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- Play Spark Using R
Gil Chen
@HadoopCon 2016
about me
• R, Python & Matlab User
• Taiwan R User Group
• Taiwan Spark User Group
• Co-founder
• Data Scientist @
HadoopCon 2015
• Introduction to SparkR
• Demo
• Starting to use SparkR
• DataFrames: dplyr style, SQL style
• RDD v.s. DataFrames
• MLlib: GLM, K-means
• User Case
• Median: approxQuantile()
• ID Match: dplyr style, SQL style, SparkR function
• SparkR + Shiny
• The Future of SparkR
Introduction to SparkR
Spark Origin
• Apache Spark is an open source cluster computing
• Originally developed at the University of California,
Berkeley's AMPLab
• The first 2 contributors of SparkR:

Shivaram Venkataraman & Zongheng Yang
Spark History
Key Advantages of Spark & R
Google Search: ggplot2
ggplot2 is a plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics.
and more impressive dashboard…
A web application framework for R
Turn your analyses into interactive web applications
No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge required
The runtime performance of running group-by
aggregation on 10 million integer pairs on a single
machine in R, Python and Scala.
(using the same dataset as
RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)
Internally, each RDD is characterized
by five main properties:
1. A list of partitions
2. A function for computing each split
3. A list of dependencies on other
4. Optionally, a Partitioner for key-value
RDDs (e.g. to say that the RDD is
5. Optionally, a list of preferred
locations to compute each split on
(e.g. block locations for an HDFS
RDD dependencies
• Narrow dependency: Each partition of the parent RDD is used by at most
one partition of the child RDD. This means the task can be executed
locally and we don’t have to shuffle. (Eg: map, flatMap, Filter, sample etc.)
• Wide dependency: Multiple child partitions may depend on one partition
of the parent RDD. This means we have to shuffle data unless the parents
are hash-partitioned (Eg: sortByKey, reduceByKey, groupByKey, join etc.)
Job Scheduling
Black: if they are already in memory
RDD Operations
lazy evaluation
RDD Example
Action Value
rdd <- SparkR:::textFile(sc, "txt")
words <- SparkR:::flatMap(rdd, function())
wordCount <- SparkR:::lapply(words, function(word))
counts <- SparkR:::reduceByKey(wordCount, "+", 1)
op <- SparkR:::collect(counts)
R shell
RDD & DataFrames
before v1.6
since v2.0
+ schema
+ schema
DataFrames are Faster!
Beyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFrames
Spark Stack
Access &
How does sparkR works?
Upgrading From SparkR 1.6 to 2.0
Before 1.6.2 Since 2.0.0
data type naming DataFrame SparkDataFrame
read csv
Package from
(like approxQuantile)
ML function glm

(or use sparklyr)
/ HiveContext
merge in
Execute Message very detailed simple
Launch on EC2 API X
Easy Setting
1. Download
2. Decompress and Give a Path
3. Set Path and Launch SparkR in R
• If you have to use RDD, refer to AMP-Lab github:

and use “:::”

e.g. SparkR:::textFile, SparkR:::lapply
• Otherwise, refer to SparkR official documents:
Starting to Use SparkR (v1.6.2)
# Set Spark path
# Load SparkR library into your R session
lib.loc = c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib")))
# Initialize SparkContext, sc:sparkContext
sc <- sparkR.init(appName = "Demo_SparkR")
# Initialize SQLContext
sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
# your sparkR script
# ...
# ...
Starting to Use SparkR (v2.0.0)
# Set Spark path
# Load SparkR library into your R session
lib.loc = c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib")))
# Initialize SparkContext, sc: sparkContext
sc <- sparkR.session(appName = "Demo_SparkR")
# Initialize SQLContext (don’t need anymore since 2.0.0)
# sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
# your sparkR script
# ...
# ...
# Load the flights CSV file using read.df
sdf <- read.df(sqlContext,"data_flights.csv",
"com.databricks.spark.csv", header = "true")
# Filter flights from JFK
jfk_flights <- filter(sdf, sdf$origin == "JFK")
# Group and aggregate flights to each destination
dest_flights <- summarize(
groupBy(jfk_flights, jfk_flights$dest),
count = n(jfk_flights$dest))
# Running SQL Queries
registerTempTable(sdf, "tempTable")
training <- sql(sqlContext,
"SELECT dest, count(dest) as cnt FROM tempTable
WHERE dest = 'JFK' GROUP BY dest")
Word Count
# read data into RDD
rdd <- SparkR:::textFile(sc, "data_word_count.txt")
# split word
words <- SparkR:::flatMap(rdd, function(line) {
strsplit(line, " ")[[1]]
# map: give 1 for each word
wordCount <- SparkR:::lapply(words, function(word) {
list(word, 1)
# reduce: count the value by key(word)
counts <- SparkR:::reduceByKey(wordCount, "+", 2)
# convert RDD to list
op <- SparkR:::collect(counts)
RDD v.s. DataFrames
flights_SDF <- read.df(sqlContext, "data_flights.csv",
source = "com.databricks.spark.csv", header = "true")
SDF_op <- flights_SDF %>%
group_by(flights_SDF$hour) %>%
summarize(sum(flights_SDF$dep_delay)) %>%
flights_RDD <- SparkR:::textFile(sc, "data_flights.csv")
RDD_op <- flights_RDD %>%
SparkR:::filterRDD(function (x) { x >= 1 }) %>%
SparkR:::lapply(function(x) {
y1 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[2])
y2 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[6])
return(list(y1,y2))}) %>%
SparkR:::reduceByKey(function(x,y) x + y, 1) %>%
SparkR on MLlib
SparkR supports a subset of the available R formula
operators for model fitting, including ~ . : + - ,
e.g. y ~ x1 + x2
Generalized Linear Model, GLM
# read data and cache
flights_SDF <- read.df("data_flights.csv", source = "csv",

header = "true", schema) %>% cache()
# drop NA
flights_SDF_2 <- dropna(flights_SDF, how = "any")
# split train/test dataset
train <- sample(flights_SDF_2, withReplacement = FALSE,
fraction = 0.5, seed = 42)
test <- except(flights_SDF_2, train)
# building model
gaussianGLM <- spark.glm(train, arr_delay ~ dep_delay + dist, 

family = "gaussian")
# prediction
preds <- predict(gaussianGLM, test)
# read data and cache
flights_SDF <- read.df("data_flights.csv", source = "csv",

header = "true", schema) %>% cache()
# drop NA
flights_SDF_2 <- dropna(flights_SDF, how = "any")
# clustering
kmeansModel <- spark.kmeans(flights_SDF_2, ~ arr_delay + 

dep_delay + dist + flight + dest + cancelled + 

time + dist, k = 15)
cluster_op <- fitted(kmeansModel)
# clustering result
kmeansPredictions <- predict(kmeansModel, flights_SDF_2)
User Case
Median (approxQuantile)
gdf <- seq(1,10,1) %>% data.frame()
colnames(gdf) <- "seq"
sdf <- createDataFrame(gdf)
median_val <- approxQuantile(sdf, "seq", 0.5, 0) %>% print()
Calculate Median using SQL query…so complicated…
ID Match
##### method 1 : like dplyr + pipeline
join_id_m1 <- join(sdf_1, sdf_2,
sdf_1$id1 == sdf_2$id2, "inner") %>%
select("id2") %>%
##### method 2 : sql query
createOrReplaceTempView(sdf_1, "table1")
createOrReplaceTempView(sdf_2, "table2")
qry_str <- "SELECT table2.id2 FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON table1.id1 = table2.id2"
join_id_m2 <- sql(qry_str)
##### method 3 : SparkR function
join_id_m2 <- intersect(sdf_1, sdf_2) %>%
Play Pokemon Go Data
with SparkR !!
Application on SparkR
Interactive MapsWeb FrameworkCompute Engine
Where is the
Dragonite nest ?
Port: 8080 - Cluster Monitor
Capacity of each worker
Port: 4040
Jobs Monitor
cache(SparkDataFrame), long run time for first time
Advanced performance
Status of each worker
Some Tricks
• Customize spark config for launch
• cache()
• Some codes can’t run in Rstudio, try to use terminal
• Packages from 3rd party, like package of read csv
file from databricks
The Future of SparkR
• More MLlib API
• Advanced User Define Function
• package(“sparklyr”) from Rstudio
• SparkR: Scaling R Programs with Spark, Shivaram Venkataraman, Zongheng Yang, Davies Liu,
Eric Liang, Hossein Falaki, Xiangrui Meng, Reynold Xin, Ali Ghodsi, Michael Franklin, Ion Stoica,
and Matei Zaharia. SIGMOD 2016. June 2016.
• SparkR: Interactive R programs at Scale, Shivaram Venkataraman, Zongheng Yang. Spark
Summit, June 2014, San Francisco.
• Apache Spark Official Research

- Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing

• Apache Spark Official Document
• AMPlab UC Berkeley - SparkR Project
• Databricks Official Blog
• R-blogger: Launch Apache Spark on AWS EC2 and Initialize SparkR Using Rstudio
Rstudio in Amazon EC2
Join Us
• Fansboard
• Web Designer (php & JavaScript)
• Editor w/ facebook & instagram
• Vpon - Data Scientist
• Taiwan Spark User Group
• Taiwan R User Group
Thanks for your attention
& Taiwan Spark User Group
& Vpon Data Team

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SparkR - Play Spark Using R (20160909 HadoopCon)

  • 1. SparkR - Play Spark Using R Gil Chen @HadoopCon 2016 Demo:
  • 2. about me • R, Python & Matlab User • Taiwan R User Group • Taiwan Spark User Group • Co-founder • Data Scientist @
  • 4.
  • 5. Outline • Introduction to SparkR • Demo • Starting to use SparkR • DataFrames: dplyr style, SQL style • RDD v.s. DataFrames • MLlib: GLM, K-means • User Case • Median: approxQuantile() • ID Match: dplyr style, SQL style, SparkR function • SparkR + Shiny • The Future of SparkR
  • 7. Spark Origin • Apache Spark is an open source cluster computing framework • Originally developed at the University of California, Berkeley's AMPLab • The first 2 contributors of SparkR:
 Shivaram Venkataraman & Zongheng Yang
  • 9. Key Advantages of Spark & R + Fast! Flexible Scalable Statistical! Interactive Packages
  • 10. ggplot2 Google Search: ggplot2 ggplot2 is a plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics.
  • 11. Shiny and more impressive dashboard… A web application framework for R Turn your analyses into interactive web applications No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge required
  • 12. Performance The runtime performance of running group-by aggregation on 10 million integer pairs on a single machine in R, Python and Scala. (using the same dataset as
  • 13. RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) Internally, each RDD is characterized by five main properties: 1. A list of partitions 2. A function for computing each split 3. A list of dependencies on other RDDs 4. Optionally, a Partitioner for key-value RDDs (e.g. to say that the RDD is hash-partitioned) 5. Optionally, a list of preferred locations to compute each split on (e.g. block locations for an HDFS file)
  • 14. RDD dependencies • Narrow dependency: Each partition of the parent RDD is used by at most one partition of the child RDD. This means the task can be executed locally and we don’t have to shuffle. (Eg: map, flatMap, Filter, sample etc.) • Wide dependency: Multiple child partitions may depend on one partition of the parent RDD. This means we have to shuffle data unless the parents are hash-partitioned (Eg: sortByKey, reduceByKey, groupByKey, join etc.)
  • 17. RDD Example RDDRDDRDDRDD Transformations Action Value rdd <- SparkR:::textFile(sc, "txt") words <- SparkR:::flatMap(rdd, function()) wordCount <- SparkR:::lapply(words, function(word)) counts <- SparkR:::reduceByKey(wordCount, "+", 1) op <- SparkR:::collect(counts)
  • 18. R shell RDD SparkR RDD & DataFrames before v1.6 since v2.0 array data.frame + schema SparkDataFrame + schema General Action Transformation
  • 19. DataFrames are Faster! Beyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFrames
  • 21. How does sparkR works?
  • 22. Upgrading From SparkR 1.6 to 2.0 Before 1.6.2 Since 2.0.0 data type naming DataFrame SparkDataFrame read csv Package from Databricks built-in function (like approxQuantile) X O ML function glm more
 (or use sparklyr) SQLContext / HiveContext sparkRSQL.init(sc) merge in sparkR.session() Execute Message very detailed simple Launch on EC2 API X
  • 24. Easy Setting 1. Download 2. Decompress and Give a Path 3. Set Path and Launch SparkR in R
  • 25. Documents • If you have to use RDD, refer to AMP-Lab github:
 and use “:::”
 e.g. SparkR:::textFile, SparkR:::lapply • Otherwise, refer to SparkR official documents:
  • 26. Starting to Use SparkR (v1.6.2) # Set Spark path Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME="/usr/local/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6/") # Load SparkR library into your R session library(SparkR, lib.loc = c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"))) # Initialize SparkContext, sc:sparkContext sc <- sparkR.init(appName = "Demo_SparkR") # Initialize SQLContext sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc) # your sparkR script # ... # ... sparkR.stop()
  • 27. Starting to Use SparkR (v2.0.0) # Set Spark path Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME="/usr/local/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/") # Load SparkR library into your R session library(SparkR, lib.loc = c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"))) # Initialize SparkContext, sc: sparkContext sc <- sparkR.session(appName = "Demo_SparkR") # Initialize SQLContext (don’t need anymore since 2.0.0) # sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc) # your sparkR script # ... # ... sparkR.stop()
  • 28. DataFrames # Load the flights CSV file using read.df sdf <- read.df(sqlContext,"data_flights.csv", "com.databricks.spark.csv", header = "true") # Filter flights from JFK jfk_flights <- filter(sdf, sdf$origin == "JFK") # Group and aggregate flights to each destination dest_flights <- summarize( groupBy(jfk_flights, jfk_flights$dest), count = n(jfk_flights$dest)) # Running SQL Queries registerTempTable(sdf, "tempTable") training <- sql(sqlContext, "SELECT dest, count(dest) as cnt FROM tempTable WHERE dest = 'JFK' GROUP BY dest")
  • 29. Word Count # read data into RDD rdd <- SparkR:::textFile(sc, "data_word_count.txt") # split word words <- SparkR:::flatMap(rdd, function(line) { strsplit(line, " ")[[1]] }) # map: give 1 for each word wordCount <- SparkR:::lapply(words, function(word) { list(word, 1) }) # reduce: count the value by key(word) counts <- SparkR:::reduceByKey(wordCount, "+", 2) # convert RDD to list op <- SparkR:::collect(counts)
  • 30. RDD v.s. DataFrames flights_SDF <- read.df(sqlContext, "data_flights.csv", source = "com.databricks.spark.csv", header = "true") SDF_op <- flights_SDF %>% group_by(flights_SDF$hour) %>% summarize(sum(flights_SDF$dep_delay)) %>% collect() flights_RDD <- SparkR:::textFile(sc, "data_flights.csv") RDD_op <- flights_RDD %>% SparkR:::filterRDD(function (x) { x >= 1 }) %>% SparkR:::lapply(function(x) { y1 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[2]) y2 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[6]) return(list(y1,y2))}) %>% SparkR:::reduceByKey(function(x,y) x + y, 1) %>% SparkR:::collect() DataFrames RDD
  • 31. SparkR on MLlib SparkR supports a subset of the available R formula operators for model fitting, including ~ . : + - , e.g. y ~ x1 + x2
  • 32. Generalized Linear Model, GLM # read data and cache flights_SDF <- read.df("data_flights.csv", source = "csv",
 header = "true", schema) %>% cache() # drop NA flights_SDF_2 <- dropna(flights_SDF, how = "any") # split train/test dataset train <- sample(flights_SDF_2, withReplacement = FALSE, fraction = 0.5, seed = 42) test <- except(flights_SDF_2, train) # building model gaussianGLM <- spark.glm(train, arr_delay ~ dep_delay + dist, 
 family = "gaussian") summary(gaussianGLM) # prediction preds <- predict(gaussianGLM, test)
  • 33. K-means # read data and cache flights_SDF <- read.df("data_flights.csv", source = "csv",
 header = "true", schema) %>% cache() # drop NA flights_SDF_2 <- dropna(flights_SDF, how = "any") # clustering kmeansModel <- spark.kmeans(flights_SDF_2, ~ arr_delay + 
 dep_delay + dist + flight + dest + cancelled + 
 time + dist, k = 15) summary(kmeansModel) cluster_op <- fitted(kmeansModel) # clustering result kmeansPredictions <- predict(kmeansModel, flights_SDF_2)
  • 35. Median (approxQuantile) gdf <- seq(1,10,1) %>% data.frame() colnames(gdf) <- "seq" sdf <- createDataFrame(gdf) median_val <- approxQuantile(sdf, "seq", 0.5, 0) %>% print() Calculate Median using SQL query…so complicated…
  • 36. ID Match ##### method 1 : like dplyr + pipeline join_id_m1 <- join(sdf_1, sdf_2, sdf_1$id1 == sdf_2$id2, "inner") %>% select("id2") %>% collect() ##### method 2 : sql query createOrReplaceTempView(sdf_1, "table1") createOrReplaceTempView(sdf_2, "table2") qry_str <- "SELECT table2.id2 FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.id1 = table2.id2" join_id_m2 <- sql(qry_str) ##### method 3 : SparkR function join_id_m2 <- intersect(sdf_1, sdf_2) %>% collect()
  • 37. Play Pokemon Go Data with SparkR !!
  • 38. Application on SparkR Interactive MapsWeb FrameworkCompute Engine + Where is the Dragonite nest ? +
  • 39. Port: 8080 - Cluster Monitor Capacity of each worker
  • 40. Port: 4040 Jobs Monitor cache(SparkDataFrame), long run time for first time Advanced performance Status of each worker
  • 41.
  • 42. Some Tricks • Customize spark config for launch • cache() • Some codes can’t run in Rstudio, try to use terminal • Packages from 3rd party, like package of read csv file from databricks
  • 43. The Future of SparkR • More MLlib API • Advanced User Define Function • package(“sparklyr”) from Rstudio
  • 44. Reference • SparkR: Scaling R Programs with Spark, Shivaram Venkataraman, Zongheng Yang, Davies Liu, Eric Liang, Hossein Falaki, Xiangrui Meng, Reynold Xin, Ali Ghodsi, Michael Franklin, Ion Stoica, and Matei Zaharia. SIGMOD 2016. June 2016. • SparkR: Interactive R programs at Scale, Shivaram Venkataraman, Zongheng Yang. Spark Summit, June 2014, San Francisco. • Apache Spark Official Research
 - Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing
 - • Apache Spark Official Document • AMPlab UC Berkeley - SparkR Project • Databricks Official Blog • R-blogger: Launch Apache Spark on AWS EC2 and Initialize SparkR Using Rstudio
  • 46. Join Us • Fansboard • Web Designer (php & JavaScript) • Editor w/ facebook & instagram • Vpon - Data Scientist • Taiwan Spark User Group • Taiwan R User Group
  • 47. Thanks for your attention & Taiwan Spark User Group & Vpon Data Team