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Alex Domínguez
Lecture notes, Grenoble Graduate School of Business,
                                  France, May 2008.
     From the point of view of non-IT management, the main objective of this course is to
   • Understand the relationship between knowledge, information and data
   • Understand why knowledge management is an issue today, when it never was
   • Understand how to specify and implement a knowledge management project in an

 1. Symbols,                             3. The Problem
                        2. On                                4. The Learning      5. Knowledge
   Data and                                  of KM in
                      Knowledge                               Organisations          Sharing
 Information                             Organisations

   10. KM                               8. Communities                             6. Social
                     9. Storytelling                         Organisation’s
 Technology                                of Practice                             Networks

                                            13. KM            14. The Chief
                     12. Business
11. KM Strategy                         Framework and          Knowledge
                     Case for KM
                                          Processes              Officer
Information Technology Requirements

• Lap Top computer, if possible
• Speakers

Software applications

• Acrobat Reader – Version 7 or higher
• Windows Media Player – Version 9 or higher
• MindManager software (you can download a 21-days
  free trial version on


• Internet Connection

• Groff, T.R. Introduction to Knowledge Management: KM in Business. Butherworth-
  Heinemann, UK, 2003.
• MacDonald, J. Understanding Knowledge Management in a Week. Institute of
  Management. Hodder &Stoughton, UK, 1999.
• O‟Dell, C. The Executive‟s Role in Knowledge Management. APQC Publications, USA,
• Liebowitz, J. (Editor). Knowledge Management Handbook. CRC Press, USA, 1999.
• Rumizen, M.C. The Complete Idiot‟s Guide to Knowledge Management. Alpha Books,
  USA, 2003.
• Skyrme, D.J. Knowledge Networking: Creating the Collaborative Enterprise.
  Butherworth-Heinemann, UK, 1999.
• Tiwana, A. The Knowledge Management Toolkit. 2nd Edition. Prentice-Hall, PTR, USA,


• BRINT: Knowledge Management:
• Knowledge Board, Your Global Community:
• Knowledge Connections, Home of the I3 Update:
• The Gurteen Knowledge Website:
• The Knowledge Management Advantage:
• The Knowledge Management Resource Centre:
Symbols, Data, and Information

                                                                                    From facts to symbols

                                    Observer                      Fact or event           Poor / no comprehension
                                                                                          Poor / no understanding

                                     Symbols are objects,
                                 characters, figures, sounds or
                                   colors used to represent                                   Abstraction /
                                  abstract ideas or concepts                                 Representation

                                                   At the lowest level of comprehension / understanding, a
                                                                   symbol has no structure
Symbols, Data, and Information

                                                                              From symbols to data
                                                           1. S  aSb
                                  {a, b}        S                             S  aSb  aaSbb  aababb
                                                           2. S ba

                                  Symbols      Start     Production rules      A structured symbol generated
                                 (no order)   symbol      (syntax rules)             by production rules

                                                       {ba, abab, aababb, aaababbb, …}

                                                           Set of structured symbols
                                                              (ordered symbols)
                                     Data are the representation of symbols (facts, concepts, text, numbers,
                                   sounds, pictures, …) in an organised manner suitable for communication or
                                                    processing by human or automatic means

                                                           Data give answer to “what”

                                    At the first level of comprehension / understanding, data have no meaning
Symbols, Data, and Information

                                                                         From data to information
                                                       Condensate            Calculate

                                                                                              The five C‟s filter converts
                                                                                                 data to information
                                                         Correct           Contextualise

                                                       Categorise                          Information

                                        Information is data endowed with relevance and purpose; i.e., meaning

                                           Information gives answer to “what”, “who”, “where”, and “when”

                                   At the second level of comprehension / understanding, information has no an
                                                               established practice
Symbols, Data, and Information

                                             Organisation and immediacy of information
                                                  Think of information as data that makes the difference


                                 Hierarchy                          Alphabet                                             onal
                                                                                                    5 degrees
                                                  The                                                   of
                                              organisation                                         immediacy

                                                                                            News                 Reference
                                       Category              Time

Symbols, Data, and Information

                                 Information and the Principle of Uncertainty
                                        Information about a fact reduces the uncertainty of that fact

                                                       The Principle of Uncertainty
                                 Any interaction between an observer and the observed changes both. The
                                      more an observer probes, the more difficult it is for him to obtain
                                 INFORMATION about the initial STATE of what he observers and the more
                                            are his observations contaminated by his own efforts
Paper: Project Management in Noisy
 Dimension the importance of information in business


                               Create multidisciplinary
 Before lecture: Read the
                                 international teams
                                      (3 people)

Discuss the paper in your
                                  Review the paper
        own team
                                    (5 minutes)
      (10 minutes)

Explain your conclusions to
                                  Free discussion
        other teams
                                   (10 minutes)
   (3 minutes by team)

On Knowledge

                                             From information to knowledge
               Knowledge of a fact is when information of that fact is put in practice or used
                                            in many situations

                                                Information in
                                                  situation 1

                            Information in                          Information in
                              situation 4                             situation 2

                                                Information in
                                                  situation 3

On Knowledge

                                                            Knowledge properties

                                                              Precise and

                   Diffusive                                                 Trustable


                      Substitutable                                  Universal

                                      Compressible     Expandable
On Knowledge

                                Types of knowledge: Tacit and explicit
                 Tacit knowledge is personal, context-specific knowledge that is difficult to

               Explicit knowledge is that can be codified and transmitted in a systematic and
                                              formal language
                             Explicit Knowledge

                                                                      What we
                                                     What we
                                                                      we do not
                                                     we know
                             Tacit Knowledge

                                                     What we          What we
                                                      do not           do not
                                                      know            we do not
                                                     we know            know

                                                  Knowledge Assets   Knowledge Gaps             13
On Knowledge

                            Types of knowledge: Tacit and explicit

  Characteristics               Tacit Knowledge                               Explicit Knowledge

Nature              Personal, context-specific                   Can be codified and explicated

                    Difficult to formalise, record, encode, or   Can be codified and transmitted in a
                    articulate                                   systematic and formal language

Development                                                      Developed through explication of tacit
                    Developed through trial and error
Process                                                          understanding and interpretation of information

                                                                 Stored in documents, databases, Web pages,
Location            Stored in the heads of people
                                                                 e-mails, charts, etc.

Conversion          Converted to explicit through
Processes           externalisation (metaphors and analogy)

                    Hard to manage, share, or support with
IT Support                                                       Well supported by existing IT

Medium                                                           Can be transferred through conventional
                    Needs a rich communication mediums
Enabled                                                          electronic channels
On Knowledge

               From tacit to explicit knowledge

On Knowledge

                            Where do we acquire knowledge?

                                          • New sequence
                                            of operations
                                            or rules

                                                                        Tools and
               • New concepts
                 and values                                             Methods
                 applicable to                                        • Conceptual
                 decision                                               skills
                 making                     Knowledge
                                            is acquired

                           Structures                        Processes
                         • Structure or                     • New sequence
                           location of                        of phases of a
                           organisation                       project
On Knowledge

                                            The 3 basic processes of knowledge

                                  Acquire              Acquisition                                Acquire
                                                       • The process of development
                                                         and creation of insights, skills,
                            Corroborate                  and relationships                          Corroborate
                                                       • IT tools: Databases, Capture
                                                         Tools (i.e., Mind Manager)
                          Organise                                                                           Organise

                         Secure                                                                                 Secure

                 Analyse                                                                                           Analyse
                                     Utilisation                                Sharing
               Utilise               • Leaning is integrated on                 • Disseminating and                      Share
                                       daily basis                                making available what is
                                     • IT tools: Collaborative                    already known
                                       tools (e-mail, chat                      • IT tools: Communications
                                       applications, etc.)                        Networks

On Knowledge

                                                           Forms of knowledge
                                         Know-how – a skill,

               Know-where – a sense                            Know-who – who can
               of place, where is best                           help me with this
                   to do something                               question or task

               Know-when – a sense                             Know-what – structural
                of timing, and rhythm                           knowledge, patterns

                                      Know-why – a deeper
                                        kind of knowledge
                                     understanding the wider
On Knowledge

                                                       Knowledge versus learning
               The acquisition and integration of knowledge so that it may be used and

                                                   memorisation of
                                                    facts or terms

                                Evaluation:                                translating or
                               placing a value                             paraphrasing
                             judgment on data                             information or
                                 Synthesis:                              Application: using
                             constructing a new                          information in new
                              idea from parts of                             situations,
                                    others                                  applying rules

                                                    information down
                                                   into discrete parts

On Knowledge

                            Knowledge and individual learning
                             Knowledge begins with the individual

                                           marketability    Curiosity

                          Survive and       Motivators            Gain edge
                          meet basic           for                  over
                            needs           Learning             competitors

               Knowledge workers must be lifelong learners

               • Skills must be continually renewed or become obsolete
               • New skills must be acquired
               • To respond to change and use new technologies, people
                 must be enabled to learn how to create, innovate and
                 employ new processes
On Knowledge

                                         Optimal characteristics of learners

               Motivation to try potentially better processes

               New or improved skill or ability desired

               Trust in abilities and validity of those providing knowledge

               Flexibility and agility


               Safe environment

               Flow State
               • A sense of highly focused attention
               • Mental enjoyment of the activity for its own sake
               • A sense of being outside of time
               • A match between the challenge at hand and one's skill

On Knowledge

                                  Knowledge and models of reality
                            A model is an abstraction of the reality

                   Facts                  Symbols                      Data
               • Representation         • Representation        • Structured
                 of reality               of facts                symbols

                                         Knowledge               Information
                                        • Information put       • Data with
                                          in practice             meaning

                        Knowledge about a fact produces a model of
                           the real event that generates that fact

                      The Principle of Incomplete Knowledge:
                The model embodied in a system is necessarily incomplete
On Knowledge

                 A paradigm is a a pattern or model; a collection of assumptions, concepts,
                 practices, and values that constitutes a way of viewing reality, especially for
                                 an intellectual community that shares them

               Number of                                                                     C



                                                                                            Time   23
On Knowledge

               Born of new paradigms (paradigm shift)

On Knowledge

                                                       Paradigm shift and paralysis
                       Image shows the way in which a paradigm shift could cause
                        one to see the same information in an entirely different way

               Perhaps the greatest barrier to a paradigm shift, in some cases, is the reality
                of paradigm paralysis, the inability to see beyond the current models of

               Examples on Paradigm Shift and Paralysis in Information Management
                                 (alternative link:
On Knowledge

                                                   The Principle of Darkness

                                      The Principle of Darkness:
                    Even though the knowledge of a part of the reality is incomplete,
                           it can be MANAGED effectively (black box theory)

                             Input         KNOWLEDGE               Output
                                            (black box)

               Knowledge gives answer to “what”, “who”, “where”, “when”, “how”, and “why”

                At this third level of comprehension / understanding, knowledge does not
                           have rules to distinguish and generate new knowledge

On Knowledge

                                What is Knowledge Management?
                Knowledge Management (KM) is the explicit and systematic
               management of vital knowledge and its associated processes of
               creating, gathering, organising, diffusion, use and exploitation, in
                                  pursuit of defined objectives



                                                KM Processes


On Knowledge

                                              What KM is not about

               KM is not knowledge engineering

               KM is about processes, not just digital

               KM is not building a smarter intranet

               KM is not about a one-time investment

               KM is not about enterprise-wide

On Knowledge

                                                From knowledge to wisdom
               Knowledge of a fact is when information of that fact is put in practice or used
                                            in many situations

                               Wisdom is the ultimate level of understanding
                This level is achieved when there are enough patterns and meta-patterns
                  that that can be synthesised them and then used them in novel ways

On Knowledge

               From facts to wisdom: a final map

On Knowledge

               Importance of KM to your organisation

On Knowledge

               Lessons learned – Discover what you know

KM practice: Managing your knowledge
 • Each practice is 20 minutes long + 10 minutes for group discussion
 • MindManager software is needed (you can download a 21-days free trial version on
 • Notice: No previous experience in using MindManager is needed

Practice 1 - Understand your knowledge processing styles
 • Think about how you acquire information and make decisions
   • Mindmap your preferred ways of gaining knowledge
   • Mindmap what thinking processes and preferences guide your decision-making

Practice 2 - What sort of information manager are you?
 • Review a recent significant project or decision
   • Mindmap what information you felt you needed to do your best, how you went about
     finding it, how you processed it, and how it affected the outcome of your task
   • What have you now done with this information and how might you use it again?
   • After reviewing the check list, would you do something different next time you are in
     a similar situation?
The Problem of KM in Organisation

                                                  Organisational isles of information and

                                    Functional Areas     Organisational Levels   Organisational Isles of
                                                                                    Information and

The Problem of KM in Organisation

                                            Knowledge transfer velocity and viscosity
                                               Tacit knowledge is more viscous than explicit knowledge

                             Knowledge velocity                                               Knowledge viscosity
                             concerns                                                         concerns
                             • How quickly the                                                • The richness or
                               knowledge moves                                                  thickness of the
                               (knowledge speed)                                                knowledge transferred
                             • Whether the                                                    • Its resistance to flow
                               knowledge gets to the
                               members (knowledge

                                         Reduce knowledge viscosity by converting tacit knowledge to explicit
                                       knowledge whenever possible (e.g., standard operating procedures, best
                                                         practices and lessons learned)
The Problem of KM in Organisation

                                    Organisational culture

                                             Observable symbols,
                                             ceremonies, stories,
                                             slogans, behaviours,
                                            dress, physical settings

                                              Underlying values,
                                             assumptions, beliefs,
                                              attitudes, feelings

The Problem of KM in Organisation

                                                                                                           Organisational growth
                                                               Phase 1          Phase 2             Phase 3             Phase 4              Phase 5
                                    Large                  Entrepreneurial     Collective         Formalisation       Elaboration
                                                                                                                                            Split into small

                                                                                                     Growth through

                                                                                                                             Staff Crisis
                                     Organisational Size

                                                                                 Growth through
                                                                                   Delegation                     Control Crisis

                                                            Growth through                                                The Limiting Absorption
                                                                                               Autonomy Crisis           Principle for Knowledge:
                                                                                                                           In order to absorb more
                                                                                                                         knowledge, an organisation
                                                                                       Leadership crisis                    must change and have
                                                                    Growth through
                                    Small                                                                                                                      37
The Problem of KM in Organisation

                                              Resistance to change


The Problem of KM in Organisation

                                                            Where is knowledge into organisations?
                                    Intellectual Capital                                                       Customer
                                    • Human Capital -                                                      • The most vital
                                      • In the minds of individuals (knowledge,                              knowledge in
                                                                                                             most                 Knowledge in
                                        competencies, experience, know-how,                Knowledge
                                                                                                             organisations        products and
                                        etc.)                                                 assets
                                    • Structural Capital                               • Measuring and
                                                                                                                                • Smarter
                                      • That which is left after employees go            managing your
                                        home for the night (processes,                   intellectual
                                                                                                                                  customised to
                                        information systems, databases, etc.)            capital
                                                                                                                                  users' needs
                                    • Customer Capital
                                      • Customer relationships, brands,
                                        trademarks, etc.                            Knowledge in         Knowledge into                Knowledge in
                                                                                    relationships        Organisations                     people
                                                                                  • Deep personal                                    • Nurturing and
                                                                                    knowledge that                                     harnessing
                                                                                    underpins                                          brainpower, your
                                                                                    successful                                         most precious
                                                                                    collaboration                                      asset
                                                                                                                         Knowledge in
                                                                                                • Drawing on
                                                                                                                       • Applying the
                                                                                                  lessons from the
                                                                                                                         best know-how
                                                                                                  past or
                                                                                                                         while performing
                                                                                                  elsewhere in the
                                                                                                                         core tasks

The Learning Organisations

                                                                                       Organisational learning
                                  Organisational Learning

                                  • It is a process of knowledge acquisition or generation of an organisation,
                                    performed through individuals, which can be accomplished by teams
                                  • It is based on organisational memory that is expanded, which can improve
                                    organisational actions

                                                                      Learning Types

                                            External (from
                                                                                                Internal (within an
                                           outside to inside

                             Learning of implicit      Learning of explicit        Learning of implicit     Learning of explicit
                                knowledge                 knowledge                   knowledge                knowledge

                                                                                       Individual work in an
                                 Insiders that turn into                                                         Individual work in a
                                                               Prepared material           unstructured
                                       outsiders                                                                 structured approach

                                                                                          Team work in an
                                     Outsiders that                                                                 Team work in a
                                                           Unprepared material              unstructured
                                    become insiders                                                              structured approach
The Learning Organisations

                                                                           Levels of organisational learning

                             Single-loop                                                    Double-loop
                              learning                                                       learning
                              This occurs when errors are detected and corrected and        This occurs when, in addition to detection and correction of
                             organisations carry on with their present policies and goals    errors, the organisation is involved in the questioning and
                                                                                             modification of existing norms, procedures, policies, and

                                                 This occurs when organisations learn how to carry out single-
                                                               loop and double- loop learning

The Learning Organisations

                                                                       Learning organisation
                             The term learning organisation refers to an organisation‟s
                                   capability of learning from its past experience

                                                    (1) Meaning -
                                                    Determining a
                                                     vision of the

                                                        To build a
                                                     it must tackle
                                                      three critical
                                       (3)                                      (2)
                                 Measurement                              Management
                                  - Assessing                             - Determining
                                 the rate and                                how the
                                     level of                              organisation
                                    learning                                is to work
The Learning Organisations

                             Some components of a learning organisation
                                                           Problem Solving

                               knowledge quickly                                    Experimentation
                                 and efficiently                                       with new
                                through out the                                       approaches

                                          Benchmarking /                Learning from past
                                          Best practices                   experience

The Learning Organisations

                                                How a learning organisation looks like

                                         Organisational                                       Learning
                                       system learns as a                                   Organisation

                                                                                            Tolerance for
                                                       People in
                              Learning is a          organisation
                               continuous,          recognise that                                           Leadership
                             process that is           ongoing,                Climate of
                                                                                                            involved and
                                                                             openness and
                             integrated with         organisation-            “curiosity”
                                  work               wide learning
                                                       is critical
                                                                             committed to                    Systems
                                                                                quality                     perspective

                                                                                                                           Processes for
                                                                                            Organisation                     maximising
                                                               gap between
                                                                                             measures                       flow of data,
                                                               current and
                                                                                             progress                       information,
                                                                                                                             and people     44
The Learning Organisations

                             The learning organisation: the 5 disciplines
                                                            Personal Mastery
                                                            • Clarify personal vision
                                                            • Focus energy
                                                            • See reality objectively

                             Mental Models                                                  Systems Thinking
                             • Identify assumptions                                         • Seeing wholes
                             • Open to change                                               • Identifying patterns

                                         Team Learning                          Shared Vision
                                         • Synergy (2+2=5)                      • Create shared
                                         • Dialog, conversation                   commitment
                                           (not speechmaking)                   • Identify what we want

The Learning Organisations

                   Managed learning
The Learning Organisations

                             Sorting out the “M”s – Domains & Relationships
                                                                                       Knowledge Mgmt
                                                                                 Intellectual Capital
                                                                                 •   Tacit/Implicit Knowledge
                                                                                 •   Explicit Knowledge

                                                                                                                Social Capital
                               Information “Resources”                      Information Mgmt                    •       Communities/Networks
                                                                                (lifecycle mgmt)                •       Collaboration
                                         Mgmt        Content                                                    •       Culture
                                Technology                                            Records Mgmt                  Human Capital
                                                         Data Mgmt                                                  •   Organisational Learning
                                   Mgmt                   (repositories)                                            •   Succession Planning
                                (infrastructure)                                                                    •   Business Processes
                                                                    Document Mgmt
                                                                •    Versions
                                        Application             •    Workflow          Information Services
                                                                                       •   Library
                                          Mgmt                                         •   Research
                                                                                       •   Knowledge repositories

                                                   (static)                  Content                    (dynamic)
                                                                     Facilitative IT Tools                                                        47
The Learning Organisations

                                                          Relationship among IT, IM and KM
                                                      Human Capital
                                                              Social Capital                      The Essence of
                                                                             Corporate Capital     Management

                                                                              Data               The Essence of
                                             Successes       Relationships
                                                                              Info                Information
                                             Lessons Learned
                                                                              Mapping             Management

                                                                                                  The Essence of
                                                 Capability        Connectivity  Software       Information
                                                 Capacity                         Hardware        Technology

                                                     Incentives                                  Infrastructure
                                                     Education      IPTs            Physical
                                                     Training                         Assets
The Learning Organisations

                                                                        The essence of KM
                             Tacit               INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL                Explicit

                                   HUMAN                 SOCIAL              CORPORATE
                                   CAPITAL               CAPITAL               CAPITAL
                                 (Individual)             (Team)            (Organisation)
                             –    Expertise         –   Networks            – Intellectual
                             –    Experience        –   Relationships         Property
                             –    Capability        –   Interactions        – Processes
                             –    Capacity          –   Language            – Databases
                             –    Creativity        –   Patterning          – Flexibility
                             –    Adaptability


Case – Learning organisations versus places to
Think about your experience in a university. Then think about that university as a learning organisation
(make a distinction between a “place to learn” and a “learning organisation”).
Say your point of view about the following topics (consider the learning environment and try to be impartial
in your answers):
• Climate of openness and “curiosity”
• Tolerance for complexity and uncertainly
• Leadership involved and supporting learning
• Perceived performance gap between current and desired performance
• Resources committed to quality learning
• Organisation measures progress
• Systems perspective
• Processes for maximising flow of data, information, and people
Do you think that a learning organisation needs a place to learn? Before you give an answer, analyse the
following video
Telefónica- Creating a Talent Pipeline
(alternative link: )

                                            Create multidisciplinary
          Before lecture: Think about                                            Review the case
                                              international teams
                   this case                                                       (5 minutes)
                                                   (3 people)

                                           Explain your conclusions to     Discuss the case in your own
               Free discussion
                                                  other teams                          team
                (10 minutes)
                                              (3 minutes by team)                  (10 minutes)           50
Knowledge Sharing

                    Knowledge sharing - Interplay of four factors


                          Technology              Processes


Knowledge Sharing

                                   Knowledge sharing needs all of these

                    People              Places           Things
                    Create              Where people     Structured and
                    knowledge with:     can:             unstructured
                                        Share ideas      content:
                                        Form             Create
                    Experts             communities
                    Customers           Learn
                    Partners and        Create answers
                    friends             to problems      Share

Knowledge Sharing

                                                              Why knowledge sharing?

                                Knowledge sharing leverages expertise and organisational
                                               know-how to improve . . .

                    Responsiveness           Innovation              Competency                  Efficiency

                                . . . helping enterprises do work more effectively and achieve
                                                         corporate goals

Knowledge Sharing

                        What knowledge is sharing?

                                 • Knowledge that has been articulated
                      Explicit     • Organisation
                                   • Mission
                    knowledge      • Hardware/software

                                 • Knowledge that can be articulated but
                      Implicit     is not
                                   • Analysing tasks involved in a
                    knowledge        process

                       Tacit     • Knowledge that cannot be articulated
                                   • Ability to recognise a person‟s face
Knowledge Sharing

                         How is knowledge captured and shared?

                     Individual       Collaboration    Organisational
                    knowledge          networks       knowledge-base

                                  TACIT TO EXPLICIT

Knowledge Sharing

                                      What happens when the K-line is crossed?

                                             Enlightened Enterprise

                                                                                 workplace” where
                                     Shared explicit             Shared tacit
                                      knowledge                  knowledge
                                                                                knowledge is shared
                    K-line                                                                Shift
                      Old business

                                             Traditional Enterprise
                                                                                “Traditional workplace”
                                      Gated explicit         Hoarded tacit      where knowledge is not
                                       knowledge              knowledge                  shared

Knowledge Sharing

                    Sharing or not sharing?
                      Why do people share?
                      • They take pride in their expertise
                      • They enjoy interacting with peers
                      • They wish to learn
                      • They expect others to reciprocate
                      • They want to contribute to the
                        common good
                      • Their culture encourages sharing
                      • They are loyal to the organisation

                             Why does not people
                             • It is not convenient
                             • They do not know what they know
                             • They do not know the value of
                               what they know
                             • They believe knowledge hoarding
                               is job security
                             • They do not get credit for it
                             • They do not have the time

Knowledge Sharing

                                                     How to share knowledge?
                                                   Share your
                                                 knowledge and
                                                 encourage your
                                                 peers to do the

                                                                         Do not stigmatise
                    Network with your
                                                                          others for not

                              Value and reward
                                                               Seek expert advice
                               the continuous
                                                                 throughout the
                                  pursuit of
Knowledge Sharing
                             Lessons learned – Organisational “does / does
                                               not” for knowledge sharing
                                                    Organisation does
                    How organisations implement
                                                    • Integrate into
                      Knowledge Management
                                                      • Business strategy
                                                      • Daily work
                    Intranet                 47%
                                                    • Provide
                    Repository               33%
                                                      • Consistent and continual championship /
                    Decision-support         33%
                    Groupware                33%
                                                      • A trusting organisational environment
                    People networks          24%
                                                      • Time to engage in knowledge sharing
                    Map links to expertise   18%
                                                      • Appropriate incentives for participation
                                                      • Institutionalise organisational, lifelong
                    Source: ASTD Research

                                                            Organisation does not
                                                            • Create compensation systems that do not
                                                              support knowledge sharing and teamwork
                                                            • Build a “Grand Database in the Sky”
                                                            • Allow technology to dictate development
                                                            • Failure to coordinate and involve entire

Knowledge Sharing

                    Organisational challenges to KM/KS


Videocase: Igloo - Global Issues Network
                                                                        1. What can you say about the following 4 factors?
                                                                        • People
                                                                        • Processes
                                                                        • Learning
                                                                        • Technology
                                                                        2. How does people create and transform
                                                                             knowledge from tacit to implicit?
                                                                        3. How is knowledge captured and shared?
                                                                        4. How and where can people share knowledge?
                                                                        5. How is content structured?
                                                                        6. What can you say about responsiveness,
                                                                           innovation, competency and efficiency?
                                                                        7. Say some examples of how the ideas described
                                                                           should be used into an organisation
Igloo - Global Issues Network
(alternative link:

                                                        Create multidisciplinary
              Before lecture: Watch the                                                     Review the video
                                                          international teams
                        video                                                                 (10 minutes)
                                                               (3 people)

                                                      Explain your conclusions to     Discuss the video in your own
                   Free discussion
                                                             other teams                          team
                    (10 minutes)                                                                                      61
                                                         (3 minutes by team)                  (10 minutes)
Social Networks

                                 Knowledge networks and knowledge flows

                                  Knowledge networks
                               explain the flow or diffusion
                                 of knowledge across a
                                 network of individuals

                  Transactive Memory
                      Systems are
                    repositories that               Cognitive knowledge
                   provide individuals              networks essentially
                  with access to more               answer “who knows
                  knowledge than any                 who knows what?”
                  one individual could
                    possibly possess

Social Networks

                                             Social Network Analysis (SNA)
                  SNA is focused on uncovering the patterns of people's interconnectedness and
                  • The success or failure of organisations and societies may depend on these
                  • Analysis can produce understanding as well as action

                                                          SN use
                                                                                     Content is
                                                         people to
                                                                                       used to
                                                                                    find people

Social Networks

                                                                                                                    Why do a SNA?
                                                                                                       To build better
                                                                                                       networks, we
                                                                                                          have to

                                                                                    I already know                         Everybody should
                                                                                   what is going on                         be connected to
                                                                                     in my network                          everybody else

                                                                                                         Six Myths
                                                                                  Central people
                                                                                 who have become
                                                                                                                             We can not do
                                                                                                                              much to aid
                                                                                   should make
                                                                                                                           informal networks
                                                                                 themselves more
                                                                                                       How people fit in
                                                                                                        is a matter of
                                                                                                      personality (which
                                                                                                          can not be

         *Rob Cross, Nitin Nohria, and Andrew Parker, MIT Sloan Management Review, Spring 2002                                                 64
Social Networks

                  Discussion - SNA applications

Organisational Culture

                                                                                    What is culture?
                                                     Tradition and

                               Shared values                                        Jargon

                         Belief systems

                                                                     mores, norms
Organisational Culture

                                                          How employees absorb culture


                         The ability of an organisation
                         to learn, develop memory,               Social
                         and share knowledge is                 learning
                         dependent on its culture

                         Over time organisations
                         learn what works and what
                         does not work
                                                           Reward /
                         Generally when a IT project
                         fails, it is because the
                         technology does not match
                         the organisation‟s culture

                                                                           Heroes             Language
Organisational Culture

                                                                        Cultural typologies
                         Strong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of
                                          their alignment to organisational values
                              Weak culture is said to exist where there is little alignment with
                          organisational values and control must be exercised through extensive
                                                procedures and bureaucracy

                                 Deal & Kennedy - Risk and feedback
                                  • Focus on executive decision making

                                 Reinmann & Wiener - Values
                                  • Focus on values and source of values

                                 Schein - Every organisation is unique
                                  • Culture is the most difficult organisational attribute to change

                                 Sonnenfeld - Academy, club, baseball team, fortress
                                  • Focus on attraction of personalities
Organisational Culture

                         Aspects and steps that determine KM success
                                                         organisational culture
                  Culture – Process view
                  • Ways to facilitate collaborative          Analyse it
                    processes, learning dynamics
                    and problem solving

                  Technology – Object view              Get into the network and
                                                       understand the characters
                  • Focus on databases or other
                    storage devices, mechanisms
                    for sharing knowledge                     Manage it
                    products such as documents,
                    and terms such as knowledge
                                                               Change it
Organisational Culture

                                   Any KM programme requires a Change
                                                Management approach

                                                        Attempts to introduce changes
                                                        that are radically different than
                                                        the existing culture usually are
                                                                 not successful


                         Values    Norms    Practices
                                                            Attempts to introduce changes
                                                             that are generally consistent
                                                                with the current culture
                                                                usually are successful
Videocase: Duracell Xcells (Industrial)
                                                                          1.How does Duracell define quality?
                                                                          2.Describe the process used by Duracell to
                                                                            get the concept of quality
                                                                          3.What can you say about shared values?
                                                                          4.Is the culture of Duracell a strong or
                                                                          5.What is the type of culture implicit in
                                                                          6.Why could Duracell change its
                                                                            organisational culture?

Duracell Xcells (Industrial)
(alternative link

                                                          Create multidisciplinary
              Before lecture: Watch the                                                     Review the video
                                                            international teams
                        video                                                                 (10 minutes)
                                                                 (3 people)

                                                       Explain your conclusions to    Discuss the video in your own
                    Free discussion
                                                              other teams                         team
                     (10 minutes)                                                                                     71
                                                          (3 minutes by team)                 (10 minutes)
Communities of Practice

                                                      Communities of Practice (COP)
                          A COP is a group of self-governing people whose practice is aligned with
                          strategic imperatives and are challenged to create shareholder value by
                                      generating knowledge and increasing capabilities

                                        Define Community Project
                                        • Identify community elements
                                        • Set context
                                        • Outline project
                                           Establish Community
                                           • Identify issues and approaches
                                           • Plan project tasks

                                              Launch Community

                                                 Establish Community
                                                 • Develop sense of community

                                                     Assess: Progress & Value
                                                     • Solicit feedback on
                                                       development                                   72
Communities of Practice

                                                               Components and benefits of COPs
                          • Community conventions & norms
                                                                                      Accelerates the generation of capabilities

                          • Community participants
                                                                                      Improves and enhances meta-capabilities
                          • Enabling infrastructure
                                                                                      Shapes a “boundary-less” culture for
                          User support                                                greater synergy
                          • Maximising collaborative tools

                          Content                                                     Connects people into a network for greater
                          • Community knowledge base                                  speed

                          • Capability to participate in community                    Promotes innovation through collaboration
                                                                                      and problem-solving situated in work
                          • Moving the community forward; realising purpose           Prevents knowledge loss from the
                                                                                      organisation through exchange of cross-
                          Communication plan                                          generational expertise
                          • Establishing credibility, sharing the value proposition

                 Storytelling is the skilled delivery of stories use to present anecdotal evidence,
                 clarify a point, support a point of view and crystallise ideas

                 Storytelling is the connecting device between data and reality

                 Stories can share a "truth" that data can not

                 Storytelling can help bridge the gap between data and knowledge

                 It also could be the result of integrating information

                 Knowledge managers use storytelling as a device and tool for sharing
                                                  Communicate quickly

                                                 Communicate naturally

                                                 Communicate truthfully

               Potential Benefits             Communicate collaboratively

                                               Communicate persuasively

                                                 Communicate intuitively
                                                 Communicate movingly

                                                     Six steps in storytelling
                            Definition of objectives; assignment of commentators
               Plan         and interviewees; selection of the events

                                         Collecting personal views; searching for „puzzle
                      Interview          stones‟

                                  Extract             Selection of momentous statements

                                                                    Preparation of the
                                                Write               experience document

                                                                                   Feedback of the
                                                           Validate                citations to the

Videocase: Cisco on Change Management
                                                                                1. What are the main stages of CISCO
                                                                                   Change Road Map?
                                                                                2. What are the main reasons to implement
                                                                                3. What is the team project?
                                                                                4. What are the team components? (issues,
                                                                                   approaches, plan, and project tasks)
                                                                                5. How is the team launched?
                                                                                6. How is it developed a sense of team?
                                                                                7. How was it assed the progress and value
                                                                                   of the team?
                                                                                8. Is the team a COP?
Cisco – Change Management Training Video
(alternative link:

                                                         Create multidisciplinary
             Before lecture: Watch the                                                         Review the video
                                                           international teams
                       video                                                                     (10 minutes)
                                                                (3 people)

                                                      Explain your conclusions to        Discuss the video in your own
                   Free discussion
                                                             other teams                             team
                    (10 minutes)
                                                         (3 minutes by team)                     (10 minutes)
KM Technology

                Layers of a KM technology platform

Technology aspect of KM

                                                          Data Analysis
                                                         (Data Warehouse and
                                                         Business Intelligence)
                                                                                                        Messaging and Collaboration
                                Enabling Technologies

                                                           Real Time
                                                          Collaboration             Complete Intranet
                                                        Portals and Search
                                                        Teams and Experts
KM Technology
KM Technology

                                            Messaging and collaboration

                  Tacit                Explicit
                Knowledge             Knowledge   •   Easy-to-use productivity
                                                  •   Comfortable e-mail systems
                                                  •   Web browser
                                                  •   Simple search functionalities
                       Information                Services
                                                  • Collaboration services
                                                  • Web services
                                                  • Indexing services

                            & Reuse               • Central-storage
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management

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Knowledge management

  • 1. Alex Domínguez Lecture notes, Grenoble Graduate School of Business, France, May 2008.
  • 2. Contents From the point of view of non-IT management, the main objective of this course is to • Understand the relationship between knowledge, information and data • Understand why knowledge management is an issue today, when it never was before • Understand how to specify and implement a knowledge management project in an organisation 1. Symbols, 3. The Problem 2. On 4. The Learning 5. Knowledge Data and of KM in Knowledge Organisations Sharing Information Organisations 7. 10. KM 8. Communities 6. Social 9. Storytelling Organisation’s Technology of Practice Networks Culture 13. KM 14. The Chief 12. Business 11. KM Strategy Framework and Knowledge Case for KM Processes Officer 2
  • 3. Information Technology Requirements Hardware • Lap Top computer, if possible • Speakers Software applications • Acrobat Reader – Version 7 or higher • Windows Media Player – Version 9 or higher • MindManager software (you can download a 21-days free trial version on Telecommunications • Internet Connection 3
  • 4. Bibliography Books • Groff, T.R. Introduction to Knowledge Management: KM in Business. Butherworth- Heinemann, UK, 2003. • MacDonald, J. Understanding Knowledge Management in a Week. Institute of Management. Hodder &Stoughton, UK, 1999. • O‟Dell, C. The Executive‟s Role in Knowledge Management. APQC Publications, USA, 2004. • Liebowitz, J. (Editor). Knowledge Management Handbook. CRC Press, USA, 1999. • Rumizen, M.C. The Complete Idiot‟s Guide to Knowledge Management. Alpha Books, USA, 2003. • Skyrme, D.J. Knowledge Networking: Creating the Collaborative Enterprise. Butherworth-Heinemann, UK, 1999. • Tiwana, A. The Knowledge Management Toolkit. 2nd Edition. Prentice-Hall, PTR, USA, 2002. Websites • BRINT: Knowledge Management: • Knowledge Board, Your Global Community: • Knowledge Connections, Home of the I3 Update: • The Gurteen Knowledge Website: • The Knowledge Management Advantage: • The Knowledge Management Resource Centre: 4
  • 5. Symbols, Data, and Information From facts to symbols Observer Fact or event Poor / no comprehension Poor / no understanding Symbols are objects, characters, figures, sounds or colors used to represent Abstraction / abstract ideas or concepts Representation At the lowest level of comprehension / understanding, a symbol has no structure 5
  • 6. Symbols, Data, and Information From symbols to data 1. S  aSb {a, b} S S  aSb  aaSbb  aababb 2. S ba Symbols Start Production rules A structured symbol generated (no order) symbol (syntax rules) by production rules {ba, abab, aababb, aaababbb, …} Set of structured symbols (ordered symbols) Data are the representation of symbols (facts, concepts, text, numbers, sounds, pictures, …) in an organised manner suitable for communication or processing by human or automatic means Data give answer to “what” At the first level of comprehension / understanding, data have no meaning 6
  • 7. Symbols, Data, and Information From data to information Condensate Calculate Data The five C‟s filter converts data to information Correct Contextualise Categorise Information Information is data endowed with relevance and purpose; i.e., meaning Information gives answer to “what”, “who”, “where”, and “when” At the second level of comprehension / understanding, information has no an established practice 7
  • 8. Symbols, Data, and Information Organisation and immediacy of information Think of information as data that makes the difference Internal Location Conversati Cultural Hierarchy Alphabet onal 5 degrees The of information organisation immediacy of information News Reference Category Time 8
  • 9. Symbols, Data, and Information Information and the Principle of Uncertainty Information about a fact reduces the uncertainty of that fact The Principle of Uncertainty Any interaction between an observer and the observed changes both. The more an observer probes, the more difficult it is for him to obtain INFORMATION about the initial STATE of what he observers and the more are his observations contaminated by his own efforts 9
  • 10. Paper: Project Management in Noisy Environments Objective Dimension the importance of information in business DIRECTIONS Create multidisciplinary Before lecture: Read the international teams paper (3 people) Discuss the paper in your Review the paper own team (5 minutes) (10 minutes) Explain your conclusions to Free discussion other teams (10 minutes) (3 minutes by team) 10
  • 11. On Knowledge From information to knowledge Knowledge of a fact is when information of that fact is put in practice or used in many situations Information in situation 1 Information in Information in Knowledge situation 4 situation 2 Information in situation 3 11
  • 12. On Knowledge Knowledge properties Consistent Precise and Shareable non-redundant Diffusive Trustable Time Transportable independent Substitutable Universal Compressible Expandable 12
  • 13. On Knowledge Types of knowledge: Tacit and explicit Tacit knowledge is personal, context-specific knowledge that is difficult to formulate Explicit knowledge is that can be codified and transmitted in a systematic and formal language Explicit Knowledge What we What we know know we do not we know know Tacit Knowledge What we What we do not do not know we do not we know know Knowledge Assets Knowledge Gaps 13
  • 14. On Knowledge Types of knowledge: Tacit and explicit Characteristics Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge Nature Personal, context-specific Can be codified and explicated Difficult to formalise, record, encode, or Can be codified and transmitted in a Formalisation articulate systematic and formal language Development Developed through explication of tacit Developed through trial and error Process understanding and interpretation of information Stored in documents, databases, Web pages, Location Stored in the heads of people e-mails, charts, etc. Conversion Converted to explicit through Processes externalisation (metaphors and analogy) Hard to manage, share, or support with IT Support Well supported by existing IT IT Medium Can be transferred through conventional Needs a rich communication mediums Enabled electronic channels 14
  • 15. On Knowledge From tacit to explicit knowledge 15
  • 16. On Knowledge Where do we acquire knowledge? Procedures • New sequence of operations or rules Principles Tools and • New concepts and values Methods applicable to • Conceptual decision skills making Knowledge is acquired from Structures Processes • Structure or • New sequence location of of phases of a organisation project 16
  • 17. On Knowledge The 3 basic processes of knowledge Acquire Acquisition Acquire • The process of development and creation of insights, skills, Corroborate and relationships Corroborate • IT tools: Databases, Capture Tools (i.e., Mind Manager) Organise Organise Secure Secure Analyse Analyse Utilisation Sharing Utilise • Leaning is integrated on • Disseminating and Share daily basis making available what is • IT tools: Collaborative already known tools (e-mail, chat • IT tools: Communications applications, etc.) Networks 17
  • 18. On Knowledge Forms of knowledge Know-how – a skill, procedures Know-where – a sense Know-who – who can of place, where is best help me with this to do something question or task Know-when – a sense Know-what – structural of timing, and rhythm knowledge, patterns Know-why – a deeper kind of knowledge understanding the wider context 18
  • 19. On Knowledge Knowledge versus learning Learning: The acquisition and integration of knowledge so that it may be used and applied Knowledge: memorisation of facts or terms Comprehension: Evaluation: translating or placing a value paraphrasing judgment on data information or rules Types of learning Synthesis: Application: using constructing a new information in new idea from parts of situations, others applying rules Analysis: breaking information down into discrete parts 19
  • 20. On Knowledge Knowledge and individual learning Knowledge begins with the individual Professional development and marketability Curiosity and Growth intellectual enjoyment Survive and Motivators Gain edge meet basic for over needs Learning competitors Knowledge workers must be lifelong learners • Skills must be continually renewed or become obsolete • New skills must be acquired • To respond to change and use new technologies, people must be enabled to learn how to create, innovate and employ new processes 20
  • 21. On Knowledge Optimal characteristics of learners Motivation to try potentially better processes New or improved skill or ability desired Trust in abilities and validity of those providing knowledge Flexibility and agility Curiosity Safe environment Flow State • A sense of highly focused attention • Mental enjoyment of the activity for its own sake • A sense of being outside of time • A match between the challenge at hand and one's skill 21
  • 22. On Knowledge Knowledge and models of reality A model is an abstraction of the reality Facts Symbols Data • Representation • Representation • Structured of reality of facts symbols Knowledge Information • Information put • Data with in practice meaning Knowledge about a fact produces a model of the real event that generates that fact The Principle of Incomplete Knowledge: The model embodied in a system is necessarily incomplete 22
  • 23. On Knowledge Paradigms A paradigm is a a pattern or model; a collection of assumptions, concepts, practices, and values that constitutes a way of viewing reality, especially for an intellectual community that shares them Number of C solved problems B A Paradigm formation Time 23
  • 24. On Knowledge Born of new paradigms (paradigm shift) 24
  • 25. On Knowledge Paradigm shift and paralysis Image shows the way in which a paradigm shift could cause one to see the same information in an entirely different way Perhaps the greatest barrier to a paradigm shift, in some cases, is the reality of paradigm paralysis, the inability to see beyond the current models of thinking Examples on Paradigm Shift and Paralysis in Information Management (alternative link: 25
  • 26. On Knowledge The Principle of Darkness The Principle of Darkness: Even though the knowledge of a part of the reality is incomplete, it can be MANAGED effectively (black box theory) Input KNOWLEDGE Output (black box) Knowledge gives answer to “what”, “who”, “where”, “when”, “how”, and “why” At this third level of comprehension / understanding, knowledge does not have rules to distinguish and generate new knowledge 26
  • 27. On Knowledge What is Knowledge Management? Knowledge Management (KM) is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge and its associated processes of creating, gathering, organising, diffusion, use and exploitation, in pursuit of defined objectives Create Gather Organise KM Processes Diffuse Use Exploit 27
  • 28. On Knowledge What KM is not about KM is not knowledge engineering KM is about processes, not just digital networks KM is not building a smarter intranet KM is not about a one-time investment KM is not about enterprise-wide “infobanks” 28
  • 29. On Knowledge From knowledge to wisdom Knowledge of a fact is when information of that fact is put in practice or used in many situations Wisdom is the ultimate level of understanding This level is achieved when there are enough patterns and meta-patterns that that can be synthesised them and then used them in novel ways 29
  • 30. On Knowledge From facts to wisdom: a final map 30
  • 31. On Knowledge Importance of KM to your organisation 31
  • 32. On Knowledge Lessons learned – Discover what you know 32
  • 33. KM practice: Managing your knowledge Directions • Each practice is 20 minutes long + 10 minutes for group discussion • MindManager software is needed (you can download a 21-days free trial version on • Notice: No previous experience in using MindManager is needed Practice 1 - Understand your knowledge processing styles • Think about how you acquire information and make decisions • Mindmap your preferred ways of gaining knowledge • Mindmap what thinking processes and preferences guide your decision-making Practice 2 - What sort of information manager are you? • Review a recent significant project or decision • Mindmap what information you felt you needed to do your best, how you went about finding it, how you processed it, and how it affected the outcome of your task • What have you now done with this information and how might you use it again? • After reviewing the check list, would you do something different next time you are in a similar situation? 33
  • 34. The Problem of KM in Organisation Organisational isles of information and knowledge Functional Areas Organisational Levels Organisational Isles of Information and Knowledge 34
  • 35. The Problem of KM in Organisation Knowledge transfer velocity and viscosity Tacit knowledge is more viscous than explicit knowledge Knowledge velocity Knowledge viscosity concerns concerns • How quickly the • The richness or knowledge moves thickness of the (knowledge speed) knowledge transferred • Whether the • Its resistance to flow knowledge gets to the appropriate organisational members (knowledge direction) Reduce knowledge viscosity by converting tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge whenever possible (e.g., standard operating procedures, best practices and lessons learned) 35
  • 36. The Problem of KM in Organisation Organisational culture Observable symbols, ceremonies, stories, slogans, behaviours, dress, physical settings Underlying values, assumptions, beliefs, attitudes, feelings 36
  • 37. The Problem of KM in Organisation Organisational growth Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Large Entrepreneurial Collective Formalisation Elaboration Split into small organisations Evolution continuation Growth through Decline Coordination Staff Crisis Organisational Size Growth through Delegation Control Crisis Growth through The Limiting Absorption Direction Autonomy Crisis Principle for Knowledge: In order to absorb more knowledge, an organisation Leadership crisis must change and have evolution Growth through Creativity Small 37
  • 38. The Problem of KM in Organisation Resistance to change ACTIVE PASSIVE 38
  • 39. The Problem of KM in Organisation Where is knowledge into organisations? Intellectual Capital Customer knowledge • Human Capital - • The most vital • In the minds of individuals (knowledge, knowledge in most Knowledge in competencies, experience, know-how, Knowledge organisations products and etc.) assets services • Structural Capital • Measuring and • Smarter • That which is left after employees go managing your solutions, home for the night (processes, intellectual customised to information systems, databases, etc.) capital users' needs • Customer Capital • Customer relationships, brands, trademarks, etc. Knowledge in Knowledge into Knowledge in relationships Organisations people • Deep personal • Nurturing and knowledge that harnessing underpins brainpower, your successful most precious collaboration asset Organisational Knowledge in memory processes • Drawing on • Applying the lessons from the best know-how past or while performing elsewhere in the core tasks organisation 39
  • 40. The Learning Organisations Organisational learning Organisational Learning • It is a process of knowledge acquisition or generation of an organisation, performed through individuals, which can be accomplished by teams • It is based on organisational memory that is expanded, which can improve organisational actions Organisational Learning Types External (from Internal (within an outside to inside organisation) organisations) Learning of implicit Learning of explicit Learning of implicit Learning of explicit knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge Individual work in an Insiders that turn into Individual work in a Prepared material unstructured outsiders structured approach approach Team work in an Outsiders that Team work in a Unprepared material unstructured become insiders structured approach approach 40
  • 41. The Learning Organisations Levels of organisational learning Single-loop Double-loop learning learning This occurs when errors are detected and corrected and This occurs when, in addition to detection and correction of organisations carry on with their present policies and goals errors, the organisation is involved in the questioning and modification of existing norms, procedures, policies, and objectives Deutero-learning This occurs when organisations learn how to carry out single- loop and double- loop learning 41
  • 42. The Learning Organisations Learning organisation The term learning organisation refers to an organisation‟s capability of learning from its past experience (1) Meaning - Determining a vision of the learning organisation To build a learning organisation, it must tackle three critical issues: (3) (2) Measurement Management - Assessing - Determining the rate and how the level of organisation learning is to work 42
  • 43. The Learning Organisations Some components of a learning organisation Systematic Problem Solving (using methodologies) Transferring knowledge quickly Experimentation and efficiently with new through out the approaches organisation Benchmarking / Learning from past Best practices experience 43
  • 44. The Learning Organisations How a learning organisation looks like Organisational Learning system learns as a Organisation whole Tolerance for complexity and uncertainly People in Learning is a organisation continuous, recognise that Leadership process that is ongoing, Climate of involved and openness and integrated with organisation- “curiosity” supporting learning work wide learning is critical Resources committed to Systems quality perspective learning Perceived Processes for performance Organisation maximising gap between measures flow of data, current and progress information, desired and people 44 performance
  • 45. The Learning Organisations The learning organisation: the 5 disciplines Personal Mastery • Clarify personal vision • Focus energy • See reality objectively Mental Models Systems Thinking • Identify assumptions • Seeing wholes • Open to change • Identifying patterns Team Learning Shared Vision • Synergy (2+2=5) • Create shared • Dialog, conversation commitment (not speechmaking) • Identify what we want 45
  • 46. The Learning Organisations 46 Managed learning
  • 47. The Learning Organisations Sorting out the “M”s – Domains & Relationships Knowledge Mgmt Intellectual Capital • Tacit/Implicit Knowledge • Explicit Knowledge Social Capital Information “Resources” Information Mgmt • Communities/Networks (lifecycle mgmt) • Collaboration Mgmt Content • Culture Mgmt Technology Records Mgmt Human Capital Data Mgmt • Organisational Learning Mgmt (repositories) • Succession Planning (infrastructure) • Business Processes Document Mgmt • Versions Application • Workflow Information Services • Library Mgmt • Research • Knowledge repositories (static) Content (dynamic) Taxonomies/Metadata Facilitative IT Tools 47
  • 48. The Learning Organisations Relationship among IT, IM and KM Human Capital Social Capital The Essence of Knowledge Corporate Capital Management Enabler  Data The Essence of  Successes  Relationships  Info Information  Lessons Learned  Mapping Management Enabler Technology Innovation The Essence of  Capability  Connectivity  Software Information  Capacity  Hardware Technology Enabler  Incentives Infrastructure  Education  IPTs  Physical  Training Assets 48
  • 49. The Learning Organisations The essence of KM Tacit INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Explicit HUMAN SOCIAL CORPORATE CAPITAL CAPITAL CAPITAL (Individual) (Team) (Organisation) – Expertise – Networks – Intellectual – Experience – Relationships Property – Capability – Interactions – Processes – Capacity – Language – Databases – Creativity – Patterning – Flexibility – Adaptability ENTERPRISE KNOWLEDGE 49
  • 50. Case – Learning organisations versus places to learn Think about your experience in a university. Then think about that university as a learning organisation (make a distinction between a “place to learn” and a “learning organisation”). Say your point of view about the following topics (consider the learning environment and try to be impartial in your answers): • Climate of openness and “curiosity” • Tolerance for complexity and uncertainly • Leadership involved and supporting learning • Perceived performance gap between current and desired performance • Resources committed to quality learning • Organisation measures progress • Systems perspective • Processes for maximising flow of data, information, and people Do you think that a learning organisation needs a place to learn? Before you give an answer, analyse the following video Telefónica- Creating a Talent Pipeline (alternative link: ) DIRECTIONS Create multidisciplinary Before lecture: Think about Review the case international teams this case (5 minutes) (3 people) Explain your conclusions to Discuss the case in your own Free discussion other teams team (10 minutes) (3 minutes by team) (10 minutes) 50
  • 51. Knowledge Sharing Knowledge sharing - Interplay of four factors People Technology Processes Learning 51
  • 52. Knowledge Sharing Knowledge sharing needs all of these People Places Things Create Where people Structured and knowledge with: can: unstructured Share ideas content: Colleagues Form Create Experts communities Classify Customers Learn Capture Partners and Create answers friends to problems Share 52
  • 53. Knowledge Sharing Why knowledge sharing? Knowledge sharing leverages expertise and organisational know-how to improve . . . Responsiveness Innovation Competency Efficiency . . . helping enterprises do work more effectively and achieve corporate goals 53
  • 54. Knowledge Sharing What knowledge is sharing? • Knowledge that has been articulated Explicit • Organisation • Mission knowledge • Hardware/software • Knowledge that can be articulated but Implicit is not • Analysing tasks involved in a knowledge process Tacit • Knowledge that cannot be articulated • Ability to recognise a person‟s face knowledge 54
  • 55. Knowledge Sharing How is knowledge captured and shared? Individual Collaboration Organisational knowledge networks knowledge-base TACIT TO EXPLICIT 55
  • 56. Knowledge Sharing What happens when the K-line is crossed? Enlightened Enterprise “Enlightened Innovation workplace” where Shared explicit Shared tacit knowledge knowledge knowledge is shared Context K-line Shift Old business Traditional Enterprise “Traditional workplace” Gated explicit Hoarded tacit where knowledge is not knowledge knowledge shared 56
  • 57. Knowledge Sharing Sharing or not sharing? Why do people share? • They take pride in their expertise • They enjoy interacting with peers • They wish to learn • They expect others to reciprocate • They want to contribute to the common good • Their culture encourages sharing • They are loyal to the organisation Why does not people share? • It is not convenient • They do not know what they know • They do not know the value of what they know • They believe knowledge hoarding is job security • They do not get credit for it • They do not have the time 57
  • 58. Knowledge Sharing How to share knowledge? Share your knowledge and encourage your peers to do the same Do not stigmatise Network with your others for not peers knowing Value and reward Seek expert advice the continuous throughout the pursuit of enterprise knowledge 58
  • 59. Knowledge Sharing Lessons learned – Organisational “does / does not” for knowledge sharing Organisation does How organisations implement • Integrate into Knowledge Management • Business strategy • Daily work Intranet 47% • Provide Repository 33% • Consistent and continual championship / Decision-support 33% leadership Groupware 33% • A trusting organisational environment People networks 24% • Time to engage in knowledge sharing Map links to expertise 18% • Appropriate incentives for participation • Institutionalise organisational, lifelong Source: ASTD Research learning Organisation does not • Create compensation systems that do not support knowledge sharing and teamwork • Build a “Grand Database in the Sky” • Allow technology to dictate development • Failure to coordinate and involve entire organisation 59
  • 60. Knowledge Sharing Organisational challenges to KM/KS Culture clashes 60
  • 61. Videocase: Igloo - Global Issues Network 1. What can you say about the following 4 factors? • People • Processes • Learning • Technology 2. How does people create and transform knowledge from tacit to implicit? 3. How is knowledge captured and shared? 4. How and where can people share knowledge? 5. How is content structured? 6. What can you say about responsiveness, innovation, competency and efficiency? 7. Say some examples of how the ideas described should be used into an organisation Igloo - Global Issues Network (alternative link: DIRECTIONS Create multidisciplinary Before lecture: Watch the Review the video international teams video (10 minutes) (3 people) Explain your conclusions to Discuss the video in your own Free discussion other teams team (10 minutes) 61 (3 minutes by team) (10 minutes)
  • 62. Social Networks Knowledge networks and knowledge flows Knowledge networks explain the flow or diffusion of knowledge across a network of individuals Transactive Memory Systems are knowledge repositories that Cognitive knowledge provide individuals networks essentially with access to more answer “who knows knowledge than any who knows what?” one individual could possibly possess alone 62
  • 63. Social Networks Social Network Analysis (SNA) SNA is focused on uncovering the patterns of people's interconnectedness and interactions • The success or failure of organisations and societies may depend on these patterns • Analysis can produce understanding as well as action SN use Content is people to used to find find people content 63
  • 64. Social Networks Why do a SNA? To build better networks, we have to communicate more I already know Everybody should what is going on be connected to in my network everybody else Six Myths about Informal Networks* Central people who have become We can not do bottlenecks much to aid should make informal networks themselves more accessible How people fit in is a matter of personality (which can not be changed) *Rob Cross, Nitin Nohria, and Andrew Parker, MIT Sloan Management Review, Spring 2002 64
  • 65. Social Networks Discussion - SNA applications 65
  • 66. Organisational Culture What is culture? Tradition and history, cultural strength Shared values Jargon Culture Physical environment, Belief systems cultural artifacts, Rituals, Status folkways, symbols mores, norms 66
  • 67. Organisational Culture How employees absorb culture Stories The ability of an organisation to learn, develop memory, Social Rituals and share knowledge is learning dependent on its culture Over time organisations learn what works and what does not work Reward / Symbols punishment Generally when a IT project fails, it is because the technology does not match the organisation‟s culture Heroes Language 67
  • 68. Organisational Culture Cultural typologies Strong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of their alignment to organisational values Weak culture is said to exist where there is little alignment with organisational values and control must be exercised through extensive procedures and bureaucracy Deal & Kennedy - Risk and feedback • Focus on executive decision making Reinmann & Wiener - Values • Focus on values and source of values Schein - Every organisation is unique • Culture is the most difficult organisational attribute to change Sonnenfeld - Academy, club, baseball team, fortress • Focus on attraction of personalities 68
  • 69. Organisational Culture Aspects and steps that determine KM success Understand organisational culture Culture – Process view • Ways to facilitate collaborative Analyse it processes, learning dynamics and problem solving Technology – Object view Get into the network and understand the characters • Focus on databases or other storage devices, mechanisms for sharing knowledge Manage it products such as documents, and terms such as knowledge transfer Change it 69
  • 70. Organisational Culture Any KM programme requires a Change Management approach Attempts to introduce changes that are radically different than the existing culture usually are not successful CURRENT STATE Values Norms Practices Attempts to introduce changes that are generally consistent with the current culture usually are successful 70
  • 71. Videocase: Duracell Xcells (Industrial) 1.How does Duracell define quality? 2.Describe the process used by Duracell to get the concept of quality 3.What can you say about shared values? 4.Is the culture of Duracell a strong or weak? 5.What is the type of culture implicit in Duracell? 6.Why could Duracell change its organisational culture? Duracell Xcells (Industrial) (alternative link DIRECTIONS Create multidisciplinary Before lecture: Watch the Review the video international teams video (10 minutes) (3 people) Explain your conclusions to Discuss the video in your own Free discussion other teams team (10 minutes) 71 (3 minutes by team) (10 minutes)
  • 72. Communities of Practice Communities of Practice (COP) A COP is a group of self-governing people whose practice is aligned with strategic imperatives and are challenged to create shareholder value by generating knowledge and increasing capabilities Define Community Project • Identify community elements • Set context • Outline project Establish Community Components • Identify issues and approaches • Plan project tasks Launch Community Establish Community • Develop sense of community Assess: Progress & Value • Solicit feedback on development 72
  • 73. Communities of Practice Components and benefits of COPs Governance • Community conventions & norms Accelerates the generation of capabilities Membership • Community participants Improves and enhances meta-capabilities Technology • Enabling infrastructure Shapes a “boundary-less” culture for User support greater synergy • Maximising collaborative tools Content Connects people into a network for greater • Community knowledge base speed Learning • Capability to participate in community Promotes innovation through collaboration and problem-solving situated in work Facilitation • Moving the community forward; realising purpose Prevents knowledge loss from the organisation through exchange of cross- Communication plan generational expertise • Establishing credibility, sharing the value proposition 73
  • 74. Storytelling Storytelling Storytelling is the skilled delivery of stories use to present anecdotal evidence, clarify a point, support a point of view and crystallise ideas Storytelling is the connecting device between data and reality Stories can share a "truth" that data can not Storytelling can help bridge the gap between data and knowledge It also could be the result of integrating information Knowledge managers use storytelling as a device and tool for sharing knowledge Communicate quickly Communicate naturally Communicate truthfully Potential Benefits Communicate collaboratively Communicate persuasively Communicate intuitively 74 Communicate movingly
  • 75. Storytelling Six steps in storytelling Definition of objectives; assignment of commentators Plan and interviewees; selection of the events Collecting personal views; searching for „puzzle Interview stones‟ Extract Selection of momentous statements Preparation of the Write experience document Feedback of the Validate citations to the interviewees Propagate 75
  • 76. Videocase: Cisco on Change Management 1. What are the main stages of CISCO Change Road Map? 2. What are the main reasons to implement change? 3. What is the team project? 4. What are the team components? (issues, approaches, plan, and project tasks) 5. How is the team launched? 6. How is it developed a sense of team? 7. How was it assed the progress and value of the team? 8. Is the team a COP? Cisco – Change Management Training Video (alternative link: DIRECTIONS Create multidisciplinary Before lecture: Watch the Review the video international teams video (10 minutes) (3 people) Explain your conclusions to Discuss the video in your own Free discussion other teams team (10 minutes) (3 minutes by team) (10 minutes) 76
  • 77. KM Technology Layers of a KM technology platform 77
  • 78. Technology aspect of KM 78 Data Analysis (Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence) Messaging and Collaboration Enabling Technologies Real Time Collaboration Complete Intranet Content Management Portals and Search Communities, Teams and Experts Pre-Requisites KM Technology
  • 79. KM Technology Messaging and collaboration Tacit Explicit Desktop Knowledge Knowledge • Easy-to-use productivity • Comfortable e-mail systems • Web browser • Simple search functionalities KM Information Services Base • Collaboration services • Web services • Indexing services Share System & Reuse • Central-storage 79