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America’s Shopping Destination CREATIVE

                            FITS YOUR STYLE

   because you’re you.



18   MEDIA



 Our challenge was to develop a 2012 to 2013 integrated                  Our because you’re you campaign addresses our
 marketing communications plan for jcpenney to increase their market     positioning objectives and allows our target market
 share of women aged 25 -34 and grow their share of wallet in this       to connect with jcpenney and the jcpenney brand.
 market segment. Currently one of the largest department stores in the   With a tagline that speaks directly to these women’s
 United States, jcpenney asked Dwight, Bentel and Hall                   individual needs and a theme that intertwines the
 Communications to identify a solution to this problem and create a      jcpenney brand with these women’s quirks and style
                                                                         habits, we can cohesively promote jcpenney as the
                                                                         number one shopping destination in the U.S.
 We found these women are not connecting with the jcpennney brand
 personality, hold misconceptions of the jcp brand and merchandise       Using strategic media platforms, Public Relations
 and see jcpenney as “boring, outdated and low quality.”                 tactics and creative executions that grab our target
                                                                         market, we can begin to dislodge these misconcep-
 Dwight, Bentel and Hall Communications will begin to transform these    tions and drive customers into jcpenney stores. This
 misconceptions by positioning jcpenney as:                              will help jcpenney become America’s number one
                                                                         shopping destination for great styles at great prices.
    The one-stop shopping destination in the U.S. where customers
                                                                         jcpenney, because you’re you.
    Value propositions and great quality merchandise
    A store that understands their customers’ shopping and personal      Sincerely,
    style needs

                                                                         Dwight, Bentel & Hall Communications


            CHALLENGE                                                         SWOT
     Develop and present a 2012 to 2013 integrated
     marketing communications plan for jcpenney to help         Strengths
     them acquire and retain female customers aged 25
     to 34.                                                     Large retail operations
                                                                Strong distribution           Private label products
                                                                                              Increasing online retail
                    CLIENT                                      network
                                                                                              Exclusivity to brands

    jcpenney’s company vision is “to be America’s shopping      Weaknesses
    destination for discovering great styles at compelling
    prices”. They want to establish themselves as the growth      Lower inventory turnover   Threats
    leader in their industry and delight their customers with     Weak performance in             Intense competition
    great offerings of merchandise and services.                  Q2’2009                         Weak consumer price
                                                                                                  Rising wages in US

     Women aged 25 to 34 represent 16.2 percent of
     the total market, yet only account for 10.6 percent of
     jcpenney’s sales. jcpenney’s Share of Wallet with this
     market is lower compared to all other age groups.

      Since the 2007 recession, U.S. department stores have been working hard to make a comeback. Consumers have been spending less
      and department stores have been forced to compete with discount stores, mass merchandisers, specialty stores, outlets, and online
      retailers. In order to stand out among these other retailers, many trends have developed to aid department stores.

                                                                                                                                                                                     SITUATION ANALYSIS
      First, department stores need to separate themselves from their competition; they need to break away from the sameness that has
      plagued retailing for years. Stores must now touch on individual tastes to increase customer loyalty rather than focusing on mass appeal.

      Second, value players, like Kohl’s and jcpenney, are gaining strength in the market place because they offer exclusive brands and strong
      value propositions. These value propositions set department stores apart by focusing less on price comparison and more on the com-
      pany’s unique offerings and overall value.

      Another major trend growing in the U.S. is online shopping. Department stores must use customer experience as a differentiating fac-
      tor and focus on individual needs to drive consumers off their computers and into the stores. *

to stand out from these top department store competitors.*

     The Nostalgic, Classic Brand                            A Newer Value Player                                           An Original, Innovative Retailer
     Strong customer base and distribution channel       Exclusive brand name offerings                                         Company reputation
     Strong merchandising                                Strong market position                                                 Strong brand equity
     Large retailer with established presence                                                                                   Focus on an upscale fashion market
     Company’s “Low-Price Promise”                                                                                              Local focus with “My Macy’s”

                                                         Continuous product recall                                              More costly than competitors
    Main competition, Walmart, is overall price leader
                                                                                                                                Not as much brand momentum
    Dependence on China as largest source                Complaints of Kohl’s credit cards & online store
                                                                                                       * NewYorkTimes, To Stand Out, Retailers Flock to Exclusive Lines. 2011.
                                                                                                       *, 2010
Develop a research strategy to provide insight into the problem (low market share of target market at jcpenney).
We set three primary objectives to discover more about our target market...

1. Find and analyze our target market’s perceptions of jcpenney -
    market and jcpenney to better understand why they aren’t spending their money at jcpenney.
2. Learn our target market’s shopping behaviors - we needed to understand these women’s key habits and patterns when it
    comes to their personal shopping styles.
3. Research our target market’s life goals and aspirations -                                                                                                    -
    its. These habits will shift as they move through different stages in their lives and jcpenney needs to know what drives these women.

               PRIMARY                                                            SECONDARY
    Distribute online surveys to target market                                   Complete in-depth research using Simmons National Consumer Study
    Conduct in-person and Facebook interviews with target market                 Visit multiple jcpenney store locations (mall stores and stand alone stores)
    Study Prizm consumer segmentation system and VALS consumer                   Visit multiple competitor locations, competitor blogs, social media and
    research service                                                             online stores
    Design and conduct “Sweater Survey”                                          Study jcpenney online articles, blogs, and other sources related to our
                                                                                 target market’s shopping behaviors
                                                                                 Analyze industry marketplace

Women in our target market...
     Do not see jcpenney as modern or trendy                                                  “I’ve never felt that it (jcpenney)
     Do not feel jcpenney understands their consumer needs

       Do not believe jcpenney has a comfortable shopping environment
       Does think jcpenney is only for kids and seniors
       Does think jcpenney’s merchandise is “boring, outdated, and low quality”

BUT, our target market does think jcpenney offers shoppers affordable products
with great prices.

        NOT MODERN BORING                                                                               “My parents like to shop
                      OUTDATED UNORGANIZED                                                              there, but I never can
                        DOESNT FIT MY STYLE


Most of our target market’s perceptions towards jcpenney are negative. However our research also showed many of these women hadn’t
actually been to a jcpenney store in years. This could only mean that our target market has misconceptions about jcpenney, that are not
based on in-store experience, but on outside factors like word of mouth and lack of connection to the jcpenney brand.
But we needed to learn more...


                             BJECTIVE           Determine if jcpenney’s quality and style as a brand is accurately perceived
                                                in the target market’s mind.

                     H      OW
                                       We bought one sweater from Macy’s, Kohl’s, and jcpenney and hid the tags and
                                       brands. We asked women in our target market to touch, inspect and tells us
                                       which sweater was bought from which store and which was their favorite.

                     R     ESULTS         The majority of the women (80%) thought the jcpenney sweater was bought at
                                          Macy’s and most women (75%) picked the jcpenney sweater as their favorite.

                     A      NALYSIS          Our target market’s perception of jcpenney does not accurately represent
                                             the style, quality and brands jcpenney carries.

       Our next objective was to discover and analyze our target market’s shopping behaviors and habits. We

       used primary and secondary research tactics to obtain a better understanding of how these women shop.

      When it comes to shopping, our target market...

                     Does not use shopping as a social activity, but shops with a purpose
                     Considers store environment a deciding factor when determining where to shop
                     Needs shopping to be convenient (our target market likes to get in and out and back to their busy lives)

                     Prefers to shop at stores that offer high quality, brand name products rather than low-priced, non-brand products
                     Does not consider price important when shopping (they get what they want)

      With these insights, we could now think about how jcpenney could better represent the shopping needs of our
      target market and what our campaign must address to meet these needs.
  women are establishing shopping patterns during this current phase of their lives.
  were able to classify our target into their individual segments based on their current focus in life, whether it is their jobs, their families, or

            JOBS                                     FAMILY&KIDS                                             THEMSELVES

Kids & Cul-de-Sacs (18): Family Life, Suburban      White Picket Fence (34): Family Life, Second City        New Beginnings (44): Younger Years, Suburban
Suburban Pioneers (52): Family Life, Suburban       Blue-Chip Blues (36): Family Life, Suburban              City Startups (47): Younger Years, Second City
Both middle to upper middle class, some with        Both are middle class, with kids, home owners or         Mobility Blues (53): Younger Years, Second City
kids, new home owners, most with college            renters, some college experience, less fortunate         All with lower income, no kids, mostly renters,
education, more fortunate with money and their      families that are younger and just starting out.         some college experience, becoming independent
Our target market’s goals and aspirations are very important because these will ultimately shape their shopping
habits. The mindsets of these women are similar, with a few common goals they desire to accomplish in the near
           They want to accomplish their degrees in school and get a career that will provide them with a steady income.
           They want to be successful doing something they love and be able to support a family.

    We used the marketing tool VALS to better understand what drives our target market’s consum-
    er behavior. We found our target market falls into the VALS category of Experiencers:

           Experiencers are motivated by Self-Expression and have access to adequate resources
           They are young, enthusiastic and impulsive consumers who want their needs to be met
           by companies
           They seek variety and savor the new when it comes to products
           They spend a high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing

    Separating the target market into these segments gave us a better idea of where these women
    are in their lives and how we can reach them more successfully with both our creative strategy
    and media purchasing.

  Our target market holds misconceptions of the jcpenney brand and merchandise
  These women are looking for a personal connection to the stores they shop at

  Our target market is searching for affordable prices and convenient shopping destinations

  Create a campaign that personally addresses our target market, connects with our target market on an individual level, and begins
  removing the negative perceptions held by consumers about jcpenney. We will develop campaign goals to meet these objectives.

  Shift the main focus of jcpenney from price, to quality and style
  Give jcpenney style credibility by showcasing their products and exclusive brands

  Show that jcpenney can help restore simplicity into our target market’s lives with easy, get in and get out ideals
  Prove that jcpenney recognizes individuality and offers a huge range of products that they feel were made for them
         Our goals address both value and emotional needs desired by our target market.

  With our creative executions, we will accomplish these goals by showing the target market that jcpenney offers desirable, stylish and
  practical merchandise.

  connecting with these women in an emotional and individual way, jcpenney can start identifying with their customers. Additionally, the
  value proposition will reinforce the jcpenney message and consumers will start seeing jcpenney as their number one shopping
  destination for great styles at compelling prices.                                                                                       9
                                                                                      WE needed TO
     To meet our campaign goals we set aside three                                    NOT ONLY THINK
     simple rules before thinking about our creative
     theme and executions. Because at the end of the                                  CREATIVELY BUT
                                                                                      also STRATEGICALLY
     day our campaign must...

     1      MUST HAVE LEGS
     Campaign must have the potential to run for several years as jcp launches their new brand identity

     jcp needs something different from their competitors, but something that can also relate to our target market

     3      SELL
     The bottom line is to sell. jcp needs advertising that stands out in the clutter of competitive advertising and really grabs our target market. By creating simple,
     relatable, brand/product driven advertising that cohesively integrates jcp’s value proposition, we can accomplish our goals to grow the jcp share of wallet.

     Overall, the strategy behind our theme is to create a campaign that resonates personally and emotionally with our target market. We need to grab
     our target market while still staying true to jcp’s brand identity. jcp needs ads that have a simple and clear message, but that can also break through
     all the clutter and allow our target market to connect with the jcp brand.

     We needed to connect with our target audience in a new and interesting way, while still highlighting jcp’s fabulous brands and styles.

                   AEDI GIB EHT
We began thinking about these women. Who they are and
what’s important to them. We started to think about the little
                                                                       HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS
things these women do, the things that make these women                We needed to use strong media and communication
unique. And then it hit us. What is it that makes these women          tactics that cohesively integrated the jcp brand.
different but could also be tied back to style?
                                                                       We also needed a tagline that was catchy but still
It’s the way their favorite pair of heels makes them feel like         consistent with our theme!

they’re on the runway or how they never let a little rain ruin
their style. It’s their quirks and their habits. It’s all the little   because you’re you.
things that make them who they are.                                    This tagline speaks directly to our target market in a
                                                                       conversational and personal way and says, “no matter
It’s this personal connection jcp needs in order to reach our          who you are, you’re you and we love it!”
target market. In order to capture this target market, we need
to not only show these women that jcp has amazing brands
and styles, but also connect with them on a personal and               would grab our target market, but would still clearly
individual level.                                                      depict the jcp brand as a whole and stay true to the jcp
                                                                       message. Within out layout design, we needed to show

because you’re you.                                                    our audience just how simple and easy it is to shop with
                                                                       jcp and how fabulous the brands they carry really are.

                                                                       The next few pages describe our way to
                                                                       communicate our theme and jcp as a brand to our
                                                                       target market.


     We will launch our campaign with exciting full
     color spreads (bottom) and fall back to single
     page ads (right). We will integrate our theme and
     tagline, as well as the jcp brand and keep each ad
     consistent and true to the jcp brand personality.


  VO:                MUSIC BEGINS             VO:                 MUSIC CONT,             VO:                  MUSIC CONT.        VO:                    MUSIC CONT.
  Waking up is                                You don’t mind                              Your idea of glitz                      And your favorite
  never easy and     VO BEGINS                having a messy      VO DURING CLIP          and glamour is       VO DURING CLIP     pair of heels make     VO DURING CLIP
  looking natural                             closet as long as                           wearing your                            you feel like you’re
  doesn’t happen     WMN ZOOMED IN            the end result     WMN TOSSING              favorite pieces of   WMN GRABS          on a runway even if    WMN IS IN CLOSET
  in 5 minutes but   WASHING HER FACE                            CLOTHES, LOOKING         jewelry.             RING OFF JEWELRY   you’re just going to   JUST SHOWN FROM
  you get there.     AND GRABS A TOWEL        because life is no FOR AN OUTFIT, LOOKS                          HOLDER. ZOOMED     work.                  THE LEGS DOWN,
                     TO WIPE HER FACE         dress rehearsal.   AT HER DRESSES, PICKS                         IN WHILE PUTTING                          PUTTING ON
                                                                 AN OUTFIT AND                                 ON RING AND THEN                          HER HEELS AND
                                                                 WALKS OVER TO THE                             PUTS ON NECKLACE                          WALKS OUT OF THE
                                                                 DRESSER                                                                                 CLOSET

                                                                                For Television, we want to highlight the jcp brands and really make our
VO:                        MUSIC CONT.
At jcp, your quirks and                                                         target market think about the jcp experience as a whole. Each spot
habits inspire us. Which   VO DURING CLIP                                       would feature similar styles and color bars to cohesively integrate the
is why we offer great                                                           theme with the brand.
brands like MNG by         FULL LENGTH
mango, Liz Claiborne,      BACK VIEW OF
American Living and        WMN WALKING
                           DOWN THE STREET
and your style no mat-     WITH HER FRIEND.
ter who you are. jcp,
because you’re you.
          jcp: “Soundtrack of Your Life”                              jcp: “Express Your Style ”
                   30 Seconds                                                30 Seconds

                                                                                                                         We want
                                                             MUSIC:        GUITAR BEGINS UPBEAT CHORDS

 WMN 1:

 SFX 2:
                  The jingle of my jewelry is the
                  soundtrack to my life

                                                             WMN 2:

                                                                           I want my house to be cozy without cost-
                                                                           ing a fortune
                                                                                                                         them to hear
                  W/ MUSIC AND JINGLE OF JEWELRY
                                                             WMN 3:        I love to mix and match my accessories!
 WMN 2:           The click of my heels makes me feel like                                                               departments and the entire jcp store. Using
                  I’m on the runway
                                                             VO:           At jcp, we appreciate all the little things   30-second commercials, we are able to run
                                                                           that make you, you. And with exclusive
                                                                           brands like MNG by Mango, Bisou Bisou         more spots and reach more of our target
                                                                                                                         market. Repetition is everything!
 WMN 3:           Sometimes I’ll dress up just to cook a
                                                                           matter where your day takes you, jcp has

                                                                           Visit a jcp store today and see what’s new!
 VO:              At jcp, we believe every woman
                                                                           jcp, because you’re you.
                  has her own soundtrack. That’s why at
                  jcp we have designed products that

                  or cooking a great meal, jcp will help
                  you shine. Visit a jcp store near you to
                  see what else is new!

                  jcp, because you’re you.


  For direct mail, we were looking for a creative way to reach our target market. We decided to include door hanger direct mail. These unique door hang-
  ers would be placed on customers’ and prospective customers’ front doors and would offer them an incentive to go to the jcp store. These three fold
  door hangers could include coupons, reward points, highlight new brands and more! This is a great way for jcp to stand out between the bills!


                          that are just in time for Spring!

                   Bring this coupon into your nearest jcp store
                          and you can get up to 20% off
                                your next purchase*

         Our campaign will also include E-blasts. We will send out
         E-blasts to customers and jcp credit card holders, offering
         them savings, and showing new merchandise. E-mail is a great
         way to quickly hook a reader and pull them in. And offering
         coupons gets customers into the store and spending!

                                          Our target market
                                          spends a huge amount
                                          of time online. So we
                                          couldn’t resist creating
                                          some theme inspired
                                          banner and sky scraper
                                          ads for our campaign.


                             SUBWAY WRAP
                As our research showed, our current and
          prospective target market travels frequently on
           the subway. Our campaign will include full skin
          wraps designed to show our target market that
                   jcp has stylish, fun and exciting brands!

                                                                To take our outdoor advertising to the next
                                                                level, we needed to think outside of the box.
                                                                Our campaign would feature billboards that
                                                                highlight jcp’s style and catch our target market’s
                                                                eye as they drive by.

     In today’s environment, traditional one-way messages to consumers no longer work. People are now in control, are individually addressable, and are choos-
     ing experiences based upon what really matters and adds value to their lives*. In order for us to capture our target market, we must fully engage them in

     that was best for our audience. We correlated our media strategy with the thought process of our consumers, using an effective approach market strategy.

     market, but will expand the jcpenney audience.

                          LAUNCH                          GROWTH                            DEVELOP                       LASTING
                            Introduction of the             Our target market is             This part of the cam-          Includes out-of-home
                            campaign                        participating in the             paign reinforces value         executions that
                            All traditional                 team aspect of the               to the brand and the           include fashion shows,
                            executions, print,              campaign                         campaign                       direct mail executions
                            outdoor, & digital              Includes promotion,              Executions are made            and anything that is
                            Our target market is            call-to-action incentives        to highlight a different       designed to make the
                            participating in the            for our audience                 aspect of jcpenney- a          brand shine
                            “feel” aspect of the            It’s anything that allows        more humanitarian
                            campaign. Our audi-             us to connect with               side.
                            ence will have an emo-          our target market at a           Our public aware-
                            tional response to the          deeper level by means            ness campaign would
                            new positioning of              of interaction                   launch during this
                            jcpenney                        This would prompt                period
                                                            an attitude change of

     FREQUENCY & REACH                                                                      SPOT MARKETS
                                                                                            We chose the top 75 spot markets, which total 78% of our tar-
     audience, as we want to stay constant in the minds of jcpenney women. Starting in
                                                                                            get market. We will focus on the key markets of Austin, Salt Lake
     February with a frequency of six, we will then drop to a frequency of four in March
                                                                                            City, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Houston, which make up 10% of the
     and three in April. We will start the cycle back up again in May with a frequency of
                                                                                            top HH’s, along with our highest index markets.*
     points in the year such as the season change in May, back to school in August, and        Austin, TX
     holiday time in November and December. We will be advertising 11 months out               Salt Lake City, UT
     of the year—January will be the only month that we will be omitting due to the            Jonesboro, AR
                                                                                               Hanford-Corcoran, CA
18   traditionally low shopping visits our target market does during that time.
                                                                                               Fairbanks, AK
                                                                                                                                                     *Leo Burnett
                                                                                                                                                     *Market Finder, 2011
 We will launch with full-color spreads February, 2012. Introducing our campaign with spreads instead of single page ads will generate buzz and have
 a larger impact on our target market. For the rest of the year, we will fall back to single page ads. Our print ads will be featured in magazines, such as
 People, Better Homes and Garden,Woman’s Day, Cosmopolitan and US Weekly. *


 We will launch our campaign during the Academy Awards. This results in a high frequency of six, on average, during February. Additional high points
 of frequency will also be in May, August, November, and December. We will continue to run our commercials on top networks our target market
 watches. These networks include Lifetime, ABC, HGTV,TLC and E!. Shows will include What Not To Wear,The Stagers, Dinner Impossible, Project Runway
 and Americas Next Top Model.

 We will run 30-second radio spots in the top radio markets. Higher frequencies will be played on country stations, as country music is one of the
 top music genres among our target market. 30-second radio spots will also be cost effective since we can focus on one of the myriad of products
 featured in jcpenney within the short spot, rather than trying to cram numerous different products in longer 60-second commercials. We will also be
 able to increase repetition and impressions.

jcpenney will sponsor and partner with the top rated shows and places of interest among our target market, generating product placement and
improving the brand image for jcpenney.*

Why? Having product placement integrated into these shows and places will give our target a different way to connect with jcpenney. This allows
the brand to have multiple touch points in our consumers’ lives, besides just what they see on commercials. Overall, it continues to give jcpenney a
higher brand image in the consumer’s mind.
With Whom? We will sponsor and partner with a combination of the top rated shows along with other places of interest for our target, based on
Simmons research.
    SWOHS                              PLACES OF INTEREST
                                       TSERETNI FO SECALP
         The Academy Awards                  Amusement parks
         What Not to Wear                    Movie theatres
         The Stagers                         Gyms and Community Centers
         Dinner Impossible
        *More about our suggested sponsorships and partnerships is explained in the Recommendations section of the book.               *Simmons, 2009
DEVELOPMENT                                                 Ex: Five casual clothing essentials needed in every
                                                            wardrobe: denim (all types), shorts, T-shirts, cotton
                                                            skirts, dresses and sneakers.
                                                                                                                    According to Simmons, our target market uses public
                                                                                                                    transportation on a daily basis (index of 168). Selected
With Internet use and online shopping increasing
                                                           AWARENESS CAMPAIGN                                       subways and trains that pass by jcpenney locations,
                                                                                                                    such as the jcpenney in Manhattan Mall, will be used.
every day, we believe it’s necessary for jcpenney to                                                                We will employ a combination of executions such as
reach women while they are browsing online. We are         Media will work hand in hand with Public Relations       wraps, tunnel ads, and interactive billboards.
sponsoring sites most visited by our target market         to introduce multiple awareness campaigns sup-
                                                           porting charities, such as the Boys and Girls Club
such as, and friend- We will also sponsor blogs such as the           of America. Research shows our target market             BILLBOARDS and We             appreciates companies who give back to charities.        Billboards will be placed in places with high volumes of
will use a combination of banner ads, sky scrapers,        We will also work with additional charities that ap-
and interactive rich media. We will promote new ex-        peal to our target market, like animal shelters and      Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, LA, NY, Philadelphia, San
clusive brands and merchandise and direct our target       women’s health organizations. (See more sugges-          Francisco and Washington D.C. Together these markets
market to                                         tions in our awareness campaign for PR)                  make up 29.6 percent of all households.

jcpenney will takeover and sponsor top rated shows        LASTING IMPRESSIONS
on Hulu. Our target market uses Hulu because of its
convenience since content is available to access from
laptops, mobile phones, etc. Nielson reports also         BUS SHELTER TAKEOVERS
found that women 25-34 are streaming more enter-
tainment-based content than anything else (76% of all
                                                          Bus shelter takeovers allow the target market to
streams) and Hulu is one of their top chosen sites.
                                                          interact with the campaign and the brand. Simmons
                                                          has reported that our target market uses public
GOOGLE                                                    transportation often. They also reported an index
                                                          of 121 for women 25-34 who pay a lot of attention
We are putting jcpenney as the forefront of certain
                                                          to advertisements on bus shelters. We will use bus
keywords such as “shoes,” “dress,” “kitchen decor,” and
                                                          shelters both in the city and suburban areas.
“home decor.” Instead of using generic descriptions
of the site, we are going to replace them with various
tips on improving fashion styles and improving health
and wellness.

MONTHS                        Feb   March   April   May   June   July   August   Sept.   Oct.   Nov.   Dec.     Jan.         Gross
                                                                                                                               Rating         Cost

PRINT                                                                                                                            924.     12,552,300
TELEVISION                                                                                                                      1706.     26,830,000
:30 sec. spots
Academy award sponsorship
What Not to Wear sponsorship
The Stagers sponsorship
Dinner Impossible sponsorship
RADIO                                                                                                                           222.       669,400
:30 sec. spot
ONLINE                                                                                                                         1294.      30,603,100
homepage takeover
Hulu show takeover
Targeted Sites
OOH                                                                                                                            11142.     25,598,900
Bus Shelters
Transit Wraps
Amusement Parks
PUBLIC RELATIONS                                                                                                                15.           n/a
Twitter #becauseyoureyou
Tweet for a Treat
“You” Campaign
 JCP: You & Charities
DIRECT MAIL                                                                                                                       3.        343, 800

                                                                                                                Total GRPs:   13. 643

                                                                                                                Total Cost: $99,597,500

Along with our creative executions, we recognize a need for public relations in order to generate more awareness among our target market. To better
reach our target market we will use press releases, organize charity-related special events, and utilize social media.

     Create          Develop and formulate a public service campaign through social media
 Change              networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

     Bring                Gather awareness for the new campaign targeted to our audience
 Awareness                through special events in conjunction with charities like the Boys &
                          Girls Club

 Communication                     Maintain contact with the target market through
                                   constant updates on mobile devices as well as television

 Our Press Releases will contain information about charity events and contests that consumers can participate in. We will also design press releases stating
 jcpenney’s goal to drive a culture that advocates conservation. For example, we will create a press release discussing jcpenney’s goal to reduce facility energy
 consumption by 20 percent per gross square foot by 2015, in order to give consumers a good brand image of jcpenney.

 For the because you’re you campaign, we will send out press releases and direct mail. For any updates and news, we plan to formulate press
 releases to send out information to the target market and media. Direct mail will be used to send out tangible information for the target market to keep.


                                                                                                                                                PUBLIC RELATIONS
Social media will be used to effectively reach our target market in places where much of their time is spent. According to the case study, 45
percent use social media at least once a day.

27 percent of the Facebook population is 25-34 years old, and is an effective medium to reach our target market. Using Facebook, we
will continue making personal and individual connections. We will:
          Create national awareness of our new campaign
          Keep track and take advantage of the statistics for how many people “like” our page and post comments on the wall,
          pictures, or links
          Promote upcoming special events
          Promote and organize contests for jcpenney consumers

Through Twitter, we hope to capture the attention of our jcpenney followers. Current followers of @jcpYou will be informed of
special contests as they check our Twitter newsfeed. Followers will have the opportunity to win prizes by tweeting @jcpYou and
placing the hash tag #BecauseYoureYou in the tweet.

         We will take advantage of Twitter’s @ replies and create contests and sweepstakes for the followers

         compete for the lowest prices for particular items found in subways.

          special events. We will also be able to upload videos that our consumers send to us showing them using and
          wearing jcpenney products.

          Another way for consumers to interact with jcpenney stores is through the mobile application, Foursquare. We will
          create an original jcp badge so our followers can earn point and coupons as they “check-in” at jcpenney stores. This
          will give the target market an incentive to further engage in the campaign.

                                                                               BUS SHELTER PROMOTIONS
                                                                               SNOITOMORP RETLEHS SUB
     What’s your favorite fashion quirk?                                                                                                       2

     Do you love to wear spring color in winter? Is your               jcpenney tweet for a treat is a
                                                                       promotion through the use of
     your favorite sweater in six different colors? jcp wants          Twitter in which consumers take
     to know what quirky fashion habits you have!                      snapshots of QR codes embed-
                                                                       ded within subway posters that
     If we love it, you’ll get $1000 dollars to spend on an            are placed in high exposure ar-
     amazing personal shopping spree. Shop with fashion                eas. The unique thing about the        1
     guru, Stacy London, from the hit show What Not to                 interactive posters, is they will
                                                                       feature a marquee that displays
     and a friend. Share your fashion quirks with us!                  the current price of the item                                                                     3
                                                                       displayed. The way the “tweet 4
     PRIZES per household                                              a treat” works is as follows:

      Limit one entry                                              1 Consumers see various subway displays and notice the QR code on the display as well as the interactive
         Must be permanent resident of U.S. or U.S. citizen          marquee. They are to take a picture of the code with their smartphone.
         No purchase necessary
                                                                   2 The QR code will bring them to a portal in which selected pieces of clothing will be displayed with a
         10 grand prizewinners
         50 1st place winners receive a $200 gift card to jcpen-     “tweet” button underneath as well as a tweet counter.
         ney and T-shirt from What Not to Wear                     3 The idea is that the more tweets one piece of clothing gets, the price will continue to drop a selected
         200 2nd place winners receive a $50 gift card to jcpen-     amount.
         ney and T-shirt from What Not to Wear                     4
         300 3rd place winners receive a free purse from jcpen-       pieces of clothing.
24       ney and T-shirt from What Not to Wear
 jcp: YOU & CHARITIES                                                            In order to further immerse the target market in our campaign, we
Based on James Cash Penney’s belief in doing what is right and just,             will host events that are associated with charities that jcp supports.

jcpenney has stayed true to its Golden Rule beginnings and raises money          Our target market has also been called “The Giving Generation” be-
for charities such as the after school programs. We want to help jcpenney        cause they expect companies to give back and do more business with
in its goal to be a leading corporate citizen in youth development and           those who partner with organizations. Therefore, we will continue to
community involvement by continuing to work with after school pro-               work with the Boys & Girls Club along with other charities to attract
                                                                                 women of the target market. These events will give the women of our
these charities as well as others that the target has a soft spot for, such as   target market a better understanding and opportunity to take part in
animal shelters and women’s rights. These events will take place through-        “because you’re you.”
out the year, highlighting different charities.

 Signs and posters will be displayed in all jcpenney stores with ads support-
 ing our campaign and message: “Because You’re You”. Women of the target
 audience will be educated and informed about jcpenney’s new image and

 emphasize the importance of the customer and how jcpenney solves their
 fashion, home, and lifestyle needs. They will also be shown how they can
 contribute and give back to the society, and to jcpenney charities in par-

New York City: The impromptu fashion show will take place at the jcpenney
 store in Manhattan, NY. Live tweeting through @jcpYou will simultaneously
    provide updates, photos, and events going on at the show. Facebook
status will also change with updates from the fashion show containing all the
 brand names that are showcased. Any proceeds made from donations will
                      go to one of the jcpenney charities.


 searching for clothes; they have families, work and busy lives. This is why store layout is so important. We believe

 the U.S. Each store would not have to be completely the same but would have departments that complement
 each other, such as woman’s apparel and lingerie, placed close to each other to help move customers through
 the entire store. We also suggest making sure there is plenty of room for aisles and that displays are evenly
 spaced within the store. A relaxed shopper is a happy shopper, and happy shoppers spend more.

 Sephora and build more inside their stores, our idea is to place the new
 Sephoras towards the middle of jcpenneys, forcing customers to walk
 through the store and pass all the great products on their way. Even in
 stores with multiple entrances, this positioning will maximize the amount
 of products the customer passes. We believe that there will be customers
 tential to become #1 on the highest cross-shopped list, since Sephora itself
 has such a loyal following of younger, fashion-conscious women.


jcp interactive kiosk
                                       items are located in the store, and get the styles they love even faster. Consumers can also gain

                                       addition, customers will feel more connected to jcp as a brand. Customers will also be able to access

  One of our biggest ideas
  was to design interactive            IN-STORE QR CODES
                                       QR codes are all the rage with 20 percent of our
  kiosks customers could use
  within the store. And in             target market and are a great idea to incorporate into the
  February, jcpenney did just          jcpenney stores. With QR codes, customers can scan them
                                       from their phones to view videos, style guides, celebrity spot-
                                       tings on People Style Watch signs, coupons and much more. QR
  great addition to the jcpen-         codes can also be placed on in-store displays for customers to
  ney shopping experience,             get more information on products or to get make-up tips from
  but we have a few other              Sephora artists and hair tips from the jcpenney Salon.
  suggestions, explained at
  the top of the page, to take
  this idea even further.             LOUNGE AROUND
                                 Although most of our recommendations are made to cater to our target market of women, we also
                                 wanted to consider the men who are jcpenney customers. Based on our research, we found that the big-
                                 gest thing men desired when going shopping with their wives, girlfriends, or daughters was a rest spot. This

                                 there would be somewhere for the guys to put up their feet and take a break. This lounge type area would
                                                                                           include a comfortable couch and arm chairs,
                                                                                           along with a table and WiFi hotspot, where
                                                                                           men could pull out their phones and check the
                                                                                           scores of the games. This could also be a place
                                                                                           where our customers who are busy mothers
                                                                                           can take a breather as their kids try on clothes.

                                                                                                                                              Find a store   Services   Login in Account

                                                                                                                         Women Home Shoes Accesories Teen Kids Baby Men

     jcpenney is the leader in digital innovation. But our research told us cus-
     tomers believe there is little connection between jcpenney stores,
     and jcpenney’s digital platforms. So our goal is to integrate the online store,
     mobile apps, the in-store experience, etc...

                                                                                                                        Find your style habits with
                                                                                                                             Stacey London.

       We highly recommend jcpenney revise their current online

                                                                                JCP Mobile Applications
       store. Currently does not match the jcpenney brand                                          access their “avatar”, preview special offers and enter contests and
       personality. jcpenney is modern, trendy and stylish and                                    sweepstakes. Customers will also be able to send their favorite jcpenney
       should be just another extension of the jcpenney brand. So we                                       merchandise to their friends. The jcp app will also act as a QR code reader,
       suggest a few things that can take to the next level:                                      allowing customers to scan the QR code with their app.

              jcpenney brand personality and integrates the “because
              you’re you” campaign theme
              Create and implement a new navigation system for jcp.
              Link jcpenney’s social media platforms directly to
              and visa versa

              Allow customers to post reviews and comments on pur-
              chased products and merchandise

tradition jcpenney has done for many years. Our research with Simmons proves that our target market continually watches this award show more than any

win jcpenney gift cards along with other chosen prizes. This will associate the jcpenney brand with fashion and glamour and get the target market to interact.

WHAT NOT TO WEAR                                                                                                                                            -
volves around improving the fashion sense of average women by giving them money to get new clothes and great style tips to use in everyday life. On the
show, stylists Clinton Kelly and Stacy London will take the lucky contestant to jcpenney as one of the stores they shop at during the show. This will aid in
changing our target market’s misconceptions of jcpenney by proving that jcpenney provides high quality, stylish apparel.

sponsorship with this show will incorporate jcpenney furniture and other jcpenney home products that modernize any dull or drab home chosen for the
show. Likewise, professional stagers can provide details and tips about improving home décor using key items in the jcpenney home collections.

therefore be able to showcase jcpenney kitchen products as a result. During their challenges on the show, we will implement the use of the jcpenney prod-
ucts to showcase their practicality and durability.


sit on one of the jcpenney couches for a minute.

CINEMA ADVERTISING We want to partner with theaters and show in-theater ads before movies. National Cinemedia reports that most people
are in theaters at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the movie. Many women in our target market are heavy movie watchers. According to Simmons, the
top rated genres of movies for our target market are horror, romantic comedies and family. Our target market goes to the movies as much as six times per
month, which is why we will be advertising in cinemas.*


equipment covered in red, along with the jcp logo, to help promote healthy living.

                                                                                                                   *Simmons, 2001
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                 $40,000
        February: $14,069,231
        March: 8,909,841                                                                                                     $61,000
        April: 7,728,169
        May: 10,957,732                                                                                                      $343,800
        June: 8,284,156

                                                                                                                                            BUDGET & MOS
        July: 4,550,515                                                                                                      $608,400

MATURITY                                                                                                                     $957,100
        August: 11,072,347
        September: 9,148,196                                                                                                $12,552,300
        October: 4,418,223
        November: 11,005,387
        December: 9,453,664                                                                                                 $28,598,900

TOTAL                                                                                                                       $30,603,100

QR Codes - when, where QR codes are scanned, analytics            Impressions per medium - Measurable impressions based on fre-
Contest Submissions - number of submissions                       quency
                                    - Sales and visits per day Customer Reviews - Reviews on product, service, etc
Pre and Post campaign focus groups - campaign effectiveness Surveys - Customer surveys on products, service, store layout
App Downloads - downloads per day, who downloaded              Social Media - Facebook friends, likes, tweets per day, following jcp
                                                               Banner ads - online click through rate, per purchase
Direct Mail - coupons returned to store, sales from coupons    E-blasts - Click through rate, purchases from coupons
                                                               Fashion Show - Attendees, charity donations, jcp press
 Our campaign was not to make jcpenney into something that it’s

                                                                           THE PEOPLE WHO
 not. In no way did we want to change the brand identity of jcpenney.
 Instead we embraced jcpenney’s image and created a campaign that
 personally resonated with our target market.

 Our because you’re you campaign speaks to our target market on an
 emotional and personal level. We prove to these women that jcpen-
 ney understands who they are as people and therefore understands
                                                                           MADE IT POSSIBLE
 their needs as consumers. We show how the merchandise that jcpen-
 ney carries are based on these needs, so these women feel as though          ACCOUNT MANAGER
 the products were made for them. Lastly, we express how jcpenney
                                                                              Amanda Geannacopulos
 who they are, no matter how quirky they may be. The end result is            CREATIVE DIRECTOR
 showing our target market that jcpenney is inspired by who they are          Katherine Hyde
 and what they do, and has jcpenney telling these women, “We offer
 these products for you, because you’re you”.                                 ART DIRECTORS
                                                                              Nicole Cimmarusti
 Our campaign accomplishes all of our goals to change the
 misconceptions our target market has of jcpenney, while                      Max Gustofson
 simultaneously giving jcpenney a distinct and modern personality. By         COPYWRITERS
 promoting the exclusive brands jcpenney offers, our campaign posi-
 tions jcpenney at a higher level of retail and will not only reach pro-
                                                                              Georgia McMillan
 spective jcpenney customers, but customers of other department               Nicole Rossi
 stores, like Macy’s.                                                         MEDIA
                                                                              Isidora Torres
 the minds of their consumers and will bring them one step closer to          Alex White
 being America’s favorite retail destination.
                                                                              PUBLIC RELATIONS
                                                                              Justin Lacap
31                                                                            Timothy Hendrick

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JCPenney's NSAC AAF 2011

  • 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY YRAMMUS EVITUCEXE Our challenge was to develop a 2012 to 2013 integrated Our because you’re you campaign addresses our marketing communications plan for jcpenney to increase their market positioning objectives and allows our target market share of women aged 25 -34 and grow their share of wallet in this to connect with jcpenney and the jcpenney brand. market segment. Currently one of the largest department stores in the With a tagline that speaks directly to these women’s United States, jcpenney asked Dwight, Bentel and Hall individual needs and a theme that intertwines the Communications to identify a solution to this problem and create a jcpenney brand with these women’s quirks and style habits, we can cohesively promote jcpenney as the number one shopping destination in the U.S. We found these women are not connecting with the jcpennney brand personality, hold misconceptions of the jcp brand and merchandise Using strategic media platforms, Public Relations and see jcpenney as “boring, outdated and low quality.” tactics and creative executions that grab our target market, we can begin to dislodge these misconcep- Dwight, Bentel and Hall Communications will begin to transform these tions and drive customers into jcpenney stores. This misconceptions by positioning jcpenney as: will help jcpenney become America’s number one shopping destination for great styles at great prices. The one-stop shopping destination in the U.S. where customers jcpenney, because you’re you. Value propositions and great quality merchandise A store that understands their customers’ shopping and personal Sincerely, style needs Dwight, Bentel & Hall Communications 1
  • 4. SITUATION ANALYSIS CHALLENGE SWOT Develop and present a 2012 to 2013 integrated marketing communications plan for jcpenney to help Strengths them acquire and retain female customers aged 25 to 34. Large retail operations Opportunities Strong distribution Private label products Increasing online retail CLIENT network spending Exclusivity to brands jcpenney’s company vision is “to be America’s shopping Weaknesses destination for discovering great styles at compelling prices”. They want to establish themselves as the growth Lower inventory turnover Threats leader in their industry and delight their customers with Weak performance in Intense competition great offerings of merchandise and services. Q2’2009 Weak consumer price index Rising wages in US PROBLEM Women aged 25 to 34 represent 16.2 percent of the total market, yet only account for 10.6 percent of jcpenney’s sales. jcpenney’s Share of Wallet with this market is lower compared to all other age groups. 2
  • 5. INDUSTRY TRENDS Since the 2007 recession, U.S. department stores have been working hard to make a comeback. Consumers have been spending less and department stores have been forced to compete with discount stores, mass merchandisers, specialty stores, outlets, and online retailers. In order to stand out among these other retailers, many trends have developed to aid department stores. SITUATION ANALYSIS First, department stores need to separate themselves from their competition; they need to break away from the sameness that has plagued retailing for years. Stores must now touch on individual tastes to increase customer loyalty rather than focusing on mass appeal. Second, value players, like Kohl’s and jcpenney, are gaining strength in the market place because they offer exclusive brands and strong value propositions. These value propositions set department stores apart by focusing less on price comparison and more on the com- pany’s unique offerings and overall value. Another major trend growing in the U.S. is online shopping. Department stores must use customer experience as a differentiating fac- tor and focus on individual needs to drive consumers off their computers and into the stores. * COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS to stand out from these top department store competitors.* The Nostalgic, Classic Brand A Newer Value Player An Original, Innovative Retailer STRENGTHS SHTGNERTS Strong customer base and distribution channel Exclusive brand name offerings Company reputation Strong merchandising Strong market position Strong brand equity Large retailer with established presence Focus on an upscale fashion market Company’s “Low-Price Promise” Local focus with “My Macy’s” WEAKNESSES SESSENKAEW Continuous product recall More costly than competitors Main competition, Walmart, is overall price leader Not as much brand momentum Dependence on China as largest source Complaints of Kohl’s credit cards & online store * NewYorkTimes, To Stand Out, Retailers Flock to Exclusive Lines. 2011. *, 2010 3
  • 6. RESEARCH THE CHALLENGE Develop a research strategy to provide insight into the problem (low market share of target market at jcpenney). We set three primary objectives to discover more about our target market... PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1. Find and analyze our target market’s perceptions of jcpenney - market and jcpenney to better understand why they aren’t spending their money at jcpenney. 2. Learn our target market’s shopping behaviors - we needed to understand these women’s key habits and patterns when it comes to their personal shopping styles. 3. Research our target market’s life goals and aspirations - - its. These habits will shift as they move through different stages in their lives and jcpenney needs to know what drives these women. RESEARCH STRATEGIES PRIMARY SECONDARY Distribute online surveys to target market Complete in-depth research using Simmons National Consumer Study Conduct in-person and Facebook interviews with target market Visit multiple jcpenney store locations (mall stores and stand alone stores) Study Prizm consumer segmentation system and VALS consumer Visit multiple competitor locations, competitor blogs, social media and research service online stores Design and conduct “Sweater Survey” Study jcpenney online articles, blogs, and other sources related to our target market’s shopping behaviors Analyze industry marketplace 4
  • 7. CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS WHAT WE FOUND Women in our target market... Do not see jcpenney as modern or trendy “I’ve never felt that it (jcpenney) Do not feel jcpenney understands their consumer needs Do not believe jcpenney has a comfortable shopping environment style.” Does think jcpenney is only for kids and seniors Does think jcpenney’s merchandise is “boring, outdated, and low quality” BUT, our target market does think jcpenney offers shoppers affordable products with great prices. RESEARCH NOT MODERN BORING “My parents like to shop DONT UNDERSTAND NEEDS AFFORDABLE OUTDATED UNORGANIZED there, but I never can DOESNT FIT MY STYLE CHEAP MESSY like.” UNCOMFORTABLE Most of our target market’s perceptions towards jcpenney are negative. However our research also showed many of these women hadn’t actually been to a jcpenney store in years. This could only mean that our target market has misconceptions about jcpenney, that are not based on in-store experience, but on outside factors like word of mouth and lack of connection to the jcpenney brand. But we needed to learn more... 5
  • 8. O JCPENNEYS SWEATER SURVEY BJECTIVE Determine if jcpenney’s quality and style as a brand is accurately perceived in the target market’s mind. H OW We bought one sweater from Macy’s, Kohl’s, and jcpenney and hid the tags and brands. We asked women in our target market to touch, inspect and tells us which sweater was bought from which store and which was their favorite. R ESULTS The majority of the women (80%) thought the jcpenney sweater was bought at Macy’s and most women (75%) picked the jcpenney sweater as their favorite. KOHLS A NALYSIS Our target market’s perception of jcpenney does not accurately represent the style, quality and brands jcpenney carries. CONSUMER BUYING HABITS Our next objective was to discover and analyze our target market’s shopping behaviors and habits. We MACYS used primary and secondary research tactics to obtain a better understanding of how these women shop. When it comes to shopping, our target market... Does not use shopping as a social activity, but shops with a purpose Considers store environment a deciding factor when determining where to shop Needs shopping to be convenient (our target market likes to get in and out and back to their busy lives) Prefers to shop at stores that offer high quality, brand name products rather than low-priced, non-brand products Does not consider price important when shopping (they get what they want) With these insights, we could now think about how jcpenney could better represent the shopping needs of our target market and what our campaign must address to meet these needs. 6
  • 9. WHO IS OUR TARGET MARKET? women are establishing shopping patterns during this current phase of their lives. PRIZM NE were able to classify our target into their individual segments based on their current focus in life, whether it is their jobs, their families, or themselves. JOBS FAMILY&KIDS THEMSELVES Kids & Cul-de-Sacs (18): Family Life, Suburban White Picket Fence (34): Family Life, Second City New Beginnings (44): Younger Years, Suburban Suburban Pioneers (52): Family Life, Suburban Blue-Chip Blues (36): Family Life, Suburban City Startups (47): Younger Years, Second City Both middle to upper middle class, some with Both are middle class, with kids, home owners or Mobility Blues (53): Younger Years, Second City kids, new home owners, most with college renters, some college experience, less fortunate All with lower income, no kids, mostly renters, education, more fortunate with money and their families that are younger and just starting out. some college experience, becoming independent careers. 7
  • 10. RESEARCH PSYCHOGRAPHICS Our target market’s goals and aspirations are very important because these will ultimately shape their shopping habits. The mindsets of these women are similar, with a few common goals they desire to accomplish in the near future. They want to accomplish their degrees in school and get a career that will provide them with a steady income. They want to be successful doing something they love and be able to support a family. VALS We used the marketing tool VALS to better understand what drives our target market’s consum- er behavior. We found our target market falls into the VALS category of Experiencers: Experiencers are motivated by Self-Expression and have access to adequate resources They are young, enthusiastic and impulsive consumers who want their needs to be met by companies They seek variety and savor the new when it comes to products They spend a high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing Separating the target market into these segments gave us a better idea of where these women are in their lives and how we can reach them more successfully with both our creative strategy and media purchasing. 8
  • 11. RESULTS WHAT WE FOUND Our target market holds misconceptions of the jcpenney brand and merchandise These women are looking for a personal connection to the stores they shop at Our target market is searching for affordable prices and convenient shopping destinations NEXT STEPS? Create a campaign that personally addresses our target market, connects with our target market on an individual level, and begins removing the negative perceptions held by consumers about jcpenney. We will develop campaign goals to meet these objectives. GOALS Shift the main focus of jcpenney from price, to quality and style Give jcpenney style credibility by showcasing their products and exclusive brands Show that jcpenney can help restore simplicity into our target market’s lives with easy, get in and get out ideals Prove that jcpenney recognizes individuality and offers a huge range of products that they feel were made for them Our goals address both value and emotional needs desired by our target market. HOW ? With our creative executions, we will accomplish these goals by showing the target market that jcpenney offers desirable, stylish and practical merchandise. connecting with these women in an emotional and individual way, jcpenney can start identifying with their customers. Additionally, the value proposition will reinforce the jcpenney message and consumers will start seeing jcpenney as their number one shopping destination for great styles at compelling prices. 9
  • 12. CREATIVE WE needed TO To meet our campaign goals we set aside three NOT ONLY THINK simple rules before thinking about our creative theme and executions. Because at the end of the CREATIVELY BUT also STRATEGICALLY day our campaign must... 1 MUST HAVE LEGS Campaign must have the potential to run for several years as jcp launches their new brand identity 2 CREATE SOMETHING DIFFERENT jcp needs something different from their competitors, but something that can also relate to our target market 3 SELL The bottom line is to sell. jcp needs advertising that stands out in the clutter of competitive advertising and really grabs our target market. By creating simple, relatable, brand/product driven advertising that cohesively integrates jcp’s value proposition, we can accomplish our goals to grow the jcp share of wallet. Overall, the strategy behind our theme is to create a campaign that resonates personally and emotionally with our target market. We need to grab our target market while still staying true to jcp’s brand identity. jcp needs ads that have a simple and clear message, but that can also break through all the clutter and allow our target market to connect with the jcp brand. We needed to connect with our target audience in a new and interesting way, while still highlighting jcp’s fabulous brands and styles. 10
  • 13. THE BIG IDEA AEDI GIB EHT We began thinking about these women. Who they are and what’s important to them. We started to think about the little HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS things these women do, the things that make these women We needed to use strong media and communication unique. And then it hit us. What is it that makes these women tactics that cohesively integrated the jcp brand. different but could also be tied back to style? We also needed a tagline that was catchy but still It’s the way their favorite pair of heels makes them feel like consistent with our theme! CREATIVE they’re on the runway or how they never let a little rain ruin their style. It’s their quirks and their habits. It’s all the little because you’re you. things that make them who they are. This tagline speaks directly to our target market in a conversational and personal way and says, “no matter It’s this personal connection jcp needs in order to reach our who you are, you’re you and we love it!” target market. In order to capture this target market, we need to not only show these women that jcp has amazing brands and styles, but also connect with them on a personal and would grab our target market, but would still clearly individual level. depict the jcp brand as a whole and stay true to the jcp message. Within out layout design, we needed to show because you’re you. our audience just how simple and easy it is to shop with jcp and how fabulous the brands they carry really are. The next few pages describe our way to communicate our theme and jcp as a brand to our target market. 11
  • 14. PRINT We will launch our campaign with exciting full color spreads (bottom) and fall back to single page ads (right). We will integrate our theme and tagline, as well as the jcp brand and keep each ad consistent and true to the jcp brand personality. 12
  • 15. TELEVISION VO: MUSIC BEGINS VO: MUSIC CONT, VO: MUSIC CONT. VO: MUSIC CONT. Waking up is You don’t mind Your idea of glitz And your favorite never easy and VO BEGINS having a messy VO DURING CLIP and glamour is VO DURING CLIP pair of heels make VO DURING CLIP looking natural closet as long as wearing your you feel like you’re doesn’t happen WMN ZOOMED IN the end result WMN TOSSING favorite pieces of WMN GRABS on a runway even if WMN IS IN CLOSET in 5 minutes but WASHING HER FACE CLOTHES, LOOKING jewelry. RING OFF JEWELRY you’re just going to JUST SHOWN FROM you get there. AND GRABS A TOWEL because life is no FOR AN OUTFIT, LOOKS HOLDER. ZOOMED work. THE LEGS DOWN, TO WIPE HER FACE dress rehearsal. AT HER DRESSES, PICKS IN WHILE PUTTING PUTTING ON AN OUTFIT AND ON RING AND THEN HER HEELS AND WALKS OVER TO THE PUTS ON NECKLACE WALKS OUT OF THE DRESSER CLOSET For Television, we want to highlight the jcp brands and really make our VO: MUSIC CONT. At jcp, your quirks and target market think about the jcp experience as a whole. Each spot habits inspire us. Which VO DURING CLIP would feature similar styles and color bars to cohesively integrate the is why we offer great theme with the brand. brands like MNG by FULL LENGTH mango, Liz Claiborne, BACK VIEW OF American Living and WMN WALKING DOWN THE STREET and your style no mat- WITH HER FRIEND. ter who you are. jcp, because you’re you. 13
  • 16. RADIO jcp: “Soundtrack of Your Life” jcp: “Express Your Style ” 30 Seconds 30 Seconds We want MUSIC: UPBEAT MUSIC BEGINS MUSIC: GUITAR BEGINS UPBEAT CHORDS SFX: JEWELRY JINGLES IN CUE W/ MUSIC WMN 1: SFX 2: The jingle of my jewelry is the soundtrack to my life HEELS CLICK ON PAVEMENT, IN CUE WMN 2: personalities I want my house to be cozy without cost- ing a fortune them to hear W/ MUSIC AND JINGLE OF JEWELRY WMN 3: I love to mix and match my accessories! WMN 2: The click of my heels makes me feel like departments and the entire jcp store. Using I’m on the runway VO: At jcp, we appreciate all the little things 30-second commercials, we are able to run that make you, you. And with exclusive SFX: POTS AND PANS AND COOKING brands like MNG by Mango, Bisou Bisou more spots and reach more of our target SOUNDS, PLUS JEWELRY AND HEELS market. Repetition is everything! WMN 3: Sometimes I’ll dress up just to cook a matter where your day takes you, jcp has meal SFX/MUSIC: FADES TO BACKGROUND Visit a jcp store today and see what’s new! VO: At jcp, we believe every woman jcp, because you’re you. has her own soundtrack. That’s why at jcp we have designed products that or cooking a great meal, jcp will help you shine. Visit a jcp store near you to see what else is new! jcp, because you’re you. 14
  • 17. DIRECT MAIL For direct mail, we were looking for a creative way to reach our target market. We decided to include door hanger direct mail. These unique door hang- ers would be placed on customers’ and prospective customers’ front doors and would offer them an incentive to go to the jcp store. These three fold door hangers could include coupons, reward points, highlight new brands and more! This is a great way for jcp to stand out between the bills! 15
  • 18. ONLINE that are just in time for Spring! Bring this coupon into your nearest jcp store and you can get up to 20% off your next purchase* WAYS TO PERSUADE Our campaign will also include E-blasts. We will send out E-blasts to customers and jcp credit card holders, offering them savings, and showing new merchandise. E-mail is a great way to quickly hook a reader and pull them in. And offering coupons gets customers into the store and spending! Our target market spends a huge amount of time online. So we couldn’t resist creating some theme inspired banner and sky scraper ads for our campaign. 16
  • 19. OUTDOOR SUBWAY WRAP As our research showed, our current and prospective target market travels frequently on the subway. Our campaign will include full skin wraps designed to show our target market that jcp has stylish, fun and exciting brands! BILLBOARD To take our outdoor advertising to the next level, we needed to think outside of the box. Our campaign would feature billboards that highlight jcp’s style and catch our target market’s eye as they drive by. 17
  • 20. MEDIA In today’s environment, traditional one-way messages to consumers no longer work. People are now in control, are individually addressable, and are choos- ing experiences based upon what really matters and adds value to their lives*. In order for us to capture our target market, we must fully engage them in that was best for our audience. We correlated our media strategy with the thought process of our consumers, using an effective approach market strategy. market, but will expand the jcpenney audience. LAUNCH GROWTH DEVELOP LASTING Introduction of the Our target market is This part of the cam- Includes out-of-home campaign participating in the paign reinforces value executions that All traditional team aspect of the to the brand and the include fashion shows, executions, print, campaign campaign direct mail executions outdoor, & digital Includes promotion, Executions are made and anything that is Our target market is call-to-action incentives to highlight a different designed to make the participating in the for our audience aspect of jcpenney- a brand shine “feel” aspect of the It’s anything that allows more humanitarian campaign. Our audi- us to connect with side. ence will have an emo- our target market at a Our public aware- tional response to the deeper level by means ness campaign would new positioning of of interaction launch during this jcpenney This would prompt period an attitude change of jcpenney FREQUENCY & REACH SPOT MARKETS We chose the top 75 spot markets, which total 78% of our tar- audience, as we want to stay constant in the minds of jcpenney women. Starting in get market. We will focus on the key markets of Austin, Salt Lake February with a frequency of six, we will then drop to a frequency of four in March City, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Houston, which make up 10% of the and three in April. We will start the cycle back up again in May with a frequency of top HH’s, along with our highest index markets.* points in the year such as the season change in May, back to school in August, and Austin, TX holiday time in November and December. We will be advertising 11 months out Salt Lake City, UT of the year—January will be the only month that we will be omitting due to the Jonesboro, AR Hanford-Corcoran, CA 18 traditionally low shopping visits our target market does during that time. Fairbanks, AK *Leo Burnett *Market Finder, 2011
  • 21. LAUNCH PRINT We will launch with full-color spreads February, 2012. Introducing our campaign with spreads instead of single page ads will generate buzz and have a larger impact on our target market. For the rest of the year, we will fall back to single page ads. Our print ads will be featured in magazines, such as People, Better Homes and Garden,Woman’s Day, Cosmopolitan and US Weekly. * TELEVISION Media We will launch our campaign during the Academy Awards. This results in a high frequency of six, on average, during February. Additional high points of frequency will also be in May, August, November, and December. We will continue to run our commercials on top networks our target market watches. These networks include Lifetime, ABC, HGTV,TLC and E!. Shows will include What Not To Wear,The Stagers, Dinner Impossible, Project Runway and Americas Next Top Model. RADIO We will run 30-second radio spots in the top radio markets. Higher frequencies will be played on country stations, as country music is one of the top music genres among our target market. 30-second radio spots will also be cost effective since we can focus on one of the myriad of products featured in jcpenney within the short spot, rather than trying to cram numerous different products in longer 60-second commercials. We will also be able to increase repetition and impressions. GROWTH PROMOTIONS jcpenney will sponsor and partner with the top rated shows and places of interest among our target market, generating product placement and improving the brand image for jcpenney.* MEDIA Why? Having product placement integrated into these shows and places will give our target a different way to connect with jcpenney. This allows the brand to have multiple touch points in our consumers’ lives, besides just what they see on commercials. Overall, it continues to give jcpenney a higher brand image in the consumer’s mind. With Whom? We will sponsor and partner with a combination of the top rated shows along with other places of interest for our target, based on Simmons research. SHOWS SWOHS PLACES OF INTEREST TSERETNI FO SECALP The Academy Awards Amusement parks What Not to Wear Movie theatres The Stagers Gyms and Community Centers Dinner Impossible 19 *More about our suggested sponsorships and partnerships is explained in the Recommendations section of the book. *Simmons, 2009
  • 22. DEVELOPMENT Ex: Five casual clothing essentials needed in every wardrobe: denim (all types), shorts, T-shirts, cotton skirts, dresses and sneakers. TRAIN/SUBWAY According to Simmons, our target market uses public transportation on a daily basis (index of 168). Selected WEBSITE TAKEOVERS With Internet use and online shopping increasing AWARENESS CAMPAIGN subways and trains that pass by jcpenney locations, such as the jcpenney in Manhattan Mall, will be used. every day, we believe it’s necessary for jcpenney to We will employ a combination of executions such as reach women while they are browsing online. We are Media will work hand in hand with Public Relations wraps, tunnel ads, and interactive billboards. sponsoring sites most visited by our target market to introduce multiple awareness campaigns sup- porting charities, such as the Boys and Girls Club such as, and friend- We will also sponsor blogs such as the of America. Research shows our target market BILLBOARDS and We appreciates companies who give back to charities. Billboards will be placed in places with high volumes of will use a combination of banner ads, sky scrapers, We will also work with additional charities that ap- and interactive rich media. We will promote new ex- peal to our target market, like animal shelters and Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, LA, NY, Philadelphia, San clusive brands and merchandise and direct our target women’s health organizations. (See more sugges- Francisco and Washington D.C. Together these markets market to tions in our awareness campaign for PR) make up 29.6 percent of all households. HULU jcpenney will takeover and sponsor top rated shows LASTING IMPRESSIONS on Hulu. Our target market uses Hulu because of its convenience since content is available to access from laptops, mobile phones, etc. Nielson reports also BUS SHELTER TAKEOVERS found that women 25-34 are streaming more enter- tainment-based content than anything else (76% of all Bus shelter takeovers allow the target market to streams) and Hulu is one of their top chosen sites. interact with the campaign and the brand. Simmons has reported that our target market uses public GOOGLE transportation often. They also reported an index of 121 for women 25-34 who pay a lot of attention We are putting jcpenney as the forefront of certain to advertisements on bus shelters. We will use bus keywords such as “shoes,” “dress,” “kitchen decor,” and shelters both in the city and suburban areas. “home decor.” Instead of using generic descriptions of the site, we are going to replace them with various tips on improving fashion styles and improving health and wellness. 20 22
  • 23. MONTHS Feb March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Gross Rating Cost Points Media PRINT 924. 12,552,300 Magazine TELEVISION 1706. 26,830,000 :30 sec. spots Academy award sponsorship What Not to Wear sponsorship The Stagers sponsorship Dinner Impossible sponsorship RADIO 222. 669,400 :30 sec. spot ONLINE 1294. 30,603,100 homepage takeover Hulu show takeover Adwords Targeted Sites OOH 11142. 25,598,900 Billboards Bus Shelters Transit Wraps In-Theater Amusement Parks PUBLIC RELATIONS 15. n/a Facebook Twitter #becauseyoureyou Foursquare Tweet for a Treat “You” Campaign JCP: You & Charities DIRECT MAIL 3. 343, 800 Hangers Coupons Total GRPs: 13. 643 Total Cost: $99,597,500 21
  • 24. PUBLIC RELATIONS Along with our creative executions, we recognize a need for public relations in order to generate more awareness among our target market. To better reach our target market we will use press releases, organize charity-related special events, and utilize social media. INITIATIVES Create Develop and formulate a public service campaign through social media Change networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Bring Gather awareness for the new campaign targeted to our audience Awareness through special events in conjunction with charities like the Boys & Girls Club Constant Communication Maintain contact with the target market through constant updates on mobile devices as well as television PRESS RELEASE Our Press Releases will contain information about charity events and contests that consumers can participate in. We will also design press releases stating jcpenney’s goal to drive a culture that advocates conservation. For example, we will create a press release discussing jcpenney’s goal to reduce facility energy consumption by 20 percent per gross square foot by 2015, in order to give consumers a good brand image of jcpenney. For the because you’re you campaign, we will send out press releases and direct mail. For any updates and news, we plan to formulate press releases to send out information to the target market and media. Direct mail will be used to send out tangible information for the target market to keep. 22
  • 25. SOCIAL MEDIA PUBLIC RELATIONS Social media will be used to effectively reach our target market in places where much of their time is spent. According to the case study, 45 percent use social media at least once a day. FACEBOOK 27 percent of the Facebook population is 25-34 years old, and is an effective medium to reach our target market. Using Facebook, we will continue making personal and individual connections. We will: Create national awareness of our new campaign Keep track and take advantage of the statistics for how many people “like” our page and post comments on the wall, pictures, or links Promote upcoming special events Promote and organize contests for jcpenney consumers TWITTER Through Twitter, we hope to capture the attention of our jcpenney followers. Current followers of @jcpYou will be informed of special contests as they check our Twitter newsfeed. Followers will have the opportunity to win prizes by tweeting @jcpYou and placing the hash tag #BecauseYoureYou in the tweet. We will take advantage of Twitter’s @ replies and create contests and sweepstakes for the followers compete for the lowest prices for particular items found in subways. YOUTUBE special events. We will also be able to upload videos that our consumers send to us showing them using and wearing jcpenney products. FOURSQUARE Another way for consumers to interact with jcpenney stores is through the mobile application, Foursquare. We will create an original jcp badge so our followers can earn point and coupons as they “check-in” at jcpenney stores. This will give the target market an incentive to further engage in the campaign. 23
  • 26. CONTESTS & PROMOTIONS BUS SHELTER PROMOTIONS SNOITOMORP RETLEHS SUB SWEEPSTAKES SEKATSPEEWS What’s your favorite fashion quirk? 2 Do you love to wear spring color in winter? Is your jcpenney tweet for a treat is a promotion through the use of your favorite sweater in six different colors? jcp wants Twitter in which consumers take to know what quirky fashion habits you have! snapshots of QR codes embed- ded within subway posters that If we love it, you’ll get $1000 dollars to spend on an are placed in high exposure ar- amazing personal shopping spree. Shop with fashion eas. The unique thing about the 1 guru, Stacy London, from the hit show What Not to interactive posters, is they will feature a marquee that displays and a friend. Share your fashion quirks with us! the current price of the item 3 displayed. The way the “tweet 4 4 PRIZES per household a treat” works is as follows: Limit one entry 1 Consumers see various subway displays and notice the QR code on the display as well as the interactive Must be permanent resident of U.S. or U.S. citizen marquee. They are to take a picture of the code with their smartphone. No purchase necessary 2 The QR code will bring them to a portal in which selected pieces of clothing will be displayed with a 10 grand prizewinners 50 1st place winners receive a $200 gift card to jcpen- “tweet” button underneath as well as a tweet counter. ney and T-shirt from What Not to Wear 3 The idea is that the more tweets one piece of clothing gets, the price will continue to drop a selected 200 2nd place winners receive a $50 gift card to jcpen- amount. ney and T-shirt from What Not to Wear 4 300 3rd place winners receive a free purse from jcpen- pieces of clothing. 24 ney and T-shirt from What Not to Wear
  • 27. CHARITIES & CAMPAIGNS jcp: YOU & CHARITIES In order to further immerse the target market in our campaign, we Based on James Cash Penney’s belief in doing what is right and just, will host events that are associated with charities that jcp supports. Media jcpenney has stayed true to its Golden Rule beginnings and raises money Our target market has also been called “The Giving Generation” be- for charities such as the after school programs. We want to help jcpenney cause they expect companies to give back and do more business with in its goal to be a leading corporate citizen in youth development and those who partner with organizations. Therefore, we will continue to community involvement by continuing to work with after school pro- work with the Boys & Girls Club along with other charities to attract women of the target market. These events will give the women of our these charities as well as others that the target has a soft spot for, such as target market a better understanding and opportunity to take part in animal shelters and women’s rights. These events will take place through- “because you’re you.” out the year, highlighting different charities. YOU-AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Signs and posters will be displayed in all jcpenney stores with ads support- ing our campaign and message: “Because You’re You”. Women of the target audience will be educated and informed about jcpenney’s new image and emphasize the importance of the customer and how jcpenney solves their fashion, home, and lifestyle needs. They will also be shown how they can contribute and give back to the society, and to jcpenney charities in par- New York City: The impromptu fashion show will take place at the jcpenney store in Manhattan, NY. Live tweeting through @jcpYou will simultaneously provide updates, photos, and events going on at the show. Facebook status will also change with updates from the fashion show containing all the brand names that are showcased. Any proceeds made from donations will go to one of the jcpenney charities. 25
  • 28. RECOMMENDATIONS IN-STORE RECOMMENDATIONS STORE LAYOUT searching for clothes; they have families, work and busy lives. This is why store layout is so important. We believe the U.S. Each store would not have to be completely the same but would have departments that complement each other, such as woman’s apparel and lingerie, placed close to each other to help move customers through the entire store. We also suggest making sure there is plenty of room for aisles and that displays are evenly spaced within the store. A relaxed shopper is a happy shopper, and happy shoppers spend more. Sephora and build more inside their stores, our idea is to place the new Sephoras towards the middle of jcpenneys, forcing customers to walk through the store and pass all the great products on their way. Even in stores with multiple entrances, this positioning will maximize the amount of products the customer passes. We believe that there will be customers - tential to become #1 on the highest cross-shopped list, since Sephora itself has such a loyal following of younger, fashion-conscious women. 26
  • 29. JCP PROFILE RECOMMENDATIONS more jcp interactive kiosk items are located in the store, and get the styles they love even faster. Consumers can also gain addition, customers will feel more connected to jcp as a brand. Customers will also be able to access One of our biggest ideas was to design interactive IN-STORE QR CODES QR codes are all the rage with 20 percent of our kiosks customers could use within the store. And in target market and are a great idea to incorporate into the February, jcpenney did just jcpenney stores. With QR codes, customers can scan them from their phones to view videos, style guides, celebrity spot- tings on People Style Watch signs, coupons and much more. QR great addition to the jcpen- codes can also be placed on in-store displays for customers to ney shopping experience, get more information on products or to get make-up tips from but we have a few other Sephora artists and hair tips from the jcpenney Salon. suggestions, explained at the top of the page, to take this idea even further. LOUNGE AROUND Although most of our recommendations are made to cater to our target market of women, we also wanted to consider the men who are jcpenney customers. Based on our research, we found that the big- gest thing men desired when going shopping with their wives, girlfriends, or daughters was a rest spot. This there would be somewhere for the guys to put up their feet and take a break. This lounge type area would include a comfortable couch and arm chairs, along with a table and WiFi hotspot, where men could pull out their phones and check the scores of the games. This could also be a place where our customers who are busy mothers can take a breather as their kids try on clothes. 29
  • 30. DIGITAL RECOMMENDATIONS Find a store Services Login in Account Women Home Shoes Accesories Teen Kids Baby Men jcpenney is the leader in digital innovation. But our research told us cus- tomers believe there is little connection between jcpenney stores, and jcpenney’s digital platforms. So our goal is to integrate the online store, mobile apps, the in-store experience, etc... jcpenney Find your style habits with Stacey London. We highly recommend jcpenney revise their current online JCP Mobile Applications store. Currently does not match the jcpenney brand access their “avatar”, preview special offers and enter contests and personality. jcpenney is modern, trendy and stylish and sweepstakes. Customers will also be able to send their favorite jcpenney should be just another extension of the jcpenney brand. So we merchandise to their friends. The jcp app will also act as a QR code reader, suggest a few things that can take to the next level: allowing customers to scan the QR code with their app. jcpenney brand personality and integrates the “because you’re you” campaign theme Create and implement a new navigation system for jcp. com Link jcpenney’s social media platforms directly to and visa versa Allow customers to post reviews and comments on pur- chased products and merchandise 27
  • 31. SPONSORSHIPS & PARTNERSHIPS ACADEMY AWARDS tradition jcpenney has done for many years. Our research with Simmons proves that our target market continually watches this award show more than any win jcpenney gift cards along with other chosen prizes. This will associate the jcpenney brand with fashion and glamour and get the target market to interact. WHAT NOT TO WEAR - volves around improving the fashion sense of average women by giving them money to get new clothes and great style tips to use in everyday life. On the show, stylists Clinton Kelly and Stacy London will take the lucky contestant to jcpenney as one of the stores they shop at during the show. This will aid in changing our target market’s misconceptions of jcpenney by proving that jcpenney provides high quality, stylish apparel. THE STAGERS sponsorship with this show will incorporate jcpenney furniture and other jcpenney home products that modernize any dull or drab home chosen for the show. Likewise, professional stagers can provide details and tips about improving home décor using key items in the jcpenney home collections. DINNER IMPOSSIBLE therefore be able to showcase jcpenney kitchen products as a result. During their challenges on the show, we will implement the use of the jcpenney prod- ucts to showcase their practicality and durability. AMUSEMENT PARKS sit on one of the jcpenney couches for a minute. CINEMA ADVERTISING We want to partner with theaters and show in-theater ads before movies. National Cinemedia reports that most people are in theaters at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the movie. Many women in our target market are heavy movie watchers. According to Simmons, the top rated genres of movies for our target market are horror, romantic comedies and family. Our target market goes to the movies as much as six times per month, which is why we will be advertising in cinemas.* GO RED FOR WOMEN equipment covered in red, along with the jcp logo, to help promote healthy living. *Simmons, 2001 28
  • 32. BUDGET INTRODUCTION $40,000 February: $14,069,231 $40,000 GROWTH March: 8,909,841 $61,000 April: 7,728,169 May: 10,957,732 $343,800 June: 8,284,156 BUDGET & MOS July: 4,550,515 $608,400 MATURITY $957,100 August: 11,072,347 September: 9,148,196 $12,552,300 October: 4,418,223 $25,872,900 LASTING IMPRESSION November: 11,005,387 December: 9,453,664 $28,598,900 TOTAL $30,603,100 99,597,461 MEASURES OF SUCCESS QR Codes - when, where QR codes are scanned, analytics Impressions per medium - Measurable impressions based on fre- Contest Submissions - number of submissions quency - Sales and visits per day Customer Reviews - Reviews on product, service, etc Pre and Post campaign focus groups - campaign effectiveness Surveys - Customer surveys on products, service, store layout App Downloads - downloads per day, who downloaded Social Media - Facebook friends, likes, tweets per day, following jcp Banner ads - online click through rate, per purchase Direct Mail - coupons returned to store, sales from coupons E-blasts - Click through rate, purchases from coupons Fashion Show - Attendees, charity donations, jcp press 30
  • 33. CONCLUSION Our campaign was not to make jcpenney into something that it’s THE PEOPLE WHO not. In no way did we want to change the brand identity of jcpenney. Instead we embraced jcpenney’s image and created a campaign that personally resonated with our target market. Our because you’re you campaign speaks to our target market on an emotional and personal level. We prove to these women that jcpen- ney understands who they are as people and therefore understands MADE IT POSSIBLE their needs as consumers. We show how the merchandise that jcpen- ney carries are based on these needs, so these women feel as though ACCOUNT MANAGER the products were made for them. Lastly, we express how jcpenney Amanda Geannacopulos who they are, no matter how quirky they may be. The end result is CREATIVE DIRECTOR showing our target market that jcpenney is inspired by who they are Katherine Hyde and what they do, and has jcpenney telling these women, “We offer these products for you, because you’re you”. ART DIRECTORS Nicole Cimmarusti Our campaign accomplishes all of our goals to change the misconceptions our target market has of jcpenney, while Max Gustofson simultaneously giving jcpenney a distinct and modern personality. By COPYWRITERS promoting the exclusive brands jcpenney offers, our campaign posi- tions jcpenney at a higher level of retail and will not only reach pro- Georgia McMillan spective jcpenney customers, but customers of other department Nicole Rossi stores, like Macy’s. MEDIA Isidora Torres the minds of their consumers and will bring them one step closer to Alex White being America’s favorite retail destination. PUBLIC RELATIONS Justin Lacap ADVISOR 31 Timothy Hendrick