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Grade statistics from two random classes
The classes used in this study (Class A and Class B) were held at the same campus in Wichita,
KS during June through September 2010 by the same instructor. These two classes were held on
a Thursday and a Friday night with Class A being held on Thursday and Class B being held on
Friday. Class A completed with 13 students and Class B completed with 16 students. The
following analysis was performed by extracting statistics based upon the following variables.
       Class = a numeric value assigned to each class starting with A1 being 1 through A6 being
       11 thus for Thursday and Friday evening classes the data would be 8 and 10 respectively
       Absences = a numeric value for the number of classes a given student missed during the
       Missing = the missing assignment percentage for a given student. For Class A there were
       34 assignments and for Class B there were 25.
       Gender = a numeric value representing the gender of the student 0 = Male and 1 =
       preFinal = the percentage the student had going into the final exam
       Final = the percentage earned on the final exam
       postFinal = the final percentage earned in the class

The most interesting thing about these two groups of students is that the one group was
overprotected through most classes leading up to the class in question and their general attitudes
during this class reflected their attitudes prior to this specific class, while the other group was a
group of first term students. These first term students were told up front what was expected of
them and little to no tolerance was given for late work submission (this rule was also applied to
the group that had been overprotected prior to this class). The first term group in turn appeared
to be in attendance more frequently, appeared to turn in work with more regularity, and appeared
to be less needy than the more experienced students. There were three drops from the new
students, but the absentee rate (absences versus 11 weeks * number of students) for the students
that completed the quarter was 8% (14/176) compared to the second group’s 11% (16/143) rate.
However, it should be noted that the second group was hurt by the one failure this quarter, who
alone accounted for five of the 16 absences, as this student regularly missed two classes and was
then present for one class. Removing these five absences from their rate takes the group
absentee rate down to 8% (11/143) as well. If you add in the dropped student absentee rate to the
new students total you get an additional 11 absentees out of 26 classes or 25/212 which is 12%.
It should be noted that, of these three drops two missed the first night of class without notifying
the school, but were able to catch up; and all three had good grades going into their string of
absences that ultimately led to their drop from school.

                                     Testing and Analysis
After the data was entered tests were conducted on the variables pre/postFinal and final in an
attempt to analyze if the data was normally distributed.
Figure 1                                                 Figure 2

                                                         Figure 3

What was noted from this (see figures 1-3), was that the data appeared slightly skewed, but
otherwise fairly normal.

Table 1

                                       Pre-Final               Final           Post-Final
                                      Percentage           Percentage          Percentage

 N                Valid                            29                    29                 29

                  Missing                           0                     0                 0
 Mean                                       85.5034                  75.3103        83.4724
 Std. Error of Mean                         2.65868                  2.92480        2.35729
 Median                                     83.7000                  76.0000        82.2000
 Mode                                            73.10                 92.00         85.90
 Std. Deviation                            14.31741                 15.75052       12.69437
Variance                                          204.988     248.079      161.147
 Skewness                                              -.413     -.102         -.307
 Std. Error of Skewness                                .434       .434          .434
 Kurtosis                                              .552     -1.029          .686
 Std. Error of Kurtosis                                .845       .845          .845
 Percentiles     25                                76.3500     62.5000      75.2000

                 50                                83.7000     76.0000      82.2000

                 75                                95.9000     92.0000      93.1000

a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown

Further analysis (see Table 1) showed that all variables were within tolerance and that the only
variable showing any signs of abnormality regarded the kurtosis of the final percentage -
1.029/.845 = -1.22, but it was still within the tolerance of 1.96. So it was concluded that all data
was normally distributed.

The mean pre-final percentage grade did appear to decrease with the number of absences (see
Figure 4). Additionally the mean pre-final percentage appeared to decrease with the number of
missing assignments (see Figure 5).

Figure 4                                                        Figure 5
An ANCOVA was performed on the preFinal percentage and postFinal percentage using a fixed
factor of Absences and a covariate of missing assignments. The results showed the covariate,
missing assignments was significantly related to absences F(1, 23) = 17.07, p < .05, r = .43.
Also it must be noted that there was not a significant effect on of absences on postFinal
percentage after controlling the effect of missing assignments F(4, 23) = 2.85, p < .05, partial η2
= .33 (see Tables 2 through 4).
Table 2
 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances
Dependent Variable:Post-Final Percentage

      F            df1               df2               Sig.

          1.504          4                 24               .233

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance
of the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + missing + absences

Table 3
                                 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:Post-Final Percentage

 Source                  Type III Sum of
                              Squares                      df             Mean Square        F             Sig.
 Corrected Model                3346.783                            5            669.357     13.211           .000
 Intercept                     21510.189                            1          21510.189    424.542           .000
 missing                             864.841                        1            864.841     17.069           .000
 absences                            577.985                        4            144.496      2.852           .047
 Error                           1165.335                       23                50.667
 Total                        206573.790                        29
 Corrected Total                 4512.118                       28
a. R Squared = .742 (Adjusted R Squared = .686)

Table 4
                                                      Parameter Estimates
Dependent Variable:Post-Final Percentage

 Parameter                                                                                   95% Confidence Interval

                          B            Std. Error                   t            Sig.      Lower Bound       Upper Bound

 Intercept               84.068             11.078                  7.589           .000         61.152              106.984
 missing                     -.596                  .144            -4.131          .000           -.895               -.298
 [absences=0]            15.984                 9.770               1.636           .115          -4.225              36.194
 [absences=1]             5.915                 9.407                   .629        .536         -13.545              25.375
 [absences=2]             8.012             10.273                      .780        .443         -13.239              29.263
[absences=3]            10.046                   9.024               1.113         .277          -8.620                 28.713
 [absences=5]                  0                         .                 .            .                 .                   .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

The results further showed that there was not a significant effect on of absences on preFinal
percentage after controlling the effect of missing assignments F(4, 23) = 2.90, p < .05, partial η2
= .34 (see Tables 5 through 7).

Table 5
 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances
Dependent Variable:Pre-Final Percentage

      F            df1                 df2               Sig.

          .832           4                   24               .518

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance
of the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + missing + absences

Table 6
                                   Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:Pre-Final Percentage

 Source                  Type III Sum of
                              Squares                        df           Mean Square         F               Sig.
 Corrected Model                4417.947                              5          883.589      15.376             .000
 Intercept                     23406.178                              1        23406.178     407.303             .000
 missing                         1235.160                             1         1235.160      21.494             .000
 absences                              666.504                        4          166.626       2.900             .044
 Error                           1321.723                         23              57.466
 Total                        217754.020                          29
 Corrected Total                 5739.670                         28

a. R Squared = .770 (Adjusted R Squared = .720)

Table 7
                                                        Parameter Estimates
Dependent Variable:Pre-Final Percentage

 Parameter                                                                                    95% Confidence Interval

                          B              Std. Error                   t          Sig.       Lower Bound         Upper Bound

 Intercept               87.709               11.797                  7.435         .000          63.304                112.114
 missing                     -.713                    .154            -4.636        .000          -1.031                  -.395
 [absences=0]            17.031               10.404                  1.637         .115          -4.492                 38.555
[absences=1]            6.668       10.018          .666    .512   -14.057        27.392
[absences=2]            7.402       10.940          .677    .505   -15.230        30.034
[absences=3]          10.512         9.610        1.094     .285    -9.368        30.391
[absences=5]               0              .             .      .         .              .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Lastly a correlation was performed on all variables (see Table 8) in order to find relationships
between the variables. The variable gender showed no significance to our test and will be
excluded from this report; however, all other variables showed some level of significant
correlation with other variables at the p < .01 level and the findings will be reported here.

Absences showed a significant correlation to missing assignments r = .59, preFinal percentage r
= -.67, and postFinal percentage r = -.65, (all ps < .01).

Missing assignments showed a significant correlation to preFinal r = -.81 and postFinal r = -.78,
(all ps < .01).

The preFinal percentage showed a significant correlation to postFinal r = .97, p < .01, and the
final percentage only showed a significant correlation with postFinal r = .50, p < .01.
Table 8

                                                                    Assignment                        Pre-Final            Final           Post-Final
                                                    Absences        Percentage          Gender       Percentage          Percentage        Percentage
                                                                                   **                               **                                   **
 Absences               Pearson Correlation                1               .593            .061             -.670                  -.190         -.652

                        Sig. (2-tailed)                                        .001        .755               .000                  .323           .000

                        Sum of Squares and Cross-      44.966            280.455           .828          -340.203            -106.310          -293.672

                        Covariance                      1.606             10.016           .030            -12.150             -3.797           -10.488

                        N                                 29                     29          29                   29                  29                29
                                                               **                                                   **                                   **
 Missing Assignment     Pearson Correlation             .593                     1         .081             -.808                  -.216         -.783
 Percentage             Sig. (2-tailed)                  .001                              .677               .000                  .260           .000
                        Sum of Squares and Cross-     280.455           4977.432         11.576         -4321.174           -1272.103         -3712.344
                        Covariance                     10.016            177.765           .413          -154.328             -45.432          -132.584
                        N                                 29                     29          29                   29                  29                29
 Gender                 Pearson Correlation              .061                  .081              1           -.266                  .044           -.229
                        Sig. (2-tailed)                  .755                  .677                           .164                  .821           .233
                        Sum of Squares and Cross-        .828             11.576          4.138            -40.917                 7.448        -31.262
                        Covariance                       .030                  .413        .148             -1.461                  .266         -1.117
                        N                                 29                     29          29                   29                  29                29
                                                               **                  **                                                                    **
 Pre-Final Percentage   Pearson Correlation            -.670               -.808           -.266                  1                 .275          .971
                        Sig. (2-tailed)                  .000                  .000        .164                                     .150           .000
                        Sum of Squares and Cross-    -340.203          -4321.174         -40.917         5739.670            1733.469          4941.903
Covariance                    -12.150        -154.328        -1.461    204.988         61.910        176.497
                                  N                                 29              29            29         29             29             29
Final Percentage                  Pearson Correlation             -.190           -.216         .044        .275             1           .496
                                  Sig. (2-tailed)                  .323            .260         .821        .150                          .006
                                  Sum of Squares and Cross-    -106.310       -1272.103        7.448    1733.469       6946.207       2777.448
                                  Covariance                     -3.797         -45.432         .266      61.910        248.079         99.195
                                  N                                 29              29            29         29             29             29
                                                                         **              **                       **             **
Post-Final Percentage             Pearson Correlation            -.652           -.783          -.229      .971           .496              1

                                  Sig. (2-tailed)                  .000            .000         .233        .000           .006

                                  Sum of Squares and Cross-    -293.672       -3712.344       -31.262   4941.903       2777.448       4512.118

                                  Covariance                    -10.488        -132.584        -1.117    176.497         99.195        161.147

                                  N                                 29              29            29         29             29             29

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
What seems clear from this analysis is that although there is a correlation between absenteeism
and final grades, the overriding factor appears to be missing assignments. While absenteeism
played a role in the participant’s grade, it would seem that absenteeism correlated more directly
with drop rates, and missing assignments had a more significant effect on both preFinal and
postFinal scores than did attendance alone. Also, while the final exam did have a significant
correlation to the participant’s postFinal score, as would be expected; the preFinal percentage did
not play a significant role in the final exam score. This appears to indicate that although a
student misses class on a regular basis, they can still score well on the final exam, as would be
expected if they study. However, if they continually fail to attend class and fail to turn in
assignments, this has little impact on the final exam score, but it does negatively impact preFinal
scores which cannot be overcome by a high final exam score.

It appears that attendance has a limited impact on students’ scores, but the overpowering
negative that affects student success is failure to turn in assignments. This in turn places them at
a severe disadvantage prior to the final. The question is, how much is a faculty member able to
influence attendance? While there is some impact due to likeability, style, etc., that we have not
addressed with this study, there is nothing that a faculty member can do to force attendance; and
what this study clearly shows is that even if a student attends, failure to submit work will still
doom them to failure.

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Grade Statistics

  • 1. Grade statistics from two random classes Introduction The classes used in this study (Class A and Class B) were held at the same campus in Wichita, KS during June through September 2010 by the same instructor. These two classes were held on a Thursday and a Friday night with Class A being held on Thursday and Class B being held on Friday. Class A completed with 13 students and Class B completed with 16 students. The following analysis was performed by extracting statistics based upon the following variables. Class = a numeric value assigned to each class starting with A1 being 1 through A6 being 11 thus for Thursday and Friday evening classes the data would be 8 and 10 respectively Absences = a numeric value for the number of classes a given student missed during the quarter Missing = the missing assignment percentage for a given student. For Class A there were 34 assignments and for Class B there were 25. Gender = a numeric value representing the gender of the student 0 = Male and 1 = Female preFinal = the percentage the student had going into the final exam Final = the percentage earned on the final exam postFinal = the final percentage earned in the class Background The most interesting thing about these two groups of students is that the one group was overprotected through most classes leading up to the class in question and their general attitudes during this class reflected their attitudes prior to this specific class, while the other group was a group of first term students. These first term students were told up front what was expected of them and little to no tolerance was given for late work submission (this rule was also applied to the group that had been overprotected prior to this class). The first term group in turn appeared to be in attendance more frequently, appeared to turn in work with more regularity, and appeared to be less needy than the more experienced students. There were three drops from the new students, but the absentee rate (absences versus 11 weeks * number of students) for the students that completed the quarter was 8% (14/176) compared to the second group’s 11% (16/143) rate. However, it should be noted that the second group was hurt by the one failure this quarter, who alone accounted for five of the 16 absences, as this student regularly missed two classes and was then present for one class. Removing these five absences from their rate takes the group absentee rate down to 8% (11/143) as well. If you add in the dropped student absentee rate to the new students total you get an additional 11 absentees out of 26 classes or 25/212 which is 12%. It should be noted that, of these three drops two missed the first night of class without notifying the school, but were able to catch up; and all three had good grades going into their string of absences that ultimately led to their drop from school. Testing and Analysis After the data was entered tests were conducted on the variables pre/postFinal and final in an attempt to analyze if the data was normally distributed.
  • 2. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 What was noted from this (see figures 1-3), was that the data appeared slightly skewed, but otherwise fairly normal. Table 1 Statistics Pre-Final Final Post-Final Percentage Percentage Percentage N Valid 29 29 29 Missing 0 0 0 Mean 85.5034 75.3103 83.4724 Std. Error of Mean 2.65868 2.92480 2.35729 Median 83.7000 76.0000 82.2000 a Mode 73.10 92.00 85.90 Std. Deviation 14.31741 15.75052 12.69437
  • 3. Variance 204.988 248.079 161.147 Skewness -.413 -.102 -.307 Std. Error of Skewness .434 .434 .434 Kurtosis .552 -1.029 .686 Std. Error of Kurtosis .845 .845 .845 Percentiles 25 76.3500 62.5000 75.2000 50 83.7000 76.0000 82.2000 75 95.9000 92.0000 93.1000 a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown Further analysis (see Table 1) showed that all variables were within tolerance and that the only variable showing any signs of abnormality regarded the kurtosis of the final percentage - 1.029/.845 = -1.22, but it was still within the tolerance of 1.96. So it was concluded that all data was normally distributed. The mean pre-final percentage grade did appear to decrease with the number of absences (see Figure 4). Additionally the mean pre-final percentage appeared to decrease with the number of missing assignments (see Figure 5). Figure 4 Figure 5
  • 4. An ANCOVA was performed on the preFinal percentage and postFinal percentage using a fixed factor of Absences and a covariate of missing assignments. The results showed the covariate, missing assignments was significantly related to absences F(1, 23) = 17.07, p < .05, r = .43. Also it must be noted that there was not a significant effect on of absences on postFinal percentage after controlling the effect of missing assignments F(4, 23) = 2.85, p < .05, partial η2 = .33 (see Tables 2 through 4). Table 2 a Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances Dependent Variable:Post-Final Percentage F df1 df2 Sig. 1.504 4 24 .233 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + missing + absences Table 3 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:Post-Final Percentage Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. a Corrected Model 3346.783 5 669.357 13.211 .000 Intercept 21510.189 1 21510.189 424.542 .000 missing 864.841 1 864.841 17.069 .000 absences 577.985 4 144.496 2.852 .047 Error 1165.335 23 50.667 Total 206573.790 29 Corrected Total 4512.118 28 a. R Squared = .742 (Adjusted R Squared = .686) Table 4 Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:Post-Final Percentage Parameter 95% Confidence Interval B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Intercept 84.068 11.078 7.589 .000 61.152 106.984 missing -.596 .144 -4.131 .000 -.895 -.298 [absences=0] 15.984 9.770 1.636 .115 -4.225 36.194 [absences=1] 5.915 9.407 .629 .536 -13.545 25.375 [absences=2] 8.012 10.273 .780 .443 -13.239 29.263
  • 5. [absences=3] 10.046 9.024 1.113 .277 -8.620 28.713 a [absences=5] 0 . . . . . a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. The results further showed that there was not a significant effect on of absences on preFinal percentage after controlling the effect of missing assignments F(4, 23) = 2.90, p < .05, partial η2 = .34 (see Tables 5 through 7). Table 5 a Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances Dependent Variable:Pre-Final Percentage F df1 df2 Sig. .832 4 24 .518 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + missing + absences Table 6 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:Pre-Final Percentage Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. a Corrected Model 4417.947 5 883.589 15.376 .000 Intercept 23406.178 1 23406.178 407.303 .000 missing 1235.160 1 1235.160 21.494 .000 absences 666.504 4 166.626 2.900 .044 Error 1321.723 23 57.466 Total 217754.020 29 Corrected Total 5739.670 28 a. R Squared = .770 (Adjusted R Squared = .720) Table 7 Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:Pre-Final Percentage Parameter 95% Confidence Interval B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Intercept 87.709 11.797 7.435 .000 63.304 112.114 missing -.713 .154 -4.636 .000 -1.031 -.395 [absences=0] 17.031 10.404 1.637 .115 -4.492 38.555
  • 6. [absences=1] 6.668 10.018 .666 .512 -14.057 27.392 [absences=2] 7.402 10.940 .677 .505 -15.230 30.034 [absences=3] 10.512 9.610 1.094 .285 -9.368 30.391 a [absences=5] 0 . . . . . a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. Lastly a correlation was performed on all variables (see Table 8) in order to find relationships between the variables. The variable gender showed no significance to our test and will be excluded from this report; however, all other variables showed some level of significant correlation with other variables at the p < .01 level and the findings will be reported here. Absences showed a significant correlation to missing assignments r = .59, preFinal percentage r = -.67, and postFinal percentage r = -.65, (all ps < .01). Missing assignments showed a significant correlation to preFinal r = -.81 and postFinal r = -.78, (all ps < .01). The preFinal percentage showed a significant correlation to postFinal r = .97, p < .01, and the final percentage only showed a significant correlation with postFinal r = .50, p < .01.
  • 7. Table 8 Correlations Missing Assignment Pre-Final Final Post-Final Absences Percentage Gender Percentage Percentage Percentage ** ** ** Absences Pearson Correlation 1 .593 .061 -.670 -.190 -.652 Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .755 .000 .323 .000 Sum of Squares and Cross- 44.966 280.455 .828 -340.203 -106.310 -293.672 products Covariance 1.606 10.016 .030 -12.150 -3.797 -10.488 N 29 29 29 29 29 29 ** ** ** Missing Assignment Pearson Correlation .593 1 .081 -.808 -.216 -.783 Percentage Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .677 .000 .260 .000 Sum of Squares and Cross- 280.455 4977.432 11.576 -4321.174 -1272.103 -3712.344 products Covariance 10.016 177.765 .413 -154.328 -45.432 -132.584 N 29 29 29 29 29 29 Gender Pearson Correlation .061 .081 1 -.266 .044 -.229 Sig. (2-tailed) .755 .677 .164 .821 .233 Sum of Squares and Cross- .828 11.576 4.138 -40.917 7.448 -31.262 products Covariance .030 .413 .148 -1.461 .266 -1.117 N 29 29 29 29 29 29 ** ** ** Pre-Final Percentage Pearson Correlation -.670 -.808 -.266 1 .275 .971 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .164 .150 .000 Sum of Squares and Cross- -340.203 -4321.174 -40.917 5739.670 1733.469 4941.903 products
  • 8. Covariance -12.150 -154.328 -1.461 204.988 61.910 176.497 N 29 29 29 29 29 29 ** Final Percentage Pearson Correlation -.190 -.216 .044 .275 1 .496 Sig. (2-tailed) .323 .260 .821 .150 .006 Sum of Squares and Cross- -106.310 -1272.103 7.448 1733.469 6946.207 2777.448 products Covariance -3.797 -45.432 .266 61.910 248.079 99.195 N 29 29 29 29 29 29 ** ** ** ** Post-Final Percentage Pearson Correlation -.652 -.783 -.229 .971 .496 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .233 .000 .006 Sum of Squares and Cross- -293.672 -3712.344 -31.262 4941.903 2777.448 4512.118 products Covariance -10.488 -132.584 -1.117 176.497 99.195 161.147 N 29 29 29 29 29 29 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
  • 9. Conclusions What seems clear from this analysis is that although there is a correlation between absenteeism and final grades, the overriding factor appears to be missing assignments. While absenteeism played a role in the participant’s grade, it would seem that absenteeism correlated more directly with drop rates, and missing assignments had a more significant effect on both preFinal and postFinal scores than did attendance alone. Also, while the final exam did have a significant correlation to the participant’s postFinal score, as would be expected; the preFinal percentage did not play a significant role in the final exam score. This appears to indicate that although a student misses class on a regular basis, they can still score well on the final exam, as would be expected if they study. However, if they continually fail to attend class and fail to turn in assignments, this has little impact on the final exam score, but it does negatively impact preFinal scores which cannot be overcome by a high final exam score. It appears that attendance has a limited impact on students’ scores, but the overpowering negative that affects student success is failure to turn in assignments. This in turn places them at a severe disadvantage prior to the final. The question is, how much is a faculty member able to influence attendance? While there is some impact due to likeability, style, etc., that we have not addressed with this study, there is nothing that a faculty member can do to force attendance; and what this study clearly shows is that even if a student attends, failure to submit work will still doom them to failure.