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Association Management Overview
“As far as upgrading, I have found it is important
                                                          to stay current with technology – it shows my staff
                                                             we are investing in the future, which provides
                                                           them a level of assurance. Plus, I notice for us to
                                                            retain the X & Y generation staff, you must offer
                                                           a technologically up-to-date IT infrastructure and
                                                                      gomembers helps with this.”

                                                                                                      Henry Sorbet
                                                                                            Technology Manager at
                                                                                           Society of Louisiana CPA

     “ One benefit of gomembers is being able to
  customize our data entry screens. We can design
  the layout that is best suited for our organization’s
 processes. It has saved AAOMS money and made
it easier for staff to access the system, especially for
                  the occasional user.”

                                                   Kim Molley
                            Controller at American Association
                            of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

                                                              “ I can’t see not having a support agreement; we
                                                             use support often and it is reassuring to know I don’t
                                                             have to think what this is costing me each time I call
                                                              as the one fee for the year provides me unlimited
                                                                support. Also, with a small staff it is especially
                                                               beneficial to lean on a team of experts who have
                                                                            skills beyond our staff.”

                                                                                                         Brian Lovellette
                                                                                         President of Association Services
                                                                                                               of Michigan
Less is More—
Simplifying solutions to gain more time
gomembers: Not-For-Profit and Association management solution

The world of not-for-profits and associations is          gomembers provides organizations with the security
becoming more sophisticated. Members and                  and flexibility to meet unique business needs and
nonmembers are expecting more out of the                  increase the potential for revenue and more satisfied
associations they belong to while these same              staff and members.
organizations have to provide more with less staff
and funding.
CDC Software’s gomembers solution offers an open
scalable platform with excellent performance, low
cost and easy deployment. gomembers is a browser-
based solution providing the ability for administrative
users and members to access their data from virtually
anywhere via the internet.

                                                                         CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview   3
The gomembers Solution
               CDC Software’s gomembers solution is a                   But the solution does not stop with just these 10
               full-featured association management solution (AMS)      modules. Recognizing that the requirements for Not-
               that will give you the easy-to-use management            For-Profits and Associations vary greatly from one
               tools to ramp up your organization and its services      organization to the next, we provide a flexible solution
               offered. This leading edge solution will provide your    that can be adapted to your needs. As part of the
               organization with the security and flexibility to meet   flexibility in gomembers you can add-on individual
               your unique business needs and increase potential        modules or all of them based on your unique needs.
               for revenue and member services.                         Add-ons include:
               gomembers is based on 10 core modules that create        • eBusiness Suite
               your basic gomembers solution:                           • Business Intelligence Reporting Services
               • Membership                                             • Content Management System (CMS)
               • Constituents                                           • Product, Subscription, Exhibit and Advertising
               • Meetings                                                 Sales
               • Contact management                                     • Fund Raising, Chapter Management, Classroom
               • Invoicing                                              • And many more
               • Credit Card Processing
               • Cash Receipts
               • Address Verification
               • Toolkit
               • Standard Reports

4   CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview
eBusiness Suite
Empower your web users to manage their information        Advertise and register for meetings,
and conduct business with you electronically by using
CDC Software eBusiness Suite. Comprised of an
                                                          events and classes
integrated set of applications for the web, eBusiness     Offer online registration for your organization’s
helps you create world-class constituent portal sites.    meetings, seminars, or continuing education classes.
These services can be used individually or collectively   Use the meetings management tools to set-up the
to provide a robust online experience for members and     details of your meetings and their sessions. Select
the public.                                               which meetings to publish in the eBusiness Suite –
                                                          including member and non-member registration fees,
The eBusiness Suite is easily embedded in your            graphics, links to abstracts and much more.
website to create a membership application that is
browser-independent. Web transactions are then            Members will enjoy how easy it is to register for events
automatically written into the holding area of the        and have the options to add guest registrations,
database so there is never any data entry duplication.    review their selections, and checkout with a secure
Through use of a shopping cart, eBusiness enables         submission of electronic payment information. Also,
your web customers to make purchases from a broad         once a meeting or session sells out, future registrants
range of offerings with a single credit card payment.     can be notified and offered the opportunity to be
Web transactions can be reviewed and edited ensuring      placed on a wait list.
each appropriate module along with cash receipts is
                                                          The unique ‘Register Another Attendee’ provides the
accurately maintained. This degree of integration and
                                                          ability for one individual to register other people from
feedback improves the customer’s website experience
                                                          their organization or company – and all transactions
while reducing your organization’s workload.
                                                          can be paid together or individually.

Manage online                                             By simplifying the back office processes, your staff
Enable your staff to setup and manage your portal         will be able to concentrate on the important parts of
site with the details of your membership, meetings,       the meeting. Once a transaction is complete, staff
products, descriptions and demographics you want to       and registered attendees alike can return to their
track and publish with the click of a button.             registration and add or change their selections at any
                                                          time while the meeting is web-enabled.
Renew and gain members
                                                          Keep up-to-date records automatically
Current members and potential new members can
renew or join your organization and its chapters,         Let web visitors and members enter or update
special interest groups and committees online.            personal profile information (i.e. name, address, phone
By setting up your membership structure in the            number, and demographic information) online. Your
gomembers database it can be automatically                organizational members can designate individuals
pushed to your website. The eBusiness Suite will          to act on their behalf, letting them maintain the
read the database and determine what information          organization’s profile information, and add individuals
to present on your website. Create unlimited              employed or related to their organization.
membership classes, types and associated products         Save your staff valuable time by allowing the profile
or entitlements and these can be published to the         information to be updated online in the eBusiness
eBusiness Suite.                                          Suite – empowering your members and making sure
                                                          your database is always up-to-date.

                                                                         CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview   5
Connecting through directories                              Subscribe online
               By offering online directories you will create an added     Allow web users to subscribe to your organization’s
               member service and will help people in your industry        publications or let existing subscribers easily renew. In
               connect much faster. You can create and maintain            the gomembers database you can set-up publications,
               directories of members, staff, affiliates, vendors,         rates, and subscriber types and display these options
               chapters, specials interest groups, or other individuals    on the web.
               or companies with similar characteristics through the
               gomembers back office.                                      Donations made easy
               Individuals and organizations can opt-out of the            Trying to raise funds for a worthy cause? The
               directory listings and update their specific information    eBusiness Suite extends the Fundraising module
               on-line – further reducing valuable staff time in           online. Anyone who visits your website can initiate
               maintaining this important member benefit.                  pledges with a partial payment, make outright
                                                                           donations in suggested amounts, and pay using the
               Shop till you drop                                          secure credit card processing. Visitors and members
                                                                           can view their contribution history including annual
               Market and sell your organization’s products, services,     gift history and pledge history, and make payments
               and publications through the eBusiness Suite Shopper        against existing pledges.
               module. Buyers visiting your website may select
               items, review their order, or check out with a secure
               submission of electronic payment information.               Class is in session
                                                                           Extend your continuing education (CE) courses
               By using the Shopper module you can create an online        online. Visitors can purchase courses, access course
               storefront that will sell products, add shipping charges,   materials, complete an exam, and have CE credits
               create volume discounts, and apply sales tax by using       recorded. With the eBusiness Suite, visitors can
               the details already set-up in the gomembers database.       combine their course purchases with other web-based
               One entry can drive both the back office Service            transactions and make a single payment.
               Center activities and the on-line shopping experience.
               Choose what will be available online to purchase and
               set-up discounted “member” pricing and standard
               “non-member” pricing to encourage membership
               sign-up—or set-up different catalogs for members and
               visitors. Product graphics and text descriptions can
               also be defined and displayed on the web.
               And in case you run out of a product, web users can
               have the option to backorder, causing more revenue to
               be generated.

6   CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview
Reporting Services
While capturing membership data is important to the            automatically through subscriptions; to access reports
success of any not-for-profit or association, generating       from a central report repository on an ad-hoc basis;
accurate, timely, flexible and intuitive reports is critical   or to view reports directly embedded onto their CDC
to the future of the organization. That is why CDC             Software gomembers homepage and / or CMS group
Software utilizes Microsoft SQL Server Reporting               page.
Services to support a wide variety of reporting needs
including managed enterprise reporting, ad-hoc                 Generating dynamic Business Intelligence (BI) reports
reporting, embedded reporting and web-based                    in a graphical presentation with drill-through and
reporting to deliver relevant information where needed         drill-down reporting puts the vital information needed
across the entire organization.                                to manage the organization at the finger tips of
                                                               executives, departmental managers and the board of
CDC Software’s Reporting Services provides the tools           directors.
and features necessary to author a variety of richly
formatted reports from a wide range of data sources            With the robust Data Model provided with the
and provides a comprehensive set of familiar tools             gomembers Reporting Services, all data elements and
used to manage and secure an enterprise reporting              tables are available, with pre-defined relationships so
solution.                                                      related files and data are automatically presented to
                                                               the end user as they build the report.
Reports are processed and delivered quickly and
effectively, enabling users to either receive reports          Reporting Services is a critical component of a
                                                               successful management solution.

Dynamic Website Solution
CDC Software offers a powerful and effective Content           Text/HTML
Management System (CMS) that will give you better
                                                               This module is the most frequently used and most
control over your entire website. CMS provides a
                                                               important module when creating a great website. This
web-based way to create, edit, manage and publish
                                                               will give you the ability to easily update your content
web content. Role-based access control allows you to
                                                               and publish articles containing text, rich graphics,
decide which users have permission to see and/or edit
                                                               hyper-links and images.
the content.
Create consistent branding with your website by                Documents
choosing “skins” with a standard color scheme and              Upload documents into a list that your users can view
implementing modules, custom images (headings                  or download. This will make your standards, minutes
and banners) and standardized documents. Or if your            from meetings or annual reports more accessible to
organization has a specific color scheme, choose to            your members. You can also track and log edits as an
customize your template with your exact colors.                add-on.
The standard CMS package comes with seven core
modules that will help get your website off the ground
or updated to a modern look and feel. The standard
modules are as follows:

                                                                             CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview   7
Events Calendar                                                        News Feed
                Get the word out about your events by displaying                       Display news feeds on your portal. Embed RSS news
                them as a link in a monthly or weekly calendar, or a                   feeds or relevant, dynamically generated lists of news
                list in chronological order. Each event includes a title,              items; each containing a title with a link to read more,
                text description and date. Display of an image and                     and a brief description of the news item. RSS is an
                the event time is optional. Each event can be set to                   acronym for Really Simple Syndication.
                automatically expire on a particular date, or re-occur
                by any specified number of days, weeks, months                         Members Only with Single Sign
                or years. Embed links to your registration pages to
                                                                                       Allow any module or page to be restricted to groups
                facilitate on-line registration.
                                                                                       of users you choose, such as members, board
                                                                                       members, committee members, etc. You control the
                Forum                                                                  content that each group of users has access to. When
                Allow your users to hold online discussions and post                   installed and used with your CDC Software solution,
                user-generated content, building bonds with each                       the single sign-on capability allows one user ID and
                other around discussion topics. Manage multiple                        password to manage access to website content,
                forums which can be organized into groups. Each                        manage-my-profile, and eCommerce modules. It also
                forum post includes a subject title and simple-text                    can be configured to automatically control access
                content. Posts can occur immediately or await a                        to website content based on the profile and current
                moderator’s approval and/or editing. Forums can be                     status of the user’s activity history.
                searched by users, with filters for dates, authors and
                forum.                                                                 Make your website unique
                                                                                       The standard package of modules is just the start of
                Announcements/News                                                     what you can do with your organization’s website.
                Display a list of announcements. Each announcement                     Choose add-ons that will make your website even
                includes a title and a rich text description.                          more robust. Commonly used add-on modules
                Announcements are arranged by their publish date by                    include:
                default.                                                               • Blog
                • Optional fields: an image, date of publication and a                 • Banner Advertisement
                  “Read More” link
                                                                                       • Wiki
                • Announcements settings: the module’s settings
                                                                                       • Survey
                  page includes a template editor which allows the
                  Administrators to modify the styles, layout and                      • Job Postings
                  content displayed for each announcement. The
                  number of day’s history can be set here, as can the                  However, your organization’s website is not limited to
                  length of the description used in search results and                 just these add-on modules. Our CMS is built using
                  RSS feeds.                                                           the DotNetNuke (DNN) – the most popular CMS
                                                                                       development platform and this means you have
                                                                                       access to a world-wide network of developers and
                                                                                       modules that we can integrate or implement right into
                                                                                       your CDC Software CMS website to make it one of a

Discover the Power of gomembers
To find out how you can leverage the power of CDC Software solutions, call +1 888.288.4634 or visit
Copyright © CDC Software 2010. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and CDC Software logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.

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  • 2. “As far as upgrading, I have found it is important to stay current with technology – it shows my staff we are investing in the future, which provides them a level of assurance. Plus, I notice for us to retain the X & Y generation staff, you must offer a technologically up-to-date IT infrastructure and gomembers helps with this.” Henry Sorbet Technology Manager at Society of Louisiana CPA “ One benefit of gomembers is being able to customize our data entry screens. We can design the layout that is best suited for our organization’s processes. It has saved AAOMS money and made it easier for staff to access the system, especially for the occasional user.” Kim Molley Controller at American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons “ I can’t see not having a support agreement; we use support often and it is reassuring to know I don’t have to think what this is costing me each time I call as the one fee for the year provides me unlimited support. Also, with a small staff it is especially beneficial to lean on a team of experts who have skills beyond our staff.” Brian Lovellette President of Association Services of Michigan
  • 3. Less is More— Simplifying solutions to gain more time gomembers: Not-For-Profit and Association management solution The world of not-for-profits and associations is gomembers provides organizations with the security becoming more sophisticated. Members and and flexibility to meet unique business needs and nonmembers are expecting more out of the increase the potential for revenue and more satisfied associations they belong to while these same staff and members. organizations have to provide more with less staff and funding. CDC Software’s gomembers solution offers an open scalable platform with excellent performance, low cost and easy deployment. gomembers is a browser- based solution providing the ability for administrative users and members to access their data from virtually anywhere via the internet. CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview 3
  • 4. The gomembers Solution CDC Software’s gomembers solution is a But the solution does not stop with just these 10 full-featured association management solution (AMS) modules. Recognizing that the requirements for Not- that will give you the easy-to-use management For-Profits and Associations vary greatly from one tools to ramp up your organization and its services organization to the next, we provide a flexible solution offered. This leading edge solution will provide your that can be adapted to your needs. As part of the organization with the security and flexibility to meet flexibility in gomembers you can add-on individual your unique business needs and increase potential modules or all of them based on your unique needs. for revenue and member services. Add-ons include: gomembers is based on 10 core modules that create • eBusiness Suite your basic gomembers solution: • Business Intelligence Reporting Services • Membership • Content Management System (CMS) • Constituents • Product, Subscription, Exhibit and Advertising • Meetings Sales • Contact management • Fund Raising, Chapter Management, Classroom • Invoicing • And many more • Credit Card Processing • Cash Receipts • Address Verification • Toolkit • Standard Reports 4 CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview
  • 5. eBusiness Suite Empower your web users to manage their information Advertise and register for meetings, and conduct business with you electronically by using CDC Software eBusiness Suite. Comprised of an events and classes integrated set of applications for the web, eBusiness Offer online registration for your organization’s helps you create world-class constituent portal sites. meetings, seminars, or continuing education classes. These services can be used individually or collectively Use the meetings management tools to set-up the to provide a robust online experience for members and details of your meetings and their sessions. Select the public. which meetings to publish in the eBusiness Suite – including member and non-member registration fees, The eBusiness Suite is easily embedded in your graphics, links to abstracts and much more. website to create a membership application that is browser-independent. Web transactions are then Members will enjoy how easy it is to register for events automatically written into the holding area of the and have the options to add guest registrations, database so there is never any data entry duplication. review their selections, and checkout with a secure Through use of a shopping cart, eBusiness enables submission of electronic payment information. Also, your web customers to make purchases from a broad once a meeting or session sells out, future registrants range of offerings with a single credit card payment. can be notified and offered the opportunity to be Web transactions can be reviewed and edited ensuring placed on a wait list. each appropriate module along with cash receipts is The unique ‘Register Another Attendee’ provides the accurately maintained. This degree of integration and ability for one individual to register other people from feedback improves the customer’s website experience their organization or company – and all transactions while reducing your organization’s workload. can be paid together or individually. Manage online By simplifying the back office processes, your staff Enable your staff to setup and manage your portal will be able to concentrate on the important parts of site with the details of your membership, meetings, the meeting. Once a transaction is complete, staff products, descriptions and demographics you want to and registered attendees alike can return to their track and publish with the click of a button. registration and add or change their selections at any time while the meeting is web-enabled. Renew and gain members Keep up-to-date records automatically Current members and potential new members can renew or join your organization and its chapters, Let web visitors and members enter or update special interest groups and committees online. personal profile information (i.e. name, address, phone By setting up your membership structure in the number, and demographic information) online. Your gomembers database it can be automatically organizational members can designate individuals pushed to your website. The eBusiness Suite will to act on their behalf, letting them maintain the read the database and determine what information organization’s profile information, and add individuals to present on your website. Create unlimited employed or related to their organization. membership classes, types and associated products Save your staff valuable time by allowing the profile or entitlements and these can be published to the information to be updated online in the eBusiness eBusiness Suite. Suite – empowering your members and making sure your database is always up-to-date. CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview 5
  • 6. Connecting through directories Subscribe online By offering online directories you will create an added Allow web users to subscribe to your organization’s member service and will help people in your industry publications or let existing subscribers easily renew. In connect much faster. You can create and maintain the gomembers database you can set-up publications, directories of members, staff, affiliates, vendors, rates, and subscriber types and display these options chapters, specials interest groups, or other individuals on the web. or companies with similar characteristics through the gomembers back office. Donations made easy Individuals and organizations can opt-out of the Trying to raise funds for a worthy cause? The directory listings and update their specific information eBusiness Suite extends the Fundraising module on-line – further reducing valuable staff time in online. Anyone who visits your website can initiate maintaining this important member benefit. pledges with a partial payment, make outright donations in suggested amounts, and pay using the Shop till you drop secure credit card processing. Visitors and members can view their contribution history including annual Market and sell your organization’s products, services, gift history and pledge history, and make payments and publications through the eBusiness Suite Shopper against existing pledges. module. Buyers visiting your website may select items, review their order, or check out with a secure submission of electronic payment information. Class is in session Extend your continuing education (CE) courses By using the Shopper module you can create an online online. Visitors can purchase courses, access course storefront that will sell products, add shipping charges, materials, complete an exam, and have CE credits create volume discounts, and apply sales tax by using recorded. With the eBusiness Suite, visitors can the details already set-up in the gomembers database. combine their course purchases with other web-based One entry can drive both the back office Service transactions and make a single payment. Center activities and the on-line shopping experience. Choose what will be available online to purchase and set-up discounted “member” pricing and standard “non-member” pricing to encourage membership sign-up—or set-up different catalogs for members and visitors. Product graphics and text descriptions can also be defined and displayed on the web. And in case you run out of a product, web users can have the option to backorder, causing more revenue to be generated. 6 CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview
  • 7. Reporting Services While capturing membership data is important to the automatically through subscriptions; to access reports success of any not-for-profit or association, generating from a central report repository on an ad-hoc basis; accurate, timely, flexible and intuitive reports is critical or to view reports directly embedded onto their CDC to the future of the organization. That is why CDC Software gomembers homepage and / or CMS group Software utilizes Microsoft SQL Server Reporting page. Services to support a wide variety of reporting needs including managed enterprise reporting, ad-hoc Generating dynamic Business Intelligence (BI) reports reporting, embedded reporting and web-based in a graphical presentation with drill-through and reporting to deliver relevant information where needed drill-down reporting puts the vital information needed across the entire organization. to manage the organization at the finger tips of executives, departmental managers and the board of CDC Software’s Reporting Services provides the tools directors. and features necessary to author a variety of richly formatted reports from a wide range of data sources With the robust Data Model provided with the and provides a comprehensive set of familiar tools gomembers Reporting Services, all data elements and used to manage and secure an enterprise reporting tables are available, with pre-defined relationships so solution. related files and data are automatically presented to the end user as they build the report. Reports are processed and delivered quickly and effectively, enabling users to either receive reports Reporting Services is a critical component of a successful management solution. Dynamic Website Solution CDC Software offers a powerful and effective Content Text/HTML Management System (CMS) that will give you better This module is the most frequently used and most control over your entire website. CMS provides a important module when creating a great website. This web-based way to create, edit, manage and publish will give you the ability to easily update your content web content. Role-based access control allows you to and publish articles containing text, rich graphics, decide which users have permission to see and/or edit hyper-links and images. the content. Create consistent branding with your website by Documents choosing “skins” with a standard color scheme and Upload documents into a list that your users can view implementing modules, custom images (headings or download. This will make your standards, minutes and banners) and standardized documents. Or if your from meetings or annual reports more accessible to organization has a specific color scheme, choose to your members. You can also track and log edits as an customize your template with your exact colors. add-on. The standard CMS package comes with seven core modules that will help get your website off the ground or updated to a modern look and feel. The standard modules are as follows: CDC Software | gomembers Association Management Overview 7
  • 8. Events Calendar News Feed Get the word out about your events by displaying Display news feeds on your portal. Embed RSS news them as a link in a monthly or weekly calendar, or a feeds or relevant, dynamically generated lists of news list in chronological order. Each event includes a title, items; each containing a title with a link to read more, text description and date. Display of an image and and a brief description of the news item. RSS is an the event time is optional. Each event can be set to acronym for Really Simple Syndication. automatically expire on a particular date, or re-occur by any specified number of days, weeks, months Members Only with Single Sign or years. Embed links to your registration pages to Allow any module or page to be restricted to groups facilitate on-line registration. of users you choose, such as members, board members, committee members, etc. You control the Forum content that each group of users has access to. When Allow your users to hold online discussions and post installed and used with your CDC Software solution, user-generated content, building bonds with each the single sign-on capability allows one user ID and other around discussion topics. Manage multiple password to manage access to website content, forums which can be organized into groups. Each manage-my-profile, and eCommerce modules. It also forum post includes a subject title and simple-text can be configured to automatically control access content. Posts can occur immediately or await a to website content based on the profile and current moderator’s approval and/or editing. Forums can be status of the user’s activity history. searched by users, with filters for dates, authors and forum. Make your website unique The standard package of modules is just the start of Announcements/News what you can do with your organization’s website. Display a list of announcements. Each announcement Choose add-ons that will make your website even includes a title and a rich text description. more robust. Commonly used add-on modules Announcements are arranged by their publish date by include: default. • Blog • Optional fields: an image, date of publication and a • Banner Advertisement “Read More” link • Wiki • Announcements settings: the module’s settings • Survey page includes a template editor which allows the Administrators to modify the styles, layout and • Job Postings content displayed for each announcement. The number of day’s history can be set here, as can the However, your organization’s website is not limited to length of the description used in search results and just these add-on modules. Our CMS is built using RSS feeds. the DotNetNuke (DNN) – the most popular CMS development platform and this means you have access to a world-wide network of developers and modules that we can integrate or implement right into your CDC Software CMS website to make it one of a kind! Discover the Power of gomembers To find out how you can leverage the power of CDC Software solutions, call +1 888.288.4634 or visit Copyright © CDC Software 2010. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and CDC Software logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.