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How Does Media Affect Body Image
Body image is how a person feels about their physical appearance. Someone with a negative body image has a distorted view of his or her body and
often feels shame, anxiety and are more likely to suffer from low self–esteem and depression. People with a poor body image have a greater chance of
developing an eating disorder. Which then can lead to drastic changes of their bodies using dangerous methods such as plastic surgeries and severe
eating disorders in order to meet societal ideals. Today people feel that present ideals are pressuring them to conform, in any way possible to get the
ideal body, these pressures cause body dissatisfaction and self–esteem issues.The media is causing body image issues due to the lack of diversity and
realistic body representation, when exposed to western media young people are more likely to have eating disorders, participate in fad diets, or
drastically change their bodies with plastic surgeries. The "ideal" woman's body type has taken many forms, but these fads show that ideals change
with the eras. These ideals are directly influenced by society, art and media. When trends changed it typically was replaced by thinner body shapes
causing the introduction of methods of weight controls. Before Photoshop, women in the late 1800s used to corset their bodies to get the ideal shape,
which then was fuller figured but a ridiculously tight corseted waists. During this time, another female body image was the "Gibson girl" – a soft,
supple, dainty female with a frame defined by a corset. The Gibson girl... Show more content on ...
There is a growing concern with the number of teenagers undergo types of plastic surgery or change their bodies drastically with the expectation that it
will improve their body image and self–confidence. (Citation). Media uses photoshop to make models look thinner and clearer, making models look
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Library Management
Library and Information Center Management
Recent Titles in Library and Information Science Text Series
Library and Information Center Management, Sixth Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran United States Government Information: Policies
and Sources Peter Hernon, Harold C. Relyea, Robert E. Dugan, and Joan F. CheverieLibrary Information Systems: From Library Automation to
Distributed Information Access Solutions Thomas R. Kochtanek and Joseph R. Matthews The Complete Guide to AcquisitionsManagement Frances C.
Wilkinson and Linda K. Lewis Organization of Information, Second Edition Arlene G. Taylor The School Library Media Manager, Third Edition
Blanche Woolls Basic Research Methods for Librarians Ronald R. Powell and Lynn... Show more content on ...
Stueart and Barbara B. Moran All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express
written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2007007922 ISBN: 978–1–59158–408–7 978–1–59158–406–3 (pbk.)
First published in 2007 Libraries Unlimited, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 A Member of the Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48–1984). 10
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To our grandchildren Annika, Jacob, Katherine, Madison, Magnus, and Molly
Illustrations . . . . . Preface . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments . The Web Site . . . . .
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Section 1: Introduction
1–Managing in Today's Libraries and Information Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Importance of Management. . . . . . . . . . . .
What Is Management? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Are Managers?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Do Managers Do?
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The Roaring Twenties : An Age Of Dramatic Social,...
The "Roaring Twenties" was an age of dramatic social, political, and economic change. Women wanted improved and fair rights and the nation's
wealth doubled between 1920 and 1929. Culture, values, and the technology of America changed and it had only just begun. The "Roaring
Twenties" were considered as a "celebration of youth". The many experiences that came from WWI had transitioned into the growth of new
industries, cities, and new morals. Women finally gained the right to vote in 1920, and there were many new opportunities for them in the
workplace. Many of the social changes greatly impacted the new world. Later on birth control came into play which eventually led to a decline of
the birth rate. Technology advancing made everything easier for people to do everything. People had never seen such technology rapidly growing
throughout the world, especially the women and flappers. The Flapper was the new ideal woman. She dressed differently and she acted completely
different than the other average valued woman. The humans of this time were greedy for a new change to appear advanced and accompany for
happiness, instead of time period before. The United States was turning from a time of war to a time of peace. They started with their economy.
Americans spent their money on roads, tourism, and real estate. New technology began to be on acceleration such as cars, refrigerators, telephones,
radios, ovens, etc. This fabricated Americans began to start living higher standards.
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Sunbeam Corporation Ethics
Journal of Business Case Studies – January/February 2010 Volume 6, Number 1 Sunbeam Corporation: A Forensic Analysis Patricia Hatfield, Ph.D.,
Bradley University, USA Shelly Webb, Ph. D., Xavier University, USA ABSTRACT The members of the Board of Directors at Sunbeam were
completely bewildered. Al Dunlap, Sunbeam's highly successful but controversial CEO was threatening to resign after almost two years of leading
Sunbeam successfully out of a slump that had threatened the long–term viability of the company. Al Dunlap didn't mince words. He angrily told the
board, "We can't fight a battle on two fronts. Either we get the support we should have or Russ [chief financial officer] and I are prepared to go...Just
pay us."1 The... Show more content on ...
However, there were a few bumps along t he way. First, Al Dunlap 63 Journal of Business Case Studies– January/February 2010 Volume 6, Number 1
and Ronald Perelman, one of Sunbeam‟s largest stockholders, had never seen eye to eye. The media became involved and questioned Al
Dunlap‟s leadership. After calling a meeting with the board, Dunlap addressed the situation by accusing financier Ronald Perelman of engaging
in a media conspiracy to drive the price of Sunbeam stock down so that Mr. Perelman could buy a larger proportion of Sunbeam shares at a lower
price. Roger Schipke Roger Schipke, spent 29 years working in the appliance division at General Electric with his last 8 years serving as vice–president
of the division. Schipke knew the industry well and managed to increase the division‟s sales. Schipke later left GE and became CEO of Ryland
Group Inc., a home constructi on and mortgage finance company. However, Schipke was recruited to Sunbeam by Charles Thayer, a board member of
Sunbeam who also served as the interim CEO after Kazarian‟s departure. Thayer had worked with Schipke in the past and realized that his GE
background provided him with the industry expertise necessary to move Sunbeam forward. Schipke accepted the position of CEO in August 1993.
Quickly, he recognized the need to cut costs and increase brand recognition. Some cost cutting efforts had occurred before
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New Era Of The United States
Throughout history, the United States has often been described as a melting pot, meaning "the fusion of various religious sects, nationalities, and
ethnic groups into one distinct people" (Thornton). This metaphor first arose in the eighteenth century, but was used in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries to describe the growing number of immigrants in the United States. From 1900 to 1915, "more than 15 million people" immigrated to
the United States, ushering in a new era of Americans (Library of Congress). Furthermore, there was a shift in the countries from which immigrants
were arriving. These changes characterized the first half of the twentieth century, as immigrants struggled to assimilate to American culture.
Immigration during this period profoundly affected American culture, including the fashion industry. In addition to this effect, the influx of immigrants
helped to usher in a new era of urbanization and manufacturing in the United States.
Immigration has always been a common phenomenon in the United States. Throughout the nineteenth century, immigrants from Northern and Western
Europe arrived in fairly significant numbers. After the 1880s, however, there was an influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. As was
the case before, most of these immigrants were "escaping religious, racial, and political persecution" or seeking greater economic opportunity
("Immigration in the Early 1900s"). Since most immigrants were fairly poor, they entered
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Universal Beauty Ideals in Women's Magazines
Hollywood has changed the way the world perceives beauty. White beauty has clearly sought precedence over beauty of other races, namely Asians,
and is considered being a mainstream beauty standard. Mainstream bioethics in the United States originates from a white Anglo–Saxon protestant
worldview, which serves silently to perpetuate white dominance (Arekapudi and Wynia, 2003). It has strongly influenced how Asians want to look
these days, and Asian women show preferences for beauty standards outside of the Asian ingroup, especially for white women (Evans and McConnell,
2003). Hollywood culture consists of good–looking, physically attractive people. Physically attractive individuals are often viewed more favourably
than unattractive... Show more content on ...
(E.g.: Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Tomiko and Alex Wek.) African Americans were told that their key to success was through assimilation of
hairstyle and dress, so many of them Universal Beauty Ideals 5 began to "follow the latest fashions in Vogue and Mademoiselle, to rouge her cheeks
furiously, and to speak, not infrequently, of what a disappointment the black man has been." (Wallace, 1979) This assimilation shows the great extent to
which Euro American Beauty Standards have influenced the other races, causing them to change their perceptions of beauty. Further, the traditional
beauty standard of plumpness of East Asia has shifted toward the Western ideal of thinness (Lee & Rudd, 1999). Instead of having predominantly
non–White female models in Asian magazines, White female models are as common as non–White models, or even more. Korean magazines seem to
portray and promote Western feminine women to achieve the Western ideal. (Kim & J. Lennon, 2006). Local magazines also carry more White models
than not, hence, "Asian women are then exposed to the same Euro American beauty ideal pressuring them to achieve the thin ideal." (Kim & J.
Lennon, 2006). According to a research done, the Korean magazines carry more than half White models then Non–white models. For example, WS
magazine has 53% White models and 47% Non–white models. (Kim & J. Lennon, 2006). This study shows the higher percentage of White models
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Analysis Of Gibson Girl
The Gibson Girl was a series of sketches drawn by a famous artist. The name of this artist was Charles Dana Gibson. The Gibson Girls were a sketch
that changed the outlook on women during the 1900s. The Gibson Girl was created to show the rosiest aspect of society. This meaning that Gibson
wanted to show the way he approved of society, a time in which a woman's name would only show up three times in a paper. These times concluded of
when she was born, when she got married, and when she died. Gibson however hated the thought of women being bought for marriage especially to an
old guy, he wanted these things to happen naturally.The idea of Gibson didn't just stick with women either, there is a Gibson man as well. Although
that is a ... Show more content on ...
This however raises a conundrum because not all women of the time were models either. Therefore the new woman of arising in the americas were a
lot more independent ant had a lot more freedom so they became , "athletic and free–spirited" (Blakemore). This in return shows the difference in the
way the woman looked compared to one another. The women could wear their hair down and do with it as they pleased, while the Gibson Girls
would wear it up high in a big hairdo. Not every woman was gorgeous either unlike the description of the Gibson Girl. The reason the Gibson Girl
was so gorgeous was so that men would be more attracted to them. This is one of the reasons the Gibson Girl was criticized which is also shown
here," for creating an unrealistic ideal of what women should look like: perfect proportions and long flowing hair " (Chopin ). Therefore as you can
see the Gibson Girl's look was completely inaccurate compared to the women of the time.
Another way the Gibson Girl differentiated from the women of the time was through the way they acted.Gibson went so far as to create a woman that
acted like a completely different woman, so that men wouldn't see women for what they were turning into. The men were seeing Gibsons idea. The
Gibson Girl was described as, " not politically informed, and her social conscience, in present–day terms, was dormant. She could not cook or manage a
home". The reason of this was to
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Gibson Girl Research Paper
As a young woman in the twenty–first century of America, I have been afforded numerous opportunities which have allowed me to freely express
myself and explore the various avenues of life with little to no limitations, and in doing this, I have become inspired and intrigued with the infamous
Roaring Twenties. Its characteristics included all of the things considered taboo in most countries including intoxication, bacchanal behavior, and, my
all–time favorite, the changing and freeing aspect of a woman in the decade of the 1920s. Women in this era morphed their societal roles, attire, and
independence and, as a result, are seen as a hero and a nuisance to society to this day.
Victorian Era
During the Victorian Era, which endured... Show more content on ...
The Gibson girl was just the same as Barbie. The Gibson girl on the other hand was the set role model in the early 1900s. The Gibson Girl and
Barbie presented other women the image of a woman who was independently strong. The two were criticized for portraying unrealistic displays of
what a woman should be. An example of this woman was athletic and active but still maintained femininity and the perfect look of her face and
hair's original state. Unlike Barbie who was created by a woman by the name of Ruth Handler, the Gibson Girl was created by a man by the name
of Charles Dana Gibson. While the Barbie doll could change and adapt to the societal roles and changes of women, the Gibson Girl was drawn up
in ink and paper and did not morph into any other idealistic view other than that of the late 1800s and very early 1900s. The transition of the
Victorian woman to the Gibson Girl was the result of a more social influence rather a political influence. Charles Dana Gibson, the creator of the
original sketch of the Gibson girl, was a depiction of what a liberated and ideal woman would be like. The Gibson girl was not purposely meant to
be publicized. In fact, it was discovered by Life, a very popular magazine. Before the Gibson girl was drawn, the Industrial Revolution was bustling,
and this created more jobs, and the middle class women were indirectly given the option to work which of course they took. (Lower class women
were already working to make ends meet.) The middle class women tried to find ways and fashions to balance their femininity and activeness. Life
magazine, known for starting trends, and had already hired Gibson for his drawing talent, used
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Gibson Girl Research Paper
Since the rise of mass media in America throughout the 20th century, the idea of feminine beauty has changed significantly, especially women's body
shape. American visual media has always been guilty of promoting the current "ideal" women's body shape, despite these body shapes being virtually
impossible for the average American woman to achieve. By analyzing the way that the "ideal" women's body shape in America has changed, it
becomes clear how the media has always kept a tight grasp on the American woman's individuality.
Between 1900 and 1910, popular culture made way for the "Gibson Girl," who was created by the iconic artist Charles Dana Gibson. The "Gibson
Girl" depicted ideal feminine beauty as tall and thin, with an exaggerated bust and wide hips; a look only achievable with a corset. This look put
pressure on women to alter their bodies by corseting. By the 1920s, the media had rejected the previous "societal norms" of corsets and large breasts,
and ... Show more content on ...
The problem with the media pushing the fad of an "ideal" women's body shape is that there is only ever room for one look at a time. With an
ever–changing culture heavily influenced by the media, it is hard to live up to the looks that are constantly presented in visual media. This leads to the
body–shaming that American culture inflicts on those who dare to leer away from what is the current look. This is also the reason why American
women go to great lengths to alter their bodies. One of the biggest issues that comes from this vicious cycle is how our kids are influenced by this.
Toys like Barbie Dolls already send a complicated message to our kids about femininity, but when the Sports Illustrated magazine's Swimsuit edition
partnered with Barbie's maker, Mattel, to feature Barbie in a bikini spread, the world got a blurred message of what the doll really stood
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Pin-Up Girl Research Paper
This report looks to demonstrate my capability in the area's of understanding personal and social issues in society. The research project deals directly
with these capabilities as it begs the thoughts about women in society. It asks what women think about their own body but also, how society sees it. I
will demonstrate in all eras how women influenced by media and the relevant 'pin–up girl' of the time tried to find their own identity closely linked to
these role models. Such linkage being mainly through fashion that enhanced the targeted body shapes To explore this I have asked myself to what
extent did the imagery of the desired female identity change over the 3 different time periods in European culture? In answering ... Show more content
on ...
To be caught in the wrong fashion at the wrong time of the day was as greatly to be feared as addressing a member of society by the wrong title. At
this time, large swept up hairstyles with loose curls and fake hair were popular. The cosmetic beauty ideal was still the same pale, delicate, glowing
skin that was seen in the Victorian era. Contrary to our ideals today, gray hair was considered very attractive because it made women appear "softer
and younger. The main body focus of this time was the bosom as well as the childbearing hips, but still without any cleavage showing. The 19th
century was an era of rapid development and change during this period England changed from an agricultural country to a city an industrialised one.
This involved massive displacement and drastically altered the nature of society. It took many years for both the government and the people to adjust
to the new conditions. From these new conditions came a changing impression of fashion, morals and media towards people wanting to achieve the
highest class in society available for them. Under the new ruling of the influential Queen Victoria with its new society standers regarding women's
morals, to how tight the corset must be laced. This really was a memorable era for women, fashion and
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The Gibsonson Girls : My Favorite Art Of The Gibson Girls
Personally, I find the idea of the past romantic. Watching movies from the seventies even to the eighteenth hundreds are some of my favorite things. So
when given this particular assignment I decided that whatever I was going to research was going to be about history. Another thing about me, is that I
love the arts, whether it's paintings,music, or writing I love it all. Which is why it wasn't much of a surprise that when I stumbled upon the beautiful
ink drawings of the glamourous Gibson Girls that I was caught. The Gibson Girls spanned across the late 1900's and early 2000's. However, what's
most interesting about them is that they're named after the illustrated Charles Dana Gibson. His drawings known as the Gibson Girls appeared in many
of the popular magazines at the time (eyewitnesstohistory). The Gibson Girls were known for their big effortless bouffant hairstyles as well as their
big chest, tiny waist, and big hip silhouette (Edwardian Fashion – The Gibson Girl). However, they weren't just known for their beauty. Charles drew
them doing many things; playing the violin, keeping fit riding a bike, enjoying the outdoors, sketching, being part of a jury, and more (The Gibson
Girl's America: Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson The Gibson Girl as the "New Woman"). To him the Gibson Girl's weren't just about beauty, although
they were effortlessly beautiful. They were also talents, smart, and active in their society. The Gibson Girls represented the "idealwomen," and was even
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Compare And Contrast South Korea And Cosmetic Surgery
Cultural/Social Compare and Contrast: Cosmetic surgery for women in the U.S and South Korea
Beauty is one of the most misunderstood words in the world, it is often overused and misinterpreted. We can not truly tell what is beautiful or who is
beautiful because we all have different likes or tastes. Nowadays cosmetic surgery has become a world phenomenon– women all over the world want
to become what they perceive as beautiful– especially in well–developed countries like the U.S and South Korea, which are world leaders in
technology. In this paper I will be comparing and contrasting how the cosmetic surgery industry affects women in the United States and South Korea,
and how it influences the culture and social aspects of both ... Show more content on ...
The 'ideal body' or appearance in South Korea is having milky white skin, a small face, big eyes, small nose, and a slender body. Some of the body
shapes can labeled by the alphabet, as many Koreans do, called "alphabetisation" (Waldman). They use letters to describe body types, for example, the
most ideal body type is the S–line which is having a tiny waist, a large bosom and bottom. What many people don't realize is that these ideals are
extreme and unnatural because not everyone is born with these body qualities. As a result, Ashley Perez, a culture writer, having spent a year
teaching English in Daegu, South Korea returned shortly after experiencing discrimination (Murray). She was often referred to as "too tall, too fat,
and too dark" because she lacked the usual appearance of Korean women (par. 2). Even students called her "plain face" and "tired teacher" due to the
fact that she didn't wear any make–up (par. 4). Perez mentions that despite loving many aspects of Korea, she could not deal with the emphasis of
women's appearance, therefore deciding to leave (par.
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Beauty : The Definition Of Beauty And Beauty Standards
Beauty Standards
Beauty standards have been a major issue for many years now and women have been willing to change their bodies over and over to please
themselves and others. Beauty standards are often defined in terms of hairstyles, skin color, and body size. The measures involved in having to live
up to these standards are often risky in nature. For decades, what is seen as beautiful is centered around a women's weight and size. Today, that
standard is often defined as being thin. Women often resort to drastic means to attain that ideal image. However, achieving these standards can be
expensive, can lower self–esteem and can be a threat to a woman's health and life.
There are many beauty standards but weight and body size is slowly becoming the main focus. These standards give a false sense of hope of
having the "perfect body." Instead of letting beauty standards be socially accepted, people should be aware of the harm they cause. Celebrities are
role models to various people around the world and they are criticized for their appearance. Many of these celebrities go out and get plastic surgery,
Botox injections, and Silicone implants. People that a lot of money and higher status are more likely to be able to live up to these standards. Some
women are willing to sacrifice comfort and tolerate the pain to achieve them.
Ever since slavery, the size and shape of a woman's body has been important. in the seventeenth
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The Flappers In The 1920's
First came the war, and then the flappers.
Flappers were a new revolutionary type of woman that came about in the early 1920s. Daughters of women that fought for suffrage and equal rights,
they had no interest in politics, and even less in the issue of Вґsocial normsВґ. Girls from well of families drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and took
part in Вґpetting partiesВґ. They cut their hair in bobs and wore short skirts that went up above the knee, Which at the time was socially
unacceptable. Many people were appalled by the ways of the flapper, some even taking the case of immodesty to court. But the flapper movement
would not be stopped, and would pave the way for the modern woman.
Before the first World War, the Gibson Girl was all the rage. She... Show more content on ...
The young flappers could no longer afford their swing lifestyles and expensive makeup. So it was that the Roaring Twenties came to an end taking the
lavish lifestyle with it.
Works Cited
Gourley, Catherine. "Chapter 1." Flappers and the New American Woman: Perceptions of Women from 1918 through the1920s, Twenty–First Century
Books, Minneapolis, 2008.
Kallen, Stuart A., and Ben Hecht. "A Chance Encounter with a Flapper ." The Roaring Twenties, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA, 2002, pp. 141–145.
Kallen, Stuart A., and Frederick lewis Allen. "Flappers, Fashion, and a New Morality."The Roaring Twenties, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA,
2002, pp. 128–141.
Rosenberg, Jennifer. "The New, Modern Woman: The Flapper." ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo., 14 Feb. 2017,
/flappers–in–the–roaring–twenties–1779240. Accessed 11 Apr. 2017.
Rosenberg, Jennifer. "The New, Modern Woman: The Flapper." ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo., 14 Feb. 2017, W. O. Saunders, "Me and My Flapper
Daughters," The American Magazine 104 (Aug. 1927): 27.,–in–the–roaring–twenties–1779240. Accessed 11 Apr.
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The Representation Of Beauty In The 1920's
Beauty is hard to define and is said to be in the eye of the beholder, but desire for women to be beautiful and stay beautiful is a goal in our culture
today. Though our society and loved ones emphasize that beauty lies within one's character, our society also contradicts this idea because they tend to
focus on physical appearance more. Beauty perception has evolved from embracing natural qualities in earlier decades to promoting superficiality in
today's society due to cultural changes such as the discovery of new beauty products and procedures and depictions made through mass and social
media. The evolution of beauty from previous decades is drastic. Tracing back to the 1900's up until the 1940's, ideal beauty involved natural qualities...
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Women are attempting to meet the beauty expectations that society has set; therefore, women result to products and supplements to enhance their
beauty. Products and procedures that promote the considerably flawed depiction of beauty include: powerful cosmetics, weight loss technologies, and
plastic surgery. From the 2000's up until today, technologies in all areas of daily life have been introduced and enhanced the way of living. First,
makeup is almost perceived as a necessity for women. Specifically, makeup has been formulated to transform your physical appearance entirely. Today,
women have resulted to a makeup process called contouring–a process that involves using shading and highlighting to bring out facial structures.
Makeup allows women to transform their face to the way they want it. Next, weight loss technologies have been introduced to the beauty industry.
These provide an alternative to spending time in the gym or dieting. Products such as weight loss wraps, diet pills, breast enhancers, and other
supplements are said to give women the body they desire. Weight loss procedures such as lipo–suction result in automatic fat loss. Lastly, the most
drastic procedure to transform beauty is plastic surgery. This form of surgery can be performed almost on any body part. Surgeons can manipulate
body parts and their locations for desired results. Though it is
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The Important Role Of Propaganda During World War I
Kelly Noorloos
Tuesday, November 29
Mr. Khazah
Propaganda played a large role thorough World War One. It had a large impact on public opinion. The impact of propaganda demonstrates the important
of learning about this time period.
Propaganda is biased or misleading information used to promote a political point of view.
Adolph Hitler commented that "[o]nly constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd." (Adolf Hitler)
Propaganda has had a large and important role since the 19th century. However, World War One (1914
–1918) was when the idea of targeting enemies
using direct and indirect propaganda became popular in Germany. In 1917 the United States government public information committee formed a group
with ... Show more content on ...
It would cause the student to think more critically about the message that is being delivered and to fact check information before adopting a message
as truth. A close study of the effect of propaganda might help them change their opinions and biases towards people. It would encourage them to
consider their own rights and the different options they had to make a difference. The study would demonstrate how susceptible people are, and how
easily influenced citizen are, to biased messaging. People have a tendency to believe the first new piece of information heard. In summary, propaganda
was one of the largest weapons used in the war and students should study how it affected their lives with the benefit of a retrospective analysis.
Overall, propaganda is important because of the persuasive role it played on the war. The results of the war could have changes if citizens had
thought critically about the message being delivered. The use of propaganda could have positively impacted or changed the course of the war by
countering the Nazi's message or had a more positive message been
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America Is A Melting Pot
America is a melting pot made up of people from many different races and ethnic backgrounds, so why are the American news broadcasters
predominantly white men in their late forties? News represents the American society so therefore American broadcasters should reflect society as a
whole. In addition, many people consider news anchors role models and it is important to see themselves represented and trust their news source. The
lack of diversity among newscasters impacts the audience's reception of the news. People are more likely to trust news sources that they relate to and
identify with. Many people do not even notice the lack of diversity or understand the impact it has on society. There needs to be more of an effort to
reflect diversity among our newscasters to correct the history of discrimination, to accurately reflect the audience and to provide role models and
promote positive images.
The United States is called a "melting pot " because the the varied groups of people that live in the country and interact every day, but the country also
has an ugly history or discrimination against women and minorities. The broadcasting industry has been guilty of this discrimination. There has been
blatant discrimination against women newscasters. "Women journalists initially had difficulty breaking into the broadcast news field and did not begin
to make real strides towards equality until the 1960s and 1970s" ( Irvin) . This is very discouraging to young women interested in this
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Fashion Illustration Essay
Illustration is an art that allows to create an amazing aesthetics that is hard to remake or achieve with the same aesthetic value using digital
technologies or photography because of the emotional atmosphere, transfer of mood of the work of art and detailed visualization of images. The term
"illustration" itself has a several meanings, but the most known is 'art design'. In the past, illustration due to its characteristics been only associated with
books and magazines as a support for a text. However, as the time passed illustration became an individual type of art that no longer need to play a
supporting role for anything. This evolution leads illustration forward to the division of a broader term into narrower subtopics, which introduced the
creation of fashion illustration. From that point, it was clear that fashion illustration is one of the oldest and most important movements in the history
of illustration. Through the time, it has always had a touch with graphic design and fine arts, it has an undeniable influence on fashion and vice versa.
Right now, it is possible to recognize another story of fashion by them because they reflect an individual and not a group view on it, unlike in
photography. Throughout history, the artists through their works have tried to push the boundaries of our perception, inviting to the world of their
dreams and fantasies. However, before fashion illustration was brought to life, it is initially the engravings in the 16th century are
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In The Triangle: The Fire That Started America
In the Triangle: The Fire That Started America written by David Von Drehle, one significant topic is women and their fight for change. The novel
takes place during the era of industrialization; so, to maintain the rise of large businesses and large scale production woman joined the workforce. In
the novel women take roles in working, striking, and progressing. Overall, women were objectified to the discrimination due to gender stereotypes;
however, they fought for their rights and equality regardless of the consequences in hopes of a brighter future for the generations to come.
One way women battled the discrimination was by asserting their working rights. During the industrialization era "managers deskilled production,"
therefore "the ranks of factory workers [included] more and more women" who were paid low wages (Henretta, 553). However, women faced criticism
of men who argued that they belong at home. Despite the opposition,"woman vigorously defended their right to work"(Henretta, 553). They also
participated in the strikes to gain "higher wages and shorter hours" for their long, hard work (Drehle, 86). In general the importance of women working
and participating in the ... Show more content on ...
The question of whether women should have the right to vote was one that was very commonly debated, but rejected. However, as women "began to
earn advanced degrees, work for wages and salaries, and live independently" it became "harder to argue that women were "dependents" who did not
need to vote"(Henretta,588). Furthermore, in Drehle's novel, Alva Belmont heard about the outrageous treatment of the shirtwaist strikers and believed
that "such things would not happen if women had the vote" so she concluded that "her cause and theirs must be united"(Drehle, 67). Overall, uniting
these two causes was important because it kept the strike alive and put more attention on both of important
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Ideal Women In The 1950's
–Creation illustrator Charles Dana Gibson. (Not a real person at first)
–Lots of girls inspire to be like the drawings.
–Turned into up to date fashion and style.
–Ideal women was: o to be slender and tall o voluptuous bust but not lewd o Rounded shoulders o Smooth neck o wide hips o thin waist o up to date
in fashion and style o Physically active and in good health. o Fragile
–Idea women was to have big hips, they would do this by using a corset to pull in the waist and create an S shaped body.
–Later they had a contest to find the ideal women in real life.
–They found various models and stresses such as Camille Clifford
–ideal figured in the post–war period. o Busty o Voluptuous hourglass look. o Blonde o Glamous
o ... Show more content on ...
However, this mow meant that women could take full advantage of their beauty products.
They never left home without like their best.
–Ideal models in this period are Marilyn Monroe and grave Kelly
–Today many girls complain that they're under far more pressure to have a perfect, fit body than women were in the 1950's, But ladies back then were
as sexualised and pressured.
–Example: Take the pin up girls: Glamous models or actresses whose photos were produced and meant to be "pinned up" on a wall. The photographs
were also illustrated. This ment the illustrates (the especially men) were able to e.g tuck in their waist, plump up breasts, similarly to do what
Photoshop does now, creating an unreal human form. The idealfemale body may have been heavier back then, but it was just as criticized and
retouched as it now.
–In this decade many people in society were shammed for being skin in the same way the media shames fat figures now.
–Most advertisements from the 1950s describe skinny women as being hopeless in relationships.
–There was no such things as inspiration in this
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One Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World...
E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH–C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier,
and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora
Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and
Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John
McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape
Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A... Show more content on ...
The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when
the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of
Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid–1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue
that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable
culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time,
without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the
1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to
comprehend the causes and consequences of the Great War that began in 1914. That conflict determined the contours of the twentieth century in
myriad ways. On the one hand, the war set in motion transformative processes that were clearly major departures from those that defined the
nineteenth–century world order. On the other, it perversely unleashed forces
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The Rise And Fall Of Evelyn Nesbit
" The Rise And Fall Of Evelyn Nesbit"
" The crime of the century" they called it, well besides the O.J simpson case that happened nearly a hundred years later but anyways this was the
most scandalous story of the early 20th century everybody wants a piece of this story. The story made headlines all over America especially right here
in New York,Evelyn Nesbit, Harry K Thaw, and Stanford White all part take in this scandalous story. If you didn't know Evelyn Nesbit before now
you will. In each article they all explain the event the happened in June 25,1906, but we are going to learn about how she dealt with the situation
and how it change her life until her death in 1967. Hollywood Remains to Be Seen . Born Florence Evelyn
Nesbit December 25, 1884 in Tarentum a little town in Pennsylvania. Her parents were Winfield Scott Nesbit who was a lawyer and Evelyn Florence
Nesbit. Base on Stoy stated "The Nesbits moved to Pittsburgh in 1893. Less than a year later, Winfield Nesbit died at the age of 40, leaving Mrs
Nesbit with two young children – Florence, 10, and her brother, Howard, 8. With no means of support, the Nesbit were evicted from their home and
forced to sell most of their possessions. In other words besides her father being dead she had to go through another heartbreak she got kicked out her
home. Furthermore "They moved in with relatives for a while, then
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West Virginia University Spring Game Analysis
––The West Virginia University spring game is a week away and head coach Dana Holgorsen met with the media on
Saturday afternoon to discuss how the spring was shaping up. Holgorsen likes how senior quarterback Skyler Howard is developing. "He looks
like a senior," Holgorsen said. "He looks like a starting senior quarterback to me. Everything makes sense. The signals and communication looks
good. His checks are outstanding. You are starting to see timing with the receivers improve. He and (redshirt junior wide receiver) Shelton (Gibson)
had a deal last year. He is developing that with (redshirt junior wide receiver) Ka'Raun (White), (senior wide receiver) Daikiel (Shorts Jr.) and some of
these running backs as well." With Howard... Show more content on ...
"There is some competition at the right side, and it has nothing to do with how (redshirt junior offensive lineman Kyle) Bosch or (redshirt
sophomore offensive lineman) Marcell (Lazard) are doing. It has everything to do with how (redshirt freshman offensive lineman Colton
McKivitz) Colt and (redshirt senior offensive lineman) Tony Matteo are doing. Those guys are fighting for a job right now." Sophomore
quarterback David Sills has been taking reps with the wide receivers but he is not quite ready to give up on being a starting quarterback down the
road. "He is still working on quarterback stuff, so he is not focusing on receiver," Holgorsen said. "He is not getting better at receiver. He will play
receiver. He is not Deion Sanders, where he kind of just goes in there and does some things. He is a young kid with a lot of eligibility left. Until he
focuses on a specific thing, he is not going to be great at it. He is focusing on quarterback, but you will see him get in there, because we have no
depth at receiver right now. He needs to help us out. He is a team player, and we appreciate that." With the spring winding down, the defense is not
quite game ready but Holgorsen is pleased with their development so
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Accounting Information Systems, 10E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (IM+SM+TB)
Accounting Information Systems, 11E_George H. Bodnar,William
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Frank Leslie's Weekly Magazine Analysis
The 1990s saw the continued success of magazines illustrated with wood engravings from the prior decade. However, with better printing technology
magazine companies were able to evolve even further. "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper" changed its name to "Leslie's Weekly". "McClure's" and
"The Century branched to accommodate the growing women and children demographic. "Once–A–Week" became "Collier's Weekly" and the "The
Saturday Evening Post" updated its look, evolving into country's most popular magazine. In addition, "The Saturday Evening Post" transformed its
Sunday women's supplement into the "The Ladies Home Journal". As a result, magazine's shifted their attention to the female demographic, leading to
the creations of "Cosmopolitan,... Show more content on ...
Thanks to the increase in demand, Illustrators such as Harrison Fisher became the celebrities of their time. Other illustrators who benefited from the the
budget increase included Winslow Homer, Thomas Nast, Frederic Remington, Edwin Austin Abbey, William Bradley, James Montgomery Flagg, C.
Coles Phillips, Joseph Clement Coll, Franklin Booth and many others. Illustration had become a viable source of income and it was in no means close
to stopping. The same goes for illustration overseas as well. ( In England, the children's book market had been growing at a
rapid pace, resulting to the introduction of books that featured full–color reproductions. Humor illustration was also very popular amongst the public
crowd. The three top ranking magazines from America were "Puck", "Judge" and "Life". Illustrators such as T.S. Sullivant worked for all three and his
depiction of anthropomorphic animals in the magazines inspired future animators such as Walt Disney ( However, one
particular artist from the 1990s worth mentioning was Charles Dana
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The Media 's Ideal Body
The Media's " Ideal Body"
Todays media portrays a standard of beauty for women of an unrealistic weight and an overall appearance which leads people to believe they need
to have an "ideal body". In particular, girls, 91% of teen girls are unhappy with their bodies (Article: 11 facts about body image, Do something
campaign). The teenage years are a time when people are naturally self conscious. Teens can be more vulnerable to media influences about body
image and how they "should" look. In as single day we can be subjected by up to 500 advertisements. These ads portrayed perfectly airbrushed models
that are unrealistically thin and have zero "flaws". There are also numerous ads assuming we want and need to look like the models. They ... Show more
content on ...
She had the idle body image for that decade, tall with a wide bust and hips. In 1910–1920 when the flapper look was in, the ideal look was a skinny
girl with a smaller bust. Around 1930–1940 during the war, bigger shoulder pads where the style with naturally curvy figures. In the 1950's the big
push to be curvy came as Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly were huge influences. Everyone wanted an hourglass figure and being skinny was not in
fashion. There were lots of ads about how to gain weight. Then in the 1960's the media became interested in Twiggy, the skinny, boyish looking model.
Their views changed to focus on the importance of being skinny. No matter the year or the "ideal body shape of the decade" the media has impacts on
how we try to be and fix ourselves.
We have recently seen more articles and public speeches on how the media is negatively influencing our society. People are beginning to realize how
much of an influence the media is having on teens. There are many studies being conducted with middle and high school students proving information
on the influence of advertising. Children are being influenced at such an early age that by the time they get into high school they already have low self
esteem and want to change themselves to fit into the unrealistic standards of beauty they see advertised. There have been reports of anorexia starting as
young as age 8( Article: Teen Anorexia Statistics, Newport Academy Teen Treatment Center). This problem
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Comparing The Stereotypes Of The Gibson Girl
United States is the creator of many of the beauty stereotypes that are active until now such as Barbie doll, Disney's princess and others. The first
American stereotype was the Gibson Girl. It was created by an American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson. The Gibson girl was the idea of perfect
women in the early XX century until the First World War.
The illustration had appeared in popular magazines, it not only had showed physical ideas, and it also had represented the behavior and the social
status of the perfect American women in that time. Gibson girls had portrayed the "new woman" a women who was educated, taking advantage from the
access that women obtained to have secondary and college education; a woman who had more independence.
The Gibson girl was illustrated like a Caucasian woman, tall and slim with a body in "S" shape helped by the corset. The facial features were big
eyes and a tiny mouth and nose. The hair also was very iconic, Gibson girls wore their hair swept up into a twisted bun called chignon showing the
neck. This illustration had represented a woman in an upper social status, elegant and fashionable. ... Show more content on ...
The 80s are known as the "supermodel era" with very well–known models such as Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford and Claudia Shiffer, a toned, thin
and athletic body was what every woman wanted. In contrast, in the 90's models had become drastically skinny. The ideal of beauty was being
waifish, androgynous, and extremely thin and having a translucent skin. This look was called "heroin chic", Kate Moss is the main example and
exponent of this standard of beauty. Consequently it had begun to talk about eating disorders such as anorexia and
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Pin Up Research Paper
The Pin–up model, an all American sweetheart created to win the adoration of men across the country. Pin–up has a real place in art and culture. With
celebrities like Katy Perry, Beyonce, Pussycat Dolls , and Dita Von Teese showing their love for Pin up in photos and music videos. Is it their rosy
cheeks, bouncy curls, hourglass figure, red lips,sensuality, or the girl on the side of B–52 that keeps their aesthetic living today. Pin up Art and Models
have a huge part in history with their fashion,sensuality, feminism, and aesthetic. Pin–Up Art have been around since the 18 centuries, when burlesque
performs and actress used photos and printings of themselves for self promotion or to world as the ideal beauty and sexulity. The first knew Pin–Up
Artist Jules ChГ©ret in Paris became known for his pin up art. His art showed Pin–up girls to be elegant, while many were considered to whores.
Meanwhile in America artists Charles Dana Gibson an illustrator shocked many people with his cover paintings. By making the women have hourglass
torous, dark full hair... Show more content on ...
"Her brazen,over–the–top poses and pointedly lighthearted approach to performing as a pin–up served to expose the very construction of the genre"
said in Pin–Up Grrrls by Maria Elena Buszek.She was born April 22,1923 who gained significant profile in the 1950's for her pin up photos. Her jet
black hair, blue eyes, and trademark bangs that have influenced artists for generations. She posed for playboy in 1952, worked for Bunny Yeager
and Irving Khaw. She married Billy Neal in 1943 and move to San Francisco, California. Where she launched her modeling career. In 1947 she got a
divorced and moved to New York. Within a few books she was modeling international magazines and pin–up calendars. She was living icon. In the
1960s Bettie mysteriously disappeared no one heard about until her death on December 11, 2008 do to health conditions. Bettie Page remains a
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Girlpool Interpretation
Today, girl bands exist, but there are still few. Girl pool is an all girl electric guitar and bass duo which formed in LA in 2013. Cleo Tucker and
Harmony Tividad started the band when they were teenagers, and have created two full length albums since they started. On their first album,
"Girlpool", "Jane" is song about female empowerment. It is a story about a girl named Jane who stood up for herself by shoving "her fist in Tommy's
mouth," because "usually [he] did the talking." The song uses Jane and Tommy as symbolic for any relationship, or any moment, where the girl feels
silenced as they state:
Girls and boys if you are listen
Don't ever feel imprisoned
Feeling like your mouth is glued tight shut
You were born for a reason
Share all your feelings
If you are a Jane put your fist up too."
One should always speak for herself, and never feel as if she cannot. Expressing a similar message, the song "Cherry picking" off of the album
"Before the World Was Big," is about 'picking cherries.' Cherry picking refers picking the best, and according to the song it is "dreams." By choosing
her dreams over her significant other, she finds herself alone–"When I'm cherry pickin / I always know you're gonna leave." By following her dreams,
her lover is "hesitant it seemed" and turns to a stranger. However, she remembers that the "Truth is that [she is]... Show more content on ...
She is stood up, or rather left, and is alone in the dark. She attempts to conform, which is imminent within the lyric: "you know I wore this dress for
you / these killer heels for you." Yet, she still loses. Towards the end of the song, when she finished singing, she screams
– a release of rage towards the
invisible constraint of
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Beyonce And Lady Anorexia By Brana Taylor
In the modern day media women are shown as to be too perfect to be true, Magazines show women how they are suppose to be, how they are
suppose to 'look like" by using photoshop to manipulate and sculpt a "perfect" female. Not only magazines portray this image but so does social
media, Girls are expected to be ' Skinny, Blue eyes, Blonde with a perfect style and lifestyle'' Making younger girls starve themselves and abuse their
bodies to sculpt themselves out to be replicas of women how they have that so called perfect artificial image they present to the world. Girls/ Women
are forgetting themselves and who they are. These girls are losing themselves along the journey not only losing their well–being but their identity from
what makes them... Show more content on ...
Of those students that were "normal weight", 19% still thought that they were too fat, and 12% of the students admitted to trying to lose weight
according to http://www.mirror––disorders–statistics.htm . In some countries eating disorders develop at the early age of 6 by simply
being exposed to modern
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American Women 1920-1960
Throughout history, society has classified women and their roles and potential within a given society. There have been reasons in the past for this
fact, which have included religious oppression and portraying of their role. The initial idea of a women's place being in the home taking care of the
children and looking after the home, this is still common in today's society. Women now have a new found ability to fulfill their dreams and have
achieved an independence that few would have perceived. Modern day society accepts the fact that sex should not determine your place within it,
however, how did it get to this point? To find out, we will discuss some of the major events over time that have carved the modern daywoman and the
role ... Show more content on ...
Although convincing, it was not enough to have the movement passed. In retaliation and to demonstrate their political influence they manage to
savage three political candidates campaigns and, "based on this display of power, one year later the amendment passed both the House and the Senate;
in August 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment became a part of the United States Constitution. In November of that year, women across the nation voted
in their first presidential election (Dooley, 1990).
While World War I raged on American nation decided to step into the forefront and to mobilize its army. Even, "though America did not enter the
war until 1917, in reality it had been preparing for the eventuality of the conflict almost since the fighting started. In 1915, Wilson endorsed a
proposal to expand the military. The first step was the National Defense Act of 1916, which increased the Army from 90,000 to 233,000 troops"
(Bowles, 2011). The draft took people from all walks of life and forced them onto the front line, by doing so it left large holes in the inner workings of
the economy. Although there was a war, soldiers needed to come back to a working country.
The end of World War I women began to change they took on a different meaning with fashion, they started wearing shorter shirts, applying make
and they even cut their
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Elvis Presley's Accomplishments
"I think it is fair to say that during World War II there was a high sense of purpose. The country had a very clear vision of its own standing, of its
own morality. It was not an ambiguous time. Today, we live in a world that is highly ambiguous, very fractured, with many of the historical,
traditional values in a state of collapse, really." World War II occurred during 1939 to 1945. Even though over sixty million people died during the
war, it brought major leaps in technology, many of our modern technology came from World War II. The war also laid groundwork that was occurring,
such as, the end of European colonialism, Women's rights, and the civil rights movement of the United States. Americans didn't want to enter the war
because ... Show more content on ...
He was the only child of Vernon and Gladys Presley. his family was poor and his father had a tough time holding down jobs. Elvis and his mother
lived with his grandmother while his father spent eight months in prison. He grew up as a shy child with an excellent singing voice. He gave his
first public performance when he was ten years old. He never really learned how to read music or how to sing, he just listened to others do it. He
moved to Memphis when he was in eighth grade, while he was there he was exposed to a wide variety of music. There was a recording studio
owned by Sam Phillips, He went there the first time to record a song for his mother. After going there a few times, Phillips noticed him and
suggested him to get together with a couple of local musicians to record. Heartbreak Hotel was Presley's first song in 1956 on his new record label
RCA Victor. He recorded with "The Blue Moon boys." It was number one on the Country and Western Chart, number three on R&B chart. Love Me
Tender was adapted from the tune of Aura Lee, a sentimental Civil War ballad. Earliest musical influence came from gospel. when he was young he
went to the Assembly of god church in Tupelo. his music was heavily influenced by American Blues, christian gospel, and Southern Country. He was
also influenced by Jimmie Rodgers, Jake Hess, Roy Acuff, and hank Snow. Their music was focused on Blues, gospel, and country music. He played
lots of instruments but only played the guitar and piano professionally. "His energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance
style, combined with a singularly potent mix of influences across color lines that coincided with the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, made him
enormously popular–and controversial." Presley combined different types of music to form a style called rockabilly, which became one of the key
sounds in rock 'n' roll. Elvis Presley died in 1977
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Informative Speech On Eating Disorders
Natacha Mohbat Women's Body Image In the American society, leading to eating disorders Lebanese American University Purpose At the end of my
speech, the audience will have a better understanding on how society plays a big role on women's body image. They will also be able to identify the
relationship between body image distortion and eating disorders. Finally, I will provide further understanding on the crucial factors of eating disorders,
as well as the different treatments available. Introduction "Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and
feelings that result from that perception." The American society has been broadcasting a certain type of body,... Show more content on
Women in the American society become so obsessed with the idea of being thin and looking like the magazine models that they will go to extremes in
order to achieve their goal. In other words, the obsession can sometimes lead them right into an eating disorder. However, solutions to these illnesses do
exist. A–The first disorder is the refusal of food and the second consists of throwing up after eating. In both cases, these disorders have one objective
that accompanies them: to be thin. 1–People with anorexia nervosa have a tendency to look in the mirror and see their body as overweight and ugly
even when in reality they are dangerously thin. A sufferer of anorexia nervosa can be underweight, emaciated with protruding bones or a sunken
appearance. They can experience fatigue, dizziness or even fainting. The nails become brittle, the hair can fall out, and women can even experience
loss of menstruation or irregularities in their menstrual cycle (Timberline, 2005). 2–People with bulimia nervosa will often eat excessive amounts of
food, called binging, and then use different methods to purge those calories. Methods used include laxatives, enemas, vomiting, diuretics, or
over–exercising (Brownell,
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How Does Media Affect Body Image

  • 1. How Does Media Affect Body Image Body image is how a person feels about their physical appearance. Someone with a negative body image has a distorted view of his or her body and often feels shame, anxiety and are more likely to suffer from low self–esteem and depression. People with a poor body image have a greater chance of developing an eating disorder. Which then can lead to drastic changes of their bodies using dangerous methods such as plastic surgeries and severe eating disorders in order to meet societal ideals. Today people feel that present ideals are pressuring them to conform, in any way possible to get the ideal body, these pressures cause body dissatisfaction and self–esteem issues.The media is causing body image issues due to the lack of diversity and realistic body representation, when exposed to western media young people are more likely to have eating disorders, participate in fad diets, or drastically change their bodies with plastic surgeries. The "ideal" woman's body type has taken many forms, but these fads show that ideals change with the eras. These ideals are directly influenced by society, art and media. When trends changed it typically was replaced by thinner body shapes causing the introduction of methods of weight controls. Before Photoshop, women in the late 1800s used to corset their bodies to get the ideal shape, which then was fuller figured but a ridiculously tight corseted waists. During this time, another female body image was the "Gibson girl" – a soft, supple, dainty female with a frame defined by a corset. The Gibson girl... Show more content on ... There is a growing concern with the number of teenagers undergo types of plastic surgery or change their bodies drastically with the expectation that it will improve their body image and self–confidence. (Citation). Media uses photoshop to make models look thinner and clearer, making models look unattainably ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Library Management Library and Information Center Management Recent Titles in Library and Information Science Text Series Library and Information Center Management, Sixth Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran United States Government Information: Policies and Sources Peter Hernon, Harold C. Relyea, Robert E. Dugan, and Joan F. CheverieLibrary Information Systems: From Library Automation to Distributed Information Access Solutions Thomas R. Kochtanek and Joseph R. Matthews The Complete Guide to AcquisitionsManagement Frances C. Wilkinson and Linda K. Lewis Organization of Information, Second Edition Arlene G. Taylor The School Library Media Manager, Third Edition Blanche Woolls Basic Research Methods for Librarians Ronald R. Powell and Lynn... Show more content on ... Stueart and Barbara B. Moran All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2007007922 ISBN: 978–1–59158–408–7 978–1–59158–406–3 (pbk.) First published in 2007 Libraries Unlimited, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 A Member of the Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48–1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To our grandchildren Annika, Jacob, Katherine, Madison, Magnus, and Molly Contents Illustrations . . . . . Preface . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments . The Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xvii . . xxi . .xxv .xxvii Section 1: Introduction 1–Managing in Today's Libraries and Information Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Importance of Management. . . . . . . . . . . . What Is Management? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Are Managers?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Do Managers Do? ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Roaring Twenties : An Age Of Dramatic Social,... The "Roaring Twenties" was an age of dramatic social, political, and economic change. Women wanted improved and fair rights and the nation's wealth doubled between 1920 and 1929. Culture, values, and the technology of America changed and it had only just begun. The "Roaring Twenties" were considered as a "celebration of youth". The many experiences that came from WWI had transitioned into the growth of new industries, cities, and new morals. Women finally gained the right to vote in 1920, and there were many new opportunities for them in the workplace. Many of the social changes greatly impacted the new world. Later on birth control came into play which eventually led to a decline of the birth rate. Technology advancing made everything easier for people to do everything. People had never seen such technology rapidly growing throughout the world, especially the women and flappers. The Flapper was the new ideal woman. She dressed differently and she acted completely different than the other average valued woman. The humans of this time were greedy for a new change to appear advanced and accompany for happiness, instead of time period before. The United States was turning from a time of war to a time of peace. They started with their economy. Americans spent their money on roads, tourism, and real estate. New technology began to be on acceleration such as cars, refrigerators, telephones, radios, ovens, etc. This fabricated Americans began to start living higher standards. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Sunbeam Corporation Ethics Journal of Business Case Studies – January/February 2010 Volume 6, Number 1 Sunbeam Corporation: A Forensic Analysis Patricia Hatfield, Ph.D., Bradley University, USA Shelly Webb, Ph. D., Xavier University, USA ABSTRACT The members of the Board of Directors at Sunbeam were completely bewildered. Al Dunlap, Sunbeam's highly successful but controversial CEO was threatening to resign after almost two years of leading Sunbeam successfully out of a slump that had threatened the long–term viability of the company. Al Dunlap didn't mince words. He angrily told the board, "We can't fight a battle on two fronts. Either we get the support we should have or Russ [chief financial officer] and I are prepared to go...Just pay us."1 The... Show more content on ... However, there were a few bumps along t he way. First, Al Dunlap 63 Journal of Business Case Studies– January/February 2010 Volume 6, Number 1 and Ronald Perelman, one of Sunbeam‟s largest stockholders, had never seen eye to eye. The media became involved and questioned Al Dunlap‟s leadership. After calling a meeting with the board, Dunlap addressed the situation by accusing financier Ronald Perelman of engaging in a media conspiracy to drive the price of Sunbeam stock down so that Mr. Perelman could buy a larger proportion of Sunbeam shares at a lower price. Roger Schipke Roger Schipke, spent 29 years working in the appliance division at General Electric with his last 8 years serving as vice–president of the division. Schipke knew the industry well and managed to increase the division‟s sales. Schipke later left GE and became CEO of Ryland Group Inc., a home constructi on and mortgage finance company. However, Schipke was recruited to Sunbeam by Charles Thayer, a board member of Sunbeam who also served as the interim CEO after Kazarian‟s departure. Thayer had worked with Schipke in the past and realized that his GE background provided him with the industry expertise necessary to move Sunbeam forward. Schipke accepted the position of CEO in August 1993. Quickly, he recognized the need to cut costs and increase brand recognition. Some cost cutting efforts had occurred before ... Get more on ...
  • 7. New Era Of The United States Throughout history, the United States has often been described as a melting pot, meaning "the fusion of various religious sects, nationalities, and ethnic groups into one distinct people" (Thornton). This metaphor first arose in the eighteenth century, but was used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to describe the growing number of immigrants in the United States. From 1900 to 1915, "more than 15 million people" immigrated to the United States, ushering in a new era of Americans (Library of Congress). Furthermore, there was a shift in the countries from which immigrants were arriving. These changes characterized the first half of the twentieth century, as immigrants struggled to assimilate to American culture. Immigration during this period profoundly affected American culture, including the fashion industry. In addition to this effect, the influx of immigrants helped to usher in a new era of urbanization and manufacturing in the United States. Immigration has always been a common phenomenon in the United States. Throughout the nineteenth century, immigrants from Northern and Western Europe arrived in fairly significant numbers. After the 1880s, however, there was an influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. As was the case before, most of these immigrants were "escaping religious, racial, and political persecution" or seeking greater economic opportunity ("Immigration in the Early 1900s"). Since most immigrants were fairly poor, they entered ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Universal Beauty Ideals in Women's Magazines Hollywood has changed the way the world perceives beauty. White beauty has clearly sought precedence over beauty of other races, namely Asians, and is considered being a mainstream beauty standard. Mainstream bioethics in the United States originates from a white Anglo–Saxon protestant worldview, which serves silently to perpetuate white dominance (Arekapudi and Wynia, 2003). It has strongly influenced how Asians want to look these days, and Asian women show preferences for beauty standards outside of the Asian ingroup, especially for white women (Evans and McConnell, 2003). Hollywood culture consists of good–looking, physically attractive people. Physically attractive individuals are often viewed more favourably than unattractive... Show more content on ... (E.g.: Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Tomiko and Alex Wek.) African Americans were told that their key to success was through assimilation of hairstyle and dress, so many of them Universal Beauty Ideals 5 began to "follow the latest fashions in Vogue and Mademoiselle, to rouge her cheeks furiously, and to speak, not infrequently, of what a disappointment the black man has been." (Wallace, 1979) This assimilation shows the great extent to which Euro American Beauty Standards have influenced the other races, causing them to change their perceptions of beauty. Further, the traditional beauty standard of plumpness of East Asia has shifted toward the Western ideal of thinness (Lee & Rudd, 1999). Instead of having predominantly non–White female models in Asian magazines, White female models are as common as non–White models, or even more. Korean magazines seem to portray and promote Western feminine women to achieve the Western ideal. (Kim & J. Lennon, 2006). Local magazines also carry more White models than not, hence, "Asian women are then exposed to the same Euro American beauty ideal pressuring them to achieve the thin ideal." (Kim & J. Lennon, 2006). According to a research done, the Korean magazines carry more than half White models then Non–white models. For example, WS magazine has 53% White models and 47% Non–white models. (Kim & J. Lennon, 2006). This study shows the higher percentage of White models being ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis Of Gibson Girl The Gibson Girl was a series of sketches drawn by a famous artist. The name of this artist was Charles Dana Gibson. The Gibson Girls were a sketch that changed the outlook on women during the 1900s. The Gibson Girl was created to show the rosiest aspect of society. This meaning that Gibson wanted to show the way he approved of society, a time in which a woman's name would only show up three times in a paper. These times concluded of when she was born, when she got married, and when she died. Gibson however hated the thought of women being bought for marriage especially to an old guy, he wanted these things to happen naturally.The idea of Gibson didn't just stick with women either, there is a Gibson man as well. Although that is a ... Show more content on ... This however raises a conundrum because not all women of the time were models either. Therefore the new woman of arising in the americas were a lot more independent ant had a lot more freedom so they became , "athletic and free–spirited" (Blakemore). This in return shows the difference in the way the woman looked compared to one another. The women could wear their hair down and do with it as they pleased, while the Gibson Girls would wear it up high in a big hairdo. Not every woman was gorgeous either unlike the description of the Gibson Girl. The reason the Gibson Girl was so gorgeous was so that men would be more attracted to them. This is one of the reasons the Gibson Girl was criticized which is also shown here," for creating an unrealistic ideal of what women should look like: perfect proportions and long flowing hair " (Chopin ). Therefore as you can see the Gibson Girl's look was completely inaccurate compared to the women of the time. Another way the Gibson Girl differentiated from the women of the time was through the way they acted.Gibson went so far as to create a woman that acted like a completely different woman, so that men wouldn't see women for what they were turning into. The men were seeing Gibsons idea. The Gibson Girl was described as, " not politically informed, and her social conscience, in present–day terms, was dormant. She could not cook or manage a home". The reason of this was to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Gibson Girl Research Paper Introduction: As a young woman in the twenty–first century of America, I have been afforded numerous opportunities which have allowed me to freely express myself and explore the various avenues of life with little to no limitations, and in doing this, I have become inspired and intrigued with the infamous Roaring Twenties. Its characteristics included all of the things considered taboo in most countries including intoxication, bacchanal behavior, and, my all–time favorite, the changing and freeing aspect of a woman in the decade of the 1920s. Women in this era morphed their societal roles, attire, and independence and, as a result, are seen as a hero and a nuisance to society to this day. Victorian Era During the Victorian Era, which endured... Show more content on ... The Gibson girl was just the same as Barbie. The Gibson girl on the other hand was the set role model in the early 1900s. The Gibson Girl and Barbie presented other women the image of a woman who was independently strong. The two were criticized for portraying unrealistic displays of what a woman should be. An example of this woman was athletic and active but still maintained femininity and the perfect look of her face and hair's original state. Unlike Barbie who was created by a woman by the name of Ruth Handler, the Gibson Girl was created by a man by the name of Charles Dana Gibson. While the Barbie doll could change and adapt to the societal roles and changes of women, the Gibson Girl was drawn up in ink and paper and did not morph into any other idealistic view other than that of the late 1800s and very early 1900s. The transition of the Victorian woman to the Gibson Girl was the result of a more social influence rather a political influence. Charles Dana Gibson, the creator of the original sketch of the Gibson girl, was a depiction of what a liberated and ideal woman would be like. The Gibson girl was not purposely meant to be publicized. In fact, it was discovered by Life, a very popular magazine. Before the Gibson girl was drawn, the Industrial Revolution was bustling, and this created more jobs, and the middle class women were indirectly given the option to work which of course they took. (Lower class women were already working to make ends meet.) The middle class women tried to find ways and fashions to balance their femininity and activeness. Life magazine, known for starting trends, and had already hired Gibson for his drawing talent, used ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Gibson Girl Research Paper Since the rise of mass media in America throughout the 20th century, the idea of feminine beauty has changed significantly, especially women's body shape. American visual media has always been guilty of promoting the current "ideal" women's body shape, despite these body shapes being virtually impossible for the average American woman to achieve. By analyzing the way that the "ideal" women's body shape in America has changed, it becomes clear how the media has always kept a tight grasp on the American woman's individuality. Between 1900 and 1910, popular culture made way for the "Gibson Girl," who was created by the iconic artist Charles Dana Gibson. The "Gibson Girl" depicted ideal feminine beauty as tall and thin, with an exaggerated bust and wide hips; a look only achievable with a corset. This look put pressure on women to alter their bodies by corseting. By the 1920s, the media had rejected the previous "societal norms" of corsets and large breasts, and ... Show more content on ... The problem with the media pushing the fad of an "ideal" women's body shape is that there is only ever room for one look at a time. With an ever–changing culture heavily influenced by the media, it is hard to live up to the looks that are constantly presented in visual media. This leads to the body–shaming that American culture inflicts on those who dare to leer away from what is the current look. This is also the reason why American women go to great lengths to alter their bodies. One of the biggest issues that comes from this vicious cycle is how our kids are influenced by this. Toys like Barbie Dolls already send a complicated message to our kids about femininity, but when the Sports Illustrated magazine's Swimsuit edition partnered with Barbie's maker, Mattel, to feature Barbie in a bikini spread, the world got a blurred message of what the doll really stood ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Pin-Up Girl Research Paper Introduction: This report looks to demonstrate my capability in the area's of understanding personal and social issues in society. The research project deals directly with these capabilities as it begs the thoughts about women in society. It asks what women think about their own body but also, how society sees it. I will demonstrate in all eras how women influenced by media and the relevant 'pin–up girl' of the time tried to find their own identity closely linked to these role models. Such linkage being mainly through fashion that enhanced the targeted body shapes To explore this I have asked myself to what extent did the imagery of the desired female identity change over the 3 different time periods in European culture? In answering ... Show more content on ... To be caught in the wrong fashion at the wrong time of the day was as greatly to be feared as addressing a member of society by the wrong title. At this time, large swept up hairstyles with loose curls and fake hair were popular. The cosmetic beauty ideal was still the same pale, delicate, glowing skin that was seen in the Victorian era. Contrary to our ideals today, gray hair was considered very attractive because it made women appear "softer and younger. The main body focus of this time was the bosom as well as the childbearing hips, but still without any cleavage showing. The 19th century was an era of rapid development and change during this period England changed from an agricultural country to a city an industrialised one. This involved massive displacement and drastically altered the nature of society. It took many years for both the government and the people to adjust to the new conditions. From these new conditions came a changing impression of fashion, morals and media towards people wanting to achieve the highest class in society available for them. Under the new ruling of the influential Queen Victoria with its new society standers regarding women's morals, to how tight the corset must be laced. This really was a memorable era for women, fashion and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Gibsonson Girls : My Favorite Art Of The Gibson Girls Personally, I find the idea of the past romantic. Watching movies from the seventies even to the eighteenth hundreds are some of my favorite things. So when given this particular assignment I decided that whatever I was going to research was going to be about history. Another thing about me, is that I love the arts, whether it's paintings,music, or writing I love it all. Which is why it wasn't much of a surprise that when I stumbled upon the beautiful ink drawings of the glamourous Gibson Girls that I was caught. The Gibson Girls spanned across the late 1900's and early 2000's. However, what's most interesting about them is that they're named after the illustrated Charles Dana Gibson. His drawings known as the Gibson Girls appeared in many of the popular magazines at the time (eyewitnesstohistory). The Gibson Girls were known for their big effortless bouffant hairstyles as well as their big chest, tiny waist, and big hip silhouette (Edwardian Fashion – The Gibson Girl). However, they weren't just known for their beauty. Charles drew them doing many things; playing the violin, keeping fit riding a bike, enjoying the outdoors, sketching, being part of a jury, and more (The Gibson Girl's America: Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson The Gibson Girl as the "New Woman"). To him the Gibson Girl's weren't just about beauty, although they were effortlessly beautiful. They were also talents, smart, and active in their society. The Gibson Girls represented the "idealwomen," and was even ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Compare And Contrast South Korea And Cosmetic Surgery Cultural/Social Compare and Contrast: Cosmetic surgery for women in the U.S and South Korea Introduction Beauty is one of the most misunderstood words in the world, it is often overused and misinterpreted. We can not truly tell what is beautiful or who is beautiful because we all have different likes or tastes. Nowadays cosmetic surgery has become a world phenomenon– women all over the world want to become what they perceive as beautiful– especially in well–developed countries like the U.S and South Korea, which are world leaders in technology. In this paper I will be comparing and contrasting how the cosmetic surgery industry affects women in the United States and South Korea, and how it influences the culture and social aspects of both ... Show more content on ... The 'ideal body' or appearance in South Korea is having milky white skin, a small face, big eyes, small nose, and a slender body. Some of the body shapes can labeled by the alphabet, as many Koreans do, called "alphabetisation" (Waldman). They use letters to describe body types, for example, the most ideal body type is the S–line which is having a tiny waist, a large bosom and bottom. What many people don't realize is that these ideals are extreme and unnatural because not everyone is born with these body qualities. As a result, Ashley Perez, a culture writer, having spent a year teaching English in Daegu, South Korea returned shortly after experiencing discrimination (Murray). She was often referred to as "too tall, too fat, and too dark" because she lacked the usual appearance of Korean women (par. 2). Even students called her "plain face" and "tired teacher" due to the fact that she didn't wear any make–up (par. 4). Perez mentions that despite loving many aspects of Korea, she could not deal with the emphasis of women's appearance, therefore deciding to leave (par. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Beauty : The Definition Of Beauty And Beauty Standards Beauty Standards Beauty standards have been a major issue for many years now and women have been willing to change their bodies over and over to please themselves and others. Beauty standards are often defined in terms of hairstyles, skin color, and body size. The measures involved in having to live up to these standards are often risky in nature. For decades, what is seen as beautiful is centered around a women's weight and size. Today, that standard is often defined as being thin. Women often resort to drastic means to attain that ideal image. However, achieving these standards can be expensive, can lower self–esteem and can be a threat to a woman's health and life. There are many beauty standards but weight and body size is slowly becoming the main focus. These standards give a false sense of hope of having the "perfect body." Instead of letting beauty standards be socially accepted, people should be aware of the harm they cause. Celebrities are role models to various people around the world and they are criticized for their appearance. Many of these celebrities go out and get plastic surgery, Botox injections, and Silicone implants. People that a lot of money and higher status are more likely to be able to live up to these standards. Some women are willing to sacrifice comfort and tolerate the pain to achieve them. Ever since slavery, the size and shape of a woman's body has been important. in the seventeenth ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Flappers In The 1920's First came the war, and then the flappers. Flappers were a new revolutionary type of woman that came about in the early 1920s. Daughters of women that fought for suffrage and equal rights, they had no interest in politics, and even less in the issue of Вґsocial normsВґ. Girls from well of families drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and took part in Вґpetting partiesВґ. They cut their hair in bobs and wore short skirts that went up above the knee, Which at the time was socially unacceptable. Many people were appalled by the ways of the flapper, some even taking the case of immodesty to court. But the flapper movement would not be stopped, and would pave the way for the modern woman. Before the first World War, the Gibson Girl was all the rage. She... Show more content on ... The young flappers could no longer afford their swing lifestyles and expensive makeup. So it was that the Roaring Twenties came to an end taking the lavish lifestyle with it. Works Cited Gourley, Catherine. "Chapter 1." Flappers and the New American Woman: Perceptions of Women from 1918 through the1920s, Twenty–First Century Books, Minneapolis, 2008. Kallen, Stuart A., and Ben Hecht. "A Chance Encounter with a Flapper ." The Roaring Twenties, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA, 2002, pp. 141–145. Kallen, Stuart A., and Frederick lewis Allen. "Flappers, Fashion, and a New Morality."The Roaring Twenties, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA, 2002, pp. 128–141. Rosenberg, Jennifer. "The New, Modern Woman: The Flapper." ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo., 14 Feb. 2017, /flappers–in–the–roaring–twenties–1779240. Accessed 11 Apr. 2017. Rosenberg, Jennifer. "The New, Modern Woman: The Flapper." ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo., 14 Feb. 2017, W. O. Saunders, "Me and My Flapper Daughters," The American Magazine 104 (Aug. 1927): 27.,–in–the–roaring–twenties–1779240. Accessed 11 Apr. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Representation Of Beauty In The 1920's Beauty is hard to define and is said to be in the eye of the beholder, but desire for women to be beautiful and stay beautiful is a goal in our culture today. Though our society and loved ones emphasize that beauty lies within one's character, our society also contradicts this idea because they tend to focus on physical appearance more. Beauty perception has evolved from embracing natural qualities in earlier decades to promoting superficiality in today's society due to cultural changes such as the discovery of new beauty products and procedures and depictions made through mass and social media. The evolution of beauty from previous decades is drastic. Tracing back to the 1900's up until the 1940's, ideal beauty involved natural qualities... Show more content on ... Women are attempting to meet the beauty expectations that society has set; therefore, women result to products and supplements to enhance their beauty. Products and procedures that promote the considerably flawed depiction of beauty include: powerful cosmetics, weight loss technologies, and plastic surgery. From the 2000's up until today, technologies in all areas of daily life have been introduced and enhanced the way of living. First, makeup is almost perceived as a necessity for women. Specifically, makeup has been formulated to transform your physical appearance entirely. Today, women have resulted to a makeup process called contouring–a process that involves using shading and highlighting to bring out facial structures. Makeup allows women to transform their face to the way they want it. Next, weight loss technologies have been introduced to the beauty industry. These provide an alternative to spending time in the gym or dieting. Products such as weight loss wraps, diet pills, breast enhancers, and other supplements are said to give women the body they desire. Weight loss procedures such as lipo–suction result in automatic fat loss. Lastly, the most drastic procedure to transform beauty is plastic surgery. This form of surgery can be performed almost on any body part. Surgeons can manipulate body parts and their locations for desired results. Though it is ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Important Role Of Propaganda During World War I Kelly Noorloos Tuesday, November 29 Mr. Khazah CHC2D Propaganda Propaganda played a large role thorough World War One. It had a large impact on public opinion. The impact of propaganda demonstrates the important of learning about this time period. Propaganda is biased or misleading information used to promote a political point of view. Adolph Hitler commented that "[o]nly constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd." (Adolf Hitler) Propaganda has had a large and important role since the 19th century. However, World War One (1914 –1918) was when the idea of targeting enemies using direct and indirect propaganda became popular in Germany. In 1917 the United States government public information committee formed a group with ... Show more content on ... It would cause the student to think more critically about the message that is being delivered and to fact check information before adopting a message as truth. A close study of the effect of propaganda might help them change their opinions and biases towards people. It would encourage them to consider their own rights and the different options they had to make a difference. The study would demonstrate how susceptible people are, and how easily influenced citizen are, to biased messaging. People have a tendency to believe the first new piece of information heard. In summary, propaganda was one of the largest weapons used in the war and students should study how it affected their lives with the benefit of a retrospective analysis. Overall, propaganda is important because of the persuasive role it played on the war. The results of the war could have changes if citizens had thought critically about the message being delivered. The use of propaganda could have positively impacted or changed the course of the war by countering the Nazi's message or had a more positive message been ... Get more on ...
  • 19. America Is A Melting Pot America is a melting pot made up of people from many different races and ethnic backgrounds, so why are the American news broadcasters predominantly white men in their late forties? News represents the American society so therefore American broadcasters should reflect society as a whole. In addition, many people consider news anchors role models and it is important to see themselves represented and trust their news source. The lack of diversity among newscasters impacts the audience's reception of the news. People are more likely to trust news sources that they relate to and identify with. Many people do not even notice the lack of diversity or understand the impact it has on society. There needs to be more of an effort to reflect diversity among our newscasters to correct the history of discrimination, to accurately reflect the audience and to provide role models and promote positive images. The United States is called a "melting pot " because the the varied groups of people that live in the country and interact every day, but the country also has an ugly history or discrimination against women and minorities. The broadcasting industry has been guilty of this discrimination. There has been blatant discrimination against women newscasters. "Women journalists initially had difficulty breaking into the broadcast news field and did not begin to make real strides towards equality until the 1960s and 1970s" ( Irvin) . This is very discouraging to young women interested in this ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Fashion Illustration Essay Illustration is an art that allows to create an amazing aesthetics that is hard to remake or achieve with the same aesthetic value using digital technologies or photography because of the emotional atmosphere, transfer of mood of the work of art and detailed visualization of images. The term "illustration" itself has a several meanings, but the most known is 'art design'. In the past, illustration due to its characteristics been only associated with books and magazines as a support for a text. However, as the time passed illustration became an individual type of art that no longer need to play a supporting role for anything. This evolution leads illustration forward to the division of a broader term into narrower subtopics, which introduced the creation of fashion illustration. From that point, it was clear that fashion illustration is one of the oldest and most important movements in the history of illustration. Through the time, it has always had a touch with graphic design and fine arts, it has an undeniable influence on fashion and vice versa. Right now, it is possible to recognize another story of fashion by them because they reflect an individual and not a group view on it, unlike in photography. Throughout history, the artists through their works have tried to push the boundaries of our perception, inviting to the world of their dreams and fantasies. However, before fashion illustration was brought to life, it is initially the engravings in the 16th century are ... Get more on ...
  • 21. In The Triangle: The Fire That Started America In the Triangle: The Fire That Started America written by David Von Drehle, one significant topic is women and their fight for change. The novel takes place during the era of industrialization; so, to maintain the rise of large businesses and large scale production woman joined the workforce. In the novel women take roles in working, striking, and progressing. Overall, women were objectified to the discrimination due to gender stereotypes; however, they fought for their rights and equality regardless of the consequences in hopes of a brighter future for the generations to come. One way women battled the discrimination was by asserting their working rights. During the industrialization era "managers deskilled production," therefore "the ranks of factory workers [included] more and more women" who were paid low wages (Henretta, 553). However, women faced criticism of men who argued that they belong at home. Despite the opposition,"woman vigorously defended their right to work"(Henretta, 553). They also participated in the strikes to gain "higher wages and shorter hours" for their long, hard work (Drehle, 86). In general the importance of women working and participating in the ... Show more content on ... The question of whether women should have the right to vote was one that was very commonly debated, but rejected. However, as women "began to earn advanced degrees, work for wages and salaries, and live independently" it became "harder to argue that women were "dependents" who did not need to vote"(Henretta,588). Furthermore, in Drehle's novel, Alva Belmont heard about the outrageous treatment of the shirtwaist strikers and believed that "such things would not happen if women had the vote" so she concluded that "her cause and theirs must be united"(Drehle, 67). Overall, uniting these two causes was important because it kept the strike alive and put more attention on both of important ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Ideal Women In The 1950's 1900's –Creation illustrator Charles Dana Gibson. (Not a real person at first) –Lots of girls inspire to be like the drawings. –Turned into up to date fashion and style. –Ideal women was: o to be slender and tall o voluptuous bust but not lewd o Rounded shoulders o Smooth neck o wide hips o thin waist o up to date in fashion and style o Physically active and in good health. o Fragile –Idea women was to have big hips, they would do this by using a corset to pull in the waist and create an S shaped body. –Later they had a contest to find the ideal women in real life. –They found various models and stresses such as Camille Clifford 1950's –ideal figured in the post–war period. o Busty o Voluptuous hourglass look. o Blonde o Glamous o ... Show more content on ... However, this mow meant that women could take full advantage of their beauty products. They never left home without like their best. –Ideal models in this period are Marilyn Monroe and grave Kelly –Today many girls complain that they're under far more pressure to have a perfect, fit body than women were in the 1950's, But ladies back then were as sexualised and pressured. –Example: Take the pin up girls: Glamous models or actresses whose photos were produced and meant to be "pinned up" on a wall. The photographs were also illustrated. This ment the illustrates (the especially men) were able to e.g tuck in their waist, plump up breasts, similarly to do what Photoshop does now, creating an unreal human form. The idealfemale body may have been heavier back then, but it was just as criticized and retouched as it now. –In this decade many people in society were shammed for being skin in the same way the media shames fat figures now. –Most advertisements from the 1950s describe skinny women as being hopeless in relationships. –There was no such things as inspiration in this
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  • 24. One Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World... E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH–C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A... Show more content on ... The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid–1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the causes and consequences of the Great War that began in 1914. That conflict determined the contours of the twentieth century in myriad ways. On the one hand, the war set in motion transformative processes that were clearly major departures from those that defined the nineteenth–century world order. On the other, it perversely unleashed forces ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Rise And Fall Of Evelyn Nesbit " The Rise And Fall Of Evelyn Nesbit" " The crime of the century" they called it, well besides the O.J simpson case that happened nearly a hundred years later but anyways this was the most scandalous story of the early 20th century everybody wants a piece of this story. The story made headlines all over America especially right here in New York,Evelyn Nesbit, Harry K Thaw, and Stanford White all part take in this scandalous story. If you didn't know Evelyn Nesbit before now you will. In each article they all explain the event the happened in June 25,1906, but we are going to learn about how she dealt with the situation and how it change her life until her death in 1967. Hollywood Remains to Be Seen . Born Florence Evelyn Nesbit December 25, 1884 in Tarentum a little town in Pennsylvania. Her parents were Winfield Scott Nesbit who was a lawyer and Evelyn Florence Nesbit. Base on Stoy stated "The Nesbits moved to Pittsburgh in 1893. Less than a year later, Winfield Nesbit died at the age of 40, leaving Mrs Nesbit with two young children – Florence, 10, and her brother, Howard, 8. With no means of support, the Nesbit were evicted from their home and forced to sell most of their possessions. In other words besides her father being dead she had to go through another heartbreak she got kicked out her home. Furthermore "They moved in with relatives for a while, then ... Get more on ...
  • 26. West Virginia University Spring Game Analysis MORGANTOWN, W.Va. ––The West Virginia University spring game is a week away and head coach Dana Holgorsen met with the media on Saturday afternoon to discuss how the spring was shaping up. Holgorsen likes how senior quarterback Skyler Howard is developing. "He looks like a senior," Holgorsen said. "He looks like a starting senior quarterback to me. Everything makes sense. The signals and communication looks good. His checks are outstanding. You are starting to see timing with the receivers improve. He and (redshirt junior wide receiver) Shelton (Gibson) had a deal last year. He is developing that with (redshirt junior wide receiver) Ka'Raun (White), (senior wide receiver) Daikiel (Shorts Jr.) and some of these running backs as well." With Howard... Show more content on ... "There is some competition at the right side, and it has nothing to do with how (redshirt junior offensive lineman Kyle) Bosch or (redshirt sophomore offensive lineman) Marcell (Lazard) are doing. It has everything to do with how (redshirt freshman offensive lineman Colton McKivitz) Colt and (redshirt senior offensive lineman) Tony Matteo are doing. Those guys are fighting for a job right now." Sophomore quarterback David Sills has been taking reps with the wide receivers but he is not quite ready to give up on being a starting quarterback down the road. "He is still working on quarterback stuff, so he is not focusing on receiver," Holgorsen said. "He is not getting better at receiver. He will play receiver. He is not Deion Sanders, where he kind of just goes in there and does some things. He is a young kid with a lot of eligibility left. Until he focuses on a specific thing, he is not going to be great at it. He is focusing on quarterback, but you will see him get in there, because we have no depth at receiver right now. He needs to help us out. He is a team player, and we appreciate that." With the spring winding down, the defense is not quite game ready but Holgorsen is pleased with their development so ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Solution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals Dear All, If you need any solution manual, testbank for testbooks from the list, do contact us anytime, we provide competitive prices and fast delivery after payment done. Contact us: smtbportal(at)gmail(dot)com 2010 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with H&R Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Solution Manual 2010 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with H&R Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Test Bank 2010 Federal Taxation with H&R Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Solution Manual 2010 Individual Taxation with H&R Block TaxCut 4e 2010 Pratt Kulsrud Solution Manual 2010 Individual Taxation with H&R Block TaxCut 4e 2010 Pratt Kulsrud Test Bank 2011 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with H&R Block... Show more content on ... Zimmerman (SM+TB) Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities, 16e_Jacqueline L. Reck,Suzanne L. Lowensohn,Earl R. Wilson (ISM+TB) Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities, 15e_Earl Wilson,Jacqueline Reck,Susan Kattelus (ISM) Accounting Information System By Romney, Steinbart (TB) Accounting Information Systems ABusiness Process Approach, 2nd Edition_Frederick Jones,Dasaratha Rama (SM) Accounting Information Systems A Practitioner Emphasis, 7th Edition_Cynthia D. Heagy, Constance M. Lehmann (SM+TB) Accounting Information Systems Basic Concepts & Current Issues, 3e_Robert L. Hurt (TB) Accounting Information Systems Controls and Processes, 1st Edition_Leslie Turner, Andrea Weickgenannt (SM+TB+IM +Excel Solutions) Accounting Information Systems Controls and Processes, 1st Edition_Leslie Turner, Andrea Weickgenannt (SM+TB+IM +Spatteli,s Pizzeria Solutions+Process Accounting Information Systems Global Edition, 12E_Marshall B Romney,Paul J Steinbart (IM+SM+TB) Accounting Information Systems International Edition, 11E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (IM+SM+TB) Accounting Information Systems The Crossroads of Accounting and IT, 2E_Donna Kay,Ali Ovlia (IM) Accounting Information Systems The Crossroads of Accounting and IT_Donna Kay,Ali Ovlia (SM+TB) Accounting Information Systems, 10E_Marshall B. Romney,Paul J. Steinbart (IM+SM+TB) Accounting Information Systems, 11E_George H. Bodnar,William
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  • 29. Frank Leslie's Weekly Magazine Analysis The 1990s saw the continued success of magazines illustrated with wood engravings from the prior decade. However, with better printing technology magazine companies were able to evolve even further. "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper" changed its name to "Leslie's Weekly". "McClure's" and "The Century branched to accommodate the growing women and children demographic. "Once–A–Week" became "Collier's Weekly" and the "The Saturday Evening Post" updated its look, evolving into country's most popular magazine. In addition, "The Saturday Evening Post" transformed its Sunday women's supplement into the "The Ladies Home Journal". As a result, magazine's shifted their attention to the female demographic, leading to the creations of "Cosmopolitan,... Show more content on ... Thanks to the increase in demand, Illustrators such as Harrison Fisher became the celebrities of their time. Other illustrators who benefited from the the budget increase included Winslow Homer, Thomas Nast, Frederic Remington, Edwin Austin Abbey, William Bradley, James Montgomery Flagg, C. Coles Phillips, Joseph Clement Coll, Franklin Booth and many others. Illustration had become a viable source of income and it was in no means close to stopping. The same goes for illustration overseas as well. ( In England, the children's book market had been growing at a rapid pace, resulting to the introduction of books that featured full–color reproductions. Humor illustration was also very popular amongst the public crowd. The three top ranking magazines from America were "Puck", "Judge" and "Life". Illustrators such as T.S. Sullivant worked for all three and his depiction of anthropomorphic animals in the magazines inspired future animators such as Walt Disney ( However, one particular artist from the 1990s worth mentioning was Charles Dana ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Media 's Ideal Body The Media's " Ideal Body" Todays media portrays a standard of beauty for women of an unrealistic weight and an overall appearance which leads people to believe they need to have an "ideal body". In particular, girls, 91% of teen girls are unhappy with their bodies (Article: 11 facts about body image, Do something campaign). The teenage years are a time when people are naturally self conscious. Teens can be more vulnerable to media influences about body image and how they "should" look. In as single day we can be subjected by up to 500 advertisements. These ads portrayed perfectly airbrushed models that are unrealistically thin and have zero "flaws". There are also numerous ads assuming we want and need to look like the models. They ... Show more content on ... She had the idle body image for that decade, tall with a wide bust and hips. In 1910–1920 when the flapper look was in, the ideal look was a skinny girl with a smaller bust. Around 1930–1940 during the war, bigger shoulder pads where the style with naturally curvy figures. In the 1950's the big push to be curvy came as Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly were huge influences. Everyone wanted an hourglass figure and being skinny was not in fashion. There were lots of ads about how to gain weight. Then in the 1960's the media became interested in Twiggy, the skinny, boyish looking model. Their views changed to focus on the importance of being skinny. No matter the year or the "ideal body shape of the decade" the media has impacts on how we try to be and fix ourselves. We have recently seen more articles and public speeches on how the media is negatively influencing our society. People are beginning to realize how much of an influence the media is having on teens. There are many studies being conducted with middle and high school students proving information on the influence of advertising. Children are being influenced at such an early age that by the time they get into high school they already have low self esteem and want to change themselves to fit into the unrealistic standards of beauty they see advertised. There have been reports of anorexia starting as young as age 8( Article: Teen Anorexia Statistics, Newport Academy Teen Treatment Center). This problem ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Comparing The Stereotypes Of The Gibson Girl United States is the creator of many of the beauty stereotypes that are active until now such as Barbie doll, Disney's princess and others. The first American stereotype was the Gibson Girl. It was created by an American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson. The Gibson girl was the idea of perfect women in the early XX century until the First World War. The illustration had appeared in popular magazines, it not only had showed physical ideas, and it also had represented the behavior and the social status of the perfect American women in that time. Gibson girls had portrayed the "new woman" a women who was educated, taking advantage from the access that women obtained to have secondary and college education; a woman who had more independence. The Gibson girl was illustrated like a Caucasian woman, tall and slim with a body in "S" shape helped by the corset. The facial features were big eyes and a tiny mouth and nose. The hair also was very iconic, Gibson girls wore their hair swept up into a twisted bun called chignon showing the neck. This illustration had represented a woman in an upper social status, elegant and fashionable. ... Show more content on ... The 80s are known as the "supermodel era" with very well–known models such as Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford and Claudia Shiffer, a toned, thin and athletic body was what every woman wanted. In contrast, in the 90's models had become drastically skinny. The ideal of beauty was being waifish, androgynous, and extremely thin and having a translucent skin. This look was called "heroin chic", Kate Moss is the main example and exponent of this standard of beauty. Consequently it had begun to talk about eating disorders such as anorexia and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pin Up Research Paper The Pin–up model, an all American sweetheart created to win the adoration of men across the country. Pin–up has a real place in art and culture. With celebrities like Katy Perry, Beyonce, Pussycat Dolls , and Dita Von Teese showing their love for Pin up in photos and music videos. Is it their rosy cheeks, bouncy curls, hourglass figure, red lips,sensuality, or the girl on the side of B–52 that keeps their aesthetic living today. Pin up Art and Models have a huge part in history with their fashion,sensuality, feminism, and aesthetic. Pin–Up Art have been around since the 18 centuries, when burlesque performs and actress used photos and printings of themselves for self promotion or to world as the ideal beauty and sexulity. The first knew Pin–Up Artist Jules ChГ©ret in Paris became known for his pin up art. His art showed Pin–up girls to be elegant, while many were considered to whores. Meanwhile in America artists Charles Dana Gibson an illustrator shocked many people with his cover paintings. By making the women have hourglass torous, dark full hair... Show more content on ... "Her brazen,over–the–top poses and pointedly lighthearted approach to performing as a pin–up served to expose the very construction of the genre" said in Pin–Up Grrrls by Maria Elena Buszek.She was born April 22,1923 who gained significant profile in the 1950's for her pin up photos. Her jet black hair, blue eyes, and trademark bangs that have influenced artists for generations. She posed for playboy in 1952, worked for Bunny Yeager and Irving Khaw. She married Billy Neal in 1943 and move to San Francisco, California. Where she launched her modeling career. In 1947 she got a divorced and moved to New York. Within a few books she was modeling international magazines and pin–up calendars. She was living icon. In the 1960s Bettie mysteriously disappeared no one heard about until her death on December 11, 2008 do to health conditions. Bettie Page remains a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Girlpool Interpretation Today, girl bands exist, but there are still few. Girl pool is an all girl electric guitar and bass duo which formed in LA in 2013. Cleo Tucker and Harmony Tividad started the band when they were teenagers, and have created two full length albums since they started. On their first album, "Girlpool", "Jane" is song about female empowerment. It is a story about a girl named Jane who stood up for herself by shoving "her fist in Tommy's mouth," because "usually [he] did the talking." The song uses Jane and Tommy as symbolic for any relationship, or any moment, where the girl feels silenced as they state: Girls and boys if you are listen Don't ever feel imprisoned Feeling like your mouth is glued tight shut You were born for a reason Share all your feelings If you are a Jane put your fist up too." One should always speak for herself, and never feel as if she cannot. Expressing a similar message, the song "Cherry picking" off of the album "Before the World Was Big," is about 'picking cherries.' Cherry picking refers picking the best, and according to the song it is "dreams." By choosing her dreams over her significant other, she finds herself alone–"When I'm cherry pickin / I always know you're gonna leave." By following her dreams, her lover is "hesitant it seemed" and turns to a stranger. However, she remembers that the "Truth is that [she is]... Show more content on ... She is stood up, or rather left, and is alone in the dark. She attempts to conform, which is imminent within the lyric: "you know I wore this dress for you / these killer heels for you." Yet, she still loses. Towards the end of the song, when she finished singing, she screams – a release of rage towards the invisible constraint of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Beyonce And Lady Anorexia By Brana Taylor In the modern day media women are shown as to be too perfect to be true, Magazines show women how they are suppose to be, how they are suppose to 'look like" by using photoshop to manipulate and sculpt a "perfect" female. Not only magazines portray this image but so does social media, Girls are expected to be ' Skinny, Blue eyes, Blonde with a perfect style and lifestyle'' Making younger girls starve themselves and abuse their bodies to sculpt themselves out to be replicas of women how they have that so called perfect artificial image they present to the world. Girls/ Women are forgetting themselves and who they are. These girls are losing themselves along the journey not only losing their well–being but their identity from what makes them... Show more content on ... Of those students that were "normal weight", 19% still thought that they were too fat, and 12% of the students admitted to trying to lose weight according to http://www.mirror––disorders–statistics.htm . In some countries eating disorders develop at the early age of 6 by simply being exposed to modern ... Get more on ...
  • 35. American Women 1920-1960 Throughout history, society has classified women and their roles and potential within a given society. There have been reasons in the past for this fact, which have included religious oppression and portraying of their role. The initial idea of a women's place being in the home taking care of the children and looking after the home, this is still common in today's society. Women now have a new found ability to fulfill their dreams and have achieved an independence that few would have perceived. Modern day society accepts the fact that sex should not determine your place within it, however, how did it get to this point? To find out, we will discuss some of the major events over time that have carved the modern daywoman and the role ... Show more content on ... Although convincing, it was not enough to have the movement passed. In retaliation and to demonstrate their political influence they manage to savage three political candidates campaigns and, "based on this display of power, one year later the amendment passed both the House and the Senate; in August 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment became a part of the United States Constitution. In November of that year, women across the nation voted in their first presidential election (Dooley, 1990). While World War I raged on American nation decided to step into the forefront and to mobilize its army. Even, "though America did not enter the war until 1917, in reality it had been preparing for the eventuality of the conflict almost since the fighting started. In 1915, Wilson endorsed a proposal to expand the military. The first step was the National Defense Act of 1916, which increased the Army from 90,000 to 233,000 troops" (Bowles, 2011). The draft took people from all walks of life and forced them onto the front line, by doing so it left large holes in the inner workings of the economy. Although there was a war, soldiers needed to come back to a working country. The end of World War I women began to change they took on a different meaning with fashion, they started wearing shorter shirts, applying make –up, and they even cut their ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Elvis Presley's Accomplishments "I think it is fair to say that during World War II there was a high sense of purpose. The country had a very clear vision of its own standing, of its own morality. It was not an ambiguous time. Today, we live in a world that is highly ambiguous, very fractured, with many of the historical, traditional values in a state of collapse, really." World War II occurred during 1939 to 1945. Even though over sixty million people died during the war, it brought major leaps in technology, many of our modern technology came from World War II. The war also laid groundwork that was occurring, such as, the end of European colonialism, Women's rights, and the civil rights movement of the United States. Americans didn't want to enter the war because ... Show more content on ... He was the only child of Vernon and Gladys Presley. his family was poor and his father had a tough time holding down jobs. Elvis and his mother lived with his grandmother while his father spent eight months in prison. He grew up as a shy child with an excellent singing voice. He gave his first public performance when he was ten years old. He never really learned how to read music or how to sing, he just listened to others do it. He moved to Memphis when he was in eighth grade, while he was there he was exposed to a wide variety of music. There was a recording studio owned by Sam Phillips, He went there the first time to record a song for his mother. After going there a few times, Phillips noticed him and suggested him to get together with a couple of local musicians to record. Heartbreak Hotel was Presley's first song in 1956 on his new record label RCA Victor. He recorded with "The Blue Moon boys." It was number one on the Country and Western Chart, number three on R&B chart. Love Me Tender was adapted from the tune of Aura Lee, a sentimental Civil War ballad. Earliest musical influence came from gospel. when he was young he went to the Assembly of god church in Tupelo. his music was heavily influenced by American Blues, christian gospel, and Southern Country. He was also influenced by Jimmie Rodgers, Jake Hess, Roy Acuff, and hank Snow. Their music was focused on Blues, gospel, and country music. He played lots of instruments but only played the guitar and piano professionally. "His energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance style, combined with a singularly potent mix of influences across color lines that coincided with the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, made him enormously popular–and controversial." Presley combined different types of music to form a style called rockabilly, which became one of the key sounds in rock 'n' roll. Elvis Presley died in 1977 ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Informative Speech On Eating Disorders Natacha Mohbat Women's Body Image In the American society, leading to eating disorders Lebanese American University Purpose At the end of my speech, the audience will have a better understanding on how society plays a big role on women's body image. They will also be able to identify the relationship between body image distortion and eating disorders. Finally, I will provide further understanding on the crucial factors of eating disorders, as well as the different treatments available. Introduction "Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception." The American society has been broadcasting a certain type of body,... Show more content on ... Women in the American society become so obsessed with the idea of being thin and looking like the magazine models that they will go to extremes in order to achieve their goal. In other words, the obsession can sometimes lead them right into an eating disorder. However, solutions to these illnesses do exist. A–The first disorder is the refusal of food and the second consists of throwing up after eating. In both cases, these disorders have one objective that accompanies them: to be thin. 1–People with anorexia nervosa have a tendency to look in the mirror and see their body as overweight and ugly even when in reality they are dangerously thin. A sufferer of anorexia nervosa can be underweight, emaciated with protruding bones or a sunken appearance. They can experience fatigue, dizziness or even fainting. The nails become brittle, the hair can fall out, and women can even experience loss of menstruation or irregularities in their menstrual cycle (Timberline, 2005). 2–People with bulimia nervosa will often eat excessive amounts of food, called binging, and then use different methods to purge those calories. Methods used include laxatives, enemas, vomiting, diuretics, or over–exercising (Brownell, ... Get more on ...