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a domain-specific language for web programming

                          Lecture 3

                                        Course IN4308
     Eelco Visser
                                  Master Computer Science
                                 Delft University of Technology
Model-Driven Software Development

                   DSL                HLL             Machine

           domain-specific models reduce gap between
              problem domain and implementation
Language/Model Composition

          code            model           model

          code             code            code

modeling aspects of software system with different languages
           customization/extensibility of models
Research: Software Language Engineering

 Automatically derive efficient,
scalable, incremental compiler +
   usable IDE from high-level,
Research: Software Language Design

 Systematically design domain-
      specific software
  languages with optimal
   tradeoff between expressivity,
completeness, portability, coverage, and
A Case Study in Domain-
Specific Language Engineering

      Eelco Visser. WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain-
    Specific Language Engineering. GTTSE 2008: 291-373
The Web Domain

browser                    server                      database

                          web app

          code runs on server, browser, and database
Concerns in Web Programming

❖ Persistent data
  ★ data integrity
  ★ search

❖ User interface
  ★ data validation
  ★ styling, layout
  ★ navigation
  ★ actions

❖ Workflow
                                 and m ore ...
❖ Access control
Separation of Concerns in Web Programming

❖ Data modeling
  ★ Java classes with JPA annotations

❖ User interface
  ★ Java ServerFaces XML templates
  ★ Seam Java classes

❖ Access control
  ★ Acegi configuration/annotation
Problems in Web Programming

❖ Lack of integration
  ★ no inter-language consistency checking
  ★ leads to late (detection of) failures

❖ Low-level encoding
  ★ leads to boilerplate code
When Seam Fails

Welcome #{}     Welcome #{user.nam}
When Rails Fails

@post =[:get])

                         @post =[:post])
Late Failures in Web Applications

               Zef Hemel, Danny M. Groenewegen, Lennart C. L. Kats, Eelco Visser.
             Static consistency checking of web applications with WebDSL. Journal of
                            Symbolic Computation, 46(2):150-182, 2011.

Separation of Concerns
& Linguistic Integration

Danny M. Groenewegen, Zef Hemel, Eelco Visser. Separation of Concerns and
Linguistic Integration in WebDSL. IEEE Software, 27(5), September/October 2010.

Linguistic integration of
❖ Data models
❖ User interface templates
❖ Access control
❖ Data validation


<screenshot yellowgrass>

correct & extend


  reputation system

access control rules

     user groups

 conference calendar

community engineering

18,000 lines of WebDSL code

138 (generated) tables in mysql
Data Models
Entity Declarations

entity declaration
Data Model for Wiki

                  object identifier

           domain-specific type
Automatic Persistence

Data           Entity              DB
Model          Classes           Schema

WebDSL           Java              DB
Object          Object           Records
Embedded Queries

entity Page {
  name     :: String (id)
  content :: WikiText
  modified :: DateTime

function recentlyChanged(n : Int) : List<Page> {
  return from Page order by modified desc limit n;
Extending Built-in Types
type DateTime { // includes Date and Time types
  utils.DateType.format as format(String):String

type WikiText{ as format():String

type Email {
  utils.EmailType.isValid as isValid():Bool
                    public class DateType {
                      public static String format(Date d, String s){
                        return (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(s).format(d,new StringBuffer(),
                                new java.text.FieldPosition(0))).toString();
Importing External Types

native class org.json.JSONObject as JSONObject {
  get(String) : Object
  getBoolean(String) : Bool
  getDouble(String) : Double
  getInt(String) : Int
  getJSONArray(String) : JSONArray
  getJSONObject(String) : JSONObject
  getString(String) : String
  has(String) : Bool
  names() : JSONArray
  put(String, Object)
  toString() : String
  toString(Int) : String
User Interface Templates
Page Definition & Navigation

  page navigation (page call)

                entity A { b -> B }
                entity B { name :: String }

                define page a(x : A) {
                  navigate b(x.b){ output( }
                define page b(y : B) {
page definiti
Rendering Data

                                rendering values

         define page page(p : Page) {
markup     par{ output(p.content) }
           navigate editpage(p) { "[edit]" }
Templates (Page Fragments)

 template definition

              define main() {
                block[class="content"] {
template call   }
              define span top() {
                navigate root() {"Wiki"}

define span top() {
  navigate root() {"Wiki"}


  define page editpage(p : Page) {
      header{output( " (Edit)"}        data
      form{                                  binding
         submit action{ return page(p); } { "Save" }
  }    submi t                                 page

no separate controller: page renders form and handles form submission


Non-Existing Wiki Pages


Creating Objects

                               find/create object by id

define page page(name : String) {
  var p := getUniquePage(name)
    par{ output(p.content) }
    navigate editpage(p) { "[edit]" }
Modifying Data

define page editpage(p : Page) {
    header{output( " (Edit)"}
      submit action{return page(;}{"Save"}
                             pass string
Core Wiki

              navigate creates page

Page Index

define page root() {
      for(p : Page order by asc) {
          navigate page({output(}
Output Object = Navigation

define output(p : Page) {
  navigate page( { output( }

define page root() {
      for(p : Page order by asc) {
        listitem{ output(p) }
Output Object = Navigation

 define output(p : Page) {
   navigate page( { output( }
               define output(p : Page) {
  define page navigate page(p) { output( }
                 root() {
     main{     }
          for(p : Page order by asc) {
             listitem{ output(p) }
custom definition
       }                               default definition
Wrapping XML Templates
define menubar(){
  var elementid := "menu"+getUniqueTemplateId()
  <div class="menuwrapper" id=elementid all attributes>
    <ul id="p7menubar" class="menubar">
    </ul>                                                 define appmenu() {
}                                                           menubar{
define menu(){                                                menu{
  <li class="menu" all attributes>
    elements()                                                  menuheader{ "Foo" }
  </li>                                                         menuitems{
define menuheader(){                                              menuitem{ "Bar" }
  <span class="menuheader" all attributes>                        menuitem{ "Baz" }
  </span>                                                       }
}                                                             }
define menuitems(){
  <ul class="menuitems">                                    }
    elements()                                            }
define menuitem(){
  <li class="menuitem" all attributes>

Michel Weststrate. Abstractions for Asynchronous User Interfaces in
Web Applications. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology, 2009.

Deliver page fragments, not just full pages
❖ Replace page elements by new fragments
❖ Templates are unit of replacement


define page page(name : String) {
  var p : Page
  init{ p := findPage(name); }
    placeholder pageBody {
      if(p == null) { pagenotfound(name) } else { showpage(p) }

                     default view
define ajax showpage(p : Page) {
  block[class:=content]{ output(p.content) }
  block[class:=modified]{                                 replace
    "Last modified on " output(p.modified) " "
    submitlink action{
      replace(pageBody, editpage(p));
    } { "[Edit]" }
    "Contributions by " output(p.authors)
}             define ajax editpage(p : Page) {
                action save() { replace(pageBody, showpage(p)); }
                header{output( " (Edit)"}
                   par{ label("Text"){ input(p.content) } }
                   submit save() { "Save" }
Inline Edit Text (Call by Ref)
                                                   define page page(p : Page) {
                                                       editableText(p.content) }
define ajax editableText(text : Ref<WikiText>) {
  placeholder showText { showWikiText(text) }
}                                                  }

define ajax showWikiText(text : Ref<WikiText>) {

define span editLink(text: Ref<WikiText>) {
  action edit(){ replace(showText, editWikiText(text)); }
  submitlink edit() { "[edit]" }

define ajax editWikiText(text : Ref<WikiText>) {
    submit action{ replace(showText, showWikiText(text)); }{ "Save" }
  submit action{ replace(showText, showWikiText(text)); }{ "Cancel" }
Email Templates

entity Registration {
  username :: String
  fullname :: String (name)
  email     :: Email
  message   :: WikiText
  password :: Secret
  status    :: String
  created   :: DateTime
  function register() {
    email confirmEmail(reg);

define email confirmEmail(reg : Registration) {
  subject("Verify your registration")
  par{ "Dear " output(reg.fullname) ", "}
  par{ "We have received a registration request for you" }
  par{ "To confirm the request follow this link: "}
  navigate registration(reg) {"confirm"}

                   search annotations

search queries
Data Validation
                                 Data Validation

Danny M. Groenewegen, Eelco Visser. Integration of Data Validation and User Interface
  Concerns in a DSL for Web Applications. Software and Systems Modeling, 2011.
Data Validation

Check input & maintain data integrity
Types of validation
❖ Data invariants
❖ Input assertions
❖ Action assertions (see paper)
❖ Value well-formedness (see paper)
User interface integration
❖ Display errors
Validation Rules

                    data validation

                                      form validation

action assertions                     messages
Data Invariants
Data Invariants
Input Assertions
Customizing Error Messages

define errorTemplateAction(messages : List<String>){
  block[class="validationErrors"] {
    for(ve: String in messages){
Data Validation Lifecycle
Access Control

 Danny M. Groenewegen, Eelco Visser. Declarative Access Control for WebDSL:
Combining Language Integration and Separation of Concerns. ICWE 2008: 175-188

                                     representation of principal

turn on access control

                                    representation of principal

turn on access control
Access Control Rules
 Access Control Rules
Access Control Rules

Constraints over data model
❖ boolean expression over properties of objects

Rules restrict access to resources
❖ page, template, action

Infer restriction of navigation
❖ don’t show link to inaccessible page or forbidden
Access Control Rules

                 ‘may access page f with
                  argument x if boolean
                   expression e is true’
Wiki Access Control Rules

                                         ‘anyone can view
                                        existing pages, only
                                        logged in users can
                                           create pages’

‘only logged in users may edit pages’
Wiki Access Control Rules
Wiki Access Control Rules
Wiki Access Control Rules
Wiki Access Control Rules
Access Control Policies
Access Control Policies
Access Control Policies

Standard Policies
❖ Mandatory access control (see paper)
❖ Discretionary access control
❖ Role-based access control
Mixing policies
❖ Role-based + discretionary access control
❖ No restrictions on access control policies
Encoding Access Control Policies

❖ Who may access which resources?
❖ Who can apply which actions?
❖ How are permissions stored?
❖ How can permissions be changed?
❖ Who can change permissions?
Wiki: Data Model
Wiki: User Interface Templates

                  (abbreviated to navigation structure)
Wiki: Generic Access Control Rules
Mandatory Access Control

Security Labels
❖ Classification label protects object
  ★ Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, Unclassified

❖ Clearance indicates access of subject
Confidentiality rules
❖ Read-down: clearance should be higher than or
  equal to classification document to read
❖ Write-up: clearance is lower than or equal to
  classification of document to write
MAC: representation
MAC: predicates
Discretionary Access Control

Access control lists
❖ objects have owner
❖ owner grants, revokes users access to object
Example: Unix file permissions
❖ read, write, execute permissions for
❖ owner, group, anyone
DAC: representation
DAC: predicates
DAC: administration
Role-Based Access Control

Role: group of activities
❖ authorization assigned to roles
❖ users assigned to roles
❖ robust to organizational changes
Hierarchical roles
❖ least privilege: use minimal permissions for task
Separation of duties
❖ critical actions require coordination
RBAC: representation
RBAC: predicates
RBAC: administration
Mixing Access Control Policies

Real policies
❖ Mix of DAC & RBAC
❖ AC rules are constraints over object graph

❖ No policies built-in
AccessSummary Rules
Linguistic Integration

❖ Data models
  ★ automatic persistence

❖ User interface templates
  ★ parameterized definition of page fragments
  ★ request and response handling

❖ Data validation
  ★ form validation & data integrity

❖ Access control rules and policies
  ★ through constraints over objects
Customization and Extension

❖ Search (Lucene)
❖ Email
❖ Call-by-ref templates

Extension points
❖ Embedded XML, JavaScript, HQL
❖ Importing ‘native’ classes
❖ Extending built-in types
The Future of Quarter 3

❖ Lecture 4 (10/2 Thursday!)
  ★ Zef Hemel: mobl

❖ Lecture 5 (15/2)
  ★ Markus Voelter: DSLs in Industry

❖ Lecture Extra (22/2)
  ★ Sebastian Erdeweg: Sugar Libraries

❖ Lecture 6 (1/3)
  ★ Sander Vermolen: Coupled Data Evolution

❖ Lecture 7 (8/3)
  ★ Andre Boonzaaijer: Domain-Driven Design
Workflow  Workflow

   Zef Hemel, Ruben Verhaaf, Eelco Visser. WebWorkFlow: An Object-Oriented
   Workflow Modeling Language for Web Applications. MoDELS 2008: 113-127

Note: WebWorkFlow is not supported by current version of WebDSL

Coordinating activities by participants
-   object-oriented workflow definition
-   integrate all aspects of workflow
    ★ data
    ★ user interface
    ★ access control
    ★ control-flow

-   abstractions on top of base WebDSL
WebWorkFlow by Example: Progress Meeting
workflow procedure
                                     workflow object

                    procedure call
process definition

                     enable next step

access control

access control
no user interface
Workflow Remarks

Recursive workflows (see paper)

Issue: user interface patterns for workflow

Is workflow an anti-pattern?
❖ is workflow good interaction design?
❖ determine order of user actions
❖ what are alternatives?

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IN4308 Lecture 3

  • 1. WebDSL a domain-specific language for web programming Lecture 3 Course IN4308 Eelco Visser Master Computer Science Delft University of Technology
  • 2. Model-Driven Software Development Problem DSL HLL Machine Domain domain-specific models reduce gap between problem domain and implementation
  • 3. Language/Model Composition code model model code code code modeling aspects of software system with different languages customization/extensibility of models
  • 4. Research: Software Language Engineering Automatically derive efficient, scalable, incremental compiler + usable IDE from high-level, declarativelanguage definition
  • 5. Research: Software Language Design Systematically design domain- specific software languages with optimal tradeoff between expressivity, completeness, portability, coverage, and maintainability
  • 6. A Case Study in Domain- Specific Language Engineering Eelco Visser. WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain- Specific Language Engineering. GTTSE 2008: 291-373
  • 7. The Web Domain browser server database web app code runs on server, browser, and database
  • 8. Concerns in Web Programming ❖ Persistent data ★ data integrity ★ search ❖ User interface ★ data validation ★ styling, layout ★ navigation ★ actions ❖ Workflow and m ore ... ❖ Access control
  • 9. Separation of Concerns in Web Programming Example ❖ Data modeling ★ Java classes with JPA annotations ❖ User interface ★ Java ServerFaces XML templates ★ Seam Java classes ❖ Access control ★ Acegi configuration/annotation
  • 10. Problems in Web Programming ❖ Lack of integration ★ no inter-language consistency checking ★ leads to late (detection of) failures ❖ Low-level encoding ★ leads to boilerplate code
  • 11. When Seam Fails Welcome #{} Welcome #{user.nam}
  • 12. When Rails Fails @post =[:get]) @post =[:post])
  • 13. Late Failures in Web Applications Zef Hemel, Danny M. Groenewegen, Lennart C. L. Kats, Eelco Visser. Static consistency checking of web applications with WebDSL. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 46(2):150-182, 2011.
  • 14. WebDSL Separation of Concerns & Linguistic Integration Danny M. Groenewegen, Zef Hemel, Eelco Visser. Separation of Concerns and Linguistic Integration in WebDSL. IEEE Software, 27(5), September/October 2010.
  • 15. WebDSL Linguistic integration of ❖ Data models ❖ User interface templates ❖ Access control ❖ Data validation
  • 20. publication records correct & extend
  • 22. bibliographies tagging reputation system access control rules user groups conference calendar community engineering etc.
  • 23. 18,000 lines of WebDSL code 138 (generated) tables in mysql
  • 26. Data Model for Wiki object identifier domain-specific type
  • 27. Automatic Persistence Data Entity DB Model Classes Schema WebDSL Java DB Object Object Records
  • 28. Embedded Queries entity Page { name :: String (id) content :: WikiText modified :: DateTime } function recentlyChanged(n : Int) : List<Page> { return from Page order by modified desc limit n; }
  • 29. Extending Built-in Types type DateTime { // includes Date and Time types utils.DateType.format as format(String):String before(DateTime):Bool after(DateTime):Bool getTime():Long setTime(Long) } type WikiText{ as format():String } type Email { utils.EmailType.isValid as isValid():Bool } public class DateType { public static String format(Date d, String s){ return (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(s).format(d,new StringBuffer(), new java.text.FieldPosition(0))).toString(); } }
  • 30. Importing External Types native class org.json.JSONObject as JSONObject { constructor() constructor(String) get(String) : Object getBoolean(String) : Bool getDouble(String) : Double getInt(String) : Int getJSONArray(String) : JSONArray getJSONObject(String) : JSONObject getString(String) : String has(String) : Bool names() : JSONArray put(String, Object) toString() : String toString(Int) : String }
  • 32. Page Definition & Navigation page navigation (page call) entity A { b -> B } entity B { name :: String } define page a(x : A) { navigate b(x.b){ output( } } define page b(y : B) { output( } page definiti on
  • 33. Rendering Data rendering values define page page(p : Page) { header{output(} markup par{ output(p.content) } navigate editpage(p) { "[edit]" } }
  • 34. Templates (Page Fragments) template definition define main() { includeCSS("wiki.css") top() block[class="content"] { elements() template call } parameter } define span top() { navigate root() {"Wiki"} }
  • 35. wiki.css define span top() { navigate root() {"Wiki"} } wiki.css
  • 36. Forms define page editpage(p : Page) { main{ header{output( " (Edit)"} data form{ binding input(p.content) submit action{ return page(p); } { "Save" } } } } submi t page flow no separate controller: page renders form and handles form submission
  • 37. Forms navigate action
  • 38. Non-Existing Wiki Pages navigate action
  • 39. Creating Objects find/create object by id define page page(name : String) { var p := getUniquePage(name) main{ header{output(} par{ output(p.content) } navigate editpage(p) { "[edit]" } } }
  • 40. Modifying Data define page editpage(p : Page) { main{ header{output( " (Edit)"} form{ input(p.content) submit action{return page(;}{"Save"} } } } pass string
  • 41. Core Wiki navigate creates page action
  • 42. Page Index define page root() { main{ list{ for(p : Page order by asc) { listitem{ navigate page({output(} } } } } }
  • 43. Output Object = Navigation define output(p : Page) { navigate page( { output( } } define page root() { main{ list{ for(p : Page order by asc) { listitem{ output(p) } } } } }
  • 44. Output Object = Navigation define output(p : Page) { navigate page( { output( } } define output(p : Page) { define page navigate page(p) { output( } root() { main{ } list{ for(p : Page order by asc) { listitem{ output(p) } } custom definition } default definition } }
  • 45. Wrapping XML Templates define menubar(){ var elementid := "menu"+getUniqueTemplateId() includeCSS("dropdownmenu.css") <div class="menuwrapper" id=elementid all attributes> <ul id="p7menubar" class="menubar"> elements() </ul> define appmenu() { </div> } menubar{ define menu(){ menu{ <li class="menu" all attributes> elements() menuheader{ "Foo" } </li> menuitems{ } define menuheader(){ menuitem{ "Bar" } <span class="menuheader" all attributes> menuitem{ "Baz" } elements() </span> } } } define menuitems(){ <ul class="menuitems"> } elements() } </ul> } define menuitem(){ <li class="menuitem" all attributes> elements() </li> }
  • 46. AJAX AJAX Michel Weststrate. Abstractions for Asynchronous User Interfaces in Web Applications. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology, 2009.
  • 47. AJAX Deliver page fragments, not just full pages ❖ Replace page elements by new fragments ❖ Templates are unit of replacement
  • 48. Placeholders placeholder define page page(name : String) { var p : Page init{ p := findPage(name); } main{ placeholder pageBody { if(p == null) { pagenotfound(name) } else { showpage(p) } } } } default view
  • 49. Replace define ajax showpage(p : Page) { header{output(} block[class:=content]{ output(p.content) } block[class:=modified]{ replace "Last modified on " output(p.modified) " " submitlink action{ replace(pageBody, editpage(p)); } { "[Edit]" } } block[class:=contributions]{ "Contributions by " output(p.authors) } } define ajax editpage(p : Page) { action save() { replace(pageBody, showpage(p)); } header{output( " (Edit)"} form{ par{ label("Text"){ input(p.content) } } submit save() { "Save" } } }
  • 50. Inline Edit Text (Call by Ref) define page page(p : Page) { main{ editableText(p.content) } define ajax editableText(text : Ref<WikiText>) { placeholder showText { showWikiText(text) } } } } define ajax showWikiText(text : Ref<WikiText>) { editLink(text) output(text) } define span editLink(text: Ref<WikiText>) { action edit(){ replace(showText, editWikiText(text)); } submitlink edit() { "[edit]" } } define ajax editWikiText(text : Ref<WikiText>) { form{ input(text) submit action{ replace(showText, showWikiText(text)); }{ "Save" } } submit action{ replace(showText, showWikiText(text)); }{ "Cancel" } }
  • 52. Email Templates entity Registration { username :: String fullname :: String (name) email :: Email message :: WikiText password :: Secret status :: String created :: DateTime function register() { email confirmEmail(reg); } } define email confirmEmail(reg : Registration) { to( subject("Verify your registration") par{ "Dear " output(reg.fullname) ", "} par{ "We have received a registration request for you" } par{ "To confirm the request follow this link: "} navigate registration(reg) {"confirm"} }
  • 54. Search search annotations search queries
  • 55. Data Validation Data Validation Danny M. Groenewegen, Eelco Visser. Integration of Data Validation and User Interface Concerns in a DSL for Web Applications. Software and Systems Modeling, 2011.
  • 56. Data Validation Check input & maintain data integrity Types of validation ❖ Data invariants ❖ Input assertions ❖ Action assertions (see paper) ❖ Value well-formedness (see paper) User interface integration ❖ Display errors
  • 57. Validation Rules data validation form validation action assertions messages
  • 61. Customizing Error Messages define errorTemplateAction(messages : List<String>){ elements() block[class="validationErrors"] { for(ve: String in messages){ output(ve) } } }
  • 63. Access Control Danny M. Groenewegen, Eelco Visser. Declarative Access Control for WebDSL: Combining Language Integration and Separation of Concerns. ICWE 2008: 175-188
  • 64. Principal representation of principal turn on access control
  • 65. securityContext representation of principal turn on access control
  • 70. Access Control Rules Access Control Rules
  • 71. Access Control Rules Constraints over data model ❖ boolean expression over properties of objects Rules restrict access to resources ❖ page, template, action Infer restriction of navigation ❖ don’t show link to inaccessible page or forbidden action
  • 72. Access Control Rules ‘may access page f with argument x if boolean expression e is true’
  • 73. Wiki Access Control Rules ‘anyone can view existing pages, only logged in users can create pages’ ‘only logged in users may edit pages’
  • 78. Access Control Policies Access Control Policies
  • 79. Access Control Policies Standard Policies ❖ Mandatory access control (see paper) ❖ Discretionary access control ❖ Role-based access control Mixing policies ❖ Role-based + discretionary access control WebDSL ❖ No restrictions on access control policies
  • 80. Encoding Access Control Policies Rules ❖ Who may access which resources? ❖ Who can apply which actions? Representation ❖ How are permissions stored? Administration ❖ How can permissions be changed? ❖ Who can change permissions?
  • 82. Wiki: User Interface Templates (abbreviated to navigation structure)
  • 83. Wiki: Generic Access Control Rules
  • 84. Mandatory Access Control Security Labels ❖ Classification label protects object ★ Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, Unclassified ❖ Clearance indicates access of subject Confidentiality rules ❖ Read-down: clearance should be higher than or equal to classification document to read ❖ Write-up: clearance is lower than or equal to classification of document to write
  • 87. Discretionary Access Control Access control lists ❖ objects have owner ❖ owner grants, revokes users access to object Example: Unix file permissions ❖ read, write, execute permissions for ❖ owner, group, anyone
  • 91. Role-Based Access Control Role: group of activities ❖ authorization assigned to roles ❖ users assigned to roles ❖ robust to organizational changes Hierarchical roles ❖ least privilege: use minimal permissions for task Separation of duties ❖ critical actions require coordination
  • 95. Mixing Access Control Policies Real policies ❖ Mix of DAC & RBAC ❖ AC rules are constraints over object graph WebDSL ❖ No policies built-in
  • 97. Linguistic Integration ❖ Data models ★ automatic persistence ❖ User interface templates ★ parameterized definition of page fragments ★ request and response handling ❖ Data validation ★ form validation & data integrity ❖ Access control rules and policies ★ through constraints over objects
  • 98. Customization and Extension Built-in ❖ Search (Lucene) ❖ Email ❖ Call-by-ref templates Extension points ❖ Embedded XML, JavaScript, HQL ❖ Importing ‘native’ classes ❖ Extending built-in types
  • 99. The Future of Quarter 3 ❖ Lecture 4 (10/2 Thursday!) ★ Zef Hemel: mobl ❖ Lecture 5 (15/2) ★ Markus Voelter: DSLs in Industry ❖ Lecture Extra (22/2) ★ Sebastian Erdeweg: Sugar Libraries ❖ Lecture 6 (1/3) ★ Sander Vermolen: Coupled Data Evolution ❖ Lecture 7 (8/3) ★ Andre Boonzaaijer: Domain-Driven Design
  • 100. Workflow Workflow Zef Hemel, Ruben Verhaaf, Eelco Visser. WebWorkFlow: An Object-Oriented Workflow Modeling Language for Web Applications. MoDELS 2008: 113-127 Note: WebWorkFlow is not supported by current version of WebDSL
  • 101. Workflow Coordinating activities by participants WebWorkFlow - object-oriented workflow definition - integrate all aspects of workflow ★ data ★ user interface ★ access control ★ control-flow - abstractions on top of base WebDSL
  • 102. WebWorkFlow by Example: Progress Meeting
  • 103.
  • 104. workflow procedure workflow object procedure call process definition
  • 105. parallel enable next step iterate
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 109. action
  • 112. Workflow Remarks Recursive workflows (see paper) Issue: user interface patterns for workflow Is workflow an anti-pattern? ❖ is workflow good interaction design? ❖ determine order of user actions ❖ what are alternatives?