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Today’s Goal
 To change your daughter’s life.
 Case Studies
 Obstacles
 Solutions
 Resources
About Me
 Research Director
 Co-Founder
 Father of 3
 Parent(s)
 Daughters aged 6-26
 Immediate focus on girls’ symptoms of inattention
 Teacher or home symptoms
 More than one subject
 More than one semester
We All ShareThe Same Long-Term Goals
Daughters growing to become
 Happy
 Healthy
 Self-confident
 Self-sufficient
Problem Defined
 2007
 Rate of teen symptoms:
Substance abuse
Italy 26.0%
Spain 29.0%
Israel 29.7%
Lebanon 32.9%
Germany 33.0%
Mexico 36.4%
Belgium 37.1%
Netherlands 42.9%
France 47.2%
South Africa 47.5%
New Zealand 48.6%
Ukraine 48.9%
Colombia 55.2%
United States 55.3%Kessler et al (2007). Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of
mental disorders in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health
Survey Initiative. World Psychiatry, 6(3), 168.
If frustrated today,
… likely worse in 5 years
3 Common Family Mistakes
 #1: Exhaustion
 #2: - Repeating same frustration pattern
From winter and spring
Over summer and fall
3rd Semester Rule
Ask ‘substantially better?’
#3- Lure Of False Success
 Short-term supports
Meds, accommodations and/or school change
 Often reduce short-term symptoms
 Symptoms change,
Yet underlying problems remain
Better Options
 Growth Plan
Details to follow
Applies to majority of viewers
 Consider Unschool / Homeschool
If it’s truly in your heart
Case Studies for Today
 Staying positive in school when things get tough,
thinking positive about herself. We have tried natural
vitamins, diet changes, counseling.
 My son has a hard time focusing and grasping some
concepts (i.e. math). We think he may have ADD. We
have not tried drugs yet, just tutoring on the side and he
has an IEP. It's helping but he's still behind.
 Low self-esteem due to repeated failures at school and
with friends. We've tried encouragement, breaking tasks
up into smaller time frames
 Medication works pretty well but I want for my daughter
to develop other skills and coping mechanisms.
 Consistent energy drain, slow progress in school,
frustration level. I tried tutoring, medication, private
school etc.
 We (my daughter and me) are suffering from homework,
project delivery, reading and writing errors.
 That our daughter may have inattentive ADHD and she
has challenges socially. Getting ready to enter High
School in the fall. We have an appointment on June 4th
with a neuropsychologist specializing in ADHD.
 Finding ways to help her enjoy learning, get the things
done we need to get done, and encourage her natural
curiosity and creativity without having every day just be
play and projects (we homeschool).
Solution: Growth Plans
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Growth Planning is Affordable
 Our online tools
 Expert support via email
 $19.95 per month
 No contracts
Other Expert Services
 Upgrade to 1-1 Growth Planning
 Brain training
 parent as coach
 computer as coach
 student/parent as co-coaches
 Study Skills Coaching
 ages 13-26
 1-1 Online (Skype)
 Email Mary Jane or Tom for details
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Whole Child Defined
 Mind
 Brain
 Health
 Education
Whole Child Examples
 Mind
Self-esteem, self-efficacy, autonomy, motivation
Expand M view beyond treatment of illnesses
 Brain
Working memory, processing speed, fluid reasoning,
executive function
 Health
Physical health, physical safety, emotional safety,
environmental safety
 Education
Reading, math, writing, science, college major,
professional skills
Why Historic Trend to Focus on
‘E’ Factors?
 Because E elements are easier to see
Teachers paid to monitor E factors 7 hours a day
 Because E elements are easy to test
A-B-C-D-F origins to Pioneer Days
Why is a MBHE (Whole Child) View
More Important to You?
 She is more
… than the sum of her parts
 Growth and happiness
… are different than ‘not sick’
‘Well-Being’ Is More ImportantThan
 Test-scores
 Local or national
Growth Planning
As Compared To Historic Options
 Medical symptom management
 Manage grades and test scores with
 Manage day to day homework with brute force
 Escape frustrations by changing schools
Paradox of Short-term Relief
 Many (most?) short-term bridges
eg, meds, accommodations, brute force
 Provide short-term relief
Sometimes even life-saving
 Yet can be crippling if allowed to persist long-term
 Metaphors: pain meds, kids on crutches
Short-term Bridges Not Always Bad
 Understand each child’s individual needs
 It’s okay to combine short and long term planning
 But remember,
Unlikely the ‘system’ will change
… while your child is still a child
Ignore politics, biases and myths
Focus your energy on factors you can change
Background for New Viewers
 Full webinar replays available on request
Including research references
 How Kids’ Brains Grow and Thrive
 ADHD Meds and Myths
 504: Lure of False Success
 Devastating Costs of Academic Stress
Alternatives to Growth Planning
 React as symptoms appear
 Struggle day to day, week by week
 Each year: patterns repeat, evolve, get worse
 Although 25% may self-resolve
 Reality: 99% of our clients woke up one day and
realized a pattern of reactions
 60% of families have ‘intuition’ response from one
spouse much earlier than other
Or, Redefine Symptoms as
Chronic Illness
 eg, diabetes, asthma, cystic fibrosis
 Therefore palliative care
Option: Medical Symptom
 Stimulants proven to change behavior in
short term
 Assumes learning challenges are primarily
 Assumes changing behavior likely to ‘cure’
learning challenges
Or assumes incurable (palliative)
Medication Webinar
’Gold Standard’ NIMH Long-term Trial (99-07)
 “We had thought that children medicated longer would
have better outcomes.
 “That didn’t happen to be the case.
 “There were no beneficial effects, none.
 “In the short term, [medication] will help the child
behave better, in the long run it won’t.
 “And that information should be made very clear to
MTA Investigator William Pelham, University at Buffalo
Daily Telegraph, “ADHD drugs could stunt growth, “ Nov. 12, 2007.
1,379 Canadian Youth
 14 studies that lasted a minimum of three months,
Canadian investigators concluded that there is “little
evidence for improved academic performance” with
 Source: R. Sachar, “Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,” Canadian
Journal of Psychiatry 47(2002):337-348.
2005 Oregon Public Health
In a 2005 review of 2,287 studies at Oregon Health and Science
 “no good quality evidence on the use of drugs to affect
outcomes relating to
 global academic performance,
 consequences of risky behaviors,
 social achievements, etc.”
 Source: McDonagh, “Drug class review on pharmacologic treatment
for ADHD,” 2006.
2012 New York Times
 “Attention-deficit drugs increase concentration in the short term,
 “But when given to children over long periods of times, they
neither improve school achievement nor reduce behavior
 . . . to date, no study has found any long-term benefit of
attention-deficit medication on
 academic performance,
 peer relationships,
 or behavior problems”
 --Alan Sroufe, professor emeritus, University of Minnesota
 Source: New York Times, “Ritalin Gone Wrong,” January 28, 2012.
2013 Wall Street Journal
In Support
 2012: Shire Pharmaceuticals funded a study, led by its medical director,
that reviewed studies of long-term outcomes (>2yrs) for ADHD.
 Reported 29 studies of favorable outcomes for treated ADHD in the
literature, on some measure or another, when compared to patients
who weren’t treated
 Vs. 20 reports of no benefit or worse outcomes for treated ADHD.
 Authors concluded: “Treatment for ADHD improved long-term
outcomes compared with untreated ADHD.”
 (Shire manufactures Vyvanse, Adderall XR and Intuniv)
 Source: M. Shaw. “A systematic review and analysis of long-term outcomes in attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder.” BMC Medicine10 (2012):99.
Do ADHD Girls ADHD Fare Better Than Boys? 42
Non- ADHD Girls’ 10 Year
10 year
ADHD Girls’ 10 Year Results
Most Troubling: Link Between Other ADHD
Meds and Lifetime Disability
 Children on SSDI for mental health issues
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Medication As Alternative to Growth
 Symptom-driven
 Only treats behaviors
 Only effective in short term
 Physical side-effects
 Psychological side-effects
 Delayed side-effects
 Emphasis on chronic weakness
Case Study AJ age 13
 Soccer star grades K-5
 Relative gap declines each year as weaker players drop out
 Underweight, sleep issues
 Yet ‘elite’ club workouts 830-10pm
 Parents’ View of Stimulants
 ‘Side-effects are worth it.’
 ‘Can’t function in school without his meds.’
 ‘We try to make him eat, but he refuses.’
Dr. Ken Weaver,
Dean, Emporia State University
 Q: Are you concerned that the medication
mindset will become part of our national fabric in
the next ten years?
 A: No, I don’t think it will – I think it already has.
Personal Communication 4/25/2014
Option: Manage Grades and Test
Scores With 504
 Federal mandate (IDEA 1988, 2002)
 Defined as modified curriculum requirements to improve
test scores
 Eg, extra time on test, copy of teacher notes, shorter spelling list
 Useful in short-term crisis situations
 Example books on tape for student with eye injury
 Unfunded
 Expect current or future teacher resistance
 Metaphor long term audiobooks vs Braille training
Research on 504 Accommodations
 Law enacted prior to research
 201* studies
 149 accommodations described
 9 measured
 No (negative) evidence of incremental benefit
 *(vs 1.1 million studies on reading scores)
Research on Accommodations
 “Multiple accommodations are being recommended
without any evidence of effectiveness. This approach
 … costs students in terms of their potential long-term outcomes,
 … costs teachers' effort and time providing services unlikely to work,
 … and costs districts and communities the resources used to provide
these strategies
 Harrison, J. R., Bunford, N., Evans, S. W., & Owens, J. S. (2013). Educational
Accommodations for Students With Behavioral Challenges A Systematic Review of
the Literature. Review of Educational Research, 83(4), 551-597.
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Versus 504 Option
 Only targets test scores
 Only effective if effective defined as short-term
test scores
 Future performance side-effects
 Future psychological side-effects
 Implied chronic weakness
Case Study – Wendy G
 Lifetime of meds and accommodations
 Evaluated by University learning specialists
Accommodations …. Meds
 3x failure at elementary
ed practicum
 Vicious critique from dept
 ‘False sense of success’
Variation: IEPs vs 504 Plans
 IEPs are legally binding, 504s are not
 504s are un-funded, IEPs receive federal funds
 Turf issues: Fed, State, District, School
 Internal politics: RTI
 IEPs are ‘E’ plans,
 not MBHE plans
 IEPs objective
 Improve Reading and Math scores (‘E’)
 Working ‘around’ not ‘on’ M, B* or H* obstacles.
Option: Brute Force
 Homework H---
Superstar teachers
Hired tutors
 School as Prison Camp
Saturday school
Summer school
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Versus Manage Homework with
Brute Force
 Only targets homework completion
 Moderately effective in short term
 Drains physical and emotional energy
 Drains parent, student and often family
 Spills over into sports, music, church, social and
free play time
Case Study – Dr Smith
 I didn’t realize what we were doing until I talked
to you – I’m so embarrassed.
Variation: Permanent Tutor
 Tutors effective for
Short-term, defined mission
Especially when ‘cause’ is clear
 Expensive for long term
 Psychological side-effects
 Delayed side-effects
Case Study – ‘D’, female age 14
 Adult max dosage Vyvanse in 85# 14 year old
 Father physician, mother personal trainer
 Initial med plan didn’t ‘work’
 so increased dose
 Turned up heat on teachers and on daughter
 who was desperately trying to comply
 Parents dismissed weak ‘B’ factors
 and missed coaching sessions, eg, couples massage
 ‘Can’t let her fail 8th grade’
‘Her self-esteem already low as it is’
‘Only option is tutor through high school’
Variation: Punitive Summer School
 Your punishment for hating school is…
More school
Option: Repeating Grades
(Holding Back)
 Relative age – better to prevent vs treatment options
 Repeating K acceptable
 Moderate risk repeating 1st or 2nd
 Reduce risk by changing schools
 High risks repeating older grades
 Original problem remains
 Adds new, permanent, self-esteem problem
Webinar – Kids’ Brain Growth
Brain Training in Children
 Children can improve their performance on cognitive
control tasks as a result of training.
 demonstrated in healthy children
(e.g., Karbach and Kray, 2009; Thorell et al., 2009; St. Clair-Thompson
et al., 2010; Bergman Nutley et al., 2011; Loosli et al., 2011), and
 children with cognitive or attentional impairments
(e.g., Klingberg et al., 2005; Shalev et al., 2007; Bangirana et al., 2009;
Holmes et al., 2009a; Mezzacappa and Buckner, 2010; Rabiner et al.,
2010; Van der Molen et al., 2010).
… Children
 Cognitive training changes task performance and brain
activation in children diagnosed with ADHD
 Hoekzema et al., 2010
 training-related activation changes were found in syndrome-
associated brain regions in frontal lobe and cerebellum, which are
also target of psychostimulant medication.
in: Jolles, D. D., & Crone, E. A. (2012). Training the developing
brain: a neurocognitive perspective. Frontiers in human
neuroscience, 6.
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Option: Changing Schools
 Effective only if original obstacle was curriculum (‘E’)
 and only in that school
 Caution: many private/rural schools pay lower wages; have
fewer specialists on staff
 Wealthier districts have more reading and autism
 School district takes a percentage of federal resources
 If forced to change schools, get it right
 Unwise to change again
Variation: Demanding Extra Services
from Schools
 Temptation of ‘legally required’
 Avoid adversarial at all costs
No matter how wrong you think they are
 Reality: they can afford to delay, you can’t
 The ‘system’ won’t change
 Although sometimes individuals do
 Don’t waste precious adult resources
 Ask twice, politely .. (unlikely 3rd request will spark a change)
Rare For Demands To Carry Over
 Even year to year in same school
Dangers of ‘cume’ comments
 Less to middle school or high school
 Certainly not to college or job
 Wear them down with baked goods, not outrage
Case Study – Ernie C
 Experimental magnet K-5
 ‘Expert’ dx in 3rd
Dyslexia, ADHD
 Extensive accommodations
Extra time, books on tape
 Transfer to elite middle school
Huge bump in homework demands
Accommodations continue
Mother willing to invest brute force
 Complains can’t remember facts from
 Although decodes math word problems
‘because I’m good in math’
Dyslexia as example of ‘B’ challenge
 Commonly treated with an ‘E’ solution
 Improving ‘E’ scores,
but leaving residual ‘B’ obstacles
creating ‘M’ barriers to future well-being
Details for Educators and Academics
 Research-based webinars
How Kids’ Brains Grow
ADHD Meds and Myths
504: Lure of False Success
Devastating Costs of Academic Stress
Psychology of Success vs Psychology of Repair
Webinars for Parents
Brain Training for Sports Performance
‘Secrets’ of College-aged Entrepreneurs
Growth Plan Benefits
Features of a Growth Plan
 Whole child
 Long-term
 Step by step
 Emphasis on strength-building
Growth Plan Benefits - Whole Child
 Because learning obstacles rarely just ‘1 thing’
MBHE factors all interact
Can work together to spark growth
Can work against to sabotage growth
Eg, ‘allostasis’
 Future ‘Mind’ obstacles as teens
Especially motivation and self-esteem
Have roots in B and H factors as children
Why Trend to ‘Over-treat’ E Factors?
 Because E symptoms are easier to see
Teachers monitor E factors 7 hours a day
Teachers’ nature to ‘help’
 Because E factors easier to test
New: schools’ financial incentives to boost scores
Downside of Growth Plan
 Unlikely local specialists
 Poor career move to decline insurance reimbursements
 Limited research funding for non-medical alternatives
 Parents can expect mild to moderate resistance
 Parents have most to gain / lose
 Yet affected families already stretched so thin
 Rare for Invitation to Growth Community
 Most families required to take initiative
 And create their own growth allies
Case Study – Lawrence C
 Mom, reading specialist at elite
 3rd grade
 ‘Enigma’
 Declined brain training
 4th grade … Medication
 5th – 7th grade
 Struggled … Quit sports
 Brute force (kid)
 (Mom promoting meds)
 8th grade
 Mom lost job …
Lawrence dis-enrolled
 Never a ‘behavior’ or ‘report
card’ problem
 Yet ‘M’ Result
 ‘Let the family down’
Versus Benefits of a Growth Mindset
Benefits – Long Term
 Maintains ‘balanced’ point of view from adults
 Long term is most important
 Short term is most urgent
 (Brains wired that urgency trumps importance)
 May reduce teacher pressures to ‘do something’
 Less parental guilt when obstacles arise
 Thus more parent energy
Benefits – Step By Step
 Long-term, step by step
 Takes the pressure off in short term
 Reduces pressure to find ‘cure’
 More comfortable using other options as short-term
 Many (not all) teachers will celebrate your thoughtful
Benefits – Emphasis on Strength-
 Happiness is more than absence of
emotional pain
 Strength focus increases resilience and autonomy
 Autonomy protects against helplessness
and depression
 More likely to create win-win parenting moments
 versus I win, you lose parent battles
Best Methods for Motivation?
 Punishments?
time-out, spanking, grounded, losing video games
 Rewards?
money, shopping spree, ice cream party, extra recess
 No need for external motivation
Re ‘intrinsic’ motivation
Getting Started
 Pick a framework
 Our online option is $19.95 a month
 20-30 minutes of weekly email exchange … online workshops
 Recruit allies
 Unlikely 1 parent will succeed working alone
 Procrastination is number one enemy
 Recognize that change is hard
 Decide cost of change vs long term value of change
Your Growth Allies
The Best Allies Are Non-Judgmental
 Helps you keep perspective
 It’s so easy to get caught up in trees
… and miss the forest
The Best Allies Support
 Always ‘safely’
 Without deciding for you
 While telling you what you need to hear
Knowledge Of New Research A Plus
 Or at least a willingness to learn
Option To Hire Us As A Growth Coach
 Same growth planning tools as available online
 Adding 1-1 bimonthly or weekly Skype calls
 $295-$495
 Faster first stage (vs email)
How To Recruit Allies
 “Invest time to save time”
 “Our kids deserve better”
 “The benefits of making lemonade out of lemons”
 Don’t play the guilt card … Invite without judgment
Let them come to you … when they are ready
All parents want healthy happy kids
Fine-tuning Your Growth Plan
 Start with a framework
 Add details year over year
 Risks of ‘waiting for clarity’
 Adjust with growth
 ‘Whole child’ expected to
change and evolve
 Don’t blindly label
 Unless the label is clearly
helpful to child
 Remember ‘growth’ goal
 Not achievement
 (See ‘Success’ webinar)
 Move past pain to gain
 Liberating for both
parent and student
Case Studies Reviewed
 Staying positive in school when things get tough,
thinking positive about herself. We have tried natural
vitamins, diet changes, counseling.
 My son has a hard time focusing and grasping some
concepts (i.e. math). We think he may have ADD. We
have not tried drugs yet, just tutoring on the side and he
has an IEP. It's helping but he's still behind.
 Low self-esteem due to repeated failures at school and
with friends. We've tried encouragement, breaking tasks
up into smaller time frames
 Medication works pretty well but I want for my daughter
to develop other skills and coping mechanisms.
 Consistent energy drain, slow progress in school,
frustration level. I tried tutoring, medication, private
school etc.
 We (my daughter and me) are suffering from homework,
project delivery, reading and writing errors.
 That our daughter may have inattentive ADHD and she
has challenges socially. Getting ready to enter High
School in the fall. We have an appointment on June 4th
with a neuropsychologist specializing in ADHD.
 Finding ways to help her enjoy learning, get the things
done we need to get done, and encourage her natural
curiosity and creativity without having every day just be
play and projects (we homeschool).
Takeaway: Leaning to Optimistic
 But realistic too.
Other Expert Services
 Upgrade to 1-1 Growth Planning
 Brain training
 parent as coach
 computer as coach
 student/parent as co-coaches
 Study Skills Coaching
 Ages 13-26
 1-1 Online (Skype)
 Email Mary Jane or Tom for details
Growth Planning is Affordable
 Our online tools
 Expert support via email
 $19.95 per month
 No contracts
We’d Love To Have You Join Our Team

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Growth Planning for ADHD Girls

  • 3. Today’s Goal  To change your daughter’s life. 3
  • 4. Agenda  Case Studies  Obstacles  Solutions  Resources 4
  • 5. About Me  Research Director  Co-Founder  Father of 3 5
  • 6. AboutYou  Parent(s)  Daughters aged 6-26  Immediate focus on girls’ symptoms of inattention  Teacher or home symptoms  More than one subject  More than one semester 6
  • 7. We All ShareThe Same Long-Term Goals Daughters growing to become  Happy  Healthy  Self-confident  Self-sufficient 7
  • 8. Problem Defined  2007  Rate of teen symptoms: Anxiety Depression ADHD Substance abuse Italy 26.0% Spain 29.0% Israel 29.7% Lebanon 32.9% Germany 33.0% Mexico 36.4% Belgium 37.1% Netherlands 42.9% France 47.2% South Africa 47.5% New Zealand 48.6% Ukraine 48.9% Colombia 55.2% United States 55.3%Kessler et al (2007). Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of mental disorders in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey Initiative. World Psychiatry, 6(3), 168. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. Therefore, If frustrated today, … likely worse in 5 years 10
  • 11. 3 Common Family Mistakes  #1: Exhaustion  #2: - Repeating same frustration pattern From winter and spring Over summer and fall 3rd Semester Rule Ask ‘substantially better?’ 11
  • 12. #3- Lure Of False Success  Short-term supports Meds, accommodations and/or school change  Often reduce short-term symptoms  Symptoms change, Yet underlying problems remain 12
  • 13. Better Options  Growth Plan Details to follow Applies to majority of viewers  Consider Unschool / Homeschool If it’s truly in your heart 13
  • 14. Case Studies for Today  Staying positive in school when things get tough, thinking positive about herself. We have tried natural vitamins, diet changes, counseling.  My son has a hard time focusing and grasping some concepts (i.e. math). We think he may have ADD. We have not tried drugs yet, just tutoring on the side and he has an IEP. It's helping but he's still behind.  Low self-esteem due to repeated failures at school and with friends. We've tried encouragement, breaking tasks up into smaller time frames 14
  • 15.  Medication works pretty well but I want for my daughter to develop other skills and coping mechanisms.  Consistent energy drain, slow progress in school, frustration level. I tried tutoring, medication, private school etc.  We (my daughter and me) are suffering from homework, project delivery, reading and writing errors. 15
  • 16.  That our daughter may have inattentive ADHD and she has challenges socially. Getting ready to enter High School in the fall. We have an appointment on June 4th with a neuropsychologist specializing in ADHD.  Finding ways to help her enjoy learning, get the things done we need to get done, and encourage her natural curiosity and creativity without having every day just be play and projects (we homeschool). 16
  • 18. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 18
  • 19. Growth Planning is Affordable  Our online tools  Expert support via email  $19.95 per month  No contracts 19
  • 20. Other Expert Services  Upgrade to 1-1 Growth Planning  Brain training  parent as coach  computer as coach  student/parent as co-coaches  Study Skills Coaching  ages 13-26  1-1 Online (Skype)  Email Mary Jane or Tom for details 20
  • 21. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 21
  • 22. Whole Child Defined  Mind  Brain  Health  Education See 22
  • 23. Whole Child Examples  Mind Self-esteem, self-efficacy, autonomy, motivation Expand M view beyond treatment of illnesses  Brain Working memory, processing speed, fluid reasoning, executive function 23
  • 24. MBHE  Health Physical health, physical safety, emotional safety, environmental safety  Education Reading, math, writing, science, college major, professional skills 24
  • 25. Why Historic Trend to Focus on ‘E’ Factors?  Because E elements are easier to see Teachers paid to monitor E factors 7 hours a day  Because E elements are easy to test A-B-C-D-F origins to Pioneer Days 25
  • 26. Why is a MBHE (Whole Child) View More Important to You?  She is more … than the sum of her parts  Growth and happiness … are different than ‘not sick’ 26
  • 27. Mind Health Brain Education Mind ‘Well-Being’ Is More ImportantThan  Test-scores  Local or national politics 27
  • 28. Growth Planning As Compared To Historic Options  Medical symptom management  Manage grades and test scores with accommodations  Manage day to day homework with brute force  Escape frustrations by changing schools 28
  • 29. Paradox of Short-term Relief  Many (most?) short-term bridges eg, meds, accommodations, brute force  Provide short-term relief Sometimes even life-saving  Yet can be crippling if allowed to persist long-term  Metaphors: pain meds, kids on crutches 29
  • 30. Short-term Bridges Not Always Bad  Understand each child’s individual needs  It’s okay to combine short and long term planning  But remember, Unlikely the ‘system’ will change … while your child is still a child Ignore politics, biases and myths Focus your energy on factors you can change 30
  • 31. Background for New Viewers  Full webinar replays available on request Including research references  How Kids’ Brains Grow and Thrive  ADHD Meds and Myths  504: Lure of False Success  Devastating Costs of Academic Stress 31
  • 32. Alternatives to Growth Planning  React as symptoms appear  Struggle day to day, week by week  Each year: patterns repeat, evolve, get worse  Although 25% may self-resolve  Reality: 99% of our clients woke up one day and realized a pattern of reactions  60% of families have ‘intuition’ response from one spouse much earlier than other 32
  • 33. Or, Redefine Symptoms as Chronic Illness  eg, diabetes, asthma, cystic fibrosis  Therefore palliative care 33
  • 34. Option: Medical Symptom Management  Stimulants proven to change behavior in short term  Assumes learning challenges are primarily medical  Assumes changing behavior likely to ‘cure’ learning challenges Or assumes incurable (palliative) 34
  • 36. ’Gold Standard’ NIMH Long-term Trial (99-07)  “We had thought that children medicated longer would have better outcomes.  “That didn’t happen to be the case.  “There were no beneficial effects, none.  “In the short term, [medication] will help the child behave better, in the long run it won’t.  “And that information should be made very clear to parents.” MTA Investigator William Pelham, University at Buffalo Daily Telegraph, “ADHD drugs could stunt growth, “ Nov. 12, 2007. 36
  • 37. 1,379 Canadian Youth  14 studies that lasted a minimum of three months, Canadian investigators concluded that there is “little evidence for improved academic performance” with stimulants.  Source: R. Sachar, “Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 47(2002):337-348. 37
  • 38. 2005 Oregon Public Health In a 2005 review of 2,287 studies at Oregon Health and Science University:  “no good quality evidence on the use of drugs to affect outcomes relating to  global academic performance,  consequences of risky behaviors,  social achievements, etc.”  Source: McDonagh, “Drug class review on pharmacologic treatment for ADHD,” 2006. 38
  • 39. 2012 New York Times  “Attention-deficit drugs increase concentration in the short term,  “But when given to children over long periods of times, they neither improve school achievement nor reduce behavior problems  . . . to date, no study has found any long-term benefit of attention-deficit medication on  academic performance,  peer relationships,  or behavior problems”  --Alan Sroufe, professor emeritus, University of Minnesota  Source: New York Times, “Ritalin Gone Wrong,” January 28, 2012. 39
  • 40. 2013 Wall Street Journal 7/8/2013 40
  • 41. In Support  2012: Shire Pharmaceuticals funded a study, led by its medical director, that reviewed studies of long-term outcomes (>2yrs) for ADHD.  Reported 29 studies of favorable outcomes for treated ADHD in the literature, on some measure or another, when compared to patients who weren’t treated  Vs. 20 reports of no benefit or worse outcomes for treated ADHD.  Authors concluded: “Treatment for ADHD improved long-term outcomes compared with untreated ADHD.”  (Shire manufactures Vyvanse, Adderall XR and Intuniv)  Source: M. Shaw. “A systematic review and analysis of long-term outcomes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” BMC Medicine10 (2012):99. 41
  • 42. Do ADHD Girls ADHD Fare Better Than Boys? 42 Poor Outcomes 12% Positive Outcome 88% Non- ADHD Girls’ 10 Year Results Poor Outcomes 84% 10 year Positive Outcome 16% ADHD Girls’ 10 Year Results
  • 43. Most Troubling: Link Between Other ADHD Meds and Lifetime Disability  Children on SSDI for mental health issues 43
  • 44. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 44
  • 45. Medication As Alternative to Growth Planning  Symptom-driven  Only treats behaviors  Only effective in short term  Physical side-effects  Psychological side-effects  Delayed side-effects  Emphasis on chronic weakness 45
  • 46. Case Study AJ age 13  Soccer star grades K-5  Relative gap declines each year as weaker players drop out  Underweight, sleep issues  Yet ‘elite’ club workouts 830-10pm  Parents’ View of Stimulants  ‘Side-effects are worth it.’  ‘Can’t function in school without his meds.’  ‘We try to make him eat, but he refuses.’ 46
  • 47. Dr. Ken Weaver, Dean, Emporia State University  Q: Are you concerned that the medication mindset will become part of our national fabric in the next ten years?  A: No, I don’t think it will – I think it already has. Personal Communication 4/25/2014 47
  • 48. Option: Manage Grades and Test Scores With 504  Federal mandate (IDEA 1988, 2002)  Defined as modified curriculum requirements to improve test scores  Eg, extra time on test, copy of teacher notes, shorter spelling list  Useful in short-term crisis situations  Example books on tape for student with eye injury  Unfunded  Expect current or future teacher resistance  Metaphor long term audiobooks vs Braille training 48
  • 49. Research on 504 Accommodations  Law enacted prior to research  201* studies  149 accommodations described  9 measured  No (negative) evidence of incremental benefit  *(vs 1.1 million studies on reading scores) 49
  • 50. Research on Accommodations  “Multiple accommodations are being recommended without any evidence of effectiveness. This approach  … costs students in terms of their potential long-term outcomes,  … costs teachers' effort and time providing services unlikely to work,  … and costs districts and communities the resources used to provide these strategies  Harrison, J. R., Bunford, N., Evans, S. W., & Owens, J. S. (2013). Educational Accommodations for Students With Behavioral Challenges A Systematic Review of the Literature. Review of Educational Research, 83(4), 551-597. 50
  • 51. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 51
  • 52. Versus 504 Option  Only targets test scores  Only effective if effective defined as short-term test scores  Future performance side-effects  Future psychological side-effects  Implied chronic weakness 52
  • 53. Case Study – Wendy G  Lifetime of meds and accommodations  Evaluated by University learning specialists Accommodations …. Meds  3x failure at elementary ed practicum  Vicious critique from dept chair  ‘False sense of success’ 53
  • 54. Variation: IEPs vs 504 Plans  IEPs are legally binding, 504s are not  504s are un-funded, IEPs receive federal funds  Turf issues: Fed, State, District, School  Internal politics: RTI  IEPs are ‘E’ plans,  not MBHE plans  IEPs objective  Improve Reading and Math scores (‘E’)  Working ‘around’ not ‘on’ M, B* or H* obstacles. 54
  • 55. Option: Brute Force  Homework H--- Parent Student Superstar teachers Hired tutors  School as Prison Camp Saturday school Summer school 55
  • 56. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 56
  • 57. Versus Manage Homework with Brute Force  Only targets homework completion  Moderately effective in short term  Drains physical and emotional energy  Drains parent, student and often family  Spills over into sports, music, church, social and free play time 57
  • 58. Case Study – Dr Smith  I didn’t realize what we were doing until I talked to you – I’m so embarrassed. 58
  • 59. Variation: Permanent Tutor  Tutors effective for Short-term, defined mission Especially when ‘cause’ is clear However,  Expensive for long term  Psychological side-effects  Delayed side-effects 59
  • 60. Case Study – ‘D’, female age 14  Adult max dosage Vyvanse in 85# 14 year old  Father physician, mother personal trainer  Initial med plan didn’t ‘work’  so increased dose  Turned up heat on teachers and on daughter  who was desperately trying to comply  Parents dismissed weak ‘B’ factors  and missed coaching sessions, eg, couples massage 60
  • 61. ‘D’  ‘Can’t let her fail 8th grade’ ‘Her self-esteem already low as it is’ ‘Only option is tutor through high school’ 61
  • 62. Variation: Punitive Summer School  Your punishment for hating school is… More school 62
  • 63. Option: Repeating Grades (Holding Back)  Relative age – better to prevent vs treatment options  Repeating K acceptable  Moderate risk repeating 1st or 2nd  Reduce risk by changing schools  High risks repeating older grades  Original problem remains  Adds new, permanent, self-esteem problem 63
  • 64. Webinar – Kids’ Brain Growth “NEUROPLASTICITY “ 64
  • 65. Brain Training in Children  Children can improve their performance on cognitive control tasks as a result of training.  demonstrated in healthy children (e.g., Karbach and Kray, 2009; Thorell et al., 2009; St. Clair-Thompson et al., 2010; Bergman Nutley et al., 2011; Loosli et al., 2011), and  children with cognitive or attentional impairments (e.g., Klingberg et al., 2005; Shalev et al., 2007; Bangirana et al., 2009; Holmes et al., 2009a; Mezzacappa and Buckner, 2010; Rabiner et al., 2010; Van der Molen et al., 2010). 65
  • 66. … Children  Cognitive training changes task performance and brain activation in children diagnosed with ADHD  Hoekzema et al., 2010  training-related activation changes were found in syndrome- associated brain regions in frontal lobe and cerebellum, which are also target of psychostimulant medication. in: Jolles, D. D., & Crone, E. A. (2012). Training the developing brain: a neurocognitive perspective. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 6. 66
  • 67. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 67
  • 68. Option: Changing Schools  Effective only if original obstacle was curriculum (‘E’)  and only in that school  Caution: many private/rural schools pay lower wages; have fewer specialists on staff  Wealthier districts have more reading and autism specialists  School district takes a percentage of federal resources  If forced to change schools, get it right  Unwise to change again 68
  • 69. Variation: Demanding Extra Services from Schools  Temptation of ‘legally required’  Avoid adversarial at all costs No matter how wrong you think they are  Reality: they can afford to delay, you can’t  The ‘system’ won’t change  Although sometimes individuals do  Don’t waste precious adult resources  Ask twice, politely .. (unlikely 3rd request will spark a change) 69
  • 70. Rare For Demands To Carry Over  Even year to year in same school Dangers of ‘cume’ comments  Less to middle school or high school  Certainly not to college or job  Wear them down with baked goods, not outrage 70
  • 71. Case Study – Ernie C  Experimental magnet K-5  ‘Expert’ dx in 3rd Dyslexia, ADHD  Extensive accommodations Extra time, books on tape 71
  • 72. Ernie  Transfer to elite middle school Huge bump in homework demands Accommodations continue Mother willing to invest brute force  Complains can’t remember facts from audiobooks  Although decodes math word problems ‘because I’m good in math’ 72
  • 73. Dyslexia as example of ‘B’ challenge  Commonly treated with an ‘E’ solution  Improving ‘E’ scores, but leaving residual ‘B’ obstacles creating ‘M’ barriers to future well-being 73
  • 74. Details for Educators and Academics  Research-based webinars How Kids’ Brains Grow ADHD Meds and Myths 504: Lure of False Success Devastating Costs of Academic Stress Psychology of Success vs Psychology of Repair 74
  • 75. Webinars for Parents Brain Training for Sports Performance ‘Secrets’ of College-aged Entrepreneurs 75
  • 77. Features of a Growth Plan  Whole child  Long-term  Step by step  Emphasis on strength-building 77
  • 78. Growth Plan Benefits - Whole Child  Because learning obstacles rarely just ‘1 thing’ MBHE factors all interact Can work together to spark growth Can work against to sabotage growth Eg, ‘allostasis’  Future ‘Mind’ obstacles as teens Especially motivation and self-esteem Have roots in B and H factors as children 78
  • 79. Why Trend to ‘Over-treat’ E Factors?  Because E symptoms are easier to see Teachers monitor E factors 7 hours a day Teachers’ nature to ‘help’  Because E factors easier to test New: schools’ financial incentives to boost scores 79
  • 80. Downside of Growth Plan  Unlikely local specialists  Poor career move to decline insurance reimbursements  Limited research funding for non-medical alternatives  Parents can expect mild to moderate resistance  Parents have most to gain / lose  Yet affected families already stretched so thin  Rare for Invitation to Growth Community  Most families required to take initiative  And create their own growth allies 80
  • 81. Case Study – Lawrence C  Mom, reading specialist at elite school  3rd grade  ‘Enigma’  Declined brain training  4th grade … Medication  5th – 7th grade  Struggled … Quit sports  Brute force (kid)  (Mom promoting meds)  8th grade  Mom lost job … Lawrence dis-enrolled  Never a ‘behavior’ or ‘report card’ problem  Yet ‘M’ Result  ‘Let the family down’ 81
  • 82. Versus Benefits of a Growth Mindset 82
  • 83. Benefits – Long Term  Maintains ‘balanced’ point of view from adults  Long term is most important  Short term is most urgent  (Brains wired that urgency trumps importance)  May reduce teacher pressures to ‘do something’  Less parental guilt when obstacles arise  Thus more parent energy 83
  • 84. Benefits – Step By Step  Long-term, step by step  Takes the pressure off in short term  Reduces pressure to find ‘cure’  More comfortable using other options as short-term bridges  Many (not all) teachers will celebrate your thoughtful planning 84
  • 85. Benefits – Emphasis on Strength- Building  Happiness is more than absence of emotional pain  Strength focus increases resilience and autonomy  Autonomy protects against helplessness and depression  More likely to create win-win parenting moments  versus I win, you lose parent battles 85
  • 86. Best Methods for Motivation?  Punishments? time-out, spanking, grounded, losing video games  Rewards? money, shopping spree, ice cream party, extra recess Vs  No need for external motivation Re ‘intrinsic’ motivation 86
  • 87. Getting Started  Pick a framework  Our online option is $19.95 a month  20-30 minutes of weekly email exchange … online workshops  Recruit allies  Unlikely 1 parent will succeed working alone  Procrastination is number one enemy  Recognize that change is hard  Decide cost of change vs long term value of change 87
  • 89. The Best Allies Are Non-Judgmental  Helps you keep perspective  It’s so easy to get caught up in trees … and miss the forest 89
  • 90. The Best Allies Support  Always ‘safely’  Without deciding for you  While telling you what you need to hear 90
  • 91. Knowledge Of New Research A Plus  Or at least a willingness to learn 91
  • 92. Option To Hire Us As A Growth Coach  Same growth planning tools as available online  Adding 1-1 bimonthly or weekly Skype calls  $295-$495  Faster first stage (vs email) 92
  • 93. How To Recruit Allies  “Invest time to save time”  “Our kids deserve better”  “The benefits of making lemonade out of lemons”  Don’t play the guilt card … Invite without judgment Let them come to you … when they are ready All parents want healthy happy kids 93
  • 94. Fine-tuning Your Growth Plan  Start with a framework  Add details year over year  Risks of ‘waiting for clarity’  Adjust with growth  ‘Whole child’ expected to change and evolve  Don’t blindly label  Unless the label is clearly helpful to child  Remember ‘growth’ goal  Not achievement  (See ‘Success’ webinar)  Move past pain to gain  Liberating for both parent and student 94
  • 95. Case Studies Reviewed  Staying positive in school when things get tough, thinking positive about herself. We have tried natural vitamins, diet changes, counseling.  My son has a hard time focusing and grasping some concepts (i.e. math). We think he may have ADD. We have not tried drugs yet, just tutoring on the side and he has an IEP. It's helping but he's still behind.  Low self-esteem due to repeated failures at school and with friends. We've tried encouragement, breaking tasks up into smaller time frames 95
  • 96.  Medication works pretty well but I want for my daughter to develop other skills and coping mechanisms.  Consistent energy drain, slow progress in school, frustration level. I tried tutoring, medication, private school etc.  We (my daughter and me) are suffering from homework, project delivery, reading and writing errors. 96
  • 97.  That our daughter may have inattentive ADHD and she has challenges socially. Getting ready to enter High School in the fall. We have an appointment on June 4th with a neuropsychologist specializing in ADHD.  Finding ways to help her enjoy learning, get the things done we need to get done, and encourage her natural curiosity and creativity without having every day just be play and projects (we homeschool). 97
  • 98. Takeaway: Leaning to Optimistic  But realistic too. 98
  • 99. Other Expert Services  Upgrade to 1-1 Growth Planning  Brain training  parent as coach  computer as coach  student/parent as co-coaches  Study Skills Coaching  Ages 13-26  1-1 Online (Skype)  Email Mary Jane or Tom for details 99
  • 100. Growth Planning is Affordable  Our online tools  Expert support via email  $19.95 per month  No contracts 100
  • 101. We’d Love To Have You Join Our Team EMAIL TOM@KCBRAIN.ORG 101