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Unity Security
Code Obfuscation
Data Encryption
About me
CTO at WindySoft
● 9 years of online pc / unity game

Lecturer at Gachon Univ.
● 3 years of cryptography in game

● 3rd times at KGC since 2010

Used to make games
● Katamari Damacy Online PC game

Forcus on Game Security
● PC / Android
Unity on Android - what does it mean?
Code Obfuscation
Encryption of
● PlayerPrefs
● Scripts
● AssetBundles

Reference site
Protecting your Android content
● Unity developer,
● PlayerPref,

● Code Obfuscation,
● Unitystudy,

PlayerPrefs Encryption & Performance
● Encryption,
● PreviewLabs,
Reference site
Other obfuscator
Unity 3D Obfuscator,
SafeNet, AndroidEnv

Unity Scripting
● Unity Reference,
● Unitystudy,
Unity on Android (overview)
User script / “Game”
Mono VM


Unity on Android
Android / Dalvik VM
Linux Kernel
Unity on Android (detail)


Unity on Android (detail)


AndroidJavaObject et al
● Script objects wrap Java objects
○ AndroidJavaObject > java.lang.Object
○ AndroidJavaClass > java.lang.Class
○ AndroidJavaRunnalbe > java.lang.Runnable
○ AndroidJavaProxy > java.lang.reflect.Proxy
● Automatically maps / instantiates Classes by name
● Methods / Fields are handled through reflection looups
AndroidJavaObject (example)
● Java
java.lang.String str = new java.lang.String(“some thing”);
int hash = str.hashCode();

● C#
AndroidJavaObject jo =
new AndroidJavaObject(“java.lang.String”, “some thing”);
int hash = jo.Call<int>(“hashCode”);
Reference site
● Mono is a free and open source project led by Xamarin
(formerly by Novell and originally by Ximian) to create an
Ecma standard-compliant, .NET Framework-compatible set
of tools including, among others, a C# compiler and a
Common Language Runtime.
● The stated purpose of Mono is not only to be able to run
Microsoft .NET applications cross-platform, but also to bring
better development tools to Linux developers. Mono can be
run on many software systems including Android, most Linux
distributions, BSD, OS X, Windows, Solaris, and even some
game consoles such as PlayStation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360.
● Dalvik is the process virtual machine (VM) in Google's
Android operating system. It is the software that runs the
apps on Android devices. Dalvik is thus an integral part of
Android, which is typically used on mobile devices such as
mobile phones and tablet computers as well as more
recently on embedded devices such as smart TVs and media
● Programs are commonly written in Java and compiled to
bytecode. They are then converted from Java Virtual
Machine-compatible .class files to Dalvik-compatible .dex
(Dalvik Executable) files before installation on a device.
The compact Dalvik Executable format is designed to be
suitable for systems that are constrained in terms of
memory and processor speed.
Java SE Performance Versus Android
● Java VM uses a stack machines.
● Dalvik VM uses a register-based architecute.
The relative merits stack machines versus register-based
approaches are a subject of ongoing debate.
Java SE Performance Versus Android
The results show that Java SE Embedded can execute Java
bytecodes from 2 to 3 times faster than Android 2.
Java SE Performance Versus Android
Unity code obfuscation
Practical guide for Android build
Bartholomew IU
When I just finished my first mobile game in Unity3D,
I found that a C# decompiler like
decompile my game.

ILSpy can easily

There are a lot of obfuscators available for .Net,
but no one is specialized for Unity3D Android.
Bartholomew IU
I have to test them one by one. I tried some free
obfuscators, however, the result is not good enough.
Then I tried some other paid obfuscators. Some paid
obfuscators have no fine tuning of the obfuscation
process, they keep the name of all public methods and
fields unchanged.
Although this behavior is correct, it exposes too much
coding information.
Bartholomew IU
It would be better if an obfuscator can keep the public
methods used by Unity engine, such as Awake(),
Update(), OnGUI()... unchanged, while rename other
public methods.
The obfuscator also need to have a way to exclude
those public variables which have their value set
by Unity editor.
Bartholomew IU
After tried several obfuscators,
I found

Crypto obfuscator is quite good

(in terms of price and functionality),
although I haven't test all other paid obfuscators found
in the Google search.
I guess other obfuscators should work for Unity3D too,
provided that the obfuscator has the similar settings
described above.
Bartholomew IU
When I try the obfuscators, I find that I can test the
obfuscated code using PC build instead of installing the
result apk file into my phone in order to save time.
Comparing the re-build time using my game, PC version
takes around 20 seconds to build while Android version
takes around 4 minutes.
Bartholomew IU
It seems that PC build and Android build using the same
mono to interpret the IL bytecode, what obfuscation
setting works in PC build works in Android build too.
In PC build, there is a log file named output_log.txt
inside the data folder. If you run the game and find that
there are any errors after obfuscation, you can look into
the log file and check what's going wrong.
The common errors are class not found and instance is
null if the obfuscation setting is wrong.
C# decompiler
● ILSpy,

● CO,

● 7-zip,

Java version
● 1.6.xx, Java SE 6 Download,
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package

Android SDK
● ,
Try using the PC build
Location of the log file
Location inside the "Managed" folder
Target is to obfuscate the Assembly-CSharp.dll.
We don't need to obfuscate
the Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll as non of our code is
inside this dll.
Symbol Renaming Schemes:
I tested all different schemes, all scheme works (Although
Test Mode works too, don't use it for production. It is for
testing only). I prefer using "Unprintable", because it can
reduce the file size a bit.
I also checked the options inside "Use Advanced Overload
Assembly Specific Settings 1:
Advanced Protections:
● "Encrypt String" may not be too useful as the iOS build
keeps the string in the stripped bytecode. If you won't
publish to iOS platform, you can choose this option.
● "Protect Against Reflection-Based Examination" may break
the code as Unity3D engine uses the reflection feature.
● "Enable Tamper Detection" is not useful in my case.
Assembly Specific Settings 2:
Symbol Renaming:
● "Public and Non-Public..." option. This option will rename
all the public things inside the dll.
● Unity3d needs to call the public method (Awake(),
Update(), OnGUI()...) of the MonoBehaviour subclass and
these method must be excluded from renaming by setting
the "Obfuscation Rules".
Assembly Specific Settings 3:
● "Mark Classes As Final..." option, as it will increase the
performance a bit.

Control Flow Obfuscation:
● Max level. Max level will boat the final dll. If you want to
reduce file size, choose Medium level.
Obfuscation Rules 1:
CO process the rules from top to bottom. If the rules order
is different, some classes may be wrongly obfuscated.
● All the class name should not be renamed.
I tried that some non MonoBehaviour subclass does not
get referenced by reflection, it just fail to work if
renamed. If your game can have all the non
MonoBehaviour subclass renamed and run correctly,
remove this rule.
Obfuscation Rules 2:
● All the class name of MonoBehaviour subclass

should not be renamed, otherwise Unity engine
cannot find your class at runtime. The exception is the
class added by AddComponent.<T>() instead of adding
the class by Unity editor.
Obfuscation Rules 3:
● All the public fields and properties of

MonoBehaviour subclass should not be
renamed, since the value set in Unity editor is
applied to them.
Obfuscation Rules 4:
● Some classes contain methods called by reflection
needs to be excluded from renaming. Those classes
should extend the interface KeepPublicMethod, which
is an empty interfaces with nothing inside it.
Obfuscation Rules 5:
● Some third party code, such as iTween and MiniJSON,
is better not to rename. Because they may use the
reflection or other dynamic features of C#.
Obfuscation Rules 6:
● All the callback method of MonoBehaviour

should be excluded from renaming, such as
Update(), Awake()...
How to use the command line instead of GUI
The command lines are:
● take out the dll file from the apk file
● obfuscate the dll
● put the dll back to the apk
● sign it with your signature
● finally optimize the apk file
Key Store
c:Temp>keytool -genkey -alias HeyZombie -keyalg RSA
-validity 10000 -keystore HeyZombie.keystore
Command line
Create a directory for the files, for example, c:temp. Then:
1. Copy the obfuscator setting file "ofuscator_setting.obproj" to
2. Copy your key store, for example, to "c:
3. Create this directory: "c:
4. Build the apk and save it to "d:temptest.apk"
5. Go to c:temp
6. Open a command prompt and type these:
Open a command prompt 1
move test.apk
del AndroidSpecificOriginal*.dll /q
rem 7z is the 7-zip command line
7z e -y -r -oAndroidSpecificOriginal
rem Run Obfuscator:
del AndroidSpecificObfuscatedassetsbinDataManaged*.dll /q
"C:Program Files (x86)LogicNP SoftwareCrypto Obfuscator
For .Net 2013 R2co.exe" projectfile=ofuscator_setting.obproj
Open a command prompt 2
rem Don't forget to remove the old signature information.
7z d "META-INF*"
cd AndroidSpecific/Obfuscated
7z u ../../ assetsbinDataManagedAssemblyCSharp.dll
cd ../../
move working.apk
rem Should see the apk is not signed.
jarsigner -verify working.apk
Open a command prompt 3
rem This step need password:
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 keystore AndroidSpecific/HeyZombie.keystore working.apk
rem optimize the apk file.
zipalign -f -v 4 working.apk HeyZombie.apk
del working.apk
rem Verify and should see it signed.
jarsigner -verify HeyZombie.apk
Assembly-CSharp.dll location
Here is my coding guidelines:
● The above obfuscator setting can be that simple
because I use very few of the reflection or dynamic
feature of C#.
Here is my coding guidelines:
● Use this AddComponent.<T>() instead of
AddComponent(String className) if you want to
obfuscate the class name.
● Use the virtual method / interface to act as callback
instead of using SendMessage(). If SendMessage() is
used, then the target method name of SendMessage()
cannot be renamed. iTween class uses a lot of
SendMessage(), so I need to exclude the whole iTween
class from renaming.
Here is my coding guidelines:
● Use StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine) instead of
StartCoroutine(String methodName, object value),
although I cannot use StopCoroutine(). The technique
I used to code the coroutine is similar to multithread program. Every coroutine has code to
determine when to stop execution itself instead of
relying on the parent object to stop it. In case you
really need to use the string version of
StartCoroutine(), set the coroutine to public and
implements KeepPublicMethod interface.
Here is my coding guidelines:
● Concentrate all the animation event code to a single
class, and don't obfuscate the public method of this
class by implementing the KeepPublicMethod
interface. If the method name for the animation event
code is renamed, your game won't run correctly.
v2013 R2 Enterprise
Unity Encryption
PlayerPrefs Encryption
Kerckhoffs's principle
In cryptography, Kerckhoffs's principle (also called
Kerckhoffs's desiderata, Kerckhoffs's assumption,
axiom, or law) was stated by Auguste Kerckhoffs in the
19th century:

“A cryptosystem should be secure
even if everything about the system,
except the key, is public knowledge.”
PlayerPrefs Encryption
● Prevent simple cheating
● Prevent cracking IAB purchases (if you cache anything
● In general good practice for sensitive data (like game

● Encrypt key / values before inserting them in the
● Use a user-specific encryption so prefs cannot be copied,
but still shared in a cloud
Change algorithm
Block Cipher Mode,


Padding Mode,

● PKCS7(default)

Encryption Algorithm,
● 3DES and RC2 > AES
Example: CipherMode
public static void SetString(string _key, string _value, byte[] _secret)
TripleDES des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
des.Key = _secret;

des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
ICryptoTransform xform = des.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] encrypted = xform.TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.
Block Encryption modes
● Block ciphers encrypt only fixed-size blocks. If you
want to encrypt something that isn’t exactly one block
long, you have to use a block cipher mode.
● Currently, NIST has approved nine modes of the
approved block ciphers in a series of special
● There are six confidentiality modes (ECB, CBC, OFB,
CFB, CTR, and XTS-AES), one authentication mode
(CMAC), and two combined modes for confidentiality
and authentication (CCM and GCM).
Electronic codebook(ECB)
Cipher-block chaining(CBC)
Compare ECB versus other modes

Original image

Encrypted using ECB mode

Modes other than ECB result
in pseduo-randomness



Block size


PaddingMode Enumeration
● ANSIX923


The ANSIX923 padding string consists of a sequence of bytes filled
with zeros before the length.
The following example shows how this mode works. Given a
blocklength of 8, a data length of 9, the number of padding octets
equal to 7, and the data equal to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF:
X923 padding: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 07

● ISO10126


The ISO10126 padding string consists of random data before the
The following example shows how this mode works. Given a
blocklength of 8, a data length of 9, the number of padding octets
equal to 7, and the data equal to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF:
ISO10126 padding: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 7D 2A 75 EF F8 EF 07
PaddingMode Enumeration
● PKCS #7


The PKCS #7 padding string consists of a sequence of bytes, each
of which is equal to the total number of padding bytes added.
The following example shows how these modes work. Given a
blocklength of 8, a data length of 9, the number of padding octets
equal to 7, and the data equal to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF:
PKCS7 padding: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 07 07 07 07 07 07 07

● None

No padding is done.

● Zeros

The padding string consists of bytes set to zero.
Example: CipherMode
public static void SetString(string _key, string _value, byte[] _secret,
byte[] initVec)

Aes myAes = Aes.Create();
myAes.Key = _secret;
myAes.IV = initVec;
myAes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
PlayerPrefs xml data
PlayerPrefs xml data encryption
Source analysis
void Start()
string userName = "Unity3D";
MD5 md5Hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] secret = md5Hash.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName));
// Game progress ( key, value ) pair.
string key = "test_key";
string _value = "Encrypt_Example";
// Insert ( key, value ) pair.
CustomFunction.SetString(key, _value, secret);
// Retrieve ( key, value ) pair.
string ret = CustomFunction.GetString(key, secret);

Source analysis
public static void SetString(string _key, string _value, byte[] _secret)
// Hide '_key' string.
MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create();
byte[] hashData = md5Hash.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_key));
string hashKey = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(hashData);
// Encrypt '_value' into a byte array
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_value);
// Eecrypt '_value' with 3DES.
TripleDES des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
des.Key = _secret;
des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
ICryptoTransform xform = des.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] encrypted = xform.TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

Source analysis tip
● TripleDES Class
Default paddingmode
● SymmetricAlgorithm.Padding Property
AES speed w/ different key sizes
Unity Encryption
Script Encryption
Tools: gmcs
C:Usersjoo>cd "C:Program Files (x86)
C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataMonobin>dir/w gmcs
C 드라이브의 볼륨에는 이름이 없습니다.
볼륨 일련 번호: 529D-ED90
C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataMonobin 디렉터리
1개 파일
68 바이트
0개 디렉터리 209,364,811,776 바이트 남음
Tools: Openssl win32
Encryption of Scripts

Scrips are generally insecure
Gameplay could be altered
Security checks could be disabled
Code needs to be “hidden” for some reason (i.e.
IAB logic)
Encryption of Scripts
● Compile scripts outside Unity
● Run a sysmmetric / asymmetric encryption on the
● Choose a delivery mechanism
○ Embed in the application, or
○ Download it from a trusted server

● Decrypt the Script.dll in memory
● Load it through Assembly.Load(byte[])
Compile scripts outside Unity
● Compile the script (Plugin.cs) with ‘gmcs’
● Reference the UnityEngine.dll assembly to access to
$ gmcs
Encrypt the assembly
● Using OpenSSL
● Converted to ‘text’ using Base64 encoding
● Result can be embedded in Unity as a TextAsset
$ openssl rc2 - nosalt -p -in Script.dll -out Encrypted.bin
key = …
iv = …
$ base64 Encrypted.bin > ~/UnityProject/Assets/Encrypted.txt
Example: Plugin.cs
public class Plugin : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
IEnumerator Log()
Debug.Log("Script Loaded");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
Command line


-r:"C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataManagedUnityEngine.dll"

rc2 -nosalt -p -in Plugin.dll

-out Plugin.bin
enter rc2-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter rc2-cbc encryption password:
iv =7AC77EFF3F65E62D


base64 -in Plugin.bin -out
Command line example
Encrypt “Plugin.txt”
About RC2,

First published

Ron Rivest
leaked in 1996, designed in 1987

Key sizes

8–1024 bits, in steps of 8 bits;
default 64 bits
64 bits
Source-heavy Feistel network
16 of type MIXING, 2 of type

Block sizes
Best public

A related-key attack is possible
requiring 234 chosen plaintexts
(Kelsey et al., 1997).
Command line


-r:"C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataManagedUnityEngine.dll"
C:TempPlugin>openssl aes-128-cbc -nosalt -p -in Plugin.dll -out Plugin.bin
enter aes-128-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-128-cbc encryption password:
iv =7AC77EFF3F65E62D9D3438FB5031C27F



base64 -in Plugin.bin -out
Encrypt “PluginAes.txt”

● enc - symmetric cipher routines
○ All the block ciphers normally use PKCS#5 padding
also known as standard block padding: this allows a
rudimentary integrity or password check to be
performed. However since the chance of random
data passing the test is better than 1 in 256 it isn't
a very good test.
PKCS#5 vs PKCS#7,

PKCS#5 padding is identical to PKCS#7
padding, except that it has only been
defined for block ciphers that use a 64 bit
(8 byte) block size. In practice the two can
be used interchangeably.
file size
Unity Encryption
Assets Encryption
Encryption of Assets
● Some assets might need to be protected from
● “Assets” doesn’t necessarily mean just “textures”;
could be

Game logic
Dalvik bytecode
Script code
Native code
… “anything”
Encryption of Assets
● Create an AssetBundle from the “secret” assets
● Run a symmetric / asymmetric encryption on the
● Choose a delivery mechanism
○ Embed in the application, or
○ Download it from a trusted server

● Decrypt the AssetBundle.unity3d in memory
● Load it through AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory
Command line

C:Temp>openssl rc2 -nosalt -p -in gstar.unity3d -out gstar.bin
enter rc2-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter rc2-cbc encryption password:
iv =68F7497BECA087F2


base64 -in gstar.bin -out gstar.txt
file size
Further study
I’ll update NDC 2014, maybe.
Key Server
Database encryption
Key save in trust server
● Local are generally insecure
● Gameplayer exchange save data each other
Key save in trust server
● Make a key server
● Gameplayers download different keys from a key
● Every time get a new key
● Choose a encryption mechanism
○ Using Unity script encryption & decryption

● Decrypt save data in memory
● Load it through Assembly.Load(byte[])
Network Security
Secure Socket Layer
SSL tunneling
Secure Single Sign On
Memory encryption
RAM protection
Cheat Engine

RAM problem
● RAM search programs look for a specific set of

conditions, like numbers that have increased,
decreased, not changed, equal to, greater
than, less than, not equal to and other logical
comparison operations. To make this method
pretty much unusable, all you need to do is
make your score (which is visually a number)
not to be a number inside memory.
● Sensitive code must be protected
● Combine the different approaches, and create new
● Finally: Do spend too much time on this
○ Also update the logic for each new release
Thank you

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[Gstar 2013] Unity Security

  • 1. Unity Security Code Obfuscation Data Encryption PlayerPrefs Script Assets
  • 2. About me CTO at WindySoft ● 9 years of online pc / unity game Lecturer at Gachon Univ. ● 3 years of cryptography in game Speaker ● 3rd times at KGC since 2010 Used to make games ● Katamari Damacy Online PC game Forcus on Game Security ● PC / Android
  • 3. Agenda Unity on Android - what does it mean? Code Obfuscation Encryption of ● PlayerPrefs ● Scripts ● AssetBundles Conclusion Q&A
  • 4. Reference site Protecting your Android content ● Unity developer, ● PlayerPref, Obfuscator ● Code Obfuscation, ● Unitystudy, PlayerPrefs Encryption & Performance ● Encryption, ● PreviewLabs,
  • 5. Reference site Other obfuscator ● ● ● ● ● red-gate, Unity 3D Obfuscator, SafeNet, AndroidEnv Medusahair, Unity Scripting ● Unity Reference, ● Unitystudy,
  • 6. Unity on Android (overview) User script / “Game” Mono VM App OS Unity on Android Android / Dalvik VM Linux Kernel
  • 7. Unity on Android (detail) C#/Scripts Dalvik(java)
  • 8. Unity on Android (detail) AndroidJavaObject java.lang.Object
  • 9. AndroidJavaObject et al ● Script objects wrap Java objects ○ AndroidJavaObject > java.lang.Object ○ AndroidJavaClass > java.lang.Class ○ AndroidJavaRunnalbe > java.lang.Runnable ○ AndroidJavaProxy > java.lang.reflect.Proxy ● Automatically maps / instantiates Classes by name ● Methods / Fields are handled through reflection looups
  • 10. AndroidJavaObject (example) ● Java java.lang.String str = new java.lang.String(“some thing”); int hash = str.hashCode(); ● C# AndroidJavaObject jo = new AndroidJavaObject(“java.lang.String”, “some thing”); int hash = jo.Call<int>(“hashCode”);
  • 11. Reference site ● ● ● com/javaseembedded/entry/how_does_android_22s_p erformance_stack_up_against_java_se_embedded
  • 12. Mono ● Mono is a free and open source project led by Xamarin (formerly by Novell and originally by Ximian) to create an Ecma standard-compliant, .NET Framework-compatible set of tools including, among others, a C# compiler and a Common Language Runtime. ● The stated purpose of Mono is not only to be able to run Microsoft .NET applications cross-platform, but also to bring better development tools to Linux developers. Mono can be run on many software systems including Android, most Linux distributions, BSD, OS X, Windows, Solaris, and even some game consoles such as PlayStation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360.
  • 13. Dalvik ● Dalvik is the process virtual machine (VM) in Google's Android operating system. It is the software that runs the apps on Android devices. Dalvik is thus an integral part of Android, which is typically used on mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers as well as more recently on embedded devices such as smart TVs and media streamers. ● Programs are commonly written in Java and compiled to bytecode. They are then converted from Java Virtual Machine-compatible .class files to Dalvik-compatible .dex (Dalvik Executable) files before installation on a device. The compact Dalvik Executable format is designed to be suitable for systems that are constrained in terms of memory and processor speed.
  • 14. Java SE Performance Versus Android ● Java VM uses a stack machines. ● Dalvik VM uses a register-based architecute. The relative merits stack machines versus register-based approaches are a subject of ongoing debate.
  • 15. Java SE Performance Versus Android The results show that Java SE Embedded can execute Java bytecodes from 2 to 3 times faster than Android 2.
  • 16. Java SE Performance Versus Android
  • 17. Unity code obfuscation Practical guide for Android build
  • 18. Bartholomew IU When I just finished my first mobile game in Unity3D, I found that a C# decompiler like decompile my game. ILSpy can easily There are a lot of obfuscators available for .Net, but no one is specialized for Unity3D Android.
  • 19. Bartholomew IU I have to test them one by one. I tried some free obfuscators, however, the result is not good enough. Then I tried some other paid obfuscators. Some paid obfuscators have no fine tuning of the obfuscation process, they keep the name of all public methods and fields unchanged. Although this behavior is correct, it exposes too much coding information.
  • 20. Bartholomew IU It would be better if an obfuscator can keep the public methods used by Unity engine, such as Awake(), Update(), OnGUI()... unchanged, while rename other public methods. The obfuscator also need to have a way to exclude those public variables which have their value set by Unity editor.
  • 21. Bartholomew IU After tried several obfuscators, I found Crypto obfuscator is quite good (in terms of price and functionality), although I haven't test all other paid obfuscators found in the Google search. I guess other obfuscators should work for Unity3D too, provided that the obfuscator has the similar settings described above.
  • 22. Bartholomew IU When I try the obfuscators, I find that I can test the obfuscated code using PC build instead of installing the result apk file into my phone in order to save time. Comparing the re-build time using my game, PC version takes around 20 seconds to build while Android version takes around 4 minutes.
  • 23. Bartholomew IU It seems that PC build and Android build using the same mono to interpret the IL bytecode, what obfuscation setting works in PC build works in Android build too. In PC build, there is a log file named output_log.txt inside the data folder. If you run the game and find that there are any errors after obfuscation, you can look into the log file and check what's going wrong. The common errors are class not found and instance is null if the obfuscation setting is wrong.
  • 24. Tools C# decompiler ● ILSpy, Obfuscator ● CO, Uncompress ● 7-zip, Java version ● 1.6.xx, Java SE 6 Download,
  • 25. Tools Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package ● Android SDK ● ,
  • 26. Try using the PC build
  • 27. Location of the log file
  • 28. Location inside the "Managed" folder Target is to obfuscate the Assembly-CSharp.dll. We don't need to obfuscate the Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll as non of our code is inside this dll.
  • 29.
  • 30. Symbol Renaming Schemes: I tested all different schemes, all scheme works (Although Test Mode works too, don't use it for production. It is for testing only). I prefer using "Unprintable", because it can reduce the file size a bit. I also checked the options inside "Use Advanced Overload Renaming".
  • 31. Assembly Specific Settings 1: Advanced Protections: ● "Encrypt String" may not be too useful as the iOS build keeps the string in the stripped bytecode. If you won't publish to iOS platform, you can choose this option. ● "Protect Against Reflection-Based Examination" may break the code as Unity3D engine uses the reflection feature. ● "Enable Tamper Detection" is not useful in my case.
  • 32. Assembly Specific Settings 2: Symbol Renaming: ● "Public and Non-Public..." option. This option will rename all the public things inside the dll. ● Unity3d needs to call the public method (Awake(), Update(), OnGUI()...) of the MonoBehaviour subclass and these method must be excluded from renaming by setting the "Obfuscation Rules".
  • 33. Assembly Specific Settings 3: Optimizations: ● "Mark Classes As Final..." option, as it will increase the performance a bit. Control Flow Obfuscation: ● Max level. Max level will boat the final dll. If you want to reduce file size, choose Medium level.
  • 34.
  • 35. Obfuscation Rules 1: CO process the rules from top to bottom. If the rules order is different, some classes may be wrongly obfuscated. ● All the class name should not be renamed. I tried that some non MonoBehaviour subclass does not get referenced by reflection, it just fail to work if renamed. If your game can have all the non MonoBehaviour subclass renamed and run correctly, remove this rule.
  • 36.
  • 37. Obfuscation Rules 2: ● All the class name of MonoBehaviour subclass should not be renamed, otherwise Unity engine cannot find your class at runtime. The exception is the class added by AddComponent.<T>() instead of adding the class by Unity editor.
  • 38.
  • 39. Obfuscation Rules 3: ● All the public fields and properties of MonoBehaviour subclass should not be renamed, since the value set in Unity editor is applied to them.
  • 40.
  • 41. Obfuscation Rules 4: ● Some classes contain methods called by reflection needs to be excluded from renaming. Those classes should extend the interface KeepPublicMethod, which is an empty interfaces with nothing inside it.
  • 42.
  • 43. Obfuscation Rules 5: ● Some third party code, such as iTween and MiniJSON, is better not to rename. Because they may use the reflection or other dynamic features of C#.
  • 44.
  • 45. Obfuscation Rules 6: ● All the callback method of MonoBehaviour should be excluded from renaming, such as Update(), Awake()...
  • 46. How to use the command line instead of GUI The command lines are: ● take out the dll file from the apk file ● obfuscate the dll ● put the dll back to the apk ● sign it with your signature ● finally optimize the apk file
  • 47. Key Store c:Temp>keytool -genkey -alias HeyZombie -keyalg RSA -validity 10000 -keystore HeyZombie.keystore
  • 48. Command line Create a directory for the files, for example, c:temp. Then: 1. Copy the obfuscator setting file "ofuscator_setting.obproj" to "c:temp". 2. Copy your key store, for example, to "c: tempAndroidSpecificHeyZombie.keystore". 3. Create this directory: "c: tempAndroidSpecificObfuscatedassetsbinDataManaged" . 4. Build the apk and save it to "d:temptest.apk" 5. Go to c:temp 6. Open a command prompt and type these:
  • 49. Open a command prompt 1 move test.apk del AndroidSpecificOriginal*.dll /q rem 7z is the 7-zip command line 7z e -y -r -oAndroidSpecificOriginal assetsbinDataManaged*.dll rem Run Obfuscator: del AndroidSpecificObfuscatedassetsbinDataManaged*.dll /q "C:Program Files (x86)LogicNP SoftwareCrypto Obfuscator For .Net 2013 R2co.exe" projectfile=ofuscator_setting.obproj
  • 50. Open a command prompt 2 rem Don't forget to remove the old signature information. 7z d "META-INF*" cd AndroidSpecific/Obfuscated 7z u ../../ assetsbinDataManagedAssemblyCSharp.dll cd ../../ move working.apk rem Should see the apk is not signed. jarsigner -verify working.apk
  • 51. Open a command prompt 3 rem This step need password: jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 keystore AndroidSpecific/HeyZombie.keystore working.apk HeyZombie YourPassword rem optimize the apk file. zipalign -f -v 4 working.apk HeyZombie.apk del working.apk rem Verify and should see it signed. jarsigner -verify HeyZombie.apk
  • 53.
  • 54. Here is my coding guidelines: ● The above obfuscator setting can be that simple because I use very few of the reflection or dynamic feature of C#.
  • 55. Here is my coding guidelines: ● Use this AddComponent.<T>() instead of AddComponent(String className) if you want to obfuscate the class name. ● Use the virtual method / interface to act as callback instead of using SendMessage(). If SendMessage() is used, then the target method name of SendMessage() cannot be renamed. iTween class uses a lot of SendMessage(), so I need to exclude the whole iTween class from renaming.
  • 56. Here is my coding guidelines: ● Use StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine) instead of StartCoroutine(String methodName, object value), although I cannot use StopCoroutine(). The technique I used to code the coroutine is similar to multithread program. Every coroutine has code to determine when to stop execution itself instead of relying on the parent object to stop it. In case you really need to use the string version of StartCoroutine(), set the coroutine to public and implements KeepPublicMethod interface.
  • 57. Here is my coding guidelines: ● Concentrate all the animation event code to a single class, and don't obfuscate the public method of this class by implementing the KeepPublicMethod interface. If the method name for the animation event code is renamed, your game won't run correctly.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 62. Kerckhoffs's principle In cryptography, Kerckhoffs's principle (also called Kerckhoffs's desiderata, Kerckhoffs's assumption, axiom, or law) was stated by Auguste Kerckhoffs in the 19th century: “A cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge.”
  • 63. PlayerPrefs Encryption Why? ● Prevent simple cheating ● Prevent cracking IAB purchases (if you cache anything locally) ● In general good practice for sensitive data (like game progress) How? ● Encrypt key / values before inserting them in the PlayerPrefs ● Use a user-specific encryption so prefs cannot be copied, but still shared in a cloud
  • 64. Change algorithm Block Cipher Mode, ● ECB > CBC Padding Mode, ● PKCS7(default) Encryption Algorithm, ● 3DES and RC2 > AES
  • 65. Example: CipherMode public static void SetString(string _key, string _value, byte[] _secret) { TripleDES des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); des.Key = _secret; des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; ICryptoTransform xform = des.CreateEncryptor(); byte[] encrypted = xform.TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes. Length); }
  • 66. Block Encryption modes ● Block ciphers encrypt only fixed-size blocks. If you want to encrypt something that isn’t exactly one block long, you have to use a block cipher mode. ● Currently, NIST has approved nine modes of the approved block ciphers in a series of special publications. ● There are six confidentiality modes (ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB, CTR, and XTS-AES), one authentication mode (CMAC), and two combined modes for confidentiality and authentication (CCM and GCM).
  • 69. Compare ECB versus other modes Original image Encrypted using ECB mode Modes other than ECB result in pseduo-randomness
  • 71. PaddingMode Enumeration ● ANSIX923 ○ ○ ○ ○ The ANSIX923 padding string consists of a sequence of bytes filled with zeros before the length. The following example shows how this mode works. Given a blocklength of 8, a data length of 9, the number of padding octets equal to 7, and the data equal to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF: Data: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF X923 padding: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 ● ISO10126 ○ ○ ○ ○ The ISO10126 padding string consists of random data before the length. The following example shows how this mode works. Given a blocklength of 8, a data length of 9, the number of padding octets equal to 7, and the data equal to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF: Data: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ISO10126 padding: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 7D 2A 75 EF F8 EF 07
  • 72. PaddingMode Enumeration ● PKCS #7 ○ ○ ○ ○ The PKCS #7 padding string consists of a sequence of bytes, each of which is equal to the total number of padding bytes added. The following example shows how these modes work. Given a blocklength of 8, a data length of 9, the number of padding octets equal to 7, and the data equal to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF: Data: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF PKCS7 padding: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 ● None ○ No padding is done. ● Zeros ○ The padding string consists of bytes set to zero.
  • 73. Example: CipherMode public static void SetString(string _key, string _value, byte[] _secret, byte[] initVec) { Aes myAes = Aes.Create(); myAes.Key = _secret; myAes.IV = initVec; myAes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; }
  • 75. PlayerPrefs xml data encryption
  • 78.
  • 79. Source analysis void Start() { string userName = "Unity3D"; MD5 md5Hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] secret = md5Hash.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName)); // Game progress ( key, value ) pair. string key = "test_key"; string _value = "Encrypt_Example"; // Insert ( key, value ) pair. CustomFunction.SetString(key, _value, secret); // Retrieve ( key, value ) pair. string ret = CustomFunction.GetString(key, secret); } 128bit
  • 80. Source analysis public static void SetString(string _key, string _value, byte[] _secret) { // Hide '_key' string. MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create(); byte[] hashData = md5Hash.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_key)); string hashKey = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(hashData); // Encrypt '_value' into a byte array byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_value); // Eecrypt '_value' with 3DES. TripleDES des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); des.Key = _secret; des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; ICryptoTransform xform = des.CreateEncryptor(); byte[] encrypted = xform.TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } 128bit?
  • 81. Source analysis tip ● TripleDES Class ○
  • 82. Default paddingmode ● SymmetricAlgorithm.Padding Property ○
  • 83. AES speed w/ different key sizes
  • 85. Tools: gmcs C:Usersjoo>cd "C:Program Files (x86) UnityEditorDataMonobin" C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataMonobin>dir/w gmcs C 드라이브의 볼륨에는 이름이 없습니다. 볼륨 일련 번호: 529D-ED90 C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataMonobin 디렉터리 gmcs 1개 파일 68 바이트 0개 디렉터리 209,364,811,776 바이트 남음
  • 86. Tools: Openssl win32 ● ●
  • 87. Encryption of Scripts Why? ● ● ● ● Scrips are generally insecure Gameplay could be altered Security checks could be disabled Code needs to be “hidden” for some reason (i.e. IAB logic)
  • 88. Encryption of Scripts How? ● Compile scripts outside Unity ● Run a sysmmetric / asymmetric encryption on the Script.dll ● Choose a delivery mechanism ○ Embed in the application, or ○ Download it from a trusted server ● Decrypt the Script.dll in memory ● Load it through Assembly.Load(byte[])
  • 89. Compile scripts outside Unity ● Compile the script (Plugin.cs) with ‘gmcs’ ● Reference the UnityEngine.dll assembly to access to Unity $ gmcs -target:library -out:Script.dll -r:AndroidPlayer/Managed/UnityEngine.dll Plugin.cs
  • 90. Encrypt the assembly ● Using OpenSSL ● Converted to ‘text’ using Base64 encoding ● Result can be embedded in Unity as a TextAsset $ openssl rc2 - nosalt -p -in Script.dll -out Encrypted.bin key = … iv = … $ base64 Encrypted.bin > ~/UnityProject/Assets/Encrypted.txt
  • 91. Example: Plugin.cs public class Plugin : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { StartCoroutine(Log()); } IEnumerator Log() { Debug.Log("Script Loaded"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); StartCoroutine(Log()); } }
  • 92. Command line C:UsersjooDocumentsCrypto_ScriptAssets>gmcs -target:library -out:Plugin.dll -r:"C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataManagedUnityEngine.dll" Plugin.cs C:UsersjooDocumentsCrypto_ScriptAssets>openssl rc2 -nosalt -p -in Plugin.dll -out Plugin.bin enter rc2-cbc encryption password: Verifying - enter rc2-cbc encryption password: key=409C1892B68CB394799262AC57F6D4F1 iv =7AC77EFF3F65E62D C:UsersjooDocumentsCrypto_ScriptAssets>openssl Plugin.txt base64 -in Plugin.bin -out
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 98. About RC2, Designers First published Ron Rivest leaked in 1996, designed in 1987 Key sizes 8–1024 bits, in steps of 8 bits; default 64 bits 64 bits Source-heavy Feistel network 16 of type MIXING, 2 of type MASHING Block sizes Structure Rounds Best public cryptanalysis A related-key attack is possible requiring 234 chosen plaintexts (Kelsey et al., 1997).
  • 99. Command line C:UsersjooDocumentsCrypto_ScriptAssets>gmcs -target:library -out:Plugin.dll -r:"C:Program Files (x86)UnityEditorDataManagedUnityEngine.dll" Plugin.cs C:TempPlugin>openssl aes-128-cbc -nosalt -p -in Plugin.dll -out Plugin.bin enter aes-128-cbc encryption password: Verifying - enter aes-128-cbc encryption password: key=409C1892B68CB394799262AC57F6D4F1 iv =7AC77EFF3F65E62D9D3438FB5031C27F C:UsersjooDocumentsCrypto_ScriptAssets>openssl Plugin.txt base64 -in Plugin.bin -out
  • 101. Openssl, ● enc - symmetric cipher routines ○ All the block ciphers normally use PKCS#5 padding also known as standard block padding: this allows a rudimentary integrity or password check to be performed. However since the chance of random data passing the test is better than 1 in 256 it isn't a very good test.
  • 102. PKCS#5 vs PKCS#7, ● PKCS#5 padding is identical to PKCS#7 padding, except that it has only been defined for block ciphers that use a 64 bit (8 byte) block size. In practice the two can be used interchangeably.
  • 103.
  • 107. Encryption of Assets Why? ● Some assets might need to be protected from tampering ● “Assets” doesn’t necessarily mean just “textures”; could be ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Game logic Dalvik bytecode Script code Native code … “anything”
  • 108. Encryption of Assets How? ● Create an AssetBundle from the “secret” assets ● Run a symmetric / asymmetric encryption on the AssetBundle.unity3d ● Choose a delivery mechanism ○ Embed in the application, or ○ Download it from a trusted server ● Decrypt the AssetBundle.unity3d in memory ● Load it through AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory (Byte[])
  • 109. Command line C:Temp>openssl rc2 -nosalt -p -in gstar.unity3d -out gstar.bin enter rc2-cbc encryption password: Verifying - enter rc2-cbc encryption password: key=EDD8F85DA1A1E7EEC271266DBD684452 iv =68F7497BECA087F2 C:Temp>openssl base64 -in gstar.bin -out gstar.txt
  • 111. Further study I’ll update NDC 2014, maybe. ;-)
  • 113. Key save in trust server Why? ● Local are generally insecure ● Gameplayer exchange save data each other
  • 114. Key save in trust server How? ● Make a key server ● Gameplayers download different keys from a key server ● Every time get a new key ● Choose a encryption mechanism ○ Using Unity script encryption & decryption ● Decrypt save data in memory ● Load it through Assembly.Load(byte[])
  • 115. Network Security Secure Socket Layer
  • 117. Authentication Secure Single Sign On
  • 120. RAM problem ● RAM search programs look for a specific set of conditions, like numbers that have increased, decreased, not changed, equal to, greater than, less than, not equal to and other logical comparison operations. To make this method pretty much unusable, all you need to do is make your score (which is visually a number) not to be a number inside memory.
  • 121. Conclusion ● Sensitive code must be protected ● Combine the different approaches, and create new ones ● Finally: Do spend too much time on this ○ Also update the logic for each new release
  • 122. Q&A