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for airlines in the Middle East
a step
Kara Grand
Welcome to the amazing world of
The perfect candidate is an adventurous, passionate person,
easily bored in a monotonous environment, willing to relocate
to the Middle East and start working in the airline industry as
a flight attendant (by far the most awesome job in the world!).
In this book we will be discussing the expat cabin crew
lifestyle, as these airlines present the most advantages for the
employees, ranging from working hours and schedule, to paid
uniform, accommodation and transport, bonuses and a
cosmopolitan lifestyle. While the advice in this book can be
used to succeed in any flight attendant interview, every airline
has different general requirements for recruiting cabin crew.
Here, you will learn about the interview process for Emirates,
Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. I am not advertising any of
the companies and no one can say that one is better than the
other. It is your decision to make who you wish to work for.
All three airlines are excellent with their employees and
customers and you will gain amazing experience working for
either one of them.
I have been working in the airline industry for 7 years, as a
cabin crew and purser. From my first flight, until the last
moment, I could not believe that at the end of each amazing
month of travel I will still get paid more than I could have
made anywhere else.
I have seen 52 countries without counting the ones where we
just arrived at the airport and departed 1 hour later.
I met the man who would become my husband on one of my
I served and talked to princesses, sheiks, rock stars, F1 drivers,
best-selling authors, a holder of Nobel Peace Prize and a blond
socialite whose name I cannot divulge. It has been the most
exciting period of my life. I embarked on a new and very
different adventure when I decided to stop flying to raise my
Before all of this, I was just like you: dreaming of maybe one
day being a cabin crew, travel and experience the world with all
that it has to offer. I struggled to understand how the
interviews work and what makes some people successful and
some unsuccessful. I was turned down by airlines and sent
back home to get more customer service experience. I was
frustrated and could not understand what were they looking
for. One day I realized what was the secret and that’s when I
got the job.
I know that so many of you are a perfect fit for this career and
lifestyle. I want to help you reach your goals, so I created the
website What started on
11-11-2011 as a small blog with a couple of articles, became an
amazing community with talented people who were all aiming
high and following their dream to work in the sky.
This is how this book came to life. It is based on real answers,
practical scenarios, exercises and what you really need to
succeed. I covered every single possible aspect so you can be
successful at the interview from your first try.
I’ve put my heart and soul into this book and I hope you enjoy
I love hearing from my readers, whether it is to hear your
success stories or answer your questions.
You can always contact me at
See you soon ‘up there’,
% % % % % % % % % % -Kara
How to use this book
This book is designed as a handbook. You will probably not
read it all in one time, but rather go to the chapters that are of
interest to you at a certain time. Read the Assessment Day
chapter before your big day or go through the 101 Questions
and Answers before your Final Interview.
There are links throughout the book to get you to the next
step, regardless which airline you apply for. At the end of each
chapter you can go back to the Table of CONTENTS.
Chapter 1 describes the life of a flight attendant, as well as the
companies. At the end of the chapter is the very popular topic
‘Your worries and questions answered’ that clarifies aspects such
as tattoos, minimum and maximum age, marital status or
swimming skills.
Chapter 2 will get you deep into the interview process. You will
learn how to create your CV, how your application photos
should look like, how to create an online application for each
airline, what is an Open Day or an Assessment Day, and how
should you prepare for them, what you should know about the
group exercise (including 3 examples of exercises and how
should you approach them), English tests ( 3 examples), math
test, personality profile test and the final interview. Here you
will also learn how to be confident during the interview and
how long you have to wait to get an answer. The chapter ends
with the paperwork you need to prepare to join the airline.
In Chapter 3 we will discuss what comes after the interview,
how to handle the relocation, what to pack and what to expect
once you get there. Also, you will know what kind of
information you will learn during your training.
Print out chapters like ‘101 Questions and Answers for the Final
Interview’ or ‘100 Missing Words English Test’. It will help you
see the exercises better and write down your own answers. Or
you can print it all and take it with you when you go for the
interview. Let’s not waste any more time. Shall we start?
Copyright and Internet Resources Notice
This book is copyrighted with all rights reserved. It is illegal to
copy, distribute or create derivative works from this book in
whole or in part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution
or creating of derivatives from this book. No part of this book
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-
copying, recording or otherwise, without express written
permission of the author.
I expect you to abide by these rules. I actively and regularly
search the Internet for people who violate my copyrights.
When you purchased the book, you agreed that the
information contained in this book is an expression of
opinion . You are responsible for your own behavior, and none
of this book is considered legal, medical or personal advice.
Throughout the book you will find links to Internet resources.
When this book was released for publication, I made sure that
all the links are accurate and point to resources available on
the Internet and all the information was up to date.
Sometimes these resources change, so you may not be able to
reach the webpage I intended you to see. Let me know if that
I will provide updated and corrected links and information in
posts or pages at
Welcome to the amazing world of
Chapter 1 - What are you getting
1.1 The life of a flight attendant
1.2 Your prospect employer
1.2.1 Emirates Airlines
1.2.2 Etihad Airways
1.2.3 Qatar Airways
1.3 Who is hiring
1.4 Your worries and questions answered
Chapter 2 - Let's get you the job
2.1 Before the assessment
2.1.1 Creating your CV
2.1.2 Application photos Passport photo Full length photo
2.1.3 Online application Emirates Airlines Etihad Airways Qatar Airways
2.2 The assessment
2.2.1 How to dress for your assessment day
2.2.2 How to be confident during the assessment
2.2.3 Documents
2.2.4 Open Day
2.2.5 CV Submission Day
2.2.6 Assessment Day Introduction Reach test The group exercise Exercise 1 - Prioritization Exercise 2 - Customer service Exercise 3 - Team-building English test 100 Missing Words Test Reading and Understanding Test Essay writing Math test Personality profile test Raven test (IQ test)
2.2.7. Final Interview Confidence during the interview Final Interview 101 Question and Answers
2.3 After the assessment
2.3.1 Golden Call and Successful Candidate Email
2.3.2 Document submission
2.3.3 Date of Joining (DOJ)
2.3.4 Documents to prepare for your departure
Chapter 3 - Off you go!
3.1 Family and friends
3.2 What to pack
3.3 New place called home
3.4 The training
See you up there!
Chapter 1 - What are you getting
1.1 The life of a flight attendant
I will present to you a list of the greatest aspects of being a
flight attendant, as well as the less glamorous parts of the job.
You must make an informed decision when choosing this
Being a flight attendant has enormous benefits, especially
when you are young and adventurous.
1. See the world at no cost to you
The airlines have impressive route maps. Whatever
destination farther than 4 hours flight away implies that the
crew will have a layover in that city. Depending on the flight
frequency, your length of stay could be anything from 24 hours
to 100 hours. All expenses paid and you can browse the city, do
some sightseeing, see concerts, explore restaurants, and
whatever else you can think of.
2. Meet awesome people
Many expat airlines pride themselves with the number of
nationalities they employ. My airline had more than 120
nationalities. You will meet people from countries you never
knew existed (Faroe Islands anyone?) to countries that seem so
far and exotic, such as Japan, Nicaragua, Luxembourg,
Paraguay, Azerbaijan or Eritrea.
Not only your colleagues, but also your passengers are from all
over the world, and everybody has a unique story to tell. All
you have to do is listen and wow your heart!
3. Broaden your mind and experiences
One of my colleagues had a small book in which she was
writing the same 5 phrases in all the languages that people she
met were speaking. She was building quite a collection!
I met a girl from Finland who started studying Arabic and in 1
year she was able to have conversations with native speakers.
Another amazing woman was going to Nepal every time she
had some days off. She was collecting and bringing supplies to
local schools and spending some time with children who are so
poor they have never even seen a TV.
My friend Nadine went to Traditional Massage School in
Thailand and got herself a diploma on how to be a real Thai
massage therapist.
You go, you see, your mind and heart grow. This job gives you
continuous opportunities to find passions and hobbies that
you will never be able to pursue at home with a 9-5 job and 2
weeks of vacation per year.
4. Loads of free time
Every month you will get 8 to 12 days off. Having all that time
and all the possibility and quietness, I managed to finish my
university studies while I was flying. You will finally find the
time to pursue other dreams, education or passions.
5. Flexible ever-changing team and environment
If you work with Maxine who is not the nicest person or the
most helpful colleague, that is ok. You will not see her the next
day at work, or next week or even next month! Hey, if all stars
align, you might never have to see Maxine again.
Also, no two flights are the same. If today you serve croissants
and coffee, tomorrow you will serve steak. Today your flight is
2 hours, tomorrow it might be 8 hours. Monday you sleep at
home, and Tuesday in a hotel in Brussels. No two days are
alike. If you don't like monotony, this will be a fantastic
This was one of the biggest revelations for me. I loved it!
6. Your accommodation, transportation and uniform
will be taken care of
Most expat airlines offer their crew accommodation in the
newest and most modern buildings in the city. You will have to
share a two or three bedroom apartment with a flat mate. The
airline will keep in mind either your request to move in with a
training colleague (we refer to them as batch mates) or based
on your preferences (smoking/non smoking, vegetarian/meat
eaters, same nationality, same religion, etc). This is great,
especially at the beginning when you do not know many
people, there will be somebody to come home to, talk and eat
Transportation to and from the airport is provided in the
company buses. You will be picked up from your
accommodation building and dropped off at the airport. Door
to door service.
A full set of uniform - couple of jackets, a week supply of
blouses, skirts and pants, scarves, cardigans, suitcases and
handbags, as well as shoes and sometimes even pantyhose is
provided for you at the beginning of service. There will be
yearly replacements of items such as shoes and clothing.
7. People will be admiringly staring at you and your
colleagues when walking through airports
The uniform and the airport is for a flight attendant what a
bikini and the runway is for a swimsuit model. People will go
out of your way, take pictures of you, hold their children up so
they can see the ‘pretty ladies’, whistle and wave. It is an
amazing feeling. You will feel proud, important and admired.
8. Staff travel
Every airline offers its employees the opportunity to buy
tickets at 90% discount (plus airport taxes). They are called
ID90, and while you will only be accepted for travel if there
are available seats (and most of the time there will be a vacant
seat), it is the cheapest way to see the world. You can use them
to fly with your airline or with partner airlines. And because
you might have 4 or 5 days off in a row, why not visit the
pyramids in Cairo, ancient city of Petra or beautiful Athens in
these days?
9. Discounts everywhere
Every year my airline provided us with a thick book of
coupons. They were discount cards for various shops and
services. This was awesome! They range from sun glasses to
make-up, coffee shops and even laser treatments or teeth
whitening. I even got 10% off the price of my car when I
flashed my crew badge.
There is always the reverse of the coin. This is an honest
analysis of the hard times and what you should expect in
between the glamour and jet-setting.
1. Away from home and family
While we all strive for independence and finally leave the
bedroom that still has traces of your babyhood, there will be
times when what you miss most will be your mother's cooking
or the non-ending chats with your friends. Most of the times
you will make friends with your colleagues who are in the same
training program as you. You will most likely find people from
your country and be able to speak your native language and
bond. But you will miss your home for a while. This normally
happens until the first time you go back, time when you start
referring to your new base as 'home'.
Also, by keeping in touch with your family and friends via
emails, Skype or Facebook, you will still find meaningful time
2. Flexible ever-changing team and environment
While this is also an advantage, it definitely has its
disadvantages. When you meet and work with people that you
like and get along with very well, you will want to continue
seeing them at work every time you go. That is of course not
possible. See the people you like outside work and maybe you
will not gain a colleague, but you will get a friend.
3. Health
Flying puts quite a lot of stress on your body. You will need to
pay extra attention to how you take care of yourself, from your
skin, hydration, weight management (those yummy
casseroles!), blood circulation and flu&cold prevention. You
will quickly learn the secrets of staying in top notch shape and
be at your best physical condition.
4. Relationships
Some of your friends might understand that you cannot attend
their weekend party or birthday gathering because you have a
night flight. Your partner might be open to the fact that you
are gone 10 days at a time. At a certain point however, this will
start weighing on you. You will want to be present, don't miss
out important events and spend more time with your friends.
This is perfectly normal and you should always do your best to
make up for what you were missing by buying a coffee or a
drink for your friend whose birthday you missed and spend the
most time you can with your loved one.
5. Holidays
This is a difficult one. Flights do not get cancelled on
Christmas Eve, New Year's Day, Chinese New Year, Eid or
Diwali. As hard as it sounds right now, you will sometimes
have to go to work on December 31 at 10PM to operate that
flight to Hong Kong. Your friends will be ready for party, your
boyfriend or girlfriend will be crying because the only thing to
kiss at midnight will be just a picture of you, but there is
nothing you can do about it. In the aircraft you will wish
people Happy New Year, at midnight local time over
whichever country you fly over, the pilots will make a public
announcement wishing everybody a Happy New Year and you
will cheer in the galley with your colleagues over a glass of
Ginger Ale, not because you particularly like the taste, but
because it has the same color as champagne.
From all the pitfalls of this amazing job, this is by far the most
difficult to bear with.
Now that you learned the good, the bad and the ugly, you need
to know that there are 7 conditions you must meet as
prerequisites before starting your application:
1. You need to be fluent in English - speak, read and write.
2. You have graduated from high school (or hold a GED).
3. You are at least 21 years old.
4. You have a vertical arm reach of 212cm (or 210cm for
Etihad Airways) - on your tip toes.
5. You have no visible tattoos while wearing the cabin crew
uniform - short sleeve shirts, knee-length skirts.
6. You are physically fit to meet the cabin crew
7. You are able to deliver excellent customer service.
If you decide this is a lifestyle for you, then let's talk about the
1.2 Your prospect employer
Not all airlines are created equal. You will want to know not
only who is hiring, but also what is the size of their fleet and
human resources, prospects, plans for expansion and hiring,
management style, route map and the name of the CEO.
These issues will give you a better idea of what you might
experience once you are in - not to mention that these topics
might come up in your final interview. Companies want to
know if you were interested enough in them to research at
least the basics of the airline. You will find a short history of
each airline in the pages that follow.
Middle East
There are a couple of big players on the middle-eastern market
right now, all of them looking to expand their cabin crew
numbers. They are the only ones for the true expat crew
lifestyle. Once hired, they will be taking care of all the
paperwork details, such as obtaining a residence visa and work
permit, your flight attendant licenses and tests.
The only language requirement is English, any other language
on top of that is considered an advantage.
These airlines create the highest standards of service and in-
flight experience for their passengers and they set the bar
quite high for the rest of the airlines in the world.
The average age of flight attendant is quite low, so if you are
ambitious and stick around, there are high chances of
There is no government pension plan or maternity leave,
however your income is tax free. Be smart and plan ahead for
your future.
Airlines in Europe require that your have the right to live and
work in the European Union, as well as fluency in the language
of the airline, English and an advantage for speaking any other
EU language.
You will not be offered accommodation and transport as you
are expected to already reside in that country, have a home and
a car.
Obtaining a cabin crew license is sometimes your
responsibility and in some countries is a prerequisite before
applying for the job.
Being a flight attendant in Europe has enormous benefits,
from maternity leave,early retirement and good pay.
United States
Airlines in United States require that your have the right to
live and work in the US.
Fluency in English and sometimes Spanish is required.
Considering the fragile economy, most american airlines cut
down massively in their staff and in-flight service. On
domestic routes the passengers may only get a drink and pay
for an alcoholic beverage or snack. On most airlines, the
passengers need to pay for everything from headsets to the in-
flight entertainment system.
You will be expected to not only care for the passenger's safety,
but also be a good sales person, make inventories of products
and manage the on-board petty cash transactions. The average
flight attendant age is quite high, so you need to wait longer to
get promoted. A newbie usually starts flying domestic routes
with possibilities of promotion to international flight
attendant once you gain some experience.
While the residence visa and flying license might be taken care
of by the airline, you will be expected to speak the language of
the airline, English and other asian languages.
There are some competitive airlines in Asia such as Singapore
Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Asiana or Hainan Airways.
The average age of the flight attendants is quite low, with
some airlines hiring crew as young as 18 years old.
In this book we will focus on the top 3 big players in the
Middle East: Emirates Airlines (Dubai), Etihad Airways (Abu
Dhabi) and Qatar Airways (Doha)
1.2.1 Emirates Airlines
Based in Dubai, Emirates was founded in 1985 when Dubai
was just a small city in the desert. Dubai Airport was mostly
used by big airlines for a pit stop on their way to and from Asia
and Australia. The airline was founded with backing from
Dubai's Royal Family, whose Dubai Royal Air Wing provided
the airline's two first aircraft. The start-up capital was $10
million, but apart from that, Emirates was required to operate
First flight was EK600 Dubai-Karachi, on 25 October 1985.
The airline became profitable within its first nine months and
continued growing ever since.
By the 1994, Emirates was one of the fastest growing airlines
with 15 aircraft connecting 32 destinations.
As of 2013, Emirates has a fleet of 213 aircraft connecting 161
destinations (both passenger and cargo).
Emirates currently competes with British Airways, Cathay
Pacific, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, Thai
Airways International, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, and
others on the lucrative London-Sydney Kangaroo Route.
Chairman and CEO
His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum
• Emirates introduced an in-flight mobile phone service in
2008, becoming the first international carrier to do so.
• In the same year, Emirates took delivery of their first Airbus
380, and flew its first flight to New York.
• Emirates has diversified into related industries and sectors,
including airport services, engineering, hospitality services,
catering, and tour operator. Emirates has seven subsidiaries
and its parent company has more than 50.
• 127 languages are spoken by Emirates employees.
• Emirates has more ultra long-haul flights than any other
carrier in the world.
• Current slogan: Fly Emirates. Hello tomorrow.
• Previous slogans: Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering, Fly
Emirates to over 100 destinations, Fly Emirates in 6
• The airline is the seventh-largest airline in the world in terms
of international passengers carried, and the largest in the
world in terms of scheduled international passenger-
kilometers flown.
Total number of employees - 33634, out of which
Cabin Crew - 13277
Flight Deck Crew - 2845
* as of 2012
Weekly flights - 3000
Number of destinations - 159 (70 countries on 6 continents)
* as of 2013. New destinations are added each year
Airbus 330 - 25
Airbus 340 - 16
Airbus 380 - 27
Boeing 777 - 110
Total number of aircraft - 178 plus 384 on order
* as of 2013
Emirates features and amenities
Emirates offers First, Business and Economy Class cabins,
award winning ICE In-Flight Entertainment System, Emirates
Sky Lounges, chauffeur transfer at some of the airports, a wide
choice of check-in options as well as a Skywards, Emirates
popular frequent-flyer program. Below you will find a detail
description of each of these features.
Emirates First Class
There are 3 types of first class seating: the full suite with
doors, flat bed 'Skycruiser' seat (without doors) and 'Sleeper'
The full suite has closing doors to ensure privacy, a mini-bar, a
coat rack and storage. They also feature the ICE system on a
58 cm (23 in) LCD screen. The seat converts into a 2 m (6 ft 7
in) fully flat bed.
On its new Airbus 380-800, first class features private suites,
two shower-equipped lavatories, a spa and access to the first
and business class bar area and lounge. First and business class
cabins are located on the entire upper deck of Airbus 380-800
Emirates Business Class
The business class seat reclines to a fully flat bed and features
massage function, privacy partition, winged headrest with six-
way movement, two individual reading lights and an overhead
light, in-seat power supply, USB Ports and an RCA socket for
laptop connection, over 600 channels of entertainment on
ICE, shown on a 43 cm (17 in) wide TV screen.
On Airbus 380-800 aircrafts, business class passengers also
have access to an on-board bar at the rear of the aircraft. The
guests can also customize and save seat and in-flight
entertainment settings to a memory key for re-use on future
Emirates Economy Class
The seat has a 79–81 cm pitch (31–32 in), adjustable headrests
and a personal TV screen for the ICE in-flight entertainment.
There are also in-seat laptop power-outlets on newer aircraft
and laptop recharging facilities in galleys in older aircraft.
Emirates First Class and Business Class dining feature a wide
range of dishes available on demand throughout the flight. The
dishes are presented on Royal Doulton fine bone china with
exclusive Robert Welch cutlery, alongside fine wines.
High Tea and hors d’oeuvres are served in the Onboard
The passengers can enjoy multiple courses and complimentary
champagne and vintage wines, along with other cocktails and
In Economy Class, passengers can enjoy a number of
regionally inspired dishes with locally sourced ingredients, like
Lamb Brochette with Arabic Spices or Grilled Chicken Breast
with Caramelized Plums.
A complete range of complimentary drinks are served,
including wines and cocktails. Champagne can also be bought
In-flight entertainment system ICE
ICE won the best in-flight entertainment from Skytrax every
year since it was introduced in 2003. It offers between 600 and
1200 programs of music, movies and video games to all
passengers. ICE contains a link to an in-flight email server
which allows passengers to access, send or receive emails for
US $1 per message. ICE also contains a seat-to-seat chat
In November 2006 the airline signed a deal with mobile
communications firm AeroMobile to allow in-flight use of
mobile phones to call or text people on the ground.
Frequent-flyer program
Emirates has over 5.72 million customers using their Skywards
frequent-flyer program.
The four primary tiers are:
• Blue
• Silver which requires 25,000 tier miles for entry
• Gold, which requires 50,000 tier miles for entry
• Platinum, which requires 150,000 tier miles for entry
Departure services
Passengers may check-in between 2 to 48 hours prior to flight
departure. This may be done over the counter or at the lounge
within the airport. Self-service kiosks are available at Dubai
International Airport and certain stations of the Dubai Metro.
Alternatively, the check-in can be made through the Internet
or by SMS. Online printing of boarding passes is available
through Internet check-in.
First and business class passengers, as well as Skywards Gold
and Silver members, have access to Emirates Lounges. The
airline has 32 lounges in 28 cities. Skywards Silver members can
use the lounge in Concourse 1 at Dubai Airport. At airports in
which Emirates does not operate a departure lounge, a third
party departure lounge is usually provided for First and
Business class passengers as well as Skywards Gold members.
First and business class passengers can make use of
complimentary chauffeur-driven airport transfers in selected
Cabin Crew Life
Dubai is one of the most exciting cities in the world. It is
home to Burj Khalifa - the tallest building in the world, Palm
Islands - the man made palm tree shaped islands hosting
Atlantis Hotel and Aquaventure Water Park, Ski Dubai - the
indoor ski slope that allows you to be in the snow right after
tanning on the beach and so many other amazing attractions.
Living in Dubai is an adventure and a continuous discovery of
what the city has to offer - restaurants serving any kind of food
you can think of, night life, desert safaris, concerts and events.
You will be offered accommodation in one of the city's newest
and most modern buildings with facilities such as internet
room, gym and crew lounge. You will be sharing a two or three
bedroom apartment with colleagues of the same gender.
Accommodation will be assigned based on your preferences
for a house-mate (smoking or non-smoking, vegetarian or not,
same country, etc). You will have your own bedroom and
bathroom and you will be sharing the common area such as
the living room and kitchen.
All your utilities are paid by the company.
An Emirates-branded bus will come to pick you up from your
accommodation about one hour before your duty starts. This
may be a flight, training or airport reserve duty. During the bus
ride you can do some reading or catch up with your colleagues.
The same service will be available when you return from the
The basic salary for a new entry cabin crew is US$1094 paid in
the local currency (AED4020). Once you start flying you will
be paid US$14.97 (AED55) for each flying hour. Every month
you will average between 50-75 flying hours.
On top of your salary and flying hours, you will be paid a meal
allowance for the time you spend away from base (during your
layovers). The meal allowance is calculated per hour spent at
your layover destination and paid in the local currency. That is
your pocket money for the time you are away.
You will have between 8-12 days off every month. On the
25-28th of the month, the next month’s schedule will be
published. One seven months you will be assigned a reserve
month, meaning that you will not have any schedule flights,
but be on-call for the flights which don’t have the required
cabin crew. You will be called in advance to operate a flight.
Annual Leave
You are entitled to 30 days annual leave. You will be given one
free ticket per year to travel back to your country.
Travel concession
You will have unlimited discount tickets (ID 90 or ID 50) for
yourself, your parents, spouse and children on Emirates routes
or on partner airlines. You will also have a limited number of
tickets for your non-family contacts, to be used only on
Emirates flights.
A new Emirates uniform was launched in 2008, in-line with
the delivery of Emirates’ first Airbus 380 aircraft.
The ladies uniform is beige in color and it includes the
Emirates red hat with veil, red kick-pleats in the skirts, fitted
blouses, red leather shoes and handbags.
The male flight attendants wear a chocolate brown suit,
featuring pinstripes, with a cream shirt and a caramel, honey
and red tie.
For the on-board uniform, male and female cabin crew wear
service waistcoats.
Both male and female Pursers wear chocolate brown color
The uniform will be dry-cleaned free of charge and
replacement items will be given yearly.
Career perspective
You will start-up as Cabin Crew Economy Class and have a
line of promotion as Cabin Crew Business Class, Cabin Crew
First Class, Cabin Senior Economy Class, Cabin Senior
Business and First Class and Purser.
12-24 months of experience is required to apply to next level
Company values
The primary focus for Emirates and its employees is to deliver
superior customer service. In turn, Emirates provides its
employees with benefits such as comprehensive health plans
and paid maternity* and sick leave. Another strategy employed
by Emirates is to use profit sharing and merit pay as part of
their competency based approach to performance
* Emirates is the only middle-eastern airline to offer its cabin crew employees maternity leave.
1.2.2 Etihad Airways
Based in Abu Dhabi and founded in 2003 by royal decree,
Etihad Airways became the National Airline of the United
Arab Emirates. First flight was Abu Dhabi-Beirut in
November 2003.
By June 2006 the airline managed to add 30 destinations in an
amazingly short period of 30 months.
In 2008, Etihad announced the largest aircraft order in history
(at that time) at the Farnborough International Air Show,
ordering 205 aircraft.
As of 2013, Etihad had 82 aircraft and flew to 96 destinations
all over the world.
Mr. James Hogan
• Etihad is the fastest growing airline in the history of
commercial aviation.
• Etihad means ‘United’ in Arabic.
• 120 nationalities are currently employed by Etihad.
• All passengers on Etihad flights are referred to as ‘guests’.
• In June 2004 Etihad launched the first direct flights from the
United Arab Emirates to Toronto, Brussels and Geneva.
• The airline gained global exposure with the start of F1 Abu
Dhabi Grand Prix in 2009 where they became main
sponsors. Also you can find the Etihad logo on the shirts of
Manchester City Football Club.
• In 2012, Etihad won for the fourth consecutive year ‘World’s
Leading Airline’ at the World Travel Awards.
• Current slogan: From Abu Dhabi to the World
• Previous slogan: Change the way you see the world
Total number of employees - 8000, out of which
Cabin Crew - 3000
Flight Deck Crew - 900
* as of 2012
Weekly flights - more than 1000
Number of destinations - 96
* as of 2013. New destinations are added each year.
Airbus 319/320 - 26
Airbus 330 - 27
Airbus 340 - 11
Boeing 777 - 18
Total number of aircraft - 82
* as of 2013
Etihad features and amenities
Etihad offers its guests 3 classes of travel - Diamond First
Class, Pearl Business Class and Coral Economy Class, E-Box
in-flight entertainment system at every seat, Etihad Guest -
the award winning frequent-flyer program, Etihad Lounges
and chauffeur-drive at selected destinations.
Diamond First Class
In August 2009, Etihad introduced its new First Class Suite,
featuring Poltrona Frau leather seat that converts to a fully flat
bed, a large wood-finished table, Arabic-styled sliding doors
that offer complete privacy, a 58 cm (23 in) personal
entertainment screen, a personal wardrobe with mirror,
personal minibar, and four individual lighting options with
dimmers, in-seat power points and USBs.
First Class cabin also includes a changing room.
Pearl Business Class
Etihad’s Pearl Business Class offers a seat that converts to a
fully flat bed and features leather headrests, armrests and
ottomans upholstered by Poltrona Frau, massage functions,
ambient lighting with dimmer settings, in-seat storage space
and Panasonic eX2 inflight entertainment system on a 39cm
(15.4 in) personal screen.
Coral Economy Class
The Coral Economy seats are ergonomically designed ,with a
81cm (32 in) pitch, footrest and a deep recline. Each seat is also
equipped with a handheld controller, USB port and power
sockets underneath the 26cm (10.4 in) personal entertainment
touch-screen. The seat features a coat hook and a cup holder.
Etihad has introduced ‘Inspired Service’ in all three classes of
In Diamond First and Pearl Business Class, guests may dine
when they like, choosing from an à la carte menu or ‘Kitchen
Anytime’ menu.
Food and Beverage Managers are available to help guests find
the menu choices.
In November 2011, Etihad also introduced qualified Chefs in
its Diamond First Class cabins.
Each in-flight menu is tailored to the route, typically including
at least one dish inspired by the destination, one ‘Taste of
Arabia’ dish and one Western option. Guests can indulge in a
selection of complimentary drinks, including a boutique list of
wines from around the world.
The Inspired Service in Coral Economy Class includes three
main course choices, hot desserts on selected flights and a hot
and cold café service with a wide range of hot beverages from
cappuccino to green tea.
In-flight entertainment system E-Box
Etihad flights are fitted with on-demand entertainment
system. Over 600 hours of movies, TV shows, music and
interactive games, including a kids only channel are available
on all flights.
Power points located at every seat allow recharging laptops or
mobile phones and connect personal devices to the system.
WIFI and mobile telephony services are available on selected
Frequent-flyer program
Etihad Guest is an award-winning loyalty program with over
1.3 million members.
The four tiers are:
• Etihad Guest
• Etihad Guest Silver which requires 25,000 tier miles for entry
• Etihad Guest Gold which requires 50,000 tier miles for entry
• Etihad Guest Gold Elite which requires 125,000 tier miles for
Departure services
Guests may check-in online between 2 to 24 hours before
Check-in can also be done in the Etihad downtown Dubai
terminal between 5 to 24 hours before a flight, checking-in the
baggage and traveling to Abu Dhabi airport via luxury coaches.
Check-in in Abu Dhabi city is available either at the
downtown City Check-in or at ADNEC.
For airport check-in, Etihad provides porter and concierge
facilities and a separate check-in desk for First Class and
Business Class guests, as well as Etihad Guest Gold
cardholders. For Economy Class passengers, Etihad offers
dedicated check-in areas for families and self-service kiosks.
Etihad’s First and Business Class guests receive access to
lounges across all destinations.
In Abu Dhabi, the airline’s First Class lounge offers a Six
Senses spa, cigar lounge, champagne bar and à la carte fine
The Business Class lounge features a Six Senses spa,
international buffet cuisine, business and entertainment
In both lounges, prayer rooms are available and children can
be kept entertained by nannies in a family room.
Etihad operates its own lounges in Frankfurt, London,
Manchester and Dublin. At all the other destinations, a third
party departure lounge is provided.
Etihad Chauffeur is a premium limousine service offered for
the Diamond First Class and Pearl Business Class guests. It is
available at 28 Etihad destinations in 16 countries.
Etihad’s Coral Economy Class guests can use the luxury coach
transportation between Abu Dhabi International Airport and
Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, Dubai Marina or Al Ain.
Cabin Crew Life
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi is a modern, growing city. You can visit the
spectacular Emirates Palace - one of the most fascinating and
luxurious hotels in the world, take a stroll on the Corniche and
admire the tallest flag in the UAE, visit Sheikh Zayed Mosque,
a gorgeous architectural display, enjoy a fast ride in the Ferrari
World theme park or visit the F1 circuit at Yas Marina. You
will find souks (traditional Arabic markets), malls, shopping,
restaurants and entertainment options all over the city.
You will be offered accommodation in one of the city's newest
and most modern buildings or in the Etihad employees
compound with facilities such as internet room, gym, pool and
You will be sharing an 2 or 3-bedroom apartment with
colleagues of the same gender. The airline will consider your
preferences for a flat-mate and arrange your accommodation
You will have your own bedroom and bathroom and a shared
common area (living room and kitchen).
Water, electricity and landline telephone bills are paid for by
the company.
You will be picked-up from your building about one hour
before your duty starts and dropped off at the airport crew
center. The same is available when returning from flights.
You will start with a basic salary of US$685 paid in the local
currency (AED 2500). During the initial training you will be
paid the basic salary and a meal allowance of US$685 (AED
Once you start flying, you will get a basic salary of US$959
(AED 3500) and a duty pay of US$11.5 (AED 42) per hour. This
is either flight duty or ground duty and you will average
between 70 to 100 duty hours per month.
For your layover destinations, you will be paid a layover meal
allowance calculated per hour spent away from base and
different depending on the country where your layover is. This
will all be paid at the end of the month together with the rest
of your salary in the local AED currency.
You will have between 8-12 days off every month. You will
know your schedule in advance, on the 25-28th of the month
for the next month. You will be assigned flights, training (if
necessary) and reserve duties, either home standby or airport
Annual Leave
You are entitled to 30 days annual leave which you can take
either in full or in 10 day blocks. You will be given one free
ticket per year to travel back to your country.
Travel concession
You will have unlimited discount tickets (ID 90 or ID 50) for
yourself, your parents, spouse and children on Etihad Airways
routes or partner airlines. You will also have a limited number
of tickets for your non-family contacts, to be used only on
Etihad Airways flights.
The cabin crew uniform consists of a grey jacket, dark grey
skirt and a dark grey hat with a white veil. The male cabin
crew wear a dark grey suit with a white shirt and a white/grey/
red tie.
The in-flight uniform consists of grey aprons and a red scarf
for the ladies and a dark grey waistcoat for the gentlemen.
Female cabin managers wear a light grey suit with tailored
jackets, light grey hat and a white/grey/red scarf with red
gloves and red shoes.
Male cabin managers wear a light grey suit with a red tie.
The uniform will be dry-cleaned free of charge and
replacement items will be given to you yearly.
Career perspective
You will start as Cabin Crew Economy Class and have a line of
promotion as Cabin Crew Business and First Class, Cabin
Senior and Cabin Manager. If you have experience in the Food
and Beverage or Hospitality industries, you may apply for the
Food and Beverage Manager or In-flight Chef positions.
You are required to have 12-24 months of experience to apply
for the next position.
Company values
Etihad seeks to reflect the best of Arabian hospitality -
cultured, considerate, warm and generous service by
employing the best candidates to be ambassadors of these
values. The in-flight division consists of Cabin Crew and
Cabin Managers, In-flight Food and Beverage Managers and
In-flight Chefs. Etihad employees are well taken care of, being
offered the newest, most modern accommodation available in
Abu Dhabi. The company's Medical Clinic caters only for the
employees and the Training Academy has a wide curriculum of
courses that cabin crew can attend in their days off.
1.2.3 Qatar Airways
Based in Doha, Qatar Airways was established on November
22, 1993 and is the national airline of the State of Qatar. The
airline started its operations on January 20, 1994 using a wet-
leased Boeing 767 from Kuwait Airways. It was originally
owned by private members of the royal family of Qatar.
However, it was re-launched in 1997 under a new management
team. Currently, the Government of Qatar holds 50% stake of
Qatar Airways and the rest is held by private investors.
June 27, 2007 marks the first Qatar Airways' flight to New
York and on December 1, 2009 the first Australian to
Over the years, Qatar Airways has grown into one of the most
competitive airlines in the world.
Qatar Airways is expanding at a very fast pace.
Mr. Akbar Al Baker 
• Qatar Airways is the only Middle-Eastern airline that won
the Skytrax rating of 5* Airline.
• It is one of the few airlines to fly to all six permanently
inhabited continents. The other carriers are Air France,
British Airways, Delta, Emirates, Etihad, Korean Air,
Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, South African
and United.
• Qatar Airways won ‘Airline of the year’ for the second year
running at 2012 Skytrax Awards.
• Qatar Airways has introduced a whole new business class
cabin in 2011.
• In 2013, Qatar Airways became FC Barcelona’s primary shirt
• Also in 2013, a Qatar Airways mobile application offering
convenience for the passengers was launched.
• 120 nationalities work for Qatar Airways.
• Premium Terminal, the world’s first dedicated terminal for
First and Business Class passengers opened at Doha
International Airport in 2006. It features a spa, jacuzzi, fine
dining, meeting rooms and duty-free shops.
• Current slogan: World's Five-Star Airline
• Previous slogan: Taking you more personally
Total number of employees - 19000
* as of 2012
Number of destinations - 133
* as of 2013. New destinations are added each year.
Airbus 319/320/321 - 45
Airbus 330 - 29
Airbus 340 - 4
Boeing 777 - 37
Boeing 787 - 9
Total number of aircraft - 124
* as of 2013
Qatar Airways features and amenities
Qatar Airways offers First, Business and Economy Class
cabins, Oryx in-flight entertainment system, Privilege Club
frequent-flyer program and a Premium Terminal at Doha
International Airport.
First Class
Qatar Airways First Class seat converts into a 198cm (6.5ft)
bed equipped with massage functions. A feathered duvet is
The First Class passengers will be chauffeured to the aircraft
for boarding in a BMW 7-Series.
Business Class
Business Class cabin features 180 degree flat bed seats, foot
rest with 8 in-seat massage settings, in-seat power supply and
touch-screen inflight entertainment on 39 cm (15.4in)
Economy Class
The Economy Class seat features a pitch of 86cm (34 in) and
an in-flight entertainment screen at each seat on selected
First Class offers a ten-course menu including caviar, lobster,
Arabic Mezzas and fine chocolates and a fine selection of
wines and champagnes.
Business Class service can be a la carte or dine-on-demand.
Made from fresh ingredients and designed by award-winning
chefs, the menu is described as exquisite and eclectic.
Economy Class offers generous and delicious meals made from
fresh ingredients.
In-flight entertainment system Oryx
Oryx Entertainment system is available at every seat for the
wide-body aircraft fleet and it features over 770 audio and
video options.
The OnAir service is gradually introduced on the Airbus A320
fleet. Passengers are able to use their mobile phone during the
flight for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages, e-
mail or browse the internet.
Frequent flyer
Qatar Airways popular Privilege Club program has four tiers:
• Privilege Club
• Burgundy which requires 50 Qpoints for entry
• Silver which requires 150 Qpoints for entry
• Gold which requires 300 Qpoints for entry
Depending on flight duration and class of travel, the
passengers will be awarded a certain number of Qpoints.
Qatar Airways has been invited to join OneWorld Alliance
with the joining date being set for August 2013.
Departure services
Online check-in is available between 36 hours and 90 minutes
prior to the flight departure. Passenger may choose their
preferred seat and print their boarding cards.
Alternatively, check-in can be done at Doha International
First and Business Class passengers can check-in at the
dedicated Premium Terminal where a concierge is available to
assist the passengers.
Premium Terminal
The Premium Terminal at Doha International Airport is a
unique concept available for First and Business Class
passengers flying with Qatar Airways from Doha.
The terminal features concierge meet and greet, seated check-
in areas, self-service kiosks for passengers without checked
baggage and dedicated First and Business Class Lounges.
The First Class Lounge hosts a fine-dining area, spa, jacuzzi
and sauna, massage treatment rooms, showers and privacy
rooms where passengers can rest before their flights.
Other amenities available for both First and Business Class
passengers are conference and meeting rooms, business center,
game room, children play area and nursery, dedicated boarding
gates and duty-free shopping.
Qatar Airways offers its own Premium Lounge in London
Heathrow. At all the other destinations in Qatar Airways
network, First and Business Class guests, as well as Privilege
Club Gold and Silver members will be provided with access to
a third-party business lounge.
Cabin Crew Life
The Corniche is a central point in Doha. You can take a stroll
along the coast and admire the ever developing skyline of the
Visit Souq Waqif, one of the oldest souqs (traditional Arabic
market ) in Doha, a maze of tiny alley ways loaded with shops.
There you will also find the falcon souq, a fascinating place
where you can see price tags as high as US$10000 for a falcon.
Numerous malls, restaurants and 5 star hotels, in addition to a
safe environment make Doha a hospitable home for expats
around the world.
You will be offered a shared apartment in one of the most
modern buildings in Doha. The apartment is fully furnished
and each flat-mate has their own bedroom and bathroom.
Living-room and kitchen areas are shared.
All utilities are paid for by the airline.
A company branded bus will pick you up from your
accommodation building and drop you off at the airport crew
center. This will be done approximately 1 hour before the start
of your duty.
Also, you will be dropped off at your accommodation at the
end of the duty.
The start-up salary for a cabin crew during the first 6 months
(including the 7 weeks training period) is US$904 (QR 3300).
After the 6 months of probation, the basic salary will be
increased to US$1027 (QR 3750).
You will be paid for your flying duty US$10.65 (QR39) per
Expect to work 60-80 duty hours in one month.
On top of this you will also be paid a meal allowance at your
layover destinations, calculated per hour of stay.
During the initial training you will be paid the basic salary and
offered a welcome bonus of US$ 548 (QR 2000).
Annual Leave
You are entitled to 30 days annual leave. You will be given one
free ticket per year to travel back to your country.
Travel concession
You will have unlimited discount tickets (ID 90 - not
confirmed or ID 50 - confirmed seats) for yourself on Qatar
Airways routes.
You will also have one ID 90 and one ID 50 per year for each
of your parents and siblings.
The female cabin crew uniform consists of a burgundy tunic-
styled jacket, skirt and hat, and a white blouse. In-flight, a
navy blue service waistcoat is worn.
The female In-Flight Service Director wears a similar designed
suit in green color and a burgundy pattern scarf.
The male cabin crew wear a dark grey suit with white shirt and
burgundy tie.
The uniform will be dry-cleaned free of charge and
replacement items will be given to you yearly.
Career perspective
You will start-up as Cabin Crew Economy Class (FA2) and
have a line of promotion as Cabin Crew Business and First
Class(FA1), Cabin Senior Economy Class and Purser(In-Flight
Services Director).
12-24 months of experience is required to apply to next level
Company values
Qatar Airways cabin crew was voted Best Cabin Crew in the
Middle East for the seventh consecutive year at the 2009
Skytrax airline awards.
The airline promises its customers commitment to provide the
highest quality of service in the air and on the ground. The
CEO, Mr. Al Baker said ‘Qatar Airways will develop these
services as we continue along our path of expansion and quest
to become known globally as the best airline in the world.’
The company offers its crew competitive tax-free package,
company provided furnished sharing accommodation, medical
insurance, generous airline travel discounts, promising career
prospects and personal development opportunities.
1.3 Who is hiring
All three airlines, Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways
are constantly hiring cabin crew. The recruitment events are
advertised on each airline's career website and they can be
Open Days, CV Submission Days or Assessment Days.
For the latest recruitment events, you can browse the careers
website of each airline:
Etihad Airways
Qatar Airways
1.4 Your worries and questions answered
Many of my readers send me questions on a daily basis on
various topics that ultimately summarize the worries that
come up when going for an interview. It goes to an extent
where some people cannot even bring themselves to go to the
interview and give it a try for fear of rejection. I am here to
shed some light on the common issues that might come into
your mind.
Scars can be from chicken-pox marks, stitches, cuts or burns.
If you have any marks on your face, neck, arms or legs, you
need to see if they can be concealed with make-up, masked by
hair or hid under pantyhose.
If you can do that, the scars should not be a problem.
If you are a man, then you only have to worry about your face
and neck, as the uniform consists of long sleeved shirt and
long pants. Man are not allowed to put on make-up while
wearing the uniform, so the standards are more rigid here.
Scars can fade in time with laser treatments or by using
ointments such as BioOil.
There are numerous treatments for acne nowadays. See a
dermatologist (not a cosmetician or beautician) who will give
you prescribed medication for acne. If you have scars caused
by acne, then see the previous point.
Very few people have naturally straight and white teeth. Must
you have perfect pearly whites? Absolutely not. However, teeth
are important because the trademark of the flight attendant
(or any other person working with customers) is the smile.
Your teeth must be clean and without cavities. Even if they are
not perfectly straight, if your smile is pleasant and warm, then
you should be fine. See your dentist for a cleaning and checkup
before the interview.
Teeth braces are not allowed by the grooming regulations for a
flight attendant. If you are wearing your braces during the
interview, explain to the interviewers when will they be
Alternatively, you might consider having braces only on the
inside part of your teeth.
Beauty marks
Beauty marks are brown spots or moles located on your body.
You do not need to remove them to become a cabin crew. It is
absolutely fine and natural to have them.
Tattoos have become very common, however, body art is not
appreciated in this industry. If you want to be a flight
attendant, you must be ink free in the following areas of your
body: arms, legs, neck, face.
Mark on the below drawing the location of your tattoos.
If your tattoos are outside the colored area, you will not be
accepted to work as a flight attendant.
You will be asked during your interview to describe the
location and size of your tattoos. You might think you can skip
this info. Don’t. Be truthful, as you will go through a thorough
medical check once you are hired. If it is discovered then, you
might be sent home.
If you are considering laser removal, make sure you check with
your doctor that there will be no visible scar left.
The only visible piercings allowed are ear piercings (one in
each ear) and earrings for ladies. No piercings and jewelry
wearing for men.
If you have piercings in your nose, lip or eyebrows and there is
no visible hole when you remove the jewelry, then it is all fine.
You must be willing to remove the jewelry from your facial
If your ears are not pierced, you should not pierce them to get
the job. It is not required.
The only requirement is the vertical arm reach. Emirates and
Qatar Airways require you to be able to reach 212cm(6'11") on
your tip toes.
Etihad Airways only requires 210 cm (6'10").
You can be 158 cm (5'3") or 180 cm (5'11"), as long as you can
reach the 212 cm or 210 cm mark, you will pass this part of the
You can practice by measuring the required height on your
wall and mark it with some tape. Some airlines require you to
reach it with one hand only, while others want you to reach it
with both hands. Practice, stretch and remember that arm
reach can be improved with time.
Am I too fat or too skinny? The airlines require you to have a
normal Body Mass Index (BMI). That is a formula that
considers the proportion between your height and weight.
Find out your BMI here.
You need to have a vision of 20/20. This can be your normal
eyesight, or your vision can be corrected with glasses or
contact lenses. You can have myopia or hyperopia. As long as
you wear the prescribed glasses and you are able to see 20/20,
then it is ok.
Remember that some airlines require you to wear only contact
lenses while on duty (not glasses). You must be comfortable
with that.
Once you are hired, you need to have a pair of glasses that
comply with the grooming regulations: black, silver or gold
frames of moderate design, without stones or other
You are not required to know how to swim freely, but you are
expected to be able to be comfortable enough in water and
swim with the aid of a flotation device. This skill will be
practiced during your initial training, where you will learn how
to evacuate to aircraft during a ditching situation (emergency
landing on water). You will be wearing a life-vest during this
When you say flight attendant, we all think of the model-like
girls, tall, skinny with perfect hair and teeth. The
misconception here is that all flight attendants must look like
that in ordered to be get this job. This could not be farther
from the truth. If you have a pleasant appearance, relevant
experience, you speak English and you make a good
impression at the interview, you will be hired even if you do
not resemble a Barbie doll.
The only education requirement to apply to be a cabin crew is
a high school diploma or a general education diploma (GED).
Everything on top of that is an advantage. This can be either
college, university or vocational courses.
You do not need a cabin crew course to get the job. All the
training will be done in the airline’s training academies after
you are hired.
Relevant experience
To apply for a flight attendant position, relevant experience
means any customer experience you have. That can be work in
restaurants, bars, hotels, shops, schools, hospitals, offices or
airports. Any work can be translated from a customer service
perspective. To see examples, go to Creating your CV.
No experience
If you come straight from school and have absolutely no work
experience, but you would like to start a career as a flight
attendant, that is absolutely fine as well. Mostly, your interview
questions will be based on your school experience or other
work you did while in school. To score extra points, make sure
that you include the organizations you have been involved
with, internships or volunteer work that you have done.
If you show during your interview that you are open to learn
and willing to become good at what you are doing, you will be
hired even if you don't have any experience.
You need to be able to speak, read and write English fluently.
This will be observed from how you present your CV, to
dialogues during the group exercises, an English test and the
final interview.
All the languages that you speak besides English are an
You are not required to speak Arabic to work for Emirates,
Etihad or Qatar Airways.
This is by far the most popular question. The only age
requirement for becoming a cabin crew is minimum 21 years
old at the time of the application. If you are younger than that,
you will have to wait until your 21st birthday.
If you are older than that, it is absolutely fine. 27 is not old, 35
is not too old, and even when you are 42 you can become a
cabin crew. Then why are all the flight attendants so young?
The reason is that when you are in your 20's or early 30's, you
are more likely to prefer this lifestyle: travel, share an
apartment, be away from home, have an unpredictable
schedule and change the team and the customers you work
with all the time. The more you advance in age, the more you
prefer stability, a family and a schedule that will allow you to
have the weekends or holidays off.
That does not mean that you will not be considered for this
job when you are over 30. If you want to do it and you are a fit
for the job, there will be no problems at all.
Marital status
You can be a flight attendant if you are married, single,
engaged or in a relationship. In the Middle East, there are
fewer married people doing this job. And that is because you
are moving away from your country, and it is much easier to
relocate and find one job instead of two. Also, people who are
married prefer to have a regular 9-5 job that will allow them to
spend time with their families. Why are they not as many
married people doing this job? Because they do not apply for
When applying for Qatar Airways, please note that if you join
the company having single status, you must maintain the single
status for the duration of the 3 year contract.
Having children is an amazing experience. You would want to
spend as much time as possible with them, and while working
as a flight attendant, it will be quite a challenge. You might be
away from home for days at a time, you might miss school
plays or major milestones. If you want to do this job and have
children, then you must have an open mind, a very
understanding partner and help either from your parents, in-
laws or a hired nanny.
Be aware that kindergarten and school in the Middle East is
quite expensive and you will be expected to pay that yourself,
without any assistance from the company.
Also, if you decide to relocate to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Doha
with your family, you will not be able to live in the shared
company provided accommodation, but find your own
apartment for which you will be offered a housing allowance
from the company. You can apply for the housing allowance
only after the first 6 months of probation.
There is absolutely no discrimination based on the color of
your passport. Airlines in the Middle East cherish the diversity
of their crew. If you come from Australia, Mozambique, Peru,
Tajikistan, Germany or Philippines, you will be offered the
same fair chance to interview for the flight attendant job as
any other candidates, and your culture will be celebrated
among the other over 100 nationalities working for the airline.
How long to wait in between assessment days
✓If you participated in an Open Day and your CV was not
short-listed, you can go to another Open Day after 6 months.
Remember however that you cannot do the same thing over
and over again and expect a different result. When you
present the same CV, same photos and the same experience,
if you were rejected once, the chances are that you will be
rejected the second and the third time as well. Take some
time to review your CV, volunteer for some customer service
jobs or apply for a new job in the customer service field, learn
a new language or acquire a new skill that might benefit you
when working as a cabin crew.
✓If you participated in an Open Day and your CV was short-
listed, but you fail at any point during the assessment day, you
will need to wait for 6 months to participate again in a
recruitment event.
✓If you passed all stages of the Assessment Day but you fail
the final interview, you will have to wait 12 months before
✓If you are in any of the above-mentioned situations, use the
time until you can try again wisely. Reading this book is a
great step in your success: being prepared, knowing what to
expect and improving yourself to fit the airline's expectations
are your keys to get the job.
✓Is this rule strict? Yes!
Confidence and fear of failure
There are a million little reasons to worry about. You can
worry about your appearance, about the design of your blouse
or small little things you said. Most people are constant
worriers. We analyze every step we did and go crazy on all the
details. Do you believe in the power of mind? I do, and I
believe that you will attract in your life exactly what you have
been thinking. If you think you are never good enough and
worthy, why would other people think differently? If you know
that you have something to offer and you let people see it by
being open, honest and enthusiastic, you will be seeing great
accomplishments coming your way.
Think of it like this: the best thing that can happen is getting
a job and an amazing new life full of adventure and travels.
Worst thing that can happen is a gained experience of how an
assessment day looks like. See it as a learning experience.
You might make it through the CV selection, but fail the
group exercise. With this you learn that your CV is great, but
you need to improve your team-working skills.
What if you pass the group exercise, but fail the English test?
You know exactly what to focus on: improving your English.
You do not need to alter your appearance, buy an expensive
suit for the interview or try to pretend to be someone that you
are not. If you are fit for the job, the job will be a fit for you as
well. Otherwise you will end up being miserable. Do it for
passion, and it will not feel like work at all!
You are already perfect. Just let the people around you see
Want to see another topic? Explore the Table of CONTENTS.
Chapter 2 - Let's get you the job
The cabin crew hiring process is called an assessment center or
assessment day. Here are some definitions for you:
Assessment Day (or Assessment Center) – Is a process
employing multiple techniques and multiple assessors to
produce judgements regarding the extent to which a
participant displays selected competencies.
Assessor – An individual trained to observe, record, classify
and make reliable judgement about the behaviors of those
being assessed.
Exercise (or Task) – A simulation or technique designed to
elicit behaviors related to performance requirements of the
Source: Lewis Rowe, Tina; A Preparation Guide for the Assessment center Method; (2006) Charles C.
Thomas Publishers Ltd, Illinois, USA.
Your flight attendant skills will be tested in a series of
exercises. This hiring method has been adopted by many
companies, as a form of interviewing. At the end of the
assessment day you will have a 1-on-1 final interview.
There are 3 ways of getting to interview for the cabin crew
1. Assessment Day - you will be submitting an online
application and then wait to be called when the airline holds
an assessment in your country or city.
2. Open Day - you will participate in the open day event that
airlines organize monthly in various countries around the
world. If your CV is short-listed, you will then participate in
an Assessment Day either immediately after, or on a future
date which will be communicated to you. No online
application is necessary before this event.
3. CV Submission Day - you can drop off your CV and
required photographs during the published timings. The
short listed candidates will be invited to participate in an
Assessment Day either the next day or on a future date. No
online application is necessary before the event.
We will explore step by step all the options that exist to get
you to the assessment day. This chapter is divided in 3 parts:
before, during and after the assessment.
2.1 Before the assessment
2.1.1 Creating your CV
Your CV is a very important step. You need to create a simple,
easy to read CV that will set you apart from the other
candidates. During the Open Day especially, there will be
hundreds of people showing up and hoping for a chance. The
assessors have only a minute to go through a CV, so you must
make sure that the relevant information is there, visible and
on the subject. Think of the assessors as clients in your shop.
You have to make sure that your prime merchandise is in the
front, attractive and visible.
Even if you have relevant experience, presenting it in a non-
attractive manner might diminish your chances of you CV
being short-listed for the Assessment Day.
Let’s start with what your CV should include.
1. Personal details
✓Full name (First name then family name)
✓Home address (Street, number, city, country)
✓E-mail address (
✓Telephone number (mobile phone, including the country
More personal details will be asked from you when you apply
online, however they are not necessary to be included in the
Do NOT include
!Date of birth
!Marital status
!Political affiliation
!Name of your parents
! Email addresses that contain nicknames such as or
Anna Parker
386 Bleecker Street, 10012 New York, NY, U.S.A
+1 946 111 2233
2. Professional experience
In reverse chronological order, start with your latest job.
✓Time you worked at that specific job (month and year)
✓Name of the company and location
✓Job title
✓Job description (in 3-4 bullet points)
✓Outstanding results (if you had any)
Do NOT include
!the names of your boss
!your salary
!how many hours per week you work
*If you do not have any professional experience or very little
experience, it is acceptable to start your CV by listing your academic
If you not sure how to translate your experience into
professional customer service descriptions, see the following
list of common jobs and their description. For every job below,
you will find more than 3-4 bullet points. Just choose the ones
that are applicable to what you did.
• Organize the seating chart and manage reservations.%
• Greet guests, escort them to their table and present menus.
• Inform the waiting staff when the customers are
seated.% %
• Ensure cleanliness of the menus, dining room, entryway and
• Bid farewell to the guests.
• Check customer satisfaction.
• Escort customers to their tables.
• Present menus to customers, answer questions about menu
items and make recommendations upon request.
• Describe and recommend wines.
• Take orders for food and beverages and serve them.
• Prepare and serve specialty dishes as required.
• Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their
meals and take action to correct any problems.
• Ensure the bill is correct and the payment is made.
• Greet the guests, accommodate to their needs and serve
them with the utmost respect and professionalism.
• Make customers feel welcome, secure, and relaxed.
• Quickly take a guest's order, prepare the order and complete
the transaction in a swift and precise manner.
• Keep work area clean.
• Reinforce a practice of responsible service.
• Maintain a cheerful and upbeat attitude.
• Greet and acknowledge every customer.
• Maintain outstanding standards of product knowledge.
• Maintain awareness of all promotions and advertisements.
• Accurately and efficiently ring on registers and maintain all
cash and media at the registers.
• Communicate customer requests to management.
• Enter all media from register into the tally program.
• Maintain orderly appearance of register area and supplies
Shop Assistant
• Be attentive to customers’ needs.
• Give information about the features, quality and availability
of different products.
• Help customers find products they are looking for in the
• When necessary, be able to give in-depth technical advice
about products.
• Arrange orders and deliveries of stock.
• Advise the customer of information relating to their
purchase, such as warranty or product care.
• Make the customer aware of any special offers.
• Make sure that all stock is on display.
Sales Assistant
• Assist customers in locating merchandise and answering
questions concerning general merchandise.
• Demonstrate use of merchandise upon request.
• Stock shelves, counters or tables with merchandise.
• Process payment following established procedures for
different types of transactions.
• Count and balance cash register and receipts.
• Check inventory periodically and place orders with sales
• Check inventory listing with actual inventory on shelf and
report discrepancies to supervisor.
• Train new sales staff in basic operations and procedures.
• Clean shelves, counters or tables.
• Provide direct care and promote comfort to patients.
• Promote healthy lifestyle.
• Interpret medical information to the patient.
• Provide emotional, intellectual and psychologic support.
• Plan, give direction, develop staff and monitor operations.
• Represent both staff and administrations as needed .
• Work together with the doctor.
Fitness Instructor
• Assess the needs and capabilities of individuals through
fitness assessment procedures.
• Provide instruction in a variety of fitness activities including
non-gym related activities.
• Liaise with doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians and other
health professionals to develop fitness programs for clients.
• Help people set and achieve their fitness targets.
• Complete inductions to show people how to use equipment
in the gym.
• Supervise use of equipment while making sure that exercise
is completed properly.
• Run group classes.
• Work individually with private clients
• Be informed of developments in health and exercise practice.
• Keep fit.
Spa Therapist
• Provide consistent professional massage and body treatments
according to spa protocols and accepted certification
• Actively promote the spa and the services available.
• Handle guests’ questions and concerns professionally and
courteously and provide accurate and immediate responses.
• Provide a level of service which exceeds all guest
expectations by completing all treatments in a consistently
thorough manner, in the time allocated and by treating all
clients with individual attention.
• Attend to greeting, update records, consultations,
refreshments and immediate handling of complaints.
• Ensure all therapist administration is completed at the end of
each day (guest records, stock lists and updates of the log
• Ensure rooms are kept clean and tidy according to health and
safety standards.
• Monitor status of all equipment.
• Restock products in the treatment rooms.
• Participate in ongoing training programs.
• Continually expand range of treatments qualified to deliver.
Kindergarten teacher
• Responsible for leading students through creative play and
hands-on activities.
• Plan lessons according to the state curriculum and assess
students, tailoring their lessons according to the different
abilities of children in the classroom.
• Conduct parent-teacher conferences.
• Sponsor after-school clubs or sports teams.
• Plan, set and evaluate grade test, exams and assignments.
• Supervise student conduct during class and breaks.
• Understand the diverse background students come from,
their strength, weakness and areas of interest.
• Resolve conflict among students by encouraging positive
• Adjust teaching styles to meet individual needs of students.
• Carry out relevant administrative duties.
• Communicate effectively with parents about their children's
• Ensuring that the health and safety of children and staff is
always maintained, both inside and outside the classroom
Hotel Front Desk
• Greet guests with a smile and answer their questions as
• Count and verify cash, shift activity, keys and gift certificates
with departing shift.
• Print updated in-house, arrival, departure and room status
• Check all unresolved departures.
• Review service requests for arrivals.
• Complete welcome calls.
• Clean and tidy front desk area.
• Work directly with concierge staff.
• Arrange guest travel and transportation (airport, tours,etc).
• Calculate final bills and receive payment.
• Handle direct calls from guests.
• Receive and send emails regarding bookings, reservations or
Secretary/Administrative Assistant/Personal
• Prepare and manage correspondence, reports and documents.
• Organize and coordinate meetings, conferences and travel
• Take, type and distribute minutes of meetings.
• Implement and maintain office systems.
• Maintain schedules and calendars.
• Arrange and confirm appointments.
• Organize internal and external events.
• Handle incoming mail and other material.
• Set up and maintain filing systems, work procedures and
• Communicate orally and in writing to answer inquiries and
provide information.
• Coordinate the flow of information both internally and
• Operate office equipment.
• Manage office space.
Public Relations Assistant
• Support public relations staff within an organization
(advertising and marketing initiatives, scheduled public
events and news releases).
• Maintain the executives' schedules, coordinating meetings
and travel arrangements, prepare related reports and
presentations, create promotional materials, as well as other
administrative duties as needed.
• Work closely with account coordinators and account
managers to fulfill client needs.
• Actively promote openings and events using press releases
and media outlets (newspaper, radio, magazine, internet).
• Work with individual clients.
• Active involvement to promote the company via social
media: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and You Tube.
Real Estate Agent
• Provide clients with the best deals on properties while
meeting their specific needs.
• Communicate with potential clients to determine what kind
of property they are looking for.
• Prepare advertisements for open houses and listings and set
• Prepare properties for sale.
• Serve as a mediator between buyers and sellers.
• Prepare necessary legal documents when an agreement has
been made between the two parties.
• Offer guidance to clients about the prices in market,
mortgage aspects, legal procedures and other requirements.
Cabin Crew
• Comply with the airline's safety and emergency procedure.
• Perform on-board equipment checks.
• Provide personalized and graceful service to the guests as
underlined in the company’s standard service flow.
• Achieve customer service excellence by maintaining open and
effective communication with the passengers.
• Report any concerning matters to the Senior Crew.
2008-present% % % ABC Airline% % New York, U.S.A
Cabin Manager
• Supervise a team of 8-14 flight attendants through all stages
of the flight.
• Perform on-board coaching and conduct performance
management assessments when necessary.
• Ensure the highest level of customer service and satisfaction
is achieved on every flight.
• Received 27 letters of commendation from guests and
3. Education
List the highest level of education you achieved.
If you went to college, you do not need to mention that you
obtained a high school diploma; it is implied.
If you have a master degree, then include your master studies
as well as your college in reverse chronological order.
You can also list certification from vocational schools in this
section, however do not include courses that helped you gain
skills such as 'computer basics'.
✓dates of attendance
✓name of the institution, city and country
✓degree or certification obtained
Do NOT include
!your grades and subjects you took
!your primary or middle school
!names of your teachers
2000-2004 New York University College of Arts and Sciences
New York, U.S.A
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), major in East-Asian Studies
2000-2004% Millennium High School%% New York, U.S.A
High School Diploma
4. Skills
Include a list of skills that are relevant for the position you are
applying for. This will be more effective than a long and
overwhelming list. You can always show more of your skills
during the interview.
Choose 4 or 5 from the following list. Obviously, mention only
the skills you possess.
✓Highly adaptable, positive, resilient, open to new ideas
✓Proven relationship-builder with excellent interpersonal
✓Personable individual whose strengths include cultural
sensitivity and an ability to build rapport with a diverse
workforce in a multicultural environment.
✓Dependable, responsible contributor committed to
excellence and success.
✓Loyal and dedicated employee with an excellent work record.
✓Energetic personality consistently praised for my passion for
work and upbeat, positive attitude.
✓Enthusiastic, knowledge-hungry learner, eager to meet
challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts.
✓Fluent in English and … (insert here your language
Do NOT include
!driving license. Your ability of driving a car is irrelevant when
applying for a position to work in a plane.
!PC use. These days, everybody above 7 and under the age of
60 is computer literate. This is the world we live in.
!hobbies. This can work against you. You want to come across
as a professional individual. You do not need the interviewers
to know information that is too personal and inappropriate to
be brought up in a job interview. Let the passion for knitting
our of your CV.
5. References
The standard text here is:
'References and letters of appreciation available on request.'
When you drop your CV, you may ask the assessors if they
require your references list. Have it printed on a separate
paper that includes your personal details at the top and hand it
over attached to your CV.
The person who is your reference must be your current or
previous manager or direct supervisor.
If you don’t have any professional experience, list the name of
one of your professors who previously agreed to talk about you
and your skills with a potential employer.
✓Company or institution
✓Contact email (use the company or university email, not
gmail or yahoo accounts)
✓Contact telephone number.
Do NOT include
!Your friends, parents or subordinates.
!Somebody who will not give you the best recommendations.
John Smith, Sales Manager, ABC Company
+1 477 321 987
Cabin Crew CVTemplate 1
Cabin Crew CVTemplate 2
Cabin Crew CVTemplate 3
Important points about your CV
"Present your CV on maximum 1 page. There is simply no
time for the assessors to read pages and pages of explanations.
If you have more pages, cut down your job description to 3-4
bullet points each.
"Keep your language simple and concise.
"Print 2 copies of your CV on white paper.
"Use the spell check. There should be no spelling errors or
incorrect sentences. The CV speaks for you. If you cannot
have at least one piece of paper correct, what is your level of
English? You might not be given a chance to show it.
"Keep your photo separate, printed on a photo quality paper,
do not attach your passport photo next to your name on the
"Use easy to read fonts such as Verdana, Times New Roman,
Helvetica or Arial.
2.1.2 Application photos
You will need a full length photo and a passport photo in
digital format for your online application, as well as printed
copies for your Assessment Day. Passport photo
Standard passport photo size:
4.5 cm x 3.5 cm (1.8" x 1.4")
* in United States the standard passport photo size is 2"x2". You will need to
specify the required size of 1.8"x1.4".
Background: plain background, light color, without props.
Digital format: .jpeg, .pjpeg, .gif
Printed copies: 8
While taking the photo, look straight ahead and give a
genuine smile. Full length photo
Size: 10 cm x 15 cm (4" x 6")
Background: plain background, light color, without props.
Digital format: .jpeg, .pjpeg, .gif
Printed copies: 4
#Emirates requires for the Final Interview 1 full length
business attire photo and 2 full length casual photos.
Provide casual photos suitable for an employee to see. Do not
show photos of you drinking or smoking, in a bathing suit (or
any other revealing clothing) or in compromising
Face the camera with a good posture.
Ensure both legs are visible. Do not cross them over.
Both arms and hands should be visible on the sides of the
What to wear?
✓A power skirt suit in black, brown, grey, dark blue or dark
green. Make sure it is fitted (not loose).
✓A blouse or collared shirt, preferably white.
✓The skirt must not be shorter than knee length.
✓High heel shoes (court shoes) without ankle straps, in a dark
color complementing the suit.
✓Skin colored stockings.
What NOT to wear
! scarfs
! jeans
! miniskirts
! colored stockings such as black, red, purple or yellow
! floral patterns
! revealing clothing
! T-shirts
! sandals
! open toe shoes
! bathing suits
! national costumes
! sun glasses
! hats
! musical instruments
! plastic, colored or big jewelry
! mobile phone
! handbag
Make-up, hair and accessories
If your hair is longer than shoulder length, it should be tied in
a bun and any loose hairs secured in place with hair spray.
If your hair is short, style it nice and neat.
Wear make-up. Chose foundation, eye shadow, mascara and
lipstick matching your skin tone. Do not put too much.
Learn here how to put on make-up.
If you choose to wear jewelry, keep it conservative - wedding
and engagement ring, pearl or diamond stud earrings, a fine
necklace and a small watch.
This is how you should look in your full length business attire
What to wear
A suit in black, brown, grey, dark blue or dark green, simple or
with pinstripes.
A collared, long sleeved and preferably white shirt.
A tie matching the suit and the shirt.
Dark color polished shoes.
What NOT to wear
! jeans
! suit in light or pastel colors such as blue, yellow or white
! white shoes
! the jacket over your shoulder
! shorts
! open shirts featuring your chest
! T-shirts
! sandals
! national costumes
! sun glasses
! hats
! musical instruments
! jewelry
! make-up
! mustaches, goatees or beards
! mobile phone
! briefcase
Hair and accessories
Hair should be short and neatly groomed. Do not shave it off.
Show a clean, shaved face.
The only accessories you should wear are your wedding ring
and a watch.
This is how you should look in your full length business attire
Important points about your photographs
"Take both the passport photos and the business attire full
length photos in the same time.
"If you can afford it, go to a professional studio to have these
photographs taken. The investment will pay for itself.
"Make sure you give a genuine smile and look like a flight
attendant already.
"These photographs will speak for you when you are not
around: they will be presented, together with your CV and the
notes of your performance on the assessment day, to the HR
Department of the airline. After the viewing them, a decision
will be made regarding your offer of employment. Present your
2.1.3 Online application
Going online on the career website of the airline, you will
complete an online application. This is an online creation of
your CV and it will be referred to from the interview until the
moment you join the airline.
We will explore in detail how to create an online application
with Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. Emirates Airlines
There are two options when applying for Emirates:
1. You know there will be a recruitment event in your country.
Explore the Recruitment Events.
When you found the location that you are looking for (either
in your country or in a neighboring country where you can
travel to at your own expense), click on the job, then click
Apply, at the bottom of the page.
2. There are no scheduled recruitment events in your country
and you want to create a general application.
Go to Emirates Cabin Crew Careers Page
Input Job Number 130000X8. Click on Search Jobs. You will
find Emirates Cabin Crew Opportunities. Click on it.
At the bottom of the page there is an Apply button.
After you submit your application, it will be reviewed by the
Emirates Recruitment Team. If short-listed, an invitation will
be sent to you when a recruitment event (Open Day or
Assessment Day) will take place in your country or in a
neighboring country.
Create an account by providing your email address and a
password. Write down the password and the email you used.
More often than not, we tend to forget these details.
Once you log in to the careers portal, you will be able to see
My submissions
Your job submissions: the draft submissions, where you can
edit, finish and submit the draft application or withdraw it,
and the completed submissions, where you will be able to see
the status of you application.
To successfully create your application for the cabin crew
position, you must complete 8 steps. They are all mandatory.
Time of completion:
30 minutes- 1 hour
Documents needed in digital format:
• Passport photo
• Full length photo
• CV (not needed for upload, however useful to refer to when
filling in your application - you may copy and paste
information from it)
1. Personal Information
All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and
go to the next step until they are all filled.
Personal Details
First Name*
Last Name*
Place of residence*
Preferred Contact Number*
Country Code of Preferred Contact Number*
Mobile Number
Alternate Contact Number
Date of birth*
Current Nationality*
Dual nationality (if applicable)*
Employment Notice Period*
Weight *
Have you previously been interviewed by Emirates, dnata or any
associated company? *
Have you previously been employed by Emirates, dnata or any
associated company? *
Do you have any family currently working with Emirates, dnata or
any associated company? *
Primary Language*
Fluent Languages (read, write and speak)
Conversational Language
Source Tracking
How did you hear about this job
Source type (select one)*
2. Work Experience
All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and
go to the next step until they are all filled.
List your work experience, including traineeships, internships
and voluntary experience, starting with the most recent.
Work Experience 1
Current job (click on the box)
Position Title
Job Function
Start Date with this Employer*
End Date with this Employer
Roles and Responsibilities
Reason for leaving
To list additional experience, click Add Work Experience.
A new section (Work Experience 2, Work Experience 3, etc)
with blank fields appears. Enter any relevant information.
To remove a work experience from the list, identify it, then
click Remove Work Experience.
To reorder work experience entries, click Move Up or Move
Down next to each entry until the relevant work experience
reaches the desired position.
When all the information is filled, click SAVE and
3. Education
List your academic or professional qualifications, starting with
the most recent.
Education 1
Education Level
Start Date
Graduation Date (orAnticipated Graduation Date)
Location Country
To create a new education entry, click Add Education. A new
section (Education 2, Education 3, etc) with blank fields
appears. Enter any relevant information.
To remove an education from the list, identify it, then click
Remove Education.
To reorder education entries, click Move Up or Move Down
next to each entry until the relevant education reaches the
desired position.
When all the information is filled, click SAVE and
4. Certifications
Start by entering the most relevant certification and continue
adding certifications until you have entered all that you feel
are important to disclose for this job. Do not list expired
Relevant certifications include medical first aid, lifeguard, fire
fighting, official language certification, etc.
If you don’t hold any certification, you can leave this section
Certification 1
Issue Date
Expiration Date
Issuing organization
To create a new certification entry, click Add Certification.
A new section (Certification 2, Certification 3, etc) with blank
fields appears. Enter any relevant information.
To remove a certification from the list, identify it, then click
Remove Certification.
To reorder certification entries, click Move Up or Move
Down next to each entry until the relevant certification
reaches the desired position.
When all the information is filled, click SAVE and
5. Photo
You will need to attach two photographs:
1 fu& length photo in business attire
1 passport photo (head and shoulders shot)
These images can be uploaded only if they are in the following
formats: pjpeg, .jpeg, .gif
Select the file to attach:
Click CHOOSE FILE, locate the photo in your computer
and click OK then ATTACH.
Repeat with the second photo.
When both photos are successfully uploaded, the will appear
in a table where you can select them as Relevant Files, see
the File Name, the Date when it was uploaded, Comments
and the Actions you can take for the specific file.
After you click on the first column of the table and select both
your full length photo and your passport photo, click SAVE
6. Job Specific Questions
All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and
go to the next step until they are all filled.
Answer the following questions as accurately as possible.
*1. As part of your application, you have to attach two
photographs - One Full Length and One Head and Shoulders
only. Please confirm if you have attached the following
photographs along with your submission. Note that these are
essential to further process your application.
◦Head and Shoulders only
◦Neither, unable to attach
◦Full Length only
◦Neither, do not possess
*2. Are you willing to wear a company uniform?
◦Yes, I am willing to wear the company uniform.
◦No, I am unable to wear the company uniform.
*3. Are you able to work shift duties?
◦Yes, I am able to work shift duties.
◦I am able to work shift duties with some restrictions.
◦No, I am not able to work shift duties.
Answer each question then click SAVE and CONTINUE.
7. Declaration
Your eSignature (the electronic equivalent of a handwritten
signature) is required at the end of the statement,
acknowledging your consent regarding the correctness of the
information and documents provided, as well as your
familiarization with the privacy policy and the medical
requirements to qualify for a UAE residence visa.
At the bottom of the page you will find two boxes:
Please enter your fu& name*
Email address*
Fill in the information then click SAVE and CONTINUE.
8. Summary
This summary displays the information included in the job
submission form. To modify some specific information, click
Edit next to the relevant section.
Once you go through all the details, at the bottom of the page
click SUBMIT. Etihad Airways
Go online to Etihad Airways Cabin Crew Careers Page. Click
in the Cabin Crew job description.
Once the page is open, on the right corner, there is an
APPLY NOW button.
You will first need to agree to the terms and conditions for
personal data processing and confirm that you have the
required documents ready.
After you submit your application, it will be reviewed by the
Etihad Recruitment Team. If your application is successful,
you will receive an invitation for a recruitment event in your
country or in another location.
Create an account by providing the following information:
Email address
Password - it must be at least 6 characters long, containing
both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special
characters such as -,_, =, >. Example: John-1
First name
Once you log in to the careers portal, you will be able to see
your user account:
Your emails - correspondence from the airline regarding your
application and job alerts.
Your application - here you can see the status of your
application and update your details.
In order to successfully create your application for the cabin
crew position, you must complete 5 steps. They are all
Time of completion:
30 minutes- 1 hour
Documents needed in digital format:
• CV
• Passport photo
• Full-length photo
1. Basic requirements questionnaire
You will need to answer 8 questions to establish if you have the
basic requirements for the cabin crew position. Every question
is compulsory and presented on an individual screen. You
cannot proceed to the next question until you provide an
answer. If necessary, you will be asked to provide further
Always be truthful.
1. Have you previously worked for EtihadAirways?
2. Please state exactly where you heard about this vacancy? If online
please state which website.
3. Do you have any restriction on working in the UAE, for example
have you ever been denied entry to the UAE or do you have any
current criminal convictions or cases pending? If the answer is YES,
you will need to provide details.
4. Do you have any restrictions (Other than Visa requirements) for
travel to any current Etihad destinations? If the answer is YES, you
will need to provide details.
5. Are you at least 21 years of age? If you are not yet 21 years old,
you can still apply, provided that your birthday is within 3
months from the date of application. If you do not meet the
minimum age requirement, your online application is stopped
at this point.
6. As we offer single status contracts on a shared accommodation basis
with your own bedroom please te& us your gender.
7. Are you confident in open water and able to swim with the aid of a
flotation device? If your answer is NO, your online application
will be stopped at this point.
8. Are you able to reach 210 cm without shoes? If you answer NO,
your online application will be stopped at this point.
2. Contact details
All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition
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How to become_a_flight_attendant_-_revised_edition

  • 1. HOW TO BECOME A FLIGHT ATTENDANT for airlines in the Middle East a step by step guide Kara Grand
  • 2. Welcome to the amazing world of flying! The perfect candidate is an adventurous, passionate person, easily bored in a monotonous environment, willing to relocate to the Middle East and start working in the airline industry as a flight attendant (by far the most awesome job in the world!). In this book we will be discussing the expat cabin crew lifestyle, as these airlines present the most advantages for the employees, ranging from working hours and schedule, to paid uniform, accommodation and transport, bonuses and a cosmopolitan lifestyle. While the advice in this book can be used to succeed in any flight attendant interview, every airline has different general requirements for recruiting cabin crew. Here, you will learn about the interview process for Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. I am not advertising any of the companies and no one can say that one is better than the other. It is your decision to make who you wish to work for. All three airlines are excellent with their employees and customers and you will gain amazing experience working for either one of them. I have been working in the airline industry for 7 years, as a cabin crew and purser. From my first flight, until the last moment, I could not believe that at the end of each amazing month of travel I will still get paid more than I could have made anywhere else. I have seen 52 countries without counting the ones where we just arrived at the airport and departed 1 hour later. I met the man who would become my husband on one of my flights. I served and talked to princesses, sheiks, rock stars, F1 drivers, best-selling authors, a holder of Nobel Peace Prize and a blond socialite whose name I cannot divulge. It has been the most exciting period of my life. I embarked on a new and very
  • 3. different adventure when I decided to stop flying to raise my daughter. Before all of this, I was just like you: dreaming of maybe one day being a cabin crew, travel and experience the world with all that it has to offer. I struggled to understand how the interviews work and what makes some people successful and some unsuccessful. I was turned down by airlines and sent back home to get more customer service experience. I was frustrated and could not understand what were they looking for. One day I realized what was the secret and that’s when I got the job. I know that so many of you are a perfect fit for this career and lifestyle. I want to help you reach your goals, so I created the website What started on 11-11-2011 as a small blog with a couple of articles, became an amazing community with talented people who were all aiming high and following their dream to work in the sky. This is how this book came to life. It is based on real answers, practical scenarios, exercises and what you really need to succeed. I covered every single possible aspect so you can be successful at the interview from your first try. I’ve put my heart and soul into this book and I hope you enjoy it. I love hearing from my readers, whether it is to hear your success stories or answer your questions. You can always contact me at See you soon ‘up there’, % % % % % % % % % % -Kara
  • 4. How to use this book This book is designed as a handbook. You will probably not read it all in one time, but rather go to the chapters that are of interest to you at a certain time. Read the Assessment Day chapter before your big day or go through the 101 Questions and Answers before your Final Interview. There are links throughout the book to get you to the next step, regardless which airline you apply for. At the end of each chapter you can go back to the Table of CONTENTS. Chapter 1 describes the life of a flight attendant, as well as the companies. At the end of the chapter is the very popular topic ‘Your worries and questions answered’ that clarifies aspects such as tattoos, minimum and maximum age, marital status or swimming skills. Chapter 2 will get you deep into the interview process. You will learn how to create your CV, how your application photos should look like, how to create an online application for each airline, what is an Open Day or an Assessment Day, and how should you prepare for them, what you should know about the group exercise (including 3 examples of exercises and how should you approach them), English tests ( 3 examples), math test, personality profile test and the final interview. Here you will also learn how to be confident during the interview and how long you have to wait to get an answer. The chapter ends with the paperwork you need to prepare to join the airline. In Chapter 3 we will discuss what comes after the interview, how to handle the relocation, what to pack and what to expect once you get there. Also, you will know what kind of information you will learn during your training. Print out chapters like ‘101 Questions and Answers for the Final Interview’ or ‘100 Missing Words English Test’. It will help you see the exercises better and write down your own answers. Or you can print it all and take it with you when you go for the interview. Let’s not waste any more time. Shall we start?
  • 5. Copyright and Internet Resources Notice This book is copyrighted with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute or create derivative works from this book in whole or in part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution or creating of derivatives from this book. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording or otherwise, without express written permission of the author. I expect you to abide by these rules. I actively and regularly search the Internet for people who violate my copyrights. When you purchased the book, you agreed that the information contained in this book is an expression of opinion . You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of this book is considered legal, medical or personal advice. Throughout the book you will find links to Internet resources. When this book was released for publication, I made sure that all the links are accurate and point to resources available on the Internet and all the information was up to date. Sometimes these resources change, so you may not be able to reach the webpage I intended you to see. Let me know if that happens. I will provide updated and corrected links and information in posts or pages at
  • 6. TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the amazing world of flying! Chapter 1 - What are you getting into 1.1 The life of a flight attendant 1.2 Your prospect employer 1.2.1 Emirates Airlines 1.2.2 Etihad Airways 1.2.3 Qatar Airways 1.3 Who is hiring 1.4 Your worries and questions answered Chapter 2 - Let's get you the job 2.1 Before the assessment 2.1.1 Creating your CV 2.1.2 Application photos Passport photo Full length photo 2.1.3 Online application Emirates Airlines Etihad Airways Qatar Airways 2.2 The assessment
  • 7. 2.2.1 How to dress for your assessment day 2.2.2 How to be confident during the assessment day 2.2.3 Documents 2.2.4 Open Day 2.2.5 CV Submission Day 2.2.6 Assessment Day Introduction Reach test The group exercise Exercise 1 - Prioritization Exercise 2 - Customer service Exercise 3 - Team-building English test 100 Missing Words Test Reading and Understanding Test Essay writing Math test Personality profile test Raven test (IQ test) 2.2.7. Final Interview Confidence during the interview Final Interview 101 Question and Answers 2.3 After the assessment 2.3.1 Golden Call and Successful Candidate Email 2.3.2 Document submission 2.3.3 Date of Joining (DOJ) 2.3.4 Documents to prepare for your departure
  • 8. Chapter 3 - Off you go! 3.1 Family and friends 3.2 What to pack 3.3 New place called home 3.4 The training See you up there!
  • 9. Chapter 1 - What are you getting into 1.1 The life of a flight attendant I will present to you a list of the greatest aspects of being a flight attendant, as well as the less glamorous parts of the job. You must make an informed decision when choosing this career. Pros Being a flight attendant has enormous benefits, especially when you are young and adventurous. 1. See the world at no cost to you The airlines have impressive route maps. Whatever destination farther than 4 hours flight away implies that the crew will have a layover in that city. Depending on the flight frequency, your length of stay could be anything from 24 hours to 100 hours. All expenses paid and you can browse the city, do some sightseeing, see concerts, explore restaurants, and whatever else you can think of. 2. Meet awesome people Many expat airlines pride themselves with the number of nationalities they employ. My airline had more than 120 nationalities. You will meet people from countries you never knew existed (Faroe Islands anyone?) to countries that seem so far and exotic, such as Japan, Nicaragua, Luxembourg, Paraguay, Azerbaijan or Eritrea. Not only your colleagues, but also your passengers are from all over the world, and everybody has a unique story to tell. All you have to do is listen and wow your heart! 3. Broaden your mind and experiences One of my colleagues had a small book in which she was writing the same 5 phrases in all the languages that people she met were speaking. She was building quite a collection!
  • 10. I met a girl from Finland who started studying Arabic and in 1 year she was able to have conversations with native speakers. Another amazing woman was going to Nepal every time she had some days off. She was collecting and bringing supplies to local schools and spending some time with children who are so poor they have never even seen a TV. My friend Nadine went to Traditional Massage School in Thailand and got herself a diploma on how to be a real Thai massage therapist. You go, you see, your mind and heart grow. This job gives you continuous opportunities to find passions and hobbies that you will never be able to pursue at home with a 9-5 job and 2 weeks of vacation per year. 4. Loads of free time Every month you will get 8 to 12 days off. Having all that time and all the possibility and quietness, I managed to finish my university studies while I was flying. You will finally find the time to pursue other dreams, education or passions. 5. Flexible ever-changing team and environment If you work with Maxine who is not the nicest person or the most helpful colleague, that is ok. You will not see her the next day at work, or next week or even next month! Hey, if all stars align, you might never have to see Maxine again. Also, no two flights are the same. If today you serve croissants and coffee, tomorrow you will serve steak. Today your flight is 2 hours, tomorrow it might be 8 hours. Monday you sleep at home, and Tuesday in a hotel in Brussels. No two days are alike. If you don't like monotony, this will be a fantastic experience. This was one of the biggest revelations for me. I loved it! 6. Your accommodation, transportation and uniform will be taken care of Most expat airlines offer their crew accommodation in the newest and most modern buildings in the city. You will have to
  • 11. share a two or three bedroom apartment with a flat mate. The airline will keep in mind either your request to move in with a training colleague (we refer to them as batch mates) or based on your preferences (smoking/non smoking, vegetarian/meat eaters, same nationality, same religion, etc). This is great, especially at the beginning when you do not know many people, there will be somebody to come home to, talk and eat together. Transportation to and from the airport is provided in the company buses. You will be picked up from your accommodation building and dropped off at the airport. Door to door service. A full set of uniform - couple of jackets, a week supply of blouses, skirts and pants, scarves, cardigans, suitcases and handbags, as well as shoes and sometimes even pantyhose is provided for you at the beginning of service. There will be yearly replacements of items such as shoes and clothing. 7. People will be admiringly staring at you and your colleagues when walking through airports The uniform and the airport is for a flight attendant what a bikini and the runway is for a swimsuit model. People will go out of your way, take pictures of you, hold their children up so they can see the ‘pretty ladies’, whistle and wave. It is an amazing feeling. You will feel proud, important and admired. 8. Staff travel Every airline offers its employees the opportunity to buy tickets at 90% discount (plus airport taxes). They are called ID90, and while you will only be accepted for travel if there are available seats (and most of the time there will be a vacant seat), it is the cheapest way to see the world. You can use them to fly with your airline or with partner airlines. And because you might have 4 or 5 days off in a row, why not visit the pyramids in Cairo, ancient city of Petra or beautiful Athens in these days?
  • 12. 9. Discounts everywhere Every year my airline provided us with a thick book of coupons. They were discount cards for various shops and services. This was awesome! They range from sun glasses to make-up, coffee shops and even laser treatments or teeth whitening. I even got 10% off the price of my car when I flashed my crew badge. Cons There is always the reverse of the coin. This is an honest analysis of the hard times and what you should expect in between the glamour and jet-setting. 1. Away from home and family While we all strive for independence and finally leave the bedroom that still has traces of your babyhood, there will be times when what you miss most will be your mother's cooking or the non-ending chats with your friends. Most of the times you will make friends with your colleagues who are in the same training program as you. You will most likely find people from your country and be able to speak your native language and bond. But you will miss your home for a while. This normally happens until the first time you go back, time when you start referring to your new base as 'home'. Also, by keeping in touch with your family and friends via emails, Skype or Facebook, you will still find meaningful time together. 2. Flexible ever-changing team and environment While this is also an advantage, it definitely has its disadvantages. When you meet and work with people that you like and get along with very well, you will want to continue seeing them at work every time you go. That is of course not possible. See the people you like outside work and maybe you will not gain a colleague, but you will get a friend.
  • 13. 3. Health Flying puts quite a lot of stress on your body. You will need to pay extra attention to how you take care of yourself, from your skin, hydration, weight management (those yummy casseroles!), blood circulation and flu&cold prevention. You will quickly learn the secrets of staying in top notch shape and be at your best physical condition. 4. Relationships Some of your friends might understand that you cannot attend their weekend party or birthday gathering because you have a night flight. Your partner might be open to the fact that you are gone 10 days at a time. At a certain point however, this will start weighing on you. You will want to be present, don't miss out important events and spend more time with your friends. This is perfectly normal and you should always do your best to make up for what you were missing by buying a coffee or a drink for your friend whose birthday you missed and spend the most time you can with your loved one. 5. Holidays This is a difficult one. Flights do not get cancelled on Christmas Eve, New Year's Day, Chinese New Year, Eid or Diwali. As hard as it sounds right now, you will sometimes have to go to work on December 31 at 10PM to operate that flight to Hong Kong. Your friends will be ready for party, your boyfriend or girlfriend will be crying because the only thing to kiss at midnight will be just a picture of you, but there is nothing you can do about it. In the aircraft you will wish people Happy New Year, at midnight local time over whichever country you fly over, the pilots will make a public announcement wishing everybody a Happy New Year and you will cheer in the galley with your colleagues over a glass of Ginger Ale, not because you particularly like the taste, but because it has the same color as champagne.
  • 14. From all the pitfalls of this amazing job, this is by far the most difficult to bear with. Now that you learned the good, the bad and the ugly, you need to know that there are 7 conditions you must meet as prerequisites before starting your application: 1. You need to be fluent in English - speak, read and write. 2. You have graduated from high school (or hold a GED). 3. You are at least 21 years old. 4. You have a vertical arm reach of 212cm (or 210cm for Etihad Airways) - on your tip toes. 5. You have no visible tattoos while wearing the cabin crew uniform - short sleeve shirts, knee-length skirts. 6. You are physically fit to meet the cabin crew requirements. 7. You are able to deliver excellent customer service. If you decide this is a lifestyle for you, then let's talk about the future:
  • 15. 1.2 Your prospect employer Not all airlines are created equal. You will want to know not only who is hiring, but also what is the size of their fleet and human resources, prospects, plans for expansion and hiring, management style, route map and the name of the CEO. These issues will give you a better idea of what you might experience once you are in - not to mention that these topics might come up in your final interview. Companies want to know if you were interested enough in them to research at least the basics of the airline. You will find a short history of each airline in the pages that follow. Middle East There are a couple of big players on the middle-eastern market right now, all of them looking to expand their cabin crew numbers. They are the only ones for the true expat crew lifestyle. Once hired, they will be taking care of all the paperwork details, such as obtaining a residence visa and work permit, your flight attendant licenses and tests. The only language requirement is English, any other language on top of that is considered an advantage. These airlines create the highest standards of service and in- flight experience for their passengers and they set the bar quite high for the rest of the airlines in the world. The average age of flight attendant is quite low, so if you are ambitious and stick around, there are high chances of promotion. There is no government pension plan or maternity leave, however your income is tax free. Be smart and plan ahead for your future. Europe Airlines in Europe require that your have the right to live and work in the European Union, as well as fluency in the language of the airline, English and an advantage for speaking any other EU language.
  • 16. You will not be offered accommodation and transport as you are expected to already reside in that country, have a home and a car. Obtaining a cabin crew license is sometimes your responsibility and in some countries is a prerequisite before applying for the job. Being a flight attendant in Europe has enormous benefits, from maternity leave,early retirement and good pay. United States Airlines in United States require that your have the right to live and work in the US. Fluency in English and sometimes Spanish is required. Considering the fragile economy, most american airlines cut down massively in their staff and in-flight service. On domestic routes the passengers may only get a drink and pay for an alcoholic beverage or snack. On most airlines, the passengers need to pay for everything from headsets to the in- flight entertainment system. You will be expected to not only care for the passenger's safety, but also be a good sales person, make inventories of products and manage the on-board petty cash transactions. The average flight attendant age is quite high, so you need to wait longer to get promoted. A newbie usually starts flying domestic routes with possibilities of promotion to international flight attendant once you gain some experience. Asia While the residence visa and flying license might be taken care of by the airline, you will be expected to speak the language of the airline, English and other asian languages. There are some competitive airlines in Asia such as Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Asiana or Hainan Airways. The average age of the flight attendants is quite low, with some airlines hiring crew as young as 18 years old.
  • 17. In this book we will focus on the top 3 big players in the Middle East: Emirates Airlines (Dubai), Etihad Airways (Abu Dhabi) and Qatar Airways (Doha)
  • 18. 1.2.1 Emirates Airlines History Based in Dubai, Emirates was founded in 1985 when Dubai was just a small city in the desert. Dubai Airport was mostly used by big airlines for a pit stop on their way to and from Asia and Australia. The airline was founded with backing from Dubai's Royal Family, whose Dubai Royal Air Wing provided the airline's two first aircraft. The start-up capital was $10 million, but apart from that, Emirates was required to operate independently. First flight was EK600 Dubai-Karachi, on 25 October 1985. The airline became profitable within its first nine months and continued growing ever since. By the 1994, Emirates was one of the fastest growing airlines with 15 aircraft connecting 32 destinations. As of 2013, Emirates has a fleet of 213 aircraft connecting 161 destinations (both passenger and cargo). Emirates currently competes with British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways International, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, and others on the lucrative London-Sydney Kangaroo Route. Chairman and CEO His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum Trivia • Emirates introduced an in-flight mobile phone service in 2008, becoming the first international carrier to do so. • In the same year, Emirates took delivery of their first Airbus 380, and flew its first flight to New York. • Emirates has diversified into related industries and sectors, including airport services, engineering, hospitality services, catering, and tour operator. Emirates has seven subsidiaries and its parent company has more than 50. • 127 languages are spoken by Emirates employees.
  • 19. • Emirates has more ultra long-haul flights than any other carrier in the world. • Current slogan: Fly Emirates. Hello tomorrow. • Previous slogans: Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering, Fly Emirates to over 100 destinations, Fly Emirates in 6 continents. • The airline is the seventh-largest airline in the world in terms of international passengers carried, and the largest in the world in terms of scheduled international passenger- kilometers flown. Numbers Total number of employees - 33634, out of which Cabin Crew - 13277 Flight Deck Crew - 2845 * as of 2012 Weekly flights - 3000 Number of destinations - 159 (70 countries on 6 continents) * as of 2013. New destinations are added each year Fleet Airbus 330 - 25 Airbus 340 - 16 Airbus 380 - 27 Boeing 777 - 110 Total number of aircraft - 178 plus 384 on order * as of 2013 Emirates features and amenities Emirates offers First, Business and Economy Class cabins, award winning ICE In-Flight Entertainment System, Emirates Sky Lounges, chauffeur transfer at some of the airports, a wide choice of check-in options as well as a Skywards, Emirates popular frequent-flyer program. Below you will find a detail description of each of these features.
  • 20. Emirates First Class There are 3 types of first class seating: the full suite with doors, flat bed 'Skycruiser' seat (without doors) and 'Sleeper' seats. The full suite has closing doors to ensure privacy, a mini-bar, a coat rack and storage. They also feature the ICE system on a 58 cm (23 in) LCD screen. The seat converts into a 2 m (6 ft 7 in) fully flat bed. On its new Airbus 380-800, first class features private suites, two shower-equipped lavatories, a spa and access to the first and business class bar area and lounge. First and business class cabins are located on the entire upper deck of Airbus 380-800 aircraft. Emirates Business Class The business class seat reclines to a fully flat bed and features massage function, privacy partition, winged headrest with six- way movement, two individual reading lights and an overhead light, in-seat power supply, USB Ports and an RCA socket for laptop connection, over 600 channels of entertainment on ICE, shown on a 43 cm (17 in) wide TV screen. On Airbus 380-800 aircrafts, business class passengers also have access to an on-board bar at the rear of the aircraft. The guests can also customize and save seat and in-flight entertainment settings to a memory key for re-use on future flights. Emirates Economy Class The seat has a 79–81 cm pitch (31–32 in), adjustable headrests and a personal TV screen for the ICE in-flight entertainment. There are also in-seat laptop power-outlets on newer aircraft and laptop recharging facilities in galleys in older aircraft. Dining Emirates First Class and Business Class dining feature a wide range of dishes available on demand throughout the flight. The
  • 21. dishes are presented on Royal Doulton fine bone china with exclusive Robert Welch cutlery, alongside fine wines. High Tea and hors d’oeuvres are served in the Onboard Lounges. The passengers can enjoy multiple courses and complimentary champagne and vintage wines, along with other cocktails and beverages. In Economy Class, passengers can enjoy a number of regionally inspired dishes with locally sourced ingredients, like Lamb Brochette with Arabic Spices or Grilled Chicken Breast with Caramelized Plums. A complete range of complimentary drinks are served, including wines and cocktails. Champagne can also be bought in-flight. In-flight entertainment system ICE ICE won the best in-flight entertainment from Skytrax every year since it was introduced in 2003. It offers between 600 and 1200 programs of music, movies and video games to all passengers. ICE contains a link to an in-flight email server which allows passengers to access, send or receive emails for US $1 per message. ICE also contains a seat-to-seat chat service. In November 2006 the airline signed a deal with mobile communications firm AeroMobile to allow in-flight use of mobile phones to call or text people on the ground. Frequent-flyer program Emirates has over 5.72 million customers using their Skywards frequent-flyer program. The four primary tiers are: • Blue • Silver which requires 25,000 tier miles for entry • Gold, which requires 50,000 tier miles for entry • Platinum, which requires 150,000 tier miles for entry
  • 22. Departure services Passengers may check-in between 2 to 48 hours prior to flight departure. This may be done over the counter or at the lounge within the airport. Self-service kiosks are available at Dubai International Airport and certain stations of the Dubai Metro. Alternatively, the check-in can be made through the Internet or by SMS. Online printing of boarding passes is available through Internet check-in. Lounges First and business class passengers, as well as Skywards Gold and Silver members, have access to Emirates Lounges. The airline has 32 lounges in 28 cities. Skywards Silver members can use the lounge in Concourse 1 at Dubai Airport. At airports in which Emirates does not operate a departure lounge, a third party departure lounge is usually provided for First and Business class passengers as well as Skywards Gold members. Chauffeur-drive First and business class passengers can make use of complimentary chauffeur-driven airport transfers in selected cities. Cabin Crew Life Dubai Dubai is one of the most exciting cities in the world. It is home to Burj Khalifa - the tallest building in the world, Palm Islands - the man made palm tree shaped islands hosting Atlantis Hotel and Aquaventure Water Park, Ski Dubai - the indoor ski slope that allows you to be in the snow right after tanning on the beach and so many other amazing attractions. Living in Dubai is an adventure and a continuous discovery of what the city has to offer - restaurants serving any kind of food you can think of, night life, desert safaris, concerts and events. Accommodation You will be offered accommodation in one of the city's newest and most modern buildings with facilities such as internet
  • 23. room, gym and crew lounge. You will be sharing a two or three bedroom apartment with colleagues of the same gender. Accommodation will be assigned based on your preferences for a house-mate (smoking or non-smoking, vegetarian or not, same country, etc). You will have your own bedroom and bathroom and you will be sharing the common area such as the living room and kitchen. All your utilities are paid by the company. Transportation An Emirates-branded bus will come to pick you up from your accommodation about one hour before your duty starts. This may be a flight, training or airport reserve duty. During the bus ride you can do some reading or catch up with your colleagues. The same service will be available when you return from the airport. Salary The basic salary for a new entry cabin crew is US$1094 paid in the local currency (AED4020). Once you start flying you will be paid US$14.97 (AED55) for each flying hour. Every month you will average between 50-75 flying hours. On top of your salary and flying hours, you will be paid a meal allowance for the time you spend away from base (during your layovers). The meal allowance is calculated per hour spent at your layover destination and paid in the local currency. That is your pocket money for the time you are away. Schedule You will have between 8-12 days off every month. On the 25-28th of the month, the next month’s schedule will be published. One seven months you will be assigned a reserve month, meaning that you will not have any schedule flights, but be on-call for the flights which don’t have the required cabin crew. You will be called in advance to operate a flight.
  • 24. Annual Leave You are entitled to 30 days annual leave. You will be given one free ticket per year to travel back to your country. Travel concession You will have unlimited discount tickets (ID 90 or ID 50) for yourself, your parents, spouse and children on Emirates routes or on partner airlines. You will also have a limited number of tickets for your non-family contacts, to be used only on Emirates flights. Uniforms A new Emirates uniform was launched in 2008, in-line with the delivery of Emirates’ first Airbus 380 aircraft. The ladies uniform is beige in color and it includes the Emirates red hat with veil, red kick-pleats in the skirts, fitted blouses, red leather shoes and handbags. The male flight attendants wear a chocolate brown suit, featuring pinstripes, with a cream shirt and a caramel, honey and red tie. For the on-board uniform, male and female cabin crew wear service waistcoats. Both male and female Pursers wear chocolate brown color suits. The uniform will be dry-cleaned free of charge and replacement items will be given yearly. Career perspective You will start-up as Cabin Crew Economy Class and have a line of promotion as Cabin Crew Business Class, Cabin Crew First Class, Cabin Senior Economy Class, Cabin Senior Business and First Class and Purser. 12-24 months of experience is required to apply to next level position. Company values The primary focus for Emirates and its employees is to deliver superior customer service. In turn, Emirates provides its
  • 25. employees with benefits such as comprehensive health plans and paid maternity* and sick leave. Another strategy employed by Emirates is to use profit sharing and merit pay as part of their competency based approach to performance management. * Emirates is the only middle-eastern airline to offer its cabin crew employees maternity leave.
  • 26. 1.2.2 Etihad Airways History Based in Abu Dhabi and founded in 2003 by royal decree, Etihad Airways became the National Airline of the United Arab Emirates. First flight was Abu Dhabi-Beirut in November 2003. By June 2006 the airline managed to add 30 destinations in an amazingly short period of 30 months. In 2008, Etihad announced the largest aircraft order in history (at that time) at the Farnborough International Air Show, ordering 205 aircraft. As of 2013, Etihad had 82 aircraft and flew to 96 destinations all over the world. CEO Mr. James Hogan Trivia • Etihad is the fastest growing airline in the history of commercial aviation. • Etihad means ‘United’ in Arabic. • 120 nationalities are currently employed by Etihad. • All passengers on Etihad flights are referred to as ‘guests’. • In June 2004 Etihad launched the first direct flights from the United Arab Emirates to Toronto, Brussels and Geneva. • The airline gained global exposure with the start of F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in 2009 where they became main sponsors. Also you can find the Etihad logo on the shirts of Manchester City Football Club. • In 2012, Etihad won for the fourth consecutive year ‘World’s Leading Airline’ at the World Travel Awards. • Current slogan: From Abu Dhabi to the World • Previous slogan: Change the way you see the world Numbers Total number of employees - 8000, out of which Cabin Crew - 3000
  • 27. Flight Deck Crew - 900 * as of 2012 Weekly flights - more than 1000 Number of destinations - 96 * as of 2013. New destinations are added each year. Fleet Airbus 319/320 - 26 Airbus 330 - 27 Airbus 340 - 11 Boeing 777 - 18 Total number of aircraft - 82 * as of 2013 Etihad features and amenities Etihad offers its guests 3 classes of travel - Diamond First Class, Pearl Business Class and Coral Economy Class, E-Box in-flight entertainment system at every seat, Etihad Guest - the award winning frequent-flyer program, Etihad Lounges and chauffeur-drive at selected destinations. Diamond First Class In August 2009, Etihad introduced its new First Class Suite, featuring Poltrona Frau leather seat that converts to a fully flat bed, a large wood-finished table, Arabic-styled sliding doors that offer complete privacy, a 58 cm (23 in) personal entertainment screen, a personal wardrobe with mirror, personal minibar, and four individual lighting options with dimmers, in-seat power points and USBs. First Class cabin also includes a changing room. Pearl Business Class Etihad’s Pearl Business Class offers a seat that converts to a fully flat bed and features leather headrests, armrests and ottomans upholstered by Poltrona Frau, massage functions, ambient lighting with dimmer settings, in-seat storage space and Panasonic eX2 inflight entertainment system on a 39cm (15.4 in) personal screen.
  • 28. Coral Economy Class The Coral Economy seats are ergonomically designed ,with a 81cm (32 in) pitch, footrest and a deep recline. Each seat is also equipped with a handheld controller, USB port and power sockets underneath the 26cm (10.4 in) personal entertainment touch-screen. The seat features a coat hook and a cup holder. Dining Etihad has introduced ‘Inspired Service’ in all three classes of travel. In Diamond First and Pearl Business Class, guests may dine when they like, choosing from an à la carte menu or ‘Kitchen Anytime’ menu. Food and Beverage Managers are available to help guests find the menu choices. In November 2011, Etihad also introduced qualified Chefs in its Diamond First Class cabins. Each in-flight menu is tailored to the route, typically including at least one dish inspired by the destination, one ‘Taste of Arabia’ dish and one Western option. Guests can indulge in a selection of complimentary drinks, including a boutique list of wines from around the world. The Inspired Service in Coral Economy Class includes three main course choices, hot desserts on selected flights and a hot and cold café service with a wide range of hot beverages from cappuccino to green tea. In-flight entertainment system E-Box Etihad flights are fitted with on-demand entertainment system. Over 600 hours of movies, TV shows, music and interactive games, including a kids only channel are available on all flights. Power points located at every seat allow recharging laptops or mobile phones and connect personal devices to the system. WIFI and mobile telephony services are available on selected aircraft.
  • 29. Frequent-flyer program Etihad Guest is an award-winning loyalty program with over 1.3 million members. The four tiers are: • Etihad Guest • Etihad Guest Silver which requires 25,000 tier miles for entry • Etihad Guest Gold which requires 50,000 tier miles for entry • Etihad Guest Gold Elite which requires 125,000 tier miles for entry Departure services Guests may check-in online between 2 to 24 hours before departure. Check-in can also be done in the Etihad downtown Dubai terminal between 5 to 24 hours before a flight, checking-in the baggage and traveling to Abu Dhabi airport via luxury coaches. Check-in in Abu Dhabi city is available either at the downtown City Check-in or at ADNEC. For airport check-in, Etihad provides porter and concierge facilities and a separate check-in desk for First Class and Business Class guests, as well as Etihad Guest Gold cardholders. For Economy Class passengers, Etihad offers dedicated check-in areas for families and self-service kiosks. Lounges Etihad’s First and Business Class guests receive access to lounges across all destinations. In Abu Dhabi, the airline’s First Class lounge offers a Six Senses spa, cigar lounge, champagne bar and à la carte fine dining. The Business Class lounge features a Six Senses spa, international buffet cuisine, business and entertainment rooms. In both lounges, prayer rooms are available and children can be kept entertained by nannies in a family room.
  • 30. Etihad operates its own lounges in Frankfurt, London, Manchester and Dublin. At all the other destinations, a third party departure lounge is provided. Chauffeur-drive Etihad Chauffeur is a premium limousine service offered for the Diamond First Class and Pearl Business Class guests. It is available at 28 Etihad destinations in 16 countries. Etihad’s Coral Economy Class guests can use the luxury coach transportation between Abu Dhabi International Airport and Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, Dubai Marina or Al Ain. Cabin Crew Life Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi is a modern, growing city. You can visit the spectacular Emirates Palace - one of the most fascinating and luxurious hotels in the world, take a stroll on the Corniche and admire the tallest flag in the UAE, visit Sheikh Zayed Mosque, a gorgeous architectural display, enjoy a fast ride in the Ferrari World theme park or visit the F1 circuit at Yas Marina. You will find souks (traditional Arabic markets), malls, shopping, restaurants and entertainment options all over the city. Accommodation You will be offered accommodation in one of the city's newest and most modern buildings or in the Etihad employees compound with facilities such as internet room, gym, pool and library. You will be sharing an 2 or 3-bedroom apartment with colleagues of the same gender. The airline will consider your preferences for a flat-mate and arrange your accommodation accordingly. You will have your own bedroom and bathroom and a shared common area (living room and kitchen). Water, electricity and landline telephone bills are paid for by the company.
  • 31. Transportation You will be picked-up from your building about one hour before your duty starts and dropped off at the airport crew center. The same is available when returning from flights. Salary You will start with a basic salary of US$685 paid in the local currency (AED 2500). During the initial training you will be paid the basic salary and a meal allowance of US$685 (AED 2500). Once you start flying, you will get a basic salary of US$959 (AED 3500) and a duty pay of US$11.5 (AED 42) per hour. This is either flight duty or ground duty and you will average between 70 to 100 duty hours per month. For your layover destinations, you will be paid a layover meal allowance calculated per hour spent away from base and different depending on the country where your layover is. This will all be paid at the end of the month together with the rest of your salary in the local AED currency. Schedule You will have between 8-12 days off every month. You will know your schedule in advance, on the 25-28th of the month for the next month. You will be assigned flights, training (if necessary) and reserve duties, either home standby or airport standby. Annual Leave You are entitled to 30 days annual leave which you can take either in full or in 10 day blocks. You will be given one free ticket per year to travel back to your country. Travel concession You will have unlimited discount tickets (ID 90 or ID 50) for yourself, your parents, spouse and children on Etihad Airways routes or partner airlines. You will also have a limited number of tickets for your non-family contacts, to be used only on Etihad Airways flights.
  • 32. Uniform The cabin crew uniform consists of a grey jacket, dark grey skirt and a dark grey hat with a white veil. The male cabin crew wear a dark grey suit with a white shirt and a white/grey/ red tie. The in-flight uniform consists of grey aprons and a red scarf for the ladies and a dark grey waistcoat for the gentlemen. Female cabin managers wear a light grey suit with tailored jackets, light grey hat and a white/grey/red scarf with red gloves and red shoes. Male cabin managers wear a light grey suit with a red tie. The uniform will be dry-cleaned free of charge and replacement items will be given to you yearly. Career perspective You will start as Cabin Crew Economy Class and have a line of promotion as Cabin Crew Business and First Class, Cabin Senior and Cabin Manager. If you have experience in the Food and Beverage or Hospitality industries, you may apply for the Food and Beverage Manager or In-flight Chef positions. You are required to have 12-24 months of experience to apply for the next position. Company values Etihad seeks to reflect the best of Arabian hospitality - cultured, considerate, warm and generous service by employing the best candidates to be ambassadors of these values. The in-flight division consists of Cabin Crew and Cabin Managers, In-flight Food and Beverage Managers and In-flight Chefs. Etihad employees are well taken care of, being offered the newest, most modern accommodation available in Abu Dhabi. The company's Medical Clinic caters only for the employees and the Training Academy has a wide curriculum of courses that cabin crew can attend in their days off.
  • 33. 1.2.3 Qatar Airways History Based in Doha, Qatar Airways was established on November 22, 1993 and is the national airline of the State of Qatar. The airline started its operations on January 20, 1994 using a wet- leased Boeing 767 from Kuwait Airways. It was originally owned by private members of the royal family of Qatar. However, it was re-launched in 1997 under a new management team. Currently, the Government of Qatar holds 50% stake of Qatar Airways and the rest is held by private investors. June 27, 2007 marks the first Qatar Airways' flight to New York and on December 1, 2009 the first Australian to Melbourne. Over the years, Qatar Airways has grown into one of the most competitive airlines in the world. Qatar Airways is expanding at a very fast pace. CEO Mr. Akbar Al Baker  Trivia • Qatar Airways is the only Middle-Eastern airline that won the Skytrax rating of 5* Airline. • It is one of the few airlines to fly to all six permanently inhabited continents. The other carriers are Air France, British Airways, Delta, Emirates, Etihad, Korean Air, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, South African and United. • Qatar Airways won ‘Airline of the year’ for the second year running at 2012 Skytrax Awards. • Qatar Airways has introduced a whole new business class cabin in 2011. • In 2013, Qatar Airways became FC Barcelona’s primary shirt sponsor. • Also in 2013, a Qatar Airways mobile application offering convenience for the passengers was launched.
  • 34. • 120 nationalities work for Qatar Airways. • Premium Terminal, the world’s first dedicated terminal for First and Business Class passengers opened at Doha International Airport in 2006. It features a spa, jacuzzi, fine dining, meeting rooms and duty-free shops. • Current slogan: World's Five-Star Airline • Previous slogan: Taking you more personally Numbers Total number of employees - 19000 * as of 2012 Number of destinations - 133 * as of 2013. New destinations are added each year. Fleet Airbus 319/320/321 - 45 Airbus 330 - 29 Airbus 340 - 4 Boeing 777 - 37 Boeing 787 - 9 Total number of aircraft - 124 * as of 2013 Qatar Airways features and amenities Qatar Airways offers First, Business and Economy Class cabins, Oryx in-flight entertainment system, Privilege Club frequent-flyer program and a Premium Terminal at Doha International Airport. First Class Qatar Airways First Class seat converts into a 198cm (6.5ft) bed equipped with massage functions. A feathered duvet is provided. The First Class passengers will be chauffeured to the aircraft for boarding in a BMW 7-Series. Business Class Business Class cabin features 180 degree flat bed seats, foot rest with 8 in-seat massage settings, in-seat power supply and
  • 35. touch-screen inflight entertainment on 39 cm (15.4in) monitors. Economy Class The Economy Class seat features a pitch of 86cm (34 in) and an in-flight entertainment screen at each seat on selected flights. Dining First Class offers a ten-course menu including caviar, lobster, Arabic Mezzas and fine chocolates and a fine selection of wines and champagnes. Business Class service can be a la carte or dine-on-demand. Made from fresh ingredients and designed by award-winning chefs, the menu is described as exquisite and eclectic. Economy Class offers generous and delicious meals made from fresh ingredients. In-flight entertainment system Oryx Oryx Entertainment system is available at every seat for the wide-body aircraft fleet and it features over 770 audio and video options. The OnAir service is gradually introduced on the Airbus A320 fleet. Passengers are able to use their mobile phone during the flight for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages, e- mail or browse the internet. Frequent flyer Qatar Airways popular Privilege Club program has four tiers: • Privilege Club • Burgundy which requires 50 Qpoints for entry • Silver which requires 150 Qpoints for entry • Gold which requires 300 Qpoints for entry Depending on flight duration and class of travel, the passengers will be awarded a certain number of Qpoints. Qatar Airways has been invited to join OneWorld Alliance with the joining date being set for August 2013.
  • 36. Departure services Online check-in is available between 36 hours and 90 minutes prior to the flight departure. Passenger may choose their preferred seat and print their boarding cards. Alternatively, check-in can be done at Doha International Airport. First and Business Class passengers can check-in at the dedicated Premium Terminal where a concierge is available to assist the passengers. Premium Terminal The Premium Terminal at Doha International Airport is a unique concept available for First and Business Class passengers flying with Qatar Airways from Doha. The terminal features concierge meet and greet, seated check- in areas, self-service kiosks for passengers without checked baggage and dedicated First and Business Class Lounges. The First Class Lounge hosts a fine-dining area, spa, jacuzzi and sauna, massage treatment rooms, showers and privacy rooms where passengers can rest before their flights. Other amenities available for both First and Business Class passengers are conference and meeting rooms, business center, game room, children play area and nursery, dedicated boarding gates and duty-free shopping. Lounges Qatar Airways offers its own Premium Lounge in London Heathrow. At all the other destinations in Qatar Airways network, First and Business Class guests, as well as Privilege Club Gold and Silver members will be provided with access to a third-party business lounge. Cabin Crew Life Doha The Corniche is a central point in Doha. You can take a stroll along the coast and admire the ever developing skyline of the city.
  • 37. Visit Souq Waqif, one of the oldest souqs (traditional Arabic market ) in Doha, a maze of tiny alley ways loaded with shops. There you will also find the falcon souq, a fascinating place where you can see price tags as high as US$10000 for a falcon. Numerous malls, restaurants and 5 star hotels, in addition to a safe environment make Doha a hospitable home for expats around the world. Accommodation You will be offered a shared apartment in one of the most modern buildings in Doha. The apartment is fully furnished and each flat-mate has their own bedroom and bathroom. Living-room and kitchen areas are shared. All utilities are paid for by the airline. Transportation A company branded bus will pick you up from your accommodation building and drop you off at the airport crew center. This will be done approximately 1 hour before the start of your duty. Also, you will be dropped off at your accommodation at the end of the duty. Salary The start-up salary for a cabin crew during the first 6 months (including the 7 weeks training period) is US$904 (QR 3300). After the 6 months of probation, the basic salary will be increased to US$1027 (QR 3750). You will be paid for your flying duty US$10.65 (QR39) per hour. Expect to work 60-80 duty hours in one month. On top of this you will also be paid a meal allowance at your layover destinations, calculated per hour of stay. During the initial training you will be paid the basic salary and offered a welcome bonus of US$ 548 (QR 2000).
  • 38. Annual Leave You are entitled to 30 days annual leave. You will be given one free ticket per year to travel back to your country. Travel concession You will have unlimited discount tickets (ID 90 - not confirmed or ID 50 - confirmed seats) for yourself on Qatar Airways routes. You will also have one ID 90 and one ID 50 per year for each of your parents and siblings. Uniform The female cabin crew uniform consists of a burgundy tunic- styled jacket, skirt and hat, and a white blouse. In-flight, a navy blue service waistcoat is worn. The female In-Flight Service Director wears a similar designed suit in green color and a burgundy pattern scarf. The male cabin crew wear a dark grey suit with white shirt and burgundy tie. The uniform will be dry-cleaned free of charge and replacement items will be given to you yearly. Career perspective You will start-up as Cabin Crew Economy Class (FA2) and have a line of promotion as Cabin Crew Business and First Class(FA1), Cabin Senior Economy Class and Purser(In-Flight Services Director). 12-24 months of experience is required to apply to next level position. Company values Qatar Airways cabin crew was voted Best Cabin Crew in the Middle East for the seventh consecutive year at the 2009 Skytrax airline awards. The airline promises its customers commitment to provide the highest quality of service in the air and on the ground. The CEO, Mr. Al Baker said ‘Qatar Airways will develop these
  • 39. services as we continue along our path of expansion and quest to become known globally as the best airline in the world.’ The company offers its crew competitive tax-free package, company provided furnished sharing accommodation, medical insurance, generous airline travel discounts, promising career prospects and personal development opportunities.
  • 40. 1.3 Who is hiring All three airlines, Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways are constantly hiring cabin crew. The recruitment events are advertised on each airline's career website and they can be Open Days, CV Submission Days or Assessment Days. For the latest recruitment events, you can browse the careers website of each airline: Emirates Etihad Airways Qatar Airways
  • 41. 1.4 Your worries and questions answered Many of my readers send me questions on a daily basis on various topics that ultimately summarize the worries that come up when going for an interview. It goes to an extent where some people cannot even bring themselves to go to the interview and give it a try for fear of rejection. I am here to shed some light on the common issues that might come into your mind. Scars Scars can be from chicken-pox marks, stitches, cuts or burns. If you have any marks on your face, neck, arms or legs, you need to see if they can be concealed with make-up, masked by hair or hid under pantyhose. If you can do that, the scars should not be a problem. If you are a man, then you only have to worry about your face and neck, as the uniform consists of long sleeved shirt and long pants. Man are not allowed to put on make-up while wearing the uniform, so the standards are more rigid here. Scars can fade in time with laser treatments or by using ointments such as BioOil. Acne There are numerous treatments for acne nowadays. See a dermatologist (not a cosmetician or beautician) who will give you prescribed medication for acne. If you have scars caused by acne, then see the previous point. Teeth Very few people have naturally straight and white teeth. Must you have perfect pearly whites? Absolutely not. However, teeth are important because the trademark of the flight attendant (or any other person working with customers) is the smile. Your teeth must be clean and without cavities. Even if they are not perfectly straight, if your smile is pleasant and warm, then you should be fine. See your dentist for a cleaning and checkup before the interview.
  • 42. Braces Teeth braces are not allowed by the grooming regulations for a flight attendant. If you are wearing your braces during the interview, explain to the interviewers when will they be removed. Alternatively, you might consider having braces only on the inside part of your teeth. Beauty marks Beauty marks are brown spots or moles located on your body. You do not need to remove them to become a cabin crew. It is absolutely fine and natural to have them. Tattoos Tattoos have become very common, however, body art is not appreciated in this industry. If you want to be a flight attendant, you must be ink free in the following areas of your body: arms, legs, neck, face. Mark on the below drawing the location of your tattoos. LADIES GENTLEMEN
  • 43. If your tattoos are outside the colored area, you will not be accepted to work as a flight attendant. You will be asked during your interview to describe the location and size of your tattoos. You might think you can skip this info. Don’t. Be truthful, as you will go through a thorough medical check once you are hired. If it is discovered then, you might be sent home. If you are considering laser removal, make sure you check with your doctor that there will be no visible scar left. Piercings The only visible piercings allowed are ear piercings (one in each ear) and earrings for ladies. No piercings and jewelry wearing for men. If you have piercings in your nose, lip or eyebrows and there is no visible hole when you remove the jewelry, then it is all fine. You must be willing to remove the jewelry from your facial piercings. If your ears are not pierced, you should not pierce them to get the job. It is not required. Height The only requirement is the vertical arm reach. Emirates and Qatar Airways require you to be able to reach 212cm(6'11") on your tip toes. Etihad Airways only requires 210 cm (6'10"). You can be 158 cm (5'3") or 180 cm (5'11"), as long as you can reach the 212 cm or 210 cm mark, you will pass this part of the interview. You can practice by measuring the required height on your wall and mark it with some tape. Some airlines require you to reach it with one hand only, while others want you to reach it with both hands. Practice, stretch and remember that arm reach can be improved with time.
  • 44. Weight Am I too fat or too skinny? The airlines require you to have a normal Body Mass Index (BMI). That is a formula that considers the proportion between your height and weight. Find out your BMI here. Eye-sight You need to have a vision of 20/20. This can be your normal eyesight, or your vision can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. You can have myopia or hyperopia. As long as you wear the prescribed glasses and you are able to see 20/20, then it is ok. Remember that some airlines require you to wear only contact lenses while on duty (not glasses). You must be comfortable with that. Once you are hired, you need to have a pair of glasses that comply with the grooming regulations: black, silver or gold frames of moderate design, without stones or other decorations. Swimming You are not required to know how to swim freely, but you are expected to be able to be comfortable enough in water and swim with the aid of a flotation device. This skill will be practiced during your initial training, where you will learn how to evacuate to aircraft during a ditching situation (emergency landing on water). You will be wearing a life-vest during this exercise. Beauty When you say flight attendant, we all think of the model-like girls, tall, skinny with perfect hair and teeth. The misconception here is that all flight attendants must look like that in ordered to be get this job. This could not be farther from the truth. If you have a pleasant appearance, relevant experience, you speak English and you make a good
  • 45. impression at the interview, you will be hired even if you do not resemble a Barbie doll. Education The only education requirement to apply to be a cabin crew is a high school diploma or a general education diploma (GED). Everything on top of that is an advantage. This can be either college, university or vocational courses. You do not need a cabin crew course to get the job. All the training will be done in the airline’s training academies after you are hired. Relevant experience To apply for a flight attendant position, relevant experience means any customer experience you have. That can be work in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops, schools, hospitals, offices or airports. Any work can be translated from a customer service perspective. To see examples, go to Creating your CV. No experience If you come straight from school and have absolutely no work experience, but you would like to start a career as a flight attendant, that is absolutely fine as well. Mostly, your interview questions will be based on your school experience or other work you did while in school. To score extra points, make sure that you include the organizations you have been involved with, internships or volunteer work that you have done. If you show during your interview that you are open to learn and willing to become good at what you are doing, you will be hired even if you don't have any experience. Languages You need to be able to speak, read and write English fluently. This will be observed from how you present your CV, to dialogues during the group exercises, an English test and the final interview. All the languages that you speak besides English are an advantage.
  • 46. You are not required to speak Arabic to work for Emirates, Etihad or Qatar Airways. Age This is by far the most popular question. The only age requirement for becoming a cabin crew is minimum 21 years old at the time of the application. If you are younger than that, you will have to wait until your 21st birthday. If you are older than that, it is absolutely fine. 27 is not old, 35 is not too old, and even when you are 42 you can become a cabin crew. Then why are all the flight attendants so young? The reason is that when you are in your 20's or early 30's, you are more likely to prefer this lifestyle: travel, share an apartment, be away from home, have an unpredictable schedule and change the team and the customers you work with all the time. The more you advance in age, the more you prefer stability, a family and a schedule that will allow you to have the weekends or holidays off. That does not mean that you will not be considered for this job when you are over 30. If you want to do it and you are a fit for the job, there will be no problems at all. Marital status You can be a flight attendant if you are married, single, engaged or in a relationship. In the Middle East, there are fewer married people doing this job. And that is because you are moving away from your country, and it is much easier to relocate and find one job instead of two. Also, people who are married prefer to have a regular 9-5 job that will allow them to spend time with their families. Why are they not as many married people doing this job? Because they do not apply for it. When applying for Qatar Airways, please note that if you join the company having single status, you must maintain the single status for the duration of the 3 year contract.
  • 47. Children Having children is an amazing experience. You would want to spend as much time as possible with them, and while working as a flight attendant, it will be quite a challenge. You might be away from home for days at a time, you might miss school plays or major milestones. If you want to do this job and have children, then you must have an open mind, a very understanding partner and help either from your parents, in- laws or a hired nanny. Be aware that kindergarten and school in the Middle East is quite expensive and you will be expected to pay that yourself, without any assistance from the company. Also, if you decide to relocate to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Doha with your family, you will not be able to live in the shared company provided accommodation, but find your own apartment for which you will be offered a housing allowance from the company. You can apply for the housing allowance only after the first 6 months of probation. Nationality There is absolutely no discrimination based on the color of your passport. Airlines in the Middle East cherish the diversity of their crew. If you come from Australia, Mozambique, Peru, Tajikistan, Germany or Philippines, you will be offered the same fair chance to interview for the flight attendant job as any other candidates, and your culture will be celebrated among the other over 100 nationalities working for the airline. How long to wait in between assessment days ✓If you participated in an Open Day and your CV was not short-listed, you can go to another Open Day after 6 months. Remember however that you cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. When you present the same CV, same photos and the same experience, if you were rejected once, the chances are that you will be rejected the second and the third time as well. Take some
  • 48. time to review your CV, volunteer for some customer service jobs or apply for a new job in the customer service field, learn a new language or acquire a new skill that might benefit you when working as a cabin crew. ✓If you participated in an Open Day and your CV was short- listed, but you fail at any point during the assessment day, you will need to wait for 6 months to participate again in a recruitment event. ✓If you passed all stages of the Assessment Day but you fail the final interview, you will have to wait 12 months before reapplying. ✓If you are in any of the above-mentioned situations, use the time until you can try again wisely. Reading this book is a great step in your success: being prepared, knowing what to expect and improving yourself to fit the airline's expectations are your keys to get the job. ✓Is this rule strict? Yes! Confidence and fear of failure There are a million little reasons to worry about. You can worry about your appearance, about the design of your blouse or small little things you said. Most people are constant worriers. We analyze every step we did and go crazy on all the details. Do you believe in the power of mind? I do, and I believe that you will attract in your life exactly what you have been thinking. If you think you are never good enough and worthy, why would other people think differently? If you know that you have something to offer and you let people see it by being open, honest and enthusiastic, you will be seeing great accomplishments coming your way. Think of it like this: the best thing that can happen is getting a job and an amazing new life full of adventure and travels. Worst thing that can happen is a gained experience of how an assessment day looks like. See it as a learning experience.
  • 49. You might make it through the CV selection, but fail the group exercise. With this you learn that your CV is great, but you need to improve your team-working skills. What if you pass the group exercise, but fail the English test? You know exactly what to focus on: improving your English. You do not need to alter your appearance, buy an expensive suit for the interview or try to pretend to be someone that you are not. If you are fit for the job, the job will be a fit for you as well. Otherwise you will end up being miserable. Do it for passion, and it will not feel like work at all! You are already perfect. Just let the people around you see that. Want to see another topic? Explore the Table of CONTENTS. Chapter 2 - Let's get you the job The cabin crew hiring process is called an assessment center or assessment day. Here are some definitions for you: Assessment Day (or Assessment Center) – Is a process employing multiple techniques and multiple assessors to produce judgements regarding the extent to which a participant displays selected competencies. Assessor – An individual trained to observe, record, classify and make reliable judgement about the behaviors of those being assessed. Exercise (or Task) – A simulation or technique designed to elicit behaviors related to performance requirements of the job. Source: Lewis Rowe, Tina; A Preparation Guide for the Assessment center Method; (2006) Charles C. Thomas Publishers Ltd, Illinois, USA. Your flight attendant skills will be tested in a series of exercises. This hiring method has been adopted by many
  • 50. companies, as a form of interviewing. At the end of the assessment day you will have a 1-on-1 final interview. There are 3 ways of getting to interview for the cabin crew position: 1. Assessment Day - you will be submitting an online application and then wait to be called when the airline holds an assessment in your country or city. 2. Open Day - you will participate in the open day event that airlines organize monthly in various countries around the world. If your CV is short-listed, you will then participate in an Assessment Day either immediately after, or on a future date which will be communicated to you. No online application is necessary before this event. 3. CV Submission Day - you can drop off your CV and required photographs during the published timings. The
  • 51. short listed candidates will be invited to participate in an Assessment Day either the next day or on a future date. No online application is necessary before the event. We will explore step by step all the options that exist to get you to the assessment day. This chapter is divided in 3 parts: before, during and after the assessment.
  • 52. 2.1 Before the assessment 2.1.1 Creating your CV Your CV is a very important step. You need to create a simple, easy to read CV that will set you apart from the other candidates. During the Open Day especially, there will be hundreds of people showing up and hoping for a chance. The assessors have only a minute to go through a CV, so you must make sure that the relevant information is there, visible and on the subject. Think of the assessors as clients in your shop. You have to make sure that your prime merchandise is in the front, attractive and visible. Even if you have relevant experience, presenting it in a non- attractive manner might diminish your chances of you CV being short-listed for the Assessment Day. Let’s start with what your CV should include. 1. Personal details Include ✓Full name (First name then family name) ✓Home address (Street, number, city, country) ✓E-mail address ( ✓Telephone number (mobile phone, including the country code) More personal details will be asked from you when you apply online, however they are not necessary to be included in the CV. Do NOT include !Date of birth !Religion !Nationality !Marital status
  • 53. !Political affiliation !Name of your parents ! Email addresses that contain nicknames such as or EXAMPLE Anna Parker 386 Bleecker Street, 10012 New York, NY, U.S.A +1 946 111 2233 2. Professional experience In reverse chronological order, start with your latest job. Include ✓Time you worked at that specific job (month and year) ✓Name of the company and location ✓Job title ✓Job description (in 3-4 bullet points) ✓Outstanding results (if you had any) Do NOT include !the names of your boss !your salary !how many hours per week you work *If you do not have any professional experience or very little experience, it is acceptable to start your CV by listing your academic achievements. If you not sure how to translate your experience into professional customer service descriptions, see the following list of common jobs and their description. For every job below, you will find more than 3-4 bullet points. Just choose the ones that are applicable to what you did.
  • 54. Hostess • Organize the seating chart and manage reservations.% • Greet guests, escort them to their table and present menus. • Inform the waiting staff when the customers are seated.% % • Ensure cleanliness of the menus, dining room, entryway and bathrooms. • Bid farewell to the guests. • Check customer satisfaction. Waitress • Escort customers to their tables. • Present menus to customers, answer questions about menu items and make recommendations upon request. • Describe and recommend wines. • Take orders for food and beverages and serve them. • Prepare and serve specialty dishes as required. • Check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. • Ensure the bill is correct and the payment is made. Bartender • Greet the guests, accommodate to their needs and serve them with the utmost respect and professionalism. • Make customers feel welcome, secure, and relaxed. • Quickly take a guest's order, prepare the order and complete the transaction in a swift and precise manner. • Keep work area clean. • Reinforce a practice of responsible service. • Maintain a cheerful and upbeat attitude. Cashier • Greet and acknowledge every customer.
  • 55. • Maintain outstanding standards of product knowledge. • Maintain awareness of all promotions and advertisements. • Accurately and efficiently ring on registers and maintain all cash and media at the registers. • Communicate customer requests to management. • Enter all media from register into the tally program. • Maintain orderly appearance of register area and supplies stocked. Shop Assistant • Be attentive to customers’ needs. • Give information about the features, quality and availability of different products. • Help customers find products they are looking for in the shop. • When necessary, be able to give in-depth technical advice about products. • Arrange orders and deliveries of stock. • Advise the customer of information relating to their purchase, such as warranty or product care. • Make the customer aware of any special offers. • Make sure that all stock is on display. Sales Assistant • Assist customers in locating merchandise and answering questions concerning general merchandise. • Demonstrate use of merchandise upon request. • Stock shelves, counters or tables with merchandise. • Process payment following established procedures for different types of transactions. • Count and balance cash register and receipts. • Check inventory periodically and place orders with sales representative.
  • 56. • Check inventory listing with actual inventory on shelf and report discrepancies to supervisor. • Train new sales staff in basic operations and procedures. • Clean shelves, counters or tables. Nurse • Provide direct care and promote comfort to patients. • Promote healthy lifestyle. • Interpret medical information to the patient. • Provide emotional, intellectual and psychologic support. • Plan, give direction, develop staff and monitor operations. • Represent both staff and administrations as needed . • Work together with the doctor. Fitness Instructor • Assess the needs and capabilities of individuals through fitness assessment procedures. • Provide instruction in a variety of fitness activities including non-gym related activities. • Liaise with doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians and other health professionals to develop fitness programs for clients. • Help people set and achieve their fitness targets. • Complete inductions to show people how to use equipment in the gym. • Supervise use of equipment while making sure that exercise is completed properly. • Run group classes. • Work individually with private clients • Be informed of developments in health and exercise practice. • Keep fit.
  • 57. Spa Therapist • Provide consistent professional massage and body treatments according to spa protocols and accepted certification practices. • Actively promote the spa and the services available. • Handle guests’ questions and concerns professionally and courteously and provide accurate and immediate responses. • Provide a level of service which exceeds all guest expectations by completing all treatments in a consistently thorough manner, in the time allocated and by treating all clients with individual attention. • Attend to greeting, update records, consultations, refreshments and immediate handling of complaints. • Ensure all therapist administration is completed at the end of each day (guest records, stock lists and updates of the log book). • Ensure rooms are kept clean and tidy according to health and safety standards. • Monitor status of all equipment. • Restock products in the treatment rooms. • Participate in ongoing training programs. • Continually expand range of treatments qualified to deliver. Kindergarten teacher • Responsible for leading students through creative play and hands-on activities. • Plan lessons according to the state curriculum and assess students, tailoring their lessons according to the different abilities of children in the classroom. • Conduct parent-teacher conferences. • Sponsor after-school clubs or sports teams. • Plan, set and evaluate grade test, exams and assignments. • Supervise student conduct during class and breaks.
  • 58. • Understand the diverse background students come from, their strength, weakness and areas of interest. • Resolve conflict among students by encouraging positive debate. • Adjust teaching styles to meet individual needs of students. • Carry out relevant administrative duties. • Communicate effectively with parents about their children's development. • Ensuring that the health and safety of children and staff is always maintained, both inside and outside the classroom environment. Hotel Front Desk • Greet guests with a smile and answer their questions as required. • Count and verify cash, shift activity, keys and gift certificates with departing shift. • Print updated in-house, arrival, departure and room status reports. • Check all unresolved departures. • Review service requests for arrivals. • Complete welcome calls. • Clean and tidy front desk area. • Work directly with concierge staff. • Arrange guest travel and transportation (airport, tours,etc). • Calculate final bills and receive payment. • Handle direct calls from guests. • Receive and send emails regarding bookings, reservations or transport. Secretary/Administrative Assistant/Personal Assistant • Prepare and manage correspondence, reports and documents.
  • 59. • Organize and coordinate meetings, conferences and travel arrangements. • Take, type and distribute minutes of meetings. • Implement and maintain office systems. • Maintain schedules and calendars. • Arrange and confirm appointments. • Organize internal and external events. • Handle incoming mail and other material. • Set up and maintain filing systems, work procedures and databases. • Communicate orally and in writing to answer inquiries and provide information. • Coordinate the flow of information both internally and externally. • Operate office equipment. • Manage office space. Public Relations Assistant • Support public relations staff within an organization (advertising and marketing initiatives, scheduled public events and news releases). • Maintain the executives' schedules, coordinating meetings and travel arrangements, prepare related reports and presentations, create promotional materials, as well as other administrative duties as needed. • Work closely with account coordinators and account managers to fulfill client needs. • Actively promote openings and events using press releases and media outlets (newspaper, radio, magazine, internet). • Work with individual clients. • Active involvement to promote the company via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and You Tube.
  • 60. Real Estate Agent • Provide clients with the best deals on properties while meeting their specific needs. • Communicate with potential clients to determine what kind of property they are looking for. • Prepare advertisements for open houses and listings and set appointments. • Prepare properties for sale. • Serve as a mediator between buyers and sellers. • Prepare necessary legal documents when an agreement has been made between the two parties. • Offer guidance to clients about the prices in market, mortgage aspects, legal procedures and other requirements. Cabin Crew • Comply with the airline's safety and emergency procedure. • Perform on-board equipment checks. • Provide personalized and graceful service to the guests as underlined in the company’s standard service flow. • Achieve customer service excellence by maintaining open and effective communication with the passengers. • Report any concerning matters to the Senior Crew. EXAMPLE 2008-present% % % ABC Airline% % New York, U.S.A Cabin Manager • Supervise a team of 8-14 flight attendants through all stages of the flight. • Perform on-board coaching and conduct performance management assessments when necessary. • Ensure the highest level of customer service and satisfaction is achieved on every flight. • Received 27 letters of commendation from guests and colleagues.
  • 61. 3. Education List the highest level of education you achieved. If you went to college, you do not need to mention that you obtained a high school diploma; it is implied. If you have a master degree, then include your master studies as well as your college in reverse chronological order. You can also list certification from vocational schools in this section, however do not include courses that helped you gain skills such as 'computer basics'. Include ✓dates of attendance ✓name of the institution, city and country ✓degree or certification obtained Do NOT include !your grades and subjects you took !your primary or middle school !names of your teachers EXAMPLE 2000-2004 New York University College of Arts and Sciences New York, U.S.A Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), major in East-Asian Studies OR 2000-2004% Millennium High School%% New York, U.S.A High School Diploma
  • 62. 4. Skills Include a list of skills that are relevant for the position you are applying for. This will be more effective than a long and overwhelming list. You can always show more of your skills during the interview. Choose 4 or 5 from the following list. Obviously, mention only the skills you possess. EXAMPLES ✓Highly adaptable, positive, resilient, open to new ideas ✓Proven relationship-builder with excellent interpersonal skills. ✓Personable individual whose strengths include cultural sensitivity and an ability to build rapport with a diverse workforce in a multicultural environment. ✓Dependable, responsible contributor committed to excellence and success. ✓Loyal and dedicated employee with an excellent work record. ✓Energetic personality consistently praised for my passion for work and upbeat, positive attitude. ✓Enthusiastic, knowledge-hungry learner, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts. ✓Fluent in English and … (insert here your language competencies) Do NOT include !driving license. Your ability of driving a car is irrelevant when applying for a position to work in a plane. !PC use. These days, everybody above 7 and under the age of 60 is computer literate. This is the world we live in. !hobbies. This can work against you. You want to come across as a professional individual. You do not need the interviewers to know information that is too personal and inappropriate to
  • 63. be brought up in a job interview. Let the passion for knitting our of your CV. 5. References The standard text here is: 'References and letters of appreciation available on request.' When you drop your CV, you may ask the assessors if they require your references list. Have it printed on a separate paper that includes your personal details at the top and hand it over attached to your CV. The person who is your reference must be your current or previous manager or direct supervisor. If you don’t have any professional experience, list the name of one of your professors who previously agreed to talk about you and your skills with a potential employer. Include ✓Name ✓Title ✓Company or institution ✓Contact email (use the company or university email, not gmail or yahoo accounts) ✓Contact telephone number. Do NOT include !Your friends, parents or subordinates. !Somebody who will not give you the best recommendations. EXAMPLE John Smith, Sales Manager, ABC Company +1 477 321 987
  • 64. DOWNLOAD CV TEMPLATES Cabin Crew CVTemplate 1 Cabin Crew CVTemplate 2 Cabin Crew CVTemplate 3 Important points about your CV "Present your CV on maximum 1 page. There is simply no time for the assessors to read pages and pages of explanations. If you have more pages, cut down your job description to 3-4 bullet points each. "Keep your language simple and concise. "Print 2 copies of your CV on white paper. "Use the spell check. There should be no spelling errors or incorrect sentences. The CV speaks for you. If you cannot have at least one piece of paper correct, what is your level of English? You might not be given a chance to show it. "Keep your photo separate, printed on a photo quality paper, do not attach your passport photo next to your name on the CV. "Use easy to read fonts such as Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica or Arial.
  • 65. 2.1.2 Application photos You will need a full length photo and a passport photo in digital format for your online application, as well as printed copies for your Assessment Day. Passport photo Standard passport photo size: 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm (1.8" x 1.4") * in United States the standard passport photo size is 2"x2". You will need to specify the required size of 1.8"x1.4". Background: plain background, light color, without props. Digital format: .jpeg, .pjpeg, .gif Printed copies: 8 While taking the photo, look straight ahead and give a genuine smile.
  • 66. Full length photo Size: 10 cm x 15 cm (4" x 6") Background: plain background, light color, without props. Digital format: .jpeg, .pjpeg, .gif Printed copies: 4 #Emirates requires for the Final Interview 1 full length business attire photo and 2 full length casual photos. Provide casual photos suitable for an employee to see. Do not show photos of you drinking or smoking, in a bathing suit (or any other revealing clothing) or in compromising circumstances. POSING Smile. Face the camera with a good posture. Ensure both legs are visible. Do not cross them over. Both arms and hands should be visible on the sides of the body. LADIES What to wear? ✓A power skirt suit in black, brown, grey, dark blue or dark green. Make sure it is fitted (not loose). ✓A blouse or collared shirt, preferably white. ✓The skirt must not be shorter than knee length. ✓High heel shoes (court shoes) without ankle straps, in a dark color complementing the suit. ✓Skin colored stockings. What NOT to wear ! scarfs ! jeans ! miniskirts ! colored stockings such as black, red, purple or yellow
  • 67. ! floral patterns ! revealing clothing ! T-shirts ! sandals ! open toe shoes ! bathing suits ! national costumes ! sun glasses ! hats ! musical instruments ! plastic, colored or big jewelry ! mobile phone ! handbag Make-up, hair and accessories If your hair is longer than shoulder length, it should be tied in a bun and any loose hairs secured in place with hair spray. If your hair is short, style it nice and neat. Wear make-up. Chose foundation, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick matching your skin tone. Do not put too much. Learn here how to put on make-up. If you choose to wear jewelry, keep it conservative - wedding and engagement ring, pearl or diamond stud earrings, a fine necklace and a small watch.
  • 68. This is how you should look in your full length business attire photograph.
  • 69. GENTLEMEN What to wear A suit in black, brown, grey, dark blue or dark green, simple or with pinstripes. A collared, long sleeved and preferably white shirt. A tie matching the suit and the shirt. Dark color polished shoes. What NOT to wear ! jeans ! suit in light or pastel colors such as blue, yellow or white ! white shoes ! the jacket over your shoulder ! shorts ! open shirts featuring your chest ! T-shirts ! sandals ! national costumes ! sun glasses ! hats ! musical instruments ! jewelry ! make-up ! mustaches, goatees or beards ! mobile phone ! briefcase Hair and accessories Hair should be short and neatly groomed. Do not shave it off. Show a clean, shaved face. The only accessories you should wear are your wedding ring and a watch.
  • 70. This is how you should look in your full length business attire photograph.
  • 71. Important points about your photographs "Take both the passport photos and the business attire full length photos in the same time. "If you can afford it, go to a professional studio to have these photographs taken. The investment will pay for itself. "Make sure you give a genuine smile and look like a flight attendant already. "These photographs will speak for you when you are not around: they will be presented, together with your CV and the notes of your performance on the assessment day, to the HR Department of the airline. After the viewing them, a decision will be made regarding your offer of employment. Present your best.
  • 72. 2.1.3 Online application Going online on the career website of the airline, you will complete an online application. This is an online creation of your CV and it will be referred to from the interview until the moment you join the airline. We will explore in detail how to create an online application with Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. Emirates Airlines There are two options when applying for Emirates: 1. You know there will be a recruitment event in your country. Explore the Recruitment Events. When you found the location that you are looking for (either in your country or in a neighboring country where you can travel to at your own expense), click on the job, then click Apply, at the bottom of the page. 2. There are no scheduled recruitment events in your country and you want to create a general application. Go to Emirates Cabin Crew Careers Page Input Job Number 130000X8. Click on Search Jobs. You will find Emirates Cabin Crew Opportunities. Click on it. At the bottom of the page there is an Apply button. After you submit your application, it will be reviewed by the Emirates Recruitment Team. If short-listed, an invitation will be sent to you when a recruitment event (Open Day or
  • 73. Assessment Day) will take place in your country or in a neighboring country. Create an account by providing your email address and a password. Write down the password and the email you used. More often than not, we tend to forget these details. Once you log in to the careers portal, you will be able to see My submissions Your job submissions: the draft submissions, where you can edit, finish and submit the draft application or withdraw it, and the completed submissions, where you will be able to see the status of you application. To successfully create your application for the cabin crew position, you must complete 8 steps. They are all mandatory. Time of completion: 30 minutes- 1 hour Documents needed in digital format: • Passport photo • Full length photo • CV (not needed for upload, however useful to refer to when filling in your application - you may copy and paste information from it) 1. Personal Information All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and go to the next step until they are all filled. Personal Details Title* First Name*
  • 74. Last Name* Place of residence* EmailAddress* Preferred Contact Number* Country Code of Preferred Contact Number* Mobile Number Alternate Contact Number Date of birth* Gender* Current Nationality* Dual nationality (if applicable)* Employment Notice Period* Height* Weight * Have you previously been interviewed by Emirates, dnata or any associated company? * Have you previously been employed by Emirates, dnata or any associated company? * Do you have any family currently working with Emirates, dnata or any associated company? * Languages Primary Language* Fluent Languages (read, write and speak) Conversational Language Source Tracking How did you hear about this job Source type (select one)* Click SAVE and CONTINUE.
  • 75. 2. Work Experience All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and go to the next step until they are all filled. List your work experience, including traineeships, internships and voluntary experience, starting with the most recent. Work Experience 1 Current job (click on the box) Position Title Job Function Employer Start Date with this Employer* End Date with this Employer Roles and Responsibilities Reason for leaving To list additional experience, click Add Work Experience. A new section (Work Experience 2, Work Experience 3, etc) with blank fields appears. Enter any relevant information. To remove a work experience from the list, identify it, then click Remove Work Experience. To reorder work experience entries, click Move Up or Move Down next to each entry until the relevant work experience reaches the desired position. When all the information is filled, click SAVE and CONTINUE. 3. Education List your academic or professional qualifications, starting with the most recent.
  • 76. Education 1 Institution Course/Programme Education Level Start Date Graduation Date (orAnticipated Graduation Date) Location Country City To create a new education entry, click Add Education. A new section (Education 2, Education 3, etc) with blank fields appears. Enter any relevant information. To remove an education from the list, identify it, then click Remove Education. To reorder education entries, click Move Up or Move Down next to each entry until the relevant education reaches the desired position. When all the information is filled, click SAVE and CONTINUE. 4. Certifications Start by entering the most relevant certification and continue adding certifications until you have entered all that you feel are important to disclose for this job. Do not list expired certifications. Relevant certifications include medical first aid, lifeguard, fire fighting, official language certification, etc. If you don’t hold any certification, you can leave this section blank. Certification 1 Certification Number/ID
  • 77. Issue Date Expiration Date Issuing organization Location To create a new certification entry, click Add Certification. A new section (Certification 2, Certification 3, etc) with blank fields appears. Enter any relevant information. To remove a certification from the list, identify it, then click Remove Certification. To reorder certification entries, click Move Up or Move Down next to each entry until the relevant certification reaches the desired position. When all the information is filled, click SAVE and CONTINUE. 5. Photo You will need to attach two photographs: 1 fu& length photo in business attire 1 passport photo (head and shoulders shot) These images can be uploaded only if they are in the following formats: pjpeg, .jpeg, .gif Select the file to attach: Click CHOOSE FILE, locate the photo in your computer and click OK then ATTACH. Repeat with the second photo. When both photos are successfully uploaded, the will appear in a table where you can select them as Relevant Files, see the File Name, the Date when it was uploaded, Comments and the Actions you can take for the specific file.
  • 78. After you click on the first column of the table and select both your full length photo and your passport photo, click SAVE and CONTINUE. 6. Job Specific Questions All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and go to the next step until they are all filled. Questionnaire Answer the following questions as accurately as possible. *1. As part of your application, you have to attach two photographs - One Full Length and One Head and Shoulders only. Please confirm if you have attached the following photographs along with your submission. Note that these are essential to further process your application. ◦Head and Shoulders only ◦Both ◦Neither, unable to attach ◦Full Length only ◦Neither, do not possess *2. Are you willing to wear a company uniform? ◦Yes, I am willing to wear the company uniform. ◦No, I am unable to wear the company uniform. *3. Are you able to work shift duties? ◦Yes, I am able to work shift duties. ◦I am able to work shift duties with some restrictions. ◦No, I am not able to work shift duties. Answer each question then click SAVE and CONTINUE.
  • 79. 7. Declaration Your eSignature (the electronic equivalent of a handwritten signature) is required at the end of the statement, acknowledging your consent regarding the correctness of the information and documents provided, as well as your familiarization with the privacy policy and the medical requirements to qualify for a UAE residence visa. At the bottom of the page you will find two boxes: Please enter your fu& name* Email address* Fill in the information then click SAVE and CONTINUE. 8. Summary This summary displays the information included in the job submission form. To modify some specific information, click Edit next to the relevant section. Once you go through all the details, at the bottom of the page click SUBMIT.
  • 80. Etihad Airways Go online to Etihad Airways Cabin Crew Careers Page. Click in the Cabin Crew job description. Once the page is open, on the right corner, there is an APPLY NOW button. You will first need to agree to the terms and conditions for personal data processing and confirm that you have the required documents ready. After you submit your application, it will be reviewed by the Etihad Recruitment Team. If your application is successful, you will receive an invitation for a recruitment event in your country or in another location. Create an account by providing the following information: Email address Password - it must be at least 6 characters long, containing both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters such as -,_, =, >. Example: John-1 First name Surname Once you log in to the careers portal, you will be able to see your user account: Your emails - correspondence from the airline regarding your application and job alerts. Your application - here you can see the status of your application and update your details. In order to successfully create your application for the cabin crew position, you must complete 5 steps. They are all mandatory. Time of completion: 30 minutes- 1 hour
  • 81. Documents needed in digital format: • CV • Passport photo • Full-length photo 1. Basic requirements questionnaire You will need to answer 8 questions to establish if you have the basic requirements for the cabin crew position. Every question is compulsory and presented on an individual screen. You cannot proceed to the next question until you provide an answer. If necessary, you will be asked to provide further details. Always be truthful. 1. Have you previously worked for EtihadAirways? 2. Please state exactly where you heard about this vacancy? If online please state which website. 3. Do you have any restriction on working in the UAE, for example have you ever been denied entry to the UAE or do you have any current criminal convictions or cases pending? If the answer is YES, you will need to provide details. 4. Do you have any restrictions (Other than Visa requirements) for travel to any current Etihad destinations? If the answer is YES, you will need to provide details. 5. Are you at least 21 years of age? If you are not yet 21 years old, you can still apply, provided that your birthday is within 3 months from the date of application. If you do not meet the minimum age requirement, your online application is stopped at this point. 6. As we offer single status contracts on a shared accommodation basis with your own bedroom please te& us your gender. 7. Are you confident in open water and able to swim with the aid of a flotation device? If your answer is NO, your online application will be stopped at this point.
  • 82. 8. Are you able to reach 210 cm without shoes? If you answer NO, your online application will be stopped at this point. 2. Contact details All fields marked with * are compulsory. You cannot save and go to the next step until they are all filled. Title First name* Surname* Home Phone No. Mobile Phone No.* Current City* Latest Job Title Current Country* Nationality* Notice period* Highest Qualification* Professional Qualification* Highest Qualification: Institute* Professional Qualification: Institute* Where did you hear about this vacancy?* If you were referred to this position by an employee of this company then please enter their company email, otherwise just leave this item blank. When all the required fields are filled, you can tick the box to mark the section as completed. Click SAVE DETAILS. 3. CV Upload You need to upload your CV, a passport photo and a full length photo at this stage.