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© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Maximo for Utilities T&D
Terry L. Saunders, ISPM Industry Solutions Product Manager
IBM at Distributech 2012
Work & Asset Management
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo Capability Overview
 Asset Management
– Facilities, Operations, IT, Fleet and Infrastructure
– Assets, Locations, Failure Reporting,
Condition Monitoring, Meters
 Work Management
– Preventive, Corrective, Emergency, Condition-
Based Maintenance, Predictive, Projects,
Safety Plans, Work Hierarchies, Planning,
Status, Assignments, Actual Metrics
 Procurement Management
– PR’s, PO’s, Receipts, Invoices
 Materials Management
– Items, Storerooms, Inventory, Reorder,
Issues, Returns
 Contract Management
– Master, Purchase, Warranty, Lease/Rental,
Labor Rate
 Service Management
– Self Service Requests & Status Platform for
asset owners, asset managers and service
 Next Generation Architecture
– MIF – Maximo Integration Framework
– J2EE Platform
– Standards-based,
– Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo for Utilities 7.5 at a Glance
 CU (Compatible Unit) Library and Estimating – Standards based estimating
 Crew Management and Scheduling – provide full support for crews (a collection of resources
working together) from definition to close. Supports Maximo Scheduler for crews or individual labor.
 Meter Asset Management – full lifecycle management of revenue meters and other bulk assets
 Task prerequisites – accommodates planning and tracking of construction prerequisites such as
permits and collection of construction aid funds.
 Regulatory Standards – supports NERC/CIP requirements for tracking and monitoring assets.
 Integration Framework MIF – with additional interfaces for Maximo downloadable from IBM
Integrated Service Management Library:
 Mobile Work Force Management
 Graphical Design Tool
 Fixed Assets
 Web service for meter alarms
 Includes Maximo Spatial Asset Management 7.5
V i s i o n
E n h a n c e M a x im o t o s u p p o r t T r a n s m is s io n a n d D is t r ib u t io n
u t ilit y w o r k p r o c e s s in E le c t r ic , G a s a n d W a t e r .
S u p p o r t t h e d e s ig n , c o n s t r u c t io n , a n d a c c o u n t in g f o r n e w
u t ilit y in f r a s t r u c t u r e .
F u r t h e r d e v e lo p m e n t is n o w f o c u s e d o n s u p p o r t in g IU N /
S m a r t G r id f e a t u r e s f o r a s m a r t e r p la n e t , f u t u r e d e v e lo p m e n t
w ill e x t e n d c a p a b ilit ie s t o g a s a n d w a t e r s e g m e n t s a s w e ll a s
e le c t r ic t o m a x im iz e b u s in e s s o p e r a t io n s w it h a d v a n c in g
t e c h n o lo g y
T h e In t e g r a t io n F r a m e w o r k s u p p o r t s t h e c u s t o m e r
e c o s y s t e m o f s o f t w a r e p r o d u c t s t h a t s u p p o r t d is t r ib u t io n
m a n a g e m e n t ( O M S , D M S ) a n d u t ilit y o p e r a t io n s ( G IS , C IS )
O n ly v e n d o r in t h e le a d e r ’s q u a d r a n t in G a r t n e r ’s
A n a ly s is o f E n t e r p r is e A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t f o r T r a n s m is s io n
a n d D is t r ib u t io n
IB M d e v e lo p e d a n d m a r k e t e d M a x im o C U E f o r M a x im o
v 4
M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s v 5 .2 w a s r e le a s e d in 2 0 0 4 w it h a n
in it ia l f o c u s o n C o m p a t ib le U n it E s t im a t in g a n d C r e w
M a n a g e m e n t w a s a d d e d in 2 0 0 5 f o r v 6
M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s 6 .1 a d d e d p r o d u c t G IS in t e g r a t io n
t o A r c G IS s e r v e r s u p p o r t in g g e o s p a t ia l m a n a g e m e n t
c a p a b ilit ie s in a n a s s e t /w o r k m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m
M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s 7 .1 .1 is c u r r e n t ly a v a ila b le a d d in g
C P M f o r C r e w s a n d t h e S e r v ic e A d d r e s s a p p lic a t io n
s u p p o r t in g p r e m is e g e o - c o d in g
IB M M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s S u p p o r t s D B 2 , O r a c le a n d S Q L
S e r v e r .
H i s t o r y
U t i l i t y c l i e n t s / d e v e l o p m e n t p a r t n e r s
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Auto Locate and Create
Find Assets, Locations, WO’s
and SR’s easily on a map to
Understand proximity and context
Polygon Selection Sets
Draw a specific polygon on a map
and select actions: create Work Oder/s
Inspections, etc.
Crew Management
A collection of resources
working together: Skills,
Crafts, Qualifications, Labor
and specific people,
vehicles and tools.
Supports Administrative work requirements
Identifying predecessor and successor
Relationships to required work order tasks
Such as an occupancy permit prior to
Energizing the site.
Task Prerequisites
Smart Meters as Assets
Asset Lifecycle Management
for Revenue Meters including:
Bulk receiving and Bulk Transfer
Revenue Meter Sampling
Sample Templates and Random
Sampling support for meters required
By Regulators, Report Status and
Store Test Results.
Map Redline draw tools
Supporting Export, Imports and
Query by Attributes
Applicable to complex scheduling
ERP Integration
Standard SAP and Oracle
integrations available
EDM Integration
Standard FileNet
integration available
Integration products
Maps (GIS) in Maximo
Map Tab for Assets, Meters
Locations, Work Orders,
Service Requests
Meter Alarms
Web Service to capture specific meter
Alarms such as tamper or low battery
To launch work order to investigate.
Condition Monitoring
Integration SDK type support downloadable,
as is, from the ISM Library to assist with:
Mobile Work Force Management Integration
Graphical Design Tool Integration
Fixed Asset Integration for Unitization
Integration Framework ISM - SDK
Regulatory Tracking and Support
Asset Identification as Critical
Infrastructure or relationship to
Regulations. Work can be tracked
as job plans supporting regulatory
requirements and Inspections
on all related assets. Sabotage of
any asset can also be Identified
Crew Scheduler 7.1.1
Crew support to 7.1.1
Scheduler add-on product.
Maximo Spatial Asset Mgmt.
GIS Integration to Esri
ArcGIS Server
CU Compatible Units Library
Construction Estimating
CU Estimating
Design Standards for Construction
Estimate, comparison and selection
IBM Maximo for Utilities
Utilities T&D EAM Functionality
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo for Utilities CU Estimate Business Process
Master Work
Identify Est
Perform Site
Apply WO Plan
to Master WO
Accept Estimate
Enter Work
Enter Station /
Design Points
Apply CU
Apply CU’s
Close Work
Compare To
Report Actuals
Approve &
Execute WOs
Create As-Built
PR for
Direct Matls
Issue to WO
Property Unit set
In Service
Transaction to
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo for Utilities CU Estimate Details
Provides foundation for the initiation, planning, scheduling, execution, and close of
construction work in a transmission and distribution environment.
Standards based estimating with multiple versions for each project to compare costs.
Provide audit capability for regulators to document how costs were estimated.
Support template estimates and the ability to perform high level estimates.
Supports configuration for accounting, overhead costs, site conditions, travel time,
customer contribution, use of outside contractors,
Automatically creates bill of materials.
Accurately estimates crew type or craft labor hours required to perform work.
MIF template interface available for graphical design tool.
Supports as-built estimates to be performed after work is complete.
The Work Order structure is generated from the CU Estimate
Version Status: Estimated  Quoted  Accepted  Work Order
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo for Utilities CU Estimate Sample Hierarchy
Unit 1
Unit 2
Pole 1
Maximo Loc’n
Pole 2
Maximo Loc’n
Pole 3
Maximo Loc’n
A new estimate request is created for
each project.
Different versions can be created to
compare costs of different designs.
The filters facilitate copying an estimate
and re-estimating with different site
conditions (such as rock trenching).
Stations or design points are locations
where work is performed. These
points can be associated to a Maximo
Compatible units are the basic
estimating units which contain the
labor, material and tool
requirements. See the compatible
unit library hierarchy.
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Create design in a Graphical Design Tool that utilizes CU library.
Maximo can work with a Graphical
Design Tool. In this case the CU
Library would be integrated as
reference data between the two
systems. Once a Design Request is
created in Maximo, the Designer will
use the Graphical Tool to create
multiple versions of the Design.
Maximo will then provide estimate
information, and will also be used to
select the final version to send to the
Field Crews, via the Work Order.
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Smart Meter Lifecycle
(Rolling Storeroom)
Meter Shop
Meter Random
Sample Test
Meter Shop
Storeroom or
Staging Area
Vendor Marriage
and Test Files
Status: Not Ready
Location: Meter
ASN File
Meter Receipt Meter Marriage
Left in Open
StoreroomMeter Shop
Needs Test
(Rolling Storeroom)
Needs TestNeeds Test
Meter Shop
Meter Inspection/Test
Meter Fails Test,
Lost or Obsolete
Meter End of Lifecycle
Storeroom or Metershop
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo for Utilities is Smart Grid Ready
 Maximo is a world leader in managing assets.
– Key business functions include estimating, purchasing, receiving, deploying, maintaining and retiring
all asset classes.
 New features added to support smart meters as a new asset class.
– Improve receiving rotating assets in bulk
– Improve issues and transfers by pallet number
– Store meter test results
– Define meter sampling templates
– Define meter sampling groups
– Create random sampling work orders
– Automate administrative functions that support dispatching of work orders
 Maximo also Supports “dumb” assets and Intelligent Distribution Devices
– Web Service receives meter alarms and posts to the asset record. Existing
functionality allows the user to define when a work order is automatically
created for the meter alarm.
– NERC/CIP enhancements allow better tracking of work and expenses related
to critical assets, work orders created for regulatory requirements and work
orders created for sabotage. Job plans can also be related to regulatory
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
I B M M a x i m o S p a t ia l A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t
T h e c o r e o f t h e S A F E a r c h i te c t u r e s o f tw a r e s ta c k , s p a t i a l l y-
e n a b l e d w i th E S R I A r c G I S ®
I B M M a x i m oIB M M a x i m o ®® w i t h E S R Iw i t h E S R I A r c G I SA r c G I S ®® S e r v e rS e r v e r
f o r s e r v i c e m a n a g e m e n tf o r s e r v ic e m a n a g e m e n t
P e r f o r m a s s e t e d i t i n g a n d w o r k o r d e r s s p a t ia ll y ..P e r f o r m a s s e t e d i t i n g a n d w o r k o r d e r s s p a t ia ll y . .
E x t e n s ib l eE x t e n s i b l e –– e . g . , w o r k f o r c e r o u t in g , g e oe . g ., w o r k f o r c e r o u t in g , g e o -- s p a t ia l p r o c e s s in g . .s p a t ia l p r o c e s s i n g . .
G IS d ig it a l in f r a s t r u c t u r e d a t a is
t h e S y s t e m - o f - R e c o r d
G IS d ig it a l in f r a s t r u c t u r e d a t a is
t h e S y s t e m - o f - R e c o r d
G IS d ig it a l in f r a s t r u c t u r e d a t a is
t h e S y s t e m - o f - R e c o r d
New Style
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Visualizing assets, locations, work orders, and service requests
 Map Tab added on Assets, Locations, Service
Requests, Work Orders and Service Address
 Service Address Application to support geo-coding
Maximo objects
 Auto Create Work Orders and Service Requests
 Auto Locate Work Orders and Service Requests
 New actions to create work orders and service
requests from the Assets and Locations. Users can
also return values to these applications from the map.
 Single click linking of Maximo Objects and GIS
Feature Classes
 Polygon selection sets with defined actions
 Redline draw tools & Query by Attributes
 GIS Administration to define map services by site
 Support for multiple geo-databases
 Support for Version Editing in “DEFAULT”
 Secured Map Services
IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management 7.5
 Auto Locate added to Assets and Locations, also
added X, Y
 Enhanced auto-locate rules.
 Map Tips can be extended with links to Maximo
and Esri dialogs
 Map Tab context persists on tab changes
 Improved Red-line Tools and added Export, Import.
 Added Labeling for Auto-locate
 Improved Map Load Performance
 Added Extended Map Taps to expose core Maximo
Data on the map
 Support for external Map Services (Bing,
OpenStreetMaps and ESRI On-Line)
 Support ESRI ArcGIS Server 10.0SP1 and related
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Support for external map services Bing, OpenStreetMaps, and Esri
1. WO/SR’s plotted using Auto-locate
2. Map Manager tab with configuration for labels
3. Update GIS List works
4. Auto-Locate Labels
More Information:
Public Maps
Deploying Spatial without Esri ArcGIS Server using Public Map services - Esri REST API is required
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Maximo for Utilities is Smart Grid Ready
IBM passed the first interoperability test for part 6 by creating a web
service to receive a request in the CIM format. This web service
creates a work order and responds with the new work order number.
The web service also supports work order updates.
This work and the instructions to deploy it will be made available on
Service Management (ISM)
Support for Common Information Model CIM 61968 part 6
More and more customers request CIM Support
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
IBM Maximo for Utilities Summary
 Supports work and asset management for Transmission and Distribution in:
water, gas and electric utilities.
 Helps increase asset and resources effectiveness by providing a platform to support all types of
asset classes and all types of work in water, gas and electric utilities.
 Create detailed estimates with Compatible Unit Estimating (CUE) and a multilevel compatible unit
 Manage crew type and crew makeup with enhanced crew management while tracking labor skills
and certifications
 Includes Maximo Spatial to support map-based user interface built on ESRI ArcGIS technology
which interoperates with other GIS systems
 Integrated work and asset management functionality on a modern, J2EE standards based platform
including supply chain management, contact management, and SLA.
 Support smart grid by tracking smart meters and new asset types such as head-end equipment in
 Supports Regulatory Tracking and Reporting: NERC/CIP - by identifying critical assets and work
orders associated with regulatory requirements.
 Web service to receive meter alarms from MDM
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
Product Discussion Disclaimer – General Product Direction
The information on the new product is intended to outline our
general product direction and it should not be relied on in
making a purchasing decision.
The information on the new product is for informational
purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract.
The information on the new product is not a commitment,
promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or
The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described for our products remains at our sole
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation
U t ilit ie s In d u s t r y S o lu t io n F u t u r e D e v e lo p m e n t
F u tu r e
• C o n s t r u c t io n E s t im a t in g A p p lic a t io n
s t r e a m lin e d v e r s io n o f C U E
• C U s d ir e c t ly o n W O – e s t im a t in g
• C r e a t in g A s s e t s fr o m C U 's
• M a p T a b a d d e d t o C U 's
• M W M M o b ile W o r k M a n a g e m e n t
• D is p a t c h a n d R o u t in g – M W M
• A s s e t C o n v e r g e n c e - S m a r t A s s e t s
• C o n t in u e d C r e w S u p p o rt fo r
S c h e d u le r R e le a s e s
• A d d it io n a l S u p p o r t fo r N E R C C IP
• M e t e r e v e n t t r a c k in g – T a m p e r
• G a s L e a k M a n a g e m e n t & 1 9 2
• G r a p h ic a l C r e w A s s ig n m e n t
• W O C r e d it in g & U n it R e p o r t in g
• L B S L o c a t io n B a s e d S e rvic e s
– A V L A u t o V e h ic le L o c a t o r
• N e t w o r k T r a c in g
• C a p it a l W o rk P la n n in g F o r e c a s t in g ,
• T D A d a p t o r fo r C IS & O M S
Building a smarter planet
© 2012 IBM Corporation18
Questions & Discussion
Our world is becoming
Our world is becoming
Virtually all things, processes and ways of working are becoming
Terry L. Saunders
Utilities Industry Solution 550 King Street
Product Manager Building LKG1 – A2523D
Tivoli Maximo Development Littleton, MA. 01460
Tel +1 978 899 2627 m Mobile 1 617 513 0347
Terry L. Saunders
Utilities Industry Solution 550 King Street
Product Manager Building LKG1 – A2523D
Tivoli Maximo Development Littleton, MA. 01460
Tel +1 978 899 2627 m Mobile 1 617 513 0347

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IBM Maximo for utilities T&D

  • 1. © 2011 IBM Corporation IBM Maximo for Utilities T&D Terry L. Saunders, ISPM Industry Solutions Product Manager IBM at Distributech 2012 Work & Asset Management
  • 2. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo Capability Overview  Asset Management – Facilities, Operations, IT, Fleet and Infrastructure – Assets, Locations, Failure Reporting, Condition Monitoring, Meters  Work Management – Preventive, Corrective, Emergency, Condition- Based Maintenance, Predictive, Projects, Safety Plans, Work Hierarchies, Planning, Status, Assignments, Actual Metrics  Procurement Management – PR’s, PO’s, Receipts, Invoices  Materials Management – Items, Storerooms, Inventory, Reorder, Issues, Returns  Contract Management – Master, Purchase, Warranty, Lease/Rental, Labor Rate  Service Management – Self Service Requests & Status Platform for asset owners, asset managers and service providers  Next Generation Architecture – MIF – Maximo Integration Framework – J2EE Platform – Standards-based, – Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) MAXIMO ASSET MANAGEMENT
  • 3. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo for Utilities 7.5 at a Glance  CU (Compatible Unit) Library and Estimating – Standards based estimating  Crew Management and Scheduling – provide full support for crews (a collection of resources working together) from definition to close. Supports Maximo Scheduler for crews or individual labor.  Meter Asset Management – full lifecycle management of revenue meters and other bulk assets  Task prerequisites – accommodates planning and tracking of construction prerequisites such as permits and collection of construction aid funds.  Regulatory Standards – supports NERC/CIP requirements for tracking and monitoring assets.  Integration Framework MIF – with additional interfaces for Maximo downloadable from IBM Integrated Service Management Library:  Mobile Work Force Management  Graphical Design Tool  Fixed Assets  Web service for meter alarms  Includes Maximo Spatial Asset Management 7.5 V i s i o n E n h a n c e M a x im o t o s u p p o r t T r a n s m is s io n a n d D is t r ib u t io n u t ilit y w o r k p r o c e s s in E le c t r ic , G a s a n d W a t e r . S u p p o r t t h e d e s ig n , c o n s t r u c t io n , a n d a c c o u n t in g f o r n e w u t ilit y in f r a s t r u c t u r e . F u r t h e r d e v e lo p m e n t is n o w f o c u s e d o n s u p p o r t in g IU N / S m a r t G r id f e a t u r e s f o r a s m a r t e r p la n e t , f u t u r e d e v e lo p m e n t w ill e x t e n d c a p a b ilit ie s t o g a s a n d w a t e r s e g m e n t s a s w e ll a s e le c t r ic t o m a x im iz e b u s in e s s o p e r a t io n s w it h a d v a n c in g t e c h n o lo g y T h e In t e g r a t io n F r a m e w o r k s u p p o r t s t h e c u s t o m e r e c o s y s t e m o f s o f t w a r e p r o d u c t s t h a t s u p p o r t d is t r ib u t io n m a n a g e m e n t ( O M S , D M S ) a n d u t ilit y o p e r a t io n s ( G IS , C IS ) O n ly v e n d o r in t h e le a d e r ’s q u a d r a n t in G a r t n e r ’s A n a ly s is o f E n t e r p r is e A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t f o r T r a n s m is s io n a n d D is t r ib u t io n IB M d e v e lo p e d a n d m a r k e t e d M a x im o C U E f o r M a x im o v 4 M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s v 5 .2 w a s r e le a s e d in 2 0 0 4 w it h a n in it ia l f o c u s o n C o m p a t ib le U n it E s t im a t in g a n d C r e w M a n a g e m e n t w a s a d d e d in 2 0 0 5 f o r v 6 M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s 6 .1 a d d e d p r o d u c t G IS in t e g r a t io n t o A r c G IS s e r v e r s u p p o r t in g g e o s p a t ia l m a n a g e m e n t c a p a b ilit ie s in a n a s s e t /w o r k m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s 7 .1 .1 is c u r r e n t ly a v a ila b le a d d in g C P M f o r C r e w s a n d t h e S e r v ic e A d d r e s s a p p lic a t io n s u p p o r t in g p r e m is e g e o - c o d in g IB M M a x im o f o r U t ilit ie s S u p p o r t s D B 2 , O r a c le a n d S Q L S e r v e r . H i s t o r y U t i l i t y c l i e n t s / d e v e l o p m e n t p a r t n e r s
  • 4. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo Base Services Auto Locate and Create Find Assets, Locations, WO’s and SR’s easily on a map to Understand proximity and context Polygon Selection Sets Draw a specific polygon on a map and select actions: create Work Oder/s Inspections, etc. Crew Management A collection of resources working together: Skills, Crafts, Qualifications, Labor and specific people, vehicles and tools. Supports Administrative work requirements Identifying predecessor and successor Relationships to required work order tasks Such as an occupancy permit prior to Energizing the site. Task Prerequisites Smart Meters as Assets Asset Lifecycle Management for Revenue Meters including: Bulk receiving and Bulk Transfer Revenue Meter Sampling Sample Templates and Random Sampling support for meters required By Regulators, Report Status and Store Test Results. Redlining Support Map Redline draw tools Supporting Export, Imports and Query by Attributes Primavera Integration Applicable to complex scheduling requirements ERP Integration Standard SAP and Oracle integrations available EDM Integration Standard FileNet integration available Integration products complement Maximo Maps (GIS) in Maximo Map Tab for Assets, Meters Locations, Work Orders, Service Requests Meter Alarms Web Service to capture specific meter Alarms such as tamper or low battery To launch work order to investigate. Condition Monitoring Integration SDK type support downloadable, as is, from the ISM Library to assist with: Mobile Work Force Management Integration Graphical Design Tool Integration Fixed Asset Integration for Unitization Integration Framework ISM - SDK Regulatory Tracking and Support NERC / CIP Asset Identification as Critical Infrastructure or relationship to Regulations. Work can be tracked as job plans supporting regulatory requirements and Inspections on all related assets. Sabotage of any asset can also be Identified Crew Scheduler 7.1.1 Crew support to 7.1.1 Scheduler add-on product. Maximo Spatial Asset Mgmt. GIS Integration to Esri ArcGIS Server CU Compatible Units Library Construction Estimating Standards CU Estimating Design Standards for Construction Estimate, comparison and selection IBM Maximo for Utilities Utilities T&D EAM Functionality
  • 5. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo for Utilities CU Estimate Business Process Create Project/ Master Work Order Work Order Tracking Identify Est Requirements Perform Site Assessment Create Sketch/Design Apply WO Plan to Master WO Accept Estimate Generate Estimate Enter Work Required Enter Station / Design Points Apply CU Parameters Apply CU’s Estimate Request Close Work Compare To Estimate Report Actuals Approve & Execute WOs Variance NO YES Create As-Built Estimate Work Order Tracking Work Order Tracking Supply ChainReserve Materials PR for Direct Matls Issue to WO Financial Property Unit set In Service Transaction to GL
  • 6. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo for Utilities CU Estimate Details Provides foundation for the initiation, planning, scheduling, execution, and close of construction work in a transmission and distribution environment. Standards based estimating with multiple versions for each project to compare costs. Provide audit capability for regulators to document how costs were estimated. Support template estimates and the ability to perform high level estimates. Supports configuration for accounting, overhead costs, site conditions, travel time, customer contribution, use of outside contractors, Automatically creates bill of materials. Accurately estimates crew type or craft labor hours required to perform work. MIF template interface available for graphical design tool. Supports as-built estimates to be performed after work is complete. The Work Order structure is generated from the CU Estimate Version Status: Estimated  Quoted  Accepted  Work Order
  • 7. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo for Utilities CU Estimate Sample Hierarchy Compatible Unit 1 Compatible Unit 2 Estimate Request Overhead Internal Resources Underground Overhead Contractor Pole 1 Maximo Loc’n Pole 2 Maximo Loc’n Pole 3 Maximo Loc’n A new estimate request is created for each project. Different versions can be created to compare costs of different designs. The filters facilitate copying an estimate and re-estimating with different site conditions (such as rock trenching). Stations or design points are locations where work is performed. These points can be associated to a Maximo location. Compatible units are the basic estimating units which contain the labor, material and tool requirements. See the compatible unit library hierarchy.
  • 8. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Create design in a Graphical Design Tool that utilizes CU library. Maximo can work with a Graphical Design Tool. In this case the CU Library would be integrated as reference data between the two systems. Once a Design Request is created in Maximo, the Designer will use the Graphical Tool to create multiple versions of the Design. Maximo will then provide estimate information, and will also be used to select the final version to send to the Field Crews, via the Work Order.
  • 9. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Smart Meter Lifecycle Truck (Rolling Storeroom) StockQuarantined Meter Shop Stock Meter Random Sample Test Meter Shop Storeroom or Staging Area Stock Vendor Marriage and Test Files Status: Not Ready Location: Meter Shop A ASN File Meter Shipment Meter Receipt Meter Marriage Premise Active Left in Open Sync StoreroomMeter Shop Needs Test Truck (Rolling Storeroom) Needs TestNeeds Test Meter Shop Stock Meter Inspection/Test Meter Fails Test, Lost or Obsolete Retired Lost Obsolete Meter End of Lifecycle Storeroom or Metershop Meter Passes Test Storeroom Stock A Service Order Service Order Meter Installation Meter RemovalMeter Shipment
  • 10. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo for Utilities is Smart Grid Ready  Maximo is a world leader in managing assets. – Key business functions include estimating, purchasing, receiving, deploying, maintaining and retiring all asset classes.  New features added to support smart meters as a new asset class. – Improve receiving rotating assets in bulk – Improve issues and transfers by pallet number – Store meter test results – Define meter sampling templates – Define meter sampling groups – Create random sampling work orders – Automate administrative functions that support dispatching of work orders  Maximo also Supports “dumb” assets and Intelligent Distribution Devices – Web Service receives meter alarms and posts to the asset record. Existing functionality allows the user to define when a work order is automatically created for the meter alarm. – NERC/CIP enhancements allow better tracking of work and expenses related to critical assets, work orders created for regulatory requirements and work orders created for sabotage. Job plans can also be related to regulatory requirements.
  • 11. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation I B M M a x i m o S p a t ia l A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t T h e c o r e o f t h e S A F E a r c h i te c t u r e s o f tw a r e s ta c k , s p a t i a l l y- e n a b l e d w i th E S R I A r c G I S ® I B M M a x i m oIB M M a x i m o ®® w i t h E S R Iw i t h E S R I A r c G I SA r c G I S ®® S e r v e rS e r v e r f o r s e r v i c e m a n a g e m e n tf o r s e r v ic e m a n a g e m e n t P e r f o r m a s s e t e d i t i n g a n d w o r k o r d e r s s p a t ia ll y ..P e r f o r m a s s e t e d i t i n g a n d w o r k o r d e r s s p a t ia ll y . . E x t e n s ib l eE x t e n s i b l e –– e . g . , w o r k f o r c e r o u t in g , g e oe . g ., w o r k f o r c e r o u t in g , g e o -- s p a t ia l p r o c e s s in g . .s p a t ia l p r o c e s s i n g . . G IS d ig it a l in f r a s t r u c t u r e d a t a is t h e S y s t e m - o f - R e c o r d G I S G IS d ig it a l in f r a s t r u c t u r e d a t a is t h e S y s t e m - o f - R e c o r d G IS d ig it a l in f r a s t r u c t u r e d a t a is t h e S y s t e m - o f - R e c o r d G I S New Style Integration
  • 12. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Visualizing assets, locations, work orders, and service requests  Map Tab added on Assets, Locations, Service Requests, Work Orders and Service Address  Service Address Application to support geo-coding Maximo objects  Auto Create Work Orders and Service Requests  Auto Locate Work Orders and Service Requests  New actions to create work orders and service requests from the Assets and Locations. Users can also return values to these applications from the map.  Single click linking of Maximo Objects and GIS Feature Classes  Polygon selection sets with defined actions  Redline draw tools & Query by Attributes  GIS Administration to define map services by site  Support for multiple geo-databases  Support for Version Editing in “DEFAULT”  Secured Map Services IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management 7.5  Auto Locate added to Assets and Locations, also added X, Y  Enhanced auto-locate rules.  Map Tips can be extended with links to Maximo and Esri dialogs  Map Tab context persists on tab changes  Improved Red-line Tools and added Export, Import.  Added Labeling for Auto-locate  Improved Map Load Performance  Added Extended Map Taps to expose core Maximo Data on the map  Support for external Map Services (Bing, OpenStreetMaps and ESRI On-Line)  Support ESRI ArcGIS Server 10.0SP1 and related products
  • 13. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Support for external map services Bing, OpenStreetMaps, and Esri 13 1. WO/SR’s plotted using Auto-locate 2. Map Manager tab with configuration for labels 3. Update GIS List works 4. Auto-Locate Labels More Information: Public Maps Deploying Spatial without Esri ArcGIS Server using Public Map services - Esri REST API is required
  • 14. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Maximo for Utilities is Smart Grid Ready IBM passed the first interoperability test for part 6 by creating a web service to receive a request in the CIM format. This web service creates a work order and responds with the new work order number. The web service also supports work order updates. This work and the instructions to deploy it will be made available on Service Management (ISM) Support for Common Information Model CIM 61968 part 6 More and more customers request CIM Support
  • 15. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation IBM Maximo for Utilities Summary  Supports work and asset management for Transmission and Distribution in: water, gas and electric utilities.  Helps increase asset and resources effectiveness by providing a platform to support all types of asset classes and all types of work in water, gas and electric utilities.  Create detailed estimates with Compatible Unit Estimating (CUE) and a multilevel compatible unit library  Manage crew type and crew makeup with enhanced crew management while tracking labor skills and certifications  Includes Maximo Spatial to support map-based user interface built on ESRI ArcGIS technology which interoperates with other GIS systems  Integrated work and asset management functionality on a modern, J2EE standards based platform including supply chain management, contact management, and SLA.  Support smart grid by tracking smart meters and new asset types such as head-end equipment in Maximo.  Supports Regulatory Tracking and Reporting: NERC/CIP - by identifying critical assets and work orders associated with regulatory requirements.  Web service to receive meter alarms from MDM
  • 16. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation Product Discussion Disclaimer – General Product Direction The information on the new product is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information on the new product is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. The information on the new product is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion
  • 17. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation U t ilit ie s In d u s t r y S o lu t io n F u t u r e D e v e lo p m e n t F u tu r e • C o n s t r u c t io n E s t im a t in g A p p lic a t io n s t r e a m lin e d v e r s io n o f C U E • C U s d ir e c t ly o n W O – e s t im a t in g • C r e a t in g A s s e t s fr o m C U 's • M a p T a b a d d e d t o C U 's • M W M M o b ile W o r k M a n a g e m e n t • D is p a t c h a n d R o u t in g – M W M • A s s e t C o n v e r g e n c e - S m a r t A s s e t s • C o n t in u e d C r e w S u p p o rt fo r S c h e d u le r R e le a s e s • A d d it io n a l S u p p o r t fo r N E R C C IP • M e t e r e v e n t t r a c k in g – T a m p e r • G a s L e a k M a n a g e m e n t & 1 9 2 • G r a p h ic a l C r e w A s s ig n m e n t • W O C r e d it in g & U n it R e p o r t in g • L B S L o c a t io n B a s e d S e rvic e s – A V L A u t o V e h ic le L o c a t o r • N e t w o r k T r a c in g • C a p it a l W o rk P la n n in g F o r e c a s t in g , • T D A d a p t o r fo r C IS & O M S
  • 18. Building a smarter planet © 2012 IBM Corporation18 Questions & Discussion Our world is becoming INSTRUMENTED Our world is becoming INTERCONNECTED Virtually all things, processes and ways of working are becoming INTELLIGENT Terry L. Saunders Utilities Industry Solution 550 King Street Product Manager Building LKG1 – A2523D Tivoli Maximo Development Littleton, MA. 01460 Tel +1 978 899 2627 m Mobile 1 617 513 0347 Terry L. Saunders Utilities Industry Solution 550 King Street Product Manager Building LKG1 – A2523D Tivoli Maximo Development Littleton, MA. 01460 Tel +1 978 899 2627 m Mobile 1 617 513 0347

Editor's Notes

  1. Lifecyle The lifecycle of meters begins when a truckload of meters (~7000) is delivered to the “meter shop”. The advanced shipping notification (ASN) provides the information about the truckload of meters. The meter records are created in mass in Maximo by importing the rotating item, serial number, meter header and meter name plate details. Upon receipt, the status of the meter asset record is Not Ready. The existing inspection process would be used to indicate when the meters are inspected as a batch. A random sample test via a test board can be completed on the new truckload of meters and the batch of meters is received into inventory. At this time, the asset records are created when the ASN file is imported electronically into Maximo. The only drawback here is the manuall intensive process to remove or delete meters that failed testing. Some of our development partners wanted to track failed meters, others send the failed meter back to the vendor to be repaired or replaced. The meters are transferred to a storeroom or staging area and the location is updated. From the storeroom or staging area, the meters are placed on a technician’s truck. From the truck, the meter is installed at a Premise and a work order is completed. The status and location of the meter is updated in Maximo. From here the meter information is synched with an Operational Data Store and/or Meter Data Management System. When the meter is removed from the Premise, the meter is moved to the truck and the status and location is updated in Maximo. Once deployed the meter will be randomly sampled according to the scheduled defined for the group of meters. Meters can be sampled in the field or replaced with a new meter and the old meter can be returned to the meter shop for testing. From the truck, the meter is moved to the storeroom and the location is updated in Maximo. The truck could be modeled as a satellite storeroom to provide visibility of the rolling inventory. The storeroom ships the meter to the meter shop to be tested and the location is updated in Maximo. If the meter does not pass the test, the meter is lost, the meter is obsolete then the meter is change to a status equivalent of retired. If the meter passes the test or if the meter is calibrated, configured, etc and passes test on a retest, then the meter is shipped back to a storeroom. From the storeroom, the meter is moved to a truck location when ready to be installed at a Premise. Lifecycle Activities while Installed at Premise While the meter is installed at the Premise, there are activities that can occur. For example, the service disconnect switch could be activated to turn off power at a Premise and the meter status reflect this with a status equivalent to left in open. When the service disconnect switch is closed then the meter is in an equivalent to active status again. Also, remote firmware upgrades and remote reconfigurations can be completed at the meter while it is installed at the Premise. Maximo integrates with other AMI applications to receive updated firmware versions and program numbers to store for reference and reporting. The meter also can send events through the RF mesh. Events may include RAM failure, ROM failure, demand overload detected, etc. Maximo integrates with other AMI applications to receive these events and in some cases generate a work order for a meter exchange.
  2. The vision is for smart meters to be a rotating asset within Maximo. The location would be the premise id in CIS and the unique identifier for the meter would be the manufacturer and serial number. Maximo would be able to communicate with the CIS and MDM with these three key fields.