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Nature versus Nurture Debate Essays
Factually Naturally
People have been arguing about nature versus nurture for centuries. Does genetics or upraising have
more effect on a person? Human development is influenced by various things.
But nature, genetics, contributes more to development than the environment does. While nurture has
some influence, nature has much more. Genes are responsible for altruism, personality is linked to
individual genes, and genetic disorders are effects of nature that can cause drastic differences in
quality of life. Genetics determine more of human development than environment.
Nature is what determines altruism, personality, and genetic disorders. Much work and research has
been done to support this, with various studies on each topic, more content...
Another developmental trait nature contributes to is the trait of personality, as shown by studies in
dopamine, twins, and bees. Scientists have long been interested in how genes affect personality. One
promising gene studied was dopamine. Dopamine genes account for 6.6% of behavior related to
sensation seeking. Other studies have failed because they study genes as if a single gene has a
direct relationship with a part of personality. This study studies different genes working together to
see how personality is affected, and unlike other studies, definitely found a correlation between a
gene and personality. To further findings in personality, work has been done looking at twins. Of
studies in personality in twins, it has been found that personality is definitely influenced by genes. A
large study in overall twin personality say that identical twins have 46% of personality come from
genes. In fraternal twins, this gene influence is half, 23%.
These studies' results are very clear in that genes do have some effects on personality. And in a
third, different area of study, bees were studied. When studying RNA in bees, scientists found that
changes in RNA determine behavior. By studying the correlation between RNA and bees' behavior,
they could predict whether or not a honeybee would become a forager or a hive worker. These
studies in RNA have prompted promising studies in human RNA and its
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first
started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively
affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced
the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate
change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like
Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an
increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity.
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the
Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include
change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although
numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on
whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is
neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media
and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings
of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of
these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice
in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by
nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September
2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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The Structure and Agency Debate
Introduction The structure and agency debate is a common one in the field of sociology and
different theorists come up with different ways of accounting for the actions of social actors. This
essay takes the position that structuration solves the problem of this much contested debate. Initially
key concepts and elements of structuration will be pointed out .These elements include structure,
agency, social systems and power amongst many others. Subsequently, there will be engagement of a
discussion of different schools of thought and finally it will be demonstrated how structuration
prevails over the structure–agency debate. Socialization Socialization is an ongoing process in
which individuals obtains a personal identity, learns norms, values and behaviour appropriate to his
/her position. People constantly require approval of the things they do, they continually seek to be
socially competent and to be accepted by those around them. It is human nature to want to be similar
from others in order to be accepted in a certain social spheres but at the same time wanting to be
different and unique. There are primary and secondary agents of socialization. The primary agents
are those that are basic and fundamental to social beings, these include family and friends from
which we learn behaviour at young age; they transmit norms and values to us. The secondary agents
are those that are more external to us than family such as social institutions/organisations, these
include schools,
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Climate Change, An Outline Essay
Climate Change
1) What is climate change?
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3) Causes of climate change
4) Effects of climate change?
5) International Panels on Climate Change
6) What can be done at home?
1) What is climate change?
Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth
ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United
Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment
Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to
understand more content...
Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler
than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could
have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not
cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife
species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased
level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.
2) Human Activities
A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning
of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive
industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and
heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year.
In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum
and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon
dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no
slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But,
many trees
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Critical Analysis Of The Mead-Freeman Debate
Nature versus Nurture Controversy: Critical Analysis of The Mead–Freeman Debate
Research Topic Outline
In 1983, Derek Freeman challenged Margaret Mead's 1928 ethnographic work Coming of Age in
Samoa, Freeman asserted that Mead's conclusion of adolescent behavior conflicted with important
facts within the social sciences. Freeman's critique sparked an intense controversy in anthropology
regarding the concept of nature versus nurture. Freeman claimed that Boasians' insisted on separating
cultural determinism (nurture) from biological determinism (nature). Thus, various academic
writings emerged in support of one concept over the latter. Even though, most modern–day scholars
support both cultural determinism and biological determinism more content...
The articles range from claims for "bio–anthropology" to Mead protagonist who dispute the claims
suggested by Freeman. Moreover, Caton's work is a source for all publications relating to the
Samoa controversy and the issues that were raised in anthropology as a result of it. Furthermore,
Caton's work provides a guideline for understanding the various works produced by scholars
because of the controversy, and the impact these works as well as the primary works of Mead and
Freeman had on anthropology, other disciplines, and public opinion.
Freeman, Derek
1983 Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Derek Freeman in his work Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an
Anthropological Myth, discusses Margaret Mead's fieldwork in Samoa in 1925 under the
recommendation of her then professor Franz Boaz. Freeman maintains that the conclusion reached
by Mead, that stresses associated with adolescence in the United States and other areas had cultural
not biological causes, is wrong. Freeman's work complies the evidence Freeman believes supports
his claim that the conclusion reached by Mead was mistaken. Derek Freeman states that upon
starting his field work in the islands of Western Samoa, he considered himself a cultural determinist.
However, after two years within the field, he found that much of the work written by Mead in eastern
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Essay on Evolution VS. Creationism
Since the beginning of the human race there has been a lingering question as to the origins of man
and how all living things acquired their characteristics. The two main theories that arose over time
were Creationism and Evolution, both of which provided very distinct answers to this question.
Creationism based its answer on the idea of a supernatural power or being that created the entire
universe, man and the numerous other organisms that live within it. While, Evolution theorizes that
all living things have the potential to change and grow over time into something new and different.
So in other words, one theory suggests that humans and all the organisms on Earth are the result of
divine design, while the other indicates that more content...
Every one of these flaws points out that the Creationists theory that the Earth, all of the organisms on
it, and everything that surrounds it has not changed or been altered since the flood is inaccurate.
Biogeography for example shows that "closely allied" species have a tendency to live on the "same
continent... or within the same group of oceanic islands... despite their species–by–species
preferences for different habitats, food source, [and] of conditions of climate" (Quammen 4). The
explanation for this is that "they descended from common ancestors" and this can be verified with
the paleontology flaw because that flaw deals with the fossils of plants and animals "that had
[either] become extinct or that still existed but in different forms" which indicates not only that
organisms have changed over time, but also provides evidence that "closely allied" organism have
lived in the same areas of centuries (Quammen 4; Parks 24). Then in the taxonomic classification
flaw these "closely allied" spices can be "systematically classified, according to their shared
similarities" which, suggests that "closely allied" organisms descended from common ancestor
because of the traits and similar organs that allows this type of classification (Quammen 5). The
presence of these similar traits and organs introduces the flaw of vestigial characteristics because
although some of these do not have any current
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Argument for a National Health Care System Essay
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that "The health of the individual
is almost inseparable from the health of the larger community and that the health of every
community in every state and territory determines the overall health status of the nation." It has now
become clear that our economy in terms of healthcare insurance is not healthy; the healthcare system
in the United States spends 1 cent of every healthcare dollar in the prevention of diseases and 99
cents on the cure. Our healthcare system is the most expensive and yet arguably among the least cost
effective in the developed world. Despite the highest per person health care spending among the
Organization for Economic more content...
It is a patchwork of loosely connected financing mechanisms varying in terms of sponsorship and
provider type. It also reflects the age, health and economic status of the specific patient groups that
are being served. Considering the growing number of Americans who are uninsured for health care
and the low ranking of the United States among a variety of health indicators, one may say that it is
a disappointing financing system. These observations provide a basis for supporting our position for
a national health care system. Where possible, comparisons will be drawn between the United States
and other countries. Special focus will be paid to similarities in the public and private financing
components of the system, reimbursement of various provider categories and trends that we may
expect to see in the future.
Overall, the role of health insurance as a financial channel will be mentioned. Monetary business
objectives will be contrasted with the altruistic goals of health care as a humanitarian service. The
benefits of shifting health care management altogether to the government will be discussed,
emphasizing its positive effects on the businesses of the employers and the performances of the
employees in the United States. EMPLOYERS BENEFITS National Health Care System benefits
employers by lowering their current health care costs. Companies need the National Health Care
System now more
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Abraham Licoln Outline Essay example
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln presidential outline I. Abraham Lincoln was born on
February 12, 1809 and died on April 15, 1865 II. State: Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky,
and ran for president in Illinois. III. Educational and Occupational background: Abrahams step
mother, Sarah, encouraged Abraham to read. It was while growing into manhood that he received
his formal education (an estimated total of 18 months) a few days or weeks at a time. Reading
material was in short supply in the Indiana wilderness. Neighbors recalled how Abraham would
walk for miles to borrow a book. Occupationally: he was a lawyer and a former representative and
president of the more content...
It was a series of battles fought in the Western Theater of theAmerican Civil Warthroughout north
Georgia and the area around Atlanta during summer of 1864. In July, the Confederate president
replaced Johnston with the more hostile John Hood, who began challenging the Union Army in a
series of damaging frontal assaults. Hood's army was eventually besieged in Atlanta and the city
fell in September speeding up the end of the war. J. Battle of Wilderness (1864)– 10. The battle
started the ball rolling for the entire wilderness campaign, Grant's entire offensive. It was also the
first stand between Grant and Lee. They then became known as the fathers of the wilderness
campaign. K. End of the American civil war (1865) – 11. The Confederacy was defeated, slavery
was abolished, and the difficult Reconstruction process of restoring unity and guaranteeing rights to
the freed slaves began. X. Major Economic Issue(s): A. Morrill tariff: The Morrill Tariff of 1861 was
a high protective tariff in the United States, adopted in March of 1861, during the administration of
James Buchanan, he was a Democrat. It was a key element of the new Republican Party, and it
attracted mostly industrialists and factory workers because it was a rapid industrial growth by
limiting competition from lower–wage industries in Europe. It had been opposed by cotton planters,
but they had mostly left the United States Congress when it was finally passed B. National bank act
(1863) –
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The Great Debaters Essay
Casey Green1 09/13/11 SPC 100 Section 14 The Great Debaters This film focuses on being a
confident and decisive person in life, through passionate and informed topics. Public speaking is
the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform,
influence, or entertain the listeners.В№ After watching this film it does strike a cord of wanting to
be able to reach out to others and share my own opinions in a strong, confident manner. To inspire
others on something I may be passionate about in life, to share a different aspect of life that others
have not lived. I can't say exactly how much this film has impacted my views on public speaking
although the film more content...
I hope to control my anxiety while speaking in front of a group, since there might be a situation in
my field that requires me to inform others of daily logs or protocols. It would be fulfilling to get
others passionate about a subject that I favor and means a lot to me, as well as presentations are
an expected process in future classes and need to be mastered. I think most people can identify
with this movie, the fear of speaking out to others to convince them of your point. The fear of
trying to prove a point to others that may have more knowledge on the subject or be able to refute
it better. In reference to the movie it was about defending a personal honor, having the right to
speak out and be equal with others. Debating requires excellent mastery of vocabulary, logic, and
nerves. In a debate, you need to be poised and confident in order to get your point across
effectively. Just like a regular speech. There are many speeches that have lifted hearts in dark times,
gave hope in despair, inspired brave feats, gave courage to the weary, honored the dead, and changed
the course of history. Without inspiring, passionate public speeches many people may not have had
the fortitude to press on. In the eleven–year period between 1957 and 1968, Martin Luther King
traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty–five hundred times, appearing wherever there
was injustice,
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Self Analysis Outline
Observation through mind maps: case study on self, analysis and application I have titled this
document with consideration of the audience I am writing to. They would not be too familiar with
any particular discipline пЃ¶Introduction: a.Niccy Fraser: problems that may arise with doing case
study with self as subject and writer b.If I analyze my own thinking and apply it to how collective,
historical, and religious ideas have caused distress, then can we individual come to our own rational
sense of psychological security? If we can do this, a discussion may arise in which we understand
ourselves, and in time, may understand others? пЃ¶Thesis a.What can we come up with our own
thinking that can be applied in the everyday world and more content...
This is not a means of blame, but to better identify a problem, whether in natural or memetic violence
пЃ¶Conclusion: Why our brain needs help of visuals and should study our thinking however we
should a.Symbols can be tightly packed, informative, and help us, like a roadmap or tutorial or
something practical b.But if it connected to ideas that lead to realistic consequences, such as to
impervious place, we are realistically in danger i.If taking two situations, one that is for genetic
benefit, and one for memetic benefit 1.A murderer gives a mother an option to have her ro her
kids live. She will likely tell him to kill her so they go on. 2.Dying for ideology, such as the belief
in the crusades that they would die for the holy land, so they must kill everyone, or today people kill
themselves with other people to have a place in heaven (citing Sam Harris in his book, End of Faith
which he narrated the first few chapters and gave comment on his youtube channel) c.Identifying
what makes pattern replicate and the hidden links arise i.Possible question: how do whole
memeplexes support each other's survival and competition? ii. Why patterns more important than
content 1.Could be a
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Addiction: Is it a Disease or a Choice? Essay
Addiction: is it a disease or a choice? A disease can be described as "a disorder of structure or
function that produces specific signs or symptoms, or that affects a specific location and is not
simply a direct result of a physical injury." Knowing this, one can believe addiction is a disease. It
is something that is done frequently, that usually does not end, just as a disease; it cannot cease on
its own, because it requires some form of treatment. The big question regarding addiction is why
people believe it to be a choice opposed to a disease.
Addiction affects 40% of the population in the Western world (Lewis, Marc). There are many
different kinds of addictions such as: food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or sexual aspects. When more content...
If addiction is put in the disease category, it alleviates shame and gets people to seek treatment
sooner. Addiction can be referred to as a matter of choice. If someone chooses to be addicted to
something, they make the choice to not put an end to the use of the substance. An addiction is not
something that can be forced upon an individual. Self–medication is the effort and ability to help
oneself to better themselves, when it comes to their addiction. They find ways to replace the action,
or they add other things thinking it will help them recover. The road to recovery is like a
developmental process for the individuals that are suffering.
Addiction is now mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual published by the American
Psychiatric Association (DSM). With it being mentioned in this book, the idea cannot be
dismissed about it being a disease (Leyton, Marco). This book is used to look up diseases and
learn more about the overview, symptoms and possible cures. All of the diseases known are listed.
It's like the dictionary or encyclopedia of human diseases.
Some people continue to believe an addiction is nothing but a choice. If presented well, it could
make a valid argument along
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Mandatory Vaccination Argumentative Essay
Mandatory vaccinations have been hotly debated in the United States for over two centuries, making
the argument almost as old as the country itself. As early as 1809, Massachusetts became the first
state to mandate the world's premiere vaccine. Authorities recognized the life–saving benefits of the
smallpox vaccine. They chose to require inoculation to protect the community from further
outbreaks. Public outrage ensued as some community members feared the new vaccine and believed
they should be able to choose if they wished to receive it. The most vocal protestors formed
anti–compulsory vaccination groups and were successful in getting laws overturned in many states.
However, even the United States Supreme Court has upheld states' rights to require immunization.
(A) Vaccinations should more content...
Despite significant progress in the fight against preventable disease, millions still die needlessly
each year. According to UNICEF, originally known as the United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund, a vaccine preventable disease is responsible for 2 million fatal infections
worldwide each year. About 75% of these deaths occur in children under five years of age. (N) In
more vivid terms, UNICEF notes that vaccine–preventable diseases kill a child every 20 seconds.
(D) Due to high rates of childhood vaccination, the United States has experienced a dramatic
reduction in such deaths. A comparison of the years 1950 and 2010 clearly illustrates the benefits of
vaccinations. During this 60–year period, deaths from diphtheria reduced from 410 to 0, tetanus
from 336 to 3, pertussis from 1,118 to 26, and polio from 1,904 to 0. Measles deaths dropped from
468 in 1950 to 0 in 2008, the last year a United States death rate was recorded. It's not surprising that
vaccinations have been touted as one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Abortion : Affirmative Position Debate Outline
Abortion: Affirmative Position Debate Outline
Abortion Background
Abortion has been a controversial issue in the American society for decades. It is one that is argued
among thousands if not millions of prochoice and prolife advocates. Pro–choice advocates believe
that it is a woman's right to choose whether or not she wants to follow through with a pregnancy
regardless of the circumstances. In some cases women find themselves in difficult socioeconomic,
health or emotional situations and thereby abortions are necessary in order for them to live fulfilling
lives. On the other hand, pro–life advocates suggest that there are other viable options than abortion,
such as adoption. This is because pro–life advocates believe that a child's life begins at the time of
conception and thus it has rights. In addition, pro–life advocates believe that abortion causes many
detrimental health and mental side effects. However, prochoice advocates believe that legalized
abortion is the best way to protect a mother's autonomy. In addition to being the most appropriate as
well as the safest way to deal with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.
Affirmative Argument & Opposing viewpoints
Argument #1:
Pro–choice advocates believe that a woman has full right to choose what she wants to do with her
own body. Having a child can be an emotionally, physically as well as a financially grueling
situation to have to deal with for a woman who is not in a position to support a child. In addition,
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Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Debate
Science has gone where no one has ever been before, and on the way it has interfered with some
important ethical beliefs. Stem cell research is one of the leading ethical problems in the world
today. It is the most talked about issue, and it has even made its way to the White House for the
president to voice his opinion. The debate lies on whether it is ethical or unethical to destroy an
embryo for the purpose of research. One side agrees that it is ethical to destroy an embryo because
it is for the purpose of research and it will ease suffering. It will aid in the discovery of new medical
treatments for those who have been suffering. Arguments forstem cell research agree that the embryo
is not a human yet, and that its status is no different than any other human organ. One argument
stated is that, "[F]ertilized human eggs are just parts of other people's bodies until they have
developed enough to survive independently. The only respect due to blastocysts is the respect that
should be shown to other people' more content...
Which is why it is such a debatable topic, and it is hard to establish one common view point. This
is also why it is so hard to come to any conclusions without any debates or arguments because many
people have different ethical values and beliefs.
Another argument that agrees with embryonic stem cell research is that, "They worry that a ban
might cut off scientific opportunities "to those most qualified to make dramatic advances towards
using stem cells for the treatment of disease," according to one group in favor of the research"
(Cases for and Against Stem Cell Research). Those opposing this argument say that, adult stem cell
research is more resourceful now than ever before. If embryonic stem cell research stops, it will
not be the end of stem cell research. Scientists have found a new way to re–create embryonic stem
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Essay about Arguing Against Standardized Testing
To many students standardized testing has become another part of schooling that is dreaded.
Standardized testing has been a part of school since the nineteen–thirties; in those days it was used as
a way to measure students that had special needs. Since the time that standardized test have been in
American schools there has been many programs that have placed an importance on the idea of
standardized testing such as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Evans 1). Over the years the
importance of standardized testing has increased tremendously and so has the stakes, not only for
teachers but also students. All states in the United States of America have state test in order to
measure how much students learn, and help tell how well more content...
Most standardized test do not measure emotional or mechanical intelligence, actually a lot of
educators argue that standardized test do not measure comprehension or actual intelligence but
rather memorization. While others may believe that standardized testing just needs a few
improvements, others believe that it is impossible to have a test that measures accurately the
capability of a diverse student population. Today's schooling depends heavily on the test scores from
standardized test. Standardized testing should not have so much weight put on them because they
have a negative impact on effective education, students' self–concept, and learning styles.
Although standardized testing has been a major part of schooling it has also had a negative impact
on effective education. Standardized has made a huge impact on public schooling so much that not
only does it affect the students but also the teachers. With the teachers now beginning to get raises or
having their jobs on the line if their students fail the test, many students have not been getting the
fullest education process that they could get. Students may not realize the impact that it has had on
the type of teaching style that they receive because they are so used to it. With so many teachers not
having a lot of time to teach what is on the test and the other things that they feel are important to
students to know, a lot of
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Disadvantages Of Policy Debate
Policy Debate was the first debate established in the National Verbalization and Debate Sodality. In
Policy Debate there are two teams in a room: The Affirmative Team and the Negative Team. This
commenced the base affirmative versus negative in Lincoln Douglas. Two people are on each team
just as most debates are. Three variants of verbalizations (Constructives, Cross–Examinations and
Rebuttals) take place. Each debater gives all three verbalizations. The Constructives, which is eight
minutes, start with the first Affirmative Constructive, withal kenned as the 1AC, which is the base
case made afore every other verbalization that commences and has the substructure of what both side
will be arguing. This is followed by the Cross Examination, which is three Minutes, of the 1AC,
which is when the negative side questions the affirmative side and the affirmative must answer every
question and is unable to ask any questions back. Then, the first Negative Constructive, withal
kenned as the 1NC, is presented (this is identically tantamount thing as the affirmative constructive
except conspicuously for the negative side), and the 1NC is Cross–Examined (this is when the
negative side is asked and must answer and may not ask questions back). After all four verbalizers
conclude their Constructive Verbalizations and are Cross–Examined, then the Rebuttals, which is
five Minutes, commence. A rebuttal is when the affirmative or negative side is able to rebut any
assailments made on their
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Outline On Death Penalty
Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of
Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what exactly the Death Penalty is. The background
of the death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have
exiled the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states have reinstated the idea ofcapital
punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the United States have been cause from
murder cases. The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and
not the judge. According to the article, there hasn't been an execution in years due to lack of
resources or the jury decides on a life sentence. The Death Penalty
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Lincoln-Douglas Argumentative Essay
p1 The famous Lincoln–Douglas dedate of 1858 is one of the most important debate in U.S.
history. This debate focused on the topic of slavery and whether or not slavery should be
abolished. Though Araham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas were on opposing ends of this argument
on slavery, both men shared a common view that the white race was superior to all races, and that
it's vital that the white race remain at the top of thisa pyramid. Lincoln declared, "I as much as any
other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Though Lincoln
would later go on to argue against the continuation of slavery, in this instance, it's clear that despite
Lincoln views against slavery, he believes that whites are assigned a more content...
Stephen Douglas, Lincoln's opponent, believed that the "government was made on white basis," and
only benefits the interest of the white race. However, Lincoln believed that the authors of the
Declaration of Independence intended to give all men their "inalienable rights, among which are life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Though prior to this statement Lincoln notes that some men
are superior to others, in this statement, Lincoln makes it clear that there are some things that all men
should have the right to, one of which is liberty, proving that Lincoln was anti–slavery during these
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Argumentative Essay On Vaccines
Childhood Vaccinations The number of individuals who are unvaccinated or infected in the United
States has increased (Sun). Vaccines recommended for children are crucial and result in fewer health
risks and greater healthy lifestyles. Proponents agree that vaccines are safe and effective, while
opponents disagree and believe that vaccines create more negative outcomes than positive ("Should
Any Vaccines..."). Opponents attempt to influence and persuade the majority of individuals to stray
away from their viewpoints relating to the encouragement of vaccinating children. The rising
percentage of children and parents who reject immunization and protest safe vaccines indicate less
triumph for sufficient immunization for the population. There are many detrimental risks that affect
unvaccinated children, and supporting childhood vaccinations profoundly benefits each parent and
child. Vaccines are administered primarily to fabricate immunity against diseases like rubella, polio,
whooping cough, diphtheria, and small pox ("Should Any Vaccines..."). Even though the majority of
parents authorize their children to receive immunization, the minority of parents argue that the side
effects and relations of these injections include seizures, paralysis, diabetes, and autism instead of
immunity ("Should Any Vaccines..."). On August 27 2010 the US Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit put an end to these theories by stating that there is no significant relation between
immunization and
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CTE Essay
CTE affects many different athletes all over the world. Chronic Traumatic encephalopathy or
normally referred to as CTE is a brain disease that affects people who have had multiple head
injuries. It is found in many cases of ex NFL players who took many hits to the head when
playing over their careers. There are many documented cases of it across other sports and some
military veterans as well. We have made large strides in learning more and more about the terrible
disease. The game of football has changed since we have learned so much more about the terrible
disease in recent years. We could prevent concussions by changing the way players practice. CTE is
developed by taking multiple blows to the head which is why many retired more
Hits inside the tackle box, however, will not fall under the new guidelines (Breslow)." This rule
change will help prevent as many hits with the head as previously because players won't want to
get penalized and hurt there chances of winning a game. It will hopefully lower the number of
concussions per game from running backs because they currently get 1 in every 9 concussions in
the NFL (Breslow). This new rule was created to lower that number and prevent as many every
season. I think a bigger change that we could make is having players learn to tackle at practice
without helmets on. There was a study done by the University of New Hampshire football team
and The National Athletic Trainers Research and Education Foundation where they tested the
impact of players practicing with helmets and some without. The goal of this study was to see if
helmetless practice would teach players to not tackle using their heads which currently is a main
reason why players get concussions. They had the control group practice with helmets on, while the
intervention group did not wear shoulder pads or helmets. They completed a five minute drill and
the purpose of not wear pads or helmets was supposed to teach the players to learn to tackle without
using their heads in a way that they could be injured. They found substantial evidence that this
helped prevent head injuries, it resulted in a 28% reduction in head injuries over the course of the
football season for
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Debate Essay Outline

  • 1. Nature versus Nurture Debate Essays Factually Naturally People have been arguing about nature versus nurture for centuries. Does genetics or upraising have more effect on a person? Human development is influenced by various things. But nature, genetics, contributes more to development than the environment does. While nurture has some influence, nature has much more. Genes are responsible for altruism, personality is linked to individual genes, and genetic disorders are effects of nature that can cause drastic differences in quality of life. Genetics determine more of human development than environment. Nature is what determines altruism, personality, and genetic disorders. Much work and research has been done to support this, with various studies on each topic, more content... Another developmental trait nature contributes to is the trait of personality, as shown by studies in dopamine, twins, and bees. Scientists have long been interested in how genes affect personality. One promising gene studied was dopamine. Dopamine genes account for 6.6% of behavior related to sensation seeking. Other studies have failed because they study genes as if a single gene has a direct relationship with a part of personality. This study studies different genes working together to see how personality is affected, and unlike other studies, definitely found a correlation between a gene and personality. To further findings in personality, work has been done looking at twins. Of studies in personality in twins, it has been found that personality is definitely influenced by genes. A large study in overall twin personality say that identical twins have 46% of personality come from genes. In fraternal twins, this gene influence is half, 23%. These studies' results are very clear in that genes do have some effects on personality. And in a third, different area of study, bees were studied. When studying RNA in bees, scientists found that changes in RNA determine behavior. By studying the correlation between RNA and bees' behavior, they could predict whether or not a honeybee would become a forager or a hive worker. These studies in RNA have prompted promising studies in human RNA and its Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 3. The Structure and Agency Debate Introduction The structure and agency debate is a common one in the field of sociology and different theorists come up with different ways of accounting for the actions of social actors. This essay takes the position that structuration solves the problem of this much contested debate. Initially key concepts and elements of structuration will be pointed out .These elements include structure, agency, social systems and power amongst many others. Subsequently, there will be engagement of a discussion of different schools of thought and finally it will be demonstrated how structuration prevails over the structure–agency debate. Socialization Socialization is an ongoing process in which individuals obtains a personal identity, learns norms, values and behaviour appropriate to his /her position. People constantly require approval of the things they do, they continually seek to be socially competent and to be accepted by those around them. It is human nature to want to be similar from others in order to be accepted in a certain social spheres but at the same time wanting to be different and unique. There are primary and secondary agents of socialization. The primary agents are those that are basic and fundamental to social beings, these include family and friends from which we learn behaviour at young age; they transmit norms and values to us. The secondary agents are those that are more external to us than family such as social institutions/organisations, these include schools, Get more content on
  • 4. Climate Change, An Outline Essay Climate Change Topics: 1) What is climate change? 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3) Causes of climate change 4) Effects of climate change? 5) International Panels on Climate Change 6) What can be done at home? 1) What is climate change? Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier. 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand more content... Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast. 2) Human Activities A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions. B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees Get more content on
  • 5. Critical Analysis Of The Mead-Freeman Debate Nature versus Nurture Controversy: Critical Analysis of The Mead–Freeman Debate Research Topic Outline In 1983, Derek Freeman challenged Margaret Mead's 1928 ethnographic work Coming of Age in Samoa, Freeman asserted that Mead's conclusion of adolescent behavior conflicted with important facts within the social sciences. Freeman's critique sparked an intense controversy in anthropology regarding the concept of nature versus nurture. Freeman claimed that Boasians' insisted on separating cultural determinism (nurture) from biological determinism (nature). Thus, various academic writings emerged in support of one concept over the latter. Even though, most modern–day scholars support both cultural determinism and biological determinism more content... The articles range from claims for "bio–anthropology" to Mead protagonist who dispute the claims suggested by Freeman. Moreover, Caton's work is a source for all publications relating to the Samoa controversy and the issues that were raised in anthropology as a result of it. Furthermore, Caton's work provides a guideline for understanding the various works produced by scholars because of the controversy, and the impact these works as well as the primary works of Mead and Freeman had on anthropology, other disciplines, and public opinion. Freeman, Derek 1983 Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Derek Freeman in his work Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth, discusses Margaret Mead's fieldwork in Samoa in 1925 under the recommendation of her then professor Franz Boaz. Freeman maintains that the conclusion reached by Mead, that stresses associated with adolescence in the United States and other areas had cultural not biological causes, is wrong. Freeman's work complies the evidence Freeman believes supports his claim that the conclusion reached by Mead was mistaken. Derek Freeman states that upon starting his field work in the islands of Western Samoa, he considered himself a cultural determinist. However, after two years within the field, he found that much of the work written by Mead in eastern Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Evolution VS. Creationism Since the beginning of the human race there has been a lingering question as to the origins of man and how all living things acquired their characteristics. The two main theories that arose over time were Creationism and Evolution, both of which provided very distinct answers to this question. Creationism based its answer on the idea of a supernatural power or being that created the entire universe, man and the numerous other organisms that live within it. While, Evolution theorizes that all living things have the potential to change and grow over time into something new and different. So in other words, one theory suggests that humans and all the organisms on Earth are the result of divine design, while the other indicates that more content... Every one of these flaws points out that the Creationists theory that the Earth, all of the organisms on it, and everything that surrounds it has not changed or been altered since the flood is inaccurate. Biogeography for example shows that "closely allied" species have a tendency to live on the "same continent... or within the same group of oceanic islands... despite their species–by–species preferences for different habitats, food source, [and] of conditions of climate" (Quammen 4). The explanation for this is that "they descended from common ancestors" and this can be verified with the paleontology flaw because that flaw deals with the fossils of plants and animals "that had [either] become extinct or that still existed but in different forms" which indicates not only that organisms have changed over time, but also provides evidence that "closely allied" organism have lived in the same areas of centuries (Quammen 4; Parks 24). Then in the taxonomic classification flaw these "closely allied" spices can be "systematically classified, according to their shared similarities" which, suggests that "closely allied" organisms descended from common ancestor because of the traits and similar organs that allows this type of classification (Quammen 5). The presence of these similar traits and organs introduces the flaw of vestigial characteristics because although some of these do not have any current Get more content on
  • 7. Argument for a National Health Care System Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that "The health of the individual is almost inseparable from the health of the larger community and that the health of every community in every state and territory determines the overall health status of the nation." It has now become clear that our economy in terms of healthcare insurance is not healthy; the healthcare system in the United States spends 1 cent of every healthcare dollar in the prevention of diseases and 99 cents on the cure. Our healthcare system is the most expensive and yet arguably among the least cost effective in the developed world. Despite the highest per person health care spending among the Organization for Economic more content... It is a patchwork of loosely connected financing mechanisms varying in terms of sponsorship and provider type. It also reflects the age, health and economic status of the specific patient groups that are being served. Considering the growing number of Americans who are uninsured for health care and the low ranking of the United States among a variety of health indicators, one may say that it is a disappointing financing system. These observations provide a basis for supporting our position for a national health care system. Where possible, comparisons will be drawn between the United States and other countries. Special focus will be paid to similarities in the public and private financing components of the system, reimbursement of various provider categories and trends that we may expect to see in the future. Overall, the role of health insurance as a financial channel will be mentioned. Monetary business objectives will be contrasted with the altruistic goals of health care as a humanitarian service. The benefits of shifting health care management altogether to the government will be discussed, emphasizing its positive effects on the businesses of the employers and the performances of the employees in the United States. EMPLOYERS BENEFITS National Health Care System benefits employers by lowering their current health care costs. Companies need the National Health Care System now more Get more content on
  • 8. Abraham Licoln Outline Essay example Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln presidential outline I. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 and died on April 15, 1865 II. State: Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky, and ran for president in Illinois. III. Educational and Occupational background: Abrahams step mother, Sarah, encouraged Abraham to read. It was while growing into manhood that he received his formal education (an estimated total of 18 months) a few days or weeks at a time. Reading material was in short supply in the Indiana wilderness. Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book. Occupationally: he was a lawyer and a former representative and president of the more content... It was a series of battles fought in the Western Theater of theAmerican Civil Warthroughout north Georgia and the area around Atlanta during summer of 1864. In July, the Confederate president replaced Johnston with the more hostile John Hood, who began challenging the Union Army in a series of damaging frontal assaults. Hood's army was eventually besieged in Atlanta and the city fell in September speeding up the end of the war. J. Battle of Wilderness (1864)– 10. The battle started the ball rolling for the entire wilderness campaign, Grant's entire offensive. It was also the first stand between Grant and Lee. They then became known as the fathers of the wilderness campaign. K. End of the American civil war (1865) – 11. The Confederacy was defeated, slavery was abolished, and the difficult Reconstruction process of restoring unity and guaranteeing rights to the freed slaves began. X. Major Economic Issue(s): A. Morrill tariff: The Morrill Tariff of 1861 was a high protective tariff in the United States, adopted in March of 1861, during the administration of James Buchanan, he was a Democrat. It was a key element of the new Republican Party, and it attracted mostly industrialists and factory workers because it was a rapid industrial growth by limiting competition from lower–wage industries in Europe. It had been opposed by cotton planters, but they had mostly left the United States Congress when it was finally passed B. National bank act (1863) – Get more content on
  • 9. The Great Debaters Essay Casey Green1 09/13/11 SPC 100 Section 14 The Great Debaters This film focuses on being a confident and decisive person in life, through passionate and informed topics. Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.В№ After watching this film it does strike a cord of wanting to be able to reach out to others and share my own opinions in a strong, confident manner. To inspire others on something I may be passionate about in life, to share a different aspect of life that others have not lived. I can't say exactly how much this film has impacted my views on public speaking although the film more content... I hope to control my anxiety while speaking in front of a group, since there might be a situation in my field that requires me to inform others of daily logs or protocols. It would be fulfilling to get others passionate about a subject that I favor and means a lot to me, as well as presentations are an expected process in future classes and need to be mastered. I think most people can identify with this movie, the fear of speaking out to others to convince them of your point. The fear of trying to prove a point to others that may have more knowledge on the subject or be able to refute it better. In reference to the movie it was about defending a personal honor, having the right to speak out and be equal with others. Debating requires excellent mastery of vocabulary, logic, and nerves. In a debate, you need to be poised and confident in order to get your point across effectively. Just like a regular speech. There are many speeches that have lifted hearts in dark times, gave hope in despair, inspired brave feats, gave courage to the weary, honored the dead, and changed the course of history. Without inspiring, passionate public speeches many people may not have had the fortitude to press on. In the eleven–year period between 1957 and 1968, Martin Luther King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty–five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, Get more content on
  • 10. Self Analysis Outline Observation through mind maps: case study on self, analysis and application I have titled this document with consideration of the audience I am writing to. They would not be too familiar with any particular discipline пЃ¶Introduction: a.Niccy Fraser: problems that may arise with doing case study with self as subject and writer b.If I analyze my own thinking and apply it to how collective, historical, and religious ideas have caused distress, then can we individual come to our own rational sense of psychological security? If we can do this, a discussion may arise in which we understand ourselves, and in time, may understand others? пЃ¶Thesis a.What can we come up with our own thinking that can be applied in the everyday world and more content... This is not a means of blame, but to better identify a problem, whether in natural or memetic violence пЃ¶Conclusion: Why our brain needs help of visuals and should study our thinking however we should a.Symbols can be tightly packed, informative, and help us, like a roadmap or tutorial or something practical b.But if it connected to ideas that lead to realistic consequences, such as to impervious place, we are realistically in danger i.If taking two situations, one that is for genetic benefit, and one for memetic benefit 1.A murderer gives a mother an option to have her ro her kids live. She will likely tell him to kill her so they go on. 2.Dying for ideology, such as the belief in the crusades that they would die for the holy land, so they must kill everyone, or today people kill themselves with other people to have a place in heaven (citing Sam Harris in his book, End of Faith which he narrated the first few chapters and gave comment on his youtube channel) c.Identifying what makes pattern replicate and the hidden links arise i.Possible question: how do whole memeplexes support each other's survival and competition? ii. Why patterns more important than content 1.Could be a Get more content on
  • 11. Addiction: Is it a Disease or a Choice? Essay Addiction: is it a disease or a choice? A disease can be described as "a disorder of structure or function that produces specific signs or symptoms, or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of a physical injury." Knowing this, one can believe addiction is a disease. It is something that is done frequently, that usually does not end, just as a disease; it cannot cease on its own, because it requires some form of treatment. The big question regarding addiction is why people believe it to be a choice opposed to a disease. Addiction affects 40% of the population in the Western world (Lewis, Marc). There are many different kinds of addictions such as: food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or sexual aspects. When more content... If addiction is put in the disease category, it alleviates shame and gets people to seek treatment sooner. Addiction can be referred to as a matter of choice. If someone chooses to be addicted to something, they make the choice to not put an end to the use of the substance. An addiction is not something that can be forced upon an individual. Self–medication is the effort and ability to help oneself to better themselves, when it comes to their addiction. They find ways to replace the action, or they add other things thinking it will help them recover. The road to recovery is like a developmental process for the individuals that are suffering. Addiction is now mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (DSM). With it being mentioned in this book, the idea cannot be dismissed about it being a disease (Leyton, Marco). This book is used to look up diseases and learn more about the overview, symptoms and possible cures. All of the diseases known are listed. It's like the dictionary or encyclopedia of human diseases. Some people continue to believe an addiction is nothing but a choice. If presented well, it could make a valid argument along Get more content on
  • 12. Mandatory Vaccination Argumentative Essay Mandatory vaccinations have been hotly debated in the United States for over two centuries, making the argument almost as old as the country itself. As early as 1809, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate the world's premiere vaccine. Authorities recognized the life–saving benefits of the smallpox vaccine. They chose to require inoculation to protect the community from further outbreaks. Public outrage ensued as some community members feared the new vaccine and believed they should be able to choose if they wished to receive it. The most vocal protestors formed anti–compulsory vaccination groups and were successful in getting laws overturned in many states. However, even the United States Supreme Court has upheld states' rights to require immunization. (A) Vaccinations should more content... Despite significant progress in the fight against preventable disease, millions still die needlessly each year. According to UNICEF, originally known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, a vaccine preventable disease is responsible for 2 million fatal infections worldwide each year. About 75% of these deaths occur in children under five years of age. (N) In more vivid terms, UNICEF notes that vaccine–preventable diseases kill a child every 20 seconds. (D) Due to high rates of childhood vaccination, the United States has experienced a dramatic reduction in such deaths. A comparison of the years 1950 and 2010 clearly illustrates the benefits of vaccinations. During this 60–year period, deaths from diphtheria reduced from 410 to 0, tetanus from 336 to 3, pertussis from 1,118 to 26, and polio from 1,904 to 0. Measles deaths dropped from 468 in 1950 to 0 in 2008, the last year a United States death rate was recorded. It's not surprising that vaccinations have been touted as one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Get more content on
  • 13. Abortion : Affirmative Position Debate Outline Abortion: Affirmative Position Debate Outline Abortion Background Abortion has been a controversial issue in the American society for decades. It is one that is argued among thousands if not millions of prochoice and prolife advocates. Pro–choice advocates believe that it is a woman's right to choose whether or not she wants to follow through with a pregnancy regardless of the circumstances. In some cases women find themselves in difficult socioeconomic, health or emotional situations and thereby abortions are necessary in order for them to live fulfilling lives. On the other hand, pro–life advocates suggest that there are other viable options than abortion, such as adoption. This is because pro–life advocates believe that a child's life begins at the time of conception and thus it has rights. In addition, pro–life advocates believe that abortion causes many detrimental health and mental side effects. However, prochoice advocates believe that legalized abortion is the best way to protect a mother's autonomy. In addition to being the most appropriate as well as the safest way to deal with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Affirmative Argument & Opposing viewpoints Argument #1: Pro–choice advocates believe that a woman has full right to choose what she wants to do with her own body. Having a child can be an emotionally, physically as well as a financially grueling situation to have to deal with for a woman who is not in a position to support a child. In addition, Get more content on
  • 14. Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Debate Science has gone where no one has ever been before, and on the way it has interfered with some important ethical beliefs. Stem cell research is one of the leading ethical problems in the world today. It is the most talked about issue, and it has even made its way to the White House for the president to voice his opinion. The debate lies on whether it is ethical or unethical to destroy an embryo for the purpose of research. One side agrees that it is ethical to destroy an embryo because it is for the purpose of research and it will ease suffering. It will aid in the discovery of new medical treatments for those who have been suffering. Arguments forstem cell research agree that the embryo is not a human yet, and that its status is no different than any other human organ. One argument stated is that, "[F]ertilized human eggs are just parts of other people's bodies until they have developed enough to survive independently. The only respect due to blastocysts is the respect that should be shown to other people' more content... Which is why it is such a debatable topic, and it is hard to establish one common view point. This is also why it is so hard to come to any conclusions without any debates or arguments because many people have different ethical values and beliefs. Another argument that agrees with embryonic stem cell research is that, "They worry that a ban might cut off scientific opportunities "to those most qualified to make dramatic advances towards using stem cells for the treatment of disease," according to one group in favor of the research" (Cases for and Against Stem Cell Research). Those opposing this argument say that, adult stem cell research is more resourceful now than ever before. If embryonic stem cell research stops, it will not be the end of stem cell research. Scientists have found a new way to re–create embryonic stem Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Arguing Against Standardized Testing To many students standardized testing has become another part of schooling that is dreaded. Standardized testing has been a part of school since the nineteen–thirties; in those days it was used as a way to measure students that had special needs. Since the time that standardized test have been in American schools there has been many programs that have placed an importance on the idea of standardized testing such as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Evans 1). Over the years the importance of standardized testing has increased tremendously and so has the stakes, not only for teachers but also students. All states in the United States of America have state test in order to measure how much students learn, and help tell how well more content... Most standardized test do not measure emotional or mechanical intelligence, actually a lot of educators argue that standardized test do not measure comprehension or actual intelligence but rather memorization. While others may believe that standardized testing just needs a few improvements, others believe that it is impossible to have a test that measures accurately the capability of a diverse student population. Today's schooling depends heavily on the test scores from standardized test. Standardized testing should not have so much weight put on them because they have a negative impact on effective education, students' self–concept, and learning styles. Although standardized testing has been a major part of schooling it has also had a negative impact on effective education. Standardized has made a huge impact on public schooling so much that not only does it affect the students but also the teachers. With the teachers now beginning to get raises or having their jobs on the line if their students fail the test, many students have not been getting the fullest education process that they could get. Students may not realize the impact that it has had on the type of teaching style that they receive because they are so used to it. With so many teachers not having a lot of time to teach what is on the test and the other things that they feel are important to students to know, a lot of Get more content on
  • 16. Disadvantages Of Policy Debate Policy Debate was the first debate established in the National Verbalization and Debate Sodality. In Policy Debate there are two teams in a room: The Affirmative Team and the Negative Team. This commenced the base affirmative versus negative in Lincoln Douglas. Two people are on each team just as most debates are. Three variants of verbalizations (Constructives, Cross–Examinations and Rebuttals) take place. Each debater gives all three verbalizations. The Constructives, which is eight minutes, start with the first Affirmative Constructive, withal kenned as the 1AC, which is the base case made afore every other verbalization that commences and has the substructure of what both side will be arguing. This is followed by the Cross Examination, which is three Minutes, of the 1AC, which is when the negative side questions the affirmative side and the affirmative must answer every question and is unable to ask any questions back. Then, the first Negative Constructive, withal kenned as the 1NC, is presented (this is identically tantamount thing as the affirmative constructive except conspicuously for the negative side), and the 1NC is Cross–Examined (this is when the negative side is asked and must answer and may not ask questions back). After all four verbalizers conclude their Constructive Verbalizations and are Cross–Examined, then the Rebuttals, which is five Minutes, commence. A rebuttal is when the affirmative or negative side is able to rebut any assailments made on their Get more content on
  • 17. Outline On Death Penalty Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what exactly the Death Penalty is. The background of the death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have exiled the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states have reinstated the idea ofcapital punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the United States have been cause from murder cases. The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and not the judge. According to the article, there hasn't been an execution in years due to lack of resources or the jury decides on a life sentence. The Death Penalty Get more content on
  • 18. Lincoln-Douglas Argumentative Essay p1 The famous Lincoln–Douglas dedate of 1858 is one of the most important debate in U.S. history. This debate focused on the topic of slavery and whether or not slavery should be abolished. Though Araham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas were on opposing ends of this argument on slavery, both men shared a common view that the white race was superior to all races, and that it's vital that the white race remain at the top of thisa pyramid. Lincoln declared, "I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Though Lincoln would later go on to argue against the continuation of slavery, in this instance, it's clear that despite Lincoln views against slavery, he believes that whites are assigned a more content... Stephen Douglas, Lincoln's opponent, believed that the "government was made on white basis," and only benefits the interest of the white race. However, Lincoln believed that the authors of the Declaration of Independence intended to give all men their "inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Though prior to this statement Lincoln notes that some men are superior to others, in this statement, Lincoln makes it clear that there are some things that all men should have the right to, one of which is liberty, proving that Lincoln was anti–slavery during these Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Vaccines Childhood Vaccinations The number of individuals who are unvaccinated or infected in the United States has increased (Sun). Vaccines recommended for children are crucial and result in fewer health risks and greater healthy lifestyles. Proponents agree that vaccines are safe and effective, while opponents disagree and believe that vaccines create more negative outcomes than positive ("Should Any Vaccines..."). Opponents attempt to influence and persuade the majority of individuals to stray away from their viewpoints relating to the encouragement of vaccinating children. The rising percentage of children and parents who reject immunization and protest safe vaccines indicate less triumph for sufficient immunization for the population. There are many detrimental risks that affect unvaccinated children, and supporting childhood vaccinations profoundly benefits each parent and child. Vaccines are administered primarily to fabricate immunity against diseases like rubella, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, and small pox ("Should Any Vaccines..."). Even though the majority of parents authorize their children to receive immunization, the minority of parents argue that the side effects and relations of these injections include seizures, paralysis, diabetes, and autism instead of immunity ("Should Any Vaccines..."). On August 27 2010 the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit put an end to these theories by stating that there is no significant relation between immunization and Get more content on
  • 20. CTE Essay CTE affects many different athletes all over the world. Chronic Traumatic encephalopathy or normally referred to as CTE is a brain disease that affects people who have had multiple head injuries. It is found in many cases of ex NFL players who took many hits to the head when playing over their careers. There are many documented cases of it across other sports and some military veterans as well. We have made large strides in learning more and more about the terrible disease. The game of football has changed since we have learned so much more about the terrible disease in recent years. We could prevent concussions by changing the way players practice. CTE is developed by taking multiple blows to the head which is why many retired more content... Hits inside the tackle box, however, will not fall under the new guidelines (Breslow)." This rule change will help prevent as many hits with the head as previously because players won't want to get penalized and hurt there chances of winning a game. It will hopefully lower the number of concussions per game from running backs because they currently get 1 in every 9 concussions in the NFL (Breslow). This new rule was created to lower that number and prevent as many every season. I think a bigger change that we could make is having players learn to tackle at practice without helmets on. There was a study done by the University of New Hampshire football team and The National Athletic Trainers Research and Education Foundation where they tested the impact of players practicing with helmets and some without. The goal of this study was to see if helmetless practice would teach players to not tackle using their heads which currently is a main reason why players get concussions. They had the control group practice with helmets on, while the intervention group did not wear shoulder pads or helmets. They completed a five minute drill and the purpose of not wear pads or helmets was supposed to teach the players to learn to tackle without using their heads in a way that they could be injured. They found substantial evidence that this helped prevent head injuries, it resulted in a 28% reduction in head injuries over the course of the football season for Get more content on