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Unit 1
Investigating a business
Student: Lewis Smith
Business choice:
Iceland Foods Ltd
Iceland Food
Iceland is in the tertiary sector, as it is not run or paid for by the government. This particular British
supermarket chain operator in the United Kingdom and Ireland and is starting to become more
international. Iceland's primary product line is frozen foods but they also sell fresh groceries,
cupboard foods and also other lines such as body hygiene products and appliances. Such as
shampoos, conditioners and cloths.
1970 Iceland all started when Malcolm Walker and another young ambitions retailer decided to open
a shop in an attempt to make their fortunes. When they first started ... Show more content on ...
The spokesperson giving the company's vision statement will give a brief report on what the
businesses future goals and achievements will be. It is important for the company directors to
understand the businesses current position and the possible pathways that can be made and then
from that the director can follow particular courses of action and what aims and objectives to set.
One of Malcolm Walker visions for Iceland Foods is for expansion and making the company have a
more global presence by building more stores in different countries around the world. Even though
this vision has already been kick started with opening stores within Europe his ambition is to expand
even further out. A another key vision for the owner of Iceland Foods Ltd is that he is wanting to
become the leading frozen food chain due to the such good value for money on all the company's
products. Shown below is an aim and objectives of both what and how the business is trying to meet
these visions.
Aim and objectives
A business's aim is the main goal that the company wants to achieve, but a company may have more
than one aim at one moment in time. A primary aim for any business is to add value in the private
sector this would involve making a profit. A more tactical aim would include the following such as
expansion, market leadership and brand building.
A business objective is a detailed step by step plan a business would take in order to achieve an aim.
These objectives need
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Why Is Iceland A Developed Country
There are many factors that contribute to showing that Iceland is a developed country. Everything
must be taken into account when deciding whether or not Iceland is a developed country due to the
fact that just one set of information does not say everything. Because this is the case one must view
all sets of data in the demographic, infrastructure and economic sections in order to be able to
determine where Iceland stands. Iceland is a unique country that has good standards of living,
healthcare and sanitation which will soon be evident after one reads about the data that was
collected. After all of the statistics are viewed in the three sections, one will know that Iceland is a
developed country. Demographics plays a large role in demonstrating ... Show more content on ...
Now that all of the sets of data have been viewed together has a whole there is no doubt that Iceland
could be anything but a developed country. Iceland is a country with good sanitation, health care and
standards of living as seen by all of the data. The demographic, infrastructure and economic sections
have all shown that Iceland is not only developed but it is also extremely put together. Iceland is
able to provide a great deal of things for the people living there by also creating a safe, active
environment. One can now evidently see that Iceland is a developed
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Iceland Research Paper
Have you heard the stories of old or the encounters with Iceland's supernatural. This is one of the
many topics this paper will speak of. This paper will discuss Iceland; it's founding, religious beliefs,
languages, government, and geography.
Iceland is discovered in the mid ninth century by Scandinavian Sailors (Iceland). The first settler in
Iceland was Ingōlfur Arnarson who arrived in 874. Now you are probably wondering what idiot
Viking would name a green island Iceland. His name is Flóki, this Scandinavian man failed at living
in Iceland, and as Flóki disembarked he gave Iceland it's unfortunate name (Iceland).
We jump to the inevitable in 1264, Iceland has become part of Norway and joined their society have
conjoined (Iceland). However ... Show more content on ...
Iceland's government is a parliamentary system that include a written constitution (Iceland).
Parliament in Iceland is called the Althingi which directly translates into the English parliament
(Iceland). The Althingi consists of 63 members who are elected for four years (Iceland). The
president is also elected every 4 years the
Jones 2 current president is Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. There are courts and trials just like America
and all judicial power lies with district courts and more importantly the supreme court. Now how
about the language,what language do they use. Iceland uses a Germanic language this language is
referred to as Old Norse this is the Icelandic language. The people of Iceland have not altered their
language since the middle ages implying that they may be able to read ancient texts who knows.
Anyway Icelandic people don't use last names they go by there fathers.
Have you heard of things like Huldufólk and other supernatural beings and entities from Iceland,
well nows your time. Let's start with elves, elves are described as beautiful, graceful, eternal beings.
Elves are believed to have great magical powers and are found in Europe's mythology and
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Overpopulation Of Iceland
Iceland is considered one of the fastest warming places on earth. Glaciers cover more than 10% of
the Iceland and are losing an average of 11 billion tons of ice per year. This ice is important to
iceland for many reasons. The glaciers ice stores water for the people of Iceland and the glacial
rivers drive the turbines that power most of the island. Helgi Bjornsson at the University of Iceland's
Institute of Earth Sciences says that in a generation there might not be enough glacial water for
either of these things. Not only this but the loss of weight from these glaciers is causing Iceland to
rise at a rate of 1.4 inches per year. Scientists believe that this rising is causing more volcanic
activity. Iceland has experienced three eruptions
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The Cod Wars: Cause and Context Essay
The cod wars between Iceland and Great Britain were ongoing from 1952–1976 and escalated three
times throughout that period of time.1 This paper focuses on the cod war conflict between Great
Britain and Iceland from 1972–1976 however a brief history of earlier conflicts is necessary in order
to understand the critical period being analyzed. The conflict stemmed from the "extension of the
fishery limits from three to four nautical miles by Iceland in 1952"2 this was largely as a result of
the decline in marine resources available that Iceland " for a long time been largely dependent on."3
"The disappearance of the herring in Icelandic waters combined with a decline in export prices
between 1966 and 1968 led to a drop in real per capita ... Show more content on ...
The situation reached its peak in January 1959 when an Icelandic vessel fired on a British trawler.11
There on after the crisis was averted when Iceland planned to discuss the matter in the 1960 Law of
the Sea conference of the United Nations12 and in 1961 agreed to an exchange of notes as a
response to Britain's "bilateral settlement of the conflict".13 The first cod war was settled by a
recognition of a 12 mile zone and the permission given to British trawlers to fish within the zone
during certain months.14 Finally in addition to this policy, it was announced that in case of any
further extension of the fishery zone Iceland was obligated to give the United Kingdom six months'
notice of the extension and if disputes should arise the matter would be referred to the International
Court of Justice by either party.15 However the agreement didn't last and a decade later a newly
elected leftist–agrarian coalition government abrogated the agreement contained a decade prior in
1961 and instead extended fishery limits to fifty miles on 1 September 1972.16 Icelandic foreign
minister Einar Agustsson claimed that Icelandic fish stocks were 'threatened with imminent ruin.'17
This resulted in Iceland
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Xenophobia In Iceland
4. Don't do in Iceland or the cultural problems in Iceland.
Xenophobia: being a foreigner in Iceland.
There is the perception of the Icelanders that always come across the foreigner which is they being a
bit withdraw and uncommunicative because usually they did not accept the excessive of the
cheerfulness and the smiles that normal when greeting the other person. For the foreigner, Iceland is
not the easiest places because there is not many foreigners that working in Iceland. The population
in the Iceland is least racial because mostly over 93% are Icelanders but they are actually culturally
aware. The country have a strong educational system. There is a few foreigner that stay in there so it
always happen when they ignored about other cultures. When doing the business activities in
Iceland, we need to be prepared the experience that different with our own cultures.
Language matter.
The language that the Iceland people used is mostly in their native language, but they for the non–
Icelanders they no need to master in Icelandic to deal in the business. They can use either in English
and also in Danish as it was the compulsory language on their ... Show more content on ...
The Iceland is a classless society that has never had an upper class. The strong authority group and
class division often found in cultures but is more relaxed in Iceland, so, there is not much taboos and
rules that they need to follow how to behave. Icelanders are relatively open minded and happy to
discuss almost anything but if we know them better, they are quite reserved. Iceland often used
public baths that the places that they will make discussion without fear of facing an awkward
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Etiquetty And Corruption In Business And Key Business...
In Iceland, key business values include honesty, accountability, independence, and friendship. Being
a highly nationalistic country, showing sincere interest in Iceland is highly appreciated. Keeping
one's word generally carries the same weight as a contract in this country. Iceland is rated in the top
ten of the least corrupt countries in the world, meaning that transparency is something they hold in
high regard. As a result, bribery and corruption are generally taken very seriously. In Icelandic
culture, there is always a place for socialization, meaning it is appropriate to invite a business
partner out for dinner or a drink following a business discussion or meeting. Business Meeting
When scheduling meetings with Iceland, be sure to use a twenty– four–hour clock in order to
prevent misunderstandings. Punctuality is highly valued as well, so be sure give heads up about a
possible delay, it is always a good idea to arrive in advance. It is also highly recommended that
appointments are scheduled in advance whenever possible. Meetings tend to be concise and to the
point and meeting over coffee, a drink, or dinner is common. It is always expected that a foreigner
dress formally. Also, Icelanders tend to mix business with pleasure and may ask a visitor over to
their home to talk about business. Always be sure to bring a small gift along whenever invited into a
home as this is customary and expected in this country; foreign wine is almost always a safe bet.
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A Brief Note On Iceland And Its Impact On The World Essay
I have always enjoyed the outdoors, I had no Idea what I was in for. One day while I was at work the
opportunity arose for me to go to Iceland. At first I didn't get too excited about because so much can
change on an opportunity such as this. You never really know until you are actually airborne and
enroute, sometimes that is still not enough. Once I made the final list to go, my coworkers began
telling about their previous trips to this island. I heard one story of what it was like during the
winter, different colored ropes between the buildings. Say you wanted to go from the dormitory to
the dining facility, you would follow the "yellow" rope. This was due to wind and snow, you could
become disoriented just walking between the buildings. Thankfully I would be going during the
summer. I could not be more excited to explore this island in the North Atlantic, the land of ice and
fire, called Iceland. Upon my arrival, I remember noting the buildings had different colored roofs,
not just different shades of gray or brown, typically as you would find on a shingled roof, but they
were all metal roofs. They could be blue, red, orange it was almost as if it was a cartoon. Keeping in
mind, I was not here on vacation so my time to explore would be limited at best. But hopefully I will
be able to make the most of it. So the week belonged to "Uncle Sam" and his bidding and the
weekends, if all went right would be mine to explore, and explore I did.
Each weekend was
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The Unknown Saga Men Of Icelandic Family Sagas
The unknown saga–men of Icelandic Family Sagas who wrote in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
utilized a plethora of writing techniques to portray the lives of native Icelanders from roughly 930 to
1030. Throughout this period, Family Sagas progressed from choppy, scattered life stories to literary
masterpieces laced with dark humor and adventure. However, sagas sometimes stray from the truth
due to the saga–men's tendencies to romanticize the past, use interstitial expansion, and edit
manuscripts to fit Christian morals. Written in the 9th and 10th centuries (and put together in the
13th century) The Book of Settlements is an important reference for all sagas about to be discussed.
It takes place during the age of settlement (870 to ... Show more content on ...
The organization of Olaf's saga is loosely additive in the fact that none of the chapters seem to lead
to each other and chapters are often repeated. Such as chapters 37 and 55 where it is the same story
of king Olaf slapping a queen, but in one he does so because she wouldn't convert to Christianity,
and in the other he does so because he was caught giving her a false gold arm band. This seemingly
accidental repetition and misplacement of narratives could have happened for a variety of reasons,
but the most likely is that since Oddr wrote the saga as he interviewed people, he would be forced to
put narratives pertaining to earlier stories at the end of the manuscript because there was no way for
him to "copy and paste" and add it to the beginning. Since all chapters after 25 were written from
solely oral accounts, interstitial expansion plagues the Saga to the point that it is hard to tell what
actually happened and what is completely made up, for example the scene where Olaf gets married
in Winland probably never even happened. Usually after demonic or paranormal activities are
mentioned, Oddr interludes to write in his own thoughts. An example of this happening is in chapter
43 when Odin appears to Olaf. Oddr feels it necessary to comment his own thoughts due to the
monostatic lens that he has, because he is after all a monk writing in a monastery. When he writes
about paranormal events he feels the need to let his audience know that he doesn't believe
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Erik The Red's Role In Viking History
Erik the Red was a Norwegian Viking that was born in the 10th Century C.E, and his life
contributed significantly to the outstanding legacy of the Vikings through his explorations. It is
through the discovery of Greenland and its later settlement that cast Erik the Red's legendary
adventures into folklore. These two events are how Erik the Red played his role in Viking history,
not through warfare, but through explorations. The adventures undertaken, and the feats achieved by
Erik the Red cement his place in Viking History.
In 982 C.E, Erik the Red sailed west from Iceland after being banished for murder, discovering a
new land which he named "Greenland." After exploring the newly discovered land for two years,
naming many fjords after himself
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Iceland Volcano
The bias view of the filmmaker is that it concentrated on the people at the airport instead of the
actual eruption. There was only one interview which was held with an adult called Grace Schofield
who was a stranded traveller. The filmmaker's point of view is that they only considered the lives of
the people in the airport instead of people who got affected by the volcano.
However, even though they showed scenes of children at the airport their perspective wasn't
observed by the filmmaker. If the children's perspective was included younger people would get a
better realisation of how it feels to be at their state.
Another factor is that even though the volcanic eruption was held in Iceland, the filmmaker
concentrated on people in other countries ... Show more content on ...
Even though the narrator narrates that " even though the delays are costing them a fortune," the
airport manager is not included. The airport manager's response would have helped understand the
amount of money which they are spending as well as the tiring work to control people at the airport.
The film was mainly built to explain the effect the volcano had on Iceland, the people around the
world as well as the airports around the world.
In this video, I have learnt that although the Eyjafjallajokull volcano was a small eruption, it
affected 23 European countries around the world due to the wind causing the volcanic ash to be
spread across europe.
Another fact that I learnt is that flying into a cloud of ash is dangerous due to the fact that if tiny
particles of rock, sand and glass get subjected to plane's engine, it is hot enough to cause the engine
to melt and solidify again.
I have learnt that Iceland is constituted in the mid atlantic region where tectonic plates meet and
cause molten rock from underneath the earth's surface to rise to the top which causes, hot mud,
geysers as well as volcanoes to
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Iceland Research Paper
The official language of Iceland is Icelandic. It is an Indo– European language of the North
Germanic languages.liv Fortunately, the majority of Icelanders can speak English because the study
of the English and Danish languages is required in the compulsory This will make
integration into Iceland smoother. However, the preservation of the Icelandic language is of high
importance to the people of Iceland. Although we can enter the country with the English language, it
is important that we appeal to the culture by eventually learning Icelandic. They take much pride in
their language and speaking their language would bring a larger appeal to the native Icelanders.
Iceland has several folklore stories. Over 50% of the population believe elves or "hidden people"
stories to be true; and if they do not, they will not admit to it. To deny these stories is considered to
be bad luck.lvi It is important for us to understand these Folklore as to not offend the Icelanders, and
bring "bad luck" to Columbia.
Understanding these folklores can help bring success to ... Show more content on ...
Because of this, there are very few Taboos. One Taboo is Icelanders love Iceland. One of the first
questions they will ask is, "What do you think of Iceland." It is very important to only respond with
positive characteristics of Iceland, or you will gravely offend them. Also, you should never litter in
Iceland. Icelanders love their beautiful environment, and place extra importance on preserving it.
Fortunately for us, Columbia is known for supporting "organizations around the world that share our
passion for the outdoors and connecting active people to their passions."lxii Columbia has a
reputation for helping the community preserve the environment through partnerships, grant funding,
volunteerism, and humanitarian support.lxiii Our environmental values will help Columbia connect
to the culture of the people in
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American History And Its Impact On The West And Distant...
Unsurprisingly, many historic cultures have not been accurately studied in modernity. Due to
personal biases, incomplete data, or a multitude of other issues, incorrect perceptions about these
collapsed societies remain. However, modern studies are beginning to reveal the inaccuracies of
those enduring, false notions. It is valuable to compare misunderstandings to the historic reality in
addition to discovering why the past happened as it did. Although newer, more factual information
will not erase long–taught misconceptions about collapsed societies like Jamestown, El Dorado, or
the Norse Greenlanders, it provides the chance to better understand historic events in an effort to
help guide decisions that could affect the near and distant future. Jamestown has a permanently
secured place in American history as the young country's first successful, permanent colony. When
the Europeans arrived in 1606 with 104 men and boys hoping to find their riches in the New World,
they found a largely empty landscape. Over the next few decades, the Jamestown people were able
to thrive while the native populations were dying because the colonists had more advanced
technology, Christianity, and European sensibilities. They were able to properly manage the empty,
surrounding area, convert it to farmland, and grow highly profitable tobacco that helped spur further
growth in what would become the US. However, it's reality tells a much different story. The first
colonists arrived in March and by
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Iceland : A Small Island Country
Iceland is a small island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean with only 300,000 populations
in a country. They had almost no contact and relationship with other countries within 1000 years.
However, throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Great changes had taken place in Iceland. The
average Icelander became 300% wealthier from 2003 to 2006, and all three of Iceland's major banks
which are Kaupthing, Landsbanki and Glitnir had developed from tiny saving banks in the 1990s to
become the world's top 300 banks a decade later (Gunnlaugsson, 2012). Iceland became the best
places for living in this period of time. However, the 2008 world economic crisis sudden started in
Iceland and became a national issue, and these three major banks crushed within a few days in
October of 2008 (Boyes, 2009; Vaiman, 2011). After this happened, the public had an outcry that the
cause of recession should be blame to local politicians and bankers, the government and supervisory
agencies (Gunnlaugsson, 2012). However, others argue that they should not only blame to their
bankers and politicians. This essay will argue that this financial crisis in Iceland in 2008 was not
only caused by these individuals, but also by the society, banking system and world economy.
Firstly, this essay will talk about the nepotism and naive belief of neoliberalism from politicians and
bankers, then it will move to the reason that why Icelanders only blame to those individuals and
show society's
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Modern Norse Interaction
The early Norse people of modern Scandinavia were an amazing group of people that traded, raided,
and farmed, we known as Vikings. Norse people were well known travelers of most of the known
world during the Viking age, approximately 800–1150 CE. Their customs and technology made
impacts on civilizations a great distance from their homeland. It seemed that once contact outside
their native land had taken place, an explosion of interaction occurred. They reached out and
interacted with people from the east, south, and west. Some of these interactions were ferocious in
nature filled with slaughter and raiding. Other interactions were peaceful that led to settlements and
open trading. From humble beginnings of farmers to feared sea travelers ... Show more content on ...
The Frankish emperor Louis "the Pious" and his sons were at war. The Norse people continued to
attack some and became allies for others. Louis's son Lothar welcomed the Norse people and used
them in future battles as mercenaries. After Louis's death in 843 CE the Treaty of Verdun ended the
civil war and the kingdom was separated into 3. Charles "the Bald" became king of the West Franks.
During his time, near the Loire River, the Vikings founded a settlement. This was a major
disadvantage to the Franks and their trade routes. Norse men then began to travel up rivers to find
more monasteries and villages to attack within the Frankish kingdoms. Charles made several
attempts to fortify the towns to protect them, but not enough to overthrow his rule. None of these
strategies were very efficient. Charles made an extreme mistake in 845 CE in an attempt to deal with
these Vikings in a new and less painful way. He tried to buy peace from the invaders. Paying in large
amounts of gold and silver to the Viking's he simply asked not to attack him. This had the opposite
effect he intended and led to waves of Vikings attacking him, all of which sought to just be "paid
off". After the death of Charles "the Bald", his grandson Charles "the Simple" developed a much
better plan to deal with this threat (I love their nicknames). He gave the mouth the Loire River to a
Viking leader under the
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Informative Speech On Iceland
General Purpose: To inform about the various aspects of Icelandic culture.
Attention Gainer: *draws a huge circle representing Iceland* *smacks the whiteboard* ICELAND
Reason to Listen: As you will soon see, Iceland is full of beautiful scenery and natural wonders that
everyone should have the chance to see at least once in their lifetime.
Speaker Credibility: While reading an article from The Telegraph, I came across the astonishing
truth of just how popular of a tourist attraction Iceland is. Morris (2016) stated in his article that
"2016 will mark the first time that the total number of American tourists will be greater than the
number of Icelandic residents". After reading that I knew I wanted to research more about the
culture of Iceland and find out why it is such a popular tourist spot.
Thesis Statement: Today, we will be informing everyone about the unique culture of Iceland.
Preview Main Points: We will be discussing Icelandic geography, common leisurely activities, food,
and century–old traditions.
Main Point # 1: Because the island of Iceland is both geographically and volcanically active, it is
home to some of the world's most beautiful geography. (Aaron)
(Sub–Point # 1) (Natural wonders) Iceland is known for its geothermal spas, specifically the Blue
Lagoon, and its stunning waterfalls.
"The seawater–blue color is due to its high concentration of sulfates... the minerals in the water are
believed to give the water curative powers" (Petroski, 2012, p. 23).
(Sub–Point # 2) (Landscape photography–subculture) Many tourists year–round visit Iceland in
attempt to capture the natural beauty of the island.
TRANSITION STATEMENT: Iceland's beautiful geography gives way to incredible activities for
both locals and tourists to do. (Maddie)
Main Point # 2: Iceland's natural hot pots and mountains make swimming and hiking very popular
activities across the country. (Maddie)
(Sub–Point # 1) One of the most popular activities in Iceland is swimming, whether it be in a man
made pool, geothermal bath, or hot pot. (Maddie)
A popular hot spring pool in Iceland is The Secret Lagoon which is "surrounded by geothermal spots
and a little Geysir which erupts every 5
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How Did Columbus Discover America
Zerubavel would most likely answer the question "did Columbus discover America?" by pointing
out that not only did Native Americans live on the continent before Columbus and Europe truly
discovered it, but that there are findings of what seemed to be inscriptions, scripts–that infact, are
legible–and several different sculptures with pre–Columbian faces on them, and "stone reliefs all
over America, that stun puzzled observers with their unmistakably European, Semitic, African, and
Oriental feature" (11). Another example of Columbus not being the first to discover America was
that Leif Erikson "had landed on its northern shores only five centuries earlier" (3), leading the
Norse. The Norse first encounter with the New World happened approximately around the year
1001. However, the Norse may have only stayed in the New World for about two–and–a–half
decades or so do to the archaeological findings. But besides the archaeological findings, there is also
physical proof that the Norse had indeed, first encountered America. According to carbon dating
from a site that points to the eleventh century, there were findings of a spindle whorl, a smithy,
cooking pits, hearths, slag, rivets, and a bronze pan, along with eight houses sites. All of these items
were found about fifty years ago at the northern tip of Newfoundland. Where the Norse had usually
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Nacirema is a perfect example in which different ways humans can live and how extreme their
beliefs can go. With that being said, I believe that Miner wants us, the readers, to understand the
different ways in which people live their lives. The underlying message of Nacirema is that the
people in which believe in this, spend most of their day in ritual activity because they believe that
"the human body is ugly, and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease"
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2008 Financial Crisis: Iceland's Then & Now Essay examples
I) Causes of the Crisis
On September 15, 2008, the American bank Lehman Brothers, with holdings over 600 billion USD,
filed bankruptcy. This was by far the biggest bankruptcy in U.S history and it marked the beginning
and the largest financial crisis ever. How can one of the biggest banks in the world fail? How can a
bankruptcy in US make someone on the other side of the world unemployed? The answer is
Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and it all started by new innovations in the financial sector
combined with deregulations on the financial market.
Many mathematicians and physicists started to work in the financial market and created new
financial products called derivatives after the Cold War. These products made it possible for ... Show
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could not afford their loans anymore. Thus, they started to sell their houses. The housing prices went
down and when the value of the houses were lower than the value of the initial loan, people left the
houses to the banks. Instead of owning CDOs consisting with positive cash flows, the banks now
owned CDOs consisting of houses with decreasing values (See appendix). The CDOs sold all over
the world and combined in both banks and private peoples investments were now almost worthless.
Lehman Brothers had an immense amount of investments in CDOs, and as they went bankrupt, one
of the world's worst financial meltdown had thus begun.
II) Critical Examination on How the Crisis Affected Iceland Before the financial crisis in 2008,
Iceland's stock market had increased with over 900 percent since the middle of the 90th century
(Graph 3). During 2000–2008, unemployment rate remained between 2–4% and Iceland had grown
from one of Europe's poorest country to one of the wealthiest during the last decades. The Guardian
wrote an article, "No wonder Iceland has the happiest people on earth" in May 2008. However, on
October 10, 2008 the headlines had changed – Bloomberg Businessweek announced that "Iceland
goes bankrupt" was a catastrophic fact.
Concrete definition of bankruptcy for a country is both hard to define and explain, but simply put, it
means that a country is not able to pay back its external/foreign debts. Iceland's government debt
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Iceland Vs. Greenland : Similarities And Differences...
One country with an icecap as large as Sweden. Another country with the most active volcanic area
in the world. These two nations may sound very different and yet they have a large quantity of
similarities as well. The average population size for a country is 38.2 million people, and although
the scale is offset by heavily overpopulated nations, there are also countries that greatly decrease the
average. Two of these are Iceland and Greenland. Both are northern island nations with fierce,
snowy climates, and neither is home to greater than 350,000 people with Greenland containing just
over 55,000. By the names of these two countries, one may assume Iceland is a cold land covered in
snow and ice. One may also assume that Greenland is home to the more verdant scenery than its
counterpart; however, the entire population of Greenland is forced along the coastline due to the
interior being too icy and cold to inhabit. If one moved to Iceland, they would be 88.7% less likely
to see the coastline on a daily basis due to the interior of the country being warmer and more
inhabitable. These two island nations have a great variety of similarities and differences with
holidays, history, culture, and beliefs. This is largely due to their large blend of foreign influence
which makes them such unique countries.
Iceland and Greenland share similar aspects of culture and common courtesy. These include
greetings and visiting. In both Iceland and Greenland, a common greeting formally and
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Physical Trip Essay
We left JFK, NY at 9 pm on May 10, 2017, and flew directly to Iceland with a flying time of 6hr.
This flight wasn't too long coupled with a 4hr time difference, it was difficult to rest well. After
landing at Keflavik, Iceland around 6:30 am, May 11, we entered a small airport, but nevertheless it
took us more than 2hrs just to pass through the airport entry check point. OAT was our tour
company. We had a small group of 16. The tour guide let us boarded a bus for an hour drive to the
capital city Reykjavík where our hotel Hilton located. The group included 12 my Chinese friends
and 4 Americans. The terrain was relatively flat and open scattered with many black lava rocks,
nonetheless, no trees or ... Show more content on ...
Hiding all the pressure inside of me and the unknowing stress level was so high that almost totally
consumed me. Next morning, we boarded a big 36–person bus leaving for our island tour. Iceland is
a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has an area of 40,000 SQ mi about the same
size of Kentucky and a population of 333,000 only 7.5% of Kentucky. The surrounding areas of
Reykjavík are home to two–thirds of the whole population. Iceland is still volcanically and
geologically active, with 30 active volcanic systems and many geysers. Iceland's lakes and glaciers
cover 14% of its surface; only 23% is vegetated. The island's interior, the Highland, is a cold and
uninhabitable combination of sand, mountains, and lava fields. The climate of Iceland's coast is
subarctic on the other hand, the warm North Atlantic Current ensures generally higher temperatures
than in most places of similar latitude. Its high latitude and marine influence still keep summers
chilly around 45 to 55 degrees with strong wind most of the time. The widespread availability of
geothermal power as well as the harnessing of many rivers and waterfalls for hydroelectricity,
Iceland runs almost completely on renewable energy, consequently, most residents have access to
inexpensive hot water, heating, and electricity. In the
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The Power Of The Athenian Constitution
The general public did not create, 'We, the people', but by 50 or so white men who owned property.
The Athenian democracy followed a similar rule; to be on the Athenian senate, one had to be a male
who owned property and was not a slave. This trend has been seen throughout the western world in
establishing democracies; the hegemonic power controls the laws of the state. But now, with
technology, we are able to empower the disenfranchised and have a more equal representation. And
with more holistic and comprehensive laws due to having a more equal representation of the people,
which may create less corruption.
The more a government appears to be transparent, the more legitimate they seem to their citizens.
Having a more transparent government, according to Rose–Ackerman, should reduce corruption.
Technology is becoming a commonplace tool to create transparency within the government.
Governments are starting to use Crowd–sourcing as a technological tool to increase transparency.
Crowd–sourcing may become the trend of the future to fight corruption within the United States and
abroad. Crowd–sourcing as defined by the Merriam–Webster Dictonary as the "practice of obtaining
needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and
especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers." People
have been using crowd sourcing in the private and non–profit sector. Famous examples of this are
AirBnB and
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Roald Amundsen Research Paper
Roald Amundsen is known as one of the most successful arctic explorers, having been the first
person to lead expeditions that reached the North and South Pole. Roald was born on July 16th,
1872, near Oslo, Norway. He was the 4th son born to his parents Hanna Sahlqvist and jens
Amundsen. Roald had promised his mom to become a doctor and began studying medicine when he
was 15, but dropped out at age 21 when his mother died. He then began his journey at sea. He was
successful since the beginning, as he moved up to the rank mate in the little time he had been there.
Roald Amundsen's first Antarctic trip was in 1899, the Belgica expedition. Roald was one of the first
parties to make through a winter in Antarctica. He got his official
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Geography of Iceland
Eric Hines
World Geography 102
Mrs. Witkowski
December 6, 2010
Geography of Iceland
The country that I choose is Iceland. Iceland is very unique and interesting not only because of its
clean air and amazing scenery but also its natural beauty and landscapes. Nature is a big force of
Iceland but the volcano's, waterfalls, and glaciers seem to attract most tourist. There landforms are
probably the most unique. The Northern Lights is also something that people find very interesting
because how it is created and the view you can see. It is something that everyone should see at some
point in their life. The sources that I choose to use to research the Physical Geography, Economics,
History, Cultural, and Political ... Show more content on ...
32). In Rowland Mead book Globetrotter Island Guide, "most plants in Iceland cannot germinate,
grow, flower and produce seeds in the short amount of time it has" (77). "It is said that only 1% of
Iceland land is cultivated; 23% is usable for grazing, and 76% is made up of wasteland, mountains,
glaciers, deserts and lava fields" (Tomasson p. 33).Iceland physical and environmental feature range
from a large number of different categories that show all it's interesting landforms, amazing climate,
and many different bodies of water.
When it comes to the historical features of Iceland there are some that seem to stand out more than
others. It could be the original inhabitants, date of their independence, historical warfare, or maybe
just the historical events and how they influenced the current society. The original inhabitants of
Iceland were said to be "Irish monks who probably settled there in the eighth century" (Lacy 66). It
was the last European country to be colonized. According to the CIA World Factbook (2010),
Iceland became a soverieign state on December 1st, 1918 state under the Danish Crown and then got
its independence on June 17th, 1944 from Denmark. "Iceland historical warfare include World War
One which was from 1914–1918 and then World War Two which was from 1939– 1945. In 1976
Great Britain and Iceland signed an agreement to end the Cod War" (Lacy p. 237). One of the major
disaster which wiped out much
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Essay on The Collapse of the Greenland Norse
In Jared Diamond's novel 'Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed' he discusses many
civilizations that moved away from their homelands, grew in population, and then either failed or
succeeded in their new environments. Throughout this essay I will attempt to explain the Collapse of
the Greenland Norse, one of the many societies to rise and fall. The Greenland Norse faced multiple
challenges including economical, agricultural, and unfriendly neighbors. Alongside Greenland other
North Atlantic islands faced geographical challenges that lead to some of their falls as well. Yet, first
I will discuss why the Norse left Scandinavia in search of new terrain. Similarly to other expansions
the Norse, also known as Vikings, ... Show more content on ...
195). Next in line are the Faeroes which lies in mild oceanic climates, but has a shorter growing
season than Orkneys and Shetland Island (Collapse pg. 196). On top of that, the Faeroes were also
known to be wet, foggy, and rainy for over two hundred days out of the year. Perhaps the largest
island other then Greenland itself, was Iceland which was made out of volcanic fire, ice, water, and
wind laying on the Mid–Atlantic Ridge. Now that we've talked about the challenges faced on the
smaller North Atlantic islands, let's go over the problems faced on Greenland by the Norse.
Greenland agriculture was so minimal that most native Norse never saw wheat, bread, or beer made
from barley in their lifetime. In fact, if the Norse did grow any crops, they would have made only an
extremely minor contribution to the diet. Probably just as an occasional luxury food for a few chiefs
and clergy (Collapse pg. 227). As far as the Greenland Norse economy went it was vital that they
were able to work together for the greater good of the whole community. On page (235) of Collapse
it states, "Different Greenland locations produced different things, such that people at different
locations depended on each other for the things that they did not produce." Clearly that sentence
shows how interlinked Greenland Norse society was at the time. Unfortunately for the Norse even
though they were a strong society and interlinked closely
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Why Iceland Is Considered One Of The Safest Countries
On Earth there are one hundred ninety–five countries, and they are very diverse. There are hundreds,
if not thousands of religions in the world. Many countries have the same religion but there can be a
major difference between them. Religion is not the only difference between countries, including
food, laws, healthcare, cultural beliefs, weather, and the list goes on and on. There is no difference
when it comes to comparing the community in my home town, Akureyri, and Faulkner's community.
When I came to Faulkner I got a shock, and I know now why Iceland is considered one of the safest
countries in the world.
In Iceland the main religion is Christianity. The population of three hundred thirty thousand, divides
up in to, 80% Christianity and 20% that have other religion, or are atheist. According to a survey
from 2010, the average Icelander goes to church four times every year. Counting every time they go
to a funeral, wedding, confirmation and baptism. At Faulkner University I would say that at least
one–third of students here go to church every Sunday. Icelandic education system is put up so that
every child learns about Christianity. Addition to that they have to learn the foundation of main
religions in the world; Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. In Iceland an ethics class is
mandatory, we learn that there is nothing that says that we are any better than the rest of the world.
Nothing says that our believes, and culture is more correct than in other countries.
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Individualism In The Vikings
While the Viking Era was rather brief, these infamous Scandinavian brutes left a mark in history
larger than they themselves were tall.
The Vikings emerged from the present–day area in Northern Europe known as Scandinavia, which
consists of the countries of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Named for their legendary raids, the
name "Viking" is said to mean "a pirate raid" and originates from a dead language called "Old
Norse", which was the native tongue of the Vikings.
Contrary to the widely Christian beliefs of the rest of medieval Europe, the Vikings held pagan
religious belief, meaning that they were polytheistic and believed in many gods. These beliefs were
flexible and corresponded to each individual Viking.
The beings the Vikings worshiped ... Show more content on ...
Clair–sur–Epte, Charles the Simple, the King of the West Franks, gave Rollo part of the area
Normandy, also known as Northman's land, in a bid to have him shelter it from other Viking raiders.
Rollo later expanded his control of the region. He was then succeeded by his son William
Longsword around the time of his death in about 928. In 1066, William the duke of Normandy,
another of Rollo's descendants, led a successful invasion of England; he became known as "William
the Conqueror" and went on to serve as king of England until
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Identity Of Iceland
The general perceptions and National Identity of Iceland is that they are more of a working class
identity. With national political movements and parties that help bring the elite vision of their
country. Their ideology was developed by the members of the farming elite. The farming elite are
individual were the holiness and purity of the countryside, and the moral primacy of the farm and
farmers. These ideas were taught into academics such as writing, schools, and law. Foreign scholars
along with local common people created a new routine that considered the intellectual to be more
superior. Once this had happen most people abandoned the country side for fishing villages and
wage work. Most of Iceland generalized the concepts of the elites ... Show more content on ...
The differences are that structual variables are less significant among the post–war genersations.
The value has a larger impact on party choice, both absolutely and relative to structual variables.
Structural voting and cleavage voting are stronger among pre–war generations. The biggest
diffrence from these two generations is the fact of using the english language. The pre–war
generation feels that the post–war genaration use the english language far too much instead of their
own. Common belifs is that Icelanders should have a goal to be renowned for their proficiency in
english. Since this promotes their country as a well educated nation that is suitbale of participation
in international cooperation. However official language policy has rapidly seen the growing
prescence of english in Iceland as a problem. The concern is that english is increasingly used in
Iceland science, media, and computers. Since this was a groing concer Iceland govermnet and
parliament introduce an official language policy. In this policy it stated that Icelandic would become
the official language of the country. It also said that it is the language of schools at all
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Descriptive Essay About Iceland
When I first started reading about Iceland, most of what I read was about how beautiful and
picturesque the country is and how it was going to blow my mind.
This got me intrigued with finding out more about Iceland. So I began researching a lot about the
country. What caught my eye as something that I really wanted to experience was this so–called
Ring Road trip.
Iceland has one main road (Route 1) that goes around the entire country. It's about 1,332 km or 828
miles. It takes about 18.5 hours to complete it without stopping.
The airport you fly into is called Keflavik airport and it's about 40 mins outside of Reykjavik the
capital and largest city in Iceland. (Fun Fact: Reykjavik is the most northern capital in the world).
There are two ways to start the ring road trip, Clockwise or counterclockwise. Loure and I started
counterclockwise as a lot of the attractions we wanted to see were on the South side of the country.
Most sources about Iceland and the Ring Road will advise that you should allow about 10 days to
fully experience the ring road. I would have to agree but of course you can do it much faster than
that. Loure and I completed it in 7 days and we saw most of the major attractions. We also met a
couple who completed the ring road in five days.
Below I will breakdown how I spent each day in Iceland along with some advice that I received and
learned during my trip to Iceland which will hopefully be beneficial to everyone.
Day 1 – Happy Campers, Bonus and
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Erik The Red: Most Well-Known Vikings
Erik the red
Erik Thorvaldsson later known as Erik the red is one of the most well know and predominant
Vikings from his era. He is most well–known for his vast exploration, numerous voyages and
impressive leadership skills as well as his red hair and beard that earned him the name Erik the red
along with his fiery temper that caused him two get banished from multiple European countries
throughout his life.
In 950 CE Erik Thorvaldsson was born in a place called Rogaland located in western Norway. His
parents where Thorvald Asvaldsson and Åsvald Åsvaldson, Erik was an only child. Erik was 10
when he was forced to leave Greenland with his parents after his father Thorvald was exiled from
Greenland for manslaughter to a small area in north
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Icelandic Saga Argumentative Essay
I believe that one of the most prominent aspects of Icelandic Saga's is the very unique feuds and
resolutions that are found in our readings. The social issues found in these sagas are constructs of
many different influences upon society during the viking ages making distinctive culturally unique
plots. Despite having a very warrior–like history and a culture which praised characteristics which
were violent, we see the progression of Icelanders as we begin to notice more problems solved
without violence. Through the inspection of these feuds solved by peace are we able to obtain a
better grasp of what went into the creation and order of icelandic society and stories. In this essay I
will provide an examination of the resolution of feuds present ... Show more content on ...
This appreciation for intelligence is also reflected back towards seeking alternatives to violence.
Previous Viking culture appreciated the warrior and voyager who embarked on dangerous raids.
While some of that still held true, there was certainly a transition to dueling without swords, but
rather words. The importance of poetry is highlighted many times in the Sagas. In the Saga of the
Confederates we see Ofeig skillfully use his verses to get the attention of powerful men like Egil
and Gellir when they would have otherwise not wanted to talk. Ofeig crafts this verse on the spot to
get Egil to converse with him, "You won't refuse to confer wit me, because worthy men call you
wise", elegantly playing on the idea that he, simply an old man, just wishes to speak to a wise man.
Obviously, this is no longer a Viking age where threatening people into alliance works, but rather
superior intellect promotes a feeling of trust and
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The Economic Recovery Of Iceland
The Economic Recovery of Iceland
As a result of the financial crisis of 2007/8 Iceland experienced greater economic destruction than
most countries, and it was forced to deal with the problem by allowing their economy to collapse
and changing it's approach to the economy.
As a result of financial crisis of 2007/8 Iceland experienced greater economic destruction, and chose
to deal with the problem by allowing their economy to collapse.
Iceland's democratic government is similar to that of US in a number of key areas. But first we must
understand that many countries define democracy differently. If we mean "'Which country has
ensured that all adult citizens regardless of sex, race, or ethnicity, may choose representatives to
exercise the powers of government longest? ', then the answer is New Zealand. Universal adult
suffrage was first established there in 1893." However, Iceland might have a claim at the title
because the Althing which is their parliament was formed by the Vikings in 930 A.D. and is the
oldest still in consecutive use today.8
The first key difference between to consider between the US and Iceland is the size of the
government due mostly to the size of the population. The US population has about three hundred
twenty one million and Iceland has only about three hundred and thirty thousand.
Because of this huge difference in population size there is a big difference in the size of government
and they type of government. The United States has a federal
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Essay on A Fictional Account of Early Iceland
A Fictional Account of Early Iceland
"The origin and evolution of saga writing in Iceland are largely matters for speculation. A common
pastime on Icelandic farms, from the 12th century down to modern times, was the reading aloud of
stories to entertain the household, known as sagnaskemmtun ("saga entertainment"). It seems to
have replaced the traditional art of storytelling" (Hermann Palsson, pg. 1). Njal's Saga uses Old
Icelandic writing convention and historical data to give a fictional account of a generation's lifestyle
and struggles.
Icelandic literature has become very valuable because historians have realized the great amount of
truth that can be found in each saga. According to one historian, the sagas have proven to be ...
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1). Animal products provided the mainstay of the Icelandic diet. An emphasis on dairy cattle and
sheep meant that lamb and beef and dairy products such as cheese and whey were relatively
plentiful, "especially following good seasons" (Gary Martin, pg. 2)
Despite the abundance of food, as more settlers came, the resources were slowly depleted:
The following episode from Grettir's Saga is likely to have been typical: 'as soon as Eirik knew that
Onund had arrived he offered to give him anything he wanted, and added that there was not much
land still unclaimed. Onund said he would like first to see what land was available. So they went
south across the fjords, and when they reached Ofaera, Eirik said, 'Now you can have a look at it.
From here on the land is unclaimed up to Bjorn's settlement. (Gary Martin, p.2). Clearly this famine
was a historical, recorded event since there are also reports of a shortage of foodstuffs in Njal's
Saga. "This was a time of great famine in Iceland, and all over the country people were going short
of hay and food" (Njal's Saga, Ch. 47). So it is clear that Njal's Saga includes some factual
information, yet still remains a fictional narrative.
Instead of creating a form of law enforcement, the Icelanders usually took matters into their own
hands. This is can be seen in the many killings that occur in Njal's Saga. The Icelandic people had
developed a feud system,
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I Am A Hot House
Stars were shining brightly in the clear night sky and water bubbled invitingly in the outdoor hot
tub. However, reaching it meant opening the door and leaping across decking with the temperature
at –14C.
The reading had been displayed on roadside lights during our two–hour drive from Iceland's main
airport at Keflavik to reach the four–star, luxury Hotel Ranga.
Now, as any of my friends would readily testify, I am a hot–house girl so the nearest I got to bearing
any flesh was taking off my gloves to photograph my husband, wearing trunks and, bizarrely, a
woolly golf hat, waving merrily from the steaming tub.
Water was to become a constant theme for our four–night say in this fascinating island of contrasts
which has featured in the news ... Show more content on ...
Despite the current blasts of an economic freeze, this is just one factor that keeps the standard of
living in Iceland among the highest in the world.
Within a short drive of the Hotel Ranga – constructed in an attractive alpine style with wood, which
is rare in Iceland since there are very few trees – we were marvelling at the power of vast waterfalls
which crashed down the face of dark cliffs into deep pools and out again into salmon rivers.
Bjorn, who was generously acting as our guide for the day, explained that the lowland areas would
be filled with acres of purple–coloured Alaskan lupins early in the summer, introduced to encourage
plant growth on the volcanic rock and soil which would otherwise have remained moss–covered or
Although 70% of Iceland is uninhabitable, a main ring road runs the complete circumference of the
cost, while the planes support small villages and farmsteads, dotted along the route, with huddles of
pretty, long–maimed, miniature ponies playing and sheltering from the wind at every twist and turn.
Almost as a compensation for the darkness of the volcanic scenery and winter conditions – it isn't
fully light until around 10am in November – the population choose a rainbow of bright colours for
their homes. Cheerful red and blue roofs sit on top of white walls. From a distance, the buildings
appear to have been placed, like doll's house
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Beowulf and Grettir's Saga Essay
Beowulf and Grettir's Saga
IN THE DEAD OF THE NIGHT, someone or something, is murdering the local townsfolk. As fate
provides, a stranger marches into the local bar announcing his intention to kill the menacing outlaw.
The fiend returns to the scene of his crimes, and, as predicted, the outsider fights and mortally
wounds the brute, which limps off to a hidden lair. The hero and his comrade(s) track the wounded
villain to an underwater cave and the ensuing fray results in the death of the criminal's sidekick. The
stranger/hero explores the cave, discovering the carcass of the original fugitive, treasure and booty.
Meanwhile, the stranger's posse thinks the hero is dead and abandons him. The hero's surprising
return marks the end of ... Show more content on ...
There is historical evidence that the Anglo Saxon Beowulf was composed, or more exactly
transcribed, 900 years earlier than Grettir's Saga. According to Howell Chickering, Jr. there is only
one piece of verifiable historical data in Beowulf, Hygelac's death in 521 during a raid on the
Frisians (247). It is believed Grettir's Saga was "originally written in Icelandic, sometime in the
early 14th century" (Killings 1). Beowulf's scop describes the fluctuation of oral composition by
saying he, "found new words, bound them up truly, / began to recite Beowulf's praise / a well–made
lay of glorious deed, / skillfully varied his matter and style" (871a–874b). The time gap between the
two works can be narrowed to 400 years if one considers Beowulf's transcription point in the 10th
century, and Grettir's Saga in the 14th century. Chickering asserts Grettir's Saga and Beowulf, "go
back independently to a common original" (254), and are not evolutionary partners.
The plot outlined above illustrates the many close parallels of books 64 to 67 of Grettir's Saga and
the first book of Beowulf. However, the underlying religious tenor shifts significantly from work to
work. Grettir's Saga immediately identifies itself as a Christian tale through the introduction of a
priest who, after becoming the stranger's sidekick, banishes the hero. Grettir's monster only appears
at Yuletide, a time of Christian festivity formalized by
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Iceland : The Healthiest And Happiest People On The Planet
Christopher Boss
NTRS 3120
Research Paper – Iceland
Icelanders are among the healthiest and happiest people on the planet. Iceland is about the size of
Virginia and lies just south of the Arctic Circle. It has a population of 300,000 making it the least
populated country in Europe. The island is volcanically and geologically active with many lava
fields and glaciers. It has an average temperature between 27–54 degrees F. Iceland is one of the
wealthiest, most liberal, and most developed countries in the world. Agriculture in Iceland is heavily
based around the land and sea. On land, cool climate crops such as potatoes, turnips, beets, carrots,
cabbage, kale and cauliflower are grown and other heat dependent crops are grown in greenhouses
heated with geothermal energy such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and green pepper. Wild grass, rye, and
barley are also cultivated for livestock consumption. For livestock, Icelanders consume lamb, pork
beef, horse, reindeer, fish, birds and eggs. Many types of fish and seafood are abundant in Iceland,
with haddock, carpelin, herring, cod, plaice, lobsters, clams and shrimp being some of the most
common varieties eaten. Fish is traditionally served boiled and accompanied by potatoes. Shark and
skate are traditionally fermented to make a pungent and salty dish often served on special occasions
and accompanied by schnapps. Char, trout and salmon are freshwater fish that are enjoyed by
Icelanders as well. For dairy, Icelanders eat
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Hell In Iceland
In the year 20XX a nuclear war broke out around the world. This war destroyed entire continents
and nearly killed off the entirety of the human race. Only the million residents of Iceland survived.
Iceland stayed neutral during the war and took in the children of the other nordic countries for
safekeeping and in return the other nordic countries reserved a quarter of their military for
protecting Iceland and the children housed there. After the war was over the military's from Norway,
Finland, Sweden, and Denmark restarted their countries on land that wasn't affected by nuclear
fallout. But then nuclear winter stared up and humanity only survived by living in elaborate snow
and ice caves that never melted in the nuclear winter. Ten years later nuclear winter ended and
nuclear summer begin. The ... Show more content on ...
The first being that they are in fact not angels but rather a race called the Evilans. Two, Evilans are
extremely literal and if you tell them to to hell and a handbasket they will reply that it is impossible
to do that as hell was even further away than their own planet. Three, Hell exists and the Evilan
King Azaleid is actually the younger brother of the ruling Queen of Hell, Rosy Blood. Four, Heaven
also exists and no King Azaleid is not related the King of Heaven Sephirot. Five, Evilans are hive
minded because their magic connects all of their minds. Six, Evilans have magic and use it for
almost everything. Seven, Evilans can't cook or they will burn down the entire village. Eight,
Evilans are extremely patient and are willing to answer any question that is asked of them. Nine,
they never tell lies and will always give the complete and total answer when asked questions. And
lastly ten, don't ask how Evilan babies are made, they will give you a live demonstration no matter
where you are, and with you as the other
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Leif Erikson's Discovery Of Vinland
After spending the winter in Vinland, Leif sailed back to Greenland, and never returned to North
American shores.Erikson was an Icelandic explorer and probably the first European visitor to North
America, 500 years before Christopher Columbus.Leif Erikson (also spelled Ericsson, or Eiriksson)
was the second of three sons of Erik the Red, who established a settlement in Greenland after he was
exiled from Iceland. Leif Erikson's story was recorded in several different sagas, but the accounts
they give are so different it is impossible to be certain of the details of his life.
He is thought to have visited Norway in around 1000 where he was converted to Christianity by
Olaf I, who sent him back to Greenland to convert the settlers there. In one story, on his voyage to
Greenland he sailed off–course and arrived in a place he called 'Vinland', because of the abundant
grapes growing there, and the general fertility of the land. In another – the Groenlandia saga – he
heard of a land in the west from an Icelandic trader, and went to find it.The precise identity of
Vinland remains uncertain, with various locations on the North American coast identified. In 1963,
archaeologists found ruins of a Viking–type settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, in northern
Newfoundland, which correspond to Leif's description of Vinland. ... Show more content on ...
Over the years, various groups have attempted to elevate the celebration, but due in part to the fact
that Christopher Columbus's later voyage resulted more directly in European migration to North
America, its status has remained
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Egil's Saga Essay
The author most likely intended for Egil's Saga to be a historical documentation of Scandinavia, its
culture, and several of its inhabitants. The tale could also be seen as a folk tale, set in a realistic
setting with real people, but the events are skewed and not quite right. The epic accomplishes the
first possible intention through its many characters, the use known locations, and basing the majority
of the tale around two individual families that would have been well known around the time it was
written. However, the tale is not entirely accurate, which strengthens the idea that it was more of a
folk tale. Throughout the epic the audience is introduced to two families, beginning far before the
birth of the man who would attributed to the title. The tale then follows these families through the
events that led up to the main plot of the epic, going so far as to keep detailed track of who married
who and where each character came from. An example of this would be the detailed description of
Olaf on page 168 in chapter 79. This introduction not only ... Show more content on
This was due to most people being unable to read. Only those with enough money could afford to
get an education and learn how to read their own language. This meant that only a small portion of
the population would be able to read Egil's Saga. However, these educated individuals could read
the story aloud in Icelandic to a crowd. With this in mind the story was most likely spread primarily
through word of mouth. This is also shown through the style in which the piece was written.
Egil's Saga is quick paced and exaggerated, like a folk tale version of a family story. This stylistic
choice would keep an audience tuned in to the story and unsure of when to walk away from it. Each
chapter is filled with action and lacks any real downtime. Someone is always up to something that is
at least mildly exciting. This keeps most readers, or audience members, on their
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Iceland Is A Country Of Iceland
Iceland is a country that is misleading in many ways and is often underestimated. The name Iceland,
itself is often debated and joked about, however the origin of the name Iceland is credited to a story
by a Scandinavian sailor in the "Book of Settlements" (Shanin). Many often joke that the country of
Iceland is greener than one may be led to believe in more ways than one. The island was first
inhabited by Nordic people around 870 AD in what is now modern–day Reykjavik (Valgardsson).
The city of Reykjavik is the heart of Iceland in more ways than one. The city is home to
approximately 120,000 people this contributes to the 60% of the Icelandic population who live in
the Reykjavik city area (Scrivener). In addition to housing the largest population in the country, the
city is also the home of the Icelandic government, the country's biggest industries, and Icelandic
culture (Valgardsson). This is what makes Reykjavik so unique as the city itself is an embodiment of
the country of Iceland as a whole. And while it is the fastest growing urban area among Nordic
countries, what sets it apart from other homogeneous nordic cities is its approach to the
environmental sustainability and its goal to be carbon neutral by 2020. Reykjavik is consider one of
the greenest cities in the world. What makes it so significantly sustainable is how it harnesses
energy. Almost all the energy Reykjavik uses is derived from hydroelectric power and geothermal
energy (Gipe). The use of geothermal and
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  • 1. iceland Unit 1 Investigating a business Student: Lewis Smith Business choice: Iceland Foods Ltd Iceland Food Introduction Iceland is in the tertiary sector, as it is not run or paid for by the government. This particular British supermarket chain operator in the United Kingdom and Ireland and is starting to become more international. Iceland's primary product line is frozen foods but they also sell fresh groceries, cupboard foods and also other lines such as body hygiene products and appliances. Such as shampoos, conditioners and cloths. History– 1970 Iceland all started when Malcolm Walker and another young ambitions retailer decided to open a shop in an attempt to make their fortunes. When they first started ... Show more content on ... The spokesperson giving the company's vision statement will give a brief report on what the businesses future goals and achievements will be. It is important for the company directors to understand the businesses current position and the possible pathways that can be made and then from that the director can follow particular courses of action and what aims and objectives to set. One of Malcolm Walker visions for Iceland Foods is for expansion and making the company have a more global presence by building more stores in different countries around the world. Even though this vision has already been kick started with opening stores within Europe his ambition is to expand even further out. A another key vision for the owner of Iceland Foods Ltd is that he is wanting to become the leading frozen food chain due to the such good value for money on all the company's products. Shown below is an aim and objectives of both what and how the business is trying to meet these visions. Aim and objectives A business's aim is the main goal that the company wants to achieve, but a company may have more than one aim at one moment in time. A primary aim for any business is to add value in the private sector this would involve making a profit. A more tactical aim would include the following such as expansion, market leadership and brand building. A business objective is a detailed step by step plan a business would take in order to achieve an aim. These objectives need
  • 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. Why Is Iceland A Developed Country There are many factors that contribute to showing that Iceland is a developed country. Everything must be taken into account when deciding whether or not Iceland is a developed country due to the fact that just one set of information does not say everything. Because this is the case one must view all sets of data in the demographic, infrastructure and economic sections in order to be able to determine where Iceland stands. Iceland is a unique country that has good standards of living, healthcare and sanitation which will soon be evident after one reads about the data that was collected. After all of the statistics are viewed in the three sections, one will know that Iceland is a developed country. Demographics plays a large role in demonstrating ... Show more content on ... Now that all of the sets of data have been viewed together has a whole there is no doubt that Iceland could be anything but a developed country. Iceland is a country with good sanitation, health care and standards of living as seen by all of the data. The demographic, infrastructure and economic sections have all shown that Iceland is not only developed but it is also extremely put together. Iceland is able to provide a great deal of things for the people living there by also creating a safe, active environment. One can now evidently see that Iceland is a developed ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Iceland Research Paper Have you heard the stories of old or the encounters with Iceland's supernatural. This is one of the many topics this paper will speak of. This paper will discuss Iceland; it's founding, religious beliefs, languages, government, and geography. Iceland is discovered in the mid ninth century by Scandinavian Sailors (Iceland). The first settler in Iceland was Ingōlfur Arnarson who arrived in 874. Now you are probably wondering what idiot Viking would name a green island Iceland. His name is Flóki, this Scandinavian man failed at living in Iceland, and as Flóki disembarked he gave Iceland it's unfortunate name (Iceland). We jump to the inevitable in 1264, Iceland has become part of Norway and joined their society have conjoined (Iceland). However ... Show more content on ... Iceland's government is a parliamentary system that include a written constitution (Iceland). Parliament in Iceland is called the Althingi which directly translates into the English parliament (Iceland). The Althingi consists of 63 members who are elected for four years (Iceland). The president is also elected every 4 years the Jones 2 current president is Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. There are courts and trials just like America and all judicial power lies with district courts and more importantly the supreme court. Now how about the language,what language do they use. Iceland uses a Germanic language this language is referred to as Old Norse this is the Icelandic language. The people of Iceland have not altered their language since the middle ages implying that they may be able to read ancient texts who knows. Anyway Icelandic people don't use last names they go by there fathers. Have you heard of things like Huldufólk and other supernatural beings and entities from Iceland, well nows your time. Let's start with elves, elves are described as beautiful, graceful, eternal beings. Elves are believed to have great magical powers and are found in Europe's mythology and ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Overpopulation Of Iceland Iceland is considered one of the fastest warming places on earth. Glaciers cover more than 10% of the Iceland and are losing an average of 11 billion tons of ice per year. This ice is important to iceland for many reasons. The glaciers ice stores water for the people of Iceland and the glacial rivers drive the turbines that power most of the island. Helgi Bjornsson at the University of Iceland's Institute of Earth Sciences says that in a generation there might not be enough glacial water for either of these things. Not only this but the loss of weight from these glaciers is causing Iceland to rise at a rate of 1.4 inches per year. Scientists believe that this rising is causing more volcanic activity. Iceland has experienced three eruptions ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. The Cod Wars: Cause and Context Essay The cod wars between Iceland and Great Britain were ongoing from 1952–1976 and escalated three times throughout that period of time.1 This paper focuses on the cod war conflict between Great Britain and Iceland from 1972–1976 however a brief history of earlier conflicts is necessary in order to understand the critical period being analyzed. The conflict stemmed from the "extension of the fishery limits from three to four nautical miles by Iceland in 1952"2 this was largely as a result of the decline in marine resources available that Iceland " for a long time been largely dependent on."3 "The disappearance of the herring in Icelandic waters combined with a decline in export prices between 1966 and 1968 led to a drop in real per capita ... Show more content on ... The situation reached its peak in January 1959 when an Icelandic vessel fired on a British trawler.11 There on after the crisis was averted when Iceland planned to discuss the matter in the 1960 Law of the Sea conference of the United Nations12 and in 1961 agreed to an exchange of notes as a response to Britain's "bilateral settlement of the conflict".13 The first cod war was settled by a recognition of a 12 mile zone and the permission given to British trawlers to fish within the zone during certain months.14 Finally in addition to this policy, it was announced that in case of any further extension of the fishery zone Iceland was obligated to give the United Kingdom six months' notice of the extension and if disputes should arise the matter would be referred to the International Court of Justice by either party.15 However the agreement didn't last and a decade later a newly elected leftist–agrarian coalition government abrogated the agreement contained a decade prior in 1961 and instead extended fishery limits to fifty miles on 1 September 1972.16 Icelandic foreign minister Einar Agustsson claimed that Icelandic fish stocks were 'threatened with imminent ruin.'17 This resulted in Iceland ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Xenophobia In Iceland 4. Don't do in Iceland or the cultural problems in Iceland. Xenophobia: being a foreigner in Iceland. There is the perception of the Icelanders that always come across the foreigner which is they being a bit withdraw and uncommunicative because usually they did not accept the excessive of the cheerfulness and the smiles that normal when greeting the other person. For the foreigner, Iceland is not the easiest places because there is not many foreigners that working in Iceland. The population in the Iceland is least racial because mostly over 93% are Icelanders but they are actually culturally aware. The country have a strong educational system. There is a few foreigner that stay in there so it always happen when they ignored about other cultures. When doing the business activities in Iceland, we need to be prepared the experience that different with our own cultures. Language matter. The language that the Iceland people used is mostly in their native language, but they for the non– Icelanders they no need to master in Icelandic to deal in the business. They can use either in English and also in Danish as it was the compulsory language on their ... Show more content on ... The Iceland is a classless society that has never had an upper class. The strong authority group and class division often found in cultures but is more relaxed in Iceland, so, there is not much taboos and rules that they need to follow how to behave. Icelanders are relatively open minded and happy to discuss almost anything but if we know them better, they are quite reserved. Iceland often used public baths that the places that they will make discussion without fear of facing an awkward ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Etiquetty And Corruption In Business And Key Business... In Iceland, key business values include honesty, accountability, independence, and friendship. Being a highly nationalistic country, showing sincere interest in Iceland is highly appreciated. Keeping one's word generally carries the same weight as a contract in this country. Iceland is rated in the top ten of the least corrupt countries in the world, meaning that transparency is something they hold in high regard. As a result, bribery and corruption are generally taken very seriously. In Icelandic culture, there is always a place for socialization, meaning it is appropriate to invite a business partner out for dinner or a drink following a business discussion or meeting. Business Meeting Etiquette When scheduling meetings with Iceland, be sure to use a twenty– four–hour clock in order to prevent misunderstandings. Punctuality is highly valued as well, so be sure give heads up about a possible delay, it is always a good idea to arrive in advance. It is also highly recommended that appointments are scheduled in advance whenever possible. Meetings tend to be concise and to the point and meeting over coffee, a drink, or dinner is common. It is always expected that a foreigner dress formally. Also, Icelanders tend to mix business with pleasure and may ask a visitor over to their home to talk about business. Always be sure to bring a small gift along whenever invited into a home as this is customary and expected in this country; foreign wine is almost always a safe bet. ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. A Brief Note On Iceland And Its Impact On The World Essay I have always enjoyed the outdoors, I had no Idea what I was in for. One day while I was at work the opportunity arose for me to go to Iceland. At first I didn't get too excited about because so much can change on an opportunity such as this. You never really know until you are actually airborne and enroute, sometimes that is still not enough. Once I made the final list to go, my coworkers began telling about their previous trips to this island. I heard one story of what it was like during the winter, different colored ropes between the buildings. Say you wanted to go from the dormitory to the dining facility, you would follow the "yellow" rope. This was due to wind and snow, you could become disoriented just walking between the buildings. Thankfully I would be going during the summer. I could not be more excited to explore this island in the North Atlantic, the land of ice and fire, called Iceland. Upon my arrival, I remember noting the buildings had different colored roofs, not just different shades of gray or brown, typically as you would find on a shingled roof, but they were all metal roofs. They could be blue, red, orange it was almost as if it was a cartoon. Keeping in mind, I was not here on vacation so my time to explore would be limited at best. But hopefully I will be able to make the most of it. So the week belonged to "Uncle Sam" and his bidding and the weekends, if all went right would be mine to explore, and explore I did. Each weekend was ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. The Unknown Saga Men Of Icelandic Family Sagas The unknown saga–men of Icelandic Family Sagas who wrote in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries utilized a plethora of writing techniques to portray the lives of native Icelanders from roughly 930 to 1030. Throughout this period, Family Sagas progressed from choppy, scattered life stories to literary masterpieces laced with dark humor and adventure. However, sagas sometimes stray from the truth due to the saga–men's tendencies to romanticize the past, use interstitial expansion, and edit manuscripts to fit Christian morals. Written in the 9th and 10th centuries (and put together in the 13th century) The Book of Settlements is an important reference for all sagas about to be discussed. It takes place during the age of settlement (870 to ... Show more content on ... The organization of Olaf's saga is loosely additive in the fact that none of the chapters seem to lead to each other and chapters are often repeated. Such as chapters 37 and 55 where it is the same story of king Olaf slapping a queen, but in one he does so because she wouldn't convert to Christianity, and in the other he does so because he was caught giving her a false gold arm band. This seemingly accidental repetition and misplacement of narratives could have happened for a variety of reasons, but the most likely is that since Oddr wrote the saga as he interviewed people, he would be forced to put narratives pertaining to earlier stories at the end of the manuscript because there was no way for him to "copy and paste" and add it to the beginning. Since all chapters after 25 were written from solely oral accounts, interstitial expansion plagues the Saga to the point that it is hard to tell what actually happened and what is completely made up, for example the scene where Olaf gets married in Winland probably never even happened. Usually after demonic or paranormal activities are mentioned, Oddr interludes to write in his own thoughts. An example of this happening is in chapter 43 when Odin appears to Olaf. Oddr feels it necessary to comment his own thoughts due to the monostatic lens that he has, because he is after all a monk writing in a monastery. When he writes about paranormal events he feels the need to let his audience know that he doesn't believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Erik The Red's Role In Viking History Erik the Red was a Norwegian Viking that was born in the 10th Century C.E, and his life contributed significantly to the outstanding legacy of the Vikings through his explorations. It is through the discovery of Greenland and its later settlement that cast Erik the Red's legendary adventures into folklore. These two events are how Erik the Red played his role in Viking history, not through warfare, but through explorations. The adventures undertaken, and the feats achieved by Erik the Red cement his place in Viking History. In 982 C.E, Erik the Red sailed west from Iceland after being banished for murder, discovering a new land which he named "Greenland." After exploring the newly discovered land for two years, naming many fjords after himself ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Iceland Volcano The bias view of the filmmaker is that it concentrated on the people at the airport instead of the actual eruption. There was only one interview which was held with an adult called Grace Schofield who was a stranded traveller. The filmmaker's point of view is that they only considered the lives of the people in the airport instead of people who got affected by the volcano. However, even though they showed scenes of children at the airport their perspective wasn't observed by the filmmaker. If the children's perspective was included younger people would get a better realisation of how it feels to be at their state. Another factor is that even though the volcanic eruption was held in Iceland, the filmmaker concentrated on people in other countries ... Show more content on ... Even though the narrator narrates that " even though the delays are costing them a fortune," the airport manager is not included. The airport manager's response would have helped understand the amount of money which they are spending as well as the tiring work to control people at the airport. The film was mainly built to explain the effect the volcano had on Iceland, the people around the world as well as the airports around the world. In this video, I have learnt that although the Eyjafjallajokull volcano was a small eruption, it affected 23 European countries around the world due to the wind causing the volcanic ash to be spread across europe. Another fact that I learnt is that flying into a cloud of ash is dangerous due to the fact that if tiny particles of rock, sand and glass get subjected to plane's engine, it is hot enough to cause the engine to melt and solidify again. I have learnt that Iceland is constituted in the mid atlantic region where tectonic plates meet and cause molten rock from underneath the earth's surface to rise to the top which causes, hot mud, geysers as well as volcanoes to ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Iceland Research Paper Language The official language of Iceland is Icelandic. It is an Indo– European language of the North Germanic languages.liv Fortunately, the majority of Icelanders can speak English because the study of the English and Danish languages is required in the compulsory This will make integration into Iceland smoother. However, the preservation of the Icelandic language is of high importance to the people of Iceland. Although we can enter the country with the English language, it is important that we appeal to the culture by eventually learning Icelandic. They take much pride in their language and speaking their language would bring a larger appeal to the native Icelanders. Folklore Iceland has several folklore stories. Over 50% of the population believe elves or "hidden people" stories to be true; and if they do not, they will not admit to it. To deny these stories is considered to be bad luck.lvi It is important for us to understand these Folklore as to not offend the Icelanders, and bring "bad luck" to Columbia. Understanding these folklores can help bring success to ... Show more content on ... Because of this, there are very few Taboos. One Taboo is Icelanders love Iceland. One of the first questions they will ask is, "What do you think of Iceland." It is very important to only respond with positive characteristics of Iceland, or you will gravely offend them. Also, you should never litter in Iceland. Icelanders love their beautiful environment, and place extra importance on preserving it. Fortunately for us, Columbia is known for supporting "organizations around the world that share our passion for the outdoors and connecting active people to their passions."lxii Columbia has a reputation for helping the community preserve the environment through partnerships, grant funding, volunteerism, and humanitarian support.lxiii Our environmental values will help Columbia connect to the culture of the people in ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. American History And Its Impact On The West And Distant... Unsurprisingly, many historic cultures have not been accurately studied in modernity. Due to personal biases, incomplete data, or a multitude of other issues, incorrect perceptions about these collapsed societies remain. However, modern studies are beginning to reveal the inaccuracies of those enduring, false notions. It is valuable to compare misunderstandings to the historic reality in addition to discovering why the past happened as it did. Although newer, more factual information will not erase long–taught misconceptions about collapsed societies like Jamestown, El Dorado, or the Norse Greenlanders, it provides the chance to better understand historic events in an effort to help guide decisions that could affect the near and distant future. Jamestown has a permanently secured place in American history as the young country's first successful, permanent colony. When the Europeans arrived in 1606 with 104 men and boys hoping to find their riches in the New World, they found a largely empty landscape. Over the next few decades, the Jamestown people were able to thrive while the native populations were dying because the colonists had more advanced technology, Christianity, and European sensibilities. They were able to properly manage the empty, surrounding area, convert it to farmland, and grow highly profitable tobacco that helped spur further growth in what would become the US. However, it's reality tells a much different story. The first colonists arrived in March and by ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Iceland : A Small Island Country Introduction Iceland is a small island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean with only 300,000 populations in a country. They had almost no contact and relationship with other countries within 1000 years. However, throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Great changes had taken place in Iceland. The average Icelander became 300% wealthier from 2003 to 2006, and all three of Iceland's major banks which are Kaupthing, Landsbanki and Glitnir had developed from tiny saving banks in the 1990s to become the world's top 300 banks a decade later (Gunnlaugsson, 2012). Iceland became the best places for living in this period of time. However, the 2008 world economic crisis sudden started in Iceland and became a national issue, and these three major banks crushed within a few days in October of 2008 (Boyes, 2009; Vaiman, 2011). After this happened, the public had an outcry that the cause of recession should be blame to local politicians and bankers, the government and supervisory agencies (Gunnlaugsson, 2012). However, others argue that they should not only blame to their bankers and politicians. This essay will argue that this financial crisis in Iceland in 2008 was not only caused by these individuals, but also by the society, banking system and world economy. Firstly, this essay will talk about the nepotism and naive belief of neoliberalism from politicians and bankers, then it will move to the reason that why Icelanders only blame to those individuals and show society's ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Modern Norse Interaction The early Norse people of modern Scandinavia were an amazing group of people that traded, raided, and farmed, we known as Vikings. Norse people were well known travelers of most of the known world during the Viking age, approximately 800–1150 CE. Their customs and technology made impacts on civilizations a great distance from their homeland. It seemed that once contact outside their native land had taken place, an explosion of interaction occurred. They reached out and interacted with people from the east, south, and west. Some of these interactions were ferocious in nature filled with slaughter and raiding. Other interactions were peaceful that led to settlements and open trading. From humble beginnings of farmers to feared sea travelers ... Show more content on ... The Frankish emperor Louis "the Pious" and his sons were at war. The Norse people continued to attack some and became allies for others. Louis's son Lothar welcomed the Norse people and used them in future battles as mercenaries. After Louis's death in 843 CE the Treaty of Verdun ended the civil war and the kingdom was separated into 3. Charles "the Bald" became king of the West Franks. During his time, near the Loire River, the Vikings founded a settlement. This was a major disadvantage to the Franks and their trade routes. Norse men then began to travel up rivers to find more monasteries and villages to attack within the Frankish kingdoms. Charles made several attempts to fortify the towns to protect them, but not enough to overthrow his rule. None of these strategies were very efficient. Charles made an extreme mistake in 845 CE in an attempt to deal with these Vikings in a new and less painful way. He tried to buy peace from the invaders. Paying in large amounts of gold and silver to the Viking's he simply asked not to attack him. This had the opposite effect he intended and led to waves of Vikings attacking him, all of which sought to just be "paid off". After the death of Charles "the Bald", his grandson Charles "the Simple" developed a much better plan to deal with this threat (I love their nicknames). He gave the mouth the Loire River to a Viking leader under the ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Informative Speech On Iceland General Purpose: To inform about the various aspects of Icelandic culture. Introduction Attention Gainer: *draws a huge circle representing Iceland* *smacks the whiteboard* ICELAND IS GREEN... GREENLAND IS ICE... Reason to Listen: As you will soon see, Iceland is full of beautiful scenery and natural wonders that everyone should have the chance to see at least once in their lifetime. Speaker Credibility: While reading an article from The Telegraph, I came across the astonishing truth of just how popular of a tourist attraction Iceland is. Morris (2016) stated in his article that "2016 will mark the first time that the total number of American tourists will be greater than the number of Icelandic residents". After reading that I knew I wanted to research more about the culture of Iceland and find out why it is such a popular tourist spot. Thesis Statement: Today, we will be informing everyone about the unique culture of Iceland. Preview Main Points: We will be discussing Icelandic geography, common leisurely activities, food, and century–old traditions. Body Main Point # 1: Because the island of Iceland is both geographically and volcanically active, it is home to some of the world's most beautiful geography. (Aaron) (Sub–Point # 1) (Natural wonders) Iceland is known for its geothermal spas, specifically the Blue Lagoon, and its stunning waterfalls. "The seawater–blue color is due to its high concentration of sulfates... the minerals in the water are believed to give the water curative powers" (Petroski, 2012, p. 23). (Sub–Point # 2) (Landscape photography–subculture) Many tourists year–round visit Iceland in attempt to capture the natural beauty of the island. TRANSITION STATEMENT: Iceland's beautiful geography gives way to incredible activities for both locals and tourists to do. (Maddie) Main Point # 2: Iceland's natural hot pots and mountains make swimming and hiking very popular activities across the country. (Maddie) (Sub–Point # 1) One of the most popular activities in Iceland is swimming, whether it be in a man made pool, geothermal bath, or hot pot. (Maddie) A popular hot spring pool in Iceland is The Secret Lagoon which is "surrounded by geothermal spots and a little Geysir which erupts every 5 ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. How Did Columbus Discover America Zerubavel would most likely answer the question "did Columbus discover America?" by pointing out that not only did Native Americans live on the continent before Columbus and Europe truly discovered it, but that there are findings of what seemed to be inscriptions, scripts–that infact, are legible–and several different sculptures with pre–Columbian faces on them, and "stone reliefs all over America, that stun puzzled observers with their unmistakably European, Semitic, African, and Oriental feature" (11). Another example of Columbus not being the first to discover America was that Leif Erikson "had landed on its northern shores only five centuries earlier" (3), leading the Norse. The Norse first encounter with the New World happened approximately around the year 1001. However, the Norse may have only stayed in the New World for about two–and–a–half decades or so do to the archaeological findings. But besides the archaeological findings, there is also physical proof that the Norse had indeed, first encountered America. According to carbon dating from a site that points to the eleventh century, there were findings of a spindle whorl, a smithy, cooking pits, hearths, slag, rivets, and a bronze pan, along with eight houses sites. All of these items were found about fifty years ago at the northern tip of Newfoundland. Where the Norse had usually ... Show more content on ... Nacirema is a perfect example in which different ways humans can live and how extreme their beliefs can go. With that being said, I believe that Miner wants us, the readers, to understand the different ways in which people live their lives. The underlying message of Nacirema is that the people in which believe in this, spend most of their day in ritual activity because they believe that "the human body is ugly, and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease" ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. 2008 Financial Crisis: Iceland's Then & Now Essay examples I) Causes of the Crisis On September 15, 2008, the American bank Lehman Brothers, with holdings over 600 billion USD, filed bankruptcy. This was by far the biggest bankruptcy in U.S history and it marked the beginning and the largest financial crisis ever. How can one of the biggest banks in the world fail? How can a bankruptcy in US make someone on the other side of the world unemployed? The answer is Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and it all started by new innovations in the financial sector combined with deregulations on the financial market. Many mathematicians and physicists started to work in the financial market and created new financial products called derivatives after the Cold War. These products made it possible for ... Show more content on ... could not afford their loans anymore. Thus, they started to sell their houses. The housing prices went down and when the value of the houses were lower than the value of the initial loan, people left the houses to the banks. Instead of owning CDOs consisting with positive cash flows, the banks now owned CDOs consisting of houses with decreasing values (See appendix). The CDOs sold all over the world and combined in both banks and private peoples investments were now almost worthless. Lehman Brothers had an immense amount of investments in CDOs, and as they went bankrupt, one of the world's worst financial meltdown had thus begun. II) Critical Examination on How the Crisis Affected Iceland Before the financial crisis in 2008, Iceland's stock market had increased with over 900 percent since the middle of the 90th century (Graph 3). During 2000–2008, unemployment rate remained between 2–4% and Iceland had grown from one of Europe's poorest country to one of the wealthiest during the last decades. The Guardian wrote an article, "No wonder Iceland has the happiest people on earth" in May 2008. However, on October 10, 2008 the headlines had changed – Bloomberg Businessweek announced that "Iceland goes bankrupt" was a catastrophic fact. Concrete definition of bankruptcy for a country is both hard to define and explain, but simply put, it means that a country is not able to pay back its external/foreign debts. Iceland's government debt increased ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Iceland Vs. Greenland : Similarities And Differences... One country with an icecap as large as Sweden. Another country with the most active volcanic area in the world. These two nations may sound very different and yet they have a large quantity of similarities as well. The average population size for a country is 38.2 million people, and although the scale is offset by heavily overpopulated nations, there are also countries that greatly decrease the average. Two of these are Iceland and Greenland. Both are northern island nations with fierce, snowy climates, and neither is home to greater than 350,000 people with Greenland containing just over 55,000. By the names of these two countries, one may assume Iceland is a cold land covered in snow and ice. One may also assume that Greenland is home to the more verdant scenery than its counterpart; however, the entire population of Greenland is forced along the coastline due to the interior being too icy and cold to inhabit. If one moved to Iceland, they would be 88.7% less likely to see the coastline on a daily basis due to the interior of the country being warmer and more inhabitable. These two island nations have a great variety of similarities and differences with holidays, history, culture, and beliefs. This is largely due to their large blend of foreign influence which makes them such unique countries. Iceland and Greenland share similar aspects of culture and common courtesy. These include greetings and visiting. In both Iceland and Greenland, a common greeting formally and ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Physical Trip Essay We left JFK, NY at 9 pm on May 10, 2017, and flew directly to Iceland with a flying time of 6hr. This flight wasn't too long coupled with a 4hr time difference, it was difficult to rest well. After landing at Keflavik, Iceland around 6:30 am, May 11, we entered a small airport, but nevertheless it took us more than 2hrs just to pass through the airport entry check point. OAT was our tour company. We had a small group of 16. The tour guide let us boarded a bus for an hour drive to the capital city Reykjavík where our hotel Hilton located. The group included 12 my Chinese friends and 4 Americans. The terrain was relatively flat and open scattered with many black lava rocks, nonetheless, no trees or ... Show more content on ... Hiding all the pressure inside of me and the unknowing stress level was so high that almost totally consumed me. Next morning, we boarded a big 36–person bus leaving for our island tour. Iceland is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has an area of 40,000 SQ mi about the same size of Kentucky and a population of 333,000 only 7.5% of Kentucky. The surrounding areas of Reykjavík are home to two–thirds of the whole population. Iceland is still volcanically and geologically active, with 30 active volcanic systems and many geysers. Iceland's lakes and glaciers cover 14% of its surface; only 23% is vegetated. The island's interior, the Highland, is a cold and uninhabitable combination of sand, mountains, and lava fields. The climate of Iceland's coast is subarctic on the other hand, the warm North Atlantic Current ensures generally higher temperatures than in most places of similar latitude. Its high latitude and marine influence still keep summers chilly around 45 to 55 degrees with strong wind most of the time. The widespread availability of geothermal power as well as the harnessing of many rivers and waterfalls for hydroelectricity, Iceland runs almost completely on renewable energy, consequently, most residents have access to inexpensive hot water, heating, and electricity. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Power Of The Athenian Constitution The general public did not create, 'We, the people', but by 50 or so white men who owned property. The Athenian democracy followed a similar rule; to be on the Athenian senate, one had to be a male who owned property and was not a slave. This trend has been seen throughout the western world in establishing democracies; the hegemonic power controls the laws of the state. But now, with technology, we are able to empower the disenfranchised and have a more equal representation. And with more holistic and comprehensive laws due to having a more equal representation of the people, which may create less corruption. The more a government appears to be transparent, the more legitimate they seem to their citizens. Having a more transparent government, according to Rose–Ackerman, should reduce corruption. Technology is becoming a commonplace tool to create transparency within the government. Governments are starting to use Crowd–sourcing as a technological tool to increase transparency. Crowd–sourcing may become the trend of the future to fight corruption within the United States and abroad. Crowd–sourcing as defined by the Merriam–Webster Dictonary as the "practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers." People have been using crowd sourcing in the private and non–profit sector. Famous examples of this are AirBnB and ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Roald Amundsen Research Paper Roald Amundsen is known as one of the most successful arctic explorers, having been the first person to lead expeditions that reached the North and South Pole. Roald was born on July 16th, 1872, near Oslo, Norway. He was the 4th son born to his parents Hanna Sahlqvist and jens Amundsen. Roald had promised his mom to become a doctor and began studying medicine when he was 15, but dropped out at age 21 when his mother died. He then began his journey at sea. He was successful since the beginning, as he moved up to the rank mate in the little time he had been there. Roald Amundsen's first Antarctic trip was in 1899, the Belgica expedition. Roald was one of the first parties to make through a winter in Antarctica. He got his official ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Iceland Geography of Iceland Eric Hines World Geography 102 Mrs. Witkowski December 6, 2010 Geography of Iceland The country that I choose is Iceland. Iceland is very unique and interesting not only because of its clean air and amazing scenery but also its natural beauty and landscapes. Nature is a big force of Iceland but the volcano's, waterfalls, and glaciers seem to attract most tourist. There landforms are probably the most unique. The Northern Lights is also something that people find very interesting because how it is created and the view you can see. It is something that everyone should see at some point in their life. The sources that I choose to use to research the Physical Geography, Economics, History, Cultural, and Political ... Show more content on ... 32). In Rowland Mead book Globetrotter Island Guide, "most plants in Iceland cannot germinate, grow, flower and produce seeds in the short amount of time it has" (77). "It is said that only 1% of Iceland land is cultivated; 23% is usable for grazing, and 76% is made up of wasteland, mountains, glaciers, deserts and lava fields" (Tomasson p. 33).Iceland physical and environmental feature range from a large number of different categories that show all it's interesting landforms, amazing climate, and many different bodies of water. When it comes to the historical features of Iceland there are some that seem to stand out more than others. It could be the original inhabitants, date of their independence, historical warfare, or maybe just the historical events and how they influenced the current society. The original inhabitants of Iceland were said to be "Irish monks who probably settled there in the eighth century" (Lacy 66). It was the last European country to be colonized. According to the CIA World Factbook (2010), Iceland became a soverieign state on December 1st, 1918 state under the Danish Crown and then got its independence on June 17th, 1944 from Denmark. "Iceland historical warfare include World War One which was from 1914–1918 and then World War Two which was from 1939– 1945. In 1976 Great Britain and Iceland signed an agreement to end the Cod War" (Lacy p. 237). One of the major disaster which wiped out much ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Essay on The Collapse of the Greenland Norse In Jared Diamond's novel 'Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed' he discusses many civilizations that moved away from their homelands, grew in population, and then either failed or succeeded in their new environments. Throughout this essay I will attempt to explain the Collapse of the Greenland Norse, one of the many societies to rise and fall. The Greenland Norse faced multiple challenges including economical, agricultural, and unfriendly neighbors. Alongside Greenland other North Atlantic islands faced geographical challenges that lead to some of their falls as well. Yet, first I will discuss why the Norse left Scandinavia in search of new terrain. Similarly to other expansions the Norse, also known as Vikings, ... Show more content on ... 195). Next in line are the Faeroes which lies in mild oceanic climates, but has a shorter growing season than Orkneys and Shetland Island (Collapse pg. 196). On top of that, the Faeroes were also known to be wet, foggy, and rainy for over two hundred days out of the year. Perhaps the largest island other then Greenland itself, was Iceland which was made out of volcanic fire, ice, water, and wind laying on the Mid–Atlantic Ridge. Now that we've talked about the challenges faced on the smaller North Atlantic islands, let's go over the problems faced on Greenland by the Norse. Greenland agriculture was so minimal that most native Norse never saw wheat, bread, or beer made from barley in their lifetime. In fact, if the Norse did grow any crops, they would have made only an extremely minor contribution to the diet. Probably just as an occasional luxury food for a few chiefs and clergy (Collapse pg. 227). As far as the Greenland Norse economy went it was vital that they were able to work together for the greater good of the whole community. On page (235) of Collapse it states, "Different Greenland locations produced different things, such that people at different locations depended on each other for the things that they did not produce." Clearly that sentence shows how interlinked Greenland Norse society was at the time. Unfortunately for the Norse even though they were a strong society and interlinked closely ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Why Iceland Is Considered One Of The Safest Countries On Earth there are one hundred ninety–five countries, and they are very diverse. There are hundreds, if not thousands of religions in the world. Many countries have the same religion but there can be a major difference between them. Religion is not the only difference between countries, including food, laws, healthcare, cultural beliefs, weather, and the list goes on and on. There is no difference when it comes to comparing the community in my home town, Akureyri, and Faulkner's community. When I came to Faulkner I got a shock, and I know now why Iceland is considered one of the safest countries in the world. In Iceland the main religion is Christianity. The population of three hundred thirty thousand, divides up in to, 80% Christianity and 20% that have other religion, or are atheist. According to a survey from 2010, the average Icelander goes to church four times every year. Counting every time they go to a funeral, wedding, confirmation and baptism. At Faulkner University I would say that at least one–third of students here go to church every Sunday. Icelandic education system is put up so that every child learns about Christianity. Addition to that they have to learn the foundation of main religions in the world; Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. In Iceland an ethics class is mandatory, we learn that there is nothing that says that we are any better than the rest of the world. Nothing says that our believes, and culture is more correct than in other countries. ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Individualism In The Vikings While the Viking Era was rather brief, these infamous Scandinavian brutes left a mark in history larger than they themselves were tall. The Vikings emerged from the present–day area in Northern Europe known as Scandinavia, which consists of the countries of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Named for their legendary raids, the name "Viking" is said to mean "a pirate raid" and originates from a dead language called "Old Norse", which was the native tongue of the Vikings. Contrary to the widely Christian beliefs of the rest of medieval Europe, the Vikings held pagan religious belief, meaning that they were polytheistic and believed in many gods. These beliefs were flexible and corresponded to each individual Viking. The beings the Vikings worshiped ... Show more content on ... Clair–sur–Epte, Charles the Simple, the King of the West Franks, gave Rollo part of the area Normandy, also known as Northman's land, in a bid to have him shelter it from other Viking raiders. Rollo later expanded his control of the region. He was then succeeded by his son William Longsword around the time of his death in about 928. In 1066, William the duke of Normandy, another of Rollo's descendants, led a successful invasion of England; he became known as "William the Conqueror" and went on to serve as king of England until ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Identity Of Iceland The general perceptions and National Identity of Iceland is that they are more of a working class identity. With national political movements and parties that help bring the elite vision of their country. Their ideology was developed by the members of the farming elite. The farming elite are individual were the holiness and purity of the countryside, and the moral primacy of the farm and farmers. These ideas were taught into academics such as writing, schools, and law. Foreign scholars along with local common people created a new routine that considered the intellectual to be more superior. Once this had happen most people abandoned the country side for fishing villages and wage work. Most of Iceland generalized the concepts of the elites ... Show more content on ... The differences are that structual variables are less significant among the post–war genersations. The value has a larger impact on party choice, both absolutely and relative to structual variables. Structural voting and cleavage voting are stronger among pre–war generations. The biggest diffrence from these two generations is the fact of using the english language. The pre–war generation feels that the post–war genaration use the english language far too much instead of their own. Common belifs is that Icelanders should have a goal to be renowned for their proficiency in english. Since this promotes their country as a well educated nation that is suitbale of participation in international cooperation. However official language policy has rapidly seen the growing prescence of english in Iceland as a problem. The concern is that english is increasingly used in Iceland science, media, and computers. Since this was a groing concer Iceland govermnet and parliament introduce an official language policy. In this policy it stated that Icelandic would become the official language of the country. It also said that it is the language of schools at all ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Descriptive Essay About Iceland When I first started reading about Iceland, most of what I read was about how beautiful and picturesque the country is and how it was going to blow my mind. This got me intrigued with finding out more about Iceland. So I began researching a lot about the country. What caught my eye as something that I really wanted to experience was this so–called Ring Road trip. Iceland has one main road (Route 1) that goes around the entire country. It's about 1,332 km or 828 miles. It takes about 18.5 hours to complete it without stopping. The airport you fly into is called Keflavik airport and it's about 40 mins outside of Reykjavik the capital and largest city in Iceland. (Fun Fact: Reykjavik is the most northern capital in the world). There are two ways to start the ring road trip, Clockwise or counterclockwise. Loure and I started counterclockwise as a lot of the attractions we wanted to see were on the South side of the country. Most sources about Iceland and the Ring Road will advise that you should allow about 10 days to fully experience the ring road. I would have to agree but of course you can do it much faster than that. Loure and I completed it in 7 days and we saw most of the major attractions. We also met a couple who completed the ring road in five days. Below I will breakdown how I spent each day in Iceland along with some advice that I received and learned during my trip to Iceland which will hopefully be beneficial to everyone. Day 1 – Happy Campers, Bonus and ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Erik The Red: Most Well-Known Vikings Erik the red Erik Thorvaldsson later known as Erik the red is one of the most well know and predominant Vikings from his era. He is most well–known for his vast exploration, numerous voyages and impressive leadership skills as well as his red hair and beard that earned him the name Erik the red along with his fiery temper that caused him two get banished from multiple European countries throughout his life. In 950 CE Erik Thorvaldsson was born in a place called Rogaland located in western Norway. His parents where Thorvald Asvaldsson and Åsvald Åsvaldson, Erik was an only child. Erik was 10 when he was forced to leave Greenland with his parents after his father Thorvald was exiled from Greenland for manslaughter to a small area in north ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Icelandic Saga Argumentative Essay I believe that one of the most prominent aspects of Icelandic Saga's is the very unique feuds and resolutions that are found in our readings. The social issues found in these sagas are constructs of many different influences upon society during the viking ages making distinctive culturally unique plots. Despite having a very warrior–like history and a culture which praised characteristics which were violent, we see the progression of Icelanders as we begin to notice more problems solved without violence. Through the inspection of these feuds solved by peace are we able to obtain a better grasp of what went into the creation and order of icelandic society and stories. In this essay I will provide an examination of the resolution of feuds present ... Show more content on ... This appreciation for intelligence is also reflected back towards seeking alternatives to violence. Previous Viking culture appreciated the warrior and voyager who embarked on dangerous raids. While some of that still held true, there was certainly a transition to dueling without swords, but rather words. The importance of poetry is highlighted many times in the Sagas. In the Saga of the Confederates we see Ofeig skillfully use his verses to get the attention of powerful men like Egil and Gellir when they would have otherwise not wanted to talk. Ofeig crafts this verse on the spot to get Egil to converse with him, "You won't refuse to confer wit me, because worthy men call you wise", elegantly playing on the idea that he, simply an old man, just wishes to speak to a wise man. Obviously, this is no longer a Viking age where threatening people into alliance works, but rather superior intellect promotes a feeling of trust and ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. The Economic Recovery Of Iceland The Economic Recovery of Iceland As a result of the financial crisis of 2007/8 Iceland experienced greater economic destruction than most countries, and it was forced to deal with the problem by allowing their economy to collapse and changing it's approach to the economy. As a result of financial crisis of 2007/8 Iceland experienced greater economic destruction, and chose to deal with the problem by allowing their economy to collapse. Iceland's democratic government is similar to that of US in a number of key areas. But first we must understand that many countries define democracy differently. If we mean "'Which country has ensured that all adult citizens regardless of sex, race, or ethnicity, may choose representatives to exercise the powers of government longest? ', then the answer is New Zealand. Universal adult suffrage was first established there in 1893." However, Iceland might have a claim at the title because the Althing which is their parliament was formed by the Vikings in 930 A.D. and is the oldest still in consecutive use today.8 The first key difference between to consider between the US and Iceland is the size of the government due mostly to the size of the population. The US population has about three hundred twenty one million and Iceland has only about three hundred and thirty thousand. Because of this huge difference in population size there is a big difference in the size of government and they type of government. The United States has a federal ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Essay on A Fictional Account of Early Iceland A Fictional Account of Early Iceland "The origin and evolution of saga writing in Iceland are largely matters for speculation. A common pastime on Icelandic farms, from the 12th century down to modern times, was the reading aloud of stories to entertain the household, known as sagnaskemmtun ("saga entertainment"). It seems to have replaced the traditional art of storytelling" (Hermann Palsson, pg. 1). Njal's Saga uses Old Icelandic writing convention and historical data to give a fictional account of a generation's lifestyle and struggles. Icelandic literature has become very valuable because historians have realized the great amount of truth that can be found in each saga. According to one historian, the sagas have proven to be ... Show more content on ... 1). Animal products provided the mainstay of the Icelandic diet. An emphasis on dairy cattle and sheep meant that lamb and beef and dairy products such as cheese and whey were relatively plentiful, "especially following good seasons" (Gary Martin, pg. 2) Despite the abundance of food, as more settlers came, the resources were slowly depleted: The following episode from Grettir's Saga is likely to have been typical: 'as soon as Eirik knew that Onund had arrived he offered to give him anything he wanted, and added that there was not much land still unclaimed. Onund said he would like first to see what land was available. So they went south across the fjords, and when they reached Ofaera, Eirik said, 'Now you can have a look at it. From here on the land is unclaimed up to Bjorn's settlement. (Gary Martin, p.2). Clearly this famine was a historical, recorded event since there are also reports of a shortage of foodstuffs in Njal's Saga. "This was a time of great famine in Iceland, and all over the country people were going short of hay and food" (Njal's Saga, Ch. 47). So it is clear that Njal's Saga includes some factual information, yet still remains a fictional narrative. Instead of creating a form of law enforcement, the Icelanders usually took matters into their own hands. This is can be seen in the many killings that occur in Njal's Saga. The Icelandic people had developed a feud system, ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. I Am A Hot House Stars were shining brightly in the clear night sky and water bubbled invitingly in the outdoor hot tub. However, reaching it meant opening the door and leaping across decking with the temperature at –14C. The reading had been displayed on roadside lights during our two–hour drive from Iceland's main airport at Keflavik to reach the four–star, luxury Hotel Ranga. Now, as any of my friends would readily testify, I am a hot–house girl so the nearest I got to bearing any flesh was taking off my gloves to photograph my husband, wearing trunks and, bizarrely, a woolly golf hat, waving merrily from the steaming tub. Water was to become a constant theme for our four–night say in this fascinating island of contrasts which has featured in the news ... Show more content on ... Despite the current blasts of an economic freeze, this is just one factor that keeps the standard of living in Iceland among the highest in the world. Within a short drive of the Hotel Ranga – constructed in an attractive alpine style with wood, which is rare in Iceland since there are very few trees – we were marvelling at the power of vast waterfalls which crashed down the face of dark cliffs into deep pools and out again into salmon rivers. Bjorn, who was generously acting as our guide for the day, explained that the lowland areas would be filled with acres of purple–coloured Alaskan lupins early in the summer, introduced to encourage plant growth on the volcanic rock and soil which would otherwise have remained moss–covered or barren. Although 70% of Iceland is uninhabitable, a main ring road runs the complete circumference of the cost, while the planes support small villages and farmsteads, dotted along the route, with huddles of pretty, long–maimed, miniature ponies playing and sheltering from the wind at every twist and turn. Almost as a compensation for the darkness of the volcanic scenery and winter conditions – it isn't fully light until around 10am in November – the population choose a rainbow of bright colours for their homes. Cheerful red and blue roofs sit on top of white walls. From a distance, the buildings appear to have been placed, like doll's house ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Beowulf and Grettir's Saga Essay Beowulf and Grettir's Saga IN THE DEAD OF THE NIGHT, someone or something, is murdering the local townsfolk. As fate provides, a stranger marches into the local bar announcing his intention to kill the menacing outlaw. The fiend returns to the scene of his crimes, and, as predicted, the outsider fights and mortally wounds the brute, which limps off to a hidden lair. The hero and his comrade(s) track the wounded villain to an underwater cave and the ensuing fray results in the death of the criminal's sidekick. The stranger/hero explores the cave, discovering the carcass of the original fugitive, treasure and booty. Meanwhile, the stranger's posse thinks the hero is dead and abandons him. The hero's surprising return marks the end of ... Show more content on ... There is historical evidence that the Anglo Saxon Beowulf was composed, or more exactly transcribed, 900 years earlier than Grettir's Saga. According to Howell Chickering, Jr. there is only one piece of verifiable historical data in Beowulf, Hygelac's death in 521 during a raid on the Frisians (247). It is believed Grettir's Saga was "originally written in Icelandic, sometime in the early 14th century" (Killings 1). Beowulf's scop describes the fluctuation of oral composition by saying he, "found new words, bound them up truly, / began to recite Beowulf's praise / a well–made lay of glorious deed, / skillfully varied his matter and style" (871a–874b). The time gap between the two works can be narrowed to 400 years if one considers Beowulf's transcription point in the 10th century, and Grettir's Saga in the 14th century. Chickering asserts Grettir's Saga and Beowulf, "go back independently to a common original" (254), and are not evolutionary partners. The plot outlined above illustrates the many close parallels of books 64 to 67 of Grettir's Saga and the first book of Beowulf. However, the underlying religious tenor shifts significantly from work to work. Grettir's Saga immediately identifies itself as a Christian tale through the introduction of a priest who, after becoming the stranger's sidekick, banishes the hero. Grettir's monster only appears at Yuletide, a time of Christian festivity formalized by ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Iceland : The Healthiest And Happiest People On The Planet Christopher Boss 12/2/2016 NTRS 3120 Research Paper – Iceland Icelanders are among the healthiest and happiest people on the planet. Iceland is about the size of Virginia and lies just south of the Arctic Circle. It has a population of 300,000 making it the least populated country in Europe. The island is volcanically and geologically active with many lava fields and glaciers. It has an average temperature between 27–54 degrees F. Iceland is one of the wealthiest, most liberal, and most developed countries in the world. Agriculture in Iceland is heavily based around the land and sea. On land, cool climate crops such as potatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, cabbage, kale and cauliflower are grown and other heat dependent crops are grown in greenhouses heated with geothermal energy such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and green pepper. Wild grass, rye, and barley are also cultivated for livestock consumption. For livestock, Icelanders consume lamb, pork beef, horse, reindeer, fish, birds and eggs. Many types of fish and seafood are abundant in Iceland, with haddock, carpelin, herring, cod, plaice, lobsters, clams and shrimp being some of the most common varieties eaten. Fish is traditionally served boiled and accompanied by potatoes. Shark and skate are traditionally fermented to make a pungent and salty dish often served on special occasions and accompanied by schnapps. Char, trout and salmon are freshwater fish that are enjoyed by Icelanders as well. For dairy, Icelanders eat ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Hell In Iceland In the year 20XX a nuclear war broke out around the world. This war destroyed entire continents and nearly killed off the entirety of the human race. Only the million residents of Iceland survived. Iceland stayed neutral during the war and took in the children of the other nordic countries for safekeeping and in return the other nordic countries reserved a quarter of their military for protecting Iceland and the children housed there. After the war was over the military's from Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark restarted their countries on land that wasn't affected by nuclear fallout. But then nuclear winter stared up and humanity only survived by living in elaborate snow and ice caves that never melted in the nuclear winter. Ten years later nuclear winter ended and nuclear summer begin. The ... Show more content on ... The first being that they are in fact not angels but rather a race called the Evilans. Two, Evilans are extremely literal and if you tell them to to hell and a handbasket they will reply that it is impossible to do that as hell was even further away than their own planet. Three, Hell exists and the Evilan King Azaleid is actually the younger brother of the ruling Queen of Hell, Rosy Blood. Four, Heaven also exists and no King Azaleid is not related the King of Heaven Sephirot. Five, Evilans are hive minded because their magic connects all of their minds. Six, Evilans have magic and use it for almost everything. Seven, Evilans can't cook or they will burn down the entire village. Eight, Evilans are extremely patient and are willing to answer any question that is asked of them. Nine, they never tell lies and will always give the complete and total answer when asked questions. And lastly ten, don't ask how Evilan babies are made, they will give you a live demonstration no matter where you are, and with you as the other ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Leif Erikson's Discovery Of Vinland After spending the winter in Vinland, Leif sailed back to Greenland, and never returned to North American shores.Erikson was an Icelandic explorer and probably the first European visitor to North America, 500 years before Christopher Columbus.Leif Erikson (also spelled Ericsson, or Eiriksson) was the second of three sons of Erik the Red, who established a settlement in Greenland after he was exiled from Iceland. Leif Erikson's story was recorded in several different sagas, but the accounts they give are so different it is impossible to be certain of the details of his life. He is thought to have visited Norway in around 1000 where he was converted to Christianity by Olaf I, who sent him back to Greenland to convert the settlers there. In one story, on his voyage to Greenland he sailed off–course and arrived in a place he called 'Vinland', because of the abundant grapes growing there, and the general fertility of the land. In another – the Groenlandia saga – he heard of a land in the west from an Icelandic trader, and went to find it.The precise identity of Vinland remains uncertain, with various locations on the North American coast identified. In 1963, archaeologists found ruins of a Viking–type settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, in northern Newfoundland, which correspond to Leif's description of Vinland. ... Show more content on ... Over the years, various groups have attempted to elevate the celebration, but due in part to the fact that Christopher Columbus's later voyage resulted more directly in European migration to North America, its status has remained ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Egil's Saga Essay The author most likely intended for Egil's Saga to be a historical documentation of Scandinavia, its culture, and several of its inhabitants. The tale could also be seen as a folk tale, set in a realistic setting with real people, but the events are skewed and not quite right. The epic accomplishes the first possible intention through its many characters, the use known locations, and basing the majority of the tale around two individual families that would have been well known around the time it was written. However, the tale is not entirely accurate, which strengthens the idea that it was more of a folk tale. Throughout the epic the audience is introduced to two families, beginning far before the birth of the man who would attributed to the title. The tale then follows these families through the events that led up to the main plot of the epic, going so far as to keep detailed track of who married who and where each character came from. An example of this would be the detailed description of Olaf on page 168 in chapter 79. This introduction not only ... Show more content on ... This was due to most people being unable to read. Only those with enough money could afford to get an education and learn how to read their own language. This meant that only a small portion of the population would be able to read Egil's Saga. However, these educated individuals could read the story aloud in Icelandic to a crowd. With this in mind the story was most likely spread primarily through word of mouth. This is also shown through the style in which the piece was written. Egil's Saga is quick paced and exaggerated, like a folk tale version of a family story. This stylistic choice would keep an audience tuned in to the story and unsure of when to walk away from it. Each chapter is filled with action and lacks any real downtime. Someone is always up to something that is at least mildly exciting. This keeps most readers, or audience members, on their ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Iceland Is A Country Of Iceland Iceland is a country that is misleading in many ways and is often underestimated. The name Iceland, itself is often debated and joked about, however the origin of the name Iceland is credited to a story by a Scandinavian sailor in the "Book of Settlements" (Shanin). Many often joke that the country of Iceland is greener than one may be led to believe in more ways than one. The island was first inhabited by Nordic people around 870 AD in what is now modern–day Reykjavik (Valgardsson). The city of Reykjavik is the heart of Iceland in more ways than one. The city is home to approximately 120,000 people this contributes to the 60% of the Icelandic population who live in the Reykjavik city area (Scrivener). In addition to housing the largest population in the country, the city is also the home of the Icelandic government, the country's biggest industries, and Icelandic culture (Valgardsson). This is what makes Reykjavik so unique as the city itself is an embodiment of the country of Iceland as a whole. And while it is the fastest growing urban area among Nordic countries, what sets it apart from other homogeneous nordic cities is its approach to the environmental sustainability and its goal to be carbon neutral by 2020. Reykjavik is consider one of the greenest cities in the world. What makes it so significantly sustainable is how it harnesses energy. Almost all the energy Reykjavik uses is derived from hydroelectric power and geothermal energy (Gipe). The use of geothermal and ... Get more on ...