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CAM is a group of non orthodox and traditional therapies that
may be used alone, or to complement orthodox or other non
orthodox therapies, in the treatment and prevention of disease
in humans.
•Complementary medicine: is treatments that are used along with
standard medical treatments but are not considered to be standard
treatments. One example is using acupuncture to help lessen some
side effects of cancer treatment.
•Alternative medicine: is treatments that are used instead of
standard medical treatments. One example is using a special diet
to treat cancer instead of anticancer drugs that are prescribed by
an oncologist
 Acupuncture: a Traditional Chinese discipline that
involves the insertion
 of needles at predefined points on imaginary lines
or ‘meridians’ on the
 body; it seeks to restore the balance of positive and
negative (yin and yang)
 forces within the body
Aromatherapy: involves
the use of essential oils,
normally administered
by inhalation or massage.
Homeopathy: characterised by the
administration of small quantities of
medicines that in much greater
concentrations precipitate appearance of
the symptoms of the disease being
Reflexology: a type of massage treatment
where certain areas on the soles
of the feet and the hands are compressed
and massaged to stimulate the
blood supply and relieve tension. These
areas are associated with various
organs or body functions
Bach flower remedies (BFRs):are
solutions of brandy and water—the
water containing extreme dilutions of
flower material developed by
Edward Bach, an English
homeopath, in the
1930s. Bach claimed that dew found
on flower petals retain imagined
healing properties of that plant
Acupressure:- is a therapy
developed over 5,000 years ago as
an important aspect of Asian,
especially Chinese, medicine. It uses
precise finger placement and
pressure over specific points along
the body. These points follow specific
channels, known as meridians – the
same channels used in acupuncture
Herbal medicines are one type of
dietary supplement. They are sold as
tablets, capsules, powders, teas,
extracts, and fresh or dried plants.
People use herbal medicines to try to
maintain or improve their health. Many
people believe that products labeled
"natural" are always safe and good for
 The name homeopathy, coined by its
originator Samuel Hahnemann, is derived
from the Greek words for ‘similar
suffering’ referring to the ‘like cures like’
principle of healing
 System of complementary medicine in
which ailments are treated by minute doses
of natural substances that in larger
amounts would produce symptoms of the
Historical background of
Hahnemann was dissatisfied with the state of medicine in his time, and particularly objected to practices
such as bloodletting. He claimed that the medicine he had been taught to practice sometimes did the
patient more harm than good.
After giving up his practice around 1784, Hahnemann made his living chiefly as a writer and translator, while
resolving also to investigate the causes of medicine's alleged errors. While translating William Cullen's A
Treatise on the Materia Medica, Hahnemann encountered the claim that cinchona, the bark of a Peruvian
tree, was effective in treating malaria because of its astringency. Hahnemann believed that other astringent
substances are not effective against malaria and began to research cinchona's effect on the human body by
self-application. Noting that the drug induced malaria-like symptoms in himself,[13] he concluded that it
would do so in any healthy individual. This led him to postulate a healing principle: "that which can produce
a set of symptoms in a healthy individual, can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a similar set of
symptoms."[4] This principle, like cures like, became the basis for an approach to medicine which he gave
the name homeopathy
The Organon :-
• Hahnemann’s most famous work was the Organon of the Rational Art of
Healing (1810), also translated as the Organon of a Rational Approach
to Practical Medicine and the Organon of the Medical Art. It ran to five
editions during Hahnemann’s lifetime
• The Organon comprises a preface, an introduction and 291 numbered
paragraphs,termed aphorisms (denoted by the symbol §). There is no table of
contents and there are no chapter headings. Hahnemann provided a synopsis of the
Organon including a list of the aphorisms in abbreviated form. Unfortunately, this did
little to elucidate the document’s structure
• The three important principles of homeopathy outlined in the Organon are considered
Like cures like:-
• The Law of Similars implies a
match between the primary
symptoms of the remedy and the
symptoms of the patient
• Examples of such
treatment might be the use
of Coffea (from the green
coffee bean) to treat
insomnia or Apis (from the
bee) to treat stings and
histamine type reactions.
• Digoxin causes many of the
arrhythmias for which it is a
conventional treatment, aspirin in
large doses causes headaches
and several powerful
chemotherapeutic agents are
actually carcinogenic themselves.
Drug capable of producing morbid symptoms in a healthy
person will cure similar symptoms occurring as a
manifestation of disease.
• All remedies have a ‘drug picture’, a written survey of the symptoms noted
when the drug was given to healthy volunteers, a process known as
‘proving’ the drug.
• The proving of a substance refers to all the symptoms induced by the
substance in healthy people
• To attempt determine which homeopathic remedies would be best for
various ailments, Hahnemann and others engaged in a series of
provings.In what can be viewed as early clinical trials of natural
substances, Hahnemann and others self- administered pharmacologically
active doses of many different substances, then carefully recorded the
symptoms that resulted in a materia medica.These provings were
based on Hahnemann's early study of cinchona bark
• Hahnemann stressed that homeopaths should add to the
materia medica with his own provings
 In homeopathy, homeopathic dilution (known by practitioners as
"dynamisation" or "potentisation") is a process in which a substance
is diluted with alcohol or distilled water and then vigorously shaken in a
process called "succussion". Insoluble solids, such
as quartz and oyster shell, are diluted by grinding them
with lactose (trituration). The founder of homeopathy, Samuel
Hahnemann (1755–1843) believed that the process of succussion
activated the "vital energy" of the diluted substance,[1] and that successive
dilutions increased the "potency" of the preparation, although other
strands of homeopathy disagree
• Several potency scales are in use in homeopathy. Hahnemann created the centesimal or "C scale",
diluting a substance by a factor of 100 at each stage. The centesimal scale was favored by
Hahnemann for most of his life
• Some homeopaths developed a decimal scale (D or X), diluting the
substance to ten times its original volume each stage. The D or X scale
dilution is therefore half that of the same value of the C scale
X Scale C Scale Ratio Note
1X ― 1:10
described as low
2X 1C 1:100
6X 3C 10−6
8X 4C 10−8
12X 6C 10−12
24X 12C 10−24
Has a 60%
probability of
containing one
molecule of
original material if
one mole of the
original substance
was used.
26X 13C 10−26
If pure water was
used as the
diluent, no
molecules of the
original solution
remain in the
60X 30C 10−60
advocated by
Hahnemann for
most purposes: on
average, this
would require
giving two billion
doses per second
to six billion
people for 4 billion
years to deliver a
single molecule of
the original
 There is a homeopathic Law of Cure associated with minute dose levels. It
“The quantity of action necessary to effect a change in nature is the least
possible,and the decisive amount is always the minimum.”
The minute dose was an empirical discovery, and the ‘law’ is deliberately
ambiguous. It is taken to mean that not only should a minute dose be
administered,but that the dose should not be repeated at too frequent
Law of Cure:-
In Homeopathy two important principles are employed when prescribing
• Minimum dose
• Single dose
• The principle is that the minimum dose should be employed is based
upon the understanding that the stimulus of medicine triggers the
intrinsic healing response. Following this principle we give only enough
medicine to initiate this healing response. This response then carries on
driven by the body’s need to maintain health and balance . The use of
minimum dose has the advantage that it does not produce the gross side
effects so often caused by conventional treatments.
• The concept of minimum dose is similar to ARNDT SCHULTZ LAW .
“Weak stimuli accelerate vital activity, medium stimuli raise it slightly,strong ones suppress
it and very strong ones halt it.”
This is simplified as follows:-
 Small doses stimulate
 Minimum doses inhibit
 Large doses kills
Thus the minimum potentised doseis employes by homeopaths
The Single Remedy:-
 Because Homoeopathy is a medical modality which treats the individual
rather than the disease, treatment is individualised for each patient. The
Simillimum is always a single remedy (never a mixture) of a specially
prepared potentised substance selected from the animal, vegetable or
mineral kingdoms. When taking the case, the Homoeopath takes careful
note of all the physical symptoms.
 However, environmental stressors and the mental/emotional state of the
individual are also noted and used for remedy selection. In this way the
profile of the medicine closely matches the personality profile of each
patient. Because of this fact, several patients presenting with a known
disease such as asthma, for example, will probably be each given a
different remedy.
Hering's Law OF CURE:-
 Hering's Law states that: “All healing occurs from within out, from the
head down, and in the reverse order in which the symptoms have
 Hering's Law describes an event or process that may occur after you begin
to detox or do a cleanse on your body, especially if you have cleansed too
much and/or too fast. Essentially, the body will follow a certain pattern of
healing as described below:
 From within-out” - getting rid of toxic accumulations from the inside of the body to the
outside (through the skin).
 “From the head down” - A good philosophy is part of getting well. A philosophy that
brings cheerfulness, happy moments and an attitude of determination to overcome.
Where is a person’s philosophy? The answer is in the head. The person who nurtures
hate, destructive ideas, misery and other negative feelings is sowing the seeds of dis-
ease, not health. Such an individual will experience difficulty in getting well. We must
evaluate and restructure the “nourishment”that goes into the body in order to
regenerate and rejuvenate the body
 “In reverse order that the symptoms appeared” - Recent conditions leave first,
earlier conditions leave or are eliminated last. It may take years for organs in a
chronic state to revitalize to the point where old, dried catarrh (mucous) can liquefy
be brought out through the eliminative channels.
 Hippocrates was the first physician to use the term "miasm" which has its origins in
the Greek word for taint or fault. He postulated that certain infectious diseases
were transmitted to humans by air and water tainted by miasms.
 By the late 1790s Hahnemann had realized that syphilis was an infectious blood
disease that could mask itself with the symptoms of many different illnesses.
 Early in his career he made a special preparation called Mercurius Solubilis
Hahnemanni that was the standard treatment for syphilis throughout Europe. He
soon found that Mercury in homoeopathic potency worked much better on
syphilis than the crude poisonous form and he recorded several permanent cures.
 This information led Hahnemann to believe that microorganisms were at the root of
many infectious diseases. For this reason he supported the ideas of the animalculists
but at the same time upheld the importance of susceptibility of the host constitution.
 Very early in his career Hahnemann suggested that certain skin eruptions, such as "crusta
lactea", were being caused by microscopic "miasmic animalcule" i.e., micro-organisms
 Hahnemann synthesized the ideas of the animalcule and zymes and redefined the
Hippocratic term "miasma" to express the constitutional derangements caused by
parasitic infections. He carefully separated the self-limiting acute miasms from the
syndromes of long lasting diseases and started to develop a special materia medica and
repertory for the treatment of the chronic miasms.
 Therefore, in Hahnemannian Homoeopathy the word "miasm" means the effects of
microorganisms on the vital force including the symptoms that are transmitted to the
following generations. These chronic miasms are capable of producing degenerative
illnesses, auto-immune diseases and lead the organism toward immuno-deficiency
 Hahnemann noticed that each of the
chronic diseases has three phases, a
primary stage, latent stage, and a
secondary or tertiary state. The effects
of these miasms were then passed from
one generation to the next generation
by inheritance and caused
predispositions to certain disease
 The three chronic miasms that Hahnemann
introduced in 1828 were called Psora (the itch
miasm), Sycosis (the gonorrheal miasm) and
Syphilis (the chancre miasm).
 The top Psoric remedy is said to be Sulphur,
 The top Sycotic remedy is Thuja,
 The top Leutic remedy is Mercury.
 Thus knowing which miasm is dominant in a case helps to determine the remedy. E.g.
Itchy skin is an symptom of underfunction and therefore Psoric, so Sulphur will be
 Warts are a symptom of overfunction and therefore Sycotic, and so Thuja will be
 Ulcers are a symptom of self-destruction and therefore Leutic, so Mercury will be
 In the preface of Charles Hempel's translation
of the Organon , Constantine Hering recorded
that late in his life Hahnemann made further
discoveries and developed a new aspect of
the theory of Psora with the introduction of a
new miasm he called Pseudo-psora. Hering
"Hahnemann distinguishes the venereal miasms as
syphilis and sycosis; and also subdivides psora with
 Hahnemann's miasmic theory now contained two venereal and two non-venereal miasms that
produced life-long chronic diseases. The two non-venereal miasms are Psora (the itch disease)
and Pseudo-psora (the tubercle disease). The two venereal miasms are Sycosis (the fig wart
diseases) and Syphilis (the chancre disease).
 Hahnemann noticed that some cases that appeared to be Psora did not depend exclusively on an
external skin eruption for their development. He observed that this disease was infectious in nature
and possessed primary, latent, and secondary symptoms as well as inherited aspects.
 He decided that it was caused by a miasmic agent with a distinct etiology so he separated its
symptoms from Psora and made a new classification called the Pseudo-psora, the TB miasm. All of
these miasms may be acquired through a primary infection or their effects can be experienced
through heredity.
 It is sometimes thought that Hahnemann taught that all long-lasting diseases are caused by chronic
 For the treatment of acute, sudden, and violent invasion,
with fever. Complaints and tension caused by exposure to
cold weather , draught of cold air, checked perspiration
 Panic crises: fear of imminent death, vertigo, numbness,
tachycardia,(rapid pulse) palpitations, flushes. faintness; . fear
with symptoms .anxious restlessness. First remedy to try
where the onset is very sudden with fear.
 is a perfect match for clearing the itching and swelling of insect
bites,bee stings, wasp, hornet, mosquito, and other flying insects. Use for
rashes that have red, swelling marks like insect bites, such as with hives.
 belladonna is used as a sedative, to stop bronchial spasms
in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy. It is
also used for Parkinson's disease, colic, motion sickness, and as a
Belladonna is used in ointments that are applied to the skin for joint
pain (rheumatism), leg pain caused by a disc in the backbone pushing on
the sciatic nerve (sciatica), and nerve pain (neuralgia). Belladonna is also
used in plasters (medicine-filled gauze applied to the skin) for treating
psychiatric disorders, a behavior disorder called hyperkinesis,
excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and bronchial asthma.
Aloe :-
 An excellent remedy to aid in re-establishing physiological equilibrium
after much dosing, where disease and drug symptoms are much mixed.
 Adapted to weary aged people.
 Good for treatment of diarrhea.
Nux vomica:-
 People who have insomnia after over-indulgence in
stimulants, food, and drink—or after overexertion,
either physically or mentally—may benefit from this
remedy. They may be able to drift off, but sleep is
light, and they often awaken in the early morning
(typically three a.m.) and lie awake for hours. On
getting up, they are tense, impatient, and irritable,
with a feeling that they sorely need more sleep.

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  • 2.
  • 3. CAM:- CAM is a group of non orthodox and traditional therapies that may be used alone, or to complement orthodox or other non orthodox therapies, in the treatment and prevention of disease in humans. •Complementary medicine: is treatments that are used along with standard medical treatments but are not considered to be standard treatments. One example is using acupuncture to help lessen some side effects of cancer treatment. •Alternative medicine: is treatments that are used instead of standard medical treatments. One example is using a special diet to treat cancer instead of anticancer drugs that are prescribed by an oncologist
  • 4. TYPES OF CAM:-  Acupuncture: a Traditional Chinese discipline that involves the insertion  of needles at predefined points on imaginary lines or ‘meridians’ on the  body; it seeks to restore the balance of positive and negative (yin and yang)  forces within the body
  • 5. Aromatherapy: involves the use of essential oils, normally administered by inhalation or massage. Homeopathy: characterised by the administration of small quantities of medicines that in much greater concentrations precipitate appearance of the symptoms of the disease being treated
  • 6. Reflexology: a type of massage treatment where certain areas on the soles of the feet and the hands are compressed and massaged to stimulate the blood supply and relieve tension. These areas are associated with various organs or body functions
  • 7. Bach flower remedies (BFRs):are solutions of brandy and water—the water containing extreme dilutions of flower material developed by Edward Bach, an English homeopath, in the 1930s. Bach claimed that dew found on flower petals retain imagined healing properties of that plant
  • 8. Acupressure:- is a therapy developed over 5,000 years ago as an important aspect of Asian, especially Chinese, medicine. It uses precise finger placement and pressure over specific points along the body. These points follow specific channels, known as meridians – the same channels used in acupuncture
  • 9. Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplement. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health. Many people believe that products labeled "natural" are always safe and good for them.
  • 10.
  • 11. HOMEOPATHY:-  The name homeopathy, coined by its originator Samuel Hahnemann, is derived from the Greek words for ‘similar suffering’ referring to the ‘like cures like’ principle of healing  System of complementary medicine in which ailments are treated by minute doses of natural substances that in larger amounts would produce symptoms of the ailment.
  • 12. Historical background of HOMEOPATHY:- SAMUEL HAHNEMANN (1755–1843), THE FOUNDER:- Hahnemann was dissatisfied with the state of medicine in his time, and particularly objected to practices such as bloodletting. He claimed that the medicine he had been taught to practice sometimes did the patient more harm than good. After giving up his practice around 1784, Hahnemann made his living chiefly as a writer and translator, while resolving also to investigate the causes of medicine's alleged errors. While translating William Cullen's A Treatise on the Materia Medica, Hahnemann encountered the claim that cinchona, the bark of a Peruvian tree, was effective in treating malaria because of its astringency. Hahnemann believed that other astringent substances are not effective against malaria and began to research cinchona's effect on the human body by self-application. Noting that the drug induced malaria-like symptoms in himself,[13] he concluded that it would do so in any healthy individual. This led him to postulate a healing principle: "that which can produce a set of symptoms in a healthy individual, can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a similar set of symptoms."[4] This principle, like cures like, became the basis for an approach to medicine which he gave the name homeopathy
  • 14. THE PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOPATHY:- The Organon :- • Hahnemann’s most famous work was the Organon of the Rational Art of Healing (1810), also translated as the Organon of a Rational Approach to Practical Medicine and the Organon of the Medical Art. It ran to five editions during Hahnemann’s lifetime • The Organon comprises a preface, an introduction and 291 numbered paragraphs,termed aphorisms (denoted by the symbol §). There is no table of contents and there are no chapter headings. Hahnemann provided a synopsis of the Organon including a list of the aphorisms in abbreviated form. Unfortunately, this did little to elucidate the document’s structure • The three important principles of homeopathy outlined in the Organon are considered below:-
  • 15. Like cures like:- • The Law of Similars implies a match between the primary symptoms of the remedy and the symptoms of the patient • Examples of such treatment might be the use of Coffea (from the green coffee bean) to treat insomnia or Apis (from the bee) to treat stings and histamine type reactions. • Digoxin causes many of the arrhythmias for which it is a conventional treatment, aspirin in large doses causes headaches and several powerful chemotherapeutic agents are actually carcinogenic themselves. Drug capable of producing morbid symptoms in a healthy person will cure similar symptoms occurring as a manifestation of disease.
  • 16. Provings:- • All remedies have a ‘drug picture’, a written survey of the symptoms noted when the drug was given to healthy volunteers, a process known as ‘proving’ the drug. • The proving of a substance refers to all the symptoms induced by the substance in healthy people • To attempt determine which homeopathic remedies would be best for various ailments, Hahnemann and others engaged in a series of provings.In what can be viewed as early clinical trials of natural substances, Hahnemann and others self- administered pharmacologically active doses of many different substances, then carefully recorded the symptoms that resulted in a materia medica.These provings were based on Hahnemann's early study of cinchona bark
  • 17. • Hahnemann stressed that homeopaths should add to the materia medica with his own provings
  • 18. POTENTIATION OR DYNAMIZATION:-  In homeopathy, homeopathic dilution (known by practitioners as "dynamisation" or "potentisation") is a process in which a substance is diluted with alcohol or distilled water and then vigorously shaken in a process called "succussion". Insoluble solids, such as quartz and oyster shell, are diluted by grinding them with lactose (trituration). The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) believed that the process of succussion activated the "vital energy" of the diluted substance,[1] and that successive dilutions increased the "potency" of the preparation, although other strands of homeopathy disagree
  • 19. POTENCY SCALE:- • Several potency scales are in use in homeopathy. Hahnemann created the centesimal or "C scale", diluting a substance by a factor of 100 at each stage. The centesimal scale was favored by Hahnemann for most of his life • Some homeopaths developed a decimal scale (D or X), diluting the substance to ten times its original volume each stage. The D or X scale dilution is therefore half that of the same value of the C scale
  • 20. X Scale C Scale Ratio Note 1X ― 1:10 described as low potency 2X 1C 1:100 6X 3C 10−6 8X 4C 10−8 12X 6C 10−12 24X 12C 10−24 Has a 60% probability of containing one molecule of original material if one mole of the original substance was used. 26X 13C 10−26 If pure water was used as the diluent, no molecules of the original solution remain in the water. 60X 30C 10−60 Dilution advocated by Hahnemann for most purposes: on average, this would require giving two billion doses per second to six billion people for 4 billion years to deliver a single molecule of the original
  • 21.  There is a homeopathic Law of Cure associated with minute dose levels. It states: “The quantity of action necessary to effect a change in nature is the least possible,and the decisive amount is always the minimum.” The minute dose was an empirical discovery, and the ‘law’ is deliberately ambiguous. It is taken to mean that not only should a minute dose be administered,but that the dose should not be repeated at too frequent intervals. Law of Cure:-
  • 22. MINIMUM AND SINGLE DOSE:- In Homeopathy two important principles are employed when prescribing medicine: • Minimum dose • Single dose MINIMUM DOSE:- • The principle is that the minimum dose should be employed is based upon the understanding that the stimulus of medicine triggers the intrinsic healing response. Following this principle we give only enough medicine to initiate this healing response. This response then carries on driven by the body’s need to maintain health and balance . The use of minimum dose has the advantage that it does not produce the gross side effects so often caused by conventional treatments. • The concept of minimum dose is similar to ARNDT SCHULTZ LAW .
  • 23. ARNDT SCHULTZ LAW STATES: “Weak stimuli accelerate vital activity, medium stimuli raise it slightly,strong ones suppress it and very strong ones halt it.” This is simplified as follows:-  Small doses stimulate  Minimum doses inhibit  Large doses kills Thus the minimum potentised doseis employes by homeopaths
  • 24. The Single Remedy:-  Because Homoeopathy is a medical modality which treats the individual rather than the disease, treatment is individualised for each patient. The Simillimum is always a single remedy (never a mixture) of a specially prepared potentised substance selected from the animal, vegetable or mineral kingdoms. When taking the case, the Homoeopath takes careful note of all the physical symptoms.  However, environmental stressors and the mental/emotional state of the individual are also noted and used for remedy selection. In this way the profile of the medicine closely matches the personality profile of each patient. Because of this fact, several patients presenting with a known disease such as asthma, for example, will probably be each given a different remedy.
  • 25. Hering's Law OF CURE:-  Hering's Law states that: “All healing occurs from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order in which the symptoms have appeared.”  Hering's Law describes an event or process that may occur after you begin to detox or do a cleanse on your body, especially if you have cleansed too much and/or too fast. Essentially, the body will follow a certain pattern of healing as described below:
  • 26.  From within-out” - getting rid of toxic accumulations from the inside of the body to the outside (through the skin).  “From the head down” - A good philosophy is part of getting well. A philosophy that brings cheerfulness, happy moments and an attitude of determination to overcome. Where is a person’s philosophy? The answer is in the head. The person who nurtures hate, destructive ideas, misery and other negative feelings is sowing the seeds of dis- ease, not health. Such an individual will experience difficulty in getting well. We must evaluate and restructure the “nourishment”that goes into the body in order to regenerate and rejuvenate the body  “In reverse order that the symptoms appeared” - Recent conditions leave first, earlier conditions leave or are eliminated last. It may take years for organs in a chronic state to revitalize to the point where old, dried catarrh (mucous) can liquefy be brought out through the eliminative channels.
  • 27. MIASM:-  Hippocrates was the first physician to use the term "miasm" which has its origins in the Greek word for taint or fault. He postulated that certain infectious diseases were transmitted to humans by air and water tainted by miasms.  By the late 1790s Hahnemann had realized that syphilis was an infectious blood disease that could mask itself with the symptoms of many different illnesses.  Early in his career he made a special preparation called Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni that was the standard treatment for syphilis throughout Europe. He soon found that Mercury in homoeopathic potency worked much better on syphilis than the crude poisonous form and he recorded several permanent cures.
  • 28.  This information led Hahnemann to believe that microorganisms were at the root of many infectious diseases. For this reason he supported the ideas of the animalculists but at the same time upheld the importance of susceptibility of the host constitution.  Very early in his career Hahnemann suggested that certain skin eruptions, such as "crusta lactea", were being caused by microscopic "miasmic animalcule" i.e., micro-organisms  Hahnemann synthesized the ideas of the animalcule and zymes and redefined the Hippocratic term "miasma" to express the constitutional derangements caused by parasitic infections. He carefully separated the self-limiting acute miasms from the syndromes of long lasting diseases and started to develop a special materia medica and repertory for the treatment of the chronic miasms.  Therefore, in Hahnemannian Homoeopathy the word "miasm" means the effects of microorganisms on the vital force including the symptoms that are transmitted to the following generations. These chronic miasms are capable of producing degenerative illnesses, auto-immune diseases and lead the organism toward immuno-deficiency disorders.
  • 29.  Hahnemann noticed that each of the chronic diseases has three phases, a primary stage, latent stage, and a secondary or tertiary state. The effects of these miasms were then passed from one generation to the next generation by inheritance and caused predispositions to certain disease syndromes
  • 30.  The three chronic miasms that Hahnemann introduced in 1828 were called Psora (the itch miasm), Sycosis (the gonorrheal miasm) and Syphilis (the chancre miasm).
  • 31.  The top Psoric remedy is said to be Sulphur,  The top Sycotic remedy is Thuja,  The top Leutic remedy is Mercury.  Thus knowing which miasm is dominant in a case helps to determine the remedy. E.g. Itchy skin is an symptom of underfunction and therefore Psoric, so Sulphur will be considered.  Warts are a symptom of overfunction and therefore Sycotic, and so Thuja will be considered.  Ulcers are a symptom of self-destruction and therefore Leutic, so Mercury will be considered.
  • 32.  In the preface of Charles Hempel's translation of the Organon , Constantine Hering recorded that late in his life Hahnemann made further discoveries and developed a new aspect of the theory of Psora with the introduction of a new miasm he called Pseudo-psora. Hering wrote: "Hahnemann distinguishes the venereal miasms as syphilis and sycosis; and also subdivides psora with pseudo-psora.".
  • 33.  Hahnemann's miasmic theory now contained two venereal and two non-venereal miasms that produced life-long chronic diseases. The two non-venereal miasms are Psora (the itch disease) and Pseudo-psora (the tubercle disease). The two venereal miasms are Sycosis (the fig wart diseases) and Syphilis (the chancre disease).  Hahnemann noticed that some cases that appeared to be Psora did not depend exclusively on an external skin eruption for their development. He observed that this disease was infectious in nature and possessed primary, latent, and secondary symptoms as well as inherited aspects.  He decided that it was caused by a miasmic agent with a distinct etiology so he separated its symptoms from Psora and made a new classification called the Pseudo-psora, the TB miasm. All of these miasms may be acquired through a primary infection or their effects can be experienced through heredity.  It is sometimes thought that Hahnemann taught that all long-lasting diseases are caused by chronic miasms.
  • 34. MOST COMMON REMEDIES:- Aconite  For the treatment of acute, sudden, and violent invasion, with fever. Complaints and tension caused by exposure to cold weather , draught of cold air, checked perspiration  Panic crises: fear of imminent death, vertigo, numbness, tachycardia,(rapid pulse) palpitations, flushes. faintness; . fear with symptoms .anxious restlessness. First remedy to try where the onset is very sudden with fear.
  • 35. Apis:-  is a perfect match for clearing the itching and swelling of insect bites,bee stings, wasp, hornet, mosquito, and other flying insects. Use for rashes that have red, swelling marks like insect bites, such as with hives.
  • 36. BELLADONA:-  belladonna is used as a sedative, to stop bronchial spasms in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy. It is also used for Parkinson's disease, colic, motion sickness, and as a painkiller. Belladonna is used in ointments that are applied to the skin for joint pain (rheumatism), leg pain caused by a disc in the backbone pushing on the sciatic nerve (sciatica), and nerve pain (neuralgia). Belladonna is also used in plasters (medicine-filled gauze applied to the skin) for treating psychiatric disorders, a behavior disorder called hyperkinesis, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and bronchial asthma.
  • 37. Aloe :-  An excellent remedy to aid in re-establishing physiological equilibrium after much dosing, where disease and drug symptoms are much mixed.  Adapted to weary aged people.  Good for treatment of diarrhea.
  • 38. Nux vomica:-  People who have insomnia after over-indulgence in stimulants, food, and drink—or after overexertion, either physically or mentally—may benefit from this remedy. They may be able to drift off, but sleep is light, and they often awaken in the early morning (typically three a.m.) and lie awake for hours. On getting up, they are tense, impatient, and irritable, with a feeling that they sorely need more sleep.