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How To Structure An Essay Introduction
Crafting an essay on the intricacies of structuring an introduction is no small feat. At its core, the
task demands a delicate balance of clarity, engagement, and conciseness. You must unravel the
complexities of introducing a topic while simultaneously gripping your audience's attention and
laying the groundwork for the discussion ahead.
Navigating the labyrinth of introductory paragraphs requires a keen understanding of your
subject matter and audience. You must ponder the tone, consider the overarching purpose, and
meticulously select your words to set the stage for the ensuing discourse. The introduction serves
as the gateway, beckoning readers to venture further into the depths of your argument or analysis.
Yet, the challenge extends beyond mere exposition. Crafting an effective introduction demands a
fusion of creativity and structure. You must wield your words with precision, weaving a
narrative thread that captivates without veering off course. Each sentence must serve a purpose,
guiding your readers seamlessly from the general to the specific, from the familiar to the
Moreover, the art of crafting an introduction is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It necessitates
adaptability, a willingness to tailor your approach to the unique demands of each essay. Whether
you opt for an anecdote, a startling statistic, or a thought-provoking question, your introduction
must resonate with your readers and compel them to delve deeper into your work.
Yet, despite its challenges, mastering the art of structuring an essay introduction is a skill worth
cultivating. It is the gateway to your ideas, the initial impression that shapes your readers'
perceptions and primes them for the journey ahead. With diligence and practice, you can harness
the power of the introduction to captivate your audience and breathe life into your essays.
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How To Structure An Essay IntroductionHow To Structure An Essay Introduction
Chemical Reactions And Chemical Reaction Types Essay
This paper is about chemical reactions and chemical reaction types. All the data
gathered was from conducting multiple experiments. Each experiment was performed
carefully and analyzed to obtain the necessary information for the paper. That
information included the four signs of a chemical change, the rnx type, and more.
A chemical reaction is a process in which elements or compounds react with one
another to create new or different substances. There are two parts to a reaction.
Those two parts are the products and the reactants. The reactants are the chemicals
or chemical compounds that are going through the reaction itself. The products are
chemical elements or chemical compounds that are produced as a result of the
reactant or reactants reacting. There are four key indications that there s a chemical
reaction is taking place. Those four signs include a change in color and/or odor,
formation of a precipitate or a gas, the release or absorption of energy (light, heat,
electricity), and if the reaction is irreversible. Along with this information, there are
ways to predict the products of a reaction.
When dealing with chemical reaction there are equations called chemical equations.
Chemical equations give the reactants and products of a chemical reaction. When
given just the reactants of an equation, you can predict the products by balancing
each side of the equation. The products and reactions are separated by an rnx arrow
Essay On Nail Polish
Nail Polish Industry Analysis
Introduction and Background
The US nail polish industry has a total revenue of $1.1 billion and a profit of
$118.4 million in 2012, with an annual growth of 2.3% in 2007 2012 and a projected
annual growth of 3.3% from 2012 2017 (Panteva). The nail polish industry is able to
survive the recession because they are sold at low prices, starting at a retail price
of lower than $5 to $10 for professional grade nail polishes at drugstores (Panteva).
Unlike other consumer goods, consumers are not as inclined to limit their purchase
of nail polish, due to low prices.
Current Performance
Despite the recession that significantly the economy, the nail polish industry was
almost unaffected and has shown a ... Show more content on ...
Nail polish manufacturers experience moderate indirect competition from acrylic
nails, artificial nails and nail extensions, which imitates the effects of nail polish
without applying any nail polish (Barbalova). However, there is a surge in demand
of acrylic nails and could lead to a decrease in demand for nail polish.
The nail polish industry has moderate barriers to entry. Coty and Revlon dominate
63.6% of the market and both corporations compete in the global market (Panteva).
As a global corporation Coty and Revlon highly benefits from economies of scale,
which allowed them to acquire several smaller firms. In addition, both firms have
existing marketing and promotional activities and the public recognized the acquired
firms. The manufacturing process of nail polishes requires a high level of capital and
is extremely technical. The industry is also facing increased regulations from the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Sole Smith). The chief concern from the
regulatory agencies is protecting consumers from harmful substances in nail polishes.
A recent investigation by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control
discovered that 80% of nail polish tested contains harmful substances that is linked to
birth defects and asthma (Sole Smith). As a result, the industry is facing increased
scrutiny from the government. For new firms to survive in the industry,
Educational Technology Essay
Exam Name___YVETTE TORRALBA MOSES___________ TRUE/FALSE. Write
T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. 1) Technological literacy
cannot serve as the primary rationale for integrating educational technology. 1)
_T______ 2) One thing we have learned from the history of technologies in
education is that teachers rarely have time to develop their own instructional media
for teaching. 2) __T_____ 3) Research over the past 40 years has shown conclusively
that technology based methods are usually superior to traditional ones. 3) _F______
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question. 4) Educators who come from a vocational... Show more content
on ...
16) _F____ 17) Having small groups work cooperatively to develop a hypermedia
product is identified more with constructivist models than with directed
instructional ones. 17) ___T___ 18) One of the essential conditions for effective
technology integration is adequate technical assistance for teachers. 18) __T____
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement
or answers the question. 19) Which of the following technology based strategies
might Skinner have considered an effective way to shape learned behavior? 19)
___C___ A) forming responses through multimedia rewards for good behavior B)
using visual examples to bridge adult/expert and child/novice levels C) drill and
practice that gives reinforcement for correct answers D) using Internet illustrations
to stimulate recall of prerequisite skills 20) Which of the following might be a kind
of technology strategy based on constructivist learning models? 20) _C_____ A)
Identifying skill weaknesses and targeting tutorial and drill software to them B)
Giving students a German language tutorial because a teacher is not available C)
Showing video based problems that students solve through small group work D)
Letting students write papers by word processing, rather than by hand 21) What two
kinds of
The Iliad And The Book Of Genesis
Amidst themes of suffering, war, violence, and sin, the characters of both the Iliad
and the book of Genesis strive to live and define their lives as their own. The women
in particular best exemplify this struggle as they contend not only with the
circumstances to which they are born into, but must also grapple will the role they
play in their society and how their actions influence the greater fate of their people.
Within the Iliad, Andromache s role as a womanand wife to a warrior during war
contributes to her actions unintentionally furthering the moira of her husband and
ultimately the fall of Troy. On the other hand, Rebekah drives the plot of Genesis by
using her intelligence to manipulate events to adhere to their version of fate:... Show
more content on ...
It is Andromache s role and nature as a woman who exemplifies the soft side of
human relations that paradoxically reminds Hector of his duty to fight and hastens the
fall of both Hector and Troy.
Pitted against the other worldly forces of gods and fate, Andromache demonstrates
a desperate struggle to subvert the inevitable loss of Hector and the fall of Troy.
Her role as the wife of Hector places her within the supposed safety of Troy s walls
as her husband fights on the front lines. Her role predominantly as the wife of
Hector, renowned warrior and prince of Troy, creates a sense of constant worry and
urgent anxiety in each of her three main dialogues. Each of these dialogues occur
in accordance to the life of Hector one being before his death, one shortly after his
death, and the last at Hector s funeral. The placement of each of these dialogues
demonstrate the importance of the relationship between the two and, furthermore,
emphasizes the potential effects of Hector s loss. The most moving interaction that
epitomizes the tragedy of Andromache s battle between action vs. fate can be
observed in her plea to Hector to leave the front lines. She appeals to his role as a
family man the provider to his beloved wife and father to his son (Ill 6.427 490).
However, the tragedy in this interaction is that the more Andromache attempts to
persuade Hector, the more decisive Hector becomes
Problems that Need to be Overcome If Current Peace
Problems that Need to be Overcome If Current Peace Talks in Northern Ireland are to
In your answer you need to consider:
a) Two previous attempts made at peace in the last 20 years
b) The break through that have been made
c) The problems that still exist
Between 1980 and 1984 Margaret Thatcher held regular meetings with Taoiseaches
Charles Haughey and then after she held meetings with Garret Fitzgerald. The IRA
violence was beginning to get out of control and both governments were getting very
concerned. Margret Thatcher on other hands was almost Killed by an IRA bomb in
1984 and things had to change. They were also concerned about the increasing
support for the IRA s political ... Show more content on ...
The unionists were also strongly opposed to the Agreement. They didn t like the
involvement of the Republic s government in the affairs of Northern Ireland. The day
after it was signed the News Letter summed up unionist opposition when it claimed
yesterday the ghosts of Cromwell and Lundy walked hand in hand to produce a
recipe for bloodshed and conflict which has few parallels in modern history.
In essence the Agreement represented a negotiation between the British and Irish
governments. In return for Dublin s formal appreciation of the legitimacy of
Northern Ireland, London agreed to confer with the Republic s government on all
matters relating to the rights of Northern Ireland s nationalist minority. The new
relationships were outlined in the Agreement s 13 Articles. These referred to:
В· The Status of Northern Ireland, Article 1;
В· The Intergovernmental Conference, Articles 2 4;
В· Political Matters, Articles 5 6; Security and Related Matters, Article 7;
В· Legal Matters including the administration of justice, Article 8;
В· Cross Border Co operation on Security, Economic, Social and Cultural Matters,
Articles 9 10;
В· Arrangements for Review, Article 11;
В· Interparliamentary Relations, Article 12 and
Plantar Fasciitis
As highlighted by Mario Roxas, ND Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a degenerative syndrome
of the plantar fascia resulting from repeated trauma at heel bone and metatarsals
bone. The word fasciitis impersonate inflammation is an innate part of this condition.
Tightness of the Achilles tendon is present in almost 80 percent of patients.PF is the
consequence of multiple factors. Recent case controlled studies have recognize
obesity or sudden weight gain, reduced ankle dorsiflexion, pes planus, and
occupations that require prolonged weight bearing as the greatest risk factors link
with PF. Painat the inferior region of heel first rate presentation of PF.Alternative
names for PF include painful heel syndrome, heel spur syndrome, runner s heel, sub...
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Plantar fasciitis is more likely to occur in middle aged obese women or in those
who are on their feet most of the day.[2] Colie C, Seto C and Gazewood J states
that Due to the cumulative overload stress to the origin of plantar fascia results in
acute or chronic injury that may cause pain.[3] As highlighted by S Cutts, N Obi,
C Paspula, Ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter s syndrome and osteoarthritis can
all produce symptoms of PF and can be marked as differential diagnoses for PF.Top
notch interpretation of plantar fasciitis is a clinical one. Most day to day
investigation is plain x ray. Technetium bone scintigraphy is positive in plantar
fasciitis.[4] As highlighted by Author, PF is considered a self limiting condition.
But 6 18 months is a typical resolving period of PF. Of many treatments alternatives
available for PF rest and avoidance of aggravating activities one of the most essential
and most effective self treatment that provides significant relief. Other treatment
options for PF are proper foot wear, foot orthotic, leaning wall stretch, curb or stair
stretches, toe curls, and toe taps. Surgery for PF should be contemplate choice only
after all other forms of treatment have failed.
The Difference Between A Eighteen Year Old And A Years
What s the difference between a fifteen year old and a sixteen year old? Freedom.
At the age of fifteen, you re given the training wheels needed to reach freedom; also
known as your permit. Nothing is as cool to a fifteen year old as driving your mom
and dad around for the first couple of months. The roles have finally been reversed.
Mark Wahlberg says it best in the Other Guys, I m a peacock and you gotta let me
fly. Getting your permit is the first step to reaching the ultimate goal: getting your
license. At the age of sixteen, your training wheels are taken off and your journey to
independence has started. To some, this might sound easy. From personal
experience, I can say it s not. You have to endure hours of studying, practicing, and
even tests. In the end, the hard work is worth it. You are achieving the goal that
every kid looks forward to. Drivingisn t a task that anyone can just start doing.
Driving a 3 ton vehicle that can take someone from point A to point B in no time
isn t easy. The first step into becoming a driver, like the first step when building
something, is reading the manual. The magazine sized directional discusses
common traffic laws, how to park a car up or downhill, and how driving a car
works in general. I remember when I was first starting to research about getting my
license, I was extremely overwhelmed with the amount of reading I was going to
have to do. However rather than getting scared and backing down, I remained
dedicated and faced
Nostalgia In The Bong Connection
In this paper I am interested to analyse AnjanDutta sThe Bong Connection (2006),
a representative, popular Bangla cinema on the Bengali diaspora in North
America. This film, I argue, attempts to demystify the aura of homeland and
nostalgia as idolised in Bollywood cinema. The liberalisation of Indian economy
and socio cultural growth of the Indian middle class in the nineties, prompted
Bollywood film makers such as Yash Chopra and Karan Johar to import and
recreate glitzy versions of the Non Resident Indian for the Indian masses. Hindi
films began narrating to the nation, a new community of Indians who were to be
taken as role models of success and glory. However, The Bong Connection reads
the Bengali diaspora in the US and the reception of NRIs in Bengal, in a new way.
The film seems to act as afoil to the starry life of the NRI as depicted by popular
production camps in Bollywood. Here, I have attempted to critically read to the
manner in which the film has represented new notions of homeland, nation and
diasporic dualities, in the context of contemporary global culture. The following
section studies the representation of the idea of homeland and nostalgia by
Bollywood films and The Bong Connection. Homeland and Nostalgia
Bollywood is one of the most ... Show more content on ...
The diaspora Indian is not just the Punjabi expatriate but also people from other
ethnic backgrounds, representing young technocratic Indians who travel to other
countries all the time thus creating a more eclectic, flexible and more enduring
diaspora. AvtarBrah writes that, at the heart of the notion of diaspora is the image of
a journey and diasporic journeys are essentially about settling down, about putting
roots elsewhere (McLeod 209). The Bong Connection is about two such journeys;
one in search of roots and the other of planting new ones in a new
Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek and His Contribution to...
No one would ever expect a Dutch fabric merchant to be the first to discover some of
the most abundant organisms in the world. Europe was in the midst of a Scientific
Revolution as part of the Renaissance. At this time, new scientific discoveries were
being made with the rise of scientists such as Galileo and Newton. Another prominent
name in this revolution was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Leeuwenhoek first worked in
a fabric shop in Delft, Holland in the mid 1600s. Leeuwenhoek used his microscope to
observe almost anything he could think of to have a better understanding of what he
was seeing. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek contributed to microbiologybecause he
developed the first simple microscope, was the first to observe microorganisms, and
was... Show more content on ...
The short (about 1 millimeter) focal lengths of the lenses would have necessitated
placing the eye almost in contact with the lens ( Anton van Leeuwenhoek ).
Leeuwenhoek obtained the clear image by carefully moving the angle of lighting left
and right. Leeuwenhoek s techniques of lighting samples under the microscope are
still not well known today. This was the only secret that he took to his grave. Even
though the simple microscope was difficult to use, scholars visited Leeuwenhoek to
be educated on his design. Leeuwenhoek went all over the world giving
demonstrations about his microscope for high ranking people. Without Leeuwenhoek
s simple microscope, microbiology today would not be as advanced.
What is even more impressive than configuring a new and improved microscope was
the observations that were seen through the device. First, Leeuwenhoek came up with
a theory on the difference on taste of sugar and salt and examined them each to
investigate, why they have their certain tastes. He was then curious about why
pepper had its sharp taste. After inserting the pepper into snow water, Leeuwenhoek
found 3 types of protozoa and a kind of bacteria that was mistaken as a different
animalcule. Robert Hooke, an English natural philosopher, was the first to confirm
Leeuwenhoek s discovery of the microorganisms in the pepper and snow water
System Analysis and Recommendation Report of Natividad...
System analysis and recommendation report
In this section, I present a system analysis and recommendation report on the
Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer Information Systems (HCIS) network
and its hospital grade systems infrastructure and technology components. The system
analysis report details the findings of the system analysis in the part of system
vulnerability/risk assessment as a critical component of the security plan.
Why the system vulnerability/risk assessment was carried out as part of system
The security plan for Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer Information
System (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems infrastructure and technology
components must certified be elaborate and fool proof due to the nature and
sensitivity of the information which is contained within the system and its resources
The rationale for the tools that were used for the security planning and vulnerability
As noted earlier, the appropriate risk analysis tool for use in this regard is Risk
Watch. This is due to the fact that it focuses on HIPPA, NIACAP and DITSCAP. It
can however be used together with Buddy Systems, a risk analysis tool with a
general focus on information technology. The decision for whichever risk analysis
/assessment tool that was used was based on the particular enterprise and
organizational needs. Different types of organizations have different needs and are
required to follow different laws and
Black Gangster Disciple Nation Vs Mcdonald s Case Study
Generally, secret or hard to find information differentiates a group or institution in
charge of it from those without access or knowledge. It attributes to the group an
informational advantage which is carried out in terms of intimidation or (implicit)
trust. Should the knowledge become public, this information asymmetry is abrogated
and the group s power diminishes. For example, the Ku Klux Klanin the US rose to
power thanks to a self created mythos and inside facts and rituals, but lost most of its
appeal and influence once Stetson Kennedy published a large part of their secret
The Black Gangster Disciple Nation and McDonald s resemble each other in
structural and organisational terms. Both are segregated into several ... Show more
content on ...
A lot of the topics touch on daily life issues and well known conventional wisdoms
and thus leave some thought provoking impact.
However, Levitt, in the introduction of Freakonomics, declares economics to be a
simple science of measurement depicting reality compared to and distinct from
morality considered as ideals or utopias of that reality. In my opinion this statement
underestimates the significance of economic theory in today s world, is generalised
and insufficient. Economic theory and measurements have strong implications, e.g.
for the perception of national welfare, and consequently policies and regulations of
a country which attributes to economics much more command than a mere supply
of information. Furthermore, reality can hardly be described only by numbers
since feelings and morality as foundations of our values and beliefs take a large
and decisive part in life and our decisions, but can hardly be measured as such. Even
the economic system of exchange is not only based on efficiency and quantitative
terms but indeed on moral based conduct as well. Overall, I consider explaining the
world by mere measurements and a collection of factual data too simplistic.
What most negatively occurred to me was that, at least partly due to Levitt s
deliberate distinction between morality and economics, no
Summary Of Give Me Death By Patrick Henry Speech
The speech Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death was given by Patrick Henry in 1775
at the Second Virginia Convention, when the stirrings of the American Revolution
were beginning to arise. At the time, his opponents thought mostly to continue to
appeal and petition to the British Crown for their entreaties, however, Henry was a
proponent of raising a militia to revolt against the British due to its multiple
offenses towards the colonists and delivered this speech as an argument to do so.
The speech was not recorded, but this text surfaced in later years as its contents by
another person, so there is some debate as to the true author of this speech.
Nevertheless, the text borrows a handful of references to the Bible, and its inclusion
of these references not only points to the conclusion that he and his audiences knew
these allusions but also greatly enhanced the contents of the speech as a motivating
and persuasive force for the American colonists to turn to his side through the usage
of analogous situations, literary devices, and parallel descriptions of Godto the context
of the current position in the speech. The speech utilizes an analogyto create a parallel
between the situation the American colonists had at that time been facing and the
circumstance found in Bible. Henry uses a notable and well known scene from the
Gospels the betrayal of Jesusto illustrate his point. The analogy is made with the line
Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Although
The Discovery Of The Pahlavi Dynasty
The 1979 uprisings were aimed at getting rid of the Pahlavi dynasty which
contained only two kings, Reza Shah and Mohammed Reza Shah. Before the
Pahlavi s, Iran was ruled by the Qajar dynasty, and before that the Safavids. The
safavids and Qajar s were responsible for two of the most important aspects of Iran:
The safavids made Shia Islam the official state religion in Iran, starting with Ismail
1 in 1501, and the Qajar s gave the muslim clergy The ulema political power. The
first major revolution in Iran was in 1906. It forced the ruling Qajar s to accept a
constitution, it created a parliament and put some limits on the king. It ultimately
failed party because the clergy withdrew their support, partly because the Shah
worked very actively against it, and the Russian and the British worked to keep
Persia weak so they could continue to try to dominate the region. After WW1,
Europeans rivalries heated up because of the discovery of oil in the Middle East. The
British established Iranian Oil company and they helped to engineer the change in
dynasty by supporting military commander Reza Khan. Later on Reza Khan became
Shah and he attempted to turn Persia, which he re named Iran 1935, into a modern,
secular, western style state. Reza Shahis remembered for his dictatorial repression,
which led the clergy against him. During WW2 Reza Shah abdicated and his young
son Mohammad Reza Shah became the leader of Iran until 1979. The Shah in 1979
was an autocrat and he employed a
Figurative Language In The Poem Demeter By Carol Ann
Intro Demeter was heartbroken when her daughter, Persephone was taken by Hades
to the underworld. Without her beloved daughter, she was left broken hearted, the
world became dark, and hints of winter enveloped Demeter s home. In the poem
Demeter by Carol Ann Duffy the author uses figurative language, such as hyperbole,
personification, and symbolism to express Demeters rapturous attitude towards her
daughter return.
Demeter was miserable without her daughter by her side and the earth mourned along
with her. When Persephone returns
In the beginning of the third stanza the somber mood begins to disappear and
optimism emerges with the return of Demeter s daughter. Duffy uses symbolism to
describe the emotion that Demeter feels when Persephone returns from ... Show more
content on ...
When she is with Demeter the whole word blooms with color to symbolize how at
peace Demeter is. Persephone brings all the joy to Demeter s life and when she goes
back to Hades and the underworld she takes all of Demeter s joy away, and when
she s gone the seasons turn colder. Demeter s outlook on life changes completely.
The author uses hyperbole to illustrate Demeter s exaggerated claims about the return
of her daughter being the cause of the beautiful spring weather. The author describes
how the mother swears the air softens and warmed as she moved (Duffy12). In the
previous stanza Duffy uses the word winter...cold (Duffy 1, 2) to symbolize a
depressing feeling that lingers inside Demeter without the presence of her daughter.
The author portrays Demeter as depressed without her daughter in the earlier stanzas.
The word warmed symbolizes the good feelings that emerge inside Demeter, and the
Cinderella Short Story Essay
Through a historical analysis, we see that many aspects of the story are
representative of the time. The story is set in Germany in the 1800s. To start, the
story begins with the death of Cinderella s birth mom who became sick . . . and
died (Grimm). This is because death was quite common in the mid 1800s [and] life
expectancies were only in the high thirties or early forties (Huber). Soon after the
father took himself another wife (Grimm). This is because in the 1800s second
wives were quite common, (P. Smith 107) as the main role of the man was to
marry to produce a male heir. Since the father only had Cinderella, a daughter, it
was his role to remarry and have a male to inherit his land and belongings.
Remarrying was also a norm of the time for child rearing. While the role of the
man was to produce an heir, the role of the woman was to take care of the children.
Taking care of the children was typically in the hands of the mother (Eidson). The
stepmother s role would have been to watch over the children as the husband was
gone. This occurs several times throughout the story as the stepmother watches over
Cinderella as the husband goes to the fair . . . and festivals (Grimm). Women would
remarry because they were limited in resources (P. Smith 107) without a man, so it
is not unusual the stepmother remarried as well. By remarrying, the stepmother is
provided for by the husband. The husband provides a home for the girls and buys
Reflection On Math Lesson
What? For my second lesson, I taught a math lesson on multiplying decimals with
zeros in the product. I wanted students to be able to show that they could multiply
with decimals in the product and I wanted them to be able to explain how they
know where to add the decimal point in the answer. This lesson was part of the unit
over decimals. Students will learn to add them, subtract, multiply, divide, and then
take a test for the unit. I decided to teach this lesson because this is what my teacher
had planned for the day and needed me to teach to keep her on track for the test.
Honestly, I was excited to teach a math lesson because it was a great refresher for
me. Overall, I was very satisfied with the way the lesson went. The students were
understanding the instruction I delivered and were giving the answers I had hoped
for. The students were on task and engaged for the entire lesson and when they
weren t engaged, I could draw or mention sticks and I would get more active
participation. Before I asked students to work independently or with a partner, I
modeled exactly what they should be doing and how they should do it. This made a
huge difference from my first lesson because there was no confusion. When I had
one students come up to the board and share their answer, everyone in the class had
the same answer. While I was formatively checking their understanding, this told me
that the way I was teachingwas working because they all understood the problem. I
really can not think of anything that did not go as I had planned or that I was not
happy with. Although, there was one point where my math was wrong because I
was not thinking logically. I need to make sure I slow down while I am teaching to
check my own work so I am not teaching the students incorrect information! The
only change I would try and make if I taught this lesson again would be to find a
way to make it more engaging and less teaching instruction out of the book. I feel
that with math this is sometimes challenging, but I think it could be done. Even
though I did use multiple means of representation by doing a whole class discussion,
partner work, and independent work, I could have found maybe a more hands on
activity for the students to
The Norman Conquest and the French Influence on
Transilvania University of Brasov
Faculty of Letters
Department of English
General aspects about the origin of the English language
Brief presentation of the Norman Conquest
Aspects of the social and political transformations occured after the Conquest
The roles of each on the three languages in the society of the time
Influences on the way the sounds were rendered
Influences on the pronounciation of the sounds
French loan words and the fields they belonged to
Other elements of ... Show more content on ...
At Stamford Bridge, he won a decisive victory on 25th September, in which Harald
Hard1rada and Tostig were both killed. But after that, Harold s sick, exhausted Saxon
army met William s fresh, rested Norman troops on October 14th at Battle near
Hastings, and the great battle began. That was the moment when King Harold was
killed and the Normans gained control of England. On Christmas Day 1066, William
was crowned King of England.
The Norman Conquest had important consequences on all levels, including the
linguistic one. English phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and also syntax were
influenced by French, but, despite the historical and social background, the mother
tongue survived and adapted, reestablishing itself after 1200.
At the moment, the conquest probably came as a disaster for the English people, as
the Normans brought their new territory under control with systematic rigour. After
the English royal family had been destroyed in the battle, the new king established his
own regime. At the time, Normandy had an advanced feudal system of political
organisation, which accelerated the establishment of feudalism in Britain. Moreover,
most of the representatives of the native nobility were eliminated and a French
speaking monarchy, aristocracy and clerical hierarchy took over. Thus, the important
positions and the great estates were mostly in
Racism, Sexism, And Sexism Essay
Everywhere I go, I see people wearing a multitude of different clothing, it s
something all humans do, we all have our own way of dressing. I get judged based
on the things I wear, just how people are judged based on their race. What people
wear can say a lot about them and make others act or think a certain way. Clothes can
show the wearer s thoughts, social status, enjoyments, jobs, and even more. People
can often figure these things out just based on their clothes without even thinking
about it. However, assumptions and stereotypes of any kind can be highly inaccurate.
Clothism is as real as racismand sexism. Judging people based on the clothes they
wear is the same as judging people based on their race. One thing that can be
gathered about someone based on their clothes is their opinions. Political shirts
saying to vote a certain way reflect the wearer s political views. If someone wears a
shirt that says Vote for Pedro, they re probably voting for Pedro themselves and
want to sway others to vote the same way. A shirt that has a musician s name on it
shows that the wearer likes their music. A jersey or hat of a sports team shows that
they like that sport and team. I ve worn political shirts for campaigns before. I ve
worn different artists shirts. I wear shirts of teams and schools. Wearing these
clothing items was to show others my thoughts and opinions of the topics. Similar to
how people dress, a person s racecan often times give leway to their opinions.
Dennis Lynn Rader s Narcissistic Killer
Dennis Lynn Rader was born on March 9, 1945 in Pittsburgh, Kansas and was the
oldest of four sons. Dennis s had a very normal life but his behavior changed at
around 7 years old when he became sexually aroused while watching his grandmother
strangle chickens. He wanted to duplicate that arousal so he engaged in animal
torture by hanging cats and dogs. When he reached adulthood, he would break into
women s homes, steal their lingerie and take them to his parents basement where he
would photograph himself wearing them. In 1966 Dennis joined the Air Force where
he spent four years repairing communication equipment abroad. Upon his return to
the United Stated he married a fellow churchgoer Paula Deitz on May 22, 1971.
Although married,... Show more content on ...
On Count 10 there is a hard 40 statue. There were 2 allegations of aggravating
circumstances. The defendant committed the crime in order to avoid or prevent a
lawful arrest of the prosecution. The evidence in this case and also pursuant to State
v Higginbotham 264 Kansas 593, State v. Marsh, State v. Bailey, and State v. Walker
252 Kansas 279 (1993). The factor does exist and there is an additional factor that this
was a heinous, atrocious, cruel, manner in which the homicide was committed in
from testimony from Deputy Sam
Severson Broken Windows
When Severson notes that The world is full of broken windows nobody meant to
break, he most likely is referring to the unintentional wrongdoings we that we
commit towards others. These are also the type of accidents that usually wouldn t
be morally acceptable to walk away from with no comment. Like if one was to step
on another s foot, it would be rude to just brush it off and not apologize even though
it was an accident. I agree with Severson in the sense that I understand the I m
always hurting people without realizing it. There s always a negative effect to my
seemingly harmless actions that cause harm or prevent people from receiving the
help they deserve. I walk past broken windows constantly in my life without really
realizing they
Emerging Adult Development
Theoretical Concepts for Emerging Adult Development Transitioning to adulthood
is considered a period of life when young people are faced with trials of becoming
part of the adult world. For some young people, this is a time to grow, an opportunity
to spread their wings, and navigate through an exciting life. However, for others, the
burdens that accompany the task of growing up may be overpowering. Some may
find themselves at odds and feel overwhelmed while pursuing their goals, although
motivated to do so. Also, they may lack the resources or find themselves
underprepared to meet the challenges that accompany those goals. Important
questions come to mind when I think about young adults within today s society: why
does it seem that today s... Show more content on ...
Hernandez stated just knowing who I truly am, finding what I am compassionate
about, and discovering what my true purpose is in life. Hernandez is a 22 year old
Hispanic female from Mexico who now resides in San Diego, California who has just
completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology from San Diego State University.
She contends that she has struggled over the last four years in college due to heavy
burdens she carried. She is the first in her family to pursue an education and earn a
college degree and there was pressure to prove that she could succeed. She also found
it difficult to be engaged within the college environment and to connect with a variety
of people. Hernandez s Mexican heritage is an important aspect of her inclusive
identity. She acknowledged that there are not negative impacts on this area of her
identity. Rather, the environment she was exposed to was incredibly different
compared with her cultural identity. Even through her struggle, Hernandez has
chosen to focus on other aspects of her identity such as Catholic, musician, friend,
and professional which relate to her current context. Thinking in this light has granted
her the opportunity to experience life in different settings and has afforded and
assisted her with the positive outcomes that she desires for her life (Personal
interview, June 7,
The Use Of Sin In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sin is dark force that twists the soul and warps the mind. Such a powerful force as
sin is present in everyday life and cannot be simply ignored. Nathaniel Hawthorne,
quite successfully, used literature to its full potential in order to express sins
presence in life. The story he uses the express this theme is The Birth mark . In this
story, a man by name Aylmer for the first time sees a small defect in his otherwise
beautiful wife, Georgiana. When Aylmer mentions it to her she was hurt but it did
not seem to affect her self image. However, as time went on, the birthmark started
to bother her causing her to believe she was flawed and was in need of fixing. With
the assistance of Aylmer s servant, Aminadab, Aylmer creates a miracle drug that
would cure his wife of her imperfection: the birthmark. There is a possibility, strong
enough to cause fear in her husband, that the drug could be deadly; however, the
imperfection that laid on her face troubles her, as well as her husband, to the point
where she believes her life is worth nothing unless she could get it removed. After
much meticulous preparation, the wife takes the cure. At first everything seems well
as her birthmark faded, however soon everything goes terribly wrong and Georgina
has a terrible reaction. Soon after taking the cure she dies leaving Aylmer heartbroken
and alone without his wife. In, The Birth mark , Nathaniel Hawthornebrings to light
sin s presence in society through the use of allusions, symbolism,
Ford Pros And Cons
Overview: Yet another competitor for the hulk road beasts is in the show. Ford s
latest SUV releases turned all the big heads to its design flair and technological
efficiencies. Quoted as one of the most capable SUV, Ford Endeavour set a tough
competition for other Monster motors, Toyota Fortuner and Mahindra XUV500.
Refined design and performance efficiency, Ford all new Endeavour is not a sheep
in the flock. Features like Terrain management and Hill accent and descent will make
it as the horse of another color. With a 2.2l diesel engine and Trend line 6 speed
manual transmissionwith 4x4 drive line, all new Endeavour is definitely desirable.
1. Audio and voice control functionality on steering wheel allows you to enjoy hands
free infotainment controls which makes your drive more insured.
2. Hill descent technology is another pat back to the giant SUV.
1. Absence ... Show more content on ...
Like exteriors, interiors too are revised and the outcome is simply elegant. The
design quality inside the cabin is appealing, highlighted with dual tone interiors, and
4 spoke steering wheel the entire cabin looks like a hall. This leather upholstery 7
seater flaunts its bewitching leather dashboard. The infotainment system is too
brushed up from its predecessors. With two display screens, the analogue meter
reads fuel and tachometer numbers and the other exhibits the connectivity statuses.
Glad that Ford didn t overlook the comfort aspect, the 7 seater designed with
leather upholstery looks inviting adding to the comfort, the legroom in here is
decent. New Endeavour doesn t just give a majestic ride but will make it
memorable. Lack of navigation system turns out to be an issue with this specific
make, however Ford offers varied optional accessories which include satellite
navigation, GPS tracker, Graphic scruff plates and Child seat mounts. To have a
more efficient drive one can refine this trim to a more better
The Pros And Cons Of Gene Therapy
The beauty of the human race is the complexity in which our bodies present
themselves in comparison to other organisms that live on Earth. Evolution has taken
its sweet time to produce the alpha organisms we have become today, and at the
pinnacle of human evolution is our DNA: a unique, intricate, and complex
representation of millions of years of evolutionary mutations. The number one cause
of genetic diversity is mutations; mutations occur randomly and can produce
beneficial or harmful nucleotide sequences. Nucleotide sequences code for the
production of proteins that perform the majority of roles in our bodies. When harmful
mutations halt protein production or cause malicious protein production, the body
can be effected in numerous ways. The majority of disorders expressed by humans
across the globe are genetic, meaning that the DNAof the individual with the genetic
disorder contains errors or mutations that cause the subsequent symptoms to occur.
Gene therapy is a field of study that focuses on the correction of mutations in DNA
sequences. The ultimate goal of Gene Therapy is to prevent the inheritance of
mutations that cause genetic disorders. In the medical community this is called Germ
line Gene Therapy. While this is the least ventured area of gene therapy, its has been
proven to be the most promising in reference to advancing medicine to new heights
when the ethical situation changes. The second goal of Gene Therapy is to cure the
patients with the genetic
Beginning Of The Document Content.. In Previous High
Beginning of the document content.
In previous high school English classes, I followed the same structured outline for
every essay I wrote. A three point thesis and one sentence of support following your
evidence were the main ideas taught in the goal for me to pass my AP Language and
Literature exams.These timed essays only allowed me to briefly address the
argument I presented in the paper, which is no comparison to the level of writing
expected of me now. Although the ideas on what I would write about came easy to
me, I always struggled with making the ideas flow together in a cohesive way while
still advancing my claim. Becoming more fluid in my ideas has not only helped cut
time invested in the writing process, it has also lead to a ... Show more content on ...
This marks the need for elaborated war stories to end, so veterans are deservingly
accepted back into society. This thesis is stronger as it answers the so what question
and provides an argument for the rest of my paper.
The importance of thesis statements has been shown throughout all of my
assignments in 1102. In my revised essay 2 I said: The growing social class
distinctions seen in Snowpiercer show how today s problems have escalated
resulting in riots and how ignoring key issues, like the growing reliance on
technology, can lead to the downfall of the human race . This thesis is much stronger
than many others since the beginning of the semester and shows growth in my
writing. It has a much stronger, clearly stated argument and the claim is concise. It
also has all four parts a thesis must; claim, focus, subject, and significance. Without
these four parts, a thesis is not supportive enough to be the foundation of an essay.
Another aspect of my writing that improved throughout this semester is my growth in
writing more effective topic sentences. Topic sentences are crucial in writing an
effective and engaging paper. They help to support the thesis and explain what the
paragraph will be about while still advancing an argument. Analysis and support for
the main idea can be
Billy s Beats
Kevin Oblinger 10/31/14 Billy s Beats Case Intro Billy s Beats Inc (Bill ys) is an
SEC registrant manufacturer of musical intraments. Billy s has recently acquired
one company, Little Drummer Boy Inc (Little Drummer), and wholly owns
RockOut Inc. Both Little Drummer and RockOut are manufacturers of musical
intstraments, making guitars, and drums respectively. Billy s acquisition of Little
Drummer took place in 201X for an outlay of $575 million in cash; an external
valuation specialist assessed the fair values of significant acquired assets at $865
million (PP E), and $145 million (other assets). Billy s used the previously
determined useful lives for PP E (determined by Little Drummer s management) of
30 years for plant, and 20 years... Show more content on ...
They also failed to assess the quality of the spreadsheet calculations, although no
errors were detected, re performance tests should have been conducted; if any
discrepancies were to be discovered, additional tests need to be performed. With
regards to the differentiating useful lives, the engagement team failed to assess
whether the management determined useful lives of plant and equipment were in
line with other manufactures in the industry; relying on a discussion with
management is not sufficient evidence for the engagement. According to AS 12, the
engagement team is to obtain an understanding of the company and its environment.
If the team failed to prepare adequately (in order to perform an accurate inspection of
tangible assets) for the engagement, an outside specialist should have been contracted
to determine the condition of the plant and equipment in order to evaluate
management s assertions on useful life. Finally, the audit team needs to look at past
data pertaining to useful life calculations to determine if there were any significant
departures in estimates; this is due to the sudden change in useful life estimates made
this year. If any discrepancies are discovered, additional tests should be performed.
RockOut Inc In regards to the tests performed by the engagement team as it pertains
to RockOut s changes of economic lives of their customer lists, a memorandum
explaining the rationale behind the changes is not sufficient
RBA Monetary Policy
The government may also use monetary policy in order to contain economic growth.
Monetary policy refers to changes in interest rates in order to influence aggregate
demand and economic activity. Monetary policy is conducted by the Reserve Bank
of Australia, who use domestic market operations in order to change interest rates. If
the RBA takes a loose monetary policystance the RBA will purchase Commonwealth
Government Securities in secondary bond markets. This increases the cash in the
markets, and therefore pushes the overnight cash rate down. Interest rates will be
lowered, which will result in higher consumer demand as the cost of interest on
mortgages and credit card repayments will decrease. On the other hand a tight
monetary stance results... Show more content on ...
Microeconomic policies promote the efficient operation of markets as the most
effective mechanism for achieving efficient allocation and use of resources, raise
productivity and increase aggregate supply. Increased aggregate supply will result in
decreased inflationary pressures and increased international competitiveness as
Australian producers are able to supply international markets with a greater volume of
goods at lower prices. Greater export earnings will consequently improve Australia s
terms of trade, and will decrease the current account deficit. Microeconomic reforms
that promote increased competition in both domestic and international markets will
also encourage greater innovation and cheaper product, which will benefit consumers.
Increases in productivity and aggregate supply will also result in improvements in
labour productivity. Higher productivity and greater export earnings will result in
wage increases for Australian labour, and subsequently living standards will improve.
As a result of higher wages, aggregate demand will increase thus creating further
opportunities for increases in
Understanding Students Responses From The Australian...
1.0 Introduction Educators are required to interpret students responses to
mathematical questions. The purpose of this report was to provide an opportunity
to examine the step by step approach to answering problems, interrogate the results
and recognise mathematical concepts. There are six questions in total from the
Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority [ACARA], (2012)
NAPLAN year nine numeracy non calculator test. The six questions mentioned in
the report are question 12, 14, 16, 18, 22 and 23. Each issue is set out in the report
in numerical order with a screen shot of the methods used to solve the question
followed by a reflection. The reflection describes my feelings, confidence and
approach towards each question along with the type of mathematics used, the year
level suitable for each question according to the ACARA (2015) and alternative
ideas for solving the six questions. 2.1 Question 12 Reflection Initial thoughts were
I could easily solve this because I use metric units on a regular basis for working
out distances for driving and dimensions of furniture. I knew millimetres were the
smallest followed by centimetres, metres and kilometres the largest (Lakin, 2011).
That did not mean that kilometre was the answer. I understood that converting the
units would help solve the question but could not remember how to do conversions.
Once I refreshed my knowledge as discussed before step 1 of figure 1, I
Ethical Issues in Education
Ethical Issue
A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between
alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical)
Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.
~ G. K. Chesterton
Indeed, education is an ongoing process. We are always receiving and passing it on,
adding something in the process, sometimes even taking certain things, impertinent
from time to time, away from it while passing it on further. However, the industry of
education is a serious one, requiring well defined ethics and values, well bound in
visible legal outlines to regulate its exchange and distribution. Let us take a brief
look at some of the most common issues of ... Show more content on
Racial inequality and ethnic differences have been an issue in public schools since
the time public schools were founded. The foremost step towards addressing diversity
in schools should come from the curriculum itself. Involving different ethnic sports
and multicultural festivals at schools would mark the beginning of an attempt to
combine students from diverse backgrounds into a bond of institutional unity.
Moreover, including prominent historical annals derived from different ethnicity as
part of a collective study of world history would encourage students to get familiar
with each others racial, cultural and ethnic differences. Rather than letting diversity
come in the way of education, the importance of diversity should be upheld.
Grading Linking Parameters with Purpose: What do grades reflect? Rather, what
should grades reflect? Should they just cover the academics? Then again, what, in
academics should they reflect? Should grades be considered for assessing learning
capabilities, information grasping prowess, discipline in meeting academic
deadlines or all of these? Then again, should failure by a student to live up to these
standards be considered as laxity on the student s part or should it be blamed upon
the incompetency of the teacher? Should class participation be considered in overall
grading? If so, then wouldn t
The Great Repeal Bill
The first issue is the UK Government s ability to convert all EU law to UK law as
well as Scotland s power to block the Great Repeal Bill. The problem which exists
with the proposed bill is that some parts of EU law relate directly to issues which
have been devolved to Scotland, for example; agriculture, fishing in Scottish waters
and environmental law. If the Bill were to convert EU laws on devolved matters into
UK law then the UK Government would be legislating on areas out with its reserved
functions. According to the Sewel convention the legislative consent of the Scottish
Parliamentis required when Westminster legislation concerns devolved matters. As a
constitutional convention, the Sewel Convention is more of a political tool,... Show
more content on ...
Firstly, it is essential to identify the relevant provision contained within the 2016
Scotland Act which states that The Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government
are a permanent part of the United Kingdom s constitutional arrangements which can
only be abolished if this is what is decided by the Scottish people in a Referendum.
Therefore, legal constitutionalists would argue that the Scotland Act is entrenched
within the UK Constitution and cannot be abolished. Furthermore, political
constitutionalists would argue that that there are large political constraints which
prohibit the repeal of the Scotland Act, and therefore, the abolishment of the Scottish
Parliament. The principles of accountability and democracy would serve to prevent
Westminster deciding to repeal the Act. Since its establishment in 1999, it is clear
that the Scottish Parliament is an institution which is desired by the people of
Scotland. Therefore, abolishment is possible but unlikely. However, legally speaking,
the UK Parliament is completely sovereign. The basic principle of the British
Constitution has been summed up by AV Dicey, who stated that parliament
The Resilience In The Play
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity or hardship, this idea was
express to the audience by Debra Oswald in Gary s house and podcast through the
lives of fictitious characters based on real Australian People. She chooses themes
such as people marginalised in society, challenging gender roles and the past
affecting the present knowing that the audience will relate to it. By using these ideas
with the diverse range of characters, Oswald is able to show how people need
resilienceand how important it is to overcome adversity through engagement with
characters and their development throughout the play.
The audience is showed the importance of resilience when they were introduce to
Gary. Oswald has given Gary numerous of circumstances ... Show more content on ...
Dave faces the issue of the past affecting the present because of this issue he tries
to find a place where he belongs in the world. Oswald gave Dave a difficult
problem and that is feeling the guilt of the death of a new friend where he had a
chance to save him. But timing would ve been different by using this
emotive language the audience felt connected to Dave even more and they would
have want to know how he can over come this event. Normally Dave would just
give up like many people would but Gary s death is Dave s agent of change. He in
the past would have never gotten involved in physical labour nor a deep
relationship, but after Gary s death he helped build the house while getting in a
deep relationship with Christine, thus showing his ability of resilience. Oswald
didn t want to end her play with Gary s death as expressed in the podcast so she
made Gary s death as a catalyst of change and hoped that it was the right solution .
As the progression of play the audience was treated to characters transitioning such as
Dave from little resilience to strong amounts of resilience in bouncing back from the
passing of Gary and implicating the importance of
Cultural Diversity in London
The phrase British culture is often used carelessly, as if it completely and
comprehensively defines all of the 63 million people living in Great Britain as well
as their culture. People who use terms such as this either willingly or unconsciously
forget the fact that Great Britain is a culturally diverse country, the biggest
representative of this being its largest and most populated city London. In order to
understand things better, we should take a few steps backwards and attempt to
define these two important terms (1) culture and (2) cultural diversity. According to
Longman s Dictionary of Contemporary English , culture is primarily defined as the
beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people... Show
more content on ...
What is also interesting is that in most London boroughs, the majority of pupils
speak a language other than English at home. For example, in Tower Hamlets,
Newham, Westminster and Brent this amounts to more than 60%. Richmond
upon Thames, Sutton, Bexley, Bromley and Havering, where the rate is less than
20 per cent, are exceptions to this rule. The biggest contributor to such a huge level
of diversity in all major cultural aspects is without doubt immigration. London had
been the trade capitol of the world for a long time, and its numerous colonies
provided it with abundant workforce in the past. Even today, when this is not the
case, London is the city with the second largest immigrant population (after New
York) , as no less than 36.7% of its population are foreign born people. LIFE IN
THE MELTING POT It is now perfectly clear why London is often reffered to as
the melting pot of nations . However, it is necessary to say that this term is also
wrongly used, as melting pot suggests a homogyny in culture, i.e. a common culture
for all people in a society, which does not apply to London. But how do exactly all
these nations, with all their personal beliefs and traditions, get along in this so called
pot ? The capitol s culture has been shaped over time by the many nationalities and
their cultures into a highly heterogenous yet progressive environment. Testament to
this are the numerous annual
Character Analysis Of Big Brother In 1984 George Orwell
In the novel 1984 Big Brother have been playing a role of stalking and fearing. He
will be watching every citizen in Oceania as well as a Party member like a
surveillance camera to make sure they re acting right and not doing anything
illegal. If they re not the person will have consequences with Big Brother. As well
as the Party Forces who are in obedience through the fear of being watched and
caught doing something illegal. For Big Brother he s like this spirit that follows
every person that they go and will catch you doing something you re not supposed
to and something will cost you. He s also more than life that he s a type of character
that brought government into our lives and will spy on it s people. That gives
Winston the chills since he doesn t know where Big Brother is hiding... Show more
content on ...
Winston became so obsessed with O Brien s belief that the two men are alike. O
Brien proves that this is only true in that he thinks the way men like Winston do in
order to catch them and put them back on Big Brother. Winston felt a connection
with O Brien and has been obsessed with Big Brother stems from the rebellion
against stifling oppression. After that Big Brother is given the power of having
trust, protection, and affection. Meaning that he ll bring fear of a person who
does something wrong but at the same time he comforts them. It s like confronting
them about something but at the end of the day he will forgive you and give you
another chance to do something right. To do that we all need a routine, a purpose,
but we rebel against an overabundance of restriction and authority.People were
made to believe that Big Brother does not do things wrong, he s just doing this
because he cares about them and wants everyone to live and he will be there for
you when you need him. But the government uses him as a law enforcer to give a
sign to the people in Oceania and as a
Nonprofit Organizations Paper
Nonprofit organizations contribute many services within the communities they
service. Their goal is to meet their mission and one of the main ways this may be
accomplished is through their financial operations. Depending on the organizations
size and mission some nonprofit organizations operate as charities where others
operate more through philanthropy. Ostrower (1995) examined how charity is
specifically directed towards the poor and focuses on meeting an immediate need.
Philanthropy includes charity but also encompasses the wider range of public giving
for public purposes (p. 4). In the following paper, it will briefly examine how
nonprofit organizations utilize budgeting as a planning tool, management tool, and a
communications tool.... Show more content on ...
Budgeting is a tool which assists nonprofit organizations in meeting their short and
long term goals. McLaughlin (2016) stated Budgets are intended to be a tool, a means
to an end, not a holy grail (p. 163). Budgets are looking at the future of organizations.
Utilizing budgeting as a planning tool includes setting short and long term goals with
specific targets to meet within six months, one year, three years, and five years.
Larger nonprofit organizations which have established credibility within communities
may have more steady revenue streams through donations, government funding, and
established endowments to assist with their financial goals. For smaller nonprofit
organizations, they must build new relationships, establish trust, and build credibility
within the community they service. The goal of a nonprofit is to meet their mission,
planning lays out a road map for the organization to follow.
Budgeting as a management tool entails meeting day to day tasks by following a
financial plan of allotted funding for daily wages, having the right volunteers for
needed areas, meeting monthly expenses, and creating a fundraising plan to increase
capital for the
When William Herschel Discovered Infrared Waves
Slide 1
в—Џ Infrared has a longer wavelength
в—Џ Infrared light comes from the things that we can see and feel everyday. For
example, sunlight and fire are one of the examples that we feel this light in
our daily life.
в—Џ We cannot see the infraredlight because it is beyond what our eyes can
see(Beyond the visible light) However, our skin can feel this infrared light
by feeling the heat. We feel this in our everyday life.
Slide 2
в—Џ William Herschel discovered infrared waves around 1800
в—Џ When the sunlight pass through the window and passed through his prism,
he measured the temperature of each colors. When he was done with his
measurement, he also measured the space beside the color red(the dark part)
and realized that it has an even higher temperature. ... Show more content on ...
Slide 3 5
How does it work?
Infrared Night vision
в—Џ Infrared Camera is also called as the thermal imaging camera It measures
the infrared light emitting from many different objects.
в—Џ We normally use this technology to look at human body heat emissions or
other object s heat emissions. Since we let out the heat, which means we
emit the infrared light(Because we cannot see the heat that we are letting it
out), this detector can see our body with orange and red colors(Sometime
blue and green)
в—Џ The Process of this technology: Image Enhancement
в—‹ There are always tiny bits of photons even in the condition when the
place is very dark. When the photons enter our image
Culture In Mexican Culture
Culture has been defined in many ways. Hofstede for an example stated that
culture is defined at a national level and has a set of values and beliefs within the
culture. He also states that people of the Mexican community belong to the
collectivistic group, they also rank high in the power distance, uncertainty
avoidance, and masculinity groups as well. The collectivistic group refers to a
group of people that means that they are committed to their relationships,
regarding their family, extended family, and friends. This is also applied on a
daily basis and in business related conversations as well. Mexican people like to get
to know a person before doing business with you. They love the socialization and
conversation that comes with it. Mexicans also get along with others quite easily,
they are interested in meeting new people. In our country, the roles between a man
and a woman are still very different. When it comes to the working environment,
the majority of the high ranking position is still held mostly by men. As well as in
the household, where women are supposed to have a better chance and taking care
of the children, men are still head of the house. Even though there are women in the
world that are highly educated and hold a high position in the work force, the
journey getting it is not easy. Statistically, it was shown to be easier for women to
hold a position in fields such as education, services, and politics than in other fields.
This is probably because of the
Accidental Asian Chapter Summaries
Today, I started reading the first chapter of the memoir called The Accidental Asian
by Eric Liu. Reading the first chapter is not just for pleasure or information, but for
sympathy and relation. As an international student, I find the story of the author s dad
directly connecting to my life as transiting from Vietnam to the US. His dad boats
across the Pacific with the hope for creating the prosper Liu family. Although he
wants to maintain Chinese manner, Chao hua Liu, the author s father naturally
assimilates into American culture. As he attends University of Illinois, he soon
becomes an elegant man in a Western suit in his own wedding, enjoys his vacation in
luxurious American way. And more important, he communicates by English fluently
... Show more content on ...
As an international student, for me, I find his story can be part of mine in the
future. Having lived in the US for six months, not long enough to completely get
rid of my Vietnamese origin, I sometimes find it difficult to preserve my cultural
traditions while living in American environment, which requires me to be
completely assimilated into it. Going to school, I no longer have to wear in
traditional dress, no longer have to bend my body for 90 degree to greet an adult,
and no longer have to wait for adults on dinner table to eat first before I start to eat.
Flashing back to what I used to traditionally do in Vietnam, I feel regretful, ashamed,
and especially confused whether these changes are assimilation, or just simply
accommodation. Yet, I can assert certainly that what I have experienced in past six
months is categorized as assimilation. Due to Eric Liu s narration about his father s
life, I am again clear about my experience as well as the definition of assimilation: I
take American information, trends and experience and then incorporate with my
existing culture. And unfortunately, I find a way to get rid of my traditions and
replace with American
Media Should Respect Privacy of Public Figures Essay
The Media Should Respect Privacy of Public Figures
How much privacy of the individual is protected under the United States
Constitution? Every one is entitled to the right of privacy, but to what extent is that
privacy granted? Public figures are constantly being harassed and photographed by
the media. Some photographers and reporters will go to any means, even illegal
actions, to get a picture or story. However, public figuresare human beings like
everyone else, and the media should give them more privacy. The media needs to
operate with more respect for both laws and for moral and ethical codes of conduct.
There are laws establishing the privacy of an individual, and the media needs to
extend these rights to public figures. ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the Supreme Court ruled in the 1964 Sullivan v. New York Timescase
that vulnerability is taken as a price of admission to the public arena. Thus, the
privilege to cover public figures is almost unlimited, and public figures have few
privacy rights.
People reasonably expect privacy inside a house or fenced yard not visible from
the street and inside living facilities such as in hospitals and nursing homes.
Photographers need permission to both enter and photograph these private places.
However, anyone is fair game to be photographed and have their picture published
if the photo was taken from a public place. This includes people seen through the
windows of their own home (Dill, 178). However, one New York Court ruled that
photographers shooting inside a restaurant needed permission because the
restaurant was a public place for purposes of dining, and patrons dining there
should reasonably be allowed to dine in peace (Dill, 177). Even though it is
currently legal to photograph public figures in the privacy of their own homes,
ethically speaking it does not mean these pictures should be published. However,
because ethical codes are not working, there needs to be legal reform.
Additionally, breaking and entering or using trickery, impersonation, fraud and
disguise to gain admission to a private area are illegal. Even though these acts are
illegal, some members of the media still break the law to get the picture or story they
want. Often times,
To Kill A Mockingbird Nell s Childhood
Harper Lee, known by many as Nelle , was very independent and brave. She kept
to herself and lived her life according to herself. No one else besides the people she
loved and lived for. She never wanted others changing the way her life was lived.
Interviews were never allowed by her so it was always very difficult for people to
understand her way of living from her point of view. She was passionate about her
writings and future of being a lawyer, Lee was also sensible about her surroundings
and others. Bravery comes in many different forms as everyone should perceive. It
comes in ways like, serving our country, standing up for others, and other simple
ways. Throughout Nelle s entire childhood, she showed tremendous amounts of
bravery. Not once did any of the people associated with Nelle have to fight difficult
battles on their own. Truman Capote, Nelle s best friend, from her childhood, was the
person she stood up for the most. No matter how many scraps and scrapes they...
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Once there, she began to write snippets of To Kill A Mockingbird
, her famous novel
that was published on July 11, 1960. To Kill A Mockingbird, is a novel written by
Harper Lee, that is written specifically about situations that have occurred in her
past life. The book is spurred over the amount of 3 years. (1933 1935) Nelle had
written this novel because of her passion for writing, and the fact that she didn t have
the easiest life story that she would even consider on enlightening people about, so
she did it through her book. This made a thought come up like, how smart of an
idea was that? To write a book preferably of life, but specifically of your crazy one.
She was passionate about the writing and let many others know that, but still kept
her life simple and free of interviews. It was obvious as to the book was about
specific events, but she didn t like to share all that specific information with the
Annotated Bibliography Ernest Hemingway
Therapy of Ernest Hemingway
Rebecca McRunnel
PSY 303: Abnormal Psychology
Professor Hillary Locke
August 13, 2015
I.Identifying Information
Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1989 (Ernest Hemingway Biography, 2015).
Ernest is a 40 year old white male, average build weighing no more than 180 pounds.
He was born in Cicero, Illinois. Ernest is a heterosexual male, who enjoys the
company of woman. Hemingway is an author of many novels and many publications
within newspapers.
II.Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
Ernest Hemingway was referred to me from Dr. John in regards to his explosive
disorders and loss of sleep and appetite. Dr. John also said that he has feeling of
suicide following the death of his father. Dr. John... Show more content on ...
John. Through his referral we have discovered that Ernest has many mood changes
and anger issues that are unresolved resulting in resentment from his father s
suicide and his mother dressing him as a girl. Martha, Ernest wife, describes him
as very violent tendencies, along with not sleeping or eating. He also has expressed
thoughts that he will commit suicide like his father and two of his siblings. His
thoughts are unstable and have many mood changes from happy to sad to angry
with no reason. He was very angry with the reasons why I was asking his wife her
experience with her husband. He showed that he could have violent behaviors
through his yelling and expressed feelings of
Analyzing Edgar Allen Poe s Annabel Lee
Annabel Lee
There was a couple that were perfect together,but something happened. Edgar Allen
Poe wrote a story called Annabel Lee which is about a couple that loved each
other,but the wife went away. The narrator talks about his feelings. Poe uses
hyperboles, allusions, and personifications to show passing does not separate true
In Annabel Lee the author references people, and places that help the main idea
and thesis. The narrator talked about the Bible when he said The angels,not half so
happy in heaven... supports the main idea. It supports it because it is saying the
angels are not as happy and he is insinuating the angels could be jealous of them
which is why his wife passed away. The narrator talks about the bible many times.
He does it here when he says And neither the angels in Heaven above... . He talks
about the angels again which means he is definitely blaming the angels for what
happened to Annabel Lee. The narrator talks about how the angels were the ones that
killed her because they were jealous of their love. ... Show more content on ...
The narrator goes on to say how The angels, not half so happy in Heaven. . He is
exaggerating this because in heaven there is nothing but happiness. There also is no
sin in Heaven so the angels could not be jealous,or unhappy,or angry at them.
Nevertheless the narrator still blames the angels. He tries to grab you attention here
when he says Yes! That was the reason(as all men know ) . He wants to grab your
attention for the next few lines. You know he wants to grab your attention because he
exclaims Yes! which is meant to make you focus on that. The narrator can grab your
attention in many ways like
Military Strategy Research Paper
A goal is defined as the desired result a person anticipates and plans to accomplish.
For example the ultimate goal in college is to graduate. It is the big idea of any
mission. A company may have a goal to be the best pizza service in the state. So, for
Amazon, it could be reduce the cost of books, or it could be drive profit by
increasing the cost of shipping. Goals can be long or short termgoals. For example, a
short term goalcould be drink water all week. A long term goal could be set freshman
year of college which is to graduate on time. A goal is anything that an individual,
company, school, or organization set to be achieved.
Strategy is defined as a plan of action designed to achieve a major objective. This is
the overall operations to achieve a goal. During war the military has tactics which
come from the art of planning. A strategy is the guide for the individual, business,
or organization to achieve the objective at hand. An individual should map out and
meditate in advance to reduce the chance of failing. So, for FedEx, it could be to
map out routes to make sure delivery personal does not overlap each other. A
strategy is a compass that guides a person along to make sure they achieve their
objective. ... Show more content on ...
No one can achieve any goals without a strategic plan. When setting a goal a person
has to think of ways to accomplish the goal. Having a goal without a plan is like
having a class with no books. A goal is the big idea and the strategy contain the
steps to the achievement of that objective. Many businesses would go bankrupt if
they did not have a strategic plan to achieve profit goals. For instance, Walmart has
a goal to meet their set revenue for the month, so the company has to set tactical
ideas to reach that revenue goal. There is no way to set a goal and not have an
operational plan to attain
Faces and Voices in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!
Faces and Voices in Faulkner s Absalom, Absalom!
While reading Absalom, Absalom! I was amazed at the number of times one of the
narrators would refer to faces or voices as being present rather than to the people
themselves. In almost every chapter this synecdoche appears, reducing many of the
characters to images, shadows and memories. I think Faulkner uses this device to
enhance the fact that the story is told from memory much of it from the point of view
of the characters childhoods.
On page 184, Mr. Compson tells the story of young Thomas Sutpen s family life. He
says he was just there, surrounded by the faces, almost all the faces which he had
ever known. I think the fact that Sutpen s father and sisters aren t referred to ... Show
more content on ...
To young Charles, his mother was the face filled with furious and almost unbearable
unforgiving and likened to all mother faces (239). His father s blank face upon
meeting him also becomes a point of conflict for Charles. Later, Judith wears a calm,
frozen face (150) for years after Charles s murder, never breaking until her father
finally comes home from the war.
Also, there is mention of voices talking in the novel, rather than people talking. In
many parts of the book, I think this device helps to conjure up the image of young
Rosa standing at the door eavesdropping. When her own family all but ignored her
and only spoke behind closed doors, it must have seemed to her that voices talked
more than actual people. Referring to voices independent of their owners also adds
to the haunted, ghostly aspect of the story as seen from Quentin s perspective. On
page 4 he says : the voice not ceasing but vanishing...and the ghost mused with
shadowy docility as if it were the voice which he haunted where a more fortunate one
would have had a house. It s almost as if you can hear the ghosts speaking through
Miss Rosa, telling their own story through her.
The synecdoche in Absalom, Absalom! is a device not usually found in Faulkner s
work. However, I think it adds atmosphere and tonal qualities to the book while
developing the characters sense of themselves and their relationships to other
Lack Of Voice In Alice Walker s The Color Purple
The play The Color Purple shows the way women are portrayed with lost voices.
Celie one of the main characters was a very lost girl from the start of the play. She
grew up with mistreatment and rape throughout most of her young years. As the
play continued Celie grew older and smarter, she created a great relationship with
her younger sister Nettie, in which she took care of and loved. Even though, Celie
went through many obstacles she still attempted to show her strength amongst
others. When Pa sent Celie away with Mr.__, Celie was devastated because she had
to be apart from the only person who truly loved her and cared for her. Nettie and
Celie were apart from each other for a great period of time, but Celie always
wondered if Nettie... Show more content on ...
Males believed that women were good to be home for cooking, cleaning and
looking after children. A lot has changed in the new world because women have
taken much bigger roles now, but lets take it to when women had no say. Mae G.
Henderson a great writer expresses the way Celie had to deal with the domination
of men since a young age. Celie being a young black women had plenty of
restrictions while under the household of Pa and Mr.__. She had to face situations
that put her aside from speaking for herself and others. Celie never knew how to
speak for her self because the men she was around imposed rules and abuse that
stopped her of such acts. Mae G. Henderson states, Over and over again, Celie
accepts abuse and victimization. When Harpo asks her what to do to make Sofia
mind, Celie, having internalized the principle of male domination, answers, beat
her! (67). Here we can see the way Celie was thought by men. She tells Harpo to
beat Sofia because thats what she s been through and her lost voice never gave her
chance to speak on the situation. The male dominance around Celie made her a
victim of a women losing
Examples Of Discourse Analysis
A.Fairclough s Critical Discourse Analysis (1989, 1995)
1.This theory is used to critically analyze relationship between language, ideologies,
and society to reveal the portrayal of women in the film.
2.Fairclough (1995) clarifies that discourse is not only written and spoken language,
but it also visual part that has meaning (p.54).
3.According to Fairclough (2010), in Critical Discourse Analysis, language is viewed
as a social practice because it shapes and is shaped by society.
4.According to Fairclough (1989, 1995), Critical Discourse Analysis is used to
analyze communicative events by analyzing the relationship between three
dimensions, including the micro dimension, the meso dimension, and the macro
a.The micro dimension ... Show more content on ...
Related previous studies
A.The first research entitled The representation of gender roles in the media An
analysis of gender discourse in Sex and the City movies was constructed by Therese
Ottosson and Xin Cheng in 2012.
1.The aim was to study to see how gender is portrayed in the movies, Sex and The
City season 1 and 2.
2.The theories that used in the study were theories of representation and Critical
Discourse Analysis.
3.The results showed that, gender roles are unequally represented in SATC1 and
a.Men are always portrayed in a typical manner and have a superiority.
b.Women are presented as subordinate role. They must be beautiful and look young
as much as possible and work for men.
B.The second research entitled Women s representation and gender identity in
Desperate Housewives was conducted by Eveliina Salomaa in 2010.
1.The aim was to study how women are portrayed in Desperate Housewives and how
the modern women have similar identities as traditional housewives.
2.The theories used for research were Critical Discourse Analysis and Gender Identity.
3.The result showed that, at the surface level, women are portrayed in Desperate
Housewives is much different from other TV series, however, in deep level, women
still similar to the norms and traditional
Harry Potter Archetypes
Pop culture is defined as modern popular culture transmitted via mass media. With
such a large sphere of influence, it should come as no surprise that all of pop culture
has an underlying basis in psychology. From archetypes in beloved books to heated
political debates, psychology plays a crucial role in shaping society s entertainment
and passions.
Carl Jung s archetypes can be found in just about any story one reads. The Hero ,
The Lover , The Sage , etc. are all well known character bases that are established in
our stories from a very young age. However, they are particularly conspicuous in the
Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. In Harry Potter, Harry, Ron, and
Hermione are shining examples of three of Jung s archetypes. The ... Show more
content on ...
By using this method, one can create a mental representation of a place, real or
imaginary, and use it to store pieces of information. This mental warehouse is
sometimes referred to as a mind palace . In regards to pop culture, the method of loci
is an important plot device used in the television series Sherlock. In the show,
Sherlock Holmes can be seen using his mind palace to sort through information in
order to solve crimes. Besides fighting crime, you may be asking, what use is there
for a mind palace? Well, many stage performers use the method of loci too. Actors
and actresses can use the method to memorize their lines. Public speakers might use
a mind palace to remember the main points of their speeches. Some people even
utilize the method of loci to compete in memory competitions. These individuals are
able to recall whole decks of cards just by imagining walking through a location of
their choice. In short, the method of loci is an interesting memory assistant that plays
a small, yet intriguing role in pop
Harley Davidson History
The first Harley Davidson bike rolled on to the scene as a race bike. William
Harley completed his blueprint for the bike and explained that he wanted to design
an engine to fit on a bike (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). Its
competition at the time was the Hendee s manufacturing company s 1.75 horsepower,
single cylinder motorcycle. The first race was a test run, but the Harley Davidson
officially entered into the racing scene in 1914, where the bike and the rider won
every race. The nick name for the bike was given because of the victory lap the
rider would take after every win (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015).
After being dubbed the fastest and most winning bike in the country, the thrill
seekers and men with a rough attitude started to take notice of the brand. The
military even started to contract with the motorcycle company. The police force
looked into the motorcycles for high speed chases, whereas the biker gangs would
use them to get away from the law (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015).
Harley Davidsoncontrolled over 60% of the market and was the only company
producing motorcycles at the time in the United Stated. But they got too
comfortable and were unwilling to make a change. Then Honda came to the scene
to make a splash. Honda Motor Company started in 1955 after World War II during a
time where Japan was rebuilding their economy (Gardinar, 2015). They were able to
disguise themselves from the other
Geography Cronulla Essay
Outline the geographical processes relevant to the management of the Cronulla,
Wanda and Kurnell area.
The Cronulla, Kurnell and Wanda region sites are ecologically and culturally
significant. The Cronulla, Wanda and Kurnell areas are filled with beautiful beaches,
magnificent headlands and various other wonderful features, being well over 15000
years old this region showcases some magnificent attractions. These regions however
are now faced with issues regarding enviromental degradation and habitat
endangerment. There are many issues however some of the more significant
problems are erosion, longshore drift and high rise development. There are three key
factors in the geographical processes that affect the coastal enviroments. There ...
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Erosion is unfortuanately present at Cronulla beach, the local government have tried
to tackle this problem with solution such as dune stabilization and rip rap walls. Rip
rap walls are when larged rocks are piled in a certain angle to catch drifting sand and
protect the beaches from harsher waves and to protect buildings from high tides.
There are also many programs which help to ensure the stabilization of dunes,
these include the planting of new vegetation to combat erosion, fencing and
designated walkways to prevent human interference. The main reason of dune
stabilization is to slow down the speed of erosion. In 1974 the Cronulla beaches
were at an all time low and was in a critical state, from this the University of New
South Wales designed a new wall, a wall which is different from the conventional
walls used to prevent erosion and transportation with these hexagonal concrete
blocks weigh well over a tonne each to be used as a line of defence agiasnt the
waves and erosion. These concrete walls over a period of time have increased the
size of the beach. Enviromental organisations have tried there best to limit the
amount of man made deveoplment on coastal lads and many schools participating in
annual events to protect and save the sand dunes. The government has also
How Did Lincoln s First Inaugural Address Dbq
Panel 3: On March 4, 1861, after being elected as the president of the nation,
Abraham Lincoln gave his first inaugural Address where he claimed that he had no
purpose to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it s practiced.
He had no inclination to do so. He was just like any other northerner who believed
that slavery should not expand but never considered the black and white to be on the
same level. Pane 4: As the war began, Lincoln started to wonder what to do with the
freedman if the union wins. He started to worry about whether the confederate state
would able to tolerate the freedmen, accept them, and be united. Therefore, on April
14, 1862, he decided to hold a meeting in the White House with some Black men to
discuss his plan to colonize the freedmen in Africa. However, Douglass pointed out
that the slaves fought for the country and had the right to inhibit it. Then, Lincoln
agreed that colonization wasn t justified.... Show more content on ...
Due to this issue, Lincoln decided to turn the war to a morally based focus and
issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan 1, 1863, hoping that it would gain
Union army more supporters. Lincoln addressed many things in the proclamation that
conveyed the evolution of his political views towards slavery. Dialogue: All person
held as slaves within any state ... shall be then ... forever
Thesis On Couples Without Children
4. Findings
4.1 Couples without Children The one of the subject that we used for this study is
couples without children. The husband is 24 years old, while the wife is 22 years
old. Both of them are not working and they are full time student. They live in urban
area which is Kuala Lumpur, and they live with the wife parents. They use
scholarship for daily expenses. They are married for 1 year. The whole data was
interpreted based on the point of view of the informants.
4.1.1 Trend of Eating Firstly, the informants stated that this couple usually eats three
to four meals per day, which are breakfast, lunch and dinner, and sometimes they take
afternoon tea. During weekends, the couple sometimes eats at wedding occasions or
attending the feast. ... Show more content on ...
This shows that their food intake follows the recommendation of healthy meals. On
overall the informants also told that the husband consumes larger portion size of
food compared to his wife in certain meals. Besides that, the couples consume
balance diet, which means their food intake includes carbohydrate, protein, fats and
other micronutrients such as potassium, calcium and fiber. In addition, they also
informed that the couples prepared the food at home by themselves. In addition to
the information, the couples usually consume energy dense foods. Sometimes, the
food are bought from outside. Other than that, according to the cuisine, the couples
are used to take Malay cuisine such as fried rice, nasi berlauk , Chinese cuisine
such as fried me, Indian cuisine like roti canai and also western cuisine such as
sandwiches and cereals. Next, the couples usually take their meals at home, and
they eat at the table. Besides that, the foods are served on the tables before they eat.
The food prepared in the single plate for each person. The couple usually uses their
hand to eat. The couple frequently eats together for all meals, and seldom do not eat
Hal Jordan The Green Lantern
As many people know 2007 s Green lantern film didn t do so well as far as the box
office was concerned. Though Ryan Reynolds did a good job portraying the
character the movies screenplay was incredibly inconsistent and although the story
plot seemed pretty easily readable from the viewers perception it was all over the
place in inconsistencies. Many reviews were mainly negative many not liking the
tone of the story and choice of villains and characters alongside the Green Lantern.
The movie had an end credit scene which Warner Bros. studios were hoping to use
towards a sequel to the movie but the movie was so badly reviewed that the sequel
never happened. That s saying something when a movie is so bad and no one wants
to put any effort into... Show more content on ...
The Apotheosis is the moment right before the movie climax s. The Apotheosis is
the moment where the hero completes a goal and transcends, the moment when
greater understanding is achieved. At this point in the movie Hal Jordan the
Green Lantern is drawn out to face one of his enemies Hector Hammond. Now
Hector Hammond was never a bad guy until he became possessed by the power of
fear that is controlled by one of the Green Lantern corps most dangerous enemies
Parallax. The Green Lanterns powers come from the power of their will and
therefore fear is it s greatest enemy such is Parallax. Now Hector Hammond
kidnapped Hal Jordan s damsel( typical damsel in distress scenario). And to get her
back Hammond ask for only his ring the one item that embraces his powers of hope
in doing so hes powerless, but the ring only works for those who are chosen so...
the ring then returns to Hal Jordan. The thing about this scene that i would change is
the fact that most of the scene is entirely made up of dialogue, and that parallax is in
the outer atmosphere just watching Hammond do his dirty work the whole scene just
is not put together well. And the fact that the animation of parallax is basically just a
big dirty cloud with a face in
Creationism Vs Evolution Essay
Evolution and Creation: The Truth Unfolding Evolution has been a vigorous topic of
debate between creationists and evolutionists since Darwin first composed the idea.
These debates rarely end with a compromise, but instead leave the theistic and
atheistic worldviews tremendously segregated. There is evidence for both sides, and
it often comes down to which side can present the most conclusive details.
Evolutionists argue that science can not prove of intelligent design, while creationists
argue that science is inconceivable without it. However, is there the possibility of
intelligent design with microevolution and mutation? Evolutionand her evidences can
be investigated to discover mutations and natural selection that may have taken place
over history, as well as evidence directing to a design. Evolution is the theory that
every organic thing has originated from a single living organism. Evolutionary
principles are widely accepted... Show more content on ...
The difference is in the thinking of an organism s genetic origin. Creationists believe
that this genetic information originated through an intelligent design and gene
recombination, while evolutionists believe that it has stemmed from small gene
mutations and natural selection (Natural Selection). Evolutionists and creationists
often have no difficulty agreeing on natural selection leading to microevolution, but
there are discrepancies when it comes to macroevolution. Creationists agree that
microevolution could have caused slight changes to the appearance of a species, but
they do not accept the idea that slight mutations have lead to large evolutionary
changes as evolutionists have proposed. According to evolutionists, macroevolution
could have taken place with the right amount of time and the correct circumstances,
leading to the development of different species and one common ancestor
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  • 1. How To Structure An Essay Introduction Crafting an essay on the intricacies of structuring an introduction is no small feat. At its core, the task demands a delicate balance of clarity, engagement, and conciseness. You must unravel the complexities of introducing a topic while simultaneously gripping your audience's attention and laying the groundwork for the discussion ahead. Navigating the labyrinth of introductory paragraphs requires a keen understanding of your subject matter and audience. You must ponder the tone, consider the overarching purpose, and meticulously select your words to set the stage for the ensuing discourse. The introduction serves as the gateway, beckoning readers to venture further into the depths of your argument or analysis. Yet, the challenge extends beyond mere exposition. Crafting an effective introduction demands a fusion of creativity and structure. You must wield your words with precision, weaving a narrative thread that captivates without veering off course. Each sentence must serve a purpose, guiding your readers seamlessly from the general to the specific, from the familiar to the unknown. Moreover, the art of crafting an introduction is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It necessitates adaptability, a willingness to tailor your approach to the unique demands of each essay. Whether you opt for an anecdote, a startling statistic, or a thought-provoking question, your introduction must resonate with your readers and compel them to delve deeper into your work. Yet, despite its challenges, mastering the art of structuring an essay introduction is a skill worth cultivating. It is the gateway to your ideas, the initial impression that shapes your readers' perceptions and primes them for the journey ahead. With diligence and practice, you can harness the power of the introduction to captivate your audience and breathe life into your essays. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on How To Structure An Essay IntroductionHow To Structure An Essay Introduction
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  • 4. Educational Technology Essay Exam Name___YVETTE TORRALBA MOSES___________ TRUE/FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. 1) Technological literacy cannot serve as the primary rationale for integrating educational technology. 1) _T______ 2) One thing we have learned from the history of technologies in education is that teachers rarely have time to develop their own instructional media for teaching. 2) __T_____ 3) Research over the past 40 years has shown conclusively that technology based methods are usually superior to traditional ones. 3) _F______ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 4) Educators who come from a vocational... Show more content on ... 16) _F____ 17) Having small groups work cooperatively to develop a hypermedia product is identified more with constructivist models than with directed instructional ones. 17) ___T___ 18) One of the essential conditions for effective technology integration is adequate technical assistance for teachers. 18) __T____ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 19) Which of the following technology based strategies might Skinner have considered an effective way to shape learned behavior? 19) ___C___ A) forming responses through multimedia rewards for good behavior B) using visual examples to bridge adult/expert and child/novice levels C) drill and practice that gives reinforcement for correct answers D) using Internet illustrations to stimulate recall of prerequisite skills 20) Which of the following might be a kind of technology strategy based on constructivist learning models? 20) _C_____ A) Identifying skill weaknesses and targeting tutorial and drill software to them B) Giving students a German language tutorial because a teacher is not available C) Showing video based problems that students solve through small group work D) Letting students write papers by word processing, rather than by hand 21) What two kinds of
  • 5. The Iliad And The Book Of Genesis Amidst themes of suffering, war, violence, and sin, the characters of both the Iliad and the book of Genesis strive to live and define their lives as their own. The women in particular best exemplify this struggle as they contend not only with the circumstances to which they are born into, but must also grapple will the role they play in their society and how their actions influence the greater fate of their people. Within the Iliad, Andromache s role as a womanand wife to a warrior during war contributes to her actions unintentionally furthering the moira of her husband and ultimately the fall of Troy. On the other hand, Rebekah drives the plot of Genesis by using her intelligence to manipulate events to adhere to their version of fate:... Show more content on ... It is Andromache s role and nature as a woman who exemplifies the soft side of human relations that paradoxically reminds Hector of his duty to fight and hastens the fall of both Hector and Troy. Pitted against the other worldly forces of gods and fate, Andromache demonstrates a desperate struggle to subvert the inevitable loss of Hector and the fall of Troy. Her role as the wife of Hector places her within the supposed safety of Troy s walls as her husband fights on the front lines. Her role predominantly as the wife of Hector, renowned warrior and prince of Troy, creates a sense of constant worry and urgent anxiety in each of her three main dialogues. Each of these dialogues occur in accordance to the life of Hector one being before his death, one shortly after his death, and the last at Hector s funeral. The placement of each of these dialogues demonstrate the importance of the relationship between the two and, furthermore, emphasizes the potential effects of Hector s loss. The most moving interaction that epitomizes the tragedy of Andromache s battle between action vs. fate can be observed in her plea to Hector to leave the front lines. She appeals to his role as a family man the provider to his beloved wife and father to his son (Ill 6.427 490). However, the tragedy in this interaction is that the more Andromache attempts to persuade Hector, the more decisive Hector becomes
  • 6. Problems that Need to be Overcome If Current Peace Talks... Problems that Need to be Overcome If Current Peace Talks in Northern Ireland are to Succeed In your answer you need to consider: a) Two previous attempts made at peace in the last 20 years b) The break through that have been made c) The problems that still exist Between 1980 and 1984 Margaret Thatcher held regular meetings with Taoiseaches Charles Haughey and then after she held meetings with Garret Fitzgerald. The IRA violence was beginning to get out of control and both governments were getting very concerned. Margret Thatcher on other hands was almost Killed by an IRA bomb in 1984 and things had to change. They were also concerned about the increasing support for the IRA s political ... Show more content on ... The unionists were also strongly opposed to the Agreement. They didn t like the involvement of the Republic s government in the affairs of Northern Ireland. The day after it was signed the News Letter summed up unionist opposition when it claimed yesterday the ghosts of Cromwell and Lundy walked hand in hand to produce a recipe for bloodshed and conflict which has few parallels in modern history. In essence the Agreement represented a negotiation between the British and Irish governments. In return for Dublin s formal appreciation of the legitimacy of Northern Ireland, London agreed to confer with the Republic s government on all matters relating to the rights of Northern Ireland s nationalist minority. The new relationships were outlined in the Agreement s 13 Articles. These referred to: В· The Status of Northern Ireland, Article 1; В· The Intergovernmental Conference, Articles 2 4; В· Political Matters, Articles 5 6; Security and Related Matters, Article 7; В· Legal Matters including the administration of justice, Article 8; В· Cross Border Co operation on Security, Economic, Social and Cultural Matters, Articles 9 10; В· Arrangements for Review, Article 11;
  • 8. Plantar Fasciitis As highlighted by Mario Roxas, ND Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a degenerative syndrome of the plantar fascia resulting from repeated trauma at heel bone and metatarsals bone. The word fasciitis impersonate inflammation is an innate part of this condition. Tightness of the Achilles tendon is present in almost 80 percent of patients.PF is the consequence of multiple factors. Recent case controlled studies have recognize obesity or sudden weight gain, reduced ankle dorsiflexion, pes planus, and occupations that require prolonged weight bearing as the greatest risk factors link with PF. Painat the inferior region of heel first rate presentation of PF.Alternative names for PF include painful heel syndrome, heel spur syndrome, runner s heel, sub... Show more content on ... Plantar fasciitis is more likely to occur in middle aged obese women or in those who are on their feet most of the day.[2] Colie C, Seto C and Gazewood J states that Due to the cumulative overload stress to the origin of plantar fascia results in acute or chronic injury that may cause pain.[3] As highlighted by S Cutts, N Obi, C Paspula, Ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter s syndrome and osteoarthritis can all produce symptoms of PF and can be marked as differential diagnoses for PF.Top notch interpretation of plantar fasciitis is a clinical one. Most day to day investigation is plain x ray. Technetium bone scintigraphy is positive in plantar fasciitis.[4] As highlighted by Author, PF is considered a self limiting condition. But 6 18 months is a typical resolving period of PF. Of many treatments alternatives available for PF rest and avoidance of aggravating activities one of the most essential and most effective self treatment that provides significant relief. Other treatment options for PF are proper foot wear, foot orthotic, leaning wall stretch, curb or stair stretches, toe curls, and toe taps. Surgery for PF should be contemplate choice only after all other forms of treatment have failed.
  • 9. The Difference Between A Eighteen Year Old And A Years Old What s the difference between a fifteen year old and a sixteen year old? Freedom. At the age of fifteen, you re given the training wheels needed to reach freedom; also known as your permit. Nothing is as cool to a fifteen year old as driving your mom and dad around for the first couple of months. The roles have finally been reversed. Mark Wahlberg says it best in the Other Guys, I m a peacock and you gotta let me fly. Getting your permit is the first step to reaching the ultimate goal: getting your license. At the age of sixteen, your training wheels are taken off and your journey to independence has started. To some, this might sound easy. From personal experience, I can say it s not. You have to endure hours of studying, practicing, and even tests. In the end, the hard work is worth it. You are achieving the goal that every kid looks forward to. Drivingisn t a task that anyone can just start doing. Driving a 3 ton vehicle that can take someone from point A to point B in no time isn t easy. The first step into becoming a driver, like the first step when building something, is reading the manual. The magazine sized directional discusses common traffic laws, how to park a car up or downhill, and how driving a car works in general. I remember when I was first starting to research about getting my license, I was extremely overwhelmed with the amount of reading I was going to have to do. However rather than getting scared and backing down, I remained dedicated and faced
  • 10. Nostalgia In The Bong Connection In this paper I am interested to analyse AnjanDutta sThe Bong Connection (2006), a representative, popular Bangla cinema on the Bengali diaspora in North America. This film, I argue, attempts to demystify the aura of homeland and nostalgia as idolised in Bollywood cinema. The liberalisation of Indian economy and socio cultural growth of the Indian middle class in the nineties, prompted Bollywood film makers such as Yash Chopra and Karan Johar to import and recreate glitzy versions of the Non Resident Indian for the Indian masses. Hindi films began narrating to the nation, a new community of Indians who were to be taken as role models of success and glory. However, The Bong Connection reads the Bengali diaspora in the US and the reception of NRIs in Bengal, in a new way. The film seems to act as afoil to the starry life of the NRI as depicted by popular production camps in Bollywood. Here, I have attempted to critically read to the manner in which the film has represented new notions of homeland, nation and diasporic dualities, in the context of contemporary global culture. The following section studies the representation of the idea of homeland and nostalgia by Bollywood films and The Bong Connection. Homeland and Nostalgia Bollywood is one of the most ... Show more content on ... The diaspora Indian is not just the Punjabi expatriate but also people from other ethnic backgrounds, representing young technocratic Indians who travel to other countries all the time thus creating a more eclectic, flexible and more enduring diaspora. AvtarBrah writes that, at the heart of the notion of diaspora is the image of a journey and diasporic journeys are essentially about settling down, about putting roots elsewhere (McLeod 209). The Bong Connection is about two such journeys; one in search of roots and the other of planting new ones in a new
  • 11. Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek and His Contribution to... No one would ever expect a Dutch fabric merchant to be the first to discover some of the most abundant organisms in the world. Europe was in the midst of a Scientific Revolution as part of the Renaissance. At this time, new scientific discoveries were being made with the rise of scientists such as Galileo and Newton. Another prominent name in this revolution was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Leeuwenhoek first worked in a fabric shop in Delft, Holland in the mid 1600s. Leeuwenhoek used his microscope to observe almost anything he could think of to have a better understanding of what he was seeing. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek contributed to microbiologybecause he developed the first simple microscope, was the first to observe microorganisms, and was... Show more content on ... The short (about 1 millimeter) focal lengths of the lenses would have necessitated placing the eye almost in contact with the lens ( Anton van Leeuwenhoek ). Leeuwenhoek obtained the clear image by carefully moving the angle of lighting left and right. Leeuwenhoek s techniques of lighting samples under the microscope are still not well known today. This was the only secret that he took to his grave. Even though the simple microscope was difficult to use, scholars visited Leeuwenhoek to be educated on his design. Leeuwenhoek went all over the world giving demonstrations about his microscope for high ranking people. Without Leeuwenhoek s simple microscope, microbiology today would not be as advanced. What is even more impressive than configuring a new and improved microscope was the observations that were seen through the device. First, Leeuwenhoek came up with a theory on the difference on taste of sugar and salt and examined them each to investigate, why they have their certain tastes. He was then curious about why pepper had its sharp taste. After inserting the pepper into snow water, Leeuwenhoek found 3 types of protozoa and a kind of bacteria that was mistaken as a different animalcule. Robert Hooke, an English natural philosopher, was the first to confirm Leeuwenhoek s discovery of the microorganisms in the pepper and snow water infusion.
  • 12. System Analysis and Recommendation Report of Natividad... System analysis and recommendation report In this section, I present a system analysis and recommendation report on the Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer Information Systems (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems infrastructure and technology components. The system analysis report details the findings of the system analysis in the part of system vulnerability/risk assessment as a critical component of the security plan. Why the system vulnerability/risk assessment was carried out as part of system analysis The security plan for Natividad Medical Center s Hospital Computer Information System (HCIS) network and its hospital grade systems infrastructure and technology components must certified be elaborate and fool proof due to the nature and sensitivity of the information which is contained within the system and its resources (Bayan,2004). The rationale for the tools that were used for the security planning and vulnerability assessment As noted earlier, the appropriate risk analysis tool for use in this regard is Risk Watch. This is due to the fact that it focuses on HIPPA, NIACAP and DITSCAP. It can however be used together with Buddy Systems, a risk analysis tool with a general focus on information technology. The decision for whichever risk analysis /assessment tool that was used was based on the particular enterprise and organizational needs. Different types of organizations have different needs and are required to follow different laws and
  • 13. Black Gangster Disciple Nation Vs Mcdonald s Case Study Generally, secret or hard to find information differentiates a group or institution in charge of it from those without access or knowledge. It attributes to the group an informational advantage which is carried out in terms of intimidation or (implicit) trust. Should the knowledge become public, this information asymmetry is abrogated and the group s power diminishes. For example, the Ku Klux Klanin the US rose to power thanks to a self created mythos and inside facts and rituals, but lost most of its appeal and influence once Stetson Kennedy published a large part of their secret information. The Black Gangster Disciple Nation and McDonald s resemble each other in structural and organisational terms. Both are segregated into several ... Show more content on ... A lot of the topics touch on daily life issues and well known conventional wisdoms and thus leave some thought provoking impact. However, Levitt, in the introduction of Freakonomics, declares economics to be a simple science of measurement depicting reality compared to and distinct from morality considered as ideals or utopias of that reality. In my opinion this statement underestimates the significance of economic theory in today s world, is generalised and insufficient. Economic theory and measurements have strong implications, e.g. for the perception of national welfare, and consequently policies and regulations of a country which attributes to economics much more command than a mere supply of information. Furthermore, reality can hardly be described only by numbers since feelings and morality as foundations of our values and beliefs take a large and decisive part in life and our decisions, but can hardly be measured as such. Even the economic system of exchange is not only based on efficiency and quantitative terms but indeed on moral based conduct as well. Overall, I consider explaining the world by mere measurements and a collection of factual data too simplistic. What most negatively occurred to me was that, at least partly due to Levitt s deliberate distinction between morality and economics, no
  • 14. Summary Of Give Me Death By Patrick Henry Speech The speech Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death was given by Patrick Henry in 1775 at the Second Virginia Convention, when the stirrings of the American Revolution were beginning to arise. At the time, his opponents thought mostly to continue to appeal and petition to the British Crown for their entreaties, however, Henry was a proponent of raising a militia to revolt against the British due to its multiple offenses towards the colonists and delivered this speech as an argument to do so. The speech was not recorded, but this text surfaced in later years as its contents by another person, so there is some debate as to the true author of this speech. Nevertheless, the text borrows a handful of references to the Bible, and its inclusion of these references not only points to the conclusion that he and his audiences knew these allusions but also greatly enhanced the contents of the speech as a motivating and persuasive force for the American colonists to turn to his side through the usage of analogous situations, literary devices, and parallel descriptions of Godto the context of the current position in the speech. The speech utilizes an analogyto create a parallel between the situation the American colonists had at that time been facing and the circumstance found in Bible. Henry uses a notable and well known scene from the Gospels the betrayal of Jesusto illustrate his point. The analogy is made with the line Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Although
  • 15. The Discovery Of The Pahlavi Dynasty The 1979 uprisings were aimed at getting rid of the Pahlavi dynasty which contained only two kings, Reza Shah and Mohammed Reza Shah. Before the Pahlavi s, Iran was ruled by the Qajar dynasty, and before that the Safavids. The safavids and Qajar s were responsible for two of the most important aspects of Iran: The safavids made Shia Islam the official state religion in Iran, starting with Ismail 1 in 1501, and the Qajar s gave the muslim clergy The ulema political power. The first major revolution in Iran was in 1906. It forced the ruling Qajar s to accept a constitution, it created a parliament and put some limits on the king. It ultimately failed party because the clergy withdrew their support, partly because the Shah worked very actively against it, and the Russian and the British worked to keep Persia weak so they could continue to try to dominate the region. After WW1, Europeans rivalries heated up because of the discovery of oil in the Middle East. The British established Iranian Oil company and they helped to engineer the change in dynasty by supporting military commander Reza Khan. Later on Reza Khan became Shah and he attempted to turn Persia, which he re named Iran 1935, into a modern, secular, western style state. Reza Shahis remembered for his dictatorial repression, which led the clergy against him. During WW2 Reza Shah abdicated and his young son Mohammad Reza Shah became the leader of Iran until 1979. The Shah in 1979 was an autocrat and he employed a
  • 16. Figurative Language In The Poem Demeter By Carol Ann Duffy Intro Demeter was heartbroken when her daughter, Persephone was taken by Hades to the underworld. Without her beloved daughter, she was left broken hearted, the world became dark, and hints of winter enveloped Demeter s home. In the poem Demeter by Carol Ann Duffy the author uses figurative language, such as hyperbole, personification, and symbolism to express Demeters rapturous attitude towards her daughter return. Body Demeter was miserable without her daughter by her side and the earth mourned along with her. When Persephone returns In the beginning of the third stanza the somber mood begins to disappear and optimism emerges with the return of Demeter s daughter. Duffy uses symbolism to describe the emotion that Demeter feels when Persephone returns from ... Show more content on ... When she is with Demeter the whole word blooms with color to symbolize how at peace Demeter is. Persephone brings all the joy to Demeter s life and when she goes back to Hades and the underworld she takes all of Demeter s joy away, and when she s gone the seasons turn colder. Demeter s outlook on life changes completely. The author uses hyperbole to illustrate Demeter s exaggerated claims about the return of her daughter being the cause of the beautiful spring weather. The author describes how the mother swears the air softens and warmed as she moved (Duffy12). In the previous stanza Duffy uses the word winter...cold (Duffy 1, 2) to symbolize a depressing feeling that lingers inside Demeter without the presence of her daughter. The author portrays Demeter as depressed without her daughter in the earlier stanzas. The word warmed symbolizes the good feelings that emerge inside Demeter, and the
  • 17. Cinderella Short Story Essay Through a historical analysis, we see that many aspects of the story are representative of the time. The story is set in Germany in the 1800s. To start, the story begins with the death of Cinderella s birth mom who became sick . . . and died (Grimm). This is because death was quite common in the mid 1800s [and] life expectancies were only in the high thirties or early forties (Huber). Soon after the father took himself another wife (Grimm). This is because in the 1800s second wives were quite common, (P. Smith 107) as the main role of the man was to marry to produce a male heir. Since the father only had Cinderella, a daughter, it was his role to remarry and have a male to inherit his land and belongings. Remarrying was also a norm of the time for child rearing. While the role of the man was to produce an heir, the role of the woman was to take care of the children. Taking care of the children was typically in the hands of the mother (Eidson). The stepmother s role would have been to watch over the children as the husband was gone. This occurs several times throughout the story as the stepmother watches over Cinderella as the husband goes to the fair . . . and festivals (Grimm). Women would remarry because they were limited in resources (P. Smith 107) without a man, so it is not unusual the stepmother remarried as well. By remarrying, the stepmother is provided for by the husband. The husband provides a home for the girls and buys dresses,
  • 18. Reflection On Math Lesson What? For my second lesson, I taught a math lesson on multiplying decimals with zeros in the product. I wanted students to be able to show that they could multiply with decimals in the product and I wanted them to be able to explain how they know where to add the decimal point in the answer. This lesson was part of the unit over decimals. Students will learn to add them, subtract, multiply, divide, and then take a test for the unit. I decided to teach this lesson because this is what my teacher had planned for the day and needed me to teach to keep her on track for the test. Honestly, I was excited to teach a math lesson because it was a great refresher for me. Overall, I was very satisfied with the way the lesson went. The students were understanding the instruction I delivered and were giving the answers I had hoped for. The students were on task and engaged for the entire lesson and when they weren t engaged, I could draw or mention sticks and I would get more active participation. Before I asked students to work independently or with a partner, I modeled exactly what they should be doing and how they should do it. This made a huge difference from my first lesson because there was no confusion. When I had one students come up to the board and share their answer, everyone in the class had the same answer. While I was formatively checking their understanding, this told me that the way I was teachingwas working because they all understood the problem. I really can not think of anything that did not go as I had planned or that I was not happy with. Although, there was one point where my math was wrong because I was not thinking logically. I need to make sure I slow down while I am teaching to check my own work so I am not teaching the students incorrect information! The only change I would try and make if I taught this lesson again would be to find a way to make it more engaging and less teaching instruction out of the book. I feel that with math this is sometimes challenging, but I think it could be done. Even though I did use multiple means of representation by doing a whole class discussion, partner work, and independent work, I could have found maybe a more hands on activity for the students to
  • 19. The Norman Conquest and the French Influence on Middle... Transilvania University of Brasov Faculty of Letters Department of English THE NORMAN CONQUEST AND THE FRENCH INFLUENCE ON MIDDLE ENGLISH SENTENCE OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION General aspects about the origin of the English language Brief presentation of the Norman Conquest II. ENGLISH, FRENCH, LATIN THREE LANGUAGES IN USE Aspects of the social and political transformations occured after the Conquest The roles of each on the three languages in the society of the time III. FRENCH INFLUENCE ON ENGLISH SPELLING AND PRONOUNCIATION Influences on the way the sounds were rendered Influences on the pronounciation of the sounds IV. FRENCH INFLUENCE ON ENGLISH VOCABULARY French loan words and the fields they belonged to Other elements of ... Show more content on ... At Stamford Bridge, he won a decisive victory on 25th September, in which Harald Hard1rada and Tostig were both killed. But after that, Harold s sick, exhausted Saxon army met William s fresh, rested Norman troops on October 14th at Battle near Hastings, and the great battle began. That was the moment when King Harold was killed and the Normans gained control of England. On Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned King of England. The Norman Conquest had important consequences on all levels, including the linguistic one. English phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and also syntax were influenced by French, but, despite the historical and social background, the mother tongue survived and adapted, reestablishing itself after 1200. II. ENGLISH, FRENCH, LATIN THREE LANGUAGES IN USE At the moment, the conquest probably came as a disaster for the English people, as the Normans brought their new territory under control with systematic rigour. After the English royal family had been destroyed in the battle, the new king established his own regime. At the time, Normandy had an advanced feudal system of political organisation, which accelerated the establishment of feudalism in Britain. Moreover,
  • 20. most of the representatives of the native nobility were eliminated and a French speaking monarchy, aristocracy and clerical hierarchy took over. Thus, the important positions and the great estates were mostly in
  • 21. Racism, Sexism, And Sexism Essay Everywhere I go, I see people wearing a multitude of different clothing, it s something all humans do, we all have our own way of dressing. I get judged based on the things I wear, just how people are judged based on their race. What people wear can say a lot about them and make others act or think a certain way. Clothes can show the wearer s thoughts, social status, enjoyments, jobs, and even more. People can often figure these things out just based on their clothes without even thinking about it. However, assumptions and stereotypes of any kind can be highly inaccurate. Clothism is as real as racismand sexism. Judging people based on the clothes they wear is the same as judging people based on their race. One thing that can be gathered about someone based on their clothes is their opinions. Political shirts saying to vote a certain way reflect the wearer s political views. If someone wears a shirt that says Vote for Pedro, they re probably voting for Pedro themselves and want to sway others to vote the same way. A shirt that has a musician s name on it shows that the wearer likes their music. A jersey or hat of a sports team shows that they like that sport and team. I ve worn political shirts for campaigns before. I ve worn different artists shirts. I wear shirts of teams and schools. Wearing these clothing items was to show others my thoughts and opinions of the topics. Similar to how people dress, a person s racecan often times give leway to their opinions.
  • 22. Dennis Lynn Rader s Narcissistic Killer Dennis Lynn Rader was born on March 9, 1945 in Pittsburgh, Kansas and was the oldest of four sons. Dennis s had a very normal life but his behavior changed at around 7 years old when he became sexually aroused while watching his grandmother strangle chickens. He wanted to duplicate that arousal so he engaged in animal torture by hanging cats and dogs. When he reached adulthood, he would break into women s homes, steal their lingerie and take them to his parents basement where he would photograph himself wearing them. In 1966 Dennis joined the Air Force where he spent four years repairing communication equipment abroad. Upon his return to the United Stated he married a fellow churchgoer Paula Deitz on May 22, 1971. Although married,... Show more content on ... On Count 10 there is a hard 40 statue. There were 2 allegations of aggravating circumstances. The defendant committed the crime in order to avoid or prevent a lawful arrest of the prosecution. The evidence in this case and also pursuant to State v Higginbotham 264 Kansas 593, State v. Marsh, State v. Bailey, and State v. Walker 252 Kansas 279 (1993). The factor does exist and there is an additional factor that this was a heinous, atrocious, cruel, manner in which the homicide was committed in from testimony from Deputy Sam
  • 23. Severson Broken Windows When Severson notes that The world is full of broken windows nobody meant to break, he most likely is referring to the unintentional wrongdoings we that we commit towards others. These are also the type of accidents that usually wouldn t be morally acceptable to walk away from with no comment. Like if one was to step on another s foot, it would be rude to just brush it off and not apologize even though it was an accident. I agree with Severson in the sense that I understand the I m always hurting people without realizing it. There s always a negative effect to my seemingly harmless actions that cause harm or prevent people from receiving the help they deserve. I walk past broken windows constantly in my life without really realizing they
  • 24. Emerging Adult Development Theoretical Concepts for Emerging Adult Development Transitioning to adulthood is considered a period of life when young people are faced with trials of becoming part of the adult world. For some young people, this is a time to grow, an opportunity to spread their wings, and navigate through an exciting life. However, for others, the burdens that accompany the task of growing up may be overpowering. Some may find themselves at odds and feel overwhelmed while pursuing their goals, although motivated to do so. Also, they may lack the resources or find themselves underprepared to meet the challenges that accompany those goals. Important questions come to mind when I think about young adults within today s society: why does it seem that today s... Show more content on ... Hernandez stated just knowing who I truly am, finding what I am compassionate about, and discovering what my true purpose is in life. Hernandez is a 22 year old Hispanic female from Mexico who now resides in San Diego, California who has just completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology from San Diego State University. She contends that she has struggled over the last four years in college due to heavy burdens she carried. She is the first in her family to pursue an education and earn a college degree and there was pressure to prove that she could succeed. She also found it difficult to be engaged within the college environment and to connect with a variety of people. Hernandez s Mexican heritage is an important aspect of her inclusive identity. She acknowledged that there are not negative impacts on this area of her identity. Rather, the environment she was exposed to was incredibly different compared with her cultural identity. Even through her struggle, Hernandez has chosen to focus on other aspects of her identity such as Catholic, musician, friend, and professional which relate to her current context. Thinking in this light has granted her the opportunity to experience life in different settings and has afforded and assisted her with the positive outcomes that she desires for her life (Personal interview, June 7,
  • 25. The Use Of Sin In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne Sin is dark force that twists the soul and warps the mind. Such a powerful force as sin is present in everyday life and cannot be simply ignored. Nathaniel Hawthorne, quite successfully, used literature to its full potential in order to express sins presence in life. The story he uses the express this theme is The Birth mark . In this story, a man by name Aylmer for the first time sees a small defect in his otherwise beautiful wife, Georgiana. When Aylmer mentions it to her she was hurt but it did not seem to affect her self image. However, as time went on, the birthmark started to bother her causing her to believe she was flawed and was in need of fixing. With the assistance of Aylmer s servant, Aminadab, Aylmer creates a miracle drug that would cure his wife of her imperfection: the birthmark. There is a possibility, strong enough to cause fear in her husband, that the drug could be deadly; however, the imperfection that laid on her face troubles her, as well as her husband, to the point where she believes her life is worth nothing unless she could get it removed. After much meticulous preparation, the wife takes the cure. At first everything seems well as her birthmark faded, however soon everything goes terribly wrong and Georgina has a terrible reaction. Soon after taking the cure she dies leaving Aylmer heartbroken and alone without his wife. In, The Birth mark , Nathaniel Hawthornebrings to light sin s presence in society through the use of allusions, symbolism,
  • 26. Ford Pros And Cons Overview: Yet another competitor for the hulk road beasts is in the show. Ford s latest SUV releases turned all the big heads to its design flair and technological efficiencies. Quoted as one of the most capable SUV, Ford Endeavour set a tough competition for other Monster motors, Toyota Fortuner and Mahindra XUV500. Refined design and performance efficiency, Ford all new Endeavour is not a sheep in the flock. Features like Terrain management and Hill accent and descent will make it as the horse of another color. With a 2.2l diesel engine and Trend line 6 speed manual transmissionwith 4x4 drive line, all new Endeavour is definitely desirable. Pros: 1. Audio and voice control functionality on steering wheel allows you to enjoy hands free infotainment controls which makes your drive more insured. 2. Hill descent technology is another pat back to the giant SUV. Cons: 1. Absence ... Show more content on ... Like exteriors, interiors too are revised and the outcome is simply elegant. The design quality inside the cabin is appealing, highlighted with dual tone interiors, and 4 spoke steering wheel the entire cabin looks like a hall. This leather upholstery 7 seater flaunts its bewitching leather dashboard. The infotainment system is too brushed up from its predecessors. With two display screens, the analogue meter reads fuel and tachometer numbers and the other exhibits the connectivity statuses. Glad that Ford didn t overlook the comfort aspect, the 7 seater designed with leather upholstery looks inviting adding to the comfort, the legroom in here is decent. New Endeavour doesn t just give a majestic ride but will make it memorable. Lack of navigation system turns out to be an issue with this specific make, however Ford offers varied optional accessories which include satellite navigation, GPS tracker, Graphic scruff plates and Child seat mounts. To have a more efficient drive one can refine this trim to a more better
  • 27. The Pros And Cons Of Gene Therapy The beauty of the human race is the complexity in which our bodies present themselves in comparison to other organisms that live on Earth. Evolution has taken its sweet time to produce the alpha organisms we have become today, and at the pinnacle of human evolution is our DNA: a unique, intricate, and complex representation of millions of years of evolutionary mutations. The number one cause of genetic diversity is mutations; mutations occur randomly and can produce beneficial or harmful nucleotide sequences. Nucleotide sequences code for the production of proteins that perform the majority of roles in our bodies. When harmful mutations halt protein production or cause malicious protein production, the body can be effected in numerous ways. The majority of disorders expressed by humans across the globe are genetic, meaning that the DNAof the individual with the genetic disorder contains errors or mutations that cause the subsequent symptoms to occur. Gene therapy is a field of study that focuses on the correction of mutations in DNA sequences. The ultimate goal of Gene Therapy is to prevent the inheritance of mutations that cause genetic disorders. In the medical community this is called Germ line Gene Therapy. While this is the least ventured area of gene therapy, its has been proven to be the most promising in reference to advancing medicine to new heights when the ethical situation changes. The second goal of Gene Therapy is to cure the patients with the genetic
  • 28. Beginning Of The Document Content.. In Previous High School Beginning of the document content. In previous high school English classes, I followed the same structured outline for every essay I wrote. A three point thesis and one sentence of support following your evidence were the main ideas taught in the goal for me to pass my AP Language and Literature exams.These timed essays only allowed me to briefly address the argument I presented in the paper, which is no comparison to the level of writing expected of me now. Although the ideas on what I would write about came easy to me, I always struggled with making the ideas flow together in a cohesive way while still advancing my claim. Becoming more fluid in my ideas has not only helped cut time invested in the writing process, it has also lead to a ... Show more content on ... This marks the need for elaborated war stories to end, so veterans are deservingly accepted back into society. This thesis is stronger as it answers the so what question and provides an argument for the rest of my paper. The importance of thesis statements has been shown throughout all of my assignments in 1102. In my revised essay 2 I said: The growing social class distinctions seen in Snowpiercer show how today s problems have escalated resulting in riots and how ignoring key issues, like the growing reliance on technology, can lead to the downfall of the human race . This thesis is much stronger than many others since the beginning of the semester and shows growth in my writing. It has a much stronger, clearly stated argument and the claim is concise. It also has all four parts a thesis must; claim, focus, subject, and significance. Without these four parts, a thesis is not supportive enough to be the foundation of an essay. ADD EXAMPLE Another aspect of my writing that improved throughout this semester is my growth in writing more effective topic sentences. Topic sentences are crucial in writing an effective and engaging paper. They help to support the thesis and explain what the paragraph will be about while still advancing an argument. Analysis and support for the main idea can be
  • 29. Billy s Beats Kevin Oblinger 10/31/14 Billy s Beats Case Intro Billy s Beats Inc (Bill ys) is an SEC registrant manufacturer of musical intraments. Billy s has recently acquired one company, Little Drummer Boy Inc (Little Drummer), and wholly owns RockOut Inc. Both Little Drummer and RockOut are manufacturers of musical intstraments, making guitars, and drums respectively. Billy s acquisition of Little Drummer took place in 201X for an outlay of $575 million in cash; an external valuation specialist assessed the fair values of significant acquired assets at $865 million (PP E), and $145 million (other assets). Billy s used the previously determined useful lives for PP E (determined by Little Drummer s management) of 30 years for plant, and 20 years... Show more content on ... They also failed to assess the quality of the spreadsheet calculations, although no errors were detected, re performance tests should have been conducted; if any discrepancies were to be discovered, additional tests need to be performed. With regards to the differentiating useful lives, the engagement team failed to assess whether the management determined useful lives of plant and equipment were in line with other manufactures in the industry; relying on a discussion with management is not sufficient evidence for the engagement. According to AS 12, the engagement team is to obtain an understanding of the company and its environment. If the team failed to prepare adequately (in order to perform an accurate inspection of tangible assets) for the engagement, an outside specialist should have been contracted to determine the condition of the plant and equipment in order to evaluate management s assertions on useful life. Finally, the audit team needs to look at past data pertaining to useful life calculations to determine if there were any significant departures in estimates; this is due to the sudden change in useful life estimates made this year. If any discrepancies are discovered, additional tests should be performed. RockOut Inc In regards to the tests performed by the engagement team as it pertains to RockOut s changes of economic lives of their customer lists, a memorandum explaining the rationale behind the changes is not sufficient
  • 30. RBA Monetary Policy The government may also use monetary policy in order to contain economic growth. Monetary policy refers to changes in interest rates in order to influence aggregate demand and economic activity. Monetary policy is conducted by the Reserve Bank of Australia, who use domestic market operations in order to change interest rates. If the RBA takes a loose monetary policystance the RBA will purchase Commonwealth Government Securities in secondary bond markets. This increases the cash in the markets, and therefore pushes the overnight cash rate down. Interest rates will be lowered, which will result in higher consumer demand as the cost of interest on mortgages and credit card repayments will decrease. On the other hand a tight monetary stance results... Show more content on ... Microeconomic policies promote the efficient operation of markets as the most effective mechanism for achieving efficient allocation and use of resources, raise productivity and increase aggregate supply. Increased aggregate supply will result in decreased inflationary pressures and increased international competitiveness as Australian producers are able to supply international markets with a greater volume of goods at lower prices. Greater export earnings will consequently improve Australia s terms of trade, and will decrease the current account deficit. Microeconomic reforms that promote increased competition in both domestic and international markets will also encourage greater innovation and cheaper product, which will benefit consumers. Increases in productivity and aggregate supply will also result in improvements in labour productivity. Higher productivity and greater export earnings will result in wage increases for Australian labour, and subsequently living standards will improve. As a result of higher wages, aggregate demand will increase thus creating further opportunities for increases in
  • 31. Understanding Students Responses From The Australian... 1.0 Introduction Educators are required to interpret students responses to mathematical questions. The purpose of this report was to provide an opportunity to examine the step by step approach to answering problems, interrogate the results and recognise mathematical concepts. There are six questions in total from the Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority [ACARA], (2012) NAPLAN year nine numeracy non calculator test. The six questions mentioned in the report are question 12, 14, 16, 18, 22 and 23. Each issue is set out in the report in numerical order with a screen shot of the methods used to solve the question followed by a reflection. The reflection describes my feelings, confidence and approach towards each question along with the type of mathematics used, the year level suitable for each question according to the ACARA (2015) and alternative ideas for solving the six questions. 2.1 Question 12 Reflection Initial thoughts were I could easily solve this because I use metric units on a regular basis for working out distances for driving and dimensions of furniture. I knew millimetres were the smallest followed by centimetres, metres and kilometres the largest (Lakin, 2011). That did not mean that kilometre was the answer. I understood that converting the units would help solve the question but could not remember how to do conversions. Once I refreshed my knowledge as discussed before step 1 of figure 1, I
  • 32. Ethical Issues in Education Ethical Issue A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical) Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. ~ G. K. Chesterton Indeed, education is an ongoing process. We are always receiving and passing it on, adding something in the process, sometimes even taking certain things, impertinent from time to time, away from it while passing it on further. However, the industry of education is a serious one, requiring well defined ethics and values, well bound in visible legal outlines to regulate its exchange and distribution. Let us take a brief look at some of the most common issues of ... Show more content on ... Racial inequality and ethnic differences have been an issue in public schools since the time public schools were founded. The foremost step towards addressing diversity in schools should come from the curriculum itself. Involving different ethnic sports and multicultural festivals at schools would mark the beginning of an attempt to combine students from diverse backgrounds into a bond of institutional unity. Moreover, including prominent historical annals derived from different ethnicity as part of a collective study of world history would encourage students to get familiar with each others racial, cultural and ethnic differences. Rather than letting diversity come in the way of education, the importance of diversity should be upheld. Grading Linking Parameters with Purpose: What do grades reflect? Rather, what should grades reflect? Should they just cover the academics? Then again, what, in academics should they reflect? Should grades be considered for assessing learning capabilities, information grasping prowess, discipline in meeting academic deadlines or all of these? Then again, should failure by a student to live up to these standards be considered as laxity on the student s part or should it be blamed upon the incompetency of the teacher? Should class participation be considered in overall grading? If so, then wouldn t
  • 33. The Great Repeal Bill The first issue is the UK Government s ability to convert all EU law to UK law as well as Scotland s power to block the Great Repeal Bill. The problem which exists with the proposed bill is that some parts of EU law relate directly to issues which have been devolved to Scotland, for example; agriculture, fishing in Scottish waters and environmental law. If the Bill were to convert EU laws on devolved matters into UK law then the UK Government would be legislating on areas out with its reserved functions. According to the Sewel convention the legislative consent of the Scottish Parliamentis required when Westminster legislation concerns devolved matters. As a constitutional convention, the Sewel Convention is more of a political tool,... Show more content on ... Firstly, it is essential to identify the relevant provision contained within the 2016 Scotland Act which states that The Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government are a permanent part of the United Kingdom s constitutional arrangements which can only be abolished if this is what is decided by the Scottish people in a Referendum. Therefore, legal constitutionalists would argue that the Scotland Act is entrenched within the UK Constitution and cannot be abolished. Furthermore, political constitutionalists would argue that that there are large political constraints which prohibit the repeal of the Scotland Act, and therefore, the abolishment of the Scottish Parliament. The principles of accountability and democracy would serve to prevent Westminster deciding to repeal the Act. Since its establishment in 1999, it is clear that the Scottish Parliament is an institution which is desired by the people of Scotland. Therefore, abolishment is possible but unlikely. However, legally speaking, the UK Parliament is completely sovereign. The basic principle of the British Constitution has been summed up by AV Dicey, who stated that parliament
  • 34. The Resilience In The Play Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity or hardship, this idea was express to the audience by Debra Oswald in Gary s house and podcast through the lives of fictitious characters based on real Australian People. She chooses themes such as people marginalised in society, challenging gender roles and the past affecting the present knowing that the audience will relate to it. By using these ideas with the diverse range of characters, Oswald is able to show how people need resilienceand how important it is to overcome adversity through engagement with characters and their development throughout the play. The audience is showed the importance of resilience when they were introduce to Gary. Oswald has given Gary numerous of circumstances ... Show more content on ... Dave faces the issue of the past affecting the present because of this issue he tries to find a place where he belongs in the world. Oswald gave Dave a difficult problem and that is feeling the guilt of the death of a new friend where he had a chance to save him. But timing would ve been different by using this emotive language the audience felt connected to Dave even more and they would have want to know how he can over come this event. Normally Dave would just give up like many people would but Gary s death is Dave s agent of change. He in the past would have never gotten involved in physical labour nor a deep relationship, but after Gary s death he helped build the house while getting in a deep relationship with Christine, thus showing his ability of resilience. Oswald didn t want to end her play with Gary s death as expressed in the podcast so she made Gary s death as a catalyst of change and hoped that it was the right solution . As the progression of play the audience was treated to characters transitioning such as Dave from little resilience to strong amounts of resilience in bouncing back from the passing of Gary and implicating the importance of
  • 35. Cultural Diversity in London The phrase British culture is often used carelessly, as if it completely and comprehensively defines all of the 63 million people living in Great Britain as well as their culture. People who use terms such as this either willingly or unconsciously forget the fact that Great Britain is a culturally diverse country, the biggest representative of this being its largest and most populated city London. In order to understand things better, we should take a few steps backwards and attempt to define these two important terms (1) culture and (2) cultural diversity. According to Longman s Dictionary of Contemporary English , culture is primarily defined as the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people... Show more content on ... What is also interesting is that in most London boroughs, the majority of pupils speak a language other than English at home. For example, in Tower Hamlets, Newham, Westminster and Brent this amounts to more than 60%. Richmond upon Thames, Sutton, Bexley, Bromley and Havering, where the rate is less than 20 per cent, are exceptions to this rule. The biggest contributor to such a huge level of diversity in all major cultural aspects is without doubt immigration. London had been the trade capitol of the world for a long time, and its numerous colonies provided it with abundant workforce in the past. Even today, when this is not the case, London is the city with the second largest immigrant population (after New York) , as no less than 36.7% of its population are foreign born people. LIFE IN THE MELTING POT It is now perfectly clear why London is often reffered to as the melting pot of nations . However, it is necessary to say that this term is also wrongly used, as melting pot suggests a homogyny in culture, i.e. a common culture for all people in a society, which does not apply to London. But how do exactly all these nations, with all their personal beliefs and traditions, get along in this so called pot ? The capitol s culture has been shaped over time by the many nationalities and their cultures into a highly heterogenous yet progressive environment. Testament to this are the numerous annual
  • 36. Character Analysis Of Big Brother In 1984 George Orwell In the novel 1984 Big Brother have been playing a role of stalking and fearing. He will be watching every citizen in Oceania as well as a Party member like a surveillance camera to make sure they re acting right and not doing anything illegal. If they re not the person will have consequences with Big Brother. As well as the Party Forces who are in obedience through the fear of being watched and caught doing something illegal. For Big Brother he s like this spirit that follows every person that they go and will catch you doing something you re not supposed to and something will cost you. He s also more than life that he s a type of character that brought government into our lives and will spy on it s people. That gives Winston the chills since he doesn t know where Big Brother is hiding... Show more content on ... Winston became so obsessed with O Brien s belief that the two men are alike. O Brien proves that this is only true in that he thinks the way men like Winston do in order to catch them and put them back on Big Brother. Winston felt a connection with O Brien and has been obsessed with Big Brother stems from the rebellion against stifling oppression. After that Big Brother is given the power of having trust, protection, and affection. Meaning that he ll bring fear of a person who does something wrong but at the same time he comforts them. It s like confronting them about something but at the end of the day he will forgive you and give you another chance to do something right. To do that we all need a routine, a purpose, but we rebel against an overabundance of restriction and authority.People were made to believe that Big Brother does not do things wrong, he s just doing this because he cares about them and wants everyone to live and he will be there for you when you need him. But the government uses him as a law enforcer to give a sign to the people in Oceania and as a
  • 37. Nonprofit Organizations Paper Nonprofit organizations contribute many services within the communities they service. Their goal is to meet their mission and one of the main ways this may be accomplished is through their financial operations. Depending on the organizations size and mission some nonprofit organizations operate as charities where others operate more through philanthropy. Ostrower (1995) examined how charity is specifically directed towards the poor and focuses on meeting an immediate need. Philanthropy includes charity but also encompasses the wider range of public giving for public purposes (p. 4). In the following paper, it will briefly examine how nonprofit organizations utilize budgeting as a planning tool, management tool, and a communications tool.... Show more content on ... Budgeting is a tool which assists nonprofit organizations in meeting their short and long term goals. McLaughlin (2016) stated Budgets are intended to be a tool, a means to an end, not a holy grail (p. 163). Budgets are looking at the future of organizations. Utilizing budgeting as a planning tool includes setting short and long term goals with specific targets to meet within six months, one year, three years, and five years. Larger nonprofit organizations which have established credibility within communities may have more steady revenue streams through donations, government funding, and established endowments to assist with their financial goals. For smaller nonprofit organizations, they must build new relationships, establish trust, and build credibility within the community they service. The goal of a nonprofit is to meet their mission, planning lays out a road map for the organization to follow. Budgeting as a management tool entails meeting day to day tasks by following a financial plan of allotted funding for daily wages, having the right volunteers for needed areas, meeting monthly expenses, and creating a fundraising plan to increase capital for the
  • 38. When William Herschel Discovered Infrared Waves Slide 1 в—Џ Infrared has a longer wavelength в—Џ Infrared light comes from the things that we can see and feel everyday. For example, sunlight and fire are one of the examples that we feel this light in our daily life. в—Џ We cannot see the infraredlight because it is beyond what our eyes can see(Beyond the visible light) However, our skin can feel this infrared light by feeling the heat. We feel this in our everyday life. Slide 2 Discovery: в—Џ William Herschel discovered infrared waves around 1800 в—Џ When the sunlight pass through the window and passed through his prism, he measured the temperature of each colors. When he was done with his measurement, he also measured the space beside the color red(the dark part) and realized that it has an even higher temperature. ... Show more content on ... Slide 3 5 How does it work? Infrared Night vision в—Џ Infrared Camera is also called as the thermal imaging camera It measures the infrared light emitting from many different objects. в—Џ We normally use this technology to look at human body heat emissions or other object s heat emissions. Since we let out the heat, which means we
  • 39. emit the infrared light(Because we cannot see the heat that we are letting it out), this detector can see our body with orange and red colors(Sometime blue and green) в—Џ The Process of this technology: Image Enhancement в—‹ There are always tiny bits of photons even in the condition when the place is very dark. When the photons enter our image
  • 40. Culture In Mexican Culture Culture has been defined in many ways. Hofstede for an example stated that culture is defined at a national level and has a set of values and beliefs within the culture. He also states that people of the Mexican community belong to the collectivistic group, they also rank high in the power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity groups as well. The collectivistic group refers to a group of people that means that they are committed to their relationships, regarding their family, extended family, and friends. This is also applied on a daily basis and in business related conversations as well. Mexican people like to get to know a person before doing business with you. They love the socialization and conversation that comes with it. Mexicans also get along with others quite easily, they are interested in meeting new people. In our country, the roles between a man and a woman are still very different. When it comes to the working environment, the majority of the high ranking position is still held mostly by men. As well as in the household, where women are supposed to have a better chance and taking care of the children, men are still head of the house. Even though there are women in the world that are highly educated and hold a high position in the work force, the journey getting it is not easy. Statistically, it was shown to be easier for women to hold a position in fields such as education, services, and politics than in other fields. This is probably because of the
  • 41. Accidental Asian Chapter Summaries Today, I started reading the first chapter of the memoir called The Accidental Asian by Eric Liu. Reading the first chapter is not just for pleasure or information, but for sympathy and relation. As an international student, I find the story of the author s dad directly connecting to my life as transiting from Vietnam to the US. His dad boats across the Pacific with the hope for creating the prosper Liu family. Although he wants to maintain Chinese manner, Chao hua Liu, the author s father naturally assimilates into American culture. As he attends University of Illinois, he soon becomes an elegant man in a Western suit in his own wedding, enjoys his vacation in luxurious American way. And more important, he communicates by English fluently ... Show more content on ... As an international student, for me, I find his story can be part of mine in the future. Having lived in the US for six months, not long enough to completely get rid of my Vietnamese origin, I sometimes find it difficult to preserve my cultural traditions while living in American environment, which requires me to be completely assimilated into it. Going to school, I no longer have to wear in traditional dress, no longer have to bend my body for 90 degree to greet an adult, and no longer have to wait for adults on dinner table to eat first before I start to eat. Flashing back to what I used to traditionally do in Vietnam, I feel regretful, ashamed, and especially confused whether these changes are assimilation, or just simply accommodation. Yet, I can assert certainly that what I have experienced in past six months is categorized as assimilation. Due to Eric Liu s narration about his father s life, I am again clear about my experience as well as the definition of assimilation: I take American information, trends and experience and then incorporate with my existing culture. And unfortunately, I find a way to get rid of my traditions and replace with American
  • 42. Media Should Respect Privacy of Public Figures Essay The Media Should Respect Privacy of Public Figures How much privacy of the individual is protected under the United States Constitution? Every one is entitled to the right of privacy, but to what extent is that privacy granted? Public figures are constantly being harassed and photographed by the media. Some photographers and reporters will go to any means, even illegal actions, to get a picture or story. However, public figuresare human beings like everyone else, and the media should give them more privacy. The media needs to operate with more respect for both laws and for moral and ethical codes of conduct. There are laws establishing the privacy of an individual, and the media needs to extend these rights to public figures. ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the Supreme Court ruled in the 1964 Sullivan v. New York Timescase that vulnerability is taken as a price of admission to the public arena. Thus, the privilege to cover public figures is almost unlimited, and public figures have few privacy rights. People reasonably expect privacy inside a house or fenced yard not visible from the street and inside living facilities such as in hospitals and nursing homes. Photographers need permission to both enter and photograph these private places. However, anyone is fair game to be photographed and have their picture published if the photo was taken from a public place. This includes people seen through the windows of their own home (Dill, 178). However, one New York Court ruled that photographers shooting inside a restaurant needed permission because the restaurant was a public place for purposes of dining, and patrons dining there should reasonably be allowed to dine in peace (Dill, 177). Even though it is currently legal to photograph public figures in the privacy of their own homes, ethically speaking it does not mean these pictures should be published. However, because ethical codes are not working, there needs to be legal reform. Additionally, breaking and entering or using trickery, impersonation, fraud and disguise to gain admission to a private area are illegal. Even though these acts are illegal, some members of the media still break the law to get the picture or story they want. Often times,
  • 43. To Kill A Mockingbird Nell s Childhood Harper Lee, known by many as Nelle , was very independent and brave. She kept to herself and lived her life according to herself. No one else besides the people she loved and lived for. She never wanted others changing the way her life was lived. Interviews were never allowed by her so it was always very difficult for people to understand her way of living from her point of view. She was passionate about her writings and future of being a lawyer, Lee was also sensible about her surroundings and others. Bravery comes in many different forms as everyone should perceive. It comes in ways like, serving our country, standing up for others, and other simple ways. Throughout Nelle s entire childhood, she showed tremendous amounts of bravery. Not once did any of the people associated with Nelle have to fight difficult battles on their own. Truman Capote, Nelle s best friend, from her childhood, was the person she stood up for the most. No matter how many scraps and scrapes they... Show more content on ... Once there, she began to write snippets of To Kill A Mockingbird , her famous novel that was published on July 11, 1960. To Kill A Mockingbird, is a novel written by Harper Lee, that is written specifically about situations that have occurred in her past life. The book is spurred over the amount of 3 years. (1933 1935) Nelle had written this novel because of her passion for writing, and the fact that she didn t have the easiest life story that she would even consider on enlightening people about, so she did it through her book. This made a thought come up like, how smart of an idea was that? To write a book preferably of life, but specifically of your crazy one. She was passionate about the writing and let many others know that, but still kept her life simple and free of interviews. It was obvious as to the book was about specific events, but she didn t like to share all that specific information with the
  • 44. Annotated Bibliography Ernest Hemingway Therapy of Ernest Hemingway Rebecca McRunnel PSY 303: Abnormal Psychology Professor Hillary Locke August 13, 2015 I.Identifying Information Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1989 (Ernest Hemingway Biography, 2015). Ernest is a 40 year old white male, average build weighing no more than 180 pounds. He was born in Cicero, Illinois. Ernest is a heterosexual male, who enjoys the company of woman. Hemingway is an author of many novels and many publications within newspapers. II.Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem Ernest Hemingway was referred to me from Dr. John in regards to his explosive disorders and loss of sleep and appetite. Dr. John also said that he has feeling of suicide following the death of his father. Dr. John... Show more content on ... John. Through his referral we have discovered that Ernest has many mood changes and anger issues that are unresolved resulting in resentment from his father s suicide and his mother dressing him as a girl. Martha, Ernest wife, describes him as very violent tendencies, along with not sleeping or eating. He also has expressed thoughts that he will commit suicide like his father and two of his siblings. His thoughts are unstable and have many mood changes from happy to sad to angry with no reason. He was very angry with the reasons why I was asking his wife her experience with her husband. He showed that he could have violent behaviors through his yelling and expressed feelings of
  • 45. Analyzing Edgar Allen Poe s Annabel Lee Annabel Lee There was a couple that were perfect together,but something happened. Edgar Allen Poe wrote a story called Annabel Lee which is about a couple that loved each other,but the wife went away. The narrator talks about his feelings. Poe uses hyperboles, allusions, and personifications to show passing does not separate true love. In Annabel Lee the author references people, and places that help the main idea and thesis. The narrator talked about the Bible when he said The angels,not half so happy in heaven... supports the main idea. It supports it because it is saying the angels are not as happy and he is insinuating the angels could be jealous of them which is why his wife passed away. The narrator talks about the bible many times. He does it here when he says And neither the angels in Heaven above... . He talks about the angels again which means he is definitely blaming the angels for what happened to Annabel Lee. The narrator talks about how the angels were the ones that killed her because they were jealous of their love. ... Show more content on ... The narrator goes on to say how The angels, not half so happy in Heaven. . He is exaggerating this because in heaven there is nothing but happiness. There also is no sin in Heaven so the angels could not be jealous,or unhappy,or angry at them. Nevertheless the narrator still blames the angels. He tries to grab you attention here when he says Yes! That was the reason(as all men know ) . He wants to grab your attention for the next few lines. You know he wants to grab your attention because he exclaims Yes! which is meant to make you focus on that. The narrator can grab your attention in many ways like
  • 46. Military Strategy Research Paper A goal is defined as the desired result a person anticipates and plans to accomplish. For example the ultimate goal in college is to graduate. It is the big idea of any mission. A company may have a goal to be the best pizza service in the state. So, for Amazon, it could be reduce the cost of books, or it could be drive profit by increasing the cost of shipping. Goals can be long or short termgoals. For example, a short term goalcould be drink water all week. A long term goal could be set freshman year of college which is to graduate on time. A goal is anything that an individual, company, school, or organization set to be achieved. Strategy is defined as a plan of action designed to achieve a major objective. This is the overall operations to achieve a goal. During war the military has tactics which come from the art of planning. A strategy is the guide for the individual, business, or organization to achieve the objective at hand. An individual should map out and meditate in advance to reduce the chance of failing. So, for FedEx, it could be to map out routes to make sure delivery personal does not overlap each other. A strategy is a compass that guides a person along to make sure they achieve their objective. ... Show more content on ... No one can achieve any goals without a strategic plan. When setting a goal a person has to think of ways to accomplish the goal. Having a goal without a plan is like having a class with no books. A goal is the big idea and the strategy contain the steps to the achievement of that objective. Many businesses would go bankrupt if they did not have a strategic plan to achieve profit goals. For instance, Walmart has a goal to meet their set revenue for the month, so the company has to set tactical ideas to reach that revenue goal. There is no way to set a goal and not have an operational plan to attain
  • 47. Faces and Voices in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! Essay Faces and Voices in Faulkner s Absalom, Absalom! While reading Absalom, Absalom! I was amazed at the number of times one of the narrators would refer to faces or voices as being present rather than to the people themselves. In almost every chapter this synecdoche appears, reducing many of the characters to images, shadows and memories. I think Faulkner uses this device to enhance the fact that the story is told from memory much of it from the point of view of the characters childhoods. On page 184, Mr. Compson tells the story of young Thomas Sutpen s family life. He says he was just there, surrounded by the faces, almost all the faces which he had ever known. I think the fact that Sutpen s father and sisters aren t referred to ... Show more content on ... To young Charles, his mother was the face filled with furious and almost unbearable unforgiving and likened to all mother faces (239). His father s blank face upon meeting him also becomes a point of conflict for Charles. Later, Judith wears a calm, frozen face (150) for years after Charles s murder, never breaking until her father finally comes home from the war. Also, there is mention of voices talking in the novel, rather than people talking. In many parts of the book, I think this device helps to conjure up the image of young Rosa standing at the door eavesdropping. When her own family all but ignored her and only spoke behind closed doors, it must have seemed to her that voices talked more than actual people. Referring to voices independent of their owners also adds to the haunted, ghostly aspect of the story as seen from Quentin s perspective. On page 4 he says : the voice not ceasing but vanishing...and the ghost mused with shadowy docility as if it were the voice which he haunted where a more fortunate one would have had a house. It s almost as if you can hear the ghosts speaking through Miss Rosa, telling their own story through her. The synecdoche in Absalom, Absalom! is a device not usually found in Faulkner s work. However, I think it adds atmosphere and tonal qualities to the book while developing the characters sense of themselves and their relationships to other characters.
  • 48. Lack Of Voice In Alice Walker s The Color Purple The play The Color Purple shows the way women are portrayed with lost voices. Celie one of the main characters was a very lost girl from the start of the play. She grew up with mistreatment and rape throughout most of her young years. As the play continued Celie grew older and smarter, she created a great relationship with her younger sister Nettie, in which she took care of and loved. Even though, Celie went through many obstacles she still attempted to show her strength amongst others. When Pa sent Celie away with Mr.__, Celie was devastated because she had to be apart from the only person who truly loved her and cared for her. Nettie and Celie were apart from each other for a great period of time, but Celie always wondered if Nettie... Show more content on ... Males believed that women were good to be home for cooking, cleaning and looking after children. A lot has changed in the new world because women have taken much bigger roles now, but lets take it to when women had no say. Mae G. Henderson a great writer expresses the way Celie had to deal with the domination of men since a young age. Celie being a young black women had plenty of restrictions while under the household of Pa and Mr.__. She had to face situations that put her aside from speaking for herself and others. Celie never knew how to speak for her self because the men she was around imposed rules and abuse that stopped her of such acts. Mae G. Henderson states, Over and over again, Celie accepts abuse and victimization. When Harpo asks her what to do to make Sofia mind, Celie, having internalized the principle of male domination, answers, beat her! (67). Here we can see the way Celie was thought by men. She tells Harpo to beat Sofia because thats what she s been through and her lost voice never gave her chance to speak on the situation. The male dominance around Celie made her a victim of a women losing
  • 49. Examples Of Discourse Analysis A.Fairclough s Critical Discourse Analysis (1989, 1995) 1.This theory is used to critically analyze relationship between language, ideologies, and society to reveal the portrayal of women in the film. 2.Fairclough (1995) clarifies that discourse is not only written and spoken language, but it also visual part that has meaning (p.54). 3.According to Fairclough (2010), in Critical Discourse Analysis, language is viewed as a social practice because it shapes and is shaped by society. 4.According to Fairclough (1989, 1995), Critical Discourse Analysis is used to analyze communicative events by analyzing the relationship between three dimensions, including the micro dimension, the meso dimension, and the macro dimension. a.The micro dimension ... Show more content on ... Related previous studies A.The first research entitled The representation of gender roles in the media An analysis of gender discourse in Sex and the City movies was constructed by Therese Ottosson and Xin Cheng in 2012. 1.The aim was to study to see how gender is portrayed in the movies, Sex and The City season 1 and 2. 2.The theories that used in the study were theories of representation and Critical Discourse Analysis. 3.The results showed that, gender roles are unequally represented in SATC1 and SATC2. a.Men are always portrayed in a typical manner and have a superiority. b.Women are presented as subordinate role. They must be beautiful and look young as much as possible and work for men. B.The second research entitled Women s representation and gender identity in Desperate Housewives was conducted by Eveliina Salomaa in 2010. 1.The aim was to study how women are portrayed in Desperate Housewives and how the modern women have similar identities as traditional housewives. 2.The theories used for research were Critical Discourse Analysis and Gender Identity. 3.The result showed that, at the surface level, women are portrayed in Desperate Housewives is much different from other TV series, however, in deep level, women still similar to the norms and traditional
  • 50. Harry Potter Archetypes Pop culture is defined as modern popular culture transmitted via mass media. With such a large sphere of influence, it should come as no surprise that all of pop culture has an underlying basis in psychology. From archetypes in beloved books to heated political debates, psychology plays a crucial role in shaping society s entertainment and passions. Carl Jung s archetypes can be found in just about any story one reads. The Hero , The Lover , The Sage , etc. are all well known character bases that are established in our stories from a very young age. However, they are particularly conspicuous in the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. In Harry Potter, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are shining examples of three of Jung s archetypes. The ... Show more content on ... By using this method, one can create a mental representation of a place, real or imaginary, and use it to store pieces of information. This mental warehouse is sometimes referred to as a mind palace . In regards to pop culture, the method of loci is an important plot device used in the television series Sherlock. In the show, Sherlock Holmes can be seen using his mind palace to sort through information in order to solve crimes. Besides fighting crime, you may be asking, what use is there for a mind palace? Well, many stage performers use the method of loci too. Actors and actresses can use the method to memorize their lines. Public speakers might use a mind palace to remember the main points of their speeches. Some people even utilize the method of loci to compete in memory competitions. These individuals are able to recall whole decks of cards just by imagining walking through a location of their choice. In short, the method of loci is an interesting memory assistant that plays a small, yet intriguing role in pop
  • 51. Harley Davidson History The first Harley Davidson bike rolled on to the scene as a race bike. William Harley completed his blueprint for the bike and explained that he wanted to design an engine to fit on a bike (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). Its competition at the time was the Hendee s manufacturing company s 1.75 horsepower, single cylinder motorcycle. The first race was a test run, but the Harley Davidson officially entered into the racing scene in 1914, where the bike and the rider won every race. The nick name for the bike was given because of the victory lap the rider would take after every win (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). After being dubbed the fastest and most winning bike in the country, the thrill seekers and men with a rough attitude started to take notice of the brand. The military even started to contract with the motorcycle company. The police force looked into the motorcycles for high speed chases, whereas the biker gangs would use them to get away from the law (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). Harley Davidsoncontrolled over 60% of the market and was the only company producing motorcycles at the time in the United Stated. But they got too comfortable and were unwilling to make a change. Then Honda came to the scene to make a splash. Honda Motor Company started in 1955 after World War II during a time where Japan was rebuilding their economy (Gardinar, 2015). They were able to disguise themselves from the other
  • 52. Geography Cronulla Essay Outline the geographical processes relevant to the management of the Cronulla, Wanda and Kurnell area. The Cronulla, Kurnell and Wanda region sites are ecologically and culturally significant. The Cronulla, Wanda and Kurnell areas are filled with beautiful beaches, magnificent headlands and various other wonderful features, being well over 15000 years old this region showcases some magnificent attractions. These regions however are now faced with issues regarding enviromental degradation and habitat endangerment. There are many issues however some of the more significant problems are erosion, longshore drift and high rise development. There are three key factors in the geographical processes that affect the coastal enviroments. There ... Show more content on ... Erosion is unfortuanately present at Cronulla beach, the local government have tried to tackle this problem with solution such as dune stabilization and rip rap walls. Rip rap walls are when larged rocks are piled in a certain angle to catch drifting sand and protect the beaches from harsher waves and to protect buildings from high tides. There are also many programs which help to ensure the stabilization of dunes, these include the planting of new vegetation to combat erosion, fencing and designated walkways to prevent human interference. The main reason of dune stabilization is to slow down the speed of erosion. In 1974 the Cronulla beaches were at an all time low and was in a critical state, from this the University of New South Wales designed a new wall, a wall which is different from the conventional walls used to prevent erosion and transportation with these hexagonal concrete blocks weigh well over a tonne each to be used as a line of defence agiasnt the waves and erosion. These concrete walls over a period of time have increased the size of the beach. Enviromental organisations have tried there best to limit the amount of man made deveoplment on coastal lads and many schools participating in annual events to protect and save the sand dunes. The government has also
  • 53. How Did Lincoln s First Inaugural Address Dbq Panel 3: On March 4, 1861, after being elected as the president of the nation, Abraham Lincoln gave his first inaugural Address where he claimed that he had no purpose to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it s practiced. He had no inclination to do so. He was just like any other northerner who believed that slavery should not expand but never considered the black and white to be on the same level. Pane 4: As the war began, Lincoln started to wonder what to do with the freedman if the union wins. He started to worry about whether the confederate state would able to tolerate the freedmen, accept them, and be united. Therefore, on April 14, 1862, he decided to hold a meeting in the White House with some Black men to discuss his plan to colonize the freedmen in Africa. However, Douglass pointed out that the slaves fought for the country and had the right to inhibit it. Then, Lincoln agreed that colonization wasn t justified.... Show more content on ... Due to this issue, Lincoln decided to turn the war to a morally based focus and issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan 1, 1863, hoping that it would gain Union army more supporters. Lincoln addressed many things in the proclamation that conveyed the evolution of his political views towards slavery. Dialogue: All person held as slaves within any state ... shall be then ... forever
  • 54. Thesis On Couples Without Children 4. Findings 4.1 Couples without Children The one of the subject that we used for this study is couples without children. The husband is 24 years old, while the wife is 22 years old. Both of them are not working and they are full time student. They live in urban area which is Kuala Lumpur, and they live with the wife parents. They use scholarship for daily expenses. They are married for 1 year. The whole data was interpreted based on the point of view of the informants. 4.1.1 Trend of Eating Firstly, the informants stated that this couple usually eats three to four meals per day, which are breakfast, lunch and dinner, and sometimes they take afternoon tea. During weekends, the couple sometimes eats at wedding occasions or attending the feast. ... Show more content on ... This shows that their food intake follows the recommendation of healthy meals. On overall the informants also told that the husband consumes larger portion size of food compared to his wife in certain meals. Besides that, the couples consume balance diet, which means their food intake includes carbohydrate, protein, fats and other micronutrients such as potassium, calcium and fiber. In addition, they also informed that the couples prepared the food at home by themselves. In addition to the information, the couples usually consume energy dense foods. Sometimes, the food are bought from outside. Other than that, according to the cuisine, the couples are used to take Malay cuisine such as fried rice, nasi berlauk , Chinese cuisine such as fried me, Indian cuisine like roti canai and also western cuisine such as sandwiches and cereals. Next, the couples usually take their meals at home, and they eat at the table. Besides that, the foods are served on the tables before they eat. The food prepared in the single plate for each person. The couple usually uses their hand to eat. The couple frequently eats together for all meals, and seldom do not eat
  • 55. Hal Jordan The Green Lantern As many people know 2007 s Green lantern film didn t do so well as far as the box office was concerned. Though Ryan Reynolds did a good job portraying the character the movies screenplay was incredibly inconsistent and although the story plot seemed pretty easily readable from the viewers perception it was all over the place in inconsistencies. Many reviews were mainly negative many not liking the tone of the story and choice of villains and characters alongside the Green Lantern. The movie had an end credit scene which Warner Bros. studios were hoping to use towards a sequel to the movie but the movie was so badly reviewed that the sequel never happened. That s saying something when a movie is so bad and no one wants to put any effort into... Show more content on ... The Apotheosis is the moment right before the movie climax s. The Apotheosis is the moment where the hero completes a goal and transcends, the moment when greater understanding is achieved. At this point in the movie Hal Jordan the Green Lantern is drawn out to face one of his enemies Hector Hammond. Now Hector Hammond was never a bad guy until he became possessed by the power of fear that is controlled by one of the Green Lantern corps most dangerous enemies Parallax. The Green Lanterns powers come from the power of their will and therefore fear is it s greatest enemy such is Parallax. Now Hector Hammond kidnapped Hal Jordan s damsel( typical damsel in distress scenario). And to get her back Hammond ask for only his ring the one item that embraces his powers of hope in doing so hes powerless, but the ring only works for those who are chosen so... the ring then returns to Hal Jordan. The thing about this scene that i would change is the fact that most of the scene is entirely made up of dialogue, and that parallax is in the outer atmosphere just watching Hammond do his dirty work the whole scene just is not put together well. And the fact that the animation of parallax is basically just a big dirty cloud with a face in
  • 56. Creationism Vs Evolution Essay Evolution and Creation: The Truth Unfolding Evolution has been a vigorous topic of debate between creationists and evolutionists since Darwin first composed the idea. These debates rarely end with a compromise, but instead leave the theistic and atheistic worldviews tremendously segregated. There is evidence for both sides, and it often comes down to which side can present the most conclusive details. Evolutionists argue that science can not prove of intelligent design, while creationists argue that science is inconceivable without it. However, is there the possibility of intelligent design with microevolution and mutation? Evolutionand her evidences can be investigated to discover mutations and natural selection that may have taken place over history, as well as evidence directing to a design. Evolution is the theory that every organic thing has originated from a single living organism. Evolutionary principles are widely accepted... Show more content on ... The difference is in the thinking of an organism s genetic origin. Creationists believe that this genetic information originated through an intelligent design and gene recombination, while evolutionists believe that it has stemmed from small gene mutations and natural selection (Natural Selection). Evolutionists and creationists often have no difficulty agreeing on natural selection leading to microevolution, but there are discrepancies when it comes to macroevolution. Creationists agree that microevolution could have caused slight changes to the appearance of a species, but they do not accept the idea that slight mutations have lead to large evolutionary changes as evolutionists have proposed. According to evolutionists, macroevolution could have taken place with the right amount of time and the correct circumstances, leading to the development of different species and one common ancestor