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                                                                                                                      A Retail Publication

                                                                                                                              Issue 1 • 2012

How Design Drives Retail Brand Value
Design has ascended to great importance         By studying the companies that do it best,       Shopper empathy
in the 21st century. It’s practically taking    the Interbrand team has identified five          Design succeeds best when it is conceived
over the marketplace with its influence.        principles that when applied bring the           and delivered through the eyes of the
We could argue, in fact, that design is the     relationship between design and value to life.   shopper. They naturally respond to gestures
retail experience since design is both                                                           of empathy. Does your customer need
sensorial and cognitive in nature.               Simplicity wins                                 inspiration or enlightenment? Provide
                                                “Although jumble and intrigue has its place,     it through design and merchandising.
Because shoppers make purchase decisions         complexity doesn’t work in retail,” says        Do they need new ideas to address the
every day based on sensory experience,           Jeffrey. “Simple intuitive design wins every    day-to-day challenges of modern life?
a strong design sensibility is a vital           time. You may think simple equals boring,       Create a store organized by solutions or
component of a healthy brand experience.         but that’s not how human sensibility            offer ultra convenience at every touchpoint.
                                                 works. Use design to tell your brand story
“Design enhances communication and               as simply but as compellingly as possible,      Shoppers will credit your brand for its relevance
 identity. It conveys meaning and values,”       and the audience — your shopper — will          and responsiveness. Think of how beautifully
 says Scott Jeffrey, Chief Creative Officer,     provide its own interpretation.”                The Container Store speaks to the shopper’s
 Interbrand Design Forum. “There are brands                                                      need for life-improving organization.
 that clearly value design, both expressing     Japan’s Uniqlo apparel store is an excellent
 and protecting it across every touchpoint.”    example of zen-like simplicity. Shoppers get     Retailers are learning to respond quickly to
                                                it. The environment asks the shopper to          consumer behavior changes induced by
“There are other brands where design takes      slow down, become aware of the offerings’        technology, economic and time pressures.
 a back seat to operational effectiveness or    quality, variety, affordability and beauty.      Last season, Sears gave the overburdened,
 efficiency,” says Justin Wartell, Executive                                                     harried holiday shopper a break by putting
 Director, Strategy and Analytics, Interbrand   “The store in total is a powerful medium for     virtual toy shopping walls in airports, malls
 Design Forum. “But regardless of how an         communication through forms, materials,         and movie theaters. QR code purchases
 organization views it, we’ve seen clear         textures, light and color,” says Jeffrey.       made from smartphones were delivered
 connections between a strong, compelling       “If Uniqlo didn’t speak in a unique and          to the doorstep. Empathy raises a brand
 design and brand value creation.”               recognizable language through these             above commodity status to true relevance.
                                                 universal forms, it would be just another
                                                 trendy college clothing store.”

                                                                                                                                 (continued on back)
Retail Observations

Almost Human: The Four Internal
Factors of Brand Strength
                                                                                               •	 Protection: proprietary elements, scale and
                                                                                                  geographical spread help secure the brand.

                                                                                               It won’t surprise you that the brands that score
                                                                                               highest on these four internal attributes are
                                                                                               the most valuable brands in the U.S., according
                                                                                               to Interbrand’s 2012 list of Best Retail Brands.

                                                                                               Take clarity. Target’s brand partnerships and
                                                                                               house brand developments all revolve around
                                                                                               the notion of “Expect More. Pay Less.” It’s clear
                                                                                               the brand intends to stay strong in this rite.

                                                                                               Walmart’s high score on commitment
                                                                                               translates directly into shopper loyalty.
Great brands, like great people, start from      •	 Relevance: does the brand fit you, its     The merchant’s 2010 media spend was
within. The friends you most admire are             customer?                                  $869 million. The culture fits the brand.
most likely smart, self-aware, honest and        •	 Authenticity: is the brand based on a      Walmart thoroughly communicates its
live their lives with integrity. According          defined heritage or truth?                 beliefs and values internally—respect,
to Interbrand’s study of the nation’s top        •	 Differentiation: the degree you perceive   service and excellence.
retailers, the brands Americans rely on most        it to be different from its competitors.
have a similar strength of character. But at     •	 Consistency: across all touchpoints, not   CVS/pharmacy is a great example of a brand
Interbrand we refer to it as “brand strength.”      just in every store.                       strong on scale, geographical spread and
                                                 •	 Presence: is it seen and talked about      the proprietary elements of protection. The
While we don’t measure the character of             positively everywhere?                     drugstore takes care to protect the equity
individuals, we do apply our very useful         •	 Understanding: do you have an in-depth     of its banner brand as it continues to expand
valuation methods to brands. Why? To                knowledge of its distinctive qualities?    its portfolio of private labels. Its new urban
determine a brand’s ability to generate                                                        format is helping it compete in denser markets.
demand for the future. Even though a             With just that brief exercise, you can see
brand has intangible attributes, it can be       that even your favorite brand has room is tops in responsiveness, built
valued as an asset, often worth millions.        to improve. But the factors I find most       to transform when it finds opportunities
And like any asset, it can be put to work        interesting — most humanistic — are           to compete in new markets or serve new
to drive business. But first, a company          internal to an organization’s workings.       customers through technological innovation,
must understand the way its brand                They serve as the foundation of brand         more convenience and better prices.
works. That’s where we come in.                  strength. Remember how Toyota
                                                 disastrously abandoned its fundamental        Studying a company through the lens
Interbrand’s valuation methodology uses          internal principles in pursuit of market      of brand is incredibly enlightening. It’s a
three elements: financial performance, the       share? That’s how important this is.          holistic and accurate way of understanding
Role of Brand (the portion of the purchase                                                     how brand makes money for business. The
decision attributable to brand) and Brand        •	 Clarity: Everyone from the CEO to          ten components of brand strength provide
Strength (the ability of a brand to secure          the mail clerk knows what the brand        a multi-faceted perspective that help you
future earnings).                                   stands for and understands its values,     focus and recalibrate. The marketplace
                                                    positioning and proposition.               keeps changing, but the principles of
There are ten Brand Strength factors. Six        •	 Commitment: the company invests in         strong brands hold true.
are external—meaning they are defined by            its brand.
public perception. Think about these factors     •	 Responsiveness: the brand is able to
in regard to your favorite retail brand:            evolve and renew itself despite shifts
                                                    in the marketplace.                                           Bruce Dybvad
Lessons from the Best

Five takeaways from Interbrand’s 2012
Best Retail Brands
Interbrand’s annual study of the world’s          Today’s customers gravitate toward simple         Be multidimensional
move valuable retail brands provides some         solutions and more efficient shopping.            Over time every brand achieves a level of
keen insight into matters at the heart of         In that respect, most retailers still have        maturity and reliability that gives it less
the retail industry. Here are the leading         unrealized opportunity to delight their           surprise and relevance. Where do you go
thoughts around five top issues:                  customers with or without digital.                after that? How does a brand develop,
                                                  Improved customer service, easier                 year after year, a renewed experience
Be less predictable, more agile                   merchandise returns and a reduction               with enough depth to triumph?
Now that commerce is available all the            in out of stocks, which still reach up
time, any place, online or off, levels of         to ten percent in stores on average,              By developing beyond a shopper’s need
business predictability have been reduced.        could have far more relevance.                    for function and identity by adding more
For retailers, a fluid and uncertain                                                                emotion, richer texture and dimension.
market is the new normal.                         Understand the new pathway                        Brands can revive their relevance by going
                                                  to purchase                                       deep into their original attributes to find a
Responsiveness now trumps efficiency.             For many years, marketers had a distinct          fresh connection that turns the ordinary
When a brand is responsive to its shoppers’       way of examining consumers’ decision              into something meaningful.
behaviors and expectations, it adds value         process. In theory, when need arose, the
to its goods and services. Added value            consumer would consider a range of                It’s been said, if shoppers were only
allows a brand to earn more. “Location”           brands and methodically narrow their              interested in price, there wouldn’t be much
is redefined as reach and responsiveness          options to a final choice. In response,           retail. The variety of retail we have today
through store count in combination with           brands addressed their points of                  proves that different people value different
online impressions and mobile transactions,       awareness and purchase through                    things when it comes to acquiring goods.
as well as real-life social interactions.         advertising and promotional spending.             The trick is to find the value beyond the
                                                                                                    transaction. The world’s best brands know
It’s a major challenge for an agile brand         The pathway today is more complex                 what the customer values, and work
to keep all touchpoints connected and             as consumers connect digitally with               relentlessly to provide it for them.
aligned. So is maintaining the expected           myriad brands through channels outside
level of customer service, which in               the marketer’s influence. They spend              Think omnichannel
today’s competitive landscape becomes             significantly more time in the research           Many a traditional retailer has treated
exponentially more critical in helping every      phase. Thanks to social media and online          its e-commerce operation almost as an
shopper interaction lead to brand adoption.       reviews, consumers remain engaged with            afterthought, leaving it without resources
                                                  products for an extended period of time           or commitment. The typical state of cross
Use digital to simplify                           after the purchase, evaluating and                channel commerce remains poor, plagued
Just because you’re digital doesn’t mean          sometimes advocating for the brand.               as it is by information silos, organization
you’re helpful. The prevalence of low-utility                                                       issues, and non-interoperable programs
apps, and gimmicks like augmented reality         Smart retailers are studying this path to         that frustrate customers.
fitting room mirrors are usually short-lived      find leverage and insights they can profitably
experiments. Consumers find that such             act on. It requires devoting resources to         The best retail brands are taking steps
things merely complicate their lives.             identify the pathway and study its intricacies,   to fix the problem, but there is a long
                                                  then applying the insights to revise strategy,    way to go and not much time. It’s estimated
However, digital tactics used in the service of   media spending and organizational roles.          that by 2014, almost every mobile phone
targeting and segmentation can help deliver       However, simply watching and listening            will be an internet-connected smartphone
something shoppers value as much as price;        to shoppers still works because despite all       and 40 percent of Americans will
such as advance notices, personal reviews         the digital research, many decisions are          use tablets.
or recommendations from peer shoppers.            still made in the store.

                                                                                                                                  (continued on back)
How Design Drives Retail Brand Value                                                                            Lessons from the Best
 Brand voice                                             brand idea, design can surprise, delight               The challenge omnichannel represents is
“Apply your brand personality or ‘voice’                 and push boundaries. It can push so far as             great, but so are the rewards. Retailers will
 consistently and in a compelling way,” says             to break paradigms of tired categories,                find that the digital and physical arenas
 Wartell. “Even if it’s unexpected. Even if it           allowing a brand to take ownership of a                complement each other instead of competing,
 defies convention. We’ve seen plenty of                 unique, protectable experience.”                       increasing sales and lowering costs.
 missed opportunities to connect with
 and engage the customer because brand                   Australia’s health and beauty chain, Aesop,            But to achieve that, entrenched anti-
 touchpoints have been overlooked or                     believes good design can improve your life.            digital retailers will have to overcome their
 underestimated.”                                        The brand collaborates with designers                  shelf-centric way of thinking and pick up
                                                         and architects to create stunning product              the pace of change. Brand-led companies
Great brands have presence. They are able                showcases akin to art installations. By doing          will have an advantage when it comes to
to generate excitement, even love. They                  so, it has managed to break out of the                 adopting a new perspective that allows
are talked about because they find ways                  chain mentality to create distinct branded             them to integrate disparate channels
to become part of the visual landscape                   environments that defy categorization.                 into a single profitable presence.
of our lives.
                                                         Find your truth
Target has amazing discipline and consistency            Lastly, great brands exist for a reason
with its beautiful whimsy. Touchpoints are               beyond the transaction. Retailer T2 stops
playful and distinctive. Target has a history            just short of a crusade when it comes to
of defying convention, such as its vertical              converting people to the sensory experience
fashion show on a skyscraper, and buying                 of tea. To enter a T2 store with its striking
out all the ads in The New Yorker. Its passion           design and colorful modern edge is to
played out in design creates anticipation                have a sensory experience.
and generates buzz.
                                                        “Shoppers perceive the brand as rich in
“Design abhors a vacuum,” warns Wartell.                 character, credible and distinct,” says
“What is not designed with an eye to                     Wartell. “The authenticity of its claim, the
 managing and crafting the experience                    clarity of its message and the company’s               To download the full 2012 report on the most
 will inevitably be ‘designed’ by the                    internal commitment to the brand make                  valuable retail brands in the world, go to
 shopper, a supplier or by accident.”                    it a powerful contender.”                    

 Provoke the audience                                    Any retailer thriving today knows it’s
 Humans seek novelty and entertainment.                  competing on experience as much as product.
 But novelty has a habit of wearing off.                 Brands must devote themselves to delivering
“Design has the obligation to provide                    value tirelessly through the pursuit of
 newness and entertainment,” says Jeffrey.               remarkable experiences. Brand value is
“While maintaining the integrity of a great              too important an asset to leave to chance.

                                                                                                                               A Retail Publication by
                                 Want to be greener?
                 Have IDEATIONS sent to your email. Send your address to
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Retail Design | Shopper Sciences | Brand Strategy | Digital | Documentation and Rollout
                                                                                                                                        Bruce Dybvad, CEO
                                                                                                                                           Jill Davis, Editor
For more information or to be placed on our mailing list, visit our website:
                                                                                                                            James Bacon, Design/Production
and complete the contact form. Reprints of articles or excerpts without the express written permission of
Interbrand Design Forum is prohibited. Ideations will print 4 issues in 2012. Subscriptions: $125 annually in                                         ©2012
the U.S.; $150 elsewhere.

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Ideations Newsletter- Issue 1, 2012

  • 1. Ideations A Retail Publication Issue 1 • 2012 How Design Drives Retail Brand Value Design has ascended to great importance By studying the companies that do it best, Shopper empathy in the 21st century. It’s practically taking the Interbrand team has identified five Design succeeds best when it is conceived over the marketplace with its influence. principles that when applied bring the and delivered through the eyes of the We could argue, in fact, that design is the relationship between design and value to life. shopper. They naturally respond to gestures retail experience since design is both of empathy. Does your customer need sensorial and cognitive in nature. Simplicity wins inspiration or enlightenment? Provide “Although jumble and intrigue has its place, it through design and merchandising. Because shoppers make purchase decisions complexity doesn’t work in retail,” says Do they need new ideas to address the every day based on sensory experience, Jeffrey. “Simple intuitive design wins every day-to-day challenges of modern life? a strong design sensibility is a vital time. You may think simple equals boring, Create a store organized by solutions or component of a healthy brand experience. but that’s not how human sensibility offer ultra convenience at every touchpoint. works. Use design to tell your brand story “Design enhances communication and as simply but as compellingly as possible, Shoppers will credit your brand for its relevance identity. It conveys meaning and values,” and the audience — your shopper — will and responsiveness. Think of how beautifully says Scott Jeffrey, Chief Creative Officer, provide its own interpretation.” The Container Store speaks to the shopper’s Interbrand Design Forum. “There are brands need for life-improving organization. that clearly value design, both expressing Japan’s Uniqlo apparel store is an excellent and protecting it across every touchpoint.” example of zen-like simplicity. Shoppers get Retailers are learning to respond quickly to it. The environment asks the shopper to consumer behavior changes induced by “There are other brands where design takes slow down, become aware of the offerings’ technology, economic and time pressures. a back seat to operational effectiveness or quality, variety, affordability and beauty. Last season, Sears gave the overburdened, efficiency,” says Justin Wartell, Executive harried holiday shopper a break by putting Director, Strategy and Analytics, Interbrand “The store in total is a powerful medium for virtual toy shopping walls in airports, malls Design Forum. “But regardless of how an communication through forms, materials, and movie theaters. QR code purchases organization views it, we’ve seen clear textures, light and color,” says Jeffrey. made from smartphones were delivered connections between a strong, compelling “If Uniqlo didn’t speak in a unique and to the doorstep. Empathy raises a brand design and brand value creation.” recognizable language through these above commodity status to true relevance. universal forms, it would be just another trendy college clothing store.” (continued on back)
  • 2. Retail Observations Almost Human: The Four Internal Factors of Brand Strength • Protection: proprietary elements, scale and geographical spread help secure the brand. It won’t surprise you that the brands that score highest on these four internal attributes are the most valuable brands in the U.S., according to Interbrand’s 2012 list of Best Retail Brands. Take clarity. Target’s brand partnerships and house brand developments all revolve around the notion of “Expect More. Pay Less.” It’s clear the brand intends to stay strong in this rite. Walmart’s high score on commitment translates directly into shopper loyalty. Great brands, like great people, start from • Relevance: does the brand fit you, its The merchant’s 2010 media spend was within. The friends you most admire are customer? $869 million. The culture fits the brand. most likely smart, self-aware, honest and • Authenticity: is the brand based on a Walmart thoroughly communicates its live their lives with integrity. According defined heritage or truth? beliefs and values internally—respect, to Interbrand’s study of the nation’s top • Differentiation: the degree you perceive service and excellence. retailers, the brands Americans rely on most it to be different from its competitors. have a similar strength of character. But at • Consistency: across all touchpoints, not CVS/pharmacy is a great example of a brand Interbrand we refer to it as “brand strength.” just in every store. strong on scale, geographical spread and • Presence: is it seen and talked about the proprietary elements of protection. The While we don’t measure the character of positively everywhere? drugstore takes care to protect the equity individuals, we do apply our very useful • Understanding: do you have an in-depth of its banner brand as it continues to expand valuation methods to brands. Why? To knowledge of its distinctive qualities? its portfolio of private labels. Its new urban determine a brand’s ability to generate format is helping it compete in denser markets. demand for the future. Even though a With just that brief exercise, you can see brand has intangible attributes, it can be that even your favorite brand has room is tops in responsiveness, built valued as an asset, often worth millions. to improve. But the factors I find most to transform when it finds opportunities And like any asset, it can be put to work interesting — most humanistic — are to compete in new markets or serve new to drive business. But first, a company internal to an organization’s workings. customers through technological innovation, must understand the way its brand They serve as the foundation of brand more convenience and better prices. works. That’s where we come in. strength. Remember how Toyota disastrously abandoned its fundamental Studying a company through the lens Interbrand’s valuation methodology uses internal principles in pursuit of market of brand is incredibly enlightening. It’s a three elements: financial performance, the share? That’s how important this is. holistic and accurate way of understanding Role of Brand (the portion of the purchase how brand makes money for business. The decision attributable to brand) and Brand • Clarity: Everyone from the CEO to ten components of brand strength provide Strength (the ability of a brand to secure the mail clerk knows what the brand a multi-faceted perspective that help you future earnings). stands for and understands its values, focus and recalibrate. The marketplace positioning and proposition. keeps changing, but the principles of There are ten Brand Strength factors. Six • Commitment: the company invests in strong brands hold true. are external—meaning they are defined by its brand. public perception. Think about these factors • Responsiveness: the brand is able to in regard to your favorite retail brand: evolve and renew itself despite shifts in the marketplace. Bruce Dybvad
  • 3. Lessons from the Best Five takeaways from Interbrand’s 2012 Best Retail Brands Interbrand’s annual study of the world’s Today’s customers gravitate toward simple Be multidimensional move valuable retail brands provides some solutions and more efficient shopping. Over time every brand achieves a level of keen insight into matters at the heart of In that respect, most retailers still have maturity and reliability that gives it less the retail industry. Here are the leading unrealized opportunity to delight their surprise and relevance. Where do you go thoughts around five top issues: customers with or without digital. after that? How does a brand develop, Improved customer service, easier year after year, a renewed experience Be less predictable, more agile merchandise returns and a reduction with enough depth to triumph? Now that commerce is available all the in out of stocks, which still reach up time, any place, online or off, levels of to ten percent in stores on average, By developing beyond a shopper’s need business predictability have been reduced. could have far more relevance. for function and identity by adding more For retailers, a fluid and uncertain emotion, richer texture and dimension. market is the new normal. Understand the new pathway Brands can revive their relevance by going to purchase deep into their original attributes to find a Responsiveness now trumps efficiency. For many years, marketers had a distinct fresh connection that turns the ordinary When a brand is responsive to its shoppers’ way of examining consumers’ decision into something meaningful. behaviors and expectations, it adds value process. In theory, when need arose, the to its goods and services. Added value consumer would consider a range of It’s been said, if shoppers were only allows a brand to earn more. “Location” brands and methodically narrow their interested in price, there wouldn’t be much is redefined as reach and responsiveness options to a final choice. In response, retail. The variety of retail we have today through store count in combination with brands addressed their points of proves that different people value different online impressions and mobile transactions, awareness and purchase through things when it comes to acquiring goods. as well as real-life social interactions. advertising and promotional spending. The trick is to find the value beyond the transaction. The world’s best brands know It’s a major challenge for an agile brand The pathway today is more complex what the customer values, and work to keep all touchpoints connected and as consumers connect digitally with relentlessly to provide it for them. aligned. So is maintaining the expected myriad brands through channels outside level of customer service, which in the marketer’s influence. They spend Think omnichannel today’s competitive landscape becomes significantly more time in the research Many a traditional retailer has treated exponentially more critical in helping every phase. Thanks to social media and online its e-commerce operation almost as an shopper interaction lead to brand adoption. reviews, consumers remain engaged with afterthought, leaving it without resources products for an extended period of time or commitment. The typical state of cross Use digital to simplify after the purchase, evaluating and channel commerce remains poor, plagued Just because you’re digital doesn’t mean sometimes advocating for the brand. as it is by information silos, organization you’re helpful. The prevalence of low-utility issues, and non-interoperable programs apps, and gimmicks like augmented reality Smart retailers are studying this path to that frustrate customers. fitting room mirrors are usually short-lived find leverage and insights they can profitably experiments. Consumers find that such act on. It requires devoting resources to The best retail brands are taking steps things merely complicate their lives. identify the pathway and study its intricacies, to fix the problem, but there is a long then applying the insights to revise strategy, way to go and not much time. It’s estimated However, digital tactics used in the service of media spending and organizational roles. that by 2014, almost every mobile phone targeting and segmentation can help deliver However, simply watching and listening will be an internet-connected smartphone something shoppers value as much as price; to shoppers still works because despite all and 40 percent of Americans will such as advance notices, personal reviews the digital research, many decisions are use tablets. or recommendations from peer shoppers. still made in the store. (continued on back)
  • 4. How Design Drives Retail Brand Value Lessons from the Best Brand voice brand idea, design can surprise, delight The challenge omnichannel represents is “Apply your brand personality or ‘voice’ and push boundaries. It can push so far as great, but so are the rewards. Retailers will consistently and in a compelling way,” says to break paradigms of tired categories, find that the digital and physical arenas Wartell. “Even if it’s unexpected. Even if it allowing a brand to take ownership of a complement each other instead of competing, defies convention. We’ve seen plenty of unique, protectable experience.” increasing sales and lowering costs. missed opportunities to connect with and engage the customer because brand Australia’s health and beauty chain, Aesop, But to achieve that, entrenched anti- touchpoints have been overlooked or believes good design can improve your life. digital retailers will have to overcome their underestimated.” The brand collaborates with designers shelf-centric way of thinking and pick up and architects to create stunning product the pace of change. Brand-led companies Great brands have presence. They are able showcases akin to art installations. By doing will have an advantage when it comes to to generate excitement, even love. They so, it has managed to break out of the adopting a new perspective that allows are talked about because they find ways chain mentality to create distinct branded them to integrate disparate channels to become part of the visual landscape environments that defy categorization. into a single profitable presence. of our lives. Find your truth Target has amazing discipline and consistency Lastly, great brands exist for a reason with its beautiful whimsy. Touchpoints are beyond the transaction. Retailer T2 stops playful and distinctive. Target has a history just short of a crusade when it comes to of defying convention, such as its vertical converting people to the sensory experience fashion show on a skyscraper, and buying of tea. To enter a T2 store with its striking out all the ads in The New Yorker. Its passion design and colorful modern edge is to played out in design creates anticipation have a sensory experience. and generates buzz. “Shoppers perceive the brand as rich in “Design abhors a vacuum,” warns Wartell. character, credible and distinct,” says “What is not designed with an eye to Wartell. “The authenticity of its claim, the managing and crafting the experience clarity of its message and the company’s To download the full 2012 report on the most will inevitably be ‘designed’ by the internal commitment to the brand make valuable retail brands in the world, go to shopper, a supplier or by accident.” it a powerful contender.” Provoke the audience Any retailer thriving today knows it’s Humans seek novelty and entertainment. competing on experience as much as product. But novelty has a habit of wearing off. Brands must devote themselves to delivering “Design has the obligation to provide value tirelessly through the pursuit of newness and entertainment,” says Jeffrey. remarkable experiences. Brand value is “While maintaining the integrity of a great too important an asset to leave to chance. Ideations A Retail Publication by Want to be greener? Have IDEATIONS sent to your email. Send your address to 7575 Paragon Road, Dayton, Ohio 45459 P +1 937 439 4400 F +1 937 439 4340 Retail Design | Shopper Sciences | Brand Strategy | Digital | Documentation and Rollout Bruce Dybvad, CEO Jill Davis, Editor For more information or to be placed on our mailing list, visit our website: James Bacon, Design/Production and complete the contact form. Reprints of articles or excerpts without the express written permission of Interbrand Design Forum is prohibited. Ideations will print 4 issues in 2012. Subscriptions: $125 annually in ©2012 the U.S.; $150 elsewhere.