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Humanity is walking at a faster pace towards chaos and physical
disasters due to global warming and climate change. Although
the world has evolved a lot and the human mind is at the peak in
its evolution phase, yet it is unable to create a secure
environment for itself. Marginalized communities and social
groups face more environmental hazards than their counter
(Braubach & Fairburn, 2010). In a nutshell, certain social
groups especially minority groups, people from poor
neighborhoods, ethnic groups, discriminated racial communities
and people with less education and belonging to lower social
status are more prone to both man-made and natural hazards
than others. This essay will define environmental hazards and
how it is going towards environmental racism. However, to
define those this essay will point out how socially marginalized
communities are at great risk because of environmental racism.
At long last, this essay will have a conceivable answer to this
issue. Comment by Bryanna F: Be sure to indent each new
body paragraph a ½ inch from the left margin of text
Comment by Bryanna F: Consider removing this
transitional word. Because you opened the sentence with the
transitional word “although,’ in a sense all of that introductory
portion was leading into this thought, so you would not need
another transitional word inserted here. Comment by Bryanna
F: Punctuation
- Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off
clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning
of the sentence. Use one comma before to indicate the
beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of
the pause. “That Tuesday, which happens to be my birthday, is
the only day when I am available to meet.” Comment by
Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly
worded – probably not the best introductory phrase
Human beings have always feared that they can go extinct from
the earth and the chance was never as high as they are today.
Previously human beings have no advanced resources, there was
little understanding of what causes these severe phenomena of
the earthquake, flood, fires, volcanos eruption, and sandstorms.
Now, these natural disasters can be predicted beforehand, and
precautionary measures can be carried out, yet humanity is not
safe anymore. With technological evolution, human beings must
have even able to create a world that is sustainable and secure
for themselves and for their coming generation (Bormann, 1990,
as cited in Macionis & Plummer, 2012, p. 874). Comment by
Bryanna F: Punctuation
- Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are
joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and,
but, for, or, nor, so, yet. “I like baseball, but basketball is my
favorite sport.” Comment by Bryanna F: Singular pronoun
needed in reference to “the chance” since it is singular form
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation
- Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c)
words that come before the main clause. “While I was eating,
the cat scratched at the door.” Comment by Bryanna F: Past
tense needed Comment by Bryanna F: Comma splice/run on -
A run on is basically when you have multiple independent
clauses together in one sentence, either incorrectly separated by
commas, or joined together with no punctuation at all. There are
various ways to revise this issue, such as using semicolons to
separate two independent clauses, or breaking the sentence up
into multiple sentences. For example consider the following: “I
love baseball, it is my favorite sport, I have a game on
Saturday.” Notice how all three of those portions that are
currently separated by commas could be individual sentences
(that tells you are they are independent clauses).
Thus, here are a few ways you could revise this sentence to
correct this issue.
• Use conjunctions and proper punctuation to separate the
three, but still keep everything together in one sentence: “I love
baseball, and it is my favorite sport; I have a game on
• Use a semicolon to separate two of them, and then make
the third independent clause a separate sentence: “I love
baseball; it is my favorite sport. I have a game on Saturday.”
• Make each independent clause a separate sentence: “I love
baseball. It is my favorite sport. I have a game on Saturday.”
Here is a great resource that addresses this issue, and provides
various ways to revise.
Comment by Bryanna F: awkwardly worded
Environmental hazards present themselves in many forms. They
could be a substance or an event that holds the potential to
present itself as a threat to the natural environment and have
implications on its habitants especially their health and their
living. Environmental hazards vary in their origin and their
intensity. There are four basic categories of environmental
hazards namely chemical hazards, biological hazards, physical
hazards, and cultural hazards. Physical hazards are any physical
phenomena that have a probability of natural occurrence. These
phenomena are natural disasters including tornadoes,
earthquakes, blizzards, volcanoes, droughts, heatwaves and
landslides. These events are decreased yet there are physical
hazards that are on-going like ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet
rays reach the earth through thinness in the ozone layer ad are
also produced through nuclear reactors working in different
countries for both civil and military purposes. Ultraviolet rays
do not have immediate implications, in the long run, it damages
the DNA structure of human beings and could lead to cataracts
and cancer in those who are exposed to it. Chemical hazards are
a serious threat to mankind. They could be man-made and
natural producing in the earth's atmosphere. On the surface of
the earth and also deep down some chemical reactions are going
on since the creation of the earth, these ongoing processes
include mercury and lead which lead to the emission of
chemical substances which when reach surface of earth present
as an environmental hazard for mankind. These hazards
generally affect physical and mental health and cause severe
allergies (Macionis & Plummer, 2012, p. 889). The man-made
chemical hazards are though chemical substances produced for
facilitating other parts of life like industries emit a large
number of chemicals that are hazardous for health. Garment
industries and textile factories emit a large amount of chemicals
substance which pollutes water and produces air pollution and
water pollution. Similarly, fertilizers and pesticides are
produced for enhancing production yield and yet the food
contains the chemical substance in it and leads to severe health
issues including cancer. Biological hazards originate from
interactions between different ecological organisms. Viruses,
malaria and bacterial infections are important examples of this
issue. Some of these hazards are caused by natural phenomena
and sometimes biohazards are initiated through proper planning
and its most recent example is the usage of bioterror in New
Oregon County in the 1980s where the water of a whole town
was contaminated through proper planning to diminish the voter
turnout for local elections. Cultural hazards are also called
social hazards, and they originate from behavioral choices,
socioeconomic status and social construction of society.
Smoking, drugs, unhealthy eating are all behavioral choices but
leads to sever hazardous situations (Kruize & Droomers, 2014).
Comment by Bryanna F: Try to better transition between
body paragraphs, as right now the paragraphs seem to ‘jump’
from topic to topic. Sometimes it’s helpful to include wording
from the previous paragraph as you move into the next
paragraph. For instance, if I was writing a paper about how to
get good grades in class, and my first paragraph was about
attending class each day and my second paragraph was about
turning in on time, I may transition into the second paragraph
by writing something like this: “While it is important to attend
class each day, it is also important to turn in homework
assignments each day. See how I transitioned from the idea in
the previous paragraph (attending class) into this new paragraph
about turning in homework. This causes a smooth transition
between the two body paragraphs. Be sure to adjust your body
paragraphs so they seamlessly connect with the information in
the paragraphs before/after them.
Comment by Bryanna F: present tense needed Comment by
Bryanna F: awkwardly worded – what might be a better word
choice here? Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation
- Use a comma near the end of a sentence to separate contrasted
coordinate elements or to indicate a distinct pause or shift. “He
was merely ignorant, not stupid.” Comment by Bryanna F:
Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation
- Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or
clauses written in a series. “The Constitution establishes the
legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government."
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Typo – check word/spelling Comment by Bryanna
F: Comma splice Comment by Bryanna F: Present tense
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Comma splice Comment by Bryanna F: How
could this ending portion be revised so as to avoid the double
use of “which” ? Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly
worded – missing words for clarity Comment by Bryanna F:
Typo – check word/spelling Comment by Bryanna F:
Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Missing a word for
clarity Comment by Bryanna F: Unnecessary wording
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation
Comment by Bryanna F: Consider starting a new sentence
here, otherwise this is a run on Comment by Bryanna F:
Awkwardly worded – how was it contaminated through “proper”
planning? Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Conjunction needed - A conjunction is a word such
as "and, but, so, etc." generally placed between independent
clauses, or to join the final two items in a lister/series.
Comment by Bryanna F: Subject/verb disagreement - when
the subject is plural, remove the suffix "s" from the verb.
Comment by Bryanna F: Typo – check spelling/word
A Yale study shows that certain social groups are at more risk
of environmental hazards than others. According to this study,
minority groups, people from poor neighborhoods, people with
less education and belonging to lower social status are more
prone to both man-made and natural hazards than others. This
study holds true for the whole world when it comes to the social
construction of societies. Developed countries including the
United States, the United Kingdom, and European countries are
better equipped for coping with environmental hazards. On the
contrary third world countries like African countries or
countries in South Asia or Asia pacific are at greater risk of
getting affected by environmental hazards. People are affected
by both natural disasters and man-made disasters because the
government and people attach little value to disaster
management. Even if they have the understanding, they do not
have the required resources to create better programs to cope
with environmental hazards (Erickson, 2016). Within a society,
this division between the coping mechanisms for disaster
management and coping with environmental hazards is more
evident and even here the distinguishing factor is wealth,
education and socioeconomic status. In the case of the United
States, some states are more prepared for coping with
environmental hazards than others. Similarly, the communities
where the rei more concentration of Hispanics, African
Americans or Asians and even white Americans if they are poor,
have more chances of being at the exposure of chemical
material like Zinc, nitrates, and vanadium which are very
dangerous as they cause air pollution and cause medical
conditions related to breathing disorder. Latins living in the
United States are more exposed to dangerous material as
compared to White Americans. The study by Yale University
shows that there is a widening gap based on racial and economic
factors between communities for their exposure to air pollution.
Communities who have different cultural backgrounds, and who
have a low educational level, but high unemployment and
poverty level are at greater risk for air quality they are
breathing. Studies prove that communities where there are less
education, high poverty, and high unemployment rate generally
have lower health care facilities and face more healthcare
problems but they are also at a greater risk for such factors
which further deteriorate their health (Whitehead, Pennington,
Orton, Nayak, Petticrew, Sowden, & White, 2016) Comment by
Bryanna F: Conjunction needed before this last point in the
series Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Capitalize Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded sentence structure Comment by
Bryanna F: Typo? Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation
Comment by Bryanna F: No need to capitalize
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Plural form needed Comment by Bryanna F: Do you
mean Latinos? Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded
Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by
Bryanna F: Cite properly - For a source with 6 or more authors,
there’s no need to cite all of the authors’ last names (even in the
first citation). Instead, simply cite the first author’s last name
followed by the tem ‘et al.’, which means ‘and other authors,’
along with the year. For example, (Smith et al., 2000).
See “Six or More Authors” for clarity on this issue.
Socially marginalized communities are an easy target for
environmental hazards but the factors behind this easy targeting
have their basis in the social construction of society (Aaberge &
Mogstad, 2015). The major reason is that poor and marginalized
social groups put up less resistance for the deteriorating
condition of their neighborhood. They lack the resources which
they could employ to put resistance against poor air, water, and
land condition. If the community lack education, they will have
little understanding of how the presence of chemical factories is
going to affect them, all they can see is that it is a chance of
employment hence they welcome the new setups. Companies
also target such neighborhood where they can establish their
writ without any resistance, in worldwide multinationals prefer
countries with rich natural resources but little understanding
and hence exploit their illiteracy and their resources. In
countries like the United States, factories are set up at such
places where already discriminated communities are leaving
about whom no one care hence it is easy to exploit them. Even
if there are no man-made setup causing environmental hazards,
the natural hazards also hit them harder because governments
and administrations do not bother providing them any facilities
because they have no voice to raise some slogans against them.
The real difference lies between powers dynamic where those in
power abuse their power against those who lack it (Clark,
Fennell, & Hulme, 2017). Comment by Bryanna F:
punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: plural form
Comment by Bryanna F: comma splice Comment by
Bryanna F: punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: plural form
Comment by Bryanna F: comma splice Comment by
Bryanna F: unnecessary wording Comment by Bryanna F:
punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: unnecessary wording –
and punctuation needed prior to ending clause
Socially marginalized communities are at greater risk due to
environmental hazards and these harsh realities lie in the fact
that power dynamic is the real game-changer. The real
difference lies between powers dynamic where those in power
abuse their power against those who lack it (Clark, Fennell, &
Hulme, 2017). A Yale study shows that certain social groups are
at more risk of environmental hazards than others. According to
this study, minority groups, people from a poor neighborhood,
people with less education and belonging to lower social status
are more prone to both man-made and natural hazards than
others. Socially marginalized communities are an easy target for
environmental hazards but the factors behind this easy targeting
have their basis in the social construction of society. The major
reason is that poor and marginalized social groups put up less
resistance for the deteriorating condition of their neighborhood.
They lack the resources which they could employ to put
resistance against poor air, water and land condition (Braubach
& Fairburn, 2010). Comment by Bryanna F: punctuation
Comment by Bryanna F: this was just stated at the end of
the previous sentence - remove Comment by Bryanna F:
this was all just stated in an earlier paragraph Comment by
Bryanna F: I assume you are still working on this as it ends
abruptly. Remember, in the conclusion paragraph, be sure to
include a paraphrased restatement of the thesis and a brief
summary of the main points of the essay. Do not include
sentences and information word-for-word from the above
References Comment by Bryanna F: Center this term on the
page and remove the bold text Comment by Bryanna F: Also,
avoid a References and/or in-text citation generator as they
aren’t typically accurate and/or up to date. For instance, on the
Erickson source, be sure to capitalize the word “Journal” on the
journal title Comment by Bryanna F: Also, for the Kruize
and Droomers source, be sure to capitalize the article title in
sentence case, which means only capitalizing the first letter of
first word in title, first word in any subtitle, and/or any proper
nouns in title Comment by Bryanna F: Refer to the Owl
Purdue website below for further clarity on properly creating an
APA References page:
Aaberge, R., & Mogstad, M. (2015). Inequality in current and
lifetime income. Social Choice and Welfare, 44(2), 217-230.
Braubach, M., & Fairburn, J. (2010). Social inequities in
environmental risks associated with housing and residential
location—a review of evidence. European Journal of Public
Health, 36–42.
Clark, D. A., Fennell, S., & Hulme, D. (2017). Poverty and
inequality. In Handbook of Globalisation and Development (pp.
487-512). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Erickson, J. (2016). Targeting minority, low-income
neighborhoods for hazardous waste sites. SAGE journal, 111-
Kruize, H., & Droomers, M. (2014). What Causes
Environmental Inequalities and Related Health Effects? An
Analysis of Evolving Concepts. Int J Environ Res Public
Health, 107-127.
Macionis, Plummer, & Plummer, Kenneth. (2012). Sociology :
A global introduction (5th ed.).
Whitehead, Pennington, Orton, Nayak, Petticrew, Sowden, &
White. (2016). How could differences in ‘control over destiny’
lead to socio-economic inequalities in health? A synthesis of
theories and pathways in the living environment. Health and
Place, 39(C), 51-61.
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsELM-540ELM-540-O501Literacy
Toolkit100.0CriteriaPercentageNo Submission (0.00%)
Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable
(87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints
EarnedCriteria100.0%Summary of Strategies 20.0%Not
addressed.Summary of strategies is poorly developed and
lacking detail of future amendment. Digital presentation
includes a surface level summary of strategies, with minimal
future amendment. Digital presentation includes a detailed and
relevant summary of each strategy, with credible future
amendment. Digital presentation includes a thorough and
comprehensive summary of each strategy, with in-depth future
amendments. Appropriate Interventions15.0%Not addressed.The
explanation as to how the language and literacy strategies
provide guidance for modifying instruction and determining
appropriate interventions with at-risk and struggling students is
not included or is inadequately addressed.A vague explanation
is included with limited details as to how the language and
literacy strategies provide guidance, modifying instruction and
determining appropriate interventions with at-risk and
struggling students is provided.Relevant and credible examples
as to how the language and literacy strategies provide guidance
for modifying instruction and determining appropriate
interventions with at-risk and struggling students are
provided.Thought-provoking and insightful examples as to how
the language and literacy strategies provide guidance for
modifying instruction and determining appropriate interventions
with at-risk and struggling students are thoroughly
provided.Manage and Monitor Success15.0%Not
addressed.Digital presentation includes examples that are
unrelated and inappropriate in explaining how to manage and
monitor the success of interventions for at-risk and struggling
readers.Digital presentation includes examples that are
rudimentary and lacking detail of how to manage and monitor
the success of interventions for at-risk and struggling
readers.Digital presentation includes relevant and credible
examples of how to manage and monitor the success of
interventions for at-risk and struggling readers.Digital
presentation includes insightful and thought-provoking
examples of how to manage and monitor the success of
interventions for at-risk and struggling readers. Progress
Data10.0%Not addressed.Digital presentation includes an
explanation that inadequately and poorly describes the ethical
way to communicate student progress data, and how to analyze
the data based on performance in order to modify
instruction.Digital presentation includes a basic and
rudimentary explanation of the ethical way to communication
student progress data, and how to analyze the data based on
performance in order to modify instruction.Digital presentation
includes a detailed and relevant explanation of the ethical way
to communication student progress data, and how to analyze the
data based on performance in order to modify
instruction.Digital presentation includes a substantial and in-
depth explanation of the ethical way to communication student
progress data, and how to analyze the data based on
performance in order to modify instruction.Collaboration with
Professionals10.0%Not addressed.Digital presentation
inadequately and poorly describes how to collaborate with
professionals in order to advance this professional
practice.Digital presentation includes a basic and rudimentary
description of how to collaborate with professionals in order to
advance this professional practice.Digital presentation includes
a detailed and adequate description of how to collaborate with
professionals in order to advance this professional
practice.Digital presentation includes a thoughtful and
insightful description of how to collaborate with professionals
in order to advance this professional practice. Research
Citations15.0%Not addressed.Many citations are missing where
needed; or many of the sources are inappropriate for the
submission; or APA is attempted where required, but many
aspects are missing or mistaken.some of the sources do not
support the submission; or APA is attempted where required,
but some aspects are missing or mistaken. All sources are
credible, adequate, and support the submission. All required
aspects of APA format are correct within the submission.All
sources are credible, appropriate, and strongly support the
submission. All required aspects of APA format are correct
within the submission.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar, language use)10.0%Not
addressed.Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede
communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistent language or
word choice is present. Sentence structure is
lacking.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they
do not hinder comprehension. Varieties of effective sentence
structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related
language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors.
Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and
content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and
engaging.Presentation5.0%Not addressed.The work is sloppy or
chaotic. Work would not be presentable for public
dissemination.The work is somewhat disheveled and includes
several organizational flaws. Work would barely be presentable
for public dissemination.The overall appearance is generally
neat, with a few minor organizational flaws. Work would be
desirable for public dissemination.The work is well presented.
The overall appearance is neat and professional. Work would be
highly desirable for public dissemination.Total Weightage100%
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Word Count:
1500 words
Includes in-text references & reference list
Due date: 24th October
Environmental hazards are often located near
disadvantaged social groups. Discuss.
Assignment Criteria:
· Sociology Perspective
· Minimum 6 Academic References
· Real World Examples
· Essay Structure
· APA 6Th edition Referencing
Important Tools:
Book = Macionis J. & Plummer K, (2012) Sociology: A Global
Introduction, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Essex, United

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Humanity is walking at a faster pace towards chaos and physical di.docx

  • 1. Humanity is walking at a faster pace towards chaos and physical disasters due to global warming and climate change. Although the world has evolved a lot and the human mind is at the peak in its evolution phase, yet it is unable to create a secure environment for itself. Marginalized communities and social groups face more environmental hazards than their counter (Braubach & Fairburn, 2010). In a nutshell, certain social groups especially minority groups, people from poor neighborhoods, ethnic groups, discriminated racial communities and people with less education and belonging to lower social status are more prone to both man-made and natural hazards than others. This essay will define environmental hazards and how it is going towards environmental racism. However, to define those this essay will point out how socially marginalized communities are at great risk because of environmental racism. At long last, this essay will have a conceivable answer to this issue. Comment by Bryanna F: Be sure to indent each new body paragraph a ½ inch from the left margin of text Comment by Bryanna F: Consider removing this transitional word. Because you opened the sentence with the transitional word “although,’ in a sense all of that introductory portion was leading into this thought, so you would not need another transitional word inserted here. Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation - Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause. “That Tuesday, which happens to be my birthday, is the only day when I am available to meet.” Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded – probably not the best introductory phrase Human beings have always feared that they can go extinct from the earth and the chance was never as high as they are today.
  • 2. Previously human beings have no advanced resources, there was little understanding of what causes these severe phenomena of the earthquake, flood, fires, volcanos eruption, and sandstorms. Now, these natural disasters can be predicted beforehand, and precautionary measures can be carried out, yet humanity is not safe anymore. With technological evolution, human beings must have even able to create a world that is sustainable and secure for themselves and for their coming generation (Bormann, 1990, as cited in Macionis & Plummer, 2012, p. 874). Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation - Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet. “I like baseball, but basketball is my favorite sport.” Comment by Bryanna F: Singular pronoun needed in reference to “the chance” since it is singular form Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation - Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause. “While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door.” Comment by Bryanna F: Past tense needed Comment by Bryanna F: Comma splice/run on - A run on is basically when you have multiple independent clauses together in one sentence, either incorrectly separated by commas, or joined together with no punctuation at all. There are various ways to revise this issue, such as using semicolons to separate two independent clauses, or breaking the sentence up into multiple sentences. For example consider the following: “I love baseball, it is my favorite sport, I have a game on Saturday.” Notice how all three of those portions that are currently separated by commas could be individual sentences (that tells you are they are independent clauses). Thus, here are a few ways you could revise this sentence to correct this issue. • Use conjunctions and proper punctuation to separate the three, but still keep everything together in one sentence: “I love baseball, and it is my favorite sport; I have a game on
  • 3. Saturday.” • Use a semicolon to separate two of them, and then make the third independent clause a separate sentence: “I love baseball; it is my favorite sport. I have a game on Saturday.” • Make each independent clause a separate sentence: “I love baseball. It is my favorite sport. I have a game on Saturday.” Here is a great resource that addresses this issue, and provides various ways to revise. ce_structure/run_ons_comma_splices_and_fused_sentences.html Comment by Bryanna F: awkwardly worded Environmental hazards present themselves in many forms. They could be a substance or an event that holds the potential to present itself as a threat to the natural environment and have implications on its habitants especially their health and their living. Environmental hazards vary in their origin and their intensity. There are four basic categories of environmental hazards namely chemical hazards, biological hazards, physical hazards, and cultural hazards. Physical hazards are any physical phenomena that have a probability of natural occurrence. These phenomena are natural disasters including tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, volcanoes, droughts, heatwaves and landslides. These events are decreased yet there are physical hazards that are on-going like ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays reach the earth through thinness in the ozone layer ad are also produced through nuclear reactors working in different countries for both civil and military purposes. Ultraviolet rays do not have immediate implications, in the long run, it damages the DNA structure of human beings and could lead to cataracts and cancer in those who are exposed to it. Chemical hazards are a serious threat to mankind. They could be man-made and natural producing in the earth's atmosphere. On the surface of the earth and also deep down some chemical reactions are going on since the creation of the earth, these ongoing processes include mercury and lead which lead to the emission of
  • 4. chemical substances which when reach surface of earth present as an environmental hazard for mankind. These hazards generally affect physical and mental health and cause severe allergies (Macionis & Plummer, 2012, p. 889). The man-made chemical hazards are though chemical substances produced for facilitating other parts of life like industries emit a large number of chemicals that are hazardous for health. Garment industries and textile factories emit a large amount of chemicals substance which pollutes water and produces air pollution and water pollution. Similarly, fertilizers and pesticides are produced for enhancing production yield and yet the food contains the chemical substance in it and leads to severe health issues including cancer. Biological hazards originate from interactions between different ecological organisms. Viruses, malaria and bacterial infections are important examples of this issue. Some of these hazards are caused by natural phenomena and sometimes biohazards are initiated through proper planning and its most recent example is the usage of bioterror in New Oregon County in the 1980s where the water of a whole town was contaminated through proper planning to diminish the voter turnout for local elections. Cultural hazards are also called social hazards, and they originate from behavioral choices, socioeconomic status and social construction of society. Smoking, drugs, unhealthy eating are all behavioral choices but leads to sever hazardous situations (Kruize & Droomers, 2014). Comment by Bryanna F: Try to better transition between body paragraphs, as right now the paragraphs seem to ‘jump’ from topic to topic. Sometimes it’s helpful to include wording from the previous paragraph as you move into the next paragraph. For instance, if I was writing a paper about how to get good grades in class, and my first paragraph was about attending class each day and my second paragraph was about turning in on time, I may transition into the second paragraph by writing something like this: “While it is important to attend class each day, it is also important to turn in homework assignments each day. See how I transitioned from the idea in
  • 5. the previous paragraph (attending class) into this new paragraph about turning in homework. This causes a smooth transition between the two body paragraphs. Be sure to adjust your body paragraphs so they seamlessly connect with the information in the paragraphs before/after them. Comment by Bryanna F: present tense needed Comment by Bryanna F: awkwardly worded – what might be a better word choice here? Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation - Use a comma near the end of a sentence to separate contrasted coordinate elements or to indicate a distinct pause or shift. “He was merely ignorant, not stupid.” Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation - Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series. “The Constitution establishes the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government." Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Typo – check word/spelling Comment by Bryanna F: Comma splice Comment by Bryanna F: Present tense Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Comma splice Comment by Bryanna F: How could this ending portion be revised so as to avoid the double use of “which” ? Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded – missing words for clarity Comment by Bryanna F: Typo – check word/spelling Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Missing a word for clarity Comment by Bryanna F: Unnecessary wording Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Consider starting a new sentence here, otherwise this is a run on Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded – how was it contaminated through “proper” planning? Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Conjunction needed - A conjunction is a word such as "and, but, so, etc." generally placed between independent
  • 6. clauses, or to join the final two items in a lister/series. Comment by Bryanna F: Subject/verb disagreement - when the subject is plural, remove the suffix "s" from the verb. Comment by Bryanna F: Typo – check spelling/word A Yale study shows that certain social groups are at more risk of environmental hazards than others. According to this study, minority groups, people from poor neighborhoods, people with less education and belonging to lower social status are more prone to both man-made and natural hazards than others. This study holds true for the whole world when it comes to the social construction of societies. Developed countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, and European countries are better equipped for coping with environmental hazards. On the contrary third world countries like African countries or countries in South Asia or Asia pacific are at greater risk of getting affected by environmental hazards. People are affected by both natural disasters and man-made disasters because the government and people attach little value to disaster management. Even if they have the understanding, they do not have the required resources to create better programs to cope with environmental hazards (Erickson, 2016). Within a society, this division between the coping mechanisms for disaster management and coping with environmental hazards is more evident and even here the distinguishing factor is wealth, education and socioeconomic status. In the case of the United States, some states are more prepared for coping with environmental hazards than others. Similarly, the communities where the rei more concentration of Hispanics, African Americans or Asians and even white Americans if they are poor, have more chances of being at the exposure of chemical material like Zinc, nitrates, and vanadium which are very dangerous as they cause air pollution and cause medical conditions related to breathing disorder. Latins living in the United States are more exposed to dangerous material as compared to White Americans. The study by Yale University shows that there is a widening gap based on racial and economic
  • 7. factors between communities for their exposure to air pollution. Communities who have different cultural backgrounds, and who have a low educational level, but high unemployment and poverty level are at greater risk for air quality they are breathing. Studies prove that communities where there are less education, high poverty, and high unemployment rate generally have lower health care facilities and face more healthcare problems but they are also at a greater risk for such factors which further deteriorate their health (Whitehead, Pennington, Orton, Nayak, Petticrew, Sowden, & White, 2016) Comment by Bryanna F: Conjunction needed before this last point in the series Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Capitalize Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded sentence structure Comment by Bryanna F: Typo? Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: No need to capitalize Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Plural form needed Comment by Bryanna F: Do you mean Latinos? Comment by Bryanna F: Awkwardly worded Comment by Bryanna F: Punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: Cite properly - For a source with 6 or more authors, there’s no need to cite all of the authors’ last names (even in the first citation). Instead, simply cite the first author’s last name followed by the tem ‘et al.’, which means ‘and other authors,’ along with the year. For example, (Smith et al., 2000). See “Six or More Authors” for clarity on this issue. _formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_author_authors. html Socially marginalized communities are an easy target for environmental hazards but the factors behind this easy targeting have their basis in the social construction of society (Aaberge & Mogstad, 2015). The major reason is that poor and marginalized social groups put up less resistance for the deteriorating
  • 8. condition of their neighborhood. They lack the resources which they could employ to put resistance against poor air, water, and land condition. If the community lack education, they will have little understanding of how the presence of chemical factories is going to affect them, all they can see is that it is a chance of employment hence they welcome the new setups. Companies also target such neighborhood where they can establish their writ without any resistance, in worldwide multinationals prefer countries with rich natural resources but little understanding and hence exploit their illiteracy and their resources. In countries like the United States, factories are set up at such places where already discriminated communities are leaving about whom no one care hence it is easy to exploit them. Even if there are no man-made setup causing environmental hazards, the natural hazards also hit them harder because governments and administrations do not bother providing them any facilities because they have no voice to raise some slogans against them. The real difference lies between powers dynamic where those in power abuse their power against those who lack it (Clark, Fennell, & Hulme, 2017). Comment by Bryanna F: punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: plural form Comment by Bryanna F: comma splice Comment by Bryanna F: punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: plural form Comment by Bryanna F: comma splice Comment by Bryanna F: unnecessary wording Comment by Bryanna F: punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: unnecessary wording – and punctuation needed prior to ending clause Socially marginalized communities are at greater risk due to environmental hazards and these harsh realities lie in the fact that power dynamic is the real game-changer. The real difference lies between powers dynamic where those in power abuse their power against those who lack it (Clark, Fennell, & Hulme, 2017). A Yale study shows that certain social groups are at more risk of environmental hazards than others. According to this study, minority groups, people from a poor neighborhood, people with less education and belonging to lower social status
  • 9. are more prone to both man-made and natural hazards than others. Socially marginalized communities are an easy target for environmental hazards but the factors behind this easy targeting have their basis in the social construction of society. The major reason is that poor and marginalized social groups put up less resistance for the deteriorating condition of their neighborhood. They lack the resources which they could employ to put resistance against poor air, water and land condition (Braubach & Fairburn, 2010). Comment by Bryanna F: punctuation Comment by Bryanna F: this was just stated at the end of the previous sentence - remove Comment by Bryanna F: this was all just stated in an earlier paragraph Comment by Bryanna F: I assume you are still working on this as it ends abruptly. Remember, in the conclusion paragraph, be sure to include a paraphrased restatement of the thesis and a brief summary of the main points of the essay. Do not include sentences and information word-for-word from the above paragraphs References Comment by Bryanna F: Center this term on the page and remove the bold text Comment by Bryanna F: Also, avoid a References and/or in-text citation generator as they aren’t typically accurate and/or up to date. For instance, on the Erickson source, be sure to capitalize the word “Journal” on the
  • 10. journal title Comment by Bryanna F: Also, for the Kruize and Droomers source, be sure to capitalize the article title in sentence case, which means only capitalizing the first letter of first word in title, first word in any subtitle, and/or any proper nouns in title Comment by Bryanna F: Refer to the Owl Purdue website below for further clarity on properly creating an APA References page: _formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_articles_in_periodi cals.html Aaberge, R., & Mogstad, M. (2015). Inequality in current and lifetime income. Social Choice and Welfare, 44(2), 217-230. Braubach, M., & Fairburn, J. (2010). Social inequities in environmental risks associated with housing and residential location—a review of evidence. European Journal of Public Health, 36–42. Clark, D. A., Fennell, S., & Hulme, D. (2017). Poverty and inequality. In Handbook of Globalisation and Development (pp. 487-512). Edward Elgar Publishing. Erickson, J. (2016). Targeting minority, low-income neighborhoods for hazardous waste sites. SAGE journal, 111- 132. Kruize, H., & Droomers, M. (2014). What Causes Environmental Inequalities and Related Health Effects? An Analysis of Evolving Concepts. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 107-127. Macionis, Plummer, & Plummer, Kenneth. (2012). Sociology : A global introduction (5th ed.). Whitehead, Pennington, Orton, Nayak, Petticrew, Sowden, & White. (2016). How could differences in ‘control over destiny’ lead to socio-economic inequalities in health? A synthesis of theories and pathways in the living environment. Health and Place, 39(C), 51-61.
  • 11. Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsELM-540ELM-540-O501Literacy Toolkit100.0CriteriaPercentageNo Submission (0.00%) Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedCriteria100.0%Summary of Strategies 20.0%Not addressed.Summary of strategies is poorly developed and lacking detail of future amendment. Digital presentation includes a surface level summary of strategies, with minimal future amendment. Digital presentation includes a detailed and relevant summary of each strategy, with credible future amendment. Digital presentation includes a thorough and comprehensive summary of each strategy, with in-depth future amendments. Appropriate Interventions15.0%Not addressed.The explanation as to how the language and literacy strategies provide guidance for modifying instruction and determining appropriate interventions with at-risk and struggling students is not included or is inadequately addressed.A vague explanation is included with limited details as to how the language and literacy strategies provide guidance, modifying instruction and determining appropriate interventions with at-risk and struggling students is provided.Relevant and credible examples as to how the language and literacy strategies provide guidance for modifying instruction and determining appropriate interventions with at-risk and struggling students are provided.Thought-provoking and insightful examples as to how the language and literacy strategies provide guidance for modifying instruction and determining appropriate interventions with at-risk and struggling students are thoroughly provided.Manage and Monitor Success15.0%Not addressed.Digital presentation includes examples that are unrelated and inappropriate in explaining how to manage and monitor the success of interventions for at-risk and struggling readers.Digital presentation includes examples that are rudimentary and lacking detail of how to manage and monitor
  • 12. the success of interventions for at-risk and struggling readers.Digital presentation includes relevant and credible examples of how to manage and monitor the success of interventions for at-risk and struggling readers.Digital presentation includes insightful and thought-provoking examples of how to manage and monitor the success of interventions for at-risk and struggling readers. Progress Data10.0%Not addressed.Digital presentation includes an explanation that inadequately and poorly describes the ethical way to communicate student progress data, and how to analyze the data based on performance in order to modify instruction.Digital presentation includes a basic and rudimentary explanation of the ethical way to communication student progress data, and how to analyze the data based on performance in order to modify instruction.Digital presentation includes a detailed and relevant explanation of the ethical way to communication student progress data, and how to analyze the data based on performance in order to modify instruction.Digital presentation includes a substantial and in- depth explanation of the ethical way to communication student progress data, and how to analyze the data based on performance in order to modify instruction.Collaboration with Professionals10.0%Not addressed.Digital presentation inadequately and poorly describes how to collaborate with professionals in order to advance this professional practice.Digital presentation includes a basic and rudimentary description of how to collaborate with professionals in order to advance this professional practice.Digital presentation includes a detailed and adequate description of how to collaborate with professionals in order to advance this professional practice.Digital presentation includes a thoughtful and insightful description of how to collaborate with professionals in order to advance this professional practice. Research Citations15.0%Not addressed.Many citations are missing where needed; or many of the sources are inappropriate for the submission; or APA is attempted where required, but many
  • 13. aspects are missing or mistaken.some of the sources do not support the submission; or APA is attempted where required, but some aspects are missing or mistaken. All sources are credible, adequate, and support the submission. All required aspects of APA format are correct within the submission.All sources are credible, appropriate, and strongly support the submission. All required aspects of APA format are correct within the submission.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)10.0%Not addressed.Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistent language or word choice is present. Sentence structure is lacking.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. Varieties of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.Presentation5.0%Not addressed.The work is sloppy or chaotic. Work would not be presentable for public dissemination.The work is somewhat disheveled and includes several organizational flaws. Work would barely be presentable for public dissemination.The overall appearance is generally neat, with a few minor organizational flaws. Work would be desirable for public dissemination.The work is well presented. The overall appearance is neat and professional. Work would be highly desirable for public dissemination.Total Weightage100% SOC book pics/IMG_2302.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2310.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2320.HEIC
  • 14. SOC book pics/IMG_2298.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2318.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2314.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2301.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2312.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2300.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2306.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2308.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2321.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2309.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2304.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2299.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2295.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2305.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2311.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2303.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2319.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2317.HEIC
  • 15. SOC book pics/IMG_2316.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2293.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2297.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2307.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2294.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2296.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2315.HEIC SOC book pics/IMG_2313.HEIC Weight: Word Count: 45% 1500 words Includes in-text references & reference list Due date: 24th October Topic: Environmental hazards are often located near disadvantaged social groups. Discuss. Assignment Criteria: · Sociology Perspective · Minimum 6 Academic References · Real World Examples · Essay Structure · APA 6Th edition Referencing
  • 16. Important Tools: Book = Macionis J. & Plummer K, (2012) Sociology: A Global Introduction, 5th edition, Pearson Education, Essex, United Kingdom.