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How Is Punishment Used In The 1800s
"One word can aptly describe the punishment imposed on perpetrators in the first half of that
century – cruel" (Curland). Crime and punishment in the 1800s was very severe and often was
amusing to the public. Some techniques of punishment included branding, whipping, and ear
nailing. The English–American colonies used a patriarchal method to their punishment. The men,
typically civil officers, or religious leaders, made the laws. The less fortunate, including children,
servants, slaves, soldiers, farmers, and tradesmen had to obey the harsh rules put in place. On
Sundays, Virginian ministers had to read the Articles, Lawes and Orders. Failure to go to church two
times each day would result in the loss of a day's worth of food. The second ... Show more content
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Branding was considered a way of humiliation for people because it would be placed on their hand,
forehead, or cheek with a letter indicating the type of crime committed. It was also very painful. For
example, if you had been caught attempting burglary, you would be branded on the right hand with a
capital B, and on the left hand for a second offense. You would also have to wear a device around
your neck to designate the crime.
Ear nailing sounds like an unusual punishment that wouldn't be very effective. However, it was one
of the worst punishments due to the nature of it. Subjects were subjected to the pillory in
consequence of treason, sedition, arson, blasphemy, witchcraft, perjury, wife beating, cheating,
forgery, coin clipping, dice cogging, slandering, conjuring, fortune–telling, and drunkenness, and
many other offenses. A pillory consisted of wooden boards that had holes for the person 's hands and
head. Their ears were then nailed down to the wooden board to stabilize the head. Their head was
facing the crowd, so they could not hide it in shame. They were then beaten, while standing during
the entire duration of the punishment, and often things were thrown at them during the process.
Thus, the pillory was a dreaded consequence, due to the embarrassing scene it created. Another form
of punishment was whipping. Most village squares had a whipping post, and bigger cities had them
at various spots in the
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Matt Strautzman Research Paper
Our first set of six of the coolest facts of all time really got your mind spinning, and we have finally
returned to astound you even further with part two! If you pride yourself in being the master keeper
of all of the world's random knowledge, read on to discover the next seven coolest facts! Be sure to
return for our final part three, coming soon with the ultimate top seven coolest facts of all time!
Number Fourteen: Hitting the Target Matt Stutzman is a 33–year old man who holds the record for
the longest distance shot of an arrow that reached its target. Amazingly, this man accomplished this
feat from a length of 230 yards. What is even more astonishing, he did this all hands–free, as he was
born without arms. Number Thirteen: White People Love their Rap Since 1981, the main audience
for rap music has been white teenagers. This group ... Show more content on ...
The only thing known to be as perfectly round as the sun is a man–made silicone ball. Number Ten:
On the Putting Green Remarkably, it takes a large amount of water to keep golf courses in business.
One average course requires roughly 312,000 gallons of water per day. Number Nine: The Coolest
Craps To break the record for the longest winning streak at a craps table, you would need to roll the
dice 155 times in a row– without losing once. This record was set by a woman from New Jersey
who won consecutively for 154 rolls. The chances of anyone accomplishing this feat is estimated at
one in 5.6 billion. Number Eight: Barcode Magic When it comes to scanning bar codes, most of us
tend to assume that the black lines are what is read by the computer. However, it is actually the
white space in between the black lines that tells the computers what action to take. Be sure to return
for our final part three, coming soon with the ultimate top seven coolest facts of all
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Essay on The Etruscan Religion
The origin of the Etruscans is a mystery, still unsolved by modern man. Ancient peoples held an
almost unanimous opinion on the subject, based on the account of the first great Greek historian,
Herodotus, who wrote in about 800 B. C. as follows:
In the reign of Atys, son of Manes, a great famine is said to have occurred in the whole of Lydia. For
some time, the Lydians persisted in carrying on their usual life; then as the famine did not abate,
they sought remedies and some thought of one thing and some thought of another. It is said that is
was then that the game of dice, the game of knuckles, games of ball and other games were invented
but not the game of draughts, the invention of which the Lydians do not claim. And this is how ...
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The name Etruscan comes from the Romans, who called them Tusci or Etrusci, the Greeks called
them Tyrrhenoi, and they called themselves Rasena. A Lydian or Oriental origin is probable because
there is a locality in Lydia which is called Tyrra, which would help to explain the Greek name,
At any rate, it is believed that during the Iron Age in the first millennium B. C. groups of people of
the so–called "Villanovan" culture settled on various hilltops, which provided ideal defensive
locations. Following the Villanovans came the Etruscans who invaded by ship and set up their first
towns on the coast. They were exceptional metal–workers and were evidently attracted to this
section of Italy by the vast supplies of copper near Populonia and Piombino and by the iron ore on
the island of Elba. The date is estimated at 750 B. C.
The Etruscan language is another mystery, still unsolved by modern man. A reason for this is a lack
of sources. Although about ten thousand inscriptions have been found, about nine thousand are
funerary and contain only the name of the deceased, his parentage and the age at which he died.
There are only about ten texts which consist of more than one line; there are only two that consist of
more than one hundred words. One is an engraved tile discovered at Capua, containing about three
hundred words, the other is the Cippus Perusianus, containing about one hundred twenty words. A
manuscript was also found.
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Ext. Miami Beach
EXT. MIAMI BEACH – AFTERNOON Charming doctor DR GEORGIA PEACH is arguing with
greedy actor MR CALEB SEMPLE. GEORGIA tries to hug CALEB but he shakes him off.
GEORGIA:Please Caleb, don 't leave me. CALEB:I 'm sorry Georgia, but I 'm looking for
somebody a bit more brave. Somebody who faces his fears head on, instead of running away.
GEORGIA:I am such a person! CALEB frowns. CALEB: I 'm sorry, Georgia. I just don 't feel
excited by this relationship anymore. CALEB leaves. GEORGIA sits down, looking defeated.
Moments later, charming shopkeeper LORD Jeff RANDALL barges in looking flustered.
GEORGIA:Goodness, Jeff! Is everything okay? JEFF:I 'm afraid not. GEORGIA:What is it? Don 't
keep me in suspense... JEFF:It 's ... a robber ... I saw an ... Show more content on ...
INT. A SWEET SHOP – SHORTLY AFTER ZOE TRESCOTHIK a cowardly robber terrorises two
elderly ladies. GEORGIA, closely followed by JEFF, rushes towards ZOE, but suddenly stops in his
tracks. JEFF: What is is? What 's the matter? GEORGIA: That 's not just any old robber, that 's Zoe
Trescothik! JEFF: Who 's Zoe Trescothik? GEORGIA: Who 's Zoe Trescothik? Who 's Zoe
Trescothik? Only the most cowardly robber in the universe! JEFF: Blinkin ' knickers, Georgia! We
're going to need some help if we 're going to stop the most cowardly robber in the universe!
GEORGIA: You can say that again. JEFF: Blinkin ' knickers, Georgia! We 're going to need some
help if we 're going to stop the most cowardly robber in the universe! GEORGIA: I 'm going to need
guns, lots of guns. Zoe turns and sees Georgia and Jeff. She grins an evil grin. ZOE: Georgia Peach,
we meet again. JEFF: You 've met? GEORGIA: Yes. It was a long, long time ago... BACK IN
TIME– HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS Tell me, doctor Where are we going this time? Is this the
fifties? Or nineteen ninety–nine? All I wanted to do Was play my guitar and sing Take me away I
don 't mind You better promise me I 'll be back in time Gotta get back in time Don 't bet your future
On one roll of the dice Better remember Lightning never strikes twice Please don 't drive at eighty–
eight Don 't wanna be late again Take me away I don 't mind You better better promise me I 'll be
back in time
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Book Review
The Difficulty of Being Good by Gurcharan Das
S. No. Topic Page No.
1. Introduction and summary 1
2. Objective of study 1
3. Method of study 1
4. Critical Analysis of Chapters 2
4.1 Duryodhana's Envy 2
4.2 Draupadi's Courage 2
4.3 Yudhishthira's Duty 3
4.4 Yudhishthira's Remorse 4
4.5 Arjuna's Despair 5
4.6 Krishna's Guile 6
4.7 Bhishma's Selflessness 6
4.8 Karna's Status Anxiety 7
4.9 Conclusion 8
5. Key Learning 9
The Difficulty of Being Good by Gurcharan Das is an attempt to study and analyse the Mahabharata
and the relevance it holds in todays' world. The author realises that the great warriors in
Mahabharata were ... Show more content on ...
Next, the individual analysis were shared and discussed to reach to the final conclusion and
understand the moral of the book.
"What man of mettle will stand to see his rivals prosper and himself decline"
'If envy were a fever the whole world would be ill.'
Envy is an emotion basic to all human beings. Arising from need for self–esteem (Maslow's Need
Hierarchy), envy finds its roots in the distress the envier feels when he sees the good fortune of
others. Envy is a strong emotion with high negative effect that overwhelms the envier with mental
stress, tension and depression, making him mentally ill.
Duryodhana is a classic example of how envy in its extreme has the potential to consume a lead to a
calamity like the Mahabharata. His envy arises when he goes low on self–esteem (Maslow's Need
Hierarchy) but has a high need for power and achievement (McClelland's theory). Unable to bear the
prosperity and fortune of his Pandavas cousins he indulges in surface–acting and invites
Duryodhana for a 'friendly game of dice' and cheats him under the conspiracy. Also, the perception
(cognitive component) that the Pandavas are more accomplished than him leads to the feeling
(affective component) of envy and combined with his Machiavellianism results in his multiple plots
to kill the Pandavas (behavioural component).Duryodhan also suffers
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V. Particle Swarm Optimization ( Pso )
V. Particle Swarm optimization (PSO): It is a swarm–based intelligence algorithm influenced by the
social behavior of animals cherishes a flock of birds finding a food supply or a school of fish
protecting themselves from a predator. A particle in PSO is analogous to a bird or fish flying through
a search (problem) area. The movement of every particle is coordinated by a rate that has each
magnitude and direction. Every particle position at any instance of your time is influenced by its
best position and also the position of the most effective particle in an exceedingly drawback area.
The performance of a particle is measured by a fitness worth that is drawback specific. The PSO
rule is analogous to different biological process algorithms. In PSO, the population is that the range
of particles in a drawback area. Particles square measure initialized arbitrarily. Each particle can
have a fitness worth, which is able to be evaluated by a fitness perform to be optimized in every
generation. Each particle is aware of its best position pbest and also the best position so far among
the whole cluster of particles gbest. The pbest of a particle is that the best result (fitness value) to
date reached by the particle, whereas gbest is that the best particle in terms of fitness in a whole
population. Algorithm 2 PSO algorithm: 1. Set particle dimension as equal to the size of ready tasks
in {ti) € T 2. Initialize particles position randomly from PC = 1,....,j and velocity vi, randomly.
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MAHĀBHĀRATA: The Epic of India
Mahābhārata has always been the dominant cultural text of Ancient Bhāratavarṣa to stir the
imagination of different ages. In this article, I venture to study the interpretation of Mahābhārata and
the Woman of Mahābhārata during Colonial Rule, with the intention to understand the dialogic
process between a colonized culture and colonizer culture.
As such, in this paper, with reference to Kunti's portrayal in Romesh Chunder Dutt's (1848–1909)
Mahābhārata re–telling, I propose to study the Construction/Re–Construction and Fashioning/Re–
Fashioning of the Woman of Mahābhārata in Colonial India in English Re–tellings.
Romesh Chunder Dutt's Mahabharata: the epic of India rendered into English verse in English first
appeared in 1898, hence, ... Show more content on ...
In this paper I will discuss specifically on the Classical Mahābhārata, taking it as representative
literature of Ancient Bhāratavarṣa.
Re–tellings, translations, or transcreations of Classical Mahābhārata in English, vernacular, or any
other language are the dominant literary medium mostly in Mainstream Culture to know about
Mahābhārata – and one might add with this the medium of scholarly writings on Mahābhārata too.
As such, firsthand approach to Indian tradition is lacking at large, and the idea of tradition being
through the media of interpretative tradition has engendered the danger of a distorted view of
tradition. The distortion often swings between two extremes – either in viewing tradition as
Everything, or as Nothing.
While, on one hand it is the mark of a living tradition that
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Zero: A Narrative Fiction
1 Him Life and dreaming walk hand in hand. It had always been the case for Zero with each passing
day. When he awoke to a dark room with no menory save for his name and no idea how he got there.
How long he'd been asleep. Why he was there at all. There was a hole the size of his clenched fist on
one wall. It looked into another room. A girl roughly his age lived in that room. He didn't rise yet
from bed. Behind his closed lids he fought the haze from ripoing away this dream... Or was it a
memory? Chills prickled against his skin, the bite of snow. He could see his hands wrapped in
tattered cloth, trying to keep warm before a fire. Hear voices gruff voices, others that were lost.
Huddled around this open flame, their bodies squirmed among one another for warmth. Why was he
here with these men? Where was here? All he could do was stare at the crackling in front of his
sooty ... Show more content on ...
He leans back so she could see. "How curious, you lack everything." Cero stares back at her brown
eyes, "Do you know why we're here?" "I don't know." "You said you were here for months." She
nods and touches a finger to her lips, "Don't get too loud, they might hear us and get mad. You don't
want them to get mad." "Who are they what do you mean?" "Those in white, they come in when
they want you. Sometimes they bring good things, sometimes bad things." Bad things? She giggles
again, "Don't look so scared, if Cero behaves, he will get mostly good things." "Aerin, why are you
here?" She blinks at him, her features momentarily blank. Then her eyes flicker away briefly
shattering her hold over him. He holds his breath. Finally she says, "They want me to be. That's all."
Just be? What's that supposed to mean and who are they? Then she fixes him with her chocolate
eyes, her lips curl into a grin and her cheeks turn pink. "They're watching us, don't be scared. Don't
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Summary Of Under The Black Flag By David Cordingly
Under The Black Flag , a book written by David Cordingly expressed the reality and myths behind
piracy. He clearly states in the introduction of the book that his aim "is to examine the popular
image of pirates today, to find out where this image came from, and to compare it with the real
world of the pirates" (Cordingly xiv). Along with his aim his thesis is also stated in the introduction
of his book, which essentially states that the views by everyday people of pirates consists of a
mixture of facts, and many other things such as romantic novels and films. He successfully informs
readers of the history behind many important misconceptions of common beliefs. Although some of
the things every person has learned about a pirate growing up may ... Show more content on ...
His source range from Treasure Island, a book written by Robert Louis Stevenson, to The Complete
Films of Errol Flynn. Cordingly cites his work in chicago style citations and footnotes them. The
footnotes are put in alphabetical order and cited at the end of the book in the bibliography, and notes
section in some cases. Some of the sources included direct quotes such as the laws cited from
Captain Johnson's General History of Pirates. Other sources would included maps and paintings that
are cited through Cordingly's book such as the painting of Anne Bonny, who is discussed alongside
Mary Read in Women Pirates and Pirates' Women, a chapter in Cordingly's book. This painting is
from the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich depicts Anne Bony holding a gun that looks to
have just been fired. Anne Bonny was a very big part of Condingly's discussion in the chapter about
women and piracy. This picture further backs up his point that women were raley known as pirates
to the world , however there were certain were cases like Anne Bonny 's were women did more than
just live on board their ships. A witness clearly states at the trials that Anne was in fact holding a gun
during an attack on board the witnesses ship. This witness also stated the Mary Read was cursing
and willing to help upon the attack on board. Sources such as these, strongly supporting Cordinglys
point helped portrayed what he was
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An Inheritance To The Woods By Wendell Berry Analysis
The world is an ever–changing and advances constantly. With these constant advancements at times
there is a danger that for the sake of advancement people are sacrificing the concept of silence to
what is around them. Some are not okay with his loss and in an effort to recover the loss many will
go to extraordinary measures too remote, faraway places. While taking a trip into the Appalachian
Mountains, passionate environmental writer Wendell Berry went through a self–discovery journey
of silence. Using these experiences, which are shown his story, "An Entrance to the Woods" Berry
makes the claim that silence can be discovered if one travels far enough away from oneself and
noise of the modern day man. This noise has prevented people from being ... Show more content on ...
This human interference limits what the person is able to experience by constantly bombarding the
individual with distractions and covering up the world around them. Through the use of certain
outlets, a person can rediscover the world around them and engage with this world on a new level.
There are still opportunities to have time of quiet and self–reflection, if whoever is desiring this time
is willing to go forth and spend time working to discover these places or outlets that will enable this.
The journey that one has to go on is the difficult part, for many would rather just accept the few
close by opportunities and settle for those. Yet, going on the journey to discover the places un–
touched by man I believe is a crucial part of finding the place of quiet. For along the way the
searcher is also discovering who they are, they spend time slowly immersing themselves into the
world around them. Whether this is done by choice or by simply connecting with what is going on
around them. The desired moments of deep time are still obtainable, one just has to be dedicated
enough and clever enough to use whatever resources and go anywhere that the possibility of quiet is
acquirable and commit to it. This is not easily done, but for those who are willing to put in the time
and effort there is still
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Much Ado About Nothing Analysis
Much Ado About Nothing Analysis
Beginning in 15th century Messina in the aftermath of a war, the play opens with the army of Don
Pedro of Aragon arriving in the country and being welcomed by Leonato, Messina's governor. Count
Claudio, hero of the war, falls in love with Leonato's daughter Hero at first sight, and Don Pedro
promises to woo Hero for Claudio. Don John, Don Pedro's brother who is resentful of both Claudio
and Don Pedro for defeating him in the just–ended war and himself being a bastard son, ineligible of
heirdom, hopes to find a way to ruin Claudio's impending happiness.
After Don Pedro woos Hero for Claudio, he proposes that everyone trick Benedick and Beatrice into
falling in love. Don John and his henchman Borachio agree on a plan to disrupt the coming
marriage: Borachio will convince Claudio that Hero is unfaithful by staging a meeting with
Margaret, Hero's waiting servant. Margaret will be dressed in Hero's attire, and Claudio will assume
Borachio is Hero's lover. Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro stage a conversation for Benedick to
overhear where they talk of Beatrice's desperate love for Benedick, how he would mock her if he
knew of her feelings. Benedick joyously decides he must love her in return. Beatrice is also lured
into overhearing a conversation between Hero and Ursula, a waiting servant, who talk about
Benedick's desperate love for Beatrice and about how her arrogance will keep her out of his love's
grasp. Beatrice decides that she must shed her
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The Role of Teachers in Siddhartha
The Role of Teachers Throughout history there have been countless numbers of teachers: artisans,
craftsmen, ideologist, to name a few. They have all master some skill, gained some wisdom, or
comprehended an idea. These teachers have achieved knowledge which allows them to excel and to
be above and beyond regular people. Knowledge is something everyone strives for, and many
desire. To achieve knowledge, one must have an eye–opening experience, and epiphany that leads to
the increase of one's intellect and skill set. In Herman Hesse's Siddhartha, the main character,
Siddhartha, goes in an almost never ending quest to achieve knowledge. Throughout this journey,
Siddhartha encounters many teachers, whom which he learns a great deal, but ... Show more content
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He did this for many years, until one night a realization came to him, this part of his life had to end.
Samsara had taken over his life and there little left from his days of spiritual searching. Once again,
even though he had learned a lot from his teachers and experiences, Siddhartha had not achieved the
knowledge he wanted. Ultimately he decides to
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Zeus And Hera Chapter 1 Summary
Zeus/Hera –
1. The book starts with Cronos marrying Rhea, and that he becomes king of the gods.
2. He swallows his children because, he was afraid that one say his children were going to rebel
against him, one by one, Rhea was furious so she decide to not let him swallow the next baby, Zeus.
3. So she replaces Zeus with a stone, and he swallows the stone, thinking that it was Zeus.
4. Zeus was growing up and Rhea became lonely for him, so she told Cronos that he is the new
cupbearer, he was pleased.
5. Zeus and Rhea create a potion made out of honey, salt, and nectar; Cronos vomits out a rock and
all if his children that were alive and fully grown.
6. Zeus married his sister Hera, it was a family habit, he always made her angry by his infidelities ...
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He had to match a duel on whom was the best musician, the person he dueled was Marsyas, both
played very well so it was Marsyas turn to play the flute upside down and sing, which didn't work
and had his skin nailed to a tree.
6. Apollo won the favor of the most playful muse, Thalia which was the queen of festivities; upon
her he fathered the Corybantes or crested dancers.
7. Then a young girl came who reminded him of his sister, she was a huntress, she hunted deer,
bears, and wolves, and even wrestled a lion throwing it to the earth.
8. That is when he decided to have her, her name was Cyrene, they had a son named Aristeus and he
taught man beekeeping, olive culture, cheese–making, and may useful arts.
9. Then he went with a nymph named Dryope and they also had a son named Amphissus, founder of
cities and builder of temples.
10. His most famous son was Asclepius, Apollo also fell in love with Coronis, a princess which was
unwise of Apollo because she loved an Arcadian prince.
1. Five minutes after Hermes was born, he escaped from his crib and went to search for adventure,
he went to Mount Cyllene.
2. He saw a couple of cows grazing and he stole them and crows began to say that it belonged to
3. When he returned home, he was furious that his cows were gone and even more when there were
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Who Is Responsible For Odysseus's Downfall
It is clear that the greatest moral lesson to be learned from the Mahabharata is that everyone, even
people with the most moral integrity and soundness of character, have a distinct fatal flaw which can
often lead to their downfall. This is best exemplified by the character Yudhishthira, the eldest son of
Pandu, who was destined from birth to be a faultless king, but his fatal flaw led to the temporary
ruin of his life. Two other characters who also exemplify this principle are Odysseus, the protagonist
of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, and Oedipus, the main character in Sophocles' famed tragedy
Oedipus Rex. The character from the Mahabharata who exemplifies this principle is Yudhishthira,
the eldest of the Pandava clan. From the moment of his birth he was meant to be the perfect king,
"This is ... Show more content on ...
This is a prime example of how a seemingly flawless man's small moral shortcoming can bring ruin
to everything. The first character who embodies the same principle which was shown in The
Mahabharata is Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. In several moments
throughout the epic, Odysseus's tragic flaw, his unbudgeable pride and recklessness, lead him into
unnecessary danger and causes an enormous amount of misery and grief for him and his crew.
Otherwise, Odysseus is morally sound, a quintessential leader, and in many respects a god among
men. However, similarly to Yudhishthira, his single flaw was enough to almost completely destroy
his life. The first example of this is shown on Polyphemus' island. After he and his crew members
escaped the Cyclops' cave and were on their way to safety, Odysseus' pride took control of him and
he foolishly taunted the Cyclops by saying, "Cyclops, weak coward... your filthy crimes came down
on your head, you shameless cannibal." By doing this, he endangered himself and his crew by
revealing their location to the blinded Cyclops, who in turn threw a boulder aimed at the
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The Edge Of Vision Summary
Abstract art is perceived, as a profound separation of the tradition that the primary function of art is
the representation of visible reality. Abstract art came to be viewed as the ultimate break with all
pervious pictorial traditions. Several trends of thought served as the foundation that contributed to,
and made possible the innovative ideas of abstract painting in the first decade of the twentieth
century. Such trends emerged from various fields of experience and exploration. For instance the
impact that science has on the arts; one characteristic of our age that science, in addition to the
pursuit of expanding knowledge and understanding in whatever respected field of study, also plays a
complex role in society and the culture at ... Show more content on ...
Vanguard photographers might engage in critiques of the photographic referent, but Marco Breuer
pursued a more literal and fundamental deconstruction of the matrix of the photograph. He began
like so many other photographers in the 1960s with the cameraless photogram and cyanotype.
Slowly he dispensed with the agency of light and the mechanisms of its impedance, instead directly
attacking the surface of unexposed photographic papers, burning them, soaking them, scraping and
abrading them, inscribing on and in them a record of death of the subject and posing a new set of
terms for photographic communication. Breuer's photographs bare evidence of their own decisive
moments, however, moments not witnessed but physically observed. They are in fact, three–
dimensional objects but also appear like photographs of the very surface they embody, with
shadows, depth, and
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Analysis Of ' Siddhartha 's Journey From Corrupt...
Initially written in German and published in 1922, Siddhartha is Herman Hesse's most notable work.
Hesse's transition from a tumultuous life, marked by the serious illness of his son, emergence from
his turbulent marriage, chaotic involvement in a political conflict, and his participation in the first
world war, into a peaceful life in a Swiss village is mirrored in Siddhartha's journey from corrupt
desperation to inner peace. The central theme of the novel, which follows a young man in
approximately 625 B.C. traveling throughout India in search of enlightenment, is experience is the
only true way to gain understanding. Hesse utilizes syntax, shifts in tone, compare and contrast, and
figurative language in this excerpt to convey this ... Show more content on ...
This emphasizes that this is the resolution to the novel 's primary conflict and a notable character
development for Siddhartha.
The tone of this scene starkly contrasts the dark and despairing tone of Siddhartha's initial arrival on
the riverbank and his subsequent suicide attempt. Lighter, and infused with Siddhartha's refound joy,
this section begins with the loss of his regret over his years spent gambling and partaking in more
carnal pleasures. While the diction at points is still negatively connotated the tone overall remains
light, relegating such feelings to the past. With the statement "it is a good thing to experience
everything for oneself, which one needs to know," (Hesse 98). Hesse conveys to the reader that the
so–called mistakes of the past are not to be condemned but rather accepted as a needed stepping
stone towards your "destiny." By using "one" rather than Siddhartha continuing to speak in the first
person the statement seems to be not only directed at Siddhartha but to the reader themselves.
Siddhartha considers this transformation, thinking to himself "If this bird within him had died,
would he have perished? No, something else from within him had died, something which he had
long desired should perish,"(Hesse 99) illustrating that what he thought was joy dying was, in fact,
the loss of the part of himself which he has tried to abandon since childhood, which offers a sense of
relief and
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Deep Play: Notes On The Balinese Cockfight Analysis
Clifford Geertz is an American cultural anthropologist who was born in San Francisco, did his Ph.D.
in anthropology in Harvard. He has contributed to the field of anthropology by propounding a more
open, experimental approach to ethnography. An approach that focussed on meaning more than on
action (Kuper and Kuper, 1985:168).
Believing in Max Weber's idea of man being suspended in the webs of significance that he himself
has spun, Geertz takes those webs as culture. The analysis of culture according to Geertz is not an
experimental science in search of laws but the analysis of this type of understanding of culture is
more interpretative one (Moore and Sanders, 2006:236). Geertz says it is more important to
understand what gestures stand for, ... Show more content on ...
For it is only apparently cocks that are fighting there. Actually it is men" (Geertz, 1973:417). The
quote implies that the cocks in the cock ring metraphorically symbolise men in the ring. Thus,
Geertz goes on to say that cocks are "masculine symbols par excellence" (Geertz, 1973: 418) in
Bali. There are different analogies that are drawn between sabung (Balinese vocabulary for cock)
and men. To quote one of many is, a desperate man who makes a last, irrational effort to extricate
himself from an impossible situation is compared to a dying cock who makes one final lunge at his
tormentor to drag him along to a common
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A Short Story : A Story Of A Scary Story
"Uncle Chuzube, uncle Chuzube can you tell us a scary story," the five children in the room said in
unision. "Alright, alright kids I'll tell you one scary story then bedtime, okay?" Uncle Chuzube said.
"Hooray," the children cried. "Before we start this is may or may not be a true story so don't think
this is fake let us start. One day on a snowy night when I used to work at KFC as a manager there
were five kids in the establishment, one of the teenagers named was Zack he sat with his twin
brother Jack at one of the tables. Another teenager was named Britney and her best friend Sarah, the
last teenager was named George. The lights started to flicker but I didn't think it someone was doing
it I thought it was because of the snow so I ... Show more content on ...
Britney is the first to speak and says, "What do you want with us, I'm pretty sure the cops will find
us so you may as well release us now." "A hello would've been nice or good morning. Well anyways
my name is Ruth Smith and we are going to play a game some may die and most likely one will
live." Okay I'll be going now, in five minutes your ropes will dissolve and in ten minutes a table will
come up with a dice and instructions, now have fun." Like Ruth said in the next fifteen minutes their
ropes fell off and a table came up with instructions and a dice. The instructions said use the dice to
move forward and search for the key to get out. "Hmm thats seems simple enough we just have to
search for the key," Sarah says. George then takes the dice and puts it in his pocket, but once he put
the dice in his pocket they fell through the floor "AAAHH," the teenagers cry in unison. Once we
landed we landed on a soft cushion. "Where is Sarah, not again," Britney cries.
"We just gotta keep moving we most likely find her eventually," George says. They started walking
in the hallway. Once they made it to the end they pondered on how to keep going. "Wait aren't we
supposed to use the dice to keep moving," Zack said. "Yeah let's use the dice," Jack says. George
took the dice out his pocket and put it against the wall. The wall then started opening but once they
walked in the saw something they wished they didn't see. Sarah was tied
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Existential Paradox In The Open Boat
In this astounding yet woeful moment, the narrator of Stephen Crane's The Open Boat comes to the
forlorn realization that nature is unconcerned with the trials and suffering that he, and his fellow
shipwrecked companions aboard their small, wayward lifeboat, are facing. After inwardly ranting at
the gods and Fate about the injustice and absurdity of their ordeal on the lonely sea, the narrator
(who is embodied the correspondent character) sinks into existential despair as he can find no
greater meaning or redemptive purpose in their predicament; nor any benevolent deity or greater
power who will answer their appeals for salvation. Nature stands as indifferent to mankind as surely
as man clings to the preciousness of his fragile, yet all–encompassing, life. The rules that govern
reality seem incomprehensible and are incomparable to man's rules of justice and meaning. While
man may turn to his fellow man for help in the struggle for survival and meaning, in the final
confrontation with nature and death, each man ultimately stands alone. In the search of meaning, the
narrator wrestles with existential paradoxes. After struggling for survival for days upon the open
ocean, the happenstantial crew of the dinghy finally catch sight of land only to have their hopes
dashed. No help is forthcoming and their boat will not reach shore. To swim is to imperil their lives
and cast their fates as dice. On a reflective night as a shark swims near the boat, this passage of
examination marks
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The American folk song, "Stagolee" is a song sung in 1911, it depicted an African American pimp
who lived in St. Louis, Miussouri, and was a known criminal. This song focusses on the murder of
Billy Lyons on a late Christmas night. This particular song became so popular over 400 artists have
recorded their own versions. "No other song has so transcended its humble beginnings and been re–
invented in so many genres, in so many media and by so many artists" ( Redhead productions, Marion Hugh Knight, Jr. better known as Suge Knight is a rap music
producer with a violent and storied past. Comparing him to the song Stagolee's bad man might seem
incorrect to some but Suge Knight probably would like the comparison, because ... Show more
content on ...
Most of the variations of Stagger Lee involve Stagger Lee playing poker with William "Billy"
Lyons. Stagger Lee lost his money, his hat, or both depending on the variation of the song you
choose to believe. Stagger Lee decides this can't stand so he kills William "Billy" Lyons with a gun
to get his hat or money, or both back. Stagger Lee decides he doesn't like the outcome of the
card/dice game and uses violence to reverse the outcome in his favor. Suge Knight has a propensity
to do the same thing with violence. According to Rolling Stone magazine, "Knight met a young MC
named Mario Johnson, who complained that he'd written much of Vanilla Ice's To the Extreme.
Knight saw his opportunity, which supposedly led to the notorious hotel–room confrontation with
the white Florida rapper. Ice settled with Knight for an unspecified amount. It was his first big
payday." (Rolling Stone–knight–endless–fall–
20150706#ixzz3kh6dAfRX). The notorious hotel confrontation supposedly involved Suge Knight or
one of his body guards hanging Vanilla Ice (Robert Van Winkle) over the balcony by his feet, until
Vanilla Ice agreed to pay royalties to Knight and Mario Johnson. Suge Knights history is littered
with stories of violence and intimidation to take what he doesn't have. Currently Suge Knight is held
in prison awaiting trial for running over two men who were using his image
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Bel Canto Randomness Essay
The world thrives on randomness, and I seek to live on this roller coaster without any hiatuses. It
rolls dices across billions of people, choosing the lucky and unlucky ones. Anyone can prepare
him/herself to the fullest in order to succeed, however, no one can predict the unique situations that
they might oppose. You could be super poor but somehow win the lottery. Everything could be fine
at first, but then love ones dies, your house burns down, or you crash your car. How do you prepare
for the aftershocks of events like these? Different strokes of luck could be inches or miles away
from you. I would try to cope with whatever the world throws at me. I would search for the positives
from a random crisis. If I perform awfully in a soccer game, ... Show more content on ...
What started out as a simple birthday party for Mr. Hosokawa turned into a multiple month stand
between the terrorists and the African government. The randomness of the world bestowed this
holdup on the main characters in this book. They expected a sweet birthday accompanied by the
Roxane Coss, however they were met with a terrorist attack. People were shocked, and "ran, but
only for an instant, only until their eyes readjusted to the light and they saw the utter uselessness of
their fight" (12). Who would have predicted such an uneventful occurrence? Then, the world
decided it wanted a terrorist to fall in deeply with a hostage. "Gen was in love with Carmen" (202).
This idea became so random to Gen that even he question the existence of his feelings for her. Why
would the world pair these two together? They literally have nothing in common. The world works
in weird ways. That was the most unlikely love story to ever happen. Gen just suddenly felt in love
with a terrorist who he originally thought was a guy. Also, everyone was falling in love with Roxane
Coss, not Carmen. The idea of Carmen and Gen was very surprising, but that just how the world
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The Very Simple Plot Of A Tragedy
"The very simple plot of a tragedy involves a protagonist who desires something–object of love,
power, wealth, righteousness, justice–and obstacles come in the way of his path to reach its
fulfillment." ("Tragedy." Literature of Love. N.p., 14 June 2010. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.) In the book El
Señor Presidente the protagonist is involved in a love tragedy where he desires Camila's love but
him being the president 's right hand becomes an obstacle for him and his relationship. Political
corruption increases the amount of suffering and pain that Miguel Cara de Angel and all the people
who surround him encounter.
Corruption in Latin American countries was and in some countries still is very natural. Nobody
bothers to speak up nor rebel ... Show more content on ...
While he does not know who killed him he uses this as an excuse to get rid of one of his enemies. "
El presidente uses Miguel Cara de Angel so that he can push General Canales to leave." (Pensante,
El. "Resumen De El Señor Presidente." El Pensante, Accessed 10 Mar. 2017. ) General Canales is
his biggest threat and he uses his best allied to get rid of him. "Cara de Angel starts to associate with
General Canales rather than following the president 's rules" ("Resumen De El Señor Presidente >
Poemas Del Alma." Resumen De El Señor Presidente >Poemas Del Alma, Julian Perez Porton , 30
Apr. 2009,. Accessed 20 Mar. 2017.) The president believed that with his power he would be able to
get rid of his enemy but his right hand started associating with the enemy.
In a love tragedy the protagonist always desires something that will cause them many obstacles in
order to achieve it. Most of the times the protagonist can never overcome the obstacles and because
of that they cannot achieve what they desire. "Era un ángel: tez de dorado mármol, cabellos rubios,
boca pequeña y aire de mujer en violento contraste con la negrura de sus ojos varoniles. Vestía de
gris. Su traje, a la luz del crepúsculo, se veía como una nube. [...] manos finas [...] y un sombrero
limeño que parecía una paloma" (Asturias, Miguel Ángel. El Señor Presidente. Buenos Aires,
Editorial Losada, 1986.) When Cara de Angel met Camila he fell in love with her. He was the
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Reality Is Broken In Blood Meridian By Cormac Mccarthy
Let the Games Begin Reality is broken. Many of those in poor conditions across the world don't feel
like they can do anything to change the situation. Everyday, billions look into the eyes of poverty,
hunger, war, hopelessness, and the mindless repetition of their seemingly meaningless lives. I'd bet
you know someone who clings to addictive games such as Candy Crush or World of Warcraft. In our
virtual worlds made for simplistic games that seem to have no pertinence to our betterment, millions
find happiness, a sense of accomplishment, and escape. Reality is broken when a man–made
nonexistent world surpasses our actual lives in emotional satisfaction. Reality is broken. That's the
motto of those who find more solace in their games than they ... Show more content on ...
The classic novel, Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy, has a judge that states, "Men are born for
games. Every child knows that play is nobler than work." The same judge later says that the human
nature for games founds society as it is, especially war. I stipulate that games go so far beyond war.
In Greece, at around 440 BC, Herodotus wrote a book called Histories, which serves as a foundation
in studies of that area's cultural background. In this book, he records the Lydians, who suffered an
18 year famine of extreme intensity. Today, geologists have record of a 20 year cooling that explains
that famine and reminds us how desperate that culture was. The Lydians would only eat every other
day to survive, and would play games every day the didn't eat. They would one day play games,
next day eat, and repeat for 18 years. At the end, the king divided the kingdom in half. He had his
son take one of the halves and go out in search of new land. We now have DNA evidence that shows
that the Etruscans are those same people that left Lydia. The Etruscans were the ones that originally
united and started Rome. One of the greatest civilizations we ever had on Earth, only happened
because of dice games. To quote the game developer and author Jane McGonigal, This is exactly
how we're using games today. We're using games to escape real–world suffering. We're using games
to get away from everything that's broken in the real environment, everything that's not satisfying
about real life, and we're getting what we need from
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Samurai Champloo Essay
James Wilson
Historical Inquiry – 'Samurai Champloo'
'Samurai Champloo' is a Japanese anime series directed by the renowned Shinichirō Watanabe, who
is well–known for combining together modern and historical themes in his works. Set in the Edo
Period of Japanese history, 'Samurai Champloo' follows the exploits of Mugen and Jin, two rogue
swordsmen who are hired by Fuu, a young waitress, to find her missing father. The trio travels
across the country in search of this mysterious man and learn about each other's extraordinary pasts,
all the while encountering the weird and wonderful world of the Edo Period along the way.
What makes 'Samurai Champloo' controversial is its extensive and purposeful use of anachronism
throughout the series. Many historical fiction works are heavily criticised for this practise, which is
when a person, object, idea, or custom that belongs to a different time or place in history is featured
within a work. This is most common in large productions where details may be misplaced or
The series is best known for combining Edo Period history with modern day hip–hop culture, which
is prevalent ... Show more content on ...
He often makes use of a strange long sword that appears to be a combination of a sai and a katana,
two traditional Japanese weapons that were used during the Edo Period. However, the sai was only
used within the Okinawa island chain to the South of Japan during the Edo Period and thus was
unlikely to have made its way to mainland Japan during the time that the series takes place in, which
is approximately between 1650 AD and 1690 AD, or the early Edo Period. Even if the sai did indeed
make it to Japan in the early Edo Period it's unlikely that a blacksmith would have known how to
combine the two weapons together. Without records of these combination swords being produced
during the Edo Period, we can only assume that it's indeed an
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Logan, Jody, and Tea Cake in Hurston's Their Eyes Were...
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie had three marriages. "The three marriages and the three
communities in which Janie moves represent increasingly wide circles of experience and
opportunities for expression of personal choice. Nanny, Janie's grandmother, had in fact been a slave
and had borne a child to her master." (Cathy Falk. Vol.61.). A young lady and her relationships with
three guys. Over her life time she experiences love, hurt, and pain in the three relationships. Logan
her first husband was way older than her. Jody dies at the end of their relationship. Tea Cake was the
love of her life made her feel like she was more than just a house wife until he got bit by a wild dog.
When Zora Hurston wrote this novel, she wanted to ... Show more content on ...
Growing up as a child, Janie did not have a mother or father figure in her life. "'Tain't Logan Killicks
Ah wants you to have, baby, it's protection" (Hurston 28). Her grandmother, Nanny, wanted her to
live a better life than her mother. Janie believed that Logan was not the person she wanted to be
with, but wanted to please her grandmother's wishes. Janie had learned that even though she did not
love him now, later on in life true love would find her. Once Janie and Logan were married, months
had gone by and she was afraid that she would never fall in love with him. She had decided to give
her grandmother a visit to confess how her love for him is still not there. Despite the fact that Janie
was just trying to find a way out, her grandmother sent her off to give love time to unfold. As their
marriage continued, she never gained any love for him and wanted to find a way out of their
relationship. In the beginning, Logan would pamper her and do anything she wanted. "Janie!" Logan
called harshly. "Come help me move dis manure pile befo' de sun gits hot. You don't take a bit of
interest in dis place. 'Tain't no use in foolin' round in dat kitchen all day long" (Hurston 44). Janie
would notice how he would use her as a mule than the women she was. Janie walked to the door
with the pan in her hand still stirring the cornmeal dough and looked towards the barn. The sun from
ambush was threatening the world with red
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Case D Full Answers
1.How is it possible, as Braddock noted, to have a great deal of data but little information? How
does the SAP database and business intelligence component change this?
Fresh Direct is a New York online grocery firm aiming to offer higher quality food with the best
price which is 10–15% less than the local competitors and home delivery.
The Fresh Direct has 300,000–square–foot headquarter and 1,500 employees. 8,500 products and
200,000 customers active in every day transaction. So every second there will be numerous data
flowing into the company's center. But the company lacks of a significant information system to
deal with those data. They tried to use technology to convert the data to reports of real time
information in order to ... Show more content on ...
And the details are as follows:
First of all, with the help of SAP ERP system and associated business intelligence applications, the
employees could serve the customers instant personalized as they use the firm's database to profile
customers. For instance, as the article said, the site's software can analyze order patterns, reminding
and suggesting customers of their favorite products. They add a YMAL cross–selling tool and
develop a customer relationship management system that tracks each customers' past purchases
which recommends products that other customers purchased. Moreover, the database recognizes
whether a visiting customer is a new, infrequent, or loyal customer which could serve them
appropriate information.
In addition, because of the powerful SAP system, the employees could track inventory, compile
financial reports, tag products to fulfill customers' orders, and precisely control production down to
the level of telling bakers the number of bagels to cook every day and what temperature to use.
Managers can "see into" the order and fulfillment process at any point to identify problems. Alerts
are programmed to automatically alert managers to emerging problems. So to speak, it connects
online customers to inventory, billing, and then to truck delivery.
Besides, the FreshDirect Web site is powered by BEA Systems' Weblogic platform, which can track
customer preferences, such as the level of fruit ripeness desired, or the preferred weight of a cut of
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Should Gambling Be Legal And Popular?
Hung Truong
Professor Grace Ebron
Essay 1
February 27, 2015
Fold or All in
Gambling is no doubt a very common social practice of humankind since a long time ago.
Furthermore, gambling has long been considered as a legal industry that brings billions of dollars to
many nations in the world. Despite of the great benefits it brings, gambling industry is not totally
free from drawback. Gambling has been constantly condemned for its negative outcomes. In fact,
gambling is accused of being the cause for much social evil practice. Thus, to many countries, this
particular type of industry is not legal and popular. Specifically, in this essay, Vietnam, a nation in
Southeast Asia, will be taken as the object for this research. Accordingly, Vietnam already had 5
Casinos that are being operated. However, only foreigners are eligible to enter and play in those
casinos. Hence, the idea of legalization of gambling and allowing Vietnamese to play in the casino
in Vietnam remained a controversial topic for years. This phenomenon raises the question of should
or should not make gambling, specifically, casino legalized. This research is to give personal points
to this issue in Vietnam from a citizen's perspective.
Gambling is defined as an act of playing a game of chance or betting on random outcomes by
putting money or any valuable goods with the intention of earning more money or goods. To most
people, gambling is considered as a method to gain money with ease, some consider it a means of
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The Harlem Renaissance By Zora Neale Hurston
A reflection of the truth. The Harlem Renaissance is real. It is identified as a spiritual re–awakening,
a rebirth in culture, a sense of pride and self awareness. However, African Americans were not
always allowed this prodigious freedom. Prior to the Harlem Renaissance African Americans were
slaves; considered a piece of property who had no rights whatsoever. Despite, their harsh history,
Civil Rights were enforced, this helped bring them out of their misery; which is why the harlem
renaissance is such an important era for the African American culture. Zora Neale Hurston plays a
very critical role in the identification of Harlem Renaissance. She was born in Alabama on January
7, 1891. Both of her parents were former ... Show more content on ...
However, during these such obstacles she also finds herself and creates a voice of her own. Growing
up Janie had a different lifestyle than most african Americans, she grew up believing that she was
indeed white. Although she was raised by her grandmother, which she knew as nanny she lived with
a family of whites and was treated as one of them.Janie was given a hard time at school because of
this her nanny decided it was time to move out. The turning point in Janie 's life occurred when
Nanny caught her kissing a boy; Nanny was disappointed because she wanted Janie to be better than
what her mother and herself had become. Nanny knowing that she was going to die soon set up an
arranged marriage with an older man who was interested in Janie. Janie only being 14 and in
desperate search for love hated the thought of her soon to be husband, but she thought that when two
people got married they automatically fell in love with each other. She soon discovers that is not
what happens. Janie runs away to discover herself, in spite of her self awareness she also finds
herself running off with a younger man abandoning her safe home and husband for something in
which she does not know how it will play out.
Joe Starks, Mayor of Eatonville he was once a young charming guy who spoke well and knew how
to get what he wanted. Throughout time his attitude changed and he went from a
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The Illuminati
When people talk about the Illuminati, they are talking about the most secretive, powerful,
wealthiest, influential, sneakiest, manipulated, greediest people on the earth. It was a group formed
in Germany 1776 in order to rule the world with their wealth and power ("Illuminati" 1). Recently it
has been on everyone's mind, but why? It is being exposed more and more every day. They are
trying to take over our nation. "The infamous Illuminati secret society has remained the focus of so–
called 'conspiracy theorists' for hundreds of years. They have been called the puppet masters who
secretly pull the strings of the world's events from elections to revolutions, and from business
monopolies to stock market crashes" (Dice 1). People are ... Show more content on
The star above the eagle's head, when outlined makes the pentagram, the Satan symbol (Wilson 56).
With these symbols come the people who make them. Cults, conspiracies and specialty groups make
up the Illuminati. These are the most powerful, most evil people of the world. For this purpose, their
main goal is to establish a New World Order (Robertson 17). "To conspiracists, the New World
Order is a synonym for One–World government–the ultimate goal of the Illuminati, the Freemasons,
the Zionists, the Communists, the international bankers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Hesuits, the Vatican, the UN–even the federal agency FEMA" (Goldwag 195). Furthermore, cults
are the religion of the Illuminati. Cults are a group with the system of religious worship that is out of
mainstream. "If a cult gains enough adherents, cultural currency, money, and other appurtenances of
respectability, it generally becomes either a recognized denomination of the orthodoxy that spawned
it or a full–fledged religion in its own right" (Goldwag 3). Arthur Goldwag explains what he
believes a cult is to denote a coercive or totalizing relationship between a dominating leader and his
or her unhealthy dependent followers (4). The main cult of the Illuminati is the Freemasons.
According to Mark Dice, Freemasons is a fairly well known global
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Want Versus Need: Why is Humanity so Greedy?
Want Versus Need Why is humanity so greedy? The simple answer to that is the fact that we have
the desire to provide for our family and ourselves. Greed usually has a bad connotation; it is not
always an excessive reaction to an excessive problem. Taflinger says that Greed is necessary in our
culture to a certain extent ("The Sociological Basis of Greed" 1). Every person needs some degree of
greed to survive ("I Want It, I Want It Now" 1). Once we fulfill our basic needs, we search for a way
to fulfill our wants. We have such a surplus of resources that often times our wants get confused as
needs. When we can no longer satisfy the burning hunger of our wants, we become more and more
greedy. We strive to fill the gaping hole inside us that ... Show more content on ...
They flipped a coin and one of the two players in each game was chosen to be richer than the other.
That person would receive two times the money, rolled both dice instead of just one, and was given
twice the amount of money when they passed "go". Both players were aware of this rigged game,
but were unaware of the hidden camera. The richer person in the game soon began to show signs of
celebration and power as the game went on. The richer players wound up being rude and quite
insulting towards the other players. At the end of the game, the two players in each match were
asked how the game went. The rich players began to explain their strategies and took credit on their
success in the game, even though the game had them at an advantage. This study, along with much
more research, drew the conclusion that as a person's wealth goes up their entitlement and self–
interest go up along with it and their compassion and empathy plummets down ("The Sociological
basis of Greed" 2). It is safe to say that wealth distracts people from what is ethical and what is not.
Another study was conducted where hundreds of rich and poor members of the community were
given ten dollars each and given the option to keep the money, or share it with a less fortunate
stranger whom they never met before. The poor members gave 44% more of their money than the
rich members of the community did. This study shows that the wealthier a person becomes the
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Review Of ' Formative Fictions : Imaginative Literature...
Nayiri Khatchadourian
Prof. Bruce Stone
6 June 2017
The Consequence of Reading Fiction In his essay "Formative Fictions: Imaginative Literature and
the Training of the Capacities", Joshua Landy, professor at Stanford University, aims to explain the
function of fiction and the reward of our engagement with literary works. Landy highlights three
theories of the function of fiction: the exemplary branch, which invites the reader to consider
characters as models for emulation or avoidance, the affective branch, which focuses on what fiction
does to our emotions, and the cognitive branch, that believes that fictions grants us access to
knowledge. Landy is specifically interested in "formative fiction", works "whose function it is to
fine–tune our mental capacities" (Landy 183). The purpose is not to acquire a superior
understanding of the story, but to practice methods that allow readers to take an active stance
towards works, whether it be picking holes in the logic or mending those holes. Rather than
describing what happens to readers, he emphasizes that readers ought to do something with
formative fictions that admittedly, they can easily fail to do. Landy argues that readers who look for
a moral or message of a novel have misinterpreted the purpose of literature, which is not to have a
genuine connection to the reader's lives. While accepting that his theory is not universal and only
applies to some literary works, Landy's new option for interpreting texts, his
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The Grand Illusion in The Great Gatsby Essay
The American dream is a farce. Hopeful American children and quixotic foreigners believe that
freedom will lead to prosperity, and that prosperity will bring happiness. This anticipation of joy will
never come to fruition, and all these unfortunate people will feel that they were cheated out of
happiness by some unlucky roll of dice, but really they have been chasing cars, because the
American dream is not something one can truly capture, but only smoke trapped in the palm of a
hand. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby's lavish parties, characterized by music, dancing, and illegal
alcohol, are a representation of the corruption of society's values, and are filled with guests only
concerned with material things as they step further and further ... Show more content on ...
Many of the guests at the parties are not even invited, and Nick believe that "[He] was one of the
few guests who had actually been invited" (Fitzgerald 41). At Gatsby's parties, avid people seeking
wealth and social status want to climb up the social ladder by talking to those who are put in high
places by birth, and to do this, people simply ignored the common courtesy of not attending a party
they are not wanted at, and just went to his parties. Money makes the world go round, and even
when the world seems to be joyous and blissful, like at Gatsby's parties, there are still the unseen
gears of greed at work, out to snatch a dollar even in a place they are not even wanted at in the first
place. Although Gatsby's parties may seem to be the best example of honest fun in the 1920's, they
are paid for by nothing but the lies and trickery called "bootlegging." Gatsby, although surrounded
by extraordinary décor and living in a beautiful mansion, is nothing more than anyone in prison–he
is a crook. The enormous parties he throws, as beautiful as they may seem to the simple wandering
eye, are paid for with the money of an immoral thief, Gatsby. Although Gatsby tries to conceal his
business affairs, Tom studies Gatsby's life out of suspicion, and finds that Gatsby "bought up a lot of
side–street drugstores and sold grain alcohol over the counter"
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A World Of Books By Borges
Disorder In A World of Books
In Borges's Ficciones, it is evident that Borges knew a lot about science and scientific writing and
writers. How we as readers know that, is by way of his writing. In his writing he demonstrates that
scientific knowledge by incorporating some aspects in his stories. One of the biggest scientific ideas
that are seen throughout his stories is the idea of entropy. Entropy, in its simplest definition is
defined as, disorder whether it is in society or anywhere else in the universe. This concept of entropy
plays a huge role in many of the stories; it is a critical concept, without it many of those stories
would no longer have their intended meaning. So in this essay we are going to go in more depth and
find out what entropy it really is, as well as look at how it is used as a basis for some of the stories
by Borges. As expressed before, Borges makes this vast knowledge of scientific knowledge known
in his writing. In his stories Borges also demonstrates his understanding of the laws of
thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the branch of physical science that deals with the relationship
between heat and other forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy. In
physics, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the total amount of entropy system will
never decrease because the system will try to strike a balance of Thermal equilibrium or in other
words, it will always find a way to go back to order/peace. The systems that
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Characteristics Of Torakku Yaro
6. Torakku Yaro (10 films, 1975–1979)
Norifumi Suzuki and Bunta Sugawara have already become famous, particularly through the
plethora of exploitation films they worked in. As the genre started to lose its appeal, major studios
turned to romantic comedies with some elements of action. Torakku Yaro, with the first directing
and the second starring, was one of the most successful.
Sugawara plays Momojiro Hoshi, a truck driver who drives around Japan, along with his colleague
Kinzo Matsushita. All ten of the films follow a similar formula. Momojiro falls in love with a
woman, but ends up having to help her relationship with another man, while the ending always
features a truck race.
The first part of the series, "Goiken Muyo", was the most successful, ... Show more content on ...
Zatoichi (27 films, 1962–2003)
This particular title became globally known to the public through Takeshi Kitano's 2003 movie,
"The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi". However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Before Kitano's
movie, there have been 26 more.
Let us take things from the beginning though. Our hero's first appearance was in a small story by
Kan Shimozawa, titled Zatoichi, although the concept, as a whole, was based on a secondary
character of this story, a blind gambler. He could guess what the dice would bring almost every time.
According to the Library of Congress, the story was included in a book titled Futokoro Techo, which
was first published in Japan by Chuo Koronsha in 1961.
The idea to write a Zatoichi movie came from Shintaro Katsu, who came to be the man behind the
hero, since he was the leading actor in all of the initial 26 movies (and director in the last) and also
in the TV series. The production company that took on the project was Daiei Studios.
The films were set during the Tokugawa era, where, except for some samurai that were under
government service, the rest of the samurai were forbidden to carry any weapon. It was the reason
Zatoichi carries his sword disguised as a cane, a rather popular weapon at that time, named
... Get more on ...
City of God, by Fernando Meirelles and Pixote, by Hector...
The innocence of Brazilian lower class children are lost in both films ,City of God directed by
Fernando Meirelles, and in Pixote directed by Hector Bebenco. In both of these films the loss of
innocence stems from a lack of authoritative power and most importantly the lack of a familial
structure. This lack of innocence derives from the lower class socio–economic status the youth are
born into. The children and teenagers are able to gain an astonishing amount of power when
introduced to violent lifestyle of the streets . While both films comment upon the different causes
and effects of Brazilian street culture, both films clearly exhibit how lack of authority and lack of a
structure leads to the demise and death of many young street ... Show more content on ...
This section is shown with a hazy golden tone to symbolize innocence (Diken 3). The children
should and scream to this behavior( why don't they) and the rest of the gang members remind him
about the gas truck they are about to rob. Right off the bat the film suggests that children link violent
activities with fun activities violence and fun as a combined activity. These characters are the role
models the children of the slums look up to, they are even narrated as "legendary" (City of God
2002) to the viewers. By calling the gang "legendary" even the narrator, Rocket who isn't a part of
the gang suggests that he wants to be a part of this culture. (Link it to the bible) ( Sodom and
Gomorrah the Cities god destroyed)
The City of God is not what it sounds like, most of the residence there are homeless and without
power, the children become power hungry and are forced to commit crimes. "City of God 'has
nothing to do with the Rio you see in the postcards'. It is a 1960s–style housing project that, in
tandem with increasing drug dealing, became, already by the 1980s, one of the most dangerous
places in Rio. It is a place abandoned by God and justice, where police hardly ever come and where
residents' life expectancy does not considerably exceed the twenties"EXPAND (Diken 2). "City of
God ironically is a "city without god" but because it is truly a 'sacred': a situation of being
abandoned, a state of
... Get more on ...
Investment Style Focused on Risk Diversification
Diversification, Schmiversification Steve Smith, 23, recently out of college, has just won $15
million in the lottery. After buying a few things, he realizes that he still has quite a bit of money, and
starts to look at the big picture and what he should do. After his girlfriend shoots down his dreams of
buying an island paradise where he could relax and golf all day, or buying his own rocket ship,
Steve is forced to think of more practical things to do with his newly acquired fortune. Unable to
find a way to spend it all, Steve decides to save and invest most of his winnings. He begins
searching financial magazines and the internet for the best way to build his capital. Steve faces an
issue that many investors today face—not a ... Show more content on ...
His lack of diversification is a strong contrast to that of the traditional method; however, this lack of
diversification has helped his personal portfolio to outperform market indexes, used as benchmarks
for returns on stock market investments, such as the Dow Jones Industrial, the Nasdaq, and the
Standard and Poor 's 500 (S & P 500) every year for the past 40 years. In his article "Warren Buffett:
The World 's Greatest Investor," financial journalist Maynard Patton presents some quotes from
Warren Buffett on his investment style. Buffett is attributed with saying "conventional
diversification makes no sense for [a know–something investor]. It is apt simply to hurt your results
and increase your risk." Buffett 's rationale is that investors should not buy shares of a stock unless
they feel the company they are buying into will be around for a while. To make an assumption that a
particular company will still be a functioning body in the future would require some knowledge of
the company 's financial situation and the industry in which it operates. Essentially, Buffett believes
that people should only invest in companies with which they are familiar. Along these lines, one of
his strongholds is that many people purchase stocks of companies in industries with which they are
not familiar for the sake of diversification. Making a
... Get more on ...
Mahabharata Summary
Adi–Parva, First Book: The Origins of the Families
The story opens as Sauti, a storyteller returning from the snake sacrifice of King Janamejaya,
approaches several wise men, or rishis, in the forest of Naimisha. He relates to them the
Mahabharata as he has heard it from Vaisampayana, a disciple of the poet Vyasa. Sauti begins by
recounting the death of King Parikshit of the Bharatas at the hands of Takshaka, aNaga, or snake–
man. King Janamejaya, Parikshit's son and successor, had held the snake sacrifice in order to avenge
the death of his father, but the ceremony was stopped by the intervention of the learned Naga,
Astika. Sauti then recounts the origins of the Bharatas (also known as the Kurus), a race descended
from the great King ... Show more content on ...
This is Karna. The son of Kunti and Surya (the sun god), Karna was born with golden armor
attached to his skin. But Kunti, young and unmarried, set her son adrift on a river to be found and
raised by suitable parents. He was adopted by Adhiratha, a charioteer. None of the Pandavas realize
that Karna is their brother, and the armored warrior bests them all in martial feats. Kripa, however,
questions Karna's presence, noting that he is not a prince. Duryodhana is impressed with Karna–and
more importantly, he has been looking for a warrior who could defeat Arjuna. Duryodhana and
Karna become friends, but according to traditions of obligation, Karna is indebted to Duryodhana
for his kingship and hence owes the prince a great favor. Led into battle by Drona, the Pandavas
attack the nearby kingdom ruled by Drupada, and Drona seizes one half of the king's lands.
The Pandavas return to Hastinapura and Yudhishthira becomes heir to the throne of Kurujangala.
Jealous and fearing the loss of his future throne, Duryodhana hatches a plot to destroy the five and
acquire the kingdom for himself. While his cousins and Kunti are visiting the town of Varanavata,
they are to stay in a special house constructed by one of Duryodhana's henchmen which he plans to
have burned. Before the Pandavas leave, however, Vidura warns Yudhishthira of the planned trap.
Bhima plans an escape route by digging a tunnel under the house through which they escape. Kunti
... Get more on ...
Should Gambling Be Legal?
Gambling is no doubt a very common social practice of humankind since a long time ago.
Furthermore, gambling has long been considered as a legal industry that brings billions of dollars to
many nations in the world. Despite of the great benefits it brings, gambling industry is not totally
free from drawback. Gambling has been constantly condemned for its negative outcomes. In fact,
gambling is accused of being the cause for much social evil practice. Thus, to many countries, this
particular type of industry is not legal and popular. Specifically, in this essay, Vietnam, a nation in
Southeast Asia, will be taken as the object for this research. Accordingly, Vietnam already had 5
Casinos that are being operated. However, only foreigners are ... Show more content on ...
Hence, gambling may also bring some good effects to health. Moreover, some gamblers do not care
about the money; they just want to enjoy the game. Also, even this is a bit negative and rare and just
fortune, casino gives poor people an opportunity/chance to become rich. Moving on to the
advantages gambling industry can bring to people working on it and to society at large. There is an
undeniable fact that the Casino Industry has brought a huge contribution in Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) to many nations, such as The United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. For the reason, this
sensitive field of business requires a great demand in labor, therefore, to a nation, in the very
beginning; it is very helpful in reducing the unemployment rate. For instance, a new casino resort
can create up to thousands of jobs. Besides, by effectively and efficiently operating casinos,
government can gain a huge amount of revenues. This outcome increase in the tax revenue will also
lower the tax burden on other fields. Not only that, to an urban perspective, by having a casino
within the city, it will significantly attract tourists as well as providing an entertainment service to
local. Besides, having a casino in a rural area is very beneficial to a nation as well, because it also
brings other businesses into the area, such as hotels, F&B, trade
... Get more on ...
Love And Ego In Casablanca
Inside every human being, two opposing forces clash against one another: love and ego. Each has its
own agenda, suggestions, and ideas, and they are almost always opposite. It's up to us to choose
which we will allow to govern our lives. Casablanca was the classic master piece of 1942 and still it
is now. I'm not a fan of love stories but when I watched this movie I didn't realized when it ended. It
a wonderful love story told, and yet it is riveting, captivating work on so many level. In terms of
psychoanalysis this movie spitted out every color of our consciousness and unconsciousness. A story
where there are no condition for love, love which is so tempting that is eats away the ego from the
poisoned heart. Wonderful transformation of persona ... Show more content on ...
Ilsa always stuck between her conscious and unconscious part. She is most complicated person in
the movie. In past her conscious part loved Rick but her unconscious part was still in search of
Victor, and in present her conscious mind is faithful to Victor but somewhere deep down her
unconscious part she still love and seek for Rick. In other part of story which is unknown to Rick,
were Ilsa Lund is very sincere and committed wife. She looks up to her husband and supports him in
his every step and fight. In sort Ilsa also plays a part of hero in very small part of her life. Her life
starts with a doubt message of her husband's death. She accepts the truth and carry forwards her life,
with a new start. She once again fall in love, opens her heart for a nice and wonderful man. She
finds her place in that man's life and was ready to commit herself to him, but unfortunately she
comes to know that her beloved husband is alive, the person to whom she promised to stay and
support her whole life under the hand of god, runs way through without thinking a second. She re–
strengths herself so that once again she can support her husband as shield in his work. As common
part of life Ilsa behaves as her mind see's, she plays a part of hero in her and his husbands life. But
unfortunately the act of heroism becomes villainous in other side of story. She
... Get more on ...

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How Is Punishment Used In The 1800S

  • 1. How Is Punishment Used In The 1800s "One word can aptly describe the punishment imposed on perpetrators in the first half of that century – cruel" (Curland). Crime and punishment in the 1800s was very severe and often was amusing to the public. Some techniques of punishment included branding, whipping, and ear nailing. The English–American colonies used a patriarchal method to their punishment. The men, typically civil officers, or religious leaders, made the laws. The less fortunate, including children, servants, slaves, soldiers, farmers, and tradesmen had to obey the harsh rules put in place. On Sundays, Virginian ministers had to read the Articles, Lawes and Orders. Failure to go to church two times each day would result in the loss of a day's worth of food. The second ... Show more content on ... Branding was considered a way of humiliation for people because it would be placed on their hand, forehead, or cheek with a letter indicating the type of crime committed. It was also very painful. For example, if you had been caught attempting burglary, you would be branded on the right hand with a capital B, and on the left hand for a second offense. You would also have to wear a device around your neck to designate the crime. Ear nailing sounds like an unusual punishment that wouldn't be very effective. However, it was one of the worst punishments due to the nature of it. Subjects were subjected to the pillory in consequence of treason, sedition, arson, blasphemy, witchcraft, perjury, wife beating, cheating, forgery, coin clipping, dice cogging, slandering, conjuring, fortune–telling, and drunkenness, and many other offenses. A pillory consisted of wooden boards that had holes for the person 's hands and head. Their ears were then nailed down to the wooden board to stabilize the head. Their head was facing the crowd, so they could not hide it in shame. They were then beaten, while standing during the entire duration of the punishment, and often things were thrown at them during the process. Thus, the pillory was a dreaded consequence, due to the embarrassing scene it created. Another form of punishment was whipping. Most village squares had a whipping post, and bigger cities had them at various spots in the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Matt Strautzman Research Paper Our first set of six of the coolest facts of all time really got your mind spinning, and we have finally returned to astound you even further with part two! If you pride yourself in being the master keeper of all of the world's random knowledge, read on to discover the next seven coolest facts! Be sure to return for our final part three, coming soon with the ultimate top seven coolest facts of all time! Number Fourteen: Hitting the Target Matt Stutzman is a 33–year old man who holds the record for the longest distance shot of an arrow that reached its target. Amazingly, this man accomplished this feat from a length of 230 yards. What is even more astonishing, he did this all hands–free, as he was born without arms. Number Thirteen: White People Love their Rap Since 1981, the main audience for rap music has been white teenagers. This group ... Show more content on ... The only thing known to be as perfectly round as the sun is a man–made silicone ball. Number Ten: On the Putting Green Remarkably, it takes a large amount of water to keep golf courses in business. One average course requires roughly 312,000 gallons of water per day. Number Nine: The Coolest Craps To break the record for the longest winning streak at a craps table, you would need to roll the dice 155 times in a row– without losing once. This record was set by a woman from New Jersey who won consecutively for 154 rolls. The chances of anyone accomplishing this feat is estimated at one in 5.6 billion. Number Eight: Barcode Magic When it comes to scanning bar codes, most of us tend to assume that the black lines are what is read by the computer. However, it is actually the white space in between the black lines that tells the computers what action to take. Be sure to return for our final part three, coming soon with the ultimate top seven coolest facts of all ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay on The Etruscan Religion The origin of the Etruscans is a mystery, still unsolved by modern man. Ancient peoples held an almost unanimous opinion on the subject, based on the account of the first great Greek historian, Herodotus, who wrote in about 800 B. C. as follows: In the reign of Atys, son of Manes, a great famine is said to have occurred in the whole of Lydia. For some time, the Lydians persisted in carrying on their usual life; then as the famine did not abate, they sought remedies and some thought of one thing and some thought of another. It is said that is was then that the game of dice, the game of knuckles, games of ball and other games were invented but not the game of draughts, the invention of which the Lydians do not claim. And this is how ... Show more content on ... The name Etruscan comes from the Romans, who called them Tusci or Etrusci, the Greeks called them Tyrrhenoi, and they called themselves Rasena. A Lydian or Oriental origin is probable because there is a locality in Lydia which is called Tyrra, which would help to explain the Greek name, Tyrrhenoi. At any rate, it is believed that during the Iron Age in the first millennium B. C. groups of people of the so–called "Villanovan" culture settled on various hilltops, which provided ideal defensive locations. Following the Villanovans came the Etruscans who invaded by ship and set up their first towns on the coast. They were exceptional metal–workers and were evidently attracted to this section of Italy by the vast supplies of copper near Populonia and Piombino and by the iron ore on the island of Elba. The date is estimated at 750 B. C. The Etruscan language is another mystery, still unsolved by modern man. A reason for this is a lack of sources. Although about ten thousand inscriptions have been found, about nine thousand are funerary and contain only the name of the deceased, his parentage and the age at which he died. There are only about ten texts which consist of more than one line; there are only two that consist of more than one hundred words. One is an engraved tile discovered at Capua, containing about three hundred words, the other is the Cippus Perusianus, containing about one hundred twenty words. A manuscript was also found. ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Ext. Miami Beach EXT. MIAMI BEACH – AFTERNOON Charming doctor DR GEORGIA PEACH is arguing with greedy actor MR CALEB SEMPLE. GEORGIA tries to hug CALEB but he shakes him off. GEORGIA:Please Caleb, don 't leave me. CALEB:I 'm sorry Georgia, but I 'm looking for somebody a bit more brave. Somebody who faces his fears head on, instead of running away. GEORGIA:I am such a person! CALEB frowns. CALEB: I 'm sorry, Georgia. I just don 't feel excited by this relationship anymore. CALEB leaves. GEORGIA sits down, looking defeated. Moments later, charming shopkeeper LORD Jeff RANDALL barges in looking flustered. GEORGIA:Goodness, Jeff! Is everything okay? JEFF:I 'm afraid not. GEORGIA:What is it? Don 't keep me in suspense... JEFF:It 's ... a robber ... I saw an ... Show more content on ... INT. A SWEET SHOP – SHORTLY AFTER ZOE TRESCOTHIK a cowardly robber terrorises two elderly ladies. GEORGIA, closely followed by JEFF, rushes towards ZOE, but suddenly stops in his tracks. JEFF: What is is? What 's the matter? GEORGIA: That 's not just any old robber, that 's Zoe Trescothik! JEFF: Who 's Zoe Trescothik? GEORGIA: Who 's Zoe Trescothik? Who 's Zoe Trescothik? Only the most cowardly robber in the universe! JEFF: Blinkin ' knickers, Georgia! We 're going to need some help if we 're going to stop the most cowardly robber in the universe! GEORGIA: You can say that again. JEFF: Blinkin ' knickers, Georgia! We 're going to need some help if we 're going to stop the most cowardly robber in the universe! GEORGIA: I 'm going to need guns, lots of guns. Zoe turns and sees Georgia and Jeff. She grins an evil grin. ZOE: Georgia Peach, we meet again. JEFF: You 've met? GEORGIA: Yes. It was a long, long time ago... BACK IN TIME– HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS Tell me, doctor Where are we going this time? Is this the fifties? Or nineteen ninety–nine? All I wanted to do Was play my guitar and sing Take me away I don 't mind You better promise me I 'll be back in time Gotta get back in time Don 't bet your future On one roll of the dice Better remember Lightning never strikes twice Please don 't drive at eighty– eight Don 't wanna be late again Take me away I don 't mind You better better promise me I 'll be back in time ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Book Review INDIVIDUAL DYNAMICS AND LEADERSHIP – BOOK REVIEW The Difficulty of Being Good by Gurcharan Das CONTENT S. No. Topic Page No. 1. Introduction and summary 1 2. Objective of study 1 3. Method of study 1 4. Critical Analysis of Chapters 2 4.1 Duryodhana's Envy 2 4.2 Draupadi's Courage 2 4.3 Yudhishthira's Duty 3 4.4 Yudhishthira's Remorse 4 4.5 Arjuna's Despair 5 4.6 Krishna's Guile 6 4.7 Bhishma's Selflessness 6 4.8 Karna's Status Anxiety 7 4.9 Conclusion 8 5. Key Learning 9 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The Difficulty of Being Good by Gurcharan Das is an attempt to study and analyse the Mahabharata and the relevance it holds in todays' world. The author realises that the great warriors in Mahabharata were ... Show more content on ... Next, the individual analysis were shared and discussed to reach to the final conclusion and understand the moral of the book. CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND THEORITICAL FRAMEWORKS DURYODHANA'S ENVY "What man of mettle will stand to see his rivals prosper and himself decline" 'If envy were a fever the whole world would be ill.' Envy is an emotion basic to all human beings. Arising from need for self–esteem (Maslow's Need Hierarchy), envy finds its roots in the distress the envier feels when he sees the good fortune of
  • 10. others. Envy is a strong emotion with high negative effect that overwhelms the envier with mental stress, tension and depression, making him mentally ill. Duryodhana is a classic example of how envy in its extreme has the potential to consume a lead to a calamity like the Mahabharata. His envy arises when he goes low on self–esteem (Maslow's Need Hierarchy) but has a high need for power and achievement (McClelland's theory). Unable to bear the prosperity and fortune of his Pandavas cousins he indulges in surface–acting and invites Duryodhana for a 'friendly game of dice' and cheats him under the conspiracy. Also, the perception (cognitive component) that the Pandavas are more accomplished than him leads to the feeling (affective component) of envy and combined with his Machiavellianism results in his multiple plots to kill the Pandavas (behavioural component).Duryodhan also suffers ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. V. Particle Swarm Optimization ( Pso ) V. Particle Swarm optimization (PSO): It is a swarm–based intelligence algorithm influenced by the social behavior of animals cherishes a flock of birds finding a food supply or a school of fish protecting themselves from a predator. A particle in PSO is analogous to a bird or fish flying through a search (problem) area. The movement of every particle is coordinated by a rate that has each magnitude and direction. Every particle position at any instance of your time is influenced by its best position and also the position of the most effective particle in an exceedingly drawback area. The performance of a particle is measured by a fitness worth that is drawback specific. The PSO rule is analogous to different biological process algorithms. In PSO, the population is that the range of particles in a drawback area. Particles square measure initialized arbitrarily. Each particle can have a fitness worth, which is able to be evaluated by a fitness perform to be optimized in every generation. Each particle is aware of its best position pbest and also the best position so far among the whole cluster of particles gbest. The pbest of a particle is that the best result (fitness value) to date reached by the particle, whereas gbest is that the best particle in terms of fitness in a whole population. Algorithm 2 PSO algorithm: 1. Set particle dimension as equal to the size of ready tasks in {ti) € T 2. Initialize particles position randomly from PC = 1,....,j and velocity vi, randomly. ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. MAHĀBHĀRATA: The Epic of India Mahābhārata has always been the dominant cultural text of Ancient Bhāratavarṣa to stir the imagination of different ages. In this article, I venture to study the interpretation of Mahābhārata and the Woman of Mahābhārata during Colonial Rule, with the intention to understand the dialogic process between a colonized culture and colonizer culture. As such, in this paper, with reference to Kunti's portrayal in Romesh Chunder Dutt's (1848–1909) Mahābhārata re–telling, I propose to study the Construction/Re–Construction and Fashioning/Re– Fashioning of the Woman of Mahābhārata in Colonial India in English Re–tellings. Romesh Chunder Dutt's Mahabharata: the epic of India rendered into English verse in English first appeared in 1898, hence, ... Show more content on ... In this paper I will discuss specifically on the Classical Mahābhārata, taking it as representative literature of Ancient Bhāratavarṣa. Re–tellings, translations, or transcreations of Classical Mahābhārata in English, vernacular, or any other language are the dominant literary medium mostly in Mainstream Culture to know about Mahābhārata – and one might add with this the medium of scholarly writings on Mahābhārata too. As such, firsthand approach to Indian tradition is lacking at large, and the idea of tradition being through the media of interpretative tradition has engendered the danger of a distorted view of tradition. The distortion often swings between two extremes – either in viewing tradition as Everything, or as Nothing. While, on one hand it is the mark of a living tradition that ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Zero: A Narrative Fiction 1 Him Life and dreaming walk hand in hand. It had always been the case for Zero with each passing day. When he awoke to a dark room with no menory save for his name and no idea how he got there. How long he'd been asleep. Why he was there at all. There was a hole the size of his clenched fist on one wall. It looked into another room. A girl roughly his age lived in that room. He didn't rise yet from bed. Behind his closed lids he fought the haze from ripoing away this dream... Or was it a memory? Chills prickled against his skin, the bite of snow. He could see his hands wrapped in tattered cloth, trying to keep warm before a fire. Hear voices gruff voices, others that were lost. Huddled around this open flame, their bodies squirmed among one another for warmth. Why was he here with these men? Where was here? All he could do was stare at the crackling in front of his sooty ... Show more content on ... He leans back so she could see. "How curious, you lack everything." Cero stares back at her brown eyes, "Do you know why we're here?" "I don't know." "You said you were here for months." She nods and touches a finger to her lips, "Don't get too loud, they might hear us and get mad. You don't want them to get mad." "Who are they what do you mean?" "Those in white, they come in when they want you. Sometimes they bring good things, sometimes bad things." Bad things? She giggles again, "Don't look so scared, if Cero behaves, he will get mostly good things." "Aerin, why are you here?" She blinks at him, her features momentarily blank. Then her eyes flicker away briefly shattering her hold over him. He holds his breath. Finally she says, "They want me to be. That's all." Just be? What's that supposed to mean and who are they? Then she fixes him with her chocolate eyes, her lips curl into a grin and her cheeks turn pink. "They're watching us, don't be scared. Don't be ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Summary Of Under The Black Flag By David Cordingly Under The Black Flag , a book written by David Cordingly expressed the reality and myths behind piracy. He clearly states in the introduction of the book that his aim "is to examine the popular image of pirates today, to find out where this image came from, and to compare it with the real world of the pirates" (Cordingly xiv). Along with his aim his thesis is also stated in the introduction of his book, which essentially states that the views by everyday people of pirates consists of a mixture of facts, and many other things such as romantic novels and films. He successfully informs readers of the history behind many important misconceptions of common beliefs. Although some of the things every person has learned about a pirate growing up may ... Show more content on ... His source range from Treasure Island, a book written by Robert Louis Stevenson, to The Complete Films of Errol Flynn. Cordingly cites his work in chicago style citations and footnotes them. The footnotes are put in alphabetical order and cited at the end of the book in the bibliography, and notes section in some cases. Some of the sources included direct quotes such as the laws cited from Captain Johnson's General History of Pirates. Other sources would included maps and paintings that are cited through Cordingly's book such as the painting of Anne Bonny, who is discussed alongside Mary Read in Women Pirates and Pirates' Women, a chapter in Cordingly's book. This painting is from the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich depicts Anne Bony holding a gun that looks to have just been fired. Anne Bonny was a very big part of Condingly's discussion in the chapter about women and piracy. This picture further backs up his point that women were raley known as pirates to the world , however there were certain were cases like Anne Bonny 's were women did more than just live on board their ships. A witness clearly states at the trials that Anne was in fact holding a gun during an attack on board the witnesses ship. This witness also stated the Mary Read was cursing and willing to help upon the attack on board. Sources such as these, strongly supporting Cordinglys point helped portrayed what he was ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. An Inheritance To The Woods By Wendell Berry Analysis The world is an ever–changing and advances constantly. With these constant advancements at times there is a danger that for the sake of advancement people are sacrificing the concept of silence to what is around them. Some are not okay with his loss and in an effort to recover the loss many will go to extraordinary measures too remote, faraway places. While taking a trip into the Appalachian Mountains, passionate environmental writer Wendell Berry went through a self–discovery journey of silence. Using these experiences, which are shown his story, "An Entrance to the Woods" Berry makes the claim that silence can be discovered if one travels far enough away from oneself and noise of the modern day man. This noise has prevented people from being ... Show more content on ... This human interference limits what the person is able to experience by constantly bombarding the individual with distractions and covering up the world around them. Through the use of certain outlets, a person can rediscover the world around them and engage with this world on a new level. There are still opportunities to have time of quiet and self–reflection, if whoever is desiring this time is willing to go forth and spend time working to discover these places or outlets that will enable this. The journey that one has to go on is the difficult part, for many would rather just accept the few close by opportunities and settle for those. Yet, going on the journey to discover the places un– touched by man I believe is a crucial part of finding the place of quiet. For along the way the searcher is also discovering who they are, they spend time slowly immersing themselves into the world around them. Whether this is done by choice or by simply connecting with what is going on around them. The desired moments of deep time are still obtainable, one just has to be dedicated enough and clever enough to use whatever resources and go anywhere that the possibility of quiet is acquirable and commit to it. This is not easily done, but for those who are willing to put in the time and effort there is still ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Much Ado About Nothing Analysis Much Ado About Nothing Analysis Beginning in 15th century Messina in the aftermath of a war, the play opens with the army of Don Pedro of Aragon arriving in the country and being welcomed by Leonato, Messina's governor. Count Claudio, hero of the war, falls in love with Leonato's daughter Hero at first sight, and Don Pedro promises to woo Hero for Claudio. Don John, Don Pedro's brother who is resentful of both Claudio and Don Pedro for defeating him in the just–ended war and himself being a bastard son, ineligible of heirdom, hopes to find a way to ruin Claudio's impending happiness. After Don Pedro woos Hero for Claudio, he proposes that everyone trick Benedick and Beatrice into falling in love. Don John and his henchman Borachio agree on a plan to disrupt the coming marriage: Borachio will convince Claudio that Hero is unfaithful by staging a meeting with Margaret, Hero's waiting servant. Margaret will be dressed in Hero's attire, and Claudio will assume Borachio is Hero's lover. Leonato, Claudio and Don Pedro stage a conversation for Benedick to overhear where they talk of Beatrice's desperate love for Benedick, how he would mock her if he knew of her feelings. Benedick joyously decides he must love her in return. Beatrice is also lured into overhearing a conversation between Hero and Ursula, a waiting servant, who talk about Benedick's desperate love for Beatrice and about how her arrogance will keep her out of his love's grasp. Beatrice decides that she must shed her ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. The Role of Teachers in Siddhartha The Role of Teachers Throughout history there have been countless numbers of teachers: artisans, craftsmen, ideologist, to name a few. They have all master some skill, gained some wisdom, or comprehended an idea. These teachers have achieved knowledge which allows them to excel and to be above and beyond regular people. Knowledge is something everyone strives for, and many desire. To achieve knowledge, one must have an eye–opening experience, and epiphany that leads to the increase of one's intellect and skill set. In Herman Hesse's Siddhartha, the main character, Siddhartha, goes in an almost never ending quest to achieve knowledge. Throughout this journey, Siddhartha encounters many teachers, whom which he learns a great deal, but ... Show more content on ... He did this for many years, until one night a realization came to him, this part of his life had to end. Samsara had taken over his life and there little left from his days of spiritual searching. Once again, even though he had learned a lot from his teachers and experiences, Siddhartha had not achieved the knowledge he wanted. Ultimately he decides to ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Zeus And Hera Chapter 1 Summary Zeus/Hera – 1. The book starts with Cronos marrying Rhea, and that he becomes king of the gods. 2. He swallows his children because, he was afraid that one say his children were going to rebel against him, one by one, Rhea was furious so she decide to not let him swallow the next baby, Zeus. 3. So she replaces Zeus with a stone, and he swallows the stone, thinking that it was Zeus. 4. Zeus was growing up and Rhea became lonely for him, so she told Cronos that he is the new cupbearer, he was pleased. 5. Zeus and Rhea create a potion made out of honey, salt, and nectar; Cronos vomits out a rock and all if his children that were alive and fully grown. 6. Zeus married his sister Hera, it was a family habit, he always made her angry by his infidelities ... Show more content on ... He had to match a duel on whom was the best musician, the person he dueled was Marsyas, both played very well so it was Marsyas turn to play the flute upside down and sing, which didn't work and had his skin nailed to a tree. 6. Apollo won the favor of the most playful muse, Thalia which was the queen of festivities; upon her he fathered the Corybantes or crested dancers. 7. Then a young girl came who reminded him of his sister, she was a huntress, she hunted deer, bears, and wolves, and even wrestled a lion throwing it to the earth. 8. That is when he decided to have her, her name was Cyrene, they had a son named Aristeus and he taught man beekeeping, olive culture, cheese–making, and may useful arts. 9. Then he went with a nymph named Dryope and they also had a son named Amphissus, founder of cities and builder of temples. 10. His most famous son was Asclepius, Apollo also fell in love with Coronis, a princess which was unwise of Apollo because she loved an Arcadian prince. Hermes/Hephaestus/Aphrodite– 1. Five minutes after Hermes was born, he escaped from his crib and went to search for adventure, he went to Mount Cyllene. 2. He saw a couple of cows grazing and he stole them and crows began to say that it belonged to him. 3. When he returned home, he was furious that his cows were gone and even more when there were no ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Who Is Responsible For Odysseus's Downfall It is clear that the greatest moral lesson to be learned from the Mahabharata is that everyone, even people with the most moral integrity and soundness of character, have a distinct fatal flaw which can often lead to their downfall. This is best exemplified by the character Yudhishthira, the eldest son of Pandu, who was destined from birth to be a faultless king, but his fatal flaw led to the temporary ruin of his life. Two other characters who also exemplify this principle are Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, and Oedipus, the main character in Sophocles' famed tragedy Oedipus Rex. The character from the Mahabharata who exemplifies this principle is Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Pandava clan. From the moment of his birth he was meant to be the perfect king, "This is ... Show more content on ... This is a prime example of how a seemingly flawless man's small moral shortcoming can bring ruin to everything. The first character who embodies the same principle which was shown in The Mahabharata is Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. In several moments throughout the epic, Odysseus's tragic flaw, his unbudgeable pride and recklessness, lead him into unnecessary danger and causes an enormous amount of misery and grief for him and his crew. Otherwise, Odysseus is morally sound, a quintessential leader, and in many respects a god among men. However, similarly to Yudhishthira, his single flaw was enough to almost completely destroy his life. The first example of this is shown on Polyphemus' island. After he and his crew members escaped the Cyclops' cave and were on their way to safety, Odysseus' pride took control of him and he foolishly taunted the Cyclops by saying, "Cyclops, weak coward... your filthy crimes came down on your head, you shameless cannibal." By doing this, he endangered himself and his crew by revealing their location to the blinded Cyclops, who in turn threw a boulder aimed at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Edge Of Vision Summary Abstract art is perceived, as a profound separation of the tradition that the primary function of art is the representation of visible reality. Abstract art came to be viewed as the ultimate break with all pervious pictorial traditions. Several trends of thought served as the foundation that contributed to, and made possible the innovative ideas of abstract painting in the first decade of the twentieth century. Such trends emerged from various fields of experience and exploration. For instance the impact that science has on the arts; one characteristic of our age that science, in addition to the pursuit of expanding knowledge and understanding in whatever respected field of study, also plays a complex role in society and the culture at ... Show more content on ... Vanguard photographers might engage in critiques of the photographic referent, but Marco Breuer pursued a more literal and fundamental deconstruction of the matrix of the photograph. He began like so many other photographers in the 1960s with the cameraless photogram and cyanotype. Slowly he dispensed with the agency of light and the mechanisms of its impedance, instead directly attacking the surface of unexposed photographic papers, burning them, soaking them, scraping and abrading them, inscribing on and in them a record of death of the subject and posing a new set of terms for photographic communication. Breuer's photographs bare evidence of their own decisive moments, however, moments not witnessed but physically observed. They are in fact, three– dimensional objects but also appear like photographs of the very surface they embody, with shadows, depth, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Analysis Of ' Siddhartha 's Journey From Corrupt... Initially written in German and published in 1922, Siddhartha is Herman Hesse's most notable work. Hesse's transition from a tumultuous life, marked by the serious illness of his son, emergence from his turbulent marriage, chaotic involvement in a political conflict, and his participation in the first world war, into a peaceful life in a Swiss village is mirrored in Siddhartha's journey from corrupt desperation to inner peace. The central theme of the novel, which follows a young man in approximately 625 B.C. traveling throughout India in search of enlightenment, is experience is the only true way to gain understanding. Hesse utilizes syntax, shifts in tone, compare and contrast, and figurative language in this excerpt to convey this ... Show more content on ... This emphasizes that this is the resolution to the novel 's primary conflict and a notable character development for Siddhartha. The tone of this scene starkly contrasts the dark and despairing tone of Siddhartha's initial arrival on the riverbank and his subsequent suicide attempt. Lighter, and infused with Siddhartha's refound joy, this section begins with the loss of his regret over his years spent gambling and partaking in more carnal pleasures. While the diction at points is still negatively connotated the tone overall remains light, relegating such feelings to the past. With the statement "it is a good thing to experience everything for oneself, which one needs to know," (Hesse 98). Hesse conveys to the reader that the so–called mistakes of the past are not to be condemned but rather accepted as a needed stepping stone towards your "destiny." By using "one" rather than Siddhartha continuing to speak in the first person the statement seems to be not only directed at Siddhartha but to the reader themselves. Siddhartha considers this transformation, thinking to himself "If this bird within him had died, would he have perished? No, something else from within him had died, something which he had long desired should perish,"(Hesse 99) illustrating that what he thought was joy dying was, in fact, the loss of the part of himself which he has tried to abandon since childhood, which offers a sense of relief and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Deep Play: Notes On The Balinese Cockfight Analysis Clifford Geertz is an American cultural anthropologist who was born in San Francisco, did his Ph.D. in anthropology in Harvard. He has contributed to the field of anthropology by propounding a more open, experimental approach to ethnography. An approach that focussed on meaning more than on action (Kuper and Kuper, 1985:168). Believing in Max Weber's idea of man being suspended in the webs of significance that he himself has spun, Geertz takes those webs as culture. The analysis of culture according to Geertz is not an experimental science in search of laws but the analysis of this type of understanding of culture is more interpretative one (Moore and Sanders, 2006:236). Geertz says it is more important to understand what gestures stand for, ... Show more content on ... For it is only apparently cocks that are fighting there. Actually it is men" (Geertz, 1973:417). The quote implies that the cocks in the cock ring metraphorically symbolise men in the ring. Thus, Geertz goes on to say that cocks are "masculine symbols par excellence" (Geertz, 1973: 418) in Bali. There are different analogies that are drawn between sabung (Balinese vocabulary for cock) and men. To quote one of many is, a desperate man who makes a last, irrational effort to extricate himself from an impossible situation is compared to a dying cock who makes one final lunge at his tormentor to drag him along to a common ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. A Short Story : A Story Of A Scary Story "Uncle Chuzube, uncle Chuzube can you tell us a scary story," the five children in the room said in unision. "Alright, alright kids I'll tell you one scary story then bedtime, okay?" Uncle Chuzube said. "Hooray," the children cried. "Before we start this is may or may not be a true story so don't think this is fake let us start. One day on a snowy night when I used to work at KFC as a manager there were five kids in the establishment, one of the teenagers named was Zack he sat with his twin brother Jack at one of the tables. Another teenager was named Britney and her best friend Sarah, the last teenager was named George. The lights started to flicker but I didn't think it someone was doing it I thought it was because of the snow so I ... Show more content on ... Britney is the first to speak and says, "What do you want with us, I'm pretty sure the cops will find us so you may as well release us now." "A hello would've been nice or good morning. Well anyways my name is Ruth Smith and we are going to play a game some may die and most likely one will live." Okay I'll be going now, in five minutes your ropes will dissolve and in ten minutes a table will come up with a dice and instructions, now have fun." Like Ruth said in the next fifteen minutes their ropes fell off and a table came up with instructions and a dice. The instructions said use the dice to move forward and search for the key to get out. "Hmm thats seems simple enough we just have to search for the key," Sarah says. George then takes the dice and puts it in his pocket, but once he put the dice in his pocket they fell through the floor "AAAHH," the teenagers cry in unison. Once we landed we landed on a soft cushion. "Where is Sarah, not again," Britney cries. "We just gotta keep moving we most likely find her eventually," George says. They started walking in the hallway. Once they made it to the end they pondered on how to keep going. "Wait aren't we supposed to use the dice to keep moving," Zack said. "Yeah let's use the dice," Jack says. George took the dice out his pocket and put it against the wall. The wall then started opening but once they walked in the saw something they wished they didn't see. Sarah was tied ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Existential Paradox In The Open Boat In this astounding yet woeful moment, the narrator of Stephen Crane's The Open Boat comes to the forlorn realization that nature is unconcerned with the trials and suffering that he, and his fellow shipwrecked companions aboard their small, wayward lifeboat, are facing. After inwardly ranting at the gods and Fate about the injustice and absurdity of their ordeal on the lonely sea, the narrator (who is embodied the correspondent character) sinks into existential despair as he can find no greater meaning or redemptive purpose in their predicament; nor any benevolent deity or greater power who will answer their appeals for salvation. Nature stands as indifferent to mankind as surely as man clings to the preciousness of his fragile, yet all–encompassing, life. The rules that govern reality seem incomprehensible and are incomparable to man's rules of justice and meaning. While man may turn to his fellow man for help in the struggle for survival and meaning, in the final confrontation with nature and death, each man ultimately stands alone. In the search of meaning, the narrator wrestles with existential paradoxes. After struggling for survival for days upon the open ocean, the happenstantial crew of the dinghy finally catch sight of land only to have their hopes dashed. No help is forthcoming and their boat will not reach shore. To swim is to imperil their lives and cast their fates as dice. On a reflective night as a shark swims near the boat, this passage of examination marks ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Stagolee The American folk song, "Stagolee" is a song sung in 1911, it depicted an African American pimp who lived in St. Louis, Miussouri, and was a known criminal. This song focusses on the murder of Billy Lyons on a late Christmas night. This particular song became so popular over 400 artists have recorded their own versions. "No other song has so transcended its humble beginnings and been re– invented in so many genres, in so many media and by so many artists" ( Redhead productions, Marion Hugh Knight, Jr. better known as Suge Knight is a rap music producer with a violent and storied past. Comparing him to the song Stagolee's bad man might seem incorrect to some but Suge Knight probably would like the comparison, because ... Show more content on ... Most of the variations of Stagger Lee involve Stagger Lee playing poker with William "Billy" Lyons. Stagger Lee lost his money, his hat, or both depending on the variation of the song you choose to believe. Stagger Lee decides this can't stand so he kills William "Billy" Lyons with a gun to get his hat or money, or both back. Stagger Lee decides he doesn't like the outcome of the card/dice game and uses violence to reverse the outcome in his favor. Suge Knight has a propensity to do the same thing with violence. According to Rolling Stone magazine, "Knight met a young MC named Mario Johnson, who complained that he'd written much of Vanilla Ice's To the Extreme. Knight saw his opportunity, which supposedly led to the notorious hotel–room confrontation with the white Florida rapper. Ice settled with Knight for an unspecified amount. It was his first big payday." (Rolling Stone–knight–endless–fall– 20150706#ixzz3kh6dAfRX). The notorious hotel confrontation supposedly involved Suge Knight or one of his body guards hanging Vanilla Ice (Robert Van Winkle) over the balcony by his feet, until Vanilla Ice agreed to pay royalties to Knight and Mario Johnson. Suge Knights history is littered with stories of violence and intimidation to take what he doesn't have. Currently Suge Knight is held in prison awaiting trial for running over two men who were using his image ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Bel Canto Randomness Essay The world thrives on randomness, and I seek to live on this roller coaster without any hiatuses. It rolls dices across billions of people, choosing the lucky and unlucky ones. Anyone can prepare him/herself to the fullest in order to succeed, however, no one can predict the unique situations that they might oppose. You could be super poor but somehow win the lottery. Everything could be fine at first, but then love ones dies, your house burns down, or you crash your car. How do you prepare for the aftershocks of events like these? Different strokes of luck could be inches or miles away from you. I would try to cope with whatever the world throws at me. I would search for the positives from a random crisis. If I perform awfully in a soccer game, ... Show more content on ... What started out as a simple birthday party for Mr. Hosokawa turned into a multiple month stand between the terrorists and the African government. The randomness of the world bestowed this holdup on the main characters in this book. They expected a sweet birthday accompanied by the Roxane Coss, however they were met with a terrorist attack. People were shocked, and "ran, but only for an instant, only until their eyes readjusted to the light and they saw the utter uselessness of their fight" (12). Who would have predicted such an uneventful occurrence? Then, the world decided it wanted a terrorist to fall in deeply with a hostage. "Gen was in love with Carmen" (202). This idea became so random to Gen that even he question the existence of his feelings for her. Why would the world pair these two together? They literally have nothing in common. The world works in weird ways. That was the most unlikely love story to ever happen. Gen just suddenly felt in love with a terrorist who he originally thought was a guy. Also, everyone was falling in love with Roxane Coss, not Carmen. The idea of Carmen and Gen was very surprising, but that just how the world ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Very Simple Plot Of A Tragedy "The very simple plot of a tragedy involves a protagonist who desires something–object of love, power, wealth, righteousness, justice–and obstacles come in the way of his path to reach its fulfillment." ("Tragedy." Literature of Love. N.p., 14 June 2010. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.) In the book El Señor Presidente the protagonist is involved in a love tragedy where he desires Camila's love but him being the president 's right hand becomes an obstacle for him and his relationship. Political corruption increases the amount of suffering and pain that Miguel Cara de Angel and all the people who surround him encounter. Corruption in Latin American countries was and in some countries still is very natural. Nobody bothers to speak up nor rebel ... Show more content on ... While he does not know who killed him he uses this as an excuse to get rid of one of his enemies. " El presidente uses Miguel Cara de Angel so that he can push General Canales to leave." (Pensante, El. "Resumen De El Señor Presidente." El Pensante, Accessed 10 Mar. 2017. ) General Canales is his biggest threat and he uses his best allied to get rid of him. "Cara de Angel starts to associate with General Canales rather than following the president 's rules" ("Resumen De El Señor Presidente > Poemas Del Alma." Resumen De El Señor Presidente >Poemas Del Alma, Julian Perez Porton , 30 Apr. 2009,. Accessed 20 Mar. 2017.) The president believed that with his power he would be able to get rid of his enemy but his right hand started associating with the enemy. In a love tragedy the protagonist always desires something that will cause them many obstacles in order to achieve it. Most of the times the protagonist can never overcome the obstacles and because of that they cannot achieve what they desire. "Era un ángel: tez de dorado mármol, cabellos rubios, boca pequeña y aire de mujer en violento contraste con la negrura de sus ojos varoniles. Vestía de gris. Su traje, a la luz del crepúsculo, se veía como una nube. [...] manos finas [...] y un sombrero limeño que parecía una paloma" (Asturias, Miguel Ángel. El Señor Presidente. Buenos Aires, Editorial Losada, 1986.) When Cara de Angel met Camila he fell in love with her. He was the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Reality Is Broken In Blood Meridian By Cormac Mccarthy Let the Games Begin Reality is broken. Many of those in poor conditions across the world don't feel like they can do anything to change the situation. Everyday, billions look into the eyes of poverty, hunger, war, hopelessness, and the mindless repetition of their seemingly meaningless lives. I'd bet you know someone who clings to addictive games such as Candy Crush or World of Warcraft. In our virtual worlds made for simplistic games that seem to have no pertinence to our betterment, millions find happiness, a sense of accomplishment, and escape. Reality is broken when a man–made nonexistent world surpasses our actual lives in emotional satisfaction. Reality is broken. That's the motto of those who find more solace in their games than they ... Show more content on ... The classic novel, Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy, has a judge that states, "Men are born for games. Every child knows that play is nobler than work." The same judge later says that the human nature for games founds society as it is, especially war. I stipulate that games go so far beyond war. In Greece, at around 440 BC, Herodotus wrote a book called Histories, which serves as a foundation in studies of that area's cultural background. In this book, he records the Lydians, who suffered an 18 year famine of extreme intensity. Today, geologists have record of a 20 year cooling that explains that famine and reminds us how desperate that culture was. The Lydians would only eat every other day to survive, and would play games every day the didn't eat. They would one day play games, next day eat, and repeat for 18 years. At the end, the king divided the kingdom in half. He had his son take one of the halves and go out in search of new land. We now have DNA evidence that shows that the Etruscans are those same people that left Lydia. The Etruscans were the ones that originally united and started Rome. One of the greatest civilizations we ever had on Earth, only happened because of dice games. To quote the game developer and author Jane McGonigal, This is exactly how we're using games today. We're using games to escape real–world suffering. We're using games to get away from everything that's broken in the real environment, everything that's not satisfying about real life, and we're getting what we need from ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Samurai Champloo Essay James Wilson Historical Inquiry – 'Samurai Champloo' 'Samurai Champloo' is a Japanese anime series directed by the renowned Shinichirō Watanabe, who is well–known for combining together modern and historical themes in his works. Set in the Edo Period of Japanese history, 'Samurai Champloo' follows the exploits of Mugen and Jin, two rogue swordsmen who are hired by Fuu, a young waitress, to find her missing father. The trio travels across the country in search of this mysterious man and learn about each other's extraordinary pasts, all the while encountering the weird and wonderful world of the Edo Period along the way. What makes 'Samurai Champloo' controversial is its extensive and purposeful use of anachronism throughout the series. Many historical fiction works are heavily criticised for this practise, which is when a person, object, idea, or custom that belongs to a different time or place in history is featured within a work. This is most common in large productions where details may be misplaced or overlooked. The series is best known for combining Edo Period history with modern day hip–hop culture, which is prevalent ... Show more content on ... He often makes use of a strange long sword that appears to be a combination of a sai and a katana, two traditional Japanese weapons that were used during the Edo Period. However, the sai was only used within the Okinawa island chain to the South of Japan during the Edo Period and thus was unlikely to have made its way to mainland Japan during the time that the series takes place in, which is approximately between 1650 AD and 1690 AD, or the early Edo Period. Even if the sai did indeed make it to Japan in the early Edo Period it's unlikely that a blacksmith would have known how to combine the two weapons together. Without records of these combination swords being produced during the Edo Period, we can only assume that it's indeed an ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Logan, Jody, and Tea Cake in Hurston's Their Eyes Were... Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie had three marriages. "The three marriages and the three communities in which Janie moves represent increasingly wide circles of experience and opportunities for expression of personal choice. Nanny, Janie's grandmother, had in fact been a slave and had borne a child to her master." (Cathy Falk. Vol.61.). A young lady and her relationships with three guys. Over her life time she experiences love, hurt, and pain in the three relationships. Logan her first husband was way older than her. Jody dies at the end of their relationship. Tea Cake was the love of her life made her feel like she was more than just a house wife until he got bit by a wild dog. When Zora Hurston wrote this novel, she wanted to ... Show more content on ... Growing up as a child, Janie did not have a mother or father figure in her life. "'Tain't Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, it's protection" (Hurston 28). Her grandmother, Nanny, wanted her to live a better life than her mother. Janie believed that Logan was not the person she wanted to be with, but wanted to please her grandmother's wishes. Janie had learned that even though she did not love him now, later on in life true love would find her. Once Janie and Logan were married, months had gone by and she was afraid that she would never fall in love with him. She had decided to give her grandmother a visit to confess how her love for him is still not there. Despite the fact that Janie was just trying to find a way out, her grandmother sent her off to give love time to unfold. As their marriage continued, she never gained any love for him and wanted to find a way out of their relationship. In the beginning, Logan would pamper her and do anything she wanted. "Janie!" Logan called harshly. "Come help me move dis manure pile befo' de sun gits hot. You don't take a bit of interest in dis place. 'Tain't no use in foolin' round in dat kitchen all day long" (Hurston 44). Janie would notice how he would use her as a mule than the women she was. Janie walked to the door with the pan in her hand still stirring the cornmeal dough and looked towards the barn. The sun from ambush was threatening the world with red ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Case D Full Answers 1.How is it possible, as Braddock noted, to have a great deal of data but little information? How does the SAP database and business intelligence component change this? Fresh Direct is a New York online grocery firm aiming to offer higher quality food with the best price which is 10–15% less than the local competitors and home delivery. The Fresh Direct has 300,000–square–foot headquarter and 1,500 employees. 8,500 products and 200,000 customers active in every day transaction. So every second there will be numerous data flowing into the company's center. But the company lacks of a significant information system to deal with those data. They tried to use technology to convert the data to reports of real time information in order to ... Show more content on ... And the details are as follows: First of all, with the help of SAP ERP system and associated business intelligence applications, the employees could serve the customers instant personalized as they use the firm's database to profile customers. For instance, as the article said, the site's software can analyze order patterns, reminding and suggesting customers of their favorite products. They add a YMAL cross–selling tool and develop a customer relationship management system that tracks each customers' past purchases which recommends products that other customers purchased. Moreover, the database recognizes whether a visiting customer is a new, infrequent, or loyal customer which could serve them appropriate information. In addition, because of the powerful SAP system, the employees could track inventory, compile financial reports, tag products to fulfill customers' orders, and precisely control production down to the level of telling bakers the number of bagels to cook every day and what temperature to use. Managers can "see into" the order and fulfillment process at any point to identify problems. Alerts are programmed to automatically alert managers to emerging problems. So to speak, it connects online customers to inventory, billing, and then to truck delivery. Besides, the FreshDirect Web site is powered by BEA Systems' Weblogic platform, which can track customer preferences, such as the level of fruit ripeness desired, or the preferred weight of a cut of ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Should Gambling Be Legal And Popular? Hung Truong Professor Grace Ebron Essay 1 February 27, 2015 Fold or All in Gambling is no doubt a very common social practice of humankind since a long time ago. Furthermore, gambling has long been considered as a legal industry that brings billions of dollars to many nations in the world. Despite of the great benefits it brings, gambling industry is not totally free from drawback. Gambling has been constantly condemned for its negative outcomes. In fact, gambling is accused of being the cause for much social evil practice. Thus, to many countries, this particular type of industry is not legal and popular. Specifically, in this essay, Vietnam, a nation in Southeast Asia, will be taken as the object for this research. Accordingly, Vietnam already had 5 Casinos that are being operated. However, only foreigners are eligible to enter and play in those casinos. Hence, the idea of legalization of gambling and allowing Vietnamese to play in the casino in Vietnam remained a controversial topic for years. This phenomenon raises the question of should or should not make gambling, specifically, casino legalized. This research is to give personal points to this issue in Vietnam from a citizen's perspective. Gambling is defined as an act of playing a game of chance or betting on random outcomes by putting money or any valuable goods with the intention of earning more money or goods. To most people, gambling is considered as a method to gain money with ease, some consider it a means of ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Harlem Renaissance By Zora Neale Hurston Truth A reflection of the truth. The Harlem Renaissance is real. It is identified as a spiritual re–awakening, a rebirth in culture, a sense of pride and self awareness. However, African Americans were not always allowed this prodigious freedom. Prior to the Harlem Renaissance African Americans were slaves; considered a piece of property who had no rights whatsoever. Despite, their harsh history, Civil Rights were enforced, this helped bring them out of their misery; which is why the harlem renaissance is such an important era for the African American culture. Zora Neale Hurston plays a very critical role in the identification of Harlem Renaissance. She was born in Alabama on January 7, 1891. Both of her parents were former ... Show more content on ... However, during these such obstacles she also finds herself and creates a voice of her own. Growing up Janie had a different lifestyle than most african Americans, she grew up believing that she was indeed white. Although she was raised by her grandmother, which she knew as nanny she lived with a family of whites and was treated as one of them.Janie was given a hard time at school because of this her nanny decided it was time to move out. The turning point in Janie 's life occurred when Nanny caught her kissing a boy; Nanny was disappointed because she wanted Janie to be better than what her mother and herself had become. Nanny knowing that she was going to die soon set up an arranged marriage with an older man who was interested in Janie. Janie only being 14 and in desperate search for love hated the thought of her soon to be husband, but she thought that when two people got married they automatically fell in love with each other. She soon discovers that is not what happens. Janie runs away to discover herself, in spite of her self awareness she also finds herself running off with a younger man abandoning her safe home and husband for something in which she does not know how it will play out. Joe Starks, Mayor of Eatonville he was once a young charming guy who spoke well and knew how to get what he wanted. Throughout time his attitude changed and he went from a ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Illuminati When people talk about the Illuminati, they are talking about the most secretive, powerful, wealthiest, influential, sneakiest, manipulated, greediest people on the earth. It was a group formed in Germany 1776 in order to rule the world with their wealth and power ("Illuminati" 1). Recently it has been on everyone's mind, but why? It is being exposed more and more every day. They are trying to take over our nation. "The infamous Illuminati secret society has remained the focus of so– called 'conspiracy theorists' for hundreds of years. They have been called the puppet masters who secretly pull the strings of the world's events from elections to revolutions, and from business monopolies to stock market crashes" (Dice 1). People are ... Show more content on ... The star above the eagle's head, when outlined makes the pentagram, the Satan symbol (Wilson 56). With these symbols come the people who make them. Cults, conspiracies and specialty groups make up the Illuminati. These are the most powerful, most evil people of the world. For this purpose, their main goal is to establish a New World Order (Robertson 17). "To conspiracists, the New World Order is a synonym for One–World government–the ultimate goal of the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Zionists, the Communists, the international bankers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Hesuits, the Vatican, the UN–even the federal agency FEMA" (Goldwag 195). Furthermore, cults are the religion of the Illuminati. Cults are a group with the system of religious worship that is out of mainstream. "If a cult gains enough adherents, cultural currency, money, and other appurtenances of respectability, it generally becomes either a recognized denomination of the orthodoxy that spawned it or a full–fledged religion in its own right" (Goldwag 3). Arthur Goldwag explains what he believes a cult is to denote a coercive or totalizing relationship between a dominating leader and his or her unhealthy dependent followers (4). The main cult of the Illuminati is the Freemasons. According to Mark Dice, Freemasons is a fairly well known global ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Want Versus Need: Why is Humanity so Greedy? Want Versus Need Why is humanity so greedy? The simple answer to that is the fact that we have the desire to provide for our family and ourselves. Greed usually has a bad connotation; it is not always an excessive reaction to an excessive problem. Taflinger says that Greed is necessary in our culture to a certain extent ("The Sociological Basis of Greed" 1). Every person needs some degree of greed to survive ("I Want It, I Want It Now" 1). Once we fulfill our basic needs, we search for a way to fulfill our wants. We have such a surplus of resources that often times our wants get confused as needs. When we can no longer satisfy the burning hunger of our wants, we become more and more greedy. We strive to fill the gaping hole inside us that ... Show more content on ... They flipped a coin and one of the two players in each game was chosen to be richer than the other. That person would receive two times the money, rolled both dice instead of just one, and was given twice the amount of money when they passed "go". Both players were aware of this rigged game, but were unaware of the hidden camera. The richer person in the game soon began to show signs of celebration and power as the game went on. The richer players wound up being rude and quite insulting towards the other players. At the end of the game, the two players in each match were asked how the game went. The rich players began to explain their strategies and took credit on their success in the game, even though the game had them at an advantage. This study, along with much more research, drew the conclusion that as a person's wealth goes up their entitlement and self– interest go up along with it and their compassion and empathy plummets down ("The Sociological basis of Greed" 2). It is safe to say that wealth distracts people from what is ethical and what is not. Another study was conducted where hundreds of rich and poor members of the community were given ten dollars each and given the option to keep the money, or share it with a less fortunate stranger whom they never met before. The poor members gave 44% more of their money than the rich members of the community did. This study shows that the wealthier a person becomes the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Review Of ' Formative Fictions : Imaginative Literature... Nayiri Khatchadourian HNRS 63W Prof. Bruce Stone 6 June 2017 The Consequence of Reading Fiction In his essay "Formative Fictions: Imaginative Literature and the Training of the Capacities", Joshua Landy, professor at Stanford University, aims to explain the function of fiction and the reward of our engagement with literary works. Landy highlights three theories of the function of fiction: the exemplary branch, which invites the reader to consider characters as models for emulation or avoidance, the affective branch, which focuses on what fiction does to our emotions, and the cognitive branch, that believes that fictions grants us access to knowledge. Landy is specifically interested in "formative fiction", works "whose function it is to fine–tune our mental capacities" (Landy 183). The purpose is not to acquire a superior understanding of the story, but to practice methods that allow readers to take an active stance towards works, whether it be picking holes in the logic or mending those holes. Rather than describing what happens to readers, he emphasizes that readers ought to do something with formative fictions that admittedly, they can easily fail to do. Landy argues that readers who look for a moral or message of a novel have misinterpreted the purpose of literature, which is not to have a genuine connection to the reader's lives. While accepting that his theory is not universal and only applies to some literary works, Landy's new option for interpreting texts, his ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The Grand Illusion in The Great Gatsby Essay The American dream is a farce. Hopeful American children and quixotic foreigners believe that freedom will lead to prosperity, and that prosperity will bring happiness. This anticipation of joy will never come to fruition, and all these unfortunate people will feel that they were cheated out of happiness by some unlucky roll of dice, but really they have been chasing cars, because the American dream is not something one can truly capture, but only smoke trapped in the palm of a hand. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby's lavish parties, characterized by music, dancing, and illegal alcohol, are a representation of the corruption of society's values, and are filled with guests only concerned with material things as they step further and further ... Show more content on ... Many of the guests at the parties are not even invited, and Nick believe that "[He] was one of the few guests who had actually been invited" (Fitzgerald 41). At Gatsby's parties, avid people seeking wealth and social status want to climb up the social ladder by talking to those who are put in high places by birth, and to do this, people simply ignored the common courtesy of not attending a party they are not wanted at, and just went to his parties. Money makes the world go round, and even when the world seems to be joyous and blissful, like at Gatsby's parties, there are still the unseen gears of greed at work, out to snatch a dollar even in a place they are not even wanted at in the first place. Although Gatsby's parties may seem to be the best example of honest fun in the 1920's, they are paid for by nothing but the lies and trickery called "bootlegging." Gatsby, although surrounded by extraordinary décor and living in a beautiful mansion, is nothing more than anyone in prison–he is a crook. The enormous parties he throws, as beautiful as they may seem to the simple wandering eye, are paid for with the money of an immoral thief, Gatsby. Although Gatsby tries to conceal his business affairs, Tom studies Gatsby's life out of suspicion, and finds that Gatsby "bought up a lot of side–street drugstores and sold grain alcohol over the counter" ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. A World Of Books By Borges Disorder In A World of Books In Borges's Ficciones, it is evident that Borges knew a lot about science and scientific writing and writers. How we as readers know that, is by way of his writing. In his writing he demonstrates that scientific knowledge by incorporating some aspects in his stories. One of the biggest scientific ideas that are seen throughout his stories is the idea of entropy. Entropy, in its simplest definition is defined as, disorder whether it is in society or anywhere else in the universe. This concept of entropy plays a huge role in many of the stories; it is a critical concept, without it many of those stories would no longer have their intended meaning. So in this essay we are going to go in more depth and find out what entropy it really is, as well as look at how it is used as a basis for some of the stories by Borges. As expressed before, Borges makes this vast knowledge of scientific knowledge known in his writing. In his stories Borges also demonstrates his understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the branch of physical science that deals with the relationship between heat and other forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy. In physics, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the total amount of entropy system will never decrease because the system will try to strike a balance of Thermal equilibrium or in other words, it will always find a way to go back to order/peace. The systems that ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Characteristics Of Torakku Yaro 6. Torakku Yaro (10 films, 1975–1979) Norifumi Suzuki and Bunta Sugawara have already become famous, particularly through the plethora of exploitation films they worked in. As the genre started to lose its appeal, major studios turned to romantic comedies with some elements of action. Torakku Yaro, with the first directing and the second starring, was one of the most successful. Sugawara plays Momojiro Hoshi, a truck driver who drives around Japan, along with his colleague Kinzo Matsushita. All ten of the films follow a similar formula. Momojiro falls in love with a woman, but ends up having to help her relationship with another man, while the ending always features a truck race. The first part of the series, "Goiken Muyo", was the most successful, ... Show more content on ... Zatoichi (27 films, 1962–2003) This particular title became globally known to the public through Takeshi Kitano's 2003 movie, "The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi". However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Before Kitano's movie, there have been 26 more. Let us take things from the beginning though. Our hero's first appearance was in a small story by Kan Shimozawa, titled Zatoichi, although the concept, as a whole, was based on a secondary character of this story, a blind gambler. He could guess what the dice would bring almost every time. According to the Library of Congress, the story was included in a book titled Futokoro Techo, which was first published in Japan by Chuo Koronsha in 1961. The idea to write a Zatoichi movie came from Shintaro Katsu, who came to be the man behind the hero, since he was the leading actor in all of the initial 26 movies (and director in the last) and also in the TV series. The production company that took on the project was Daiei Studios. The films were set during the Tokugawa era, where, except for some samurai that were under government service, the rest of the samurai were forbidden to carry any weapon. It was the reason Zatoichi carries his sword disguised as a cane, a rather popular weapon at that time, named ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. City of God, by Fernando Meirelles and Pixote, by Hector... The innocence of Brazilian lower class children are lost in both films ,City of God directed by Fernando Meirelles, and in Pixote directed by Hector Bebenco. In both of these films the loss of innocence stems from a lack of authoritative power and most importantly the lack of a familial structure. This lack of innocence derives from the lower class socio–economic status the youth are born into. The children and teenagers are able to gain an astonishing amount of power when introduced to violent lifestyle of the streets . While both films comment upon the different causes and effects of Brazilian street culture, both films clearly exhibit how lack of authority and lack of a structure leads to the demise and death of many young street ... Show more content on ... This section is shown with a hazy golden tone to symbolize innocence (Diken 3). The children should and scream to this behavior( why don't they) and the rest of the gang members remind him about the gas truck they are about to rob. Right off the bat the film suggests that children link violent activities with fun activities violence and fun as a combined activity. These characters are the role models the children of the slums look up to, they are even narrated as "legendary" (City of God 2002) to the viewers. By calling the gang "legendary" even the narrator, Rocket who isn't a part of the gang suggests that he wants to be a part of this culture. (Link it to the bible) ( Sodom and Gomorrah the Cities god destroyed) The City of God is not what it sounds like, most of the residence there are homeless and without power, the children become power hungry and are forced to commit crimes. "City of God 'has nothing to do with the Rio you see in the postcards'. It is a 1960s–style housing project that, in tandem with increasing drug dealing, became, already by the 1980s, one of the most dangerous places in Rio. It is a place abandoned by God and justice, where police hardly ever come and where residents' life expectancy does not considerably exceed the twenties"EXPAND (Diken 2). "City of God ironically is a "city without god" but because it is truly a 'sacred': a situation of being abandoned, a state of ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Investment Style Focused on Risk Diversification Diversification, Schmiversification Steve Smith, 23, recently out of college, has just won $15 million in the lottery. After buying a few things, he realizes that he still has quite a bit of money, and starts to look at the big picture and what he should do. After his girlfriend shoots down his dreams of buying an island paradise where he could relax and golf all day, or buying his own rocket ship, Steve is forced to think of more practical things to do with his newly acquired fortune. Unable to find a way to spend it all, Steve decides to save and invest most of his winnings. He begins searching financial magazines and the internet for the best way to build his capital. Steve faces an issue that many investors today face—not a ... Show more content on ... His lack of diversification is a strong contrast to that of the traditional method; however, this lack of diversification has helped his personal portfolio to outperform market indexes, used as benchmarks for returns on stock market investments, such as the Dow Jones Industrial, the Nasdaq, and the Standard and Poor 's 500 (S & P 500) every year for the past 40 years. In his article "Warren Buffett: The World 's Greatest Investor," financial journalist Maynard Patton presents some quotes from Warren Buffett on his investment style. Buffett is attributed with saying "conventional diversification makes no sense for [a know–something investor]. It is apt simply to hurt your results and increase your risk." Buffett 's rationale is that investors should not buy shares of a stock unless they feel the company they are buying into will be around for a while. To make an assumption that a particular company will still be a functioning body in the future would require some knowledge of the company 's financial situation and the industry in which it operates. Essentially, Buffett believes that people should only invest in companies with which they are familiar. Along these lines, one of his strongholds is that many people purchase stocks of companies in industries with which they are not familiar for the sake of diversification. Making a ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Mahabharata Summary Adi–Parva, First Book: The Origins of the Families The story opens as Sauti, a storyteller returning from the snake sacrifice of King Janamejaya, approaches several wise men, or rishis, in the forest of Naimisha. He relates to them the Mahabharata as he has heard it from Vaisampayana, a disciple of the poet Vyasa. Sauti begins by recounting the death of King Parikshit of the Bharatas at the hands of Takshaka, aNaga, or snake– man. King Janamejaya, Parikshit's son and successor, had held the snake sacrifice in order to avenge the death of his father, but the ceremony was stopped by the intervention of the learned Naga, Astika. Sauti then recounts the origins of the Bharatas (also known as the Kurus), a race descended from the great King ... Show more content on ... This is Karna. The son of Kunti and Surya (the sun god), Karna was born with golden armor attached to his skin. But Kunti, young and unmarried, set her son adrift on a river to be found and raised by suitable parents. He was adopted by Adhiratha, a charioteer. None of the Pandavas realize that Karna is their brother, and the armored warrior bests them all in martial feats. Kripa, however, questions Karna's presence, noting that he is not a prince. Duryodhana is impressed with Karna–and more importantly, he has been looking for a warrior who could defeat Arjuna. Duryodhana and Karna become friends, but according to traditions of obligation, Karna is indebted to Duryodhana for his kingship and hence owes the prince a great favor. Led into battle by Drona, the Pandavas attack the nearby kingdom ruled by Drupada, and Drona seizes one half of the king's lands. The Pandavas return to Hastinapura and Yudhishthira becomes heir to the throne of Kurujangala. Jealous and fearing the loss of his future throne, Duryodhana hatches a plot to destroy the five and acquire the kingdom for himself. While his cousins and Kunti are visiting the town of Varanavata, they are to stay in a special house constructed by one of Duryodhana's henchmen which he plans to have burned. Before the Pandavas leave, however, Vidura warns Yudhishthira of the planned trap. Bhima plans an escape route by digging a tunnel under the house through which they escape. Kunti and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Should Gambling Be Legal? Gambling is no doubt a very common social practice of humankind since a long time ago. Furthermore, gambling has long been considered as a legal industry that brings billions of dollars to many nations in the world. Despite of the great benefits it brings, gambling industry is not totally free from drawback. Gambling has been constantly condemned for its negative outcomes. In fact, gambling is accused of being the cause for much social evil practice. Thus, to many countries, this particular type of industry is not legal and popular. Specifically, in this essay, Vietnam, a nation in Southeast Asia, will be taken as the object for this research. Accordingly, Vietnam already had 5 Casinos that are being operated. However, only foreigners are ... Show more content on ... Hence, gambling may also bring some good effects to health. Moreover, some gamblers do not care about the money; they just want to enjoy the game. Also, even this is a bit negative and rare and just fortune, casino gives poor people an opportunity/chance to become rich. Moving on to the advantages gambling industry can bring to people working on it and to society at large. There is an undeniable fact that the Casino Industry has brought a huge contribution in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to many nations, such as The United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. For the reason, this sensitive field of business requires a great demand in labor, therefore, to a nation, in the very beginning; it is very helpful in reducing the unemployment rate. For instance, a new casino resort can create up to thousands of jobs. Besides, by effectively and efficiently operating casinos, government can gain a huge amount of revenues. This outcome increase in the tax revenue will also lower the tax burden on other fields. Not only that, to an urban perspective, by having a casino within the city, it will significantly attract tourists as well as providing an entertainment service to local. Besides, having a casino in a rural area is very beneficial to a nation as well, because it also brings other businesses into the area, such as hotels, F&B, trade ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Love And Ego In Casablanca Inside every human being, two opposing forces clash against one another: love and ego. Each has its own agenda, suggestions, and ideas, and they are almost always opposite. It's up to us to choose which we will allow to govern our lives. Casablanca was the classic master piece of 1942 and still it is now. I'm not a fan of love stories but when I watched this movie I didn't realized when it ended. It a wonderful love story told, and yet it is riveting, captivating work on so many level. In terms of psychoanalysis this movie spitted out every color of our consciousness and unconsciousness. A story where there are no condition for love, love which is so tempting that is eats away the ego from the poisoned heart. Wonderful transformation of persona ... Show more content on ... Ilsa always stuck between her conscious and unconscious part. She is most complicated person in the movie. In past her conscious part loved Rick but her unconscious part was still in search of Victor, and in present her conscious mind is faithful to Victor but somewhere deep down her unconscious part she still love and seek for Rick. In other part of story which is unknown to Rick, were Ilsa Lund is very sincere and committed wife. She looks up to her husband and supports him in his every step and fight. In sort Ilsa also plays a part of hero in very small part of her life. Her life starts with a doubt message of her husband's death. She accepts the truth and carry forwards her life, with a new start. She once again fall in love, opens her heart for a nice and wonderful man. She finds her place in that man's life and was ready to commit herself to him, but unfortunately she comes to know that her beloved husband is alive, the person to whom she promised to stay and support her whole life under the hand of god, runs way through without thinking a second. She re– strengths herself so that once again she can support her husband as shield in his work. As common part of life Ilsa behaves as her mind see's, she plays a part of hero in her and his husbands life. But unfortunately the act of heroism becomes villainous in other side of story. She ... Get more on ...