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Ieyasu Accomplishments
William Strohmeyer
HIS 2012
10 November 2016
Shogun: The Life and Accomplishments of Tokugawa Ieyasu Ieyasu's early life was not one that
went smoothly. He was born in a castle in the Okazaki Castle Mikawa to his parents, Matsudaira
Hirotada and Odai–no–kata, or Lady Odai. He lived from 1543 to 1616. Ieyasu was born for
greatness from the beginning. His father was the daimyo, meaning powerful ruler, of Mikawa and
his mother Odai–nokata was the daughter of a nearby samurai lord. Ieyasu's mother and father were
step–siblings and had him at a very young age. They separated shortly after his birth due to his
mother being sent back to her family. After a few years both Lady Odai, and Hirotada remarried and
had children giving Tokugawa eleven half siblings total. Most of Ieyasu's childhood and young adult
years were spent in and around danger due to wars that resulted over his family splitting to pursue
different clans. He was constantly drawn into battle during these disputes. At five years old he was
taken hostage by the leader of the Oda clan who opposed his father. He was then used as a
bargaining chip for the clan so they could squeeze as much out of Ieyasu's father as they could.
Their main request was that he sever all ties with the Imagawa clan or they would kill Ieyasu. ...
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Doing this could have resulted in the assassination of Ieyasu and the annihilation of the Tokugawa.
Tokugawa took the Oda stronghold of Owari and then Hideyoshi responded by throwing his own
army into Owari. This was the only time that any of the great shoguns in Japan fought each other.
The battle was referred to as the Komaki Campaign. The campaign finally ended after everybody
came to a peace agreement. The agreement was that Ieyasu's second son was to become to adopted
son of Hideyoshi. A few of Ieyasu's supporters followed his son's relocation to the Hideyoshi clan as
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K Ang Hsi: The Sacred Tasks: Summary
All of the readings and the video reveal factors of legitimization during the Pacific Rim empires. In
the three readings, they overlap each other with similar ideas. In the video "The Way of Sumurai
(Documentary)" these readings are taken into physical context. It discusses what rulers were like
and what rules they had in place. In the first reading "K'ang Hsi: The Sacred Edits", it legitimizes
the idea that no matter if you were poor or rich you were excepted to follow these rules. The ruler
who was described in the passage was seen as a "benevolent father". After reading this passage it
reminded me of the 10 Commandments. However, these rules were seen as "the darker side" of
China. "Exclusion of the Portuguese" could be seen as the darker ... Show more content on ...
In "Closed Country Edict of 1635" it was similar to the exclusion, that rewards were to be given and
you must listen. During this dynasty, it was authoritarian leadership but also very cultural.
Authoritarian because in "The Way of Sumari (Discovery)", people were given two choices, either
do what you are told or you will be beheaded. They also had to follow the same religion, they saw
the Christians are "barbaric". This shook the Japanese, hence the making of most of the rules in
"Closed Country..". In that passage as well the rules are demanding, no Japanese were allowed
abroad and no foreign ships were allowed to dock at this time. The Japanese people had to be
obedient but this was also cultural. In"The Way of the Sumari", they say this regime was so strong.
They also describe Japanese Cultural as a "flowering cultural". Many people also say they were very
developed for their time with cultural aspects and values, such as education and etc. (Ex: Make the
most of schools and academies in order to honor the ways of scholars.) These factors were all
similar and contributed to the legitimization of the Pacific Rim empires along with being
authoritarian and
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Hideki Tojo's Attack On Pearl Harbor
Throughout most of World Word II, Hideki Tojo was an Imperial Japanese Army general and Prime
Minister of Japan. Hideki Tojo is most known for his attack on Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941.
He was born on December 30th, 1884, in Tokyo Japan. Tojo was enrolled in the Japanese Army
Cadet School at the age of 15. In 1905 at the age of 21 he was commissioned second lieutenant in
the Japanese Imperial Army. He was very popular throughout the early times of WWII, but that
quickly turned after the battle of Midway. Before the fame Tojo, was ranked 10 out of 363 cadets at
the Japanese Military Academy. Hideki Tojo was the eldest son in a family of samurai descent. Tojo
was enrolled in military school in 1899. Tojo was following the steps of a father, ... Show more
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Hideki Tojo while being prime minister of war, made it known that Japan should move Far East and
conquer territory that was owned by European nations. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Tojo
received a great amount of fame. He went back to college and taught, and was serving in the
military as an infantry officer. In the 1920s he was a part of a group in Japan that wanted to
represent more conservative ideas rather than the rigorous ideas that were also being expressed. The
group Hideki, was a part of believed in military teachings and continued to add newborn ideas.
Hideki continued to progress in the military ranks, by 1935 he became a general in command of the
kempeitai and the Kantnugun. By 1937 he was being promoted to bigger roles such as chief of staff
of those armies. Then in 1938 he was appointed Vice minister of Warin, Japan. Continuing his
journey throughout Japan, he was also the Commander in Chief of the Japanese secret services. Tojo
has also led Japan in a lot of secret societies. In what is known as the 2–26 Incident Tojo and
General Honjo acted against the rebels of Japan. Because of his and General Honjo's act, this caused
the rebels to surrender and had their officers crucified. Tojo afterwards was chosen to be the
commander of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. In 1934 he was chief of the 24th infantry
brigade, moreover the commanding general of the military police in Kanto Gun, lieutenant General
in 1936, in addition to chief of staff, of the Kanotogun. Hideki Tojo was a very important and
popular man during his time in
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Sengoku Unifiers
The Sengoku period from 1463 to 1567 was a time of social upheaval, political chicanery, and
constant military conflict. Though feudal lords swore loyalty to the Emperor, he was largely a
figurehead who held little political power of his own. More influential was the military Shogun,
however the years leading up to the Sengoku period saw a breakdown of central authority and the
rise of powerful, largely independent local lords called daimyo. These daimyo were in frequent
conflict amongst each other, fighting for control of different regions in Japan. Conquering weaker
daimyo, Japan's "three unifiers" would slowly pave the path towards Japanese unification. It began
with Oda Nobunaga and was followed by his general Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who continued ... Show
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Following the death of Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi secured alliances and further unified Japan by
both diplomatic and military means. His policies would leave a lasting impact that would
transformed Japan.. In 1588, Hideyoshi ordered that all weapons be taken away from farmers,
further disarming peasants. This reduced Japan's fighting population to the seven percent that made
up the samurai class. Rival daimyo could no longer use farmers to serve in their armies. The sword
became a sort of status symbol, signaling that an individual was of the privileged samurai class.
Furthering this separation of class, Hideyoshi froze the social order with the Three–Clause Edict of
1590. Hideyoshi decreed that these classes were fixed and that mobility between classes was
prohibited, effectively separating military and agriculture. Farmers would be left to tend their fields
while only the samurai fought. Even more profound was Hideyoshi's national cadastral survey.
Japan's agricultural land was measured in terms of production. Each village was given an annual tax
based on the assessment of the cadastral survey. Government officials could now expect their
revenue and planned accordingly. Since the tax was a fixed amount, farmers often looked for ways
to improve crop yield as they could make extra income on any
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How Did Kumazawa Become The Model Samurai?
Kumazawa Banzan was the famous political philosopher from whom the source, "The Model
Samurai", was written. Kumazawa Banzan was actually a low ranking samurai with the status of
ronin, meaning that he had no allegiance to a specific feudal lord nor any support from one. After
five years of service employed by the Lord of Okayama, Kumazawa pursued an intensive program
of training in the military arts to achieve his goal of becoming the model samurai. The source, The
Model Samurai, explains why he wanted to become that samuai. Kumazawa had noticed when he
was young a lack of agility in heavier set people and thought a heavy man would not be able to
become a first class samurai. In order to maintain his physical stability, actions such as sleeping with
a girdle on, not eating rice, not drinking wine, and abstaining from sexual intercourse ... Show more
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This tells me that along with all the drastic training, he also did research and read about how to
become more fit and also that he wrote about becoming a samurai. It also shows me that these
samurai weren't just a bunch of brutes training to become strong and gain agility. They were
intelligent people who not only wanted to be physically ready, but mentally and intellectually as
well. All of this in consideration shows me that not many would be able to make it as a samurai.
This source is written in first person, where Kumazawa talks about his preparation to become a fit
samurai. One strength that this source provided was the fact that it was written about a samurai, by
that samurai. This makes it easier to believe that all of this wasn't fictional because Kumazawa is
writing about what he did, not what someone else did. A weakness about this source is definitely the
lack of incorporation of others in the text. He has so much to talk about his experiences in isolation,
but what about any interactions with other people throughout his
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How The Rise Of Oda Nobunaga And The Consequences Of Japan?
"Sheer effort enables those with nothing to surpass those with privilege and position."
― Toyotomi Hideyoshi
From 1467 to 1567 Japan experienced a state of decay as the political climate reached a peak of
unrest and civil war. Japan's Sengoku(Warring States) Period was a time of explosive tension and
disorder as feudal lords raised their banners to symbolize a conflicting universal campaign, to
become emperor. Oda Nobunaga, the son of the legendary samurai and minor lord Oda Nobuhide,
and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, son of a nameless peasant soldier, they lived almost completely parallel
lives. However, almost by fate these two would eventually come to meet on equal grounds as
powerful political figures that commanded unwavering respect by all who met them. Although they
were titans of different nature, Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi built the frame of today's
modern Japan through sacrifice and perseverance during their hellish civil war.
Oda Nobunaga was born into a respected small ruling family lead by the heroic samurai Oda
Nobuhide. Nobunaga was an oddity among his clan, he was brash and considerably disrespectful.
Because Oda acted so disgracefully at his father's funeral, his retainer committed kanshi (Suicide in
remonstrate), an act that traumatized Nobunaga and made him reconsider his abhorrent behavior.
Furthermore, Oda would have a difficult time inheriting the massive responsibility left to him by his
late father as many would doubt the ability of Nobunaga to lead
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Essay about Greek and Japanese Architecture
Greek and Japanese Architecture
For a great many years, architecture has been a breaking point for different artisticeras in history.
Some of the most famous "works of art" have been chapels, temples, and tombs. Among the most
dominant and influential eras of great architecture are the sophisticated, stoic Greeco–Roman
periods and the more mystical, elemental Japanese eras. These two very distinct and very different
eras have more in common than you may realize.
When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power.
Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible
blossoming of Athenian imperial power, impaired by the damages of the ... Show more content on ...
Currently, Japan's modern architecture is having a striking influence on global architecture.
Japanese architecture is an inherent part of Japanese culture, and even Tokyo's most modern "high–
tech" buildings draw their inspiration from old Japanese design.
Japan's ancient castles and palaces, timber houses, tatami–mat tea rooms and Zen gardens,
Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples, as well as the latest shopping centers, sports facilities,
residential complexes, office towers, department stores, and high–tech structures are some excellent
examples of Japanese Architecture (
Japan is described as a country of wood, and the reverence of natural materials. The depths of the
love and admiration that the Japanese people have for wood are famous, which is similar to the
Greek love of pristine marble and its smooth surfaces. This can be seen in an old Japanese
expression "plants and trees all have something to say", Japanese believe that trees have a soul and
say they can sense spirits, or "kami", within them. It is trees that form the core which nurtures the
sensibilities about nature held by the Japanese people. It is thus natural for architecture in Japan to
be based on wood. Many structures are made of wood, ranging from shrines and temples to palaces
and homes, and in doing so grand structures have been created (Stokstad).
Castles and palaces dating
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The Warring States Period: Similarities Between Japan And...
2. The Warring States period's development Under the Shogunate system, the Shogun was the actual
ruler. The warrior and the rulers formed a master–slave relationship, which was similar to the feudal
vassal in Western Europe. In comparison, the Japanese samurai's status is lower than Western
Europe's vassals. And this kind of political structure was quite different from China. In 1467, there
was civil war in Japan because of the issue of general heir. Japan had entered the Warring States
period. In the Warring States period, the central control of the country dissolved. Local ruler,
Daimyo became the completely independent rulers. Japan had rapid economic development during
this period. In this period, Japanese society behaved very much like ... Show more content on ...
In economic policy, the shogunate forbids the trade of land, forced farmers to grow rice. In this
system, with the development of commodity economy, warriors quickly fall into poverty because
they could only get little salary, which issued by the government. Due to their economic difficulties,
many warriors had been engaged in commercial business or marriage with businessmen. There was
also a part of the warriors devoted themselves to study, and diverted to teachers and doctors. Some
of them learned Western culture. At the same time, the commercial development in Japan grew
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Kokora Research Paper
The Art of Celerity
"In the Hands of Destiny" is not a traditional koan, but more of an inspirational story. When
engaging in any endeavor it is always better to rely on planning than on luck. However, luck often
gets credit for inspiration. In ancient Japan the term kokoro meant the refusal to back down from a
threat. This did not mean being foolish or cavalier, but meant that the core of an individual's being
must be entirely involved for any activity to be successful. Kokoro was the driving force for
commitment to a cause or outcome. The main overriding principle of kokoro is the universal
concept of mushin. Of course like many things, the Japanese ideal of mushin is derived from
swordsmanship. The mind, no–mind philosophy of mushin ... Show more content on ...
Realistically, any situation where you almost died would be a pivotal moment. Intense moments
where focus is heightened are often the most are memorable ones. Envisioning that each moment is
crucial is an interesting approach to modern awareness. Unlike dueling, in business there are plenty
of chances to fail quickly and recover. Yet often there is hesitation to do so. Like all samurai in his
era Yamamoto Tsunetomo was an administrator and also a warrior. Yet after a political situation the
leader he diligently served was killed. Being barred from committing ritual suicide as tradition
dictated, he retired, changed his name and "was hidden under leaves." His treatise, Hagakure
(hidden under leaves) primarily contains anecdotes about real samurai. His pivotal text was written
in an era of great change, but was not widely known. Yet due to his notoriety he was sought out.
Allegedly, any one allowed to learn from his text was to burn it after it was read. Ancient samurai
were the most highly educated individuals in their society, but also trained to be lethal when called
upon. I think Tsunetomo explained the common ideal of being committed to a specific cause better
than anyone I have ever read
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Hideyoshi Contribution
Hideyoshi was an influential Japanese influential feudal ruler, daimyo, throughout the 16th century.
Hideyoshi was known to be a daimyō, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Sengoku
period, and was especially known to have started a new age of in Japanese culture. Hideyoshi was a
highlight of the Japanese feudal era which made choosing an influential person a worthwhile task. I
have personal history with the level of influence his prestige has over history. His name was once
referenced in a conversation between my second generation Japanese American friend. I was
interested in what she told me about the history of her family back in Japan. I will be using this
paper as a conduit to help start my understanding a small portion of Japan history through
researching the famous Hideyoshi and his celebrated achievements
Hideyoshi was believed to born in 1536 in a time of competing daimyo, Japanese samurai lords,
challenging for local and national leadership. Hideyoshi's early life was a natural rags to riches
story. Starting from humble beginnings, Hideyoshi was born into a life of peasantry under the
supervision of his father, Yaemon. His early life is obscure and few stories were told about his
childhood that reflect his future legacy. A story goes that Hideyoshi's mother saw rays of sunlight fill
the room during the this great leader's birth. Another story says that as a child he was able to get the
village children together and perform strategic mock
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How Did Oda Nobunaga Helped To Unify Japan?
Oda Nobunaga helped to unified Japan during his era .Oda Nobunaga started is invasion in 1555 and
once he started to gain success he and his men aimed to unify Japan once and for all(Unknown,
n.d.). "Bring all of Japan "under a single sword""(Unknown, n.d.).Nobunaga first step to conquering
Japan was to defeat Imagawa Yoshimoto forces which he succeed, surprising Japan as the Imagawa
Yoshimoto force had great strength Nobunaga succeed in unifying Japan by firstly making sure he
secured his"flanks from attack" (Unknown, n.d.) and then he proceed to form a collaboration or
treaty with Matsudaira Motoyasu in 1562.Nobunaga then later secured a farm land which is fertile in
Japan with an important trading city called Nagoya. Once again he moved onto the next city which
was Mikawa where he made an treaty a capable feudal lord names Tokugawa Leyasu. ... Show more
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Nobunaga allied with Ahikaga Yoshiaki whose brother was a shogun and was assassinated and
Yoshaga wanted to take over his place. Nobunaga and Yoshiaki moved to Kyoto the capital at that
time .this is where Nounaga made Yoshiaki the shogun. In 1573 Nobunaga got into argument with
Yoshiaki and deposed him which led to the end of Askiaga shogunate period. This is where
Nobunaga used his advance military technology which included the arquebus and muskets. This
technique then became a "great advantage" (Unknown, n.d.) to Oda Nobunaga.To keep his claim on
the land Nubangunaga built a castle, which was the headquarters for his army. Oda Nobunaga
managed to unify more than half of Japan before he wounded himself during a battle and then later
committed suicide due to
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Dr. Zen And Hosokawa
the position seeing as Yoshimasa had no heir to take his place and as said before had no intention to
keep the position. Not long after speaking with his brother about this, Yoshimasa 's wife had a boy
and gathered followers to support her son 's succession to the role of the shogun. Including one of
the two families that were the most powerful in the country at that time, aside from the Ashikaga.
These two being the Hatakeyama and the Yamana clans they rival the other took the side of the
brother to become shogunate. In the year of 1467, a fight broke out between Yamana S. zen and
Hosokawa Katsumata the twos brawl grew and the fight between the two rivals nearly destroyed
Kyoto and splintered the country this is what led to the Onin war. The battle as small in comparison
as it is illustrates the points spoken of before near perfectly. The heads of the families fought for
power like the Hatakeyama and Shiba clans claiming their right to the shogunate while dispelling
the others. Further correlation happens within the Yamana and Hatakeyama in Kyoto fighting for
what they believed whether that be honoring an agreement or tradition. Neither inherently bad, One
war is one of many within the time frame but relatively short compared to the war that was the
period this only lasted 10 years when the period itself was a war lasting until 1568. A war that lasted
more than a hundred years. The destruction of Kyoto was merely the spark that kindled the flames
of war. What came
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What Were The Causes Of The Uesugi War
as capable as his father and hot–headedly attacked Tokugawa again but failed in a later siege making
them near powerless. The Uesugi were going to use this to their advantage and take down the
alliance of the Toyotomi, Oda, and Tokugawa their leader being referred to as the avatar of the
Chinese god of war, even wiping out Nobunaga force using a floodgate in an early confrontation.
This was going to be a problem for the three. Yet one night while creating a plan to annihilate their
forces the head of the Uesugi clan fell ill and died without an heir to take his place. In the wake of
that trio fought off the monk that had so hindered their movements and the remaining Takeda forces.
It seemed as though all their foes were falling left and right, they had made it peace was within ...
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Marching help Hideyoshi's siege of a castle Nobunaga told his general to march his general to
march their troops to the battleground and that he would meet them there. After marching the
general turned on his daimyo and killed his men. Oda Nobunaga lit the room he was in to keep out
the soldiers, wrote his death poem and committed seppuku, ending his journey to claim the empire.
The traitorous general held the capital and–and became shogunate, Toyotomi Hideyoshi made a deal
with the castle he was sieging and rushed his forces to Kyoto and defeated
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Comparison Of Hashirama Senju And Uchiha
Before the time of Naruto, Two men known as Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were going to
change the world... For the better or the worst. Hashirama was a very humble and kind person and
Madara was a cold and ruthless. They both had the same dream; create a sanctuary of peace for their
children instead of living in war. Their clans; Senju and Uchiha were in a constant war between each
other struggling for power and territory. They both trained in the arts of being ninjas and they were
seen as the strongest in the world. They both created harmony within their clans as they were seen as
the leaders and created an alliance. During their time of peace they created a village known as the
"Village Hidden In The Leaves", This was a place of peace ... Show more content on ...
Madara who had become corrupt because of power thought he was superior compared to the likes of
Hashirama. He was wrong. Hashirama had subdued Madara with he wood style jutsus', His best
friend, brother, had become corrupt and wouldn't be swayed by words. Hashirama used everything
from words to actions, Madara had gone as far as to capture a Tailed Beast; A being that is made of
entirely of charka, an immortal creature and Madara had captured the most powerful one; The Nine
Tailed Demon Fox which was an entity of pure hatred. Hashirama used his great abilities to subdue
the fierce beast with his soothing chakra that restricted demons, Hashirama's wife Mito Uzumaki
was a sealing master, sealed the Nine Tailed Beast into herself evidently making her a
Jinchūriki(Human Sacrifice). Due to Mito showing up Hashirama was able to slay Madara in battle
or so he
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Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Life In Medieval Japan
In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa
Ieyasu, successfully created a unified Japanese state by bringing to an end the civil wars. The most
ingenious man of those three 'unifiers' was Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Although primarily this
examination will focus on Hideyoshi as a "conquering hero", the efforts and influence that the other
unifiers had on Hideyoshi's life and society in the latter half of sixteenth century Japan will not go
entirely unnoticed. I examine the important events and changes that occurred in medieval Japan at a
time when Nobunaga and Hideyoshi successively were establishing the early modern Japanese state.
In examining how Hideyoshi became "heroised", I attempt to show ... Show more content on ...
Under the dictator Toyotomi Hideyoshi, samurai power reached its most ostentatious development.
Balancing progress in civility by continued practice of the military arts, the samurai engaged heavily
in national and local administration– simply because they were understood by the rest of Japanese
society as those who had the power to resolve conflicts and keep the peace. Himself a samurai, and
successful military leader and administrator, Hideyoshi also brought his power onto the social
prestige of the high nobility, eventually legitimating himself through the title of kampaku, or
imperial regent. Just over four hundred years earlier, at the height of samurai power, amidst the
chaos and uncertainty of civil war, the populace of medieval Japan lived under the samurai regime.
For more than seven centuries Japan was dominated by this military caste, and today it still greatly
influences social moral and spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to some degree to study and understand
the actions of the samurai, as it is from this position that Hideyoshi ultimately succeeded in winning
the tenka (the realm) and thereby serving as its ruling
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Ieyasu-Sama Research Paper
In the two weeks leading up to the Honda clan's hospitality of the retinues of both Oda Nobunaga
and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the infamous Tiger of Sawara saw little sleep. Although a war council was
expected amongst those attending, it would reflect poorly upon the Honda clan if they didn't receive
the great lords with all the pomp and ceremony that was expected. Thus the duties of resource
management and event planning were added on the already daunting task of security management.
Rice was collected from the domain, as was pickled vegetables, miso, fish and salt. Chefs well
practiced in their arts were retained to prepare the feasts meant to satisfy their guests' pallets.
Toranosuke had even gone through great lengths to procure goods from Nagasaki: meats preserved
in salt imported from Ryukyu and even red western sake that Nobunaga–sama was reputed to have
developed a taste for. Arrangements were as well made to have entertainers of many arts brought to
Honda castle. Geishas, ... Show more content on ...
Please permit me the honor of escorting you and your retinue to your accommodations" he recited
when the time came. The warlord returned the courtesy with a nod as from his seat upon his horse as
another samurai lead a detachment of spearmen through the gates. Toranoske didn't know who the
man was, but his movements were cautious and his body language lacked ostentation. He stood at a
minimum of ten feet from him at all times, bearing himself in profile and facing him with his
weapon side. The way he appraised Toranosuke and the way his hand rested near the tsuba of his
sword showed the situational awareness of one experienced in combat. His accent marked him as a
man from Satsuma as he gave out orders, shoulders often rolling as if unaccustomed to the lightness
of silken garb alone. Whoever he was he was deadly and as a man of possibly forty years he lived
quite long in a career where most die young and
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Essay about Greek and Japanese Architecture
Greek and Japanese Architecture
For a great many years, architecture has been a breaking point for different artisticeras in history.
Some of the most famous "works of art" have been chapels, temples, and tombs. Among the most
dominant and influential eras of great architecture are the sophisticated, stoic Greeco–Roman
periods and the more mystical, elemental Japanese eras. These two very distinct and very different
eras have more in common than you may realize.
When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power.
Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible
blossoming of Athenian imperial power, impaired by the damages of the ... Show more content on ...
Currently, Japan's modern architecture is having a striking influence on global architecture.
Japanese architecture is an inherent part of Japanese culture, and even Tokyo's most modern "high–
tech" buildings draw their inspiration from old Japanese design.
Japan's ancient castles and palaces, timber houses, tatami–mat tea rooms and Zen gardens,
Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples, as well as the latest shopping centers, sports facilities,
residential complexes, office towers, department stores, and high–tech structures are some excellent
examples of Japanese Architecture (
Japan is described as a country of wood, and the reverence of natural materials. The depths of the
love and admiration that the Japanese people have for wood are famous, which is similar to the
Greek love of pristine marble and its smooth surfaces. This can be seen in an old Japanese
expression "plants and trees all have something to say", Japanese believe that trees have a soul and
say they can sense spirits, or "kami", within them. It is trees that form the core which nurtures the
sensibilities about nature held by the Japanese people. It is thus natural for architecture in Japan to
be based on wood. Many structures are made of wood, ranging from shrines and temples to palaces
and homes, and in doing so grand structures have been created (Stokstad).
Castles and palaces dating
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Pre Modern East Asia Essay
Scholars such as John K. Fairback and David Kang have argued that the theory of the tribute system
can explain most of pre–modern East Asian history. However, there was an interesting period of
pre–modern East Asian history that cannot be fully explained by the tribute system. This was the
Imjin War of 1592–1598, also known as the greatest international conflict in pre–modern East Asia.
If pre–modern East Asian countries were tributaries under the hegemon that is China, they would
not rebel against their hegemon. As Japan rebelled by attempting to conquer China through Korea,
the tribute system cannot explain the Imjin War.
This essay will use an alternate theory, a theory of self–interest, to discuss the international relations
of Japan, Korea, and China during the Imjin War (1592–1598). During the Imjin War, each nation
acted out of its own self–interest rather than as a result of diplomatic hierarchy. In this alternate
theory, the self–interest of each nation stems from the hierarchy within the nations themselves.
Because there was no democracy in East Asia in the late sixteenth century, each nation had a ruler
who had consolidated central power. Also, because Confucian nations greatly valued prestige,
protecting and ... Show more content on ...
Chinese military leaders protected the self–interest of Ming China by using Korean soldiers as
buffers in battle. If Ming China waged battle with Japan on their own, they would have suffered
many more casualties. However, by using the Korean soldiers already stationed in Korea and
already fighting in the war, China was able to reduce the loss of Chinese life (Hur (2015), p.244).
The actions taken by Ming China and Chinese leadership during the Imjin War can also be
explained by the self–interest theory, as they were looking to preserve the lives of their own people
without regard for the lives of their foreign tributary
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Tokugawa Period Essay
The Tokugawa Period is often said to be the longest period of peace in Japanese history; as it was a
period characterized by economic reform, the celebration of art and culture, and the installation of
new social order. Ieyasu Tokugawa, with the aid of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda Nobunaga, first
established the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1603 as a means of reforming Japanese society and
government. During this period, significant policies were enforced in order to ensure that power
remained in the hands of the Shogunate, and also to negate the possibility of conflict between
different domains. With Ieyasu beginning his rule, Japan was ending its Sengoku period; otherwise
known as the Warring States period, Japanese society was finally leaving an era marked by social
upheaval, suffering political stability, and domanial conflict. In ... Show more content on ...
By removing foreign conflict or the possibility of such, Ieyasu was able to prioritize and address
domestic issues. In an effort to stabilize the economy, the Shogunate placed great focus on
agricultural production. The Shogunate created a taxation system in which villages would be taxed
based on their overall yearly or five–year rice yield. As a result of taxes being dependent on yield,
farmers and daimyos worked towards expanding farmland. Efforts were then focused on creating
larger areas in which rice could grow, ultimately allowing for a drastic increase in the production of
rice. Japanese agricultural society underwent a larger project in which marshlands were cultivated
for the purpose of growing rice. Aside from farmers increasing their personal wealth, they were also
able to obtain knowledge concerning crop patterns and maximum yield. Japan not only saw an
increase in rice production, but at the forefront of agricultural growth was economic stability and a
steady flow of income for the
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Toyotomi Hideyoshi Research Paper
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a daimyo under Emperor Ōgimachi had unified all of Japan in a period of
peace. However, he was hungry for more territory. Therefore, he devised a plan to conquer the Ming
Dynasty of China. He had thousands of troops trained and gathered weapons and supplies. Toyotomi
Hideyoshi sent his ambassadors to request the Joseon court, a Korean dynasty, to allow his troops to
move through the Korean Peninsula to China. After the Joseon court denied his request twice, King
Seonjo, the leader of the Joseon court, became concerned about Hideyoshi's plans so he sent out
ambassadors to get more information. Each ambassador came back with different reports so King
Seonjo decided to believe the ambassador that claimed Japan would not attack. This caused King
Seonjo to make no military preparations. General Hideyoshi launched two unsuccessful attacks on
Korea. One in 1592 and the other in 1596. The goal of the attacks was to conquer the Korean
Peninsula and then go on to conquer China. Hideyoshi expected to overthrow Korea and move on
quickly, however the invasions did not go as planned. ... Show more content on ...
General Toyotomi Hideyoshi organized an army of 225,000 men, mostly samurai, and had Japanese
workers build a huge naval base on western Kyushu, just across the Tsushima Strait from Korea.
This naval base would carry this army across the strait to attack Korea at Busan, their southeast
corner. Busan was captured in just a few hours because of Korea's failure to prepare. The few
surviving Korean soldiers sent messengers up to King Seonjo in Seoul, and tried to regroup.
Hideyoshi and his army, armed with muskets, against Korea's army who had bows and swords,
quickly conquered Seoul and moved on
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Economic and Political Strategies of China versus Japan...
China and Japan
From 1500 to 1800, China and Japan tried to politically and economically established their countries
in very different ways. Japan fought war after war for a century before they changed their ways.
China on the other hand slowly established a government and used education as a tool to be
politically and economically strong. Japan would later do the same.
China was one of the most politically and economically strong countries during 1500 – 1800. The
state was identified as family. It brought unity and integration. The political system was an expanded
role of Confucianism. From 1500 – 1800, China was the most highly commercialized non–industrial
society in the world. China had what is known as the perfected late ... Show more content on ...
Manchu appointed two people, one Manchu, and one Chinese, to each key post in the central
government. It was called Dyarchy. In 1683, Emperor K'ang Hsi took over Taiwan.
The Ming Ch'ing was known as the perfected late imperial system. They had a stronger emperor,
better government finances and used Confucianism as an ideology. They had more academies to
prepare people for the civil service exams, more bookstores, publishing flourished, and literacy
outpaced population. Some of Chinas major markets were grain, salt, timber, iron, and cotton. Silk
was a major market that was spread all over the world.
China used education and political growth to establish themselves. They grew slowly and were on of
the strongest countries of their time. They were the strongest countries in international trade. They
would stop growing in the late 19th century due to lack of technology at that time.
Japan had two different eras's from 1500 to 1800. The Warring State's era was an all out war inside
Japan from 1467 to 1600. The other was the Tokugawa era from 1600 to 1868. The wars came to an
end and Japan established Government control and unity under Tokugawa Ieyasu's command.
The Warring States era started in 1467 when a dispute over the next Ashika Shogun arrised. It led to
war between two lords who supported Bakufu. Other lords took the opportunity
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Unifying Japan Essay
The fall of the Japanese Shogun proceeded the end of the Warring States era and it begin the whole
new process of uniting Japan. During the process of unifying Japan, there were three main rulers
that each took a different access to not only Japan, but by reaching relations with the Westerners.
The three main rulers that were involved in this unifying was: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi,
and Tokygawa Ieyasu. Before the Isolationism period, the Japanese had already welcomed the
Westerners. The first people were from Portuguese in the 1543. Yet, the Shogunate and Daimayo
would keep a very close contact and business very controlled in Japan. Oda Nobunaga was the first
to approached unification with violence and aggression, but welcomed the Westerners into Japan.
One of Oda ... Show more content on ...
He maintain a very strict and firm rule over the people. Tokygawa agreed with the previous ruler,
Toyotomi, that the Westerners were just a distraction and took the access of banning missionaries
one step further by out casting Christianity. The missionaries and priest would be either executed or
deported from Japan. Finally Japan closed the doors to the outside world and forbid Japanese from
leaving the country. They also prohibited Japanese that left the country and westerners from
returning to Japan. By closing the doors to the world Japan isolated itself and began to find a
different way to unify their own country without any of the Westerners influences.
The Daimayos had a generosity by having contact with the west to enhance Japan's trade. The
Japanese would buy silver and copper from the Dutch and sold silk to them. They were also able to
import much of the porcelain to Britain. The relationship that existed between the Japanese and the
Westerners would be more of a business related instead of religion related. They were peaceful
before the decree that led to the isolation of
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The Prohibition Of The Second Amendment
Gun control is one of the most debated about topic today in America; between news outlet, the
public, and politicians. As some politicians look to resolve the gun control issues, with banning
them, imposing more restriction to sellers, buyers and owner; some people and politicians consider
the second amendment to be relic and should be removed from the constitution. History has shown
us time and time again even through all the violence and chaos in the world and America, that there
is a reason for the creation of the second amendment. From history of America independence in
1776 to the ratification of the bill of right in 1791 the 2nd amendment still remains relevant form it
creation, to modern times, and the protection of America's future; for the freedom of its inhabitants
and citizens. The once influential 20th century thinker George Santayana once said, "Those who
cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". Looking back into ancient history, the history
of second amendment, recent and current history we can find clues that will support the relevance of
the 2nd amendment. We will also define the second amendment and try to find solutions to our
current problems from what our forefathers had say. The United States of America, only 240 years
old; still one of the youngest nations to come to power, still has a thing or two to learn from ancient
history. Rome, an empire for more than 500yrs, had similar belief some American politicians of
disarming the people. The
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Kokora Research Paper
The Art of Celerity
"In the Hands of Destiny" is not a traditional koan, but more of an inspirational story. When
engaging in any endeavor it is always better to rely on planning than on luck. However, luck often
gets credit for inspiration. In ancient Japan the term kokoro meant the refusal to back down from a
threat. This did not mean being foolish or cavalier, but meant that the core of an individual's being
must be entirely involved for any activity to be successful. Kokoro was the driving force for
commitment to a cause or outcome. The main overriding principle of kokoro is the universal
concept of mushin. Of course like many things, the Japanese ideal of mushin is derived from
swordsmanship. The mind, no–mind philosophy of mushin ... Show more content on ...
Realistically, any situation where you almost died would be a pivotal moment. Intense moments
where focus is heightened are often the most are memorable ones. Envisioning that each moment is
crucial is an interesting approach to modern awareness. Unlike dueling, in business there are plenty
of chances to fail quickly and recover. Yet often there is hesitation to do so. Like all samurai in his
era Yamamoto Tsunetomo was an administrator and also a warrior. Yet after a political situation the
leader he diligently served was killed. Being barred from committing ritual suicide as tradition
dictated, he retired, changed his name and "was hidden under leaves." His treatise, Hagakure
(hidden under leaves) primarily contains anecdotes about real samurai. His pivotal text was written
in an era of great change, but was not widely known. Yet due to his notoriety he was sought out.
Allegedly, any one allowed to learn from his text was to burn it after it was read. Ancient samurai
were the most highly educated individuals in their society, but also trained to be lethal when called
upon. I think Tsunetomo explained the common ideal of being committed to a specific cause better
than anyone I have ever read
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The Tale Of Genji Lady Murasaki Shikibu
My knowledge of the history of Asia mostly comprises of Japanese history and its culture. My
knowledge is mostly from modern Japan, a little from the Heian Period, the Edo Period and also the
Azuchi–Momoyama Period. I found out some of the information from past research papers I wrote
for my history classes in high school, friends, family members, and anime. Japan's culture
developed in a rapid pace compared some other parts of the world in the Heian era. An example
would be The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki Shikibu. Her novel gained popularity during this
period. Jumping through time from there, in the Azuchi–Momoyama period, a great Japanese
daimyo by the name of Oda Nobunaga wanted to unite Japan under one sword. One of the cool
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Descriptive Speech About Osaka Castle
Are you a traveller and love world history? Have you ever imagining yourself, to be a part of an old
century when you tried to visit the place in your generation? Have you dream to discover a known
place that was part to the oldest countrymen who manage millions of people during their time? Have
you wishing to be called Princess or Prince once in your lifetime for this Exclusive journey?
Because if you do... This probably suit to your taste! Because, Osaka Castle will make your dream
come true! OMG! As in Oh My Good news!
When you heard the word Osaka Castle? What really comes in to your mind? And how does it really
excite you? Are you not being proud to be able to experience the unforgettable moment you are
going to have rooming ... Show more content on ...
A place where you can rent a costumes to take picture's with. And a place where you are able to find
out the Legend and mystery of this castle. And aside from that, they also have a theater to enjoy
with, that is featuring 5 programs about the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi a man who who has a
biggest contribution to the history.
The Second part of this castle shows the display panels, views about the facts and figures of the
Osaka Castle. The offices, replica's and you will have a chance to glance the Osaka castle history.
The third floor and fourth floor, are the private counter part of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Suddenly, no
camera's allowed. The fifth floor, are scenes during the summer war of Osaka. And last but not the
least is the Stereoscope area where you can probably view the Famous naniwa, the three
dimensional landscape of Old Osaka Castle.
Aren't this convincing enough? For you to have a good traveled experience? What are you still
waiting for? Don't be late to pursue your happy bonding moments at Osaka Castle. Your happiness
is rely in
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The Middle Period And The Fall Of The Medieval Period
The Medieval Period lasted from 400–1500 AD and began with the fall of the Western Roman
Empire. The fall and the beginning of this era had massive changes to the social and economic
systems of that time. These changes began to occur because of the start of feudalism in both Europe
and Asia during this time in hope to protect themselves from barbarians. At that time, the feudal
system was the law of the land, and the way that the upper class maintained control over the lower
class. To maintain this order the upper class provided protection to the lower class and in exchange,
the lower class worked for the upper class. This was true in both Asia and Europe as they both had a
social class system to make sure everything isn't going to chaos. Yet, these ideals weren't passed on
between one another, more that each area adapted to that type of government based on the
circumstances. Even in this time where there was uncivilized and odd people rampaging about, there
was people whom had done great achievements. These people allowed their nations to advance
whether it was by fighting and conquering land, preaching of their religion, or by creating
marvelous inventions. They did amazing and remarkable things to not only advance their nation but
as well affect them long after their deaths. Making sure that their legacies were never forgotten or
left behind at all. To express and prove it let's evaluate the extent to which the expertise and the
achievements of Toyotomi Hideyoshi with
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##naga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, And Tokugawa Ieyasu
Three important historical figures of Japan history are the Japanese warlords Oda Nobunaga,
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. The three of them put an end to the civil wars by
uniting Japan as one. Nobunaga was born in 1534 and died in 1582. When he was only twenty years
old, his father died. The Kiyosu Castle was taken over by him, and he used his new forces to launch
an assault towards his brother. Nobunaga succeeded and his brother was killed. His goal was to
"Rule the Empire by force." He fought and took over a territory near today's Nagoya, won the Battle
of Okehazama, and took over Inabayama Castle in his early adulthood.
Many more successful campaigns were led by him. He went to Mt. Hiei and killed the warrior
monks there. A few years later, he destroyed a fortress of Buddhist believers along with the enemy
forces in their. Nobunaga was not a religious man, so he had no problems or trouble destroying these
kinds of people. The next year he won a battle with the use of firearms. One day while he was at
Honnoji Temple in Kyoto, he was killed after being surrounded by his own general. Nobunaga was
one of the most influential men in Japanese history. He is still remembered today during a festival
that is held for him each year on October 19 at the Kenkun Shrine in Kyoto.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born in 1536 and is believed to have been born a peasant. He became one
of Nobunaga's soldiers and over time became a very much trusted lieutenant to Nobunaga. After
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How Did Tokugawa Shogunate Unite Japan?
This paper is to research how Tokugawa shogunate could unite Japan. Tokugawa shogunate is an
important age of Japanese history, because Tokugawa Ieyasu finished the dispersive Japanese
governing of Daimyou to provide sufficient political background to make Japan turn to capitalism.
Tokugawa shogunate was the last shogunate of Japan, and it was also a combination between
feudalism and capitalism. So researching this period of Japan can also be a way to understand the
development and fallen of feudalism during this period around the world. To analyze the reason why
Tokugawa shogunate could united Japan, we can research from three parts to do it: the process of
the unification of Japan, the character of Tokugawa Ieyasu and other Daimyou in that period, and
the economic and labour background of Japan during late phase of shogunate Japan.
First main category: ... Show more content on ...
Because Oda is the first shogun who tried to unite the whole Japan and the second is Toyotomi
Hideyoshi; the last one is Tokugawa Ieyasum, and he, who was the first leader of the last shogunate
of Japan, must have fortune to make this. Oda and Hideyoshi had already united a large part of
Japan, so that he did not need to spend lots of time and manpower as Oda and Hideyoshi spent,
which would make him easier to united Japan. So, I can compare the process of fighting of the three
persons to unite Japan.
Second main category:
In this part, we can analyze the characteristic of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and compare it with Nobunaga
and Hideyoshi to find the difference among these three giants depending on sources, get the answer
that why Tokugawa could united Japan, but not another two persons. Characteristic is an important
element for a person, especially for politician. It would influence a person's attitude to incidents or
other persons, so that good characteristic would provide a shortcut to success.
Third main
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The Impact Of The Military Revolution On Japan
A military revolution started in sixteenth century in Europe with the introduction of firearms
(Stavros 243). Before the military revolution, Japan was divided in region and controlled by
different warlords and the country was politically unstable. However, after the arrival of firearms
from the West, Japan has changed dramatically. The result of the military revolution was the
development of a strong central power, which helped Japan become a modern nation (McNeill and
McNeill 197). Oda Nobunaga, a military leader, and his successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to
unify Japan under a single powerful, central government and brought political stability (Brown 238).
This essay will explore political impact of firearms as well as economic and ... Show more content
on ...
The extensive production of muskets and ammunition helped economy grow rapidly. As the demand
for guns grew, skilled gunsmiths established schools and workshops to train men and numerous
numbers of shops started to emerge throughout Japan. Sakai and Yokkaichi and Kunitomo became
especially well known as the center of manufacturer of firearms. According to the writing by a
Portuguese explorer, Japan was able to produce a large number of guns just within two or three
years and there were over 300,000 guns by 1556 (Brown 238). The construction of the Osaka Castle
stimulated greater industrial and commercial business. This castle was built to express Hideyoshi's
power but another contributing factor was the usage of artillery in siege warfare (Brown 249). In
1586, the Osaka Castle was completed. The walls of the castle consist of large granite stones that
were about 10 feet wide and 40 feet long and the total thickness of the wall is 18 to 21 feet. The
eight–storied castle had iron–covered gates and roofs and the base of the castle was mainly made out
of stone (Brown 248). These large quantities of high quality materials contributed to the flow of
economy. In addition, the movement of large number of soldiers to long distance places also
contributed in economy (Brown
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Major Issues In Japan's Period Of Reunification
Japan had to deal with many issues during its period of reunification. The major issue for Japan was
the constant fighting between daimyo. From 1500–1603, Japan went through a devastating civil war,
in which Toyotomi Hideyoshi eventually won. After Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu created a
Shogunate that had imperial rule, so the daimyo could no longer fight for control. Japan also
struggled with its changing economy in that merchants had low status but higher wealth than the
daimyo and samurai. The lords did not seem as powerful when they needed to borrow money from
low class merchants. In concern to external pressures, Japan had tried to take Korea under the reign
of Hideyoshi but they were quickly overpowered. When the Tokugawa took control,
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Descriptive Speech About Osaka Castle
Are you a traveller and love world history? Have you ever imagining yourself, to be a part of an old
century when you tried to visit the place in your generation? Have you dream to discover a known
place that was part to the oldest countrymen who manage millions of people during their time? Have
you wishing to be called Princess or Prince once in your lifetime for this Exclusive journey?
Because if you do... This probably suit to your taste! Because, Osaka Castle will make your dream
come true! OMG! As in Oh My Good news!
When you heard the word Osaka Castle? What really comes in to your mind? And how does it really
excite you? Are you not being proud to be able to experience the unforgettable moment you are
going to have rooming ... Show more content on ...
A place where you can rent a costumes to take picture's with. And a place where you are able to find
out the Legend and mystery of this castle. And aside from that, they also have a theater to enjoy
with, that is featuring 5 programs about the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi a man who who has a
biggest contribution to the history.
The Second part of this castle shows the display panels, views about the facts and figures of the
Osaka Castle. The offices, replica's and you will have a chance to glance the Osaka castle history.
The third floor and fourth floor, are the private counter part of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Suddenly, no
camera's allowed. The fifth floor, are scenes during the summer war of Osaka. And last but not the
least is the Stereoscope area where you can probably view the Famous naniwa, the three
dimensional landscape of Old Osaka Castle.
Aren't this convincing enough? For you to have a good traveled experience? What are you still
waiting for? Don't be late to pursue your happy bonding moments at Osaka Castle. Your happiness
is rely in
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The Momoyama Period : A Turning Point Between The Middle Ages
The Momoyama period was a turning point between the Middle Ages in Japan. This period began by
the overthrow of the Ashikaga Shogunate who was the ruler during the Muromachi period, in the
late 15th century. During the Muromachi period, Japan was experiencing violent conflicts over
territory and power. In 1573 Oda Nobunaga became the ruler and with him was the birth of the
short–lived Momoyama period; only three warlords seized power during that time . Even though,
the Momoyama was a brief period between two major eras, it had a lot of impacts on art and
architecture. One of the greatest painters of this period was Kano Eitoku. He was described as "the
most celebrated painter of his time" . His grandfather Kano Motonobu at the Kano school ... Show
more content on ...
One of the major aspects that caught the attention of the Momoyama warlords is the large scale of
his work. Such as, Eitoku's larger than life–size painting "Chinese Lions" (Figure 1) it is more than
seven feet tall and about fifteen feet long. It is a six–panel screen or "byobu" in Japanese and this
word stands for wind protection. Screens have a notable role in Japanese history as a way of
decoration as well as feasible objects and architectural design. Screens or "byobu", were primarily
used as a space divider in the living space of warlords and rich merchants . Those screens are
associated with wealth and power; they are lavishly decorated with gold leafs. Screens are mostly
made with paper so that it will reflect the streaks of light during the daytime and due to that
reflection of the gold leafs the walls will seem as if they were shining. Kano Eitoku enhanced this
effect by applying thicker layers of gold leafs on the background of his paintings. The use large
screens as a work of art reached its peak during the Momoyama period in the late 16th century.
Eitoku reached the highest levels of fame during this period; because of his unique style of
cooperating lavish layers of gold leafs and including objects that symbolize power such as lions on a
large scale display. This is why the warlords of this period were impressed by his work since they
wanted to consolidate their power using artwork . Eitoku received
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Japan 's Influence On Japan
For centuries, Japan went through different political transformations and iron fisted rulers which
shaped its present standing, starting from a nation of regionally independent governments to a more
unitary system. However, since the birth of their first political models, Japan has strongly
maintained their hierarchical system which still dominates their bureaucratic organization today. In
this essay, I would like to briefly revisit the inception of the early political systems in Japan, from
some of their early leaders to the most prominent Tokugawa family rulers and how they all gave
way to the unification of the political and social systems that remain in place in modern day Japan.
Before the Tokugawa family rose to the power in Japan, in the mid–1400s the nation experienced
decades of war and civil unrest. From 1467 to 1477, the ancient capital of Kyoto was torn down by
the Onin War. But though the history for this era was dominated by war, the nation's commerce
managed to grow and several cities became autonomous international trading posts. Simultaneously
ikko sects, Buddhism powerful communities, achieved autonomy from daimyo control. However,
between the 1570s and 1600s three ruthless but remarkable leaders conceived and instated a political
order aimed to unify the nation through well executed strategies.
Oda Nobunaga was the first ruler to reach power. In 1555 he began his rise to power, bringing with
him a campaign of terror. Nobunaga began by destroying
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Toyotomi Hideyoshi Research Paper
My knowledge of the history of Asia mostly comprises of Japanese history and its culture. My
knowledge is mostly from modern Japan, a little from the Heian Period, the Edo Period, and also the
Azuchi–Momoyama Period. I found out some of the information from past research papers I wrote
for my history classes in high school, friends, family members, and anime. Japan's culture
developed at a rapid pace compared to some of the other parts of the world in the Heian era. This
period had a great impact on Japanese culture when it came to literature. Many people, mostly
women, wrote diaries, poetry, and novels. An example would be The Tale of Genji by Lady
Murasaki Shikibu. Her novel gained popularity during this period. After this era came the Kamakura
Period. All I know is that this is where samurai were placed as the nobles of Japan. ... Show more
content on ...
One of the coolest events that took place during his ambition was from his general, Toyotomi
Hideyoshi. He started as a peasant and rose through the ranks to the positions of one of Nobunaga's
top generals. Hideyoshi constructed Sunomata Castle, also known as the One Night Castle because
it was assembled all in one night. The trick behind it was the parts of the castle were made before
they got to their destination, where they were put together. This accomplished something that many
had failed. Later on, Toyotomi Hideyoshi became the ruler after Nobunaga's
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Tokugawa Shogunate Research Paper
The Tokugawa shogunate was a very important and stable government in Japanese history. It was
the connection of the feudalism and capitalism of Japan. For over two hundred years, challenges to
Tokugawa authority were few, and this era was known as the time of Great Peace. In general, its
appearance for the populace was grateful, because of a period of freedom from the warfare marked
Sengoku, from the middle of 15th century to the end of 16th century. During that period, the chain
of islands that makes up Japan was ruled by samurai and warlords. During the late sixteenth–century
Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and finally Tokugawa Ieyasu took power in succession and
finally united the whole Japan. However, the success of Tokugawa ... Show more content on ...
In the beginning of Tokugawa shogunate, the government announced this policy. Although, self–
fettered is not a sensible policy for the developing of a country. Because of the isolation between
Japan and outside world, there was a large gap was generated on the technical field, and this led the
Black Ship's event to a certain extent, and Japan was forced to sign unequal contracts with European
countries. However, this policy was not so useless at that time, and at least it could help Tokugawa
shogunate rule most populace.
On one hand, in the early Tokugawa Shogunate, Ieyasu cut off the new thoughts getting into Japan
to influence his governing. He had written some letters to the leaders of other countries to reject
their thoughts or religions, such as Mexico and Philippines, and emphasized that Shinkoku and
Buddhism were the only religions in Japan. From this, we can see that even though he united Japan,
people with new thoughts could still shake his rule. For a ruler, people without any disagreement
would be easier to control than the people with innovation, and it was clear that Ieyasu tried his best
to avoid the latter
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The Contribution Of Oda Nobunaga's Impact On Japan
Hideyoshi under his Daimyo, or feudal lord, Oda Nobunaga, would learn well what it meant to be a
samurai. Of course the samurai protected their homes and families, but their true glory came on the
battlefield, defending their lord against enemies. Born the son of a daimyo in 1534, Nobunaga's
reign though short, had an immense impact on Japan. Lord of Nagoya Castle, he destroyed opposing
clans in brilliant campaigns against superior forces. He was the first daimyo general to adopt the
newly imported Western muskets. He gradually gained control of the region round the capital
Kyoto, which he took in 1568. In 1580, he became master of all central Japan.
Nobunaga continued to amass power, but before he could subdue the whole country, he was caught
off–guard one night by a rebellious vassal, Akechi Mitsuhide. The life of the most powerful warlord
in Japan ended in 1582. Ruthless and feared upon the mere mention of his name, Nobunaga was the
first to begin the unification of war–torn Japan. A unification, which Hideyoshi would later complete
in 1590– ... Show more content on ...
Japanese society respected the samurai as those who had the power to resolve conflicts and "keep
the peace". They were therefore entitled to govern the country because of their superior military
power and peace–keeping ability. They ruled because of their power, yet they had to also prove their
entitlement to do so. This is why legitimation was needed. Becoming a samurai and learning the
way of the warrior was dependant on lineal descent. Warriors who were not of direct line ancestry
were allowed to be subservient samurai yet were tabooed by the imperial court at ever becoming a
shogun, the Great general who ruled over government in feudal Japan. In this age, pedigree was an
important factor– it lent an air of legitimacy to naked
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Why I Want To Visit Japan
When you hear the word "Animation", which country comes across your mind? The first country I
think about is Japan. Japan creates many magnificent animations. Almost all of my favorite
animations are from Japan. I have lots in interest in Animation. Since I was young, I have drawn
many kind of cartoons. I like to draw my daily life, and people. When I think back, I also liked
animations too. I wanted to become an animator at that time. Because Japan is related to animation,
I want to visit Japan. Out of all of Japan cities, I want to visit Osaka the most. I do not know much
about Osaka; I know about Osaka's spring season which becomes a really beautiful place with
cherry blossoms. Also, I know that Universal Studio Japan located in Osaka. Universal Studio has
made many animations. I really want to visit there. These are one of the reason why I want to visit
Osaka. Some of the Osaka tourist attraction I want to visit Universal Studio, Tenjin Festival, and
Osaka Castle.
Universal Studios of Japan is one of the tourist attractions of ... Show more content on ...
Cherry Blossoms are one of my favorite flower. I knew already about Osaka Castle because of
Cherry Blossoms Festival. Osaka Castle has lots of cherry blossoms trees. So during the spring, they
hold a cherry blossoms festival. The development of Osaka Castle started in 1583 on the former site
of the Ishiyama Hohaji Temple, which had been destroyed by Oda Nobunaga thirteen years earlier.
(Japan– The entire Osaka Castle Park covers about two square kilometers a lot of green
spaces, sport facilities, a multi–purpose arena and a shrine dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The
park is one of Osaka's most popular Hanami spot during the cherry blossoms seasons, which usually
takes place in early April. During Cherry blossoms season, Osaka Castle become a very beautiful
place. In Osaka, I will go to Osaka castle, when I feel need some rest with nature. Osaka Castle will
heal my
... Get more on ...
The Impact Of The Edo Period In Japan
The Edo period in Japan lasted from 1603 to 1867, and it is associated with peace and prosperity, as
well as increasing urbanization and the rise of a new merchant class (Yonemoto n.p.). During the
15th and 16th centuries, Japan was consumed by chaos and lawlessness due to the constant military
conflicts and political intrigue of the Sengoku (Warring States) period (Ebisawa n.p.). Oda
Nobunaga who was a prominent military and political leader of the Sengoku period was the first to
undertake efforts towards uniting Japan and created a foundation for establishing a prolonged period
of peace. He succeeded in subduing all the lands of central Japan and carrying out a series of
revolutionary reforms, such as liquidation of internal customs, opening of free trade markets, and
compilation of land cadaster (Ebiwasa n.p.). The main goal of Nobunaga's reforms was the
development of foreign and domestic trade, as well as undermining the ... Show more content on ...
Incredibly high taxes and repression against Christians combined with crop failures and famine led
to the Shimabar Rebellion. The rebellion broke out on December 17, 1637 and quickly spread from
Kyushu Island to Amakusa Island (Mason 152). The shogunate government gathered a massive
120–thousand army against which rebels stood no chance (Mason 153). The Shimabar Rebellion
and its Christian origins gave the reason for implementing the self–isolation policy (Steenburgh
n.p.). Its suppression played a major role in determining Japan's foreign policy for the next two
centuries. The authorities not only completely banned Christianity, but also closed Japan for any
foreigners. Isolationism might have been one of the best possible ways to bring order to a country
which had suffered from turmoil and civil strife for
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Ieyasu Accomplishments William Strohmeyer Kilpatric HIS 2012 10 November 2016 Shogun: The Life and Accomplishments of Tokugawa Ieyasu Ieyasu's early life was not one that went smoothly. He was born in a castle in the Okazaki Castle Mikawa to his parents, Matsudaira Hirotada and Odai–no–kata, or Lady Odai. He lived from 1543 to 1616. Ieyasu was born for greatness from the beginning. His father was the daimyo, meaning powerful ruler, of Mikawa and his mother Odai–nokata was the daughter of a nearby samurai lord. Ieyasu's mother and father were step–siblings and had him at a very young age. They separated shortly after his birth due to his mother being sent back to her family. After a few years both Lady Odai, and Hirotada remarried and had children giving Tokugawa eleven half siblings total. Most of Ieyasu's childhood and young adult years were spent in and around danger due to wars that resulted over his family splitting to pursue different clans. He was constantly drawn into battle during these disputes. At five years old he was taken hostage by the leader of the Oda clan who opposed his father. He was then used as a bargaining chip for the clan so they could squeeze as much out of Ieyasu's father as they could. Their main request was that he sever all ties with the Imagawa clan or they would kill Ieyasu. ... Show more content on ... Doing this could have resulted in the assassination of Ieyasu and the annihilation of the Tokugawa. Tokugawa took the Oda stronghold of Owari and then Hideyoshi responded by throwing his own army into Owari. This was the only time that any of the great shoguns in Japan fought each other. The battle was referred to as the Komaki Campaign. The campaign finally ended after everybody came to a peace agreement. The agreement was that Ieyasu's second son was to become to adopted son of Hideyoshi. A few of Ieyasu's supporters followed his son's relocation to the Hideyoshi clan as ... Get more on ...
  • 2. K Ang Hsi: The Sacred Tasks: Summary All of the readings and the video reveal factors of legitimization during the Pacific Rim empires. In the three readings, they overlap each other with similar ideas. In the video "The Way of Sumurai (Documentary)" these readings are taken into physical context. It discusses what rulers were like and what rules they had in place. In the first reading "K'ang Hsi: The Sacred Edits", it legitimizes the idea that no matter if you were poor or rich you were excepted to follow these rules. The ruler who was described in the passage was seen as a "benevolent father". After reading this passage it reminded me of the 10 Commandments. However, these rules were seen as "the darker side" of China. "Exclusion of the Portuguese" could be seen as the darker ... Show more content on ... In "Closed Country Edict of 1635" it was similar to the exclusion, that rewards were to be given and you must listen. During this dynasty, it was authoritarian leadership but also very cultural. Authoritarian because in "The Way of Sumari (Discovery)", people were given two choices, either do what you are told or you will be beheaded. They also had to follow the same religion, they saw the Christians are "barbaric". This shook the Japanese, hence the making of most of the rules in "Closed Country..". In that passage as well the rules are demanding, no Japanese were allowed abroad and no foreign ships were allowed to dock at this time. The Japanese people had to be obedient but this was also cultural. In"The Way of the Sumari", they say this regime was so strong. They also describe Japanese Cultural as a "flowering cultural". Many people also say they were very developed for their time with cultural aspects and values, such as education and etc. (Ex: Make the most of schools and academies in order to honor the ways of scholars.) These factors were all similar and contributed to the legitimization of the Pacific Rim empires along with being authoritarian and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Hideki Tojo's Attack On Pearl Harbor Throughout most of World Word II, Hideki Tojo was an Imperial Japanese Army general and Prime Minister of Japan. Hideki Tojo is most known for his attack on Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941. He was born on December 30th, 1884, in Tokyo Japan. Tojo was enrolled in the Japanese Army Cadet School at the age of 15. In 1905 at the age of 21 he was commissioned second lieutenant in the Japanese Imperial Army. He was very popular throughout the early times of WWII, but that quickly turned after the battle of Midway. Before the fame Tojo, was ranked 10 out of 363 cadets at the Japanese Military Academy. Hideki Tojo was the eldest son in a family of samurai descent. Tojo was enrolled in military school in 1899. Tojo was following the steps of a father, ... Show more content on ... Hideki Tojo while being prime minister of war, made it known that Japan should move Far East and conquer territory that was owned by European nations. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Tojo received a great amount of fame. He went back to college and taught, and was serving in the military as an infantry officer. In the 1920s he was a part of a group in Japan that wanted to represent more conservative ideas rather than the rigorous ideas that were also being expressed. The group Hideki, was a part of believed in military teachings and continued to add newborn ideas. Hideki continued to progress in the military ranks, by 1935 he became a general in command of the kempeitai and the Kantnugun. By 1937 he was being promoted to bigger roles such as chief of staff of those armies. Then in 1938 he was appointed Vice minister of Warin, Japan. Continuing his journey throughout Japan, he was also the Commander in Chief of the Japanese secret services. Tojo has also led Japan in a lot of secret societies. In what is known as the 2–26 Incident Tojo and General Honjo acted against the rebels of Japan. Because of his and General Honjo's act, this caused the rebels to surrender and had their officers crucified. Tojo afterwards was chosen to be the commander of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. In 1934 he was chief of the 24th infantry brigade, moreover the commanding general of the military police in Kanto Gun, lieutenant General in 1936, in addition to chief of staff, of the Kanotogun. Hideki Tojo was a very important and popular man during his time in ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Sengoku Unifiers The Sengoku period from 1463 to 1567 was a time of social upheaval, political chicanery, and constant military conflict. Though feudal lords swore loyalty to the Emperor, he was largely a figurehead who held little political power of his own. More influential was the military Shogun, however the years leading up to the Sengoku period saw a breakdown of central authority and the rise of powerful, largely independent local lords called daimyo. These daimyo were in frequent conflict amongst each other, fighting for control of different regions in Japan. Conquering weaker daimyo, Japan's "three unifiers" would slowly pave the path towards Japanese unification. It began with Oda Nobunaga and was followed by his general Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who continued ... Show more content on ... Following the death of Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi secured alliances and further unified Japan by both diplomatic and military means. His policies would leave a lasting impact that would transformed Japan.. In 1588, Hideyoshi ordered that all weapons be taken away from farmers, further disarming peasants. This reduced Japan's fighting population to the seven percent that made up the samurai class. Rival daimyo could no longer use farmers to serve in their armies. The sword became a sort of status symbol, signaling that an individual was of the privileged samurai class. Furthering this separation of class, Hideyoshi froze the social order with the Three–Clause Edict of 1590. Hideyoshi decreed that these classes were fixed and that mobility between classes was prohibited, effectively separating military and agriculture. Farmers would be left to tend their fields while only the samurai fought. Even more profound was Hideyoshi's national cadastral survey. Japan's agricultural land was measured in terms of production. Each village was given an annual tax based on the assessment of the cadastral survey. Government officials could now expect their revenue and planned accordingly. Since the tax was a fixed amount, farmers often looked for ways to improve crop yield as they could make extra income on any ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Did Kumazawa Become The Model Samurai? Kumazawa Banzan was the famous political philosopher from whom the source, "The Model Samurai", was written. Kumazawa Banzan was actually a low ranking samurai with the status of ronin, meaning that he had no allegiance to a specific feudal lord nor any support from one. After five years of service employed by the Lord of Okayama, Kumazawa pursued an intensive program of training in the military arts to achieve his goal of becoming the model samurai. The source, The Model Samurai, explains why he wanted to become that samuai. Kumazawa had noticed when he was young a lack of agility in heavier set people and thought a heavy man would not be able to become a first class samurai. In order to maintain his physical stability, actions such as sleeping with a girdle on, not eating rice, not drinking wine, and abstaining from sexual intercourse ... Show more content on ... This tells me that along with all the drastic training, he also did research and read about how to become more fit and also that he wrote about becoming a samurai. It also shows me that these samurai weren't just a bunch of brutes training to become strong and gain agility. They were intelligent people who not only wanted to be physically ready, but mentally and intellectually as well. All of this in consideration shows me that not many would be able to make it as a samurai. This source is written in first person, where Kumazawa talks about his preparation to become a fit samurai. One strength that this source provided was the fact that it was written about a samurai, by that samurai. This makes it easier to believe that all of this wasn't fictional because Kumazawa is writing about what he did, not what someone else did. A weakness about this source is definitely the lack of incorporation of others in the text. He has so much to talk about his experiences in isolation, but what about any interactions with other people throughout his ... Get more on ...
  • 6. How The Rise Of Oda Nobunaga And The Consequences Of Japan? "Sheer effort enables those with nothing to surpass those with privilege and position." ― Toyotomi Hideyoshi From 1467 to 1567 Japan experienced a state of decay as the political climate reached a peak of unrest and civil war. Japan's Sengoku(Warring States) Period was a time of explosive tension and disorder as feudal lords raised their banners to symbolize a conflicting universal campaign, to become emperor. Oda Nobunaga, the son of the legendary samurai and minor lord Oda Nobuhide, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, son of a nameless peasant soldier, they lived almost completely parallel lives. However, almost by fate these two would eventually come to meet on equal grounds as powerful political figures that commanded unwavering respect by all who met them. Although they were titans of different nature, Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi built the frame of today's modern Japan through sacrifice and perseverance during their hellish civil war. Oda Nobunaga was born into a respected small ruling family lead by the heroic samurai Oda Nobuhide. Nobunaga was an oddity among his clan, he was brash and considerably disrespectful. Because Oda acted so disgracefully at his father's funeral, his retainer committed kanshi (Suicide in remonstrate), an act that traumatized Nobunaga and made him reconsider his abhorrent behavior. Furthermore, Oda would have a difficult time inheriting the massive responsibility left to him by his late father as many would doubt the ability of Nobunaga to lead ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about Greek and Japanese Architecture Greek and Japanese Architecture For a great many years, architecture has been a breaking point for different artisticeras in history. Some of the most famous "works of art" have been chapels, temples, and tombs. Among the most dominant and influential eras of great architecture are the sophisticated, stoic Greeco–Roman periods and the more mystical, elemental Japanese eras. These two very distinct and very different eras have more in common than you may realize. When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible blossoming of Athenian imperial power, impaired by the damages of the ... Show more content on ... Currently, Japan's modern architecture is having a striking influence on global architecture. Japanese architecture is an inherent part of Japanese culture, and even Tokyo's most modern "high– tech" buildings draw their inspiration from old Japanese design. Japan's ancient castles and palaces, timber houses, tatami–mat tea rooms and Zen gardens, Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples, as well as the latest shopping centers, sports facilities, residential complexes, office towers, department stores, and high–tech structures are some excellent examples of Japanese Architecture ( Japan is described as a country of wood, and the reverence of natural materials. The depths of the love and admiration that the Japanese people have for wood are famous, which is similar to the Greek love of pristine marble and its smooth surfaces. This can be seen in an old Japanese expression "plants and trees all have something to say", Japanese believe that trees have a soul and say they can sense spirits, or "kami", within them. It is trees that form the core which nurtures the sensibilities about nature held by the Japanese people. It is thus natural for architecture in Japan to be based on wood. Many structures are made of wood, ranging from shrines and temples to palaces and homes, and in doing so grand structures have been created (Stokstad). Castles and palaces dating ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Warring States Period: Similarities Between Japan And... 2. The Warring States period's development Under the Shogunate system, the Shogun was the actual ruler. The warrior and the rulers formed a master–slave relationship, which was similar to the feudal vassal in Western Europe. In comparison, the Japanese samurai's status is lower than Western Europe's vassals. And this kind of political structure was quite different from China. In 1467, there was civil war in Japan because of the issue of general heir. Japan had entered the Warring States period. In the Warring States period, the central control of the country dissolved. Local ruler, Daimyo became the completely independent rulers. Japan had rapid economic development during this period. In this period, Japanese society behaved very much like ... Show more content on ... In economic policy, the shogunate forbids the trade of land, forced farmers to grow rice. In this system, with the development of commodity economy, warriors quickly fall into poverty because they could only get little salary, which issued by the government. Due to their economic difficulties, many warriors had been engaged in commercial business or marriage with businessmen. There was also a part of the warriors devoted themselves to study, and diverted to teachers and doctors. Some of them learned Western culture. At the same time, the commercial development in Japan grew ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Kokora Research Paper The Art of Celerity "In the Hands of Destiny" is not a traditional koan, but more of an inspirational story. When engaging in any endeavor it is always better to rely on planning than on luck. However, luck often gets credit for inspiration. In ancient Japan the term kokoro meant the refusal to back down from a threat. This did not mean being foolish or cavalier, but meant that the core of an individual's being must be entirely involved for any activity to be successful. Kokoro was the driving force for commitment to a cause or outcome. The main overriding principle of kokoro is the universal concept of mushin. Of course like many things, the Japanese ideal of mushin is derived from swordsmanship. The mind, no–mind philosophy of mushin ... Show more content on ... Realistically, any situation where you almost died would be a pivotal moment. Intense moments where focus is heightened are often the most are memorable ones. Envisioning that each moment is crucial is an interesting approach to modern awareness. Unlike dueling, in business there are plenty of chances to fail quickly and recover. Yet often there is hesitation to do so. Like all samurai in his era Yamamoto Tsunetomo was an administrator and also a warrior. Yet after a political situation the leader he diligently served was killed. Being barred from committing ritual suicide as tradition dictated, he retired, changed his name and "was hidden under leaves." His treatise, Hagakure (hidden under leaves) primarily contains anecdotes about real samurai. His pivotal text was written in an era of great change, but was not widely known. Yet due to his notoriety he was sought out. Allegedly, any one allowed to learn from his text was to burn it after it was read. Ancient samurai were the most highly educated individuals in their society, but also trained to be lethal when called upon. I think Tsunetomo explained the common ideal of being committed to a specific cause better than anyone I have ever read ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Hideyoshi Contribution ideyoshi Hideyoshi was an influential Japanese influential feudal ruler, daimyo, throughout the 16th century. Hideyoshi was known to be a daimyō, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Sengoku period, and was especially known to have started a new age of in Japanese culture. Hideyoshi was a highlight of the Japanese feudal era which made choosing an influential person a worthwhile task. I have personal history with the level of influence his prestige has over history. His name was once referenced in a conversation between my second generation Japanese American friend. I was interested in what she told me about the history of her family back in Japan. I will be using this paper as a conduit to help start my understanding a small portion of Japan history through researching the famous Hideyoshi and his celebrated achievements Hideyoshi was believed to born in 1536 in a time of competing daimyo, Japanese samurai lords, challenging for local and national leadership. Hideyoshi's early life was a natural rags to riches story. Starting from humble beginnings, Hideyoshi was born into a life of peasantry under the supervision of his father, Yaemon. His early life is obscure and few stories were told about his childhood that reflect his future legacy. A story goes that Hideyoshi's mother saw rays of sunlight fill the room during the this great leader's birth. Another story says that as a child he was able to get the village children together and perform strategic mock ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How Did Oda Nobunaga Helped To Unify Japan? Oda Nobunaga helped to unified Japan during his era .Oda Nobunaga started is invasion in 1555 and once he started to gain success he and his men aimed to unify Japan once and for all(Unknown, n.d.). "Bring all of Japan "under a single sword""(Unknown, n.d.).Nobunaga first step to conquering Japan was to defeat Imagawa Yoshimoto forces which he succeed, surprising Japan as the Imagawa Yoshimoto force had great strength Nobunaga succeed in unifying Japan by firstly making sure he secured his"flanks from attack" (Unknown, n.d.) and then he proceed to form a collaboration or treaty with Matsudaira Motoyasu in 1562.Nobunaga then later secured a farm land which is fertile in Japan with an important trading city called Nagoya. Once again he moved onto the next city which was Mikawa where he made an treaty a capable feudal lord names Tokugawa Leyasu. ... Show more content on ... Nobunaga allied with Ahikaga Yoshiaki whose brother was a shogun and was assassinated and Yoshaga wanted to take over his place. Nobunaga and Yoshiaki moved to Kyoto the capital at that time .this is where Nounaga made Yoshiaki the shogun. In 1573 Nobunaga got into argument with Yoshiaki and deposed him which led to the end of Askiaga shogunate period. This is where Nobunaga used his advance military technology which included the arquebus and muskets. This technique then became a "great advantage" (Unknown, n.d.) to Oda Nobunaga.To keep his claim on the land Nubangunaga built a castle, which was the headquarters for his army. Oda Nobunaga managed to unify more than half of Japan before he wounded himself during a battle and then later committed suicide due to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Dr. Zen And Hosokawa the position seeing as Yoshimasa had no heir to take his place and as said before had no intention to keep the position. Not long after speaking with his brother about this, Yoshimasa 's wife had a boy and gathered followers to support her son 's succession to the role of the shogun. Including one of the two families that were the most powerful in the country at that time, aside from the Ashikaga. These two being the Hatakeyama and the Yamana clans they rival the other took the side of the brother to become shogunate. In the year of 1467, a fight broke out between Yamana S. zen and Hosokawa Katsumata the twos brawl grew and the fight between the two rivals nearly destroyed Kyoto and splintered the country this is what led to the Onin war. The battle as small in comparison as it is illustrates the points spoken of before near perfectly. The heads of the families fought for power like the Hatakeyama and Shiba clans claiming their right to the shogunate while dispelling the others. Further correlation happens within the Yamana and Hatakeyama in Kyoto fighting for what they believed whether that be honoring an agreement or tradition. Neither inherently bad, One war is one of many within the time frame but relatively short compared to the war that was the period this only lasted 10 years when the period itself was a war lasting until 1568. A war that lasted more than a hundred years. The destruction of Kyoto was merely the spark that kindled the flames of war. What came ... Get more on ...
  • 13. What Were The Causes Of The Uesugi War as capable as his father and hot–headedly attacked Tokugawa again but failed in a later siege making them near powerless. The Uesugi were going to use this to their advantage and take down the alliance of the Toyotomi, Oda, and Tokugawa their leader being referred to as the avatar of the Chinese god of war, even wiping out Nobunaga force using a floodgate in an early confrontation. This was going to be a problem for the three. Yet one night while creating a plan to annihilate their forces the head of the Uesugi clan fell ill and died without an heir to take his place. In the wake of that trio fought off the monk that had so hindered their movements and the remaining Takeda forces. It seemed as though all their foes were falling left and right, they had made it peace was within ... Show more content on ... Marching help Hideyoshi's siege of a castle Nobunaga told his general to march his general to march their troops to the battleground and that he would meet them there. After marching the general turned on his daimyo and killed his men. Oda Nobunaga lit the room he was in to keep out the soldiers, wrote his death poem and committed seppuku, ending his journey to claim the empire. The traitorous general held the capital and–and became shogunate, Toyotomi Hideyoshi made a deal with the castle he was sieging and rushed his forces to Kyoto and defeated ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Comparison Of Hashirama Senju And Uchiha Before the time of Naruto, Two men known as Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were going to change the world... For the better or the worst. Hashirama was a very humble and kind person and Madara was a cold and ruthless. They both had the same dream; create a sanctuary of peace for their children instead of living in war. Their clans; Senju and Uchiha were in a constant war between each other struggling for power and territory. They both trained in the arts of being ninjas and they were seen as the strongest in the world. They both created harmony within their clans as they were seen as the leaders and created an alliance. During their time of peace they created a village known as the "Village Hidden In The Leaves", This was a place of peace ... Show more content on ... Madara who had become corrupt because of power thought he was superior compared to the likes of Hashirama. He was wrong. Hashirama had subdued Madara with he wood style jutsus', His best friend, brother, had become corrupt and wouldn't be swayed by words. Hashirama used everything from words to actions, Madara had gone as far as to capture a Tailed Beast; A being that is made of entirely of charka, an immortal creature and Madara had captured the most powerful one; The Nine Tailed Demon Fox which was an entity of pure hatred. Hashirama used his great abilities to subdue the fierce beast with his soothing chakra that restricted demons, Hashirama's wife Mito Uzumaki was a sealing master, sealed the Nine Tailed Beast into herself evidently making her a Jinchūriki(Human Sacrifice). Due to Mito showing up Hashirama was able to slay Madara in battle or so he ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Life In Medieval Japan In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, successfully created a unified Japanese state by bringing to an end the civil wars. The most ingenious man of those three 'unifiers' was Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Although primarily this examination will focus on Hideyoshi as a "conquering hero", the efforts and influence that the other unifiers had on Hideyoshi's life and society in the latter half of sixteenth century Japan will not go entirely unnoticed. I examine the important events and changes that occurred in medieval Japan at a time when Nobunaga and Hideyoshi successively were establishing the early modern Japanese state. In examining how Hideyoshi became "heroised", I attempt to show ... Show more content on ... Under the dictator Toyotomi Hideyoshi, samurai power reached its most ostentatious development. Balancing progress in civility by continued practice of the military arts, the samurai engaged heavily in national and local administration– simply because they were understood by the rest of Japanese society as those who had the power to resolve conflicts and keep the peace. Himself a samurai, and successful military leader and administrator, Hideyoshi also brought his power onto the social prestige of the high nobility, eventually legitimating himself through the title of kampaku, or imperial regent. Just over four hundred years earlier, at the height of samurai power, amidst the chaos and uncertainty of civil war, the populace of medieval Japan lived under the samurai regime. For more than seven centuries Japan was dominated by this military caste, and today it still greatly influences social moral and spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to some degree to study and understand the actions of the samurai, as it is from this position that Hideyoshi ultimately succeeded in winning the tenka (the realm) and thereby serving as its ruling ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Ieyasu-Sama Research Paper In the two weeks leading up to the Honda clan's hospitality of the retinues of both Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the infamous Tiger of Sawara saw little sleep. Although a war council was expected amongst those attending, it would reflect poorly upon the Honda clan if they didn't receive the great lords with all the pomp and ceremony that was expected. Thus the duties of resource management and event planning were added on the already daunting task of security management. Rice was collected from the domain, as was pickled vegetables, miso, fish and salt. Chefs well practiced in their arts were retained to prepare the feasts meant to satisfy their guests' pallets. Toranosuke had even gone through great lengths to procure goods from Nagasaki: meats preserved in salt imported from Ryukyu and even red western sake that Nobunaga–sama was reputed to have developed a taste for. Arrangements were as well made to have entertainers of many arts brought to Honda castle. Geishas, ... Show more content on ... Please permit me the honor of escorting you and your retinue to your accommodations" he recited when the time came. The warlord returned the courtesy with a nod as from his seat upon his horse as another samurai lead a detachment of spearmen through the gates. Toranoske didn't know who the man was, but his movements were cautious and his body language lacked ostentation. He stood at a minimum of ten feet from him at all times, bearing himself in profile and facing him with his weapon side. The way he appraised Toranosuke and the way his hand rested near the tsuba of his sword showed the situational awareness of one experienced in combat. His accent marked him as a man from Satsuma as he gave out orders, shoulders often rolling as if unaccustomed to the lightness of silken garb alone. Whoever he was he was deadly and as a man of possibly forty years he lived quite long in a career where most die young and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay about Greek and Japanese Architecture Greek and Japanese Architecture For a great many years, architecture has been a breaking point for different artisticeras in history. Some of the most famous "works of art" have been chapels, temples, and tombs. Among the most dominant and influential eras of great architecture are the sophisticated, stoic Greeco–Roman periods and the more mystical, elemental Japanese eras. These two very distinct and very different eras have more in common than you may realize. When work began on the Parthenon in 447 BC, the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible blossoming of Athenian imperial power, impaired by the damages of the ... Show more content on ... Currently, Japan's modern architecture is having a striking influence on global architecture. Japanese architecture is an inherent part of Japanese culture, and even Tokyo's most modern "high– tech" buildings draw their inspiration from old Japanese design. Japan's ancient castles and palaces, timber houses, tatami–mat tea rooms and Zen gardens, Shinto shrines, and Buddhist temples, as well as the latest shopping centers, sports facilities, residential complexes, office towers, department stores, and high–tech structures are some excellent examples of Japanese Architecture ( Japan is described as a country of wood, and the reverence of natural materials. The depths of the love and admiration that the Japanese people have for wood are famous, which is similar to the Greek love of pristine marble and its smooth surfaces. This can be seen in an old Japanese expression "plants and trees all have something to say", Japanese believe that trees have a soul and say they can sense spirits, or "kami", within them. It is trees that form the core which nurtures the sensibilities about nature held by the Japanese people. It is thus natural for architecture in Japan to be based on wood. Many structures are made of wood, ranging from shrines and temples to palaces and homes, and in doing so grand structures have been created (Stokstad). Castles and palaces dating ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Pre Modern East Asia Essay Scholars such as John K. Fairback and David Kang have argued that the theory of the tribute system can explain most of pre–modern East Asian history. However, there was an interesting period of pre–modern East Asian history that cannot be fully explained by the tribute system. This was the Imjin War of 1592–1598, also known as the greatest international conflict in pre–modern East Asia. If pre–modern East Asian countries were tributaries under the hegemon that is China, they would not rebel against their hegemon. As Japan rebelled by attempting to conquer China through Korea, the tribute system cannot explain the Imjin War. This essay will use an alternate theory, a theory of self–interest, to discuss the international relations of Japan, Korea, and China during the Imjin War (1592–1598). During the Imjin War, each nation acted out of its own self–interest rather than as a result of diplomatic hierarchy. In this alternate theory, the self–interest of each nation stems from the hierarchy within the nations themselves. Because there was no democracy in East Asia in the late sixteenth century, each nation had a ruler who had consolidated central power. Also, because Confucian nations greatly valued prestige, protecting and ... Show more content on ... Chinese military leaders protected the self–interest of Ming China by using Korean soldiers as buffers in battle. If Ming China waged battle with Japan on their own, they would have suffered many more casualties. However, by using the Korean soldiers already stationed in Korea and already fighting in the war, China was able to reduce the loss of Chinese life (Hur (2015), p.244). The actions taken by Ming China and Chinese leadership during the Imjin War can also be explained by the self–interest theory, as they were looking to preserve the lives of their own people without regard for the lives of their foreign tributary ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Tokugawa Period Essay The Tokugawa Period is often said to be the longest period of peace in Japanese history; as it was a period characterized by economic reform, the celebration of art and culture, and the installation of new social order. Ieyasu Tokugawa, with the aid of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda Nobunaga, first established the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1603 as a means of reforming Japanese society and government. During this period, significant policies were enforced in order to ensure that power remained in the hands of the Shogunate, and also to negate the possibility of conflict between different domains. With Ieyasu beginning his rule, Japan was ending its Sengoku period; otherwise known as the Warring States period, Japanese society was finally leaving an era marked by social upheaval, suffering political stability, and domanial conflict. In ... Show more content on ... By removing foreign conflict or the possibility of such, Ieyasu was able to prioritize and address domestic issues. In an effort to stabilize the economy, the Shogunate placed great focus on agricultural production. The Shogunate created a taxation system in which villages would be taxed based on their overall yearly or five–year rice yield. As a result of taxes being dependent on yield, farmers and daimyos worked towards expanding farmland. Efforts were then focused on creating larger areas in which rice could grow, ultimately allowing for a drastic increase in the production of rice. Japanese agricultural society underwent a larger project in which marshlands were cultivated for the purpose of growing rice. Aside from farmers increasing their personal wealth, they were also able to obtain knowledge concerning crop patterns and maximum yield. Japan not only saw an increase in rice production, but at the forefront of agricultural growth was economic stability and a steady flow of income for the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Toyotomi Hideyoshi Research Paper Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a daimyo under Emperor Ōgimachi had unified all of Japan in a period of peace. However, he was hungry for more territory. Therefore, he devised a plan to conquer the Ming Dynasty of China. He had thousands of troops trained and gathered weapons and supplies. Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent his ambassadors to request the Joseon court, a Korean dynasty, to allow his troops to move through the Korean Peninsula to China. After the Joseon court denied his request twice, King Seonjo, the leader of the Joseon court, became concerned about Hideyoshi's plans so he sent out ambassadors to get more information. Each ambassador came back with different reports so King Seonjo decided to believe the ambassador that claimed Japan would not attack. This caused King Seonjo to make no military preparations. General Hideyoshi launched two unsuccessful attacks on Korea. One in 1592 and the other in 1596. The goal of the attacks was to conquer the Korean Peninsula and then go on to conquer China. Hideyoshi expected to overthrow Korea and move on quickly, however the invasions did not go as planned. ... Show more content on ... General Toyotomi Hideyoshi organized an army of 225,000 men, mostly samurai, and had Japanese workers build a huge naval base on western Kyushu, just across the Tsushima Strait from Korea. This naval base would carry this army across the strait to attack Korea at Busan, their southeast corner. Busan was captured in just a few hours because of Korea's failure to prepare. The few surviving Korean soldiers sent messengers up to King Seonjo in Seoul, and tried to regroup. Hideyoshi and his army, armed with muskets, against Korea's army who had bows and swords, quickly conquered Seoul and moved on ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Economic and Political Strategies of China versus Japan... China and Japan From 1500 to 1800, China and Japan tried to politically and economically established their countries in very different ways. Japan fought war after war for a century before they changed their ways. China on the other hand slowly established a government and used education as a tool to be politically and economically strong. Japan would later do the same. China was one of the most politically and economically strong countries during 1500 – 1800. The state was identified as family. It brought unity and integration. The political system was an expanded role of Confucianism. From 1500 – 1800, China was the most highly commercialized non–industrial society in the world. China had what is known as the perfected late ... Show more content on ... Manchu appointed two people, one Manchu, and one Chinese, to each key post in the central government. It was called Dyarchy. In 1683, Emperor K'ang Hsi took over Taiwan. The Ming Ch'ing was known as the perfected late imperial system. They had a stronger emperor, better government finances and used Confucianism as an ideology. They had more academies to prepare people for the civil service exams, more bookstores, publishing flourished, and literacy outpaced population. Some of Chinas major markets were grain, salt, timber, iron, and cotton. Silk was a major market that was spread all over the world. China used education and political growth to establish themselves. They grew slowly and were on of the strongest countries of their time. They were the strongest countries in international trade. They would stop growing in the late 19th century due to lack of technology at that time. Japan had two different eras's from 1500 to 1800. The Warring State's era was an all out war inside Japan from 1467 to 1600. The other was the Tokugawa era from 1600 to 1868. The wars came to an end and Japan established Government control and unity under Tokugawa Ieyasu's command. The Warring States era started in 1467 when a dispute over the next Ashika Shogun arrised. It led to war between two lords who supported Bakufu. Other lords took the opportunity ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Unifying Japan Essay The fall of the Japanese Shogun proceeded the end of the Warring States era and it begin the whole new process of uniting Japan. During the process of unifying Japan, there were three main rulers that each took a different access to not only Japan, but by reaching relations with the Westerners. The three main rulers that were involved in this unifying was: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokygawa Ieyasu. Before the Isolationism period, the Japanese had already welcomed the Westerners. The first people were from Portuguese in the 1543. Yet, the Shogunate and Daimayo would keep a very close contact and business very controlled in Japan. Oda Nobunaga was the first to approached unification with violence and aggression, but welcomed the Westerners into Japan. One of Oda ... Show more content on ... He maintain a very strict and firm rule over the people. Tokygawa agreed with the previous ruler, Toyotomi, that the Westerners were just a distraction and took the access of banning missionaries one step further by out casting Christianity. The missionaries and priest would be either executed or deported from Japan. Finally Japan closed the doors to the outside world and forbid Japanese from leaving the country. They also prohibited Japanese that left the country and westerners from returning to Japan. By closing the doors to the world Japan isolated itself and began to find a different way to unify their own country without any of the Westerners influences. The Daimayos had a generosity by having contact with the west to enhance Japan's trade. The Japanese would buy silver and copper from the Dutch and sold silk to them. They were also able to import much of the porcelain to Britain. The relationship that existed between the Japanese and the Westerners would be more of a business related instead of religion related. They were peaceful before the decree that led to the isolation of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Prohibition Of The Second Amendment Gun control is one of the most debated about topic today in America; between news outlet, the public, and politicians. As some politicians look to resolve the gun control issues, with banning them, imposing more restriction to sellers, buyers and owner; some people and politicians consider the second amendment to be relic and should be removed from the constitution. History has shown us time and time again even through all the violence and chaos in the world and America, that there is a reason for the creation of the second amendment. From history of America independence in 1776 to the ratification of the bill of right in 1791 the 2nd amendment still remains relevant form it creation, to modern times, and the protection of America's future; for the freedom of its inhabitants and citizens. The once influential 20th century thinker George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". Looking back into ancient history, the history of second amendment, recent and current history we can find clues that will support the relevance of the 2nd amendment. We will also define the second amendment and try to find solutions to our current problems from what our forefathers had say. The United States of America, only 240 years old; still one of the youngest nations to come to power, still has a thing or two to learn from ancient history. Rome, an empire for more than 500yrs, had similar belief some American politicians of disarming the people. The ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Kokora Research Paper The Art of Celerity "In the Hands of Destiny" is not a traditional koan, but more of an inspirational story. When engaging in any endeavor it is always better to rely on planning than on luck. However, luck often gets credit for inspiration. In ancient Japan the term kokoro meant the refusal to back down from a threat. This did not mean being foolish or cavalier, but meant that the core of an individual's being must be entirely involved for any activity to be successful. Kokoro was the driving force for commitment to a cause or outcome. The main overriding principle of kokoro is the universal concept of mushin. Of course like many things, the Japanese ideal of mushin is derived from swordsmanship. The mind, no–mind philosophy of mushin ... Show more content on ... Realistically, any situation where you almost died would be a pivotal moment. Intense moments where focus is heightened are often the most are memorable ones. Envisioning that each moment is crucial is an interesting approach to modern awareness. Unlike dueling, in business there are plenty of chances to fail quickly and recover. Yet often there is hesitation to do so. Like all samurai in his era Yamamoto Tsunetomo was an administrator and also a warrior. Yet after a political situation the leader he diligently served was killed. Being barred from committing ritual suicide as tradition dictated, he retired, changed his name and "was hidden under leaves." His treatise, Hagakure (hidden under leaves) primarily contains anecdotes about real samurai. His pivotal text was written in an era of great change, but was not widely known. Yet due to his notoriety he was sought out. Allegedly, any one allowed to learn from his text was to burn it after it was read. Ancient samurai were the most highly educated individuals in their society, but also trained to be lethal when called upon. I think Tsunetomo explained the common ideal of being committed to a specific cause better than anyone I have ever read ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Tale Of Genji Lady Murasaki Shikibu My knowledge of the history of Asia mostly comprises of Japanese history and its culture. My knowledge is mostly from modern Japan, a little from the Heian Period, the Edo Period and also the Azuchi–Momoyama Period. I found out some of the information from past research papers I wrote for my history classes in high school, friends, family members, and anime. Japan's culture developed in a rapid pace compared some other parts of the world in the Heian era. An example would be The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki Shikibu. Her novel gained popularity during this period. Jumping through time from there, in the Azuchi–Momoyama period, a great Japanese daimyo by the name of Oda Nobunaga wanted to unite Japan under one sword. One of the cool events ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Descriptive Speech About Osaka Castle OSAKA CASTLE Are you a traveller and love world history? Have you ever imagining yourself, to be a part of an old century when you tried to visit the place in your generation? Have you dream to discover a known place that was part to the oldest countrymen who manage millions of people during their time? Have you wishing to be called Princess or Prince once in your lifetime for this Exclusive journey? Because if you do... This probably suit to your taste! Because, Osaka Castle will make your dream come true! OMG! As in Oh My Good news! When you heard the word Osaka Castle? What really comes in to your mind? And how does it really excite you? Are you not being proud to be able to experience the unforgettable moment you are going to have rooming ... Show more content on ... A place where you can rent a costumes to take picture's with. And a place where you are able to find out the Legend and mystery of this castle. And aside from that, they also have a theater to enjoy with, that is featuring 5 programs about the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi a man who who has a biggest contribution to the history. The Second part of this castle shows the display panels, views about the facts and figures of the Osaka Castle. The offices, replica's and you will have a chance to glance the Osaka castle history. The third floor and fourth floor, are the private counter part of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Suddenly, no camera's allowed. The fifth floor, are scenes during the summer war of Osaka. And last but not the least is the Stereoscope area where you can probably view the Famous naniwa, the three dimensional landscape of Old Osaka Castle. Aren't this convincing enough? For you to have a good traveled experience? What are you still waiting for? Don't be late to pursue your happy bonding moments at Osaka Castle. Your happiness is rely in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Middle Period And The Fall Of The Medieval Period The Medieval Period lasted from 400–1500 AD and began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The fall and the beginning of this era had massive changes to the social and economic systems of that time. These changes began to occur because of the start of feudalism in both Europe and Asia during this time in hope to protect themselves from barbarians. At that time, the feudal system was the law of the land, and the way that the upper class maintained control over the lower class. To maintain this order the upper class provided protection to the lower class and in exchange, the lower class worked for the upper class. This was true in both Asia and Europe as they both had a social class system to make sure everything isn't going to chaos. Yet, these ideals weren't passed on between one another, more that each area adapted to that type of government based on the circumstances. Even in this time where there was uncivilized and odd people rampaging about, there was people whom had done great achievements. These people allowed their nations to advance whether it was by fighting and conquering land, preaching of their religion, or by creating marvelous inventions. They did amazing and remarkable things to not only advance their nation but as well affect them long after their deaths. Making sure that their legacies were never forgotten or left behind at all. To express and prove it let's evaluate the extent to which the expertise and the achievements of Toyotomi Hideyoshi with ... Get more on ...
  • 28. ##naga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, And Tokugawa Ieyasu Three important historical figures of Japan history are the Japanese warlords Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. The three of them put an end to the civil wars by uniting Japan as one. Nobunaga was born in 1534 and died in 1582. When he was only twenty years old, his father died. The Kiyosu Castle was taken over by him, and he used his new forces to launch an assault towards his brother. Nobunaga succeeded and his brother was killed. His goal was to "Rule the Empire by force." He fought and took over a territory near today's Nagoya, won the Battle of Okehazama, and took over Inabayama Castle in his early adulthood. Many more successful campaigns were led by him. He went to Mt. Hiei and killed the warrior monks there. A few years later, he destroyed a fortress of Buddhist believers along with the enemy forces in their. Nobunaga was not a religious man, so he had no problems or trouble destroying these kinds of people. The next year he won a battle with the use of firearms. One day while he was at Honnoji Temple in Kyoto, he was killed after being surrounded by his own general. Nobunaga was one of the most influential men in Japanese history. He is still remembered today during a festival that is held for him each year on October 19 at the Kenkun Shrine in Kyoto. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born in 1536 and is believed to have been born a peasant. He became one of Nobunaga's soldiers and over time became a very much trusted lieutenant to Nobunaga. After ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Did Tokugawa Shogunate Unite Japan? Introduction This paper is to research how Tokugawa shogunate could unite Japan. Tokugawa shogunate is an important age of Japanese history, because Tokugawa Ieyasu finished the dispersive Japanese governing of Daimyou to provide sufficient political background to make Japan turn to capitalism. Tokugawa shogunate was the last shogunate of Japan, and it was also a combination between feudalism and capitalism. So researching this period of Japan can also be a way to understand the development and fallen of feudalism during this period around the world. To analyze the reason why Tokugawa shogunate could united Japan, we can research from three parts to do it: the process of the unification of Japan, the character of Tokugawa Ieyasu and other Daimyou in that period, and the economic and labour background of Japan during late phase of shogunate Japan. First main category: ... Show more content on ... Because Oda is the first shogun who tried to unite the whole Japan and the second is Toyotomi Hideyoshi; the last one is Tokugawa Ieyasum, and he, who was the first leader of the last shogunate of Japan, must have fortune to make this. Oda and Hideyoshi had already united a large part of Japan, so that he did not need to spend lots of time and manpower as Oda and Hideyoshi spent, which would make him easier to united Japan. So, I can compare the process of fighting of the three persons to unite Japan. Second main category: In this part, we can analyze the characteristic of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and compare it with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi to find the difference among these three giants depending on sources, get the answer that why Tokugawa could united Japan, but not another two persons. Characteristic is an important element for a person, especially for politician. It would influence a person's attitude to incidents or other persons, so that good characteristic would provide a shortcut to success. Third main ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Impact Of The Military Revolution On Japan A military revolution started in sixteenth century in Europe with the introduction of firearms (Stavros 243). Before the military revolution, Japan was divided in region and controlled by different warlords and the country was politically unstable. However, after the arrival of firearms from the West, Japan has changed dramatically. The result of the military revolution was the development of a strong central power, which helped Japan become a modern nation (McNeill and McNeill 197). Oda Nobunaga, a military leader, and his successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to unify Japan under a single powerful, central government and brought political stability (Brown 238). This essay will explore political impact of firearms as well as economic and ... Show more content on ... The extensive production of muskets and ammunition helped economy grow rapidly. As the demand for guns grew, skilled gunsmiths established schools and workshops to train men and numerous numbers of shops started to emerge throughout Japan. Sakai and Yokkaichi and Kunitomo became especially well known as the center of manufacturer of firearms. According to the writing by a Portuguese explorer, Japan was able to produce a large number of guns just within two or three years and there were over 300,000 guns by 1556 (Brown 238). The construction of the Osaka Castle stimulated greater industrial and commercial business. This castle was built to express Hideyoshi's power but another contributing factor was the usage of artillery in siege warfare (Brown 249). In 1586, the Osaka Castle was completed. The walls of the castle consist of large granite stones that were about 10 feet wide and 40 feet long and the total thickness of the wall is 18 to 21 feet. The eight–storied castle had iron–covered gates and roofs and the base of the castle was mainly made out of stone (Brown 248). These large quantities of high quality materials contributed to the flow of economy. In addition, the movement of large number of soldiers to long distance places also contributed in economy (Brown ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Major Issues In Japan's Period Of Reunification Japan had to deal with many issues during its period of reunification. The major issue for Japan was the constant fighting between daimyo. From 1500–1603, Japan went through a devastating civil war, in which Toyotomi Hideyoshi eventually won. After Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu created a Shogunate that had imperial rule, so the daimyo could no longer fight for control. Japan also struggled with its changing economy in that merchants had low status but higher wealth than the daimyo and samurai. The lords did not seem as powerful when they needed to borrow money from low class merchants. In concern to external pressures, Japan had tried to take Korea under the reign of Hideyoshi but they were quickly overpowered. When the Tokugawa took control, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Descriptive Speech About Osaka Castle OSAKA CASTLE Are you a traveller and love world history? Have you ever imagining yourself, to be a part of an old century when you tried to visit the place in your generation? Have you dream to discover a known place that was part to the oldest countrymen who manage millions of people during their time? Have you wishing to be called Princess or Prince once in your lifetime for this Exclusive journey? Because if you do... This probably suit to your taste! Because, Osaka Castle will make your dream come true! OMG! As in Oh My Good news! When you heard the word Osaka Castle? What really comes in to your mind? And how does it really excite you? Are you not being proud to be able to experience the unforgettable moment you are going to have rooming ... Show more content on ... A place where you can rent a costumes to take picture's with. And a place where you are able to find out the Legend and mystery of this castle. And aside from that, they also have a theater to enjoy with, that is featuring 5 programs about the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi a man who who has a biggest contribution to the history. The Second part of this castle shows the display panels, views about the facts and figures of the Osaka Castle. The offices, replica's and you will have a chance to glance the Osaka castle history. The third floor and fourth floor, are the private counter part of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Suddenly, no camera's allowed. The fifth floor, are scenes during the summer war of Osaka. And last but not the least is the Stereoscope area where you can probably view the Famous naniwa, the three dimensional landscape of Old Osaka Castle. Aren't this convincing enough? For you to have a good traveled experience? What are you still waiting for? Don't be late to pursue your happy bonding moments at Osaka Castle. Your happiness is rely in ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Momoyama Period : A Turning Point Between The Middle Ages The Momoyama period was a turning point between the Middle Ages in Japan. This period began by the overthrow of the Ashikaga Shogunate who was the ruler during the Muromachi period, in the late 15th century. During the Muromachi period, Japan was experiencing violent conflicts over territory and power. In 1573 Oda Nobunaga became the ruler and with him was the birth of the short–lived Momoyama period; only three warlords seized power during that time . Even though, the Momoyama was a brief period between two major eras, it had a lot of impacts on art and architecture. One of the greatest painters of this period was Kano Eitoku. He was described as "the most celebrated painter of his time" . His grandfather Kano Motonobu at the Kano school ... Show more content on ... One of the major aspects that caught the attention of the Momoyama warlords is the large scale of his work. Such as, Eitoku's larger than life–size painting "Chinese Lions" (Figure 1) it is more than seven feet tall and about fifteen feet long. It is a six–panel screen or "byobu" in Japanese and this word stands for wind protection. Screens have a notable role in Japanese history as a way of decoration as well as feasible objects and architectural design. Screens or "byobu", were primarily used as a space divider in the living space of warlords and rich merchants . Those screens are associated with wealth and power; they are lavishly decorated with gold leafs. Screens are mostly made with paper so that it will reflect the streaks of light during the daytime and due to that reflection of the gold leafs the walls will seem as if they were shining. Kano Eitoku enhanced this effect by applying thicker layers of gold leafs on the background of his paintings. The use large screens as a work of art reached its peak during the Momoyama period in the late 16th century. Eitoku reached the highest levels of fame during this period; because of his unique style of cooperating lavish layers of gold leafs and including objects that symbolize power such as lions on a large scale display. This is why the warlords of this period were impressed by his work since they wanted to consolidate their power using artwork . Eitoku received ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Japan 's Influence On Japan For centuries, Japan went through different political transformations and iron fisted rulers which shaped its present standing, starting from a nation of regionally independent governments to a more unitary system. However, since the birth of their first political models, Japan has strongly maintained their hierarchical system which still dominates their bureaucratic organization today. In this essay, I would like to briefly revisit the inception of the early political systems in Japan, from some of their early leaders to the most prominent Tokugawa family rulers and how they all gave way to the unification of the political and social systems that remain in place in modern day Japan. Before the Tokugawa family rose to the power in Japan, in the mid–1400s the nation experienced decades of war and civil unrest. From 1467 to 1477, the ancient capital of Kyoto was torn down by the Onin War. But though the history for this era was dominated by war, the nation's commerce managed to grow and several cities became autonomous international trading posts. Simultaneously ikko sects, Buddhism powerful communities, achieved autonomy from daimyo control. However, between the 1570s and 1600s three ruthless but remarkable leaders conceived and instated a political order aimed to unify the nation through well executed strategies. Oda Nobunaga was the first ruler to reach power. In 1555 he began his rise to power, bringing with him a campaign of terror. Nobunaga began by destroying ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Toyotomi Hideyoshi Research Paper My knowledge of the history of Asia mostly comprises of Japanese history and its culture. My knowledge is mostly from modern Japan, a little from the Heian Period, the Edo Period, and also the Azuchi–Momoyama Period. I found out some of the information from past research papers I wrote for my history classes in high school, friends, family members, and anime. Japan's culture developed at a rapid pace compared to some of the other parts of the world in the Heian era. This period had a great impact on Japanese culture when it came to literature. Many people, mostly women, wrote diaries, poetry, and novels. An example would be The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki Shikibu. Her novel gained popularity during this period. After this era came the Kamakura Period. All I know is that this is where samurai were placed as the nobles of Japan. ... Show more content on ... One of the coolest events that took place during his ambition was from his general, Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He started as a peasant and rose through the ranks to the positions of one of Nobunaga's top generals. Hideyoshi constructed Sunomata Castle, also known as the One Night Castle because it was assembled all in one night. The trick behind it was the parts of the castle were made before they got to their destination, where they were put together. This accomplished something that many had failed. Later on, Toyotomi Hideyoshi became the ruler after Nobunaga's ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Tokugawa Shogunate Research Paper Introduction The Tokugawa shogunate was a very important and stable government in Japanese history. It was the connection of the feudalism and capitalism of Japan. For over two hundred years, challenges to Tokugawa authority were few, and this era was known as the time of Great Peace. In general, its appearance for the populace was grateful, because of a period of freedom from the warfare marked Sengoku, from the middle of 15th century to the end of 16th century. During that period, the chain of islands that makes up Japan was ruled by samurai and warlords. During the late sixteenth–century Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and finally Tokugawa Ieyasu took power in succession and finally united the whole Japan. However, the success of Tokugawa ... Show more content on ... In the beginning of Tokugawa shogunate, the government announced this policy. Although, self– fettered is not a sensible policy for the developing of a country. Because of the isolation between Japan and outside world, there was a large gap was generated on the technical field, and this led the Black Ship's event to a certain extent, and Japan was forced to sign unequal contracts with European countries. However, this policy was not so useless at that time, and at least it could help Tokugawa shogunate rule most populace. On one hand, in the early Tokugawa Shogunate, Ieyasu cut off the new thoughts getting into Japan to influence his governing. He had written some letters to the leaders of other countries to reject their thoughts or religions, such as Mexico and Philippines, and emphasized that Shinkoku and Buddhism were the only religions in Japan. From this, we can see that even though he united Japan, people with new thoughts could still shake his rule. For a ruler, people without any disagreement would be easier to control than the people with innovation, and it was clear that Ieyasu tried his best to avoid the latter ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Contribution Of Oda Nobunaga's Impact On Japan Hideyoshi under his Daimyo, or feudal lord, Oda Nobunaga, would learn well what it meant to be a samurai. Of course the samurai protected their homes and families, but their true glory came on the battlefield, defending their lord against enemies. Born the son of a daimyo in 1534, Nobunaga's reign though short, had an immense impact on Japan. Lord of Nagoya Castle, he destroyed opposing clans in brilliant campaigns against superior forces. He was the first daimyo general to adopt the newly imported Western muskets. He gradually gained control of the region round the capital Kyoto, which he took in 1568. In 1580, he became master of all central Japan. Nobunaga continued to amass power, but before he could subdue the whole country, he was caught off–guard one night by a rebellious vassal, Akechi Mitsuhide. The life of the most powerful warlord in Japan ended in 1582. Ruthless and feared upon the mere mention of his name, Nobunaga was the first to begin the unification of war–torn Japan. A unification, which Hideyoshi would later complete in 1590– ... Show more content on ... Japanese society respected the samurai as those who had the power to resolve conflicts and "keep the peace". They were therefore entitled to govern the country because of their superior military power and peace–keeping ability. They ruled because of their power, yet they had to also prove their entitlement to do so. This is why legitimation was needed. Becoming a samurai and learning the way of the warrior was dependant on lineal descent. Warriors who were not of direct line ancestry were allowed to be subservient samurai yet were tabooed by the imperial court at ever becoming a shogun, the Great general who ruled over government in feudal Japan. In this age, pedigree was an important factor– it lent an air of legitimacy to naked ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Why I Want To Visit Japan When you hear the word "Animation", which country comes across your mind? The first country I think about is Japan. Japan creates many magnificent animations. Almost all of my favorite animations are from Japan. I have lots in interest in Animation. Since I was young, I have drawn many kind of cartoons. I like to draw my daily life, and people. When I think back, I also liked animations too. I wanted to become an animator at that time. Because Japan is related to animation, I want to visit Japan. Out of all of Japan cities, I want to visit Osaka the most. I do not know much about Osaka; I know about Osaka's spring season which becomes a really beautiful place with cherry blossoms. Also, I know that Universal Studio Japan located in Osaka. Universal Studio has made many animations. I really want to visit there. These are one of the reason why I want to visit Osaka. Some of the Osaka tourist attraction I want to visit Universal Studio, Tenjin Festival, and Osaka Castle. Universal Studios of Japan is one of the tourist attractions of ... Show more content on ... Cherry Blossoms are one of my favorite flower. I knew already about Osaka Castle because of Cherry Blossoms Festival. Osaka Castle has lots of cherry blossoms trees. So during the spring, they hold a cherry blossoms festival. The development of Osaka Castle started in 1583 on the former site of the Ishiyama Hohaji Temple, which had been destroyed by Oda Nobunaga thirteen years earlier. (Japan– The entire Osaka Castle Park covers about two square kilometers a lot of green spaces, sport facilities, a multi–purpose arena and a shrine dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The park is one of Osaka's most popular Hanami spot during the cherry blossoms seasons, which usually takes place in early April. During Cherry blossoms season, Osaka Castle become a very beautiful place. In Osaka, I will go to Osaka castle, when I feel need some rest with nature. Osaka Castle will heal my ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Impact Of The Edo Period In Japan The Edo period in Japan lasted from 1603 to 1867, and it is associated with peace and prosperity, as well as increasing urbanization and the rise of a new merchant class (Yonemoto n.p.). During the 15th and 16th centuries, Japan was consumed by chaos and lawlessness due to the constant military conflicts and political intrigue of the Sengoku (Warring States) period (Ebisawa n.p.). Oda Nobunaga who was a prominent military and political leader of the Sengoku period was the first to undertake efforts towards uniting Japan and created a foundation for establishing a prolonged period of peace. He succeeded in subduing all the lands of central Japan and carrying out a series of revolutionary reforms, such as liquidation of internal customs, opening of free trade markets, and compilation of land cadaster (Ebiwasa n.p.). The main goal of Nobunaga's reforms was the development of foreign and domestic trade, as well as undermining the ... Show more content on ... Incredibly high taxes and repression against Christians combined with crop failures and famine led to the Shimabar Rebellion. The rebellion broke out on December 17, 1637 and quickly spread from Kyushu Island to Amakusa Island (Mason 152). The shogunate government gathered a massive 120–thousand army against which rebels stood no chance (Mason 153). The Shimabar Rebellion and its Christian origins gave the reason for implementing the self–isolation policy (Steenburgh n.p.). Its suppression played a major role in determining Japan's foreign policy for the next two centuries. The authorities not only completely banned Christianity, but also closed Japan for any foreigners. Isolationism might have been one of the best possible ways to bring order to a country which had suffered from turmoil and civil strife for ... Get more on ...