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David Garlan and Ivan Ruchkin
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
July 2015
 Joint work with faculty
 Bruce Krogh (Electrical Engineering)
 Andre Platzer (Computer Science)
 Bradley Schmerl (Software Engineering)
 Dionisio De Niz (Software Engineering Institute)
 Sagar Chaki (Software Engineering Institute)
 … and students
 Ajinkya Bhave (multi-view consistency)
 Akshay Rajhans (semantic verification)
 Ivan Ruchkin (architecture and analyses)
 With funding/support from
 National Science Foundation
 Bosch Corporation
 Toyota Corporation
 Characteristics of cyber-physical systems and the role of models
 Today’s model-based CPS methods have many problems
 Difficult to make trade-offs and ensure consistency/completeness
 Difficult to integrate the different modeling approaches
 Difficult to maintain models over time
 Approach:
 Unified representation through extensions of software architecture and
using architectural views to support heterogeneous modeling and analysis
 Formal approach to checking model consistency via views
 Tools for dependency analysis and coordination, supporting evolution
 Various examples along the way
 Quad-rotors, Smart highways, Real-time systems, Smart homes
Cyber-Physical Systems
What is a Cyber-Physical System?
 Many of today’s systems involve complex combinations of
software and physical elements
 Examples:
 Energy-efficient buildings (heating, cooling, power, …)
 Smart electric grid
 Transportation: automotive control, rail control, air traffic control
 Security systems
 These are hard to design and implement -- requires
expertise from many domains
 Control systems, networking, mechanical design, software
applications, etc.
 Effective engineering requires models: state machines, differential
equations, etc.
 Different formalisms and methods within CPS:
 physical dynamics
 control law development
 hardware platform
 software architecture
 Problem 1: Difficult to make tradeoffs across different
engineering dimensions
 Problem 2: Difficult to determine and maintain consistency
and completeness of models
 Problem 3: Difficult to combine multi-disciplinary analyses
Example: STARMAC
 Stanford Testbed for Autonomous Rotorcraft for Multi-
Agent Control (
 Four rotors, arranged symmetrically on frame
Ultrasonic Ranger
High Level
Control Processor
Low Level
Control Processor
Brushless Motors
Multiple Models
Physical Model
Multiple Models
Physical ModelControl Model
Multiple Models
Software Model
Physical ModelControl Model
Multiple Models
Software Model
Physical ModelControl Model
Hardware Model
Do they represent the system?
Are they consistent?
Is there a unifying representation?
What happens when things change?
What we would like
 An approach that unifies cyber and physical design
 Allows one to describe the complete system
 Supports tradeoff analysis
 Allows a multiplicity of models and analyses
 Detects inconsistencies and mismatched assumptions
 Can reason about completeness of design models
 Supported by tools
 Allowing automated checking and linkage to legacy
analysis tools
 Enables incremental development
1. Support both cyber and physical elements
through a CPS architectural style
2. Support heterogeneous models and analyses
through views
3. Determine consistency criteria for multiple views
4. Maintain views and models current through
model-view relations
5. Support development through analysis tools
6. Integrate multi-domain analyses using contracts
Software Architecture
 Represents a system as a graph of components and
 Components: computational elements (databases, servers,
 Connectors: communication pathways (RMI, http, etc)
 Properties: abstract behavior of elements (expected load,
latencies, transaction rates)
 Benefits of software architecture
 Abstraction reduces complexity
 Supports design-time analysis and tradeoffs
 However, does not usually consider physical
modeling, beyond simple sensors and actuators
Extended with Physical Elements
 Include physical system as a set of interacting
components with shared variables/coupled
 Components: Physical elements (mechanical, electrical,
thermal, environmental,…)
 Connectors: Physical interactions (conservation laws,
energy flows, …)
 Behavior: Dynamic behavior of elements (DAEs, LHA,
 Bridging elements link physical elements to cyber
Quadrotor (base) Architectural Model
Cyber elements
Bridging elements
Physical elements
Behavioral Modeling
 Behaviors are associated with subsets of the
architecture suitable for analysis
 Ex 1: Simulink model focuses on control performance,
abstracts scheduling and communication jitter in
 Ex 2: Software behavior modeling focuses on
communication between position ground station and
position controller, abstracts away physical aspects.
 Leads to need for multiple models
 Tailored to particular behavior/analysis
 Related via a base architectural model through views
Models as Architectural Views
Base CPS Architecture
Arch. View X Arch. View Y
model-to-architectural-view relations
architectural -view-to-base-arch. relations
STARMAC Architectural Views
Hardware (AADL) Software (FSP) Physical (Modelica)
Simulink Architecture View
Simulink Model
FSP Architecture View
Process Algebra View
 Can check, e.g., liveness
 If user tells ground station to move rotor to location A, ground
station will eventually receive a status message from the position
controller that it is at new location
 Allows us to reason about connection over lossy, wireless network
 Retry (TCP) connector allows liveness property to be satisfied
What about Consistency?
 Structural consistency between the base
architecture and a view
 Determines if a view represents a valid abstraction of the
base architecture
 Weak: All elements of a view must be derived (via
encapsulation) from the base architecture
 Special case is communication integrity: Two
components in a view cannot interact unless they can
also interact in the base architecture
 Strong: Every component in the base architecture is
accounted for in the view (possibly within an
encapsulation boundary)
Graph Analysis for View Consistency
4 5
7 8 9
5 2
Physical View
Simulink View
4 5
7 8 9
5 2
1 0
4 7
Physical View
Simulink View
Hardware View
of component
connectivity graph
Consistency of views analyzed
as graph morphisms1
Structural Inconsistency in STARMAC
Tools: AcmeStudio
component/connector types
analysis plugins
 Extensible framework for architecture design and analysis
 Adaptation to CPS:
 support for associations between architectural views
 augmenting views with semantic attributes and analysis
 analysis plug-in for system-level verification
Model-Driven Engineering for CPS
Software engineering models:
● UML, statecharts, ADLs, process
● Pros: information hiding,
composition and reuse
● Cons: limited treatment of
continuous processes
Hybrid system models:
● Hybrid automata, hybrid
● Pros: strong formal foundations
for explicit continuity
● Cons: limited support for
information hiding, higher-level
Model-Driven Engineering for CPS
Software engineering models:
● UML, statecharts, ADLs, process
● Pros: information hiding,
composition and reuse
● Cons: limited treatment of
continuous processes
Hybrid system models:
● Hybrid automata, hybrid
● Pros: strong formal foundations
for explicit continuity
● Cons: limited support for
information hiding, higher-level
Goal: bring component-based engineering benefits
such as maintainability and analysis to hybrid programs
Background: Hybrid Programs (HPs) [1]
● A; B – execute A, then B
● A* - execute A zero or
more times
● ?P – test P; continue if
A holds, abort otherwise
● { x1' := F1 … xn' := Fn & P } – evolve along differential equations within
region P
● A U B – execute either A or B
● x := S – assign S to
variable x
● x := * - assign an arbitrary
value to variable x
[1] A. Platzer. Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems: Proving Theorems for Complex Dynamics. 2010.
Robot ::== (
a := *;
? b <= a <= A;
{ v' = a, x' = v, v >= 0 }
Robot's trajectory: arcs
Fragmentation of concerns and
●Difficult to derive and reuse variants
●No restriction of information flow,
implicit “errors”
Robot-obstacle interaction
Architecture for HP
● Target: represent HPs with architectural constructs to enable:
– Composition and analysis
– Derivation and reuse
● Strategy:
– Once: Give architectural concepts meaning in HP
– For each system: Model HP at architectural level (yellow)
– For each variant: Generate plain HP (green)
HPPart Architectural model
*..* 1..1
HP Actors
Each actor contains:
● State: variables, constants, and constraints.
● Ports: variables visible to other actors.
● Ctrl: a HP to execute over State U Ports.
● Phys: set of differential equations over State U Ports.
HP actor (HPA) – a component of a hybrid program.
● {HPA} → HPA → HP
Example: sequential composer
SeqC(a,b)::== (a.Ctrl ; b.Ctrl; {a.Phys, b.Phys})*
Composer – an algorithm to aggregate actors into a HP.
HP Connectors
● Set of roles (e.g., sensing and sensed roles)
● Role-to-port attachment mapping
● Transform: an algorithm to generate a HP without the connector
HP Connector (HPC) – a representation of actor interaction.
Immediate Precise Sensing Conn. (IPSC)
Immediate Precise Sensing Conn. (IPSC)
?|xr – xs| > v2/b
Immediate Precise Sensing Conn. (IPSC)
?|xr – xs| > v2/b
?|xr – xo| > v2/b
HP Architectural View
● Contains: {HPA}, {HPC}, Composer
● Represented with a single architectural model
● Amenable to information flow analysis:
– Is information hiding violated?
HP View – an architectural representation of a HP.
Architectural Types
Example: types of robot physics: grid / line / arc / spiral.
Architectural type – a partially specified HPA, HPC, or Composer.
Type B
Type A
Type C
Architectural DDL Formula
Architectural DDL Formula (ADDL) – a DDL formula over HP views.
Example: “the robot behaves in a way that gives the obstacle an
opportunity to stop.”
Init → [HP View 1] (RobotFar ∧ (ObstFar → <HP View 2> Safe))
HP View 1:
- robot is moving
- obstacle (abstract) is moving
HP View 2 :
- robot is stopped
- obstacle (concrete) is
given a chance to stop
Design, Reuse Component Analysis
Model-Driven Engineering with
Architectural HP
HP 1
HP 2
Type A Architectural View 1*..* *..*
Architectural View 2
Architectural View 3
Type B
● Method: “architecturalized” 15 model variants in an existing
case study [2]; observed extent of reuse and errors found by
● Reuse results:
– Sensing connectors: average 2 connectors per variant.
– Actor physics types are widely used, up to 5-7 times in 15
[2] S. Mitsch, K. Ghorbal, and A. Platzer. On provably safe obstacle avoidance for autonomous
robotic ground vehicles. 2013.
Composition Analysis Results
● Lack of component separation: robot assigns
obstacle's position variable (intent – sensing).
Threats: safety, implementability.
● Conflation of variables within HPs: sensing
intersection's position vs. obstacle's position.
Threats: safety, maintainability.
● Conflation of variables across HPs: different
meanings of a variable – direction vs. speed.
Threats: safety, implementability, maintainability.
HP Views: Summary
● CPS require expressive and maintainable models.
● Hybrid programs are expressive, but have limited
● Architectural abstractions for HPs improve
maintainability and detect implicit modeling errors.
Analytic Aspect of Integration
Bin packing
Frequency scaling
Analytic Aspect of Integration
Bin packing
Frequency scaling
 Frequency scaling is applicable only when:
 used after Bin packing
 the system is behaviorally deadline-monotonic
 Otherwise frequency scaling may render the system
Analysis Integration Problem
 Out-of-order execution
Domain 2
Domain 1
Analysis Integration Problem
 Out-of-order execution
 Invalidation of assumptions
Domain 2
Domain 1
Analysis Contracts Approach
1. Formalize analysis domains.
2. Specify contracts: dependencies, assumptions, and
guarantees of analyses.
3. Determine correct ordering of analyses
4. Verify assumptions and guarantees of analyses.
Running Example
Discharge Charge
Battery Scheduling
Bin packing Data security
Data security
Running Example
Discharge Charge
Battery Scheduling
Battery domain σbatt
Scheduling domain σsched
Bin packing Data security
Data security
Analysis Contracts
Given a domain σ, analysis contract C is a tuple (I, O, A, G)
 Inputs I ⊆ A ∪ S
 Outputs O ⊆ A ∪ S
 Assumptions A ⊆ Fσ
 Guarantees G ⊆ Fσ
Analysis Contracts
Given a domain σ, analysis contract C is a tuple (I, O, A, G)
 Inputs I ⊆ A ∪ S
 Outputs O ⊆ A ∪ S
 Assumptions A ⊆ Fσ
 Guarantees G ⊆ Fσ
 Fσ ::= {∀|∃} • φ | {∀|∃} • φ : ψ
 φ is a static predicate formula over A and S
 ψ is an LTL formula over A, S, and R
Running Example
Discharge Charge
Battery Scheduling
Battery domain σbatt
Scheduling domain σsched
Bin packing Data security
Data security
Assumption Verification
∀ t1, t2: Threads • t1 ≠ t2 ∧ CPUBind(t1) = CPUBind(t2) :
G (CanPrmpt(t1, t2) ⇒ Dline(t1) < Dline(t2))
• SMT solver finds solutions for static fragment φ
∀ t1, t:2Threads | t1 ≠ t2 ∧ CPUBind(t1) = CPUBind(t2)
• Model checking property ψ in a behavioral Promela model
for each SMT solution:
• G (CanPrmpt(t1, t2) ⇒ Dline(t1)< Dline(t2))
Battery Modeling
Discharge Charge
Battery Scheduling
Battery domain σbatt
• Abstraction: circuits
• Selects a scheduler for cell connections
• Oblivious of heat: treats any configuration as
acceptable heat-wise
• Abstraction: geometry
• Simulates heat propagation
• Cannot scale to dynamic scheduling: simulates
only fixed cell configurations
Battery Modeling
Discharge Charge
Battery Scheduling
Battery domain σbatt
• Abstraction: circuits
• Selects a scheduler for cell connections
• Oblivious of heat: treats any configuration as
acceptable heat-wise
• Abstraction: geometry
• Simulates heat propagation
• Cannot scale to dynamic scheduling: simulates
only fixed cell configurations
• Restrictions on acceptable thermal configurations
• Guarantee: unacceptable ones don't occur
Battery Modeling
Discharge Charge
Battery Scheduling
Battery domain σbatt
• Selects a battery scheduler
• G: ∀ b: Batteries • G ( ∑ i=0..3 K(b, i)*TN(b, i) ) ≥ 0
• Verified with battery Promela/Spin model
K(b, i)
• Determines K(b, i) via simulation
Framework Implementation
Analysis Contracts: Work in Progress
• New domains are being incorporated:
• Reliability (FMEA)
• Security (sensor trustworthiness)
• Control (secure state estimation)
• Tight integration with multiple views.
• Automated resolution of dependency loops.
Analysis Contracts: Summary
• Analysis integration is error-prone
• Incorrect ordering
• Violation of implicit assumptions
• Our solution:
• Contract specification language
• Contract verification algorithm
• Framework implementation
• Effective, extensible, and scalable
 CPS requires heterogeneous collections of models to
enable deep semantic analysis
 Leads to problems of consistency, completeness, and
incremental development
 We are exploring the integration of heterogeneous
modeling and analysis through architecture views
 Provides formal criteria for structural and semantic
 Can be supported by tools that manage dependencies and
support model-view relationships
 I. Ruchkin, B. Schmerl and D. Garlan. Architectural Abstractions for
Hybrid Programs. In Proc. of the 18th International ACM Sigsoft
Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2015),
Montréal, May 2015.
 I. Ruchkin, D. De Niz, S. Chaki, D. Garlan. Contract-Based Integration of
Cyber-Physical Analyses. In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on
Embedded Software, New Delhi, India, October 2014.
 A. Y. Bhave, B.H. Krogh, D. Garlan, and B. Schmerl. View Consistency in
Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems. In 2011 IEEE/ACM International
Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 151-160, 2011.
 A. Rajhans, A.Y. Bhave, I. Ruchkin, B. Krogh, D. Garlan, A. Platzer, and B.
Schmerl. Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical Systems
Architectures. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014.
 A. Rajhans, S.-W. Cheng, B. Schmerl, D. Garlan, B. Krogh, C. Agbi and
A. Y. Bhave. An Architectural Approach to the Design and Analysis of
Cyber-Physical Systems. In Electronic Communications of the EASST,
Vol. 21: Multi-Paradigm Modeling, 2009.
 A. Y. Bhave, B. Krogh, D. Garlan and B. Schmerl. Multi-domain
Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems using Architectural Views. In
Proc. of the 1st Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems
Workshop, 2010. Co-located with RTSS 2010.
 A. Y. Bhave, D. Garlan, B. Krogh, A. Rajhans and B. Schmerl.
Augmenting Software Architectures with Physical Components. In
Proc. of the Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Conference
(ERTS 2010), May 2010.
 I. Ruchkin, D. De Niz, S. Chaki, D. Garlan. ACTIVE: A Tool for
Integrating Analysis Contracts. In Proc. of the 5th Analytic Virtual
Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop, 2014. Co-located
with RTSS 2014.
The End

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Identifying and Resolving Consistency Issues between Model Representations

  • 1. David Garlan and Ivan Ruchkin Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA July 2015
  • 2. Acknowledgements  Joint work with faculty  Bruce Krogh (Electrical Engineering)  Andre Platzer (Computer Science)  Bradley Schmerl (Software Engineering)  Dionisio De Niz (Software Engineering Institute)  Sagar Chaki (Software Engineering Institute)  … and students  Ajinkya Bhave (multi-view consistency)  Akshay Rajhans (semantic verification)  Ivan Ruchkin (architecture and analyses)  With funding/support from  National Science Foundation  Bosch Corporation  Toyota Corporation 2
  • 3. Outline  Characteristics of cyber-physical systems and the role of models  Today’s model-based CPS methods have many problems  Difficult to make trade-offs and ensure consistency/completeness  Difficult to integrate the different modeling approaches  Difficult to maintain models over time  Approach:  Unified representation through extensions of software architecture and using architectural views to support heterogeneous modeling and analysis  Formal approach to checking model consistency via views  Tools for dependency analysis and coordination, supporting evolution  Various examples along the way  Quad-rotors, Smart highways, Real-time systems, Smart homes 3
  • 5. What is a Cyber-Physical System?  Many of today’s systems involve complex combinations of software and physical elements  Examples:  Energy-efficient buildings (heating, cooling, power, …)  Smart electric grid  Transportation: automotive control, rail control, air traffic control  Security systems  These are hard to design and implement -- requires expertise from many domains  Control systems, networking, mechanical design, software applications, etc.  Effective engineering requires models: state machines, differential equations, etc. 5
  • 6. Problems  Different formalisms and methods within CPS:  physical dynamics  control law development  hardware platform  software architecture  Problem 1: Difficult to make tradeoffs across different engineering dimensions  Problem 2: Difficult to determine and maintain consistency and completeness of models  Problem 3: Difficult to combine multi-disciplinary analyses 10
  • 7. Example: STARMAC  Stanford Testbed for Autonomous Rotorcraft for Multi- Agent Control (  Four rotors, arranged symmetrically on frame 11
  • 8. Battery Ultrasonic Ranger High Level Control Processor Low Level Control Processor GPS Electronics Interface Brushless Motors IMU
  • 12. Multiple Models Software Model Physical ModelControl Model Hardware Model
  • 13. Do they represent the system?
  • 15. Is there a unifying representation? ?
  • 16. What happens when things change? ?
  • 17. What we would like  An approach that unifies cyber and physical design  Allows one to describe the complete system  Supports tradeoff analysis  Allows a multiplicity of models and analyses  Detects inconsistencies and mismatched assumptions  Can reason about completeness of design models  Supported by tools  Allowing automated checking and linkage to legacy analysis tools  Enables incremental development 21
  • 18. Approach 1. Support both cyber and physical elements through a CPS architectural style 2. Support heterogeneous models and analyses through views 3. Determine consistency criteria for multiple views 4. Maintain views and models current through model-view relations 5. Support development through analysis tools 6. Integrate multi-domain analyses using contracts 22
  • 20. Software Architecture  Represents a system as a graph of components and connectors  Components: computational elements (databases, servers, etc)  Connectors: communication pathways (RMI, http, etc)  Properties: abstract behavior of elements (expected load, latencies, transaction rates)  Benefits of software architecture  Abstraction reduces complexity  Supports design-time analysis and tradeoffs  However, does not usually consider physical modeling, beyond simple sensors and actuators 24
  • 21. Extended with Physical Elements  Include physical system as a set of interacting components with shared variables/coupled constraints  Components: Physical elements (mechanical, electrical, thermal, environmental,…)  Connectors: Physical interactions (conservation laws, energy flows, …)  Behavior: Dynamic behavior of elements (DAEs, LHA, …)  Bridging elements link physical elements to cyber elements 25
  • 22. Quadrotor (base) Architectural Model Cyber elements Bridging elements Physical elements 26
  • 23. Behavioral Modeling  Behaviors are associated with subsets of the architecture suitable for analysis  Ex 1: Simulink model focuses on control performance, abstracts scheduling and communication jitter in software.  Ex 2: Software behavior modeling focuses on communication between position ground station and position controller, abstracts away physical aspects.  Leads to need for multiple models  Tailored to particular behavior/analysis  Related via a base architectural model through views 27
  • 24. Models as Architectural Views Control Model Mx XR My YR X BAR Y BAR Base CPS Architecture Hardware Model Arch. View X Arch. View Y Control Arch. Hardware Arch. model-to-architectural-view relations architectural -view-to-base-arch. relations 28
  • 25. STARMAC Architectural Views TCP UDP Model Arch. View Base Arch. Hardware (AADL) Software (FSP) Physical (Modelica)
  • 29. Process Algebra View  Can check, e.g., liveness  If user tells ground station to move rotor to location A, ground station will eventually receive a status message from the position controller that it is at new location  Allows us to reason about connection over lossy, wireless network  Retry (TCP) connector allows liveness property to be satisfied 33 Gnd_Station QuadRotor TCP UDP
  • 30. What about Consistency?  Structural consistency between the base architecture and a view  Determines if a view represents a valid abstraction of the base architecture  Weak: All elements of a view must be derived (via encapsulation) from the base architecture  Special case is communication integrity: Two components in a view cannot interact unless they can also interact in the base architecture  Strong: Every component in the base architecture is accounted for in the view (possibly within an encapsulation boundary) 34
  • 31. Graph Analysis for View Consistency 0 2 13 4 5 6 10 7 8 9 12 13 11 0 1 4 3 5 2 1 3 2 0 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 Physical View Simulink View Hardw BA 0 2 13 4 5 6 10 7 8 9 12 13 11 0 1 4 3 5 2 6 1 0 3 5 4 7 89 2 0 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 Physical View Simulink View Hardware View BA generation of component connectivity graph Consistency of views analyzed as graph morphisms1 35
  • 32. Structural Inconsistency in STARMAC Weak Inconsistency
  • 33. Tools: AcmeStudio component/connector types analysis plugins  Extensible framework for architecture design and analysis  Adaptation to CPS:  support for associations between architectural views  augmenting views with semantic attributes and analysis  analysis plug-in for system-level verification 37
  • 35. 46 Model-Driven Engineering for CPS Software engineering models: ● UML, statecharts, ADLs, process algebras ● Pros: information hiding, composition and reuse ● Cons: limited treatment of continuous processes Hybrid system models: ● Hybrid automata, hybrid programs ● Pros: strong formal foundations for explicit continuity ● Cons: limited support for information hiding, higher-level representation
  • 36. 47 Model-Driven Engineering for CPS Software engineering models: ● UML, statecharts, ADLs, process algebras ● Pros: information hiding, composition and reuse ● Cons: limited treatment of continuous processes Hybrid system models: ● Hybrid automata, hybrid programs ● Pros: strong formal foundations for explicit continuity ● Cons: limited support for information hiding, higher-level representation Goal: bring component-based engineering benefits such as maintainability and analysis to hybrid programs
  • 37. 48 Background: Hybrid Programs (HPs) [1] ● A; B – execute A, then B ● A* - execute A zero or more times ● ?P – test P; continue if A holds, abort otherwise ● { x1' := F1 … xn' := Fn & P } – evolve along differential equations within region P ● A U B – execute either A or B ● x := S – assign S to variable x ● x := * - assign an arbitrary value to variable x [1] A. Platzer. Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems: Proving Theorems for Complex Dynamics. 2010. Robot ::== ( a := *; ? b <= a <= A; { v' = a, x' = v, v >= 0 } )* x v a
  • 38. 49 Robot's trajectory: arcs Fragmentation of concerns and components. ●Difficult to derive and reuse variants ●No restriction of information flow, implicit “errors” Robot-obstacle interaction
  • 39. 50 Architecture for HP ● Target: represent HPs with architectural constructs to enable: – Composition and analysis – Derivation and reuse ● Strategy: – Once: Give architectural concepts meaning in HP – For each system: Model HP at architectural level (yellow) – For each variant: Generate plain HP (green) HPPart Architectural model *..* 1..1
  • 40. 51 HP Actors Each actor contains: ● State: variables, constants, and constraints. ● Ports: variables visible to other actors. ● Ctrl: a HP to execute over State U Ports. ● Phys: set of differential equations over State U Ports. HP actor (HPA) – a component of a hybrid program. HP HPA 1 HPA 2
  • 41. 52 Composers Steps: ● {HPA} → HPA → HP Example: sequential composer SeqC(a,b)::== (a.Ctrl ; b.Ctrl; {a.Phys, b.Phys})* Composer – an algorithm to aggregate actors into a HP. HP HPA 1 HPA 2 compose Composer
  • 42. 53 HP Connectors Contains: ● Set of roles (e.g., sensing and sensed roles) ● Role-to-port attachment mapping ● Transform: an algorithm to generate a HP without the connector HP Connector (HPC) – a representation of actor interaction. HPA 1 HPA 2 transform HPA 3 HPA 4
  • 43. 54 Immediate Precise Sensing Conn. (IPSC) xr,b v xo xs
  • 44. 55 Immediate Precise Sensing Conn. (IPSC) ?|xr – xs| > v2/b Robot xr,v,b Obstacle xs xoIPSC xr,b v xo xs
  • 45. 56 Immediate Precise Sensing Conn. (IPSC) ?|xr – xs| > v2/b ?|xr – xo| > v2/b Robot xr,v,b Obstacle xs xo Robot xr,v,b Obstacle IPSC.Transform IPSC xr,b v xo xs
  • 46. 57 HP Architectural View ● Contains: {HPA}, {HPC}, Composer ● Represented with a single architectural model ● Amenable to information flow analysis: – Is information hiding violated? HP View – an architectural representation of a HP. HPA 1 HPA 2 generate Composer HP View HPC
  • 47. 58 Architectural Types Example: types of robot physics: grid / line / arc / spiral. Architectural type – a partially specified HPA, HPC, or Composer. HPA 1 HPA 2 generate Composer HP View HPC Type B Type A Type C
  • 48. 59 Architectural DDL Formula Architectural DDL Formula (ADDL) – a DDL formula over HP views. Example: “the robot behaves in a way that gives the obstacle an opportunity to stop.” Init → [HP View 1] (RobotFar ∧ (ObstFar → <HP View 2> Safe)) HP View 1: - robot is moving - obstacle (abstract) is moving HP View 2 : - robot is stopped - obstacle (concrete) is given a chance to stop
  • 49. 60 Design, Reuse Component Analysis Model-Driven Engineering with Architectural HP Verification HP 1 HP 2 Type A Architectural View 1*..* *..* Architectural View 2 Architectural View 3 ADDL 2 ADDL 1 1..1 Type B
  • 50. 61 Evaluation ● Method: “architecturalized” 15 model variants in an existing case study [2]; observed extent of reuse and errors found by analysis. ● Reuse results: – Sensing connectors: average 2 connectors per variant. – Actor physics types are widely used, up to 5-7 times in 15 models [2] S. Mitsch, K. Ghorbal, and A. Platzer. On provably safe obstacle avoidance for autonomous robotic ground vehicles. 2013.
  • 51. 62 Composition Analysis Results ● Lack of component separation: robot assigns obstacle's position variable (intent – sensing). Threats: safety, implementability. ● Conflation of variables within HPs: sensing intersection's position vs. obstacle's position. Threats: safety, maintainability. ● Conflation of variables across HPs: different meanings of a variable – direction vs. speed. Threats: safety, implementability, maintainability.
  • 52. 63 HP Views: Summary ● CPS require expressive and maintainable models. ● Hybrid programs are expressive, but have limited modularity. ● Architectural abstractions for HPs improve maintainability and detect implicit modeling errors.
  • 54. Analytic Aspect of Integration Sensor Sampling PID Controller Actuator Controller Sensor board CPU Actuator board System Bin packing Analysis Power ExecTime Frequency scaling Analysis 66
  • 55. Analytic Aspect of Integration Sensor Sampling PID Controller Actuator Controller Sensor board CPU Actuator board System Bin packing Analysis Power ExecTime Frequency scaling Analysis  Frequency scaling is applicable only when:  used after Bin packing  the system is behaviorally deadline-monotonic  Otherwise frequency scaling may render the system unschedulable 67
  • 56. Analysis Integration Problem System Analysis Analysis Analysis  Out-of-order execution Analysis Domain 2 Domain 1 68
  • 57. Analysis Integration Problem System Analysis Analysis Analysis  Out-of-order execution  Invalidation of assumptions Analysis Domain 2 Domain 1 69
  • 58. Analysis Contracts Approach 1. Formalize analysis domains. 2. Specify contracts: dependencies, assumptions, and guarantees of analyses. 3. Determine correct ordering of analyses 4. Verify assumptions and guarantees of analyses. 71
  • 59. Running Example Discharge Charge Battery Scheduling Battery Scheduling Bin packing Data security x Data security x 72
  • 60. Running Example Discharge Charge Battery Scheduling Battery domain σbatt Scheduling domain σsched Bin packing Data security x Data security x 73
  • 61. Analysis Contracts Given a domain σ, analysis contract C is a tuple (I, O, A, G)  Inputs I ⊆ A ∪ S  Outputs O ⊆ A ∪ S  Assumptions A ⊆ Fσ  Guarantees G ⊆ Fσ 74
  • 62. Analysis Contracts Given a domain σ, analysis contract C is a tuple (I, O, A, G)  Inputs I ⊆ A ∪ S  Outputs O ⊆ A ∪ S  Assumptions A ⊆ Fσ  Guarantees G ⊆ Fσ Where:  Fσ ::= {∀|∃} • φ | {∀|∃} • φ : ψ  φ is a static predicate formula over A and S  ψ is an LTL formula over A, S, and R 75
  • 63. Running Example Discharge Charge Battery Scheduling Battery domain σbatt Scheduling domain σsched Bin packing Data security x Data security x 76
  • 64. Assumption Verification Goal: ∀ t1, t2: Threads • t1 ≠ t2 ∧ CPUBind(t1) = CPUBind(t2) : G (CanPrmpt(t1, t2) ⇒ Dline(t1) < Dline(t2)) • SMT solver finds solutions for static fragment φ ∀ t1, t:2Threads | t1 ≠ t2 ∧ CPUBind(t1) = CPUBind(t2) • Model checking property ψ in a behavioral Promela model for each SMT solution: • G (CanPrmpt(t1, t2) ⇒ Dline(t1)< Dline(t2)) 77
  • 65. Battery Modeling Discharge Charge Battery Scheduling Battery domain σbatt • Abstraction: circuits • Selects a scheduler for cell connections • Oblivious of heat: treats any configuration as acceptable heat-wise • Abstraction: geometry • Simulates heat propagation • Cannot scale to dynamic scheduling: simulates only fixed cell configurations 78
  • 66. Battery Modeling Discharge Charge Battery Scheduling Battery domain σbatt • Abstraction: circuits • Selects a scheduler for cell connections • Oblivious of heat: treats any configuration as acceptable heat-wise • Abstraction: geometry • Simulates heat propagation • Cannot scale to dynamic scheduling: simulates only fixed cell configurations • Restrictions on acceptable thermal configurations • Guarantee: unacceptable ones don't occur 79
  • 67. Battery Modeling Discharge Charge Battery Scheduling Battery domain σbatt • Selects a battery scheduler • G: ∀ b: Batteries • G ( ∑ i=0..3 K(b, i)*TN(b, i) ) ≥ 0 • Verified with battery Promela/Spin model K(b, i) • Determines K(b, i) via simulation 80
  • 69. Analysis Contracts: Work in Progress • New domains are being incorporated: • Reliability (FMEA) • Security (sensor trustworthiness) • Control (secure state estimation) • Tight integration with multiple views. • Automated resolution of dependency loops. 82
  • 70. Analysis Contracts: Summary • Analysis integration is error-prone • Incorrect ordering • Violation of implicit assumptions • Our solution: • Contract specification language • Contract verification algorithm • Framework implementation • Effective, extensible, and scalable 83
  • 71. Conclusion  CPS requires heterogeneous collections of models to enable deep semantic analysis  Leads to problems of consistency, completeness, and incremental development  We are exploring the integration of heterogeneous modeling and analysis through architecture views  Provides formal criteria for structural and semantic consistency  Can be supported by tools that manage dependencies and support model-view relationships 84
  • 72. References  I. Ruchkin, B. Schmerl and D. Garlan. Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs. In Proc. of the 18th International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2015), Montréal, May 2015.  I. Ruchkin, D. De Niz, S. Chaki, D. Garlan. Contract-Based Integration of Cyber-Physical Analyses. In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Embedded Software, New Delhi, India, October 2014.  A. Y. Bhave, B.H. Krogh, D. Garlan, and B. Schmerl. View Consistency in Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems. In 2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 151-160, 2011.  A. Rajhans, A.Y. Bhave, I. Ruchkin, B. Krogh, D. Garlan, A. Platzer, and B. Schmerl. Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014. 85
  • 73.  A. Rajhans, S.-W. Cheng, B. Schmerl, D. Garlan, B. Krogh, C. Agbi and A. Y. Bhave. An Architectural Approach to the Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems. In Electronic Communications of the EASST, Vol. 21: Multi-Paradigm Modeling, 2009.  A. Y. Bhave, B. Krogh, D. Garlan and B. Schmerl. Multi-domain Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems using Architectural Views. In Proc. of the 1st Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop, 2010. Co-located with RTSS 2010.  A. Y. Bhave, D. Garlan, B. Krogh, A. Rajhans and B. Schmerl. Augmenting Software Architectures with Physical Components. In Proc. of the Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Conference (ERTS 2010), May 2010.  I. Ruchkin, D. De Niz, S. Chaki, D. Garlan. ACTIVE: A Tool for Integrating Analysis Contracts. In Proc. of the 5th Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop, 2014. Co-located with RTSS 2014. 86 References