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Hemorrhoids Treatment
# Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Home remedies for hemorrhoids are often used as an option because it is more secure,
have virtually no side effects even if it takes longer treatment. Hemorrhoids are one type
of disease that is very disturbing. Hemorrhoids appeared in the anus or rectum of patients,
resulting in pain, bleeding and difficulty of patients to sit or defecate. This disease usually
arises because people straining too hard during defecate. By straining too hard, the blood
vessels around the anus can dilate and rupture which then can lead to infection and
swelling ended the problem of hemorrhoids. So, what is the best treat for hemorrhoids?
Besides treated with modern medical treatment, hemorrhoids can also be treated
naturally or home, depending on the choice of the patient. Medical treatment has
advantage that is can overcome the hemorrhoid problem quickly through the provision of
drugs or surgery. However, medicines that contain chemicals and also hemorrhoid
surgery have side effects that are sometimes unpleasant for the sufferer. Therefore, the
treatment of hemorrhoids naturally is often used as an option because it is more secure,
have virtually no side effects even if it takes longer treatment. What you can do to cure
hemorrhoids in home style? The following are home remedies for hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid Therapy, Hydrotherapy
One of the home remedies for hemorrhoids that you can do is a hemorrhoid therapy,
hydrotherapy. This is one of the home hemorrhoid treatment therapies that have been
tested and been carried by a hemorrhoid sufferers. As the name implies, this therapy
method is using water. Here are the steps in performing the hemorrhoids hydrotherapy.
First, prepare a large tub that can fit your body will undergo therapy, for those who have
a bath tub can directly use the bath tub. Second, fill the tub or bath tub with warm water
was approximately between 8 and 10 cm. Then, you just have to sit in the tub or bath tub
that has filled by warm water with the knees bent and brought closer to the chest for about
five minutes. After that, change the water in the tub or bath tub with cold water. Perform
a sitting position as before with cold water as a medium for one minute. Perform the
process was repeated with warm water and cold water three times.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids with Natural Ingredients
In addition to therapy, home remedies for hemorrhoids can also be done by using natural
or traditional ingredients. The following are home remedies for hemorrhoids with natural
ingredients. First is consuming cassava. Cassava is one of the natural and traditional
ingredients that have been known to overcome hemorrhoids. Consume cassava that is
already softened regularly, three times a day, is believed to overcome hemorrhoids. This
is because cassava contains yeast fermented that is healthy for digestion. Both mild
hemorrhoids and bleeding hemorrhoids can be cured with cassava.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Fruits
The second home remedies for hemorrhoids with natural and traditional ingredients are
utilizing guava leaves. Guava leaves, especially its bud part, is also believed to merit
overcome hemorrhoids. Take a few pieces of guava leaves and then wash it clean. Add
one stone banana with its peel, then puree and squeeze the juice. Drink it routinely to
treat hemorrhoids.
In addition, bananas can also be utilized as an ingredient of home remedies for
hemorrhoids. Surely you do not have to bother to look for this fruit, right? Banana is an
ingredient that is easily found, available everywhere, so you do not have to bother to look
for other solutions of healing. You should know that the banana has a property to soften
the stool. Therefore, for those who suffer from constipation it is important for you to eat a
banana to overcome this. To cure hemorrhoids, you can choose Ambon bananas. How
do you utilize it as a drug? Blend the banana, and then add one glass of milk. Regularly
drink three glasses a day so the hemorrhoid disease will disappear fast.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Vegetables
In addition, you can also create home remedies for hemorrhoids of vegetables, one of
which is kale. Kale is a vegetable that can be found easily in the swamp. You can also
grow it by your own because the planting process is very easy to do. In addition to cooked
as food, it turns kale is also beneficial to cure hemorrhoids. How to? Clean the kale first,
then puree. After it smooth, mix it with chicken eggs that have been salted. Mix well and
drink the kale water concoction. Drink it regularly every day one glass before going to
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Spices
In addition to fruits and vegetables, spices in your kitchen can also be used as home
remedies for hemorrhoids. One of the spices that can be used to treat hemorrhoids is
turmeric. This spice is indeed no doubt because it was proven to cure a variety of diseases
ranging from the mundane to the chronic. To treat hemorrhoids with turmeric you can do
it easily. Boil the turmeric in advance and consume it every day in order to cure
hemorrhoids naturally.
Ginger and lime juice that also can be used as home remedies for hemorrhoids. By using
lime juice and ginger, you can reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Why? This is
because ginger and lime was able to reduce dehydration that occurs in your body which
is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. For that, it helps if you drink ginger or lime juice
twice a day to prevent dehydration during your routines and hemorrhoids can avoid.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Nuts and Other Ingredients
Not just stop at the spice. Home remedies for hemorrhoids can also be made from nuts.
Don’t you know? Nuts it also has properties that vary. In addition to containing protein
which can nourish the body, it also has properties as an effective healer. Those nuts
include plant peas, black beans, red beans, etc. Those are relatively healthy foods that
can cure hemorrhoids naturally.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids can also be made from whole grains. We already know
that whole grains have high fiber content. By consuming whole grains, your digestion will
automatically smoothly. The foods that contain whole grains include bread wheat, wheat
flour, or brown rice. Well, the smooth digestion is avoiding constipation so that the
inflammation in the rectum does not arise.
Next is witch hazel. What is witch hazel? Witch hazel is a plant which is often used for
treatment. This plant comes from North America. Typically, its leaves, barks, and twigs
partially dried, are mixed with the distillation process to produce extracts of witch hazel.
Witch hazel extract is proven to treat various diseases such as hemorrhoids so it is usually
used in home remedies for hemorrhoids. You should know that rubbing the hemorrhoids
with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel will reduce swelling and pain because it is rich in
tannin content. Additionally, you can also buy tissue that contains witch hazel. It is usually
packed in the form of wet tissue that can be used instead of or along with toilet paper.
# Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be done by using some materials. The type of the
materials may be used in the internal and external ways of medication. Getting the
hemorrhoids condition is really something disturbing. It can be caused by some factors.
Understanding the cause is the starting point for making sure that you then can choose
the right way too for curing it. When you have understood about it you then may continue
into the act of taking hemorrhoids medication. Instead of choosing the modern medication
you also can choose the type of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids. It is believed to be
the better way for curing hemorrhoids without any side effects possible.
One common cause for hemorrhoids is the wrong way of diet. So, when you are taking
the diet program you must be sure that the diet is the healthy one. It will be bad for you
to get the wrong effect of the diet taken. The natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be
directed into the hemorrhoids caused by any factor. The most important thing to be kept
when you want to compose the idea about its medication is the idea about taking it in line
with your condition. That is for avoiding the possibility of the new problem appearance
because of the wrong hemorrhoid medication process chosen.
When you are positive as having the hemorrhoid caused by your diet, you can compose
the idea about mixing the natural remedies for hemorrhoids into your diet consumption.
That can be done by using the consumption of bioflavonoids into your diet menu. The
menu may be directed into the use of orange and lemon consumption. Because of that,
this way is relatively easy to be composed while at the same time you also do not need
to compose the great budget prepared for getting the medication.
Some Other Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids
One other types of the material to be included into the natural remedies for hemorrhoids
is apple cider vinegar. This material can be used for the outside medication. In other
words this material is not the type of material to be consumed but it is used for covering
your anal area by using the help from the cotton. Of course you must be careful during
the time of taking the special remedies for hemorrhoids like this one. It will be harder to
be composed than the act of consuming certain materials.
The next step of using the natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be done by using aloe
Vera. It can give the function for swelling reduction and the itching soothing caused by
hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera may be used as the internal or the external type of medication. It
means that this one is really useful to be used for both ways of medication. However, you
also must prepare enough budgets for getting this material nowadays.
The last type of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be assumed as the cheapest
type of the material used. It is done by using garlic. People may find the garlic easily in
cheap price too. Garlic has the great function for the medication process not only in an
internal way but also in the external way of medication.
# Symptoms, Causes, and How to Treat External Hemorrhoids
How to treat external hemorrhoids can be done by several methods of treatment, ranging
from the treatment of hemorrhoids in medical ways to nonmedical treatment of
hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid is pain that is caused by veins in the anus swelling and
enlargement. This is because a lot of things. In general, hemorrhoid is divided into two,
internal hemorrhoid and external hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids are hemorrhoid that
occurs in the rectum or anus in which it cannot be seen or even touched. This swelling
happens usually is painless because the nerves that is found in the rectum is only slightly.
While external hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids where the hemorrhoid tissue is appears on
the outside of the anus. External hemorrhoids are the most painful type of hemorrhoid
disease. If an external hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed, this condition is severe enough,
the color of the anus will turn purple or blue, and if severe enough, it can cause bleeding.
Well, it is dangerous, right? So, how to treat external hemorrhoids? In this article, the
writer will discuss in full about the external hemorrhoids, its symptoms, causes, following
the way of healing.
Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids
Before discussing about how to treat external hemorrhoids, we will discuss in advance
about the symptoms of external hemorrhoids. What are the symptoms in patients with
external hemorrhoids? Symptoms that appear in general is, first, rectal bleeding. Blood
will come out in the form of droplets or can also flowing. Typically, this is a fresh blood.
This symptom is painless for the patient. The second symptom is a lump flavor after bowel
movement that ultimately makes you stronger push. This is what will make the hemorrhoid
becomes more severe. The third symptom is appeared itching. This arises because of
the irritation caused by bacteria and viruses. If pushed out by the feces or stool, the
hemorrhoid can cause clots that occur and cause the hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids become
somewhat purplish blue.
Causes of External Hemorrhoids
So, what are the causes of external hemorrhoids? It is good that we know the causes of
external hemorrhoids itself so it can be done easily. Basically, the cause of external
hemorrhoids is still unclear, although the disease is associated with increased blood
pressure in the blood vessels that were in the anus and surrounding areas. Most of these
conditions are caused due to prolonged straining during bowel movements. Constipation
is a major cause of the push. Usually it is as a result of nutritional deficiencies of fiber in
the diet.
In addition, there are some things that increase your risk of external hemorrhoids, such
as having a family medical history of hemorrhoid pain. Well, heredity became one cause
of hemorrhoids. If one of your family members has hemorrhoids, then you should be
careful because you can only be the next affected by hemorrhoids. Keep your lifestyle so
that you can reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. In addition, pregnancy is also a number of
factors the emergence of hemorrhoids. Women who are pregnant are very susceptible to
hemorrhoids. This is due to increased hormone progestrogen that causes digestive tract
work will be hampered and lets the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Well, that was some of
the causes of external hemorrhoids.
Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids
How to treat external hemorrhoids can be done by several methods of treatment, ranging
from the treatment of hemorrhoids in medical to nonmedical treatment of hemorrhoids.
The following will be described in detail about external hemorrhoids treatment. All
hemorrhoid sufferers know that hemorrhoids can cause pain in the anal region. The worst
condition of hemorrhoids is when your hemorrhoids are prolapse or protrude out of the
anus. If there is a lot of pressure on hemorrhoids, then this will cause an uncomfortable
feeling and may even cause pain.
Came to the hospital and consult with a doctor is a business you can do. Usually, the
doctor will say to push the hemorrhoids back in, but this will be repeated again and will
certainly get you into trouble. This is because the hemorrhoid disease you suffered is not
healed completely, so it is possible to recur within a specified period. Therefore, it is
necessary a technique of external hemorrhoids treatment that ensures your hemorrhoids
do not reappear.
Medical Treatment of External Hemorrhoids
As has been said before, how to treat external hemorrhoids can be done in the medical
and nonmedical. First, we will discuss about the medical treatment of external
hemorrhoids. Medical external hemorrhoids treatment is various, one of which is the BEIM
method (Biological Electrical Impedance autoMeasurement). This is a hemorrhoid
treatment technique in external parts that use a concept that is almost similar to the
method laser on child circumcision. The working principle of this is cut and closed the
hemorrhoid tissue to be removed. Hemorrhoid tissue to be disposed clamped by BEIM
means and then will dry within a few seconds, then broke up. By doing so, it is not required
stitches and surgery to lift the hemorrhoid tissue.
The first, the process is very fast, only takes about 15 minutes. The second is the minimal
pain due to injuries done immediately closed and no stitches. The third is minimal bleeding
because when the hemorrhoid tissue cutting, injury will not occur due to an open wound
has been coagulated by heating element of BEIM. The most important is the relatively
low cost when compared with treatment in hospital with conventional methods.
Nonmedical Treatment of External Hemorrhoids
Nonmedical external hemorrhoids treatment is a way to treat hemorrhoids using
traditional ingredients, usually with herbs and ointments. External hemorrhoids treatment
with this method is not running optimally, especially for those who suffer from hemorrhoids
with severe conditions. That is because the hemorrhoid tissue does not disappear
completely, but only deflated and shrunk. In a certain period of time there will be the
possibility of recurrence. Besides, external hemorrhoids treatment with this method
requires a very long time.
One of the traditional ingredients that you can use non-medically is garlic. You can use
garlic in a way pounding and then mix it with a little water. Squeeze the juice and rub
garlic on the anus every day. If it is done routine, the external hemorrhoids will quickly
disappear and no longer swollen.
Do not forget to drink enough water to compensate for how to treat external hemorrhoids
in this way. It is intended to allow the body to have more fluid so that your metabolism is
awake and fluids needs that your bodies need to treat hemorrhoids can be met. You need
to know that garlic and water is very influential in accelerating the healing of hemorrhoids.
# Natural Remedies Internal Hemorrhoids
Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are one kind of best remedies for internal
hemorrhoids. You will get best advantage from those Natural remedies internal
hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are one kind of disease that must you give your attention.
Piles or hemorrhoids are one kind of disease that will really make you are uncomfortable
and you will get worst illness from this disease. Hemmorhoids are condition when veins
near the anus and the lower portion of the rectum become in swollen and inflamed
condition. You are can find two different Hemmorhoids are external and internal
Hemmorhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are one disease that make you are must give special
treatment. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are one thing that can be best way to
make you are can get best condition from this disease.
When you are get hemorrhoids you will get pain, itching and irritation on the affected area.
For the worst case, you are also can get bleeding on the affected area that will really
make you are in uncomfortable condition. Fort the internal hemorrhoids you are will get
difficult detection about the disease. It is make you are must really give attention in your
internal hemorrhoids. You will get best result that make you are can get best result and
avoid from internal hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids can be one thing that must you give your attention because you are
can know about the symptoms in clearly condition. Internal hemorrhoids happen in deeply
place. That’s make the symptoms of this disease must you give your extra attention. Only
symptoms that can you get when you are get internal hemorrhoids disease is you will get
bloody condition from the anus. When you are get this condition, its better if you are get
consultation with doctor and also doing natural remedies internal hemorrhoids. Natural
remedies for internal hemorrhoids can be the best way because you will get suitable and
very useful treatment on the deep hemorrhoids.
Best Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids for you choose
Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are offer for you with some of different treatment.
You are can find best natural treatment that will you get in suitable and you will get best
advantage from that. First natural treatment internal hemorrhoids are using herbal
treatment. This method or treatment is best way how to makes your hemorrhoids are in
good condition in fast time. You will get best result from that and make you are can get
your healthy condition in fast time. Herbal remedies are can give best result of your
treatment. You will get natural astringent and can make clean condition of the affected
area. It is really make you are can get best treatment of your internal hemorrhoids.
You are can find some of herbal material that can you use become your formula to health
your internal hemorrhoid. You are can make your own herbal material that can you get in
easy and you will get best result from that. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids with
using herbal material are best way how to get best condition from your hemorrhoid
disease. From the herbal material you are can try Chinese herbal, hazel, psylium,
dandelion and other herbal material. With using the herbal treatment, you are can get
healthy condition from the internal hemorrhoid without get some illness or bad effect.
Second natural treatment to makes your recover of your internal hemorrhoids are fruits
and vegetable. Those materials are really good natural materials that will make you are
get best result of your healthy condition. You will get perfect healthy without get bad affect
from the treatment and you can heal in healthy condition again. Natural remedies internal
hemorrhoids with using fruit or vegetable are can you get with choose right material for
you choose. You are can choose fruit and vegetable that become your daily consume to
make your boy get enough immunity body, vitamin, and make the inflammation is in
diseased veins.
Third method of natural remedies use for internal hemorrhoids that can you do in easy
and fast time is fix your lifestyle. Consume enough mineral water can make your body get
enough water that will really make your body still in good condition. Natural remedies
internal hemorrhoids with consume enough water material is can you do with consume
six or eight glasses of water on the daily. It will make you are can get softer your stool
and make you are can get your healthy condition from this natural remedies. With that,
choose this one kind of natural remedy is best choices for you.
The last that can you do how to make you are can heal and avoid from internal hemorrhoid
is you must change your lifestyle into positive lifestyle. Some causes of internal
hemorrhoids are can you avoid to make you are can get good condition of your healthy
condition. Stress from work, do not get enough sleep every day are two things that must
you avoid when you are want to avoid from internal hemorrhoids. You are also must do
not push in too much to pass stool. With that, you will get best condition from those natural
Advantage of Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids
Doing home natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are one thing that can make you are
can get best advantage of your health. You are do not can get healthy condition again
with choose this one kind of remedies method of your internal hemorrhoids, but you are
also can get some of advantage that you feel. First advantage that can you get when you
are choose this one kind of natural remedies are you can get the treatment in good
condition without bad effect. With that, you will really get best condition of the internal
Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are can you in simply way that make you are can
do the treatment in fast time. When you are get the symptoms from internal hemorrhoids,
you are can do the heal treatment in fast time and you will get best condition from that.
You will get perfect condition of your internal hemorrhoids in fast time and you are can
avoid from the bad effect that can you get when you are using chemical remedies.
Because of that, choose natural remedies are best choices for you.
With the advantage that can you get it is really suitable and functional when you are
choosing this one kind of remedies to make your internal hemorrhoids are in good
condition. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are best way how to makes you are can
get best advantage. You will get good condition in fast time and you are can avoid from
the hemorrhoids in fast time. So, choose this one kind of method is best way to get your
healthy condition.
# Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy
Natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy include utilizing natural ingredients
that are easy to obtain and also do the little things that are very easy to do. The point is
to familiarize a healthy life. Hemorrhoids are a symptom of the widening of veins that is
located in the anus. This can usually heal themselves for one or two weeks indeed.
However, if hemorrhoids are already swollen and irritated, it would be very disturbing,
especially if you are in pregnant condition. Surely this would be very annoying. What?
Pregnant women can suffer from hemorrhoids? Well, hemorrhoids are not only suffered
by office employees. Pregnant women also often experience hemorrhoids and this is a
natural thing. This usually appears and disrupts pregnant women in the third trimester
until the time of delivery. Why fair pregnant women experiencing hemorrhoids? How to
cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Why Pregnant Women Experience Hemorrhoids?
As mentioned earlier, we will discuss the causes of hemorrhoids in pregnant women
before eventually talk about natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Well,
why pregnant women experience hemorrhoids? Here are the contributing factors. The
first is a change in hormone. During pregnancy, progesterone levels in pregnant women
will increase. Although the hormone is useful to amplify or hold the fetus in the womb,
these hormones also can inhibit gastrointestinal peristalsis muscle that has a function to
smooth the passage of food from the digestive tract to the drain. The second factor is that
the greater the size of the fetus. Along with the gestational age, the fetus and uterus will
also be enlarged resulting in a pressure on the abdominal and pelvic cavity. And the third
is constipation. A study says that 25 percent of pregnant women suffer from constipation
and these conditions may continue until 3 months after delivery. If constipation is not
treated immediately, the risk of damage pelvic muscles becomes larger.
Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy You Can Try
Well, that was the factor that causes hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Cure hemorrhoids
during pregnancy may be a little harder than the treatment of hemorrhoids after giving
birth. Therefore, we will try to provide natural ways to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
The first is to sit soaking in warm water. This is an effective way to cure hemorrhoids
because of the warm water has benefits to melt frozen blood clotting. Perform it routine
after defecation. Simply prepare a bowl or bucket that you can sit on for 10-15 minutes,
and then pour warm water with a temperature of 40-60 degrees Celsius or as your taste.
The second is to utilize the ice cubes. Ice cubes can be used to relieve pain and reduce
blood flow in the blood vessels dilated. Therefore, it is also included in natural remedies
for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Take a few ice cubes and break it into small fragments.
Put this into plastic and then cover with a thick towel and sat on it about 10 minutes.
Perform routine several times a day to cure hemorrhoids.
The third of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is sleeping on the
side or lying on the side. With frequent lying down, back and forth to the left or right, then
pregnant women can reduce the pressure of the uterus on the large blood vessels in the
back of the stomach so the baby can get the flow of blood and nutrients to the maximum.
Moreover, this movement can also help the kidneys to remove waste from your body so
that the feet and hands are not swollen.
The next is to keep the anal area is always clean. Supposedly, it becomes natural
remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy because it is as it should you keep it clean.
Use a wet tissue that does not contain alcohol or fragrance to clean the anal area after
defecating. If necessary, use a special tissue for hemorrhoid sufferers.
The next remedies are routinely consuming vegetables and fruits every day. Food and
fruits that are good for pregnant women who suffer from hemorrhoids are food and fruits
that contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, such as papaya or spinach. This is because fiber
can help make a good digestion. For you the lovers of spicy, as much as possible avoid
eating fruit and spicy foods, and also acidic or fatty foods because these foods can make
the stool becomes hard and it will resulted in the straining process. It would be so long
and difficult.
Next is drinking plenty of water. It is most convenient and inexpensive. Consume at least
2 liters of water a day to defecate into a routine because by consuming water, it will tend
to soften stool. Alternatively, for those of you who like yogurt, to avoid hemorrhoids
disease, you can eat yogurt that are proven to improve the work of the intestine. In
addition, at the time of defecation, try not to push so as not to cause swelling of blood in
the anal.
You can also do a little exercise as natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Swimming or walking for 30 minutes can be a sport that is suitable for pregnant women.
By doing so, pregnant women can help the muscles in the digestive tract to actively
encourage the leftovers down the drain.
Get used to not hold defecate is also natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy
that you should do. You should know that refrain for defecation can lead feces harden
and make the push into a long process. If you have difficulty to defecate, try to consume
a glass of warm water in the morning before defecation. It is because the lack of fluids in
the body can also cause the defecating becomes not smooth.
The last way that you can try to cure hemorrhoids is utilizing the aloe Vera plant. Aloe
Vera is a natural plant that is suitable for curing hemorrhoids. Well, this versatile plant can
be used to cure hemorrhoids because this plant has anti-inflammatory properties and also
gives the sensation of cold in order to reduce the burning sensation in the rectum. How
do you use aloe Vera as natural hemorrhoids during pregnancy? The trick is cut some
aloe Vera, and then applies aloe Vera meat that is containing mucus in the anal area.
This will reduce the inflammation around the anal that is painful. Well, those were natural
remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy that you can try. If the suggestions above
still does not help curing your hemorrhoids, or even the conditions are even more severe
to cause bleeding, immediately consult your illness to your gynecologist to get a
prescription drug that is safe for your womb.
# How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home Fast
How to treat hemorrhoids at home fast can be done with or without using living pharmacy.
You can do it through exercise and utilize the natural ingredients around you. Treat
hemorrhoids naturally is one way of effective treatment for hemorrhoids. As already
known hemorrhoids is one disease that torturous and often occur in humans. Moreover,
this disease falls into one kind of chronic disease that is difficult to cure and may recur
again. By using natural treatments, in addition to potent and safe, the price is cheaper
when it is compared to the operating costs. Moreover, doing hemorrhoid surgery was not
necessarily going to make a full recovery. Therefore, the treatment of hemorrhoids
naturally is often being a choice for hemorrhoid sufferers. This natural treatment can be
done by you at home. This is very pleasant, right? So, what can you do at home to treat
your hemorrhoids quickly? Here, the writer will convey about how to treat hemorrhoids at
home fast.
How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home Fast without Using Living Pharmacy
First, we will discuss about things you can do to treat hemorrhoids without using
ingredients living pharmacy. What can you do? You can take medicine that can reduce
pain and illness as an oral tablet. In addition, you can also use a special topical
hemorrhoid creams. This topical cream is usually made from aloe Vera which is believed
to relieve inflammation when applied to the anus. Next, you need to clean the anal area
until completely clean, especially after you have a bowel movement. It is intended to avoid
the bacteria are not easily spread. Use a soft material such as wet wipes that are
commonly used by baby due to the use of hard materials such as soap may irritate.
Another thing you can do as a step without the use of a living pharmacy is sitting in warm
water. By sitting in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes for four or three times a day, the pain
you feel because of hemorrhoid can be reduced. In order not swollen, you can compress
part of the rectum using a bag of ice. In addition, try to reduce constipation. To do this,
the most powerful way is to consume lots of fibrous foods. These fiber foods will help your
digestion so it is not easy to constipation. In addition, you also need a lot of drinking that
is also smooth digestion and the immune system intact.
It can also be done through exercise. Well, exercise is healthy and useful way to minimize
the risk of diseases such as hemorrhoids. Here are some forms of exercise that you can
do to treat hemorrhoids. The first is the Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises aim to
strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and relieve the pressure on the lower part of the
body. Kegel exercises can also be the primary way to treat and prevent hemorrhoids.
How to do Kegel exercises is to begin to realize the control of the pelvic floor muscles.
Try to urinate for two seconds, then forced to stop for a few seconds, then release it again.
Once accustomed, you can do so without having to pee first. Perform Kegel exercises
with fifteen repetitions each session.
The next exercise that is included into the category is walking. Regular walking can
improve health in general, including the treatment of hemorrhoids. Walking can facilitate
defecation to improve digestion and prevent constipation. What is constipation?
Constipation is a condition that requires you to push hard during bowel movements. In
fact, pushing too hard can put pressure on blood vessels which makes enlarged. Walking
helps this does not happen and also helps to build muscle mass in the pelvic area.
Aerobics are also included in the form of exercise. Aerobics routine can keep bowel
movements are normal. While doing aerobics movements, the heart rate and metabolic
rate are increased, as well as the digestive process. Exercise such as jogging or water
sports can maintain normal body function and prevent enlargement of the veins in the
anus due to constipation. That was a few types of exercise that you can do to treat
hemorrhoids. In addition, for those patients with hemorrhoids, avoid weight training
because it can give excessive pressure on the lower part of the body. Remember that
forcing lifting weights while already experiencing hemorrhoids can cause bleeding in the
How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home Fast by Using Living Pharmacy
Well, the next is by using a living pharmacy. One of the natural ingredients that you can
exploit is the mangosteen peel. Mangosteen peel is one type of drug that is potent and
fast cure hemorrhoids without surgery. Mangosteen peel contains an ingredient that is
called xanthones. This is a substance from mangosteen peel which has a high
antioxidant. The high antioxidant in the body can rapidly reduce inflammation and
immediately deflates the hemorrhoid. In addition, these substances are also able to repair
cells damaged by hemorrhoids disease and hemorrhoids can be cured without recur.
It can also be done with the help of aloe Vera. As mentioned earlier, the aloe Vera is
indeed proven able to cure hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera contains a substance that can cool
down so that it can help you in reducing the heat on the affected anal hemorrhoids. How
to make healing potions hemorrhoids of aloe Vera? Cut and peel the aloe Vera. After that,
apply aloe Vera meat on the experiencing hemorrhoids. This is a powerful and effective
way in the treatment of hemorrhoids that you can do yourself at home. By using natural
ingredients then this hemorrhoid cure guaranteed to be safe and free of side effects.
Furthermore, It can also be done with apple cider vinegar that is known effective to stop
bleeding hemorrhoids. Using apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular natural
treatments to treat hemorrhoids. How to use these is to take about two teaspoons of apple
cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water for every meal. For external application, you can
soak a cotton or paper towels in vinegar and rub into the affected area hemorrhoids.
Repeat this process until the inflammation and the symptoms disappeared. Apple cider
vinegar can also be used directly to be added to bath water or to clean the anal area after
One remedy for hemorrhoids or piles is olive oil. Therefore, this ingredient is often used
in how to treat hemorrhoids at home fast. How to use it? Mix the olive oil in 1 tablespoon
with your food. Of course, do this 3 times a day. Do it regularly, then your hemorrhoids
will heal soon.
Well, that was a few ways of how to treat hemorrhoids at home fast. With a brief
explanation above, you can cure hemorrhoids without surgery that is too expensive. If
there are sparing way, why not? Take advantage of the natural ingredients around you
and get used to living a healthy and regular. Good luck!
Learn More about Hemorrhoids Treatment at

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Hemorrhoids Treatment

  • 1. Hemorrhoids Treatment # Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids Home remedies for hemorrhoids are often used as an option because it is more secure, have virtually no side effects even if it takes longer treatment. Hemorrhoids are one type of disease that is very disturbing. Hemorrhoids appeared in the anus or rectum of patients, resulting in pain, bleeding and difficulty of patients to sit or defecate. This disease usually arises because people straining too hard during defecate. By straining too hard, the blood vessels around the anus can dilate and rupture which then can lead to infection and swelling ended the problem of hemorrhoids. So, what is the best treat for hemorrhoids? Besides treated with modern medical treatment, hemorrhoids can also be treated naturally or home, depending on the choice of the patient. Medical treatment has advantage that is can overcome the hemorrhoid problem quickly through the provision of drugs or surgery. However, medicines that contain chemicals and also hemorrhoid surgery have side effects that are sometimes unpleasant for the sufferer. Therefore, the treatment of hemorrhoids naturally is often used as an option because it is more secure, have virtually no side effects even if it takes longer treatment. What you can do to cure hemorrhoids in home style? The following are home remedies for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid Therapy, Hydrotherapy One of the home remedies for hemorrhoids that you can do is a hemorrhoid therapy, hydrotherapy. This is one of the home hemorrhoid treatment therapies that have been tested and been carried by a hemorrhoid sufferers. As the name implies, this therapy method is using water. Here are the steps in performing the hemorrhoids hydrotherapy. First, prepare a large tub that can fit your body will undergo therapy, for those who have a bath tub can directly use the bath tub. Second, fill the tub or bath tub with warm water was approximately between 8 and 10 cm. Then, you just have to sit in the tub or bath tub that has filled by warm water with the knees bent and brought closer to the chest for about five minutes. After that, change the water in the tub or bath tub with cold water. Perform a sitting position as before with cold water as a medium for one minute. Perform the process was repeated with warm water and cold water three times. Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids with Natural Ingredients In addition to therapy, home remedies for hemorrhoids can also be done by using natural or traditional ingredients. The following are home remedies for hemorrhoids with natural ingredients. First is consuming cassava. Cassava is one of the natural and traditional ingredients that have been known to overcome hemorrhoids. Consume cassava that is already softened regularly, three times a day, is believed to overcome hemorrhoids. This
  • 2. is because cassava contains yeast fermented that is healthy for digestion. Both mild hemorrhoids and bleeding hemorrhoids can be cured with cassava. Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Fruits The second home remedies for hemorrhoids with natural and traditional ingredients are utilizing guava leaves. Guava leaves, especially its bud part, is also believed to merit overcome hemorrhoids. Take a few pieces of guava leaves and then wash it clean. Add one stone banana with its peel, then puree and squeeze the juice. Drink it routinely to treat hemorrhoids. In addition, bananas can also be utilized as an ingredient of home remedies for hemorrhoids. Surely you do not have to bother to look for this fruit, right? Banana is an ingredient that is easily found, available everywhere, so you do not have to bother to look for other solutions of healing. You should know that the banana has a property to soften the stool. Therefore, for those who suffer from constipation it is important for you to eat a banana to overcome this. To cure hemorrhoids, you can choose Ambon bananas. How do you utilize it as a drug? Blend the banana, and then add one glass of milk. Regularly drink three glasses a day so the hemorrhoid disease will disappear fast. Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Vegetables In addition, you can also create home remedies for hemorrhoids of vegetables, one of which is kale. Kale is a vegetable that can be found easily in the swamp. You can also grow it by your own because the planting process is very easy to do. In addition to cooked as food, it turns kale is also beneficial to cure hemorrhoids. How to? Clean the kale first, then puree. After it smooth, mix it with chicken eggs that have been salted. Mix well and drink the kale water concoction. Drink it regularly every day one glass before going to bed. Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Spices In addition to fruits and vegetables, spices in your kitchen can also be used as home remedies for hemorrhoids. One of the spices that can be used to treat hemorrhoids is turmeric. This spice is indeed no doubt because it was proven to cure a variety of diseases ranging from the mundane to the chronic. To treat hemorrhoids with turmeric you can do it easily. Boil the turmeric in advance and consume it every day in order to cure hemorrhoids naturally. Ginger and lime juice that also can be used as home remedies for hemorrhoids. By using lime juice and ginger, you can reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Why? This is because ginger and lime was able to reduce dehydration that occurs in your body which
  • 3. is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. For that, it helps if you drink ginger or lime juice twice a day to prevent dehydration during your routines and hemorrhoids can avoid. Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids of Nuts and Other Ingredients Not just stop at the spice. Home remedies for hemorrhoids can also be made from nuts. Don’t you know? Nuts it also has properties that vary. In addition to containing protein which can nourish the body, it also has properties as an effective healer. Those nuts include plant peas, black beans, red beans, etc. Those are relatively healthy foods that can cure hemorrhoids naturally. Home remedies for hemorrhoids can also be made from whole grains. We already know that whole grains have high fiber content. By consuming whole grains, your digestion will automatically smoothly. The foods that contain whole grains include bread wheat, wheat flour, or brown rice. Well, the smooth digestion is avoiding constipation so that the inflammation in the rectum does not arise. Next is witch hazel. What is witch hazel? Witch hazel is a plant which is often used for treatment. This plant comes from North America. Typically, its leaves, barks, and twigs partially dried, are mixed with the distillation process to produce extracts of witch hazel. Witch hazel extract is proven to treat various diseases such as hemorrhoids so it is usually used in home remedies for hemorrhoids. You should know that rubbing the hemorrhoids with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel will reduce swelling and pain because it is rich in tannin content. Additionally, you can also buy tissue that contains witch hazel. It is usually packed in the form of wet tissue that can be used instead of or along with toilet paper.
  • 4. # Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids Natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be done by using some materials. The type of the materials may be used in the internal and external ways of medication. Getting the hemorrhoids condition is really something disturbing. It can be caused by some factors. Understanding the cause is the starting point for making sure that you then can choose the right way too for curing it. When you have understood about it you then may continue into the act of taking hemorrhoids medication. Instead of choosing the modern medication you also can choose the type of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids. It is believed to be the better way for curing hemorrhoids without any side effects possible. One common cause for hemorrhoids is the wrong way of diet. So, when you are taking the diet program you must be sure that the diet is the healthy one. It will be bad for you to get the wrong effect of the diet taken. The natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be directed into the hemorrhoids caused by any factor. The most important thing to be kept when you want to compose the idea about its medication is the idea about taking it in line with your condition. That is for avoiding the possibility of the new problem appearance because of the wrong hemorrhoid medication process chosen. When you are positive as having the hemorrhoid caused by your diet, you can compose the idea about mixing the natural remedies for hemorrhoids into your diet consumption. That can be done by using the consumption of bioflavonoids into your diet menu. The menu may be directed into the use of orange and lemon consumption. Because of that, this way is relatively easy to be composed while at the same time you also do not need to compose the great budget prepared for getting the medication. Some Other Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids One other types of the material to be included into the natural remedies for hemorrhoids is apple cider vinegar. This material can be used for the outside medication. In other words this material is not the type of material to be consumed but it is used for covering your anal area by using the help from the cotton. Of course you must be careful during the time of taking the special remedies for hemorrhoids like this one. It will be harder to be composed than the act of consuming certain materials. The next step of using the natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be done by using aloe Vera. It can give the function for swelling reduction and the itching soothing caused by hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera may be used as the internal or the external type of medication. It means that this one is really useful to be used for both ways of medication. However, you also must prepare enough budgets for getting this material nowadays. The last type of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids may be assumed as the cheapest type of the material used. It is done by using garlic. People may find the garlic easily in
  • 5. cheap price too. Garlic has the great function for the medication process not only in an internal way but also in the external way of medication.
  • 6. # Symptoms, Causes, and How to Treat External Hemorrhoids How to treat external hemorrhoids can be done by several methods of treatment, ranging from the treatment of hemorrhoids in medical ways to nonmedical treatment of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid is pain that is caused by veins in the anus swelling and enlargement. This is because a lot of things. In general, hemorrhoid is divided into two, internal hemorrhoid and external hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids are hemorrhoid that occurs in the rectum or anus in which it cannot be seen or even touched. This swelling happens usually is painless because the nerves that is found in the rectum is only slightly. While external hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids where the hemorrhoid tissue is appears on the outside of the anus. External hemorrhoids are the most painful type of hemorrhoid disease. If an external hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed, this condition is severe enough, the color of the anus will turn purple or blue, and if severe enough, it can cause bleeding. Well, it is dangerous, right? So, how to treat external hemorrhoids? In this article, the writer will discuss in full about the external hemorrhoids, its symptoms, causes, following the way of healing. Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids Before discussing about how to treat external hemorrhoids, we will discuss in advance about the symptoms of external hemorrhoids. What are the symptoms in patients with external hemorrhoids? Symptoms that appear in general is, first, rectal bleeding. Blood will come out in the form of droplets or can also flowing. Typically, this is a fresh blood. This symptom is painless for the patient. The second symptom is a lump flavor after bowel movement that ultimately makes you stronger push. This is what will make the hemorrhoid becomes more severe. The third symptom is appeared itching. This arises because of the irritation caused by bacteria and viruses. If pushed out by the feces or stool, the hemorrhoid can cause clots that occur and cause the hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids become somewhat purplish blue. Causes of External Hemorrhoids So, what are the causes of external hemorrhoids? It is good that we know the causes of external hemorrhoids itself so it can be done easily. Basically, the cause of external hemorrhoids is still unclear, although the disease is associated with increased blood pressure in the blood vessels that were in the anus and surrounding areas. Most of these conditions are caused due to prolonged straining during bowel movements. Constipation is a major cause of the push. Usually it is as a result of nutritional deficiencies of fiber in the diet. In addition, there are some things that increase your risk of external hemorrhoids, such as having a family medical history of hemorrhoid pain. Well, heredity became one cause of hemorrhoids. If one of your family members has hemorrhoids, then you should be
  • 7. careful because you can only be the next affected by hemorrhoids. Keep your lifestyle so that you can reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. In addition, pregnancy is also a number of factors the emergence of hemorrhoids. Women who are pregnant are very susceptible to hemorrhoids. This is due to increased hormone progestrogen that causes digestive tract work will be hampered and lets the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Well, that was some of the causes of external hemorrhoids. Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids How to treat external hemorrhoids can be done by several methods of treatment, ranging from the treatment of hemorrhoids in medical to nonmedical treatment of hemorrhoids. The following will be described in detail about external hemorrhoids treatment. All hemorrhoid sufferers know that hemorrhoids can cause pain in the anal region. The worst condition of hemorrhoids is when your hemorrhoids are prolapse or protrude out of the anus. If there is a lot of pressure on hemorrhoids, then this will cause an uncomfortable feeling and may even cause pain. Came to the hospital and consult with a doctor is a business you can do. Usually, the doctor will say to push the hemorrhoids back in, but this will be repeated again and will certainly get you into trouble. This is because the hemorrhoid disease you suffered is not healed completely, so it is possible to recur within a specified period. Therefore, it is necessary a technique of external hemorrhoids treatment that ensures your hemorrhoids do not reappear. Medical Treatment of External Hemorrhoids As has been said before, how to treat external hemorrhoids can be done in the medical and nonmedical. First, we will discuss about the medical treatment of external hemorrhoids. Medical external hemorrhoids treatment is various, one of which is the BEIM method (Biological Electrical Impedance autoMeasurement). This is a hemorrhoid treatment technique in external parts that use a concept that is almost similar to the method laser on child circumcision. The working principle of this is cut and closed the hemorrhoid tissue to be removed. Hemorrhoid tissue to be disposed clamped by BEIM means and then will dry within a few seconds, then broke up. By doing so, it is not required stitches and surgery to lift the hemorrhoid tissue. The first, the process is very fast, only takes about 15 minutes. The second is the minimal pain due to injuries done immediately closed and no stitches. The third is minimal bleeding because when the hemorrhoid tissue cutting, injury will not occur due to an open wound has been coagulated by heating element of BEIM. The most important is the relatively low cost when compared with treatment in hospital with conventional methods.
  • 8. Nonmedical Treatment of External Hemorrhoids Nonmedical external hemorrhoids treatment is a way to treat hemorrhoids using traditional ingredients, usually with herbs and ointments. External hemorrhoids treatment with this method is not running optimally, especially for those who suffer from hemorrhoids with severe conditions. That is because the hemorrhoid tissue does not disappear completely, but only deflated and shrunk. In a certain period of time there will be the possibility of recurrence. Besides, external hemorrhoids treatment with this method requires a very long time. One of the traditional ingredients that you can use non-medically is garlic. You can use garlic in a way pounding and then mix it with a little water. Squeeze the juice and rub garlic on the anus every day. If it is done routine, the external hemorrhoids will quickly disappear and no longer swollen. Do not forget to drink enough water to compensate for how to treat external hemorrhoids in this way. It is intended to allow the body to have more fluid so that your metabolism is awake and fluids needs that your bodies need to treat hemorrhoids can be met. You need to know that garlic and water is very influential in accelerating the healing of hemorrhoids.
  • 9. # Natural Remedies Internal Hemorrhoids Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are one kind of best remedies for internal hemorrhoids. You will get best advantage from those Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are one kind of disease that must you give your attention. Piles or hemorrhoids are one kind of disease that will really make you are uncomfortable and you will get worst illness from this disease. Hemmorhoids are condition when veins near the anus and the lower portion of the rectum become in swollen and inflamed condition. You are can find two different Hemmorhoids are external and internal Hemmorhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are one disease that make you are must give special treatment. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are one thing that can be best way to make you are can get best condition from this disease. When you are get hemorrhoids you will get pain, itching and irritation on the affected area. For the worst case, you are also can get bleeding on the affected area that will really make you are in uncomfortable condition. Fort the internal hemorrhoids you are will get difficult detection about the disease. It is make you are must really give attention in your internal hemorrhoids. You will get best result that make you are can get best result and avoid from internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids can be one thing that must you give your attention because you are can know about the symptoms in clearly condition. Internal hemorrhoids happen in deeply place. That’s make the symptoms of this disease must you give your extra attention. Only symptoms that can you get when you are get internal hemorrhoids disease is you will get bloody condition from the anus. When you are get this condition, its better if you are get consultation with doctor and also doing natural remedies internal hemorrhoids. Natural remedies for internal hemorrhoids can be the best way because you will get suitable and very useful treatment on the deep hemorrhoids. Best Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids for you choose Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are offer for you with some of different treatment. You are can find best natural treatment that will you get in suitable and you will get best advantage from that. First natural treatment internal hemorrhoids are using herbal treatment. This method or treatment is best way how to makes your hemorrhoids are in good condition in fast time. You will get best result from that and make you are can get your healthy condition in fast time. Herbal remedies are can give best result of your treatment. You will get natural astringent and can make clean condition of the affected area. It is really make you are can get best treatment of your internal hemorrhoids. You are can find some of herbal material that can you use become your formula to health your internal hemorrhoid. You are can make your own herbal material that can you get in easy and you will get best result from that. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids with
  • 10. using herbal material are best way how to get best condition from your hemorrhoid disease. From the herbal material you are can try Chinese herbal, hazel, psylium, dandelion and other herbal material. With using the herbal treatment, you are can get healthy condition from the internal hemorrhoid without get some illness or bad effect. Second natural treatment to makes your recover of your internal hemorrhoids are fruits and vegetable. Those materials are really good natural materials that will make you are get best result of your healthy condition. You will get perfect healthy without get bad affect from the treatment and you can heal in healthy condition again. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids with using fruit or vegetable are can you get with choose right material for you choose. You are can choose fruit and vegetable that become your daily consume to make your boy get enough immunity body, vitamin, and make the inflammation is in diseased veins. Third method of natural remedies use for internal hemorrhoids that can you do in easy and fast time is fix your lifestyle. Consume enough mineral water can make your body get enough water that will really make your body still in good condition. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids with consume enough water material is can you do with consume six or eight glasses of water on the daily. It will make you are can get softer your stool and make you are can get your healthy condition from this natural remedies. With that, choose this one kind of natural remedy is best choices for you. The last that can you do how to make you are can heal and avoid from internal hemorrhoid is you must change your lifestyle into positive lifestyle. Some causes of internal hemorrhoids are can you avoid to make you are can get good condition of your healthy condition. Stress from work, do not get enough sleep every day are two things that must you avoid when you are want to avoid from internal hemorrhoids. You are also must do not push in too much to pass stool. With that, you will get best condition from those natural remedies. Advantage of Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids Doing home natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are one thing that can make you are can get best advantage of your health. You are do not can get healthy condition again with choose this one kind of remedies method of your internal hemorrhoids, but you are also can get some of advantage that you feel. First advantage that can you get when you are choose this one kind of natural remedies are you can get the treatment in good condition without bad effect. With that, you will really get best condition of the internal hemorrhoids. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are can you in simply way that make you are can do the treatment in fast time. When you are get the symptoms from internal hemorrhoids, you are can do the heal treatment in fast time and you will get best condition from that.
  • 11. You will get perfect condition of your internal hemorrhoids in fast time and you are can avoid from the bad effect that can you get when you are using chemical remedies. Because of that, choose natural remedies are best choices for you. With the advantage that can you get it is really suitable and functional when you are choosing this one kind of remedies to make your internal hemorrhoids are in good condition. Natural remedies internal hemorrhoids are best way how to makes you are can get best advantage. You will get good condition in fast time and you are can avoid from the hemorrhoids in fast time. So, choose this one kind of method is best way to get your healthy condition.
  • 12. # Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy Natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy include utilizing natural ingredients that are easy to obtain and also do the little things that are very easy to do. The point is to familiarize a healthy life. Hemorrhoids are a symptom of the widening of veins that is located in the anus. This can usually heal themselves for one or two weeks indeed. However, if hemorrhoids are already swollen and irritated, it would be very disturbing, especially if you are in pregnant condition. Surely this would be very annoying. What? Pregnant women can suffer from hemorrhoids? Well, hemorrhoids are not only suffered by office employees. Pregnant women also often experience hemorrhoids and this is a natural thing. This usually appears and disrupts pregnant women in the third trimester until the time of delivery. Why fair pregnant women experiencing hemorrhoids? How to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Why Pregnant Women Experience Hemorrhoids? As mentioned earlier, we will discuss the causes of hemorrhoids in pregnant women before eventually talk about natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Well, why pregnant women experience hemorrhoids? Here are the contributing factors. The first is a change in hormone. During pregnancy, progesterone levels in pregnant women will increase. Although the hormone is useful to amplify or hold the fetus in the womb, these hormones also can inhibit gastrointestinal peristalsis muscle that has a function to smooth the passage of food from the digestive tract to the drain. The second factor is that the greater the size of the fetus. Along with the gestational age, the fetus and uterus will also be enlarged resulting in a pressure on the abdominal and pelvic cavity. And the third is constipation. A study says that 25 percent of pregnant women suffer from constipation and these conditions may continue until 3 months after delivery. If constipation is not treated immediately, the risk of damage pelvic muscles becomes larger. Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy You Can Try Well, that was the factor that causes hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy may be a little harder than the treatment of hemorrhoids after giving birth. Therefore, we will try to provide natural ways to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The first is to sit soaking in warm water. This is an effective way to cure hemorrhoids because of the warm water has benefits to melt frozen blood clotting. Perform it routine after defecation. Simply prepare a bowl or bucket that you can sit on for 10-15 minutes, and then pour warm water with a temperature of 40-60 degrees Celsius or as your taste. The second is to utilize the ice cubes. Ice cubes can be used to relieve pain and reduce blood flow in the blood vessels dilated. Therefore, it is also included in natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Take a few ice cubes and break it into small fragments.
  • 13. Put this into plastic and then cover with a thick towel and sat on it about 10 minutes. Perform routine several times a day to cure hemorrhoids. The third of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is sleeping on the side or lying on the side. With frequent lying down, back and forth to the left or right, then pregnant women can reduce the pressure of the uterus on the large blood vessels in the back of the stomach so the baby can get the flow of blood and nutrients to the maximum. Moreover, this movement can also help the kidneys to remove waste from your body so that the feet and hands are not swollen. The next is to keep the anal area is always clean. Supposedly, it becomes natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy because it is as it should you keep it clean. Use a wet tissue that does not contain alcohol or fragrance to clean the anal area after defecating. If necessary, use a special tissue for hemorrhoid sufferers. The next remedies are routinely consuming vegetables and fruits every day. Food and fruits that are good for pregnant women who suffer from hemorrhoids are food and fruits that contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, such as papaya or spinach. This is because fiber can help make a good digestion. For you the lovers of spicy, as much as possible avoid eating fruit and spicy foods, and also acidic or fatty foods because these foods can make the stool becomes hard and it will resulted in the straining process. It would be so long and difficult. Next is drinking plenty of water. It is most convenient and inexpensive. Consume at least 2 liters of water a day to defecate into a routine because by consuming water, it will tend to soften stool. Alternatively, for those of you who like yogurt, to avoid hemorrhoids disease, you can eat yogurt that are proven to improve the work of the intestine. In addition, at the time of defecation, try not to push so as not to cause swelling of blood in the anal. You can also do a little exercise as natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Swimming or walking for 30 minutes can be a sport that is suitable for pregnant women. By doing so, pregnant women can help the muscles in the digestive tract to actively encourage the leftovers down the drain. Get used to not hold defecate is also natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy that you should do. You should know that refrain for defecation can lead feces harden and make the push into a long process. If you have difficulty to defecate, try to consume a glass of warm water in the morning before defecation. It is because the lack of fluids in the body can also cause the defecating becomes not smooth. The last way that you can try to cure hemorrhoids is utilizing the aloe Vera plant. Aloe Vera is a natural plant that is suitable for curing hemorrhoids. Well, this versatile plant can
  • 14. be used to cure hemorrhoids because this plant has anti-inflammatory properties and also gives the sensation of cold in order to reduce the burning sensation in the rectum. How do you use aloe Vera as natural hemorrhoids during pregnancy? The trick is cut some aloe Vera, and then applies aloe Vera meat that is containing mucus in the anal area. This will reduce the inflammation around the anal that is painful. Well, those were natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy that you can try. If the suggestions above still does not help curing your hemorrhoids, or even the conditions are even more severe to cause bleeding, immediately consult your illness to your gynecologist to get a prescription drug that is safe for your womb.
  • 15. # How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home Fast How to treat hemorrhoids at home fast can be done with or without using living pharmacy. You can do it through exercise and utilize the natural ingredients around you. Treat hemorrhoids naturally is one way of effective treatment for hemorrhoids. As already known hemorrhoids is one disease that torturous and often occur in humans. Moreover, this disease falls into one kind of chronic disease that is difficult to cure and may recur again. By using natural treatments, in addition to potent and safe, the price is cheaper when it is compared to the operating costs. Moreover, doing hemorrhoid surgery was not necessarily going to make a full recovery. Therefore, the treatment of hemorrhoids naturally is often being a choice for hemorrhoid sufferers. This natural treatment can be done by you at home. This is very pleasant, right? So, what can you do at home to treat your hemorrhoids quickly? Here, the writer will convey about how to treat hemorrhoids at home fast. How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home Fast without Using Living Pharmacy First, we will discuss about things you can do to treat hemorrhoids without using ingredients living pharmacy. What can you do? You can take medicine that can reduce pain and illness as an oral tablet. In addition, you can also use a special topical hemorrhoid creams. This topical cream is usually made from aloe Vera which is believed to relieve inflammation when applied to the anus. Next, you need to clean the anal area until completely clean, especially after you have a bowel movement. It is intended to avoid the bacteria are not easily spread. Use a soft material such as wet wipes that are commonly used by baby due to the use of hard materials such as soap may irritate. Another thing you can do as a step without the use of a living pharmacy is sitting in warm water. By sitting in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes for four or three times a day, the pain you feel because of hemorrhoid can be reduced. In order not swollen, you can compress part of the rectum using a bag of ice. In addition, try to reduce constipation. To do this, the most powerful way is to consume lots of fibrous foods. These fiber foods will help your digestion so it is not easy to constipation. In addition, you also need a lot of drinking that is also smooth digestion and the immune system intact. It can also be done through exercise. Well, exercise is healthy and useful way to minimize the risk of diseases such as hemorrhoids. Here are some forms of exercise that you can do to treat hemorrhoids. The first is the Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises aim to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and relieve the pressure on the lower part of the body. Kegel exercises can also be the primary way to treat and prevent hemorrhoids. How to do Kegel exercises is to begin to realize the control of the pelvic floor muscles. Try to urinate for two seconds, then forced to stop for a few seconds, then release it again.
  • 16. Once accustomed, you can do so without having to pee first. Perform Kegel exercises with fifteen repetitions each session. The next exercise that is included into the category is walking. Regular walking can improve health in general, including the treatment of hemorrhoids. Walking can facilitate defecation to improve digestion and prevent constipation. What is constipation? Constipation is a condition that requires you to push hard during bowel movements. In fact, pushing too hard can put pressure on blood vessels which makes enlarged. Walking helps this does not happen and also helps to build muscle mass in the pelvic area. Aerobics are also included in the form of exercise. Aerobics routine can keep bowel movements are normal. While doing aerobics movements, the heart rate and metabolic rate are increased, as well as the digestive process. Exercise such as jogging or water sports can maintain normal body function and prevent enlargement of the veins in the anus due to constipation. That was a few types of exercise that you can do to treat hemorrhoids. In addition, for those patients with hemorrhoids, avoid weight training because it can give excessive pressure on the lower part of the body. Remember that forcing lifting weights while already experiencing hemorrhoids can cause bleeding in the anus. How to Treat Hemorrhoids at Home Fast by Using Living Pharmacy Well, the next is by using a living pharmacy. One of the natural ingredients that you can exploit is the mangosteen peel. Mangosteen peel is one type of drug that is potent and fast cure hemorrhoids without surgery. Mangosteen peel contains an ingredient that is called xanthones. This is a substance from mangosteen peel which has a high antioxidant. The high antioxidant in the body can rapidly reduce inflammation and immediately deflates the hemorrhoid. In addition, these substances are also able to repair cells damaged by hemorrhoids disease and hemorrhoids can be cured without recur. It can also be done with the help of aloe Vera. As mentioned earlier, the aloe Vera is indeed proven able to cure hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera contains a substance that can cool down so that it can help you in reducing the heat on the affected anal hemorrhoids. How to make healing potions hemorrhoids of aloe Vera? Cut and peel the aloe Vera. After that, apply aloe Vera meat on the experiencing hemorrhoids. This is a powerful and effective way in the treatment of hemorrhoids that you can do yourself at home. By using natural ingredients then this hemorrhoid cure guaranteed to be safe and free of side effects. Furthermore, It can also be done with apple cider vinegar that is known effective to stop bleeding hemorrhoids. Using apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular natural treatments to treat hemorrhoids. How to use these is to take about two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water for every meal. For external application, you can soak a cotton or paper towels in vinegar and rub into the affected area hemorrhoids.
  • 17. Repeat this process until the inflammation and the symptoms disappeared. Apple cider vinegar can also be used directly to be added to bath water or to clean the anal area after defecation. One remedy for hemorrhoids or piles is olive oil. Therefore, this ingredient is often used in how to treat hemorrhoids at home fast. How to use it? Mix the olive oil in 1 tablespoon with your food. Of course, do this 3 times a day. Do it regularly, then your hemorrhoids will heal soon. Well, that was a few ways of how to treat hemorrhoids at home fast. With a brief explanation above, you can cure hemorrhoids without surgery that is too expensive. If there are sparing way, why not? Take advantage of the natural ingredients around you and get used to living a healthy and regular. Good luck! Learn More about Hemorrhoids Treatment at