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Homeopathic Medicine
  “Let likes be cured by likes”
          Bangkok 24-8-2012

       Fulvio Toso

   Homeopathic medicine and it’s history
   The Principles of homeopathic medicine
   How homeopathy differs from traditional
    medicine and herbals
   How homeopathic medicines are made
   How to use homeopathic medicines
   Compatibility, side effects and overdosing
   Example of homeopathy use
Alternative Medicine
   The use of alternative medicine is growing
    significantly everywhere in the world.
   According to a study published by JAMA, 4 out
    of 10 Americans use some form of alternative
   Between 1990-1997, visits to alternative medical
    practitioners rose 47%.
   The most common forms of alternative medicine
    are homeopathy, massage, meditation,
    therapeutic touch, acupuncture and herbal
    remedies. Lehne, 2004, pg. 1137
   1755 – 1845
   German - born in
   Qualified as doctor
   Increasingly
    disillusioned with
    the medical
    practices of the
Medicine of the Time
 Many varying ideas
 Poor & vague treatments

 Unscientific

 Unhygenic

  (no sterilization)
 Characterised by :

       Bloodletting
       Leeching
       Purging
What is Homeopathy?
   Homeopathy is a system of medicine whose
    principles are even older than Hippocrates.
   It seeks to cure in accordance with natural laws
    of healing and uses medicine made from natural
    substances: animal, vegetable, and mineral.
   “Discovered” in the early 1800s by a German
    physician, Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann
    became disillusioned with the brutal and
    senseless treatment methods (bleeding, purging,
    cautery and blistering) of the day.
    Homeopathic Medicine at Home. Panos and Heimlich. Page 9)

History of Homeopathy
   Late 1700’s – developed in Germany
     by Samuel Hahnemann
   1825 – Introduced in the US by
     Hans Burch Gram
   1835 – 1st homeopathic medical college –
    Allentown, Pennsylvania
   By the turn of the 20th century, 8 % of all
    American medical practitioners were homeopaths, and
    there were 20 homeopathic medical colleges and more
    than 100 homeopathic hospitals in the United States.
   Negatively affected by medical advances, including
    recognition of the mechanisms of disease and antiseptic
   Began to revive in the 1960’s

Complementary and
                 Alternative Medicine
   Traditional Alternative Medicine         Biologically Based
       Acupuncture                           Therapies
       Ayurveda                                   Dietary Supplements
       Homeopathy                                 Herbal Medicine
       Naturopathy
       Chinese/Oriental                     Manipulative and Body-
                                              Based Methods
   Mind-Body Interventions                        Chiropractics
       Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
                                                   Massage
       Meditation
       Biofeedback                          Energy Therapies
       Hypnosis                                   Electromagnetic Therapy
       Prayer
       Art, Music, Dance
Complementary and
             Alternative Medicine
   36% of adults are using some form of
   CAM is used greater by
       Women
       People with higher educational levels
       People who have been hospitalized in the
        past year
       Former smokers

Samuel Hahnemann and
          Homeopathic History
   Hahnemann eventually gave up the practice of
    medicine and turned to medical translating.
    While translating a Scottish professors medicine
    book he stumbled across the key to curing sick
    people. The author claimed that quinine
    (cinchona bark) could cure malaria because of
    its “astringent and bitter” qualities. Hahnemann
    decided to test it on himself and found that by
    taking quinine he could induce the symptoms of
    malaria in himself. He reasoned that malaria was
    cured by quinine, not because of its bitter taste
    but because the drug produces the symptoms of
    malaria in a healthy person.
Homeopathy History
   In 1890, there were 14,000 homeopaths
    compared to 100,000 conventional physicians.
   In some areas, one out of four physicians was a
   There were 22 homeopathic medical school and
    over 100 homeopathic hospitals.
   The rise of the drug industry after the Civil War
    changed the practice of medicine and by 1940’s
    the homeopathic physician was almost obsolete.
    (Panos and Heimlich, Homeopathic Medicine at Home, pg. 17)

Homeopathic Hospitals
The Royal
Hospital is one
of the few
hospitals in
the U.K.

Homeopathic Hospitals


Homeopathic Hospitals

Albany, NY

Homeopathic Hospitals

Hospital (left)
Hospital (right)
Homeopathic Hospitals

 Alexander II
c Hospital in

Homeopathic Hospitals

Homeopathy Statistics
   Homeopathy is alive and well in other parts of
    the world.
   Britain has over 200 homeopathic physicians.
   France has nearly 800 homeopathic physicians.
   India is the stronghold of homeopathy, with 124
    homeopathic medical schools.
   Mexico, as well as Brazil, Chile and Argentina
    have homeopathic colleges and many practicing

The Principles behind Homeopathic
     Homeopathy is based on three principles.
            #1 The Law of Similars

            #2 The Law of Proving
          #3 The Law of Potentization

First Principle of Homeopathy
   The Law of Similars : States that a
    remedy can cure a disease if it produces
    in a healthy person symptoms similar to
    those of the disease.
       How this law works in practice: A person
        develops a fever, with flushed face, dilated
        pupils, rapid heartbeat, and a feeling of
        restlessness. The homeopathic physician
        studies these symptoms, then searches for a
        remedy that produce all these symptoms in a
        healthy person.
Second Principle of
   The Law of Proving : This principle refers
    to the method of testing a substance to
    determine its medicinal effect. To prove a
    remedy, a group of healthy people are given a
    dose of the substance daily, and each person
    carefully records the symptoms experienced.
    When the proving is completed, all the
    symptoms that the people consistently
    experience are recorded and listed in the
    Materia Medica, a prescriber’s reference.
Third Principle of Homeopathy
   The Law of Potentization: This refers to the
    preparation of a homeopathic remedy. These
    medications are prepared by successive diluting and
    shaking to the point where the resulting medicine
    contains no molecules of the original substance. These
    small doses are called potencies. As strange as it may
    seem, the higher the dilution, the greater the potency of
    the medicine.
   A potentized remedy does not contain sufficient matter to
    act directly on the tissues, which means that
    homeopathic medicine is nontoxic and cannot cause side
    effects. In over 150 years of use, no homeopathic
    remedy has ever been recalled.

                                       On dilution, spherical
   Water molecules                     clusters appeared, which
    are thought to form                 were seen to aggregate
    clusters that may                   in steps resulting in a size
    be unique to the                    increase with decreasing
    original substance                  concentration.
    that was dissolved.
   Samal and
    discovered an
    inverse relationship
    between the
    aggregate size and
    concentration of
    the solutes.               Samal S and Geckeler KE. Chem Commun 2001; 2224-25.

A NOBEL laureate who discovered the
link between HIV and AIDS has
suggested there could be a firm scientific
foundation for homeopathy.

French virologist Luc Montagnier
presents information for detecting viral
infections that closely resembles the
principles of homeopathy .

At a time when Homeopathy is being
lambasted by the scientific and medical
community most aggressively in the UK,
this news comes as a surprise to neigh
Montagnier reports that solutions
containing the DNA of pathogenic
bacteria and viruses, including HIV,
"could emit low frequency radio waves"
that induced surrounding water 
molecules to become arranged into
"nanostructures". These water molecules,
he said, could also emit radio waves.
Protestors against
      History is replete with orthodox
       medicine and science being
       steadfastly resistant to different
       systems of medicine and paradigms
       of healing. Although , the average
       physician and scientist tends to be
       threatened by new ideas, a common
       attribute of leading physicians and
       scientists is a certain openness and
       humility due to the common and even
       expected evolution of knowledge.
Not placebo
   Witt et al. compared conventional treatment versus
    homeopathy.                 Physician assessment:

       Patient assessment:                      More favorable for
        Greater improvement                      children who had
        after homeopathic versus                 received homeopathic
        conventional treatment                   treatment

                         Witt C et al. Comp Ther Med 2005; 13: 79-86.
    Quality of life:
          Physical component score increased in
           homeopathically treated patients
          Mental component no significant difference

Witt C et al. Comp Ther Med 2005; 13: 79-86.
   Mostly derived from natural substances that
    come from plants, minerals, or animals
   Used to treat acute and chronic illnesses, as well
    as to prevent diseases
       Used most often to treat arthritis, asthma, colds, flu,
        and allergies
   The choice of medicine is based on a person’s
    total symptom picture.
   Homeopathic Pharmacopoeias contain
    guidelines for homeopathic remedies.

A Comparison of Homeopathy and
  Standard Medicine (Allopathy)
         Homeopathy                           Allopathy

   Symptoms are a healthy            Symptoms are
    reaction of the body’s             manifestations of the
    defense mechanism.                 disease, to be opposed or
   Treats the patient                 suppressed.
    according to the                  Treats the patient
    symptoms.                          according to the disease.
   The aim is to strengthen          The aim is to identify the
    the body so it can resist          organism and select a
    harmful organisms.                 drug to destroy the
                                       specific germ.
Some Homeopathic Medicine is
     used in Conventional Medicine
   A large number of
    homeopathic medicines
    were adopted by
    allopaths, and some are
    still being used today.
   One of the best known is
    nitroglycerine tablets.

A comparison of Homeopathy and

         Homeopathy
   Scientific medicine that                   Herbalism

    follows procedures of             Preparation depends on
    preparation.                       the herbalist’s intuition
   Prepared according to an           and experience.
    exact process and                 Uses a combination of a
    prescribed according to            number of herbs.
    the law of similars.              Many medicinal herbs are
   The potentized                     toxic. A self-help herbalist
    medication contains only           has no way of knowing
    minute amounts of the              what constitutes a “safe”
    original substance and is          dose.
How Homeopathic medicines are
   Homeopathic medicine is made in accordance to
    the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia CODEX and
    HAB in Europe and HPUS in the United States.
   Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the
   In 1938, Congress wrote the Food, Drug and
    Cosmetic Act and included homeopathic
    medicine as defined by the HPUS.
   The HPUS defines each remedy’s substance,
    lowest safe dilution, and initial method of
How Homeopathic medicines are made

หน่วยวัดของ Homeopathy จะแตกต่างจากหน่วยวัดโดยทั่วไป 
การคำานวณค่อนข้างซับซ้อนแต่จะอธิบายคร่าว ๆ ดังนี้ค่ะ
สำาหรับคำาถามที่ถามมานะคะ หน่วย 30C ก็คืำำอหน่วยของความเข้มข้น
การเตรียมยาแบบฮาห์เนมานน์โดยการนำาสารตั้งต้น (mother tincture)1 
นต่อตัวทำาละลาย (อัลกอฮอล์) 99 ส่วน แล้วมาทำาการกระแทก 

ทำาซำ้า ๆ กัน 30 ครั้งก็จะได้ความเข้มข้น 30CHส่วนหน่วยความเข้มข้น
ก็คือการนำาสารตั้งต้นมา1 ส่วนต่อตัวทำาละลาย 9ส่วน 
แล้วมาทำาการการกระแทกตามวิธฮาห์เนมานน์ทำาซำ้า ๆ กัน 30 
Natural Substance
Natural Substance



CH POTENCIES – Diluizioni Centesimali
All homoeopathic remedies have potency numbers. The potency numbers, which
follow the name of the homoeopathic remedies are indicative of the number of
dilutions and succussions from the original mother tincture. In a pharmacy
dilution and succussion are the potentisation steps. To make a Hahnemanian
remedy 1 part of the potency is added to 99 parts of solvent in a new flask and
succussed to make the next potency.
Hahnemann dilution (H, e.g., CH) - multiple flask method of preparation. 


However, for preparing potencies higher than 200C, the Korsakov method is
often employed. The Korsakovian method is simpler and quicker. Korsakov's
method involves using the same container for each serial dilution, while
Hahnemann's method uses a different container for each serial dilution.
Korsakovian dilutions (K, e.g., CK) - single flask method of preparation


The Korsakov method was adopted favourably by physicians and pharmacists.
Jahr stated, in 1841, "for dilutions one does not wish to keep, the obtained
dilution can be emptied out and the same flask can be filled with one hundred
drops and shaken one hundred times in order to achieve the next dilution".
Although Hahnemann's method is scientifically accurate, the Korsakovian
method lends itself well to computerisation and automation, rendering it the
preferred choice for very high potencies in many countries.
It is believed that by using the same container the final remedy contains the
energy pattern of all the potencies up to and including the final potency, allowing
the patients body to use the most effective potency for the condition.


Potencies: method

Pharmaceutical forms

Pharmaceutical forms

How Homeopathic medicines are made
        Mother Tinctures

How Homeopathic medicines are made
      Remedies & Diluitions

How Homeopathic medicines are made
      Remedies & Diluitions

How Homeopathic medicines are made
      Remedies & Diluitions

When and how to use Homeopathic
   Match the symptoms of the patient as closely as
    possible to the symptoms that were produced in
    healthy humans. (Law of similars)
   Give only one remedy at a time.
   Continue giving the remedy until improvement
    starts, then increase the interval between doses.
   Medicine should be taken in a clean mouth,
    placed on or under the tongue, free of food,
    drink, tobacco, toothpaste, mouthwash, mints or
    anything except plain water.
Compatibility with other
   Homeopathy is 100% compatible with
    other medications and will not interfere
    with the effectiveness of other medicines.
   Other medications may lessen the effects
    of homeopathy. Many remedies can be
    affected by strong odors, steroids or
    caffeine. (www.

Side Effects of Homeopathy
   “A homeopathic remedy does not
    cause side effects . When I prescribe, I
    do not have to worry, Is this drug safe? I
    have never heard of a homeopathic
    medicine being recalled for causing
    adverse side effects, which is an enviable
    record considering that these remedies
    have been in use for more than 150
( Homeopathic Medicine at Home, pg 29)

Can a Patient Overdose
   No! All remedies are only sold in very safe
    dilutions. (

   A homeopathic remedy, even an entire
    vial consumed at one gulp, is not toxic or
    poisonous. (Panos, Homeopathic Medicine at Home, pg. 43)

   Endrezzi et al. studied adverse drug
    events related to homeopathic encounters
    in 335 follow-up visits in 181 patients.
   9 (2.68%) adverse reactions were
   No medical therapy was required to treat
    any of the adverse events.
   Adverse events exist, but are rare and not

              Endrizzi C et al. Homeopathy 2005; 94: 233-240.
Observation: The key to prescribing
   Selecting a remedy that matches the totality of
    the symptoms.
   Two people may be “bitten” by the same bug,
    but react differently and require different
   Example of two people both exposed to
    streptococcus infection:
       Jane: flushed, restless, burning with heat, red throat, pounding
        head, thirstless, and acutely ill. According to her symptoms,
        Jane needed Belladonna, took it and recovered.
       Dick: Not so quick to show symptoms. Gradually became
        quieter, grew pale, and was very thirsty, he was irritable and
        developed a dry, racking cough. Dick needed Bryonia, and after
        taking a dose felt better.

Homeopathy and the
Treatment of Epidemic
                Statistics and information provided by:
   Julian Winston, Sandra J.Perko,”The Homeopathic Treatment of
                     Influenza” and extracts from
 W.A.Dewey M.D. University of Michigan, as reported in,” The Journal
  of The American Institute of Homeopathy,”1921and the Dec 1918
           edition of ,”The British Journal of Homeopathy.”
                Compiled by Sally Tamplin DSH MARH

Typhus Fever epidemic of

   When the epidemic came through Leipzig,
    Samuel Hahnemann,the founder of
    Homeopathy, was able to treat 180 cases
    of Typhus, losing only 2.

   The mortality rate for conventional
    medicine was 30%.
Self portrait with Dr.Arrieta
Goya - 1820
With kind permission from:
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
   Dr. Joseph Pulte, working in Cincinnati
    during the cholera epidemic of 1849,
    boasted that he did not lose a single

   People crowded to his door and stood in
    the street because his waiting room was
The 1830 - 1832 Cholera
   Samuel Hahnemann,the founder of
    Homeopathy, was able to identify the stages of
    the illness and predict what homeopathic
    remedies would be needed for which stages.

   When Cholera finally struck Europe the mortality
    rate under conventional treatment was between
    40% - 80% depending on the information
Dr.Quin of London reported the mortality
    in the 10 homeopathic hospitals in 1831 –
    1832 as 9%.
   Dr.Roth,homeopathic physician to the
    King of Bavaria, reported that the mortality
    was 7%.
   Admiral Mordoinow of The Imperial
    Russian Council reported 10% mortality
    under homeopathy.
The 1854 London
           Cholera Epidemic

   Under conventional care the mortality rate
    was 59.2% while under homeopathic care
    the mortality was only 9%.

The Hamburg Cholera
         epidemic of 1892

   The conventional mortality rate was
    42%.The homeopathic mortality rate was

Yellow Fever
   During the 1850’s there were several epidemics of
    Yellow Fever in the southern states. This disease was
    eventually found to be transmitted by mosquito.
   Dr.Osler reported that the conventional mortality rate
    was between 15 – 85%.
   In Natchez Dr.Holcombe,a homeopath, reported a
    mortality rate of 6.43% and Dr.Davis,another
    homeopath, reported a mortality rate of 5.73%.
   In 1878 the mortality rate in New Orleans was 50%
    under conventional care, and 5.6% (In 1,945 cases in
    the same epidemic) with homeopathic care.


   In the 1862 - 1864 records of Diphtheria in
    Broome County, New York the mortality
    rate for conventional care was 83.6% and
    the mortality rate for homeopathic care
    was 16.4%.

   Dr.Eizayaga of Argentina, tells of a Polio
    epidemic in Buenos Aires in 1957,where the
    symptoms of the epidemic resembled
   those of the homeopathic remedy Lathyrus
   The homeopathic doctors and pharmacies
    prescribed Lathyrus 30c as a prophylactic and
    thousands of doses were distributed. Nobody
    registered a case of contagion.
   Dr.Eizayaga pointed out that in other epidemics
    of Polio, the homeopathic remedy Gelsemium
    was the indicated remedy.
Homeopathic Lathyrus
   Affects the anterior and lateral columns of
    the spinal cord, causing many paralytic
    affections of the lower extremities.
   Useful in wasting and exhaustive diseases
    when there is weakness and heaviness
    and slow recovery of nerve power.
   Excessive rigidity of the legs, spastic gait.

   Every 10 to 30 years, the flu virus historically undergoes radical changes …..
   in which it is altered so completely that most of the world’s population has no
    immunity to it.
   During the Asian Flu of 1957 one million people worldwide died.
   During the Hong Kong Flu of 1968 750.000 people died worldwide.
   Sometimes a viral strain develops that is so deadly that it is known as a
    super virus. The Spanish Flu of 1928 – 1919 killed from 22 to 100 million
    people worldwide. It often struck young otherwise healthy people in less that
    48 hours.
   The Spanish Flu began as an ordinary flu with fever and aches and pains but
    it developed very rapidly often within a matter of hours into a much more
    serious and deadly lung infection.
   Virologists believe that the current Bird Flu has the potential to become the
    long overdue next super virus. According to reports so far ,bird Flu symptoms
    also seem to center on the lower respiratory tract, with rapid lung infection
    and difficult breathing.

The 1918 – 1919 Influenza
   “Homeopathic doctors rose to the challenge of
    the most appalling Influenza pandemic in history,
    and they did so without the fear and uncertainty
    that paralyzed their allopathic colleagues.”
   Dr.Frank Wieland of Chicago wrote;
   “In a plant of 8,000 workers there was only one
    death.Gelsemium was practically the only
    homeopathic remedy used, there was no use of
    either aspirin or vaccination.”

   Dean W.A .Pearson of Philadelphia
    collected 26,795 case of Influenza treated
    by homeopathic physicians. The mortality
    rate was 1.05% while the rate for
    conventional medicine was 30%.
   Dr.H.A.Roberts of Connecticut had 30
    physicians respond to his request for data.
    They reported 6.602 cases with 55 deaths,
    which is less than a 1% mortality rate.

   Dr.G.B. Stearns of New York collected through the International
    Hahnemannian Association 17,000 cases of Influenza with a
    mortality rate of 4%.
   Dr.T.A.Mc Cann of Ohio reported a 1,000 cases of Influenza with
    no loses. “Please give all credit to homeopathy.”
   Dr.A.B. Palmer of Seattle treated approx 500 cases which
    included pneumonia, he only lost two cases.
   Dr.F.A.Swartwout of Washington had 11 homeopathic physicians
    report 3,600 cases of Influenza with only 6 deaths.
   Dr.G.G.Bascomb of Lake Wilson, Minnesota reported 300 cases
    with no deaths.

   The homeopathic physicians avoided the use of aspirin and other drugs
    and had a low death rate.

   Dr,Arthur Grimmer declared:
   “The development of pneumonia is a rare occurrence if a good
    homeopathic physician was called during the first 24 hours of attack.”

   Dr.G.A.Wright of Forest Glen wrote:
   “I attended over one hundred cases without fatalities. I never deviated from
    the homeopathic remedy. I never gave aspirin.
   This epidemic should encourage us to renewed faith in homeopathy.”

   Dr.Dorothy Shepherd from England wrote:

   “One treated over 100,nearer 150 cases; both rich and poor,
    young and old, male and female; and the results were
    astonishing. The cases were not picked ones; some were
    seriously ill when first seen, with high temperatures and
    bronchial involvement, some had it mildly, and yet the
    temperatures in nearly all cases came down in twenty – four to
    forty – eight hours. They were kept strictly in bed for a week
    after the temperature was normal, kept on dilute fruit juice, no
    milk, no tea was allowed. And there was not a single death in
    the whole of this series and no subsequent complications.”

Why use homeopathy?
   Homeopaths do not waste valuable time trying to make a diagnosis. They
    do not need to name the disease in order to help patients.

   The patient’s symptoms are carefully noted and a remedy is prescribed
    according to that individual’s manifestation of the disease.

   In an epidemic a handful of homeopathic remedies tend to emerge in the
    area of geographical infection. These remedies become known as the
    genus epidemicus.These remedies can be used as a prophylaxis to protect
    people who have been exposed to the infection.

   Homeopathic remedies are gentle, safe, inexpensive and readily available.
    There is no known interaction with conventional medication.

   Homeopathy dispels FEAR .

   At present, officials tell us that the H5N1 Bird Flu has a
    50% mortality rate, meaning that it kills 1 out of every
    two people that it infects.
   By comparison the 1918 Spanish Flu had only a 5%
    mortality rate, yet it killed between 50 and 100 million
    people worldwide. If a pandemic with even a 5%
    mortality rate were to strike today,380 million people
    worldwide would die.
   If an influenza super – virus hit today ,it would take from
    6 – 9 months to make a vaccine for even half of the US
   There is only enough of the anti viral drug Tamiflu for
    about half the population.

   Symptoms tend to come on slowly .
   Sore throat and chills that run up and down the spine.
   Splitting headache that usually starts in the back of the head better
    after urinating.
   General feeling of fatigue and heaviness , legs feel weak and
    shaky, eye lids are droopy, head feels heavy and there may be
    double vision.
   Pain felt in the bones.
   Although there may be a fever, they do not sweat and they are not
    thirsty .
   Chills run up and down the spine, alternating with fever.
   They feel better in the fresh air and moving around. They feel worse
    in the early morning and late at night, in the sun and when exposed
    to tobacco smoke.

   Symptoms tend to come on slowly .
   Aches all over and worse from any kind of movement.
    There is usually a violent frontal headache that is made
    worse by coughing or even slightly moving the eyes. The
    headache feels better if firm pressure is applied.
   Dry, painful cough.
   Worse from any excitement,noise,touch,movement or
    bright light.
   Worse around 3am and 9pm.
   Dehydrated and they want to drink a lot of cold water but
    at infrequent intervals.
   Irritability , wants to be left alone and at home.
   May be worrying about work or financial problems .

   Flu with great restlessness and worry .
   Flu symptoms come on suddenly especially after
    exposure to cold dry wind, infection or from an emotional
    shock or fright.
   High fever , sore throat and a feeling of great worry and
   The individual is extremely restless and they feel better
    in the fresh air.
   They are feel better in the fresh air.
   They are worse in a warm room, in the evening or at
   Worse when exposed to tobacco smoke or hearing

   This is the main remedy that we think of in times
    of acute trauma, accident and injury.
   People in an arnica state usually send onlookers
    away saying," I'm fine , there's nothing wrong
    with me." when usually it is evident that they are
    very sick or injured.
   Individuals suffering from the flu may complain
    that the bed feels too hard and they fear
    some one approaching and touching their body
    because it is so sore.
   They may desire sour drinks and alcohol.
   This remedy is useful when an acute illness affects the
    nervous system .
   The individual may be extremely restless and
    anxious , they may express fear of death and do not
    want to be left alone.
   They will be very chilly , their face will be pale and they
    will have an anxious expression.
   Their pains are generally burning in nature, feeling like
    hot needles and are better from hot applications.
   They will be thirsty and only able to drink in small sips.
   They are generally worse between 1 and 2 am.
   Vomiting and diarrhea are extremely common
    Arsenicum symptoms.
   Flu with a high fever and a feeling of being bruised all
   Useful for a flu that comes on suddenly and the
    individual feels bruised and sore all over.
   The body and limbs feel as if they are scattered and all
    in bits.
   There is profuse sweating and an intense thirst.
   The face is dull red in color and people who need this
    remedy look dazed and sluggish as if they may fall
    asleep at any time.
   This is an excellent remedy for gastric flu where there
    is much vomiting and diarrhea.
   High fever that comes on suddenly usually as a
    result of exposure to infection or from the head getting
    cold, wet or overheated.
   The face is flushed and bright red , the throat is sore
    and the eyes are wide and staring ,the pupils are
    dilated , there is possible confusion and delirium.
   The individual feels better when they stand or sit upright
    and in a warm room.
   They are worse from any noise or bright light or
   Worse from lying down.
   Symptoms tend to affect the right side of the body.
   This remedy is for the most terrible of flus.
   The individual may be restless and unable to sleep.
   The pains are so severe that the bones feel broken.
   The muscles ache and feel sore and bruised, everything
   The individual feels worse for any kind of movement.
   They have a bursting headache and sore eyes.
   Lots of sneezing, the nose is runny, the chest is sore and
    coughing makes the head hurt.
   The patient wants ice cold water although it
    brings on violent chills in the small of the back.
   There is little sweat but if they do sweat everything feels
    better except the head.

   People in a mercurius state have
    extremely bad breath , they have more
    salivation that normal and they are
    extremely thirsty.

   Flu with great irritability and over sensitivity.
   People in this state are highly sensitive, they
    become easily irritated,impatient,angry and
    easily offended.
   They are chilly and want to be warmly wrapped
   They are extremely sensitive to light, noise and
   People in this state are often constipated and
    have frequent ineffectual urging and a sense of
   People in a Rhus Tox state are extremely restless ,
    they want to move about all of the time, there is a lot of
    aching and stiffness in the joints which is worse on first
    starting to move and after sitting or lying down for a
    while. The pains ease up after some movement and then
    return again requiring the individual to rest again.
   They may be anxious, weepy and worse at night.
   People in this state may have a fear of being
    poisoned .
   They may have a red triangular tip to their tongue.

   Take the indicated remedy in a 30c potency.
   According to the severity of the symptoms, take
    more often if the symptoms are severe – every
    1-2 hours and less often - every 3 -4 hours if
    they are not too bad.
   If you have taken more than 4 doses and have
    had no response then consider another remedy
    or seek professional help.

Questions to consider
   There is a growing popularity of alternative
    medicine, especially homeopathic
   What are some explanations you have
    heard from patients or friends who use
    alternative medicine?
   How would you counsel a patient who
    wants to try homeopathic medicine?

It is well known that the Royal Family patronizes
homeopathy and has appointed an official Royal
homeopathic physician since the mid-19th century.
Not so well known is this interesting homeopathic
snippet uncovered by the UK Daily Mail for the
Queen's Jubilee. They report:

"For her extended foreign tours, the Queen’s
luggage can weigh more than four tons — and that
includes 60 vials of homeopathic medicines, carried
in a special leather case, without which she won’t
travel anywhere. She is a firm believer in alternative
remedies, preferring them to conventional
medicine. She has even been known to treat one of
her corgis homeopathically after the animal cut its
foot. She bathed the wound in a special ointment
and the injured paw was healed within days. When
she was asked why she used the treatment, she
replied: ‘If it’s good enough for me, it should be
good enough for my dogs.“

Singer-songwriter Paul McCartney  

Former Beatles member and singer-
songwriter Paul McCartney is a great fan of
homeopathy. "I can't manage without
homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere
without homeopathic remedies. I often
make use of them," he says.
He was introduced to homeopathy by his
wife Linda, who saw the great results of
homeopathy when she could not get rid of
When first diagnosed with tonsillitis she
was prescribed a course of antibiotics
which only provided temporary relief – her
symptoms soon returned. When she
consulted a homeopathic doctor, however,
her symptoms not only went away rapidly;
they never returned.

(Photo of Paul McCartney from
   Learn Homeopathy. Retrieved January 2005
   Lehne, R.A., (2004). Pharmacology for nursing
    care. (5th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders.
   Panos, M.B. & Heimlich, J., (1980).
    Homeopathic Medicine at Home. New York:
    Penguin Putnum Inc.

   Endrizzi C, Rossi E, Crudeli L, Garibaldi D. Harm in homeopathy:
    Aggravations, adverse drug events or medication errors? Homeopathy
    2005; 94: 233-240.
   Frye, JC. Herbal and homeopathic medicine: Understanding the difference.
    Seminars in Integrative Medicine 2003; 1: 158-66.
   Linde K, Clausius N, Ramirez G, Melchart D, Eitel F, Hedges LV, Jonas
    WB. Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis
    of placebo-controlled trials. Lancet 1997; 350: 834-43.
   Linde K, Scholz M, Ramirez G, Clausius N, Melchart D, Jomas WB. Impact
    of study quality on outcome in placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy. J
    Clin Epidemiol 1999; 52; 631-36.
   Samal S and Geckeler KE. Unexpected solute aggregation in water on
    dilution. Chem Commun 2001; 2224-25.
   Shang A, Huwiler-Műntener K, Nartey L, Jűni P, Dörig S, Sterne JAC,
    Pewsner D, Egger M. Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo
    effects? Comparitive study of placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy and
    allopathy. Lancet 2005; 366: 726-32.
   Vickers A and Zollman C. ABC of complementary medicine: Homeopathy.
    BMJ 1999; 319: 1115-18.
   Witt C, Keil T, Dagmar S, Roll S, Vance W, Wegscheider K, Willich SN.
    Outcome and costs of homeopathic and conventional treatment strategies:
    A comparative cohort study in patients with chronic disorders. Comp Ther
    Med 2005; 13: 79-86.
Homeopathic Medicine
   “Let likes be cured by likes”
           Bangkok 24-8-2012

         THANK YOU

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  • 1. Homeopathic Medicine “Let likes be cured by likes” Bangkok 24-8-2012 Fulvio Toso
  • 2. Outline  Homeopathic medicine and it’s history  The Principles of homeopathic medicine  How homeopathy differs from traditional medicine and herbals  How homeopathic medicines are made  How to use homeopathic medicines  Compatibility, side effects and overdosing  Example of homeopathy use
  • 3. Alternative Medicine  The use of alternative medicine is growing significantly everywhere in the world.  According to a study published by JAMA, 4 out of 10 Americans use some form of alternative medicine.  Between 1990-1997, visits to alternative medical practitioners rose 47%.  The most common forms of alternative medicine are homeopathy, massage, meditation, therapeutic touch, acupuncture and herbal remedies. Lehne, 2004, pg. 1137
  • 4. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN  1755 – 1845  German - born in Dresden  Qualified as doctor 1799  Increasingly disillusioned with the medical practices of the time
  • 5. Medicine of the Time  Many varying ideas  Poor & vague treatments  Unscientific  Unhygenic (no sterilization)  Characterised by :  Bloodletting  Leeching  Purging
  • 6. What is Homeopathy?  Homeopathy is a system of medicine whose principles are even older than Hippocrates.  It seeks to cure in accordance with natural laws of healing and uses medicine made from natural substances: animal, vegetable, and mineral.  “Discovered” in the early 1800s by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann became disillusioned with the brutal and senseless treatment methods (bleeding, purging, cautery and blistering) of the day.  Homeopathic Medicine at Home. Panos and Heimlich. Page 9)
  • 7. History of Homeopathy  Late 1700’s – developed in Germany by Samuel Hahnemann  1825 – Introduced in the US by Hans Burch Gram  1835 – 1st homeopathic medical college – Allentown, Pennsylvania  By the turn of the 20th century, 8 % of all American medical practitioners were homeopaths, and there were 20 homeopathic medical colleges and more than 100 homeopathic hospitals in the United States.  Negatively affected by medical advances, including recognition of the mechanisms of disease and antiseptic techniques  Began to revive in the 1960’s
  • 8. Complementary and Alternative Medicine  Traditional Alternative Medicine  Biologically Based  Acupuncture Therapies  Ayurveda  Dietary Supplements  Homeopathy  Herbal Medicine  Naturopathy  Chinese/Oriental  Manipulative and Body- Based Methods  Mind-Body Interventions  Chiropractics  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  Massage  Meditation  Biofeedback  Energy Therapies  Hypnosis  Electromagnetic Therapy  Prayer  Art, Music, Dance
  • 9. Complementary and Alternative Medicine  36% of adults are using some form of CAM  CAM is used greater by  Women  People with higher educational levels  People who have been hospitalized in the past year  Former smokers
  • 10. Samuel Hahnemann and Homeopathic History  Hahnemann eventually gave up the practice of medicine and turned to medical translating. While translating a Scottish professors medicine book he stumbled across the key to curing sick people. The author claimed that quinine (cinchona bark) could cure malaria because of its “astringent and bitter” qualities. Hahnemann decided to test it on himself and found that by taking quinine he could induce the symptoms of malaria in himself. He reasoned that malaria was cured by quinine, not because of its bitter taste but because the drug produces the symptoms of malaria in a healthy person.
  • 11. Homeopathy History  In 1890, there were 14,000 homeopaths compared to 100,000 conventional physicians.  In some areas, one out of four physicians was a homeopath.  There were 22 homeopathic medical school and over 100 homeopathic hospitals.  The rise of the drug industry after the Civil War changed the practice of medicine and by 1940’s the homeopathic physician was almost obsolete. (Panos and Heimlich, Homeopathic Medicine at Home, pg. 17)
  • 12. Homeopathic Hospitals The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital is one of the few homeopathic hospitals in the U.K.
  • 16. Homeopathic Hospitals  Alexander II Homeopathi c Hospital in St. Petersburg. Russia
  • 17. Homeopathic Hospitals
  • 18. Homeopathy Statistics  Homeopathy is alive and well in other parts of the world.  Britain has over 200 homeopathic physicians.  France has nearly 800 homeopathic physicians.  India is the stronghold of homeopathy, with 124 homeopathic medical schools.  Mexico, as well as Brazil, Chile and Argentina have homeopathic colleges and many practicing physicians.
  • 19. The Principles behind Homeopathic Medicine  Homeopathy is based on three principles.  #1 The Law of Similars #2 The Law of Proving #3 The Law of Potentization
  • 20. First Principle of Homeopathy  The Law of Similars : States that a remedy can cure a disease if it produces in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease.  How this law works in practice: A person develops a fever, with flushed face, dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, and a feeling of restlessness. The homeopathic physician studies these symptoms, then searches for a remedy that produce all these symptoms in a healthy person.
  • 21. Second Principle of Homeopathy  The Law of Proving : This principle refers to the method of testing a substance to determine its medicinal effect. To prove a remedy, a group of healthy people are given a dose of the substance daily, and each person carefully records the symptoms experienced. When the proving is completed, all the symptoms that the people consistently experience are recorded and listed in the Materia Medica, a prescriber’s reference.
  • 23. Third Principle of Homeopathy  The Law of Potentization: This refers to the preparation of a homeopathic remedy. These medications are prepared by successive diluting and shaking to the point where the resulting medicine contains no molecules of the original substance. These small doses are called potencies. As strange as it may seem, the higher the dilution, the greater the potency of the medicine.  A potentized remedy does not contain sufficient matter to act directly on the tissues, which means that homeopathic medicine is nontoxic and cannot cause side effects. In over 150 years of use, no homeopathic remedy has ever been recalled.
  • 24. Mechanism  On dilution, spherical  Water molecules clusters appeared, which are thought to form were seen to aggregate clusters that may in steps resulting in a size be unique to the increase with decreasing original substance concentration. that was dissolved.  Samal and Geckeler discovered an inverse relationship between the aggregate size and concentration of the solutes. Samal S and Geckeler KE. Chem Commun 2001; 2224-25.
  • 25. A NOBEL laureate who discovered the link between HIV and AIDS has suggested there could be a firm scientific foundation for homeopathy. French virologist Luc Montagnier presents information for detecting viral infections that closely resembles the principles of homeopathy . At a time when Homeopathy is being lambasted by the scientific and medical community most aggressively in the UK, this news comes as a surprise to neigh sayers. Montagnier reports that solutions containing the DNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, including HIV, "could emit low frequency radio waves" that induced surrounding water molecules to become arranged into "nanostructures". These water molecules, he said, could also emit radio waves.
  • 26. Protestors against homeopathy  History is replete with orthodox medicine and science being steadfastly resistant to different systems of medicine and paradigms of healing. Although , the average physician and scientist tends to be threatened by new ideas, a common attribute of leading physicians and scientists is a certain openness and humility due to the common and even expected evolution of knowledge.
  • 27. Not placebo  Witt et al. compared conventional treatment versus homeopathy.  Physician assessment:  Patient assessment: More favorable for Greater improvement children who had after homeopathic versus received homeopathic conventional treatment treatment Witt C et al. Comp Ther Med 2005; 13: 79-86.
  • 28. Quality of life:  Physical component score increased in homeopathically treated patients  Mental component no significant difference Witt C et al. Comp Ther Med 2005; 13: 79-86.
  • 29. Treatment  Mostly derived from natural substances that come from plants, minerals, or animals  Used to treat acute and chronic illnesses, as well as to prevent diseases  Used most often to treat arthritis, asthma, colds, flu, and allergies  The choice of medicine is based on a person’s total symptom picture.  Homeopathic Pharmacopoeias contain guidelines for homeopathic remedies.
  • 30. A Comparison of Homeopathy and Standard Medicine (Allopathy)  Homeopathy Allopathy   Symptoms are a healthy  Symptoms are reaction of the body’s manifestations of the defense mechanism. disease, to be opposed or  Treats the patient suppressed. according to the  Treats the patient symptoms. according to the disease.  The aim is to strengthen  The aim is to identify the the body so it can resist organism and select a harmful organisms. drug to destroy the specific germ.
  • 31. Some Homeopathic Medicine is used in Conventional Medicine Today  A large number of homeopathic medicines were adopted by allopaths, and some are still being used today.  One of the best known is nitroglycerine tablets.
  • 32. A comparison of Homeopathy and Herbalism  Homeopathy  Scientific medicine that Herbalism  follows procedures of  Preparation depends on preparation. the herbalist’s intuition  Prepared according to an and experience. exact process and  Uses a combination of a prescribed according to number of herbs. the law of similars.  Many medicinal herbs are  The potentized toxic. A self-help herbalist medication contains only has no way of knowing minute amounts of the what constitutes a “safe” original substance and is dose. nontoxic.
  • 33. How Homeopathic medicines are made  Homeopathic medicine is made in accordance to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia CODEX and HAB in Europe and HPUS in the United States.  Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA.  In 1938, Congress wrote the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and included homeopathic medicine as defined by the HPUS.  The HPUS defines each remedy’s substance, lowest safe dilution, and initial method of preparation.
  • 34. How Homeopathic medicines are made
  • 36. หน่วยวัดของ Homeopathy จะแตกต่างจากหน่วยวัดโดยทั่วไป  การคำานวณค่อนข้างซับซ้อนแต่จะอธิบายคร่าว ๆ ดังนี้ค่ะ สำาหรับคำาถามที่ถามมานะคะ หน่วย 30C ก็คืำำอหน่วยของความเข้มข้น ของวิธี การเตรียมยาแบบฮาห์เนมานน์โดยการนำาสารตั้งต้น (mother tincture)1  ส่ว นต่อตัวทำาละลาย (อัลกอฮอล์) 99 ส่วน แล้วมาทำาการกระแทก  (succussion)ตามวิธ๊ฮาห์เนมานน์ ทำาซำ้า ๆ กัน 30 ครั้งก็จะได้ความเข้มข้น 30CHส่วนหน่วยความเข้มข้น 30X ก็คือการนำาสารตั้งต้นมา1 ส่วนต่อตัวทำาละลาย 9ส่วน  แล้วมาทำาการการกระแทกตามวิธฮาห์เนมานน์ทำาซำ้า ๆ กัน 30  ๊
  • 38. CH POTENCIES – Diluizioni Centesimali
  • 40. All homoeopathic remedies have potency numbers. The potency numbers, which follow the name of the homoeopathic remedies are indicative of the number of dilutions and succussions from the original mother tincture. In a pharmacy dilution and succussion are the potentisation steps. To make a Hahnemanian remedy 1 part of the potency is added to 99 parts of solvent in a new flask and succussed to make the next potency.   Hahnemann dilution (H, e.g., CH) - multiple flask method of preparation.
  • 41. However, for preparing potencies higher than 200C, the Korsakov method is often employed. The Korsakovian method is simpler and quicker. Korsakov's method involves using the same container for each serial dilution, while Hahnemann's method uses a different container for each serial dilution.   Korsakovian dilutions (K, e.g., CK) - single flask method of preparation
  • 42. The Korsakov method was adopted favourably by physicians and pharmacists. Jahr stated, in 1841, "for dilutions one does not wish to keep, the obtained dilution can be emptied out and the same flask can be filled with one hundred drops and shaken one hundred times in order to achieve the next dilution". Although Hahnemann's method is scientifically accurate, the Korsakovian method lends itself well to computerisation and automation, rendering it the preferred choice for very high potencies in many countries.   It is believed that by using the same container the final remedy contains the energy pattern of all the potencies up to and including the final potency, allowing the patients body to use the most effective potency for the condition.
  • 43. Potencies: method
  • 44. Pharmaceutical forms
  • 45. Pharmaceutical forms
  • 46. How Homeopathic medicines are made Mother Tinctures
  • 47. How Homeopathic medicines are made Remedies & Diluitions
  • 48. How Homeopathic medicines are made Remedies & Diluitions
  • 49. How Homeopathic medicines are made Remedies & Diluitions
  • 50. When and how to use Homeopathic medicines  Match the symptoms of the patient as closely as possible to the symptoms that were produced in healthy humans. (Law of similars)  Give only one remedy at a time.  Continue giving the remedy until improvement starts, then increase the interval between doses.  Medicine should be taken in a clean mouth, placed on or under the tongue, free of food, drink, tobacco, toothpaste, mouthwash, mints or anything except plain water.
  • 51. Compatibility with other medications  Homeopathy is 100% compatible with other medications and will not interfere with the effectiveness of other medicines.  Other medications may lessen the effects of homeopathy. Many remedies can be affected by strong odors, steroids or caffeine. (www.
  • 52. Side Effects of Homeopathy  “A homeopathic remedy does not cause side effects . When I prescribe, I do not have to worry, Is this drug safe? I have never heard of a homeopathic medicine being recalled for causing adverse side effects, which is an enviable record considering that these remedies have been in use for more than 150 years.” ( Homeopathic Medicine at Home, pg 29)
  • 53. Can a Patient Overdose  No! All remedies are only sold in very safe dilutions. (  A homeopathic remedy, even an entire vial consumed at one gulp, is not toxic or poisonous. (Panos, Homeopathic Medicine at Home, pg. 43)
  • 54. Safety  Endrezzi et al. studied adverse drug events related to homeopathic encounters in 335 follow-up visits in 181 patients.  9 (2.68%) adverse reactions were reported.  No medical therapy was required to treat any of the adverse events.  Adverse events exist, but are rare and not severe. Endrizzi C et al. Homeopathy 2005; 94: 233-240.
  • 55. Observation: The key to prescribing  Selecting a remedy that matches the totality of the symptoms.  Two people may be “bitten” by the same bug, but react differently and require different remedies.  Example of two people both exposed to streptococcus infection:  Jane: flushed, restless, burning with heat, red throat, pounding head, thirstless, and acutely ill. According to her symptoms, Jane needed Belladonna, took it and recovered.  Dick: Not so quick to show symptoms. Gradually became quieter, grew pale, and was very thirsty, he was irritable and developed a dry, racking cough. Dick needed Bryonia, and after taking a dose felt better.
  • 56. Homeopathy and the Treatment of Epidemic Disease Statistics and information provided by: Julian Winston, Sandra J.Perko,”The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza” and extracts from W.A.Dewey M.D. University of Michigan, as reported in,” The Journal of The American Institute of Homeopathy,”1921and the Dec 1918 edition of ,”The British Journal of Homeopathy.” Compiled by Sally Tamplin DSH MARH
  • 57. Typhus Fever epidemic of 1813  When the epidemic came through Leipzig, Samuel Hahnemann,the founder of Homeopathy, was able to treat 180 cases of Typhus, losing only 2.  The mortality rate for conventional medicine was 30%.
  • 58. Self portrait with Dr.Arrieta Goya - 1820 With kind permission from: Minneapolis Institute of Arts
  • 59. Cholera  Dr. Joseph Pulte, working in Cincinnati during the cholera epidemic of 1849, boasted that he did not lose a single patient.  People crowded to his door and stood in the street because his waiting room was full.
  • 60. The 1830 - 1832 Cholera Epidemic  Samuel Hahnemann,the founder of Homeopathy, was able to identify the stages of the illness and predict what homeopathic remedies would be needed for which stages.  When Cholera finally struck Europe the mortality rate under conventional treatment was between 40% - 80% depending on the information sources.
  • 61. Dr.Quin of London reported the mortality in the 10 homeopathic hospitals in 1831 – 1832 as 9%.  Dr.Roth,homeopathic physician to the King of Bavaria, reported that the mortality was 7%.  Admiral Mordoinow of The Imperial Russian Council reported 10% mortality under homeopathy.
  • 62. The 1854 London Cholera Epidemic  Under conventional care the mortality rate was 59.2% while under homeopathic care the mortality was only 9%.
  • 63. The Hamburg Cholera epidemic of 1892  The conventional mortality rate was 42%.The homeopathic mortality rate was 15.5%.
  • 64. Yellow Fever  During the 1850’s there were several epidemics of Yellow Fever in the southern states. This disease was eventually found to be transmitted by mosquito.  Dr.Osler reported that the conventional mortality rate was between 15 – 85%.  In Natchez Dr.Holcombe,a homeopath, reported a mortality rate of 6.43% and Dr.Davis,another homeopath, reported a mortality rate of 5.73%.  In 1878 the mortality rate in New Orleans was 50% under conventional care, and 5.6% (In 1,945 cases in the same epidemic) with homeopathic care.
  • 65. Diphtheria  In the 1862 - 1864 records of Diphtheria in Broome County, New York the mortality rate for conventional care was 83.6% and the mortality rate for homeopathic care was 16.4%.
  • 66. Polio  Dr.Eizayaga of Argentina, tells of a Polio epidemic in Buenos Aires in 1957,where the symptoms of the epidemic resembled  those of the homeopathic remedy Lathyrus sativa.  The homeopathic doctors and pharmacies prescribed Lathyrus 30c as a prophylactic and thousands of doses were distributed. Nobody registered a case of contagion.  Dr.Eizayaga pointed out that in other epidemics of Polio, the homeopathic remedy Gelsemium was the indicated remedy.
  • 67. Homeopathic Lathyrus Sativa  Affects the anterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, causing many paralytic affections of the lower extremities.  Useful in wasting and exhaustive diseases when there is weakness and heaviness and slow recovery of nerve power.  Excessive rigidity of the legs, spastic gait.
  • 68. INFLUENZA  Every 10 to 30 years, the flu virus historically undergoes radical changes …..  in which it is altered so completely that most of the world’s population has no immunity to it.  During the Asian Flu of 1957 one million people worldwide died.  During the Hong Kong Flu of 1968 750.000 people died worldwide.  Sometimes a viral strain develops that is so deadly that it is known as a super virus. The Spanish Flu of 1928 – 1919 killed from 22 to 100 million people worldwide. It often struck young otherwise healthy people in less that 48 hours.  The Spanish Flu began as an ordinary flu with fever and aches and pains but it developed very rapidly often within a matter of hours into a much more serious and deadly lung infection.  Virologists believe that the current Bird Flu has the potential to become the long overdue next super virus. According to reports so far ,bird Flu symptoms also seem to center on the lower respiratory tract, with rapid lung infection and difficult breathing.
  • 69. The 1918 – 1919 Influenza pandemic  “Homeopathic doctors rose to the challenge of the most appalling Influenza pandemic in history, and they did so without the fear and uncertainty that paralyzed their allopathic colleagues.”  Dr.Frank Wieland of Chicago wrote;  “In a plant of 8,000 workers there was only one death.Gelsemium was practically the only homeopathic remedy used, there was no use of either aspirin or vaccination.”
  • 70. Dean W.A .Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 case of Influenza treated by homeopathic physicians. The mortality rate was 1.05% while the rate for conventional medicine was 30%.  Dr.H.A.Roberts of Connecticut had 30 physicians respond to his request for data. They reported 6.602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than a 1% mortality rate.
  • 71. Dr.G.B. Stearns of New York collected through the International Hahnemannian Association 17,000 cases of Influenza with a mortality rate of 4%.  Dr.T.A.Mc Cann of Ohio reported a 1,000 cases of Influenza with no loses. “Please give all credit to homeopathy.”  Dr.A.B. Palmer of Seattle treated approx 500 cases which included pneumonia, he only lost two cases.  Dr.F.A.Swartwout of Washington had 11 homeopathic physicians report 3,600 cases of Influenza with only 6 deaths.  Dr.G.G.Bascomb of Lake Wilson, Minnesota reported 300 cases with no deaths.
  • 72. The homeopathic physicians avoided the use of aspirin and other drugs and had a low death rate.  Dr,Arthur Grimmer declared:  “The development of pneumonia is a rare occurrence if a good homeopathic physician was called during the first 24 hours of attack.”  Dr.G.A.Wright of Forest Glen wrote:  “I attended over one hundred cases without fatalities. I never deviated from the homeopathic remedy. I never gave aspirin.  This epidemic should encourage us to renewed faith in homeopathy.”
  • 73. Dr.Dorothy Shepherd from England wrote:  “One treated over 100,nearer 150 cases; both rich and poor, young and old, male and female; and the results were astonishing. The cases were not picked ones; some were seriously ill when first seen, with high temperatures and bronchial involvement, some had it mildly, and yet the temperatures in nearly all cases came down in twenty – four to forty – eight hours. They were kept strictly in bed for a week after the temperature was normal, kept on dilute fruit juice, no milk, no tea was allowed. And there was not a single death in the whole of this series and no subsequent complications.”
  • 74. Why use homeopathy?  Homeopaths do not waste valuable time trying to make a diagnosis. They do not need to name the disease in order to help patients.  The patient’s symptoms are carefully noted and a remedy is prescribed according to that individual’s manifestation of the disease.  In an epidemic a handful of homeopathic remedies tend to emerge in the area of geographical infection. These remedies become known as the genus epidemicus.These remedies can be used as a prophylaxis to protect people who have been exposed to the infection.  Homeopathic remedies are gentle, safe, inexpensive and readily available. There is no known interaction with conventional medication.  Homeopathy dispels FEAR .
  • 75. H5N1  At present, officials tell us that the H5N1 Bird Flu has a 50% mortality rate, meaning that it kills 1 out of every two people that it infects.  By comparison the 1918 Spanish Flu had only a 5% mortality rate, yet it killed between 50 and 100 million people worldwide. If a pandemic with even a 5% mortality rate were to strike today,380 million people worldwide would die.  If an influenza super – virus hit today ,it would take from 6 – 9 months to make a vaccine for even half of the US population.  There is only enough of the anti viral drug Tamiflu for about half the population.
  • 76. Gelsemium  Symptoms tend to come on slowly .  Sore throat and chills that run up and down the spine.  Splitting headache that usually starts in the back of the head better after urinating.  General feeling of fatigue and heaviness , legs feel weak and shaky, eye lids are droopy, head feels heavy and there may be double vision.  Pain felt in the bones.  Although there may be a fever, they do not sweat and they are not thirsty .  Chills run up and down the spine, alternating with fever.  They feel better in the fresh air and moving around. They feel worse in the early morning and late at night, in the sun and when exposed to tobacco smoke.
  • 77. Bryonia  Symptoms tend to come on slowly .  Aches all over and worse from any kind of movement. There is usually a violent frontal headache that is made worse by coughing or even slightly moving the eyes. The headache feels better if firm pressure is applied.  Dry, painful cough.  Worse from any excitement,noise,touch,movement or bright light.  Worse around 3am and 9pm.  Dehydrated and they want to drink a lot of cold water but at infrequent intervals.  Irritability , wants to be left alone and at home.  May be worrying about work or financial problems .
  • 78. ACONITE  Flu with great restlessness and worry .  Flu symptoms come on suddenly especially after exposure to cold dry wind, infection or from an emotional shock or fright.  High fever , sore throat and a feeling of great worry and fear.  The individual is extremely restless and they feel better in the fresh air.  They are feel better in the fresh air.  They are worse in a warm room, in the evening or at night.  Worse when exposed to tobacco smoke or hearing music.
  • 79. ARNICA  This is the main remedy that we think of in times of acute trauma, accident and injury.  People in an arnica state usually send onlookers away saying," I'm fine , there's nothing wrong with me." when usually it is evident that they are very sick or injured.  Individuals suffering from the flu may complain that the bed feels too hard and they fear some one approaching and touching their body because it is so sore.  They may desire sour drinks and alcohol.
  • 80. ARSENICUM  This remedy is useful when an acute illness affects the nervous system .  The individual may be extremely restless and anxious , they may express fear of death and do not want to be left alone.  They will be very chilly , their face will be pale and they will have an anxious expression.  Their pains are generally burning in nature, feeling like hot needles and are better from hot applications.  They will be thirsty and only able to drink in small sips.  They are generally worse between 1 and 2 am.  Vomiting and diarrhea are extremely common Arsenicum symptoms.
  • 81. BAPTISIA  Flu with a high fever and a feeling of being bruised all over.  Useful for a flu that comes on suddenly and the individual feels bruised and sore all over.  The body and limbs feel as if they are scattered and all in bits.  There is profuse sweating and an intense thirst.  The face is dull red in color and people who need this remedy look dazed and sluggish as if they may fall asleep at any time.  This is an excellent remedy for gastric flu where there is much vomiting and diarrhea.
  • 82. BELLADONNA  High fever that comes on suddenly usually as a result of exposure to infection or from the head getting cold, wet or overheated.  The face is flushed and bright red , the throat is sore and the eyes are wide and staring ,the pupils are dilated , there is possible confusion and delirium.  The individual feels better when they stand or sit upright and in a warm room.  They are worse from any noise or bright light or movement.  Worse from lying down.  Symptoms tend to affect the right side of the body.
  • 83. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM  This remedy is for the most terrible of flus.  The individual may be restless and unable to sleep.  The pains are so severe that the bones feel broken.  The muscles ache and feel sore and bruised, everything hurts.  The individual feels worse for any kind of movement.  They have a bursting headache and sore eyes.  Lots of sneezing, the nose is runny, the chest is sore and coughing makes the head hurt.  The patient wants ice cold water although it brings on violent chills in the small of the back.  There is little sweat but if they do sweat everything feels better except the head.
  • 84. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS  People in a mercurius state have extremely bad breath , they have more salivation that normal and they are extremely thirsty.
  • 85. NUX VOMICA  Flu with great irritability and over sensitivity.  People in this state are highly sensitive, they become easily irritated,impatient,angry and easily offended.  They are chilly and want to be warmly wrapped up.  They are extremely sensitive to light, noise and odors.  People in this state are often constipated and have frequent ineffectual urging and a sense of incompletion.
  • 86. RHUS TOXICODENDRON  People in a Rhus Tox state are extremely restless , they want to move about all of the time, there is a lot of aching and stiffness in the joints which is worse on first starting to move and after sitting or lying down for a while. The pains ease up after some movement and then return again requiring the individual to rest again.  They may be anxious, weepy and worse at night.  People in this state may have a fear of being poisoned .  They may have a red triangular tip to their tongue.
  • 87. Dosage  Take the indicated remedy in a 30c potency.  According to the severity of the symptoms, take more often if the symptoms are severe – every 1-2 hours and less often - every 3 -4 hours if they are not too bad.  If you have taken more than 4 doses and have had no response then consider another remedy or seek professional help.
  • 88. Questions to consider  There is a growing popularity of alternative medicine, especially homeopathic medicine.  What are some explanations you have heard from patients or friends who use alternative medicine?  How would you counsel a patient who wants to try homeopathic medicine?
  • 89. It is well known that the Royal Family patronizes homeopathy and has appointed an official Royal homeopathic physician since the mid-19th century. Not so well known is this interesting homeopathic snippet uncovered by the UK Daily Mail for the Queen's Jubilee. They report: "For her extended foreign tours, the Queen’s luggage can weigh more than four tons — and that includes 60 vials of homeopathic medicines, carried in a special leather case, without which she won’t travel anywhere. She is a firm believer in alternative remedies, preferring them to conventional medicine. She has even been known to treat one of her corgis homeopathically after the animal cut its foot. She bathed the wound in a special ointment and the injured paw was healed within days. When she was asked why she used the treatment, she replied: ‘If it’s good enough for me, it should be good enough for my dogs.“
  • 90. Singer-songwriter Paul McCartney   Former Beatles member and singer- songwriter Paul McCartney is a great fan of homeopathy. "I can't manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them," he says. He was introduced to homeopathy by his wife Linda, who saw the great results of homeopathy when she could not get rid of hertonsillitis. When first diagnosed with tonsillitis she was prescribed a course of antibiotics which only provided temporary relief – her symptoms soon returned. When she consulted a homeopathic doctor, however, her symptoms not only went away rapidly; they never returned. (Photo of Paul McCartney from Shutterstock)
  • 92. References  Learn Homeopathy. Retrieved January 2005 from  Lehne, R.A., (2004). Pharmacology for nursing care. (5th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders.  Panos, M.B. & Heimlich, J., (1980). Homeopathic Medicine at Home. New York: Penguin Putnum Inc.
  • 93. Resources   Endrizzi C, Rossi E, Crudeli L, Garibaldi D. Harm in homeopathy: Aggravations, adverse drug events or medication errors? Homeopathy 2005; 94: 233-240.  Frye, JC. Herbal and homeopathic medicine: Understanding the difference. Seminars in Integrative Medicine 2003; 1: 158-66.  Linde K, Clausius N, Ramirez G, Melchart D, Eitel F, Hedges LV, Jonas WB. Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials. Lancet 1997; 350: 834-43.  Linde K, Scholz M, Ramirez G, Clausius N, Melchart D, Jomas WB. Impact of study quality on outcome in placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy. J Clin Epidemiol 1999; 52; 631-36.  Samal S and Geckeler KE. Unexpected solute aggregation in water on dilution. Chem Commun 2001; 2224-25.  Shang A, Huwiler-Műntener K, Nartey L, Jűni P, Dörig S, Sterne JAC, Pewsner D, Egger M. Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? Comparitive study of placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy and allopathy. Lancet 2005; 366: 726-32.  Vickers A and Zollman C. ABC of complementary medicine: Homeopathy. BMJ 1999; 319: 1115-18.  Witt C, Keil T, Dagmar S, Roll S, Vance W, Wegscheider K, Willich SN. Outcome and costs of homeopathic and conventional treatment strategies: A comparative cohort study in patients with chronic disorders. Comp Ther Med 2005; 13: 79-86.
  • 94. Homeopathic Medicine “Let likes be cured by likes” Bangkok 24-8-2012 THANK YOU ขอบคุณ ครับ

Editor's Notes
