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HashiCorp Vault:
幫 Credentials 找個窩
DevOpsDays Taipei 2019
Taipei HUG
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Software Engineer in
Site Reliability Engineer
◉ CH00 Environment Setup
◉ CH01 Vault Basics
◉ CH02 Dynamic Credentials
◉ CH03 Daily Operation
◉ CH04 Go Production
Environment Setup0
Setup Workshop Environment
Setup Cloud9
Following pictures of installation guide comes from:
Create environment
Name environment
Name environment
Name environment
7. execute ‘aws configure‘ to configure the credentials for your IAM user. Make sure this IAM User has
AdministratorAccess and run ‘aws sts get-caller-identity’ - you should be able to see the returned
JSON output like this.
Create IAM Key if You Have No One (1/4)
Create IAM Key if You Have No One (2/4)
Create IAM Key if You Have No One (3/4)
Create IAM Key if You Have No One (4/4)
Run Command in Cloud9
$ git clone
$ cd vault/CH00
$ ./ # get all binary
$ ./ # setup eks cluster
Vault Basics
● Where do you store credentials?
● How do you rotate credentials?
Where do you store credentials?
How do you rotate credentials?
● Create a new credential
● Rotate credentials one by one
● Delete old credential
● What if you have 10 components
connect to db?
Secret Management
Where do you store credentials?
Credential 1
Credential 2
1. Get Credential by access
token or other auth method
2. Access db via credential
Basic secret management
0. Admin create
Vault Feature
● Centralized secret management
● Secure Secret Storage
● Dynamic Secrets
● Leasing and Renewal
● Revocation
Credential 1
User create credential Encrypt and save to
Vault Storage
| S3
Vault Feature
● Centralized secret management
● Secure Secret Storage
● Dynamic Secrets
● Leasing and Renewal
● Revocation
CMS cluster
Dynamic secret endpoint 1
Dynamic secret endpoint 2User: vault-cms-1
Password: dynamic-pw-1
User: vault-cms-2
Password: dynamic-pw-2
Access via dynamic secret
Vault Feature
● Centralized secret management
● Secure Secret Storage
● Dynamic Secrets
● Leasing and Renewal
● Revocation
Credential 1
Credential 2
1. Get Credential by access
token or other auth method
2. Access db via credential
Basic secret management
0. User create
Setup Vault on docker-compose
# Open cloud9 ide & see CH01/commands.txt
$ docker-compose up -d
$ export VAULT_ADDR=
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=my-root-token
$ vault status
Manipulate vault kv
$ vault kv list secret
$ vault kv put secret/first-secret foo=bar
$ vault kv list secret
$ vault kv get secret/first-secret
$ vault kv put secret/first-secret foo=bar test=true
$ vault kv metadata get secret/first-secret
$ vault kv delete secret/first-secret
$ vault kv metadata delete secret/first-secret
Vault UI
● Cloud9 → Preview → Preview Running
Dynamic Secret
CMS cluster
Dynamic secret endpoint 1
Dynamic secret endpoint 2User: vault-cms-1
Password: dynamic-pw-1
User: vault-cms-2
Password: dynamic-pw-2
Access via dynamic secret
Vault Dynamic Secret 40
Request a dynamic credential Create a user with certain scope
Returns a credentialReturns a credential
Access database via the credential
Revoke the credential
Delete the user
User deletedCredential deleted
Setup Dynamic Secret
● See
● Setup Vault Dynamic Secret
● Integrate into our service
$ vault secrets enable database
Supported engines
● Database
○ MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.
● Vault docs - secret engine
$ vault write database/config/my-database 
$ vault write database/roles/my-role 
"CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';
GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" 
1. Request credential
$ vault read database/creds/my-role
2. Issue a dynamic
credential with TTL
by root credential
3. Get credential
4. Access db by dynamic credential
CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%'
IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';
TO '{{name}}'@'%';
Execute by
$ npm install
$ node index.js
const credential = await"database/creds/my-role");
const { username: user, password } =;
const conn = await mysql.createConnection({ host, port, user, password });
const result = await conn.query("SELECT USER() as user");
await vault.revoke({ lease_id: credential.lease_id });
● Manually revoke by cli/api
● Automatically revoke by TTL
$ vault read database/creds/my-role
Key Value
--- -----
lease_duration 1h
lease_renewable true
password A1a-5pV9iwoVWLmvh3Fu
username v-token-my-role-wGzYgA6g8DozFW0k
Credential 1
Credential 2
1. Get Credential by access
token or other auth method
2. Access db via credential
Basic secret management
0. User create
Auth Methods
● Vault token
● Kubernetes
● … a lot
Kubernetes cluster
Deployment A
Deployment B
Credential 1
Credential 2
Role A - Policy A
Role B - Policy B
Credential 1
Credential 2
See more: Vault 與 Kubernetes 的深度整合
Put all together
● Dynamic Secret
● Kubernetes service authentication
● Limit permission scope
Ideal Credential Lifecycle
Service is Accessed
1. Request Access Credential (Running)
2. Use the Credential to Access Service
3. Revoke the Credential
Credentials Only
Exist in Memory
Daily Operation3
Overview of How to Maintain Vault
◉ When a Vault server is first
initialized, Vault generates a
master key
◉ Immediately splits this master
key into a series of key shares
following Shamir's Secret
Sharing Algorithm
Master Key
◉ The master key is used to decrypt the
underlying encryption key
◉ Vault uses the encryption key to encrypt data
at rest in a storage backend like the filesystem
or Consul
Encryption Key
◉ Vault never stores the master key, therefore,
the only way to retrieve the master key is to
have a quorum of unseal keys re-generate it.
Practice (1/3)
# switch to CH03 folder
~$ cd vault/CH03
# boot vault server and login it
~$ ./
# check vault status
~$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized false
Sealed true
Total Shares 0
Threshold 0
Unseal Progress 0/0
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version n/a
HA Enabled false
Practice (2/3)
# initialize vault
~$ vault operator init
# keep the unseal key and root token
Unseal Key 1: QosKlf+rXJkDLZJX7tgpiKj8zDDNzGHrv4HrV2C9xlxH
Unseal Key 2: 8dUP2J+1vPQcRM09QdK5Lo83YnHHjDe1nLdfAjESSKfa
Unseal Key 3: t89QgyeOIC4W/7ZRCcMzrgPBYLhGeVOMtuHVNU2IQ5k2
Unseal Key 4: KPnn8uvGWu5DOpcuQA1/1DnjGCiakPWdP1ExtAcQm0L7
Unseal Key 5: LPCOtvaU944O2tbWXoeJGo7SL4d6pc0iFA8vrUv1gHyW
Initial Root Token: s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI
Practice (3/3)
# unseal vault
# repeat 3 times
~$ vault operator unseal
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 1/3
Unseal Nonce
Version 1.1.2
HA Enabled false
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.1.2
Cluster Name
Cluster ID
HA Enabled false 64
◉ AliCloud KMS, Amazon KMS, Azure Key Vault,
and Google Cloud KMS
Practice (1/6)
# exit vault server container by Ctrl+D
# create kms key
~$ aws kms create-key
"KeyMetadata": {
"AWSAccountId": "123456789012",
"KeyId": "xxxxxxxx-wwww-xxxx-zzzz-yyyyyyyyyyyy",
"CreationDate": 1559233248.825,
Practice (2/6)
◉ Append seal config section into config/default.hcl
seal "awskms" {
region = "us-west-2"
kms_key_id = "xxxxxxxx-wwww-xxxx-zzzz-yyyyyyyyyyyy"
Practice (3/6)
◉ Add AWS AK/SK into .env file
Practice (4/6)
# restart vault server
~$ ./
# check vault status
~$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Recovery Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Recovery Shares 5
Threshold 3
Unseal Progress 0/3
Unseal Nonce n/a
Seal Migration in Progress true
Version 1.1.2
HA Enabled false
Practice (5/6)
# seal migration
# repeat 3 times
~$ vault operator unseal -migrate
Unseal Key (will be hidden):
Key Value
--- -----
Recovery Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Recovery Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.1.2
Cluster Name
Cluster ID
HA Enabled false
Practice (6/6)
# exit vault server container by Ctrl+D
# restart vault server
~$ ./
# check vault status
~$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Recovery Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Recovery Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.1.2
Cluster Name
Cluster ID
HA Enabled false
Practice (1/2)
# enable Userpass auth method
~$ export VAULT_TOKEN="s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI"
~$ vault auth enable userpass
Success! Enabled userpass auth method at: userpass/
~$ vault write auth/userpass/users/smalltown
password=12345678 policies=default
Success! Data written to: auth/userpass/users/smalltown
Practice (2/2)
# try to login vault by account &
~$ vault login -method=userpass
Key Value
--- -----
token_duration 768h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default"]
token_meta_username smalltown
◉ Vault store credentials like key/value database, e.g.
○ secret/stag/database/admin
○ secret/prod/database/admin
◉ Hence, predefined policy grant appropriate
permission, e.g.
path "secret/stag/database/admin" {
capabilities = ["read"]
Practice (1/3)
# enable kv
~$ vault secrets enable -version=2 kv
# put database credentials into vault
~$ vault kv put kv/stag/database/admin account=stag
~$ vault kv put kv/prod/database/admin account=prod
Practice (2/3)
# create policy
~$ vault policy write stag /vault/policy/stag.hcl
~$ vault policy write prod /vault/policy/prod.hcl
# assign policy
~$ vault write auth/userpass/users/smalltown
password=12345678 policies=stag
Practice (3/3)
# login user and use the token
~$ unset VAULT_TOKEN
~$ vault login -method=userpass username=smalltown
# try to get the database credentials
~$ vault kv get kv/stag/database/admin
~$ vault kv get kv/prod/database/admin
Storage Backend
Practice (1/4)
# exit vault server container by Ctrl+D
# create dynamodb
~$ aws dynamodb create-table --table-name vault-workshop
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=Path,AttributeType=S
AttributeName=Key,AttributeType=S --key-schema
AttributeName=Key,KeyType=RANGE --provisioned-throughput
Practice (2/4)
# migrate storage
~$ ./
~$ export VAULT_TOKEN="s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI"
~$ vault operator migrate -config /vault/config/migration.hcl
2019-05-31T05:37:56.188Z [INFO] copied key:
2019-05-31T05:37:56.485Z [INFO] copied key: path=sys/token/salt
Success! All of the keys have been migrated.
Practice (3/4)
# modify the config file config/default.hcl
storage "file" {
path = "/vault/file"
api_addr = "https://vault-workshop.hub.internal"
storage "dynamodb" {
ha_enabled = "true"
region = "us-west-2"
table = "vault-workshop"
} 83
Practice (4/4)
# exit vault server container by Ctrl+D
# restart vault server
~$ ./
# check vault status
~$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Recovery Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Recovery Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.1.2
Cluster Name
Cluster ID
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster
HA Mode active 84
Audit Devices
# enable auditing device
~$ export VAULT_TOKEN="s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI"
~$ vault audit enable file file_path=/vault/logs/audit.log
Success! Enabled the file audit device at: file/
~$ cat /vault/logs/audit.log
:false,"remote_address":"","wrap_ttl":0,"headers":{}},"response":{"headers":null},"error":""} 86
# exit vault server container by Ctrl+D
# shutdown vault container
~$ ./
# delete kms key
~$ aws kms schedule-key-deletion --key-id
# delete dynamodb
~$ aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name vault-workshop
Go Production4
There are Things Need to Do Before Vault Online
High Availability
Banzai Cloud - bank-vaults
◉ Bank-Vaults provides
various tools for
Hashicorp Vault to make
its use easier
Practice (1/2)
# install vault cluster
~$ cd vault/CH04
~$ ./
Practice (2/2)
# check vault cluster
~$ kubectl get pod
etcd-cluster-vj8r8mwslr 1/1 Running 0 3m8s
etcd-operator-588ccb98fd-twrs4 1/1 Running 0 8m46s
vault-0 3/3 Running 6 3m42s
vault-1 3/3 Running 8 3m42s
vault-configurer-759d4679dd-8lsjx 1/1 Running 0 3m42s
vault-operator-b8c5c566c-w59b5 1/1 Running 0 5m52s
What bank-vaults Do?
bank-vaults operator
bank-vaults cli Vault storage
backend created
by ectd operator
Create everything needed by vault: bank-vaults cli
container, vault, prometheus-exporter
bank-vaults cli:
1. Initial and Unseal
2. Configure policy,
secret engine...etc
How to Monitor Vault
◉ The Vault server process collects various
runtime metrics about the performance of
different libraries and subsystems.
◉ To view the telemetry information, you must
send a signal to the Vault process
◉ Also can be streamed directly from Vault to a
range of metrics aggregation solutions
Monitoring Mechanism
StatsD Exporter
- Collect telemetry information
- Expose to Prometheus
- Prometheus scrape metrics
- Grafana generate Dashboard
Practice (1/5)
# install prometheus
~$ ./
~$ kubectl create -f vault/servicemonitor.yaml
~$ kubectl get pod -n monitoring
alertmanager-main-0 2/2 Running 0 8m42s
alertmanager-main-1 2/2 Running 0 8m30s
alertmanager-main-2 2/2 Running 0 8m19s
grafana-74b6b56ddf-5k8mz 1/1 Running 0 8m37s
kube-state-metrics-7c7979b6bc-zwrwz 4/4 Running 0 5m56s
... 97
Practice (2/5)
# check prometheus scrape vault metric
~$ ./
Practice (3/5)
◉ Visit Prometheus, then the vault telemetry can
be acquired
◉ Visit Grafana -> Click Import
◉ Paste JSON from grafana-vault.json
◉ Click Import
Practice (4/5)
Practice (5/5)
# Don’t forget to remove the resource create in CH04
~$ ./
All Thing Down !!!
Of Course Not!!!
Production Hardening (1/3)
◉ End-to-End TLS (O)
◉ Single Tenancy (X)
◉ Firewall traffic (X)
◉ Disable SSH / Remote Desktop (X)
◉ Disable Swap (X)
◉ Don't Run as Root (O)
Production Hardening (2/3)
◉ Turn Off Core Dumps (X)
◉ Immutable Upgrades (O)
◉ Avoid Root Tokens (X)
◉ Enable Auditing (O)
◉ Upgrade Frequently (X)
◉ Configure SELinux / AppArmor (X)
Production Hardening (3/3)
◉ Restrict Storage Access (X)
◉ Disable Shell Command History (X)
◉ Tweak ulimits (X)
◉ Docker Containers (X)
Any questions ?
We’re Hiring !!!
Software Engineer in
Site Reliability Engineer

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HashiCorp Vault Workshop:幫 Credentials 找個窩

  • 4. We’re Hiring !!! 4 Software Engineer in Test Site Reliability Engineer
  • 5. Outline ◉ CH00 Environment Setup ◉ CH01 Vault Basics ◉ CH02 Dynamic Credentials ◉ CH03 Daily Operation ◉ CH04 Go Production 5
  • 7. Setup Cloud9 Following pictures of installation guide comes from: 7
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 14. 7. execute ‘aws configure‘ to configure the credentials for your IAM user. Make sure this IAM User has AdministratorAccess and run ‘aws sts get-caller-identity’ - you should be able to see the returned JSON output like this. 14
  • 15. Create IAM Key if You Have No One (1/4) 15
  • 16. Create IAM Key if You Have No One (2/4) 16
  • 17. Create IAM Key if You Have No One (3/4) 17
  • 18. Create IAM Key if You Have No One (4/4) 18
  • 19. Run Command in Cloud9 $ git clone $ cd vault/CH00 $ ./ # get all binary $ ./ # setup eks cluster 19
  • 21. Questions ● Where do you store credentials? ● How do you rotate credentials? 21
  • 22. Where do you store credentials? 22
  • 23. How do you rotate credentials? ● Create a new credential ● Rotate credentials one by one ● Delete old credential ● What if you have 10 components connect to db? 23
  • 25. Where do you store credentials? 25
  • 26. Credential 1 Credential 2 1. Get Credential by access token or other auth method 2. Access db via credential Basic secret management 0. Admin create credential 26
  • 27. Vault Feature ● Web UI/CLI/API/SDK ● Centralized secret management ● Secure Secret Storage ● Dynamic Secrets ● Leasing and Renewal ● Revocation 27
  • 28. Credential 1 User create credential Encrypt and save to Storage 28
  • 30. Vault Feature ● Web UI/CLI/API/SDK ● Centralized secret management ● Secure Secret Storage ● Dynamic Secrets ● Leasing and Renewal ● Revocation 30
  • 31. CMS cluster Dynamic secret endpoint 1 Dynamic secret endpoint 2User: vault-cms-1 Password: dynamic-pw-1 1 2 User: vault-cms-2 Password: dynamic-pw-2 Access via dynamic secret 31
  • 32. Vault Feature ● Web UI/CLI/API/SDK ● Centralized secret management ● Secure Secret Storage ● Dynamic Secrets ● Leasing and Renewal ● Revocation 32
  • 33. Credential 1 Credential 2 1. Get Credential by access token or other auth method 2. Access db via credential Basic secret management 0. User create credential 33
  • 34. Setup Vault on docker-compose # Open cloud9 ide & see CH01/commands.txt $ docker-compose up -d $ export VAULT_ADDR= $ export VAULT_TOKEN=my-root-token $ vault status 34
  • 35. Manipulate vault kv $ vault kv list secret $ vault kv put secret/first-secret foo=bar $ vault kv list secret $ vault kv get secret/first-secret $ vault kv put secret/first-secret foo=bar test=true $ vault kv metadata get secret/first-secret $ vault kv delete secret/first-secret $ vault kv metadata delete secret/first-secret 35
  • 36. Vault UI ● Cloud9 → Preview → Preview Running Application 36
  • 37. 37
  • 39. CMS cluster Dynamic secret endpoint 1 Dynamic secret endpoint 2User: vault-cms-1 Password: dynamic-pw-1 1 2 User: vault-cms-2 Password: dynamic-pw-2 Access via dynamic secret 39
  • 41. Request a dynamic credential Create a user with certain scope Returns a credentialReturns a credential Access database via the credential Revoke the credential Graceful shutdown Delete the user User deletedCredential deleted 41
  • 42. Setup Dynamic Secret ● See ● Setup Vault Dynamic Secret ● Integrate into our service 42
  • 43. $ vault secrets enable database 43
  • 44. Supported engines ● Database ○ MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc. ● SSH ● AWS IAM ● Vault docs - secret engine 44
  • 45. $ vault write database/config/my-database plugin_name=mysql-database-plugin connection_url="{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp(mysql_url:3306)/" allowed_roles=my-role username=${MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME} password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} 45
  • 46. $ vault write database/roles/my-role db_name=my-database creation_statements= "CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}'; GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" default_ttl="1h" max_ttl="2h" 46
  • 47. 1. Request credential --- $ vault read database/creds/my-role 2. Issue a dynamic credential with TTL by root credential 3. Get credential 4. Access db by dynamic credential CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}'; GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%'; Execute by username=${MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME} password=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} 47
  • 48. $ npm install $ node index.js 48
  • 49. const credential = await"database/creds/my-role"); const { username: user, password } =; const conn = await mysql.createConnection({ host, port, user, password }); const result = await conn.query("SELECT USER() as user"); await vault.revoke({ lease_id: credential.lease_id }); 49
  • 50. Revocation ● Manually revoke by cli/api ● Automatically revoke by TTL $ vault read database/creds/my-role Key Value --- ----- lease_id database/creds/my-role/IPUkANwU080vaJwARYm4S8NT lease_duration 1h lease_renewable true password A1a-5pV9iwoVWLmvh3Fu username v-token-my-role-wGzYgA6g8DozFW0k 50
  • 51. Credential 1 Credential 2 1. Get Credential by access token or other auth method 2. Access db via credential Basic secret management 0. User create credential 51
  • 52. Auth Methods ● Vault token ● Kubernetes ● AWS IAM ● LDAP ● … a lot 52
  • 53. Kubernetes cluster Deployment A Deployment B Credential 1 Credential 2 Role A - Policy A Role B - Policy B Credential 1 Credential 2 See more: Vault 與 Kubernetes 的深度整合 Vault 53
  • 54. 54
  • 55. Put all together ● Dynamic Secret ● Kubernetes service authentication ● Limit permission scope 55
  • 56. Ideal Credential Lifecycle 56 Service is Accessed Application 1. Request Access Credential (Running) 2. Use the Credential to Access Service 3. Revoke the Credential Credentials Only Exist in Memory
  • 57. 57
  • 58. Daily Operation3 58 Overview of How to Maintain Vault
  • 59. ◉ When a Vault server is first initialized, Vault generates a master key ◉ Immediately splits this master key into a series of key shares following Shamir's Secret Sharing Algorithm Master Key 59
  • 60. ◉ The master key is used to decrypt the underlying encryption key ◉ Vault uses the encryption key to encrypt data at rest in a storage backend like the filesystem or Consul Encryption Key 60
  • 61. ◉ Vault never stores the master key, therefore, the only way to retrieve the master key is to have a quorum of unseal keys re-generate it. Seal/Unseal 61
  • 62. Practice (1/3) # switch to CH03 folder ~$ cd vault/CH03 # boot vault server and login it ~$ ./ # check vault status ~$ vault status Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized false Sealed true Total Shares 0 Threshold 0 Unseal Progress 0/0 Unseal Nonce n/a Version n/a HA Enabled false 62
  • 63. Practice (2/3) # initialize vault ~$ vault operator init # keep the unseal key and root token Unseal Key 1: QosKlf+rXJkDLZJX7tgpiKj8zDDNzGHrv4HrV2C9xlxH Unseal Key 2: 8dUP2J+1vPQcRM09QdK5Lo83YnHHjDe1nLdfAjESSKfa Unseal Key 3: t89QgyeOIC4W/7ZRCcMzrgPBYLhGeVOMtuHVNU2IQ5k2 Unseal Key 4: KPnn8uvGWu5DOpcuQA1/1DnjGCiakPWdP1ExtAcQm0L7 Unseal Key 5: LPCOtvaU944O2tbWXoeJGo7SL4d6pc0iFA8vrUv1gHyW Initial Root Token: s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI 63
  • 64. Practice (3/3) # unseal vault # repeat 3 times ~$ vault operator unseal Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed true Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Unseal Progress 1/3 Unseal Nonce a0dfd3da-0fcb-0268-baba-ef4cbe 5550bc Version 1.1.2 HA Enabled false Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Version 1.1.2 Cluster Name vault-cluster-59fe6b22 Cluster ID 81a9858f-a363-74c7-931b-ec2b0f42 6e08 HA Enabled false 64
  • 65. ◉ AliCloud KMS, Amazon KMS, Azure Key Vault, and Google Cloud KMS Auto-Unseal 65
  • 66. Practice (1/6) # exit vault server container by Ctrl+D # create kms key ~$ aws kms create-key { "KeyMetadata": { "AWSAccountId": "123456789012", "KeyId": "xxxxxxxx-wwww-xxxx-zzzz-yyyyyyyyyyyy", "Arn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/xxxxxxxx-wwww-xxxx-zzzz-yyyyyyyyy yyy", "CreationDate": 1559233248.825, ... 66
  • 67. Practice (2/6) ◉ Append seal config section into config/default.hcl … seal "awskms" { region = "us-west-2" kms_key_id = "xxxxxxxx-wwww-xxxx-zzzz-yyyyyyyyyyyy" } 67
  • 68. Practice (3/6) ◉ Add AWS AK/SK into .env file VAULT_ADDR= AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=DFJLSFKJLD8358KJLJK8 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=JioeuJek7+jgJLIUJWTYSfv3rr49JRoqt 68
  • 69. Practice (4/6) # restart vault server ~$ ./ # check vault status ~$ vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed true Total Recovery Shares 5 Threshold 3 Unseal Progress 0/3 Unseal Nonce n/a Seal Migration in Progress true Version 1.1.2 HA Enabled false 69
  • 70. Practice (5/6) # seal migration # repeat 3 times ~$ vault operator unseal -migrate Unseal Key (will be hidden): Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Recovery Shares 5 Threshold 3 Version 1.1.2 Cluster Name vault-cluster-59fe6b22 Cluster ID 81a9858f-a363-74c7-931b-ec2b0f42 6e08 HA Enabled false 70
  • 71. Practice (6/6) # exit vault server container by Ctrl+D # restart vault server ~$ ./ # check vault status ~$ vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Recovery Shares 5 Threshold 3 Version 1.1.2 Cluster Name vault-cluster-59fe6b22 Cluster ID 81a9858f-a363-74c7-931b-ec2b0f42 6e08 HA Enabled false 71
  • 73. Practice (1/2) # enable Userpass auth method ~$ export VAULT_TOKEN="s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI" ~$ vault auth enable userpass Success! Enabled userpass auth method at: userpass/ ~$ vault write auth/userpass/users/smalltown password=12345678 policies=default Success! Data written to: auth/userpass/users/smalltown 73
  • 74. Practice (2/2) # try to login vault by account & password ~$ vault login -method=userpass username=smalltown password=12345678 Key Value --- ----- token s.MXYyp2Q9OB1iVQJlhso3v3an token_accessor hPntyUJor6sMb1Iw3XwbW9qi token_duration 768h token_renewable true token_policies ["default"] identity_policies [] policies ["default"] token_meta_username smalltown 74
  • 76. Policies ◉ Vault store credentials like key/value database, e.g. ○ secret/stag/database/admin ○ secret/prod/database/admin ◉ Hence, predefined policy grant appropriate permission, e.g. path "secret/stag/database/admin" { capabilities = ["read"] } 76
  • 77. Practice (1/3) # enable kv ~$ vault secrets enable -version=2 kv # put database credentials into vault ~$ vault kv put kv/stag/database/admin account=stag password=12345678 ~$ vault kv put kv/prod/database/admin account=prod password=87654321 77
  • 78. Practice (2/3) # create policy ~$ vault policy write stag /vault/policy/stag.hcl ~$ vault policy write prod /vault/policy/prod.hcl # assign policy ~$ vault write auth/userpass/users/smalltown password=12345678 policies=stag 78
  • 79. Practice (3/3) # login user and use the token ~$ unset VAULT_TOKEN ~$ vault login -method=userpass username=smalltown password=12345678 # try to get the database credentials ~$ vault kv get kv/stag/database/admin ~$ vault kv get kv/prod/database/admin 79
  • 81. Practice (1/4) # exit vault server container by Ctrl+D # create dynamodb ~$ aws dynamodb create-table --table-name vault-workshop --attribute-definitions AttributeName=Path,AttributeType=S AttributeName=Key,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=Path,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=Key,KeyType=RANGE --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=10,WriteCapacityUnits=10 81
  • 82. Practice (2/4) # migrate storage ~$ ./ ~$ export VAULT_TOKEN="s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI" ~$ vault operator migrate -config /vault/config/migration.hcl … 2019-05-31T05:37:56.188Z [INFO] copied key: path=sys/token/id/hc99e5ba3d69e7cbaecf0489031eadbf11b55984d698d0f9784e5e1a28 25f93fe 2019-05-31T05:37:56.485Z [INFO] copied key: path=sys/token/salt Success! All of the keys have been migrated. 82
  • 83. Practice (3/4) # modify the config file config/default.hcl storage "file" { path = "/vault/file" } api_addr = "https://vault-workshop.hub.internal" storage "dynamodb" { ha_enabled = "true" region = "us-west-2" table = "vault-workshop" } 83
  • 84. Practice (4/4) # exit vault server container by Ctrl+D # restart vault server ~$ ./ # check vault status ~$ vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Recovery Shares 5 Threshold 3 Version 1.1.2 Cluster Name vault-cluster-59fe6b22 Cluster ID 81a9858f-a363-74c7-931b-ec2b0f42 6e08 HA Enabled true HA Cluster https://vault-workshop.hub.internal: 444 HA Mode active 84
  • 86. Practice # enable auditing device ~$ export VAULT_TOKEN="s.96aLKTnD3WRiT0STWeLbLDDI" ~$ vault audit enable file file_path=/vault/logs/audit.log Success! Enabled the file audit device at: file/ ~$ cat /vault/logs/audit.log {"time":"2019-05-31T06:13:54.1656812Z","type":"response","auth":{"client_token":"hmac-sha256:a5a7726a6e12c568dad5caf12 bec4841ca775d28bbd0f7683c09ebb260ae604c","accessor":"hmac-sha256:38c0629c4ecca5961e9954cbafc80cfd009d6c0 31516fc2f13da54b2eea9e1e0","display_name":"root","policies":["root"],"token_policies":["root"],"metadata":null,"entity_id":"","t oken_type":"service"},"request":{"id":"219eb2f0-a0a7-59a0-c2b8-e7eeac31f31c","operation":"update","client_token":"hmac-s ha256:a5a7726a6e12c568dad5caf12bec4841ca775d28bbd0f7683c09ebb260ae604c","client_token_accessor":"hmac-sha25 6:38c0629c4ecca5961e9954cbafc80cfd009d6c031516fc2f13da54b2eea9e1e0","namespace":{"id":"root","path":""},"path":"sys /audit/file","data":{"description":"hmac-sha256:3eaeeda1a043e3504c691abdb19982eac0dc42c6d9d3cffda9e7cceaa7e3a88 7","local":false,"options":{"file_path":"hmac-sha256:a0a483f16d313b0b882262eea4bb58358ef1323be63b68eb51da01ebf26b dd1a"},"type":"hmac-sha256:b26ec68f8abd74be4fc88990ebba948314f39b1b428091636b1e7fde2c0e9939"},"policy_override" :false,"remote_address":"","wrap_ttl":0,"headers":{}},"response":{"headers":null},"error":""} 86
  • 87. Clean # exit vault server container by Ctrl+D # shutdown vault container ~$ ./ # delete kms key ~$ aws kms schedule-key-deletion --key-id xxxxxxxx-wwww-xxxx-zzzz-yyyyyyyyyyyy # delete dynamodb ~$ aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name vault-workshop 87
  • 88. Go Production4 88 There are Things Need to Do Before Vault Online
  • 90. Banzai Cloud - bank-vaults ◉ Bank-Vaults provides various tools for Hashicorp Vault to make its use easier 90
  • 91. Practice (1/2) # install vault cluster ~$ cd vault/CH04 ~$ ./ 91
  • 92. Practice (2/2) # check vault cluster ~$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE etcd-cluster-vj8r8mwslr 1/1 Running 0 3m8s etcd-operator-588ccb98fd-twrs4 1/1 Running 0 8m46s vault-0 3/3 Running 6 3m42s vault-1 3/3 Running 8 3m42s vault-configurer-759d4679dd-8lsjx 1/1 Running 0 3m42s vault-operator-b8c5c566c-w59b5 1/1 Running 0 5m52s 92
  • 93. What bank-vaults Do? bank-vaults operator bank-vaults cli Vault storage backend created by ectd operator Create everything needed by vault: bank-vaults cli container, vault, prometheus-exporter bank-vaults cli: 1. Initial and Unseal automatically 2. Configure policy, secret engine...etc 93
  • 94. How to Monitor Vault 94
  • 95. Telemetry ◉ The Vault server process collects various runtime metrics about the performance of different libraries and subsystems. ◉ To view the telemetry information, you must send a signal to the Vault process ◉ Also can be streamed directly from Vault to a range of metrics aggregation solutions 95
  • 96. Monitoring Mechanism StatsD Exporter - Collect telemetry information - Expose to Prometheus - Prometheus scrape metrics - Grafana generate Dashboard 96
  • 97. Practice (1/5) # install prometheus ~$ ./ ~$ kubectl create -f vault/servicemonitor.yaml ~$ kubectl get pod -n monitoring NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE alertmanager-main-0 2/2 Running 0 8m42s alertmanager-main-1 2/2 Running 0 8m30s alertmanager-main-2 2/2 Running 0 8m19s grafana-74b6b56ddf-5k8mz 1/1 Running 0 8m37s kube-state-metrics-7c7979b6bc-zwrwz 4/4 Running 0 5m56s ... 97
  • 98. Practice (2/5) # check prometheus scrape vault metric ~$ ./ Grafana com:3000 Prometheus m:9090 ... 98
  • 99. Practice (3/5) ◉ Visit Prometheus, then the vault telemetry can be acquired 99
  • 100. ◉ Visit Grafana -> Click Import ◉ Paste JSON from grafana-vault.json ◉ Click Import Practice (4/5) 100
  • 102. Clean # Don’t forget to remove the resource create in CH04 ~$ ./ 102
  • 105. Production Hardening (1/3) ◉ End-to-End TLS (O) ◉ Single Tenancy (X) ◉ Firewall traffic (X) ◉ Disable SSH / Remote Desktop (X) ◉ Disable Swap (X) ◉ Don't Run as Root (O) 105
  • 106. Production Hardening (2/3) ◉ Turn Off Core Dumps (X) ◉ Immutable Upgrades (O) ◉ Avoid Root Tokens (X) ◉ Enable Auditing (O) ◉ Upgrade Frequently (X) ◉ Configure SELinux / AppArmor (X) 106
  • 107. Production Hardening (3/3) ◉ Restrict Storage Access (X) ◉ Disable Shell Command History (X) ◉ Tweak ulimits (X) ◉ Docker Containers (X) Ref 107
  • 109. We’re Hiring !!! 109 Software Engineer in Test Site Reliability Engineer