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Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City

                     Edition IV, 2010

      Information Media of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

                                 Habitat Day
                    Toward better City and Better Life
Information Media on Water Supply and
          Environmental Sanitation
                                                      Table of
              Published by:                           Contents
Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
             Working Group
         (WSES Working Group)                    From the Editor ………………………………………………………………………….................... 	3
                                                 Your Voice ………………………………………………………………….……………...................... 	4
                                                 Main Report
               Responsible Person
                                                 	    World Habitat Day 2010 Toward Better City and Life ………………………........ 	                    5
Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas
                                                 	    World Habitat Day, Increasing Concern on Urbanization Challenges …..…. 9
  Environmental Sanitation Director of the
                                                 	    Habitat, Day, Water and Sanitation ...………………………………………............. 	11
                 Health Ministry
                                                 	    Habitat National Secretariat of Indonesia …………………………………............ 	13
 Water Supply Development Director of the
              Public Work Ministry
                                                 	    Agenda 21 ……………………………….………………………………….......................... 	15
Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient
                                                 	    Habitat Agenda ……………………………………………………………......................... 	17
    Technology Director of Domestic Affair
                                                 Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City ………….…............. 	19
 Director of Spatial and Environmental Facili-
     tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry
                                                 	    dr. M. Basyir Ahmad, Pekalongan Mayor. House is Human Right ………... 	22
                                                 Different Side
            Head of editorial staff
                                                 	    1,2 billion World Population are living in Unsuitable Settlements ……….. 24
             Oswar Mungkasa
                                                 	    Right to Water and Housing (second paper – finished) ……………………..... 	30
               Editorial Staff
              Maraita Listyasari
                                                 Suharso Monoarfa, Public Housing Minister ...........................................…..... 	30
               Managing Editor
                                                 	    Clearing Water With Moringa Leaves Seed ………………………..……............. 	32
              Eko Budi Harsono
                                                 	    Turning Air into Water ……………………………………..……………....................... 	 4                 3
           Design and Production
                                                 	    15 Asia Pacific Journalists Visited Tambora Slump Area ……………….......... 	 6             3
              Agus Sumarno
                                                 	    2010 Sanitation Jamboree, Sanitation Ambassador Met
                                                 	    with the Vice President …………………………………………………………………....... 	38
                                                 	    Youth Urban Forum, Youth Involvement in Urban Development……….... 	40
                                                 	    Book Launching and Review in the Main Event of
               Agus Syuhada
                                                 	    2010 World Habitat Day ………………………………………………........................ 	43
                  Nur Aini
                                                 	    2010 UNICEF WES Program National Coordination Meetin …………......... 	45
                                                 	    WSES Development Evaluation and Planning for the year 2010-2011 ... 	46
               Editorial Address
                                                 	    Workshop of Banten Province WSES Development Synergy …………....... 	 47
     Jl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta,
           Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113
                                                 	    Toilet Alternatives as Options …………………………………………….................... 	 8                4
      Website: http//
                                                 Books Info ….……………………………………………………………………..…...................... 	50
                                                 CD Info … ….…………………………………………………………………………........................ 	52
                                                 Website Info ………………………………………………………………………..…..................... 	54
                                                 WESE Literatures …………………………………………………………………..….................... 	 5                        5
   Editors accept external papers/article
concerning water supply and environmental
                                                 Why is Toilet in Your House Must Be Healthy? ……………..…………..................... 	56
                                                 Climate Change and Cities ……………………………………………….............................. 	59
From the                                                                                             Edisi IV, 2010

          t has become a routine since 1986 that every       infrastructures, facilities and utility (PSU). Partial
          first Sunday of October is commemorated            handling will not result in maximum result. This is
          all around the world as Habitat Day. This          the message to be conveyed through Habitat Day
          year, Habitat Day has fallen on 4 October          commemoration for the past 10 years.
          2010 with theme of toward better city and              In the spirit of integration, this edition of Percik
better life. Habitat Day is often commemorated in            has raised the theme of Habitat Day in the hope that
Indonesia, however misguided still occurs where              future housing and settlement developments can be
habitat day commemoration is considered to be only           more integrated; not only in concept, but also in the
for the settlement development stakeholders. This            implementation on the field. Hopefully.
is actually inappropriate considering close relation             The year 2010 will soon be behind us, we
between housing and settlement (water supply and             certainly welcome year 2011 with new ideas, targets,
environmental sanitation). It has been proven for            and hopes. The same goes for us in Percik editorial
example, from the theme of 2003 Habitat Day                  staff and supporter. Hopefully Percik will continue
which was Water and Sanitation for Cities.                   to be published with brilliant theme and able to
    Integration between WSES development and                 satisfy reader’s expectation. Therefore, we are still
settlement is a necessity, especially with regard to         opening our door for theme proposal to be included
city development. As we all know, slump areas have           in the year 2011. With that reason, relation between
become the ‘trade mark’ of almost every city, thus           us is more than just reader and editor, but more
the management has become common agenda of                   than that. We have always tried to make Percik to
all cities. Slump areas problems are mainly adjacent         be an interactive communication media among
to house and environment quality along with                  stakeholders. Let’s realize this hope together. (OM)

          Voice                            ronmental Sanitation Working Group.          Plant Trees Ennoble
                                           But, for the past couple of months we
                                           no longer acquire the magazine.              Water
                                               I got the latest Percik Magazine in-         I am concern about the vanishing
                                           advertently from one of my friends in        forests in this country due to illegal
Percik Appearance                                                                       logging. Natural disaster will occur
                                           Lebak Kabupaten Health Agency dur-
continues to be better                     ing my visit to the agency. I finally bor-   during the rainy season, and drought
    My name is Wardi, water supply         rowed the magazine to be copied for          will occur during the dry season. This
and environmental sanitation ob-           our library.                                 may actually prevented if we care for
server. I live at Pasar Minggu, Jakarta        To Percik editors, we are hoping         the forest and ennoble water.
Selatan. I’m a loyal reader of Percik      to get this magazine regularly. If fee           Natural disaster in this country
Magazine since I first got the maga-       is needed, I’m happy to subscribe.           should be a warning for us to care and
zine back when I was still working at      Thank you for your kind attention.           pay more attention to nature. Growing
Regional Development Management                                              Sukemi     number of illegal logging have caused
Directorate General of the Domestic                   Kampung Rukun Rt06/Rw07           landslides because the rain water can-
Affair Department in 2004.                        Desa Bojongsari Serang, Banten        not be adsorbed by the forest,
    I would like to thank managers                                                          Without water we will not survive,
of Percik Magazine for the informa-            Thank you for your attention and         thus, let’s ennoble water such as we
tion and valuable lessons that I have      for being loyal reader of Percik. Your       ennoble ourselves. Rain water should
got with regard to Water Supply and        name and address have been submit-           acquire its rightful place. Let’s plant
Environmental Sanitation. I am im-         ted as regular reader. We will send the      trees that can adsorb water, so we are
pressed with the new appearance of         magazine to you regularly. Hope you          not lacking of water. If the rain water
Percik Magazine with better design.        enjoy the magazine.
The content of this magazine can be                                                     is being adsorbed, our homes will be
compared to commercial magazine in                                                      save from flood and other natural di-
the level of Tempo Magazine.               Water is a Gift                              saster.
    I hope, Percik Magazine may con-           We have started to find difficulty                         Ahmad Riyadi Umar
tinue to exist in providing numbers        in acquiring water supply, especially                      Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur
of information and lesson as well as       during the drought season. Without
community empowerment in WSES              us knowing, water is turning into lux-       Don’t Use Water
sector. Bravo Percik Magazine.             ury good, whereas we will have diffi-        Excessively
                              Mawardi      culties in acquiring them because it is          The benefit of water as life support
        Kalibata Tengah Pasar Minggu       getting scarce or expensive.                 must be well managed in the use. Its
                        Jakarta Selatan        We can already see the symptoms          existence as God’s gift must be recog-
                                           of water as luxury good. One is the          nize and utilized maximally. The grate-
    Thank you very much for your kind      loss of ground water recharge due to         fulness should not only come out of
attention and appreciation to Percik       deforestation, worsened by narrow-           our mouth, but should also come out
magazine. We will keep trying to en-       ing river area as water reserve due to       through series of actions or wise and
hance and improve information quality      change of use into settlement.               just attitude toward water utilization,
and magazine appearance so it may be           Two, water contamination that            in accordance with the requirement
well accepted by the people. Hopefully     was not seriously handled. The con-          standard.
this magazine will continue to exist and   taminants are certainly the main                 As we know, water is un-renew-
provide the best information.              cause of inconsumable water. Three,          able natural resources. Effective and
                                           water privatization. Water that govern       efficient use is greatly important in
Subscription to                            the lives of many is owned only by cer-      anticipating excessive water use.
Percik Magazine                            tain groups that can manipulate water            The excessive attitude is also forbid
   It has been almost one year since       management. Everyone have right to           by religion because it is belong in the
my friends and I, Environment and          water. By privatization, not everyone’s      category of “isyraf”. Especially because
Community Empowerment activists of         right to water is recognized.                water is certainly includes the lives of
Pelangi Dunia at Sungai Ciujung, Ban-          Therefore, from now on, water            many, and environment in general.
ten acquired Yunior Percik and Percik      management must be fixed. Don’t let          Thus, management tool for the people
magazine from our friends from Ban-        it become disaster, but a gift.              in proper use of water is required.
            ten Province Water Sup-                             Thomas Sutasman                              Muhammad Erfan
                         ply and Envi-                       Cilacap, Jawa Tengah                           Ciputat, Tangerang


                                    2010 World Habitat Day

                 Toward Better
               City and Better life


                     abitat is a crucial   mitment to implement the agreed          Day is also one of the methods to
                     issue to be re-       Global Act Plan. Several activities in   remind world population about the
                     garded by many        relation to the Habitat Agenda have      phenomena and challenges of the
                     parties due to its    been actively followed by the gov-       urban people.
                     relation with the     ernment, such as Habitat5+ in New             One of the world challenges today
fulfillment efforts of people’s pros-      York on 2001 and biannual meeting        is rapid growing of urban areas (cities).
perity. In dealing with habitat-relat-     of Governing Council of UN Habi-         If before, vast majority of the world
ed issues, countries in the world have     tat in Nairobi. Prof. Johan Silas as     population are living in the rural ar-
showed their concern commitment            KIP (Kampong Improvement Pro-            eas, today, over half of world popula-
through several agreements namely          gram) initiator has received Habitat     tion are living in the urban areas and
1976 Vancouver Declaration and             Scroll of Honours for his commit-        this number is estimated to increase
Habitat Agenda that was established        ment and dedication for settlement       into two-third by 2030. With the lim-
in Istanbul, Turk in 1996.                 development, especially for poor         ited resources management capacity
    The Habitat Agenda that was            people.                                  in the city, many negative impacts will
signed by 171 countries (includ-               The content of Vancouver Dec-        arise, from growing problem of the
ing Indonesia) contains more than          laration and Habitat Agenda is the       lack of proper settlement, grow-
100 commitments and 600 recom-             message to be conveyed to people         ing slump areas, pollution, traf-
mendations. Every country that has         through annual commemoration of          fic jams, social gaps,
signed the Habitat Agenda has com-         World Habitat Day. World Habitat         etc.

Main Report
                                               ized at Cengkareng flats, Jakarta and     (5) Improving cultural involvement.
       Data and Facts of                       the theme was selected to remain          The above steps are expected to act
        Urban Areas:                           people about Millennium Develop-          as important catalyst in realizing
   n Fifty percent of world population is      ment Goals that were launched five        better life for all.
      currently living in the city             years before.                                 World Habitat Day commemo-
   n Three billion of world population is
      living in the city. 1 billion of which       By rising the theme of “Better        ration this year, such as the years
      is living in slump areas. In Sub-        City, Better Life” for 2010, this         before, was held jointly by Public
      Sahara Africa area, 70% of the city
      population is living in slump areas.     year’s commemoration tries to em-         Housing Ministry and Public Work
   n In 2005, there is 1,4 billion more
      people in the cities compare to year     phasize on the importance of city         Ministry. In the press conference
      1980.                                    quality in supporting better life,        of 2010 World Habitat Day that
   n Urbanization is found more in
      developing countries. In contrary,       that will encourage opportunities         fell on Monday, 4 October 2010,
      Europe countries are experiencing        and potencies, reducing gap, and          Public Housing Minister, Suharso
      decline due to the advance
      transportation and communication         providing proper settlement for all       Monoarfa has stated that livable
      that has reduced population              layers of community.                      house is an issue of Human Right
      concentration in one place.
                                                   In the global message of UN           that requires special attention from
 Sumber:The State of the World Atlas
                                               Habitat presented by Inga Björk-          the government and better settle-
                                               Klevby (Assistant Secretary-General       ment is collective responsibility for
                                               of the United Nations and Deputy          the future. This statement is in line
    Toward Better
                                               Executive Director, UN-HABI-              with the mission of Habitat Agenda,
    City and Better Life
                                               TAT), it was said that for better liv-    which is proper settlement for all
    This year, in relation to World
                                               ing, smarter city is required. Inga       and sustainable urbanization.
Habitat Day Commemoration,
                                               said, only smart cities can provide
Indonesia has resume participa-
                                               their citizens with better life. In           2010 World Habitat Day
tion such as prior years. In 2008,
                                               order to accomplish smarter city              Activities in Indonesia
World Habitat Day commemora-
                                               for better life, there are five strate-       In Indonesia, 2010 World Habi-
tion was held at Bali and in 2009
                                               gic steps that were encouraged by         tat Day was commemorated for the
at Palembang City. For global com-
                                               UN Habitat namely: (1) Improving          purpose to increase concern of all
memoration, Indonesia has hosted a
                                               life quality, (2) Investing in human      parties, namely central and local
2005 World Habitat Day with The
                                               capital, (3) Encouraging sustain-         governments, private sector, uni-
Millennium Goals and the City as
                                               able public economy growth, (4)           versities, and community. Another
theme. That year, World Habitat
                                               Improving politic participation, and      purpose is to encourage new think-
Day commemoration was central-
                                                                                         ing on current condition of settle-
                                                                                         ment. Furthermore, 2010 World
                                                                                         Habitat Day was commemorated to
                                                                                         provide understanding to the people
                                                                                         on housing and settlement issues as
                                                                                         well as encouraging participation of
                                                                                         housing and settlement stakehold-
                                                                                         ers in activities to improve compre-
                                                                                         hension of World Habitat Day and
                                                                                         implementation of Habitat Agenda,
                                                                                         especially among the youth because
                                                                                         future responsibility of earth sus-
                                                                                         tainability is on their hands.

Edisi IV, 2010
                                                                                                       presented speakers among others
                                                                                                       are ex-Kimpraswil (Housing and
                                                                                                       Regional Infrastructure) Minister,
                                                                                                       Erna Witoelar, Urban Sociology
                                                                                                       Observer Imam B. Prasodjo, Head
                                                                                                       of Indonesia Planning Expert Asso-
                                                                                                       ciation (IAP), Iman Soedrajat, and
                                                                                                       also government representatives of
                                                                                                       Yogyakarta, Manado, and Palem-
                                                                                                           With regard to sanitation, on 12-
                                                                                                       16 October 2010, Cipta Karya Di-
                                                                                                       rectorate General held a Sanitation
                                                                                                       Jamboree at Wisma Hijau Cimanggis
                                                                                                       with the theme of “Concern of Sani-
              Public Housing Minister, Suharso Monoarfa (middle) and Public Work Minister, Djoko       tation, Concern of Water Quality”.
              Kirmanto (right) together with the book writer of “Pestering Housing and Environmental   Participants of Sanitation Jamboree
              Implementation Order”, Tjuk Kuswartojo.
                                                                                                       comprised of 128 students from 32
                  It is only appropriate that World       by 2010 Habitat National Seminar             provinces in Indonesia. In the open-
             Habitat Day commemoration was                “Better City, Better Life” that was          ing ceremony, Public Worl Minis-
             filled with Seminars and Workshops,          held at Sultan Hotel, Jakarta on 30          ter Djoko Kirmanto revealed that
             Sanitation Jamboree, Book Launch-            September 2010. Seminar with the             Sanitation Jamboree is a national
             ing as the main event and also Youth         theme of Management Concept of               campaign that focused on children
             Urban Forum for the youth in ITS             Sustainable and Humanist Urban               as central point. They are expected
             Surabaya. Beside the above activities,       Housing and Settlement discussed             to be the agent of development in
             World Habitat Day was also intro-            the city from the aspect of livable          their own areas. As series of Sanita-
             duced to public through television,          – namely the aspects of social, eco-         tion Jamboree, a tour was held to
             radio, printed media, and internet.          nomic, safety and environment.               Lippo Karawaci Waste Water Treat-
                  Series of 2010 World Habitat            Seminar that was held by Public              ment with participation of Elemen-
             Day Commemoration was initiated              Housing Ministry Formal Deputy               tary School students from schools in
                                                                                                       Cimanggis for the purpose of early
Numbers of World Population who lives in the Cities, 1990-2030 (%)                                     introduction to waste water treat-
 Region                   1990       2000         2009         2010*        2020*        2030*
                                                                                                           Meanwhile, on Sunday morn-
 World                    42.6       46.4         50.1          50.5         54.4         59.0         ing, 17 October 2010, Habitat Fun
 Asia                     31.5       36.8         41.7          42.2         47.2         52.9         Bike Activity was held. This activity
 Oceania/                 70.7       70.4         70.2          70.2         70.4         71.4         was led by Public Housing Minis-
 Pacific                                                                                               ter and followed by approximately
 Europe                   69.8        70.8         72.5         72.8         75.4         78.4         150 participants, both from higher
 North America            75.4        79.1         81.9         82.1         84.6         86.7         level officials in the Ministry and
 Latin America            70.3        75.5         79.3         79.6         82.6         84.9         staffs of Public Housing and
 Africa                   32.1        36.0         39.6         40.0         44.6         50.0         Public Work Ministries. This
*Prediction, Source: UN                                                                                casual biking was

Main Report
started on 6.30 am (West Indonesia       knowledge on settlement as the base     classes in this workshop, which is
time – WIB) taking the start from        toward better city. This book launch-   the class of “Organizing Buildings
Public Housing Ministry’s yard           ing was also marked by speech from      and Environments toward Qualified
through Senayan Circle (Bundaran         Public Work and Public Housing          City” and “Organizing Slump Areas
Senayan), Sudirman Street through        Ministers followed by official book     in Answering the Challenge of Cli-
HI Circle (Bundaran HI) and back         launching to the stakeholders in-       mate Change”.
to the Ministry’s office. When in        cluding development implementer,            As the closure of this year’s series
HI Circle, participants distributed      academician, NGOs, media and the        of World Habitat Day commemo-
stickers of 2010 World Habitat Day       elders and followed by book review      ration, Youth Urban Forum was
(HHD) to the people for them to          that presenting linguists of all com-   held at ITS Surabaya. In this two
better understand World Habitat          munities.                               days event on 8-9 November 2010,
Day.                                        Other activities in the series of    Public Housing Minister Suharso
    The peak of 2010 World Habi-         2010 World Habitat Day com-             Monoarfa and Surabaya Mayor Tri
tat Day took place on 18 October         memoration is the National Work-        Rismaharini gave general lecture to
2010 and marked by launching, ex-        shop that was held by Directorate of    approximately 300 students. This
hibition, and book review of “Flash-     Housing Development and Direc-          lecture is then followed by discus-
back on Settlement 1900-2000”            torate of Environmental Building        sion among the students and field
and “Pestering Settlement and En-        Order, Cipta Karya, of Public Work      visit to Tempe kampong, Sukoma-
vironmental Management Order”.           Ministry that was held on October       nunggal, Surabaya. Youth Urban
Public Housing Minister hopes that       26th 2010 at Public Work Ministry.      Forum as the closure of World
launching of this book may inspire       The workshop with the title of “City    Habitat Day commemoration se-
youth to plan and design a more in-      Support Capacity and Adaptation to      ries has affirmed the fact that world
novative and creative housing and        Climate Change” presented speakers      cities continuity is in the hands of
settlement. Main event of book           namely Onno W. Purbo and Imam           youth, for better city and better
launching was targeted to increase       B. Prasodjo. There are two parallel     life. (LNP)
                                                                                                             HARSYA PAMBUDI

 Participants of Youth Urban Forum
 are listening to general lecture from
 the Mayor of Surabaya

Edisi IV, 2010


                                        World Habitat Day

 Increasing Concern on
Urbanization Challenges
              very year, the world always                     persuades all organization both inside and outside
              commemorates World Habitat Day on               the UN system to support the national efforts of
              the first Monday of October. World              projects planning, formulation implementation,
              Habitat Day is one of international             and evaluation to improve settlement quality. The
              days that was established by the UN             Vancouver conference has also based establishment
and commemorated as realization of our concern to             of United Nations Human Settlements Program
fulfillment of proper housing and settlement for all.         (UN-HABITAT), UN commission for settlements
Other purpose of World Habitat Day is to remind               sector.
people on the need of collective responsibility for the          Approximately 9 years latter, in the year 1985,
future of human habitat.                                      in Commission on Human Settlement Resolution
    The origin of World Habitat Day cannot be                 dated 8 May 1985, proposal of World Habitat Day
apart from Habitat I conference or Habitat: United            was submitted. This proposal was then adopted
Nation Conference on Human Settlement in                      and established in UN Court Resolution in the
Vancouver, Canada, back in 1976. In the conference            year 1985 (Resolution 40/202 of 17 December
that was held 34 years ago, the world has started             1985) thus World Habitat Day has started to be
to realize the growing phenomena of urbanization              commemorated in the year 1986. The start of World
along with its impacts, especially in developing              Habitat Day commemoration on 1986 was also
countries. Before, the problem of urbanization and            marking 10 years commemoration of Habitat I.
its impacts have almost never been UN priority.                  In the first commemoration that was held in
Habitat I Conference has become the first UN                  Nairobi, Kenya, the selected theme was Shelter
conference in the sector of settlement and resulted in        is My Right. Ten years latter in 1996,
Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements that               Habitat II conference

Main Report

was held at Istanbul, Turk which resulted in the      which are Adequate Shelter for All and Sustainable
Habitat Agenda. Habitat Agenda is commitment          Urbanization. World Habitat Day commemoration
of 176 head of countries including Indonesia to       has become momentum to promote main messages
support better future of human habitat.               of Habitat Agenda. Habitat Day commemoration
    Habitat II conference has become some sort        from one year to the next has become more
of turning point on the focus of settlement issue.    important. Thirty-four years ago, during Habitat I
Themes of World Habitat Day commemoration in          era, two-third of world population are still living in
the prior years have emphasized more on ‘shelter’.    rural areas. Today, the proportion has been reversed,
Since 1996, World Habitat Day theme has shifted       more than half world population are living in urban
to city (see box). This tendency may arise due to     areas and in 2030 it was estimated that two – third
the thinking that settlement problems are problems    of world population will live in the city. This will
of city and urban. Habitat Agenda as the output       certainly have bigger consequence.
of Habitat II has reflected manifestation of this         For 2010, World Habitat Day fell on Monday, 4
tendency. Through Habitat Agenda, countries in the    October 2010 with the theme of “Better City, Better
world are trying to accomplish Adequate Shelter for   Life”. This theme emphasized on the importance
All and Sustainable Urbanization.                     of city quality in supporting better life, which will
    The theme of World Habitat Day                    encourage potency and opportunity, reducing gap
commemoration is always different from year           and providing proper settlement for all.
to year, however the theme selected is always in
line with two main messages of Habitat Agenda,        LNP from various sources.

   Themes of World Habitat Day
   2010 – Better City, Better Life
   2009 – Planning Our Urban Future
   2008 – Harmonious Cities
   2007 – A Safe City is a Just City
   2006 – Cities, Magnets of Hope
   2005 – The Millennium Goals and the City                         POKJA
   2004 – Cities – Engines of Rural Development
   2003 – Water and Sanitation for Cities
   2002 – City-to-City Cooperation
   2001 – Cities without Slums
   2000 – Women in Urban Governance
   1999 – Cities for All
   1998 – Safer Cities
   1996 – Urbanization and Human Solidarity
   1995 – Our Neighborhood Curitiba
   1994 – Home and the Family
   1993 – Women and Shelter Development
   1992 – Shelter and Sustainable Development
   1991 – Shelter and the Living Environment
   1990 – Shelter and Urbanization
   1989 – Shelter, Health and the Family
   1988 – Shelter and Community
   1987 – Shelter for the Homeless
   1986 – Shelter is My Right

Edisi IV, 2010


              Habitat Day,
           Water and Sanitation
         very year, UN Habitat has       facilities, especially for low income    in his message that cities will un-
         become UN committee to          people, women, and those who are         deniably be the center of activities
         organize World Habitat Day      considered as vulnerable and mar-        and opportunities, however, with-
commemoration. UN Habitat is             ginalized groups.                        out proper settlement and adequate
performing its mandate based on              Specifically, World Habitat Day      basic facilities, city environment will
Vancouver Declaration on Human           has once raised the theme of Water       be the most dangerous environment
Settlements document, along with         and Sanitation in the year 2003. In      on earth.
other documents such as the Habitat      that year, World Habitat Day has             In the world where half of the
Agenda and the Millennium Decla-         focused on urban water condition         population lives in the cities, there
ration. These documents empha-           and sanitation crisis. A situation far   are at least 1 billion people in dan-
sized on proper settlement for all.      worse than existing statistics.          ger in relation to the lack of ad-
Proper settlement and its services are       In 2003 World Habitat Day            equate water supply and sanitation.
human right where the government         global message, Anna Tibaijuka,          In Asian cities, there are 700 million
is obligated to assist low income        UN Habitat Director at the mo-           people are lacking water and 800
people in acquiring settlements.         ment has stated that sustainable         million are without proper sanita-
    Proper settlements for all cannot    development is started from health.      tion. Moreover, in many regions,
be apart from provision and condi-       Therefore, sustainable condition         poor people tend to pay more for
tion of water and sanitation. It was     cannot be fulfilled without sustain-     water compare to richer peo-
stated in the Habitat Agenda to spe-     able investment in water supply and      ple.
cifically promote access to safe water   basic sanitation. Meanwhile, Kofi            With regard to
supply, sanitation and other basic       Annan as the Secretary General said      2003

Main Report

      Data and Facts on
  Water Supply and Sanitation
  -	   Almost half of world population is
       experiencing water shortage.
  -	   Almost one billion of world
       population is without access to
       proper water supply.
  -	   In developing countries, almost one
       of every four people has no access to
       sanitation, even the most basic one.
  -	   Women have the biggest burden
       in acquiring water for household
  -	   Central areas in big cities generally
       have access to water and sanitation,
       however, city’s poor people usually is
       not included in the service coverage.
       Illegal city settlements have the
       worst and unhygienic condition

Sumber: UN Habitat Urban World - Juni 2010                                                                             POKJA

World Habitat Day, at the moment,            “Slum to Neighborhood” which            Rudimentary Housing, and “Accel-
global commemoration with the                was initiated in the year 1993. Ur-     eration of Water Supply and Sanita-
theme of “Water and Sanitation for           ban Minister of Brazil at the time      tion Provision for Low Income Peo-
Cities” was held at Rio De Janeiro city      has said that better access to water    ple in 1.500 Kampong/Kelurahan
of Brazil. Participants from all over        and sanitation has become Brazil        Every Year”.
the world visited Cajú area, a slump         priority in fulfilling basic needs of       Today, in the year 2010, water
area resided with approximately 800          urban poor community. This com-         and sanitation issues have remain to
families. This area represents typical       mitment has shown seriousness of        be crucial issues, especially when only
slump areas in other part of the city        Brazilian government in providing       5 years left to the year 2015 where
where almost 20 percent population           right equality on city to urban poor    targets of MDGs must be achieved.
of Rio de Janeiro lives. Interestingly,      community.                              From water provision point of view,
in Cajú, people have very good ac-              Meanwhile, in Indonesia, 2003        there are more people who have ac-
cess to water and sanitation, electric-      World Habitat Day commemora-            cess to proper water supply and even
ity, transportation, and social servic-      tion was held at Denpasar, Bali. The    more people have access to sanita-
es. Located on the riverside, Cajú is        President of Indonesia Republic at      tion facilities. However, in order to
      a positive result of city’s initia-    the time, Megawati Soekarnoputri,       achieve MDGs targets, the effort
                     tive example of         had the opportunity to proclaim         must be doubled.
                                             Development of 1.000.000 units of

Edisi IV, 2010

                       Habitat National Secretariat for Indonesia
           Improving Knowledge and Network of
          Urban Development and Housing Sector

         he issue of settlement and urban are complex       known as Habitat Seknas was established in 2008
         and multi-disciplines issues. Capacity building    by Joint Decree of Public Work Minister and Public
         of Government and other stakeholders to            Housing Minister to support inter-agency cooperation
better plan and manage the city is necessary. For that      (government and non-government) as well as program
reason, knowledge improvement of housing and urban          implementation in relation to Habitat Agenda in
development sectors is required, as well as a strong        Indonesia. Habitat Seknas is expected to resume
network for information exchange and cooperation.           previous role of Habitat National Committee.
    In 1981, a Housing National Secretariat has been            Habitat Seknas retain the function of knowledge
established to coordinate international organization        hub of urban development and housing sector. Habitat
activity in relation to housing and planning in             Seknas is expected to be the knowledge center in the
Indonesia. It functions as clearing house that              sector of housing and settlement, and common house
accommodates and channel profession association that        for practitioners, academicians, and other development
relates with the activity of planning and housing.          actors to discuss and criticize issues of housing and
    Twenty years later, in 2001, Habitat
II Agenda National Committee was
established by Indonesia Republic President
with the task of assisting implementation
of Habitat II Agenda in Indonesia and
providing consideration and advice to the
Government regarding implementation of
Habitat II Agenda.

  Indonesia Habitat National Secretariat
  With the above background, Indonesia
Habitat National Secretariat or better

 Improving knowledge and network of urban development and housing

 - Improving knowledge of urban development and housing sector through
   information documentation and best practices as well as publication
   through website and printed material.
 - Improving network of urban development and housing sector through
   information exchange and discussion forum.
 - Providing inputs on strategic issues for policy makers.
 - Supporting national and international implementation in relation to Ha­
   bitat II Agenda

Main Report
settlements, provide
policy input and
harmonize activity
programs.                          ‘Common house
    To support inter-             for practitioners,
agency cooperation,        academicians, and other
Habitat Seknas has           development actors to
involved 8 ministries         discuss and criticize
namely Public Work           issues of housing and
Ministry, Public                    settlements …’
Housing Ministry,
Ministry of Public Welfare Sector, Foreign
Affair Ministry, PPN/Bappenas Ministry,
Domestic Affair Ministry, Environmental Ministry
and Health Ministry to sit as Steering Team, Operator
Team, and Daily Team.
    Steering Team is currently led by Cipta Karya
Directorate General, Budi Yuwono with deputy from
Public Housing Ministry Secretary, Iskandar
Saleh. Operator Team under
the Steering Team is led                                          eknas
                                                         abitat S
by Cipta Karya Directorate               Indon  esia’s H 68
                                                   ya I no.
General Secretary, Susmono and            Jl. Wija 710
assisted by two representatives           Jakarta -21-7226530        
                                                ax: 62                 donesia
of the Head of Planning and                Ph/F             a bitat-in
Budget Bureau of Public Housing             Email:      abitat-
                                            Website                                         and APMCHUD Bureau
Ministry, Oswar Mungkasa and
Director of Bina Program Cipta                                                          Meeting. In the meeting,
Karya, Antonius Budiono. At the                                    officials from Asia Pacific countries have gathered to
moment, Head of Daily Team and Seknas Habitat                   discuss the issue of housing and settlement.
who responsible for daily Seknas activities is Dr. Lana             Other than international activities, Seknas has also
Winayanti of Public Housing Ministry, assisted by               published several publications such as Country Profile
Dr. Hadi Sucahyono of Public Work Ministry as her               Indonesia in housing and settlement that was divided
deputy.                                                         into 5 sectors and several times carried out thematic
                                                                discussions by involving different elements such as
    Seknas Activities                                           governments, academicians, students, NGOs, and
    Scope of work Habitat Seknas has includes                   research institutes.
mainstreaming Habitat Agenda, supporting                            Every year, Habitat Seknas has also taken role
international activities, documentation of best                 in Habitat Day commemoration. In 2009, Word
practices and monitoring and controlling national/              Habitat Day commemoration was held at Palembang,
international habitat activities.                               Sumatera Selatan with the theme of Planning Our
    Habitat Seknas role in realizing its vision and             Urban Future and in 2010 the commemoration was
mission is evident among others through Asia Pacific            focused in Jakarta with the theme of Better City, Better
Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban                     Life. 2010 commemoration was marked by book
               Development (APMCHUD) at Solo                    launching in accordance with Habitat Seknas’ function
                               on 22-24 June 2010               as knowledge center in housing and settlement sector.

Regulation                                                                                          Edisi IV, 2010

                          Agenda 21
Humanity stands at a defining moment in history.       Agenda 21 tries to ensure sustainable future which
We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities   requires bigger awareness from all of us to find solutions
between and within nations, a worsening of poverty,    to the problems.
hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing      With its substance, Agenda 21 has become some
deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for sort of blue print for global partnership to realize
our well-being. However, integration of environment    high quality environments and healthy economic for
and development concerns and greater attention         everyone on this planet. Agenda 21 discusses critical
to them will lead to the fulfillment of basic needs,   issues that we are facing as global community such as
improved living standards for all, better protected    ecosystem degradation, increasing poverty, hunger and
and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous    poor health, growing world population and illiteracy.
future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but     Agenda 21 consists of 40 chapters that identified every
together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable
                                                       challenge and provides realistic and simple solution
development.                                           to sustainable development in fulfilling today’s
                                                       requirements without reducing the future generation’s
                             Agenda 21, paragraf 1.1 ability to fulfill their own needs.
                                                           Agenda 21 consists of 5 parts with the total of 40
                                                       chapters. Preliminary part is Preamble (chapter 1.1-
                                                       1.6). The next part is Part 1 (chapter 2.1-8.54) that

       genda 21 is a comprehensive action plan to contains relation between social and economic aspects.
       be applied locally, nationally, or globally by This part emphasizes the importance of international
       organizations in the systems of UN,                cooperation to implement and accelerate efforts
government and related groups on every                    toward sustainable development.
aspect with impact on environment.                                          The next part is Part 2 (chapter 9.1-
   Agenda 21 together with Rio Declaration                              22.9) containing resources conservation
on Environment and Development and                                      and management for development
                                                ‘Agenda 21 has
Statement of Principles for the Sustainable     become a blue           which includes among other
Management of Forests are documents that       print for global         mountain conservation, prevention
were adopted by 178 Governments in United         partnership           of deforestation, protection of water
Nations Conference on Environment and              to realize           sources, solid waste, waste water,
Development (UNCED) or Earth Summit               high quality          and radioactive management, and
that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14    environment            protection of oceans. Part 3 of Agenda
                                                  and healthy
June 1992.                                        economic.’            21 describes role strengthening
   Agenda 21 offers hope, invites is to plan                            of majority group (chapter
and take current action to preserve heritage                            23.1-32.14). This chapter
to be inherited by the future generation.                               contains a


statement that sustainable development is the main         this demand through integral approach can also be
responsibility of every government, but commitment         the capital to improve life quality, productivity, health
and involvement of every social group is important to      quality, and reducing investment cost in term of
realize effective implementation of every government’s     curative medication and assisting the effort of poverty
policy that relates with Agenda 21.                        eradication.
    The last part of Agenda 21 is Part 4 containing            The target in Agenda 21 in relation to this issue is
more specific matters of implementation actions and        fulfillment of infrastructure properly by the year 2025.
how to initiate the action plans (chapter 33.1-40.30).     Therefore, it is important for every developing country
Several underlined matters in this chapter among other     to integrate capacity development in term of human
is the use of technology, improving public awareness       resources, funding or technical into each national
through education, data and information sharing to         strategy.
support decision making.                                       In achieving the target, implementation is required
                                                                                 in term of: (1) financing and
                                                                                 expenditure based evaluation,
                                                                                 (2) utilization of science and
                                                                                 technology through research
                                                                                 acceleration      in       integral
                                                                                 policies, environmental impact
                                                                                 analysis, and effective demand
                                                                                 measurement method, as well
                                                                                 as (3) human resources capacity
                                                                                 building through improvement
                                                                                 of awareness, skill training,
                                                                                 institutional strengthening, and
                                                                                 adoption of proper regulatory

                                                                                   Follow Up of Agenda 21
                                                                                   All     over      the      world,
                                                                               government, business community,
                                                                               non-government          organization
                                                                               and other elements have placed
    Water, Sanitation, Drainage,                           Agenda 21 ideas into each plan or policy. This includes
    and Waste Management                                   Indonesia which in 1997 has formulated Indonesia’s
    Water, sanitation, drainage, and waste management      Agenda 21: national strategy for sustainable development
are some of the aspects that were specifically discussed   that was published by Environmental Ministry. Today,
in Agenda 21. It was emphasized regarding these issues     almost 20 years later, Agenda 21 is still very crucial
in Agenda 21 that the effort to improve infrastructure     and implementation requires multi-fold efforts with
provision of water, sanitation, drainage, and waste        growing challenges. For that reason, cross-elemental
management need to be integrated. Infrastructure           involvement in implementing Agenda 21 is very
fulfillment is important because minimum                   important. This task requires not only leadership and
infrastructure, especially in developing countries         funding from government and business communities,
may lead to disease and death. Moreover, developing        but also vision and cooperation of every citizen.
countries have challenges where infrastructure             Sustainable development will never be achieved
            fulfillment exceeds the growth of the          without cooperation of all sectors of community.
                           demand. Whereas fulfilling

Edisi IV, 2010

                     Habitat Agenda
Adequate Shelter for All                                vision of sustainable settlement – where everyone
Sustainable Urbanization                                will have proper settlement, healthy and comfortable
                                                        environment, basic service, and productive and

         he world is facing rapid urbanization and      liberating job. Habitat Agenda will be guidance for
         many governments in many countries are         all efforts in order to change this vision into reality.
         not ready to handle this phenomenon.               	     In general, Habitat Agenda has two main
Even so, in 1996 there is one turning point in the      messages which is Adequate Shelter for All and
international world to promote the effort in realizing Sustainable Urbanization. Habitat Agenda offers
sustainable city, both from social and environmental positive vision for cities with practical road map on
aspects.                                                the world that has been impacted by urbanization.
    On June that year, the United Nations’ 1996         Other important message from Habitat Agenda
Conference on Human Settlements was held at             is that good governance is a requirement for
Istanbul, Turk. The purpose of this                       sustainable cities and poverty eradication.
conference is to assess progress of the                       Beside the two main messages of Adequate
past two decades since establishment of                   Shelter for All and Sustainable Urbanization,
Vancouver Declaration on 1976, and                                       Habitat Agenda also discuss other
also to establish a more suitable goal in            ‘…good              related issues such as health, nutrition,
welcoming the new millennia.                    governance is            and water and sanitation. Habitat
    The conference is a conference with                                  Agenda relates urban problems and
relatively new approach because it              a requirement            poverty eradication as well as job
offers a more integrated, inclusive, and       for sustainable addition and special attention to
participative policy, strategy, and action   cities and poverty women and marginalized groups.
toward safe, healthy, and just world             eradication.’           The output of Habitat Agenda
cities. This conference involves not                                     is a comprehensive strategy that
only government representatives, but                                     encourages new partnership to act in
also non government organization, private sector,                       local, national, or international levels.
academician, and cooperation groups.                                         	      Habitat Agenda consists of
    The conference that was also called Habitat                         241 paragraphs that were divided into
II has resulted in Istanbul Declaration and             4 parts. First part is Introduction (paragraph 1-21).
also Habitat Agenda which was signed by 171             This part underlines global challenge of housing
countries, including Indonesia. Habitat Agenda          and encourages nations to face the challenges. The
consists of more than 100 commitments and 600           second part of this document contains Goals and
recommendations. Every country that has signed          Principles (paragraph 22-36) that provides direction
the Habitat Agenda is committed to implement the        to target policies as government’s action and
agreed Global Action Plan.                              strategy to achieve it. The strategy also relates with
                                                        cooperation, participation, information sharing,
    Habitat Agenda                                      and supervising. The third part contains
    Habitat Agenda is a global shout-out to act in      Commitment (paragraph 37-52) underlines
every layer. In every target framework, principles,     agreement of the international
and commitment, Habitat Agenda offers positive          communities in


                                                                                Source: Cities and Homes for All:
                                                                                The Habitat Agenda,
                                                                                UN Habitat, 1996

                                                                                  discuss action plan in
                                                                                  infrastructure and basic
                                                                                  services. Infrastructure and
                                                                                  basic services include water,
                                                                                  sanitation, waste management,
                                                                                  social welfare, transportation
                                                                                  and communication facilities,
                                                                                  health, school, safety and
                                                                                  open space. Habitat Agenda
achieving proper settlement for all, sustainable                                  emphasize that government,
housings, public sector, private, and community            community, and private need to cooperate in order
involvement, in housing development, gender                to fulfill the basic need.
equality, housing financing, and international                 Central government will have a share in
cooperation.                                               supporting local authority in management,
   Global Action Plan is the last part of Habitat          operation, and maintenance of infrastructure
Agenda. This is the biggest part of this document          and basic services. On other side, private sector,
(paragraph 53-241). There are 5 strategy actions in        community, and non government organization can
this part in order to achieve: (1) proper settlement       participate in service provider and management
for all, (2) sustainable housing, (3) capacity building    under coordination of the government. Government
and institution development, (4) international             must also provide infrastructure access and basic
cooperation and coordination, and (5) supervision          services especially for poor and marginalized people
and implementation of Habitat Agenda.                      as well as involving local community in establishing
                                                           standard and priority.
     Infrastructure and Basic Services
                   In paragraph 84-87, Habitat                Source: Cities and Homes for All: The Habitat
                              Agenda specifically          Agenda, UN Habitat, 1996, from various sources.

Learning                                                                              Edisi IV, 2010


           Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward

           Surabaya City
                      urabaya as the 2nd largest metropolitan     Surabaya City Government thought of an alternative
                      city in Indonesia with population of        way to handle solid waste and decided to apply
                      over 2 million people has turned out to     community based solid waste management program
                      only have one final disposal site (TPA      which also known as Green and Clean program.
                      - landfill), which is Keputih TPA that         In the year 2004, with the support of local
           receives waste from 155 temporary disposal sites       NGO, Surabaya City has initiated public education
           (TPS) in Surabaya. However, solid waste at Keputih     program of solid waste management. The purpose
           is not well managed and have caused                                 of this program is to introduce
           bad odor that bothered the surrounding                               alternative ways of solid waste sorting
           neighborhood and has been forced to                                  and management from the cycle base
           close in the year 2001. In consequence,                              on household level, while the strategy
           solid waste has kept piling up at TPS’                               being use is by introducing accurate
           sites and moreover, solid waste can be                               technology along with instruction on
           seen at every corner of the city. In the                             how to apply it at household level, the
           year 2004 in the city of Surabaya, there                             substance of the education program
           are approximately 2.610 tons of solid                                includes how to sort organic and non-
           waste every day.                                       organic waste, how to utilize waste by applying 3R
               This horrible situation has convinced Surabaya     principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
           city, NGO, and community to start dealing with            The program has built public awareness
           solid waste more seriously and to find solution        on the importance of community based solid
           together. After identifying that the main source of    waste management (through reduce,
           solid waste in Surabaya came from the household,       reuse, and recycle) and


encouraged their participation in the process. This       to win these 2 competitions in the same year, Kota
program has also built network and partnership with       Government will provide incentive as a reward in
relevant stakeholders for a more collaborative action.    maintaining clean environment.
This small action has gained popularity among                In 2007, there is 18,6% decrement of solid waste
Surabaya people.                                          to be transporter to the final disposal site compare to
    	     In general, the program consists of various     the previous year prior to Green and Clean initiative.
activities and initiatives in solid waste management      Solid waste has been reduced into 1.480 tons.
such as Solid Waste Management and Education,             Green and Clean has inspired people to take part in
Green and Clean Competition, Cleanest Kecamatan           conserving environment and managing solid waste
Competition, Zero Waste Competition and                   independently. This has made Surabaya City into a
Initiation of Independent Solid Waste Management.         better city to live in. Several remarkable results of
    In 2005, in order to motivate people and to           this program are:
attract broader participants, Surabaya City –             •	 Awareness of Surabaya’s people on the
supported by several partners has seriously worked           importance of solid waste management has
on the competition in introducing the concept of             resulted in 6.500 environmental cadres whose
reward and punishment and in managing their                  task is to inform people in their neighborhood on
surrounding environment.                                     how to manage their waste;
    Green and Clean was                                                                 •	     In Surabaya, there
at first carried out at the                                                             are 750 environmental
level of environmental                                                                  groups that have applied
groups. The main criteria is                                                            independent community
environmental cleanliness                                                               based solid waste
(including mosquito larvae                                                              management – by making
in houses). In 2006, due to                                                             compost, and also use it
the increasing awareness of                                                             as fertilizer for their own
solid waste management,                                                                 environment;
the criteria is broaden to                                                              •	     Plenty of tress and
include waste management                                                                other plants have been
and recycle initiative.                                                  HARSYA PAMBUDI planted in the housing
    There are several categories in the Green and            areas, some of which became famous such as
Clean competition: 1. Solid Waste Management                 Orchard Kampong, Adenium Kampong, Aloe
(solid waste sorting to compost treatment/making,            Vera Kampong, etc;
solid waste management facilities, and solid waste        •	 In general, green space in Surabaya has increased
system monitoring), 2. Solid Waste Recycle (creativ-         from 269,29 hectare in 2006 to 274,44 hectare
ity, art value, and economic value), 3. Cleanliness          in 2007;
(of streets and environments, condition of waste          •	 There are at least 15 small-medium scale
disposal site and drainage), 4. Reforestation (biodi-        companies for recycle products (umbrella, bags,
versity, the use of compost in forestation process), 5.      wallet, and lamp shade) under the support of
Condition of toilet/bathroom that includes cleanli-          UNILEVER CARE. Therefore, the people can
ness, whether mosquito larvae can be found or not,           benefit from the sales of non-organic waste and
to public knowledge in preventing dengue fever.              thus created new work field;
    ‘Waste Free’ program is almost similar with           •	 Strengthening social capital due to active
‘Green and Clean’ competition. Green and Clean               participation of the people – including women
Award will be awarded on May (anniversary of                 and elderly – in this program;
Surabaya City) while “Waste Free’ Award will be           •	 The program has said to inspire and has been
              awarded on August during Independence          replicated in other big cities such as Jakarta and
                            Day. If an area manages          Yogyakarta;

Edisi IV, 2010

•	 Surabaya City has started to be a better place to         Bubutan kecamatan (Tembok Dhuwur area) Surabaya.
   live (greener, cleaner and healthier).                    Before, this kampong is known to be ‘black’ area.
   Surabaya City has also awarded as recognition             Surabaya people even call it bromo corah kampong
on the effort. Some of the awards are Energy Globe           (where criminal lives); from gambling (pigeon
Award (EGA) from Austria (2005) for the category             race), drunk, to people with high criminal record.
of Water and Environment, Green Apple & Green                In 2005, change occurred when community leader
Organization from London (2007) and United                   Muhammad Sugiarto is elected to be Head of Rukun
Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia               Tetangga (neighborhood).
Pacific (UNESCAP) Award (2007) for the category                  Prior to his election, he asked for people’s
of City Quality Improvement.                                 agreement to conduct change and this request has
                                                             acquire positive respond from all residents. Even
    Orchid Kampong (Kampung Anggrek) –                       after serving as Head of RT, the man who is better
    Cleanest and Greenest Kampong                            known as Abah Giarto made an innovation by
    Pesona Anggrek Kampong, Jl. Kertajaya IV-C,              asking everyone to sign some sort of agreement
RT 07 RW XIII, Kertajaya Kelurahan, Gubeng                   for certain matters, such as no clothes wringing
Kecamatan, is the winner of Surabaya’s Green and             improperly thus creating slum image, unless
Clean Competition in 2006. Based on the very long            guest, there is no parking in front of the house
list of criteria, all judges have finally agreed to choose   thus obstructing other street’s user, and obligating
this kampong that was full of orchids, as the cleanest       resident to sort their waste. Interestingly, there are
kampong. Thus, this kampong has the right to                 certain days to sun-dried their mattress together.
receive gratification money of 25 million IDR.                   That was not all; Margorukun kampong also
    One unique thing of this kampong is orchid               enforced greenery in every house and independently
in every single house. This was possible due to              builds Waste Water Treatment Installation (IPAL).
solidarity and consistency of its residents. This can        This IPAL is eventually reused by the people to
also be seen in people’s behavior in solving solid           water their plants of which have made the kampong
waste problems. The people managed their solid               green. Thanks to persistent and consistent effort of
waste well and they have composter to treat organic          Margorukun people, Margorukun kampong has
waste into compost.                                          become a very comfortable place to live in. Beside
                                                             clean, this kampong has also succeeded in moving
     Margorukun Kampong                                      its residents to build social capital in preserving their
     Gg. VI – Kampong with MoU                               environment. (David, from various sources)
     This kampong is located in Gundhi kelurahan,
                                                                                                          PUTU MAHENDRA


                   Interview with Pekalongan Mayor dr. M. Basyir Ahmad

House is
a Human Right
        ekalongan is not only known as Batik City, but            That’s why I made a step. Where is actually the tip that
        also as Slum Area-Free City. How is that possible?        makes government succeed? The tip is actually person per
        To answer this, Percik had the opportunity to             person. When the people are good, the government will
interview dr. M. Basyir Ahmad (Pekalongan Mayor) at his           automatically be good. The smallest organization in the
house. The interview is summarized below.                         community is family. I push families to be good. When
     Pekalongan City has won many awards. What is the             the families are good, RT will be good. When RT is good,
secret?                                                           RW will be good, etc. until finally the city will also be
     My first secret is intention. When campaigning for           good. In order to perform this step, I must strengthened
Mayor, what was the intention? Inna ma amalu bin niyat            existing institution in kelurahan. It is difficult to
(all depends on the intention). I’m intent to benefit as          coordinate a city, thus we start from the bottom. We
many people as possible. That was my first intention.             coordinate kelurahan with its Lurah, PKK, LPM, BKM-as
Afterward, we certainly know how the government goes?             product of PNPM, and Karang Taruna. This is the pillar
First, how to increase human resources index. This is             that finally turned into Working Group. There is Housing
regarding welfare. Second, we talk about fairness, how            and Environment Working Group. Coordinators of
people are treated equally. Whether they are poor or              LPM, BKM, in the city level are also involved, also
rich, in order to get something, they must be treated             Health Agency, PU, BPN. Further commitment and high
equally. The next step is always community based. Those           willingness will open up opportunities.
are the main philosophy. Then, in order for the people
to be good, they must be empowered, coordinated, and                  How did you gain support from the people?
accompanied by. This is the brief look; this is the line of           First is trust. When the people trust us, they will be
thought.                                                          easy to talk to. From the beginning, I tried to make my
     Then there is another matter, according to the               program get in touch with the people and I always tried
officials, regions must be made autonomic. There is no            to talk to people. Every Monday and Thursday I do radio
way for a country as big as Indonesia to be centralistic.         interview. The program is titled Mayor Answers and
The authority obviously should be given to the region.            everyone easily meet me in my office. I communicate,
Well, I also gave my authority to my subordinate. For             thus they can talk about something and we can give
example, for permitting matters, I don’t need to sign             them something. With communication eventually people
anything, because my subordinate can do that. Thus,               will know that I am not a difficult person. And also,
I’m sharing my authority. We build good institution, we           communication must be done in groups, not with every
find good partner and we provide the fund. With the               single person, it is not possible. I communicate with
three elements, program orientation is no longer project.         the groups that were established by the people, not by
Project will not last, but program continue to sustain.           myself, such as LPM, Art Board, Worker Union, etc. they
When this is done, everyone is asked to work, and will            decides. I will not touch or interfere, let it come from
work, the result will be maximum. It’s impossible for us          the bottom. If something happens, nobody can say that I
to work alone. When we autonomic, by involving the                engineered or made it difficult.
   people that we led, everything will run.
                       Last, there’s this thing called               Is housing development apart from sanitation
                                  coordination. Coordination      development?
                                      is easier said than done.      At first, housing and environment are not included
Edisi IV, 2010

in sanitation. We were guided to establish Sanitation          funding source?
Working Group in order to make the White Book and                  I designed one program called acceleration program.
City Sanitation System (SSK). We didn’t know where             At the time, it was only Mayor Decree then it become
it will led. Because from housing and environmental            Pekalongan Local Regulation (Perda) No 11 Year 2008.
point of view, I was thinking, no slum areas. No slum          The Perda has 5 points. Acceleration for poor families to
could mean no water puddle, drainage is available, then        receive education as high as possible, to obtain the best
forestation is also available; that was my line of thought.    health service, to work, acceleration of environmental
After we understand about sanitation, we were surprised        and poor families’ housing improvement to prevent slum,
because it must be sustainable and integrated, not too         and acceleration of institution strengthening. Because it is
many teams. So, there will be Housing and Sanitation           already Perda, the Local Council (DPRD) must provide
Working Group.                                                 the budget. I have made budget plot that was managed
                                                               by and from the people. The initial value was 2,5%. Why
    Why only focusing on the slum area, whereas there are      2,5%, because I thought of it as alms. APBD must be
more aspects to the city than slum?                            made alms. The purpose of alms is to take care of the
    We touched every aspects, slum is only one of them.        poor people, managed by them. But after that, I told
I’ve counted number of household in Pekalongan. There          them that 2,5% is not enough. Where is the infaq shod-
are 67.000 households. Then we sort it, how many have          aqoh (charity), thus I made it 5%. Currently is still 4%.
a house and how many without a house. It turned out
that there are 6.000 households without house. Now,                 Which city inspires you in eradicating the slum?
for those who already have a house, which one is livable,           My inspiration was the Public Housing Minister.
which one is not, which is slum, which one is not. The         When elected to be Pekalongan Mayor, I have problem
result surprised me. 5.068 houses are unlivable with no        of slum. Then I met Pak Yusuf Asy’ari. In his office he
toilet, no water supply, not even plaster. No ventilation,     said: “Pak Basyir, can you free your city from slum?” He
no partition between father and children. Try to imagine       then provides depiction. The apostle said Baiti Janati –
a house without partition between father and children.         My house, My heaven. Slum house will not be heaven,
Then I was thinking, house is a human right. It is a           either physically or spiritually. Then I said, “OK, I will do
serious matter in UUD 1945, then I made a commitment           it”. So, I wasn’t triggered by a place but by Public House
that during my official period, I must finish 5.068 houses.    Minister.
It turned out to be completed in 3 years using the above            In dealing with slum, are there any unsolved matters?
methods. Involve the people, establish group, decide           What were the challenges?
which one is slum, and then those who help, we give                 Yes, there is. Actually, of all achievements, there are
fund, while we too seek for funds.                             2.000 unmanaged houses, when we suddenly got ROB
                                                               (high tide). So in the North, houses that have been fixed
    What should be fixed first in handling the slum, the       are back to slum again. I have a target of fixing approxi-
people or the physical condition?                              mately 6 million IDR. We will provide the 2 million,
    In my opinion, the physic should be fixed first. I         loan the 2 million and the other 2 million must be from
feel that if a house is not livable, people will not live      them. So, we will not fix everything, because then, they
in the house. The children will all run to the street.         will not have sense of ownership. There are 270 slum
When they already run, they will be educated on the            communities. By the end of last year, 150 of it were able
street. Simultaneously, I made a program where every           to be managed. This year I will try to manage up to 200
Elementary School must have TPQ, all using the model           communities, thus only 80 or 90 that are left. We will
of Islam education. What kind of Islam education model?        finish this in 2 years, 2011 and 2012 because slum areas
We want every Moslem to commit, must pray, must use            are harder to deal with than housing. My challenge is
Moslem clothes. We taught them this since early start,         only one, I have just begin to understand sanitation prob-
and on certain hour we teach them to read and write            lem. We want to make the house to be efficient, or maybe
Quran, because every Moslem must be able to read and           building the house with proper, but communal septic
write Quran, thus we can pray. Pray is Innas salata tanha      tank. The most ideal will be when water supply is entirely
anil fahsha wal munakar, keeping wickedness away. I’m          served by PDAM. No better in Pekalongan. I have a
hoping they will stay at home, educated at home. The           dream that in 10-15 years, Pekalongan will not use
method is simultaneous like that.                              well anymore. Even when the sanitation is not
                                                               proper yet, at least water sup-
   To eradicate slum is not cheap, where did you find the      ply is available. (DVD)

   Side                                                                                                             ISTIMEWA

  1,2 Billion
  of World Population are Living in Unsuitable Shelter

            helter is still a problem, faced not only by        movement from rural to urban areas, but also means
            Indonesia, but also the world. Unsuitable           higher water supply requirement.
            shelter leads to unsuitable housing, especially         Furthermore, changes due to the development
            in the city; thus making city housing/              have altered village’s status into city. Other than high
            settlement a worrisome issue. It is clear that      urbanization rate, we are also facing high population
development of an area was not in accordance with               growth. Therefore, mature planning is required in
proper housing quality. Hence, plenty of people cannot          developing an area so that everyone may have access
afford proper housing yet. According to UN Habitat,             to healthy and proper Water Supply and Environmental
currently in the world, there are at least 1,2 billion people   Sanitation.
living in unsuitable areas, whereas in major cities of              The core of housing development according to the
Indonesia, approximately 12,5 million people are living         Law mandate is to build an area accordingly with Law No
in slum areas with the total area of 57.000 hectare and 8       26 Year 2007 on Spatial. Every region must have a spatial
million people are without proper housing.                      plan (RTRW) which was made accordingly with natural
     This has clearly showed that Indonesia is one of           condition of the region. However, most people and local
the countries that must deal with problems of physical          governments have not applied their RTRW with proper
and infrastructure sectors of settlement, namely                discipline and have not revised their RTRW.
high urbanization, poor quality of settlements, and                 Anna Tibaijuka as the Executive Director of UN Habitat
large number of cities without sanitation, and water            has stated that in the past 10 years, numbers of people
infrastructures. At the moment, only approximately 49%          who are living in slum areas have increased from 780
        of the population is without water supply. The high     million to 820 million. Thus, the last data of UN Habitat
                        number of urbanization does not         in year 2010 has stated that there are 1,2 billion of world
                                     only mean population       population are living in a very unsuitable environment.

Edisi IV, 2010

     For that reason, UN Habitat has established two           Challenges that must be faced by cities in the world in
programs. One is World Urban Campaign Program, which           the future due to rapid growth of urbanization, especially
is cooperation program between UN Habitat and public           in the last few decades include reducing poverty thread,
and private sectors, as well as civil community to raise the   improving access to public basic facilities (water supply,
issue of sustainable urbanization into governance agenda       settlement, sanitation, friendly environment), and
all around the world. Two is cooperation with the Coca         sustainable city growth.
Cola Company in providing 1 million USD for pure water             In Indonesia, according to Public House Minister
development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America areas. The      (Menpera) Suharso Monoarfa, who is also the Head
purpose of this program is to preserve water resources         of APMCHUD, since 2007, approximately 50% of the
and assisting water use efficiency as well as recycle          population lives in the city. Moreover, 58,6% of the total
process of turning waste water into water supply which         population lives in Java Island which area only represent
was expected to be completed in the next 2 years.              7% of the total area in Indonesia, 17% housings in natural
     Rapid urbanization due to population explosion and        disaster vulnerable areas, and poverty rate that has
uneven distribution of population has become crucial           reached 14,15% or approximately 32,53 million people
issues that attracted attention of the world. According        have made APMCHUD an important forum to share
to UN’s estimation, in the next 50 years, 2/3 of world         experience and information with member countries of
population will be living in the cities. Urbanization          APMCHUD while seeking for the best solution.
increment has caused a domino effect that will eventually          In cities of the developing countries, the problem is
caused big detriment for people and environment.               a lot more complicated, due to faster population growth
Population explosion and uneven distribution of the            compare to developed countries. Formal settlement
population are also factors of imbalance between urban         provision capacity such as real estate, and housing from
and rural areas which in turn, increase urbanization rate.     the government or private is very limited and has only
The rapid urbanization growth in the urban areas has           touched middle to upper class of the society. Meanwhile,
caused many problems, one of which, slum areas in the          low income communities have not been touched and
city.                                                          left to find their own solution. The consequence is rapid
     Therefore, the world has become more concern in           growth of informal settlements which in Indonesia is
the management of urban and housing development,               better known as kampong, with typical characteristics
and this was marked by three series of important events,       of dense, slum, squalid, not following official rules, and
such as World Urban Forum 5 (WUF), World Shanghai              majority of the residents are poor.
Expo 2010, and 3rd Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference
on Housing and Urban Development (APMCHUD).                       Source: UN Habitat and



      Issue of Right to
     Water and Housing               (Second Paper – Finished)

Dr Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH.,LL.M.                        holder. Moreover, in providing raw water, private
                                                         companies will not invest in low income areas and

       roviding opportunity for private companies        topographically difficult areas because these, will
       in raw water provision for the people will        present difficulty in returning their investment. This
       clearly eliminates the country’s power over       is the reason of why raw ware provision in remote
water resources. As profit-oriented institution,         areas has been neglected. Looking at stipulation
private companies will only invest when guarantee        in Section 33 of UUD 1945 which not so clearly
of investment rate of return is present. Thus,           guaranteeing the people’s right to water has opened
companies require guarantee, either on political risk    up opportunities for derivative law products to be
or performance risk, the guarantee issue is being        further away from guaranteeing citizen’s right to
charged to people through compensation payment           water as proven in Law No 7 Year 2004. Meanwhile,
from government and tariff adjustment. Tariff            in the context of local autonomy, instead of
    adjustment was completed by applying full cost       formulating local regulation that protected the
                   recovery, to ensure steady rate of    people’s right to water, many regulations have turned
                                return for contract      out to only added more burden for the people

Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
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Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
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Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine
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Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine

  • 1. Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City Edition IV, 2010 Information Media of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Habitat Day Toward better City and Better Life
  • 2. Information Media on Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Table of Published by: Contents Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Working Group (WSES Working Group) From the Editor ………………………………………………………………………….................... 3 Your Voice ………………………………………………………………….……………...................... 4 Main Report Responsible Person World Habitat Day 2010 Toward Better City and Life ………………………........ 5 Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas World Habitat Day, Increasing Concern on Urbanization Challenges …..…. 9 Environmental Sanitation Director of the Habitat, Day, Water and Sanitation ...………………………………………............. 11 Health Ministry Habitat National Secretariat of Indonesia …………………………………............ 13 Water Supply Development Director of the Regulation Public Work Ministry Agenda 21 ……………………………….………………………………….......................... 15 Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient Habitat Agenda ……………………………………………………………......................... 17 Technology Director of Domestic Affair Lesson Ministry Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City ………….…............. 19 Director of Spatial and Environmental Facili- Testimony tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry dr. M. Basyir Ahmad, Pekalongan Mayor. House is Human Right ………... 22 Different Side Head of editorial staff 1,2 billion World Population are living in Unsuitable Settlements ……….. 24 Oswar Mungkasa Discourse Right to Water and Housing (second paper – finished) ……………………..... 30 Editorial Staff Interview Maraita Listyasari Suharso Monoarfa, Public Housing Minister ...........................................…..... 30 Innovation Managing Editor Clearing Water With Moringa Leaves Seed ………………………..……............. 32 Eko Budi Harsono Turning Air into Water ……………………………………..……………....................... 4 3 Reportage Design and Production 15 Asia Pacific Journalists Visited Tambora Slump Area ……………….......... 6 3 Agus Sumarno 2010 Sanitation Jamboree, Sanitation Ambassador Met Sofyar with the Vice President …………………………………………………………………....... 38 Youth Urban Forum, Youth Involvement in Urban Development……….... 40 Circulation/Secretariat Book Launching and Review in the Main Event of Agus Syuhada 2010 World Habitat Day ………………………………………………........................ 43 Nur Aini 2010 UNICEF WES Program National Coordination Meetin …………......... 45 WSES Development Evaluation and Planning for the year 2010-2011 ... 46 Editorial Address Workshop of Banten Province WSES Development Synergy …………....... 47 Jl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta, Guidance Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113 Toilet Alternatives as Options …………………………………………….................... 8 4 Website: http// Books Info ….……………………………………………………………………..…...................... 50 e-mail: CD Info … ….…………………………………………………………………………........................ 52 Website Info ………………………………………………………………………..…..................... 54 WESE Literatures …………………………………………………………………..….................... 5 5 Editors accept external papers/article Facts concerning water supply and environmental Why is Toilet in Your House Must Be Healthy? ……………..…………..................... 56 sanitation. Climate Change and Cities ……………………………………………….............................. 59
  • 3. From the Edisi IV, 2010 Editor I t has become a routine since 1986 that every infrastructures, facilities and utility (PSU). Partial first Sunday of October is commemorated handling will not result in maximum result. This is all around the world as Habitat Day. This the message to be conveyed through Habitat Day year, Habitat Day has fallen on 4 October commemoration for the past 10 years. 2010 with theme of toward better city and In the spirit of integration, this edition of Percik better life. Habitat Day is often commemorated in has raised the theme of Habitat Day in the hope that Indonesia, however misguided still occurs where future housing and settlement developments can be habitat day commemoration is considered to be only more integrated; not only in concept, but also in the for the settlement development stakeholders. This implementation on the field. Hopefully. is actually inappropriate considering close relation The year 2010 will soon be behind us, we between housing and settlement (water supply and certainly welcome year 2011 with new ideas, targets, environmental sanitation). It has been proven for and hopes. The same goes for us in Percik editorial example, from the theme of 2003 Habitat Day staff and supporter. Hopefully Percik will continue which was Water and Sanitation for Cities. to be published with brilliant theme and able to Integration between WSES development and satisfy reader’s expectation. Therefore, we are still settlement is a necessity, especially with regard to opening our door for theme proposal to be included city development. As we all know, slump areas have in the year 2011. With that reason, relation between become the ‘trade mark’ of almost every city, thus us is more than just reader and editor, but more the management has become common agenda of than that. We have always tried to make Percik to all cities. Slump areas problems are mainly adjacent be an interactive communication media among to house and environment quality along with stakeholders. Let’s realize this hope together. (OM) POKJA 3
  • 4. Your Voice ronmental Sanitation Working Group. Plant Trees Ennoble But, for the past couple of months we no longer acquire the magazine. Water I got the latest Percik Magazine in- I am concern about the vanishing advertently from one of my friends in forests in this country due to illegal Percik Appearance logging. Natural disaster will occur Lebak Kabupaten Health Agency dur- continues to be better ing my visit to the agency. I finally bor- during the rainy season, and drought My name is Wardi, water supply rowed the magazine to be copied for will occur during the dry season. This and environmental sanitation ob- our library. may actually prevented if we care for server. I live at Pasar Minggu, Jakarta To Percik editors, we are hoping the forest and ennoble water. Selatan. I’m a loyal reader of Percik to get this magazine regularly. If fee Natural disaster in this country Magazine since I first got the maga- is needed, I’m happy to subscribe. should be a warning for us to care and zine back when I was still working at Thank you for your kind attention. pay more attention to nature. Growing Regional Development Management Sukemi number of illegal logging have caused Directorate General of the Domestic Kampung Rukun Rt06/Rw07 landslides because the rain water can- Affair Department in 2004. Desa Bojongsari Serang, Banten not be adsorbed by the forest, I would like to thank managers Without water we will not survive, of Percik Magazine for the informa- Thank you for your attention and thus, let’s ennoble water such as we tion and valuable lessons that I have for being loyal reader of Percik. Your ennoble ourselves. Rain water should got with regard to Water Supply and name and address have been submit- acquire its rightful place. Let’s plant Environmental Sanitation. I am im- ted as regular reader. We will send the trees that can adsorb water, so we are pressed with the new appearance of magazine to you regularly. Hope you not lacking of water. If the rain water Percik Magazine with better design. enjoy the magazine. The content of this magazine can be is being adsorbed, our homes will be compared to commercial magazine in save from flood and other natural di- the level of Tempo Magazine. Water is a Gift saster. I hope, Percik Magazine may con- We have started to find difficulty Ahmad Riyadi Umar tinue to exist in providing numbers in acquiring water supply, especially Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur of information and lesson as well as during the drought season. Without community empowerment in WSES us knowing, water is turning into lux- Don’t Use Water sector. Bravo Percik Magazine. ury good, whereas we will have diffi- Excessively Mawardi culties in acquiring them because it is The benefit of water as life support Kalibata Tengah Pasar Minggu getting scarce or expensive. must be well managed in the use. Its Jakarta Selatan We can already see the symptoms existence as God’s gift must be recog- of water as luxury good. One is the nize and utilized maximally. The grate- Thank you very much for your kind loss of ground water recharge due to fulness should not only come out of attention and appreciation to Percik deforestation, worsened by narrow- our mouth, but should also come out magazine. We will keep trying to en- ing river area as water reserve due to through series of actions or wise and hance and improve information quality change of use into settlement. just attitude toward water utilization, and magazine appearance so it may be Two, water contamination that in accordance with the requirement well accepted by the people. Hopefully was not seriously handled. The con- standard. this magazine will continue to exist and taminants are certainly the main As we know, water is un-renew- provide the best information. cause of inconsumable water. Three, able natural resources. Effective and water privatization. Water that govern efficient use is greatly important in Subscription to the lives of many is owned only by cer- anticipating excessive water use. Percik Magazine tain groups that can manipulate water The excessive attitude is also forbid It has been almost one year since management. Everyone have right to by religion because it is belong in the my friends and I, Environment and water. By privatization, not everyone’s category of “isyraf”. Especially because Community Empowerment activists of right to water is recognized. water is certainly includes the lives of Pelangi Dunia at Sungai Ciujung, Ban- Therefore, from now on, water many, and environment in general. ten acquired Yunior Percik and Percik management must be fixed. Don’t let Thus, management tool for the people magazine from our friends from Ban- it become disaster, but a gift. in proper use of water is required. ten Province Water Sup- Thomas Sutasman Muhammad Erfan ply and Envi- Cilacap, Jawa Tengah Ciputat, Tangerang 4
  • 5. Main Report 2010 World Habitat Day Toward Better City and Better life H ISTIMEWA abitat is a crucial mitment to implement the agreed Day is also one of the methods to issue to be re- Global Act Plan. Several activities in remind world population about the garded by many relation to the Habitat Agenda have phenomena and challenges of the parties due to its been actively followed by the gov- urban people. relation with the ernment, such as Habitat5+ in New One of the world challenges today fulfillment efforts of people’s pros- York on 2001 and biannual meeting is rapid growing of urban areas (cities). perity. In dealing with habitat-relat- of Governing Council of UN Habi- If before, vast majority of the world ed issues, countries in the world have tat in Nairobi. Prof. Johan Silas as population are living in the rural ar- showed their concern commitment KIP (Kampong Improvement Pro- eas, today, over half of world popula- through several agreements namely gram) initiator has received Habitat tion are living in the urban areas and 1976 Vancouver Declaration and Scroll of Honours for his commit- this number is estimated to increase Habitat Agenda that was established ment and dedication for settlement into two-third by 2030. With the lim- in Istanbul, Turk in 1996. development, especially for poor ited resources management capacity The Habitat Agenda that was people. in the city, many negative impacts will signed by 171 countries (includ- The content of Vancouver Dec- arise, from growing problem of the ing Indonesia) contains more than laration and Habitat Agenda is the lack of proper settlement, grow- 100 commitments and 600 recom- message to be conveyed to people ing slump areas, pollution, traf- mendations. Every country that has through annual commemoration of fic jams, social gaps, signed the Habitat Agenda has com- World Habitat Day. World Habitat etc. 5
  • 6. Main Report ized at Cengkareng flats, Jakarta and (5) Improving cultural involvement. Data and Facts of the theme was selected to remain The above steps are expected to act Urban Areas: people about Millennium Develop- as important catalyst in realizing n Fifty percent of world population is ment Goals that were launched five better life for all. currently living in the city years before. World Habitat Day commemo- n Three billion of world population is living in the city. 1 billion of which By rising the theme of “Better ration this year, such as the years is living in slump areas. In Sub- City, Better Life” for 2010, this before, was held jointly by Public Sahara Africa area, 70% of the city population is living in slump areas. year’s commemoration tries to em- Housing Ministry and Public Work n In 2005, there is 1,4 billion more people in the cities compare to year phasize on the importance of city Ministry. In the press conference 1980. quality in supporting better life, of 2010 World Habitat Day that n Urbanization is found more in developing countries. In contrary, that will encourage opportunities fell on Monday, 4 October 2010, Europe countries are experiencing and potencies, reducing gap, and Public Housing Minister, Suharso decline due to the advance transportation and communication providing proper settlement for all Monoarfa has stated that livable that has reduced population layers of community. house is an issue of Human Right concentration in one place. In the global message of UN that requires special attention from Sumber:The State of the World Atlas Habitat presented by Inga Björk- the government and better settle- Klevby (Assistant Secretary-General ment is collective responsibility for of the United Nations and Deputy the future. This statement is in line Toward Better Executive Director, UN-HABI- with the mission of Habitat Agenda, City and Better Life TAT), it was said that for better liv- which is proper settlement for all This year, in relation to World ing, smarter city is required. Inga and sustainable urbanization. Habitat Day Commemoration, said, only smart cities can provide Indonesia has resume participa- their citizens with better life. In 2010 World Habitat Day tion such as prior years. In 2008, order to accomplish smarter city Activities in Indonesia World Habitat Day commemora- for better life, there are five strate- In Indonesia, 2010 World Habi- tion was held at Bali and in 2009 gic steps that were encouraged by tat Day was commemorated for the at Palembang City. For global com- UN Habitat namely: (1) Improving purpose to increase concern of all memoration, Indonesia has hosted a life quality, (2) Investing in human parties, namely central and local 2005 World Habitat Day with The capital, (3) Encouraging sustain- governments, private sector, uni- Millennium Goals and the City as able public economy growth, (4) versities, and community. Another theme. That year, World Habitat Improving politic participation, and purpose is to encourage new think- Day commemoration was central- ing on current condition of settle- ment. Furthermore, 2010 World Habitat Day was commemorated to provide understanding to the people on housing and settlement issues as well as encouraging participation of housing and settlement stakehold- ers in activities to improve compre- hension of World Habitat Day and implementation of Habitat Agenda, especially among the youth because future responsibility of earth sus- tainability is on their hands. 6
  • 7. Edisi IV, 2010 KEMENPERA presented speakers among others are ex-Kimpraswil (Housing and Regional Infrastructure) Minister, Erna Witoelar, Urban Sociology Observer Imam B. Prasodjo, Head of Indonesia Planning Expert Asso- ciation (IAP), Iman Soedrajat, and also government representatives of Yogyakarta, Manado, and Palem- bang. With regard to sanitation, on 12- 16 October 2010, Cipta Karya Di- rectorate General held a Sanitation Jamboree at Wisma Hijau Cimanggis with the theme of “Concern of Sani- Public Housing Minister, Suharso Monoarfa (middle) and Public Work Minister, Djoko tation, Concern of Water Quality”. Kirmanto (right) together with the book writer of “Pestering Housing and Environmental Participants of Sanitation Jamboree Implementation Order”, Tjuk Kuswartojo. comprised of 128 students from 32 It is only appropriate that World by 2010 Habitat National Seminar provinces in Indonesia. In the open- Habitat Day commemoration was “Better City, Better Life” that was ing ceremony, Public Worl Minis- filled with Seminars and Workshops, held at Sultan Hotel, Jakarta on 30 ter Djoko Kirmanto revealed that Sanitation Jamboree, Book Launch- September 2010. Seminar with the Sanitation Jamboree is a national ing as the main event and also Youth theme of Management Concept of campaign that focused on children Urban Forum for the youth in ITS Sustainable and Humanist Urban as central point. They are expected Surabaya. Beside the above activities, Housing and Settlement discussed to be the agent of development in World Habitat Day was also intro- the city from the aspect of livable their own areas. As series of Sanita- duced to public through television, – namely the aspects of social, eco- tion Jamboree, a tour was held to radio, printed media, and internet. nomic, safety and environment. Lippo Karawaci Waste Water Treat- Series of 2010 World Habitat Seminar that was held by Public ment with participation of Elemen- Day Commemoration was initiated Housing Ministry Formal Deputy tary School students from schools in Cimanggis for the purpose of early Numbers of World Population who lives in the Cities, 1990-2030 (%) introduction to waste water treat- ment. Region 1990 2000 2009 2010* 2020* 2030* Meanwhile, on Sunday morn- World 42.6 46.4 50.1 50.5 54.4 59.0 ing, 17 October 2010, Habitat Fun Asia 31.5 36.8 41.7 42.2 47.2 52.9 Bike Activity was held. This activity Oceania/ 70.7 70.4 70.2 70.2 70.4 71.4 was led by Public Housing Minis- Pacific ter and followed by approximately Europe 69.8 70.8 72.5 72.8 75.4 78.4 150 participants, both from higher North America 75.4 79.1 81.9 82.1 84.6 86.7 level officials in the Ministry and Latin America 70.3 75.5 79.3 79.6 82.6 84.9 staffs of Public Housing and Africa 32.1 36.0 39.6 40.0 44.6 50.0 Public Work Ministries. This *Prediction, Source: UN casual biking was 7
  • 8. Main Report started on 6.30 am (West Indonesia knowledge on settlement as the base classes in this workshop, which is time – WIB) taking the start from toward better city. This book launch- the class of “Organizing Buildings Public Housing Ministry’s yard ing was also marked by speech from and Environments toward Qualified through Senayan Circle (Bundaran Public Work and Public Housing City” and “Organizing Slump Areas Senayan), Sudirman Street through Ministers followed by official book in Answering the Challenge of Cli- HI Circle (Bundaran HI) and back launching to the stakeholders in- mate Change”. to the Ministry’s office. When in cluding development implementer, As the closure of this year’s series HI Circle, participants distributed academician, NGOs, media and the of World Habitat Day commemo- stickers of 2010 World Habitat Day elders and followed by book review ration, Youth Urban Forum was (HHD) to the people for them to that presenting linguists of all com- held at ITS Surabaya. In this two better understand World Habitat munities. days event on 8-9 November 2010, Day. Other activities in the series of Public Housing Minister Suharso The peak of 2010 World Habi- 2010 World Habitat Day com- Monoarfa and Surabaya Mayor Tri tat Day took place on 18 October memoration is the National Work- Rismaharini gave general lecture to 2010 and marked by launching, ex- shop that was held by Directorate of approximately 300 students. This hibition, and book review of “Flash- Housing Development and Direc- lecture is then followed by discus- back on Settlement 1900-2000” torate of Environmental Building sion among the students and field and “Pestering Settlement and En- Order, Cipta Karya, of Public Work visit to Tempe kampong, Sukoma- vironmental Management Order”. Ministry that was held on October nunggal, Surabaya. Youth Urban Public Housing Minister hopes that 26th 2010 at Public Work Ministry. Forum as the closure of World launching of this book may inspire The workshop with the title of “City Habitat Day commemoration se- youth to plan and design a more in- Support Capacity and Adaptation to ries has affirmed the fact that world novative and creative housing and Climate Change” presented speakers cities continuity is in the hands of settlement. Main event of book namely Onno W. Purbo and Imam youth, for better city and better launching was targeted to increase B. Prasodjo. There are two parallel life. (LNP) HARSYA PAMBUDI Participants of Youth Urban Forum are listening to general lecture from the Mayor of Surabaya 8
  • 9. Edisi IV, 2010 ISTIMEWA World Habitat Day Increasing Concern on Urbanization Challenges E very year, the world always persuades all organization both inside and outside commemorates World Habitat Day on the UN system to support the national efforts of the first Monday of October. World projects planning, formulation implementation, Habitat Day is one of international and evaluation to improve settlement quality. The days that was established by the UN Vancouver conference has also based establishment and commemorated as realization of our concern to of United Nations Human Settlements Program fulfillment of proper housing and settlement for all. (UN-HABITAT), UN commission for settlements Other purpose of World Habitat Day is to remind sector. people on the need of collective responsibility for the Approximately 9 years latter, in the year 1985, future of human habitat. in Commission on Human Settlement Resolution The origin of World Habitat Day cannot be dated 8 May 1985, proposal of World Habitat Day apart from Habitat I conference or Habitat: United was submitted. This proposal was then adopted Nation Conference on Human Settlement in and established in UN Court Resolution in the Vancouver, Canada, back in 1976. In the conference year 1985 (Resolution 40/202 of 17 December that was held 34 years ago, the world has started 1985) thus World Habitat Day has started to be to realize the growing phenomena of urbanization commemorated in the year 1986. The start of World along with its impacts, especially in developing Habitat Day commemoration on 1986 was also countries. Before, the problem of urbanization and marking 10 years commemoration of Habitat I. its impacts have almost never been UN priority. In the first commemoration that was held in Habitat I Conference has become the first UN Nairobi, Kenya, the selected theme was Shelter conference in the sector of settlement and resulted in is My Right. Ten years latter in 1996, Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements that Habitat II conference 9
  • 10. Main Report was held at Istanbul, Turk which resulted in the which are Adequate Shelter for All and Sustainable Habitat Agenda. Habitat Agenda is commitment Urbanization. World Habitat Day commemoration of 176 head of countries including Indonesia to has become momentum to promote main messages support better future of human habitat. of Habitat Agenda. Habitat Day commemoration Habitat II conference has become some sort from one year to the next has become more of turning point on the focus of settlement issue. important. Thirty-four years ago, during Habitat I Themes of World Habitat Day commemoration in era, two-third of world population are still living in the prior years have emphasized more on ‘shelter’. rural areas. Today, the proportion has been reversed, Since 1996, World Habitat Day theme has shifted more than half world population are living in urban to city (see box). This tendency may arise due to areas and in 2030 it was estimated that two – third the thinking that settlement problems are problems of world population will live in the city. This will of city and urban. Habitat Agenda as the output certainly have bigger consequence. of Habitat II has reflected manifestation of this For 2010, World Habitat Day fell on Monday, 4 tendency. Through Habitat Agenda, countries in the October 2010 with the theme of “Better City, Better world are trying to accomplish Adequate Shelter for Life”. This theme emphasized on the importance All and Sustainable Urbanization. of city quality in supporting better life, which will The theme of World Habitat Day encourage potency and opportunity, reducing gap commemoration is always different from year and providing proper settlement for all. to year, however the theme selected is always in line with two main messages of Habitat Agenda, LNP from various sources. Themes of World Habitat Day 2010 – Better City, Better Life 2009 – Planning Our Urban Future 2008 – Harmonious Cities 2007 – A Safe City is a Just City 2006 – Cities, Magnets of Hope 2005 – The Millennium Goals and the City POKJA 2004 – Cities – Engines of Rural Development 2003 – Water and Sanitation for Cities 2002 – City-to-City Cooperation 2001 – Cities without Slums 2000 – Women in Urban Governance 1999 – Cities for All 1998 – Safer Cities 1996 – Urbanization and Human Solidarity 1995 – Our Neighborhood Curitiba 1994 – Home and the Family 1993 – Women and Shelter Development 1992 – Shelter and Sustainable Development 1991 – Shelter and the Living Environment 1990 – Shelter and Urbanization 1989 – Shelter, Health and the Family 1988 – Shelter and Community 1987 – Shelter for the Homeless 1986 – Shelter is My Right 10
  • 11. Edisi IV, 2010 POKJA Habitat Day, Water and Sanitation E very year, UN Habitat has facilities, especially for low income in his message that cities will un- become UN committee to people, women, and those who are deniably be the center of activities organize World Habitat Day considered as vulnerable and mar- and opportunities, however, with- commemoration. UN Habitat is ginalized groups. out proper settlement and adequate performing its mandate based on Specifically, World Habitat Day basic facilities, city environment will Vancouver Declaration on Human has once raised the theme of Water be the most dangerous environment Settlements document, along with and Sanitation in the year 2003. In on earth. other documents such as the Habitat that year, World Habitat Day has In the world where half of the Agenda and the Millennium Decla- focused on urban water condition population lives in the cities, there ration. These documents empha- and sanitation crisis. A situation far are at least 1 billion people in dan- sized on proper settlement for all. worse than existing statistics. ger in relation to the lack of ad- Proper settlement and its services are In 2003 World Habitat Day equate water supply and sanitation. human right where the government global message, Anna Tibaijuka, In Asian cities, there are 700 million is obligated to assist low income UN Habitat Director at the mo- people are lacking water and 800 people in acquiring settlements. ment has stated that sustainable million are without proper sanita- Proper settlements for all cannot development is started from health. tion. Moreover, in many regions, be apart from provision and condi- Therefore, sustainable condition poor people tend to pay more for tion of water and sanitation. It was cannot be fulfilled without sustain- water compare to richer peo- stated in the Habitat Agenda to spe- able investment in water supply and ple. cifically promote access to safe water basic sanitation. Meanwhile, Kofi With regard to supply, sanitation and other basic Annan as the Secretary General said 2003 11
  • 12. Main Report Data and Facts on Water Supply and Sanitation - Almost half of world population is experiencing water shortage. - Almost one billion of world population is without access to proper water supply. - In developing countries, almost one of every four people has no access to sanitation, even the most basic one. - Women have the biggest burden in acquiring water for household purposes. - Central areas in big cities generally have access to water and sanitation, however, city’s poor people usually is not included in the service coverage. Illegal city settlements have the worst and unhygienic condition Sumber: UN Habitat Urban World - Juni 2010 POKJA World Habitat Day, at the moment, “Slum to Neighborhood” which Rudimentary Housing, and “Accel- global commemoration with the was initiated in the year 1993. Ur- eration of Water Supply and Sanita- theme of “Water and Sanitation for ban Minister of Brazil at the time tion Provision for Low Income Peo- Cities” was held at Rio De Janeiro city has said that better access to water ple in 1.500 Kampong/Kelurahan of Brazil. Participants from all over and sanitation has become Brazil Every Year”. the world visited Cajú area, a slump priority in fulfilling basic needs of Today, in the year 2010, water area resided with approximately 800 urban poor community. This com- and sanitation issues have remain to families. This area represents typical mitment has shown seriousness of be crucial issues, especially when only slump areas in other part of the city Brazilian government in providing 5 years left to the year 2015 where where almost 20 percent population right equality on city to urban poor targets of MDGs must be achieved. of Rio de Janeiro lives. Interestingly, community. From water provision point of view, in Cajú, people have very good ac- Meanwhile, in Indonesia, 2003 there are more people who have ac- cess to water and sanitation, electric- World Habitat Day commemora- cess to proper water supply and even ity, transportation, and social servic- tion was held at Denpasar, Bali. The more people have access to sanita- es. Located on the riverside, Cajú is President of Indonesia Republic at tion facilities. However, in order to a positive result of city’s initia- the time, Megawati Soekarnoputri, achieve MDGs targets, the effort tive example of had the opportunity to proclaim must be doubled. Development of 1.000.000 units of 12
  • 13. Edisi IV, 2010 Habitat National Secretariat for Indonesia Improving Knowledge and Network of Urban Development and Housing Sector T he issue of settlement and urban are complex known as Habitat Seknas was established in 2008 and multi-disciplines issues. Capacity building by Joint Decree of Public Work Minister and Public of Government and other stakeholders to Housing Minister to support inter-agency cooperation better plan and manage the city is necessary. For that (government and non-government) as well as program reason, knowledge improvement of housing and urban implementation in relation to Habitat Agenda in development sectors is required, as well as a strong Indonesia. Habitat Seknas is expected to resume network for information exchange and cooperation. previous role of Habitat National Committee. In 1981, a Housing National Secretariat has been Habitat Seknas retain the function of knowledge established to coordinate international organization hub of urban development and housing sector. Habitat activity in relation to housing and planning in Seknas is expected to be the knowledge center in the Indonesia. It functions as clearing house that sector of housing and settlement, and common house accommodates and channel profession association that for practitioners, academicians, and other development relates with the activity of planning and housing. actors to discuss and criticize issues of housing and ISTIMEWA Twenty years later, in 2001, Habitat II Agenda National Committee was established by Indonesia Republic President with the task of assisting implementation of Habitat II Agenda in Indonesia and providing consideration and advice to the Government regarding implementation of Habitat II Agenda. Indonesia Habitat National Secretariat With the above background, Indonesia Habitat National Secretariat or better Vision Improving knowledge and network of urban development and housing sector. Mission - Improving knowledge of urban development and housing sector through information documentation and best practices as well as publication through website and printed material. - Improving network of urban development and housing sector through information exchange and discussion forum. - Providing inputs on strategic issues for policy makers. - Supporting national and international implementation in relation to Ha­ bitat II Agenda 13
  • 14. Main Report settlements, provide policy input and harmonize activity programs. ‘Common house To support inter- for practitioners, agency cooperation, academicians, and other Habitat Seknas has development actors to involved 8 ministries discuss and criticize namely Public Work issues of housing and Ministry, Public settlements …’ Housing Ministry, Coordinator Ministry of Public Welfare Sector, Foreign Affair Ministry, PPN/Bappenas Ministry, Domestic Affair Ministry, Environmental Ministry and Health Ministry to sit as Steering Team, Operator Team, and Daily Team. Steering Team is currently led by Cipta Karya Directorate General, Budi Yuwono with deputy from Public Housing Ministry Secretary, Iskandar Saleh. Operator Team under the Steering Team is led eknas abitat S by Cipta Karya Directorate Indon esia’s H 68 ya I no. General Secretary, Susmono and Jl. Wija 710 12 assisted by two representatives Jakarta -21-7226530 ax: 62 donesia of the Head of Planning and Ph/F a bitat-in info@h Budget Bureau of Public Housing Email: abitat- :h ISTIMEWA Website and APMCHUD Bureau Ministry, Oswar Mungkasa and Director of Bina Program Cipta Meeting. In the meeting, Karya, Antonius Budiono. At the officials from Asia Pacific countries have gathered to moment, Head of Daily Team and Seknas Habitat discuss the issue of housing and settlement. who responsible for daily Seknas activities is Dr. Lana Other than international activities, Seknas has also Winayanti of Public Housing Ministry, assisted by published several publications such as Country Profile Dr. Hadi Sucahyono of Public Work Ministry as her Indonesia in housing and settlement that was divided deputy. into 5 sectors and several times carried out thematic discussions by involving different elements such as Seknas Activities governments, academicians, students, NGOs, and Scope of work Habitat Seknas has includes research institutes. mainstreaming Habitat Agenda, supporting Every year, Habitat Seknas has also taken role international activities, documentation of best in Habitat Day commemoration. In 2009, Word practices and monitoring and controlling national/ Habitat Day commemoration was held at Palembang, international habitat activities. Sumatera Selatan with the theme of Planning Our Habitat Seknas role in realizing its vision and Urban Future and in 2010 the commemoration was mission is evident among others through Asia Pacific focused in Jakarta with the theme of Better City, Better Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Life. 2010 commemoration was marked by book Development (APMCHUD) at Solo launching in accordance with Habitat Seknas’ function on 22-24 June 2010 as knowledge center in housing and settlement sector. 14
  • 15. Regulation Edisi IV, 2010 Agenda 21 Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. Agenda 21 tries to ensure sustainable future which We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities requires bigger awareness from all of us to find solutions between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, to the problems. hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing With its substance, Agenda 21 has become some deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for sort of blue print for global partnership to realize our well-being. However, integration of environment high quality environments and healthy economic for and development concerns and greater attention everyone on this planet. Agenda 21 discusses critical to them will lead to the fulfillment of basic needs, issues that we are facing as global community such as improved living standards for all, better protected ecosystem degradation, increasing poverty, hunger and and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous poor health, growing world population and illiteracy. future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but Agenda 21 consists of 40 chapters that identified every together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable challenge and provides realistic and simple solution development. to sustainable development in fulfilling today’s requirements without reducing the future generation’s Agenda 21, paragraf 1.1 ability to fulfill their own needs. Agenda 21 consists of 5 parts with the total of 40 chapters. Preliminary part is Preamble (chapter 1.1- 1.6). The next part is Part 1 (chapter 2.1-8.54) that A genda 21 is a comprehensive action plan to contains relation between social and economic aspects. be applied locally, nationally, or globally by This part emphasizes the importance of international organizations in the systems of UN, cooperation to implement and accelerate efforts government and related groups on every toward sustainable development. aspect with impact on environment. The next part is Part 2 (chapter 9.1- Agenda 21 together with Rio Declaration 22.9) containing resources conservation on Environment and Development and and management for development ‘Agenda 21 has Statement of Principles for the Sustainable become a blue which includes among other Management of Forests are documents that print for global mountain conservation, prevention were adopted by 178 Governments in United partnership of deforestation, protection of water Nations Conference on Environment and to realize sources, solid waste, waste water, Development (UNCED) or Earth Summit high quality and radioactive management, and that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 environment protection of oceans. Part 3 of Agenda and healthy June 1992. economic.’ 21 describes role strengthening Agenda 21 offers hope, invites is to plan of majority group (chapter and take current action to preserve heritage 23.1-32.14). This chapter to be inherited by the future generation. contains a 15
  • 16. Regulation statement that sustainable development is the main this demand through integral approach can also be responsibility of every government, but commitment the capital to improve life quality, productivity, health and involvement of every social group is important to quality, and reducing investment cost in term of realize effective implementation of every government’s curative medication and assisting the effort of poverty policy that relates with Agenda 21. eradication. The last part of Agenda 21 is Part 4 containing The target in Agenda 21 in relation to this issue is more specific matters of implementation actions and fulfillment of infrastructure properly by the year 2025. how to initiate the action plans (chapter 33.1-40.30). Therefore, it is important for every developing country Several underlined matters in this chapter among other to integrate capacity development in term of human is the use of technology, improving public awareness resources, funding or technical into each national through education, data and information sharing to strategy. support decision making. In achieving the target, implementation is required in term of: (1) financing and expenditure based evaluation, (2) utilization of science and technology through research acceleration in integral policies, environmental impact analysis, and effective demand measurement method, as well as (3) human resources capacity building through improvement of awareness, skill training, institutional strengthening, and adoption of proper regulatory instrument. Follow Up of Agenda 21 All over the world, government, business community, non-government organization POKJA and other elements have placed Water, Sanitation, Drainage, Agenda 21 ideas into each plan or policy. This includes and Waste Management Indonesia which in 1997 has formulated Indonesia’s Water, sanitation, drainage, and waste management Agenda 21: national strategy for sustainable development are some of the aspects that were specifically discussed that was published by Environmental Ministry. Today, in Agenda 21. It was emphasized regarding these issues almost 20 years later, Agenda 21 is still very crucial in Agenda 21 that the effort to improve infrastructure and implementation requires multi-fold efforts with provision of water, sanitation, drainage, and waste growing challenges. For that reason, cross-elemental management need to be integrated. Infrastructure involvement in implementing Agenda 21 is very fulfillment is important because minimum important. This task requires not only leadership and infrastructure, especially in developing countries funding from government and business communities, may lead to disease and death. Moreover, developing but also vision and cooperation of every citizen. countries have challenges where infrastructure Sustainable development will never be achieved fulfillment exceeds the growth of the without cooperation of all sectors of community. demand. Whereas fulfilling 16
  • 17. Edisi IV, 2010 Habitat Agenda Adequate Shelter for All vision of sustainable settlement – where everyone Sustainable Urbanization will have proper settlement, healthy and comfortable environment, basic service, and productive and T he world is facing rapid urbanization and liberating job. Habitat Agenda will be guidance for many governments in many countries are all efforts in order to change this vision into reality. not ready to handle this phenomenon. In general, Habitat Agenda has two main Even so, in 1996 there is one turning point in the messages which is Adequate Shelter for All and international world to promote the effort in realizing Sustainable Urbanization. Habitat Agenda offers sustainable city, both from social and environmental positive vision for cities with practical road map on aspects. the world that has been impacted by urbanization. On June that year, the United Nations’ 1996 Other important message from Habitat Agenda Conference on Human Settlements was held at is that good governance is a requirement for Istanbul, Turk. The purpose of this sustainable cities and poverty eradication. conference is to assess progress of the Beside the two main messages of Adequate past two decades since establishment of Shelter for All and Sustainable Urbanization, Vancouver Declaration on 1976, and Habitat Agenda also discuss other also to establish a more suitable goal in ‘…good related issues such as health, nutrition, welcoming the new millennia. governance is and water and sanitation. Habitat The conference is a conference with Agenda relates urban problems and relatively new approach because it a requirement poverty eradication as well as job offers a more integrated, inclusive, and for sustainable addition and special attention to participative policy, strategy, and action cities and poverty women and marginalized groups. toward safe, healthy, and just world eradication.’ The output of Habitat Agenda cities. This conference involves not is a comprehensive strategy that only government representatives, but encourages new partnership to act in also non government organization, private sector, local, national, or international levels. academician, and cooperation groups. Habitat Agenda consists of The conference that was also called Habitat 241 paragraphs that were divided into II has resulted in Istanbul Declaration and 4 parts. First part is Introduction (paragraph 1-21). also Habitat Agenda which was signed by 171 This part underlines global challenge of housing countries, including Indonesia. Habitat Agenda and encourages nations to face the challenges. The consists of more than 100 commitments and 600 second part of this document contains Goals and recommendations. Every country that has signed Principles (paragraph 22-36) that provides direction the Habitat Agenda is committed to implement the to target policies as government’s action and agreed Global Action Plan. strategy to achieve it. The strategy also relates with cooperation, participation, information sharing, Habitat Agenda and supervising. The third part contains Habitat Agenda is a global shout-out to act in Commitment (paragraph 37-52) underlines every layer. In every target framework, principles, agreement of the international and commitment, Habitat Agenda offers positive communities in 17
  • 18. Regulation Source: Cities and Homes for All: The Habitat Agenda, UN Habitat, 1996 discuss action plan in infrastructure and basic services. Infrastructure and basic services include water, sanitation, waste management, social welfare, transportation and communication facilities, health, school, safety and open space. Habitat Agenda achieving proper settlement for all, sustainable emphasize that government, housings, public sector, private, and community community, and private need to cooperate in order involvement, in housing development, gender to fulfill the basic need. equality, housing financing, and international Central government will have a share in cooperation. supporting local authority in management, Global Action Plan is the last part of Habitat operation, and maintenance of infrastructure Agenda. This is the biggest part of this document and basic services. On other side, private sector, (paragraph 53-241). There are 5 strategy actions in community, and non government organization can this part in order to achieve: (1) proper settlement participate in service provider and management for all, (2) sustainable housing, (3) capacity building under coordination of the government. Government and institution development, (4) international must also provide infrastructure access and basic cooperation and coordination, and (5) supervision services especially for poor and marginalized people and implementation of Habitat Agenda. as well as involving local community in establishing standard and priority. Infrastructure and Basic Services In paragraph 84-87, Habitat Source: Cities and Homes for All: The Habitat Agenda specifically Agenda, UN Habitat, 1996, from various sources. 18
  • 19. Learning Edisi IV, 2010 FOTO-FOTO: HARSYA PAMBUDI Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City S urabaya as the 2nd largest metropolitan Surabaya City Government thought of an alternative city in Indonesia with population of way to handle solid waste and decided to apply over 2 million people has turned out to community based solid waste management program only have one final disposal site (TPA which also known as Green and Clean program. - landfill), which is Keputih TPA that In the year 2004, with the support of local receives waste from 155 temporary disposal sites NGO, Surabaya City has initiated public education (TPS) in Surabaya. However, solid waste at Keputih program of solid waste management. The purpose is not well managed and have caused of this program is to introduce bad odor that bothered the surrounding alternative ways of solid waste sorting neighborhood and has been forced to and management from the cycle base close in the year 2001. In consequence, on household level, while the strategy solid waste has kept piling up at TPS’ being use is by introducing accurate sites and moreover, solid waste can be technology along with instruction on seen at every corner of the city. In the how to apply it at household level, the year 2004 in the city of Surabaya, there substance of the education program are approximately 2.610 tons of solid includes how to sort organic and non- waste every day. organic waste, how to utilize waste by applying 3R This horrible situation has convinced Surabaya principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. city, NGO, and community to start dealing with The program has built public awareness solid waste more seriously and to find solution on the importance of community based solid together. After identifying that the main source of waste management (through reduce, solid waste in Surabaya came from the household, reuse, and recycle) and 19
  • 20. Learning encouraged their participation in the process. This to win these 2 competitions in the same year, Kota program has also built network and partnership with Government will provide incentive as a reward in relevant stakeholders for a more collaborative action. maintaining clean environment. This small action has gained popularity among In 2007, there is 18,6% decrement of solid waste Surabaya people. to be transporter to the final disposal site compare to In general, the program consists of various the previous year prior to Green and Clean initiative. activities and initiatives in solid waste management Solid waste has been reduced into 1.480 tons. such as Solid Waste Management and Education, Green and Clean has inspired people to take part in Green and Clean Competition, Cleanest Kecamatan conserving environment and managing solid waste Competition, Zero Waste Competition and independently. This has made Surabaya City into a Initiation of Independent Solid Waste Management. better city to live in. Several remarkable results of In 2005, in order to motivate people and to this program are: attract broader participants, Surabaya City – • Awareness of Surabaya’s people on the supported by several partners has seriously worked importance of solid waste management has on the competition in introducing the concept of resulted in 6.500 environmental cadres whose reward and punishment and in managing their task is to inform people in their neighborhood on surrounding environment. how to manage their waste; Green and Clean was • In Surabaya, there at first carried out at the are 750 environmental level of environmental groups that have applied groups. The main criteria is independent community environmental cleanliness based solid waste (including mosquito larvae management – by making in houses). In 2006, due to compost, and also use it the increasing awareness of as fertilizer for their own solid waste management, environment; the criteria is broaden to • Plenty of tress and include waste management other plants have been and recycle initiative. HARSYA PAMBUDI planted in the housing There are several categories in the Green and areas, some of which became famous such as Clean competition: 1. Solid Waste Management Orchard Kampong, Adenium Kampong, Aloe (solid waste sorting to compost treatment/making, Vera Kampong, etc; solid waste management facilities, and solid waste • In general, green space in Surabaya has increased system monitoring), 2. Solid Waste Recycle (creativ- from 269,29 hectare in 2006 to 274,44 hectare ity, art value, and economic value), 3. Cleanliness in 2007; (of streets and environments, condition of waste • There are at least 15 small-medium scale disposal site and drainage), 4. Reforestation (biodi- companies for recycle products (umbrella, bags, versity, the use of compost in forestation process), 5. wallet, and lamp shade) under the support of Condition of toilet/bathroom that includes cleanli- UNILEVER CARE. Therefore, the people can ness, whether mosquito larvae can be found or not, benefit from the sales of non-organic waste and to public knowledge in preventing dengue fever. thus created new work field; ‘Waste Free’ program is almost similar with • Strengthening social capital due to active ‘Green and Clean’ competition. Green and Clean participation of the people – including women Award will be awarded on May (anniversary of and elderly – in this program; Surabaya City) while “Waste Free’ Award will be • The program has said to inspire and has been awarded on August during Independence replicated in other big cities such as Jakarta and Day. If an area manages Yogyakarta; 20
  • 21. Edisi IV, 2010 • Surabaya City has started to be a better place to Bubutan kecamatan (Tembok Dhuwur area) Surabaya. live (greener, cleaner and healthier). Before, this kampong is known to be ‘black’ area. Surabaya City has also awarded as recognition Surabaya people even call it bromo corah kampong on the effort. Some of the awards are Energy Globe (where criminal lives); from gambling (pigeon Award (EGA) from Austria (2005) for the category race), drunk, to people with high criminal record. of Water and Environment, Green Apple & Green In 2005, change occurred when community leader Organization from London (2007) and United Muhammad Sugiarto is elected to be Head of Rukun Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia Tetangga (neighborhood). Pacific (UNESCAP) Award (2007) for the category Prior to his election, he asked for people’s of City Quality Improvement. agreement to conduct change and this request has acquire positive respond from all residents. Even Orchid Kampong (Kampung Anggrek) – after serving as Head of RT, the man who is better Cleanest and Greenest Kampong known as Abah Giarto made an innovation by Pesona Anggrek Kampong, Jl. Kertajaya IV-C, asking everyone to sign some sort of agreement RT 07 RW XIII, Kertajaya Kelurahan, Gubeng for certain matters, such as no clothes wringing Kecamatan, is the winner of Surabaya’s Green and improperly thus creating slum image, unless Clean Competition in 2006. Based on the very long guest, there is no parking in front of the house list of criteria, all judges have finally agreed to choose thus obstructing other street’s user, and obligating this kampong that was full of orchids, as the cleanest resident to sort their waste. Interestingly, there are kampong. Thus, this kampong has the right to certain days to sun-dried their mattress together. receive gratification money of 25 million IDR. That was not all; Margorukun kampong also One unique thing of this kampong is orchid enforced greenery in every house and independently in every single house. This was possible due to builds Waste Water Treatment Installation (IPAL). solidarity and consistency of its residents. This can This IPAL is eventually reused by the people to also be seen in people’s behavior in solving solid water their plants of which have made the kampong waste problems. The people managed their solid green. Thanks to persistent and consistent effort of waste well and they have composter to treat organic Margorukun people, Margorukun kampong has waste into compost. become a very comfortable place to live in. Beside clean, this kampong has also succeeded in moving Margorukun Kampong its residents to build social capital in preserving their Gg. VI – Kampong with MoU environment. (David, from various sources) This kampong is located in Gundhi kelurahan, PUTU MAHENDRA 21
  • 22. Testimony Interview with Pekalongan Mayor dr. M. Basyir Ahmad House is a Human Right P ekalongan is not only known as Batik City, but That’s why I made a step. Where is actually the tip that also as Slum Area-Free City. How is that possible? makes government succeed? The tip is actually person per To answer this, Percik had the opportunity to person. When the people are good, the government will interview dr. M. Basyir Ahmad (Pekalongan Mayor) at his automatically be good. The smallest organization in the house. The interview is summarized below. community is family. I push families to be good. When Pekalongan City has won many awards. What is the the families are good, RT will be good. When RT is good, secret? RW will be good, etc. until finally the city will also be My first secret is intention. When campaigning for good. In order to perform this step, I must strengthened Mayor, what was the intention? Inna ma amalu bin niyat existing institution in kelurahan. It is difficult to (all depends on the intention). I’m intent to benefit as coordinate a city, thus we start from the bottom. We many people as possible. That was my first intention. coordinate kelurahan with its Lurah, PKK, LPM, BKM-as Afterward, we certainly know how the government goes? product of PNPM, and Karang Taruna. This is the pillar First, how to increase human resources index. This is that finally turned into Working Group. There is Housing regarding welfare. Second, we talk about fairness, how and Environment Working Group. Coordinators of people are treated equally. Whether they are poor or LPM, BKM, in the city level are also involved, also rich, in order to get something, they must be treated Health Agency, PU, BPN. Further commitment and high equally. The next step is always community based. Those willingness will open up opportunities. are the main philosophy. Then, in order for the people to be good, they must be empowered, coordinated, and How did you gain support from the people? accompanied by. This is the brief look; this is the line of First is trust. When the people trust us, they will be thought. easy to talk to. From the beginning, I tried to make my Then there is another matter, according to the program get in touch with the people and I always tried officials, regions must be made autonomic. There is no to talk to people. Every Monday and Thursday I do radio way for a country as big as Indonesia to be centralistic. interview. The program is titled Mayor Answers and The authority obviously should be given to the region. everyone easily meet me in my office. I communicate, Well, I also gave my authority to my subordinate. For thus they can talk about something and we can give example, for permitting matters, I don’t need to sign them something. With communication eventually people anything, because my subordinate can do that. Thus, will know that I am not a difficult person. And also, I’m sharing my authority. We build good institution, we communication must be done in groups, not with every find good partner and we provide the fund. With the single person, it is not possible. I communicate with three elements, program orientation is no longer project. the groups that were established by the people, not by Project will not last, but program continue to sustain. myself, such as LPM, Art Board, Worker Union, etc. they When this is done, everyone is asked to work, and will decides. I will not touch or interfere, let it come from work, the result will be maximum. It’s impossible for us the bottom. If something happens, nobody can say that I to work alone. When we autonomic, by involving the engineered or made it difficult. people that we led, everything will run. Last, there’s this thing called Is housing development apart from sanitation coordination. Coordination development? is easier said than done. At first, housing and environment are not included 22
  • 23. Edisi IV, 2010 in sanitation. We were guided to establish Sanitation funding source? Working Group in order to make the White Book and I designed one program called acceleration program. City Sanitation System (SSK). We didn’t know where At the time, it was only Mayor Decree then it become it will led. Because from housing and environmental Pekalongan Local Regulation (Perda) No 11 Year 2008. point of view, I was thinking, no slum areas. No slum The Perda has 5 points. Acceleration for poor families to could mean no water puddle, drainage is available, then receive education as high as possible, to obtain the best forestation is also available; that was my line of thought. health service, to work, acceleration of environmental After we understand about sanitation, we were surprised and poor families’ housing improvement to prevent slum, because it must be sustainable and integrated, not too and acceleration of institution strengthening. Because it is many teams. So, there will be Housing and Sanitation already Perda, the Local Council (DPRD) must provide Working Group. the budget. I have made budget plot that was managed by and from the people. The initial value was 2,5%. Why Why only focusing on the slum area, whereas there are 2,5%, because I thought of it as alms. APBD must be more aspects to the city than slum? made alms. The purpose of alms is to take care of the We touched every aspects, slum is only one of them. poor people, managed by them. But after that, I told I’ve counted number of household in Pekalongan. There them that 2,5% is not enough. Where is the infaq shod- are 67.000 households. Then we sort it, how many have aqoh (charity), thus I made it 5%. Currently is still 4%. a house and how many without a house. It turned out that there are 6.000 households without house. Now, Which city inspires you in eradicating the slum? for those who already have a house, which one is livable, My inspiration was the Public Housing Minister. which one is not, which is slum, which one is not. The When elected to be Pekalongan Mayor, I have problem result surprised me. 5.068 houses are unlivable with no of slum. Then I met Pak Yusuf Asy’ari. In his office he toilet, no water supply, not even plaster. No ventilation, said: “Pak Basyir, can you free your city from slum?” He no partition between father and children. Try to imagine then provides depiction. The apostle said Baiti Janati – a house without partition between father and children. My house, My heaven. Slum house will not be heaven, Then I was thinking, house is a human right. It is a either physically or spiritually. Then I said, “OK, I will do serious matter in UUD 1945, then I made a commitment it”. So, I wasn’t triggered by a place but by Public House that during my official period, I must finish 5.068 houses. Minister. It turned out to be completed in 3 years using the above In dealing with slum, are there any unsolved matters? methods. Involve the people, establish group, decide What were the challenges? which one is slum, and then those who help, we give Yes, there is. Actually, of all achievements, there are fund, while we too seek for funds. 2.000 unmanaged houses, when we suddenly got ROB (high tide). So in the North, houses that have been fixed What should be fixed first in handling the slum, the are back to slum again. I have a target of fixing approxi- people or the physical condition? mately 6 million IDR. We will provide the 2 million, In my opinion, the physic should be fixed first. I loan the 2 million and the other 2 million must be from feel that if a house is not livable, people will not live them. So, we will not fix everything, because then, they in the house. The children will all run to the street. will not have sense of ownership. There are 270 slum When they already run, they will be educated on the communities. By the end of last year, 150 of it were able street. Simultaneously, I made a program where every to be managed. This year I will try to manage up to 200 Elementary School must have TPQ, all using the model communities, thus only 80 or 90 that are left. We will of Islam education. What kind of Islam education model? finish this in 2 years, 2011 and 2012 because slum areas We want every Moslem to commit, must pray, must use are harder to deal with than housing. My challenge is Moslem clothes. We taught them this since early start, only one, I have just begin to understand sanitation prob- and on certain hour we teach them to read and write lem. We want to make the house to be efficient, or maybe Quran, because every Moslem must be able to read and building the house with proper, but communal septic write Quran, thus we can pray. Pray is Innas salata tanha tank. The most ideal will be when water supply is entirely anil fahsha wal munakar, keeping wickedness away. I’m served by PDAM. No better in Pekalongan. I have a hoping they will stay at home, educated at home. The dream that in 10-15 years, Pekalongan will not use method is simultaneous like that. well anymore. Even when the sanitation is not proper yet, at least water sup- To eradicate slum is not cheap, where did you find the ply is available. (DVD) 23
  • 24. Different Side ISTIMEWA 1,2 Billion of World Population are Living in Unsuitable Shelter S helter is still a problem, faced not only by movement from rural to urban areas, but also means Indonesia, but also the world. Unsuitable higher water supply requirement. shelter leads to unsuitable housing, especially Furthermore, changes due to the development in the city; thus making city housing/ have altered village’s status into city. Other than high settlement a worrisome issue. It is clear that urbanization rate, we are also facing high population development of an area was not in accordance with growth. Therefore, mature planning is required in proper housing quality. Hence, plenty of people cannot developing an area so that everyone may have access afford proper housing yet. According to UN Habitat, to healthy and proper Water Supply and Environmental currently in the world, there are at least 1,2 billion people Sanitation. living in unsuitable areas, whereas in major cities of The core of housing development according to the Indonesia, approximately 12,5 million people are living Law mandate is to build an area accordingly with Law No in slum areas with the total area of 57.000 hectare and 8 26 Year 2007 on Spatial. Every region must have a spatial million people are without proper housing. plan (RTRW) which was made accordingly with natural This has clearly showed that Indonesia is one of condition of the region. However, most people and local the countries that must deal with problems of physical governments have not applied their RTRW with proper and infrastructure sectors of settlement, namely discipline and have not revised their RTRW. high urbanization, poor quality of settlements, and Anna Tibaijuka as the Executive Director of UN Habitat large number of cities without sanitation, and water has stated that in the past 10 years, numbers of people infrastructures. At the moment, only approximately 49% who are living in slum areas have increased from 780 of the population is without water supply. The high million to 820 million. Thus, the last data of UN Habitat number of urbanization does not in year 2010 has stated that there are 1,2 billion of world only mean population population are living in a very unsuitable environment. 24
  • 25. Edisi IV, 2010 For that reason, UN Habitat has established two Challenges that must be faced by cities in the world in programs. One is World Urban Campaign Program, which the future due to rapid growth of urbanization, especially is cooperation program between UN Habitat and public in the last few decades include reducing poverty thread, and private sectors, as well as civil community to raise the improving access to public basic facilities (water supply, issue of sustainable urbanization into governance agenda settlement, sanitation, friendly environment), and all around the world. Two is cooperation with the Coca sustainable city growth. Cola Company in providing 1 million USD for pure water In Indonesia, according to Public House Minister development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America areas. The (Menpera) Suharso Monoarfa, who is also the Head purpose of this program is to preserve water resources of APMCHUD, since 2007, approximately 50% of the and assisting water use efficiency as well as recycle population lives in the city. Moreover, 58,6% of the total process of turning waste water into water supply which population lives in Java Island which area only represent was expected to be completed in the next 2 years. 7% of the total area in Indonesia, 17% housings in natural Rapid urbanization due to population explosion and disaster vulnerable areas, and poverty rate that has uneven distribution of population has become crucial reached 14,15% or approximately 32,53 million people issues that attracted attention of the world. According have made APMCHUD an important forum to share to UN’s estimation, in the next 50 years, 2/3 of world experience and information with member countries of population will be living in the cities. Urbanization APMCHUD while seeking for the best solution. increment has caused a domino effect that will eventually In cities of the developing countries, the problem is caused big detriment for people and environment. a lot more complicated, due to faster population growth Population explosion and uneven distribution of the compare to developed countries. Formal settlement population are also factors of imbalance between urban provision capacity such as real estate, and housing from and rural areas which in turn, increase urbanization rate. the government or private is very limited and has only The rapid urbanization growth in the urban areas has touched middle to upper class of the society. Meanwhile, caused many problems, one of which, slum areas in the low income communities have not been touched and city. left to find their own solution. The consequence is rapid Therefore, the world has become more concern in growth of informal settlements which in Indonesia is the management of urban and housing development, better known as kampong, with typical characteristics and this was marked by three series of important events, of dense, slum, squalid, not following official rules, and such as World Urban Forum 5 (WUF), World Shanghai majority of the residents are poor. Expo 2010, and 3rd Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (APMCHUD). Source: UN Habitat and ISTIMEWA 25
  • 26. Wacana Issue of Right to Water and Housing (Second Paper – Finished) Dr Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH.,LL.M. holder. Moreover, in providing raw water, private companies will not invest in low income areas and P roviding opportunity for private companies topographically difficult areas because these, will in raw water provision for the people will present difficulty in returning their investment. This clearly eliminates the country’s power over is the reason of why raw ware provision in remote water resources. As profit-oriented institution, areas has been neglected. Looking at stipulation private companies will only invest when guarantee in Section 33 of UUD 1945 which not so clearly of investment rate of return is present. Thus, guaranteeing the people’s right to water has opened companies require guarantee, either on political risk up opportunities for derivative law products to be or performance risk, the guarantee issue is being further away from guaranteeing citizen’s right to charged to people through compensation payment water as proven in Law No 7 Year 2004. Meanwhile, from government and tariff adjustment. Tariff in the context of local autonomy, instead of adjustment was completed by applying full cost formulating local regulation that protected the recovery, to ensure steady rate of people’s right to water, many regulations have turned return for contract out to only added more burden for the people 26