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How Music is Presented
Across the Media
By Summer Watson
One Direction (commonly abbreviated as 1D) are an English-Irish pop boy-band based in London,
composed of Niall Horan,Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and previously, Zayn Malik
until his departure from the band earlier this year. The group signed with Simon Cowell's record
label after forming and finishing third in the British televised singing competition The X-Factor in
2010. Propelled to international success by largely social media, One Direction's four albums, Up
All Night (2011), Take Me Home (2012), Midnight Memories (2013) and Four (2014) topped
charts in most major markets, and generated hit singles.
As One Direction have established, so has their primary demographic. For example, when they were first
recognized and gaining popularity, their audience was much younger girls than compared to now, as the
band portrayed a lot more younger, fun views, likewise to a younger audience. However, with the band
now more mature, I believe their fan base has expanded, attracting teenagers, as well as young adults,
due to the way in which the band are presented. As the band are also now a worldwide success, it
emphasizes that they're demographic contains many different ethnic backgrounds, concluding that they
have a diverse fan base, that are all connected through the love of the band. Furthermore, through the
use of the gaze theory, the band members typically attract a wider female audience, as fans enjoy to see
as well as listen to the band.
Here fans are seen using mainly Apple
iPhone, suggesting that these fans are
all impacted by social media, as well as
suggesting their mainstream image
within society.
Displaying various ethnic groups that
support the band. Although clearly in a
foreign country, the impact of British
themes are still visible, through the red,
white and blue colours seen.
"WE" Links to Pathos' theory of a
community and togetherness, as although
these fans don't know one another, they
share similar interests about the band;
therefore brought together as one.
Upon their first arrival into the pop industry, they were expressed through the
media as a fun-loving, enthusiastic, care free boy-band. Before One Direction
dominated the world, the media used the fact that the band are British, as the main
focal point and selling attraction; thus being significantly featured in articles,
interviews and television appearances in styled red, white and blue costumes or
themed British sets. This at the time allowed the band to establish their primary
demographic of British teenagers, as well as engaging and inviting the British public
to follow the band, through the use of these British themes.
Supporting this positive image of the band, the media (particularly print) often
captured the members laughing, or joking around with each other to suggest to the
audience that they're an ordinary group of boys that people can relate to, due to
their adolescence. In addition, the bands first few music videos feature the
members both linking arms to suggest this newly found friendship, as well as
expressing their excitement and enthusiasm through excessive body language.
One Direction's initial image soon began to develop into a more mature pop band as their
audience expanded; being represented within the media in a completely different form, as well as
making their music a lot more realistic and serious, depicting their versatility.
When comparing albums, the development of the band is initially conveyed through the extreme
use of color, compared to the lack of it featured within the latest album. This represents the
bands new, reformed identity in the media, as the before use of bright, bold colours not only
connotated to the bands loud image, but also grabbing the teenage demographics audience with
the attractive colours displayed. In comparison, the dimly lit and simplified album artwork,
suggest that they as a band have matured, and want their audience to recognize the difference in
their music over the years. In addition, the British themes slowly become non-existing for the
band, as they're now being marketed as a global, not just within Britain; therefore a more neutral,
basic approach is used, so that a larger audience are welcomed to listen and enjoy the band,
rather than only targeting Britain.
The bands maturity was recently depicted through the departure of Zayn Malik leaving One
Direction. After his departure, the band was shown within interviews and shoots wearing neutral,
clean colours, to suggest to audiences that they're unaffected as a band, and that this is a fresh
start as now a four member band.
One Direction's Four Albums:
Up All Night, Take Me Home,
Midnight Memories, Four
Here we are presented with an
iconic telephone box , with 1D
members surrounding the British
symbol; suggesting that One
Direction have taken over Britain
with their music .
To coincide with the fun, young image that the band promotes, they're typically featured within teenage
magazines such as Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Bliss etc. to target their primary audience of teenage girls.
Usually bright, bold colours are used to encourage readers to pick the magazine up, as they're eye-catching;
therefore attracting readers to this magazine, compared to others. In addition, when the band feature on covers
of girly magazines, often the page is full of poofs, giving readers lots of stuff to focus and look forward to,
particularly the bands latest gossip, as fans want to be as close to the members as possible. Furthermore, lots
of activities are usually included, to appeal to the young demographic, as typically they're much more of an
active audience rather than passive; therefore interactions will appeal more.
Significantly within these magazines band-member Harry Styles is usually positioned at the front of the frame.
This implies to readers that he's considered a favorite member of the band. Additionally this could coincide to
the gaze theory, that he is the reason girls are drawn to reading an article, as he's a large feature.
In addition to published articles on the band, magazines also often feature their perfume and makeup products
within advertisements as these will appeal to the teenage readers. This goes on to coincide with the theory of
Flow, as readers won't loose interest in the magazine after finishing the article on the band, as they'll be
featured on other pages too. Additionally the bands products usually only feature in print platforms, due to the
band mainly being seen in magazines rather than audio visual, as they're too busy trying to gain global success.
The bands own lipstick brand;
each one named after a band
1D's first and second
perfume: clearly shows
the development of their
Linking to synergy, the band also have many more varied products that they sell, ranging from bedroom decorations i.e
bedding, posters etc. stationary equipment, jewelry and many more, all in which appear in home/ lifestyle catalogues like
Argos, in which display the items with bright colours, as well as having young children or teens displayed using the products
appearing very happy, implying to parents (these are the consumers, as well as readers) that they too should buy these
products if they want their children to be as happy.
Slang words allows the
teenage demographic to be
Exploding page makes readers
not know where to look, as
there's so much crammed
information. This encourages
readers to buy the magazine
so they can take it all in in
their own time.
Bright, eye-catching colours to
attract readers eyes.
Their dark dress code creates a
stark contrast against the
hectic page layout, allowing
them to stand out and still be
the main focus.
Direct eye-contact from all
band members, making the
viewer feel more of a personal
connection. Additionally all
members of the band are
smiling, creating a warm,
friendly feel. " 100%" Suggests that this
edition of the magazine
concentrates solely on the
Synergy through giving away
posters of the band for fans to
Encouraging younger
audiences to take part in
interactive activities
Lack of text suggest that it's a
an easy read and will mainly
be images of the band.
Unlike One Direction's innocence that's often portrayed within teen based magazines, the papers display a
much more serious, controversial side to the band, with sex scandals, drug rumors and cheating allegations all
making popular papers front covers (The Sun, Daily Star and The Daily Mirror).
Assumingly these stories won't be seen by the bands targeted demographic of young girls, as stereotypically
they won't read the papers; therefore fans will still be under the influence that '1D' are the perfect role models
to follow. However, due to the lack of colour and images featured within these newspaper articles ,it suggests
that adults aged 30+ are the targeted demographic of these stories, as well as suggesting to readers that these
stories are much more serious and possibly true, due to the basic layout and abrupt headlines.
I believe these articles are published within papers rather than magazines, so that not only are children
protected from these controversial stories about their idols, but also as parents are the main consumers of the
bands products it's their opinions that truly count, as they wont purchase or encourage their children to like
the band once hearing such shocking stories.
As previously mentioned, papers such as The Sun and The Daily Mail are the main papers in which publish the
bands scandals on their front covers; thus allowing One Directions socio-economic to be established, as
primary consumers of these papers are at working class status, suggesting that most fans and consumers of the
band are at social-class level D. Furthermore promoting this idea is the comparison of these papers to The
Guardian in which has a primary audience at a high economic level, and predominantly doesn't feature
celebrity issues on their front page.
Upon their first arrival within the pop industry the band often appeared on radio stations like
Capital or Radio One, as these typically have young audiences listening, as well as playing modern
chart music, which coincides to the bands. From this, it allowed One Direction to become much
more popular and well known. Often when the band are interviewed, the main focus is usually
their personal life rather than their music, as I believe fans not only want to know the members
more personal, but also that the fans are more interested in the members of One Direction,
rather than the music they produce.
Once the band had become recognized within the pop world, the members, as well as their music
began to be featured on radio stations a lot more, with the band even doing "take overs" where
they would either be continuously playing their greatest hits, are even revealing the 'Top Hit 40'
each week, as they were soon becoming a huge influence within the charts.
Again coinciding with the Flow theory, often during broadcasts where the band were featured,
advertisements would be shown telling audiences about their tour dates, or usually how to
download their latest album or singles. This allows listeners to still keep tuned during adverts, as
well as creating revenue for the band, as young audiences will typically prefer to download their
album, then buy it on CD.
Even with the band travelling
around the world, radio
station Capital, still feature the
band on their homepage.
Although One Direction's videos do differ throughout their development, it's still clear that they're owned by a large,
wealthy institute, through the high-budget production that's used. Within each of the bands videos, various costume
changes are used, expensive sets, CGI effects, added extras (dancers, actors etc.) and even celebrity guest appearances. In
addition, the majority of these videos contain the band acting at the beginning of the video, making the music video into
more of a short, typically linear narrative. Coinciding to this, the band are signed to Columbia Records which are owned by
the Song Record Label, a mainstream organization, who have signed a range of artists, including: 50 Cent, Pink Floyd, Oasis,
Katy Perry and many more successful bands and artists.
Again through their music videos, the bands matured representation is displayed, when comparing their latest videos
against their first initial music singles. For example, the bands initial ideology, was much more enthusiastic and fun, with the
majority of their videos featuring the band dancing, laughing and jumping around. Furthermore, bright, as well as artificial
lighting was used to suggest the high energy of the band and their upbeat music. Again, significant symbols, as well as
colours linking to Britain were used, to display the importance of their British routes. However, through the aging of the
band and their now global demographic, their image began to evolve into a more neutral, mellow approach, which is
represented in their latest videos, in which they're often dressed in smarter attire, as well as featuring more low key lighting
to coincide with the seriousness of their music. In addition, they're body language features is more toned down, further
implying that they've matured and become experienced in the industry.
Here we are displayed with key themes of Britain. (L)
Guest starring British Prime Minister,David Cameron.
(R)Featuring The London Eye, as well as low angle to
show the power of the band.
(L)The iconic Hollywood sign is displayed in one of the bands
music videos, implying the high budget used, as well as
suggesting the band have become popular in America.
(R)Displaying the expense of sets and production used to
create the videos.
Some of the bands latest videos, show the
simplicity and new image that the band are
creating for themselves, particularly with
departure of Zayn.
AUDIO VISUALThe band often appear on various mainstream, pop music channels like MTV or 4Music, where the channel usually either have live performances
in the studio, or dedicates the whole day to the band, naming it "One Direction Takeover." Traditionally this will entail numerous of their songs
being ranked from least preferable to fans favorites, in addition to seeing glimpses of the band when introducing their music. During this the band
members are often seen with natural lighting and basic surroundings, furthermore implying to viewers that the main focus is on them and their
music, as well as suggesting that they only need one another. In addition to Takeover days, the band are often involved in competitions within
these music channels, where the greatest pop artists compete with one another over who has the best fans. During this, E-media is a large
influence to One Direction and their fans, as most are young teenagers, who all have access to at least one of the social media platforms.
When appearing on television, the flow theory is displayed during the advertisements, as they usually feature the band or their products. For
example, a Pepsi advert in which the band were displayed, showed a short glimpse of each member drinking. This goes on to link to the theory of
celebrity endorsement, as once seeing this advert, some viewers may be influenced to buy the advertised product. Also to promote their own
product, the bands perfume is usually shown during either talent or reality television shows, as typically One Directions feminism fan base will be
viewing, as well as attracting a larger female audience.
With the band now being a worldwide success, they now rarely feature on British television, instead largely appearing in interviews within foreign
countries in attempt to widen their fan base and become as popular as they are within Britain. Although the band aren't often now interviewed on
British television, they still usually feature on the release of a new album, or when they’ve won an award; tending to dedicate their success to
their first British fan base.
Appealing to their younger demographic of girls, often children's television channels will advertise the bands dolls. The use of scheduling this
particular advertisement placement, ensures that the correct, younger One Direction fans purchase the dolls, as well as making them feel included
with any other 1D fan, as they too have products they can buy. Additionally, the use of neutral colour schemes in which the dolls are advertised,
suggests that these will be available worldwide, as everybody will feel again included, as it's not focusing solely on British colours.
The band featuring within a Pepsi
advert, with the tag line "LIVE FOR
NOW " This supports their fun
representation, as well as
displaying their enthusiasm
through the use of capital letters.
The neutral, light colours
create a fresh, clean and
feminine feel, creating a
similar expectation for the
bands perfume. In addition,
the way in which only Harry is
perfecting the bottle, depicts
him as the main focus,
suggesting that he is as much
interest as the advertised
bottle for viewers.
When searching One Direction online, the initial findings were their Twitter page, which appears before their own
official website, suggesting that their social media sites are more frequently accessed than other promotional sites, as
their target audience and fans are young teenagers who stereotypically use E-media significantly more. Following
this, there are other various social media logos placed like Facebook, Instagram YouTube etc. that allow easy
navigation for audiences to follow these links directly to the band's sites. In addition, latest news and images appear,
showing just a tag line, to get viewers wanting to read more about the band.
When listening to One direction on Spotify not only does the site navigate users by listing "most popular" creating a
more easier experience, but also during the advertisements, often their latest album will be promoted, encouraging
listeners to download or pre-order it. In addition, both Spotify and Apple Music are both advertised on the bands
social media sites to tell fans that they can listen to their music on many platforms.
As the band are now a global success, many media platforms and sites- particularly those associated with younger
audiences'- are the bands primary source to access and inform their fans of what's happening currently. Although the
band feature on a range of sites, most of these are set up similarly to one another, with the same images being
shared, along with the promotion of the bands albums and upcoming events, as well as each having the same "bio"
which feature the links to buying their new album. Therefore this suggests, that it doesn't matter if you don't follow
the band on all of social media, or if you can't access certain site, as if you follow the band on one single social
media site, then you're still getting the latest and same news that other fans are too, therefore nobody is missing out;
bringing fans closer together. Furthermore, the bands change in representation is displayed, through the difference
when comparing their first official website, to their now latest. Cleary their original fun views and care free image, has
now developed into a much more mature appearance and considered with significantly more serious ideologies.
Three examples of One
Direction's social media
sites. As mentioned,
each feature very similar
formats, all portraying
their renewed image.
Bright, bold colours; suggesting
a younger audience as this
element will attract this
Links to their social media sites, for
quick and easy navigation. Also
mention of Twitter suggests that
this is their more dominant way of
interacting with fans.
Both images show the band having
fun and joking around with one
another, suggesting to their fans,
that they have strong friendships,
as well as portraying that likewise
to their demographic, they too are
still ordinary even with all the
Again, Harry is portrayed with
more of a hierarchy compared to
fellow members, due to the way in
which he's framed at the centre of
the image, as well as being the
only member to be brightly
dressed., therefore suggesting his
The background image
used appears to be set
out like a map, featuring
flight tickets and various
destinations, implying
that they are becoming
widely well known
within other countries.
Numerous drop-downs, showing
users that there's lots of different
things to explore, and again
making it easier to navigate.
Eye tracker theory is used here.
Fans will first look at 1D logo and
all the various drop-down options,
then go onto to see their
advertised album "Take Me Home"
encouraging them to buy the
album. They then finally go on to
see the link to twitter, as well as
their recent news and events, so
fans can find out all about the
Although appealing to a
worldwide demographic, there
are still key themes of Britain
being depicted, particularly
through the red, white and blue
color schemes being used
OFFICIAL WEBSITE COMPARRISONBlack and white colours scheme,
suggests their maturity, as these
are typically associated with
adults, as they're much more
mellow than bright themes.
Equal positioning in both images
suggests the now four band
members are equal to one another.
The website now has less of a
hectic layout in comparison to
the band years before, suggesting
that as well as the band
maturing, so has their audience,
as they're now much more
passive than interactive, as
there's less drop down menus, as
well as no links to social media or
any activities to play.
No links to social media, suggesting that the
band are so well known and popular around
the world that they no longer need to
display their various sites.
Additionally, the font used on their
webpage is much more simple and
almost elegant; again linking to
their reformed, mature image.
As their fan base has expanded,
the band now dress in much more
of a neutral, smart dress code, so
that all fans are equal and can
relate; where as before, the use of
British colours was significantly
The members imply to fans that
the band are still in a stable
position and aren't fazed by
departure of ex-member Zayn
Malik, through their relaxed body
language and sincere smiles.
The eye tracker theory, coincides to the
bands now matured ideologies that are
presented to us through their
representation across the media, as
the most significant thing audiences
will initially see on their webpage are
the members faces being at equal
positioning to one another This goes
on to suggest that with now only four
members, all are each as important as
one another and are valued equally,
with before fans having a clear

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Magazine front cover analysis
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How music is presented in the media

  • 1. How Music is Presented Across the Media By Summer Watson
  • 2. ONE DIRECTION One Direction (commonly abbreviated as 1D) are an English-Irish pop boy-band based in London, composed of Niall Horan,Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and previously, Zayn Malik until his departure from the band earlier this year. The group signed with Simon Cowell's record label after forming and finishing third in the British televised singing competition The X-Factor in 2010. Propelled to international success by largely social media, One Direction's four albums, Up All Night (2011), Take Me Home (2012), Midnight Memories (2013) and Four (2014) topped charts in most major markets, and generated hit singles.
  • 3. DEMOGRAPHIC As One Direction have established, so has their primary demographic. For example, when they were first recognized and gaining popularity, their audience was much younger girls than compared to now, as the band portrayed a lot more younger, fun views, likewise to a younger audience. However, with the band now more mature, I believe their fan base has expanded, attracting teenagers, as well as young adults, due to the way in which the band are presented. As the band are also now a worldwide success, it emphasizes that they're demographic contains many different ethnic backgrounds, concluding that they have a diverse fan base, that are all connected through the love of the band. Furthermore, through the use of the gaze theory, the band members typically attract a wider female audience, as fans enjoy to see as well as listen to the band. Here fans are seen using mainly Apple iPhone, suggesting that these fans are all impacted by social media, as well as suggesting their mainstream image within society. Displaying various ethnic groups that support the band. Although clearly in a foreign country, the impact of British themes are still visible, through the red, white and blue colours seen. "WE" Links to Pathos' theory of a community and togetherness, as although these fans don't know one another, they share similar interests about the band; therefore brought together as one.
  • 4. REPRESENTATION DEVELOPMENT Upon their first arrival into the pop industry, they were expressed through the media as a fun-loving, enthusiastic, care free boy-band. Before One Direction dominated the world, the media used the fact that the band are British, as the main focal point and selling attraction; thus being significantly featured in articles, interviews and television appearances in styled red, white and blue costumes or themed British sets. This at the time allowed the band to establish their primary demographic of British teenagers, as well as engaging and inviting the British public to follow the band, through the use of these British themes. Supporting this positive image of the band, the media (particularly print) often captured the members laughing, or joking around with each other to suggest to the audience that they're an ordinary group of boys that people can relate to, due to their adolescence. In addition, the bands first few music videos feature the members both linking arms to suggest this newly found friendship, as well as expressing their excitement and enthusiasm through excessive body language.
  • 5. REPRESENTATION DEVELOPMENT One Direction's initial image soon began to develop into a more mature pop band as their audience expanded; being represented within the media in a completely different form, as well as making their music a lot more realistic and serious, depicting their versatility. When comparing albums, the development of the band is initially conveyed through the extreme use of color, compared to the lack of it featured within the latest album. This represents the bands new, reformed identity in the media, as the before use of bright, bold colours not only connotated to the bands loud image, but also grabbing the teenage demographics audience with the attractive colours displayed. In comparison, the dimly lit and simplified album artwork, suggest that they as a band have matured, and want their audience to recognize the difference in their music over the years. In addition, the British themes slowly become non-existing for the band, as they're now being marketed as a global, not just within Britain; therefore a more neutral, basic approach is used, so that a larger audience are welcomed to listen and enjoy the band, rather than only targeting Britain. The bands maturity was recently depicted through the departure of Zayn Malik leaving One Direction. After his departure, the band was shown within interviews and shoots wearing neutral, clean colours, to suggest to audiences that they're unaffected as a band, and that this is a fresh start as now a four member band. One Direction's Four Albums: Up All Night, Take Me Home, Midnight Memories, Four Here we are presented with an iconic telephone box , with 1D members surrounding the British symbol; suggesting that One Direction have taken over Britain with their music .
  • 7. MAGAZINE To coincide with the fun, young image that the band promotes, they're typically featured within teenage magazines such as Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Bliss etc. to target their primary audience of teenage girls. Usually bright, bold colours are used to encourage readers to pick the magazine up, as they're eye-catching; therefore attracting readers to this magazine, compared to others. In addition, when the band feature on covers of girly magazines, often the page is full of poofs, giving readers lots of stuff to focus and look forward to, particularly the bands latest gossip, as fans want to be as close to the members as possible. Furthermore, lots of activities are usually included, to appeal to the young demographic, as typically they're much more of an active audience rather than passive; therefore interactions will appeal more. Significantly within these magazines band-member Harry Styles is usually positioned at the front of the frame. This implies to readers that he's considered a favorite member of the band. Additionally this could coincide to the gaze theory, that he is the reason girls are drawn to reading an article, as he's a large feature. In addition to published articles on the band, magazines also often feature their perfume and makeup products within advertisements as these will appeal to the teenage readers. This goes on to coincide with the theory of Flow, as readers won't loose interest in the magazine after finishing the article on the band, as they'll be featured on other pages too. Additionally the bands products usually only feature in print platforms, due to the band mainly being seen in magazines rather than audio visual, as they're too busy trying to gain global success. The bands own lipstick brand; each one named after a band member. 1D's first and second perfume: clearly shows the development of their representation. Linking to synergy, the band also have many more varied products that they sell, ranging from bedroom decorations i.e bedding, posters etc. stationary equipment, jewelry and many more, all in which appear in home/ lifestyle catalogues like Argos, in which display the items with bright colours, as well as having young children or teens displayed using the products appearing very happy, implying to parents (these are the consumers, as well as readers) that they too should buy these products if they want their children to be as happy.
  • 8. Slang words allows the teenage demographic to be confirmed. Exploding page makes readers not know where to look, as there's so much crammed information. This encourages readers to buy the magazine so they can take it all in in their own time. Bright, eye-catching colours to attract readers eyes. Their dark dress code creates a stark contrast against the hectic page layout, allowing them to stand out and still be the main focus. Direct eye-contact from all band members, making the viewer feel more of a personal connection. Additionally all members of the band are smiling, creating a warm, friendly feel. " 100%" Suggests that this edition of the magazine concentrates solely on the band. Synergy through giving away posters of the band for fans to keep. Encouraging younger audiences to take part in interactive activities Lack of text suggest that it's a an easy read and will mainly be images of the band.
  • 9. NEWSPAPERS Unlike One Direction's innocence that's often portrayed within teen based magazines, the papers display a much more serious, controversial side to the band, with sex scandals, drug rumors and cheating allegations all making popular papers front covers (The Sun, Daily Star and The Daily Mirror). Assumingly these stories won't be seen by the bands targeted demographic of young girls, as stereotypically they won't read the papers; therefore fans will still be under the influence that '1D' are the perfect role models to follow. However, due to the lack of colour and images featured within these newspaper articles ,it suggests that adults aged 30+ are the targeted demographic of these stories, as well as suggesting to readers that these stories are much more serious and possibly true, due to the basic layout and abrupt headlines. I believe these articles are published within papers rather than magazines, so that not only are children protected from these controversial stories about their idols, but also as parents are the main consumers of the bands products it's their opinions that truly count, as they wont purchase or encourage their children to like the band once hearing such shocking stories. As previously mentioned, papers such as The Sun and The Daily Mail are the main papers in which publish the bands scandals on their front covers; thus allowing One Directions socio-economic to be established, as primary consumers of these papers are at working class status, suggesting that most fans and consumers of the band are at social-class level D. Furthermore promoting this idea is the comparison of these papers to The Guardian in which has a primary audience at a high economic level, and predominantly doesn't feature celebrity issues on their front page.
  • 10. BROADCASTING Upon their first arrival within the pop industry the band often appeared on radio stations like Capital or Radio One, as these typically have young audiences listening, as well as playing modern chart music, which coincides to the bands. From this, it allowed One Direction to become much more popular and well known. Often when the band are interviewed, the main focus is usually their personal life rather than their music, as I believe fans not only want to know the members more personal, but also that the fans are more interested in the members of One Direction, rather than the music they produce. Once the band had become recognized within the pop world, the members, as well as their music began to be featured on radio stations a lot more, with the band even doing "take overs" where they would either be continuously playing their greatest hits, are even revealing the 'Top Hit 40' each week, as they were soon becoming a huge influence within the charts. Again coinciding with the Flow theory, often during broadcasts where the band were featured, advertisements would be shown telling audiences about their tour dates, or usually how to download their latest album or singles. This allows listeners to still keep tuned during adverts, as well as creating revenue for the band, as young audiences will typically prefer to download their album, then buy it on CD. Even with the band travelling around the world, radio station Capital, still feature the band on their homepage.
  • 11. MUSIC VIDEOS Although One Direction's videos do differ throughout their development, it's still clear that they're owned by a large, wealthy institute, through the high-budget production that's used. Within each of the bands videos, various costume changes are used, expensive sets, CGI effects, added extras (dancers, actors etc.) and even celebrity guest appearances. In addition, the majority of these videos contain the band acting at the beginning of the video, making the music video into more of a short, typically linear narrative. Coinciding to this, the band are signed to Columbia Records which are owned by the Song Record Label, a mainstream organization, who have signed a range of artists, including: 50 Cent, Pink Floyd, Oasis, Katy Perry and many more successful bands and artists. Again through their music videos, the bands matured representation is displayed, when comparing their latest videos against their first initial music singles. For example, the bands initial ideology, was much more enthusiastic and fun, with the majority of their videos featuring the band dancing, laughing and jumping around. Furthermore, bright, as well as artificial lighting was used to suggest the high energy of the band and their upbeat music. Again, significant symbols, as well as colours linking to Britain were used, to display the importance of their British routes. However, through the aging of the band and their now global demographic, their image began to evolve into a more neutral, mellow approach, which is represented in their latest videos, in which they're often dressed in smarter attire, as well as featuring more low key lighting to coincide with the seriousness of their music. In addition, they're body language features is more toned down, further implying that they've matured and become experienced in the industry. Here we are displayed with key themes of Britain. (L) Guest starring British Prime Minister,David Cameron. (R)Featuring The London Eye, as well as low angle to show the power of the band. (L)The iconic Hollywood sign is displayed in one of the bands music videos, implying the high budget used, as well as suggesting the band have become popular in America. (R)Displaying the expense of sets and production used to create the videos. Some of the bands latest videos, show the simplicity and new image that the band are creating for themselves, particularly with departure of Zayn.
  • 12. AUDIO VISUALThe band often appear on various mainstream, pop music channels like MTV or 4Music, where the channel usually either have live performances in the studio, or dedicates the whole day to the band, naming it "One Direction Takeover." Traditionally this will entail numerous of their songs being ranked from least preferable to fans favorites, in addition to seeing glimpses of the band when introducing their music. During this the band members are often seen with natural lighting and basic surroundings, furthermore implying to viewers that the main focus is on them and their music, as well as suggesting that they only need one another. In addition to Takeover days, the band are often involved in competitions within these music channels, where the greatest pop artists compete with one another over who has the best fans. During this, E-media is a large influence to One Direction and their fans, as most are young teenagers, who all have access to at least one of the social media platforms. When appearing on television, the flow theory is displayed during the advertisements, as they usually feature the band or their products. For example, a Pepsi advert in which the band were displayed, showed a short glimpse of each member drinking. This goes on to link to the theory of celebrity endorsement, as once seeing this advert, some viewers may be influenced to buy the advertised product. Also to promote their own product, the bands perfume is usually shown during either talent or reality television shows, as typically One Directions feminism fan base will be viewing, as well as attracting a larger female audience. With the band now being a worldwide success, they now rarely feature on British television, instead largely appearing in interviews within foreign countries in attempt to widen their fan base and become as popular as they are within Britain. Although the band aren't often now interviewed on British television, they still usually feature on the release of a new album, or when they’ve won an award; tending to dedicate their success to their first British fan base. Appealing to their younger demographic of girls, often children's television channels will advertise the bands dolls. The use of scheduling this particular advertisement placement, ensures that the correct, younger One Direction fans purchase the dolls, as well as making them feel included with any other 1D fan, as they too have products they can buy. Additionally, the use of neutral colour schemes in which the dolls are advertised, suggests that these will be available worldwide, as everybody will feel again included, as it's not focusing solely on British colours. The band featuring within a Pepsi advert, with the tag line "LIVE FOR NOW " This supports their fun representation, as well as displaying their enthusiasm through the use of capital letters. The neutral, light colours create a fresh, clean and feminine feel, creating a similar expectation for the bands perfume. In addition, the way in which only Harry is perfecting the bottle, depicts him as the main focus, suggesting that he is as much interest as the advertised bottle for viewers.
  • 13. E-MEDIA When searching One Direction online, the initial findings were their Twitter page, which appears before their own official website, suggesting that their social media sites are more frequently accessed than other promotional sites, as their target audience and fans are young teenagers who stereotypically use E-media significantly more. Following this, there are other various social media logos placed like Facebook, Instagram YouTube etc. that allow easy navigation for audiences to follow these links directly to the band's sites. In addition, latest news and images appear, showing just a tag line, to get viewers wanting to read more about the band. When listening to One direction on Spotify not only does the site navigate users by listing "most popular" creating a more easier experience, but also during the advertisements, often their latest album will be promoted, encouraging listeners to download or pre-order it. In addition, both Spotify and Apple Music are both advertised on the bands social media sites to tell fans that they can listen to their music on many platforms. As the band are now a global success, many media platforms and sites- particularly those associated with younger audiences'- are the bands primary source to access and inform their fans of what's happening currently. Although the band feature on a range of sites, most of these are set up similarly to one another, with the same images being shared, along with the promotion of the bands albums and upcoming events, as well as each having the same "bio" which feature the links to buying their new album. Therefore this suggests, that it doesn't matter if you don't follow the band on all of social media, or if you can't access certain site, as if you follow the band on one single social media site, then you're still getting the latest and same news that other fans are too, therefore nobody is missing out; bringing fans closer together. Furthermore, the bands change in representation is displayed, through the difference when comparing their first official website, to their now latest. Cleary their original fun views and care free image, has now developed into a much more mature appearance and considered with significantly more serious ideologies. Three examples of One Direction's social media sites. As mentioned, each feature very similar formats, all portraying their renewed image.
  • 14. OFFICIAL WEBSITE COMPARRISON Bright, bold colours; suggesting a younger audience as this element will attract this attention. Links to their social media sites, for quick and easy navigation. Also mention of Twitter suggests that this is their more dominant way of interacting with fans. Both images show the band having fun and joking around with one another, suggesting to their fans, that they have strong friendships, as well as portraying that likewise to their demographic, they too are still ordinary even with all the fame. Again, Harry is portrayed with more of a hierarchy compared to fellow members, due to the way in which he's framed at the centre of the image, as well as being the only member to be brightly dressed., therefore suggesting his importance. The background image used appears to be set out like a map, featuring flight tickets and various destinations, implying that they are becoming widely well known within other countries. Numerous drop-downs, showing users that there's lots of different things to explore, and again making it easier to navigate. Eye tracker theory is used here. Fans will first look at 1D logo and all the various drop-down options, then go onto to see their advertised album "Take Me Home" encouraging them to buy the album. They then finally go on to see the link to twitter, as well as their recent news and events, so fans can find out all about the band. Although appealing to a worldwide demographic, there are still key themes of Britain being depicted, particularly through the red, white and blue color schemes being used throughout.
  • 15. OFFICIAL WEBSITE COMPARRISONBlack and white colours scheme, suggests their maturity, as these are typically associated with adults, as they're much more mellow than bright themes. Equal positioning in both images suggests the now four band members are equal to one another. The website now has less of a hectic layout in comparison to the band years before, suggesting that as well as the band maturing, so has their audience, as they're now much more passive than interactive, as there's less drop down menus, as well as no links to social media or any activities to play. No links to social media, suggesting that the band are so well known and popular around the world that they no longer need to display their various sites. Additionally, the font used on their webpage is much more simple and almost elegant; again linking to their reformed, mature image. As their fan base has expanded, the band now dress in much more of a neutral, smart dress code, so that all fans are equal and can relate; where as before, the use of British colours was significantly featured. The members imply to fans that the band are still in a stable position and aren't fazed by departure of ex-member Zayn Malik, through their relaxed body language and sincere smiles. The eye tracker theory, coincides to the bands now matured ideologies that are presented to us through their representation across the media, as the most significant thing audiences will initially see on their webpage are the members faces being at equal positioning to one another This goes on to suggest that with now only four members, all are each as important as one another and are valued equally, with before fans having a clear favourite.