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Samuel Hahnemann
• Founder of Homeopathy
• Picture from the London
  Homoeopathic Hospital
Samuel Hahnemann
• Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician
  who earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in
• Scientific advances were beginning to be seen
  in the fields of
  – chemistry,
  – physics,
  – physiology and
  – anatomy.
Old Schools
• superstition and lack of scientific rigor.
• The treatments of the day,
  – purgatives,
  – bleeding,
  – blistering plasters,
  – herbal preparations
  – emetics
• lacked a rational basis and were more harmful
  than effective.
Discovering homeopathy
• While translating William Cullen's A treatise
  of the materia medica into German,
  Hahnemann was struck by a passage that deal
  with cinchona bark, which was used to treat
Discovering homeopathy
• Cullen described its mechanism of action as a
  function of its stomach-strengthening properties.

• Hahnemann did not accept this explanation and
  took "four good drams of Peruvian bark, twice a
  day for several days" to attempt to characterize
  the action of the quinine-containing bark.
• Hahnemann reported that he began to develop
  symptoms identical to those of malaria.
Discovering homeopathy
• He concluded from this experience that
  effective drugs must produce symptoms in
  healthy people that are similar to the diseases
  they will be expected to treat.
• Today this principal is known as the "Law of
  Similars" and is the basis for the use of the
  term homeopathy ("similar suffering").
Experimental stage
• Hahnemann and colleagues began to test various substances
  to determine the types of symptoms they produced.
• These results suggested to Hahnemann what the drugs would
  be useful to treat.
Experimental stage
• With reduction of the dose to infinitesimal levels by multiple
  serial dilutions of ten or hundred fold .
• Soluble compounds or liquids were diluted in alcohol;
  insoluble materials were serially diluted by grinding with
Experimental stage
• Hahnemann practiced Homeopathic medicine
  for almost 50 years until his death in 1843
Spiritual Vital Force
• In the healthy condition of human,
• the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that
   – animates the material body (organism),
   – rules with unbounded sway,
   – retains all the parts of the organism in admirable,
     harmonious, vital operation, as regards both
      • sensations and
      • functions,
• So mind can freely employ this living, healthy
  instrument for the higher purpose of our
Spiritual Vital Force
...The material organism,
 without the vital force,
       is capable of
      no sensation,
       no function,
   no self-preservation
Spiritual Vital Force
                    it derives
               all sensation, and
       performs all the functions of life
      by means of the immaterial being
              (the vital principle)
which animates the material organism in health
     and in disease (Organon, sixth edition)
Causes of disease

• Hahnemann believed that the cause
  of disease is the disturbance of this
  vital or life force.
• Disturbances in the vital force
  manifest themselves as specific
Causes of disease
• The Law of Susceptibility deals with the
  invasion of the body by diseases.
Law of Susceptibility
• The Law implies that
  a negative state of
  mind attracts disease
  entities called miasms
  to enter and/or
  invade the body.
Causes of disease
Miasms can be acquired
   – acutely
   – congenital
   – latent,
   – negative experience
   – normal aging
trigger their appearance as
   – a symptom
   – as disease.
Causes of disease

• Hahnemann argues that specific treatment of
  such symptoms by opposing their action, as in
  conventional medicine, is not useful in
  treating disease because the disturbance in
  the vital force remains.
• Only correction of the underlying disturbance
  in the vital force can cure disease.
Like cures like
Similia similibus curentur (Like cures like)
• Hahnemann recognized that many natural
  products produce pharmacological or
  toxicological effects, which he refers to as
• He believed that substances that produce
  symptoms similar to a given disease should be
  used to treat that disease.
Like cures like
• He felt that the artificially induced
  disease (caused by the medicine) would
  push aside the pathologic disturbance in
  the vital force and replace it with this
  new, pharmacologically-induced
  disturbance in the vital force.
• The body could then overcome this
  artificial disturbance and a cure would
  be effected.
Hahnemann's words
              Like cures like
• This disease-manifestation no longer exists for
  the principle of life which is now occupied and
  governed merely by the stronger, artificial
• This artificial disease-manifestation has soon
  spent its force and leaves the patient free
  from disease, cured.
• The dynamise, thus freed, can now continue
  to carry life on in health.
Dynamization and Dilution
• Hahnemann recognized that the use of
  substances that cause symptoms similar to an
  existing disease would acutely aggravate the
  condition and present other side effects.
• Thus he advocated the dilution of the
  substance to the point where the symptoms
  were no longer present.
Dynamization and Dilution
• Dilutions are performed as ten or one
  hundred fold steps.
• Dilutions of 1:10 are designated in the U.S. by
  the Roman Numeral X
  – 1X = 1/10,
  – 2X = 1/100,
  – 3X = 1/1000, etc.
Dynamization and Dilution
• Dilutions of 1:100 are designated by the
  Roman Numeral C
  – 1C = 1/100,
  – 2C = 1/10,000,
  – 3C = 1/1,000,000, etc.
Dynamization and Dilution
• Liquids are diluted with alcohol (ethanol),
  water, or alcohol/water mixtures, whereas
  insoluble powders are diluted with lactose
  (milk sugar).
Water Molecules Arrangement
Dynamization and Dilution
Hahnemann writes of this proposed phenomenon by analogy
  to magnetism:
• "Only after (a) bar of steel is dynamized, rubbing it with a
  dull file in one direction, will it become a true active
  powerful magnet, one able to attract iron and steel to itself
  and impart to another bar of steel by mere contact and
  even some distance away, magnetic power and this in a
  higher degree the more it has been rubbed.
Dynamization and Dilution
• A the 12C (or 24X) dilution, there is a 50/50
  chance of one molecule being present.
Dynamization and Dilution
• The dilution at which one would expect to
  have only one molecule does depend upon
  the starting number of molecules,
• Assuming that we started with all the atoms
  estimated to be in the universe, about 6x1079,
  then we end up with a 50% chance to have
  one molecule left at 40C (or 80X),
• Still far more concentrated than the 200C
  dilutions that are commonly dispensed.
• The process of dilution combined with
  succession to increase healing potency runs
  counter to the modern principles of
• Conventional practitioners and homeopaths
  generally agree that the amount of active
  substance present in a homeopathic remedy is
  too small to have an effect on its own (this is
  why they can be marketed over the counter as
• This dilution is equivalent to one molecule
  diluted in a sphere the size of the orbit of
  Neptune! Thus, high potency homeopathic
  remedies contain 100% vehicle and no active
• To attempt determine which
  homeopathic remedies would
  be best for various ailments,
  Hahnemann and others
  engaged in a series of provings.
• In what can be viewed as early
  clinical trials of natural
  substances, Hahnemann and
  others self- administered
  pharmacologically active doses
  of many different substances,
  then carefully recorded the
  symptoms that resulted in a
  materia medica.
• These provings were based on
  Hahnemann's early study of
  cinchona bark
• Hahnemann stressed that homeopaths should
  add to the materia medica with his own
• The homeopathic treatment of a patient begins with careful
  history taking and observation of the patient.
• A list of the patient's symptoms is developed and can be
  determined from the materia medica or compared to a
• The materia medica contains the results of provings of
  thousands of substances.
• The idea is to match the patients symptoms as closely as
  possible to the symptoms listed for a given substance in the
  materia medica.
• The prescription is based on the symptoms
  and the behavior of the patient.
• Hahnemann believed that a single remedy
  should be given at a time, to prevent
  interference between two or more remedies.
• The response to treatment is believed to
  follow the Laws of the Cure, which state:
  – A remedy begins to work at the top of the body
    and progresses downward.
  – A remedy works from the inside out; from major
    to minor organs
  – Symptoms go away in the reverse of their order of
Definition and Measure of Health
• define what "health" is,
• what is the target or goal of treatment is,
• in what direction the patient should be guided
  during his treatment.
Definition and Measure of Health
• When the pain is gone,
• when the inflammation has subsided,
• when a bothersome symptom has
• when the pathology is no longer evident,
the patient usually is pronounced cured.
Definition and Measure of Health
• Yet there may be long-term disturbances
  caused by the treatment, especially in deeper
  or more subtle parts of the human organism
  such as the immune or hormonal systems or,
  even worse, in the mental or emotional
  planes, that are not taken into consideration.
Definition and Measure of Health
• Such an objective is almost impossible to attain
  through treatment with allopathic drugs, and
  that only through some form of alternative
  medicine practiced correctly, such as:
   –   Homeopathy,
   –   Acupuncture,
   –   Osteopathy,
   –   Naturopathy, etc.,
• can the potential for such a goal be realized.
The Definition of Health for the
            Physical Body
• Disease, whether expressed through pain,
  discomfort or weakness, always tends to
  restrict the individual.
• Its opposite, health, gives a sense of freedom.
The Three Planes of Health
• Physical Body
• Emotional Plane
• Mental-Spiritual Level
The Definition of Health for the
            Physical Body
• Every
  – pain,
  – discomfort,
  – uneasiness,
  – distress or
  – weakness of the physical body
• results in a limitation of freedom and a feeling
  of bondage to the pain or discomfort.
The Definition of Health for the
            Physical Body
• The individual necessarily directs all his
  attention to the pain, to the exclusion of
  everything else, and of course loses his
  general sense of well-being.
The Definition of Health for the
            Physical Body
• Health is freedom from pain in the
  physical body, having attained a state of
The Definition of Health on the
           Emotional Plane
• Excessive, inordinate passion for anything
  shows a degree of imbalance within the
  emotional plane.
The Definition of Health on the
           Emotional Plane
• Passion for a cause, that brings the individual
  to the point where he does destructive
  actions against others is definitely a diseased
  state rather than justified idealism.
The Definition of Health on the
           Emotional Plane
• Certainly the opposite of passion - apathy - is
  no more desirable.
• Apathy is an extremely unhealthy emotional
  state, very much similar to the idea of death.
The Definition of Health on the
           Emotional Plane
• What is desirable is a state of serenity and
  calm that is dynamic and creative, not passive,
  indifferent or destructive - a state where love
  and positive emotions prevail, as opposed to
  hatred and other negative emotions.
The Definition of Health on the
         Emotional Plane
• Passion comes from weakness rather
  than strength on the emotional
The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane

    Health on the emotional plane
      freedom from passion,
         having as a result
a dynamic state of serenity and calm.
The Definition of Health on the
       Mental-Spiritual Level
one must identify the most important mental-
               spiritual qualities,
             which if disturbed
 may seriously injure the mental equilibrium.
The Definition of Health on the
         Mental-Spiritual Level
• After much deliberation I have come to the
  conclusion that peace of mind can be
  drastically affected by
  – egotism,
  – selfishness and
  – acquisitiveness.
• The more egotistical and selfish an individual
  is, the greater his potential for mental
The Definition of Health on the
          Mental-Spiritual Level
It is a known fact that a person who is
  very egotistical can be quite upset
  when his
  – authority,
  – knowledge
  – attainments
are challenged.
The Definition of Health on the
        Mental-Spiritual Level
• The same "shocks" that can set off an
  egotist and destroy him can leave a
  humble man almost unaffected.
Example of Mental-Spiritual Reaction
• An egotistical industrialist who fails in his
  business and loses his factory cares more about
  the opinion that others now have of him than
  the fate of the families, including his own, that
  will have no means to support themselves.
Example of Mental-Spiritual Reaction
• It is his ego that has been hurt.
• Even if he has plenty to live on without the
  factory, he will feel miserable after the failure
  and is bound to develop a host of symptoms
  because of his "false" and selfish grief.
The Definition of Health on the
         Mental-Spiritual Level
• In a similar way, acquisitiveness could become
  the core of mental disturbance.
• Can you imagine how an avaricious man might
  react to the loss of his physical wealth and the
  deep symptomatology that could result?
The Definition of Health on the
         Mental-Spiritual Level
• Hardly anyone today is totally free from the
  feelings of egotism, selfishness and
The Definition of Health on the
         Mental-Spiritual Level
• We speak about the insanity of Hitler, Idi Amin
  Dada, even of the captain in charge of the
  Titanic whose arrogance cost the lives of
The Definition of Health on the
         Mental-Spiritual Level
• In our own way, every one of us is dealing with
  similar issues on a smaller scale.
• This "disease" called egotism and selfishness seems
  to be universal.
• That is why the saints were admired and
  worshipped ; everyone believed that they actually
  managed to subdue their egotism and sacrifice their
  own lives for the sake of others.
Mental-Spiritual Level
            Although rare,
       this "saint-like" attitude
    is the healthiest to possess;
             in such a state
true peace of mind and happiness is
The Definition of Health on the
        Mental-Spiritual Level
                mental health is
Freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere,
               having as a result
         total unification with Truth.
The whole definition of Health
• Health is
  – freedom from pain in the physical body,
  – a state of well being; freedom from passion on the
    emotional plane, resulting in a dynamic state of
    serenity and calm; and
  – freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere,
    having as a result total unification with Truth.
• A truly healthy individual should therefore
  combine both divine qualities of Love and
Q and A
• If we cure somebody of asthma and as a consequence he
  develops a heart condition, how do we know that this new
  state of health is better or worse than his previous
• If we treat a patient with a cardiac condition and he
  improves, but after a certain period of time he develops a
  phobic state or an anxiety neurosis, can we say that the
  treatment benefited the patient?
• If we treat rheumatic patient, so that the pain was better,
  meanwhile his stomach got ill
Center of gravity
• In order for a treatment
  to be successful it has to
  push the disorder's
  center of gravity more
  and more to the
  peripheral, the skin being
  the final avenue of
  expression, leaving the
  deepest parts of the
  human being - his mental
  and emotional levels -
Creation vs Destruction
• A good parameter for measuring the health of
  an individual is the degree to which he is free
  to create.
• Anybody who is basically healthy will seek to
  create rather than destroy.
• The person action promotes the interests and
  good of oneself and others.
Creation vs Destruction
• To the degree that one commits destructive
  acts toward either himself or others, the
  degree to which he is diseased is apparent.
What is 'constitutional homeopathy'?
 there must be a proper in-depth case taking
        understanding of the patient
       matched to one single remedy.
What is 'constitutional homeopathy'?
     To be able to find one single remedy
      (sometimes called the 'simillimum')
                that will address
  the patient’s symptoms in their entirety,
   it is necessary to understand as much as
    possible about the whole of the person's
What is 'constitutional homeopathy'?
         The patient may have several complaints
     that they have not initially seen as being related,
              from a homeopath's perspective
                       every symptom,
                both emotional and physical,
       no matter how obscure or where it’s located,
       is part of the person's expression of disease,
      the homeopath will be looking for a coherence
                    covers that expression
                      one single remedy.
What is 'constitutional homeopathy'?
• By cross referencing
   –   the remedies suitable for one symptom
   –   with those for other symptoms,
   –   and taking past traumas,
   –   suppression and
   –   aetiology into account,
• Some remedies occur in more of the headings, or
  strongly represented than others.
• These top remedies will then be checked in the
  Materia Medica to further narrow down the options,
• Just one is found that matches the totality of
  symptoms; that then is the homeopathic remedy, the
What is 'constitutional homeopathy'?
• Not every patient is suitable for this method
• e.g. due to current allopathic medication or
  other 'maintaining causes' it may not be
• but the homeopath can still help by using
  alternative methods until their treatment
  progresses them to a level where it can be
What is 'constitutional homeopathy'?
1. curing the problem you initially came with,
2. improve your overall health and well being,
3. lessen your general susceptibility to illness;
      it improves your whole constitution!
  it's importance in Classical Homeopathy
Why the single dose?
• It may be difficult to believe a single dose of a
  homeopathic medicine can cure deep seated
  conditions, especially if we are used to following
  allopathic regimes where a pill was to be taken
  several times a day for a week or longer.
• Remember though that in homeopathy we are
  only looking for one remedy that is homeopathic
  to the whole of the disease in all its
THE SINGLE DOSE - it's importance in
        Classical Homeopathy
• individualisation - the matching of one
  patient's symptoms to one remedy
• "what's the remedy for eczema, or the
  remedy for asthma" etc.? (i.e.non-holistic) -
  and it won't work that way because it just
  can't be applied that way
• investigations, the ascertainable physical
  constitution of the patient (especially when the
  disease is chronic),
  –   his moral and intellectual character,
  –   his occupation,
  –   mode of living and
  –   habits,
  –   his social and domestic relations,
  –   his age,
  –   sexual function, etc.,
• are to be taken into consideration.
• What happens in a homeopathic consultation
• the homepath listens very carefully to the
  patient describing their problem
• takes comprehensive notes so he or she can
  remember in exact detail what was said,
• so when it comes to repertorising, the
  different headings can be chosen precisely.
• More questions that haven't already been covered may
  then be asked in regard to
   –   symptoms
   –   medical history
   –   allopathic medications,
   –   vaccinations,
   –   supplements,
   –   dietary preferences,
   –   emotional traumas,
   –   physical traumas,
   –   stress,
   –   lifestyle,
   –   sleep and
   –   dreams, etc.
• because it is surprising how often seemingly unrelated
  events in our life can have a bearing on our health.
• Homeopathy does not focus on disease
  diagnosis, but on the totality of the symptoms
  and individual as a whole, and because of the
  nature of this initial consultation, clients often
  find it therapeutic in itself.
• Remember there are no remedies specifically
  for named diseases in homeopathy, only for
  symptoms, so to differentiate between the
  remedies we have to differentiate between
  the symptoms.
Emotional and mental symptoms in
    homeopathic case-taking
            In chronic conditions
the association between the physical and the
    mental/emotional may be less obvious
and require sensitive investigation to reveal,
             in acute conditions
the association between the physical and the
  mental/emotional is usually very evident.
Emotional and mental symptoms in
    homeopathic case-taking
              in chronic illness
       the patient is quite aware that
their physical suffering is accompanied by a
               change in mood,
                if they aren't,
      those around them usually are!
Emotional and mental symptoms in
      homeopathic case-taking
• The mental/emotional aspect may be really
• Example
  – anxiety with asthma,
  – the delirium of a fever,
  – the whining or screaming of a teething toddler
  – Etc…
Emotional and mental symptoms in
      homeopathic case-taking
• It may be clear, but not understood to have a
  role in differentiating the remedy
• Example
  – Dysmenorrhoea with jealousy
  – Weepiness
  – Anger
  – Etc…
Emotional and mental symptoms in
      homeopathic case-taking
• it may be covert
• Example
  – IBS from long held indignation,
  – high blood pressure from chronically unexpressed
  – Etc..
Emotional and mental symptoms in
      homeopathic case-taking
• it may be that the physical symptoms appear have
  no direct relation to a change in the
  mental/emotional sphere, then it is the mental
  attributes discernable from the patients overall
  character which are used,
• Example
   – benign prostate enlargement in retired business
     man, with a domineering personality
Emotional and mental symptoms in
      homeopathic case-taking
• Unlike some schools of thought which insist on a
  psychological (or 'psychospiritual') causation behind
  every physical ailment, homeopathy doesn't
  automatically assume this psychosomatic
  connection, even though it does recognise such
  aetiology when it is evident.
   – (e.g. fainting caused by a fright,
   – or ulcers from anxiety).
• It is the chosen remedy's homeopathicity
  which rights the problem, not psychoanalysis.




• Every emotion you feel has an effect on your
  body, every thought you have involves a
  neurological process, every physical change
  from the norm is accompanied by a
  corresponding mental/emotional state.
• Sometimes it will be obvious, sometimes
  subtle, (sometimes denied, but denial is an
  emotional state too).
• Yet the idea of treating the body and mind
  separately (allopathy) ignores this truth and
  so how can it be the in the best interests of
  the patient?

• "The cure of the part should not be attempted
  without treatment of the whole.
• No attempt should be made to cure the body
  without the soul and, if the head and body are to
  be healthy, you must begin by curing the mind...
  for this is the great error of our day in the
  treatment of the human body, that physicians
  first separate the soul from the body" - Written
  by Plato in the fifth century BC, echoed by
  Hahnemann two centuries ago and just as true
  today as it ever was.
• Therefore homeopathy, a holistic system,
  always honours the body-mind connection,
  both in the casetaking and in the choice of
• Its remedies are effective for, and
  simultaneously treat, both mental/emotional
  and physical conditions, whether they appear
  to exist separately or together.
SUPRESSION in homeopathic case-
What is Suppression?
• Suppression occurs whenever the patients
  symptoms go against the DIRECTION OF CURE,
  that is, the medicine (or any other
  circumstances) works against the body's vital
  energy, causing the disease state to go deeper
  into the constitution, resulting in greater ill
  health and a more chronic disease.
SUPRESSION in homeopathic case-
• Suppression is not always immediately
  apparent but can develop insidiously
• Suppression is not (generally) recognized by
  allopathy as a problem, rather as a solution,
  whereas in homeopathy it is considered as
  dangerous and something to be avoided at all
• Suppression is often the AETIOLOGY
  (causation) of another ailment
SUPRESSION in homeopathic case-
• The consequences of suppression are
  widespread and homeopathic literature is
  bedecked with cases illustrating how a
  patient's suffering has been increased as a
  result of allopathic suppression
SUPRESSION in homeopathic case-
• Suppression should be differentiated from
  side effects of allopathic treatments -
  suppression only occurs when the direction of
  cure is thwarted
SUPRESSION in homeopathic case-
The good news is:
• not all allopathic treatment is suppressive
  – e.g. pain relief. (although it may still have side
• homeopathic treatment will undo suppression.
SUPRESSION in homeopathic case-
An example:
• When eczema is suppressed with hydrocortisone
  creams or tar based preparations and then
  subsequently the patient develops asthma.
• Here the eczema has been suppressed resulting
  in a deeper condition of asthma
  – (this problem was even reported in the Sunday
• Better to use homeopathy which can cure
  without suppressing.
Cured cases
• Homeopathic Cured Cases
Cured cases
• Author                Title   Medicines

• Johnson, David         A Lac Canis Latrans Case                Lac Canis
• Sridharan, Sowmya Losing Weight, Looking Old - A Case of Bronchial
  Asthma                                                 Phosphorus
• English, Mary          A Case of Apis to Help Nephrotic Syndrome
    ``                                                   Apis
• Lewis, Elaine Revisitng: Cold Gone Bad!                Rhus-tox
• Johnson, David         Quarrelsome and Needy With Menorrhagia
• Kulkarni, Ajit Revisting: Case of Miss K. P.           Platina
• Lewis, Elaine Revisting: "Mickey Moose" Has The Sneezies
                                                         Nux vomica
Cured cases
• Maver, Jennifer   A Case of Chronic Inflammatory demyelinative
  Poly Neuropathy Disease Plumbum met.
• Andrews, Julie    A Most Difficult Case
• Scase, Genevieve Crotalus Cascavella and a Splash of Colour
                            Crotalus Cascavella
• Johnson, David    Praseodymium bromatum in Fibromyalgia
                            Praseodymium bromatum
• Chauhan, Dinesh I Love Heart
                            Tilea Cordata
• Assilmen, Melissa A Case of Chronic Fatigue - The Metaphoric Story
                            Calcarea mur.
• D'Souza, Leela    Brain Stem/Pontine Haemorrhage in Coma
• During the casetaking process though,
  the patient may also reveal a symptom
  or a sensation, that draws attention
  because it is unusual (the more unusual
  the better as far as the homeopath is
  concerned) and which we refer to as
  'strange, rare and peculiar'.
• These symptoms should not be waived
  aside as not fitting in with our
  preconceptions, but have special
  emphasis placed on them as being
  something to differentiate and clearly
  portray the individuality of the case,
  whether we understand it or not.
     homeopathic case-taking
• Some symptoms in the remedy's Matera
  Medica are quite unusual too (when remedies
  are 'proved', the provers often record
  symptoms that fall under the heading
  'strange, rare and peculiar').
     homeopathic case-taking
• These symptoms are unlikely to be common
  to many remedies so if we also find this
  'strange, rare and peculiar' symptom in a
  patient and also in a remedy, then the
  homeopathic match is made all the easier for
     homeopathic case-taking
• Consequently (and although it might be
  irrelevant to an allopathic doctor, and the
  patient may even be shy of mentioning it), the
  more strange, rare and peculiar a patient's
  symptom is, the greater help it is to the
  homeopath because the less remedies there
  are which are likely to have that SRP
     homeopathic case-taking
• This once again underlines the difference
  between allopathic and homeopathic
• Allopathy looks for symptoms that are
  common in order to make a diagnosis
  whereas homeopathy looks for symptoms
  that are uncommon in order to individualise.
Examples of just a few SRPs:
  internally (3) : croc., mosch., spig.

• GENERALITIES; SHOT, rolling through
  the arteries, sensation of (K1400,
  SRII-581, G1154) (1) : nat-p.
Examples of just a few SRPs:
• GENERALITIES; VAPORS, smoke, fumes, as of, internally (22)
  : ars., apisin., bar-c., brom., bry., camph., carb-v., chin.,
  ferr., ign., ip., lyc., merc., mosch., nux-v., par., puls., rhus-t.,
  sabad., thuj., verat., zinc.

• GENERALITIES; WIND, draft, sensation of (K1422, SRII-760,
  G1171) (53) : Chel., Lyss., cist., laur., mez., mosch., nux-v.,
  acon., agar., asaf., asar., bar-c., calc., camph., canth., caps.,
  caust., chin., cimic., coloc., cor-r., croc., cub., cupr., graph.,
  hep., lac-d., lach., med., naja, nat-m., ol-an., olnd., petr.,
  ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., ran-b., rhus-t., sabin., samb., sep.,
  spig., squil., stram., sulph., syph., ther., thuj., thyr., valer.,
Causation (AETIOLOGY) in
•   its importance in case-taking
•   Causations (aetiology) –
     –   Shocks,
     –   traumas,
     –   injuries,
     –   poisons,
     –   diet,
     –   drugs,
     –   vaccinations,
     –   stresses,
     –   surgery,
     –   bad weather, etc.,
•   are the roots of many acute and chronic disorders and weakness.
Causation (AETIOLOGY) in
• Knowing the causative agent in any given problem
  often makes finding the remedy that much easier.
• It is sometimes possible to prescribe just the best
  known remedy for the cause, or prescribe
  tautologically, and see all manner of conditions
  dependant on that cause clear up from this remedy,
  even though sometimes it may not have the
  particular symptoms in the remedy picture.
• If a patient has not had good health since a particular
• i.e. if they have 'never been well since' that time
• and even though a condition may have existed for
  years changing slowly over time, they may still need
  the remedy today that would have been needed at the
  time of the incident.
• Despite it apparently not covering the particulars of
  the case, once given it may clear up all the problems
  that have developed since, from that single situation.
• The power of prescriptions based on NBWS should not
  be underestimated
• A very useful aid to visualisation and for
  working out which remedy was applicable at
  which time of life, is to plot the major events
  on a line between birth and the present.
Susceptability in homeopathy
• What is susceptability?
• Susceptability is our inherited and
  aquired predispositions to illness,
  whether it be physical, mental/emotional
  or both.
Susceptability in homeopathy
• The type or nature of our susceptabilities will
  depend firstly on those miasms we inherited
  before birth and secondly on those miasms
  and dyscrasias we aquired since birth.
• We all know that it's down to susceptability
  that some poeple are allergic to peanuts yet
  others can eat them with impunity; that some
  people get hay fever and others don't.
Susceptability in homeopathy
• So we know which illness's that we do or don't
  get depends on our susceptabilities and that
  we all have some degree of susceptability -
  even the strongest and healthiest among us
  have our achillies heal.
Susceptability in homeopathy
• Modern science has taught us that it's largely down to
  genetics so we can understand how influences like red
  hair skip a generation or will come up in one child but
  not another; just as do our traits of weakness and
• The reason this is important in homeopathy is because
  it relates to individualisation and to miasmatic
  understanding, and therefore to remedy choice and
  also because it enables us to understand changes that
  may occur in our susceptability, as that doesn't
  neccesarily remain static - it can change as a
  consequence of trauma or other influences (e.g.
Miasms in homeopathy
• He associated miasms with specific diseases
  that had dogged mankind throughout the
• The 'Psora’ miasm(underfunction).
• the 'Sycotic' miasm (overfunction)
• the 'Leutic' miasm (self-destructive).
• the Tubercular miasm (restriction)
• the Cancer miasm (suppression).
Miasms in homeopathy
• The top Psoric remedy is said to be Sulphur,
• The top Sycotic remedy is Thuja,
• The top Leutic remedy is Mercury.
• Thus knowing which miasm is dominant in a case helps
  to determine the remedy. E.g. Itchy skin is an symptom
  of underfunction and therefore Psoric, so Sulphur will
  be considered.
• Warts are a symptom of overfunction and therefore
  Sycotic, and so Thuja will be considered.
• Ulcers are a symptom of self-destruction and therefore
  Leutic, so Mercury will be considered.
Miasms in homeopathy
• Most remedies can be said to be multi-
• ACUTE prescribing is where homeopathy is used
  for acute conditions like
  –   stings,
  –   bruises,
  –   sprains,
  –   food poisoning,
  –   influenza,
  –   measles,
  –   mumps,
  –   diarrhoea and vomiting,
  –   any acute inflammatory or infectious disease
In acute prescribing:
• The effect of the remedies is quickly used up; they
   may need frequent repetition and they only affect
   the immediate condition.
• the remedy can usually be found with a minimum of
• it doesn't usually profoundly improve your physical
  and emotional well being and susceptibilities,
  beyond resolving the immediate condition (unlike
  constitutional prescriptions).
• sometimes several remedies may be used in quick
  succession (e.g.. flu may need Gels. to start, then
  Eup-per, the Kali-p then influenzinum, as the disease
  progresses through its various stages).
• it is reasonable to treat yourself and your family for
  common uncomplicated conditions.
• When a patient has an acute condition before
  we can decide on a course of action,
• has the patient recently been prescribed a
  constitutional remedy?
• Acutes caused by a constitutional remedy are
  a healing process and should not be treated
  unless harm could come to the patient)
• Sometimes an apparently well chosen remedy doesn't
  work. Why?
• One possibility is that there is a block to cure
• A block to cure can be physical or emotional and related to:
   –   work
   –   Relationships
   –   Lifestyle
   –   current medication
   –   toxicity
   –   past surgery or injury
   –   other environmental (external) influences
   –   Miasm
• A block to cure is anything that prevents cure
  from the prescribed constitutional remedy
  (simillimum) alone.
• The block to cure needs to be addressed first and
  separately before a deeper acting remedy can be
• Sometimes this can be done by changing
  prescribing methods i.e. giving a homeopathic
  remedy specifically for the block itself , or it may
  be that the block needs other strategies to
  resolve it.
You cannot cure starvation with homeopathy
      can you stop a radioactive fallout

although you may be treat some side effects of
• For example
• stress at work or in a relationship may
  override the patients ability to be healthy
  and so this needs to be addressed if possible
  by other methods,

• e.g. by resolving the problem or by removing
  the patient from the problem.
• Equally toxicity from whatever source,
  (environmental, work related, medications,
  recreational drugs, alcohol) may prevent a
  constitutional homeopathic remedy from
  working, so it needs to be addressed directly
• Homeopathy can play a part in assisting these
• the extent to which it helps will depend on:
  A - whether the patient can actually be distanced
    from the block to cure or not.
  B - how amenable the block is to homeopathic or
    other therapy
• For the treatment of acute, sudden, and violent invasion,
  with fever. Complaints and tension caused by exposure to
  cold weather , draught of cold air, checked perspiration
• Panic crises: fear of imminent death, vertigo, numbness,
  tachycardia,(rapid pulse) palpitations, flushes. faintness; . fear
  with symptoms .anxious restlessness. First remedy to try
  where the onset is very sudden with fear.
• Great accumulation of mucus, even drowning in own mucus.
  Increasingly weak, sweats, becomes drowsy and relaxed with
  lack of reaction
• Burning, stinging pains. Great swelling
  (edematous) & effusions: general & local.
• Anxiety, tremendous, especially about their
  health. Despair of recovery. Fear of death, of
  being alone. Convinced they're going to die
  (may be too frightened to even say so).Very
  restless, unless too weak to move
• violence of attack and suddenness of onset.
  Hot, red skin, flushed face, dilated pupils,
  throbbing carotids, excited mental state,
  delirium, convulsive movements.
• BURNING, AND SORENESS are characteristic.
  Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of
  deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder
  and extremities.
• Poison ivy, oak. Red, swollen, skin
  itching intense. Dry, hot, burning, -
• Heat, burning, Frequent flashes of heat.
  violent ebullitions of heat throughout entire
• absent mindedness; very easily offended;
  senile dementia; weakening of all senses,
  sight, hearing, etc.
Aethusa :
• For the treatment of intolerance of milk and
  marked inability to digest it as well as all the
  associated symptoms such as easy
  perspiration (surface of body is covered with
  sweat),nausea and vomiting, with sweat and
  great weakness
• An excellent remedy to aid in re-establishing
  physiological equilibrium after much dosing,
  where disease and drug symptoms are much
• Adapted to weary aged people.
• Good for treatment of diarrhea.
Baryta Carb.
• This is indicated in infancy and old age. Loss
  of memory; mental weakness, especially for
  old. Senile dementia; confusion. Childish; grief
  over trifles.
Drosera :
• For the treatment of spasmodic, dry irritative
  cough, like whooping cough ,the paroxysms
  follow each other very rapidly; can scarcely
  breathe. Cough very deep and hoarse; worse
  after midnight.
• Treatment of asthma
No. 1. For Depression , Sadness and Disappointment:
• Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost. It is
  one of the chief remedies for nervous temperament,
  easily exited. Rapid change of mental and physical
  condition, opposite to each other. Great
  contradictions. Effects of grief and worry. Changeable
  mood; silently brooding. Sad, tearful, not
  communicative, sighing and sobbing (take a deep
  breath that can be heard – indicating sadness). After
  shocks, grief and disappointment.
Kali Carb :
• Alternating mood; very irritable. Full of fears
  and imaginations. Never wants to be left
  alone. Never quieted or contended.
  Obstinate and hypersensitive to pain, noise
  and touch.
Aconitum napellus
• A panic attack that comes on suddenly with
  very strong fear (even fear of death) may
  indicate this remedy. A state of immense
  anxiety may be accompanied by strong
  palpitations, shortness of breath, and
  flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking
  experience will be the underlying cause.
  Strong feelings of anxiety may also occur
  when a person is just beginning to come
  down with a flu or cold
Argentum nitricum
• This remedy can be helpful when anxiety
  develops before a big event: an exam, an
  important interview, a public appearance or
  social engagement. Dizziness and diarrhea may
  also be experienced. People who need this
  remedy are often enthusiastic and suggestible,
  with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and
  impulses. They often crave sweets and salt
  (which usually make their symptoms worse).
Arsenicum album
• People who are deeply anxious about their health, and
  extremely concerned with order and security, often
  benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small
  details and very neat, they may feel a desperate need
  to be in control of everything. Panic attacks often
  occur around midnight or the very early hours of the
  morning. The person may feel exhausted yet still be
  restless-fidgeting, pacing, and anxiously moving from
  place to place. These people may also have digestive
  problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety.
Calcarea carbonica
• This remedy is usually indicated for dependable, solid
  people who become overwhelmed from physical
  illness or too much work and start to fear a
  breakdown. Their thoughts can be muddled and
  confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry
  and bad news may agitate them, and a nagging dread
  of disaster (to themselves or others) may develop. Fear
  of heights and claustrophobia are also common. A
  person who needs this remedy is often chilly and
  sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is easily
• Feelings of weakness, trembling, and
  mental dullness (being "paralyzed by
  fear") suggest a need for this remedy.
  It is often helpful when a person has
  stage-fright about a public
  performance or interview, or feels
  anxious before a test, a visit to the
  dentist, or any stressful event. Chills,
  perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches
  will often occur with nervousness.
  Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and
  even a fear that the heart might stop
  are other indications for Gelsemium.
Ignatia amara
• A sensitive person who is anxious because of
  grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness
  (or any stressful emotional experience) may
  benefit from this remedy. A defensive attitude,
  frequent sighing, and mood swings are other
  indications. The person may burst unexpectedly
  into either tears or laughter. Headaches that feel
  like a nail driven into the side of the head, and
  cramping pains in the abdomen or back, are
  often seen when this remedy is needed.
Kali phosphoricum
• When a person has been exhausted by overwork or
  illness and feels a deep anxiety and inability to cope,
  this remedy may help. The person is jumpy and
  oversensitive, and may be startled by ordinary sounds.
  Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events
  can aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability
  to concentrate may develop, increasing the sense of
  nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest often bring
  relief. Headaches, backaches, and nervous digestive
  upsets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
• Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety
  from mental stress and suffer from a lack of
  confidence. They can be self-conscious and feel
  intimidated by people they perceive as powerful (yet
  may also swagger or be domineering toward those
  with whom they feel more comfortable). Taking on
  responsibility can cause a deep anxiety and fear of
  failure, although the person usually does well, once
  started on a task. Claustrophobia, irritability, digestive
  upsets with gas and bloating, and a craving for sweets
  are often seen when this remedy is needed.
 Natrum muriaticum
• Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness can make
  these people seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when
  feeling lonely, they tend to stay away from social
  situations, not knowing what to say or do. (Inhibitions
  sometimes leave completely if they turn to alcohol, which
  makes them feel embarrassed afterwards.) Easily hurt and
  offended, they can brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy
  feelings, and isolate themselves-refusing consolation even
  when they want it. However, they are often sympathetic
  listeners to other people's problems. Claustrophobia,
  anxiety at night (with fears of robbers or intruders),
  migraines, and insomnia are often seen when this remedy
  is needed.
• People who need this remedy are openhearted,
  imaginative, excitable, easily startled, and full of
  intense and vivid fears. Strong anxiety can be triggered
  by thinking of almost anything. Nervous and sensitive
  to others, they can overextend themselves with
  sympathy to the point of feeling exhausted and
  "spaced out" or even getting ill. They want a lot of
  company and reassurance, often feeling better from
  conversation or a back-rub. Easy flushing of the face,
  palpitations, thirst, and a strong desire for cold,
  refreshing foods are other indications for Phosphorus.
• People who need this remedy often express anxiety as
  insecurity and clinginess, with a need for constant
  support and comforting. The person may be moody,
  tearful, whiny, even emotionally childish. (Pulsatilla is a
  very useful remedy for children.) Getting too warm or
  being in a stuffy room often increases anxiety. Fresh
  air and gentle exercise often bring relief. Anxiety
  around the time of hormonal changes (puberty,
  menstrual periods, or menopause) often is helped with
Silicea (also called Silica)
• People who need this remedy are capable and serious, yet
   are also nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary
   loss of confidence. Anxiety can be extreme when they are
   faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or
   any new job or task. Worry and overwork can bring on
   headaches, difficulty concentrating, and states of
   exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread. Responsible and
   diligent, they often overreact and devote attention to tiny
   details-making their worries (and their work) more difficult.
   They often have low stamina and come down with colds,
   sore throats, or other illnesses after working hard or being
   under stress.
Aconitum apellus:
• This remedy can be helpful if a person panics
  with insomnia. Fear and agitation come on
  suddenly when the person is drifting off to
  sleep, or may even wake a sleeping person up.
• Arsenicum album:
• People who need this remedy are often
  anxious and compulsive about small details,
  and have trouble sleeping if they feel that
  everything is not in place. They are often
  deeply weary and exhausted, yet feel restless
  physically and mentally. Sleep, when it arrives,
  can be anxious and disturbed, with dreams full
  of fear and insecurity.
• Calcarea phosphorica: This remedy is often
  helpful to children with growing pains, and also
  to adults who have aching in the joints and
  bones, or neck and shoulder tension that make
  it hard to fall asleep. The person lies awake for
  many hours, feeling upset and irritable—then
  has trouble waking in the morning, feeling
  deeply tired and weak.
• Cocculus: This remedy is often helpful to those
  who feel “too tired to sleep” after long-term
  sleep loss—from getting up with an infant,
  taking care of someone who is ill, a disruptive
  work schedule, travel and jet lag, or chronic
  worry and insomnia. The person may feel
  weak and dizzy, with trouble thinking, and
  may be sleepy, irritable, or tearful.
• Coffea cruda: Mental excitement and nervous
  stimulation that keep a person from sleeping
  suggest a need for remedy. Thoughts preventing
  sleep can be happy or distressing. The person
  may be looking forward to something that will
  happen in the morning, but feels stressed and
  exhausted as the night wears on. If the person
  falls asleep, it is usually very light with vivid
  dreams, and disturbed by any little noise or
  motion. (This remedy can also help if overuse of
  caffeine is the cause of sleeplessness.)
• Ignatia: If insomnia is caused by
  emotional upset (grief or loss, a
  disappointment in love, a shock, or
  even an argument) this remedy may be
  helpful. The person is sensitive and
  nervous, and may often sigh and yawn
  in the daytime, but find it hard to relax
  at night. As the person tries to fall
  asleep, the arms and legs may twitch or
  itch. If sleep arrives, it is usually light,
  with jerking of the legs and arms, or
  long and troubling nightmares.
• Kali phosphoricum: A person with insomnia
  from nervous exhaustion caused by overwork
  or mental strain, or following a taxing illness,
  may respond to this remedy. The person is
  very weak and sensitive to everything (noise,
  lights, touch, and pain). Irritability, depression,
  and anxiety with an empty feeling in the
  stomach are often seen.
• Lycopodium: People who need this remedy often
  have no memory of dreams and often doubt that
  they have slept at all. Insomnia may set in
  primarily because of worry: lack of confidence
  can make them doubt their own abilities,
  although they are usually very capable. Insomnia
  caused by digestive trouble, especially gas, can
  also indicate a need for this remedy. The person
  feels drowsy after meals, but has trouble sleeping
  at bedtime. Ravenous hunger in the night that
  wakes a person up is another indication for
• Nux vomica: People who have insomnia after over-
  indulgence in stimulants, food, and drink—or after
  overexertion, either physically or mentally—may
  benefit from this remedy. They may be able to drift
  off, but sleep is light, and they often awaken in the
  early morning (typically three a.m.) and lie awake for
  hours. On getting up, they are tense, impatient, and
  irritable, with a feeling that they sorely need more
• Silicea (also called Silica): This is a useful remedy for
  nervous people with low stamina who get too tired,
  then have insomnia. The person often goes to sleep
  at first, but awakens suddenly with a hot or surging
  feeling in the head—and finds it hard to fall asleep
  again. People who need this remedy usually have
  anxious dreams, and some (especially children)
  sleepwalk frequently.
• Sulphur: This remedy may be helpful if
  insomnia comes from itching—or an
  increasing feeling of heat in bed, especially in
  the feet. The person is irritable and anxious,
  and often feels a need to throw the covers off.
  Lying awake between two and five a.m. is
  typical. Insomnia that develops because of a
  lack of exercise may also be helped with
• Zincum metallicum: People who need this
  remedy often have insomnia from mental
  activity. They can get wound up from
  overwork—or be naturally inclined toward
  nervousness and just have trouble relaxing.
  Their legs and arms often feel extremely
  restless, and lying still in bed may be
  impossible. Even during the daytime, a person
  who needs this remedy may feel a constant
  need to move the muscles.

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Introduction to homeopathy

  • 2. Samuel Hahnemann • Founder of Homeopathy 1755-1843 • Picture from the London Homoeopathic Hospital
  • 3. Samuel Hahnemann • Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician who earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1779. • Scientific advances were beginning to be seen in the fields of – chemistry, – physics, – physiology and – anatomy.
  • 4. Old Schools • superstition and lack of scientific rigor. • The treatments of the day, – purgatives, – bleeding, – blistering plasters, – herbal preparations – emetics • lacked a rational basis and were more harmful than effective.
  • 5. Discovering homeopathy • While translating William Cullen's A treatise of the materia medica into German, Hahnemann was struck by a passage that deal with cinchona bark, which was used to treat malaria.
  • 6. Discovering homeopathy • Cullen described its mechanism of action as a function of its stomach-strengthening properties. • Hahnemann did not accept this explanation and took "four good drams of Peruvian bark, twice a day for several days" to attempt to characterize the action of the quinine-containing bark. • Hahnemann reported that he began to develop symptoms identical to those of malaria.
  • 7. Discovering homeopathy • He concluded from this experience that effective drugs must produce symptoms in healthy people that are similar to the diseases they will be expected to treat. • Today this principal is known as the "Law of Similars" and is the basis for the use of the term homeopathy ("similar suffering").
  • 8. Experimental stage • Hahnemann and colleagues began to test various substances to determine the types of symptoms they produced. • These results suggested to Hahnemann what the drugs would be useful to treat.
  • 9. Experimental stage • With reduction of the dose to infinitesimal levels by multiple serial dilutions of ten or hundred fold . • Soluble compounds or liquids were diluted in alcohol; insoluble materials were serially diluted by grinding with lactose.
  • 10. Experimental stage • Hahnemann practiced Homeopathic medicine for almost 50 years until his death in 1843
  • 11. Spiritual Vital Force • In the healthy condition of human, • the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that – animates the material body (organism), – rules with unbounded sway, – retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both • sensations and • functions, • So mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purpose of our existence....
  • 12. Spiritual Vital Force ...The material organism, without the vital force, is capable of no sensation, no function, no self-preservation
  • 13. Spiritual Vital Force it derives all sensation, and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (the vital principle) which animates the material organism in health and in disease (Organon, sixth edition)
  • 14. Causes of disease • Hahnemann believed that the cause of disease is the disturbance of this vital or life force. • Disturbances in the vital force manifest themselves as specific symptoms.
  • 15. Causes of disease • The Law of Susceptibility deals with the invasion of the body by diseases.
  • 16. Law of Susceptibility • The Law implies that a negative state of mind attracts disease entities called miasms to enter and/or invade the body.
  • 17. Causes of disease Miasms can be acquired – acutely – congenital – latent, until – negative experience – normal aging trigger their appearance as – a symptom then – as disease.
  • 18. Causes of disease • Hahnemann argues that specific treatment of such symptoms by opposing their action, as in conventional medicine, is not useful in treating disease because the disturbance in the vital force remains. • Only correction of the underlying disturbance in the vital force can cure disease.
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  • 21. Like cures like Similia similibus curentur (Like cures like) • Hahnemann recognized that many natural products produce pharmacological or toxicological effects, which he refers to as symptoms. • He believed that substances that produce symptoms similar to a given disease should be used to treat that disease.
  • 22. Like cures like • He felt that the artificially induced disease (caused by the medicine) would push aside the pathologic disturbance in the vital force and replace it with this new, pharmacologically-induced disturbance in the vital force. • The body could then overcome this artificial disturbance and a cure would be effected.
  • 23. Hahnemann's words Like cures like • This disease-manifestation no longer exists for the principle of life which is now occupied and governed merely by the stronger, artificial disease-manifestation. • This artificial disease-manifestation has soon spent its force and leaves the patient free from disease, cured. • The dynamise, thus freed, can now continue to carry life on in health.
  • 24. Dynamization and Dilution • Hahnemann recognized that the use of substances that cause symptoms similar to an existing disease would acutely aggravate the condition and present other side effects. • Thus he advocated the dilution of the substance to the point where the symptoms were no longer present.
  • 25. Dynamization and Dilution • Dilutions are performed as ten or one hundred fold steps. • Dilutions of 1:10 are designated in the U.S. by the Roman Numeral X – 1X = 1/10, – 2X = 1/100, – 3X = 1/1000, etc.
  • 26. Dynamization and Dilution • Dilutions of 1:100 are designated by the Roman Numeral C – 1C = 1/100, – 2C = 1/10,000, – 3C = 1/1,000,000, etc.
  • 27. Dynamization and Dilution • Liquids are diluted with alcohol (ethanol), water, or alcohol/water mixtures, whereas insoluble powders are diluted with lactose (milk sugar).
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  • 35. Dynamization and Dilution Hahnemann writes of this proposed phenomenon by analogy to magnetism: • "Only after (a) bar of steel is dynamized, rubbing it with a dull file in one direction, will it become a true active powerful magnet, one able to attract iron and steel to itself and impart to another bar of steel by mere contact and even some distance away, magnetic power and this in a higher degree the more it has been rubbed.
  • 36. Dynamization and Dilution • A the 12C (or 24X) dilution, there is a 50/50 chance of one molecule being present.
  • 37. Dynamization and Dilution • The dilution at which one would expect to have only one molecule does depend upon the starting number of molecules, • Assuming that we started with all the atoms estimated to be in the universe, about 6x1079, then we end up with a 50% chance to have one molecule left at 40C (or 80X), • Still far more concentrated than the 200C dilutions that are commonly dispensed.
  • 38. Dynamization • The process of dilution combined with succession to increase healing potency runs counter to the modern principles of Pharmacology.
  • 39. Dynamization • Conventional practitioners and homeopaths generally agree that the amount of active substance present in a homeopathic remedy is too small to have an effect on its own (this is why they can be marketed over the counter as harmless).
  • 40. Dynamization • This dilution is equivalent to one molecule diluted in a sphere the size of the orbit of Neptune! Thus, high potency homeopathic remedies contain 100% vehicle and no active molecules.
  • 41. Proving • To attempt determine which homeopathic remedies would be best for various ailments, Hahnemann and others engaged in a series of provings. • In what can be viewed as early clinical trials of natural substances, Hahnemann and others self- administered pharmacologically active doses of many different substances, then carefully recorded the symptoms that resulted in a materia medica. • These provings were based on Hahnemann's early study of cinchona bark
  • 42. Proving • Hahnemann stressed that homeopaths should add to the materia medica with his own provings
  • 43. Treatment • The homeopathic treatment of a patient begins with careful history taking and observation of the patient. • A list of the patient's symptoms is developed and can be determined from the materia medica or compared to a repertory.
  • 44. Treatment • The materia medica contains the results of provings of thousands of substances. • The idea is to match the patients symptoms as closely as possible to the symptoms listed for a given substance in the materia medica.
  • 45. Treatment • The prescription is based on the symptoms and the behavior of the patient. • Hahnemann believed that a single remedy should be given at a time, to prevent interference between two or more remedies.
  • 46. Treatment • The response to treatment is believed to follow the Laws of the Cure, which state: – A remedy begins to work at the top of the body and progresses downward. – A remedy works from the inside out; from major to minor organs – Symptoms go away in the reverse of their order of appearance.
  • 47. Definition and Measure of Health • define what "health" is, • what is the target or goal of treatment is, • in what direction the patient should be guided during his treatment.
  • 48. Definition and Measure of Health • When the pain is gone, • when the inflammation has subsided, • when a bothersome symptom has disappeared, • when the pathology is no longer evident, the patient usually is pronounced cured.
  • 49. Definition and Measure of Health • Yet there may be long-term disturbances caused by the treatment, especially in deeper or more subtle parts of the human organism such as the immune or hormonal systems or, even worse, in the mental or emotional planes, that are not taken into consideration.
  • 50. Definition and Measure of Health • Such an objective is almost impossible to attain through treatment with allopathic drugs, and that only through some form of alternative medicine practiced correctly, such as: – Homeopathy, – Acupuncture, – Osteopathy, – Naturopathy, etc., • can the potential for such a goal be realized.
  • 51. The Definition of Health for the Physical Body • Disease, whether expressed through pain, discomfort or weakness, always tends to restrict the individual. • Its opposite, health, gives a sense of freedom.
  • 52. The Three Planes of Health • Physical Body • Emotional Plane • Mental-Spiritual Level
  • 53. The Definition of Health for the Physical Body • Every – pain, – discomfort, – uneasiness, – distress or – weakness of the physical body • results in a limitation of freedom and a feeling of bondage to the pain or discomfort.
  • 54. The Definition of Health for the Physical Body • The individual necessarily directs all his attention to the pain, to the exclusion of everything else, and of course loses his general sense of well-being.
  • 55. The Definition of Health for the Physical Body • Health is freedom from pain in the physical body, having attained a state of well-being.
  • 56. The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane • Excessive, inordinate passion for anything shows a degree of imbalance within the emotional plane.
  • 57. The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane • Passion for a cause, that brings the individual to the point where he does destructive actions against others is definitely a diseased state rather than justified idealism.
  • 58. The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane • Certainly the opposite of passion - apathy - is no more desirable. • Apathy is an extremely unhealthy emotional state, very much similar to the idea of death.
  • 59. The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane • What is desirable is a state of serenity and calm that is dynamic and creative, not passive, indifferent or destructive - a state where love and positive emotions prevail, as opposed to hatred and other negative emotions.
  • 60. The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane • Passion comes from weakness rather than strength on the emotional plane.
  • 61. The Definition of Health on the Emotional Plane Health on the emotional plane is freedom from passion, having as a result a dynamic state of serenity and calm.
  • 62. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level one must identify the most important mental- spiritual qualities, which if disturbed may seriously injure the mental equilibrium.
  • 63. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level • After much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that peace of mind can be drastically affected by – egotism, – selfishness and – acquisitiveness. • The more egotistical and selfish an individual is, the greater his potential for mental derangement.
  • 64. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level It is a known fact that a person who is very egotistical can be quite upset when his – authority, – knowledge – attainments are challenged.
  • 65. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level • The same "shocks" that can set off an egotist and destroy him can leave a humble man almost unaffected.
  • 66. Example of Mental-Spiritual Reaction • An egotistical industrialist who fails in his business and loses his factory cares more about the opinion that others now have of him than the fate of the families, including his own, that will have no means to support themselves.
  • 67. Example of Mental-Spiritual Reaction • It is his ego that has been hurt. • Even if he has plenty to live on without the factory, he will feel miserable after the failure and is bound to develop a host of symptoms because of his "false" and selfish grief.
  • 68. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level • In a similar way, acquisitiveness could become the core of mental disturbance. • Can you imagine how an avaricious man might react to the loss of his physical wealth and the deep symptomatology that could result?
  • 69. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level • Hardly anyone today is totally free from the feelings of egotism, selfishness and acquisitiveness.
  • 70. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level • We speak about the insanity of Hitler, Idi Amin Dada, even of the captain in charge of the Titanic whose arrogance cost the lives of hundreds.
  • 71. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level • In our own way, every one of us is dealing with similar issues on a smaller scale. • This "disease" called egotism and selfishness seems to be universal. • That is why the saints were admired and worshipped ; everyone believed that they actually managed to subdue their egotism and sacrifice their own lives for the sake of others.
  • 72. Mental-Spiritual Level Although rare, this "saint-like" attitude is the healthiest to possess; in such a state true peace of mind and happiness is achieved.
  • 73. The Definition of Health on the Mental-Spiritual Level mental health is Freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth.
  • 74. The whole definition of Health • Health is – freedom from pain in the physical body, – a state of well being; freedom from passion on the emotional plane, resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm; and – freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth. • A truly healthy individual should therefore combine both divine qualities of Love and Wisdom.
  • 75. Q and A • If we cure somebody of asthma and as a consequence he develops a heart condition, how do we know that this new state of health is better or worse than his previous condition? • If we treat a patient with a cardiac condition and he improves, but after a certain period of time he develops a phobic state or an anxiety neurosis, can we say that the treatment benefited the patient? • If we treat rheumatic patient, so that the pain was better, meanwhile his stomach got ill
  • 76. Center of gravity • In order for a treatment to be successful it has to push the disorder's center of gravity more and more to the peripheral, the skin being the final avenue of expression, leaving the deepest parts of the human being - his mental and emotional levels - intact.
  • 77. Creation vs Destruction • A good parameter for measuring the health of an individual is the degree to which he is free to create. • Anybody who is basically healthy will seek to create rather than destroy. • The person action promotes the interests and good of oneself and others.
  • 78. Creation vs Destruction • To the degree that one commits destructive acts toward either himself or others, the degree to which he is diseased is apparent.
  • 79. What is 'constitutional homeopathy'? there must be a proper in-depth case taking and understanding of the patient And matched to one single remedy.
  • 80. What is 'constitutional homeopathy'? To be able to find one single remedy (sometimes called the 'simillimum') that will address the patient’s symptoms in their entirety, it is necessary to understand as much as possible about the whole of the person's makeup.
  • 81. What is 'constitutional homeopathy'? The patient may have several complaints that they have not initially seen as being related, But from a homeopath's perspective every symptom, both emotional and physical, no matter how obscure or where it’s located, is part of the person's expression of disease, the homeopath will be looking for a coherence that covers that expression in one single remedy.
  • 82. What is 'constitutional homeopathy'? • By cross referencing – the remedies suitable for one symptom – with those for other symptoms, – and taking past traumas, – suppression and – aetiology into account, • Some remedies occur in more of the headings, or strongly represented than others. • These top remedies will then be checked in the Materia Medica to further narrow down the options, • Just one is found that matches the totality of symptoms; that then is the homeopathic remedy, the 'simillimum'.
  • 83. What is 'constitutional homeopathy'? • Not every patient is suitable for this method initially, • e.g. due to current allopathic medication or other 'maintaining causes' it may not be effective, • but the homeopath can still help by using alternative methods until their treatment progresses them to a level where it can be applied.
  • 84. What is 'constitutional homeopathy'? 1. curing the problem you initially came with, 2. improve your overall health and well being, 3. lessen your general susceptibility to illness; it improves your whole constitution!
  • 85. THE SINGLE DOSE it's importance in Classical Homeopathy Why the single dose? • It may be difficult to believe a single dose of a homeopathic medicine can cure deep seated conditions, especially if we are used to following allopathic regimes where a pill was to be taken several times a day for a week or longer. • Remember though that in homeopathy we are only looking for one remedy that is homeopathic to the whole of the disease in all its manifestations.
  • 86. THE SINGLE DOSE - it's importance in Classical Homeopathy • individualisation - the matching of one patient's symptoms to one remedy
  • 87. THE SINGLE DOSE • "what's the remedy for eczema, or the remedy for asthma" etc.? (i.e.non-holistic) - and it won't work that way because it just can't be applied that way
  • 88. CASETAKING - THE HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTATION • investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of the patient (especially when the disease is chronic), – his moral and intellectual character, – his occupation, – mode of living and – habits, – his social and domestic relations, – his age, – sexual function, etc., • are to be taken into consideration.
  • 89. CASETAKING - THE HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTATION • What happens in a homeopathic consultation (casetaking) • the homepath listens very carefully to the patient describing their problem • takes comprehensive notes so he or she can remember in exact detail what was said, • so when it comes to repertorising, the different headings can be chosen precisely.
  • 90. CASETAKING - THE HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTATION • More questions that haven't already been covered may then be asked in regard to – symptoms – medical history – allopathic medications, – vaccinations, – supplements, – dietary preferences, – emotional traumas, – physical traumas, – stress, – lifestyle, – sleep and – dreams, etc. • because it is surprising how often seemingly unrelated events in our life can have a bearing on our health.
  • 91. CASETAKING - THE HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTATION • Homeopathy does not focus on disease diagnosis, but on the totality of the symptoms and individual as a whole, and because of the nature of this initial consultation, clients often find it therapeutic in itself.
  • 92. CASETAKING - THE HOMEOPATHIC CONSULTATION • Remember there are no remedies specifically for named diseases in homeopathy, only for symptoms, so to differentiate between the remedies we have to differentiate between the symptoms.
  • 93. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking In chronic conditions the association between the physical and the mental/emotional may be less obvious and require sensitive investigation to reveal, in acute conditions the association between the physical and the mental/emotional is usually very evident.
  • 94. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking in chronic illness the patient is quite aware that their physical suffering is accompanied by a change in mood, if they aren't, those around them usually are!
  • 95. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking • The mental/emotional aspect may be really obvious • Example – anxiety with asthma, – the delirium of a fever, – the whining or screaming of a teething toddler – Etc…
  • 96. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking OR • It may be clear, but not understood to have a role in differentiating the remedy • Example – Dysmenorrhoea with jealousy – Weepiness – Anger – Etc…
  • 97. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking OR • it may be covert • Example – IBS from long held indignation, – high blood pressure from chronically unexpressed anger – Etc..
  • 98. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking OR • it may be that the physical symptoms appear have no direct relation to a change in the mental/emotional sphere, then it is the mental attributes discernable from the patients overall character which are used, • Example – benign prostate enlargement in retired business man, with a domineering personality
  • 99. Emotional and mental symptoms in homeopathic case-taking • Unlike some schools of thought which insist on a psychological (or 'psychospiritual') causation behind every physical ailment, homeopathy doesn't automatically assume this psychosomatic connection, even though it does recognise such aetiology when it is evident. – (e.g. fainting caused by a fright, – or ulcers from anxiety). • It is the chosen remedy's homeopathicity which rights the problem, not psychoanalysis.
  • 101. BODY MIND CONNECTION IN HOMEOPATHY • Every emotion you feel has an effect on your body, every thought you have involves a neurological process, every physical change from the norm is accompanied by a corresponding mental/emotional state.
  • 102. BODY MIND CONNECTION IN HOMEOPATHY • Sometimes it will be obvious, sometimes subtle, (sometimes denied, but denial is an emotional state too). • Yet the idea of treating the body and mind separately (allopathy) ignores this truth and so how can it be the in the best interests of the patient?
  • 103. BODY MIND CONNECTION IN HOMEOPATHY • "The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. • No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul and, if the head and body are to be healthy, you must begin by curing the mind... for this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body" - Written by Plato in the fifth century BC, echoed by Hahnemann two centuries ago and just as true today as it ever was.
  • 104. • Therefore homeopathy, a holistic system, always honours the body-mind connection, both in the casetaking and in the choice of remedy. • Its remedies are effective for, and simultaneously treat, both mental/emotional and physical conditions, whether they appear to exist separately or together.
  • 105. SUPRESSION in homeopathic case- taking What is Suppression? • Suppression occurs whenever the patients symptoms go against the DIRECTION OF CURE, that is, the medicine (or any other circumstances) works against the body's vital energy, causing the disease state to go deeper into the constitution, resulting in greater ill health and a more chronic disease.
  • 106. SUPRESSION in homeopathic case- taking • Suppression is not always immediately apparent but can develop insidiously • Suppression is not (generally) recognized by allopathy as a problem, rather as a solution, whereas in homeopathy it is considered as dangerous and something to be avoided at all costs. • Suppression is often the AETIOLOGY (causation) of another ailment
  • 107. SUPRESSION in homeopathic case- taking • The consequences of suppression are widespread and homeopathic literature is bedecked with cases illustrating how a patient's suffering has been increased as a result of allopathic suppression
  • 108. SUPRESSION in homeopathic case- taking • Suppression should be differentiated from side effects of allopathic treatments - suppression only occurs when the direction of cure is thwarted
  • 109. SUPRESSION in homeopathic case- taking The good news is: • not all allopathic treatment is suppressive – e.g. pain relief. (although it may still have side effects). • homeopathic treatment will undo suppression.
  • 110. SUPRESSION in homeopathic case- taking An example: • When eczema is suppressed with hydrocortisone creams or tar based preparations and then subsequently the patient develops asthma. • Here the eczema has been suppressed resulting in a deeper condition of asthma – (this problem was even reported in the Sunday Express). • Better to use homeopathy which can cure without suppressing.
  • 112. Cured cases • Author Title Medicines • Johnson, David A Lac Canis Latrans Case Lac Canis Latrans • Sridharan, Sowmya Losing Weight, Looking Old - A Case of Bronchial Asthma Phosphorus • English, Mary A Case of Apis to Help Nephrotic Syndrome `` Apis • Lewis, Elaine Revisitng: Cold Gone Bad! Rhus-tox • Johnson, David Quarrelsome and Needy With Menorrhagia Culex • Kulkarni, Ajit Revisting: Case of Miss K. P. Platina • Lewis, Elaine Revisting: "Mickey Moose" Has The Sneezies Nux vomica
  • 113. Cured cases • Maver, Jennifer A Case of Chronic Inflammatory demyelinative Poly Neuropathy Disease Plumbum met. • Andrews, Julie A Most Difficult Case Phosphorus • Scase, Genevieve Crotalus Cascavella and a Splash of Colour Crotalus Cascavella • Johnson, David Praseodymium bromatum in Fibromyalgia Praseodymium bromatum • Chauhan, Dinesh I Love Heart Tilea Cordata • Assilmen, Melissa A Case of Chronic Fatigue - The Metaphoric Story Calcarea mur. • D'Souza, Leela Brain Stem/Pontine Haemorrhage in Coma Carcinocin
  • 114. STRANGE RARE PECULIAR - S.R.P • During the casetaking process though, the patient may also reveal a symptom or a sensation, that draws attention because it is unusual (the more unusual the better as far as the homeopath is concerned) and which we refer to as 'strange, rare and peculiar'.
  • 115. STRANGE RARE PECULIAR - S.R.P • These symptoms should not be waived aside as not fitting in with our preconceptions, but have special emphasis placed on them as being something to differentiate and clearly portray the individuality of the case, whether we understand it or not.
  • 116. STRANGE RARE PECULIAR - S.R.P - in homeopathic case-taking • Some symptoms in the remedy's Matera Medica are quite unusual too (when remedies are 'proved', the provers often record symptoms that fall under the heading 'strange, rare and peculiar').
  • 117. STRANGE RARE PECULIAR - S.R.P - in homeopathic case-taking • These symptoms are unlikely to be common to many remedies so if we also find this 'strange, rare and peculiar' symptom in a patient and also in a remedy, then the homeopathic match is made all the easier for it.
  • 118. STRANGE RARE PECULIAR - S.R.P - in homeopathic case-taking • Consequently (and although it might be irrelevant to an allopathic doctor, and the patient may even be shy of mentioning it), the more strange, rare and peculiar a patient's symptom is, the greater help it is to the homeopath because the less remedies there are which are likely to have that SRP symptom.
  • 119. STRANGE RARE PECULIAR - S.R.P - in homeopathic case-taking • This once again underlines the difference between allopathic and homeopathic approaches. • Allopathy looks for symptoms that are common in order to make a diagnosis whereas homeopathy looks for symptoms that are uncommon in order to individualise.
  • 120. Examples of just a few SRPs: • GENERALITIES; JUMPING; sensation, internally (3) : croc., mosch., spig. • GENERALITIES; SHOT, rolling through the arteries, sensation of (K1400, SRII-581, G1154) (1) : nat-p.
  • 121. Examples of just a few SRPs: • GENERALITIES; VAPORS, smoke, fumes, as of, internally (22) : ars., apisin., bar-c., brom., bry., camph., carb-v., chin., ferr., ign., ip., lyc., merc., mosch., nux-v., par., puls., rhus-t., sabad., thuj., verat., zinc. • GENERALITIES; WIND, draft, sensation of (K1422, SRII-760, G1171) (53) : Chel., Lyss., cist., laur., mez., mosch., nux-v., acon., agar., asaf., asar., bar-c., calc., camph., canth., caps., caust., chin., cimic., coloc., cor-r., croc., cub., cupr., graph., hep., lac-d., lach., med., naja, nat-m., ol-an., olnd., petr., ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., ran-b., rhus-t., sabin., samb., sep., spig., squil., stram., sulph., syph., ther., thuj., thyr., valer., verat.
  • 122. Causation (AETIOLOGY) in homeopathy • its importance in case-taking • Causations (aetiology) – – Shocks, – traumas, – injuries, – poisons, – diet, – drugs, – vaccinations, – stresses, – surgery, – bad weather, etc., • are the roots of many acute and chronic disorders and weakness.
  • 123. Causation (AETIOLOGY) in homeopathy • Knowing the causative agent in any given problem often makes finding the remedy that much easier. • It is sometimes possible to prescribe just the best known remedy for the cause, or prescribe tautologically, and see all manner of conditions dependant on that cause clear up from this remedy, even though sometimes it may not have the particular symptoms in the remedy picture.
  • 124. NEVER BEEN WELL SINCE = NBWS • If a patient has not had good health since a particular event, • i.e. if they have 'never been well since' that time • and even though a condition may have existed for years changing slowly over time, they may still need the remedy today that would have been needed at the time of the incident. • Despite it apparently not covering the particulars of the case, once given it may clear up all the problems that have developed since, from that single situation. • The power of prescriptions based on NBWS should not be underestimated
  • 125. Timeline • A very useful aid to visualisation and for working out which remedy was applicable at which time of life, is to plot the major events on a line between birth and the present.
  • 126. Susceptability in homeopathy • What is susceptability? • Susceptability is our inherited and aquired predispositions to illness, whether it be physical, mental/emotional or both.
  • 127. Susceptability in homeopathy • The type or nature of our susceptabilities will depend firstly on those miasms we inherited before birth and secondly on those miasms and dyscrasias we aquired since birth. • We all know that it's down to susceptability that some poeple are allergic to peanuts yet others can eat them with impunity; that some people get hay fever and others don't.
  • 128. Susceptability in homeopathy • So we know which illness's that we do or don't get depends on our susceptabilities and that we all have some degree of susceptability - even the strongest and healthiest among us have our achillies heal.
  • 129. Susceptability in homeopathy • Modern science has taught us that it's largely down to genetics so we can understand how influences like red hair skip a generation or will come up in one child but not another; just as do our traits of weakness and strength. • The reason this is important in homeopathy is because it relates to individualisation and to miasmatic understanding, and therefore to remedy choice and also because it enables us to understand changes that may occur in our susceptability, as that doesn't neccesarily remain static - it can change as a consequence of trauma or other influences (e.g. vaccination)
  • 130. Miasms in homeopathy • He associated miasms with specific diseases that had dogged mankind throughout the ages. • The 'Psora’ miasm(underfunction). • the 'Sycotic' miasm (overfunction) • the 'Leutic' miasm (self-destructive). • the Tubercular miasm (restriction) • the Cancer miasm (suppression).
  • 131. Miasms in homeopathy • The top Psoric remedy is said to be Sulphur, • The top Sycotic remedy is Thuja, • The top Leutic remedy is Mercury. • Thus knowing which miasm is dominant in a case helps to determine the remedy. E.g. Itchy skin is an symptom of underfunction and therefore Psoric, so Sulphur will be considered. • Warts are a symptom of overfunction and therefore Sycotic, and so Thuja will be considered. • Ulcers are a symptom of self-destruction and therefore Leutic, so Mercury will be considered.
  • 132. Miasms in homeopathy • Most remedies can be said to be multi- miasmatic.
  • 133. ACUTE CONDITIONS • ACUTE prescribing is where homeopathy is used for acute conditions like – stings, – bruises, – sprains, – food poisoning, – influenza, – measles, – mumps, – diarrhoea and vomiting, – any acute inflammatory or infectious disease
  • 134. ACUTE CONDITIONS In acute prescribing: • The effect of the remedies is quickly used up; they may need frequent repetition and they only affect the immediate condition. • the remedy can usually be found with a minimum of information
  • 135. ACUTE CONDITIONS • it doesn't usually profoundly improve your physical and emotional well being and susceptibilities, beyond resolving the immediate condition (unlike constitutional prescriptions). • sometimes several remedies may be used in quick succession (e.g.. flu may need Gels. to start, then Eup-per, the Kali-p then influenzinum, as the disease progresses through its various stages). • it is reasonable to treat yourself and your family for common uncomplicated conditions.
  • 136. PRESCRIBING FOR ACUTE CONDITIONS • When a patient has an acute condition before we can decide on a course of action, • FIRST • has the patient recently been prescribed a constitutional remedy? • Acutes caused by a constitutional remedy are a healing process and should not be treated unless harm could come to the patient)
  • 137. BLOCKS TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY • Sometimes an apparently well chosen remedy doesn't work. Why? • One possibility is that there is a block to cure • A block to cure can be physical or emotional and related to: – work – Relationships – Lifestyle – current medication – toxicity – past surgery or injury – other environmental (external) influences – Miasm
  • 138. BLOCKS TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY • A block to cure is anything that prevents cure from the prescribed constitutional remedy (simillimum) alone. • The block to cure needs to be addressed first and separately before a deeper acting remedy can be effective. • Sometimes this can be done by changing prescribing methods i.e. giving a homeopathic remedy specifically for the block itself , or it may be that the block needs other strategies to resolve it.
  • 139. BLOCKS TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY You cannot cure starvation with homeopathy nor can you stop a radioactive fallout although you may be treat some side effects of them.
  • 140. BLOCKS TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY • For example • stress at work or in a relationship may override the patients ability to be healthy and so this needs to be addressed if possible by other methods, • e.g. by resolving the problem or by removing the patient from the problem.
  • 141. BLOCKS TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY • Equally toxicity from whatever source, (environmental, work related, medications, recreational drugs, alcohol) may prevent a constitutional homeopathic remedy from working, so it needs to be addressed directly
  • 142. BLOCKS TO CURE IN HOMEOPATHY • Homeopathy can play a part in assisting these processes: • the extent to which it helps will depend on: A - whether the patient can actually be distanced from the block to cure or not. B - how amenable the block is to homeopathic or other therapy
  • 143. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Aconite • For the treatment of acute, sudden, and violent invasion, with fever. Complaints and tension caused by exposure to cold weather , draught of cold air, checked perspiration • Panic crises: fear of imminent death, vertigo, numbness, tachycardia,(rapid pulse) palpitations, flushes. faintness; . fear with symptoms .anxious restlessness. First remedy to try where the onset is very sudden with fear.
  • 144. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Antimonium-Tart • Great accumulation of mucus, even drowning in own mucus. Increasingly weak, sweats, becomes drowsy and relaxed with lack of reaction
  • 145. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Apis • Burning, stinging pains. Great swelling (edematous) & effusions: general & local.
  • 146. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Arsenicum • Anxiety, tremendous, especially about their health. Despair of recovery. Fear of death, of being alone. Convinced they're going to die (may be too frightened to even say so).Very restless, unless too weak to move
  • 147. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Belladonna • violence of attack and suddenness of onset. Hot, red skin, flushed face, dilated pupils, throbbing carotids, excited mental state, delirium, convulsive movements.
  • 148. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Causticum • BURNING, AND SORENESS are characteristic. Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities.
  • 149. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Rhus-toxicodendron • Poison ivy, oak. Red, swollen, skin itching intense. Dry, hot, burning, - restlessness
  • 150. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Sulphur • Heat, burning, Frequent flashes of heat. violent ebullitions of heat throughout entire body
  • 151. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Anacardium • absent mindedness; very easily offended; senile dementia; weakening of all senses, sight, hearing, etc.
  • 152. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Aethusa : • For the treatment of intolerance of milk and marked inability to digest it as well as all the associated symptoms such as easy perspiration (surface of body is covered with sweat),nausea and vomiting, with sweat and great weakness
  • 153. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Aloe • An excellent remedy to aid in re-establishing physiological equilibrium after much dosing, where disease and drug symptoms are much mixed. • Adapted to weary aged people. • Good for treatment of diarrhea.
  • 154. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Baryta Carb. • This is indicated in infancy and old age. Loss of memory; mental weakness, especially for old. Senile dementia; confusion. Childish; grief over trifles.
  • 155. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Drosera : • For the treatment of spasmodic, dry irritative cough, like whooping cough ,the paroxysms follow each other very rapidly; can scarcely breathe. Cough very deep and hoarse; worse after midnight. • Treatment of asthma
  • 156. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Ignatia No. 1. For Depression , Sadness and Disappointment: • Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost. It is one of the chief remedies for nervous temperament, easily exited. Rapid change of mental and physical condition, opposite to each other. Great contradictions. Effects of grief and worry. Changeable mood; silently brooding. Sad, tearful, not communicative, sighing and sobbing (take a deep breath that can be heard – indicating sadness). After shocks, grief and disappointment.
  • 157. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Kali Carb : • Alternating mood; very irritable. Full of fears and imaginations. Never wants to be left alone. Never quieted or contended. Obstinate and hypersensitive to pain, noise and touch.
  • 158. Anxiety Aconitum napellus • A panic attack that comes on suddenly with very strong fear (even fear of death) may indicate this remedy. A state of immense anxiety may be accompanied by strong palpitations, shortness of breath, and flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking experience will be the underlying cause. Strong feelings of anxiety may also occur when a person is just beginning to come down with a flu or cold
  • 159. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Argentum nitricum • This remedy can be helpful when anxiety develops before a big event: an exam, an important interview, a public appearance or social engagement. Dizziness and diarrhea may also be experienced. People who need this remedy are often enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses. They often crave sweets and salt (which usually make their symptoms worse).
  • 160. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Arsenicum album • People who are deeply anxious about their health, and extremely concerned with order and security, often benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small details and very neat, they may feel a desperate need to be in control of everything. Panic attacks often occur around midnight or the very early hours of the morning. The person may feel exhausted yet still be restless-fidgeting, pacing, and anxiously moving from place to place. These people may also have digestive problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety.
  • 161. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Calcarea carbonica • This remedy is usually indicated for dependable, solid people who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start to fear a breakdown. Their thoughts can be muddled and confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry and bad news may agitate them, and a nagging dread of disaster (to themselves or others) may develop. Fear of heights and claustrophobia are also common. A person who needs this remedy is often chilly and sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is easily fatigued.
  • 162. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Gelsemium • Feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being "paralyzed by fear") suggest a need for this remedy. It is often helpful when a person has stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or feels anxious before a test, a visit to the dentist, or any stressful event. Chills, perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches will often occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
  • 163. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Ignatia amara • A sensitive person who is anxious because of grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness (or any stressful emotional experience) may benefit from this remedy. A defensive attitude, frequent sighing, and mood swings are other indications. The person may burst unexpectedly into either tears or laughter. Headaches that feel like a nail driven into the side of the head, and cramping pains in the abdomen or back, are often seen when this remedy is needed.
  • 164. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Kali phosphoricum • When a person has been exhausted by overwork or illness and feels a deep anxiety and inability to cope, this remedy may help. The person is jumpy and oversensitive, and may be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events can aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability to concentrate may develop, increasing the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest often bring relief. Headaches, backaches, and nervous digestive upsets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
  • 165. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Lycopodium • Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. They can be self-conscious and feel intimidated by people they perceive as powerful (yet may also swagger or be domineering toward those with whom they feel more comfortable). Taking on responsibility can cause a deep anxiety and fear of failure, although the person usually does well, once started on a task. Claustrophobia, irritability, digestive upsets with gas and bloating, and a craving for sweets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
  • 166. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Natrum muriaticum • Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness can make these people seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when feeling lonely, they tend to stay away from social situations, not knowing what to say or do. (Inhibitions sometimes leave completely if they turn to alcohol, which makes them feel embarrassed afterwards.) Easily hurt and offended, they can brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy feelings, and isolate themselves-refusing consolation even when they want it. However, they are often sympathetic listeners to other people's problems. Claustrophobia, anxiety at night (with fears of robbers or intruders), migraines, and insomnia are often seen when this remedy is needed.
  • 167. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Phosphorus • People who need this remedy are openhearted, imaginative, excitable, easily startled, and full of intense and vivid fears. Strong anxiety can be triggered by thinking of almost anything. Nervous and sensitive to others, they can overextend themselves with sympathy to the point of feeling exhausted and "spaced out" or even getting ill. They want a lot of company and reassurance, often feeling better from conversation or a back-rub. Easy flushing of the face, palpitations, thirst, and a strong desire for cold, refreshing foods are other indications for Phosphorus.
  • 168. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Pulsatilla • People who need this remedy often express anxiety as insecurity and clinginess, with a need for constant support and comforting. The person may be moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally childish. (Pulsatilla is a very useful remedy for children.) Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room often increases anxiety. Fresh air and gentle exercise often bring relief. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) often is helped with Pulsatilla.
  • 169. MOST COMMON REMEDIES Silicea (also called Silica) • People who need this remedy are capable and serious, yet are also nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety can be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or any new job or task. Worry and overwork can bring on headaches, difficulty concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread. Responsible and diligent, they often overreact and devote attention to tiny details-making their worries (and their work) more difficult. They often have low stamina and come down with colds, sore throats, or other illnesses after working hard or being under stress.
  • 170. Sleeplessness Aconitum apellus: • This remedy can be helpful if a person panics with insomnia. Fear and agitation come on suddenly when the person is drifting off to sleep, or may even wake a sleeping person up.
  • 171. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Arsenicum album: • People who need this remedy are often anxious and compulsive about small details, and have trouble sleeping if they feel that everything is not in place. They are often deeply weary and exhausted, yet feel restless physically and mentally. Sleep, when it arrives, can be anxious and disturbed, with dreams full of fear and insecurity.
  • 172. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Calcarea phosphorica: This remedy is often helpful to children with growing pains, and also to adults who have aching in the joints and bones, or neck and shoulder tension that make it hard to fall asleep. The person lies awake for many hours, feeling upset and irritable—then has trouble waking in the morning, feeling deeply tired and weak.
  • 173. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Cocculus: This remedy is often helpful to those who feel “too tired to sleep” after long-term sleep loss—from getting up with an infant, taking care of someone who is ill, a disruptive work schedule, travel and jet lag, or chronic worry and insomnia. The person may feel weak and dizzy, with trouble thinking, and may be sleepy, irritable, or tearful.
  • 174. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Coffea cruda: Mental excitement and nervous stimulation that keep a person from sleeping suggest a need for remedy. Thoughts preventing sleep can be happy or distressing. The person may be looking forward to something that will happen in the morning, but feels stressed and exhausted as the night wears on. If the person falls asleep, it is usually very light with vivid dreams, and disturbed by any little noise or motion. (This remedy can also help if overuse of caffeine is the cause of sleeplessness.)
  • 175. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Ignatia: If insomnia is caused by emotional upset (grief or loss, a disappointment in love, a shock, or even an argument) this remedy may be helpful. The person is sensitive and nervous, and may often sigh and yawn in the daytime, but find it hard to relax at night. As the person tries to fall asleep, the arms and legs may twitch or itch. If sleep arrives, it is usually light, with jerking of the legs and arms, or long and troubling nightmares.
  • 176. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Kali phosphoricum: A person with insomnia from nervous exhaustion caused by overwork or mental strain, or following a taxing illness, may respond to this remedy. The person is very weak and sensitive to everything (noise, lights, touch, and pain). Irritability, depression, and anxiety with an empty feeling in the stomach are often seen.
  • 177. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Lycopodium: People who need this remedy often have no memory of dreams and often doubt that they have slept at all. Insomnia may set in primarily because of worry: lack of confidence can make them doubt their own abilities, although they are usually very capable. Insomnia caused by digestive trouble, especially gas, can also indicate a need for this remedy. The person feels drowsy after meals, but has trouble sleeping at bedtime. Ravenous hunger in the night that wakes a person up is another indication for Lycopodium.
  • 178. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Nux vomica: People who have insomnia after over- indulgence in stimulants, food, and drink—or after overexertion, either physically or mentally—may benefit from this remedy. They may be able to drift off, but sleep is light, and they often awaken in the early morning (typically three a.m.) and lie awake for hours. On getting up, they are tense, impatient, and irritable, with a feeling that they sorely need more sleep.
  • 179. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Silicea (also called Silica): This is a useful remedy for nervous people with low stamina who get too tired, then have insomnia. The person often goes to sleep at first, but awakens suddenly with a hot or surging feeling in the head—and finds it hard to fall asleep again. People who need this remedy usually have anxious dreams, and some (especially children) sleepwalk frequently.
  • 180. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Sulphur: This remedy may be helpful if insomnia comes from itching—or an increasing feeling of heat in bed, especially in the feet. The person is irritable and anxious, and often feels a need to throw the covers off. Lying awake between two and five a.m. is typical. Insomnia that develops because of a lack of exercise may also be helped with Sulphur.
  • 181. MOST COMMON REMEDIES • Zincum metallicum: People who need this remedy often have insomnia from mental activity. They can get wound up from overwork—or be naturally inclined toward nervousness and just have trouble relaxing. Their legs and arms often feel extremely restless, and lying still in bed may be impossible. Even during the daytime, a person who needs this remedy may feel a constant need to move the muscles.