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Hermaphrodite Fern Experiment
Discussion: Statistical analysis of the experiment shows that the data of the ANOVA single variable
test comparing the means for percentages of male gametophyte density, where no outliers were
present, yielded a p–value of 0.00861, which is a p–value< 0.05, which suggests a possible
relationship between spore density and male sex determination. Therefore, the means can be
described as being significantly different, meaning that we can fail to reject the hypothesis that, if
spore density is elevated, environmental resources will be limited among spores, promoting the
development of male or hermaphrodite ferns with increased levels of ACE, due to their higher self–
sufficiency, in comparison to female ferns. However, within this experimental ... Show more content
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ferns). This process of pheromonal regulation of reproductive traits protects ferns from the harmful
effects of inbreeding, which would reduce genetic variation within the species and create
vulnerabilities within a population. This would lead to a reduction in their numbers, as it has been
studied that the sexual phenotype of gametophytes is heavily influenced by its social environment
(Atallah & Banks, 2015). As discussed earlier, disparities between male and female gametophytes
regarding environmental resources, which can be limited with increased spore densities, is critical in
determining sex, which was shown through experimentation conducted by scientists Granger and
Sturey, when studying the effect of antheridiogen concentration and spore size on gametophytes size
in C. ferns. Their experimental results suggest the notion that gender could be directly influenced by
the effect of antheridiogen and gametophyte growth under set environmental conditions, as well as if
predisposed genetic mutations, which could alter the ACE's effect within a population, are taken into
account. Their evidence also suggests that gender can be indirectly altered concerning other
unaccounted for developmental factors, such as the rate at which gametophyte growth occurred, but
more research is required on this matter (Granger & Sturey,
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Plasmodium Essay
The Malaria Parasite Plasmodium and the Epidemiology of the Disease
For ages malaria has affected mankind in almost all parts of the world. It has left a deep imprint on
people who have been affected with the disease, and even today in countries where epidemics are
common, malaria is a constant threat to people's daily lives. Malaria is caused by protozoan
parasites of the genus Plasmodium (phylum Apicomplexa), and there are four species in the genus
that cause the disease in humans. Their primary hosts and transmission vectors are female
mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles; humans act as intermediate hosts. Places near the equator with a
warm, subtropical climate are most susceptible to malaria endemics. More than half of the ... Show
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More specifically, these pathogens belong to the phylum Apicomplexa. Their genus is Plasmodia
and their four species names are falciparum, vivax, malariae, and ovale (Wikipedia 19). The fevers
caused by these organisms vary quite a bit in their
clinical presentations so that different labels evolved for their symptoms, even before
microbiologists were able to distinguish them definitively around 1900. However, their clinical
syndromes overlap enough so that their relationship to one another is apparent, a correlation which
has been commonly recognized by scientists throughout history as one disease called ?malaria?
(Day 5). Thus, the historian can make accurate guesses about which malaria parasite was dominant
in a certain outbreak of the disease. The two most common forms in U.S. history were P. falciparum
and P. vivax. P. Malariae was rare, and P. ovale does not occur outside of Africa.
As discussed, because the malaria parasite is not a virus or bacterium, it differs quite a bit from
regular pathogens. Thus, explanation is needed about the complex morphology of this organism.
Depending on the developmental stage and species, malaria parasites can be spherical, ring–shaped,
elongated, or crescent shaped, and can range of 1–20 microns in diameter (Desowitz 89). Because P.
falciparum is the most common and deadly species in the genus, it is highly emphasized in research
as it will be discussed exclusively in this paper. Falciparum has several important
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Genetic, Life Cycle, And Association With Humans
Protists, also known as protozoans, are a eukaryotic species that consist of only one cell (Reece,
Campbell, 2011, p. 587). Protozoans can lead to a variety of conditions in other organisms,
including those in humans. Three diseases caused by protoazoans include malaria, giardia, and
African sleeping sickness (Reece, Campbell, 2011, pp. 593–599). I have chosen to learn more about
malaria by examining its origin, life cycle, and association with humans. Malaria comes from the
clade apicomplexans, which are derived from the superclade of alevolates in the S.A.R. Specifically,
the source of malaria lives in a parasite called plasmodium. Plasmodium can infect two hosts with
malaria: mosquitoes and humans. The life cycle of the parasite ... Show more content on ...
This new merozoites can cause multiple symptoms of malaria once they exit the erythrocytes. A
handful of merozoites can become another type of cell, known as a gametophyte. A gametophyte is
the next step toward allowing a mosquito to reproduce; therefore, if this human host is bitten by yet
another mosquito, this mosquito will absorb the plasmodium parasite and the gametophytes
associated with the parasite in its saliva. Inside of the mosquito, the gametocytes will produce male
and female gametes (egg and sperm). Once these gametes are formed, fertilization of the egg by the
sperm can occur, producing a zygote within the mosquito. This zygote can develop what is known as
an oocyst, which fills with numbers of new sporozoites. These sporozoites can restart the cycle by
moving into the mosquito's saliva, and the mosquito can bite another human, and so on. I retrieved
information about the life cycle from our textbook, Campbell Biology (Reece, Campbell, 2011, p.
599). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms of malaria
vary in time and severity. The CDC recognizes two main types of malaria, termed "uncomplicated"
and "severe" (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The first of the two is rather short–term,
and occurs and ends under a day's time. The symptoms of the "uncomplicated" malaria include,
"Fever, chills, general malaise, sweats, and headaches" (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention). On the
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Ib Bio Hl Chap 1 Cell
1. Which of the following will contribute to the cell theory? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only II only I and
III only I, II and III [1] Living organisms are composed of cells. All cells come from pre–existing
cells by mitosis. Cells are the smallest units of life. 1. C 2. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If
drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will the drawing be in mm? A. B. C. D.
0.08 mm 0.8 mm 8 mm 80 mm [1] 2. B 3. A cell has cytoplasm, a cell wall, naked DNA and
ribosomes. Based on this information, what type of cell could this be? A. B. C. D. A cell from a pine
tree A grasshopper cell A human red blood cell A bacterium [1] 3. D 4. What do diffusion and
osmosis have ... Show more content on ...
(e) 2 max The sites close to Iceland, at a latitude of 60–65°, had very varied allele frequencies, with
both PanIA and PanIB occurring. The water at these sample sites was highly stratified, with much
warmer water at the surface and much colder water below. Suggest reasons for both PanIA and
PanIB alleles occurring at these sites. higher frequency of PanIA/PanIA PanIA (cod) in warm
(surface) water; higher frequency of PanIB/PanIB PanIB (cod) in colder (deeper) water;
interbreeding results in PanIA PanIB cod/heterozygous cod; (e) 2 max (f) (f) Using the data in this
question, predict the effects of global warming on cod fish populations. PanIA PanIA (cod) may
spread further north / PanIB PanIB (cod) may move/retreat further north; numbers of PanIA PanIA
(cod) may increase / frequency of PanIA allele may increase; PanIB PanIB (cod) may become
extinct / frequency of PanIB allele may decrease; 2 max [11] IB BANK BIO VERSION 3 MUHD
INAAMULHASAN BIN SATHAR MOHD 2012–2014 11. (a) Up to two additional marks are
available for the construction of your answers. Escherichia coli is a unicellular organism, so each
cell must carry out all of the processes required for life. Outline the functions of each of the
structures in the cells of Escherichia coli. (a) cell wall protects the cell from damage; cell wall
prevents the cell from bursting; plasma membrane pumps substances/carries
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Lesson 3 Essay Questions
Lesson 3 Essay Questions: 1. Compare and contrast directional selection and disruptive selection
and provide an example of each. Both directional and disruptive selection is a type of natural
selection. Natural selection is the differential survival and/or reproduction of organisms as a
function of their physical attributes. (phenotype) This results in evolution over many generations.
Each mode of selection alters the mean or variance of a phenotypic trait in a population or species.
These distributions can be represented in bell curves. Both selection processes can be influenced by
human interaction. Directional Selection occurs when an extreme phenotype at one end of a
population distribution is favored over all other ... Show more content on ...
Jaws are believed to evolved from the first pair of gill arches. The presence of jaws permits a
predatory lifestyle. Early bony fishes or lobed finned fishes had lungs. Amphibians were the first
group to have jointed appendages and to invade land. Amphibian means living both on land and in
water. Besides the jointed limbs they have other features that are not seen in the fishes. Eyelids that
keep the eye moist, sound producing larynx, and ears adapted to pick up sound waves. Amphibians
have a great variety of reproductive strategies. This variety as well as the adaptations noted above
made them successful colonizers of the land environment. Reptile are the next step in the
evolutionary tree of chordates. The most outstanding adaptation of reptiles is that they have a means
of reproduction suitable to a land existence, Fertilization is internal and the female lays leathery ,
flexible shelled eggs. The amniotic egg made development on land possible and eliminated the need
for a water environment during development. Birds are considered feathered reptiles. They share a
common ancestor with the crocodile. Nearly every anatomical feature of a bird can be related to its
ability to fly. Birds lay a hard shelled amniotic egg rather than the leathery egg of other reptiles.
Mammals are amniotes as well and share a common ancestor with the reptiles. However they
represent a
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The Spandrels Of San Marco And The Panglossian Paradigm
In " The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm: A critique of the Adapationist
Programme" by Gould and Lewontin the article discusses about natural selection not being the
overall general reason for the evolution of species. Gould and Lewontin provide a pluralistic
approach of how species are evolved rather than basing on natural selection. Therefore, these
scientists used the central dome of St Mark's Cathedral in Venice to represent the other possible
explanations of the evolution in species. Most importantly, Gould and Lewontin used spandrels and
other findings as an analogy to parallelize the evolution of organisms as an unintentional byproduct
of the species. Gould and Lewontin introduce spandrels as triangular spaces between the arches and
dome. The spandrel is designed in such a way that is exclusively fitted towards its space. Also, the
spandrel shows severe complexity in intricate designs as well. If one were to look at the detailed
design on the spandrel; he or she would question how the spandrel was able to stay in its shape and
form without losing its detail. This is when Gould and Lewontin declare that the spandrel is just a
simple byproduct of the mounting dome. There was no adaptation of the spandrel to form its shape
and size. The reason why the spandrel is in its form is because it was an unintentional product of the
mounting dome. Gould and Lewontin used the spandrel as a metaphor towards biology to explain
that species are able to have
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Chromalveolata Observation Essay
The Chromalveolata supergroup has a clade called alveolates. The alveolates are named as such
because under their cell membrane it has an alveolus. An alveolus is a membrane–enclosed sac that
has an uncertain responsibility however it is suggested that it has something to do with
osmoregulation. Osmoregulation is the maintenance of keeping the water quantity at a proper ratio.
Alveolates has three groups that consists of the apicomplexans, the dinoflagellates, and the ciliates.
The dinoflagellates can range from photosynthetic, mixotrophic, and heterotrophic which deals with
how an organism receives its nutrition needed for survival. A majority of dinoflagellates have
connecting plates that are made of cellulose and two ninety degree angled flagella. The flagella are
able to be positioned into the connecting plates. One of the flagella is surrounds the dinoflagellate
while the other one runs lengthwise. The function of the flagella is to assist the dinoflagellates
movement of rotation. Figure 1 demonstrates the wide variety that dinoflagellates can be.
Dinoflagellates can also start to glow due to stress. The group of apicomplexans is named due the
fact that it contains fibrin, microtubules, and vacuoles contained in a apical complex structure. The
function of the structure is for access to contaminate a host cell. The group of ... Show more content
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Even though a few species can collaborate into colonies most golden algae are unicellular. They can
be located in either freshwater or in a marine environment. Seaweed, or brown algae, is a marine
algae that has multiple life cycles. In some of the species, the life cycle the gametophyte and
sporophyte are multicellular. Oomycetes are water molds with no close relations to fungi even
though its name means egg fungus. Oomycetes have cell walls that are cellulose based and have
filaments that assist with food. For movement, they have hairy and smooth
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Essay on Chapter Five Forensic Science
January 24th, 2014 Forensic Science/ Mod 3
Chapter 5 Test
True or False:
1) Pollen is an example of trace evidence.
Answer: True
2) Through microscopic examination of pollen or spores, it is possible to identify a specific plant
that produced that pollen or pore.
Answer: False
3) All Pollen & Spores are produced continuously throughout the year.
Answer: False
4) With the exception of bacterial endospores, pollen & spores are reproductive structures.
Answer: True
5) Spores are produced only by fungi.
Answer: False
6) Flowering plants or angiosperms are the only plants that produce pollen.
Answer: False
7) Pollen & Spore identification can provide important trace evidence in solving crimes dues to their
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Answer: Animal pollinated plants are strong, which make them easier to be found during evidence
collection but not a plentiful as wind pollen. Wind dispersed pollen produces large amounts of
pollen, which makes it easier to be found in forensic science during evidence collection, but it's
harder to direct find a suspect with this type of pollen. Water dispersed pollen absolutely has to stay
in water or it will degenerate. So this type of pollen doesn't exactly help in forensic science unless a
victim was drowned.
17)Describe how pollen can be used to determine if a crime occurred in the city or in the country or
during the day or night.
Answer: Pollen can be used to determine if a crime occurred in the city or in the country or during
the day or night because country & city conditions are different. The air is more polluted in the city
than in the country, which can affect plant cycles. Also, the city has a lot more sidewalks & other
pavements, shaded areas and not very much fertile soil for plants to even grow. This majorly limits
the types and survival of plants in that environment. Plants mostly flower in the daytime opposed to
the night time because there is sun only in the daytime. This means that there is more pollen in the
air during the
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Genetics Exam 2
BioSc 321 General Genetics Exam 2 Name __________________________________
Multiple Choice. (1 point each)
_____During anaphase of the mitosis ___.
A. DNA recombines
B. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles
C. The nuclear membrane disappears
D. RNA replicates
E. DNA content essentially doubles
_____During prophase of mitosis ___.
A. DNA recombines
B. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles
C. The nuclear membrane disappears
D. RNA replicates
E. DNA content essentially doubles
_____An autosome is ___.
A. a non–sex determining chromosome
B. an alternate form of a gene
C. another term for epistasis
D. present only in males and is responsible for sex determination
E. found in mitochondria but not in nuclei
_____What ratios ... Show more content on ...
They are associated with the nucleosome.
C. H1, H2, H3 and H4 form the nucleosome core.
D. They are found in the nucleus.
E. H1 functions as a monomer.
_____ Which of the following is not true about chromosome structure?
A. A telomere is always on the end of a eukaryotic chromosome.
B. A centromere is always in the middle of a eukaryotic chromosome
C. A chromatid is a chromosome that has been replicated but has not yet separated from its sister
D. The kinetichore is the site of attachment of the centromere to the nuclear spindle apparatus.
E. Heterochromatin are primarily associated with the centromere and telomere regions.
_____ Mating type refers to
A. the number of sex–chromosomes in a eucharyotic cell.
B. a system in which haploid fungal cells only fuse with fungal cells with a different complement of
C. the gametes of a plant which undergoes alternation of generation.
D. the gametophytes of a flowering plant.
E. the sporophytes of a flowering plant.
_____ Which of the following processes occurs in meiosis but not mitosis?
A. Cell division
B. Separation of homologous centromeres to opposite poles
C. Chromatic formation.
D. Chromosome condensation (shortening)
E. Pairing of homologs.
_____ In swine, when a pure–breeding red is crossed with a pure–breeding white the F1 are all red.
However, the F2 shows 9 red, 1 white and 6 of a new color, sandy. The Sandy phenotype is most
likely determined by
A. complementary alleles of two
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Describe How The Sporophyte Stages Of A Plant Life Cycle...
1.Describe how the sporophyte and gametophyte stages of a plant life cycle differ.
The life cycles of all land plants alternate between two generations of distinct multicellular
organisms which are gametophytes and sporophytes. Each generation give rise to the other
otherwise known as alternation of generations which is when the life cycle includes both
multicellular haploid organisms and multicellular diploid organisms. Gametophyte is a gamete
producing, multicellular haploid (1n). It is named for its production by mitosis of haploid gametes
such as egg and sperm, that fuse during fertilization, forming diploid zygotes. This mitotic division
of the zygote produces a multicellular diploid sporophyte, which is a spore– producing plant. Nature
sporophyte produces haploid spores, which are reproductive cells that can develope into a new
haploid organism without fusing with another cell. Mitotic division of the spore cell produces a new
multicellular gametophyte, and the cycle begins again.
2.Explain why most bryophytes grow close to the ground.
Bryophytes are nonvascular plants that are seedless, and do not form a monophyletic group (a
clade). There favorable habitat is in moist soil and or tree bark which allows them to germinate and
grow into gametophytes. They generally form into ground hugging carpet, because of the
bryophytes lack of vascular tissue which is needed to transport water and nutrients in long distances.
The thin structure allows bryophyte organs to
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Notes On ' On Land And ' Water ' By Kyle Dean
Terrestrialization on Land or in Water
By Kyle Dean
The movement to land by plants has been a point of great interest for many researchers. The
complexity of the situation is in the characterization of those traits that were most essential to the
viability on land, and whether those traits developed prior to terrestrialization or post
terrestrialization. This complexity stems from the long branch of phylogeny leading to
terrestrialization having an incomplete fossil record due to environmental changes throughout time.
The gold standard hypothesis on terrestrialization introduced by Bower is accepted in the scientific
community as the explanation for terrestrial plant diversification of plant orders and families.
Bower's hypothesis articulates, "that the evolution of antithetic alternating life cycles was
instrumental in adapting to the terrestrial habitat. (Harholt et al., 2016)" In other words the
development of the free living sporophyte and gametophyte was critical to a plants ability to live on
land. This information if taken only to mean the diversification of land plant orders and families is
accepted by most without question, for the alternating life cycle is imperative to suitability of land
plants; however, if Bower intended for his hypothesis to be inclusive of the primordial
terrestrialization then his hypothesis has encountered some criticism. Stebbins and Hill in 1980
conducted research that concluded with the premise that unicellular charophytes invaded
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Plate Tectonics ( 20 Points )
Question 1: Plate Tectonics (20 points)
Plate tectonics is a theory where earth's crust in the lithosphere is made up of plates that float on a
hot layer of molten magma in the asthenosphere, and moves constantly and under different
circumstances causes mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes to appear.
With the evidence of plate tectonics and fossils, it is believed that about 225 million years ago, all
the major continents had formed one giant continent known as Pangaea. However, due to possible
heat build up underneath the giant continent, Pangaea broke up thus splitting up populations of
plants and animals. With the rift, ocean waters filled the areas that once were the giant continent,
therefore separating these continents. To this day, landmasses continue to move apart, riding upon
their respective plates. The movement of earth's twelve major tectonic plates helped determine the
position and shape of the continents for millions of years. Where the plates meet, and its motions
determine the type of boundary. There are four types of boundaries where activity of plate tectonics
can be found: divergent, convergent, collisional, and transform boundaries.
A divergent boundary in plate tectonics is also known as a constructive boundary. It exists when two
tectonic plates are moving away from each other and create rift valleys. This usually occurs between
oceanic plates. The sea floor spreading is an example of divergent boundaries. An underwater chain
of mountains
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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Science For Living Notes (Compiled) Table of Contents Unit 1 Measurement 5–10 Unit 2 Matter
11–48 Unit 3 Basic materials for maintaining life Air 49–54 Water 55–68 Food 69–71 Other
biomolecules of life 72–76 Unit 4 Energy in the Community Electricity 77–78 Heat 78–81 Light
82–91 Sound 92 Simple Machines 93–99 Unit 5 The Physical Environment Weather and Climate
100–113 Soils 114–128 Unit 6 Living things in the Environment Plant and animal cells 129
Eukaryotes vs prokaryotes 130 Structures and functions 133–137 Microbes 148–150 Onion and
cheek cells 150–151 Ecological study 154 Seed ... Show more content on ...
Prefix | Symbol | Factor | Numerically | Name | giga | G | 109 | 1 000 000 000 | billion** | mega | M |
106 | 1 000 000 | million | kilo | K | 103 | 1 000 | thousand | centi | C | 10–2 | 0.01 | hundredth | milli |
M | 10–3 | 0.001 | thousandth | micro | Μ | 10–6 | 0.000 001 | millionth | nano | N | 10–9 | 0.000 000
001 | billionth** | Significant figures and standard form The significant figures (also called
significant digits and abbreviated sig figs, sign.figs, sig digs or s.f.) of a number are those digits that
carry meaning
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Moss Physcomitrella Patens Lab Report
Introduction The moss Physcomitrella patens is an alluring model system for plant biology and
functional genome analysis. It shares numerous biological features with higher plants (vascular
plants) however it also has the exceptional advantage of an efficient homologous recombination
system for its nuclear DNA. This permits exact genetic manipulations and targeted knockouts to
study gene function, an approach due to low frequency of targeted recombination events is not
routinely conceivable in any higher plants. (1) One of the reasons to study the biology of P. patens,
lies in the key position of mosses in plant evolution and the associated gain of specific features
connecting the aquatic and terrestrial mode of life. (5) Mosses are situated ... Show more content on ...
Through homologous recombination, specific genes can be knocked out and its function may
become known. By understanding the functions of gene sequences in P. patens, we can compare it to
other higher plants and further broaden our knowledge of gene functions in plant biology. By
studying the repair of DNA damage in Physcommitrella patens, history of plants can be further
detailed. P. patens is a model organism that will answer many questions about plants genome
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Ornithology Course Analysis
A beneficial science course that I took before this semester was Ornithology. The professor, Dr.
Leon Jernigan was an awesome instructor, very helpful and knowledgeable. Dr. Leon Jernigan
focused on teaching us the major groupings of birds, basics of flights, adaptions, and their nesting
behaviors. He presented the material with PowerPoints, handouts and videos. The instructor taught
the lab with many hands–on activities including fieldtrips, dissections, bird watching, and birding
identification. The Biology Department did not require any prerequisite classes for Ornithology and
it was an elective for Biology major. I thought the class was fun with the many hands on activates
including field trips to Fort Bragg. Skills I obtained from taking Ornithology include being able to
recognize and identify birds from their calls, ... Show more content on ...
For example, Botany and Ornithology was taught with awesome professors that did anything to help
their students succeed. Likewise, Botany and Ornithology both taught us how all organisms are
made up of the basic unit of life; cells. Also, the professors of Botany and Ornithology taught lecture
mainly with PowerPoints while lab included more hands–on activities. However, that's where the
similarities between the classes end. Ornithology is the study of birds. Uniquely, the professor
taught lab with many field trips to different locations for birding. Not to mention, The Biology
Department did not require prerequisite courses for Ornithology. Lastly, I used Ornithology as an
elective. Botany, however, required General Biology as a prerequisite class. Also, the professor did
not include any outside field trips for Botany. Additionally, Botany is the study of plants. Also,
Haleigh needed Botany for her major as General Biology. All though our courses are different they
were beneficial to our growing development of becoming
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Angiosperms and Gymnosperms
Seed Plants (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms)
OBJECTIVES: 1. To describe the features of seed plant life cycle and the concept of the dominant
generation. 2. To describe the life histories and related reproductive structures of gymnosperms and
angiosperms. 3. To summarize the features that distinguish gymnosperms and angiosperms. 4. To
discuss the advantages of seed plants to dominate land and their evolutionary adaptations on land.
EXPERIMENT 1: Gymnosperms
Gymnosperms (720 species in 65 genera) are ancient seed plants that include ginkgos (Division
Ginkgophyta), cycads (Division Cycadophyta), conifers (Division Coniferophyta), and gnetophytes
(Division Gnetophyta). The term gymnosperm derives from the ... Show more content on ...
You will find that many of the vegetative structures are quite similar to those of more ancient plants
shown. The roots, stems, and leaves of flowering plants function just as those of ferns and cone
bearing plants. Flowers and fruits, however are unique adaptations of angiosperms. Biologists
believe that the extraordinary adaptiveness of these structures has led to the proliferation of the
incredible diversity found among flowering plants.
MATERIALS: 1. Living specimens of angiosperms (dicots &amp; monocots) with roots, stems,
leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. (Imperata cylindrical, zea mays, Carica papaya, Phaseolus sp.) 2.
Prepared slide of angiosperms (dicots &amp; monocots) 3. Compound microscope 4. Dissecting
microscope 5. Slide and coverslip 6. Forceps 7. Distilled water
1. A root of dicots and monocots are obtained for morphology and anatomy study. 2. The root
systems of representative dicot and monocot are looked. 3. Cross section of dicot root shows the
central stele is surrounded by a thick cortex and epidermis. The following: epidermis, cortex,
parenchyma cells, starch grains, pericycle, endodermis, phloem, and xylem are identified. 4. Cross
section of monocot roor shows this root has a vascular cylinder of xylem and phloem that surrounds
a central pith. The following: epidermis, cortex, endodermis, Casparian strip, pith, phloem, and
xylem are identified. 5. A prepared
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Chapter 38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology
Q: Distinguish between pollination and fertilization.
A: In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. Fertilization is the
fusion of the egg and sperm to form the zygote; it cannot occur until after the growth of the pollen
tube from the pollen grain.
Q: What is the benefit of seed dormancy?
A: Seed dormancy prevents the premature germination of seeds. A see will germinate only when the
environmental conditions are optimal for the survival of its embryo as a young seedling.
Q: If flowers had shorter styles, pollen tubes would more easily reach the embryo sac. Suggest an
explanation for why very long styles have evolved in most ... Show more content on
Moreover sexual reproduction produces genetic variety, which may be advantageous in an unstable
environment. The likelihood is better that at least one offspring of sexual reproduction will survived
in a change environment.
Q: Compare traditional plant breeding methods with genetic engineering.
A: Traditionally breeding and genetic engineering both involved artificial selection for desired traits.
However genetic engineering techniques facilitate faster gen transfer and are not limited to
transferring genes between closely related varieties or species.
Q: Explain some benefits and risk of GM crops
A: GM crops may be more nutritious and less susceptible to insect damage or pathogens that invade
insect damaged plants. They also may not require as much chemical spraying. However, unknown
risk may include adverse effects on human health and nontarget organism and the possibility of
transgene escape.
Q: why does Bt maize have less fumonisin than non GM maize?
A: Bt miaze suffers less inect damage, therefore Bt maize plants are less likely to infected by
fumonisin producing fungi that infect plants through wounds.
Q: In a few species, chloroplast genes are inherited only from sperm. How might this influence
effort to prevents transgene escape?
A: in such species, engineering the transgene into the chloroplast DNA would not prevent its escape
in pollen; such as method requires that cholorplast DNA be found only in the
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The Differences Between Vascular And Nonvascular Plants
Land plants can be divided into three different groups. One of these groups are nonvascular plants
which include liverworts, hornworts, and mosses. The other two which are the focus of this paper
are vascular seedless plants and vascular seed plants. The difference between vascular and
nonvascular plants is that vascular plants have vascular tissue which enables them to grow up and be
bigger than nonvascular plants. The difference between seed and seedless vascular plants is the
presence of a seed. A seed is defined by the 10th Edition of Campbell Biology as "an adaption of
some terrestrial plants consisting of an embryo packaged along with a store of food within a
protective coat." This includes anything from apple seeds to dandelion seeds. The absence or
presence of a seed changes how a plant reproduces and also leads to different advantages and
disadvantages to the plant. Seedless vascular plants include such plants as ferns, horsetails, club
mosses, and whisk ferns. They live in wet environments because they require water for
reproduction. They reproduce through the use of spores. Using ferns as an example the spores are
found on the underside of the leaves. They are found in cases called sori and each sorus holds many
spores which are haploid. Spores are released and they form gametophytes. Gametophytes make
gametes which are also haploid and both the egg and the sperm of the fern are created in the
gametophyte, but in different parts. The egg is made in the
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Cellular Reproduction Essay examples
Cellular Reproduction
Cellular Reproduction is the process by which all living things produce new organisms similar or
identical to themselves. This is essential in that if a species were not able to reproduce, that species
would quickly become extinct. Always, reproduction consists of a basic pattern: the conversion by a
parent organism of raw materials into offspring or cells that will later develop into offspring.
(Encarta, 2) In almost all animal organisms, reproduction occurs during or after the period of
maximum growth. (Fichter, 16). But in
Plants, which continue to grow through out their lifetime, therefore making the process more
complex. Plants' reproduction is usually caused by a stimulant, mostly environmental or ... Show
more content on ...
Spindle fibers are barely visible. This phase takes fifty to sixty percent of the time of mitosis.
(Biggs, 214) During metaphase, the short second phase of mitosis, the sister chromatids line up
along the equator of the cell. Each sister chromatid has its own spindle fiber. Next comes the third
phase of mitosis, Anaphase, in which the centromeres break in half, causing each of the daughter
chromatids to start to be pulled to different poles of the cell by means of spindle fibers. The spindle
fibers pull the daughter chromatids until they reach the poles of the cell. Finally, the last phase of
mitosis called Telophase in which the daughter chromatids are fully pulled toward the poles and the
nuclear envelope begins to reappear, the cell also begins to cleave, usually in the spot where the
chromatids lined up in metaphase. After mitosis is complete, cytokinesis occurs, cytokinesis is the
process in which a cell's cytoplasm is split into two equal parts, therefore causing the mother cell to
split into two daughter cells. In plants, however, cytokinesis is replaced by the placing of a cell plate
on the metaphase "equator"
Mitosis is a process that guarantees better cellular work.
The two new daughter cells will carry out the same functions and cellular processes as the parent,
ensuring that the two cells will carry out twice as much as the original cell. Mitosis often occurs in
multicellular animals and plants, not making the organism
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Germination of Eggplant, Okra and Rice Seeds Soaked in...
Germination of Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.), Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench),
and Rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) Seeds Soaked in Alkaline Water
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
In Bi 160 and Bi 160.1
First Semester, AY 2012–2013
A Research Paper
Presented to
Anneke Padolina, Ph.D
Department of Biology
Ateneo de Manila University
Submitted by:
Medina, Kryzka
August 2012
I. Introduction
The life cycle of plants is characterized by the change in ploidy of generations; with diploid
generations giving rise to haploid generations and vice versa. The diploid generation, commonly
called the sporophyte, produces spores via meiosis. Through mitosis these haploid cells develop into
a multicellular ... Show more content on ...
The utilization of expired alkaline water that purportedly stimulates germination will provide an
alternative use for the undrinkable water.
II. Materials and Methodology
Assay Location
The experiment proper was carried out inside a room in the Medina Residence, which is located at 5
Capt. Miyong St., San Roque, Marikina City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The room experienced
limited sunlight with temperatures that vary from 18°C to 28°C. The set–up was placed on top of a
table to eliminate the possibility of animal foraging.
Species Selection
The experiment entailed the utilization of three species of plants. The first species, Oryza sativa
Linn., was preselected while the last two species were left to the discretion of the proponent of the
study. Prudent seed selection was done to ensure the preservation of the diversity of the plant
species that will be utilized for the experiment.
O. sativa, commonly called rice, is a monocot plant. It belongs to the family of grasses, Poaceae,
and is the main source of carbohydrates in Asian countries. Solanum melongena Linn., commonly
called eggplant, in contrast is a dicot plant. The shrub belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae,
and is used as a source of vitamins and minerals in tropical and temperate countries. Abelmaschus
esculentus (L.) Moench, commonly called okra, is a herbaceous dicot plant. It belongs to the
hibiscus family, Malvaceae, and is also used as a source of vitamins and
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A Comparison between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Reproduction Research Assignment Sac 5
PART 1 : Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction [ 4 marks ]
– Discuss the differences between, and the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual
reproduction :
Sexual Reproduction is the formation of a new organism from two parents usually, and involves the
joining of gametes [ e.g. sperm, pollen, egg] to form a single cell called a zygote [ or fertilised egg ].
The offspring are similar, but not identical to the parents. Sexually Reproductive organisms include
mammals, most reptiles, and flowering plants. ADVANTAGES
There is greater genetic variation of the offspring and therefore, greater chance of survival in
changing environments. Asexual Reproduction is the process by ... Show more content on ...
The sperm she receives is stored in a little pouch connected to the genital tract and closed off by a
muscular valve. Whether or not she chooses to release the sperm to fertilise her eggs, and create
female bees is her choice. Otherwise, only male drones are hatched.
PART 2 : Structure And Function [ 6 marks ]
– This section must include 3 labelled diagrams of the human male reproductive system, female
reproductive system and the reproductive system of a flower.
There are two testes situated in a sac called the scrotum. Due to the testes needing an optimum
temperature for sperm production, the sac is located outside the body. This is because the core body
temperature is far too warm to keep producing healthy sperm. EPIDIDYMIS –
This stores the large numbers of sperm until they are ejaculated out through the penis. In these two
ducts, sperm complete their maturation. SPERM DUCT/VAS DEFERENS –
The sperm duct, or vas deferens transport sperm from the testes to the urethra. SEMEN–
Semen is the fluid produced to protect the sperm from dehydration and the acidic environment of the
female vagina after sexual intercourse. Semen allows the sperm to swim more easily. URETHRA –
This is the tube that normally carries urine from the urinary bladder. When semen containing sperm
is ejaculated, it also travels out through the urethra, but the
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The Importance Of Gene Imprinting
Gene imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon when two alleles of a certain gene are expressed at
different level depending on their parent–of–origin. Gene imprinting has been documented in
mammals and flowering plants. In the 1980s, biologists' attention to imprinting has greatly increased
due to the recognition of its importance during mammalian development [1]. Imprinted genes
regulate cell growth, cell signaling, cell cycle regulation, and influence nutrient acquisition and fetus
growth. In mammals, many imprinted genes are found in the placenta and brain, which is consistent
with growth and neurodevelopmental defects observed in human imprinting disorders [2,3].
In addition to mammals, gene imprinting is also found in flowering plants. ... Show more content on ...
However, you are required to have at least one heading. Please ensure that either British or
American English is used consistently in your chapter.
The angiosperms (flowering plants) are the most diverse group of land plants, with over 250,000
species [5]. Double fertilization is a unique feature distinguishing angiosperms from their seed–plant
predecessors (gymnosperms). This feature might have provided angiosperms an evolutionary
advantage to become the dominant form of land plant life, although the selection force of this trait is
poorly understood.
Unlike animals that define all cell lineages during embryogenesis, plants are able to establish novel
cell fates throughout their entire life cycle, especially during sexual reproduction. Sexual
reproduction in flowering plants comprises of a process divided into three phases: sporogenesis,
gametogenesis and embryo–/ endosperm–genesis.
Sporogenesis is initiated in both male and female reproductive tissues. In ovule primordium, a
subepidermal nucellar cell differentiates into a megaspore mother cell (MMC), the MMC then
undergoes meiosis to form four haploid megaspores. Only one megaspore survives to become
functional megaspore (FM) and proceeds to gametogenesis, while the other three degenerate. In
stamen primordium, one subepidermal nucellar cell gives rise to a microspore or pollen mother cell
(PMC). The PMC then undergoes meiosis to form four haploid microspores which will continue to
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polyploidy
Definition: Polyploidy is the heritable condition in which a normally diploid cell or organism
acquires one or more additional sets of chromosomes.
Polyploidy refers to a numerical change in a whole set of chromosomes. Organisms in which a
particular chromosome, or chromosome segment, is under– or overrepresented are said to be
aneuploid. Therefore, the distinction between aneuploidy and polyploidy is that aneuploidy refers to
a numerical change in part of the chromosome set, whereas polyploidy refers to a numerical change
in the whole set of chromosomes.
Examples in animals are more common in non–vertebrates[9] such as flatworms, leeches, and brine
shrimp. Within vertebrates, examples of stable polyploidy include the salmonids and ... Show more
content on ...
However, these epigenetic changes might instead increase diversity and plasticity by allowing for
rapid adaptation in polyploids. One example may be the widespread dispersal of the invasive
allopolyploid Spartina angelica. However, it is not clear whether the success of this species can be
attributed to fixed heterosis or to the increased variability that results from epigenetic remodeling.
Polyploidy is also believed to play a role in the rapid adaptation of some allopolyploid arctic flora,
probably because their genomes confer hybrid vigor and buffer against the effects of inbreeding.
However, fertility barriers between species often need to be overcome in order to form successful
allopolyploids, and these barriers may have an epigenetic
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Polysiphonia Research Paper
Polysiphonia is the most common genus of red algae. They are usually red–brown because of the
pigment phycobilin, which masks the green of chlorophyll. The alga are typically between 5 to 10
inches in length and attach to stones or as an epiphytic on large seaweed or eelgrass in shallow
water. Different species of polysiphonia are indistinguishable without a microscope. Polysiphonia
are common in brackish or freshwater in marshes, mudflats, and estuaries in the Northwest Atlantic.
Currently, there are 11 known species of polysiphonia in the Northwest Atlantic, including P. arctica,
P. brodiaei, and P. elongata. Species of polysiphonia can be found all over the world, in countries
like Korea, New Zealand, Bermuda, and Chile.
The thallus of
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Bio Term Essay
Lard WEeduck
Dr. Lerdkig
Lab Report #2
November 9, 2011
Lab Report: Environmental Control of Sex Determination
Ceratopteris richardii, known as a C–fern has a lifecycle referred to as alteration of generations,
which consist of neither haploid nor diploid dominant. C–ferns are homospours plants which are
important in that they can produce hermaphrioditic gametophytes in order to be able to self fertilize.
However, some of the homospourous C–ferns only produce male gametophytes .The life cycle of
Ceratopteris richardii starts as a diploid sporophyte which then, by meiosis, produces haploid spores.
These spores then undergo mitosis to produce a haploid gametophyte, which can be either
hermaphrodite( producing eggs and ... Show more content on ...
Results The graph of our results showed the percentage of male gametophytes increasing and then
leveling off (Figure 1). This was our trend because most of the points followed this pattern,
however; there was a potential outlier at point (68, 32.3). The distribution of gametophytes on the
culture plates varied. Plates A and F had even distribution but were very crowed with gametophytes,
while plates D and C were evenly distributed but had less gametophytes. Plate E had clumping of
gametophytes in the top left corner and plate B had clumping the the bottom right corner.
Figure 1. The relationship between the population density and the percentage of male gametophytes.
The prediction that the percentage of male gametophytes would increase as the population density of
the gametophytes increased, and the prediction that the percentage of male gametophytes would
decrease as the population density of the gametophytes increased were not supported by our results.
When the population density was low, the percentage of male gametophytes was relatively low
because there would not be enough eggs to fertilize the sperm produced from both the
hermaphrodite,and the sperm produced by the male gametophyte. When the population density was
high, the percentage of male gametophytes was higher but still less than fifty percent because of the
same reasons.The data from our results did support our
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The Characteristics Of Gymnosperms : Life And Life Cycles
The word "gymnosperms" is derived from the Greek word "gymnospermos" , which means "naked
seeds". Gymnosperms are classified into four major groups such as Cycadophyta (Cycads),
Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo), Gnetophyta (Ephedra), Coniferophyta (Pinus) , which expands into about
1,000 species of gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are vascular plants that produce seeds inside cones.
The fact that gymnosperms have so many species , they have a lot of different and interesting
characteristics to help better understand them. They also have a interesting reproduction and life
Gymnosperms life and reproduction cycle go hand in hand . They reproduce sexually (Wilkin,
Brainard). The gametophyte age happens in the cone. Every male gametophyte is only a couple of
cells inside a grain of pollen. Every female gametophyte creates an egg inside the ovule, which
eventually turns into a seed coat after fertilization. In gymnosperms, the cone is the female
reproductive site and pollen is the male. Pollination has to occur in order for fertilization to happen.
After pollination occurs, one sperm unites with the egg, which then forms a zygote. The zygote then
transforms into an embryo inside the seed, in which the next generation of sporophytes develop
(Plant Reproductive Development and Structure). It takes roughly about two years for a
gymnosperm to complete its life cycle.
Gingko was derived from the Chinese words meaning "silver apricot" ( Pg. 424, Bidlack, Jansky).
The Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo) group of
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Pros And Cons Of Plant Reproduction System
1.0 Plant Reproduction System
Plant reproduction is the process of reproducing a certain species of plant continuing its existence. A
plant is made up of organs and cells that help it reproduce sexually or asexually. Both reproduction
methods having its advantages and disadvantages. 1.1 Plant Reproductive System Organs
The reproduction system for plants consists of the anther, stigma and ovule. The image by Hans
Lambers (2016) shows that pollen is created through the stamen (anther (which is held up by a
filament). The pollen is then moved through wind, water or animal to the stigma of the plant "part of
the pistil where the pollen germinates" (The Parts of a Flower, n.d.). Which is then moved down the
pollen tube (inside the style) where it reaches the ovary and fertilizes the ovule and reproduce. 1.2
Plant Reproductive System Cells
Plant reproduction consists of two cells. The pollen grains contains male gametophytes (the male
sex cell) which is created through the process of meiosis (sex cell multiplying). On the other hand,
the ovule, which is held within the ovary, contains female gametophytes (the female sex cell) which
is also created through the process of meiosis.
2.0 Animal Reproductive System
Animal reproduction, like plant reproduction, is the process of creating a being with similar genes to
the parent animal to continue its race. An animal reproductive system is made up of cells and organs
depending on the sex of the animal, both meeting up to create a
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Ammonium Nitrate Lab Report
Organic sources of nitrogen have shown to assist the development of many different plants, such as
spore germination. An experiment was conducted to see if ammonium nitrate would indeed help
with spore germination pertaining to the C–Fern, Ceratopteris richardii. The experiment consisted of
two different dishes, each containing a different culture– one with ammonium nitrate and the other
without. It was hypothesized that the control group, the petri dish without the ammonium nitrate,
will have a higher rate of germinated spores compared to the experimental group, the petri dish with
ammonium nitrate. The results revealed that although in each group the control had more geminated
spores that there was no significant difference or variance. So the hypothesis was correct in terms of
which would have more geminated spores. All in all, the experimental design had several openings
for error so if the experiment were to be repeated a more controlled environment should be used.
Vascular plants have been around for millions of years and have revolutionized the world's ecology
ever since their first appearance. A prime example of a vascular plant would be ferns, which was one
of the first known vascular plants on earth. Two characteristics that ... Show more content on ...
This was done by having two petri dishes one with ammonium nitrate, experimental, and one
without ammonium nitrate, control, and then counting the amount of spores each one germinated.
The specific fern that will be used is the C–Fern, Ceratopteris richardii, because they have the ability
to develop gametophytes rapidly over a short period of time (C–Fern?, 2014). Therefore, my
hypothesis is that the control group, the petri dish without the inorganic nitrogen, will have a higher
rate of germinated spores compared to the experimental group, the petri dish with inorganic nitrogen
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Plant Life Chapter 38
Chapter 38 Plant reproduction and Development
Sexual Reproduction
1. In general terms, explain how the basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified
in angiosperms.
The basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified in angiosperms by the change
of haploid (n) and diploid (2n) generations, which take turns making each other. 2. List four floral
parts in order from outside to inside a flower.
 Sepals
 Petals
 Stamen
 Carpels
3. From a diagram of an idealized flower, correctly label the following structures and describe the
function of each structure:  a. sepals– Sepals are in charge of protecting the flower's bud before it
blooms. It has the qualities of a leave and is usually in ... Show more content on ...
This has many advantages, such as the fact that double fertilization guarantees that the endosperm
will develop only in ovules where the egg has been fertilized. It also avoids angiosperms from
wasting nutrients. 13. Explain how fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants.
 Fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants because its first cellcell change occurs after
gamete fusion rises in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels as it does in animal gamete fusion. Also, the
plants make a block to polyspermy, which is the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm cell,
as do the animal's cell's eggs. 14. Describe the fate of the ovule and ovary after double fertilization.
Note where major nutrients are stored as the embryo develops.
 After double fertilization, the ovule matures into a seed, and the ovary matures into a fruit
encircling the seed. As the embryo grows the seed stores proteins, oils, and starch. 15. Describe the
development and function of the endosperm. Distinguish between liquid endosperm and solid
 After embryo development, endosperm is growth to store nutrients. This happens after double
fertilization, when the triploid nucleus of the ovule's central cell divides. This causes the formation
of a milky multinucleate "supercell". This becomes multicellular after cytokinesis. Finally, when the
cell walls are completed, the endosperm becomes solid. 16. Describe the development of
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Final Lecture Study Guide
Bio 100 Lecture Final Study Guide
(All answers are true or false)
1. The level of scientific thought that we have the most certainty in is the hypothesis.
2. Controlled science experiments have no validity in biology research.
3. All living things obtain energy from their environment.
4. The four organic macromolecule groups common to all living things are carbohydrates,
proteins, nucleic acids, and fats.
5. All living things are composed of one or more cells.
6. Humans are unicellular creatures.
7. Mitosis is cell Xeroxing that occurs in prokaryotic cells.
8. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a dynamic equilibrium of factors within which
living things can exist.
9. Of the cellular metabolic ... Show more content on ...
76. Brown algae are in the Phylum Phaeophyta.
77. Birds are dinosaurs.
78. The first great antibiotic was penicillin.
79. Cooksonia plants are known only from fossils.
80. A capsid is the proteins that surround a typical virus.
81. Generally speaking, the longer the wavelength of light, the smaller the available energy
82. Oxidation occurs when there is a removal of electrons and/or hydrogen atoms from a
83. Hydrocarbons are chains consisting of carbon atoms bonded only to hydrogen atoms.
84. ATP is a nucleotide made up of a base, a sugar, and three phosphate groups.
85. Chemiosmosis generates ATP.
86. Carotene is a yellow or orange pigment that serves as an accessory to chlorophyll during
87. Cycads are close relatives of the mosses.
88. Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with identifying and naming organisms.
89. A normal human female has two X chromosomes.
90. Mammals are members of a class of reptiles characterized by pressure of hair and
mammary glands.
91. A fossil was once a living organism but its tissues have now been replaced by minerals
and it no longer exhibits most properties of life, except for organization.
92. The sequence of classification categories is species, genus, domain, family, order, class,
phylum and kingdom.
93. Glycogen is a polysaccharide used to store glucose in plants.
94. Three major domains of life are archaea, bacteria, and
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Dna Profiling Research Paper
Indeed DNA profiling has rapidly transform the field of forensics. DNA profiling is the scientific
analysis of evidence for crime scene investigation and other legal proceedings. DNA profiling is
mostly used by forensic scientists and crime lab technicians. To identify criminals and victims using
trace evidence like hair or skin samples. To produce a DNA profile, scientists compare sequences in
the genome that vary from person to person. The typical steps in DNA profiling are DNA samples
are isolated from the crime scene, suspect, victims, or other evidence. The next selected sequences
from each DNA sample are amplified (copied many times) to produce a large sample of DNA
fragments. Finally the amplified DNA regions are compared using a gel. All together, these steps
provide data about which samples are from the same individual and which sample is unique.
DNA profiling can also be used to compare the DNA of a mother, her child, and the purported father
can settle a question of paternity. An example is when DNA profiling proved that Thomas Jefferson
or a close relative father a child of a slave named ... Show more content on ...
Microbes are bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. The earth was formed 4.6 million years ago. And a
few million years later, by 3.5 billion years ago, earth was already inhabited by a diversity of
organisms. The earliest organism is Prokaryotes and within the next billion years, two distinct
groups of prokaryotes called bacteria and archaea diverged. Eukaryotes cell evolved from a
prokaryotes community, a host cell containing even smaller prokaryotes .The microbial world
accounted for all known life forms for nearly 50 to 90% of Earth's history. We are still researching
microbial organisms today in marine environment, extreme environments. A microbial observatory
is an NSF–funded project dedicated to the discovery and characterization of novel microorganisms
and microbial communities of diverse
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First Seed Plants False The Earth
How the First Seed Plants Froze the Earth
With a little bacteria and a little bit of dirt, the first plant on earth was created. This plant was no
more than mats of algae that layered on top of itself in water, but it was a first nonetheless. It was
not until the end of the Ordovician period, some 480 million years ago, that plants began to grow on
land. Bryophytes were the first to grow, which included mosses, hornworts, and liverworts. Lacking
any leaves, these plants went through a Gametophyte stage, reproducing by dividing cells into
spores. Also reproducing with spores, the Lycopodiophyta (Lycopods) evolved simple microphyll
leaves with just one leaf vein bringing sunlight and nutrients in to support the plant.
The beginning of the Silurian Period (440 million years ago) brought vascular plants such as ferns,
with megaphyll leaves, or many veined leaves, ... Show more content on ...
The lignins in plants becomes buried over time, not allowing the carbon atoms to release back into
the atmosphere. Two historic climate changes that took place around the same time could possible
be explained by the evolution of seed plants. The first is the Snowball earth theory that suggest the
equator and therefore the whole earth was at one point completely covered in ice. Evidence for this
theory is found in earthforms that contain markings similar to those that glaciers make. Another
theory is the Cambrian explosion which resulted in creating the first fossils of every animals
category. There are still many debated and unproven theories about the evolution of plants but one
thing that is for certain is that they had one of the largest impacts on the planet, shaping the
atmosphere and biosphere the most in establishing conditions to support animal life, by supporting
the soil, air, water, food supply, shelter, and much
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C-Fern In Population Genetics
Experimental Analysis of C–Fern in Population Genetics
C–Fern plants are a strain of Ceratopteris richardii and have a rapid reproductive cycle, making
them perfect subjects in lab to be tested and observed on population genetics. Population genetics is
the study of genetic variation and allelic frequencies on a specific group over an amount of time. It
is a great way to predict future genetic information on more than just the C–Ferns. In this
experiment, two different generations for gametophytes and sporophytes of C–Ferns were observed
and counted for the amount of wild type and polka dot mutant individuals within a sample and a
population. The overall results demonstrated a 1:1 ratio of mutant to wild type in the F1
gametophyte generation for both the sample and population, which was expected. The F1
sporophyte generation demonstrated a 1:1 ratio of mutant to wild type in the sample and a 2:1 ratio
of mutant to wild type in the population. A 3:1 ratio of mutant to wild type was expected in the
sporophytes. It was concluded that the polka dot mutant is recessive in sporophytes and
demonstrates random fertilization in the diploid stage, but not in gametophytes. This process of
population genetics in C–Ferns can be extremely beneficial in other organisms, such as humans.
Population genetics could be a tool in medicine in determining human ... Show more content on ...
A population cannot truly survive for a long period of time without some sort of genetic variation. It
was first seen with Gregor Mendel and his research within pea plants. (Hickok) In this experiment, a
different plant's allele frequencies were observed. They go through a reproductive cycle after
meiosis in a 2–week time span, so these variations are easily noticed and perfect for a lab research
setting. They are very easily grown and observed (Project) in a way that is not possible for other
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The Change Of Leaf Color
Typically, as nature starts the transformation process from summer to fall, the green leaves on the
trees begin to change into colors of reds, golds, browns, and oranges. Eventually, the leaves fall off
the trees onto the ground. Three factors contribute to the change in leaf color according to USDA's
Northeastern Area Forest Service website, which include leaf pigments, length of night, and
weather. The increasing length of night and other ecological influences such as the temperature,
rainfall, and food supply trigger the biochemical process of the leaves ( Photosynthesis
occurs in the chloroplasts of the leaves. A chloroplast is a type of plant cell organelle known as a
plastid. Plastids support the storing of the needed ingredients for energy production. A chloroplast
contains a green pigment called chlorophyll which is the agent that gives leaves their green color.
Chlorophyll is important to the photosynthesis process as it is the chemical reaction that facilitates
plants to use sunlight to produce sugars for their food ( During the emergent
season, chlorophyll is repetitively produced and broken down, which causes the leaves to appear
green in color. As the nights grow longer, the production of chlorophyll diminishes and eventually
ceases production. Depending on the type of plant, as the chlorophyll becomes dormant, the color of
the leaves begins to change to reds, browns, yellows, and oranges ( describes
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The Fluidity Of Cloning : Gender Norms & Racial Bias
Alex R
Biology The Fluidity of Cloning .
Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern "Cloning "
The sea anemone undergoing cloning thumb]]
In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical
individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce
asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments,
cells, or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as
digital media or software.
Molecular cloning
Molecular cloning refers to the process of making multiple molecules. Cloning is commonly used to
amplify DNA fragments containing whole genes, but it can also ... Show more content on ...
However, a number of other features are needed and a variety of specialised cloning vectors exist
that allow protein expression, tagging, single stranded RNA and DNA production and a host of other
Cloning of any DNA fragment essentially involves four steps
# fragmentation – breaking apart a strand of DNA
# ligation – gluing together pieces of DNA in a desired sequence
# transfection – inserting the newly formed pieces of DNA into cells
# screening/selection – selecting out the cells that were successfully transfected with the new DNA
Although these steps are invariable among cloning procedures a number of alternative routes can be
selected; these are summarized as a cloning strategy.
Initially, the DNA of interest needs to be isolated to provide a DNA segment of suitable size.
Subsequently, a ligation procedure is used where the amplified fragment is inserted into a vector .
The vector is linearised using restriction enzymes, and incubated with the fragment of interest under
appropriate conditions with an enzyme called DNA ligase. Following ligation the vector with the
insert of interest is transfected into cells. A number of alternative techniques are available, such as
chemical sensitivation of cells, electroporation, optical injection and biolistics. Finally, the
transfected cells are cultured. As the aforementioned procedures are of particularly low efficiency,
there is a need to
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Cladogram: Double Fertilization
A lot of people may wonder how the characters on the cladogram contribute to the success of life on
land. A cladogram is when you have a group of characteristics that ultimately share the same
character state and you are comparing the ones are not shared within the group, which is an
outgroup (Lab Manual). On page 115 it shows a table of land plants and we had to figure out the
character states for each moss, fern, Gymnosperm, and Angiosperm. The character states for this
table were terrestrial, embryo, dominant sporophyte, vascular tissue, seeds, secondary growth,
flowers, fruit, gametophyte dependent on sporophyte, pollen, sporophyll, sporophyte dependent on
gametophyte, Archegonium, and double fertilization. So how do these characters
... Get more on ...
The Importance Of Plants In Canada
Plants are extremely important to the growth and development of Canada because as a source of
food, the country requires the nutrients the plants provide and they are irreplaceable. Plants are
crucial as they are a component of everything people eat, whether people eat the plants or the animal
they eat or get food from rely on plants. The more food and plants available to better the
reproduction, and therefore more population growth in communities. Having more food available
for the entire population has shown to decrease poverty and increase the overall development of the
community (2). In Canada, there is a large discrepancy between the food security of the southern
provinces and northern territories. This has stuck many northern Canadians in difficult situations
when trying to buy the proper food. There is also an economic factor of food and plants. In current
society, most food in imported from country to country, creating many economic benefits in
countries that import food (3). That money can be used to create a better community and country.
On another level, plants and crops also have religious and symbolic value in our culture, which
helps to increase development on a social level. Increases in variety and quantity can help to
develop communities. Certain pants and foods help to give communities and countries their identity.
For example, many foods are crucial to our identity like maple syrup. Overall, food and plants is
extremely important to Canada as a society
... Get more on ...
Giant Hogweed Research Paper
The control and eradication of invasive species in Washington State is an important part of
maintaining the diversity and wellbeing of our ecosystems. One invasive species common to us,
Heracleum mantegazzianum, otherwise known as giant hogweed, is a Class A weed and must be
eliminated where encountered (Noxious Weed Control Board). H. mantegazzianum is recognizable
by its immense height of up to 20 feet, and its thick stalks support umbels of small, clustered white
flowers. It can be distinguished from plants of similar appearance by purple blotches located on the
stems (Noxious Weed Control Board). They are commonly found near riverbanks and roadsides.
(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation). H. mantegazzianum owes much of
its success as an invasive species to its reproductive capabilities as an angiosperm. According to
Reece et al, sexual reproduction for the angiosperms begins in the flower on a mature sporophyte
plant. Within the anther the male microsporocytes undergo meiosis to ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, it is a threat to native species and perilous to the ecosystems they colonize by stealing
resources. Second, the formation of their roots contributes to soil erosion by the creation of bare
soil. Finally, the sap contained within all parts of the plant sensitizes human skin to UV radiation
and leads to photo–dermatitis (Noxious Weed Control Board). For these reasons, it is imperative that
this weed is eradicated in the state of Washington. Different methods of eliminating giant hogweed
exist, with varying results. For young plants, cutting the root 6 inches below the earth can be
effective when infestations are small. For larger infestations and with greater success, herbicides
containing triclopyr or glyphosate may be applied to giant hogweed. Treated infestations must be
monitored for many years following to ensure no regrowth (Nehrbass et
... Get more on ...
Grimmia Rhids
The goal of this project was to determine whether there is more microbial diversity and abundance
in Gimmia rhizoids sampled on the top of rock ledges versus those sampled on the bottom of the
ledge. Our hypothesis was that there will be more microbial diversity in Grimmia rhizoid grown
beneath ledges than Grimmia rhizoid grown on top. If our hypothesis is true, then there will be more
diverse colonies in Grimmia rhizoid beneath the ledge with respect to the number of different
colonies present and their abundance.
The results in this study supports our hypothesis. On average, the bottom samples had 0.75 more
colonies than the top samples (Figure 1). This shows how the dark, moist environments beneath the
ledge might have facilitated more microbial ... Show more content on ...
Studies have shown that under varying light conditions, different bryophyte species result in
different growth responses. For example, although most of the tested bryophyte exhibited greater
growth responses when irradiance levels decreased, this was not the case for every bryophyte
species. Unlike the other 5 bryophyte moss species that Rincón observed, L. bidentate did not
exhibit the typical decrease in growth with the increased irradiance levels (Rincón, 1993). This
indicates that the variation in different species can affect the growth of bryophyte moss, which
relates to the amount of microbial diversity and their abundance. Likewise, in North Carolina,
researchers specifically studied the chlorophyll a/b ratios in mosses. The presence of chlorophyll a
and b is indicative of the amount of photosynthesis a plant undergoes. Photosynthesis is a very
important process that allows plants to produce their own food, glucose sugar, for proper plant
growth and development. A variety of moss species were studied and their chlorophyll a/b ratios
were shown to be less than or equal to 2.1 (Martin, 1980). Vascular plants would have higher
chlorophyll a/b ratios because they require greater light exposure for growth and development. As
we have observed in this experiment, this is not the case for moss. The darker bottom samples
showed greater microbial diversity and abundance. In the same way, mosses grow better in
environments with less light, which explains why the 11 mosses studied by Martin have a lower
chorophyll a/b ratio than a typical vascular plant (Martin, 1980). In addition, mosses that vary in this
ratio can show different degrees of microbial diversity and abundance, whether they are sampled in
the same or different light
... Get more on ...

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Hermaphrodite Fern Experiment

  • 1. Hermaphrodite Fern Experiment Discussion: Statistical analysis of the experiment shows that the data of the ANOVA single variable test comparing the means for percentages of male gametophyte density, where no outliers were present, yielded a p–value of 0.00861, which is a p–value< 0.05, which suggests a possible relationship between spore density and male sex determination. Therefore, the means can be described as being significantly different, meaning that we can fail to reject the hypothesis that, if spore density is elevated, environmental resources will be limited among spores, promoting the development of male or hermaphrodite ferns with increased levels of ACE, due to their higher self– sufficiency, in comparison to female ferns. However, within this experimental ... Show more content on ... ferns). This process of pheromonal regulation of reproductive traits protects ferns from the harmful effects of inbreeding, which would reduce genetic variation within the species and create vulnerabilities within a population. This would lead to a reduction in their numbers, as it has been studied that the sexual phenotype of gametophytes is heavily influenced by its social environment (Atallah & Banks, 2015). As discussed earlier, disparities between male and female gametophytes regarding environmental resources, which can be limited with increased spore densities, is critical in determining sex, which was shown through experimentation conducted by scientists Granger and Sturey, when studying the effect of antheridiogen concentration and spore size on gametophytes size in C. ferns. Their experimental results suggest the notion that gender could be directly influenced by the effect of antheridiogen and gametophyte growth under set environmental conditions, as well as if predisposed genetic mutations, which could alter the ACE's effect within a population, are taken into account. Their evidence also suggests that gender can be indirectly altered concerning other unaccounted for developmental factors, such as the rate at which gametophyte growth occurred, but more research is required on this matter (Granger & Sturey, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Plasmodium Essay The Malaria Parasite Plasmodium and the Epidemiology of the Disease Abstract For ages malaria has affected mankind in almost all parts of the world. It has left a deep imprint on people who have been affected with the disease, and even today in countries where epidemics are common, malaria is a constant threat to people's daily lives. Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium (phylum Apicomplexa), and there are four species in the genus that cause the disease in humans. Their primary hosts and transmission vectors are female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles; humans act as intermediate hosts. Places near the equator with a warm, subtropical climate are most susceptible to malaria endemics. More than half of the ... Show more content on ... More specifically, these pathogens belong to the phylum Apicomplexa. Their genus is Plasmodia and their four species names are falciparum, vivax, malariae, and ovale (Wikipedia 19). The fevers caused by these organisms vary quite a bit in their 1 clinical presentations so that different labels evolved for their symptoms, even before microbiologists were able to distinguish them definitively around 1900. However, their clinical syndromes overlap enough so that their relationship to one another is apparent, a correlation which has been commonly recognized by scientists throughout history as one disease called ?malaria? (Day 5). Thus, the historian can make accurate guesses about which malaria parasite was dominant in a certain outbreak of the disease. The two most common forms in U.S. history were P. falciparum and P. vivax. P. Malariae was rare, and P. ovale does not occur outside of Africa. As discussed, because the malaria parasite is not a virus or bacterium, it differs quite a bit from regular pathogens. Thus, explanation is needed about the complex morphology of this organism. Depending on the developmental stage and species, malaria parasites can be spherical, ring–shaped, elongated, or crescent shaped, and can range of 1–20 microns in diameter (Desowitz 89). Because P. falciparum is the most common and deadly species in the genus, it is highly emphasized in research as it will be discussed exclusively in this paper. Falciparum has several important ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Genetic, Life Cycle, And Association With Humans Protists, also known as protozoans, are a eukaryotic species that consist of only one cell (Reece, Campbell, 2011, p. 587). Protozoans can lead to a variety of conditions in other organisms, including those in humans. Three diseases caused by protoazoans include malaria, giardia, and African sleeping sickness (Reece, Campbell, 2011, pp. 593–599). I have chosen to learn more about malaria by examining its origin, life cycle, and association with humans. Malaria comes from the clade apicomplexans, which are derived from the superclade of alevolates in the S.A.R. Specifically, the source of malaria lives in a parasite called plasmodium. Plasmodium can infect two hosts with malaria: mosquitoes and humans. The life cycle of the parasite ... Show more content on ... This new merozoites can cause multiple symptoms of malaria once they exit the erythrocytes. A handful of merozoites can become another type of cell, known as a gametophyte. A gametophyte is the next step toward allowing a mosquito to reproduce; therefore, if this human host is bitten by yet another mosquito, this mosquito will absorb the plasmodium parasite and the gametophytes associated with the parasite in its saliva. Inside of the mosquito, the gametocytes will produce male and female gametes (egg and sperm). Once these gametes are formed, fertilization of the egg by the sperm can occur, producing a zygote within the mosquito. This zygote can develop what is known as an oocyst, which fills with numbers of new sporozoites. These sporozoites can restart the cycle by moving into the mosquito's saliva, and the mosquito can bite another human, and so on. I retrieved information about the life cycle from our textbook, Campbell Biology (Reece, Campbell, 2011, p. 599). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms of malaria vary in time and severity. The CDC recognizes two main types of malaria, termed "uncomplicated" and "severe" (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The first of the two is rather short–term, and occurs and ends under a day's time. The symptoms of the "uncomplicated" malaria include, "Fever, chills, general malaise, sweats, and headaches" (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). On the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Ib Bio Hl Chap 1 Cell 1. Which of the following will contribute to the cell theory? I. II. III. A. B. C. D. I only II only I and III only I, II and III [1] Living organisms are composed of cells. All cells come from pre–existing cells by mitosis. Cells are the smallest units of life. 1. C 2. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will the drawing be in mm? A. B. C. D. 0.08 mm 0.8 mm 8 mm 80 mm [1] 2. B 3. A cell has cytoplasm, a cell wall, naked DNA and ribosomes. Based on this information, what type of cell could this be? A. B. C. D. A cell from a pine tree A grasshopper cell A human red blood cell A bacterium [1] 3. D 4. What do diffusion and osmosis have ... Show more content on ... (e) 2 max The sites close to Iceland, at a latitude of 60–65°, had very varied allele frequencies, with both PanIA and PanIB occurring. The water at these sample sites was highly stratified, with much warmer water at the surface and much colder water below. Suggest reasons for both PanIA and PanIB alleles occurring at these sites. higher frequency of PanIA/PanIA PanIA (cod) in warm (surface) water; higher frequency of PanIB/PanIB PanIB (cod) in colder (deeper) water; interbreeding results in PanIA PanIB cod/heterozygous cod; (e) 2 max (f) (f) Using the data in this question, predict the effects of global warming on cod fish populations. PanIA PanIA (cod) may spread further north / PanIB PanIB (cod) may move/retreat further north; numbers of PanIA PanIA (cod) may increase / frequency of PanIA allele may increase; PanIB PanIB (cod) may become extinct / frequency of PanIB allele may decrease; 2 max [11] IB BANK BIO VERSION 3 MUHD INAAMULHASAN BIN SATHAR MOHD 2012–2014 11. (a) Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers. Escherichia coli is a unicellular organism, so each cell must carry out all of the processes required for life. Outline the functions of each of the structures in the cells of Escherichia coli. (a) cell wall protects the cell from damage; cell wall prevents the cell from bursting; plasma membrane pumps substances/carries ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Lesson 3 Essay Questions Lesson 3 Essay Questions: 1. Compare and contrast directional selection and disruptive selection and provide an example of each. Both directional and disruptive selection is a type of natural selection. Natural selection is the differential survival and/or reproduction of organisms as a function of their physical attributes. (phenotype) This results in evolution over many generations. Each mode of selection alters the mean or variance of a phenotypic trait in a population or species. These distributions can be represented in bell curves. Both selection processes can be influenced by human interaction. Directional Selection occurs when an extreme phenotype at one end of a population distribution is favored over all other ... Show more content on ... Jaws are believed to evolved from the first pair of gill arches. The presence of jaws permits a predatory lifestyle. Early bony fishes or lobed finned fishes had lungs. Amphibians were the first group to have jointed appendages and to invade land. Amphibian means living both on land and in water. Besides the jointed limbs they have other features that are not seen in the fishes. Eyelids that keep the eye moist, sound producing larynx, and ears adapted to pick up sound waves. Amphibians have a great variety of reproductive strategies. This variety as well as the adaptations noted above made them successful colonizers of the land environment. Reptile are the next step in the evolutionary tree of chordates. The most outstanding adaptation of reptiles is that they have a means of reproduction suitable to a land existence, Fertilization is internal and the female lays leathery , flexible shelled eggs. The amniotic egg made development on land possible and eliminated the need for a water environment during development. Birds are considered feathered reptiles. They share a common ancestor with the crocodile. Nearly every anatomical feature of a bird can be related to its ability to fly. Birds lay a hard shelled amniotic egg rather than the leathery egg of other reptiles. Mammals are amniotes as well and share a common ancestor with the reptiles. However they represent a ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. The Spandrels Of San Marco And The Panglossian Paradigm In " The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm: A critique of the Adapationist Programme" by Gould and Lewontin the article discusses about natural selection not being the overall general reason for the evolution of species. Gould and Lewontin provide a pluralistic approach of how species are evolved rather than basing on natural selection. Therefore, these scientists used the central dome of St Mark's Cathedral in Venice to represent the other possible explanations of the evolution in species. Most importantly, Gould and Lewontin used spandrels and other findings as an analogy to parallelize the evolution of organisms as an unintentional byproduct of the species. Gould and Lewontin introduce spandrels as triangular spaces between the arches and dome. The spandrel is designed in such a way that is exclusively fitted towards its space. Also, the spandrel shows severe complexity in intricate designs as well. If one were to look at the detailed design on the spandrel; he or she would question how the spandrel was able to stay in its shape and form without losing its detail. This is when Gould and Lewontin declare that the spandrel is just a simple byproduct of the mounting dome. There was no adaptation of the spandrel to form its shape and size. The reason why the spandrel is in its form is because it was an unintentional product of the mounting dome. Gould and Lewontin used the spandrel as a metaphor towards biology to explain that species are able to have ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Chromalveolata Observation Essay The Chromalveolata supergroup has a clade called alveolates. The alveolates are named as such because under their cell membrane it has an alveolus. An alveolus is a membrane–enclosed sac that has an uncertain responsibility however it is suggested that it has something to do with osmoregulation. Osmoregulation is the maintenance of keeping the water quantity at a proper ratio. Alveolates has three groups that consists of the apicomplexans, the dinoflagellates, and the ciliates. The dinoflagellates can range from photosynthetic, mixotrophic, and heterotrophic which deals with how an organism receives its nutrition needed for survival. A majority of dinoflagellates have connecting plates that are made of cellulose and two ninety degree angled flagella. The flagella are able to be positioned into the connecting plates. One of the flagella is surrounds the dinoflagellate while the other one runs lengthwise. The function of the flagella is to assist the dinoflagellates movement of rotation. Figure 1 demonstrates the wide variety that dinoflagellates can be. Dinoflagellates can also start to glow due to stress. The group of apicomplexans is named due the fact that it contains fibrin, microtubules, and vacuoles contained in a apical complex structure. The function of the structure is for access to contaminate a host cell. The group of ... Show more content on ... Even though a few species can collaborate into colonies most golden algae are unicellular. They can be located in either freshwater or in a marine environment. Seaweed, or brown algae, is a marine algae that has multiple life cycles. In some of the species, the life cycle the gametophyte and sporophyte are multicellular. Oomycetes are water molds with no close relations to fungi even though its name means egg fungus. Oomycetes have cell walls that are cellulose based and have filaments that assist with food. For movement, they have hairy and smooth ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Essay on Chapter Five Forensic Science January 24th, 2014 Forensic Science/ Mod 3 Chapter 5 Test True or False: 1) Pollen is an example of trace evidence. Answer: True 2) Through microscopic examination of pollen or spores, it is possible to identify a specific plant that produced that pollen or pore. Answer: False 3) All Pollen & Spores are produced continuously throughout the year. Answer: False 4) With the exception of bacterial endospores, pollen & spores are reproductive structures. Answer: True 5) Spores are produced only by fungi. Answer: False 6) Flowering plants or angiosperms are the only plants that produce pollen. Answer: False 7) Pollen & Spore identification can provide important trace evidence in solving crimes dues to their ... Show more content on ... Answer: Animal pollinated plants are strong, which make them easier to be found during evidence collection but not a plentiful as wind pollen. Wind dispersed pollen produces large amounts of pollen, which makes it easier to be found in forensic science during evidence collection, but it's harder to direct find a suspect with this type of pollen. Water dispersed pollen absolutely has to stay in water or it will degenerate. So this type of pollen doesn't exactly help in forensic science unless a victim was drowned. 17)Describe how pollen can be used to determine if a crime occurred in the city or in the country or during the day or night. Answer: Pollen can be used to determine if a crime occurred in the city or in the country or during the day or night because country & city conditions are different. The air is more polluted in the city than in the country, which can affect plant cycles. Also, the city has a lot more sidewalks & other pavements, shaded areas and not very much fertile soil for plants to even grow. This majorly limits the types and survival of plants in that environment. Plants mostly flower in the daytime opposed to the night time because there is sun only in the daytime. This means that there is more pollen in the air during the
  • 16. ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Genetics Exam 2 BioSc 321 General Genetics Exam 2 Name __________________________________ Multiple Choice. (1 point each) _____During anaphase of the mitosis ___. A. DNA recombines B. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles C. The nuclear membrane disappears D. RNA replicates E. DNA content essentially doubles _____During prophase of mitosis ___. A. DNA recombines B. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles C. The nuclear membrane disappears D. RNA replicates E. DNA content essentially doubles _____An autosome is ___. A. a non–sex determining chromosome B. an alternate form of a gene C. another term for epistasis D. present only in males and is responsible for sex determination E. found in mitochondria but not in nuclei _____What ratios ... Show more content on ... They are associated with the nucleosome. C. H1, H2, H3 and H4 form the nucleosome core. D. They are found in the nucleus. E. H1 functions as a monomer. _____ Which of the following is not true about chromosome structure?
  • 19. A. A telomere is always on the end of a eukaryotic chromosome. B. A centromere is always in the middle of a eukaryotic chromosome C. A chromatid is a chromosome that has been replicated but has not yet separated from its sister chromatid. D. The kinetichore is the site of attachment of the centromere to the nuclear spindle apparatus. E. Heterochromatin are primarily associated with the centromere and telomere regions. _____ Mating type refers to A. the number of sex–chromosomes in a eucharyotic cell. B. a system in which haploid fungal cells only fuse with fungal cells with a different complement of alleles. C. the gametes of a plant which undergoes alternation of generation. D. the gametophytes of a flowering plant. E. the sporophytes of a flowering plant. _____ Which of the following processes occurs in meiosis but not mitosis? A. Cell division B. Separation of homologous centromeres to opposite poles C. Chromatic formation. D. Chromosome condensation (shortening) E. Pairing of homologs. _____ In swine, when a pure–breeding red is crossed with a pure–breeding white the F1 are all red. However, the F2 shows 9 red, 1 white and 6 of a new color, sandy. The Sandy phenotype is most likely determined by A. complementary alleles of two ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Describe How The Sporophyte Stages Of A Plant Life Cycle... Chapter29 1.Describe how the sporophyte and gametophyte stages of a plant life cycle differ. The life cycles of all land plants alternate between two generations of distinct multicellular organisms which are gametophytes and sporophytes. Each generation give rise to the other otherwise known as alternation of generations which is when the life cycle includes both multicellular haploid organisms and multicellular diploid organisms. Gametophyte is a gamete producing, multicellular haploid (1n). It is named for its production by mitosis of haploid gametes such as egg and sperm, that fuse during fertilization, forming diploid zygotes. This mitotic division of the zygote produces a multicellular diploid sporophyte, which is a spore– producing plant. Nature sporophyte produces haploid spores, which are reproductive cells that can develope into a new haploid organism without fusing with another cell. Mitotic division of the spore cell produces a new multicellular gametophyte, and the cycle begins again. 2.Explain why most bryophytes grow close to the ground. Bryophytes are nonvascular plants that are seedless, and do not form a monophyletic group (a clade). There favorable habitat is in moist soil and or tree bark which allows them to germinate and grow into gametophytes. They generally form into ground hugging carpet, because of the bryophytes lack of vascular tissue which is needed to transport water and nutrients in long distances. The thin structure allows bryophyte organs to ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Notes On ' On Land And ' Water ' By Kyle Dean Terrestrialization on Land or in Water By Kyle Dean Intro. The movement to land by plants has been a point of great interest for many researchers. The complexity of the situation is in the characterization of those traits that were most essential to the viability on land, and whether those traits developed prior to terrestrialization or post terrestrialization. This complexity stems from the long branch of phylogeny leading to terrestrialization having an incomplete fossil record due to environmental changes throughout time. The gold standard hypothesis on terrestrialization introduced by Bower is accepted in the scientific community as the explanation for terrestrial plant diversification of plant orders and families. Bower's hypothesis articulates, "that the evolution of antithetic alternating life cycles was instrumental in adapting to the terrestrial habitat. (Harholt et al., 2016)" In other words the development of the free living sporophyte and gametophyte was critical to a plants ability to live on land. This information if taken only to mean the diversification of land plant orders and families is accepted by most without question, for the alternating life cycle is imperative to suitability of land plants; however, if Bower intended for his hypothesis to be inclusive of the primordial terrestrialization then his hypothesis has encountered some criticism. Stebbins and Hill in 1980 conducted research that concluded with the premise that unicellular charophytes invaded ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Plate Tectonics ( 20 Points ) Question 1: Plate Tectonics (20 points) Plate tectonics is a theory where earth's crust in the lithosphere is made up of plates that float on a hot layer of molten magma in the asthenosphere, and moves constantly and under different circumstances causes mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes to appear. With the evidence of plate tectonics and fossils, it is believed that about 225 million years ago, all the major continents had formed one giant continent known as Pangaea. However, due to possible heat build up underneath the giant continent, Pangaea broke up thus splitting up populations of plants and animals. With the rift, ocean waters filled the areas that once were the giant continent, therefore separating these continents. To this day, landmasses continue to move apart, riding upon their respective plates. The movement of earth's twelve major tectonic plates helped determine the position and shape of the continents for millions of years. Where the plates meet, and its motions determine the type of boundary. There are four types of boundaries where activity of plate tectonics can be found: divergent, convergent, collisional, and transform boundaries. A divergent boundary in plate tectonics is also known as a constructive boundary. It exists when two tectonic plates are moving away from each other and create rift valleys. This usually occurs between oceanic plates. The sea floor spreading is an example of divergent boundaries. An underwater chain of mountains ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Science For Living Notes (Compiled) Table of Contents Unit 1 Measurement 5–10 Unit 2 Matter 11–48 Unit 3 Basic materials for maintaining life Air 49–54 Water 55–68 Food 69–71 Other biomolecules of life 72–76 Unit 4 Energy in the Community Electricity 77–78 Heat 78–81 Light 82–91 Sound 92 Simple Machines 93–99 Unit 5 The Physical Environment Weather and Climate 100–113 Soils 114–128 Unit 6 Living things in the Environment Plant and animal cells 129 Eukaryotes vs prokaryotes 130 Structures and functions 133–137 Microbes 148–150 Onion and cheek cells 150–151 Ecological study 154 Seed ... Show more content on ... Prefix | Symbol | Factor | Numerically | Name | giga | G | 109 | 1 000 000 000 | billion** | mega | M | 106 | 1 000 000 | million | kilo | K | 103 | 1 000 | thousand | centi | C | 10–2 | 0.01 | hundredth | milli | M | 10–3 | 0.001 | thousandth | micro | Μ | 10–6 | 0.000 001 | millionth | nano | N | 10–9 | 0.000 000 001 | billionth** | Significant figures and standard form The significant figures (also called significant digits and abbreviated sig figs, sign.figs, sig digs or s.f.) of a number are those digits that carry meaning ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Moss Physcomitrella Patens Lab Report Introduction The moss Physcomitrella patens is an alluring model system for plant biology and functional genome analysis. It shares numerous biological features with higher plants (vascular plants) however it also has the exceptional advantage of an efficient homologous recombination system for its nuclear DNA. This permits exact genetic manipulations and targeted knockouts to study gene function, an approach due to low frequency of targeted recombination events is not routinely conceivable in any higher plants. (1) One of the reasons to study the biology of P. patens, lies in the key position of mosses in plant evolution and the associated gain of specific features connecting the aquatic and terrestrial mode of life. (5) Mosses are situated ... Show more content on ... Through homologous recombination, specific genes can be knocked out and its function may become known. By understanding the functions of gene sequences in P. patens, we can compare it to other higher plants and further broaden our knowledge of gene functions in plant biology. By studying the repair of DNA damage in Physcommitrella patens, history of plants can be further detailed. P. patens is a model organism that will answer many questions about plants genome ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Ornithology Course Analysis A beneficial science course that I took before this semester was Ornithology. The professor, Dr. Leon Jernigan was an awesome instructor, very helpful and knowledgeable. Dr. Leon Jernigan focused on teaching us the major groupings of birds, basics of flights, adaptions, and their nesting behaviors. He presented the material with PowerPoints, handouts and videos. The instructor taught the lab with many hands–on activities including fieldtrips, dissections, bird watching, and birding identification. The Biology Department did not require any prerequisite classes for Ornithology and it was an elective for Biology major. I thought the class was fun with the many hands on activates including field trips to Fort Bragg. Skills I obtained from taking Ornithology include being able to recognize and identify birds from their calls, ... Show more content on ... For example, Botany and Ornithology was taught with awesome professors that did anything to help their students succeed. Likewise, Botany and Ornithology both taught us how all organisms are made up of the basic unit of life; cells. Also, the professors of Botany and Ornithology taught lecture mainly with PowerPoints while lab included more hands–on activities. However, that's where the similarities between the classes end. Ornithology is the study of birds. Uniquely, the professor taught lab with many field trips to different locations for birding. Not to mention, The Biology Department did not require prerequisite courses for Ornithology. Lastly, I used Ornithology as an elective. Botany, however, required General Biology as a prerequisite class. Also, the professor did not include any outside field trips for Botany. Additionally, Botany is the study of plants. Also, Haleigh needed Botany for her major as General Biology. All though our courses are different they were beneficial to our growing development of becoming ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Angiosperms and Gymnosperms PRACTICAL 6 Seed Plants (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) OBJECTIVES: 1. To describe the features of seed plant life cycle and the concept of the dominant generation. 2. To describe the life histories and related reproductive structures of gymnosperms and angiosperms. 3. To summarize the features that distinguish gymnosperms and angiosperms. 4. To discuss the advantages of seed plants to dominate land and their evolutionary adaptations on land. EXPERIMENT 1: Gymnosperms INTRODUCTION: Gymnosperms (720 species in 65 genera) are ancient seed plants that include ginkgos (Division Ginkgophyta), cycads (Division Cycadophyta), conifers (Division Coniferophyta), and gnetophytes (Division Gnetophyta). The term gymnosperm derives from the ... Show more content on ... You will find that many of the vegetative structures are quite similar to those of more ancient plants shown. The roots, stems, and leaves of flowering plants function just as those of ferns and cone bearing plants. Flowers and fruits, however are unique adaptations of angiosperms. Biologists believe that the extraordinary adaptiveness of these structures has led to the proliferation of the incredible diversity found among flowering plants. MATERIALS: 1. Living specimens of angiosperms (dicots &amp; monocots) with roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. (Imperata cylindrical, zea mays, Carica papaya, Phaseolus sp.) 2. Prepared slide of angiosperms (dicots &amp; monocots) 3. Compound microscope 4. Dissecting microscope 5. Slide and coverslip 6. Forceps 7. Distilled water PROCEDURE: Roots: 1. A root of dicots and monocots are obtained for morphology and anatomy study. 2. The root systems of representative dicot and monocot are looked. 3. Cross section of dicot root shows the central stele is surrounded by a thick cortex and epidermis. The following: epidermis, cortex, parenchyma cells, starch grains, pericycle, endodermis, phloem, and xylem are identified. 4. Cross section of monocot roor shows this root has a vascular cylinder of xylem and phloem that surrounds a central pith. The following: epidermis, cortex, endodermis, Casparian strip, pith, phloem, and xylem are identified. 5. A prepared
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  • 36. Geolab Chapter 38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology 38.1 Q: Distinguish between pollination and fertilization. A: In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. Fertilization is the fusion of the egg and sperm to form the zygote; it cannot occur until after the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain. Q: What is the benefit of seed dormancy? A: Seed dormancy prevents the premature germination of seeds. A see will germinate only when the environmental conditions are optimal for the survival of its embryo as a young seedling. Q: If flowers had shorter styles, pollen tubes would more easily reach the embryo sac. Suggest an explanation for why very long styles have evolved in most ... Show more content on ... Moreover sexual reproduction produces genetic variety, which may be advantageous in an unstable environment. The likelihood is better that at least one offspring of sexual reproduction will survived in a change environment. 38.3 Q: Compare traditional plant breeding methods with genetic engineering. A: Traditionally breeding and genetic engineering both involved artificial selection for desired traits. However genetic engineering techniques facilitate faster gen transfer and are not limited to transferring genes between closely related varieties or species. Q: Explain some benefits and risk of GM crops A: GM crops may be more nutritious and less susceptible to insect damage or pathogens that invade insect damaged plants. They also may not require as much chemical spraying. However, unknown risk may include adverse effects on human health and nontarget organism and the possibility of transgene escape. Q: why does Bt maize have less fumonisin than non GM maize? A: Bt miaze suffers less inect damage, therefore Bt maize plants are less likely to infected by fumonisin producing fungi that infect plants through wounds. Q: In a few species, chloroplast genes are inherited only from sperm. How might this influence
  • 37. effort to prevents transgene escape? A: in such species, engineering the transgene into the chloroplast DNA would not prevent its escape in pollen; such as method requires that cholorplast DNA be found only in the ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. The Differences Between Vascular And Nonvascular Plants Land plants can be divided into three different groups. One of these groups are nonvascular plants which include liverworts, hornworts, and mosses. The other two which are the focus of this paper are vascular seedless plants and vascular seed plants. The difference between vascular and nonvascular plants is that vascular plants have vascular tissue which enables them to grow up and be bigger than nonvascular plants. The difference between seed and seedless vascular plants is the presence of a seed. A seed is defined by the 10th Edition of Campbell Biology as "an adaption of some terrestrial plants consisting of an embryo packaged along with a store of food within a protective coat." This includes anything from apple seeds to dandelion seeds. The absence or presence of a seed changes how a plant reproduces and also leads to different advantages and disadvantages to the plant. Seedless vascular plants include such plants as ferns, horsetails, club mosses, and whisk ferns. They live in wet environments because they require water for reproduction. They reproduce through the use of spores. Using ferns as an example the spores are found on the underside of the leaves. They are found in cases called sori and each sorus holds many spores which are haploid. Spores are released and they form gametophytes. Gametophytes make gametes which are also haploid and both the egg and the sperm of the fern are created in the gametophyte, but in different parts. The egg is made in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Cellular Reproduction Essay examples Cellular Reproduction Cellular Reproduction is the process by which all living things produce new organisms similar or identical to themselves. This is essential in that if a species were not able to reproduce, that species would quickly become extinct. Always, reproduction consists of a basic pattern: the conversion by a parent organism of raw materials into offspring or cells that will later develop into offspring. (Encarta, 2) In almost all animal organisms, reproduction occurs during or after the period of maximum growth. (Fichter, 16). But in Plants, which continue to grow through out their lifetime, therefore making the process more complex. Plants' reproduction is usually caused by a stimulant, mostly environmental or ... Show more content on ... Spindle fibers are barely visible. This phase takes fifty to sixty percent of the time of mitosis. (Biggs, 214) During metaphase, the short second phase of mitosis, the sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell. Each sister chromatid has its own spindle fiber. Next comes the third phase of mitosis, Anaphase, in which the centromeres break in half, causing each of the daughter chromatids to start to be pulled to different poles of the cell by means of spindle fibers. The spindle fibers pull the daughter chromatids until they reach the poles of the cell. Finally, the last phase of mitosis called Telophase in which the daughter chromatids are fully pulled toward the poles and the nuclear envelope begins to reappear, the cell also begins to cleave, usually in the spot where the chromatids lined up in metaphase. After mitosis is complete, cytokinesis occurs, cytokinesis is the process in which a cell's cytoplasm is split into two equal parts, therefore causing the mother cell to split into two daughter cells. In plants, however, cytokinesis is replaced by the placing of a cell plate on the metaphase "equator" Mitosis is a process that guarantees better cellular work. The two new daughter cells will carry out the same functions and cellular processes as the parent, ensuring that the two cells will carry out twice as much as the original cell. Mitosis often occurs in multicellular animals and plants, not making the organism ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Germination of Eggplant, Okra and Rice Seeds Soaked in... Germination of Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.), Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench), and Rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) Seeds Soaked in Alkaline Water In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In Bi 160 and Bi 160.1 First Semester, AY 2012–2013 A Research Paper Presented to Anneke Padolina, Ph.D Department of Biology Ateneo de Manila University Submitted by: Medina, Kryzka August 2012 I. Introduction The life cycle of plants is characterized by the change in ploidy of generations; with diploid generations giving rise to haploid generations and vice versa. The diploid generation, commonly called the sporophyte, produces spores via meiosis. Through mitosis these haploid cells develop into a multicellular ... Show more content on ... The utilization of expired alkaline water that purportedly stimulates germination will provide an alternative use for the undrinkable water. II. Materials and Methodology Assay Location The experiment proper was carried out inside a room in the Medina Residence, which is located at 5 Capt. Miyong St., San Roque, Marikina City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The room experienced limited sunlight with temperatures that vary from 18°C to 28°C. The set–up was placed on top of a
  • 44. table to eliminate the possibility of animal foraging. Species Selection The experiment entailed the utilization of three species of plants. The first species, Oryza sativa Linn., was preselected while the last two species were left to the discretion of the proponent of the study. Prudent seed selection was done to ensure the preservation of the diversity of the plant species that will be utilized for the experiment. O. sativa, commonly called rice, is a monocot plant. It belongs to the family of grasses, Poaceae, and is the main source of carbohydrates in Asian countries. Solanum melongena Linn., commonly called eggplant, in contrast is a dicot plant. The shrub belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae, and is used as a source of vitamins and minerals in tropical and temperate countries. Abelmaschus esculentus (L.) Moench, commonly called okra, is a herbaceous dicot plant. It belongs to the hibiscus family, Malvaceae, and is also used as a source of vitamins and ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. A Comparison between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Reproduction Research Assignment Sac 5 PART 1 : Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction [ 4 marks ] – Discuss the differences between, and the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction : SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Sexual Reproduction is the formation of a new organism from two parents usually, and involves the joining of gametes [ e.g. sperm, pollen, egg] to form a single cell called a zygote [ or fertilised egg ]. The offspring are similar, but not identical to the parents. Sexually Reproductive organisms include mammals, most reptiles, and flowering plants. ADVANTAGES There is greater genetic variation of the offspring and therefore, greater chance of survival in changing environments. Asexual Reproduction is the process by ... Show more content on ... The sperm she receives is stored in a little pouch connected to the genital tract and closed off by a muscular valve. Whether or not she chooses to release the sperm to fertilise her eggs, and create female bees is her choice. Otherwise, only male drones are hatched. PART 2 : Structure And Function [ 6 marks ] – This section must include 3 labelled diagrams of the human male reproductive system, female reproductive system and the reproductive system of a flower. PARTS OF THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM TESTIS – There are two testes situated in a sac called the scrotum. Due to the testes needing an optimum temperature for sperm production, the sac is located outside the body. This is because the core body temperature is far too warm to keep producing healthy sperm. EPIDIDYMIS – This stores the large numbers of sperm until they are ejaculated out through the penis. In these two ducts, sperm complete their maturation. SPERM DUCT/VAS DEFERENS – The sperm duct, or vas deferens transport sperm from the testes to the urethra. SEMEN– PRODUCING GLANDS – Semen is the fluid produced to protect the sperm from dehydration and the acidic environment of the female vagina after sexual intercourse. Semen allows the sperm to swim more easily. URETHRA –
  • 47. This is the tube that normally carries urine from the urinary bladder. When semen containing sperm is ejaculated, it also travels out through the urethra, but the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Importance Of Gene Imprinting Gene imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon when two alleles of a certain gene are expressed at different level depending on their parent–of–origin. Gene imprinting has been documented in mammals and flowering plants. In the 1980s, biologists' attention to imprinting has greatly increased due to the recognition of its importance during mammalian development [1]. Imprinted genes regulate cell growth, cell signaling, cell cycle regulation, and influence nutrient acquisition and fetus growth. In mammals, many imprinted genes are found in the placenta and brain, which is consistent with growth and neurodevelopmental defects observed in human imprinting disorders [2,3]. In addition to mammals, gene imprinting is also found in flowering plants. ... Show more content on ... However, you are required to have at least one heading. Please ensure that either British or American English is used consistently in your chapter. The angiosperms (flowering plants) are the most diverse group of land plants, with over 250,000 species [5]. Double fertilization is a unique feature distinguishing angiosperms from their seed–plant predecessors (gymnosperms). This feature might have provided angiosperms an evolutionary advantage to become the dominant form of land plant life, although the selection force of this trait is poorly understood. Unlike animals that define all cell lineages during embryogenesis, plants are able to establish novel cell fates throughout their entire life cycle, especially during sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants comprises of a process divided into three phases: sporogenesis, gametogenesis and embryo–/ endosperm–genesis. Sporogenesis is initiated in both male and female reproductive tissues. In ovule primordium, a subepidermal nucellar cell differentiates into a megaspore mother cell (MMC), the MMC then undergoes meiosis to form four haploid megaspores. Only one megaspore survives to become functional megaspore (FM) and proceeds to gametogenesis, while the other three degenerate. In stamen primordium, one subepidermal nucellar cell gives rise to a microspore or pollen mother cell (PMC). The PMC then undergoes meiosis to form four haploid microspores which will continue to ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polyploidy Definition: Polyploidy is the heritable condition in which a normally diploid cell or organism acquires one or more additional sets of chromosomes. Polyploidy refers to a numerical change in a whole set of chromosomes. Organisms in which a particular chromosome, or chromosome segment, is under– or overrepresented are said to be aneuploid. Therefore, the distinction between aneuploidy and polyploidy is that aneuploidy refers to a numerical change in part of the chromosome set, whereas polyploidy refers to a numerical change in the whole set of chromosomes. Animals Examples in animals are more common in non–vertebrates[9] such as flatworms, leeches, and brine shrimp. Within vertebrates, examples of stable polyploidy include the salmonids and ... Show more content on ... However, these epigenetic changes might instead increase diversity and plasticity by allowing for rapid adaptation in polyploids. One example may be the widespread dispersal of the invasive allopolyploid Spartina angelica. However, it is not clear whether the success of this species can be attributed to fixed heterosis or to the increased variability that results from epigenetic remodeling. Polyploidy is also believed to play a role in the rapid adaptation of some allopolyploid arctic flora, probably because their genomes confer hybrid vigor and buffer against the effects of inbreeding. However, fertility barriers between species often need to be overcome in order to form successful allopolyploids, and these barriers may have an epigenetic ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Polysiphonia Research Paper Polysiphonia is the most common genus of red algae. They are usually red–brown because of the pigment phycobilin, which masks the green of chlorophyll. The alga are typically between 5 to 10 inches in length and attach to stones or as an epiphytic on large seaweed or eelgrass in shallow water. Different species of polysiphonia are indistinguishable without a microscope. Polysiphonia are common in brackish or freshwater in marshes, mudflats, and estuaries in the Northwest Atlantic. Currently, there are 11 known species of polysiphonia in the Northwest Atlantic, including P. arctica, P. brodiaei, and P. elongata. Species of polysiphonia can be found all over the world, in countries like Korea, New Zealand, Bermuda, and Chile. The thallus of ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Bio Term Essay Lard WEeduck Dr. Lerdkig Lab Report #2 November 9, 2011 Lab Report: Environmental Control of Sex Determination Introduction Ceratopteris richardii, known as a C–fern has a lifecycle referred to as alteration of generations, which consist of neither haploid nor diploid dominant. C–ferns are homospours plants which are important in that they can produce hermaphrioditic gametophytes in order to be able to self fertilize. However, some of the homospourous C–ferns only produce male gametophytes .The life cycle of Ceratopteris richardii starts as a diploid sporophyte which then, by meiosis, produces haploid spores. These spores then undergo mitosis to produce a haploid gametophyte, which can be either hermaphrodite( producing eggs and ... Show more content on ... Results The graph of our results showed the percentage of male gametophytes increasing and then leveling off (Figure 1). This was our trend because most of the points followed this pattern, however; there was a potential outlier at point (68, 32.3). The distribution of gametophytes on the culture plates varied. Plates A and F had even distribution but were very crowed with gametophytes, while plates D and C were evenly distributed but had less gametophytes. Plate E had clumping of gametophytes in the top left corner and plate B had clumping the the bottom right corner. Figure 1. The relationship between the population density and the percentage of male gametophytes. Discussion The prediction that the percentage of male gametophytes would increase as the population density of the gametophytes increased, and the prediction that the percentage of male gametophytes would decrease as the population density of the gametophytes increased were not supported by our results. When the population density was low, the percentage of male gametophytes was relatively low because there would not be enough eggs to fertilize the sperm produced from both the hermaphrodite,and the sperm produced by the male gametophyte. When the population density was high, the percentage of male gametophytes was higher but still less than fifty percent because of the same reasons.The data from our results did support our ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. The Characteristics Of Gymnosperms : Life And Life Cycles The word "gymnosperms" is derived from the Greek word "gymnospermos" , which means "naked seeds". Gymnosperms are classified into four major groups such as Cycadophyta (Cycads), Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo), Gnetophyta (Ephedra), Coniferophyta (Pinus) , which expands into about 1,000 species of gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are vascular plants that produce seeds inside cones. The fact that gymnosperms have so many species , they have a lot of different and interesting characteristics to help better understand them. They also have a interesting reproduction and life cycle. Gymnosperms life and reproduction cycle go hand in hand . They reproduce sexually (Wilkin, Brainard). The gametophyte age happens in the cone. Every male gametophyte is only a couple of cells inside a grain of pollen. Every female gametophyte creates an egg inside the ovule, which eventually turns into a seed coat after fertilization. In gymnosperms, the cone is the female reproductive site and pollen is the male. Pollination has to occur in order for fertilization to happen. After pollination occurs, one sperm unites with the egg, which then forms a zygote. The zygote then transforms into an embryo inside the seed, in which the next generation of sporophytes develop (Plant Reproductive Development and Structure). It takes roughly about two years for a gymnosperm to complete its life cycle. Gingko was derived from the Chinese words meaning "silver apricot" ( Pg. 424, Bidlack, Jansky). The Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo) group of ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Pros And Cons Of Plant Reproduction System 1.0 Plant Reproduction System Plant reproduction is the process of reproducing a certain species of plant continuing its existence. A plant is made up of organs and cells that help it reproduce sexually or asexually. Both reproduction methods having its advantages and disadvantages. 1.1 Plant Reproductive System Organs The reproduction system for plants consists of the anther, stigma and ovule. The image by Hans Lambers (2016) shows that pollen is created through the stamen (anther (which is held up by a filament). The pollen is then moved through wind, water or animal to the stigma of the plant "part of the pistil where the pollen germinates" (The Parts of a Flower, n.d.). Which is then moved down the pollen tube (inside the style) where it reaches the ovary and fertilizes the ovule and reproduce. 1.2 Plant Reproductive System Cells Plant reproduction consists of two cells. The pollen grains contains male gametophytes (the male sex cell) which is created through the process of meiosis (sex cell multiplying). On the other hand, the ovule, which is held within the ovary, contains female gametophytes (the female sex cell) which is also created through the process of meiosis. 2.0 Animal Reproductive System Animal reproduction, like plant reproduction, is the process of creating a being with similar genes to the parent animal to continue its race. An animal reproductive system is made up of cells and organs depending on the sex of the animal, both meeting up to create a ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Ammonium Nitrate Lab Report Organic sources of nitrogen have shown to assist the development of many different plants, such as spore germination. An experiment was conducted to see if ammonium nitrate would indeed help with spore germination pertaining to the C–Fern, Ceratopteris richardii. The experiment consisted of two different dishes, each containing a different culture– one with ammonium nitrate and the other without. It was hypothesized that the control group, the petri dish without the ammonium nitrate, will have a higher rate of germinated spores compared to the experimental group, the petri dish with ammonium nitrate. The results revealed that although in each group the control had more geminated spores that there was no significant difference or variance. So the hypothesis was correct in terms of which would have more geminated spores. All in all, the experimental design had several openings for error so if the experiment were to be repeated a more controlled environment should be used. Vascular plants have been around for millions of years and have revolutionized the world's ecology ever since their first appearance. A prime example of a vascular plant would be ferns, which was one of the first known vascular plants on earth. Two characteristics that ... Show more content on ... This was done by having two petri dishes one with ammonium nitrate, experimental, and one without ammonium nitrate, control, and then counting the amount of spores each one germinated. The specific fern that will be used is the C–Fern, Ceratopteris richardii, because they have the ability to develop gametophytes rapidly over a short period of time (C–Fern?, 2014). Therefore, my hypothesis is that the control group, the petri dish without the inorganic nitrogen, will have a higher rate of germinated spores compared to the experimental group, the petri dish with inorganic nitrogen ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Plant Life Chapter 38 Chapter 38 Plant reproduction and Development Sexual Reproduction 1. In general terms, explain how the basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified in angiosperms. The basic plant life cycle with alternation of generations is modified in angiosperms by the change of haploid (n) and diploid (2n) generations, which take turns making each other. 2. List four floral parts in order from outside to inside a flower.  Sepals  Petals  Stamen  Carpels 3. From a diagram of an idealized flower, correctly label the following structures and describe the function of each structure:  a. sepals– Sepals are in charge of protecting the flower's bud before it blooms. It has the qualities of a leave and is usually in ... Show more content on ... This has many advantages, such as the fact that double fertilization guarantees that the endosperm will develop only in ovules where the egg has been fertilized. It also avoids angiosperms from wasting nutrients. 13. Explain how fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants.  Fertilization in animals is similar to that in plants because its first cellcell change occurs after gamete fusion rises in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels as it does in animal gamete fusion. Also, the plants make a block to polyspermy, which is the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm cell, as do the animal's cell's eggs. 14. Describe the fate of the ovule and ovary after double fertilization. Note where major nutrients are stored as the embryo develops.  After double fertilization, the ovule matures into a seed, and the ovary matures into a fruit encircling the seed. As the embryo grows the seed stores proteins, oils, and starch. 15. Describe the development and function of the endosperm. Distinguish between liquid endosperm and solid endosperm.  After embryo development, endosperm is growth to store nutrients. This happens after double fertilization, when the triploid nucleus of the ovule's central cell divides. This causes the formation of a milky multinucleate "supercell". This becomes multicellular after cytokinesis. Finally, when the cell walls are completed, the endosperm becomes solid. 16. Describe the development of ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Final Lecture Study Guide Bio 100 Lecture Final Study Guide (All answers are true or false) 1. The level of scientific thought that we have the most certainty in is the hypothesis. 2. Controlled science experiments have no validity in biology research. 3. All living things obtain energy from their environment. 4. The four organic macromolecule groups common to all living things are carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and fats. 5. All living things are composed of one or more cells. 6. Humans are unicellular creatures. 7. Mitosis is cell Xeroxing that occurs in prokaryotic cells. 8. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a dynamic equilibrium of factors within which living things can exist. 9. Of the cellular metabolic ... Show more content on ... 76. Brown algae are in the Phylum Phaeophyta. 77. Birds are dinosaurs. 78. The first great antibiotic was penicillin. 79. Cooksonia plants are known only from fossils. 80. A capsid is the proteins that surround a typical virus.
  • 66. 81. Generally speaking, the longer the wavelength of light, the smaller the available energy 82. Oxidation occurs when there is a removal of electrons and/or hydrogen atoms from a 83. Hydrocarbons are chains consisting of carbon atoms bonded only to hydrogen atoms. 84. ATP is a nucleotide made up of a base, a sugar, and three phosphate groups. 85. Chemiosmosis generates ATP. 86. Carotene is a yellow or orange pigment that serves as an accessory to chlorophyll during photosynthesis. 87. Cycads are close relatives of the mosses. 88. Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with identifying and naming organisms. 89. A normal human female has two X chromosomes. 90. Mammals are members of a class of reptiles characterized by pressure of hair and mammary glands. 91. A fossil was once a living organism but its tissues have now been replaced by minerals and it no longer exhibits most properties of life, except for organization. 92. The sequence of classification categories is species, genus, domain, family, order, class, phylum and kingdom. 93. Glycogen is a polysaccharide used to store glucose in plants. 94. Three major domains of life are archaea, bacteria, and ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Dna Profiling Research Paper Indeed DNA profiling has rapidly transform the field of forensics. DNA profiling is the scientific analysis of evidence for crime scene investigation and other legal proceedings. DNA profiling is mostly used by forensic scientists and crime lab technicians. To identify criminals and victims using trace evidence like hair or skin samples. To produce a DNA profile, scientists compare sequences in the genome that vary from person to person. The typical steps in DNA profiling are DNA samples are isolated from the crime scene, suspect, victims, or other evidence. The next selected sequences from each DNA sample are amplified (copied many times) to produce a large sample of DNA fragments. Finally the amplified DNA regions are compared using a gel. All together, these steps provide data about which samples are from the same individual and which sample is unique. DNA profiling can also be used to compare the DNA of a mother, her child, and the purported father can settle a question of paternity. An example is when DNA profiling proved that Thomas Jefferson or a close relative father a child of a slave named ... Show more content on ... Microbes are bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. The earth was formed 4.6 million years ago. And a few million years later, by 3.5 billion years ago, earth was already inhabited by a diversity of organisms. The earliest organism is Prokaryotes and within the next billion years, two distinct groups of prokaryotes called bacteria and archaea diverged. Eukaryotes cell evolved from a prokaryotes community, a host cell containing even smaller prokaryotes .The microbial world accounted for all known life forms for nearly 50 to 90% of Earth's history. We are still researching microbial organisms today in marine environment, extreme environments. A microbial observatory is an NSF–funded project dedicated to the discovery and characterization of novel microorganisms and microbial communities of diverse ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. First Seed Plants False The Earth How the First Seed Plants Froze the Earth With a little bacteria and a little bit of dirt, the first plant on earth was created. This plant was no more than mats of algae that layered on top of itself in water, but it was a first nonetheless. It was not until the end of the Ordovician period, some 480 million years ago, that plants began to grow on land. Bryophytes were the first to grow, which included mosses, hornworts, and liverworts. Lacking any leaves, these plants went through a Gametophyte stage, reproducing by dividing cells into spores. Also reproducing with spores, the Lycopodiophyta (Lycopods) evolved simple microphyll leaves with just one leaf vein bringing sunlight and nutrients in to support the plant. The beginning of the Silurian Period (440 million years ago) brought vascular plants such as ferns, with megaphyll leaves, or many veined leaves, ... Show more content on ... The lignins in plants becomes buried over time, not allowing the carbon atoms to release back into the atmosphere. Two historic climate changes that took place around the same time could possible be explained by the evolution of seed plants. The first is the Snowball earth theory that suggest the equator and therefore the whole earth was at one point completely covered in ice. Evidence for this theory is found in earthforms that contain markings similar to those that glaciers make. Another theory is the Cambrian explosion which resulted in creating the first fossils of every animals category. There are still many debated and unproven theories about the evolution of plants but one thing that is for certain is that they had one of the largest impacts on the planet, shaping the atmosphere and biosphere the most in establishing conditions to support animal life, by supporting the soil, air, water, food supply, shelter, and much ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. C-Fern In Population Genetics Experimental Analysis of C–Fern in Population Genetics Abstract C–Fern plants are a strain of Ceratopteris richardii and have a rapid reproductive cycle, making them perfect subjects in lab to be tested and observed on population genetics. Population genetics is the study of genetic variation and allelic frequencies on a specific group over an amount of time. It is a great way to predict future genetic information on more than just the C–Ferns. In this experiment, two different generations for gametophytes and sporophytes of C–Ferns were observed and counted for the amount of wild type and polka dot mutant individuals within a sample and a population. The overall results demonstrated a 1:1 ratio of mutant to wild type in the F1 gametophyte generation for both the sample and population, which was expected. The F1 sporophyte generation demonstrated a 1:1 ratio of mutant to wild type in the sample and a 2:1 ratio of mutant to wild type in the population. A 3:1 ratio of mutant to wild type was expected in the sporophytes. It was concluded that the polka dot mutant is recessive in sporophytes and demonstrates random fertilization in the diploid stage, but not in gametophytes. This process of population genetics in C–Ferns can be extremely beneficial in other organisms, such as humans. Population genetics could be a tool in medicine in determining human ... Show more content on ... A population cannot truly survive for a long period of time without some sort of genetic variation. It was first seen with Gregor Mendel and his research within pea plants. (Hickok) In this experiment, a different plant's allele frequencies were observed. They go through a reproductive cycle after meiosis in a 2–week time span, so these variations are easily noticed and perfect for a lab research setting. They are very easily grown and observed (Project) in a way that is not possible for other organisms. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Change Of Leaf Color Typically, as nature starts the transformation process from summer to fall, the green leaves on the trees begin to change into colors of reds, golds, browns, and oranges. Eventually, the leaves fall off the trees onto the ground. Three factors contribute to the change in leaf color according to USDA's Northeastern Area Forest Service website, which include leaf pigments, length of night, and weather. The increasing length of night and other ecological influences such as the temperature, rainfall, and food supply trigger the biochemical process of the leaves ( Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of the leaves. A chloroplast is a type of plant cell organelle known as a plastid. Plastids support the storing of the needed ingredients for energy production. A chloroplast contains a green pigment called chlorophyll which is the agent that gives leaves their green color. Chlorophyll is important to the photosynthesis process as it is the chemical reaction that facilitates plants to use sunlight to produce sugars for their food ( During the emergent season, chlorophyll is repetitively produced and broken down, which causes the leaves to appear green in color. As the nights grow longer, the production of chlorophyll diminishes and eventually ceases production. Depending on the type of plant, as the chlorophyll becomes dormant, the color of the leaves begins to change to reds, browns, yellows, and oranges ( describes ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Fluidity Of Cloning : Gender Norms & Racial Bias Alex R Biology The Fluidity of Cloning . Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern "Cloning " The sea anemone undergoing cloning thumb]] In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments, cells, or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software. Molecular cloning Molecular cloning refers to the process of making multiple molecules. Cloning is commonly used to amplify DNA fragments containing whole genes, but it can also ... Show more content on ... However, a number of other features are needed and a variety of specialised cloning vectors exist that allow protein expression, tagging, single stranded RNA and DNA production and a host of other manipulations. Cloning of any DNA fragment essentially involves four steps # fragmentation – breaking apart a strand of DNA # ligation – gluing together pieces of DNA in a desired sequence # transfection – inserting the newly formed pieces of DNA into cells # screening/selection – selecting out the cells that were successfully transfected with the new DNA Although these steps are invariable among cloning procedures a number of alternative routes can be selected; these are summarized as a cloning strategy. Initially, the DNA of interest needs to be isolated to provide a DNA segment of suitable size. Subsequently, a ligation procedure is used where the amplified fragment is inserted into a vector . The vector is linearised using restriction enzymes, and incubated with the fragment of interest under appropriate conditions with an enzyme called DNA ligase. Following ligation the vector with the insert of interest is transfected into cells. A number of alternative techniques are available, such as chemical sensitivation of cells, electroporation, optical injection and biolistics. Finally, the transfected cells are cultured. As the aforementioned procedures are of particularly low efficiency, there is a need to ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Cladogram: Double Fertilization A lot of people may wonder how the characters on the cladogram contribute to the success of life on land. A cladogram is when you have a group of characteristics that ultimately share the same character state and you are comparing the ones are not shared within the group, which is an outgroup (Lab Manual). On page 115 it shows a table of land plants and we had to figure out the character states for each moss, fern, Gymnosperm, and Angiosperm. The character states for this table were terrestrial, embryo, dominant sporophyte, vascular tissue, seeds, secondary growth, flowers, fruit, gametophyte dependent on sporophyte, pollen, sporophyll, sporophyte dependent on gametophyte, Archegonium, and double fertilization. So how do these characters ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. The Importance Of Plants In Canada Plants are extremely important to the growth and development of Canada because as a source of food, the country requires the nutrients the plants provide and they are irreplaceable. Plants are crucial as they are a component of everything people eat, whether people eat the plants or the animal they eat or get food from rely on plants. The more food and plants available to better the reproduction, and therefore more population growth in communities. Having more food available for the entire population has shown to decrease poverty and increase the overall development of the community (2). In Canada, there is a large discrepancy between the food security of the southern provinces and northern territories. This has stuck many northern Canadians in difficult situations when trying to buy the proper food. There is also an economic factor of food and plants. In current society, most food in imported from country to country, creating many economic benefits in countries that import food (3). That money can be used to create a better community and country. On another level, plants and crops also have religious and symbolic value in our culture, which helps to increase development on a social level. Increases in variety and quantity can help to develop communities. Certain pants and foods help to give communities and countries their identity. For example, many foods are crucial to our identity like maple syrup. Overall, food and plants is extremely important to Canada as a society ... Get more on ...
  • 81.
  • 82. Giant Hogweed Research Paper The control and eradication of invasive species in Washington State is an important part of maintaining the diversity and wellbeing of our ecosystems. One invasive species common to us, Heracleum mantegazzianum, otherwise known as giant hogweed, is a Class A weed and must be eliminated where encountered (Noxious Weed Control Board). H. mantegazzianum is recognizable by its immense height of up to 20 feet, and its thick stalks support umbels of small, clustered white flowers. It can be distinguished from plants of similar appearance by purple blotches located on the stems (Noxious Weed Control Board). They are commonly found near riverbanks and roadsides. (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation). H. mantegazzianum owes much of its success as an invasive species to its reproductive capabilities as an angiosperm. According to Reece et al, sexual reproduction for the angiosperms begins in the flower on a mature sporophyte plant. Within the anther the male microsporocytes undergo meiosis to ... Show more content on ... Firstly, it is a threat to native species and perilous to the ecosystems they colonize by stealing resources. Second, the formation of their roots contributes to soil erosion by the creation of bare soil. Finally, the sap contained within all parts of the plant sensitizes human skin to UV radiation and leads to photo–dermatitis (Noxious Weed Control Board). For these reasons, it is imperative that this weed is eradicated in the state of Washington. Different methods of eliminating giant hogweed exist, with varying results. For young plants, cutting the root 6 inches below the earth can be effective when infestations are small. For larger infestations and with greater success, herbicides containing triclopyr or glyphosate may be applied to giant hogweed. Treated infestations must be monitored for many years following to ensure no regrowth (Nehrbass et ... Get more on ...
  • 83.
  • 84. Grimmia Rhids The goal of this project was to determine whether there is more microbial diversity and abundance in Gimmia rhizoids sampled on the top of rock ledges versus those sampled on the bottom of the ledge. Our hypothesis was that there will be more microbial diversity in Grimmia rhizoid grown beneath ledges than Grimmia rhizoid grown on top. If our hypothesis is true, then there will be more diverse colonies in Grimmia rhizoid beneath the ledge with respect to the number of different colonies present and their abundance. The results in this study supports our hypothesis. On average, the bottom samples had 0.75 more colonies than the top samples (Figure 1). This shows how the dark, moist environments beneath the ledge might have facilitated more microbial ... Show more content on ... Studies have shown that under varying light conditions, different bryophyte species result in different growth responses. For example, although most of the tested bryophyte exhibited greater growth responses when irradiance levels decreased, this was not the case for every bryophyte species. Unlike the other 5 bryophyte moss species that Rincón observed, L. bidentate did not exhibit the typical decrease in growth with the increased irradiance levels (Rincón, 1993). This indicates that the variation in different species can affect the growth of bryophyte moss, which relates to the amount of microbial diversity and their abundance. Likewise, in North Carolina, researchers specifically studied the chlorophyll a/b ratios in mosses. The presence of chlorophyll a and b is indicative of the amount of photosynthesis a plant undergoes. Photosynthesis is a very important process that allows plants to produce their own food, glucose sugar, for proper plant growth and development. A variety of moss species were studied and their chlorophyll a/b ratios were shown to be less than or equal to 2.1 (Martin, 1980). Vascular plants would have higher chlorophyll a/b ratios because they require greater light exposure for growth and development. As we have observed in this experiment, this is not the case for moss. The darker bottom samples showed greater microbial diversity and abundance. In the same way, mosses grow better in environments with less light, which explains why the 11 mosses studied by Martin have a lower chorophyll a/b ratio than a typical vascular plant (Martin, 1980). In addition, mosses that vary in this ratio can show different degrees of microbial diversity and abundance, whether they are sampled in the same or different light ... Get more on ...