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 GREEN-BIN will be a start-up company based in
India, Ideated by Sayan Basak of Department of
Polymer Science and Technology, University of
Calcutta. GB aims to introduce smart technologies
to improve waste collection methods and reduce its
manual effort required. Inspired by real life working
experiences and as frequent diners, the GREEN-
BIN will be created to alleviate difficulties faced by
cleaners as they manually compact and replace
rubbish at fast food outlets.
 I had researched articles about cleaning staffs
and I found that they faced the following
difficulties in their course of work as enumerated:
› The current tool used for crushing and compacting
waste was inefficient and requires large amount of
effort to effect significant volume reduction
› Manual checking of each dustbin have to be carried
out by staffs to know if the dustbins are full and are in
need of replacement
G REEN-BIN will be a start-up company based in India, Ideated by Sayan Basak of Department of Polymer Science and Technology, U
 The GREEN-BIN will provide a comprehensive solution to the above problems with
additional complementary features. I propose to present the GREEN-BIN in three financial
 A pilot project with a $5,000 start-up grant from an incubation centre will be launched
within the campus to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of GREEN-BIN before its
introduction into the industry.
 Additional capital from sponsors and crowd-funding of $100,000:
› Purchase of addition equipment required for effective production
› Training and hiring of production personnel
› Developing the market through collaboration with fast-food chains to introduce the GREEN-BIN
› Sales and marketing enhancements
 Increasing sales, production and reach
› Automate production process
› Expansion of marketing strategies globally
 Furthermore, up to 20% of revenues earned after Phase Two will be spent on research
and development of new products and innovations. 10% of profits will be returned to
investors. GREEN-BIN aims to optimize logistic resources in the waste management
industry by improving efficiency, and reducing collection and delivery costs.
Integrated waste management systems are on rise in recent years. Fueled by growing interest in the
Swachh Bharat Abhijaan, info-comm technology along with its networks and data continually
strives to support better living and more efficient solutions for a wide range of day to day
Opportunities and support from the Initiative in the waste management industry fosters a healthy
environment for growth, with increasing focus placed on the greater use of communication and
sensor technology in the field.
Furthermore, there are growing trends of foreign companies from South Korea and Ireland that have
also worked towards providing innovative technological solutions to tackle waste management
problems. This goes to show the potential growth in the burgeoning market in India and beyond.
Within the industry itself, it seems that there is little focus on waste management within commercial
establishments themselves, which operate on a smaller but no less important scale. Our
Principals take particular interest towards the waste overflow and collection issues faced by food
and beverage (F&B) outlets. As F&B outlets and fast-food chains are prevalent across
the country, there is high demand for solutions targeted at meeting their needs.
It is our company’s aim to be the leading provider of smart technologies in the waste management
industry. With the technical expertise of our team of innovative engineers and designers, we plan
to introduce a series of reliable, affordable and relevant products that would meet the needs of
our customers. Embracing the latest sensor and communication technology, we keep ourselves
at the forefront of science and technology to ensure our competitiveness within the industry.
On top of our economic pursuits, our principals hold strong beliefs in improving working and living
Environments. In keeping our living environment clean and green, we aim to bring about positive
change to key public and commercial issues in terms of waste overflow, collection and
management. Furthermore, our efforts in mechanization and inter-communication of waste
management resources will also help workers in the waste collection industry, simplifying their
work processes and reducing the amount of human effort required.
We will create a team of competent principals and shareholders who have strong background and
experience in product design, entrepreneurship and marketing strategies. Having performed
leading roles in their respective fields, their experience and knowledge would bring success to
our products in market breakthrough and penetration, meeting our performance targets for future
The GREEN-BIN,is a low-cost, low-maintenance
comprehensive dustbin solution aimed towards
food and beverage (F&B) outlets and fast-food
chains. The integrated bin combines varying
concepts aimed at easing physical workload of
cleaners, manpower management and also in
design and aesthetics.
It consists of 3 main design components: the
crushing mechanism, the optical sensor and the
networking system.
Our mechanical trash compactor is able to
provide between 30-40% of volume
reduction of trash within the bin itself. The
lever mechanism allows cleaners to use up
to 50% less force as compared to
traditional methods of vertically pressing
rubbish using a compacting stick. The
design of the compactor system is such
that it is able to be kept in a neutral
position that does not impede rubbish
disposal into the bin itself. Furthermore,
swinging handles are attached to the
compactor arms to provide a safe and solid
grip for cleaners to hold on to whilst
compacting trash.
Due to high volume and frequency of
compaction required in the F&B industry, a
fully automated compaction system that
runs on solar or AC power will be
impractical due to cost and power
requirement constraints.
An optical sensor will be installed at the
top of the GREEN-BIN which will
detect the bin’s fill level in real-time.
The sensor is programmed to send
out two signals when the fill level in
the bin is more than 80% full. Firstly,
it activates a blinker light on the
exterior of the bin to show that the
particular GREEN-BIN is near it full
capacity. Secondly, it sends a wifi
network signal to our main server,
which use will be explained in the
next section. Our optical sensor is
easily detachable from the GREEN-
BIN itself for maintenance and
installation. It is also user friendly in
that retailers can set their own
notification fill level to maximize their
operational efficiency. The sensor
battery can last for 5 years
 As each GREEN-BIN optical sensor will have a
designation number, the GREEN-BIN network
connects many GREEN-BINs into a centralized
“war-room” style system that displays the
conditions and fills level of each and every bin
within the network. With real-time information,
managers are now able to efficiency deploy
manpower towards specific bins for compaction or
for replacement. This will significantly reduce the
time spent by cleaners walking around checking
the condition of every bin and allow them to be
more productive especially during peak periods
and in rush hour. The network Graphic User
Interface (GUI) is easily understandable and will
be compatible with existing computer systems.
Furthermore, the network is also pre-programmed
to be compatible with smart phones in the form of
Apple and Android applications. Notifications can
be sent to the managers or cleaners smart phones
to know where and when a trip down to the
dustbin is required.
 The basic exterior design of the GREEN-BIN
is aesthetically simple and unobtrusive.
However, customers can request for
specialized and customizable designs to be
wrapped around the bin for marketing,
advertisements or interior design purposes.
In the current market, our main competitors are companies that are also developing smart waste
management solutions. Amidst the growing environmental awareness movement globally, it is evident
that there are inherent inefficiencies and wastefulness of current waste collection methods, whereby
innovators have leaped at the opportunity to provide effective solutions.
Notably, ECube Labs with their Clean CUBE has established themselves as the leading innovator of next
generation bins. The Clean CUBE has the ability to detect waste levels within the bin itself. In addition,
it is able to automatically compress the waste within when it reaches a certain level, drawing its power
from in built solar panels or from the AC power supply. Furthermore, it is also connected wirelessly to
ECube Lab’s own analytical database network to coordinate waste collection across a large area.
However, the Clean CUBE is currently only in its trial phase mainly due to its exorbitant costs. On top of
requiring it to be run on a power supply (especially if placed indoors) and other installation or
maintenance costs, the bin itself is priced at a hefty S$3500 per unit compared to about S$120 -
S$150 for a normal wheelie bin of the same size. This severely limits their customers to luxury chains
or to government funded constructions projects and hence, are not attractive to most commercial
In addition, according to my extensive market research, little has been done to develop similar technologies
that cater specifically to F&B outlets. The current crop of dustbins used by most fast- food chains and
F&B outlets costs around $180 each. They have design principals based on aesthetics and user-
friendliness, rather than operational efficiency of the cleaners themselves. As such, our products will
focus on meeting the establishment’s needs, providing solutions for their operational and managerial
problems on top of meeting their basic expectations.
 Our primary market for our products is for F&B outlets and fast-food
chains. Food waste accounts for 10% (780,000 tonnes) of total waste
produced in India per year . On top of the general problems of hygiene and
food wastage issues, F&B outlets have to deal with other operational
issues caused by peak periods of waste disposal due to lunch/dinner
hours, and during special events (Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc.) or
Public Holidays.
 Through a comprehensive market research ranging from past working
experience of Principals to surveys with the workers and management
personnel from F&B establishments, we have identified key areas that
have pertinent issues to be addressed.
Rubbish bins fill up quickly especially during peak periods, leading to trash overflow if
not compacted or replaced.
› Manual checking of each dustbin have to be carried out by staffs to know if the
dustbins are full and are in need of crushing or replacement
› The current tool used for crushing and compacting waste was inefficient and requires
large amount of effort to effect significant volume reduction
 On top of these issues, it is evident that F&B and fast-food outlets usually face a shortage
of manpower during peak periods. The employment of more manpower for these brief
periods of high demand will not be economical as it leads to overstaffing for the rest of the
time. Hence, an effective and cheap solution to make trash collection more efficient will be
needed for outlets to satisfy both consumer demands and yet keep costs low.
 Furthermore, it is of note that in some establishments, elderly cleaners are employed.
This gives rise to the need of a solution that requires less force and human effort to help
the physically weaker employees in fulfilling their job.
 To summarize, our primary customers would be looking at these factors for consideration
for their rubbish bins
› Price of bin – purchase and installation
› Efficiency, organization, effort – manpower and time saved
› Low maintenance required and its associated costs, ease of use
› Hygiene and Design – unobstructed and aesthetically pleasing
GREEN-BIN aspires to be the leading provider of reliable and affordable waste
management solutions in the region. As part of our niche, we will be working
together with Food and Beverage outlets across the island to identify, address
and simplify the myriad of issues faced in their waste management operation.
Innovation, technology, reliability, affordability, durability and user-friendliness are
core qualities that we strive for in our products. The experienced management
and design team is driven to deliver products of high quality assurance and
design innovation.
The products we develop will aim to balance the role of cutting-edge technology
and cost effectiveness in our attempt to improve on and replace the existing
bins used by most food retailers. It is our belief that though advanced
technology in our products may provide the most practical appeal, simple
mechanical solutions in products of a much lower cost will be more appealing
to the economically and financially conscious.
› Chief Executive Officer (CEO
› Operations Director (OD)
› Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO
› Human Resource and Administrative Director (HR
› Chief Product Officer (CPO)
› Project Manager (PM)
› Informative Technology Manager (ITM)
 Before proceeding to the Phase one of the financial plan, a prototype will be
created to stimulate the functions of the GREEN-BIN to provide an interactive
visual platform when demonstrating to the consumers.
 The prototype will be made of different materials from the actual and to a
smaller scale for the ease of transportation between the factory and the school;
as well demonstration of the crushing mechanism within the product, the
prototype would be produced with rectangular wood blocks for its structure,
and covered with transparent acrylic sheet.
 The crushing mechanism for both the prototype as well as actual product would
still be made with metal rods and bars to provide accurate measurement of the
crushing force available and degree of movement/motion of both the lever and
 The dustbin that we are currently using for the prototype is a typical 27x 27
plastic bin procured from any shop.
 Make or Buy
 The company focuses on the make strategy, whereby all the parts and designs are completed
and send to the manufacturer to produce the parts. As the company aims to sell the bins at low
cost, having to mass produce and make our own products allow material and parts to be
produced at lower cost thus cutting down on the expenses.
 Labor Requirement
 For now the company has not planned for any recruitment during the Phase 1 section whereby
the consumers only involve university fast food outlets. The company will only begin its hiring of
new employee when the company proceeds to Phase 2 of the plan as the company expand its
reach to island wide fast food outlets. Hence cost of labor for the current state will be $0.
 As the company expand, production, finance, marketing and sales as well as human resource
 Cost of Production and Development
 As mentioned in the development status, the prototype of the company is smaller in scale and
make use of different materials for the ease of demonstrating and transportation. Following is the
breakdown out the cost of the prototype:
 The pricing policy that GREEN-BIN used to determine its product pricing is the penetration
pricing. This means that the company set a lower price relative to the competition to capture
market share.
 As mentioned previously, our targeted primary customer will be F&B outlets with a high
sensitivity to price of our products. The price of current products currently in the market available
for our customers is taken into account for our pricing strategy. Considering that the GREEN-BIN
will be the first of its kind in the F&B industry, along with the improvements it will bring to waste
management and collection for each business, we will be charging a reasonable price of $800
 Our research have showed that the GREEN-BIN will be able to reduce human effort by up to
50% and in addition, improve the efficiency of trash collection by up to 60% due to the sensor
network system. We are confident that our product, with its benefits and advantage over existing
designs, will be favorable to businesses in terms of improving operational management despite
the higher price. Furthermore, our high quality manufacturing process and equipment will ensure
that maintenance is not required frequently, and a 2-year warranty for systems and mechanical
replacement will be included upon purchase.
 Furthermore, despite there being fully automated dustbins that provide similar functions to our GREEN-BIN, our
product will be more attractive as it costs just 10% of the price of a Clean Cube, and yet it adequately serves the
needs of our customers. The price of $800 per GREEN-BIN coupled with its unique features serves to reiterate
our branding of providing affordable and yet effective solutions.
 This will also allow the company to not only cover production and marketing costs, but also reap profits which
could be channeled into development of newer and better products.
 In Phase 2, GREEN-BIN will liaise with major fast-food chains island wide to expand the reach of our products.
Along with our extensive marketing and competitive pricing strategy, we are confident in obtaining contracts to
install our GREEN-BINs in those establishments. This will increase our expected sales in 2017. In addition, our
marketing department will also approach food retail outlets at hawker centres and food courts where there is also
a pertinent need for the waste management solutions that the GREEN-BIN can provide.
 There is concern however, that sales could be affected by rising rental and operational costs, hence, companies
would not be willing to spend on our new products. In the light of this situation, our sales and marketing team will
work towards convincing F&B establishments on the potential savings and benefits of the GREEN-BIN, and
bringing about remunerations that goes beyond the initial cost of the product.
 For the first phase and second phase, the company will be using the direct marketing approach that comprises of
direct email, telephone solicitation. Emails of the brief proposal will be send out to the various targeted
universities and fast-food chains with a follow up telecommunication.
› Direct Marketing
 Alternatively, GREEN-BIN can engaged in the door to door approach which means that we will be visiting the
targeted company to propose our ideas and product. It will be a good way for us to get direct contact to our
consumers and understands their needs as well as answering to their doubts.
 Moreover, the company will be actively participating exhibition events to get into interaction and reach out to
potential customer.
 The main advantages of the GREEN-BIN are space saving and the efficiency of waste collection at a much lower
price, thus it will also be featured in the proposal. A demonstration video will also be attached to the email as a
visual aid will provides a clearer picture of how the product works and re-
emphasize on its features. The company will first be selling the products via email orders as the scale
 of targeted consumers are small comprises only universities and fast food chains.
 In the future prospect, as the company expand its reach to the other markets such as indoor office company and
even small cafeteria or F&B stores. An online retail store can be created to encourage individual to purchase our
products at their own convenience. As the company expand to a bigger market, indirect marketing approach will
be executed to further build trust and loyalty from consumers and rapports with potential customers.
› Indirect Marketing
 GREEN-BIN will be engaged in various social media
platform to provide a more informative yet engaging
content that attract the attention of the consumers.
Visual service such as Instagram will be able to give
visual impact to the consumers. Positive interactions
through social media will also bring in potential
 For now, the company aims to expand our reach
nationally before considering about expanding the
company globally.
 Method of Sales
 There are two types of distribution channels
in which GREEN-BIN can get our customers
locally in India. These distribution channels
will help our company get our product into a
variety of channels where we might not be
able to reach ourselves.
› Direct Distribution
 Beginning with a smaller market, the company will be accepting
direct orders via email order selling. The targeted consumers will
receive our company proposal and order information will be
provided in the proposal as well as the company website. Thus,
consumers can email us directly with regards to their orders. Upon
receiving their orders, payment and confirmation emails will be
send subsequently to inform consumers that their orders will be
proceeded and delivered as requested.
 As the company grows, an online retail store will be created.
Consumers will be able to proceed with direct orders with the
company with delivery services provided by the company.
› Indirect Distribution
 Although it will less likely be used due to the
small market we are aiming currently, the
company will consider about selling the
products to a wholesaler or straight to the
retailers to make the products available to
consumers. This distribution channel will
mostly likely to be engaged after the
company has expand its market nationally.
 As mentioned in the Sales and Marketing Strategy, direct marketing approach
will be engaged to send proposal of the company products. On top of that, the
company will also continue to send emails to update about the company’s new
products as well as for any ongoing promotions. Direct mailing which involves
sending of advertising fliers, pamphlet and catalogues to customers to update
them as well as to attract more potential customers.
 Another well received method is the use of social platforms. Facebook, Twitter
and even Instagram. This social platform will helps to increase the awareness
of the company and its products and attract new potential consumers with
engaging visual content.
 A company website will be set up to allow consumers to get a clearer
understanding of the company and its upcoming products. Before having
access to the website, a video will be automatically played to showcase the
GREEN-BIN or even the other new products. Visual sharing provides a clearer
picture and understanding to the products, thus allowing the consumers to
capture the special features and highlights of the company even before
entering the website
 New competitors
 In every market, competition will bound to
emerge. As such, we have foreseen new
competitors trying to fight for a market share.
Since we are entering the market through
setting costs at its lowest with higher quality,
we believe that we will be able to build a
positive reputation that will fend off any
 Price reduction by Current competitor
 If our competitor, Clean CUBE, has the
ability to further reduce their price, they are
still unable to compete with the significant
low price of our product since the bulk cost
of their product comes from the hi-end
technology and its maintenance.
 Trained Labour
 Labour has always been an issue for many
businesses survival. Trained labour thus,
becomes an essential criteria for our business
survival. Therefore, we intend to hire our
manpower from local polytechnics as an
alternative and actively participate for school
internship programs.
 Design Problems
 This will be minimized through extensive
prototyping and field testing.
 Assumptions Made
› The machines and equipment have a residual value of
$2,000 for 2 years. Using the straight line method, the
formula for the calculation is ($10,000 – $2,000)/2 =
$4,000, ($10,000-
 $4,000)/2= $3,000. Hence annual depreciation of the
assets is $3,000.
› All projected amounts are in whole number.
› All goods are sold as projected
› A strong economy, without major recession
› No allowance has been allowed for inflation.
› There are no unforeseen changes in economic policy to
make our clients' products immediately obsolete.
Registration of Company
 Business Incorporation Package:
Business Licenses, Company Incorporation Services and
Registered Address
 Company name registration and seal
 Corporate Bank Account
Rental and facilities $24,000
Consultation $4,000
Operating Cost $12,000
Insurance $3,000
Stationery/Business Cards $500
Marketing $3,000
Research & Development $20,000
Miscellaneous $10,000

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Green bin sayan basak

  • 1.
  • 2.  GREEN-BIN will be a start-up company based in India, Ideated by Sayan Basak of Department of Polymer Science and Technology, University of Calcutta. GB aims to introduce smart technologies to improve waste collection methods and reduce its manual effort required. Inspired by real life working experiences and as frequent diners, the GREEN- BIN will be created to alleviate difficulties faced by cleaners as they manually compact and replace rubbish at fast food outlets. 
  • 3.  I had researched articles about cleaning staffs and I found that they faced the following difficulties in their course of work as enumerated:  › The current tool used for crushing and compacting waste was inefficient and requires large amount of effort to effect significant volume reduction › Manual checking of each dustbin have to be carried out by staffs to know if the dustbins are full and are in need of replacement  G REEN-BIN will be a start-up company based in India, Ideated by Sayan Basak of Department of Polymer Science and Technology, U
  • 4.  The GREEN-BIN will provide a comprehensive solution to the above problems with additional complementary features. I propose to present the GREEN-BIN in three financial phases:   A pilot project with a $5,000 start-up grant from an incubation centre will be launched within the campus to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of GREEN-BIN before its introduction into the industry.  Additional capital from sponsors and crowd-funding of $100,000: › Purchase of addition equipment required for effective production › Training and hiring of production personnel › Developing the market through collaboration with fast-food chains to introduce the GREEN-BIN › Sales and marketing enhancements  Increasing sales, production and reach › Automate production process › Expansion of marketing strategies globally   Furthermore, up to 20% of revenues earned after Phase Two will be spent on research and development of new products and innovations. 10% of profits will be returned to investors. GREEN-BIN aims to optimize logistic resources in the waste management industry by improving efficiency, and reducing collection and delivery costs.
  • 5.
  • 6. Integrated waste management systems are on rise in recent years. Fueled by growing interest in the Swachh Bharat Abhijaan, info-comm technology along with its networks and data continually strives to support better living and more efficient solutions for a wide range of day to day activities. Opportunities and support from the Initiative in the waste management industry fosters a healthy environment for growth, with increasing focus placed on the greater use of communication and sensor technology in the field. Furthermore, there are growing trends of foreign companies from South Korea and Ireland that have also worked towards providing innovative technological solutions to tackle waste management problems. This goes to show the potential growth in the burgeoning market in India and beyond. Within the industry itself, it seems that there is little focus on waste management within commercial establishments themselves, which operate on a smaller but no less important scale. Our Principals take particular interest towards the waste overflow and collection issues faced by food and beverage (F&B) outlets. As F&B outlets and fast-food chains are prevalent across the country, there is high demand for solutions targeted at meeting their needs.
  • 7. It is our company’s aim to be the leading provider of smart technologies in the waste management industry. With the technical expertise of our team of innovative engineers and designers, we plan to introduce a series of reliable, affordable and relevant products that would meet the needs of our customers. Embracing the latest sensor and communication technology, we keep ourselves at the forefront of science and technology to ensure our competitiveness within the industry. On top of our economic pursuits, our principals hold strong beliefs in improving working and living Environments. In keeping our living environment clean and green, we aim to bring about positive change to key public and commercial issues in terms of waste overflow, collection and management. Furthermore, our efforts in mechanization and inter-communication of waste management resources will also help workers in the waste collection industry, simplifying their work processes and reducing the amount of human effort required. We will create a team of competent principals and shareholders who have strong background and experience in product design, entrepreneurship and marketing strategies. Having performed leading roles in their respective fields, their experience and knowledge would bring success to our products in market breakthrough and penetration, meeting our performance targets for future development.
  • 8. The GREEN-BIN,is a low-cost, low-maintenance comprehensive dustbin solution aimed towards food and beverage (F&B) outlets and fast-food chains. The integrated bin combines varying concepts aimed at easing physical workload of cleaners, manpower management and also in design and aesthetics. It consists of 3 main design components: the crushing mechanism, the optical sensor and the networking system.
  • 9. Our mechanical trash compactor is able to provide between 30-40% of volume reduction of trash within the bin itself. The lever mechanism allows cleaners to use up to 50% less force as compared to traditional methods of vertically pressing rubbish using a compacting stick. The design of the compactor system is such that it is able to be kept in a neutral position that does not impede rubbish disposal into the bin itself. Furthermore, swinging handles are attached to the compactor arms to provide a safe and solid grip for cleaners to hold on to whilst compacting trash. Due to high volume and frequency of compaction required in the F&B industry, a fully automated compaction system that runs on solar or AC power will be impractical due to cost and power requirement constraints.
  • 10. An optical sensor will be installed at the top of the GREEN-BIN which will detect the bin’s fill level in real-time. The sensor is programmed to send out two signals when the fill level in the bin is more than 80% full. Firstly, it activates a blinker light on the exterior of the bin to show that the particular GREEN-BIN is near it full capacity. Secondly, it sends a wifi network signal to our main server, which use will be explained in the next section. Our optical sensor is easily detachable from the GREEN- BIN itself for maintenance and installation. It is also user friendly in that retailers can set their own notification fill level to maximize their operational efficiency. The sensor battery can last for 5 years
  • 11.  As each GREEN-BIN optical sensor will have a designation number, the GREEN-BIN network connects many GREEN-BINs into a centralized “war-room” style system that displays the conditions and fills level of each and every bin within the network. With real-time information, managers are now able to efficiency deploy manpower towards specific bins for compaction or for replacement. This will significantly reduce the time spent by cleaners walking around checking the condition of every bin and allow them to be more productive especially during peak periods and in rush hour. The network Graphic User Interface (GUI) is easily understandable and will be compatible with existing computer systems. Furthermore, the network is also pre-programmed to be compatible with smart phones in the form of Apple and Android applications. Notifications can be sent to the managers or cleaners smart phones to know where and when a trip down to the dustbin is required.
  • 12.  The basic exterior design of the GREEN-BIN is aesthetically simple and unobtrusive. However, customers can request for specialized and customizable designs to be wrapped around the bin for marketing, advertisements or interior design purposes.
  • 13.
  • 14. In the current market, our main competitors are companies that are also developing smart waste management solutions. Amidst the growing environmental awareness movement globally, it is evident that there are inherent inefficiencies and wastefulness of current waste collection methods, whereby innovators have leaped at the opportunity to provide effective solutions. Notably, ECube Labs with their Clean CUBE has established themselves as the leading innovator of next generation bins. The Clean CUBE has the ability to detect waste levels within the bin itself. In addition, it is able to automatically compress the waste within when it reaches a certain level, drawing its power from in built solar panels or from the AC power supply. Furthermore, it is also connected wirelessly to ECube Lab’s own analytical database network to coordinate waste collection across a large area. However, the Clean CUBE is currently only in its trial phase mainly due to its exorbitant costs. On top of requiring it to be run on a power supply (especially if placed indoors) and other installation or maintenance costs, the bin itself is priced at a hefty S$3500 per unit compared to about S$120 - S$150 for a normal wheelie bin of the same size. This severely limits their customers to luxury chains or to government funded constructions projects and hence, are not attractive to most commercial establishments. In addition, according to my extensive market research, little has been done to develop similar technologies that cater specifically to F&B outlets. The current crop of dustbins used by most fast- food chains and F&B outlets costs around $180 each. They have design principals based on aesthetics and user- friendliness, rather than operational efficiency of the cleaners themselves. As such, our products will focus on meeting the establishment’s needs, providing solutions for their operational and managerial problems on top of meeting their basic expectations.
  • 15.  Our primary market for our products is for F&B outlets and fast-food chains. Food waste accounts for 10% (780,000 tonnes) of total waste produced in India per year . On top of the general problems of hygiene and food wastage issues, F&B outlets have to deal with other operational issues caused by peak periods of waste disposal due to lunch/dinner hours, and during special events (Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc.) or Public Holidays.   Through a comprehensive market research ranging from past working experience of Principals to surveys with the workers and management personnel from F&B establishments, we have identified key areas that have pertinent issues to be addressed. › Rubbish bins fill up quickly especially during peak periods, leading to trash overflow if not compacted or replaced. › Manual checking of each dustbin have to be carried out by staffs to know if the dustbins are full and are in need of crushing or replacement › The current tool used for crushing and compacting waste was inefficient and requires large amount of effort to effect significant volume reduction 
  • 16.  On top of these issues, it is evident that F&B and fast-food outlets usually face a shortage of manpower during peak periods. The employment of more manpower for these brief periods of high demand will not be economical as it leads to overstaffing for the rest of the time. Hence, an effective and cheap solution to make trash collection more efficient will be needed for outlets to satisfy both consumer demands and yet keep costs low.   Furthermore, it is of note that in some establishments, elderly cleaners are employed. This gives rise to the need of a solution that requires less force and human effort to help the physically weaker employees in fulfilling their job.   To summarize, our primary customers would be looking at these factors for consideration for their rubbish bins  › Price of bin – purchase and installation › Efficiency, organization, effort – manpower and time saved › Low maintenance required and its associated costs, ease of use › Hygiene and Design – unobstructed and aesthetically pleasing
  • 17. GREEN-BIN aspires to be the leading provider of reliable and affordable waste management solutions in the region. As part of our niche, we will be working together with Food and Beverage outlets across the island to identify, address and simplify the myriad of issues faced in their waste management operation. Innovation, technology, reliability, affordability, durability and user-friendliness are core qualities that we strive for in our products. The experienced management and design team is driven to deliver products of high quality assurance and design innovation. The products we develop will aim to balance the role of cutting-edge technology and cost effectiveness in our attempt to improve on and replace the existing bins used by most food retailers. It is our belief that though advanced technology in our products may provide the most practical appeal, simple mechanical solutions in products of a much lower cost will be more appealing to the economically and financially conscious.
  • 18.
  • 19. › Chief Executive Officer (CEO › Operations Director (OD) › Chief Finance Officer (CFO) › Chief Marketing Officer (CMO › Human Resource and Administrative Director (HR › Chief Product Officer (CPO) › Project Manager (PM) › Informative Technology Manager (ITM) .
  • 20.
  • 21.  Before proceeding to the Phase one of the financial plan, a prototype will be created to stimulate the functions of the GREEN-BIN to provide an interactive visual platform when demonstrating to the consumers.   The prototype will be made of different materials from the actual and to a smaller scale for the ease of transportation between the factory and the school; as well demonstration of the crushing mechanism within the product, the prototype would be produced with rectangular wood blocks for its structure, and covered with transparent acrylic sheet.   The crushing mechanism for both the prototype as well as actual product would still be made with metal rods and bars to provide accurate measurement of the crushing force available and degree of movement/motion of both the lever and crusher.   The dustbin that we are currently using for the prototype is a typical 27x 27 plastic bin procured from any shop.
  • 22.  Make or Buy  The company focuses on the make strategy, whereby all the parts and designs are completed and send to the manufacturer to produce the parts. As the company aims to sell the bins at low cost, having to mass produce and make our own products allow material and parts to be produced at lower cost thus cutting down on the expenses.    Labor Requirement  For now the company has not planned for any recruitment during the Phase 1 section whereby the consumers only involve university fast food outlets. The company will only begin its hiring of new employee when the company proceeds to Phase 2 of the plan as the company expand its reach to island wide fast food outlets. Hence cost of labor for the current state will be $0.   As the company expand, production, finance, marketing and sales as well as human resource   Cost of Production and Development  As mentioned in the development status, the prototype of the company is smaller in scale and make use of different materials for the ease of demonstrating and transportation. Following is the breakdown out the cost of the prototype:
  • 23.
  • 24.  The pricing policy that GREEN-BIN used to determine its product pricing is the penetration pricing. This means that the company set a lower price relative to the competition to capture market share.   As mentioned previously, our targeted primary customer will be F&B outlets with a high sensitivity to price of our products. The price of current products currently in the market available for our customers is taken into account for our pricing strategy. Considering that the GREEN-BIN will be the first of its kind in the F&B industry, along with the improvements it will bring to waste management and collection for each business, we will be charging a reasonable price of $800 per GREEN-BIN.   Our research have showed that the GREEN-BIN will be able to reduce human effort by up to 50% and in addition, improve the efficiency of trash collection by up to 60% due to the sensor network system. We are confident that our product, with its benefits and advantage over existing designs, will be favorable to businesses in terms of improving operational management despite the higher price. Furthermore, our high quality manufacturing process and equipment will ensure that maintenance is not required frequently, and a 2-year warranty for systems and mechanical replacement will be included upon purchase.
  • 25.  Furthermore, despite there being fully automated dustbins that provide similar functions to our GREEN-BIN, our product will be more attractive as it costs just 10% of the price of a Clean Cube, and yet it adequately serves the needs of our customers. The price of $800 per GREEN-BIN coupled with its unique features serves to reiterate our branding of providing affordable and yet effective solutions.   This will also allow the company to not only cover production and marketing costs, but also reap profits which could be channeled into development of newer and better products.    In Phase 2, GREEN-BIN will liaise with major fast-food chains island wide to expand the reach of our products. Along with our extensive marketing and competitive pricing strategy, we are confident in obtaining contracts to install our GREEN-BINs in those establishments. This will increase our expected sales in 2017. In addition, our marketing department will also approach food retail outlets at hawker centres and food courts where there is also a pertinent need for the waste management solutions that the GREEN-BIN can provide.    There is concern however, that sales could be affected by rising rental and operational costs, hence, companies would not be willing to spend on our new products. In the light of this situation, our sales and marketing team will work towards convincing F&B establishments on the potential savings and benefits of the GREEN-BIN, and bringing about remunerations that goes beyond the initial cost of the product. 
  • 26.  For the first phase and second phase, the company will be using the direct marketing approach that comprises of direct email, telephone solicitation. Emails of the brief proposal will be send out to the various targeted universities and fast-food chains with a follow up telecommunication.  › Direct Marketing  Alternatively, GREEN-BIN can engaged in the door to door approach which means that we will be visiting the targeted company to propose our ideas and product. It will be a good way for us to get direct contact to our consumers and understands their needs as well as answering to their doubts.   Moreover, the company will be actively participating exhibition events to get into interaction and reach out to potential customer.   The main advantages of the GREEN-BIN are space saving and the efficiency of waste collection at a much lower price, thus it will also be featured in the proposal. A demonstration video will also be attached to the email as a visual aid will provides a clearer picture of how the product works and re-  emphasize on its features. The company will first be selling the products via email orders as the scale  of targeted consumers are small comprises only universities and fast food chains.   In the future prospect, as the company expand its reach to the other markets such as indoor office company and even small cafeteria or F&B stores. An online retail store can be created to encourage individual to purchase our products at their own convenience. As the company expand to a bigger market, indirect marketing approach will be executed to further build trust and loyalty from consumers and rapports with potential customers. 
  • 27. › Indirect Marketing  GREEN-BIN will be engaged in various social media platform to provide a more informative yet engaging content that attract the attention of the consumers. Visual service such as Instagram will be able to give visual impact to the consumers. Positive interactions through social media will also bring in potential customer.   For now, the company aims to expand our reach nationally before considering about expanding the company globally.
  • 28.  Method of Sales  There are two types of distribution channels in which GREEN-BIN can get our customers locally in India. These distribution channels will help our company get our product into a variety of channels where we might not be able to reach ourselves.
  • 29. › Direct Distribution  Beginning with a smaller market, the company will be accepting direct orders via email order selling. The targeted consumers will receive our company proposal and order information will be provided in the proposal as well as the company website. Thus, consumers can email us directly with regards to their orders. Upon receiving their orders, payment and confirmation emails will be send subsequently to inform consumers that their orders will be proceeded and delivered as requested.   As the company grows, an online retail store will be created. Consumers will be able to proceed with direct orders with the company with delivery services provided by the company. 
  • 30. › Indirect Distribution  Although it will less likely be used due to the small market we are aiming currently, the company will consider about selling the products to a wholesaler or straight to the retailers to make the products available to consumers. This distribution channel will mostly likely to be engaged after the company has expand its market nationally. 
  • 31.  As mentioned in the Sales and Marketing Strategy, direct marketing approach will be engaged to send proposal of the company products. On top of that, the company will also continue to send emails to update about the company’s new products as well as for any ongoing promotions. Direct mailing which involves sending of advertising fliers, pamphlet and catalogues to customers to update them as well as to attract more potential customers.   Another well received method is the use of social platforms. Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram. This social platform will helps to increase the awareness of the company and its products and attract new potential consumers with engaging visual content.   A company website will be set up to allow consumers to get a clearer understanding of the company and its upcoming products. Before having access to the website, a video will be automatically played to showcase the GREEN-BIN or even the other new products. Visual sharing provides a clearer picture and understanding to the products, thus allowing the consumers to capture the special features and highlights of the company even before entering the website
  • 32.
  • 33.  New competitors  In every market, competition will bound to emerge. As such, we have foreseen new competitors trying to fight for a market share. Since we are entering the market through setting costs at its lowest with higher quality, we believe that we will be able to build a positive reputation that will fend off any competition
  • 34.  Price reduction by Current competitor  If our competitor, Clean CUBE, has the ability to further reduce their price, they are still unable to compete with the significant low price of our product since the bulk cost of their product comes from the hi-end technology and its maintenance.
  • 35.  Trained Labour  Labour has always been an issue for many businesses survival. Trained labour thus, becomes an essential criteria for our business survival. Therefore, we intend to hire our manpower from local polytechnics as an alternative and actively participate for school internship programs.   Design Problems  This will be minimized through extensive prototyping and field testing.
  • 36.  Assumptions Made › The machines and equipment have a residual value of $2,000 for 2 years. Using the straight line method, the formula for the calculation is ($10,000 – $2,000)/2 = $4,000, ($10,000-  $4,000)/2= $3,000. Hence annual depreciation of the assets is $3,000. › All projected amounts are in whole number. › All goods are sold as projected › A strong economy, without major recession › No allowance has been allowed for inflation. › There are no unforeseen changes in economic policy to make our clients' products immediately obsolete.
  • 37. Registration of Company  Business Incorporation Package: Business Licenses, Company Incorporation Services and Registered Address  Company name registration and seal  Corporate Bank Account $1,500 Rental and facilities $24,000 Consultation $4,000 Operating Cost $12,000 Insurance $3,000 Stationery/Business Cards $500 Marketing $3,000 Research & Development $20,000 Miscellaneous $10,000 TOTAL STARTUP EXPENSES $78,000