle, final moult is the very important changes
because it is the period during which the adult characters
are formed with the concurrent loss of specific juvenile
structure. This means that all the changes of external
shape in the life of an insect must occur during
 This transformation from an immature juvenile to a
mature adult is termed as metamorphosis.
 In this way, the moulting process is intimately
connected to both growth and morphological
 The process of growth and development is controlled by
three endocrine sources namely, the brain, ecdysal
gland and corpora allata.
 There are three hormones regulates growth and
development they are first one is prothoracicotropic
hormone (PTTH), a peptide tropic hormone secreted by
brain neurosecretory cells.
 The second is ecdysone, a steroid secreted by non-
neural endocrine cells in the pro-thoracic glands.
 PTTH controls secretion of ecdysone. Juvenile hormone
(JH) is the third hormone of primary importance in the
control of moulting.
 It is secreted into the general circulation by non
neural endocrine cells in the corpora allata
 Neurosecretory cells in the brain secretes
prothoracicotropic hormone or ecdysiotropin hormone
which is stored in the corpora cardiaca.
 The brain has a computational power to determine
when each moult will occur.
 The neurosecretory cells that secrete PTTH is receive
synaptic inputs from other, ordinary brain neurons that
control when the neurosecretory cells will secrete their
 On stimulation from the ventral nerve cord to the brain
via the axons of the brain the corpora cardiaca release
the PTTH to blood (haemolymph).
 During each episode of PTTH secretion, the flow of
blood carries the PTTH to the two pro-thoracic glands,
where it stimulates to secrete ecdysone hormone.
 As the ecdysone circulates, it undergoes peripheral
activation to form 20-hydroxyecdysone, a hormone that
primarily affects the insect’s epidermis, the layer of
living tissue just inside the exoskeleton.
 The epidermis secretes the exoskeleton. The hormone,
being a steroid, enters the epidermal cells.
 There it combines with intracellular receptors, which
alter gene transcription patterns.
 As a result, the epidermal cells secrete enzymes that
loosen their connection with the old exoskeleton,
allowing the old exoskeleton to be shed.
 Then the epidermal cells synthesize a new, larger
exoskeleton and differentiation of tissue.
 In other words, a moult occurs.
 At that time, Juvenile hormone (JH) is secreted into the
general circulation by non-neural endocrine cells in the
corpora allata .
 It is lipid-soluble and enters target cells to starts life
as a larva (caterpillar), retains its larval form for
several moults, and then metamorphoses into an adult.
 It is observed that, each cell of the body has
multiple sets of genes which transfer the body into
immature or mature characters.
 Some insects, such as moths and butterflies, undergo
a complete metamorphosis during their development.
 In this respect JH play an important role in retaining
juvenile characters after each moult.
 When a larva moults, it retains its larval form if JH is
at high concentration in the blood during the moulting
 During the early life of an individual, the blood
concentration of JH is high.
 Moulting thus results in a series of larger and larger
larval forms .
 Later in life, however, JH secretion is reduced, and
the JH concentration in the blood falls to a low level.
 At that point, when moulting occurs, the juvenile form
is not retained.
 Instead, the insect enters a resting stage of distinctive
body form, called a pupa.
 During the inactive pupal stage, the insect’s
During the inactive pupal stage, the insect’s body is
extensively remodelled inside the pupal exoskeleton.
Then, when the insect moults yet again without a high
concentration of JH in the blood, the individual emerges
as an adult.
Hormonal regulation of
 The initiation and termination of some reproductive
events often depend on environmental factors, such
as temperature, humidity, photoperiod, or availability
of food or a suitable egg-laying site.
 Additionally, these external influences may be modified
by internal factors such as nutritional condition and the
state of maturation of the oocytes.
 Copulation also may trigger oocyte development,
oviposition, and inhibition of sexual receptivity in the
female via enzymes or peptides transferred to the
female reproductive tract in male accessory gland
 Regulation of reproduction is complex and involves
sensory receptors, neuronal transmission, and integration
of messages in the brain, as well as chemical
messengers (hormones) transported in the hemolymph
or via the nerve axons to target tissues or to other
endocrine glands.
 Certain parts of the nervous system, particularly
neuro-secretory cells in the brain, produce
neurohormones or neuropeptides (proteinaceous
messengers) and also control the synthesis of two
groups of insect hormones — the ecdysteroids and the
juvenile hormones (JH).
 Neuropeptides, steroid hormones, and JH all play
essential roles in the regulation of reproduction,
 Juvenile hormones and/or ecdysteroids are essential
to reproduction, with JH mostly triggering the functioning
of organs such as the ovary, accessory glands, and fat
body, whereas ecdysteroids influence morphogenesis
as well as gonad functions.
 Neuropeptides play various roles at different stages
of reproduction, as they regulate endocrine function
(via the corpora allata and prothoracic glands) and
also directly influence reproductive events, especially
ovulation and oviposition or larviposition.
 The role of neuropeptides in control of reproduction
is an expanding area of research, made possible
by new technologies, especially in biochemistry and
molecular biology.
 To date, most studies have concentrated on the
Diptera (especially Drosophila, mosquitoes, and
houseflies), the Lepidoptera (especially the tobacco
hornworm, Manduca sexta), locusts, and cockroaches.
Examples of some important insect physiological
processes mediated by neuropeptides.
Neuropeptide Action
Growth and development
Allatostatins and allatotropins Induce/regulate juvenile hormone (JH)
Bursicon Controls cuticular sclerotization
Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) Switches on ecdysis behaviour
Diapause hormone (DH) Causes dormancy in silkworm eggs
Pre-ecdysis triggering hormone (PETH) Stimulates pre-ecdysis behaviour
Ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH) Initiates events at ecdysis
Eclosion hormone (EH) Controls events at ecdysis
JH esterase inducing factor Stimulates JH degradative enzyme
Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) Induces ecdysteroid secretion from
prothoracic gland
Puparium tanning factor Accelerates fly puparium tanning
Antigonadotropin (e. g. oostatic
hormone, OH)
Suppresses oocyte development
Ovarian ecdysteroidogenic
hormone (OEH = EDNH)
Stimulates ovarian ecdysteroid
Ovary maturing peptide (OMP) Stimulates egg development
Oviposition peptides Stimulate egg deposition
Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) Affects egg development
Pheromone biosynthesis activating
Regulates pheromone production
Metabolic peptides (= AKH/RPCH
Adipokinetic hormone (AKH) Releases lipid from fat body
Hyperglycemic hormone Releases carbohydrate from fat body
Hypoglycemic hormone Enhances carbohydrate uptake
Protein synthesis factors Enhance fat body protein synthesis
Diuretic and antidiuretic peptides
Antidiuretic peptide (ADP) Suppresses water excretion
Diuretic peptide (DP) Enhances water excretion
Chloride-transport stimulating
Stimulates Cl− absorption (rectum)
Ion-transport peptide (ITP) Stimulates Cl− absorption (ileum)
Myotropic peptides
Cardiopeptides Increase heartbeat rate
Kinin family (e. g. leukokinins and
Regulate gut contraction
Proctolin Modifies excitation response of some
Chromatotropic peptides
Melanization and reddish coloration
hormone (MRCH)
Induces darkening
Pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) Disperses pigment
Corazonin Darkens pigment
 The transition from ecdysterone production by the pre-
adult prothoracic gland to the adult ovary varies
between taxa. (After Raabe 1986)
 In summary, reproduction in different class of insects is
controlled by a well defined neuroendocrine
phenomenon, in which central nervous system plays a
key role.
 Even though various external and internal stimuli
regulates on it, set a series of neuro-endocrine
adjustments leading to the development of gonads and
switching on the secondary reproductive behavioural
 The experimental evidences prove that, main endocrine
sources controlling reproduction are brain, corpora allata
and pro-thoracic gland.
 Diapauses, is a resting phase in the life cycle of an
insect as a result of arrested development.
 It is a condition of reduced metabolism and various
other changes like decreased body water and
responsiveness to external stimulus.
 The temporary adjustments to avoid death, otherwise
possible due to unfavourable conditions, involve a
change in the neuro-endocrine regulation.
 Diapauses may occur at any stage of the life cycle
from egg to the adult.
 The females emerging from eggs exposed to long
photoperiods and high environmental temperature
produces diapauses egg to avoid the environmental
stress during post embryonic development.
 A definite neroendocrine are controls the production of
these eggs.
 In Bombyx mori, it is observed that, the diapauses
hormone is synthesised and released from the nero-
secretory cells in the sub-oesophageal ganglion.
 The hormone acts upon the eggs when they are still
in the genital tract.
 As compared to eggs, larval or nymphal diapauses
have received little attention.
 Pupa diapauses generally terminate following the period
of reduced temperature.
 During this phase proto-cerebral neurosecretory cells of
the diapausing pupa regain their activities.
 The neruo-hormone released from the cells stimulates
the ecdysial gland to release ecdysone which terminates
the diapauses.
 Many insects are able to enter the diapauses condition
at an adult stage but very little is known about the
neuroendocrine regulation of this phenomenon.
Hormonal control of
 Insects and other arthropods, such as crayfish and
crabs, have elaborate endocrine systems.
 For example, many insects have anti-diuretic and
diuretic hormones that control excretion of water by the
insect organs that serve kidney functions.
 Diuretic hormones promote excretion of a high volume
of water.
 Some of the blood-sucking insects secrete diuretic
hormones immediately after each blood meal.
 These hormones promote rapid excretion of much of
the water in the blood, thereby concentrating the
nutritious part of the meal (e.g., the blood proteins)
in the gut.
Colour adaptation
 In insects, both morphological and physiological colour
changes are occurs.
 In general, physiological colour changes are influenced
by two endocrine principal originating from sub-oesophageal
ganglion and tritocerebrum and a weaker effect substance
from corpora cardiaca.
 Generally, under the influence of them darkening of the
epidermis is brought about.
 The environmental stimulus which influence the activity of
nerosecretory cells in light.
 Morphological colour changes usually occur during ontogenetic
development and hormones must be modifying the metabolic
pathway involved in synthesis of different indegumentary
 Generally, coloration of the environment influences the body
colour in response to ecdysial gland.

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Insect And Crustacean Endocrinology

  • 1. INSECT AND CRUSTACEAN ENDOCIRINOLOGY By Dr .A.Krishnamoorthi Assistant Professor in zoology , Arignar Anna Government Arts College ,Namakkal
  • 2. 1 Introduction  Neurosecretions are the main sources of hormone in the invertebrates.  Neurosecretion is the storage, synthesis and release of hormones from neurons.  These neurohormones, produced by neurosecretory cells, are normally secreted from nerve cells in the brain that then circulate into the blood.  These neurohormones are similar to non- neural endocrine cells and glands in that they also regulate both endocrine and non-endocrine cells.
  • 3.  Neurosecretion cells synthesize and package their product in vesicles and exocytose them at axon endings just as normal neurons do, but release their product fartheir from their target than normal neurons (which release their neurotransmitters short distances at synapses), typically releasing their neurohormones into the circulatory system to reach their distant targets.  In invertebrate neurosecretions appear to regulate growth, regeneration, metamorphosis and reproductive activities.
  • 4. Neuroendocrine system in Crustacea  A typical crustacean, the neuro-endocrine system has the following components.  1. Neurosecretory cells: In crustaceans, neurosecretory cells are located in the brain, portions of the optic lobe and all the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord.  2.The neurosecretory X-organ or organ of Bellonci and its associated three neurohemal organ: i)The sinus gland. Both an X-organ and a sinus gland are located in each eyestalk, and together they are termed the eyestalk complex.
  • 5. They made up of axon termini from the neurosecretory cells of brain and optic ganglia. They receive storage and release hormones secreted from neurosecretory cells in brain and the optic lobe. Sinus gland contains chromatophorotropin hormone and moult-inhibiting hormone. (ii)The post commisure organ located immediately posterior to the oesophagus and receiving axon from the brain. It serves as a centre for storage and release of secretion from the posterior part of the brain(tritocerebraum). It affects the colour changes (chromatophorotropin hormone).
  • 6. (iii)The pericardial organ located in the wall of the pericardium. They consist of neurosecretory cells and axon terminals from various ventral ganglia. The secretions of the organs are concentrated with the increased heart beat and also responsible for the regulation of gas transport and exchange.
  • 7. 3. There are three non-neural endocrine glands namely:  (i) The Y-organ located within antennary or maxillary segments. It secretes a hormone that influences moulting. It secretion is regulated by the X- organ complex. An eye stalk hormone appears to inhibit production of Y-organ hormone.  (ii) Androgenic gland found in male crustaceans. Its secretion is responsible for development of male secondary sexual characters. The gland located on the wall of the vasdeferens. It is performed by interstitial cells of the testes.  (iii) Ovaries found in female. Its secretion is responsible for female secondary sexual characters.
  • 8. Role of neuroendocrine system  The various physiological process regulated by the neuroendocrine system is divided into three groups namely, kinetic, morphological and metabolic process.  The kinetic process includes somatic pigmentation, retinal pigment migration and cardiac regulation.
  • 9. Colour changes or somatic pigmentation  The neurohormones known as chromatophorotropins secreted by the pigment cells (chromatophores) have been found in the eyestalk complex and almost all part of the nervous system that regulate colour changes.  The best known are the light-adapting hormone and the red-pigment-concentrating hormone.  Regulation of the chromatophores allows an animal to adapt to different backgrounds by changing colours or by becoming lighter or darker.
  • 10. Control of retinal pigment movements  Crustacean eye is a compound structure compost of many units called ommatidia.  The ommatidium consists of three sets of pigments namely, proximal retinal pigment, distal retinal pigments and reflecting pigment.  The movement of pigments are under the control of the hormone of the eye-stalk and brain.
  • 11. Cardiac regulation  In most crustaceans, the heart is neurogenic with elongated dorsal cardiac ganglion acting as the pacemaker.  Heart rate is accelerated in crustaceans by a factor called Myotropic factor released from the pericardial organs.  Extracts of these organs found to contain 5–hydroxyl- tryptamine which increased heart rate and also regulates gas transport and exchange.
  • 12. Moulting  Growth is discontinuous process in arthropods.  Increase in size being restricted to the period between loss of the old exoskeleton and expansion and hardening of the new one.  Moulting may be a seasonal or continuous process and it is influenced by a great variety of environmental factors.  Externally moulting may be appear sloughing off of the hard exoskeleton to allow internal growth, internally it is a complex metabolic adjustments and a well coordinated neuro-endocrine mechanism operates this complex process.  In crustaceans, molt cycle occurs in four stages.  Pre-moult, moult, post-moult and inter-moult.
  • 13. Premoult (proecdysis)  Pre-moult (proecdysis) stage occurs just prior to exuviation, and is characterized by separation of the old exoskeleton from the underlying epidermal layer.  The old exoskeleton is partly reabsorbed, and energy reserves are mobilized from the midgut gland.  Pre-moult begins with an increase in concentration of moulting hormone in the hemolymph.  The first indication that the prawn is entering proecdysis is the withdrawal of the epidermis from the old cuticle (apolysis).
  • 14.  Later the epidermis starts to hypertrophy and cells, which appear to have a storage function, accumulate in it.  As the prawn proceeds through this stage, the epidermis starts to secrete a new epicuticle and exocuticle.  Feeding starts to decline and has completely ceased by the end of the proecdysis.  Oxygen consumption increases, glycogen is deposited in the hypodemic tissue of the old cuticle and lost limbs are regenerated rapidly.  The materials for cuticle synthesis are derived from two sources: accumulated reserves due to feeding and resorption from the old cuticle.
  • 15.
  • 16. Moult or Ecdysis  Ecdysis, as a stage, only lasts a few minutes.  It begins with the old exoskeleton opening at the dorsal junction of the thorax and abdomen in decapod crustaceans, and is completed when the animal escapes from its confines.  Moult is sloughing off of the old cuticle.  This is accompanied by a marked increase in size which accounts for rapid absorption of water immediately after removal of the old cuticle and the cuticle hardens appreciably within a few hours afterwards.
  • 17.  The steroid hormone ecdysone secreted from the Y- organ stimulates moulting.  After it is released into the blood, ecdysone is converted to a 20-hydroxyecdysone, which is the active moulting hormone.  Edysone is blocked by a neurohormone called moult- inhibiting hormone, produced by the eyestalk complex.  In moult of the crustacean, the ablation of eyestalk bring about accelerate the moulting cycle.
  • 18.
  • 19. Post-moult (postecdysis)  Post-moult is the stage just following exuviation (shedding of the old exoskeleton).  It is the period when the exoskeleton expands due to increased hemolymph volume from water influx.  Water influx occurs across the epidermis, gills, and gut.  After several hours or days (depending upon total length of the molt cycle), the new exoskeleton hardens and retains its rigidity.  Immediately after ecdysis, the only layers present are the epicuticle and exocuticle.  Within a few hours the epidermis starts to secrete the endocuticle.
  • 20.  Most of the cuticle must be derived from materials stored in the epidermis, as feeding does not begin until the prawn is well into the inter-moult stage.  This secretion continues until the prawns are in the inter-moult condition, when the three layers are fully formed
  • 21. Inter-moult  During inter-moult the exoskeleton becomes much harder through mineral and protein deposition.  Shrimp exoskeleton is relatively thin and soft compared to crabs and lobsters (Chang, 1992).  The volume, as well as the weight of the whole prawn increases by 3-4% during the intermoult period.  This increase may be due to extension of the thin intersegmental connections of the abdomen, and supports the concept that growth in penaeids is a more continuous process than in the heavily armoured decapods, which moult relatively infrequently.
  • 22.  The X-organ sinus gland complex and Y-organ regulate the process of moulting.  The Y-organ performs a positive role in this process.  Internal and external environmental conditions influence the moulting pattern by either affecting the production of MIH in the X organ or it release from the sinus gland.  The function of Y organ is under the control of circulating titters of MIH.  During moulting phase concentration of MH higher and the moulting is switched on.  On other hand, when concentration of MIH increases it inhibit Y-organ to synthesis MH and inhibition of moulting process.  The time and duration of each period may be varies according to geographical distribution, environmental condition age and sex of the animals.
  • 23.
  • 24. Reproduction  Most of the crustaceans are bisexual with clear cut sexual dimorphism.  sex is determined genetically, but the morphological and functional expression are under the control of hormone.  At the younger stages the sexes cannot be distinguished however, the sexual differentiation progressed with successive moults and continuous up to the gonadal maturity and complete development of secondary sexual characters.
  • 25. Male reproductive hormone:  The male sex hormone is produced by a pair of androgenic glands located end of the each vasdeferens.  In a genetic female, they fail to develop. But in male the gland enlarged to form solid strand of cells, folded several times and become functional androgenic glands.  It is a holocrine gland, that is secretes total content into the blood.  The peptide hormone secreted by the androgenic glands influence the normal development of testes and subsequent spermatogenesis and expression of secondary sexual characteristics
  • 26.  In addition to this, injection of extract from the sub- oesophageal and thoracic ganglia accelerate the gonadal development.  This indicates that, some gonads accelerating factor present in these ganglia.  It is experimentally proved that, in shrimps and other crustaceans the removal of androgenic glands or their testes tent to function like ovaries.  They spontaneously develop oocytes from primary germ cells instead of sperms.  When the androgenic glands are removed such operation leads to either partial or complete castration of a male individual.  From this concluded that, the normal functional state of testes and maintenance of secondary sexual character is controlled by the male sex hormone secreted by the androgenic glands.  Testes as an organ however, have no endocrine role.
  • 27. Female reproductive hormone:  The normal functional state of the ovary and female secondary sexual characters are controlled by two hormones released from X organ sinus gland complex of the eye stalk and the ovary.  The eyestalk complex appears to produce a neurohormone called ovary inhibiting hormone that inhibits enlargement of ovary and vitellogenesis by the fat body and blocks vitellogenin (yolk) deposition in the oocytes in the ovary.  Older follicles in the ovary, however, may secrete a vitellogenin-stimulating hormone that overrides the effects of the eyestalk neurohormone.
  • 28.  During moulting, the ovarian inhibition hormone is produced in large quantities thereby inhibiting reproductive phase.  On the other hand, during reproductive phase moult inhibiting hormone is secretes in large quantities this preventing the process of moulting.
  • 29. Osmoregulation  There are four known sources of factors that influence water and ionic balance (osmoregulation) in crustaceans.  The brain factor is known to regulate function of the antennal glands (paired “kidneys” located at the base of each antenna), the intestine, and the gills.  The thoracic ganglion factor affects the stomach, intestine, and gills.  Both the antennal glands and the gills are affected by a factor from the eyestalk complex.  Finally, the pericardial organs (neurohemal glands located in the pericardial cavity) influence salt and water metabolism by heart muscle and gills.
  • 30. Neuroendocrine system in Insects  In insect, various life process like growth, metabolism, colour adaptation and reproduction are controlled by well coordinated endocrine system.  The neuro-endocrine system of a typical insect is compost of both aggregation of neurosecretory nuclei in different regions of the nervous system and specialized non neural endocrine glans.  Insects contains two neurosecretory nuclei namely, cerebral ganglia and corpora cardiaca, the non-neural organs namely, corpora allata and prothoracic gland or ecdysial gland.
  • 31.  Cerebral ganglions are the important neurosecretory centre of insects.  It has two median ganglions and two lateral ganglions.  Axons from the median ganglions cross each other and emerging from the brain forming a pair of nerves called Nervi Corporis Cardiaci-I (NCC-I) extend to a neurohaemal organ corpora cardiac.  The lateral ganglia or B-cells are usually smaller in size and fewer in numbers then the median cells or ganglia.  From these a paired nerves directly emerged out and joint with corpora cardiaca that is called nervicorporis II (NCC-II). Cerebral ganglia
  • 32.  They located lateral to the NCC-I. In some cases the third group of trito-cerebral nuclei are present.  From this the axons directly enter to the corpora cardiac via NCC-III.  These are the cerebral ganglions or cells found in the various groups of insects.  In addition to this, neurosecretory cells also found in sub-oesophageal and other ganglia of ventral nerve cords.  The presence of neurosecretory cells in the sub- oesophageal ganglia is a characteristic feature of throughout the insect order.
  • 33.
  • 34. Corpora cardiaca  Corpora cardiaca are the principal neurohaemal organs located just below the brain.  They are small paired structure, bluish in appearance.  The nerve trunks from cerebral ganglia (NCC-I, II and III) are end in the corpora cardiaca. Each corpora cardiaca is again connected to its corresponding corpora allatum by a single nerve nervous corpora allati.  Corpora allati composed of axons originating from the brain.  The corpora cardiaca can be considered as a modified nerve ganglia functioning as a neurohaemal organ.  Moreover, some nerve cells located in it may function as neurosecretory cells.
  • 35.  A large portion of the cardiacum is composed of axons terminals of the brain neurosecretory cells.  The neurosecretion of the cerebral nuclei may be stored here or released directly into the haemolymph.  But the secretory cells have been identified in cardiaca from many species that function is not yet understood.
  • 36. Corpoa allata  The corpora allata are a non neural endocrine gland located immediately below the corpora cardiaca.  It is an ectodermal in origin, appeared as a solid structure and ovoid in shape.  The allata receive a pair of nerves from corpora cardiaca which are primarily the extensions of the nervi corporis cardiaci-I.  Thus the allata becomes the segment of the protocephalic neurosecretory pathway that extends from the protocerebrum through the corpora cardiaca into the allata.  The corpora allata is the sources of juvenile hormone (JH) or neotensis which play an important role in the life cycle of insect particularly in the process of moulting.
  • 37. Prothoracic gland or Ecdysial gland  Prothoracic gland is a second non neural endocrine gland arising from the ectodermal cells.  The gland usually in pair and their location is varies in different group of insects.  Mainly it found in prothorax hence, it is called prothoracic gland.  It plays an important role in the process of moult or ecdysis.  The functioning of the scdysial gland is controlled by a tropic hormone released from the corpora cardiacum.  The ecdysial gland secretes a steroid hormone called ecdysone.  It plays an important role in the process of growth and development.
  • 38. Endocrine control of moulting and metamorphosis  The endocrine systems in insects control growth and development.  In insects growth is a discontinuous process that leads towards maturity through stages or instars.  A key feature of insects is that they have exoskeletons.  For an insect to grow, at the end of each instar moulting occurs.  During moulting the old binding exoskeleton is shed with the formation of new one to providing space for further growth of body.  This shedding process is called moulting or ecdysis.
  • 39.  The life of an insect consists of a series of discrete steps:  growing followed by moulting, then more growing followed by moulting, and so on.  However, the rigid exoskeleton cannot change shape between moults.  In the moult cycle, final moult is the very important changes because it is the period during which the adult characters are formed with the concurrent loss of specific juvenile structure. This means that all the changes of external shape in the life of an insect must occur during moulting.  This transformation from an immature juvenile to a mature adult is termed as metamorphosis.  In this way, the moulting process is intimately connected to both growth and morphological development.
  • 40.  The process of growth and development is controlled by three endocrine sources namely, the brain, ecdysal gland and corpora allata.  There are three hormones regulates growth and development they are first one is prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH), a peptide tropic hormone secreted by brain neurosecretory cells.  The second is ecdysone, a steroid secreted by non- neural endocrine cells in the pro-thoracic glands.  PTTH controls secretion of ecdysone. Juvenile hormone (JH) is the third hormone of primary importance in the control of moulting.  It is secreted into the general circulation by non neural endocrine cells in the corpora allata
  • 41.  Neurosecretory cells in the brain secretes prothoracicotropic hormone or ecdysiotropin hormone which is stored in the corpora cardiaca.  The brain has a computational power to determine when each moult will occur.  The neurosecretory cells that secrete PTTH is receive synaptic inputs from other, ordinary brain neurons that control when the neurosecretory cells will secrete their hormone.  On stimulation from the ventral nerve cord to the brain via the axons of the brain the corpora cardiaca release the PTTH to blood (haemolymph).
  • 42.  During each episode of PTTH secretion, the flow of blood carries the PTTH to the two pro-thoracic glands, where it stimulates to secrete ecdysone hormone.  As the ecdysone circulates, it undergoes peripheral activation to form 20-hydroxyecdysone, a hormone that primarily affects the insect’s epidermis, the layer of living tissue just inside the exoskeleton.  The epidermis secretes the exoskeleton. The hormone, being a steroid, enters the epidermal cells.  There it combines with intracellular receptors, which alter gene transcription patterns.
  • 43.  As a result, the epidermal cells secrete enzymes that loosen their connection with the old exoskeleton, allowing the old exoskeleton to be shed.  Then the epidermal cells synthesize a new, larger exoskeleton and differentiation of tissue.  In other words, a moult occurs.
  • 44.
  • 45.  At that time, Juvenile hormone (JH) is secreted into the general circulation by non-neural endocrine cells in the corpora allata .  It is lipid-soluble and enters target cells to starts life as a larva (caterpillar), retains its larval form for several moults, and then metamorphoses into an adult.  It is observed that, each cell of the body has multiple sets of genes which transfer the body into immature or mature characters.  Some insects, such as moths and butterflies, undergo a complete metamorphosis during their development.  In this respect JH play an important role in retaining juvenile characters after each moult.
  • 46.  When a larva moults, it retains its larval form if JH is at high concentration in the blood during the moulting process.  During the early life of an individual, the blood concentration of JH is high.  Moulting thus results in a series of larger and larger larval forms .  Later in life, however, JH secretion is reduced, and the JH concentration in the blood falls to a low level.  At that point, when moulting occurs, the juvenile form is not retained.  Instead, the insect enters a resting stage of distinctive body form, called a pupa.  During the inactive pupal stage, the insect’s
  • 47. During the inactive pupal stage, the insect’s body is extensively remodelled inside the pupal exoskeleton. Then, when the insect moults yet again without a high concentration of JH in the blood, the individual emerges as an adult.
  • 48. Hormonal regulation of Reproduction  The initiation and termination of some reproductive events often depend on environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, photoperiod, or availability of food or a suitable egg-laying site.  Additionally, these external influences may be modified by internal factors such as nutritional condition and the state of maturation of the oocytes.  Copulation also may trigger oocyte development, oviposition, and inhibition of sexual receptivity in the female via enzymes or peptides transferred to the female reproductive tract in male accessory gland secretions.
  • 49.  Regulation of reproduction is complex and involves sensory receptors, neuronal transmission, and integration of messages in the brain, as well as chemical messengers (hormones) transported in the hemolymph or via the nerve axons to target tissues or to other endocrine glands.  Certain parts of the nervous system, particularly neuro-secretory cells in the brain, produce neurohormones or neuropeptides (proteinaceous messengers) and also control the synthesis of two groups of insect hormones — the ecdysteroids and the juvenile hormones (JH).  Neuropeptides, steroid hormones, and JH all play essential roles in the regulation of reproduction,
  • 50.  Juvenile hormones and/or ecdysteroids are essential to reproduction, with JH mostly triggering the functioning of organs such as the ovary, accessory glands, and fat body, whereas ecdysteroids influence morphogenesis as well as gonad functions.  Neuropeptides play various roles at different stages of reproduction, as they regulate endocrine function (via the corpora allata and prothoracic glands) and also directly influence reproductive events, especially ovulation and oviposition or larviposition.
  • 51.  The role of neuropeptides in control of reproduction is an expanding area of research, made possible by new technologies, especially in biochemistry and molecular biology.  To date, most studies have concentrated on the Diptera (especially Drosophila, mosquitoes, and houseflies), the Lepidoptera (especially the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta), locusts, and cockroaches.
  • 52. Examples of some important insect physiological processes mediated by neuropeptides.
  • 53. Neuropeptide Action Growth and development Allatostatins and allatotropins Induce/regulate juvenile hormone (JH) production Bursicon Controls cuticular sclerotization Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) Switches on ecdysis behaviour Diapause hormone (DH) Causes dormancy in silkworm eggs Pre-ecdysis triggering hormone (PETH) Stimulates pre-ecdysis behaviour Ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH) Initiates events at ecdysis Eclosion hormone (EH) Controls events at ecdysis JH esterase inducing factor Stimulates JH degradative enzyme Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) Induces ecdysteroid secretion from prothoracic gland Puparium tanning factor Accelerates fly puparium tanning
  • 54. Reproduction Antigonadotropin (e. g. oostatic hormone, OH) Suppresses oocyte development Ovarian ecdysteroidogenic hormone (OEH = EDNH) Stimulates ovarian ecdysteroid production Ovary maturing peptide (OMP) Stimulates egg development Oviposition peptides Stimulate egg deposition Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) Affects egg development Pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide Regulates pheromone production (PBAN)
  • 55. Homeostasis Metabolic peptides (= AKH/RPCH family) Adipokinetic hormone (AKH) Releases lipid from fat body Hyperglycemic hormone Releases carbohydrate from fat body Hypoglycemic hormone Enhances carbohydrate uptake Protein synthesis factors Enhance fat body protein synthesis
  • 56. Diuretic and antidiuretic peptides Antidiuretic peptide (ADP) Suppresses water excretion Diuretic peptide (DP) Enhances water excretion Chloride-transport stimulating hormone Stimulates Cl− absorption (rectum) Ion-transport peptide (ITP) Stimulates Cl− absorption (ileum) Myotropic peptides Cardiopeptides Increase heartbeat rate Kinin family (e. g. leukokinins and myosuppressins) Regulate gut contraction Proctolin Modifies excitation response of some muscles
  • 57. Chromatotropic peptides Melanization and reddish coloration hormone (MRCH) Induces darkening Pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) Disperses pigment Corazonin Darkens pigment
  • 58.  The transition from ecdysterone production by the pre- adult prothoracic gland to the adult ovary varies between taxa. (After Raabe 1986)  In summary, reproduction in different class of insects is controlled by a well defined neuroendocrine phenomenon, in which central nervous system plays a key role.  Even though various external and internal stimuli regulates on it, set a series of neuro-endocrine adjustments leading to the development of gonads and switching on the secondary reproductive behavioural adjustment.  The experimental evidences prove that, main endocrine sources controlling reproduction are brain, corpora allata and pro-thoracic gland.
  • 59. DIAPAUSES  Diapauses, is a resting phase in the life cycle of an insect as a result of arrested development.  It is a condition of reduced metabolism and various other changes like decreased body water and responsiveness to external stimulus.  The temporary adjustments to avoid death, otherwise possible due to unfavourable conditions, involve a change in the neuro-endocrine regulation.  Diapauses may occur at any stage of the life cycle from egg to the adult.
  • 60.  The females emerging from eggs exposed to long photoperiods and high environmental temperature produces diapauses egg to avoid the environmental stress during post embryonic development.  A definite neroendocrine are controls the production of these eggs.  In Bombyx mori, it is observed that, the diapauses hormone is synthesised and released from the nero- secretory cells in the sub-oesophageal ganglion.  The hormone acts upon the eggs when they are still in the genital tract.
  • 61.  As compared to eggs, larval or nymphal diapauses have received little attention.  Pupa diapauses generally terminate following the period of reduced temperature.  During this phase proto-cerebral neurosecretory cells of the diapausing pupa regain their activities.  The neruo-hormone released from the cells stimulates the ecdysial gland to release ecdysone which terminates the diapauses.  Many insects are able to enter the diapauses condition at an adult stage but very little is known about the neuroendocrine regulation of this phenomenon.
  • 62. Hormonal control of osmoregulation  Insects and other arthropods, such as crayfish and crabs, have elaborate endocrine systems.  For example, many insects have anti-diuretic and diuretic hormones that control excretion of water by the insect organs that serve kidney functions.  Diuretic hormones promote excretion of a high volume of water.  Some of the blood-sucking insects secrete diuretic hormones immediately after each blood meal.  These hormones promote rapid excretion of much of the water in the blood, thereby concentrating the nutritious part of the meal (e.g., the blood proteins) in the gut.
  • 63. Colour adaptation  In insects, both morphological and physiological colour changes are occurs.  In general, physiological colour changes are influenced by two endocrine principal originating from sub-oesophageal ganglion and tritocerebrum and a weaker effect substance from corpora cardiaca.  Generally, under the influence of them darkening of the epidermis is brought about.  The environmental stimulus which influence the activity of nerosecretory cells in light.  Morphological colour changes usually occur during ontogenetic development and hormones must be modifying the metabolic pathway involved in synthesis of different indegumentary pigments.  Generally, coloration of the environment influences the body colour in response to ecdysial gland.