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How To Correct An Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "How To Correct An Essay" can be a challenging endeavor,
primarily because it requires a deep understanding of the intricacies of both the writing process
and the mechanics of correction. First and foremost, one must possess a strong grasp of
grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary to effectively identify errors within a piece of
writing. Additionally, it's essential to be familiar with different writing styles and formats to
provide accurate corrections tailored to the specific requirements of the essay.
Moreover, correcting an essay goes beyond merely identifying errors; it involves offering
constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. This requires strong analytical skills and
the ability to critically evaluate the coherence, clarity, and effectiveness of the writing. It also
entails understanding the intended audience and purpose of the essay to ensure that the
corrections align with the writer's objectives.
Furthermore, writing an essay on how to correct an essay necessitates the ability to articulate
complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Communicating strategies for effective
proofreading, editing techniques, and common mistakes to avoid requires a solid understanding
of language mechanics and instructional writing principles.
In essence, crafting an essay on this topic demands a blend of linguistic proficiency, analytical
prowess, and instructional clarity. It requires the writer to navigate the nuances of language and
composition while providing valuable insights into the process of refining written work.
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How To Correct An EssayHow To Correct An Essay
Relationship Between Gatsby And Daisy
When a person s greatest hope does not come true, it can not only leave them stuck
and unsure what to do with their lives, but cause emotional damage as well. Putting
all the eggs in one basket means that if the person loses the basket, he or she loses
everything they essentially live for as well. Obviously, this leaves him or her in the
lowest depths of despair. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald once again uses the
relationship between Gatsby and Daisy, this time to demonstrate how much hurt a
broken dream can cause. Within the first hours of being reunited with his former
love, Gatsby begins to suspect that the situation will not fall perfectly into place
the way he imagined. Nick, after attending this awkward reunion, reflects, There
must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his
dreams not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his
illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything... No amount of fire or
freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart (103).
Although Daisy still appears as beautiful and charming as ever, Gatsby s false
image of her after several lonely years expands so much larger than life that the real
Daisy plainly disappoints Gatsby. Fitzgerald strongly warns against the pitfalls of
hope once a person fixates on an idea, such as Gatsby did, reality cannot compete
with the power the idea has over the person, leading to a delusional and unsatisfactory
life in actuality.
Apostle Paul Use Of The Armor Of God
Hermeneutical Application by George Mburu, KE100653
Apostle Paul use of the Armor of God
The author undertakes an application of biblical Hermeneutics in respect to the
Apostle Paul s address of the armor of God to the Ephesian Church. Actually, the
author comes alive to the need of proper Hermeneutic skills for right application of
the biblical Corpus. Indeed, the use of necessary tools has been encouraged for better
application of the Scriptures. Towards the end of the essay, the author makes tentative
KEYWORDS: Bible, God, hermeneutics, exegesis, corpus, text, context, application,
hope, warfare, Greco Roman, kingdom, struggle, believer, victory
The term Hermeneutics comes from a Greek word, that means to interpret hence it
signifies interpretation of literary text to the fullest measure. In addition, for that
practice, sound principles must be employed in the interpretation of the text.
Therefore, one realizes that, when exegesis concerns itself with the meaning of a text
to its ... Show more content on ...
The author explains about the warfare and how a soldier was equipped. The
enemies are categorized into four main ones, I) Principalities/authorities II) rulers,
III) Powers IV) forces of wickedness in the heavenly realm. A sage once commented
that, Those who conquer the skies also conquer the earth . And definitely sure, once
believers conquer evil powers, principalities who rule different spheres of influence,
and evil rulers in the dark world, win victory. However, as the Apostle Paul, Craig
and other authors argue, the challenge holds a spiritual warfare (cosmic the unseen
world). Accordingly, the reader and the interpreter should appreciate that the cosmic
is real and troubles many hence the insistence of the apostle Paul for
Ethics And The Code Of Ethics
This past year has seen an increased scrutiny on the actions of corporations, and those
who act on behalf of organizations. Because of this there has been an increased
attention placed on ethical situations within our organization. Company X is focused
on increasing ethics and compliance awareness. A formal ethicsprograms will be
addressed throughout the details of this ethics program. This document will go into
detail regarding what actions are appropriate for work and what is not.
Company X strives daily to do the right thing. This Code of Ethics program is our
guide to use to ensure we are doing the right thing daily. Please take the time to
review the Code of Ethics and learn how to implement it in your daily life here at
Company X.
Standards and Procedures
Company X is dedicated to promoting ethical standards and proper business
conduct. The main purpose of these policies are to ensure proper guidelines and
principles are being followed, as well as to direct employees to the proper form of
conduct (Code of Ethical Standards, 2012). All employees will be held responsible to
follow all ethical standards and procedures.
1.All actions and behaviors of all employees must promote an honorable image of
Company X and its management.
2.All employee actions must not cause a potential conflict of interest, whether in
respects to business or personal matters.
3.Employees shall not partake in any activities that may harm or damage Company X,
or the reputation of Company X.
Upgrading Software with Vbscript
COURSE PROJECT Table of Contents 1) Introduction3 Requirement for system
administration3 2) Description of program4 Contents of program4 How it works4 3)
Source Code with detailed comments5 Source Code contains a minimum 5 out of 6
topics learned during this session.5 4) Source Code continued6 Notes on the output
13 Screenshots of the output 13 5) Conclusion14 Possible future uses14 6)
References15 Our company is currently planning to automate many different system
administration tasks. I have researched a system administration task, in this case
upgrading software using VBScript. I have included a proposal that describes... Show
more content on ...
After the List of applicable items on the machine: the loop displays the list of
available updates. The next loop installs the update if user inputs 1 for Ok and 0
for No (Upgrade Software Upgrade Software Upgrade Software VBScript sample
n.d.). The downloader object initializes update downloader. Would you like to
install updates now? (Y/N) demonstrates strInput. The final function outputs the
status / error during installation. SOURCE CODE WITH SAMPLE OUTPUT
RUNS.... courseProject.cmd :: Run courseProject.vbs echo off :start cls echo
Microsoft Updater echo. amp; echo. echo [1] Check for updates echo [x] Exit
Program echo. set /p choice= Enter 1 to check for updates or x to exit .... if
%choice% equ x exit if %choice% equ X exit cscript //nologo courseProject.vbs
%choice% echo. pause goto start courseProject.vbs ServerSelection values are
delcared here ssDefault = 0 ssManagedServer = 1 ssWindowsUpdate = 2 ssOthers =
3 InStr values intSearchStartChar = 1 dim strTitledeclare the variables for storing
the string titles of updates Dim strFile, strText strFile variable is used to store the
file name and strText is used to write the text into file strFile = updatelist.txt Create
the File System Object for creating a new file Set objFSO = CreateObject(
Scripting.FileSystemObject ) Decision making statement to check whether the file
has already been created. If
Hills Like White Elephants Critical Criticism
An American in Europe A critical issue in Ernest Hemingway s Hills Like White
Elephants is the emphasis on the lack of communication between the characters.
The author attempts to convey the dichotomy between the American and Jig s
mindset. The setting could be seen as a porthole into Hemingway s philosophy, a
distant land being occupied by a brash American man and a silenced American
woman. Furthermore, this ideological discord is exemplified by a disillusioned
lack of communication between the characters, also the forceful and blunt
personality of the American contrasting with the feminine and powerless Jig. In
Hills Like White Elephants Hemingway uses Jig and her refusal to communicate as
a way of demonstrating the American s powerlessness in Europe. Hemingway uses
the setting as a catalyst for the depiction of the idealistic American philosophy. The
place is desolate, and only a stopping point before their destination. The train
station can be seen as a crossroads, a place where a decision must be made. A life
changing decision, one forced onto Jig with an urgency that reflects the setting. The
symbolic nature of the train station is further emphasised by Timothy D. O Brien
and his take, The story s setting... mirrors the tension between the girl s discourse
and the desire and the man s (19). These desires must be met at this crossroads, and
are reflected in the ideathat Jig is compelled to make up her mind before the next
train comes. This symbol of a
Black Humor in America
Black Humor
One of the most underappreciated and unrecognized forms of comedy is black
humor. Black humor often deals with events that are not often associated with other
forms of comedy, such as war, murder, insanity and death. The main reason that this
form of comedy is so underappreciated is that it requires some thinking on the part
of the audience and many people are not willing to do that. The types of humor that
are popular today do not require much thinking and can be characterized as one
liners. However, black humor has been used as an effective means of satire usually
towards a tragic event. One of the biggest misconceptions about black humor is that it
involves race. Black humor is not a form of African Americanhumor ... Show more
content on ...
Even though this is such a great model of black comedy, Joseph Heller said that he
was not aware that it would be funny when he wrote it (Catch 22, Computer). In the
story, Catch 22 is a military rule that employs circular logic. An example of this is the
rule that deals with avoiding combat missions:
One may only be excused from flying bombing missions on the grounds of insanity;
one must assert one s insanity to be excused on this basis; one who requests to be
excused is presumably in fear for his life. This is taken to be proof of his sanity, and
he is therefore obliged to continue flying missions; one who is truly insane
presumably would not make the request. He therefore would continue flying
missions, even though as an insane person he could of course be excused from them
simply by asking. (Catch 22, Computer)
The main themes in Heller s novel are paradox and contradiction. He used his novel
as a way to show the absurdity of war and to protest World War II. Another author,
Kurt Vonnegut wrote Slaughterhouse Five in 1969 as an analysis of the human
condition from an uncommon perspective, using time travel as a plot device and the
bombing of Dresden in World War II, which Vonnegut witnessed, as a starting point
(Slaughter, wikipedia). The humor in this book comes from Vonnegut s downplay of
human mortality. He uses the phrase so it goes whenever dying is mentioned. Much of
What Does Redeemer Mean In The Bible
What does redeemer mean in the Bible? This is one of the most important question
that needs to be answered. The Bible focuses mainly on redeemer and His
redemption for us. Redeemer definition means a person who redeems someone or
something . Jesus Christ redeems us from our sins by offering Himself. Whenever
we come across the word Redeemer as a Christian, we think of the sacrifice of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Father has to give up His only begotten son and Jesus had to shed
His precious blood to make redemption. It was not quite an easy task for both the
Father and Son. Father has to offer His only loving Son for the cause of the sins of
human beings. Heavenly Father was option less other than to offer up His son as a
living sacrifice. Creation
Affects of Frontal Lobe Damage Essay
Damage to the frontal lobe cortex of the brain can cause difficulty in everyday
activities. The frontal lobes role in people s behavior includes executive processes,
language, emotional expression and movement. Ryan Godfrey has difficulties in
some areas of executive processes due to the damage tumors caused in his brain.
Ryan and others with frontal lobedamagecan benefit from knowing these deficits by
taking steps to reduce their impact. The brain tends to compensate for damaged parts
and a faith in God brings power to overcome deficits. Thus, behavioraldifficulties for
frontal lobe damaged patients are only a guideline not a box, for nothing is
impossible for God to accomplish.
A 23 year old man, named ... Show more content on ...
For example, Ryan opened up only the mail that seemed relevant at the time and put
others aside. However, the mail put aside was forgotten about. His mom about 5
months later discovered the unopened mail was very important and some needed an
asap response. Thus, Ryan does seem to have some sort of difficulty than others with
understand what is relevant, and remembering to get back to things. There has also
been research conducted on the frontal lobes function in processing relevant and
irrelevant information.
Humphreys and Kumada s research results were that people with frontal lobe damage
showed difficulty in selecting task relevant information while ignoring task irrelevant
(Humphreys amp; Kumada, 2002). Sometimes these people tend to get confused on
what is important and what are not, as most people occasionally do. Some frontal
lobe damage people struggle more with relevant information than others do. Frontal
lobe lesions only appear to affect the ability to gate or inhibit irrelevant stimulus
information (Gershberg, Jurica, Mangels, amp; Shimamura, 1995, p145). Research is
usually just a bunch of theories, or experiments that have not been proven wrong yet.
The tendency for frontal damage is that a part of the brain has been damaged or
removed that helps with these functions.
Attention to certain information
The Social Premises Causing Gender Gap Within Maths
The primary division of humanity into men and women and the dominant role of
men in modern society has led to the obvious prevalence of men, it can be traced in
all cultural and historical periods, particularly in areas such as science. Most of the
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) University graduates are men.
Among STEM graduates aged 25 to 34, women represented 23% of graduates from
engineering and 30% of graduates from mathematics and computer science programs.
( Genderdifferences in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer
science (STEM) programs at university, n.d.). This research paper is going to focus
on the studies investigating the social premises causing the gender gap in maths and
science involvement. Difference in the number of male and female individuals
studying maths and science is a consequence of the continued normative social
construction of gender, social prejudice ensured through, but no limited to previous
female exclusion from education system. Attempts to explain the differences between
men and women in the level of educational and professional achievements are
reduced to two schemes: biological (genetic) differences between men and women
and the social conditions favorable to male domination, the system of education and
the distribution of roles which gives more chances for the development of abilities of
Most researchers who study cognition in terms of gender differences, primarily
focused on the study of
Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
The theory of Planned Behavior built further on the theory of Reasoned Action by
Martin Fishben and Icek Ajzen in 1985. The theory of Reasoned Action needed to
be developing because it did not account specific behaviors, which people has little
control or no control over it. Thereon, Ajzen (1998) added the perceived control
notion, which is similar to the self efficacy concept of Social Cognitive Theory of
Bandura (1977). Now, this theory takes to account for factors outside of a person s
full control by perceived behavioral control. Theory of Planned Behavior proves
useful for detailing the psychological processes underlying a wide range of health
behavior (Conner and Sparks, 1996; Godin and Kok, 1996). In ... Show more content
on ...
Intention is influenced by attention, subjective norms and perceived behavioral
control (Ajzen, 2006). Most of the studies have found attitudes to be more important
than subjective norms in predicting intentions, confirming the weak support for the
role of subjective norms as compared to attitudes in predicting intentions (Ajzen,
1991). Attitude is defined as a cognitive process influenced by personal experiences
and is expressed by either behavioral or emotional responses (Fishbein Ajzen, 2010).
The stronger the attitude is toward quitting the better the predictor of one s intention
to quit smoking (Fazio, 2001). According to TPB, the attitude relates both positive
and negative beliefs about the behavior. To addressing the importance of attitude,
this leaflet aims to developed positive belief on individuals that they are capable to
quit smoking. Researches put evidence that quitting to smoke improves quality of
life in many ways: psychologically and physically. That is why this leaflet draws
attention on beneficial outcomes of quitting to smoke and emphasize positive
effects of it on our life by targeted attitude with messages, such as Stop smoking!
Make a positive difference to your health , teeth whiten, breath smells fresher,
fertility increase and financial improves and some long term benefits highlighted
as well for example: There lots of benefits of giving up! After 72 hours: Breathing
becomes easier. Energy levels increase. After 2 12 weeks: Circulation improves...
On the other hand, the leaflet targeted negative side of smoking as well. To pointed
out the undesirable effects, messages include how smoking affect on individuals
health for example: For a smoker, most of the diseases occur after the age of 50 and
these smoking related illnesses can be long term and fatal , About 120,000 people in
the UK die each year because of the smoking . Furthermore in an adult
Network Administrator Has Higher Level Of Control Essay
Contents Page Task 1
3 Task
5 Task
7 Task 1 Types of network LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN is a type of
network that interconnects computers and devices either wired or wireless and
covers a greater distance. LAN is mainly used in private organisations such as
college or university. More or less everyone uses wireless router at home these
days and the user is able to connect between 5 10 devices wirelessly. The user can
share the broadband or the connection with ADSL by using Ethernet cables.
Smaller LANs can connect at least 2 3 computers using one cable. It also depends
on the size of the organisation. Smaller LANs are easier to manage. The users need
to be careful when using larger LANs and need to make sure that the network
within it is transmitted efficiently. The user can increase the number of computers
connected by using routers and switches. This ensures that the network
administrator has higher level of control over the network. IEEE 802.3 is the
wired Ethernet used by LAN and therefore it is related to LAN. The set up cost for
LAN is relatively cheap. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a type of
network that interconnects the LANs meaning it connects the LANs together over
large distance. WAN is used in school or college or in a joint network
Cathy Song The Youngest Daughter
Clarissa Reyna Mrs. M. Segovia English IV AP March 12, 2016 A Deeper
Meaning The works of poetry are often underappreciated and overlooked. The
stories of plenty are being neglected in the education of our youth. The work of
Cathy Song, per say, personally has never come up prior to the assigning of this
paper. In Song s The Youngest Daughter , we are introduced to a variety of
meanings in which an analysis full of depth is required to clearly interpret and
understand what it is that the speaker is attempting to bring across through the use of
clever diction. The poem in itself also contains a compilation of carefully puzzle
together literary techniques that are taught to be broken down to provide a good
understanding of a work of... Show more content on ...
When analyzing literature, it is very important to take it one puzzle piece at a
time. Deconstructing a work of literature can be difficult if the path isn t taken
correctly and the work isn t completely broken down for understanding. In Cathy
Song s poem, the audience is able to understand the situation the speaker is in due
to the vivid images that Song provides. The imagery in the poem can be identified
as metaphorical (figure of speech in which a phrase is applied to something not
literally applicable and order to suggest a resemblance). The reader can also
analyze the setting through the metonymy (the use of the name of one thing for
that of another thing) portrayed. Last but not least, the poem can be deconstructed
with the use of the symbolism (the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities)
that can be found when the poem is taken apart piece by piece. Now that we have a
better understanding of what it is that is going to be analyzed, let s begin to take a
look at the poem through the eyes of a deconstructionist. Cathy Song s The Youngest
Daughter is clearly about a codependent relationship between a mother and daughter,
the mother s youngest daughter, to be specific. The poem is displayed in the view of
first person, for the daughter is the speaker. The poem is focused
Information Security Trends And Data Breach Of Health
The objective of this paper is to present the most recent data security patterns. It
will likewise give the late digital assaults as samples and highlight the lessons
learned. Medicinal services records speak to a greatly appealing focus for digital
crooks, containing as they do different bits of delicate data like Social Security
numbers all in one spot. Given the estimation of this information, it is clear why the
Identity Theft Resource Center s most recent 2014 Data Breach Category Summary
found that medicinal services represented 43 percent of all ruptures year to date. The
test for IT and security experts working in social insurance is that they must ... Show
more content on ...
These patterns incorporate Cyber Crime, security and regulation, dangers from
outsider suppliers, conveying own gadgets to the working environment and individual
s engagement.
The nation s second biggest wellbeing insurance agency have encountered real
security rupture in which that programmers have stolen individuals Social Security
numbers, names, birthdays, medicinal IDs, and more delicate individual data in a
monstrous information break. The rupture influences an expected 80 million clients
and workers. Right now, Anthem does not accept the programmers got to credit card
or medicinal information.
According to the Associated Press, the aggressors who focused on and exhilarated
more than 80 million client records from Anthem Inc., had the capacity seize the
accreditations of no less than five distinct workers. We know from Anthem
themselves that no less than one administrator record was bargained, as the
administrator himself recognized his qualifications being utilized to inquiry their
information distribution center.
Looking at job postings and representative LinkedIn profiles it creates the impression
that the information stockroom being used at Anthem was Teradata. By doing some
brisk inquiries on LinkedIn I had the capacity find more than 100 matches for
Teradata in profiles of current representatives at Anthem, including, CXOs,
framework modelers and DBAs. Finding
Escape From Wonderland
Whether it is a young girl s favorite song on the radio, a college student s escape
from reality or a form of entertainment to a married couple, music brings everyone
together. While some individuals may see music as nothing more than a song on the
radio, it may be a major part of someone else s life. Every month ravers unite as a
community that spread positivity and love around one another at raveparties while
they vibe and dance to electronic music from sunset to the early morning. In the
late fifties, rave was first used in Britain as a title for the wild bohemian parties
that occurred at the time. It was then briefly revived by the mods, a British youth
subculture of the early to mid 1960s, and did not return into the trend until the
illegal warehouse party scene in London in the early eighties. The crowd was
mixed, black and white, and it is likely that the term rave came from Jamaican
usage rather than a revival of any previous usage in Britain (Evans). The main goal
of these rave parties was to dance while listening to good soulful music . European
clubs that sponsored raves in the 1980s tried to limit the exposure of attendees to
the public and to law enforcement (NDIC, 2006). Raves were secretive, after hours,
private dance parties and were often held in clubs, abandoned warehouses, and
private homes or even underground where attendance was restricted to invitees or
friends of invitees. These locations were able to provide accommodation for the
It Is Voting Season Again
Since the origins of the first constitutional convention calling for the alteration of the
constitution, through our American history we have seen the rise of the two party
system. Initially however not officially through the opposition of the ratification of
the new constitution, we saw the first true political schism in the debate of the
constitution s ratification. Creating the birth of Federalist and Anti Federalist
movement. With the simple contrasting beliefs such as the opposition to a strong
centralized government (Anti Federalists) came the growth of those others which we
still fight for or against today. However we can call such divisions within our history
the baby steps onto to what would become a natural phenomena of the two party
system. While not during Washington s first electionbut not limited to his re election,
within the sidelines of his presidency some tension between Jefferson and
Hamilton began to arise. The beginning of the butting heads of Federalists v.
Republicans and leading to the eventually unfolding what would be the
Republicans v. Democrats. Through the power placed within America s traditional
two party system, unlike many countries they are able to keep the equilibrium or a
control of their political peoples and voters to be better able to transact new policies
and reforms while still keeping each other at a check. For years there were
appearances of new parties beyond the horizon and even now there still are, but due
to the their
Cirque Du Soleil Case Study
In an industry that was slowly declining, where audiences were decreasing, profits
and revenues were at an all time low and various forms of entertainment were
booming, Cirque du Soleil reinvented the circus by exemplifying less traditional
circus ideas. At this time competitors such as Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey
Circus, were continuing to use a more customary strategy by maintaining a red
ocean strategic approach. Red ocean strategy is labelled by companies trying to
outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand. Essentially as the
market place becomes oversaturated, profits and growth ability reduce and
competition rises. Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus once being the global
champions of the industry, attempted to outcompete its competitors by tweaking
circus acts and hiring famous clowns and lions to create more appeal. Cirque du Soleil
had a different strategic approach, one that made it the top competitor in the world
wide entertainment industry today. By observing the issues with the circus industry s
outdated business model, Cirque du Soleil saw an opportunity to challenge the
conventions of the circus industry. By using a blue ocean strategic approach, Cirque
du Soleil was able to refine the problem within the industry instead of using the more
conventional method and tweaking outdated acts. Cirque du Soleil did not pay
attention to the other competitors in the market place, instead they appealed to an
unpenetrated market
Prison Overpopulation Research Paper
Prison Overpopulation
The overpopulating of prisons in the federal prison swelled to 39 percent above
capacity through last September and is expected to surge to more than 45 percent
above its limit by 2018. Overcrowding the cells giving no privacy to inmates,
meanwhile the guards keep watch. How the legislature will take proper and
constitutional action and now to reduce the overpopulation of prison . ( )
The overcrowding of prisons puts the inmates in a squeezed environment contribute
to an increased in inmate misconduct, which negatively affects the safety and security
of inmates and staff. By creating the possibility that an inmate will shape and have a
violent incident towards another inmate or threatening with sharp object towards
guards staying on watch. With more and more prisoners confined to limited spaces,
prison officials are forced to cut time into inmates having in the cafeteria, recreation
yards and television rooms. Also factors as two or three inmates
are assigned in rooms made for one prisoner or in common areas that were never
meant to be as cells. Theres no way of monitoring or knowing what the prisoners are
doing. To decrease the overpopulation officials such as the department of justice
could push more solutions like
City County Consolidation Case Study
On November 7, 1972, voters in Fayette County and Lexington Kentucky decided to
consolidate their city and county government. 69.8 percent of the 62,197 voters who
showed up to the polls cast their ballots in support of the merger (Shaw 2010). City
county consolidation occurs when a local government reform in which a major
municipality and county merge to create a unified government. Smaller governments
are believed to benefit by their ability to take advantage of larger government
economies. These referenda have shown to be mostly unsuccessful, partly because of
how unpopular it is with voters. City county consolidation has been debated for
decades, various commissions have been formed to study the idea and countless
proposals ... Show more content on ...
After it s success at the polls, the Lexington Police assumed law enforcement duties
previously performed by the Fayette County Sheriff s Department. Consolidation for
local fire departments soon followed. The local park merger however went in the
opposite direction; responsibilities were given to county officials. All necessary
changes took nearly three years; staff sizes were reduced mainly by implementing a
hiring freeze when employees left, rather than
Analysis of Super Size Me
Analysis of Super Size Me
Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food
companies, and the effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly
McDonalds, on the health of society. This Documentary explores the United States
growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan decides to eat nothing but
McDonald s food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the menu at
least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another
stipulation of Morgan s experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to
replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must
also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesn t serve ... Show
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He was told that he might do permanent damage to his liver due to having to
metabolize all of the excess fat in his new diet. Not to my surprise, McDonalds did
not want to participate in this documentary whatsoever and did not ever give
Morgan the interview that he sought after, even after over 15 telephone calls. In a
sense that obesity is a growing epidemic I think that the documentary was fairly
realistic, but who actually eats McDonalds three times a day? Morgan did say that
22% of all McDonald s consumers were known as super heavy users, which means
that they eat McDonald s food 3 times a week or more. I think Morgan conveyed
his negative opinions about the fast food chains, particularly McDonalds very well
although there may have been some dramatization. The people who are most
affected by McDonalds marketing and pricing practices are definitely kids and/or
lower budget people. The cheap food that supposedly fills you up for longer due to
the long list of ingredients in it is easy for lower income families to provide. The
extent to which McDonalds is marketed to children can be seen in the installation
of playgrounds, birthday party hosting, toys with kid s meals, Ronald McDonald
the clown, and many other sly advertising techniques such as a cartoon on TV. All
of these marketing techniques lure kids in at an early age. Uneducated people are
more likely to eat at McDonalds at a larger scale because many times they are not
informed of
St Lawrence Boulevard Research Paper
Montreal s Main Street
The St. Lawrence boulevard is one of the most known and talked about road in
Canada. In the collective imagination, it has long been the street that separates
Montreal in half. Which is quite understandable as the St. Lawrence boulevard is the
backbone of the great French speaking city. A city born from its river, founded
downstream of the mighty Lachine rapids, which form a natural barrier for ocean
going ships, Montreal turns its back on its majestic stream. But it is as if to throw
oneself into an otherwise tumultuous torrent which, from the wharves of the St.
Lawrence to those of the RiviГЁre des Prairies, rolls its course from one side to the
other of the island of Montreal. St. Lawrence boulevard is the matrix of ... Show more
content on ...
The St. Lawrence boulevard is full of history. Before becoming the large and
impressing street we now know it as, St. Lawrence boulevard was the only path
upon which travelers could get in and out of Montreal. This unique street served as
a pathway to link the North and the South shore of the island. Therefore, the St.
Lawrence boulevard was a vital contributor to the development of Montreal. Any
cargo or people coming from Europe would enter the port and from there, take the
St. Lawrence road to reach their new settlement. In 1717, the French colony,
fearing a land attack, built defensive walls, following the architectural drawings of
Chaussegros de LГ©ry, around what we now call the Vieux MontrГ©al (old city).
The wall only had one door situated on the northern side of it named Grande Porte
Saint Laurent and it gave way to the, then named, St. Lawrence road. This little road
was surrounded by farmland and greenery and it served as a mean of transport
between Montreal and the St. Lawrence village (Ville De MontrГ©al, 1995).
Merchants would often use the St. Lawrence boulevard to enter the city and sell
New Life Family Services Research Paper
Organizational Information
1.Identify the agency, its mission, programs, services, and history.
New Life Family Services had humble beginnings, opening as a home for troubled
youth in 1973. Over the next nine years, New Life established itself as the second
licensed crisis pregnancy center to offer adoption services. Today, New Life Family
Services operates as a comprehensive pregnancy care center, and is the largest of its
type in Minnesota. Four locations exist to serve clients and their families. They are:
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Richfield and Rochester.
The New Life Family Services mission is as follows: At New Life Family Services,
we compassionately open our doors and our hearts to women and men who believe
abortion is the only solution ... Show more content on ...
This reflects a second aspect of the mission: To honor the sanctity of human life by
assisting clients with life affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ.
Services that are offered by New Life include options counseling, adoption assistance,
post abortion support groups, parent education and resources. There are also support
homes for pregnant women, interim foster care and a support group for parents who
have placed their child for adoption.
2.Describe the organizational environment. What is the competition for this type of
agency and/or services? Who else provides these services in the area?
New Life Family Services is a social service agency with limited medical services.
This includes pregnancy confirmation and first trimester ultrasounds. STD screening
is available at some locations as well. Planned Parenthood is viewed as the principal
competition for NLFS clients. Planned Parenthood offers similar services, and as a
secular organization, they include abortion counseling and abortions
Research Paper on Criminal Justice
Niquita Murdock September 8, 2010 English Class The field of Criminal Justice
has so many different career paths that anyone can succeed in and it s for that
reason I have picked the Forensic Science path to explore. There are a number of
reasons why I have chosen to explore and get an education in this career. The
specialization of Forensic Science within the Criminal Justice is right for me
because I feel that families should have closure, I feel that people who don t deserve
to be in prison should have a fair trial, I like watching crime shows all the time, and
last but not least it s a more challenging field of work and I love... Show more content
on ...
He was accused of murder all because he had scratch marks on his arm in which his
neighbor noticed (Forensic Examiner p82). I just feel that a person should have a
fair trial and that the evidence be tested correctly. Where there aren t any mistakes
with how the hair and DNA that was tested isn t falsely compared to the suspect
when it matches another or the victim for that matter. I m what people call a couch
potato. I sit on the couch all day long watching Crime Scene Investigation from
Miami to Las Vegas, and then NY. That s how I discovered the career path of a
forensic science. If I had not watched these shows I wouldn t be sitting in this class
today. For the ones who have not seen or heard of the shows, they are mainly about
a team of forensic scientist that go on calls and process a crime scene. They collect
evidence to prove who was and who wasn t at the scene of the crime. They all are
basically the same show but they have different actors and actresses for each show.
They also have different settings. While I was doing some research I came across
an article titled CSI: Reality by Max Houck he basically talks about what the
differences are between the real thing and what are just famous people acting out
and being filmed (Houck par 1 16). The job at hand is based upon dealing with
challenging work. Forensic science isn t just all about mixing mysterious chemicals
and looking through a magnify glass. There
Negative Impact Of Reconstruction
There are different perspectives on the history of Reconstruction; some people believe
that rebuilding the South during the period of 1865 to 1877 was a very important
stage in the United States history because it was the start of American Society as a
home of freedom. However, others view Reconstruction as a negative impact on
African Americans. Ronald E. Butchart sees Reconstruction as the main reason for
educational discrimination against African Americans. Reconstruction in the South
helped African Americans in good ways, such as giving them the freedom they
deserved. Like anything else, Reconstruction in the South had purposes,
achievements, and failures. The main purpose for Reconstruction in the South was to
restore the south to the union. Reconstruction succeeded in many different aspects
such as the Enforcement Act of 1870. Along with succeeding, Reconstruction in the
south had some failures including the Jim Crow Laws, which affected the African
Americans. This paper will talk more thoroughly about each of these points that
occurred while reconstructing the South and how each point helped the African
Americans during this time period. To start, according to the book The Era of
Reconstruction, 1863 1877 by Forrest G. Wood, The issue of Reconstruction did not
suddenly appear in 1865 or 1867. Reconstruction in the South happened because the
government wanted to allow the Southern states back into the union. Andrew
Johnson, the president during the period of the
The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water And...
The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
recently released a working paper identifying findings that support new tactics for
habit change in open defecation behavior. These advances draw from the fields of
psychology, cognitive science, and behavioral science and were first outlined in the
2015 World Development Report (WDR) on Mind, Society, and Behavior. WDR
presents new insight into how people make decisions: thinking automatically,
thinking socially, and thinking with mental models, and highlights the potential of
future policy approaches that influence behavior while forgoing the assumption of
individuals as rational decision makers.
Open Defecation in India
Of the nearly one billion people across the globe who openly defecate, over half live
in India. Despite meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for water
access, India achieved only moderate progress in improvements to sanitation and
reduction of open defecation. As of 2011, 49.8 percent of Indians still defecated in
the open, and, although the number is decreasing, progress remains slow in rural
areas of the country and significant gaps remain between the rich and poor.
In 2014, Prime Minister Modi prioritized an initiative to place a toilet in every
household in the country by 2019 and provided 8 million toilets in the first year
alone. Yet, simply providing toilets does not ensure their use. Although infrastructure
and access to proper latrines and other
The Daily Show On The Congressional Record
The Daily Show is on the congressional record. It occurred during a debate on the
Blunt Amendment, which would allow employers to decline to provide birth control
as part of their health care plans.
On February 28th, 2012 California Senator Barbara boxer attempted to quote The
Daily Show bid on the floor of the senate. Senator Boxer said: Jon Stewart took this
issue on and said: Well, I ll tell you something, I love Blunt Amendment because he
says I am an employer and I believe that humor is the best medicine.
On March 1st, 2012, Stewart dedicated the entire episode of his show to talk about
the Blunt Amendment and the controversy around it. He, as usual, mocked, poked
fun at politicians and approached the absurdity of passing the bill. The Blunt
Amendment was sponsored by Senator Blunt that would override Obama s
Administration s new contraception plan, and allow any employer to refuse to cover
any kind of health case service by citing moral reasons.
The amendment was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 51 to 48. . Staci Beavers
argued that Jon Stewart brought up the Blunt Amendment debate, while no other
news or media outlet did.
Example 3: The Zadroga Bill
Jon Stewart attracts considerable news media in many politicized issues. He played
an important role in pressuring lawmakers to pass legislation, providing health care
to 9/11 responders, in which Stewart was credited for the Zadroga bill s passage by
the White house and other media and political news
For-Profit Colleges
You ever watch television and see the commercials for colleges and hear the
people say this college changed my life or hear that the school has classes for the
major your interested in. Then you get the urge to go back to school and you see
that there s not much requirements to get into these schools as long as you have
money for tuition. Those are what you call for profit schools. Now the question is
are these schools actually good for you? Can they help you in the long run or just
give you classes and you re on your own after you get the degree. I feel that for
profit schools should not be federally regulated because these colleges provide
opportunities for students ignored and rejected by traditional colleges, they provide
flexibility... Show more content on ...
They offer a lot of classes online and during hours that some other colleges may not
be open. Most for profit schools classes are in sessions and not just spread out
throughout the day. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh runs three sessions a day: from
8am until noon, 1pm until 5 pm and 6pm until 10pm. Classes like this will benefit
those who can t find a babysitter or who needs to take an extra class to get the
degree they want but have a 9 5 job. Another thing is the classes aren t as long as the
traditional schools. In a traditional school you may have to take a class for four or
five months. In for profit schools the classes may last from five to nine weeks.
Now that may not seem like a good idea but these classes help those students to plan
their life around their schedule. Once again with government regulations it may be
against the law to have classes after a certain time of day or some classes it may be
mandatory to be in class and not online and then it messes with people schedule. At a
time when American public higher education is cutting budgets, laying people off,
and turning away students, the rise of for profit universities has been meteoric. If
other colleges are turning down students how will the graduation rate increase like
President Obama wants it to. We need these for profit schools to help the economy
and to get more people educated and working. Enrollment in the country s nearly
3,ooo career colleges has grown
Why Is Nathaniel Hawthorne Considered Gothic
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne was a talented dark romantic that got to many readers minds
questioning their surroundings and peoples inner sin. All though he writes in
prose, he belongs amongst the poets ( Stearns page 42). He had gone through a
few tough times in life that inspired him to write about what he did. He s most
known for his short stories and novels. Lots of Nathaniel s work was considered
gothic. He also wrote romance novels. Hawthorne was in the habit of taking solitary
rambles after dark, an owlish practice, but very attractive to the romantic minds.
Human nature appears in more pictorial guise by lamplight, after the days work is
over. ( Stearns page 34.)
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born July 4th 1804 ... Show more content on ...
Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville were also considered dark romantics. the
found the darkness and evil in those same aspects. Then, of course, his best friend
was Sophia Peabody. He married her on July 9, 1842. For a long time, he had no
friends. He hid himself from people and was alone. N.p., n.d. Web. 19
Jan. 2017.
Nathaniel created a family of his own with his wife Sophia. He had two daughters
and one son. His two daughters names were Una Hawthorne , who was born in
1844, and Rose Hawthorne, who was born 1851. His sons name was Julian
Hawthorne and he was born 1846. Nathaniel was 40 years old when he had his first
kid. A fun fact about his second child is, he went without a name for a few months.
His parents then agreed on Julian. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne:
Introduction. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction. N.p., n.d.
Web. 19 Jan. 2017.
In 1864, Nathaniel traveled to New Hampshire with Franklin Pierce. On May 19th,
Nathaniel died.While he was traveling, he sadly passed away in his sleep. After he
died, his wife Sophia was left to deal with her difficult children alone. She had to
many different states in Europe. Sophia then died 7 years later. She was buried next
to her 33 year old daughter, Una. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne:
Introduction. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction. N.p., n.d.
Web. 19 Jan.
Motivation, Determination, And Competition In Rudy
Motivation, Determination, and Competition in Rudy In the movie Rudy, the
main character Rudy Ruettiger exhibits many of the MYP Learner Profile traits.
The first trait is being a risk taker. Rudy is a risk taker because he uses his
determination and broad perspective on life to push through to get to Notre Dame.
From the start of the movie, Rudy contradicts his family s belief that he will not
have the determination, skill, or size to make it onto the Notre Dame team and into
the school. Taking risks is Rudy s way of competing with his brothers and father to
gain the respect of the most important people in his life. If he can beat the most
critical people, then they can respect and support him, and that is one of the biggest
risks he has
Analysis Of Imperial Dreams
In Imperial Dreams directed by Malik Booth, one scene shows the main character
Bambi letting his son: Daytone riding a horse, which portrays both his son and his
happiness even though they aren t in a happy environment. This is shown through
different shots and techniques such as; a medium shot showing Daytone riding the
horse; a close up on Bambi s face to show his facial expressions and actors
performance; lighting and colour ; and a long shotto show Bambi paying the man who
owned the horse, money for the horse ride. All these help to show happiness in
Bambi and Daytone.
Malik Booth uses a medium shot to show happiness. Happiness is shown on
Daytone s face when he is seen riding the horse. The medium shot shows Daytone
with a big grin on his face, brightening up his whole face while sitting on top of the
horse. Earlier in the film, we see Daytone playing with a toy horse, which normally
means he likes it. He also doesn t recognize Bambi which means that Day didn t
know his own father. But now Day stays with his father and having him ride an
actual horse is like a big present that is given to us on our birthday or Christmas.
Which normally feels exciting and ecstatic. For Bambi to give this gift to Daytone
which symbolizes the horse, shows the audience how much he cares for him and that
he shows it through this scene.
Malik also uses a close up shot on Bambi s face to show
Why Is Quality Important In The NHS
Wicks and Roethlein (2009) define quality as the maximum customer satisfaction and
customer retention that leads to customer loyalty to the health care organisation .
This means that when customers are happy with the care they receive they will be
confident in the service that the health care organisation is given.
Chilgren (2008) define quality as a measure of excellence and also as a standard of
good care and rendering good services . Excellence is measured by the patient
observation and positive feedback of the service they receive. The competent level of
the service that the staffs give to the patient is determine by the patient satisfaction.
This two quality definitions are very important and essential in the life of patients,
families ... Show more content on ...
It also ensures people to have positive experience of care. It reduces the amount of
patient readmitted to the hospital or coming back to the hospital for treatment. It
helps people to take control of their illness e.g. diabetes, stroke, etc., to live
independently for longer period of time REF
Good quality service help the NHS save money and reduce the amount of money
NHS spend on infection, death and contaminations. REF*.
However, if there are no good quality care in the health care services there will be
an increase in money spent on infection or diseases and treatments will be
insufficient. REF . There will be high rate of death and the increase in number of
people admitted to the hospital with multiple needs. Patients won t be able to live
independently anymore, also poor service can cost the NHS money. REF
In every health care setting it is important to give good quality care and excellence
service to patient in other for them to maintain their illness independently and also
reduce the amount of money spent in the NHS to prevent infections and diseases.
Quality is said to be safe, effective and it result to patient positive outcome.
Comparing The Outsiders And Nothing Gold Can Stay
I have read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, and Nothing Gold can Stay by Robert
Frost. The Outsiders is about two groups whose names are the Greasers and the
Socs that don t get along and always want to fight. Nothing Gold can Stay is about
how nothing perfect in life will stay perfect. The theme of The Outsiders chapter 1
is divided community, the theme of Nothing Gold can Stay is nothing perfect will
stay perfect forever. In The Outsiders chapter 1 Ponyboy, the main character says
that the Socs were more wealthy than greasers. On page 3 chapter 1 Ponyboy says
We are poorer that the socs . That is one way the Greasers and Socs are different.
Greasers and Socs do different things too. Ponyboy says what both gangs do on page
3 chapter 1
Strategic Effect Of The Community s Work Force And
Strategic Effect
By increasing the access within the community, educating the community, and
offering a wide range of services for the community; this will enhance the
community s work force and improve the negative perception of people suffering
from mental illness within the work force. There are stigmas and discrimination
against people that suffer from mental illness which is hindering and creating
additional obstacles for this group of individuals (NAMI, 2013). By contracting with
insurance companies, employers and developing a strong marketing and advertising
technique, more people will be made aware that most people in their lives have
suffered from one or more incidents of mental illness. People will become more
understanding ... Show more content on ...
Even though the organization will be catering to patients on a one to one basis, the
organization will also be providing group treatment options for counseling, support
groups, education forums related to certain mental conditions, medication
management, lifestyle changes, and life management. The corporation will develop a
strong internet presence focused on mental illness and awareness and a strong
community presence.
The estimated impact from the ACA is to reduce the fiscal and psychological
barriers to mental healthcare services (SAMHSA, 2015). The ACA offers additional
reimbursement policies to expand utilization and added protection for individuals
with mental illness. The ACA also created integrated care models to help PCP
offices and psychiatrist offices manage patients, with their illnesses and chronic
diseases (SAMHSA, 2015). Prior to the ACA, 54% of people were estimated to be
left untreated and yet the costs of mental health have risen.
Market Analysis Apart from evaluating feasibility, the market is flooded with
potential clients with an estimated value of 24 thousands annual visits on
established patients. There is a strong need for a new location in the Orange City,
Fl. central area. Again, these figures were calculated based on city data censes
information gathered and divided evenly based on 50% of the population suffering
from one or more
Ruth And Elliot
Barbie, Seeing Things Others Do Not
Izzy (latter change to Elliot) and Ruth Handler were husband and wife that
complemented each other s skills when it came to business. Elliot was the dreamer,
who I have often refer to in business as the Oracle or someone that can see things
that other can not. Ruth, by contrast, had a business mind and is what I like to call
the General. They had two kids named Barb and Ken. Together Elliot and Ruth
started a toy company they called Mattel. Elliot s first product inspiration was that of
a plastic ukulele, which was closely followed by a toy piano. Since they were short of
capital, Ruth and Elliot would attend toy fairs where store buyers would go to sell
their new toy ideas. Even though they had successful products, the Handler s lost
money since they were relatively inexperienced in manufacturing and distribution.
They underestimated their costs, which significantly ate into their margins. Even
though the musical toys sold over 20 million units, there was no margin that the
company could use to grow.
They figured they had to go big or go home. They figured that if you are going to
drive off the cliff, it is better to leave no ... Show more content on ...
While this practice seems incredibly short sighted today, no one thought to market
products to children at the time. There was a new TV show ready to debut. Mattel
bet the farm and agreed to became a sponsor for a new show. The show was called
The Wonderful World of Disney and proved to be a big hit, especially with kids.
The product that Mattel was marketing was a Burp Gun, a toy that made a burping
sound instead of a bang when the child pulled the trigger. Since the audience of the
show was kids, it was the first time marketers focused on selling to kids and not to
their parents. Being a sponsor of The Wonderful World of Disney proved to be a
brilliant move and the company s revenue grew three fold almost
The Key Issues Of Partnership
In this essay I will be discussing what is partnership, what the key issues are and the
relevance of the key issues relating to partnership,I will underpin knowledge and
relevant theories and frameworks that enable us to understand the key issues in
partnership, I will explain the relevant values and principles which underpin
partnership, discuss the relevance of a recognised theory or philosophical approach
that contributes to partnership, I shall analyse the provision of equality, diversity and
inclusive practise can be ensured in relation to partnership, evaluate the evidence I
collect which support the beliefs that the keyissues identified are relevant to working
with children and young people, the impact of the recognised theory or
philosophical approach on practice in the areas of work covered by partnership and
I will then conclude by reflecting on and explaining the professional skills required
to practice effectively in the areas of work covered by partnership
D1 D2
The key issues and the relevance of the key issues that apply to partnership:
A partnership is an arrangement between two or more groups, organizations or
individuals to work together to achieve common aims.
In the quote above it explains what a partnership is and what it consists of; it
clarifies what we need to build a relationship and what we aim to achieve at the end
of a positive partnership.
There are many different people we work in partnerships with such as parents,
Kill Bill Volume 1 Aesthetics
Each person will make for himself the kind of nude he wants, with the nude that I
will have made for him. He ll put everything where it belongs, with his own eyes
(Picasso, 2009). This is what the term aesthetic is; an individual s set of ideas about
style and taste, along with its expression. Aesthetics has the role to enhance any
visual object, appliance, theme and concept, inducing the trust and relationship of
form and content within a viewer or audience of a film or production. To fully
understand how the role of aestheticsfurthers a theme or concept of a narrative we
must look at the medium of film and its scenographic elements. These elements
contribute to establishing an atmosphere and mood for a film or theatrical
presentation (Eagan,... Show more content on ...
The quality, intensity and direction of lighting can influence an audience s
understanding of a films characters, actions, themes and mood. The colour of the
lighting can also hold thematic relevance like in the film Kill Bill Volume 1 where
one of the crazy 88 members run through a red hallway. This red is used throughout
the entire film and represents danger (Kill Bill Volume 1, 2003). This explanation is
supported by the fact that the antagonists of the scene all emerge from this red
hallway proving the danger. Highlighted lighting in a film, for example, call attention
to shapes and textures, while shadows often conceal things, creating a sense of
mystery or fear. For this reason, lighting must be thoroughly planned in advance to
ensure its desired effect on an audience. Lighting can make a scene feel happy, sad,
mysterious or even dangerous hence furthering the concept portrayed in a film
without even needing dialogue from the actors. Lighting in its entirety plays a huge
role in the aesthetic of a film as it creates the context furthering the concept in which
the entire film happens (G., 2000). It has an impact on acting, production design,
costuming, editing, makeup, visual effects, the plot and
Chemical Reactions And The Chemical Reaction
Chemistry is a branch of science commonly defined as the study of the structure,
properties, and reactions of the chemical elements and the compounds they form
(The American Heritage Science Dictionary, 2002). This definition is very general
and covers a range of study areas, including those that are an asset to society.
Chemical reactions are studied by many chemists as they common occurrences in
everyday life (Stewart, 2014). Without chemical reactions people would be unable to
perform simple tasks that are essential for quality of life and even life itself, such as
cooking, lighting a match and breathing (Helmenstine, 2015). A chemical reaction
occurs when a chemical change takes place, producing new substances. However, all
chemical reactions are different and vary greatly in the time it takes for them to occur
(, 2015).
A Reaction rate is the speed it takes for a chemical reaction to occur. That is, how
fast a reactant is used up or a product is formed (BBC, 2014). Rates of reaction are
essential in important tasks such are medicine administration and it is therefore
crucial for scientists to understand how they work and what affects them (Lofts,
2012). The mechanics of reaction rates is based around the theory of collision,
proposed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900 s. The theory suggests
that reactant particles must collide for a chemical reaction to occur, the more
collisions that occur, the faster the reaction rate will
Arguments Against Music Censorship
Music is a form of poetry, art, and sound that undeniably has the ability to influence
the individuals that choose to indulge in its stimulus. As a fetus in the womb, humans
are surrounded by the sounds of heartbeats, breathing, and the rhythms of life.
Science has even proven that music is capable of effecting how the brainprocesses
information, making it a uniquely powerful medium and, therefore, both effective
and dangerous (Mannes). Teenagers on average listen to two and a half hours of music
a day, and in today s society, one in three popular songs contain information relating
to drug or alcohol use. This means that, assuming the average teenager listens to
popular music, they are exposed to thirty five references ever hour of listening.
Moreover, it is also obvious that the ease with which music is available to
adolescents is increasing, disarming the parent s ability to control the music in which
their children are listening (Parker Pope). However, even though there are dangers
associated with popular music, it should not be censored by government bodies, for
that restricts creativity and jeopardizes the freedoms with which The United States of
America were built upon.... Show more content on ...
Music, at its core, is a very creative form of speech and has successfully influenced
populations in many beneficial ways throughout history. If the government was to
censor music, a risk of losing this element is created ( 8 Most Valid Pros and Cons
of Music Censorship ). However, censorship by private entities should be allowed.
Just as artists should have the right to create all types of music, private businesses
should have the right to support products that they find acceptable. This type of
censorship, on the contrary to government censorship, does not hinder the creative
power of music, for the artist is still allowed to express themselves as they see
History of Drones and How They would Re-Shape Modern...
Government s targeted killing of three U.S. citizens in two drone strikes, both in
Yemen, far from any armed conflict zone. ( Targeted Killings ). Drones or
unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is the technology that has taken war and fighting
to a brand new level. The technology is believed to lower the use of troops and life
loss in the wars that are happening today. Can that same technology be considered
dangerous? Or are the side effects something that can simply be considered a small
cost for something better? Drones demonstrate a growth in technological advances ,
and also the world. Although as brilliant this technology might be, it brings a threat to
the people.
Drones and UAVs are remote control vehicles that need no pilot, instead... Show
more content on ...
The bigger and more sophisticated machinery use software that allow them to fly
pilotless but still have someone behind a screen to tell it whether to attack or not.
Drones can be dangerous, depending on who is behind the trigger (Suebsaeng).
UAVs and Drone technology has spread throughout the world. This technology today
has reached an approximate of 11 countries and among them are The United States,
China, and The United Kingdom. The United States leads in manufacturing,
production and usage of Drones, following is china which is one of their biggest
competitors. Having all these new advances has created some type of invisible arms
race between the countries. At the same time the U.S has a high production on what
is known as the RQ 7A shadow. Also Iran has another distributing lead and
potentially present some sort of threat, due to weaponry being near enemy countries.
Looking a the United States that lead in manufacturing and distribution, they also
have the most Drones and UAVs operating at the moment. has at least 678 drones in
service, of 18 different types (Rogers). By having this the U.S displays their position
on the world. Also with this there is the message of not being afraid to use their
power that is displayed. Which some countries can take offensive and think they
should compete in the invisible arms race. Although the spread of the technology has
grown over the time periods, and
Jennifer Bumgardner Analysis
Feminism is a key concept that has become popular and is widely spoken about
even before Charles Fourier keyed the word in the 18th century. Jennifer
Baumgardner s excerpt from the book F em: Goo Goo, Gaga and Some Thoughts on
Balls, outlines the various waves of feminism and its existence, importance, growth
and history over the past few centuries.
Her excerpt begins by introducing the first wave which according to her was, the
designation that was applied to the suffragists retroactively after a second swell of
activism by American women which occurred in the 1960s and 1970s . From there
on, she glides in to how Martha Lear coined the term second feminist wave in 1968
and women began to prefer the association to the term feminism . Subsequently, she
associates herself to the generation that Rebecca Walker introduces as the Third
wave in her article that appeared on the New York Times Sunday Magazine in 1990.
... Show more content on ...
She addresses these key terms in a brief yet enlightening manner that is useful for
readers including me, as it gives a straightforward comprehension to the topic and is
easily understandable as though it is a short walk through a long history of feminism.
Jennifer s style of writing is narrative and descriptive. She breaks down the waves
of feminism into four different sub topics with bold letters, alongside the duration of
each wave to describe their purposes, as that is the driving point of this extract. She
explains that the break down into waves is an easier way to grasp the various periods
through feminist history. With prior knowledge of the First, Second, Third and
Fourth waves of feminism from the lectures, the simple language she uses makes it
unchallenging to gain more knowledge on
The American Dream In The Declaration Of Independence,
The Declaration of Independence (1776) embeds the American Dream and declares
a promise that all individuals have the right to freedom. Race, social class, and
gender do not prevent a person the chance to prosper and aspire their dreams and
goals. The expressions voiced in the Declaration produce an illusion that everyone
who comes to the United States can achieve greatness. Residing in the United States
gives people the opportunities and resources to strive to become someone important.
According to the article, Class of America 2012 Gregory Mantsios argues that
everyone in the United States has an equal opportunity to succeed. In the case of the
former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, it is true. Although Michelle
Obama is an African Americanwoman who came from a low class status, she was
able to achieve the American Dream. Growing up, she never lost focus of her
dream to become someone with authority. She struggled with racial discrimination
in many parts of her life beginning with school, and even as the first lady of the
United States. Through her hard work ethic, she was able to overcome her
obstacles and advance in her education to become the First Lady of the United
States later. Even though she achieved her American Dream, she wanted her peers
around her to reach them as well. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was not raised with
a silver spoon in her mouth. On January 17, 1964, Michelle was born and raised in
Illinois, Chicago. She grew up on the
Examples Of Dishonesty In Everything I Never Told You
The foundation of any successful relationship is honesty and open communication.
In Everything I Never Told You, the Lee family steadily unravels because of deep
loss and rampant dishonesty. The novel opens with Lydia s death and continues as a
flashback of the events leading up to her passing. Celeste Ng places importance on
certain objects and locations as powerful representations of the Lee family: their
desires, challenges, and disappointments. In Celeste Ng s, Everything I Never Told
You, the symbols of the Betty Crocker Cookbook and a discovered pack of cigarettes
reflect that it is impossible to fully know someone when dishonesty is present.
The Betty Crocker cookbook is a symbol of Marilyn s distant relationship with her
mother. ... Show more content on ...
When Lydia does not come down for breakfast, Marilyn opens her daughter s door
and sees the bed unslept in: neat hospital corners still pleated beneath the
comforter, pillow still fluffed and convex. Nothing seems out of place (1 2). The
outward appearance of Lydia s room satisfies Marilyn, as it is organized, with
nothing out of place. Like Lydia, the outside seems perfect, but there is much more
beneath the surface. Lydia conceals her true nature by presenting a facade that
merely mimics what her parents want her to be. After discovering a pack of
cigarettes and a box of condoms in Lydia s backpack, Marilyn looks down at the
two tiny boxes caught in the hammock of her skirt, and the outlines of Lydia s life
so sharp and clear before begin to waver (120). All of Lydia s life, Marilyn and
James pressure her to be perfect, academic, and well liked. Lydia pretends to be all
these things by hiding failed tests, faking phone calls with friends, and feigning an
interest in science. Because Lydia cannot be honest with her parents, she begins to
make and conceal reckless choices, such as smoking, having sex, and sneaking out of
the house. Upon finding these items in her backpack, Marilyn is confronted with the
reality that much of Lydia s life was unknown to
Tom Welling Vietnam War
The Vietnam Conflict, spanning from November 1st, 1955 to April 30, 1975,
changed the public s perception on war, politics, and the world as a whole. Living in
this time, the grandparents and senior citizens in our communities still keep the time
of turmoil and fear alive in their stories. By interviewing men in the service, along
with men and women at home, a comprehensive picture of the war and its effect on
the United Statescan be painted. Two of these people graciously allowed themselves
to be interviewed. Their roles, experiences, and stories of the war display the
effects of the Vietnam war on United States citizens, for better or for worse. Tom
Welling was born on October 13, 1941 outside of Saint Louis Missouri. Tom was in
high... Show more content on ...
Because of the recentness of the Vietnam War, those who have lived through it can
give testament to the time period and the emotions of the war from their first hand
perspective. The Vietnam War spanned a time period of growth in fashion, music,
spirituality, and human rights. But, the fear, animosity, and long term mental issues
that stemmed from the war have affected all of those, in the service or otherwise, that
lived from November 1st, 1955 April 30th,
Cultural Destruction Essay examples
Cultural Destruction
American pop culture can readily been seen in many aspects of American life. Pop
was originally coined to mean popular. While this literal meaning still holds true,
pop culture has spun into a new generation. While pop still describes what is
popular, the term has taken on a negative connotation. Today, the term is used to
describe bands such as the Backstreet Boys and N Sync. Britney Spears has also
been coined as a pop singer. The term pop is often seen as a downfall and indicates
temporary fame. Many pop artists are thought to be just that: pop artists. They do
nothing more than achieve their five minutes of fame and then move on. Pop culture
is destroying the greatness of American culture and putting the ... Show more content
on ...
Teenage boys do not care that Britney Spears is completely constructed through
plastic surgery. The American music industry forces music into popularity based on
trivial, vain criteria instead of true talent.
Music used to convey true emotions and ideas but the music industry has destroyed
these truths in the music. Music used to have meaning and expression. The lyrics of
pop songs simply convey the empty emotion. Bottum writes, The problem begins
with the general failure of lyrics, the incapacity of sung words to introduce and
maintain in music the ideas the music itself lacks (Bottum). The producers are more
concerned with how the words flow with the music instead of the actual content of
the lyrics. The music industry creates a certain sound from the music but the content
is not really important. American pop culture is the intended audience of this music
and so the music industry feeds them the empty songs with a pretty face. If a person
has ever had a song stuck in their head, odds are that they do not really know what
the words mean. They merely regurgitate the hottest chorus from the newest pop song
without really knowing the meanings of the words. We have destroyed the truth in
our music by allowing ourselves to succumb to the music industry s ideas of pop
culture and pop music itself.
The music industry produces these monstrosities that we call pop artists and then
forces the American people to like
Analysis Of The Movie The Englishman s Boy
The film The Englishman s boy is a screen adaptation of Guy Vanderhaeghe s book
of the same name. Vanderhaeghe also wrote the screenplay for the film. The book
was based on the true story of the Cypress Hills massacre in 1873. I will provide a
summary of the film s most important plot points, characters and background
information. The movie covers the horrors that were witnessed in Cypress Hills and
shows the inhumane way Native Americans have been treated since colonization, in
1873 and through to the 1920s. The movie explains how white men were hearkened
as heroes for committing these atrocities which were largely excused because society
at that time viewed natives as inhuman and therefore undeserving of human rights.
The filmwas set with a background in both 1873 pioneer plains and 1920s
Hollywood. This method was used to show a dualism within the two eras and that
negative attitudes towards Native Americans had not been corrected as they should
have been but only muffled. I will compare the film and its accuracy to the actual
Cypress Hills massacre and determine what dramatics were used to make a point
within the direction of the movie. This film and the subsequent essay is relevant to
this class because I believe that even though the crimes committed against native
Americans are less obviously racist, violent and vulgar today, there is still a
derogatory indifference towards them and their cries for equality.
The film opens in 1873, with a young man working as a
The Dichotomy of Honesty in Oscar Wilde s The
Oscar Wilde s, The Importance of Being Earnest revolves around the dichotomy of
the true definition of honesty versus the victorian definition of honesty. It is
apparent that Wilde s opinion is that true honesty is expressed through being
genuine to one s self as opposed to putting on a front as is important in victorian
ideals. In this work, Wilde uses humor to off set the seriousness of the theme of the
story. One who has studied this work can also clearly see that Wilde is using
sarcasm to say things that would not have been accepted by society if they were said
bluntly. For example he exemplifies in a very sarcastic manner the hypocracy that
victorian society represents by the very fact that they pretend to uphold honesty
above all... Show more content on ...
The main character of Wilde s story, Jack Worthingcreates an elaborate deceit in
which he invents a brother in the city but also reinvents his entire self. He created
his fake brother to get away from the country and go live a more exciting life in the
city. However, his deceitfulness leads to him being completly honest with himself,
and finding a true love. Something genuine. There one would see the dichotomy in
Jack, or as he s known in the city, Ernest.
Algernon Moncreiff on the other hand, lied to get to the coutnry so he could find
something more genuine as opposed to the false honesty of the city. Again, one
sees the same dichotomy as one would see in Jack. Alge lied to get to Cecily, his
true love, which again is genuine. Cecily Cardew has a dichotomous personality as
well. On the outside, Cecily appears to be innotcent and very victorian like, which
represents the victorian dewfinitionof honesty. However, if one dug a little deeper,
they would see that Cecily is much like a female version of a dandy. She has wicked
thoughts, which represent her genuine, truly honest self.
Miss Prism also represents the dichotomy and somewhat relates to Cecily. In the fact
that she acts in the manner a respectable victorian woman should, she is secretly (or
so she thinks, though it is apparent to others) buring with passion for Rev. Chasuble.
While around him she acts mannerly and as if she has no intrest in
Cercle D Art Des Travailleurs De Plantation Congolaise
CATPC the artists from the plantation is a contemporary artwork located at the Art
Gallery of NSW (AGNSW) by Cercle d Art des Travailleurs de Plantation
Congolaise (CATPC), Baloji and Renzo Martens. It is a social comment on how
today s art world deals with economic inequality by films, drawings or projects,
which temporarily eliminate that inequality and than shows it off in fancy art
galleries. The location of the film is Leverville in the Congo, which is a former
Unilever plantation their first one. Established in 1911 Unilever they confiscated the
whole area, where many natural palm trees grew, for decades palm oil faming has
been violently imposed in the plantation zones by distant shareholders, the plantation
workers earn some money but... Show more content on ...
It than suddenly cuts to the lower half of a woman in a blood red one piece outfit
with her arms by her side in one hand she is holding a rustic white statue of half a
man on a mantle, which than shifts to the woman s face which than quickly zooms
out to present her in the centre of the scene standing in front of leave covered wall
with a heart shaped symbol in the middle which is meant to represent a bunch of
cocoa, with orange smoke blowing out from behind the woman. The scene quickly
changes to show a woman in a white crop top and skirt with a futuristic head set on,
the white clothes represent spirituality and serenity which is juxtaposed with the
concept of the futuristic head set which symbolises the ore coltan which is used in
phones, computers, camera s and plasma TV s, coltan also leads to brutal wars in
Africa. The scene quickly shifts to the woman in the blood red one piece licking the
back of the chocolate statue, which than switches back to the woman in the white
clothes sitting on a bright orange mat surrounded by cocoa nuts with light purple
smoke emerging from the
Swing Music And The Popularity Of Swing Music
Swing band arrangements were in large part composed, often of simple, repeated
material, or riffs, that alternated between contrapuntal lines and intense unison
rhythms. Improvisation also had a featured role, and soloists would play while the
rest of the band, aside from the rhythm section, dropped out or played arranged
background lines.
One explanation for swing music s popularity is that its driving intensity and
abandon represented pleasure and freedom in a time when the country was steeped
in hard times. The Great Depression caused Americans to suffer, and dancing to
swing music was a way for people to forget their worries. Swing music featured a
section of three or four trumpeters, three or four trombonist, five saxophonists who
often doubled on clarinets, a piano, a bassist instead of a tuba player, a guitarist, and
a drummer.
During the 1930s, swing came to symbolize joy and ease, the weight of which was
reflected in Duke Ellington s piece, It Don t Mean a Thing (If It Ain t Got That
Behop Jazz 1940s Charlie Parker (1920 55) Dizzy Gillespie (1917 93)
Bebop or bop is a style of jazz developed in the early to mid 1940s in the United
States, which features songs characterized by a fast tempo, complex chord
The Use Of Cell Phone Use
It is known that the use of cell phones, specifically handheld use such as texting,
while driving decreases driver awareness and the overall safety of roads. In
response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have outlawed the
usage of handheld devices, and while there should be laws that definitively outlaw
handheld usage, is there enough empirical evidence to outlaw hands free usage of
cell phones? In other words, does handsfree usage of cell phones, via bluetooth,
speakerphone, etc., distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally
ban the total use cell phones while driving. The following essay will introduce
arguments for both sides of this topic, one for hands free cell phone usage and the
other against cell phones usage entirely. Hands free cell phone usage should not be
used while driving based on evidence that shows that the use a cell phone while
driving leads to more driving mistakes and overall lack of awareness (Sanbonmatsu
et al., 2015). Drivers that use cell phones make more serious and minor errors, but
cannot recall making these errors due to a lack of awareness. These drivers are
more unaware of their inconsistent speed, placement in lanes and near accidents
than those that are not using a cell phone. Additionally, these drivers are less likely
to self regulate their driving efficiently like drivers not using cell phones because of
this lack of awareness. This reduction in self regulation moreover leads to an increase
in both minor and major errors (Sanbonmatsu et al. 2015). To determine this,
Sanbonmatsu et al. (2015) gathered participants and split them into either a control
/no cell phone group and an experimental/cell phone group. These participants were
then tested in a driving simulator with the control group simply running through the
simulator while the cell phone group called a friend or family member and had a
conversation on a hands free device. The results of this experiment indicated that
even though the control group did still make errors, they had more awareness of
those errors than the experimental group, and made less serious errors than the
experimental group. Other evidence against hands free cell phone use while driving
is simply that hands
My Family Permanent Resident Status
I am going to America; I kept retrospection in my mind. My Parents and elder sister
have already traveled to the United States a couple of months back. I was living
with my father s cousin for the mean time and my two younger sisters were staying
with my mom s friend. The news is now out in our little town, on the outskirts of
Lagos. Are you going to America? That was the question most people kept asking
me. I do not know was usually my reply, trying to be coy about it. In Nigeria, going to
the United States is perceived as winning the lottery, which is ironic because my
father won the visa lottery that guaranteed my whole family permanent resident status
in the United States.The town my family and I lived in Nigeria is called Ifo. It... Show
more content on ...
The only downside is that everyone cannot afford to go to school. Even though
there is free education for the public schools. Private schools are often better. My
dad worked for the Electoral commission of Nigeria and my mom was a math
teacher in a high school so they were able to send me to a really good school.
Unfortunately for one of my colleagues, he had to drop out of middle school
because he could not afford the tuition and he had to hawk bread so that his
parents can pay the rent. He was a very brilliant student but unfortunately could not
get an education. Till this day, I am sad he did not complete his education. He
would always talk about how he wanted to be a doctor and I think he had the
potential to be one. Who knows if he could have been the one to find a cure for
cancer? There are other unfortunate students like him who cannot complete school
for various reasons. The education system is good but not everyone is given a
chance to learn. We also were not allowed to speak our local languages in school
and the teachers referred to them as vernaculars. I have been afraid of teachers my
whole life because I was conditioned to fear them. Teachers in school for any
mistake I made often beat me flogged me and that fear has been instilled in me.
The African culture is still there but it is gradually diminishing and most people are
adopting the Western culture. Which takes me to the movie industry and music.
Nigeria has the third largest movie
Justification Of The Atomic Bomb
On 6 August 1945 the Enola Gay, a B 29 bomber, dropped the first atomic bomb to
be used in actual combat on Hiroshima, Japan. The aftermath of this single bomb was
over 130,000 dead and wounded. The skyline of Hiroshima was almost completely
leveled. This caught the
Japanese completely off guard. This as well as the bombing of Nagasaki three days
later led to the final and unconditional surrender of the Japanese
Empire and the end to World War II. The end result of these bombings outweighed
the alternative of invading the Japanese mainland instead of unleashing atomic
weapons on the Japanese by a great deal.
The months and years that lead up to this massive blow against the
Japanese were full of heated debates and arguments on the moral implications of
using an atomic weapon against a civilian target. At the time the Japanese were
running rampant in the Pacific and our nation was fighting a three front war: one
front in the Pacific, one front in Europe, and the final front in North Africa. This
placed a great deal of strain on our wartime resources, the tactic of Island Hopping
was becoming successful but the amount of manpower being needed for the other
two fronts meant that the Pacific front was not able to become a top priority.
The Manhattan Project had been underway since 1942 as a last resort option. The
Manhattan Project was of the utmost importance and conducted with the highest
levels of security possible. With the help of various
Aufidius And Coriolanus
Throughout the article Violent st Complementarity: The Double Warriors of
Coriolanus , author Maurice Hunt describes how to a certain degree Aufidius and
Coriolanus in Shakespeare s play Coriolanus are not only alike through their
differences, but also can be thought of as each other s alter egos. Hunt describes how
both characters decided to hate one another, as the reason to define not only a
superior but also powerful self. In addition, he draws attention to how Aufidius and
Coriolanus unite as one without knowing so through their differences, ultimately
serving as the powerful connection amongst them. It is because both characters have
engraved within them the traits of their bonding that they can merge so eloquently.
Whatever reasons... Show more content on ...
As Hunt pointed out, Coriolanus was part of Aufidius as was Aufidius part of
Coriolanus. By killing Coriolanus not only did Aufidius eliminate his greatest
competitor but he also attempted to kill a part of him that he can never get rid of. In
life there is always going to be another person who is smarter, kinder etc. then one s
self. Sadly, it has been engraved in the human mind to be the best one can be not for
self fulfillment but rather for social status and wealth. Although children are taught
at a young age to share and be nice to one another; once they enter into higher
education such as middle school, high school and college they are presented with
society s harsh reality. The reality is that not everyone is going to share and treat
others with love and respect. The reality is that people will go through dangerous
extents to get to where they want to be and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. As
I was reading Hunt s article I was amazed as to how as a society we are still so
archaic in our ways of thinking. It is so easy to be filled with jealousy and even go
as far as to sabotage another person because we feel threatened by their success. As
illustrated by Coriolanus and Aufidius there is a fine line between admiration and
jealousy that is so easy to step over. It is a dangerous boundary that once is crossed is
really difficult to return to one s
The Media s Influence On Body Image
America is obsessed with body image. In today s world, you can t go through the day
without seeing the television, advertisements, magazines, or really any type of media
portraying women s bodies. Due to the immense societal pressure that women should
have the perfect body to be accepted, the nonstop reminders to change what they look
like, struggling with bodyimage has now become a major social phenomenon and it s
time for women to challenge that narrative. Women of all ages are facing face
increasing scrutinization over their body image through media influence leading to
invasive surgeries, increased depression, and eating disorders. Media plays a large
role in influencing body shame through the advertisements they put out and who is
casted for the lead roles. From weight loss commercials promoting the newest
supplement to help lose those first thirty pounds to movies filled with beautiful,
skinny, white actresses diversity in body type is not a narrative promoted by the...
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America s poor body image can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. The standards of
how society views women as beautiful have changed throughout the years. Seeing
constantly that only women who are a size two are considered beautiful doesn t
make loving yourself easier. These issues cause depression and eating disorders
among women and some extreme cases the criticism and self hatred lead to suicide.
The reason often evolves from people picking on them and constantly being put
down by the media. The media is mostly to blame for these false perceptions of
beauty, through their advertisements and the type of women they cast for lead roles.
Recently, there s been small movements of progress. More diverse women, ethnically
diverse and bodily diverse, have been making waves. America must step up to the
plate to challenge the media on the narrative they ve set forth for women s bodies.
Ultimately, women must take back this
Sylvia Plath is an American Writer who Writes
Sylvia Plath is an American writer, commonly known for her poetry works. Her
poetry can be categorized as confessional poetry , which are poems about the poet s
personal life. Her two most famous published collections of poems are The
Colossus and Other Poemsand Ariel, but it was not until after Plath s death that
The Bell Jarwas published. The Bell Jar is considered a more personal and semi
autobiographical novel. Throughout Sylvia Plath s lifetime, she suffered mentally
since she was a little girl. Her father s death when she was only eight years old
estranged her from herself and others, including her own mother where she felt that
she had to act as a happy and successful daughter. This is not the only time in her
life where she had to put on a show. She also had to pretend to be supportive wife in
front of her husband s friends due to her mental illness. Because of her depression,
Plath attempted suicideat the age of 20 and failed but ten years later, she eventually
died of suicide. Sylvia Plath s background and the way she lived her life influenced
her to depict her inner struggles in life and to express her thoughts through her
poetry. Sylvia Plath uses a lot of symbolism in her poetry as well as many other
literary devices, especially in her poem Ariel . When Plath was younger, she had a
horse named Ariel. Ariel in the poem is meant to symbolize Plath, the rebellious
spirit that the female speaker of the poem aspires to be. It also symbolizes the

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  • 1. How To Correct An Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "How To Correct An Essay" can be a challenging endeavor, primarily because it requires a deep understanding of the intricacies of both the writing process and the mechanics of correction. First and foremost, one must possess a strong grasp of grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary to effectively identify errors within a piece of writing. Additionally, it's essential to be familiar with different writing styles and formats to provide accurate corrections tailored to the specific requirements of the essay. Moreover, correcting an essay goes beyond merely identifying errors; it involves offering constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. This requires strong analytical skills and the ability to critically evaluate the coherence, clarity, and effectiveness of the writing. It also entails understanding the intended audience and purpose of the essay to ensure that the corrections align with the writer's objectives. Furthermore, writing an essay on how to correct an essay necessitates the ability to articulate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Communicating strategies for effective proofreading, editing techniques, and common mistakes to avoid requires a solid understanding of language mechanics and instructional writing principles. In essence, crafting an essay on this topic demands a blend of linguistic proficiency, analytical prowess, and instructional clarity. It requires the writer to navigate the nuances of language and composition while providing valuable insights into the process of refining written work. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on How To Correct An EssayHow To Correct An Essay
  • 2. Relationship Between Gatsby And Daisy When a person s greatest hope does not come true, it can not only leave them stuck and unsure what to do with their lives, but cause emotional damage as well. Putting all the eggs in one basket means that if the person loses the basket, he or she loses everything they essentially live for as well. Obviously, this leaves him or her in the lowest depths of despair. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald once again uses the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy, this time to demonstrate how much hurt a broken dream can cause. Within the first hours of being reunited with his former love, Gatsby begins to suspect that the situation will not fall perfectly into place the way he imagined. Nick, after attending this awkward reunion, reflects, There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything... No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart (103). Although Daisy still appears as beautiful and charming as ever, Gatsby s false image of her after several lonely years expands so much larger than life that the real Daisy plainly disappoints Gatsby. Fitzgerald strongly warns against the pitfalls of hope once a person fixates on an idea, such as Gatsby did, reality cannot compete with the power the idea has over the person, leading to a delusional and unsatisfactory life in actuality.
  • 3. Apostle Paul Use Of The Armor Of God Hermeneutical Application by George Mburu, KE100653 Apostle Paul use of the Armor of God The author undertakes an application of biblical Hermeneutics in respect to the Apostle Paul s address of the armor of God to the Ephesian Church. Actually, the author comes alive to the need of proper Hermeneutic skills for right application of the biblical Corpus. Indeed, the use of necessary tools has been encouraged for better application of the Scriptures. Towards the end of the essay, the author makes tentative conclusions. KEYWORDS: Bible, God, hermeneutics, exegesis, corpus, text, context, application, hope, warfare, Greco Roman, kingdom, struggle, believer, victory Introduction The term Hermeneutics comes from a Greek word, that means to interpret hence it signifies interpretation of literary text to the fullest measure. In addition, for that practice, sound principles must be employed in the interpretation of the text. Therefore, one realizes that, when exegesis concerns itself with the meaning of a text to its ... Show more content on ... The author explains about the warfare and how a soldier was equipped. The enemies are categorized into four main ones, I) Principalities/authorities II) rulers, III) Powers IV) forces of wickedness in the heavenly realm. A sage once commented that, Those who conquer the skies also conquer the earth . And definitely sure, once believers conquer evil powers, principalities who rule different spheres of influence, and evil rulers in the dark world, win victory. However, as the Apostle Paul, Craig and other authors argue, the challenge holds a spiritual warfare (cosmic the unseen world). Accordingly, the reader and the interpreter should appreciate that the cosmic is real and troubles many hence the insistence of the apostle Paul for
  • 4. Ethics And The Code Of Ethics This past year has seen an increased scrutiny on the actions of corporations, and those who act on behalf of organizations. Because of this there has been an increased attention placed on ethical situations within our organization. Company X is focused on increasing ethics and compliance awareness. A formal ethicsprograms will be addressed throughout the details of this ethics program. This document will go into detail regarding what actions are appropriate for work and what is not. Company X strives daily to do the right thing. This Code of Ethics program is our guide to use to ensure we are doing the right thing daily. Please take the time to review the Code of Ethics and learn how to implement it in your daily life here at Company X. Standards and Procedures Company X is dedicated to promoting ethical standards and proper business conduct. The main purpose of these policies are to ensure proper guidelines and principles are being followed, as well as to direct employees to the proper form of conduct (Code of Ethical Standards, 2012). All employees will be held responsible to follow all ethical standards and procedures. 1.All actions and behaviors of all employees must promote an honorable image of Company X and its management. 2.All employee actions must not cause a potential conflict of interest, whether in respects to business or personal matters. 3.Employees shall not partake in any activities that may harm or damage Company X, or the reputation of Company X. 4.
  • 5. Upgrading Software with Vbscript UPGRADING SOFTWARE USING VBSCRIPT CLAUDE GILLMAN COMP 230 COURSE PROJECT Table of Contents 1) Introduction3 Requirement for system administration3 2) Description of program4 Contents of program4 How it works4 3) Source Code with detailed comments5 Source Code contains a minimum 5 out of 6 topics learned during this session.5 4) Source Code continued6 Notes on the output 13 Screenshots of the output 13 5) Conclusion14 Possible future uses14 6) References15 Our company is currently planning to automate many different system administration tasks. I have researched a system administration task, in this case upgrading software using VBScript. I have included a proposal that describes... Show more content on ... After the List of applicable items on the machine: the loop displays the list of available updates. The next loop installs the update if user inputs 1 for Ok and 0 for No (Upgrade Software Upgrade Software Upgrade Software VBScript sample n.d.). The downloader object initializes update downloader. Would you like to install updates now? (Y/N) demonstrates strInput. The final function outputs the status / error during installation. SOURCE CODE WITH SAMPLE OUTPUT RUNS.... courseProject.cmd :: Run courseProject.vbs echo off :start cls echo Microsoft Updater echo. amp; echo. echo [1] Check for updates echo [x] Exit Program echo. set /p choice= Enter 1 to check for updates or x to exit .... if %choice% equ x exit if %choice% equ X exit cscript //nologo courseProject.vbs %choice% echo. pause goto start courseProject.vbs ServerSelection values are delcared here ssDefault = 0 ssManagedServer = 1 ssWindowsUpdate = 2 ssOthers = 3 InStr values intSearchStartChar = 1 dim strTitledeclare the variables for storing the string titles of updates Dim strFile, strText strFile variable is used to store the file name and strText is used to write the text into file strFile = updatelist.txt Create the File System Object for creating a new file Set objFSO = CreateObject( Scripting.FileSystemObject ) Decision making statement to check whether the file has already been created. If
  • 6. Hills Like White Elephants Critical Criticism An American in Europe A critical issue in Ernest Hemingway s Hills Like White Elephants is the emphasis on the lack of communication between the characters. The author attempts to convey the dichotomy between the American and Jig s mindset. The setting could be seen as a porthole into Hemingway s philosophy, a distant land being occupied by a brash American man and a silenced American woman. Furthermore, this ideological discord is exemplified by a disillusioned lack of communication between the characters, also the forceful and blunt personality of the American contrasting with the feminine and powerless Jig. In Hills Like White Elephants Hemingway uses Jig and her refusal to communicate as a way of demonstrating the American s powerlessness in Europe. Hemingway uses the setting as a catalyst for the depiction of the idealistic American philosophy. The place is desolate, and only a stopping point before their destination. The train station can be seen as a crossroads, a place where a decision must be made. A life changing decision, one forced onto Jig with an urgency that reflects the setting. The symbolic nature of the train station is further emphasised by Timothy D. O Brien and his take, The story s setting... mirrors the tension between the girl s discourse and the desire and the man s (19). These desires must be met at this crossroads, and are reflected in the ideathat Jig is compelled to make up her mind before the next train comes. This symbol of a
  • 7. Black Humor in America Black Humor One of the most underappreciated and unrecognized forms of comedy is black humor. Black humor often deals with events that are not often associated with other forms of comedy, such as war, murder, insanity and death. The main reason that this form of comedy is so underappreciated is that it requires some thinking on the part of the audience and many people are not willing to do that. The types of humor that are popular today do not require much thinking and can be characterized as one liners. However, black humor has been used as an effective means of satire usually towards a tragic event. One of the biggest misconceptions about black humor is that it involves race. Black humor is not a form of African Americanhumor ... Show more content on ... Even though this is such a great model of black comedy, Joseph Heller said that he was not aware that it would be funny when he wrote it (Catch 22, Computer). In the story, Catch 22 is a military rule that employs circular logic. An example of this is the rule that deals with avoiding combat missions: One may only be excused from flying bombing missions on the grounds of insanity; one must assert one s insanity to be excused on this basis; one who requests to be excused is presumably in fear for his life. This is taken to be proof of his sanity, and he is therefore obliged to continue flying missions; one who is truly insane presumably would not make the request. He therefore would continue flying missions, even though as an insane person he could of course be excused from them simply by asking. (Catch 22, Computer) The main themes in Heller s novel are paradox and contradiction. He used his novel as a way to show the absurdity of war and to protest World War II. Another author, Kurt Vonnegut wrote Slaughterhouse Five in 1969 as an analysis of the human condition from an uncommon perspective, using time travel as a plot device and the bombing of Dresden in World War II, which Vonnegut witnessed, as a starting point (Slaughter, wikipedia). The humor in this book comes from Vonnegut s downplay of human mortality. He uses the phrase so it goes whenever dying is mentioned. Much of
  • 8. What Does Redeemer Mean In The Bible What does redeemer mean in the Bible? This is one of the most important question that needs to be answered. The Bible focuses mainly on redeemer and His redemption for us. Redeemer definition means a person who redeems someone or something . Jesus Christ redeems us from our sins by offering Himself. Whenever we come across the word Redeemer as a Christian, we think of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father has to give up His only begotten son and Jesus had to shed His precious blood to make redemption. It was not quite an easy task for both the Father and Son. Father has to offer His only loving Son for the cause of the sins of human beings. Heavenly Father was option less other than to offer up His son as a living sacrifice. Creation
  • 9. Affects of Frontal Lobe Damage Essay Damage to the frontal lobe cortex of the brain can cause difficulty in everyday activities. The frontal lobes role in people s behavior includes executive processes, language, emotional expression and movement. Ryan Godfrey has difficulties in some areas of executive processes due to the damage tumors caused in his brain. Ryan and others with frontal lobedamagecan benefit from knowing these deficits by taking steps to reduce their impact. The brain tends to compensate for damaged parts and a faith in God brings power to overcome deficits. Thus, behavioraldifficulties for frontal lobe damaged patients are only a guideline not a box, for nothing is impossible for God to accomplish. A 23 year old man, named ... Show more content on ... For example, Ryan opened up only the mail that seemed relevant at the time and put others aside. However, the mail put aside was forgotten about. His mom about 5 months later discovered the unopened mail was very important and some needed an asap response. Thus, Ryan does seem to have some sort of difficulty than others with understand what is relevant, and remembering to get back to things. There has also been research conducted on the frontal lobes function in processing relevant and irrelevant information. Humphreys and Kumada s research results were that people with frontal lobe damage showed difficulty in selecting task relevant information while ignoring task irrelevant (Humphreys amp; Kumada, 2002). Sometimes these people tend to get confused on what is important and what are not, as most people occasionally do. Some frontal lobe damage people struggle more with relevant information than others do. Frontal lobe lesions only appear to affect the ability to gate or inhibit irrelevant stimulus information (Gershberg, Jurica, Mangels, amp; Shimamura, 1995, p145). Research is usually just a bunch of theories, or experiments that have not been proven wrong yet. The tendency for frontal damage is that a part of the brain has been damaged or removed that helps with these functions. Attention to certain information
  • 10. The Social Premises Causing Gender Gap Within Maths And... The primary division of humanity into men and women and the dominant role of men in modern society has led to the obvious prevalence of men, it can be traced in all cultural and historical periods, particularly in areas such as science. Most of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) University graduates are men. Among STEM graduates aged 25 to 34, women represented 23% of graduates from engineering and 30% of graduates from mathematics and computer science programs. ( Genderdifferences in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science (STEM) programs at university, n.d.). This research paper is going to focus on the studies investigating the social premises causing the gender gap in maths and science involvement. Difference in the number of male and female individuals studying maths and science is a consequence of the continued normative social construction of gender, social prejudice ensured through, but no limited to previous female exclusion from education system. Attempts to explain the differences between men and women in the level of educational and professional achievements are reduced to two schemes: biological (genetic) differences between men and women and the social conditions favorable to male domination, the system of education and the distribution of roles which gives more chances for the development of abilities of men. Most researchers who study cognition in terms of gender differences, primarily focused on the study of
  • 11. Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) The theory of Planned Behavior built further on the theory of Reasoned Action by Martin Fishben and Icek Ajzen in 1985. The theory of Reasoned Action needed to be developing because it did not account specific behaviors, which people has little control or no control over it. Thereon, Ajzen (1998) added the perceived control notion, which is similar to the self efficacy concept of Social Cognitive Theory of Bandura (1977). Now, this theory takes to account for factors outside of a person s full control by perceived behavioral control. Theory of Planned Behavior proves useful for detailing the psychological processes underlying a wide range of health behavior (Conner and Sparks, 1996; Godin and Kok, 1996). In ... Show more content on ... Intention is influenced by attention, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 2006). Most of the studies have found attitudes to be more important than subjective norms in predicting intentions, confirming the weak support for the role of subjective norms as compared to attitudes in predicting intentions (Ajzen, 1991). Attitude is defined as a cognitive process influenced by personal experiences and is expressed by either behavioral or emotional responses (Fishbein Ajzen, 2010). The stronger the attitude is toward quitting the better the predictor of one s intention to quit smoking (Fazio, 2001). According to TPB, the attitude relates both positive and negative beliefs about the behavior. To addressing the importance of attitude, this leaflet aims to developed positive belief on individuals that they are capable to quit smoking. Researches put evidence that quitting to smoke improves quality of life in many ways: psychologically and physically. That is why this leaflet draws attention on beneficial outcomes of quitting to smoke and emphasize positive effects of it on our life by targeted attitude with messages, such as Stop smoking! Make a positive difference to your health , teeth whiten, breath smells fresher, fertility increase and financial improves and some long term benefits highlighted as well for example: There lots of benefits of giving up! After 72 hours: Breathing becomes easier. Energy levels increase. After 2 12 weeks: Circulation improves... On the other hand, the leaflet targeted negative side of smoking as well. To pointed out the undesirable effects, messages include how smoking affect on individuals health for example: For a smoker, most of the diseases occur after the age of 50 and these smoking related illnesses can be long term and fatal , About 120,000 people in the UK die each year because of the smoking . Furthermore in an adult
  • 12. Network Administrator Has Higher Level Of Control Essay Contents Page Task 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Task 2.................................................................................................................................................... 5 Task 3.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Task 1 Types of network LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN is a type of network that interconnects computers and devices either wired or wireless and covers a greater distance. LAN is mainly used in private organisations such as college or university. More or less everyone uses wireless router at home these days and the user is able to connect between 5 10 devices wirelessly. The user can share the broadband or the connection with ADSL by using Ethernet cables. Smaller LANs can connect at least 2 3 computers using one cable. It also depends on the size of the organisation. Smaller LANs are easier to manage. The users need to be careful when using larger LANs and need to make sure that the network within it is transmitted efficiently. The user can increase the number of computers connected by using routers and switches. This ensures that the network administrator has higher level of control over the network. IEEE 802.3 is the wired Ethernet used by LAN and therefore it is related to LAN. The set up cost for LAN is relatively cheap. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a type of network that interconnects the LANs meaning it connects the LANs together over large distance. WAN is used in school or college or in a joint network
  • 13. Cathy Song The Youngest Daughter Clarissa Reyna Mrs. M. Segovia English IV AP March 12, 2016 A Deeper Meaning The works of poetry are often underappreciated and overlooked. The stories of plenty are being neglected in the education of our youth. The work of Cathy Song, per say, personally has never come up prior to the assigning of this paper. In Song s The Youngest Daughter , we are introduced to a variety of meanings in which an analysis full of depth is required to clearly interpret and understand what it is that the speaker is attempting to bring across through the use of clever diction. The poem in itself also contains a compilation of carefully puzzle together literary techniques that are taught to be broken down to provide a good understanding of a work of... Show more content on ... When analyzing literature, it is very important to take it one puzzle piece at a time. Deconstructing a work of literature can be difficult if the path isn t taken correctly and the work isn t completely broken down for understanding. In Cathy Song s poem, the audience is able to understand the situation the speaker is in due to the vivid images that Song provides. The imagery in the poem can be identified as metaphorical (figure of speech in which a phrase is applied to something not literally applicable and order to suggest a resemblance). The reader can also analyze the setting through the metonymy (the use of the name of one thing for that of another thing) portrayed. Last but not least, the poem can be deconstructed with the use of the symbolism (the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities) that can be found when the poem is taken apart piece by piece. Now that we have a better understanding of what it is that is going to be analyzed, let s begin to take a look at the poem through the eyes of a deconstructionist. Cathy Song s The Youngest Daughter is clearly about a codependent relationship between a mother and daughter, the mother s youngest daughter, to be specific. The poem is displayed in the view of first person, for the daughter is the speaker. The poem is focused
  • 14. Information Security Trends And Data Breach Of Health Care... INFORMATION SECURITY TRENDS AND DATA BREACH IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES INTRODUCTION The objective of this paper is to present the most recent data security patterns. It will likewise give the late digital assaults as samples and highlight the lessons learned. Medicinal services records speak to a greatly appealing focus for digital crooks, containing as they do different bits of delicate data like Social Security numbers all in one spot. Given the estimation of this information, it is clear why the Identity Theft Resource Center s most recent 2014 Data Breach Category Summary found that medicinal services represented 43 percent of all ruptures year to date. The test for IT and security experts working in social insurance is that they must ... Show more content on ... These patterns incorporate Cyber Crime, security and regulation, dangers from outsider suppliers, conveying own gadgets to the working environment and individual s engagement. ANTHEM SECURITY BREACH The nation s second biggest wellbeing insurance agency have encountered real security rupture in which that programmers have stolen individuals Social Security numbers, names, birthdays, medicinal IDs, and more delicate individual data in a monstrous information break. The rupture influences an expected 80 million clients and workers. Right now, Anthem does not accept the programmers got to credit card or medicinal information. According to the Associated Press, the aggressors who focused on and exhilarated more than 80 million client records from Anthem Inc., had the capacity seize the accreditations of no less than five distinct workers. We know from Anthem themselves that no less than one administrator record was bargained, as the administrator himself recognized his qualifications being utilized to inquiry their information distribution center. Looking at job postings and representative LinkedIn profiles it creates the impression that the information stockroom being used at Anthem was Teradata. By doing some brisk inquiries on LinkedIn I had the capacity find more than 100 matches for Teradata in profiles of current representatives at Anthem, including, CXOs, framework modelers and DBAs. Finding
  • 15. Escape From Wonderland Whether it is a young girl s favorite song on the radio, a college student s escape from reality or a form of entertainment to a married couple, music brings everyone together. While some individuals may see music as nothing more than a song on the radio, it may be a major part of someone else s life. Every month ravers unite as a community that spread positivity and love around one another at raveparties while they vibe and dance to electronic music from sunset to the early morning. In the late fifties, rave was first used in Britain as a title for the wild bohemian parties that occurred at the time. It was then briefly revived by the mods, a British youth subculture of the early to mid 1960s, and did not return into the trend until the illegal warehouse party scene in London in the early eighties. The crowd was mixed, black and white, and it is likely that the term rave came from Jamaican usage rather than a revival of any previous usage in Britain (Evans). The main goal of these rave parties was to dance while listening to good soulful music . European clubs that sponsored raves in the 1980s tried to limit the exposure of attendees to the public and to law enforcement (NDIC, 2006). Raves were secretive, after hours, private dance parties and were often held in clubs, abandoned warehouses, and private homes or even underground where attendance was restricted to invitees or friends of invitees. These locations were able to provide accommodation for the massive
  • 16. It Is Voting Season Again Since the origins of the first constitutional convention calling for the alteration of the constitution, through our American history we have seen the rise of the two party system. Initially however not officially through the opposition of the ratification of the new constitution, we saw the first true political schism in the debate of the constitution s ratification. Creating the birth of Federalist and Anti Federalist movement. With the simple contrasting beliefs such as the opposition to a strong centralized government (Anti Federalists) came the growth of those others which we still fight for or against today. However we can call such divisions within our history the baby steps onto to what would become a natural phenomena of the two party system. While not during Washington s first electionbut not limited to his re election, within the sidelines of his presidency some tension between Jefferson and Hamilton began to arise. The beginning of the butting heads of Federalists v. Republicans and leading to the eventually unfolding what would be the Republicans v. Democrats. Through the power placed within America s traditional two party system, unlike many countries they are able to keep the equilibrium or a control of their political peoples and voters to be better able to transact new policies and reforms while still keeping each other at a check. For years there were appearances of new parties beyond the horizon and even now there still are, but due to the their
  • 17. Cirque Du Soleil Case Study In an industry that was slowly declining, where audiences were decreasing, profits and revenues were at an all time low and various forms of entertainment were booming, Cirque du Soleil reinvented the circus by exemplifying less traditional circus ideas. At this time competitors such as Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus, were continuing to use a more customary strategy by maintaining a red ocean strategic approach. Red ocean strategy is labelled by companies trying to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand. Essentially as the market place becomes oversaturated, profits and growth ability reduce and competition rises. Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus once being the global champions of the industry, attempted to outcompete its competitors by tweaking circus acts and hiring famous clowns and lions to create more appeal. Cirque du Soleil had a different strategic approach, one that made it the top competitor in the world wide entertainment industry today. By observing the issues with the circus industry s outdated business model, Cirque du Soleil saw an opportunity to challenge the conventions of the circus industry. By using a blue ocean strategic approach, Cirque du Soleil was able to refine the problem within the industry instead of using the more conventional method and tweaking outdated acts. Cirque du Soleil did not pay attention to the other competitors in the market place, instead they appealed to an unpenetrated market
  • 18. Prison Overpopulation Research Paper Prison Overpopulation The overpopulating of prisons in the federal prison swelled to 39 percent above capacity through last September and is expected to surge to more than 45 percent above its limit by 2018. Overcrowding the cells giving no privacy to inmates, meanwhile the guards keep watch. How the legislature will take proper and constitutional action and now to reduce the overpopulation of prison . ( ) The overcrowding of prisons puts the inmates in a squeezed environment contribute to an increased in inmate misconduct, which negatively affects the safety and security of inmates and staff. By creating the possibility that an inmate will shape and have a violent incident towards another inmate or threatening with sharp object towards guards staying on watch. With more and more prisoners confined to limited spaces, prison officials are forced to cut time into inmates having in the cafeteria, recreation yards and television rooms. Also factors as two or three inmates are assigned in rooms made for one prisoner or in common areas that were never meant to be as cells. Theres no way of monitoring or knowing what the prisoners are doing. To decrease the overpopulation officials such as the department of justice could push more solutions like
  • 19. City County Consolidation Case Study INTRODUCTION On November 7, 1972, voters in Fayette County and Lexington Kentucky decided to consolidate their city and county government. 69.8 percent of the 62,197 voters who showed up to the polls cast their ballots in support of the merger (Shaw 2010). City county consolidation occurs when a local government reform in which a major municipality and county merge to create a unified government. Smaller governments are believed to benefit by their ability to take advantage of larger government economies. These referenda have shown to be mostly unsuccessful, partly because of how unpopular it is with voters. City county consolidation has been debated for decades, various commissions have been formed to study the idea and countless proposals ... Show more content on ... After it s success at the polls, the Lexington Police assumed law enforcement duties previously performed by the Fayette County Sheriff s Department. Consolidation for local fire departments soon followed. The local park merger however went in the opposite direction; responsibilities were given to county officials. All necessary changes took nearly three years; staff sizes were reduced mainly by implementing a hiring freeze when employees left, rather than
  • 20. Analysis of Super Size Me Analysis of Super Size Me Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food companies, and the effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly McDonalds, on the health of society. This Documentary explores the United States growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan decides to eat nothing but McDonald s food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another stipulation of Morgan s experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesn t serve ... Show more content on ... He was told that he might do permanent damage to his liver due to having to metabolize all of the excess fat in his new diet. Not to my surprise, McDonalds did not want to participate in this documentary whatsoever and did not ever give Morgan the interview that he sought after, even after over 15 telephone calls. In a sense that obesity is a growing epidemic I think that the documentary was fairly realistic, but who actually eats McDonalds three times a day? Morgan did say that 22% of all McDonald s consumers were known as super heavy users, which means that they eat McDonald s food 3 times a week or more. I think Morgan conveyed his negative opinions about the fast food chains, particularly McDonalds very well although there may have been some dramatization. The people who are most affected by McDonalds marketing and pricing practices are definitely kids and/or lower budget people. The cheap food that supposedly fills you up for longer due to the long list of ingredients in it is easy for lower income families to provide. The extent to which McDonalds is marketed to children can be seen in the installation of playgrounds, birthday party hosting, toys with kid s meals, Ronald McDonald the clown, and many other sly advertising techniques such as a cartoon on TV. All of these marketing techniques lure kids in at an early age. Uneducated people are more likely to eat at McDonalds at a larger scale because many times they are not informed of
  • 21. St Lawrence Boulevard Research Paper Montreal s Main Street The St. Lawrence boulevard is one of the most known and talked about road in Canada. In the collective imagination, it has long been the street that separates Montreal in half. Which is quite understandable as the St. Lawrence boulevard is the backbone of the great French speaking city. A city born from its river, founded downstream of the mighty Lachine rapids, which form a natural barrier for ocean going ships, Montreal turns its back on its majestic stream. But it is as if to throw oneself into an otherwise tumultuous torrent which, from the wharves of the St. Lawrence to those of the RiviГЁre des Prairies, rolls its course from one side to the other of the island of Montreal. St. Lawrence boulevard is the matrix of ... Show more content on ... (176) The St. Lawrence boulevard is full of history. Before becoming the large and impressing street we now know it as, St. Lawrence boulevard was the only path upon which travelers could get in and out of Montreal. This unique street served as a pathway to link the North and the South shore of the island. Therefore, the St. Lawrence boulevard was a vital contributor to the development of Montreal. Any cargo or people coming from Europe would enter the port and from there, take the St. Lawrence road to reach their new settlement. In 1717, the French colony, fearing a land attack, built defensive walls, following the architectural drawings of Chaussegros de LГ©ry, around what we now call the Vieux MontrГ©al (old city). The wall only had one door situated on the northern side of it named Grande Porte Saint Laurent and it gave way to the, then named, St. Lawrence road. This little road was surrounded by farmland and greenery and it served as a mean of transport between Montreal and the St. Lawrence village (Ville De MontrГ©al, 1995). Merchants would often use the St. Lawrence boulevard to enter the city and sell
  • 22. New Life Family Services Research Paper Organizational Information 1.Identify the agency, its mission, programs, services, and history. New Life Family Services had humble beginnings, opening as a home for troubled youth in 1973. Over the next nine years, New Life established itself as the second licensed crisis pregnancy center to offer adoption services. Today, New Life Family Services operates as a comprehensive pregnancy care center, and is the largest of its type in Minnesota. Four locations exist to serve clients and their families. They are: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Richfield and Rochester. The New Life Family Services mission is as follows: At New Life Family Services, we compassionately open our doors and our hearts to women and men who believe abortion is the only solution ... Show more content on ... This reflects a second aspect of the mission: To honor the sanctity of human life by assisting clients with life affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ. Services that are offered by New Life include options counseling, adoption assistance, post abortion support groups, parent education and resources. There are also support homes for pregnant women, interim foster care and a support group for parents who have placed their child for adoption. 2.Describe the organizational environment. What is the competition for this type of agency and/or services? Who else provides these services in the area? New Life Family Services is a social service agency with limited medical services. This includes pregnancy confirmation and first trimester ultrasounds. STD screening is available at some locations as well. Planned Parenthood is viewed as the principal competition for NLFS clients. Planned Parenthood offers similar services, and as a secular organization, they include abortion counseling and abortions
  • 23. Research Paper on Criminal Justice Niquita Murdock September 8, 2010 English Class The field of Criminal Justice has so many different career paths that anyone can succeed in and it s for that reason I have picked the Forensic Science path to explore. There are a number of reasons why I have chosen to explore and get an education in this career. The specialization of Forensic Science within the Criminal Justice is right for me because I feel that families should have closure, I feel that people who don t deserve to be in prison should have a fair trial, I like watching crime shows all the time, and last but not least it s a more challenging field of work and I love... Show more content on ... He was accused of murder all because he had scratch marks on his arm in which his neighbor noticed (Forensic Examiner p82). I just feel that a person should have a fair trial and that the evidence be tested correctly. Where there aren t any mistakes with how the hair and DNA that was tested isn t falsely compared to the suspect when it matches another or the victim for that matter. I m what people call a couch potato. I sit on the couch all day long watching Crime Scene Investigation from Miami to Las Vegas, and then NY. That s how I discovered the career path of a forensic science. If I had not watched these shows I wouldn t be sitting in this class today. For the ones who have not seen or heard of the shows, they are mainly about a team of forensic scientist that go on calls and process a crime scene. They collect evidence to prove who was and who wasn t at the scene of the crime. They all are basically the same show but they have different actors and actresses for each show. They also have different settings. While I was doing some research I came across an article titled CSI: Reality by Max Houck he basically talks about what the differences are between the real thing and what are just famous people acting out and being filmed (Houck par 1 16). The job at hand is based upon dealing with challenging work. Forensic science isn t just all about mixing mysterious chemicals and looking through a magnify glass. There
  • 24. Negative Impact Of Reconstruction There are different perspectives on the history of Reconstruction; some people believe that rebuilding the South during the period of 1865 to 1877 was a very important stage in the United States history because it was the start of American Society as a home of freedom. However, others view Reconstruction as a negative impact on African Americans. Ronald E. Butchart sees Reconstruction as the main reason for educational discrimination against African Americans. Reconstruction in the South helped African Americans in good ways, such as giving them the freedom they deserved. Like anything else, Reconstruction in the South had purposes, achievements, and failures. The main purpose for Reconstruction in the South was to restore the south to the union. Reconstruction succeeded in many different aspects such as the Enforcement Act of 1870. Along with succeeding, Reconstruction in the south had some failures including the Jim Crow Laws, which affected the African Americans. This paper will talk more thoroughly about each of these points that occurred while reconstructing the South and how each point helped the African Americans during this time period. To start, according to the book The Era of Reconstruction, 1863 1877 by Forrest G. Wood, The issue of Reconstruction did not suddenly appear in 1865 or 1867. Reconstruction in the South happened because the government wanted to allow the Southern states back into the union. Andrew Johnson, the president during the period of the
  • 25. The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water And... The World Bank Water Global Practice s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) recently released a working paper identifying findings that support new tactics for habit change in open defecation behavior. These advances draw from the fields of psychology, cognitive science, and behavioral science and were first outlined in the 2015 World Development Report (WDR) on Mind, Society, and Behavior. WDR presents new insight into how people make decisions: thinking automatically, thinking socially, and thinking with mental models, and highlights the potential of future policy approaches that influence behavior while forgoing the assumption of individuals as rational decision makers. Open Defecation in India Of the nearly one billion people across the globe who openly defecate, over half live in India. Despite meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for water access, India achieved only moderate progress in improvements to sanitation and reduction of open defecation. As of 2011, 49.8 percent of Indians still defecated in the open, and, although the number is decreasing, progress remains slow in rural areas of the country and significant gaps remain between the rich and poor. In 2014, Prime Minister Modi prioritized an initiative to place a toilet in every household in the country by 2019 and provided 8 million toilets in the first year alone. Yet, simply providing toilets does not ensure their use. Although infrastructure and access to proper latrines and other
  • 26. The Daily Show On The Congressional Record The Daily Show is on the congressional record. It occurred during a debate on the Blunt Amendment, which would allow employers to decline to provide birth control as part of their health care plans. On February 28th, 2012 California Senator Barbara boxer attempted to quote The Daily Show bid on the floor of the senate. Senator Boxer said: Jon Stewart took this issue on and said: Well, I ll tell you something, I love Blunt Amendment because he says I am an employer and I believe that humor is the best medicine. On March 1st, 2012, Stewart dedicated the entire episode of his show to talk about the Blunt Amendment and the controversy around it. He, as usual, mocked, poked fun at politicians and approached the absurdity of passing the bill. The Blunt Amendment was sponsored by Senator Blunt that would override Obama s Administration s new contraception plan, and allow any employer to refuse to cover any kind of health case service by citing moral reasons. The amendment was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 51 to 48. . Staci Beavers argued that Jon Stewart brought up the Blunt Amendment debate, while no other news or media outlet did. Example 3: The Zadroga Bill Jon Stewart attracts considerable news media in many politicized issues. He played an important role in pressuring lawmakers to pass legislation, providing health care to 9/11 responders, in which Stewart was credited for the Zadroga bill s passage by the White house and other media and political news
  • 27. For-Profit Colleges You ever watch television and see the commercials for colleges and hear the people say this college changed my life or hear that the school has classes for the major your interested in. Then you get the urge to go back to school and you see that there s not much requirements to get into these schools as long as you have money for tuition. Those are what you call for profit schools. Now the question is are these schools actually good for you? Can they help you in the long run or just give you classes and you re on your own after you get the degree. I feel that for profit schools should not be federally regulated because these colleges provide opportunities for students ignored and rejected by traditional colleges, they provide flexibility... Show more content on ... They offer a lot of classes online and during hours that some other colleges may not be open. Most for profit schools classes are in sessions and not just spread out throughout the day. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh runs three sessions a day: from 8am until noon, 1pm until 5 pm and 6pm until 10pm. Classes like this will benefit those who can t find a babysitter or who needs to take an extra class to get the degree they want but have a 9 5 job. Another thing is the classes aren t as long as the traditional schools. In a traditional school you may have to take a class for four or five months. In for profit schools the classes may last from five to nine weeks. Now that may not seem like a good idea but these classes help those students to plan their life around their schedule. Once again with government regulations it may be against the law to have classes after a certain time of day or some classes it may be mandatory to be in class and not online and then it messes with people schedule. At a time when American public higher education is cutting budgets, laying people off, and turning away students, the rise of for profit universities has been meteoric. If other colleges are turning down students how will the graduation rate increase like President Obama wants it to. We need these for profit schools to help the economy and to get more people educated and working. Enrollment in the country s nearly 3,ooo career colleges has grown
  • 28. Why Is Nathaniel Hawthorne Considered Gothic Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was a talented dark romantic that got to many readers minds questioning their surroundings and peoples inner sin. All though he writes in prose, he belongs amongst the poets ( Stearns page 42). He had gone through a few tough times in life that inspired him to write about what he did. He s most known for his short stories and novels. Lots of Nathaniel s work was considered gothic. He also wrote romance novels. Hawthorne was in the habit of taking solitary rambles after dark, an owlish practice, but very attractive to the romantic minds. Human nature appears in more pictorial guise by lamplight, after the days work is over. ( Stearns page 34.) Nathaniel Hawthorne was born July 4th 1804 ... Show more content on ... Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville were also considered dark romantics. the found the darkness and evil in those same aspects. Then, of course, his best friend was Sophia Peabody. He married her on July 9, 1842. For a long time, he had no friends. He hid himself from people and was alone. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. Nathaniel created a family of his own with his wife Sophia. He had two daughters and one son. His two daughters names were Una Hawthorne , who was born in 1844, and Rose Hawthorne, who was born 1851. His sons name was Julian Hawthorne and he was born 1846. Nathaniel was 40 years old when he had his first kid. A fun fact about his second child is, he went without a name for a few months. His parents then agreed on Julian. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. In 1864, Nathaniel traveled to New Hampshire with Franklin Pierce. On May 19th, Nathaniel died.While he was traveling, he sadly passed away in his sleep. After he died, his wife Sophia was left to deal with her difficult children alone. She had to many different states in Europe. Sophia then died 7 years later. She was buried next to her 33 year old daughter, Una. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction. The Wife and Children of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Introduction. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan.
  • 29. Motivation, Determination, And Competition In Rudy Ruettiger Motivation, Determination, and Competition in Rudy In the movie Rudy, the main character Rudy Ruettiger exhibits many of the MYP Learner Profile traits. The first trait is being a risk taker. Rudy is a risk taker because he uses his determination and broad perspective on life to push through to get to Notre Dame. From the start of the movie, Rudy contradicts his family s belief that he will not have the determination, skill, or size to make it onto the Notre Dame team and into the school. Taking risks is Rudy s way of competing with his brothers and father to gain the respect of the most important people in his life. If he can beat the most critical people, then they can respect and support him, and that is one of the biggest risks he has
  • 30. Analysis Of Imperial Dreams In Imperial Dreams directed by Malik Booth, one scene shows the main character Bambi letting his son: Daytone riding a horse, which portrays both his son and his happiness even though they aren t in a happy environment. This is shown through different shots and techniques such as; a medium shot showing Daytone riding the horse; a close up on Bambi s face to show his facial expressions and actors performance; lighting and colour ; and a long shotto show Bambi paying the man who owned the horse, money for the horse ride. All these help to show happiness in Bambi and Daytone. Malik Booth uses a medium shot to show happiness. Happiness is shown on Daytone s face when he is seen riding the horse. The medium shot shows Daytone with a big grin on his face, brightening up his whole face while sitting on top of the horse. Earlier in the film, we see Daytone playing with a toy horse, which normally means he likes it. He also doesn t recognize Bambi which means that Day didn t know his own father. But now Day stays with his father and having him ride an actual horse is like a big present that is given to us on our birthday or Christmas. Which normally feels exciting and ecstatic. For Bambi to give this gift to Daytone which symbolizes the horse, shows the audience how much he cares for him and that he shows it through this scene. Malik also uses a close up shot on Bambi s face to show
  • 31. Why Is Quality Important In The NHS Wicks and Roethlein (2009) define quality as the maximum customer satisfaction and customer retention that leads to customer loyalty to the health care organisation . This means that when customers are happy with the care they receive they will be confident in the service that the health care organisation is given. Chilgren (2008) define quality as a measure of excellence and also as a standard of good care and rendering good services . Excellence is measured by the patient observation and positive feedback of the service they receive. The competent level of the service that the staffs give to the patient is determine by the patient satisfaction. This two quality definitions are very important and essential in the life of patients, families ... Show more content on ... It also ensures people to have positive experience of care. It reduces the amount of patient readmitted to the hospital or coming back to the hospital for treatment. It helps people to take control of their illness e.g. diabetes, stroke, etc., to live independently for longer period of time REF Good quality service help the NHS save money and reduce the amount of money NHS spend on infection, death and contaminations. REF*. However, if there are no good quality care in the health care services there will be an increase in money spent on infection or diseases and treatments will be insufficient. REF . There will be high rate of death and the increase in number of people admitted to the hospital with multiple needs. Patients won t be able to live independently anymore, also poor service can cost the NHS money. REF In every health care setting it is important to give good quality care and excellence service to patient in other for them to maintain their illness independently and also reduce the amount of money spent in the NHS to prevent infections and diseases. Quality is said to be safe, effective and it result to patient positive outcome.
  • 32. Comparing The Outsiders And Nothing Gold Can Stay I have read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, and Nothing Gold can Stay by Robert Frost. The Outsiders is about two groups whose names are the Greasers and the Socs that don t get along and always want to fight. Nothing Gold can Stay is about how nothing perfect in life will stay perfect. The theme of The Outsiders chapter 1 is divided community, the theme of Nothing Gold can Stay is nothing perfect will stay perfect forever. In The Outsiders chapter 1 Ponyboy, the main character says that the Socs were more wealthy than greasers. On page 3 chapter 1 Ponyboy says We are poorer that the socs . That is one way the Greasers and Socs are different. Greasers and Socs do different things too. Ponyboy says what both gangs do on page 3 chapter 1
  • 33. Strategic Effect Of The Community s Work Force And Improve... Strategic Effect By increasing the access within the community, educating the community, and offering a wide range of services for the community; this will enhance the community s work force and improve the negative perception of people suffering from mental illness within the work force. There are stigmas and discrimination against people that suffer from mental illness which is hindering and creating additional obstacles for this group of individuals (NAMI, 2013). By contracting with insurance companies, employers and developing a strong marketing and advertising technique, more people will be made aware that most people in their lives have suffered from one or more incidents of mental illness. People will become more understanding ... Show more content on ... Even though the organization will be catering to patients on a one to one basis, the organization will also be providing group treatment options for counseling, support groups, education forums related to certain mental conditions, medication management, lifestyle changes, and life management. The corporation will develop a strong internet presence focused on mental illness and awareness and a strong community presence. The estimated impact from the ACA is to reduce the fiscal and psychological barriers to mental healthcare services (SAMHSA, 2015). The ACA offers additional reimbursement policies to expand utilization and added protection for individuals with mental illness. The ACA also created integrated care models to help PCP offices and psychiatrist offices manage patients, with their illnesses and chronic diseases (SAMHSA, 2015). Prior to the ACA, 54% of people were estimated to be left untreated and yet the costs of mental health have risen. Market Analysis Apart from evaluating feasibility, the market is flooded with potential clients with an estimated value of 24 thousands annual visits on established patients. There is a strong need for a new location in the Orange City, Fl. central area. Again, these figures were calculated based on city data censes information gathered and divided evenly based on 50% of the population suffering from one or more
  • 34. Ruth And Elliot Barbie, Seeing Things Others Do Not Izzy (latter change to Elliot) and Ruth Handler were husband and wife that complemented each other s skills when it came to business. Elliot was the dreamer, who I have often refer to in business as the Oracle or someone that can see things that other can not. Ruth, by contrast, had a business mind and is what I like to call the General. They had two kids named Barb and Ken. Together Elliot and Ruth started a toy company they called Mattel. Elliot s first product inspiration was that of a plastic ukulele, which was closely followed by a toy piano. Since they were short of capital, Ruth and Elliot would attend toy fairs where store buyers would go to sell their new toy ideas. Even though they had successful products, the Handler s lost money since they were relatively inexperienced in manufacturing and distribution. They underestimated their costs, which significantly ate into their margins. Even though the musical toys sold over 20 million units, there was no margin that the company could use to grow. They figured they had to go big or go home. They figured that if you are going to drive off the cliff, it is better to leave no ... Show more content on ... While this practice seems incredibly short sighted today, no one thought to market products to children at the time. There was a new TV show ready to debut. Mattel bet the farm and agreed to became a sponsor for a new show. The show was called The Wonderful World of Disney and proved to be a big hit, especially with kids. The product that Mattel was marketing was a Burp Gun, a toy that made a burping sound instead of a bang when the child pulled the trigger. Since the audience of the show was kids, it was the first time marketers focused on selling to kids and not to their parents. Being a sponsor of The Wonderful World of Disney proved to be a brilliant move and the company s revenue grew three fold almost
  • 35. The Key Issues Of Partnership In this essay I will be discussing what is partnership, what the key issues are and the relevance of the key issues relating to partnership,I will underpin knowledge and relevant theories and frameworks that enable us to understand the key issues in partnership, I will explain the relevant values and principles which underpin partnership, discuss the relevance of a recognised theory or philosophical approach that contributes to partnership, I shall analyse the provision of equality, diversity and inclusive practise can be ensured in relation to partnership, evaluate the evidence I collect which support the beliefs that the keyissues identified are relevant to working with children and young people, the impact of the recognised theory or philosophical approach on practice in the areas of work covered by partnership and I will then conclude by reflecting on and explaining the professional skills required to practice effectively in the areas of work covered by partnership D1 D2 The key issues and the relevance of the key issues that apply to partnership: A partnership is an arrangement between two or more groups, organizations or individuals to work together to achieve common aims. In the quote above it explains what a partnership is and what it consists of; it clarifies what we need to build a relationship and what we aim to achieve at the end of a positive partnership. There are many different people we work in partnerships with such as parents, practitioners,
  • 36. Kill Bill Volume 1 Aesthetics Each person will make for himself the kind of nude he wants, with the nude that I will have made for him. He ll put everything where it belongs, with his own eyes (Picasso, 2009). This is what the term aesthetic is; an individual s set of ideas about style and taste, along with its expression. Aesthetics has the role to enhance any visual object, appliance, theme and concept, inducing the trust and relationship of form and content within a viewer or audience of a film or production. To fully understand how the role of aestheticsfurthers a theme or concept of a narrative we must look at the medium of film and its scenographic elements. These elements contribute to establishing an atmosphere and mood for a film or theatrical presentation (Eagan,... Show more content on ... The quality, intensity and direction of lighting can influence an audience s understanding of a films characters, actions, themes and mood. The colour of the lighting can also hold thematic relevance like in the film Kill Bill Volume 1 where one of the crazy 88 members run through a red hallway. This red is used throughout the entire film and represents danger (Kill Bill Volume 1, 2003). This explanation is supported by the fact that the antagonists of the scene all emerge from this red hallway proving the danger. Highlighted lighting in a film, for example, call attention to shapes and textures, while shadows often conceal things, creating a sense of mystery or fear. For this reason, lighting must be thoroughly planned in advance to ensure its desired effect on an audience. Lighting can make a scene feel happy, sad, mysterious or even dangerous hence furthering the concept portrayed in a film without even needing dialogue from the actors. Lighting in its entirety plays a huge role in the aesthetic of a film as it creates the context furthering the concept in which the entire film happens (G., 2000). It has an impact on acting, production design, costuming, editing, makeup, visual effects, the plot and
  • 37. Chemical Reactions And The Chemical Reaction Introduction Chemistry is a branch of science commonly defined as the study of the structure, properties, and reactions of the chemical elements and the compounds they form (The American Heritage Science Dictionary, 2002). This definition is very general and covers a range of study areas, including those that are an asset to society. Chemical reactions are studied by many chemists as they common occurrences in everyday life (Stewart, 2014). Without chemical reactions people would be unable to perform simple tasks that are essential for quality of life and even life itself, such as cooking, lighting a match and breathing (Helmenstine, 2015). A chemical reaction occurs when a chemical change takes place, producing new substances. However, all chemical reactions are different and vary greatly in the time it takes for them to occur (, 2015). A Reaction rate is the speed it takes for a chemical reaction to occur. That is, how fast a reactant is used up or a product is formed (BBC, 2014). Rates of reaction are essential in important tasks such are medicine administration and it is therefore crucial for scientists to understand how they work and what affects them (Lofts, 2012). The mechanics of reaction rates is based around the theory of collision, proposed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900 s. The theory suggests that reactant particles must collide for a chemical reaction to occur, the more collisions that occur, the faster the reaction rate will
  • 38. Arguments Against Music Censorship Music is a form of poetry, art, and sound that undeniably has the ability to influence the individuals that choose to indulge in its stimulus. As a fetus in the womb, humans are surrounded by the sounds of heartbeats, breathing, and the rhythms of life. Science has even proven that music is capable of effecting how the brainprocesses information, making it a uniquely powerful medium and, therefore, both effective and dangerous (Mannes). Teenagers on average listen to two and a half hours of music a day, and in today s society, one in three popular songs contain information relating to drug or alcohol use. This means that, assuming the average teenager listens to popular music, they are exposed to thirty five references ever hour of listening. Moreover, it is also obvious that the ease with which music is available to adolescents is increasing, disarming the parent s ability to control the music in which their children are listening (Parker Pope). However, even though there are dangers associated with popular music, it should not be censored by government bodies, for that restricts creativity and jeopardizes the freedoms with which The United States of America were built upon.... Show more content on ... Music, at its core, is a very creative form of speech and has successfully influenced populations in many beneficial ways throughout history. If the government was to censor music, a risk of losing this element is created ( 8 Most Valid Pros and Cons of Music Censorship ). However, censorship by private entities should be allowed. Just as artists should have the right to create all types of music, private businesses should have the right to support products that they find acceptable. This type of censorship, on the contrary to government censorship, does not hinder the creative power of music, for the artist is still allowed to express themselves as they see
  • 39. History of Drones and How They would Re-Shape Modern... Government s targeted killing of three U.S. citizens in two drone strikes, both in Yemen, far from any armed conflict zone. ( Targeted Killings ). Drones or unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is the technology that has taken war and fighting to a brand new level. The technology is believed to lower the use of troops and life loss in the wars that are happening today. Can that same technology be considered dangerous? Or are the side effects something that can simply be considered a small cost for something better? Drones demonstrate a growth in technological advances , and also the world. Although as brilliant this technology might be, it brings a threat to the people. Drones and UAVs are remote control vehicles that need no pilot, instead... Show more content on ... The bigger and more sophisticated machinery use software that allow them to fly pilotless but still have someone behind a screen to tell it whether to attack or not. Drones can be dangerous, depending on who is behind the trigger (Suebsaeng). UAVs and Drone technology has spread throughout the world. This technology today has reached an approximate of 11 countries and among them are The United States, China, and The United Kingdom. The United States leads in manufacturing, production and usage of Drones, following is china which is one of their biggest competitors. Having all these new advances has created some type of invisible arms race between the countries. At the same time the U.S has a high production on what is known as the RQ 7A shadow. Also Iran has another distributing lead and potentially present some sort of threat, due to weaponry being near enemy countries. Looking a the United States that lead in manufacturing and distribution, they also have the most Drones and UAVs operating at the moment. has at least 678 drones in service, of 18 different types (Rogers). By having this the U.S displays their position on the world. Also with this there is the message of not being afraid to use their power that is displayed. Which some countries can take offensive and think they should compete in the invisible arms race. Although the spread of the technology has grown over the time periods, and
  • 40. Jennifer Bumgardner Analysis Feminism is a key concept that has become popular and is widely spoken about even before Charles Fourier keyed the word in the 18th century. Jennifer Baumgardner s excerpt from the book F em: Goo Goo, Gaga and Some Thoughts on Balls, outlines the various waves of feminism and its existence, importance, growth and history over the past few centuries. Her excerpt begins by introducing the first wave which according to her was, the designation that was applied to the suffragists retroactively after a second swell of activism by American women which occurred in the 1960s and 1970s . From there on, she glides in to how Martha Lear coined the term second feminist wave in 1968 and women began to prefer the association to the term feminism . Subsequently, she associates herself to the generation that Rebecca Walker introduces as the Third wave in her article that appeared on the New York Times Sunday Magazine in 1990. ... Show more content on ... She addresses these key terms in a brief yet enlightening manner that is useful for readers including me, as it gives a straightforward comprehension to the topic and is easily understandable as though it is a short walk through a long history of feminism. Jennifer s style of writing is narrative and descriptive. She breaks down the waves of feminism into four different sub topics with bold letters, alongside the duration of each wave to describe their purposes, as that is the driving point of this extract. She explains that the break down into waves is an easier way to grasp the various periods through feminist history. With prior knowledge of the First, Second, Third and Fourth waves of feminism from the lectures, the simple language she uses makes it unchallenging to gain more knowledge on
  • 41. The American Dream In The Declaration Of Independence, By... The Declaration of Independence (1776) embeds the American Dream and declares a promise that all individuals have the right to freedom. Race, social class, and gender do not prevent a person the chance to prosper and aspire their dreams and goals. The expressions voiced in the Declaration produce an illusion that everyone who comes to the United States can achieve greatness. Residing in the United States gives people the opportunities and resources to strive to become someone important. According to the article, Class of America 2012 Gregory Mantsios argues that everyone in the United States has an equal opportunity to succeed. In the case of the former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, it is true. Although Michelle Obama is an African Americanwoman who came from a low class status, she was able to achieve the American Dream. Growing up, she never lost focus of her dream to become someone with authority. She struggled with racial discrimination in many parts of her life beginning with school, and even as the first lady of the United States. Through her hard work ethic, she was able to overcome her obstacles and advance in her education to become the First Lady of the United States later. Even though she achieved her American Dream, she wanted her peers around her to reach them as well. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was not raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. On January 17, 1964, Michelle was born and raised in Illinois, Chicago. She grew up on the
  • 42. Examples Of Dishonesty In Everything I Never Told You The foundation of any successful relationship is honesty and open communication. In Everything I Never Told You, the Lee family steadily unravels because of deep loss and rampant dishonesty. The novel opens with Lydia s death and continues as a flashback of the events leading up to her passing. Celeste Ng places importance on certain objects and locations as powerful representations of the Lee family: their desires, challenges, and disappointments. In Celeste Ng s, Everything I Never Told You, the symbols of the Betty Crocker Cookbook and a discovered pack of cigarettes reflect that it is impossible to fully know someone when dishonesty is present. The Betty Crocker cookbook is a symbol of Marilyn s distant relationship with her mother. ... Show more content on ... When Lydia does not come down for breakfast, Marilyn opens her daughter s door and sees the bed unslept in: neat hospital corners still pleated beneath the comforter, pillow still fluffed and convex. Nothing seems out of place (1 2). The outward appearance of Lydia s room satisfies Marilyn, as it is organized, with nothing out of place. Like Lydia, the outside seems perfect, but there is much more beneath the surface. Lydia conceals her true nature by presenting a facade that merely mimics what her parents want her to be. After discovering a pack of cigarettes and a box of condoms in Lydia s backpack, Marilyn looks down at the two tiny boxes caught in the hammock of her skirt, and the outlines of Lydia s life so sharp and clear before begin to waver (120). All of Lydia s life, Marilyn and James pressure her to be perfect, academic, and well liked. Lydia pretends to be all these things by hiding failed tests, faking phone calls with friends, and feigning an interest in science. Because Lydia cannot be honest with her parents, she begins to make and conceal reckless choices, such as smoking, having sex, and sneaking out of the house. Upon finding these items in her backpack, Marilyn is confronted with the reality that much of Lydia s life was unknown to
  • 43. Tom Welling Vietnam War The Vietnam Conflict, spanning from November 1st, 1955 to April 30, 1975, changed the public s perception on war, politics, and the world as a whole. Living in this time, the grandparents and senior citizens in our communities still keep the time of turmoil and fear alive in their stories. By interviewing men in the service, along with men and women at home, a comprehensive picture of the war and its effect on the United Statescan be painted. Two of these people graciously allowed themselves to be interviewed. Their roles, experiences, and stories of the war display the effects of the Vietnam war on United States citizens, for better or for worse. Tom Welling was born on October 13, 1941 outside of Saint Louis Missouri. Tom was in high... Show more content on ... Because of the recentness of the Vietnam War, those who have lived through it can give testament to the time period and the emotions of the war from their first hand perspective. The Vietnam War spanned a time period of growth in fashion, music, spirituality, and human rights. But, the fear, animosity, and long term mental issues that stemmed from the war have affected all of those, in the service or otherwise, that lived from November 1st, 1955 April 30th,
  • 44. Cultural Destruction Essay examples Cultural Destruction American pop culture can readily been seen in many aspects of American life. Pop was originally coined to mean popular. While this literal meaning still holds true, pop culture has spun into a new generation. While pop still describes what is popular, the term has taken on a negative connotation. Today, the term is used to describe bands such as the Backstreet Boys and N Sync. Britney Spears has also been coined as a pop singer. The term pop is often seen as a downfall and indicates temporary fame. Many pop artists are thought to be just that: pop artists. They do nothing more than achieve their five minutes of fame and then move on. Pop culture is destroying the greatness of American culture and putting the ... Show more content on ... Teenage boys do not care that Britney Spears is completely constructed through plastic surgery. The American music industry forces music into popularity based on trivial, vain criteria instead of true talent. Music used to convey true emotions and ideas but the music industry has destroyed these truths in the music. Music used to have meaning and expression. The lyrics of pop songs simply convey the empty emotion. Bottum writes, The problem begins with the general failure of lyrics, the incapacity of sung words to introduce and maintain in music the ideas the music itself lacks (Bottum). The producers are more concerned with how the words flow with the music instead of the actual content of the lyrics. The music industry creates a certain sound from the music but the content is not really important. American pop culture is the intended audience of this music and so the music industry feeds them the empty songs with a pretty face. If a person has ever had a song stuck in their head, odds are that they do not really know what the words mean. They merely regurgitate the hottest chorus from the newest pop song without really knowing the meanings of the words. We have destroyed the truth in our music by allowing ourselves to succumb to the music industry s ideas of pop culture and pop music itself. The music industry produces these monstrosities that we call pop artists and then forces the American people to like
  • 45. Analysis Of The Movie The Englishman s Boy The film The Englishman s boy is a screen adaptation of Guy Vanderhaeghe s book of the same name. Vanderhaeghe also wrote the screenplay for the film. The book was based on the true story of the Cypress Hills massacre in 1873. I will provide a summary of the film s most important plot points, characters and background information. The movie covers the horrors that were witnessed in Cypress Hills and shows the inhumane way Native Americans have been treated since colonization, in 1873 and through to the 1920s. The movie explains how white men were hearkened as heroes for committing these atrocities which were largely excused because society at that time viewed natives as inhuman and therefore undeserving of human rights. The filmwas set with a background in both 1873 pioneer plains and 1920s Hollywood. This method was used to show a dualism within the two eras and that negative attitudes towards Native Americans had not been corrected as they should have been but only muffled. I will compare the film and its accuracy to the actual Cypress Hills massacre and determine what dramatics were used to make a point within the direction of the movie. This film and the subsequent essay is relevant to this class because I believe that even though the crimes committed against native Americans are less obviously racist, violent and vulgar today, there is still a derogatory indifference towards them and their cries for equality. The film opens in 1873, with a young man working as a
  • 46. The Dichotomy of Honesty in Oscar Wilde s The Importance... Oscar Wilde s, The Importance of Being Earnest revolves around the dichotomy of the true definition of honesty versus the victorian definition of honesty. It is apparent that Wilde s opinion is that true honesty is expressed through being genuine to one s self as opposed to putting on a front as is important in victorian ideals. In this work, Wilde uses humor to off set the seriousness of the theme of the story. One who has studied this work can also clearly see that Wilde is using sarcasm to say things that would not have been accepted by society if they were said bluntly. For example he exemplifies in a very sarcastic manner the hypocracy that victorian society represents by the very fact that they pretend to uphold honesty above all... Show more content on ... The main character of Wilde s story, Jack Worthingcreates an elaborate deceit in which he invents a brother in the city but also reinvents his entire self. He created his fake brother to get away from the country and go live a more exciting life in the city. However, his deceitfulness leads to him being completly honest with himself, and finding a true love. Something genuine. There one would see the dichotomy in Jack, or as he s known in the city, Ernest. Algernon Moncreiff on the other hand, lied to get to the coutnry so he could find something more genuine as opposed to the false honesty of the city. Again, one sees the same dichotomy as one would see in Jack. Alge lied to get to Cecily, his true love, which again is genuine. Cecily Cardew has a dichotomous personality as well. On the outside, Cecily appears to be innotcent and very victorian like, which represents the victorian dewfinitionof honesty. However, if one dug a little deeper, they would see that Cecily is much like a female version of a dandy. She has wicked thoughts, which represent her genuine, truly honest self. Miss Prism also represents the dichotomy and somewhat relates to Cecily. In the fact that she acts in the manner a respectable victorian woman should, she is secretly (or so she thinks, though it is apparent to others) buring with passion for Rev. Chasuble. While around him she acts mannerly and as if she has no intrest in
  • 47. Cercle D Art Des Travailleurs De Plantation Congolaise CATPC the artists from the plantation is a contemporary artwork located at the Art Gallery of NSW (AGNSW) by Cercle d Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC), Baloji and Renzo Martens. It is a social comment on how today s art world deals with economic inequality by films, drawings or projects, which temporarily eliminate that inequality and than shows it off in fancy art galleries. The location of the film is Leverville in the Congo, which is a former Unilever plantation their first one. Established in 1911 Unilever they confiscated the whole area, where many natural palm trees grew, for decades palm oil faming has been violently imposed in the plantation zones by distant shareholders, the plantation workers earn some money but... Show more content on ... It than suddenly cuts to the lower half of a woman in a blood red one piece outfit with her arms by her side in one hand she is holding a rustic white statue of half a man on a mantle, which than shifts to the woman s face which than quickly zooms out to present her in the centre of the scene standing in front of leave covered wall with a heart shaped symbol in the middle which is meant to represent a bunch of cocoa, with orange smoke blowing out from behind the woman. The scene quickly changes to show a woman in a white crop top and skirt with a futuristic head set on, the white clothes represent spirituality and serenity which is juxtaposed with the concept of the futuristic head set which symbolises the ore coltan which is used in phones, computers, camera s and plasma TV s, coltan also leads to brutal wars in Africa. The scene quickly shifts to the woman in the blood red one piece licking the back of the chocolate statue, which than switches back to the woman in the white clothes sitting on a bright orange mat surrounded by cocoa nuts with light purple smoke emerging from the
  • 48. Swing Music And The Popularity Of Swing Music Swing band arrangements were in large part composed, often of simple, repeated material, or riffs, that alternated between contrapuntal lines and intense unison rhythms. Improvisation also had a featured role, and soloists would play while the rest of the band, aside from the rhythm section, dropped out or played arranged background lines. POPULARITY OF SWING MUSIC One explanation for swing music s popularity is that its driving intensity and abandon represented pleasure and freedom in a time when the country was steeped in hard times. The Great Depression caused Americans to suffer, and dancing to swing music was a way for people to forget their worries. Swing music featured a section of three or four trumpeters, three or four trombonist, five saxophonists who often doubled on clarinets, a piano, a bassist instead of a tuba player, a guitarist, and a drummer. During the 1930s, swing came to symbolize joy and ease, the weight of which was reflected in Duke Ellington s piece, It Don t Mean a Thing (If It Ain t Got That Swing). Behop Jazz 1940s Charlie Parker (1920 55) Dizzy Gillespie (1917 93) Bebop or bop is a style of jazz developed in the early to mid 1940s in the United States, which features songs characterized by a fast tempo, complex chord progressions
  • 49. The Use Of Cell Phone Use It is known that the use of cell phones, specifically handheld use such as texting, while driving decreases driver awareness and the overall safety of roads. In response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have outlawed the usage of handheld devices, and while there should be laws that definitively outlaw handheld usage, is there enough empirical evidence to outlaw hands free usage of cell phones? In other words, does handsfree usage of cell phones, via bluetooth, speakerphone, etc., distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving. The following essay will introduce arguments for both sides of this topic, one for hands free cell phone usage and the other against cell phones usage entirely. Hands free cell phone usage should not be used while driving based on evidence that shows that the use a cell phone while driving leads to more driving mistakes and overall lack of awareness (Sanbonmatsu et al., 2015). Drivers that use cell phones make more serious and minor errors, but cannot recall making these errors due to a lack of awareness. These drivers are more unaware of their inconsistent speed, placement in lanes and near accidents than those that are not using a cell phone. Additionally, these drivers are less likely to self regulate their driving efficiently like drivers not using cell phones because of this lack of awareness. This reduction in self regulation moreover leads to an increase in both minor and major errors (Sanbonmatsu et al. 2015). To determine this, Sanbonmatsu et al. (2015) gathered participants and split them into either a control /no cell phone group and an experimental/cell phone group. These participants were then tested in a driving simulator with the control group simply running through the simulator while the cell phone group called a friend or family member and had a conversation on a hands free device. The results of this experiment indicated that even though the control group did still make errors, they had more awareness of those errors than the experimental group, and made less serious errors than the experimental group. Other evidence against hands free cell phone use while driving is simply that hands
  • 50. My Family Permanent Resident Status I am going to America; I kept retrospection in my mind. My Parents and elder sister have already traveled to the United States a couple of months back. I was living with my father s cousin for the mean time and my two younger sisters were staying with my mom s friend. The news is now out in our little town, on the outskirts of Lagos. Are you going to America? That was the question most people kept asking me. I do not know was usually my reply, trying to be coy about it. In Nigeria, going to the United States is perceived as winning the lottery, which is ironic because my father won the visa lottery that guaranteed my whole family permanent resident status in the United States.The town my family and I lived in Nigeria is called Ifo. It... Show more content on ... The only downside is that everyone cannot afford to go to school. Even though there is free education for the public schools. Private schools are often better. My dad worked for the Electoral commission of Nigeria and my mom was a math teacher in a high school so they were able to send me to a really good school. Unfortunately for one of my colleagues, he had to drop out of middle school because he could not afford the tuition and he had to hawk bread so that his parents can pay the rent. He was a very brilliant student but unfortunately could not get an education. Till this day, I am sad he did not complete his education. He would always talk about how he wanted to be a doctor and I think he had the potential to be one. Who knows if he could have been the one to find a cure for cancer? There are other unfortunate students like him who cannot complete school for various reasons. The education system is good but not everyone is given a chance to learn. We also were not allowed to speak our local languages in school and the teachers referred to them as vernaculars. I have been afraid of teachers my whole life because I was conditioned to fear them. Teachers in school for any mistake I made often beat me flogged me and that fear has been instilled in me. The African culture is still there but it is gradually diminishing and most people are adopting the Western culture. Which takes me to the movie industry and music. Nigeria has the third largest movie
  • 51. Justification Of The Atomic Bomb On 6 August 1945 the Enola Gay, a B 29 bomber, dropped the first atomic bomb to be used in actual combat on Hiroshima, Japan. The aftermath of this single bomb was over 130,000 dead and wounded. The skyline of Hiroshima was almost completely leveled. This caught the Japanese completely off guard. This as well as the bombing of Nagasaki three days later led to the final and unconditional surrender of the Japanese Empire and the end to World War II. The end result of these bombings outweighed the alternative of invading the Japanese mainland instead of unleashing atomic weapons on the Japanese by a great deal. The months and years that lead up to this massive blow against the Japanese were full of heated debates and arguments on the moral implications of using an atomic weapon against a civilian target. At the time the Japanese were running rampant in the Pacific and our nation was fighting a three front war: one front in the Pacific, one front in Europe, and the final front in North Africa. This placed a great deal of strain on our wartime resources, the tactic of Island Hopping was becoming successful but the amount of manpower being needed for the other two fronts meant that the Pacific front was not able to become a top priority. The Manhattan Project had been underway since 1942 as a last resort option. The Manhattan Project was of the utmost importance and conducted with the highest levels of security possible. With the help of various European
  • 52. Aufidius And Coriolanus Throughout the article Violent st Complementarity: The Double Warriors of Coriolanus , author Maurice Hunt describes how to a certain degree Aufidius and Coriolanus in Shakespeare s play Coriolanus are not only alike through their differences, but also can be thought of as each other s alter egos. Hunt describes how both characters decided to hate one another, as the reason to define not only a superior but also powerful self. In addition, he draws attention to how Aufidius and Coriolanus unite as one without knowing so through their differences, ultimately serving as the powerful connection amongst them. It is because both characters have engraved within them the traits of their bonding that they can merge so eloquently. Whatever reasons... Show more content on ... As Hunt pointed out, Coriolanus was part of Aufidius as was Aufidius part of Coriolanus. By killing Coriolanus not only did Aufidius eliminate his greatest competitor but he also attempted to kill a part of him that he can never get rid of. In life there is always going to be another person who is smarter, kinder etc. then one s self. Sadly, it has been engraved in the human mind to be the best one can be not for self fulfillment but rather for social status and wealth. Although children are taught at a young age to share and be nice to one another; once they enter into higher education such as middle school, high school and college they are presented with society s harsh reality. The reality is that not everyone is going to share and treat others with love and respect. The reality is that people will go through dangerous extents to get to where they want to be and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. As I was reading Hunt s article I was amazed as to how as a society we are still so archaic in our ways of thinking. It is so easy to be filled with jealousy and even go as far as to sabotage another person because we feel threatened by their success. As illustrated by Coriolanus and Aufidius there is a fine line between admiration and jealousy that is so easy to step over. It is a dangerous boundary that once is crossed is really difficult to return to one s
  • 53. The Media s Influence On Body Image America is obsessed with body image. In today s world, you can t go through the day without seeing the television, advertisements, magazines, or really any type of media portraying women s bodies. Due to the immense societal pressure that women should have the perfect body to be accepted, the nonstop reminders to change what they look like, struggling with bodyimage has now become a major social phenomenon and it s time for women to challenge that narrative. Women of all ages are facing face increasing scrutinization over their body image through media influence leading to invasive surgeries, increased depression, and eating disorders. Media plays a large role in influencing body shame through the advertisements they put out and who is casted for the lead roles. From weight loss commercials promoting the newest supplement to help lose those first thirty pounds to movies filled with beautiful, skinny, white actresses diversity in body type is not a narrative promoted by the... Show more content on ... America s poor body image can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. The standards of how society views women as beautiful have changed throughout the years. Seeing constantly that only women who are a size two are considered beautiful doesn t make loving yourself easier. These issues cause depression and eating disorders among women and some extreme cases the criticism and self hatred lead to suicide. The reason often evolves from people picking on them and constantly being put down by the media. The media is mostly to blame for these false perceptions of beauty, through their advertisements and the type of women they cast for lead roles. Recently, there s been small movements of progress. More diverse women, ethnically diverse and bodily diverse, have been making waves. America must step up to the plate to challenge the media on the narrative they ve set forth for women s bodies. Ultimately, women must take back this
  • 54. Sylvia Plath is an American Writer who Writes Confessional... Sylvia Plath is an American writer, commonly known for her poetry works. Her poetry can be categorized as confessional poetry , which are poems about the poet s personal life. Her two most famous published collections of poems are The Colossus and Other Poemsand Ariel, but it was not until after Plath s death that The Bell Jarwas published. The Bell Jar is considered a more personal and semi autobiographical novel. Throughout Sylvia Plath s lifetime, she suffered mentally since she was a little girl. Her father s death when she was only eight years old estranged her from herself and others, including her own mother where she felt that she had to act as a happy and successful daughter. This is not the only time in her life where she had to put on a show. She also had to pretend to be supportive wife in front of her husband s friends due to her mental illness. Because of her depression, Plath attempted suicideat the age of 20 and failed but ten years later, she eventually died of suicide. Sylvia Plath s background and the way she lived her life influenced her to depict her inner struggles in life and to express her thoughts through her poetry. Sylvia Plath uses a lot of symbolism in her poetry as well as many other literary devices, especially in her poem Ariel . When Plath was younger, she had a horse named Ariel. Ariel in the poem is meant to symbolize Plath, the rebellious spirit that the female speaker of the poem aspires to be. It also symbolizes the transcendence