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Digital Graphic Narrative 
Liam Allan
Shape Task
What did you like about your image? 
I liked the way I managed to merge in textures from the original image such as 
grass and the back of the horse, all while keeping a very much cartoon 
appearance/style. I also like the way I managed to edit the shapes to fit the 
original image by firstly lowering the opacity of the shape and then erasing any 
overlapping shape thus giving the image a cleaner look as appose to many shaped 
clashing with one and another. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
To improve I would finish off the fence in the background as at the moment it has 
no support and appears to be floating mid air. I would also work on the tail more 
than before as at the moment the black colour looks too random among the 
brown body. Finally I would add more detail to the backgrounds as at the moment 
the texture in the grass ends abruptly and the sky is just a bare blue to fix this I 
would add extra detail such as clouds and or tree, as is seen in the original 
What did you like about your image? 
I like the way I have used the colour range tool on the Robin’s head to add texture 
but not reduce the cartoon quality of the image which occurred when I used the 
same technique on the branch and Robin’s feet. I also liked the use of strokes on 
each layer as this gave the image more definition and a cartoon look this is 
because the use of strokes are very common in animation, comics etc. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
I would improve the shape of the body as it overlaps the branch on the right. I 
would also get rid of the few marks around the picture to clean up the 
appearance of the image. The eye also has slight slope at the top which gives the 
Robin a more angry looking expression when compared to the original. Another 
improvement I would make is adding some form of background to the image as at 
the moment it appears that the Robin is merely floating mid air with no support
Text Based
What did you like about your image? 
I like the way I have chosen an appropriate colour scheme to match the background and scenarios of 
both quotes. 
”Hey Listen!” is a quote from Navi in the Legend of Zelda series the colour green represents Link and the 
red connotes the annoyance of most fans tied to this quote. 
“What Is Game Night?” is a quote from Gavin Free, an internet personality, and I have chosen white to 
reflect the simplicity associated with fans impressions of Gavin as he is know for his stupidity amongst 
his fans. 
I also like my use of the clipping mask on the “Hey Listen!” picture as I had to edit the image quite 
considerably in order for it to fit, I firstly had to upscale the image as well as rotate it to fit the text, I 
then had to alter the background of the image and give it a slightly darker colour tone as the original 
was a white that was very glaring and took away the focus on the image of Navi and focused it on the 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
To improve I would add more detail to the backgrounds such as add a certain texture to the 
pictures as appose to only a colour being present to represent certain traits and themes, for 
instance possibly adding some Hyrule scenery in the background of “Hey Listen!”. I would 
also possibly consider a different image of Gavin Free for “What is Game Night?” as the 
current image can be hard to make out due to the face being cut off slightly.
Comic Book
What did you like about your image? 
In the Baseball picture I like the way I have transferred the detail across from the original such as grass, creases 
in clothes, etc. As these translate very well to add to a more cartoony/comic book appearance. The white lines 
in the grass behind the batsman has come out with a more patchy appearance which helps toward the desired 
comic book style. 
In the Red VS Blue picture I am very fond of the the effects I used which were: 
Poster Edges and ink outlines. Firstly I used poster edges as the original image had a more photo realistic look 
as appose to a cartoon/comic and by adding this effect it gives the appearance of a stroke (as mentioned 
previously) however I had to lower the edge intensity as on the default setting it took away the images original 
appearance and give it a more gritty look. Next I used ink outlines to brighten up the image, by doing so it 
made the image stand out more from the original by adding a neon-like effect to the red and blue armour 
which draws more attention to the image and is more appropriate as the main focus of Red VS Blue is as it says 
team red and blue. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
To improve my images I would first focus on the baseball picture and possibly add some form of filter such as 
ink outlines as at the moment the picture had a darker colour scheme than the original which should not 
necessarily be the case as comics and cartoon tend to be made of brighter colours when compared to reality, I 
would also lower the threshold as at the moment the face of both the batter and catcher is completely blacked 
Next I would look at the Red VS Blue image and possibly slightly lower the light intensity of the ink outlines as 
at the moment the image is as I want it but is very glaring on the eye so by lowering it this will make the image 
slightly less of a challenge to the eyes.
Happiness Excitement 
What did you like about your image? 
I liked the way each picture fits suitably into each theme not just with facial expressions and 
placements but colour schemes, for example: 
In the happiness photo we deliberately chose a white background closer to the light source 
because this gave the photo a brighter feel which connotes happiness. 
In the photo for excitement we took a shot from afar to capture the rest of the corridor this 
shows how excitement can occur at any place, this place being a daily routine. 
The Loneliness photo is noticeably less lit than the other two to reflect the dark feelings 
associated with loneliness it is also taken from a higher angle to give the impression of the viewer 
looking in as appose to being there to add to the loneliness effect. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
In terms of improvement I think the excitement photo could have used better lighting to add a 
happier appearance so if I were to do this again I would maybe experiment with different areas 
to take the image, I believe a setting outside would have been ideal for this as it would greatly 
fix the lighting and give off a happier vibe due to the wide open space as appose to a seemingly 
cramped corridor.
What did you like about your image? 
I like the way I have used colour to match the original image such as the black on Geoff’s t-shirt, as well 
as the yellow on his sunglasses. 
I also managed to eliminate a few mistakes before taking the image such as the right hand being too 
close to the microphone, so I made the hand a tad smaller than it was previously so that it would fit the 
outline style of the original. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
To improve I would firstly go over the outlines in either a harder pencil stroke or pen to give the image 
more definition as appose to it just being there. 
I would also add the gray background that is present in the original image as well as fixing the size of 
both the hair and hand as in my image they appear much larger than they actually are in the original 
The shape of Geoff’s head could also be improved as in my image it is flat on the top where as in the 
original it is rounded toward the top.
Initial Ideas
How the Laughingstock ship should vaguely Look 
but with a face/mouth on the front for speech. 
“Skin Taker” (name to be changed) should 
still be a skeleton as this often appears in 
children's media 
Appearance of Candle Cove (pirate islands) base off 
of Monkey Island style map (top right) 
Still have swords but not use them in violence 
“Pirate Percy” from the original Candle Cove I 
will base the character off this image
The original character of Poppy. I will remake the 
character but with a much brighter colour scheme in order 
to appeal more to children. 
I will need a Skull and Crossbones for the flags of the ship. 
The bottom image is the original Laughingstock Crew flag 
I will need a logo for the TV show “Pirate Islands” at the start of the story I 
can take inspiration form many other logos of pirate based material 
All pirate ships have a recurring layout which is two staircases either side a door so I will use this setup 
to give a more recognizable appearance for the children reading.
Mind Map
I will create a book of 10 pages at 2480x1650 pixels 
Export Format 
Advantages: Not directly editable, fixed images as appose to relying on assets to exist 
on the computer, can be accessed on most devices 
Disadvantages: May result in a large file size depending on amount of pages. 
Story Overview 
The story begins with a young boy watching a TV show about pirates. He wishes he too 
could be a pirate someday, he then falls asleep as it’s late at night. He awakens aboard 
a pirate ship amongst a crew of three other pirates. The child is overjoyed to be with 
real life pirates, he discovers he is in a group of islands called Candle Cove and that the 
ship he is aboard is called the Laughingstock. The crew tells the boy he is here because 
of a skeleton who is the arch enemy of them and the rest of Candle Cove and that he 
must help take down this enemy and the crew of the Laughingstock will help him get 
back home in return.
Production Methods 
For the first sequence of the boy watching TV I will take a photograph and then 
rotoscope and colour it for a more cartoon effect. 
For the rest of the book excluding the final page (when he returns home) I will use 
internet images and rotoscope them and or use filters as well as colour range for 
shadows and other details. The images will be sourced online because of the 
theme being pirates and an adventure at sea, meaning these images will be hard to 
capture in York as It is not a seaside town. 
I will be targeting this book at younger children between the ages of 4-7 as at this age children 
have a very heightened imagination at this age and pirates are a common theme in media for 
younger boys. 
The book will also be of interest to groups of parents who are avid internet users as the story 
is based off an internet urban legend of the same name. 
In terms of geodemographics this book will appeal to any young child who speaks English 
because (as stated before) pirates often appear in younger children’s media and are often 
enjoyed due to the enhanced imagination of children this young. 
16th October 2014
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? 
The ideas and thoughts are exploding with 
imagination and its clear the creator has a very 
strong image of the book that is being created. The 
ideas are relevant to the target audience and age 
group selected. The book sounds both appealing to 
children and parents. 
I am concerned that the book will not meet the 
deadline so either extra work is needed or some 
ideas may have to be slightly scaled down, for 
instance, the pirate ship is looking like it will be 
difficult to create even though the ideas to create it 
seem basic, I am also wondering if the piece is 
actually the writers own work as it appears that 
images are being taken off the internet and edited, 
also remember how long a detailed rotoscope 
takes, can you meet the deadline? 
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been 
further developed? 
The strengths on the idea generation is that the 
mood board is annotated so it is clear of the ideas 
you are trying to get across, the moodboard also 
helps someone seeing it understand in further 
detail what you are planning on including in the 
book. The mindmap is filled with loads of accurate 
words that all link into ideas and its very direct. 
There isnt much variety in the moodboard so the 
viewers imagination is cut down.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? 
The story is well thought out (I have no idea 
weather it is an adapted folk tale, or something of 
you own creation, still good though). 
You don’t specify what page size your going to 
have….. That’s about it really everything else 
seems top form. 
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been 
further developed? 
Some clever idea’s which I think will work out well( 
taking the pictures and making them cartoony, 
shouldn’t take long and makes them look good), 
and your audience part I agree with. 
Not a lot, but if I may point out something for the 
seaside pictures- trip to Whitby? Lots of genuine 
16-17th century ships there, as well as obviously the 
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? 
The story appears to be well thought out and 
original. The advantages and disadvantages of the 
export format are well considered. The story 
appears to be well suited for the audience and the 
parents are also considered within the target 
audience which is important. Production methods 
well thought of. 
What are the dimensions you will be using for your 
book. Will it be large or small, square or 
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been 
further developed? 
A very detailed mind map full of a range of ideas 
which then helped to create a good mood board. 
The mood board is specific to your story and 
annotated to inform us as to why you have 
displayed the images you have chosen. 
More detail could go into your mood board. 
Consider the appearance of the child and the 
setting of their home, what will that look like? 
Collect a wider range of images that you can use to 
rotoscope when you make your story. What will all 
the pirates look like, will they all dress slightly 
Feedback Summary 
Sum up your feedback. 
I am happy with almost all of the feedback I was given as it was straight to the point 
about what should be improved and vice versa. I agree with the majority of the 
criticisms as they are all commenting on clear rough edges of the story that I can take on 
board and try to improve. 
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? 
I agree with the comments made on the first page about the Laughingstock possibly not 
being able to meet the deadline due to the detail included and this was rather helpful as 
I didn’t think about the time frame of the project. 
I also fully agree with me adding more detail into a concept of the appearance of the 
child as well as their home. 
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? 
I don’t really agree with the point of the mood board having not enflaming imagination 
as I have clearly added text boxes to paint a picture of how the book’s characters and 
contents will be represented, despite leaving a few out,.
Storyboard 2
Storyboard 3 (Final)
Original Script 1
Original Script 2
Original Script 3
Original Script 4
Original Script 5 
Final Script 
Page 1 – George is sat in his room watching a TV show called Pirate Islands when his mum tells him “Go to bed 
now, it’s late!” 
Page 2 - George get’s into bed and we see the rest of his room which has pirate themed posters, toys, etc. 
everywhere. (No words on this page) 
Page 3 - George then awakens in a ship amongst a pirate crew of three to which they introduce themselves: 
Percival, Captain Silver and Poppy. 
Page 4 - Silver then explains that George is in a set of pirate islands called Candle Cove because he was 
summoned here by the Fun-Taker along with many other children never to return home. 
Page 5 - “The Fun-Taker must be defeated in order for you and the others to return safely and for Candle Cove 
to return to how it used to be before the Fun-Taker arrived.” explains Captain Silver. 
Page 6 - Silver asks George to join the Laughingstock crew but as he is about to accept the Laughingstock ship 
says that she thinks she can see the Fun-Takers ship 
Page 7 - The Laughingstock set’s sail toward the Fun-Takers ship while Captain Silver tells George that a Talking 
ship is perfectly normal in Candle Cove the Laughingstock says “You have…to…go…inside” 
“But that isn’t very normal” says Captain Silver. 
Page 8 - The Laughingstock crew then boards the Fun-Taker’s ship to find It is almost identical to that of the 
Laughingstock only more worn and battered. George then asks “So where actually is this Fun-Taker?” 
Page 9 – “How are you finding Candle Cove my boy?” whispers the Fun-Taker from behind the Laughingstock 
crew. Percival gives the boy a sword “It’s dangerous to fight unarmed, take this!” 
Page 10 – The Fun-Taker and the boy get close and closer to edge of the ship until the Fun-Taker falls into the sea 
and disappears leaving behind only his hat and cape. 
Page 11 – A portal opens up for the boy to go home “Thanks to you Candle Cove is safe again!” Percival tells the 
boy, each crew member thanks the boy as he steps into the portal. 
Page 12 – The boy wakes up in his room the next day and hangs his sword on the wall so he never forgets his 
time in Candle Cove.
Digital Flat Plans 
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Development pro forma

  • 1. Digital Graphic Narrative Development Liam Allan
  • 3. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked the way I managed to merge in textures from the original image such as grass and the back of the horse, all while keeping a very much cartoon appearance/style. I also like the way I managed to edit the shapes to fit the original image by firstly lowering the opacity of the shape and then erasing any overlapping shape thus giving the image a cleaner look as appose to many shaped clashing with one and another. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve I would finish off the fence in the background as at the moment it has no support and appears to be floating mid air. I would also work on the tail more than before as at the moment the black colour looks too random among the brown body. Finally I would add more detail to the backgrounds as at the moment the texture in the grass ends abruptly and the sky is just a bare blue to fix this I would add extra detail such as clouds and or tree, as is seen in the original picture.
  • 5. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the way I have used the colour range tool on the Robin’s head to add texture but not reduce the cartoon quality of the image which occurred when I used the same technique on the branch and Robin’s feet. I also liked the use of strokes on each layer as this gave the image more definition and a cartoon look this is because the use of strokes are very common in animation, comics etc. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve the shape of the body as it overlaps the branch on the right. I would also get rid of the few marks around the picture to clean up the appearance of the image. The eye also has slight slope at the top which gives the Robin a more angry looking expression when compared to the original. Another improvement I would make is adding some form of background to the image as at the moment it appears that the Robin is merely floating mid air with no support
  • 7. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the way I have chosen an appropriate colour scheme to match the background and scenarios of both quotes. ”Hey Listen!” is a quote from Navi in the Legend of Zelda series the colour green represents Link and the red connotes the annoyance of most fans tied to this quote. “What Is Game Night?” is a quote from Gavin Free, an internet personality, and I have chosen white to reflect the simplicity associated with fans impressions of Gavin as he is know for his stupidity amongst his fans. I also like my use of the clipping mask on the “Hey Listen!” picture as I had to edit the image quite considerably in order for it to fit, I firstly had to upscale the image as well as rotate it to fit the text, I then had to alter the background of the image and give it a slightly darker colour tone as the original was a white that was very glaring and took away the focus on the image of Navi and focused it on the background. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve I would add more detail to the backgrounds such as add a certain texture to the pictures as appose to only a colour being present to represent certain traits and themes, for instance possibly adding some Hyrule scenery in the background of “Hey Listen!”. I would also possibly consider a different image of Gavin Free for “What is Game Night?” as the current image can be hard to make out due to the face being cut off slightly.
  • 9. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In the Baseball picture I like the way I have transferred the detail across from the original such as grass, creases in clothes, etc. As these translate very well to add to a more cartoony/comic book appearance. The white lines in the grass behind the batsman has come out with a more patchy appearance which helps toward the desired comic book style. In the Red VS Blue picture I am very fond of the the effects I used which were: Poster Edges and ink outlines. Firstly I used poster edges as the original image had a more photo realistic look as appose to a cartoon/comic and by adding this effect it gives the appearance of a stroke (as mentioned previously) however I had to lower the edge intensity as on the default setting it took away the images original appearance and give it a more gritty look. Next I used ink outlines to brighten up the image, by doing so it made the image stand out more from the original by adding a neon-like effect to the red and blue armour which draws more attention to the image and is more appropriate as the main focus of Red VS Blue is as it says team red and blue. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve my images I would first focus on the baseball picture and possibly add some form of filter such as ink outlines as at the moment the picture had a darker colour scheme than the original which should not necessarily be the case as comics and cartoon tend to be made of brighter colours when compared to reality, I would also lower the threshold as at the moment the face of both the batter and catcher is completely blacked out. Next I would look at the Red VS Blue image and possibly slightly lower the light intensity of the ink outlines as at the moment the image is as I want it but is very glaring on the eye so by lowering it this will make the image slightly less of a challenge to the eyes.
  • 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked the way each picture fits suitably into each theme not just with facial expressions and placements but colour schemes, for example: In the happiness photo we deliberately chose a white background closer to the light source because this gave the photo a brighter feel which connotes happiness. In the photo for excitement we took a shot from afar to capture the rest of the corridor this shows how excitement can occur at any place, this place being a daily routine. The Loneliness photo is noticeably less lit than the other two to reflect the dark feelings associated with loneliness it is also taken from a higher angle to give the impression of the viewer looking in as appose to being there to add to the loneliness effect. What would you improve if you did it again? In terms of improvement I think the excitement photo could have used better lighting to add a happier appearance so if I were to do this again I would maybe experiment with different areas to take the image, I believe a setting outside would have been ideal for this as it would greatly fix the lighting and give off a happier vibe due to the wide open space as appose to a seemingly cramped corridor.
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the way I have used colour to match the original image such as the black on Geoff’s t-shirt, as well as the yellow on his sunglasses. I also managed to eliminate a few mistakes before taking the image such as the right hand being too close to the microphone, so I made the hand a tad smaller than it was previously so that it would fit the outline style of the original. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve I would firstly go over the outlines in either a harder pencil stroke or pen to give the image more definition as appose to it just being there. I would also add the gray background that is present in the original image as well as fixing the size of both the hair and hand as in my image they appear much larger than they actually are in the original image. The shape of Geoff’s head could also be improved as in my image it is flat on the top where as in the original it is rounded toward the top.
  • 15. How the Laughingstock ship should vaguely Look but with a face/mouth on the front for speech. “Skin Taker” (name to be changed) should still be a skeleton as this often appears in children's media Appearance of Candle Cove (pirate islands) base off of Monkey Island style map (top right) Still have swords but not use them in violence “Pirate Percy” from the original Candle Cove I will base the character off this image
  • 16. The original character of Poppy. I will remake the character but with a much brighter colour scheme in order to appeal more to children. I will need a Skull and Crossbones for the flags of the ship. The bottom image is the original Laughingstock Crew flag I will need a logo for the TV show “Pirate Islands” at the start of the story I can take inspiration form many other logos of pirate based material All pirate ships have a recurring layout which is two staircases either side a door so I will use this setup to give a more recognizable appearance for the children reading.
  • 18. Proposal Dimensions I will create a book of 10 pages at 2480x1650 pixels Export Format PDF Advantages: Not directly editable, fixed images as appose to relying on assets to exist on the computer, can be accessed on most devices Disadvantages: May result in a large file size depending on amount of pages. Story Overview The story begins with a young boy watching a TV show about pirates. He wishes he too could be a pirate someday, he then falls asleep as it’s late at night. He awakens aboard a pirate ship amongst a crew of three other pirates. The child is overjoyed to be with real life pirates, he discovers he is in a group of islands called Candle Cove and that the ship he is aboard is called the Laughingstock. The crew tells the boy he is here because of a skeleton who is the arch enemy of them and the rest of Candle Cove and that he must help take down this enemy and the crew of the Laughingstock will help him get back home in return.
  • 19. Production Methods For the first sequence of the boy watching TV I will take a photograph and then rotoscope and colour it for a more cartoon effect. For the rest of the book excluding the final page (when he returns home) I will use internet images and rotoscope them and or use filters as well as colour range for shadows and other details. The images will be sourced online because of the theme being pirates and an adventure at sea, meaning these images will be hard to capture in York as It is not a seaside town. Audience I will be targeting this book at younger children between the ages of 4-7 as at this age children have a very heightened imagination at this age and pirates are a common theme in media for younger boys. The book will also be of interest to groups of parents who are avid internet users as the story is based off an internet urban legend of the same name. In terms of geodemographics this book will appeal to any young child who speaks English because (as stated before) pirates often appear in younger children’s media and are often enjoyed due to the enhanced imagination of children this young. Deadline 16th October 2014
  • 20. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The ideas and thoughts are exploding with imagination and its clear the creator has a very strong image of the book that is being created. The ideas are relevant to the target audience and age group selected. The book sounds both appealing to children and parents. I am concerned that the book will not meet the deadline so either extra work is needed or some ideas may have to be slightly scaled down, for instance, the pirate ship is looking like it will be difficult to create even though the ideas to create it seem basic, I am also wondering if the piece is actually the writers own work as it appears that images are being taken off the internet and edited, also remember how long a detailed rotoscope takes, can you meet the deadline? What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The strengths on the idea generation is that the mood board is annotated so it is clear of the ideas you are trying to get across, the moodboard also helps someone seeing it understand in further detail what you are planning on including in the book. The mindmap is filled with loads of accurate words that all link into ideas and its very direct. There isnt much variety in the moodboard so the viewers imagination is cut down.
  • 21. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The story is well thought out (I have no idea weather it is an adapted folk tale, or something of you own creation, still good though). You don’t specify what page size your going to have….. That’s about it really everything else seems top form. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Some clever idea’s which I think will work out well( taking the pictures and making them cartoony, shouldn’t take long and makes them look good), and your audience part I agree with. Not a lot, but if I may point out something for the seaside pictures- trip to Whitby? Lots of genuine 16-17th century ships there, as well as obviously the sea.
  • 22. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The story appears to be well thought out and original. The advantages and disadvantages of the export format are well considered. The story appears to be well suited for the audience and the parents are also considered within the target audience which is important. Production methods well thought of. What are the dimensions you will be using for your book. Will it be large or small, square or rectangular? What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? A very detailed mind map full of a range of ideas which then helped to create a good mood board. The mood board is specific to your story and annotated to inform us as to why you have displayed the images you have chosen. More detail could go into your mood board. Consider the appearance of the child and the setting of their home, what will that look like? Collect a wider range of images that you can use to rotoscope when you make your story. What will all the pirates look like, will they all dress slightly differently?
  • 23. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. I am happy with almost all of the feedback I was given as it was straight to the point about what should be improved and vice versa. I agree with the majority of the criticisms as they are all commenting on clear rough edges of the story that I can take on board and try to improve. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with the comments made on the first page about the Laughingstock possibly not being able to meet the deadline due to the detail included and this was rather helpful as I didn’t think about the time frame of the project. I also fully agree with me adding more detail into a concept of the appearance of the child as well as their home. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I don’t really agree with the point of the mood board having not enflaming imagination as I have clearly added text boxes to paint a picture of how the book’s characters and contents will be represented, despite leaving a few out,.
  • 31. Original Script 5 From:
  • 32. Final Script Page 1 – George is sat in his room watching a TV show called Pirate Islands when his mum tells him “Go to bed now, it’s late!” Page 2 - George get’s into bed and we see the rest of his room which has pirate themed posters, toys, etc. everywhere. (No words on this page) Page 3 - George then awakens in a ship amongst a pirate crew of three to which they introduce themselves: Percival, Captain Silver and Poppy. Page 4 - Silver then explains that George is in a set of pirate islands called Candle Cove because he was summoned here by the Fun-Taker along with many other children never to return home. Page 5 - “The Fun-Taker must be defeated in order for you and the others to return safely and for Candle Cove to return to how it used to be before the Fun-Taker arrived.” explains Captain Silver. Page 6 - Silver asks George to join the Laughingstock crew but as he is about to accept the Laughingstock ship says that she thinks she can see the Fun-Takers ship Page 7 - The Laughingstock set’s sail toward the Fun-Takers ship while Captain Silver tells George that a Talking ship is perfectly normal in Candle Cove the Laughingstock says “You have…to…go…inside” “But that isn’t very normal” says Captain Silver. Page 8 - The Laughingstock crew then boards the Fun-Taker’s ship to find It is almost identical to that of the Laughingstock only more worn and battered. George then asks “So where actually is this Fun-Taker?” Page 9 – “How are you finding Candle Cove my boy?” whispers the Fun-Taker from behind the Laughingstock crew. Percival gives the boy a sword “It’s dangerous to fight unarmed, take this!” Page 10 – The Fun-Taker and the boy get close and closer to edge of the ship until the Fun-Taker falls into the sea and disappears leaving behind only his hat and cape. Page 11 – A portal opens up for the boy to go home “Thanks to you Candle Cove is safe again!” Percival tells the boy, each crew member thanks the boy as he steps into the portal. Page 12 – The boy wakes up in his room the next day and hangs his sword on the wall so he never forgets his time in Candle Cove.