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In what ways does your
    media product use,
   develop or challenge
forms and conventions of
  real media products?
Digi pack
  Front cover
• We choose to call our album
  ‘Dead Pegasus’ because it is a
  development from a pervious
  concept that My Chemical
  Romance used in their past
  album concept, it was the name
  of an oil company in there
  futuristic world and it will grab
  the attention of any of the fans
  making them feel as though they
  are buying in to the extension
  from there previous work.            MCR Pegasus
                                      logo from music
• The cover of our digi pack has an
  image of a toy Pegasus hanging
  from a tree, we choose this image
  because, firstly it fits with the title
  ‘dead Pegasus’ which is the name
  of the album but also because it
  has an ironic tint to it because the
  Pegasus could have flown away
  but now its dead. As well as this, in
  one of there first albums you can
  see a dead body hanging in the
  back ground so it keeps a sense of
• The hanging of the toy represents the restraints of
  modern society on an image of past mythology
  which are now restricted to the story books of little
  children where as once they where the beliefs of the
  general population. We felt that the image of the
  light coming it with the rainbow effect of the sun had
  a nice effect because it is shining light on the Pegasus
  and obscuring our view as thought the gods are
  reclaiming what they had once owned, they are
  reclaiming the abandoned remnants of their world
  from the darkness that surrounds the Pegasus toy.
  We felt that this image would have been used My
  Chemical Romance because they are very in to the
  challenging of social constructs in an obscure way
  which is what we have tried to do in our imagery.
• . We choose the font because it is very similar
  to past font used by the band. The word
  ‘dead’ is at the top and in a larger font then
  the Pegasus, it’s the first thing that you read
  when you look at the cover and is very dark,
  the font colour is black because it is meant to
  show that this is evil, this is contrasted with
  ‘Pegasus’ which is written in white, the white
  shows gives of connotations of purity and
  intersects which is what the Pegasus’s is trying
  to show, to continue in the style of MCR the
  size of the letters are varied which is used in
  there logo, this is something that MCR fans
  would pick up on. The wings on the edge are
  simply there because they are aesthetically
  pleasing spreading the text to fill up the dark
  space around it as though it is about to fly
Back cover
• On the back cover we have used the image of flames, we did
  this because images of fires are commonly used in this
  genre. It also has powerful connotations of anger or passion
  about a subject and the ideas of something being
  permanently destroyed. In the fire it is also possible to see
  the text of a news paper, this is to represent to destruction
  of modern society and the control which the media has over
  people in current society, this is a development from there
  previous ideas of society being destroyed. Other then this
  there is the text which is in the same style as it used on the
  cover to keep up continuity through out the entire digi pack.
  There is the copyright information across the bottom of the
  pack along with the commonly found logos such as that of
  the producers and band to give it a realistic look. In this
  image the side of the digi pack can also be seen, this is
  simple because the side of the box is only a small space and
  it needs to be clear and easy to read so people who might be
  reading the spines of the box will be able to read it easily and
  recognise it a MCR.
Inside cover
• This is the first cover that would be seen on
  opening up the box, it is the image of the
  Pegasus which is slightly blurred. The image has
  an almost realistic effect to it making the toy look
  almost like it could be a real Pegasus flying
  through the sky, the sun that comes in at the
  middle of the image gives is over bright and
  draws your attention to it. Over all the image
  seems to be one which is bright and happy, this
  is in contrast to the other images but still it could
  be seen as the Pegasus fading away because it is
  starting to loss its clarity. Once more we where
  trying to capture the slight way in which society
  changes without people really being aware of
  these changes, it is a representation of how we
  let the past slide away without really being
  aware of it. The use of this softer and innocent
  ideas is because in our research we saw a
  development throughout there career to which
  the change to a very female dominant audience
  can be seen by the slowly feminine covers.
CD and DVD covers
• This is the page for the CD and the DVD of our digi pack, we choose to have one
  image across the two pages, this has been done in past MCR digi packs that we
  researched. The image we used was that of the Pegasus toy which you can see
  the colour of the wings, on the disk images we have mad it so they are starting
  to loss the colours but this is only on the disk so if you remove the disks the
  image would be unedited, this is an effect that is not commonly seen so we
  thought it would stand out from other digi packs. Also, it follows the common
  theme through out the digi pack of the fading of fantasy in to the past.
Inside cover

• We used this image on our digi
  pack because the low angle of
  the shot connotes the idea of
  power and majesty of the
  Pegasus, then we have the
  repeated theme of fire in the
  back ground which connotes
  the idea of destruction and
  change. This image ties in with
  the other images shown in the
  digi pack creating a combined
  effect through out.
•   This is our magazine advert. In it there is the Pegasus toy
    which is there to represent the idea of fantasy, at its feet
                                                                    Magazine advert
    there are matches thrown about and the corners of the
    cardboard have been singed, these are the destructive and
    social challenging points which are the common conventions
    of MCR. The brick helps to add to the idea of rebellion as it is
    something that is often connected to violence and rebellion.
    We also choose to have a more rustic effect with the entire
    image, instead of having computer text we just wrote on the
    cardboard, this makes it seem less produced and more of the
    sort of thing that an independent band might do. This would
    draw in the attention of people passing on the street or
    flipping through a magazine because it is something that isn’t
    often seen so people would want to stop and read it. The
    contrast of the image has been edited so that it is higher then
    the original because it makes the blue of the Pegasus really
    stand out from the shot, drawing your eye straight to it but it
    also has a stark realist style to it that contradicts the idea of
    fantasy. In the bottom of the page there is the links to two top
    social media sites, twitter and Facebook, these are important
    on modern advertisement as people are very much interested
    in using technology to there advantage, to not have these
    things on in current times would have a negative impact on
    the advertisement. It also means that we can cut down then
    number of words on the advert making it appear more
    approachable. One of the things that we have used from the
    MCR advertisement campaign is the use of information across
    the bottom.
Music video
•   We choose to have shoots of the band playing the
    song throughout the video as this is one of the
    characteristics of the MCR videos which we
    choose to continue using. Fans are interested in
    seeing images of the band as many idealise the
    band members.
•   This is another shot from our music video, we
    where using Goodwin’s theory of correlating the
    lyric to the song to try and get the attention of
    the audience. And it also fits back to previous my
    chemical romance videos which fans of the band
    would pick up on.
•   We choose to challenge the common conventions
    of the typical MCR songs by adding in the
    cardboard signs heeled by the members of the
    band and fans. We felt that it is an element that
    the fans would appreciate in our work and that it
    isn’t to much of a deviation from the conventions
    of MCR.
• We also had a narrative in our music video; this is
  one of Goodwin’s sections in music videos. We
  choose to do this because it is something that is
  commonly seen in the MCR videos and id makes
  it easier to challenge social conventions which is
  the aim of our music video (showing the
  problems of bullying but also how two people can
  help to reveal the best in one another)
How effective is the
 combination of your main
product and ancillary texts?
• One of the important parts of creating a group
  of media products is trying to create a style
  which is synergistic through out so that there
  is a clear style that can be seen by the
• We tried to create this continues style through our work by using elements
  such as the image of Pegasus, which is in both the digipak and the mag add.
  We also created a continual effect through the use of cardboard which is in
  all three of our pieces. The next main connection that we have is the use of
  wings next to the word Pegasus which means that it is really easy to tell
  when it is part of the MCR package. There is also the repeated use of the
  brick throughout our work, we pulled this idea from the words in the song
  that we where using, “Brick in hand”, this is a type of media theory that is
  discussed by Goodwin. Our final continual element that we have used in
  our work is that of the message that we are trying to show which is one of
  social problems such as violence mixed with the idea that we are leaving
  the past behind, this combined concept and narrative we have used is
  created to interest the view as well as make them see the problems in
  current society. It is really important that these element are there because
  the viewer will begin to see the continuity of our work so will be able to
  pick our products out from the work of other people, and it is individual to
  our own work so it is clear that all three products relate back to this album
  rather then there past work.
• The continuity also will help when it comes to
  selling the products. We have created a group
  of products rather then individual ones with a
  style that will be appealing to the fans of MCR.
  This means that they will want to get and
  experience all of the products instead of just
  one. It also means that there is the potential
  for future profit through merchandise with
  elements such as Pegasus and the stylised text
  we have used.
What have you learnt
from your audience
    feed back.
•   We used two methods of audience feed back in our work to try and get a better understanding of
    what the audience wanted from the music industry. When doing this we question we tried to get
    people close to our target audience but our main focus was on girls of around 17 because this is the
    main target audience and we don’t have the time nor funds to get a larger sample though this would
    be preferable.
•   Interview
    we used our interview as a chance to get a close look at the type of people what would be buying our
    product and what they would like to see in future products. One thing that we learnt was that our
    audience was interested in seeing new ideas and concepts what they haven’t seen before and that
    they want it done in a creative style. We tried to achieve this by using a lot of concepts through our
    work like the image of the Pegasus and the interested cutting through out our video in which we move
    backwards and forwards through the work. Another point that we have found through our research is
    that the audience wants some relevance to the song in the video, they see is as important that there is
    context to what they are watching. On the front of the type of people that we are targeting, we found
    that they enjoy some music TV but are more likely to go online to watch and listen to there music. For
    our magazine advert we found that the most important thing is to have dates and information that is
    important, it is a pet hate of the viewer to have no way of finding out more. One thing that we found
    but choose not to use was that the viewer wanted to have a image of the band, we felt that this was
    to traditional and that we needed a new way to get the attention of the audience.
•   Questionnaire
    In our questionnaire research we found that our audience was interested in alternative music, there
    top three bands being you me at six, bring me the horizon and my chemical romance. Live
    performance, band shots and some plot are the things that are wanted in music videos. We give them
    some options for names for our album to be called and we found that 100% wanted it to be called
    Dead Pegasus. In the album they wanted, album artwork and pictures of the band as well as special
    content. We did all this except the band images which we did not feel fitted in with our work.
•   After we finished our work we created a survey and conducted a short interview to see what people
    through about what we have created.
•   The interview
    when we asked about what they enjoyed about the music video it was clear that they liked our base idea,
    enjoying the narrative and the contradiction of stereo types. As well as this they enjoyed the use of the
    live band playing and the fact that we made it clear that it wasn’t some big production. Following this we
    asked if they thought there was any problems with the music video, the main problem there was that
    some of our shots could have been better staged and others could have been better lit. Other then this
    they seemed to be positive about what they had seen which as good. Next we questioned about there
    view on the magazine article, they where very positive about the image that we had chosen to use and
    the style. They did say that it could have had more information on it and the My Chemical Romance logo
    would have been nice. When asked about our digipak they said that they enjoyed that the images where
    different and that it would stand from others and they felt that they fitted with the constantly changing
    effect of MCR.
•   Questionnaire
    the first question that we asked was about how people felt about the use of the image of Pegasus
    because this was one of are more risky decisions are it was new and moving away from the stereotypical
    idea of what is the ‘norm’ on alternative covers. What we found was the about 87% of people enjoyed
    this imagery and they found it to be new and different which stood out from other digipaks and adverts.
    Next we asked if people understood the connotations of the digipak and the images, this unsurprisingly
    was not all positive because people who are not fans of this genre or who have no knowledge of past
    MCR work would not understand the use of the Pegasus but still most got the connection to fantasy and
    the idea of destruction. 87% of the people that we questioned said they would by the digipak based on
    the images that were used. We also found that 87% of people did think that it fitted in to the alternative
    genre. 87% of people said that they would buy the digipak based on the magazine advert, this shows that
    there must be a connection between the two if people are connecting these things. 87% of people also
    thought the magazine fitted the genre. When questioned about what the connotations of our music video
    was almost everyone seemed to get the basic idea of what we were trying to show. 100% of the people
    we interviewed saw the connection between our works which is good because it shows that we have
    achieved synergy between products. Everyone seemed to think that we had managed to achieve a very
    interesting group of products that challenged the bonders of our genre but also stayed close enough to fit
    in to these areas. How accurate this interview is to people actual response is questionable because the
    people responding to these things where people who are friends with our group so will be bias towards
    our work.
How did you use media
 technologies in the construction,
research, planning and evaluation
•   We have used many different types of technologies through out our media project to help us
    gather our research, conduct our research and produce our products. When we first started our
    media course work we spent a lot of time researching in to different genres and our band,
    doing this we spent a lot of time on the internet on Google and Youtube, these where the best
    ways of getting a good over view of what we where trying to achieve throughout our entire
    work allowing us to look at there past music videos and work. All the things that we found out
    we collected together so that we could publish it on our blogger accounts which have been
    very use full because it allows us to gather together many different types of medias all in to one
    place so that it is clear what we have been doing and can connect different sections together.
    After this we had to do our audience research and planning. For the audience research we use
    survey monkey to gather simple information through the internet that would be easy to
    convert in to statistics and get our audiences views on our ideas, this was particularly useful
    because after people had done the survey (which each person could only do once) it has a
    device which converts the information in to a more approachable style which is easier for
    everyone. We also used a video camera to conduct an interview with a few of our target
    audience, which we then uploaded on to final cut pro so we could cut together different areas
    of the interview, then after uploading it on to YouTube we were able to upload it to our blog so
    the examiner could see what had happened alongside the analysis that we did. In the planning
    stage, this involved a lot of drawings and other images which we used a scanner to put on to
    the compute, I then choose to put all this information to a power point so that it would be
    easier to put it on to the web using slide share which is a website which converts power points
    in to a web friendly format. Following this we had to do the actual production stage, this
    comprised of two main types of technology, Photoshop which we used to create the digipak
    and the magazine article as these where still images and Photoshop allowed for the best
    editing, such as being able to create layers, resize and move images, edit the colour and more,
    and easy to use instructions so that we could get the desired effect on our products. For the
    video we used final cut pro, which is a video editing software that allows clips to be cut and
    matched up with music so that we could create an adequate music video, it also has the
    possibility or editing such as fades and other eliminates like this but for our style we choose not
    to use this effect.

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In what ways does your media product use

  • 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 2. Digi pack Front cover • We choose to call our album ‘Dead Pegasus’ because it is a development from a pervious concept that My Chemical Romance used in their past album concept, it was the name of an oil company in there futuristic world and it will grab the attention of any of the fans making them feel as though they are buying in to the extension from there previous work. MCR Pegasus logo from music video
  • 3. • The cover of our digi pack has an image of a toy Pegasus hanging from a tree, we choose this image because, firstly it fits with the title ‘dead Pegasus’ which is the name of the album but also because it has an ironic tint to it because the Pegasus could have flown away but now its dead. As well as this, in one of there first albums you can see a dead body hanging in the back ground so it keeps a sense of continuity.
  • 4. • The hanging of the toy represents the restraints of modern society on an image of past mythology which are now restricted to the story books of little children where as once they where the beliefs of the general population. We felt that the image of the light coming it with the rainbow effect of the sun had a nice effect because it is shining light on the Pegasus and obscuring our view as thought the gods are reclaiming what they had once owned, they are reclaiming the abandoned remnants of their world from the darkness that surrounds the Pegasus toy. We felt that this image would have been used My Chemical Romance because they are very in to the challenging of social constructs in an obscure way which is what we have tried to do in our imagery.
  • 5. • . We choose the font because it is very similar to past font used by the band. The word ‘dead’ is at the top and in a larger font then the Pegasus, it’s the first thing that you read when you look at the cover and is very dark, the font colour is black because it is meant to show that this is evil, this is contrasted with ‘Pegasus’ which is written in white, the white shows gives of connotations of purity and intersects which is what the Pegasus’s is trying to show, to continue in the style of MCR the size of the letters are varied which is used in there logo, this is something that MCR fans would pick up on. The wings on the edge are simply there because they are aesthetically pleasing spreading the text to fill up the dark space around it as though it is about to fly away.
  • 6. Back cover • On the back cover we have used the image of flames, we did this because images of fires are commonly used in this genre. It also has powerful connotations of anger or passion about a subject and the ideas of something being permanently destroyed. In the fire it is also possible to see the text of a news paper, this is to represent to destruction of modern society and the control which the media has over people in current society, this is a development from there previous ideas of society being destroyed. Other then this there is the text which is in the same style as it used on the cover to keep up continuity through out the entire digi pack. There is the copyright information across the bottom of the pack along with the commonly found logos such as that of the producers and band to give it a realistic look. In this image the side of the digi pack can also be seen, this is simple because the side of the box is only a small space and it needs to be clear and easy to read so people who might be reading the spines of the box will be able to read it easily and recognise it a MCR.
  • 7. Inside cover • This is the first cover that would be seen on opening up the box, it is the image of the Pegasus which is slightly blurred. The image has an almost realistic effect to it making the toy look almost like it could be a real Pegasus flying through the sky, the sun that comes in at the middle of the image gives is over bright and draws your attention to it. Over all the image seems to be one which is bright and happy, this is in contrast to the other images but still it could be seen as the Pegasus fading away because it is starting to loss its clarity. Once more we where trying to capture the slight way in which society changes without people really being aware of these changes, it is a representation of how we let the past slide away without really being aware of it. The use of this softer and innocent ideas is because in our research we saw a development throughout there career to which the change to a very female dominant audience can be seen by the slowly feminine covers.
  • 8. CD and DVD covers • This is the page for the CD and the DVD of our digi pack, we choose to have one image across the two pages, this has been done in past MCR digi packs that we researched. The image we used was that of the Pegasus toy which you can see the colour of the wings, on the disk images we have mad it so they are starting to loss the colours but this is only on the disk so if you remove the disks the image would be unedited, this is an effect that is not commonly seen so we thought it would stand out from other digi packs. Also, it follows the common theme through out the digi pack of the fading of fantasy in to the past.
  • 9. Inside cover • We used this image on our digi pack because the low angle of the shot connotes the idea of power and majesty of the Pegasus, then we have the repeated theme of fire in the back ground which connotes the idea of destruction and change. This image ties in with the other images shown in the digi pack creating a combined effect through out.
  • 10. This is our magazine advert. In it there is the Pegasus toy which is there to represent the idea of fantasy, at its feet Magazine advert there are matches thrown about and the corners of the cardboard have been singed, these are the destructive and social challenging points which are the common conventions of MCR. The brick helps to add to the idea of rebellion as it is something that is often connected to violence and rebellion. We also choose to have a more rustic effect with the entire image, instead of having computer text we just wrote on the cardboard, this makes it seem less produced and more of the sort of thing that an independent band might do. This would draw in the attention of people passing on the street or flipping through a magazine because it is something that isn’t often seen so people would want to stop and read it. The contrast of the image has been edited so that it is higher then the original because it makes the blue of the Pegasus really stand out from the shot, drawing your eye straight to it but it also has a stark realist style to it that contradicts the idea of fantasy. In the bottom of the page there is the links to two top social media sites, twitter and Facebook, these are important on modern advertisement as people are very much interested in using technology to there advantage, to not have these things on in current times would have a negative impact on the advertisement. It also means that we can cut down then number of words on the advert making it appear more approachable. One of the things that we have used from the MCR advertisement campaign is the use of information across the bottom.
  • 11. Music video • We choose to have shoots of the band playing the song throughout the video as this is one of the characteristics of the MCR videos which we choose to continue using. Fans are interested in seeing images of the band as many idealise the band members. • This is another shot from our music video, we where using Goodwin’s theory of correlating the lyric to the song to try and get the attention of the audience. And it also fits back to previous my chemical romance videos which fans of the band would pick up on. • We choose to challenge the common conventions of the typical MCR songs by adding in the cardboard signs heeled by the members of the band and fans. We felt that it is an element that the fans would appreciate in our work and that it isn’t to much of a deviation from the conventions of MCR.
  • 12. • We also had a narrative in our music video; this is one of Goodwin’s sections in music videos. We choose to do this because it is something that is commonly seen in the MCR videos and id makes it easier to challenge social conventions which is the aim of our music video (showing the problems of bullying but also how two people can help to reveal the best in one another)
  • 13. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 14. • One of the important parts of creating a group of media products is trying to create a style which is synergistic through out so that there is a clear style that can be seen by the audience.
  • 15. • We tried to create this continues style through our work by using elements such as the image of Pegasus, which is in both the digipak and the mag add. We also created a continual effect through the use of cardboard which is in all three of our pieces. The next main connection that we have is the use of wings next to the word Pegasus which means that it is really easy to tell when it is part of the MCR package. There is also the repeated use of the brick throughout our work, we pulled this idea from the words in the song that we where using, “Brick in hand”, this is a type of media theory that is discussed by Goodwin. Our final continual element that we have used in our work is that of the message that we are trying to show which is one of social problems such as violence mixed with the idea that we are leaving the past behind, this combined concept and narrative we have used is created to interest the view as well as make them see the problems in current society. It is really important that these element are there because the viewer will begin to see the continuity of our work so will be able to pick our products out from the work of other people, and it is individual to our own work so it is clear that all three products relate back to this album rather then there past work.
  • 16. • The continuity also will help when it comes to selling the products. We have created a group of products rather then individual ones with a style that will be appealing to the fans of MCR. This means that they will want to get and experience all of the products instead of just one. It also means that there is the potential for future profit through merchandise with elements such as Pegasus and the stylised text we have used.
  • 17. What have you learnt from your audience feed back.
  • 18. We used two methods of audience feed back in our work to try and get a better understanding of what the audience wanted from the music industry. When doing this we question we tried to get people close to our target audience but our main focus was on girls of around 17 because this is the main target audience and we don’t have the time nor funds to get a larger sample though this would be preferable. • Interview we used our interview as a chance to get a close look at the type of people what would be buying our product and what they would like to see in future products. One thing that we learnt was that our audience was interested in seeing new ideas and concepts what they haven’t seen before and that they want it done in a creative style. We tried to achieve this by using a lot of concepts through our work like the image of the Pegasus and the interested cutting through out our video in which we move backwards and forwards through the work. Another point that we have found through our research is that the audience wants some relevance to the song in the video, they see is as important that there is context to what they are watching. On the front of the type of people that we are targeting, we found that they enjoy some music TV but are more likely to go online to watch and listen to there music. For our magazine advert we found that the most important thing is to have dates and information that is important, it is a pet hate of the viewer to have no way of finding out more. One thing that we found but choose not to use was that the viewer wanted to have a image of the band, we felt that this was to traditional and that we needed a new way to get the attention of the audience. • Questionnaire In our questionnaire research we found that our audience was interested in alternative music, there top three bands being you me at six, bring me the horizon and my chemical romance. Live performance, band shots and some plot are the things that are wanted in music videos. We give them some options for names for our album to be called and we found that 100% wanted it to be called Dead Pegasus. In the album they wanted, album artwork and pictures of the band as well as special content. We did all this except the band images which we did not feel fitted in with our work. • After we finished our work we created a survey and conducted a short interview to see what people through about what we have created.
  • 19. The interview when we asked about what they enjoyed about the music video it was clear that they liked our base idea, enjoying the narrative and the contradiction of stereo types. As well as this they enjoyed the use of the live band playing and the fact that we made it clear that it wasn’t some big production. Following this we asked if they thought there was any problems with the music video, the main problem there was that some of our shots could have been better staged and others could have been better lit. Other then this they seemed to be positive about what they had seen which as good. Next we questioned about there view on the magazine article, they where very positive about the image that we had chosen to use and the style. They did say that it could have had more information on it and the My Chemical Romance logo would have been nice. When asked about our digipak they said that they enjoyed that the images where different and that it would stand from others and they felt that they fitted with the constantly changing effect of MCR. • Questionnaire the first question that we asked was about how people felt about the use of the image of Pegasus because this was one of are more risky decisions are it was new and moving away from the stereotypical idea of what is the ‘norm’ on alternative covers. What we found was the about 87% of people enjoyed this imagery and they found it to be new and different which stood out from other digipaks and adverts. Next we asked if people understood the connotations of the digipak and the images, this unsurprisingly was not all positive because people who are not fans of this genre or who have no knowledge of past MCR work would not understand the use of the Pegasus but still most got the connection to fantasy and the idea of destruction. 87% of the people that we questioned said they would by the digipak based on the images that were used. We also found that 87% of people did think that it fitted in to the alternative genre. 87% of people said that they would buy the digipak based on the magazine advert, this shows that there must be a connection between the two if people are connecting these things. 87% of people also thought the magazine fitted the genre. When questioned about what the connotations of our music video was almost everyone seemed to get the basic idea of what we were trying to show. 100% of the people we interviewed saw the connection between our works which is good because it shows that we have achieved synergy between products. Everyone seemed to think that we had managed to achieve a very interesting group of products that challenged the bonders of our genre but also stayed close enough to fit in to these areas. How accurate this interview is to people actual response is questionable because the people responding to these things where people who are friends with our group so will be bias towards our work.
  • 20. How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • 21. We have used many different types of technologies through out our media project to help us gather our research, conduct our research and produce our products. When we first started our media course work we spent a lot of time researching in to different genres and our band, doing this we spent a lot of time on the internet on Google and Youtube, these where the best ways of getting a good over view of what we where trying to achieve throughout our entire work allowing us to look at there past music videos and work. All the things that we found out we collected together so that we could publish it on our blogger accounts which have been very use full because it allows us to gather together many different types of medias all in to one place so that it is clear what we have been doing and can connect different sections together. After this we had to do our audience research and planning. For the audience research we use survey monkey to gather simple information through the internet that would be easy to convert in to statistics and get our audiences views on our ideas, this was particularly useful because after people had done the survey (which each person could only do once) it has a device which converts the information in to a more approachable style which is easier for everyone. We also used a video camera to conduct an interview with a few of our target audience, which we then uploaded on to final cut pro so we could cut together different areas of the interview, then after uploading it on to YouTube we were able to upload it to our blog so the examiner could see what had happened alongside the analysis that we did. In the planning stage, this involved a lot of drawings and other images which we used a scanner to put on to the compute, I then choose to put all this information to a power point so that it would be easier to put it on to the web using slide share which is a website which converts power points in to a web friendly format. Following this we had to do the actual production stage, this comprised of two main types of technology, Photoshop which we used to create the digipak and the magazine article as these where still images and Photoshop allowed for the best editing, such as being able to create layers, resize and move images, edit the colour and more, and easy to use instructions so that we could get the desired effect on our products. For the video we used final cut pro, which is a video editing software that allows clips to be cut and matched up with music so that we could create an adequate music video, it also has the possibility or editing such as fades and other eliminates like this but for our style we choose not to use this effect.