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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used
to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist
with the conception of a child but it has disadvantages also.
IVF cycle may be unsuccessful and it may be associated with
side effects and risks.
IVF treatment can also take an emotional/psychological toll.
IVF treatment can be expensive.
-Male factor of infertility
-Female factor of infertility
-Un explained infertility
- Genetic disorder . PGD
-Recurrent pregnancy loss of genetic origin
-Sex selection
-Fertility preservation for cancer or other health
-one of the partners is a HIV or HCV carrier
-Age related predictive factor of infertility
Malfunction of the hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain responsible for
sending signals to the pituitary gland, which, in turn, sends
hormonal stimuli to the testes and to the ovaries in the form of
FSH and LH to initiate spermatogenesis and egg maturation.
Malfunction of the pituitary gland
The pituitary's responsibility lies in producing and secreting
FSH and LH. The testes and ovaries will be unable to work
properly if either too much or too little of these substances is
produced. This can occur due to physical injury, a tumor or if
there is a chemical imbalance in the pituitary.
1- male factor of infertility
-Male factor is a sole cause of infertility in approximately 25% of
infertile couples
-Spermogram is a little bit trickier and hard to judge and must
be correlated with the wife's condition and period of marriage
so be aware of abnormal history or abnormal semen analysis
-More than one analysis is needed in different times and in
different labs
-Conventional semen analysis or CASA are equal. hormonal and
genetic screening are important for patients of doubt e. g. (
delayed puberty , small sized testes)
-Sperm DNA fragmentation test for life style ,occupational
exposure of toxins and un explained infertility
1- male factor of infertility
 Period of infertility must be with regular and unprotected intercourse (with
reduction of periods of abstinence or lactation e.g. travelling)
 Husband age and history of previous marriage with or without children is of
a great importance
 Smoking habit and drugs (specially addictive drugs) and occupational
history (exposure to chemicals and toxins ) or family history of male
infertility is essential . childhood urogenital surgery or trauma or viral
infection must be taken.
 History of hernia repair.
 History of Sexual dysfunction.
 History of marriage of more than one wife with no children in spite of
normal semen analysis ( think of sperm failure to reach or to penetrate the
 Idiopathic male infertility
1- male factor of infertility
-Semen analysis (two or more samples)
-complete blood cell count (if infection suspected)
- FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) level
-testosterone levels (if hypogonadism suspected)
-LH level
-Serum prolactin
-Testicular ultrasound
Basic Investigations needed for diagnosis of
male factor of infertility
-Karyotyping (chromosomal pattern) only in
cases of azospermia or severe oligoathenospermia with
positive history of delayed puberty or signs of
deficient sex character–( 5.8% of infertile men has
chromosomal abnormalities )
-Testicular biopsy only in cases of azospermia after
failure of medical or surgical treatment with normal
testicular size and normal FSH levels with
cryopreservation (more than one vial) for positive
patients and histopathological examination specially
for negative patients
Confirmatory steps
-Impaired sperm function
-Severe male factor e.g (oligospermia,
not responding to medical treatment for sufficient period
of time
-Azospermia resistant to medical or surgical treatment
-Obstruction of both ejaculatory duct
-Failed vaso vasostomy
Criteria for patient selection for IVF
-Hyperviscus semen, pyospermia and low semen
volume is not an absolute indication for IVF and
must be treated medically or by IUI before
referring to an IVF specialist and after exclusion
of wife's genital pathology.
-Failed varicocellectomy to correct semen
-Failed hormonal therapy to correct semen
Criteria for patient selection for
-Three failed trials of IUI or more
-Klienfelter syndrome with positive TESA followed by
cryopreservation after retrieval of spermatozoa or
-Sperm auto immunity
-Congenital bilateral absence of vas
-High levels of antibodies in semen after failed trial of
medical treatment or IUI
Criteria for patient selection for
Some husbands with untreatable azospermia or severe
oligoathenospermia hide their illness from their wives and
fabricate semen analysis reports or bring a hidden fertile
semen sample from other person e.g. friends or relatives
So let husbands of doubt bring their samples by coitus
interrupts and by their wives to the lab if they don’t know
Another way to detect such husbands is by post coital test to
detect sperms before IVF/ ICSI
DNA testing may be an option
Female infertility is a multifactorial and sometimes
need a decision whether to start an IVF treatment or
to wait for anther solution.
Age and BMI and period of infertility is the
starting keys for the decision making, put the
apparent and irreversible causes as another key to
take your decision
Vaginal or cervical anomalies ( failed operative
correction of cervical stenosis, surgical amputation
of cervix ) ICSI with trans myometrial ET
2-Female factor of infertility
History taking must include
Coital practices
Medical history (e.g., genetic disorders, endocrine disorders,
history of pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes)
Medications (e.g., hormone therapy)
Menstrual history, History of induction of ovulation (number
of cycles and response of ovaries)
Potential sexually transmitted disease exposure, symptoms of
genital inflammation (e.g., vaginal discharge, dysuria,
abdominal pain, fever)
Previous fertility
Substance use, including caffeine ,SMOKING
History and examination
Surgical history (previous genitourinary surgery)
Toxin exposure
Physical examination
Breast formation
Genitalia (e.g., patency, development, masses,
tenderness, discharge)
Signs of hyperandrogenism (e.g., hirsutism, acne,
History and examination
Pelvic ultrasound
Basic investigations needed
to diagnose female factors of
-Sometimes Immediate IVF is the most effective
treatment for couples when the female partner is at
the end of her reproductive years
Female factors of infertility
indicated for IVF
Uterine factors
Uterine factor infertility (UFI) may affect up to
1 in 500 reproductive age women. The uterus
is an essential component of achieving
pregnancy and carrying a pregnancy to term
successfully. There are many etiologies of UFI
which may be categorized into either
congenital or acquired causes.
Being born without a uterus.
This is a rare congenital (something you are born with)
condition called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome
(MRKH). This condition causes parts of the female
reproductive system to be underdeveloped — meaning the
vagina can be shorter than normal or the uterus may not be the
correct shape and size. In severe cases, there’s no uterus
present at birth. In MRKH, the ovaries are present and
Unicornuate uterus Bicornuate uterus uterine septate may need an IVF as
an optionl treatment in the presence of other anomalies ,
uterine anomalies
is a rare condition where the scar tissue in the uterus creates
adhesions — physical blocks — inside the uterus, preventing a
pregnancy. Causes of Asherman’s syndrome include infections,
radiation, and uterine surgery, such as dilation and curettage
(D&C) procedures
INFERTILITY after a good assessment by hysteroscopy
Having the uterus surgically removed
Uterine myomas
The mechanisms proposed by which they can affect fertility
include interference with sperm transport secondary to
displacement of the cervix and enlargement of uterine cavity,
obstruction of the interstitial segment of fallopian tubes,
distorted adnexal anatomy interfering with ovum capture,
distortion of uterine cavity, increasing myometrial
contractions, or glandular atrophy at endometrium overlying
myoma. Although there is little evidence to support the
majority of these mechanisms, they all hold some biological
Criteria for patient selection
for IVF
fibroids come in different numbers, sizes, locations, and
small and medium sized Subserosal fibroids, remote
from the uterine cavity, do not affect fertility and are
typically not removed prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF)
Subserosal fibroids are unlikely to have an impact on
ART outcomes, except when they cause difficulties with
ovarian access for egg collection. For this reason, the
majority of subserosal fibroids are left alone during IVF
patients who have intramural fibroids that do not
distort the cavity prior to IVF treatment. We try to avoid
surgery in the presence of fibroids <5 cm when the
uterine cavity is regular.
Uterine myomas
 the IVF model helps to isolate the effect of fibroids on
implantation and miscarriage outcomes in infertile
 larger fibroids and those with fibroids that distort
the cavity undergo myomectomy. Therefore, the
real impact of these fibroids on IVF outcomes is
likely to be larger.
Uterine myomas
Endometrial polyps are aberrant endometrial growths
consisting of glands, stroma, and blood vessels with a
vascular center and sessile or pedunculated shape that
extends into the uterine cavity. They range in size from a
few millimeters to several centimeters and can be found in
isolation or multiples.
Multiple case reports show conception and live birth
in women with infertility and adenomyosis after
pretreatment with GnRH-a for 3 to 5 months. In other
retrospective studies, pretreatment with GnRH-a prior
to fresh- or frozen-embryo transfer appears to increase
pregnancy rates .
invagination of the endometrial basalis layer into the
can be detected by
1- ultrasonography or saline infusion
sonohysterograghy (hydrosonogram )
2- hysterosalpingograghy
3- CT or MRI
4- hysteroscopy
5- laparoscopy
Not all causes of uterine factors of infertility need
an IVF as a standard treatment
Surrogacy is a form of third-party reproduction in which a
woman consents to carry a pregnancy for intended parent(s)
who cannot conceive for medical reasons. There are two
forms of surrogacy.
Traditional surrogacy
uses the surrogate mother’s egg for conception(forbidden
and debatable by some religions).
gestational surrogacy
is performed by transferring embryos made through IVF
with eggs and sperms from the intended parents.(forbidden
and debatable by some religions)
Surrogacy may be an alternative for
uterine factor of infertility
it accounts
for 25-30% of female factor for infertility.
Tubal infertility includes the changes due to
which involve the fallopian tube and its relation
towards ovary in a way that will affect ovulation, the
transportof egg, sperm or embryo or alter the
function of the tube as the site of fertilization...
Tubal factor of infertility
Congenital absence of fallopian tubes or part of it
Hypoplasia tubal hypoplasia (Abnormally long or
abnormally thin tubes)
Accessory horn or Ostia and tubal diverticulum
Fallopian tube a genesis
Tubal factor of infertility
. 1-Extensive Pelvic-peritoneal adhesions
(mostly sequelae of previous infections) constitute the
single most common class of tubal pathology
responsible for tubal infertility.
2- Other conditions include
endometriosis, hydrosalpinx and proximal tube
obstruction due to complications of endoluminal
3-Bilateral tubal ligation.
Tubal factor of infertility
.. Pelvic
inflammation (PID) is the most common cause of tubal
disease, representing more than 50% of the cases. It
may affect the fallopian tube at multiple sites. After one
episode of PID the rate of infertility has been estimated
to be 11%, which increases to 23% and 54% after two
and three episodes respectively
Tubal factor of infertility
Tubo peritoneal adhesions results from both
proximal and distal tubular diseases
Female genital tuberculosis (G T.B)
history of surgery for ectopic pregnancy and
appendectomy has been associated with tubal
infertility. However, infections that damage the
tubes to cause ectopic gestation usually affect
both tubes. In addition, surgery for ectopic
pregnancy may lead to post-operative adhesions
especially when done by open surgery or
Tubal factor of infertility
Diagnosis of Tubal Infertility:
-Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
-Endoscopic evaluation
laparoscopy is the chief diagnosis of tubal damage
and abnormalities ( hydrosalpnix , phymosis,
abnormal length, adhesions , obstruction ,TB,):
-Sonographic evaluation:
Tubal factor of infertility
egg release from the ovary accounts for 20% of female
infertility problems.
-ovarian adhesions
-Low ovarian reserve
-Thick zona ( zona pellucida defects)
-Fertility preservation
Ovarian factor infertility
Luteinized un ruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome is defined as
a failure of ovulation in which, despite the absence of
follicular rupture and release of the oocyte, the un ruptured
follicle undergoes luteinization under the action of LH.
LUF is seen in 10% of menstrual cycles of normal fertile
A higher incidence has been reported in infertile women . The
occurrence of LUF has been linked to many conditions such as
unexplained infertility, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions and
the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
LUF has been demonstrated in both spontaneous and
stimulated cycles
Luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF)
-Thick zona ( zona pellucida defects)
the zona pellucida (ZP) is a highly organized dynamic structure
is essential for oogenesis, fertilization, and embryo development
Throughout oocyte maturation and embryonic development, the
ZP undergoes specific structural and functional changes. Any
intrinsic or extrinsic factors that disturb these events may cause
lack of fertilization and decrease embryo viability, leading to
infertility .It has been reported that the ZPT is influenced by
various factors, including maternal age, elevated basal FSH
Ovarian factors need an ivf
Scarred Ovaries
Physical damage to the ovaries may result in failed
ovulation. For example, extensive, invasive, or multiple
surgeries, for
repeated ovarian cysts may cause the capsule of the
ovary to become damaged or scarred, such that follicles
cannot mature
properly and ovulation does not occur. Infection may
also have this impact
Ovarian factor infertility
1- more than one year of infertility after medical or
successful surgical or laparoscopic treatment of
2- more than one year of infertility after medical and
laparoscopic treatment of PCOS
3- more than one year of infertility after successful
laparoscopic adhesiolysis of pelvic adhesions
4-more than one year of infertility after myomectomy of
uterine fibroids
5-more than one year of infertility after failure of treatment
of male factor of infertility
Immediate IVF
Unilateral hydrosalpnix doesn't need an
immediate IVF after tubal disconnection ( the
other tube may be functioning)
6-Extensive pelvic adhesions or frozen pelvis
7-Tubal abnormalities (e.g. abnormally long tubes )
8-Double factor of infertility (e.g. PCO and
oligospermia) after one year of failure of medical
or surgical treatment of one or both of them
Immediate IVF
1- males with undescended testis and high FSH
2- klienfelter Syndrome
2-sertoli cell syndrome
3- empty follicle syndrome
4- low ovarian reserve below 0.2 ng / ml with
negative AFC by us
5- ladies above 45 years old
6-females with extreme obesity
7- asherman syndrome
8- primary ovarian failure
except by donation
Fertility declines with age. Female fertility is at its peak between
the ages of 18 and 24 years, while, it begins to
decline after age 27 and drops at a somewhat greater rate after
age 35. In terms of ovarian reserve, a typical
woman has 12% of her reserve at age 30 and has only 3% at age
40 .
81% of variation in ovarian reserve is due
to age alone, making age the most important factor in female
delaying marriage for men and women, delaying childbearing,
more frequent divorce is an important factors.
Age related factor of
Age related factor of
FSH and estrogen are good indicators of fertility, as
well as of a woman’s response to ovulation
induction or stimulation.
The anti-Müllerian hormone usually correlates
well with fertility potential by reflecting the
number of eggs left in the ovaries.
These two hormone level tests, combined with a
tran svaginal ultrasound for AFC to give you an
idea how to take the decision .
at 45, there is a one percent chance of getting
pregnant at all and then at least a fifty
percent chance of miscarrying
Most fertility clinics set an age limit, often
between 42 and 45 years old.
Should There Be an IVF Age Cutoff ?

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  • 2. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child but it has disadvantages also. IVF cycle may be unsuccessful and it may be associated with side effects and risks. IVF treatment can also take an emotional/psychological toll. IVF treatment can be expensive.
  • 3. -Male factor of infertility -Female factor of infertility -Un explained infertility - Genetic disorder . PGD -Recurrent pregnancy loss of genetic origin -Sex selection -Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions. -one of the partners is a HIV or HCV carrier -Age related predictive factor of infertility INDICATIONS OF IVF
  • 4.
  • 5. Malfunction of the hypothalamus The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain responsible for sending signals to the pituitary gland, which, in turn, sends hormonal stimuli to the testes and to the ovaries in the form of FSH and LH to initiate spermatogenesis and egg maturation. Malfunction of the pituitary gland The pituitary's responsibility lies in producing and secreting FSH and LH. The testes and ovaries will be unable to work properly if either too much or too little of these substances is produced. This can occur due to physical injury, a tumor or if there is a chemical imbalance in the pituitary. INDICATIONS OF IVF
  • 6. 1- male factor of infertility
  • 7. -Male factor is a sole cause of infertility in approximately 25% of infertile couples -Spermogram is a little bit trickier and hard to judge and must be correlated with the wife's condition and period of marriage so be aware of abnormal history or abnormal semen analysis -More than one analysis is needed in different times and in different labs -Conventional semen analysis or CASA are equal. hormonal and genetic screening are important for patients of doubt e. g. ( delayed puberty , small sized testes) -Sperm DNA fragmentation test for life style ,occupational exposure of toxins and un explained infertility 1- male factor of infertility
  • 8.  Period of infertility must be with regular and unprotected intercourse (with reduction of periods of abstinence or lactation e.g. travelling)  Husband age and history of previous marriage with or without children is of a great importance  Smoking habit and drugs (specially addictive drugs) and occupational history (exposure to chemicals and toxins ) or family history of male infertility is essential . childhood urogenital surgery or trauma or viral infection must be taken.  History of hernia repair.  History of Sexual dysfunction.  History of marriage of more than one wife with no children in spite of normal semen analysis ( think of sperm failure to reach or to penetrate the ovum)  Idiopathic male infertility 1- male factor of infertility
  • 9. -Semen analysis (two or more samples) -complete blood cell count (if infection suspected) - FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) level -testosterone levels (if hypogonadism suspected) -LH level -TSH -Serum prolactin -Testicular ultrasound Basic Investigations needed for diagnosis of male factor of infertility
  • 10. -Karyotyping (chromosomal pattern) only in cases of azospermia or severe oligoathenospermia with positive history of delayed puberty or signs of deficient sex character–( 5.8% of infertile men has chromosomal abnormalities ) -Testicular biopsy only in cases of azospermia after failure of medical or surgical treatment with normal testicular size and normal FSH levels with cryopreservation (more than one vial) for positive patients and histopathological examination specially for negative patients Confirmatory steps
  • 11. -Impaired sperm function -Severe male factor e.g (oligospermia, athenospermia,teratospermia) not responding to medical treatment for sufficient period of time -Azospermia resistant to medical or surgical treatment -Obstruction of both ejaculatory duct -Failed vaso vasostomy Criteria for patient selection for IVF
  • 12. -Hyperviscus semen, pyospermia and low semen volume is not an absolute indication for IVF and must be treated medically or by IUI before referring to an IVF specialist and after exclusion of wife's genital pathology. -Failed varicocellectomy to correct semen parameters. -Failed hormonal therapy to correct semen quality. Criteria for patient selection for IVF
  • 13. -Three failed trials of IUI or more -Klienfelter syndrome with positive TESA followed by cryopreservation after retrieval of spermatozoa or spermatids -Sperm auto immunity -Congenital bilateral absence of vas -High levels of antibodies in semen after failed trial of medical treatment or IUI Criteria for patient selection for IVF
  • 14. Some husbands with untreatable azospermia or severe oligoathenospermia hide their illness from their wives and fabricate semen analysis reports or bring a hidden fertile semen sample from other person e.g. friends or relatives So let husbands of doubt bring their samples by coitus interrupts and by their wives to the lab if they don’t know Another way to detect such husbands is by post coital test to detect sperms before IVF/ ICSI DNA testing may be an option
  • 15. Female infertility is a multifactorial and sometimes need a decision whether to start an IVF treatment or to wait for anther solution. Age and BMI and period of infertility is the starting keys for the decision making, put the apparent and irreversible causes as another key to take your decision Vaginal or cervical anomalies ( failed operative correction of cervical stenosis, surgical amputation of cervix ) ICSI with trans myometrial ET 2-Female factor of infertility
  • 16.
  • 17. History taking must include Coital practices Medical history (e.g., genetic disorders, endocrine disorders, history of pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes) Medications (e.g., hormone therapy) Menstrual history, History of induction of ovulation (number of cycles and response of ovaries) Potential sexually transmitted disease exposure, symptoms of genital inflammation (e.g., vaginal discharge, dysuria, abdominal pain, fever) Previous fertility Substance use, including caffeine ,SMOKING History and examination
  • 18. Surgical history (previous genitourinary surgery) Toxin exposure Physical examination Breast formation Galactorrhea Genitalia (e.g., patency, development, masses, tenderness, discharge) Signs of hyperandrogenism (e.g., hirsutism, acne, clitoromegaly) History and examination
  • 19. AMH FSH , LH S. PROLACTIN TSH CBC Pelvic ultrasound Basic investigations needed to diagnose female factors of infertility
  • 20. -VAGINAL AND CERVICAL FACTORS -UTERINE FACTORS -TUBAL FACTORS -OVARIAN FACTORS - FEMALE AGE. -Sometimes Immediate IVF is the most effective treatment for couples when the female partner is at the end of her reproductive years Female factors of infertility indicated for IVF
  • 21. Uterine factors Uterine factor infertility (UFI) may affect up to 1 in 500 reproductive age women. The uterus is an essential component of achieving pregnancy and carrying a pregnancy to term successfully. There are many etiologies of UFI which may be categorized into either congenital or acquired causes.
  • 22. Being born without a uterus. This is a rare congenital (something you are born with) condition called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH). This condition causes parts of the female reproductive system to be underdeveloped — meaning the vagina can be shorter than normal or the uterus may not be the correct shape and size. In severe cases, there’s no uterus present at birth. In MRKH, the ovaries are present and functioning. Unicornuate uterus Bicornuate uterus uterine septate may need an IVF as an optionl treatment in the presence of other anomalies , uterine anomalies
  • 23. AQUIRED ASHERMAN SYNDROME is a rare condition where the scar tissue in the uterus creates adhesions — physical blocks — inside the uterus, preventing a pregnancy. Causes of Asherman’s syndrome include infections, radiation, and uterine surgery, such as dilation and curettage (D&C) procedures UTERINE CAVITY SURGERY FOLLOWED BY A PERIOD OF INFERTILITY after a good assessment by hysteroscopy HYSTERECTOMY. Having the uterus surgically removed
  • 24. Uterine myomas The mechanisms proposed by which they can affect fertility include interference with sperm transport secondary to displacement of the cervix and enlargement of uterine cavity, obstruction of the interstitial segment of fallopian tubes, distorted adnexal anatomy interfering with ovum capture, distortion of uterine cavity, increasing myometrial contractions, or glandular atrophy at endometrium overlying myoma. Although there is little evidence to support the majority of these mechanisms, they all hold some biological plausibility. Criteria for patient selection for IVF
  • 25. fibroids come in different numbers, sizes, locations, and consistencies. small and medium sized Subserosal fibroids, remote from the uterine cavity, do not affect fertility and are typically not removed prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF) Subserosal fibroids are unlikely to have an impact on ART outcomes, except when they cause difficulties with ovarian access for egg collection. For this reason, the majority of subserosal fibroids are left alone during IVF cycles. patients who have intramural fibroids that do not distort the cavity prior to IVF treatment. We try to avoid surgery in the presence of fibroids <5 cm when the uterine cavity is regular. Uterine myomas
  • 26.  the IVF model helps to isolate the effect of fibroids on implantation and miscarriage outcomes in infertile populations.  larger fibroids and those with fibroids that distort the cavity undergo myomectomy. Therefore, the real impact of these fibroids on IVF outcomes is likely to be larger. Uterine myomas
  • 27. ENDOMETRIAL POLYPS Endometrial polyps are aberrant endometrial growths consisting of glands, stroma, and blood vessels with a vascular center and sessile or pedunculated shape that extends into the uterine cavity. They range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters and can be found in isolation or multiples. Multiple case reports show conception and live birth in women with infertility and adenomyosis after pretreatment with GnRH-a for 3 to 5 months. In other retrospective studies, pretreatment with GnRH-a prior to fresh- or frozen-embryo transfer appears to increase pregnancy rates . ADENOMYOSIS invagination of the endometrial basalis layer into the myometrium.
  • 28. DIAGNOSIS OF UTERINE FACTORS can be detected by 1- ultrasonography or saline infusion sonohysterograghy (hydrosonogram ) 2- hysterosalpingograghy 3- CT or MRI 4- hysteroscopy 5- laparoscopy Not all causes of uterine factors of infertility need an IVF as a standard treatment
  • 29. Surrogacy is a form of third-party reproduction in which a woman consents to carry a pregnancy for intended parent(s) who cannot conceive for medical reasons. There are two forms of surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy uses the surrogate mother’s egg for conception(forbidden and debatable by some religions). gestational surrogacy is performed by transferring embryos made through IVF with eggs and sperms from the intended parents.(forbidden and debatable by some religions) Surrogacy may be an alternative for uterine factor of infertility
  • 30. it accounts for 25-30% of female factor for infertility. Tubal infertility includes the changes due to inflammation which involve the fallopian tube and its relation towards ovary in a way that will affect ovulation, the transportof egg, sperm or embryo or alter the function of the tube as the site of fertilization... Tubal factor of infertility
  • 31. Congenital absence of fallopian tubes or part of it Aplasia Atresia Hypoplasia tubal hypoplasia (Abnormally long or abnormally thin tubes) Accessory horn or Ostia and tubal diverticulum Fallopian tube a genesis Tubal factor of infertility
  • 32. . 1-Extensive Pelvic-peritoneal adhesions (mostly sequelae of previous infections) constitute the single most common class of tubal pathology responsible for tubal infertility. 2- Other conditions include endometriosis, hydrosalpinx and proximal tube obstruction due to complications of endoluminal salpingitis. 3-Bilateral tubal ligation. Tubal factor of infertility
  • 33. .. Pelvic inflammation (PID) is the most common cause of tubal disease, representing more than 50% of the cases. It may affect the fallopian tube at multiple sites. After one episode of PID the rate of infertility has been estimated to be 11%, which increases to 23% and 54% after two and three episodes respectively Tubal factor of infertility
  • 34. Tubo peritoneal adhesions results from both proximal and distal tubular diseases Female genital tuberculosis (G T.B)
  • 35. history of surgery for ectopic pregnancy and appendectomy has been associated with tubal infertility. However, infections that damage the tubes to cause ectopic gestation usually affect both tubes. In addition, surgery for ectopic pregnancy may lead to post-operative adhesions especially when done by open surgery or laparotomy Tubal factor of infertility
  • 36. Diagnosis of Tubal Infertility: -Hysterosalpingography (HSG) -Endoscopic evaluation laparoscopy is the chief diagnosis of tubal damage and abnormalities ( hydrosalpnix , phymosis, abnormal length, adhesions , obstruction ,TB,): -Sonographic evaluation: Tubal factor of infertility
  • 37. egg release from the ovary accounts for 20% of female infertility problems. -ovarian adhesions -PCOS -Endometriosis -LUF -Low ovarian reserve -Thick zona ( zona pellucida defects) -Fertility preservation Ovarian factor infertility
  • 38. Luteinized un ruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome is defined as a failure of ovulation in which, despite the absence of follicular rupture and release of the oocyte, the un ruptured follicle undergoes luteinization under the action of LH. LUF is seen in 10% of menstrual cycles of normal fertile women A higher incidence has been reported in infertile women . The occurrence of LUF has been linked to many conditions such as unexplained infertility, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). LUF has been demonstrated in both spontaneous and stimulated cycles Luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome
  • 39. -Thick zona ( zona pellucida defects) the zona pellucida (ZP) is a highly organized dynamic structure that is essential for oogenesis, fertilization, and embryo development Throughout oocyte maturation and embryonic development, the ZP undergoes specific structural and functional changes. Any intrinsic or extrinsic factors that disturb these events may cause lack of fertilization and decrease embryo viability, leading to infertility .It has been reported that the ZPT is influenced by various factors, including maternal age, elevated basal FSH concentrations Ovarian factors need an ivf
  • 40. Scarred Ovaries Physical damage to the ovaries may result in failed ovulation. For example, extensive, invasive, or multiple surgeries, for repeated ovarian cysts may cause the capsule of the ovary to become damaged or scarred, such that follicles cannot mature properly and ovulation does not occur. Infection may also have this impact Ovarian factor infertility
  • 41. 1- more than one year of infertility after medical or successful surgical or laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis 2- more than one year of infertility after medical and laparoscopic treatment of PCOS 3- more than one year of infertility after successful laparoscopic adhesiolysis of pelvic adhesions 4-more than one year of infertility after myomectomy of uterine fibroids 5-more than one year of infertility after failure of treatment of male factor of infertility Immediate IVF
  • 42. Unilateral hydrosalpnix doesn't need an immediate IVF after tubal disconnection ( the other tube may be functioning) 6-Extensive pelvic adhesions or frozen pelvis 7-Tubal abnormalities (e.g. abnormally long tubes ) 8-Double factor of infertility (e.g. PCO and oligospermia) after one year of failure of medical or surgical treatment of one or both of them Immediate IVF
  • 43. 1- males with undescended testis and high FSH level 2- klienfelter Syndrome 2-sertoli cell syndrome 3- empty follicle syndrome 4- low ovarian reserve below 0.2 ng / ml with negative AFC by us 5- ladies above 45 years old 6-females with extreme obesity 7- asherman syndrome 8- primary ovarian failure IVF except by donation
  • 44. Fertility declines with age. Female fertility is at its peak between the ages of 18 and 24 years, while, it begins to decline after age 27 and drops at a somewhat greater rate after age 35. In terms of ovarian reserve, a typical woman has 12% of her reserve at age 30 and has only 3% at age 40 . 81% of variation in ovarian reserve is due to age alone, making age the most important factor in female infertility. delaying marriage for men and women, delaying childbearing, more frequent divorce is an important factors. Age related factor of infertility
  • 45. Age related factor of infertility
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  • 48. FSH and estrogen are good indicators of fertility, as well as of a woman’s response to ovulation induction or stimulation. The anti-Müllerian hormone usually correlates well with fertility potential by reflecting the number of eggs left in the ovaries. These two hormone level tests, combined with a tran svaginal ultrasound for AFC to give you an idea how to take the decision . at 45, there is a one percent chance of getting pregnant at all and then at least a fifty percent chance of miscarrying
  • 49. Most fertility clinics set an age limit, often between 42 and 45 years old. Should There Be an IVF Age Cutoff ?