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Lecture 1
Information Systems and Technology:
Basic Concepts
ITEC 1000 “Introduction to Information Technology”
Prof. Peter Khaiter
Lecture Outline:
 System’s Concept & Characteristics
 Feedback and Control
 System’s Study & Thinking
 Information Systems & Technology
 Concepts of Separation & IS Design
 Types of Information Systems
 Computer systems
 Typical components
 Brief history of computing
I. General Systems Theory
1. System’s Concept
Def. A System is a set of components that interact with one
another and serve for a common purpose or goal
Systems may be: (1) abstract or (2) physical
• An abstract system is conceptual, a product of a human mind. That is, it cannot
be seen or pointed to as an existing entity. Social, theological, cultural
systems are abstract systems. None of them can be photographed, drawn
or otherwise physically pictured. However, they do exist and can be
discussed, studied and analyzed
• A physical system, in contrast, has a material nature. It is based on material
basis rather than on ideas or theoretical notions
• Either system has nine main characteristics (Fig. 1-1):
1. Components. 6. Input.
2. Interrelationships. 7. Output.
3. Boundary. 8. Interface.
4. Purpose. 9. Constraints.
5. Environment.
FIGURE 1-1 Characteristics of a system
System’s Concept (cont’d)
2. System’s Characteristics
• A component is either an irreducible part or an aggregate of parts, also
called a subsystem. The simple concept of a component is very powerful. For
example, in case of an automobile we can repair or upgrade the system by
changing individual components without having to make changes the entire
• The components are interrelated; that is, the function of one is somehow
tied to the function of the others. For example, in the Store system the work
of one component, such as producing a daily report of customer orders, may
not progress successfully until the work of another component is finished,
such as sorting customer orders by date of receipt.
• A system has a boundary, within which all of its components are contained
and which establishes the limits of a system, separating it from other systems.
• All of the components work together to achieve some overall purpose: the
system’s reason for existing.
System’s Characteristics (cont’d)
• A system operates within an environment – everything outside the system’s
boundary. The environment surrounds the system, both affecting it and being
affected by it. For example, the environment of a university includes prospective
students, foundations, funding agencies and the new media. Usually the system
interacts with its environment. A university interacts with prospective students by
having open houses and recruiting from local high schools.
• The point at which the system meets its environment are called interface.
• A system must face constraints in its functioning because there are limits to what it
can do and how it can achieve its purpose within its environment. Some of these
constraints are imposed inside the system (e.g., a limited number of staff available).
Others are imposed by the environment (e.g., due to regulations).
• A system interact with the environment by means of inputs and outputs. Input is
anything entering the system from the environment; output is anything leaving the
system crossing the boundary to the environment . Information, energy, and material
can be both input and output in relation to the environment. People, for example,
take in food, oxygen, and water from the environment as input. An electrical utility
takes on input from the environment in the form of raw materials (coal, oil, water
power, etc), requests for electricity from customers. It provides for output to the
environment in the form of electricity.
3. Feedback and Control in a System
Very often output’s data are returned to the input of the system, as shown in Fig. 1-2, and
used to regulate the system’s activity.
FIGURE 1-2 Regulation of activity
Such a process is called feedback. It helps to adjust the system to changes so that the
system operates in a balanced state, or equilibrium. Large hotels and motels, for
instance, ask guests to fill out forms evaluating the services. This feature of a system is
used in control.
Def. Control is the process that measures current performance and guides it
toward a predetermined goal
Two types of feedback are related to system control.
Feedback and Control in a System (cont’d)
• Negative feedback is corrective feedback that helps maintain the system within a
critical operating range and reduces performance fluctuations around the norm or
standard. Negative feedback is transmitted in feedback control loops. As shown in
Figure 1-3, a sensor detects the effect of output on the external environment; this
information is returned to the system as an input, and necessary adjustments are
made according to predetermined goal
• In contrast to negative feedback, which is corrective, positive feedback reinforces the
operation of a system by causing it to continue its performance and activities without
FIGURE 1-3 Feedback control loops
4. Methods of system’s study
There are several important system’s concepts that help to study a system and
understand its functioning:
• Decomposition
• Modularity
• Coupling
• Cohesion
• Decomposition is the process of breaking down a system into its smaller components.
These components may themselves be systems (subsystems) and can be broken
down into their components as well. How does decomposition aid understanding of a
system? It results in smaller and less complex pieces that are easier to understand
than larger, complicated pieces
• Modularity is a direct result of decomposition. It refers to dividing a system into
chunks or modules of a relatively uniform size. Modules can represent a system
simply, making it easier to redesign and rebuild. For instance, a portable CD player,
as a system, accepts CDs and settings of volume and tone as inputs and produces
music as output. It includes the separate systems as its subsystems: 1) read the digital
signals from CDs; 2) amplify the signals; 3) turn the signals into sound waves; and
4) control the volume and tone of the sound (see Figure 1-4)
Methods of system’s study (cont’d)
FIGURE 1-4 Decomposing a CD system
• Coupling means that subsystems are dependent on each other. But they should be as
independent as possible. If one subsystem fails and other subsystems are highly dependent
on it, the others will either fail themselves or have problems functioning
• Cohesion is the extend to which a subsystem performs a single function. In the CD
player example, signal reading is a single function
5. “Systems” Thinking
Being able to identify something as a system
Being able to identify subsystems
Identifying system characteristics and functions
Identifying where the boundaries are (or should be)
Identifying inputs and outputs of a system
Identifying relationships among subsystems
II. Information Systems and Technology
1. Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem
Both control and management have an informational nature, that is among all the
possible inputs and outputs (information, energy, and matter) they use the only one –
information. Information is the central core of all resources in feedback loops while
regulating the system activities. Any organization as a system could not survive
without information. They need to develop a special system for processing and
handling the information flows
Information: a description of a thing or process
Technology: a set of tools with a common purpose
Information Technology: a set of tools for managing
descriptions of things or processes
Def. An Information System (IS) is a collection of interrelated
components that collect, process, store, and provide as output the
information needed to complete a business task
Example: A payroll system, for example, collects information on employees
and their work, processes and stores that information, and than produces
paychecks and payroll reports for the organization. Then information is
provided to manufacturing so the department can schedule production
Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d)
What are the interrelated components or subsystems(according to general
definition of a system) of an IS? For example, a customer support system
might have an order entry subsystem that creates new orders for customers.
Another subsystem might handle fulfilling the orders, including shipping
and back orders. A third subsystem might maintain the product catalog
database. Every system, in turn, is a part of a larger system, called a
supersystem. So the customer support system is really just a subsystem of
the production system. The production system, as it is shown in Figure 1-5,
includes other systems, such as inventory management and manufacturing.
On the other hand we can consider an information system as a list of its
components: hardware, software, inputs, outputs, data, people, and
procedures (Fig.1-6)
Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d)
FIGURE 1-5 Information systems and subsystems
Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d)
FIGURE 1-6 Information system and component parts
Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d)
Alone with the system boundary (i.e. any inputs and outputs) of an IS, we have
to consider the automation boundary. It separates the automated part of the
IS (where work is done by computers) from the manual part (where work is
done by the people)
FIGURE 1-7 The system boundary vs. the automation boundary
2. Concepts of Separation
Separating Data and Processes That Handle Data
Separating Databases and Applications
Separating Data and Processes That Handle Data
We can consider every IS as a three-component system:
• data
• data flows
• processing logic
Data are raw facts that describe people, objects and events in organization (e.g.
name, age, customer’s account number). Data is used in an IS to produce
Information is data organized in a form that human can interpret
Data flows are group of data that move and flow through a system. They
include a description of the sources and destinations for each data flow
Processing logic describes the steps that transform the data and events that
trigger these steps
Figure 1-8 shows three components of an IS
Concepts of Separation (cont’d)
Data, Data Flow
and Processing
Concepts of Separation (cont’d)
There are two approaches to IS design:
• Process-oriented
• Data-oriented
• Process-oriented approach is based on what the system is supposed to do. The focus is
on output and processing logic. Although the data are important, they are secondary
to the application. Each application contains its own files and data storage capacity.
Figure 1-9(A) illustrates this situation: “personnel data” appears in two separate
systems – payroll system and the project management system. If a single element
changes, it has to be changed in each of the data files. This approach involves
creating graphical presentations (data flow diagram and charts)
• Data-oriented approach is a strategy that focuses on the ideal organization of data,
independent of where and how data are used within the system (see Figure 1-9(B)).
This approach uses data model that describes the kinds of data needed in the system
and the business relationships among the data (i.e. business rules)
Table 1-10 summarizes the differences between the two approaches
Concepts of Separation (cont’d)
FIGURE 1-9 The Relationship Between Data and Applications:
(A) Process-Oriented Approach
(B) Data-Oriented Approach
Concepts of Separation (cont’d)
Table 1-10 Key Differences Between The Process-Oriented and
Data-Oriented Approaches
Separating Databases and Applications
When the data-oriented approach is applied, databases are designed around subjects, such
as customers, suppliers and parts. It allows to use and to revise databases for many
different independent applications, what creates the principle of application
independence (i.e. separation of data and definition of data from applications)
3. Types of Information Systems
As far as organizations perform many different types of activity, they require several
different types of information systems to support all of information needs. The
information systems found in most businesses include transaction processing systems,
management information systems, executive information systems, decision support
systems, expert systems, communication support systems, and office support systems
(Figure 1-11):
• Transaction processing systems (TPS) capture and record information about the
transactions that affect the organization. A transaction occurs each time a sale is made,
supplies are ordered, an interest payment is made. Usually these transactions create
credit or debit entries in accounting ledgers. This kind of ISs were among the first to
be automated by computers. The modern TPS use state-of-the-art technology, for
instance, in the form of on-line TPS
• Management information systems (MIS) are systems that take information captured
by TPS and produce reports that management needs for planning and controlling the
business. MIS are possible because the information has been captured by the TPS and
placed in organizational databases
Types of Information Systems (cont’d)
• Executive information systems (EIS) provide information for executives to use in
strategic planning. Some of the information comes from the organizational databases,
but much of the information comes from external sources – news about competitors,
stock market reports, economic forecasts, and so on
• Decision support systems (DSS) allow a user to explore the impact of available options
or decisions. Whereas an MIS produce reports, DSS provide an interactive
environment in which decision makers can quickly manipulate data and models of
business operations. A DSS has three parts. The first part is composed of a database
(which may be extracted from TPS or MIS). The second part consists of mathematical
or graphical models of business processes. The third part is made up of a user
interface (or dialogue module) that provides a way for the decision makers to
communicate with the DSS. An EIS is a DSS that allows senior management to
explore data starting at a high level of aggregation and selectively drill down into
specific areas where more detailed information and analysis are required
Types of Information Systems (cont’d)
• Expert systems (ES) replicate the decision-making process rather than manipulating
information. If-then-else rules or other knowledge representation forms describe the
way a real expert would approach situations in a specific domain of problems.
Typically, users communicate with an ES through an interactive dialogue. The ES asks
questions (which an expert would ask) and the end user supplies the answers. Those
answers are then used to determine which rules apply, and the ES provides a
recommendation based on the rules
• Communication support systems (CSS) allow employees to communicate with each
other and with customers and suppliers. Communication support now includes e-mail,
fax, Internet access, and video conferencing
• Office support systems (OSS) help employees create and share documents, including
reports, proposals, and memos. OSS also help to maintain information about work
schedule and meetings
Types of Information Systems (cont’d)
FIGURE 1-11 Types of
4. Computer Systems: Foundations
 User
 Programmer
 System analyst
 System administrator/manager
 Web designer
Design and operation: different perspectives
Computer Systems: Foundations
Figure 1.12 A simplified credit card transaction
Data Processing, Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation
Input-Processing-Output model
Figure 1.13 A computer process
Basic data processing
 Input/output
 Basic arithmetic and logical
 Data transformation/translation
 Data sorting
 Searching for data matches
 Data storage and retrieval
 Data movement
High-Level Language Constructions
 Input/output
 Arithmetic, logical and assignment
 True/false decision branching (IF-
FOR) and/or unconditional branching
Computer Architecture: components
 Hardware (i.e., physical mechanisms)
 Software (i.e., application and system
 Data (e.g., numeric, character,
graphic, etc.)
 Communications (i.e., data transport
support – both hardware and
Typical Hardware Components
Figure 1.14 A typical computer system
Hardware Components
Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)
Control unit (CU)
Interface unit (IU)
 Memory
Primary storage (main, RAM)
Secondary storage (peripherals)
 Input/output devices (monitor,
keyboard, floppy/CD/DVD drives, speaker,
printer, scanner, light pen, etc.)
 Bus (a bundle of wires)
 Channels (separate processor)
CPU: Central Processing Unit
 ALU: arithmetic/logic unit
●Performs arithmetic and Boolean logic calculations
 CU: control unit
●controls processing of instructions
●controls movement of data within the CPU
 Interface unit
●moves program instructions and data between the CPU
and other hardware components
●Bus: bundle of wires that carry signals and power between
different components
Software Components
 Application software
 System software (operating
system): Windows, UNIX, Mac
user interface (execute programs,
enter commands, manipulate files)
API: application program interface
(an interface for application
programs to access services of the
OS, provided by kernel
kernel (manages services of the
OS: file management, I/O services,
security, memory management and
allocation, network management)
Figure 1.15 Simplified OS block diagram
Communication Components
 Communication channel (provide connections)
Wire cable
Fiber optic
Telephone line
Wireless technologies
 Hardware
network interface card (NIC)
 Software (establishes connections, controls the
flow of data, directs data to the proper
 Protocols/Standards
 Protocols
Common ground rules of communication
between computers, I/O devices and software
 Examples:
HTTP: between Web server and Web browsers
TCP/IP: between computers on the Internet
and local area networks
ATAPI: between a CD-ROM and CPU
 Provide universal compatibility of data
formats and protocols
 Created by a committee or become de
facto due to popularity
 Examples:
Computer languages: C++, Java, SQL
Display standards: PostScript, MPEG-2, JPEG,
Character set standards: ASCII, Unicode,
Video standards: VGA, RGB
Brief history
Brief history
 Ancient Greece/Rome (500 B.C.): Abacus
 Blaise Pascal (1642): calculating machine
 Joseph Marie Jacquard (1801): a loom used punched
 Charles Babbage (early 1800s): analytical engine
 Howard H. Aiken (1937): Mark I (first
electromechanical computer using relays)
 John V. Atanasoff (1939): ABC (first electronic fully
digital computer to solve physical equations, used
vacuum tubes)
 ENIAC (1943-46): first general purpose computer
 John von Neumann (1945): modern computer
 EDVAC, IAS (1951-52): first to use von Neumann
Jacquard’s loom (1801)
•a loom used punched cards
•punched cards provided the
program to print a particular
•first known application of
punched cards to hold a
Punched cards
Babbage’s analytical engine (early
Figure 1.16 Block diagram of Babbage’s analytical engine
Babbage’s analytical engine (early
•used punched cards for
input data and for the
•provided memory for
internal storage
•performed calculations
as specified by the
program using a central
processing unit, a “mill”
•printed output
Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
1997 replica of the Atanasoff-Berry
Computer at Iowa State University
•first fully electronic digital
•used electronic vacuum
tubes as components
•performed calculations
using binary arithmetic
•not a general-purpose
•aimed to solve physical
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer) (1943-46)
•general purpose computer
•performed calculations
using decimal arithmetic
•I/O used punched cards
•could provide printed
•programs could not be
stored internally
•18,000 vacuum tubes
•15,000 sq. feet of space
•30 tons of weight
John von Neumann (1945)
 stored program concept (a memory holds
both programs and data)
 binary processing of data (instructions and
data are binary)
 CPU (to include ALU and CU) and memory
 control unit (CU) read instructions from
memory and executed them
 I/O handling through CU
 instruction set used in modern computers
CRT Display
“The Box”
CD-ROM Drive
Inside the box
More inside…
(Central Processing Unit)
More inside…
(Single Inline Memory Module)
More inside…
(Hard Disk Drive)
More inside…
Power Supply
Modern computing
Modern computing
Modern computing
Modern computing
Thank you!
Reading: Lecture slides and notes, Chapter 1

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Information Systems and Technology: Basic Concepts

  • 1. 1 Lecture 1 Information Systems and Technology: Basic Concepts ITEC 1000 “Introduction to Information Technology” Prof. Peter Khaiter
  • 2. 2 Lecture Outline:  System’s Concept & Characteristics  Feedback and Control  System’s Study & Thinking  Information Systems & Technology  Concepts of Separation & IS Design  Types of Information Systems  Computer systems  Typical components  Brief history of computing
  • 3. 3 I. General Systems Theory 1. System’s Concept Def. A System is a set of components that interact with one another and serve for a common purpose or goal Systems may be: (1) abstract or (2) physical • An abstract system is conceptual, a product of a human mind. That is, it cannot be seen or pointed to as an existing entity. Social, theological, cultural systems are abstract systems. None of them can be photographed, drawn or otherwise physically pictured. However, they do exist and can be discussed, studied and analyzed • A physical system, in contrast, has a material nature. It is based on material basis rather than on ideas or theoretical notions • Either system has nine main characteristics (Fig. 1-1): 1. Components. 6. Input. 2. Interrelationships. 7. Output. 3. Boundary. 8. Interface. 4. Purpose. 9. Constraints. 5. Environment.
  • 4. 4 FIGURE 1-1 Characteristics of a system System’s Concept (cont’d)
  • 5. 5 2. System’s Characteristics • A component is either an irreducible part or an aggregate of parts, also called a subsystem. The simple concept of a component is very powerful. For example, in case of an automobile we can repair or upgrade the system by changing individual components without having to make changes the entire system. • The components are interrelated; that is, the function of one is somehow tied to the function of the others. For example, in the Store system the work of one component, such as producing a daily report of customer orders, may not progress successfully until the work of another component is finished, such as sorting customer orders by date of receipt. • A system has a boundary, within which all of its components are contained and which establishes the limits of a system, separating it from other systems. • All of the components work together to achieve some overall purpose: the system’s reason for existing.
  • 6. 6 System’s Characteristics (cont’d) • A system operates within an environment – everything outside the system’s boundary. The environment surrounds the system, both affecting it and being affected by it. For example, the environment of a university includes prospective students, foundations, funding agencies and the new media. Usually the system interacts with its environment. A university interacts with prospective students by having open houses and recruiting from local high schools. • The point at which the system meets its environment are called interface. • A system must face constraints in its functioning because there are limits to what it can do and how it can achieve its purpose within its environment. Some of these constraints are imposed inside the system (e.g., a limited number of staff available). Others are imposed by the environment (e.g., due to regulations). • A system interact with the environment by means of inputs and outputs. Input is anything entering the system from the environment; output is anything leaving the system crossing the boundary to the environment . Information, energy, and material can be both input and output in relation to the environment. People, for example, take in food, oxygen, and water from the environment as input. An electrical utility takes on input from the environment in the form of raw materials (coal, oil, water power, etc), requests for electricity from customers. It provides for output to the environment in the form of electricity.
  • 7. 7 3. Feedback and Control in a System Very often output’s data are returned to the input of the system, as shown in Fig. 1-2, and used to regulate the system’s activity. FIGURE 1-2 Regulation of activity Such a process is called feedback. It helps to adjust the system to changes so that the system operates in a balanced state, or equilibrium. Large hotels and motels, for instance, ask guests to fill out forms evaluating the services. This feature of a system is used in control. Def. Control is the process that measures current performance and guides it toward a predetermined goal Two types of feedback are related to system control.
  • 8. 8 Feedback and Control in a System (cont’d) • Negative feedback is corrective feedback that helps maintain the system within a critical operating range and reduces performance fluctuations around the norm or standard. Negative feedback is transmitted in feedback control loops. As shown in Figure 1-3, a sensor detects the effect of output on the external environment; this information is returned to the system as an input, and necessary adjustments are made according to predetermined goal • In contrast to negative feedback, which is corrective, positive feedback reinforces the operation of a system by causing it to continue its performance and activities without changes FIGURE 1-3 Feedback control loops
  • 9. 9 4. Methods of system’s study There are several important system’s concepts that help to study a system and understand its functioning: • Decomposition • Modularity • Coupling • Cohesion • Decomposition is the process of breaking down a system into its smaller components. These components may themselves be systems (subsystems) and can be broken down into their components as well. How does decomposition aid understanding of a system? It results in smaller and less complex pieces that are easier to understand than larger, complicated pieces • Modularity is a direct result of decomposition. It refers to dividing a system into chunks or modules of a relatively uniform size. Modules can represent a system simply, making it easier to redesign and rebuild. For instance, a portable CD player, as a system, accepts CDs and settings of volume and tone as inputs and produces music as output. It includes the separate systems as its subsystems: 1) read the digital signals from CDs; 2) amplify the signals; 3) turn the signals into sound waves; and 4) control the volume and tone of the sound (see Figure 1-4)
  • 10. 10 Methods of system’s study (cont’d) FIGURE 1-4 Decomposing a CD system • Coupling means that subsystems are dependent on each other. But they should be as independent as possible. If one subsystem fails and other subsystems are highly dependent on it, the others will either fail themselves or have problems functioning • Cohesion is the extend to which a subsystem performs a single function. In the CD player example, signal reading is a single function
  • 11. 11 5. “Systems” Thinking Being able to identify something as a system Being able to identify subsystems Identifying system characteristics and functions Identifying where the boundaries are (or should be) Identifying inputs and outputs of a system Identifying relationships among subsystems
  • 12. 12 II. Information Systems and Technology 1. Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem Both control and management have an informational nature, that is among all the possible inputs and outputs (information, energy, and matter) they use the only one – information. Information is the central core of all resources in feedback loops while regulating the system activities. Any organization as a system could not survive without information. They need to develop a special system for processing and handling the information flows Information: a description of a thing or process Technology: a set of tools with a common purpose Information Technology: a set of tools for managing descriptions of things or processes Def. An Information System (IS) is a collection of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to complete a business task Example: A payroll system, for example, collects information on employees and their work, processes and stores that information, and than produces paychecks and payroll reports for the organization. Then information is provided to manufacturing so the department can schedule production
  • 13. 13 Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d) What are the interrelated components or subsystems(according to general definition of a system) of an IS? For example, a customer support system might have an order entry subsystem that creates new orders for customers. Another subsystem might handle fulfilling the orders, including shipping and back orders. A third subsystem might maintain the product catalog database. Every system, in turn, is a part of a larger system, called a supersystem. So the customer support system is really just a subsystem of the production system. The production system, as it is shown in Figure 1-5, includes other systems, such as inventory management and manufacturing. On the other hand we can consider an information system as a list of its components: hardware, software, inputs, outputs, data, people, and procedures (Fig.1-6)
  • 14. 14 Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d) FIGURE 1-5 Information systems and subsystems
  • 15. 15 Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d) FIGURE 1-6 Information system and component parts
  • 16. 16 Information System, Subsystem and Supersystem (cont’d) Alone with the system boundary (i.e. any inputs and outputs) of an IS, we have to consider the automation boundary. It separates the automated part of the IS (where work is done by computers) from the manual part (where work is done by the people) FIGURE 1-7 The system boundary vs. the automation boundary
  • 17. 17 2. Concepts of Separation Separating Data and Processes That Handle Data Separating Databases and Applications Separating Data and Processes That Handle Data We can consider every IS as a three-component system: • data • data flows • processing logic Data are raw facts that describe people, objects and events in organization (e.g. name, age, customer’s account number). Data is used in an IS to produce information. Information is data organized in a form that human can interpret Data flows are group of data that move and flow through a system. They include a description of the sources and destinations for each data flow Processing logic describes the steps that transform the data and events that trigger these steps Figure 1-8 shows three components of an IS
  • 18. 18 Concepts of Separation (cont’d) FIGURE 1-8 Data, Data Flow and Processing Logic.
  • 19. 19 Concepts of Separation (cont’d) There are two approaches to IS design: • Process-oriented • Data-oriented • Process-oriented approach is based on what the system is supposed to do. The focus is on output and processing logic. Although the data are important, they are secondary to the application. Each application contains its own files and data storage capacity. Figure 1-9(A) illustrates this situation: “personnel data” appears in two separate systems – payroll system and the project management system. If a single element changes, it has to be changed in each of the data files. This approach involves creating graphical presentations (data flow diagram and charts) • Data-oriented approach is a strategy that focuses on the ideal organization of data, independent of where and how data are used within the system (see Figure 1-9(B)). This approach uses data model that describes the kinds of data needed in the system and the business relationships among the data (i.e. business rules) Table 1-10 summarizes the differences between the two approaches
  • 20. 20 Concepts of Separation (cont’d) FIGURE 1-9 The Relationship Between Data and Applications: (A) Process-Oriented Approach (B) Data-Oriented Approach
  • 21. 21 Concepts of Separation (cont’d) Table 1-10 Key Differences Between The Process-Oriented and Data-Oriented Approaches Separating Databases and Applications When the data-oriented approach is applied, databases are designed around subjects, such as customers, suppliers and parts. It allows to use and to revise databases for many different independent applications, what creates the principle of application independence (i.e. separation of data and definition of data from applications)
  • 22. 22 3. Types of Information Systems As far as organizations perform many different types of activity, they require several different types of information systems to support all of information needs. The information systems found in most businesses include transaction processing systems, management information systems, executive information systems, decision support systems, expert systems, communication support systems, and office support systems (Figure 1-11): • Transaction processing systems (TPS) capture and record information about the transactions that affect the organization. A transaction occurs each time a sale is made, supplies are ordered, an interest payment is made. Usually these transactions create credit or debit entries in accounting ledgers. This kind of ISs were among the first to be automated by computers. The modern TPS use state-of-the-art technology, for instance, in the form of on-line TPS • Management information systems (MIS) are systems that take information captured by TPS and produce reports that management needs for planning and controlling the business. MIS are possible because the information has been captured by the TPS and placed in organizational databases
  • 23. 23 Types of Information Systems (cont’d) • Executive information systems (EIS) provide information for executives to use in strategic planning. Some of the information comes from the organizational databases, but much of the information comes from external sources – news about competitors, stock market reports, economic forecasts, and so on • Decision support systems (DSS) allow a user to explore the impact of available options or decisions. Whereas an MIS produce reports, DSS provide an interactive environment in which decision makers can quickly manipulate data and models of business operations. A DSS has three parts. The first part is composed of a database (which may be extracted from TPS or MIS). The second part consists of mathematical or graphical models of business processes. The third part is made up of a user interface (or dialogue module) that provides a way for the decision makers to communicate with the DSS. An EIS is a DSS that allows senior management to explore data starting at a high level of aggregation and selectively drill down into specific areas where more detailed information and analysis are required
  • 24. 24 Types of Information Systems (cont’d) • Expert systems (ES) replicate the decision-making process rather than manipulating information. If-then-else rules or other knowledge representation forms describe the way a real expert would approach situations in a specific domain of problems. Typically, users communicate with an ES through an interactive dialogue. The ES asks questions (which an expert would ask) and the end user supplies the answers. Those answers are then used to determine which rules apply, and the ES provides a recommendation based on the rules • Communication support systems (CSS) allow employees to communicate with each other and with customers and suppliers. Communication support now includes e-mail, fax, Internet access, and video conferencing • Office support systems (OSS) help employees create and share documents, including reports, proposals, and memos. OSS also help to maintain information about work schedule and meetings
  • 25. 25 Types of Information Systems (cont’d) FIGURE 1-11 Types of Information systems
  • 26. 26 4. Computer Systems: Foundations  User  Programmer  System analyst  System administrator/manager  Web designer Design and operation: different perspectives
  • 27. 27 Computer Systems: Foundations Figure 1.12 A simplified credit card transaction Data Processing, Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation
  • 29. 29 Basic data processing  Input/output  Basic arithmetic and logical calculations  Data transformation/translation  Data sorting  Searching for data matches  Data storage and retrieval  Data movement
  • 30. 30 High-Level Language Constructions  Input/output  Arithmetic, logical and assignment statements  True/false decision branching (IF- THEN-ELSE)  Loops (WHILE-DO, REPEAT-UNTIL, FOR) and/or unconditional branching (GO TO)
  • 31. 31 Computer Architecture: components  Hardware (i.e., physical mechanisms)  Software (i.e., application and system instructions)  Data (e.g., numeric, character, graphic, etc.)  Communications (i.e., data transport support – both hardware and software)
  • 32. 32 Typical Hardware Components Figure 1.14 A typical computer system
  • 33. 33 Hardware Components  CPU Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) Control unit (CU) Interface unit (IU)  Memory Primary storage (main, RAM) Secondary storage (peripherals)  Input/output devices (monitor, keyboard, floppy/CD/DVD drives, speaker, printer, scanner, light pen, etc.)  Bus (a bundle of wires)  Channels (separate processor)
  • 34. 34 CPU: Central Processing Unit  ALU: arithmetic/logic unit ●Performs arithmetic and Boolean logic calculations  CU: control unit ●controls processing of instructions ●controls movement of data within the CPU  Interface unit ●moves program instructions and data between the CPU and other hardware components ●Bus: bundle of wires that carry signals and power between different components
  • 35. 35 Software Components  Application software  System software (operating system): Windows, UNIX, Mac OS, MS-DOS user interface (execute programs, enter commands, manipulate files) API: application program interface (an interface for application programs to access services of the OS, provided by kernel kernel (manages services of the OS: file management, I/O services, security, memory management and allocation, network management) Figure 1.15 Simplified OS block diagram
  • 36. 36 Communication Components  Communication channel (provide connections) Wire cable Fiber optic Telephone line Wireless technologies  Hardware modem network interface card (NIC)  Software (establishes connections, controls the flow of data, directs data to the proper applications)  Protocols/Standards
  • 37. 37 Protocols  Protocols Common ground rules of communication between computers, I/O devices and software programs  Examples: HTTP: between Web server and Web browsers TCP/IP: between computers on the Internet and local area networks ATAPI: between a CD-ROM and CPU
  • 38. 38 Standards  Provide universal compatibility of data formats and protocols  Created by a committee or become de facto due to popularity  Examples: Computer languages: C++, Java, SQL Display standards: PostScript, MPEG-2, JPEG, GIF Character set standards: ASCII, Unicode, EBCDIC Video standards: VGA, RGB
  • 40. 40 Brief history  Ancient Greece/Rome (500 B.C.): Abacus  Blaise Pascal (1642): calculating machine  Joseph Marie Jacquard (1801): a loom used punched cards  Charles Babbage (early 1800s): analytical engine  Howard H. Aiken (1937): Mark I (first electromechanical computer using relays)  John V. Atanasoff (1939): ABC (first electronic fully digital computer to solve physical equations, used vacuum tubes)  ENIAC (1943-46): first general purpose computer  John von Neumann (1945): modern computer architecture  EDVAC, IAS (1951-52): first to use von Neumann architecture
  • 41. 41 Jacquard’s loom (1801) •a loom used punched cards •punched cards provided the program to print a particular pattern •first known application of punched cards to hold a program
  • 43. 43 Babbage’s analytical engine (early 1800s) Figure 1.16 Block diagram of Babbage’s analytical engine
  • 44. 44 Babbage’s analytical engine (early 1800s) •used punched cards for input data and for the program •provided memory for internal storage •performed calculations as specified by the program using a central processing unit, a “mill” •printed output
  • 45. 45 Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) (1937-39) 1997 replica of the Atanasoff-Berry Computer at Iowa State University •first fully electronic digital computer •used electronic vacuum tubes as components •performed calculations using binary arithmetic •not a general-purpose computer •aimed to solve physical equations
  • 46. 46 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) (1943-46) •general purpose computer architecture •performed calculations using decimal arithmetic •I/O used punched cards •could provide printed output •programs could not be stored internally •18,000 vacuum tubes •15,000 sq. feet of space •30 tons of weight
  • 47. 47 John von Neumann (1945)  stored program concept (a memory holds both programs and data)  binary processing of data (instructions and data are binary)  CPU (to include ALU and CU) and memory  control unit (CU) read instructions from memory and executed them  I/O handling through CU  instruction set used in modern computers
  • 58. 58 Thank you! Reading: Lecture slides and notes, Chapter 1