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By James LaPorte
GOING VIRAL - Everything You've Been Told Is Wrong
§    Abstract…………………………………………..3
§    Content Isn’t King………………………………..4
§    Influencers Aren’t Influential...…………………15
§    Understanding Influence……………….………22
§    Understanding The Network………….……….31
§    Appendix………………………………………..42

Every marketer has heard that
   great content with a good

           influencer strategy can lead to

            This simply isn't true.

            Virality is not dependent on
            good content or
            disproportionately influential
            people; it's based on the
            ability of content to spread
            freely across a network.
   When I say content, I don’t
                        just mean a YouTube video or
                        a blog post.
                        Content can be an idea, a
                        product, a behavior, or a
                        Content is anything you want
                        people to advocate for and
   Content doesn’t actually
                            matter as much as you think it

                            You can create the best
                            content in the world, but if
                            nobody consumes it, it is
                            considered unsuccessful.
                            This happens all the time.
                            Think of all of the products,
                            songs, movies, and other
                            content created every day.
                            Do you believe that all good
                            content becomes successful?
                            Or that all successful content
                            is good?
   1.  Rebecca Black – Friday

                                      2.  Man with Golden Voice
                                       3.  VW Darth Vader
                                       4.  Lonely Island — "Jack
                                       5.  Father-Daughter singing
                                       6.  Webcam 101 for Seniors
                                       7.  My Drunk Kitchen – Brunch
                                       8.  Anderson Cooper Cracks
                                       9.  Dancing Thom Yorke
                                       10.  Honey Badger
There are very few common
   attributes between these videos.

                          The content ranges from a Super
                           Bowl commercial to a father and
                           daughter covering a song sitting
                           on their bed.
                           There are millions of cover songs,
                           commercials, and music videos
                           on YouTube.
                           These videos did not go viral
                           because of their content, they
                           went viral because of how
                           groups of people connected
                           and reacted to the content.
   There is no way to predict

                            what will go viral.
                             Common sense says that the
                             first step to going viral is
                             creating “great” content, but
                             that’s not possible.
                             So here lies our conundrum, it
                             impossible to define “great”
                             content without it already
                             being considered “great”.
   When we try to describe great
                         content, we run into what
                         Duncan Watts describes in his
                         book Everything is Obvious.
                         It’s not possible to define “great
                         content” without describing
                         what the content is.
                         What makes the Mona Lisa
                         Great? The subject matter? The
                         smile? The layers of paint? The
                         composition? None of these
                         things? All of these things?
                         The Mona Lisa is great because it
                         has the properties that make up
                         the Mona Lisa.
                         This is circular logic.
                        A popular example we can all
                        relate to is The Old Spice Guy
                        What made it great?
                        Most would say “It was
                        original, funny, and appealed
                        to their target”.
                        The problem is, there are
                        many commercials that set
                        out with the same goals.
                        It is only after the campaign
                        became popular that we can
                        peg its success to its
                              Describing content as the
                              reason for success sets us up
                              for failure because we aren’t
                              looking at the whole picture.
                              We try to explain a macro
                              phenomenon, content
                              going viral, by explaining the
                              micro attributes of our
                              When trying to understand
                              complex problems we
                              cannot look at individual
                              actions or attributes, we
                              have to look at the entire
                                  Think of a forest fire. We don’t
                                  extensively analyze the
                                  properties of a match to
                                  understand why there was a
                                  We look at the match along
                                  with the dryness of the brush,
                                  the direction of the wind, the
                                  other trees in proximity… we
                                  look at the whole network.
                                        It is still important that we
                                        create groundbreaking
                                        content, but if we focus on
                                        content alone will we will
                                        inevitably fail.
                                        The issue is we tend to
                                        correlate good content with
                                        virality and this is a false
                                        Some may agree that
                                        content isn’t that important as
                                        long as you pick the right
                                        mass influencers.
                                        Sadly, this isn’t true either.
In marketing, the definition of an
   influencer generally falls in line with
                                       Malcolm Gladwell’s definition of

                                      connectors in his book The Tipping
                                       Gladwell defines connectors as
                                       “People in a community who know
                                       large numbers of people and who
                                       are in the habit of making
                                       introductions”. He goes on to say
                                       “their ability to span many different
                                       worlds is a function of something
                                       intrinsic to their personality, some
                                       combination of curiosity, self-
                                       confidence, sociability, and
                                       This theory is false. There tend not
                                       to be magical people who can
                                       inherently connect a
                                       disproportionate amount of
Viral, as an adjective, is
   something that is caused by a

                             A virus is an infection caused
                             by an agent through a
                             By this definition a popular
                             song is a virus. A best selling
                             book is a virus. A fire is a virus.
                             A common cold is a virus.
   We all know how a cold is

                           Pam is sick, comes into the
                           office, gets Andrew sick,
                           then Andrew goes home
                           and infects his girlfriend Sue.
                           There are not super
                           contagious people who run
                           around infecting their
                           connections along with their
                           connection's connections.
                           So why do we believe that
                           there are super influential
                           people who can virally
                           spread ideas?
   There are not super star mega
                                 influential people in the world.
                                 There are people who are
                                 more influential than others
                                 but not by an exponential
                                 The key to spreading
                                 information and creating
                                 virality lies in understanding
                                 the structure of social
                                 networks and creating
                                 content that will spread freely
                                 throughout those networks.
But what about Opera
   Winfrey? You know, the talk
                      show host who, at the mere
                      utterance of a product, could
                      incite mass hysteria. Isn’t she
                      exponentially more influential
                      than most?
                      No, no she is not.
                      Take away her television
                      show, her magazine, her
                      twitter account, and her
                      media empire and see how
                      influential she is.
                      When you remove her from
                      her network she is no more
                      influential than you or I.
   Most of us have heard of the
                                        midnight ride of Paul Revere.
                                        Revere was an American
                                        revolutionist who rode through
                                        New England alerting
                                        minutemen that “The British are
                                        Chances are, you haven’t heard
                                        of William Dawes. Dawes also
                                        alerted colonial minutemen in
                                        New England, but he took a
                                        different route.
                                        Was Revere more influential than
                                        Dawes? Or was it the fact that
                                        they traveled on different
                      Typically, when we create
                      content, we research our
                      target and make sure our
                      message reaches them.
                      This assumes that everybody
                      who would consume our
                      content can be influenced by
                      us directly.
                      Influence does not always
                      work this way.

                        Social networks are
                        comprised of strong and
                        weak ties.
                        Strong Ties – The people you
                        are directly connected to.
                        Weak Ties – These are friends
                        of friends; people who can be
                        reached through other strong
Common conjecture tells us
   that if we target our passionate
                               fan base they will help us
                               spread our content to infinity
                               and beyond.
                               This assumption is flawed.
                               Strong ties are usefull for calling
                               people to action, but not for
                               spreading information.
                               Our challenge is that
                               homophilous groups tend to be
                               incestuous, i.e., information
                               tends to stay within these
                               In order for information to
                               transfer from one group to
                               another it is important to
                               activate weak ties.
According to sociologist Mark
   Granovetter, activating weak
                             ties is imperative for spreading

                            information between groups.
                             Weak ties are the bridges
                             between separate strongly
                             connected groups.
                             In order for information to
                             spread we must create content
                             that can easily move from one
                             group to another through these
                             loose social ties.
   Did you know your friends
                              friends friend can make you
                              A study by Nicholas Christakis
                              and James Fowler found that
                              people up to three degress
                              away from you could affect
                              how happy you are, what you
                              purchase, your political views,
                              and even your body weight.
                              This means that the shirt your
                              wearing, the TV show you
                              watch, even the phone in your
                              hand could have been
                              influenced by somebody you
                              have likely never met.
Your decisions can, on
                      average, influence up to three
   people directly.
                      This may not seem like much,
                      but when put in the context of
                      a network, one persons
                      decision can influence the
                      choice of thousands of people.
                      Not because they are
                      exponentially more influential,
                      but because of the cascade

                      Hyperdyadic spread is the
                      tendency of things to spread
                      from person to person to
                      This is what we call “going
                      The decision of one person to
                      share something could create
                      a cascade effect unwittingly
                      influencing thousands of
                      people to change a behavior
                      or to consume content.

                Once we realize that the
                spread of content isn’t solely
                attributable to great content
                and an influencer strategy, it
                becomes clear that we have
                to look deeper into what truly
                causes virality.
   We tend to think of societal

                    behaviors in terms of
                     individual people – If we
                     understand the parts, we can
                     understand the whole.
                     This is not necessarily true.
                     People are not individual
                     actors acting on a
                     predictable chain of events.
                     People belong to dynamic,
                     self organizing, emergent,
                     complex networks.
In their simplest forms, social
   networks tend to be made up
                                      of many homophilous groups

                                     tied together through strong
                                      and weak social ties.
                                      For example, Brian has a group
                                      of friends from school, a group
                                      from work, and his family. Brian
                                      is the social tie that connects
                                      his school and work friends.
                                      If a rumor were to start
                                      amongst his school friends, the
                                      only way it could get to his
                                      work friends would be through
                                      The rumor can reach his work
                                      friends through Brian (strong tie)
                                      or by proxy (a weak tie).
Viral ideas are contagion that
   travel through our social
                                     networks. They are spread

                                    similarly to viruses.
                                     For ideas to spread far they
                                     must travel through many
                                     groups of friends.
                                     These groups of friends tend
                                     to have different
                                     psychographics, and
As most groups are
   homophilous, they tend to
                                     speak about and share the
                                     same information.
                                     Typically, it takes somebody
                                     from outside the group to bring
                                     new information to a group.
                                     This is especially evident in a
                                     country like North Korea. The
                                     lack of weak ties due to
                                     dictatorship has lead to a lack
                                     of advancement and new
                                     Weak social ties are the key to
   In order to understand our

                         social networks we must map
                          Mapping entails figuring out
                          who is connected to us, who
                          they are connected to, who
                          they are connected to, and so
                          This will give us a good idea of
                          the structure of our networks
                          and how information will best
                          spread through them.

                            Embeddedness is the degree in
                             which a person is enmeshed
                             within their social network.
                             People who are more
                             embedded tend to be in the
                             center of their network and
                             have more connections to
                             others within their network.
                             This plays a crucial role in how
                             influential a person is likely to
                             The more embedded a person
                             is in their network, the more
                             likely it is that they can spread
Through mapping we can
   identify the most embedded
                         nodes. These people are our
                         true influencers, but they are
                         not inherently influential.
                         They are influential for who
                         they know and who they
                         don’t know. They are
                         influential because where
                         they are located within the
Social networks are enormously
   complex, dynamic, living
                      People add, remove, and
                      amend links in their social
                      networks everyday. The
                      network we map today could
                      be irrelevant tomorrow.
                      Even if we perfectly mapped
                      the people who are most able
                      to spread our content, it does
                      not mean we have solved the
                      virality equation.
                      We should not make the same
                      mistake we currently make;
                      expecting a simple idea such
                      as “highly embedded nodes”
                      to solve a complex problem like
   There is no secret sauce. If
                    there was we wouldn’t have
                    What we can do is create
                    content that activates strong
                    ties to call people to action
                    and weak ties to spread the
                    content through the network.
                    Starting with the people who
                    are most centrally embedded
                    within their social networks is a
                    good start.
                    Anybody who tells you
                    otherwise is lying.
             By James LaPorte

-  Good content is important, but it is not possible to plan for.
-  Focusing on content alone will not lead to virality.
-  “Mass influencers” do not exist.
-  Some people are more influential because of where they are located in their social network.
-  Strong ties tend to call people to action and weak ties tend to transmit information between groups.
-  The actions of one person can affect the actions people up to three degrees away.
-  The single decision of one person can cause thousands of people to unwittingly follow suit.
-  The more central a person is within their social network the more likely they are to be influential.
-  There is no secret sauce to creating popular content.

-  The best we can do is create content that can spread through weak and strong ties and seed it through
   the most centrally located people in their social networks.
Slide 1: Kheel Center
Slide 2:
Slide 3: Wayne Large
Slide 5: NS Newsflash
Slide 6 Digitopoly
Slide 8: Austin Even
Slide 9: Please Request (missing)
Slide 12: Pierre Guinoiseau
Slide 13: Please Request (missing)
Slide 14: Avixyz
Slide 16: Benson Kua
Slide 17: jez.atkinson
Slide 18: Twenty_Questions
Slide 19: Wayne Large
Slide 23: Clif1066
Slide 24: Horia Varina
Slide 25: Please Request (Missing)
Slide 26: Please Request (missing)
Slide 27: Nicholas Christakis, James Fowler
Slide 28: RFDuck
Slide 29: TheSeanseter93
Slide 30: Luke Peterson
Slide 32: Didbygraham
Slide 33: Zigazou76
Slide 34: Yuliya Libkina
Sldie 35: kyz
Slide 36: Tristam Sparks
Slide 37: Marc_Smith
Slide 38: josullivan.59
Slide 39: Wayne Large
Slide 40: Wayne Large
Slide 41: Anna Tesar

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GOING VIRAL - Everything You've Been Told Is Wrong

  • 1. By James LaPorte GOING VIRAL - Everything You've Been Told Is Wrong @jlp
  • 2. §  Abstract…………………………………………..3 §  Content Isn’t King………………………………..4 §  Influencers Aren’t Influential...…………………15 §  Understanding Influence……………….………22 §  Understanding The Network………….……….31 §  Appendix………………………………………..42 CONTENTS
  • 3. Every marketer has heard that ABSTRACT great content with a good influencer strategy can lead to virality. This simply isn't true. Virality is not dependent on good content or disproportionately influential people; it's based on the ability of content to spread freely across a network.
  • 5. SO, WHAT IS CONTENT? When I say content, I don’t just mean a YouTube video or a blog post. Content can be an idea, a product, a behavior, or a service. Content is anything you want people to advocate for and consume.
  • 6. YOU’VE HEARD THE SAYING… Content doesn’t actually matter as much as you think it does. You can create the best content in the world, but if nobody consumes it, it is considered unsuccessful. This happens all the time. Think of all of the products, songs, movies, and other content created every day. Do you believe that all good content becomes successful? Or that all successful content is good?
  • 7. TIME’S TOP TEN VIRAL VIDEOS OF 2011 1.  Rebecca Black – Friday 2.  Man with Golden Voice 3.  VW Darth Vader Commercial 4.  Lonely Island — "Jack Sparrow” 5.  Father-Daughter singing “Home” 6.  Webcam 101 for Seniors 7.  My Drunk Kitchen – Brunch 8.  Anderson Cooper Cracks Up 9.  Dancing Thom Yorke 10.  Honey Badger
  • 8. There are very few common CONNECTING WITH CONTENT attributes between these videos. The content ranges from a Super Bowl commercial to a father and daughter covering a song sitting on their bed. There are millions of cover songs, commercials, and music videos on YouTube. These videos did not go viral because of their content, they went viral because of how groups of people connected and reacted to the content.
  • 9. THERE IS NO VIRAL FORMULA There is no way to predict what will go viral. Common sense says that the first step to going viral is creating “great” content, but that’s not possible. So here lies our conundrum, it impossible to define “great” content without it already being considered “great”.
  • 10. THE MONA LISA DILEMMA When we try to describe great content, we run into what Duncan Watts describes in his book Everything is Obvious. It’s not possible to define “great content” without describing what the content is. What makes the Mona Lisa Great? The subject matter? The smile? The layers of paint? The composition? None of these things? All of these things? The Mona Lisa is great because it has the properties that make up the Mona Lisa. This is circular logic.
  • 11. HE WASN’T THAT GREAT A popular example we can all relate to is The Old Spice Guy commercials. What made it great? Most would say “It was original, funny, and appealed to their target”. The problem is, there are many commercials that set out with the same goals. It is only after the campaign became popular that we can peg its success to its attributes.
  • 12. THE MICRO / MACRO PROBLEM Describing content as the reason for success sets us up for failure because we aren’t looking at the whole picture. We try to explain a macro phenomenon, content going viral, by explaining the micro attributes of our content. When trying to understand complex problems we cannot look at individual actions or attributes, we have to look at the entire system.
  • 13. THERE’S MORE THAN JUST A MATCH Think of a forest fire. We don’t extensively analyze the properties of a match to understand why there was a fire. We look at the match along with the dryness of the brush, the direction of the wind, the other trees in proximity… we look at the whole network.
  • 14. DON’T GET ME WRONG, CONTENT STILL MATTERS It is still important that we create groundbreaking content, but if we focus on content alone will we will inevitably fail. The issue is we tend to correlate good content with virality and this is a false correlation. Some may agree that content isn’t that important as long as you pick the right mass influencers. Sadly, this isn’t true either.
  • 16. In marketing, the definition of an HOW WE TYPICALLY DEFINE INFLUENCERS influencer generally falls in line with Malcolm Gladwell’s definition of connectors in his book The Tipping Point. Gladwell defines connectors as “People in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions”. He goes on to say “their ability to span many different worlds is a function of something intrinsic to their personality, some combination of curiosity, self- confidence, sociability, and energy.” This theory is false. There tend not to be magical people who can inherently connect a disproportionate amount of people.
  • 17. Viral, as an adjective, is FIRST, LET’S DEFINE VIRAL something that is caused by a virus. A virus is an infection caused by an agent through a system. By this definition a popular song is a virus. A best selling book is a virus. A fire is a virus. A common cold is a virus.
  • 18. HOW VIRUSES REALLY WORK We all know how a cold is transmitted. Pam is sick, comes into the office, gets Andrew sick, then Andrew goes home and infects his girlfriend Sue. There are not super contagious people who run around infecting their connections along with their connection's connections. So why do we believe that there are super influential people who can virally spread ideas?
  • 19. MASS INFLUENCERS DO NOT EXIST There are not super star mega influential people in the world. There are people who are more influential than others but not by an exponential margin. The key to spreading information and creating virality lies in understanding the structure of social networks and creating content that will spread freely throughout those networks.
  • 20. But what about Opera THE OPRAH DELUSION Winfrey? You know, the talk show host who, at the mere utterance of a product, could incite mass hysteria. Isn’t she exponentially more influential than most? No, no she is not. Take away her television show, her magazine, her twitter account, and her media empire and see how influential she is. When you remove her from her network she is no more influential than you or I.
  • 21. THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF… WILLIAM DAWES? Most of us have heard of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Revere was an American revolutionist who rode through New England alerting minutemen that “The British are Coming”. Chances are, you haven’t heard of William Dawes. Dawes also alerted colonial minutemen in New England, but he took a different route. Was Revere more influential than Dawes? Or was it the fact that they traveled on different networks?
  • 23. THE MISSING TARGET Typically, when we create content, we research our target and make sure our message reaches them. This assumes that everybody who would consume our content can be influenced by us directly. Influence does not always work this way.
  • 24. WHO INFLUENCES WHOM? Social networks are comprised of strong and weak ties. Strong Ties – The people you are directly connected to. Weak Ties – These are friends of friends; people who can be reached through other strong ties.
  • 25. Common conjecture tells us THE WEAKNESS OF STRONG TIES that if we target our passionate fan base they will help us spread our content to infinity and beyond. This assumption is flawed. Strong ties are usefull for calling people to action, but not for spreading information. Our challenge is that homophilous groups tend to be incestuous, i.e., information tends to stay within these communities. In order for information to transfer from one group to another it is important to activate weak ties.
  • 26. According to sociologist Mark THE STRENGTH OF WEAK TIES Granovetter, activating weak ties is imperative for spreading information between groups. Weak ties are the bridges between separate strongly connected groups. In order for information to spread we must create content that can easily move from one group to another through these loose social ties.
  • 27. THREE DEGREES OF INFLEUNCE Did you know your friends friends friend can make you fat? A study by Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler found that people up to three degress away from you could affect how happy you are, what you purchase, your political views, and even your body weight. This means that the shirt your wearing, the TV show you watch, even the phone in your hand could have been influenced by somebody you have likely never met.
  • 28. Your decisions can, on average, influence up to three THE CASCADE EFFECT people directly. This may not seem like much, but when put in the context of a network, one persons decision can influence the choice of thousands of people. Not because they are exponentially more influential, but because of the cascade effect.
  • 29. HYPERDYADIC SPREAD Hyperdyadic spread is the tendency of things to spread from person to person to person. This is what we call “going viral”. The decision of one person to share something could create a cascade effect unwittingly influencing thousands of people to change a behavior or to consume content.
  • 30. A REVELATION Once we realize that the spread of content isn’t solely attributable to great content and an influencer strategy, it becomes clear that we have to look deeper into what truly causes virality.
  • 32. THINK NETWORK(LY) We tend to think of societal behaviors in terms of individual people – If we understand the parts, we can understand the whole. This is not necessarily true. People are not individual actors acting on a predictable chain of events. People belong to dynamic, self organizing, emergent, complex networks.
  • 33. In their simplest forms, social HOW SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE STRUCTURED networks tend to be made up of many homophilous groups tied together through strong and weak social ties. For example, Brian has a group of friends from school, a group from work, and his family. Brian is the social tie that connects his school and work friends. If a rumor were to start amongst his school friends, the only way it could get to his work friends would be through him. The rumor can reach his work friends through Brian (strong tie) or by proxy (a weak tie).
  • 34. Viral ideas are contagion that HOW IDEAS SPREAD THROUGH NETWORKS travel through our social networks. They are spread similarly to viruses. For ideas to spread far they must travel through many groups of friends. These groups of friends tend to have different demographics, psychographics, and geographics.
  • 35. As most groups are NEW IDEAS FLOWS THROUGH WEAK TIES homophilous, they tend to speak about and share the same information. Typically, it takes somebody from outside the group to bring new information to a group. This is especially evident in a country like North Korea. The lack of weak ties due to dictatorship has lead to a lack of advancement and new ideas. Weak social ties are the key to virality.
  • 36. MAPPING SOCIAL NETWORK In order to understand our social networks we must map them. Mapping entails figuring out who is connected to us, who they are connected to, who they are connected to, and so on. This will give us a good idea of the structure of our networks and how information will best spread through them.
  • 37. THE EMBEDDEDNESS OF NODES Embeddedness is the degree in which a person is enmeshed within their social network. People who are more embedded tend to be in the center of their network and have more connections to others within their network. This plays a crucial role in how influential a person is likely to be. The more embedded a person is in their network, the more likely it is that they can spread information.
  • 38. Through mapping we can HIGHLY EMBEDDED NODES identify the most embedded nodes. These people are our true influencers, but they are not inherently influential. They are influential for who they know and who they don’t know. They are influential because where they are located within the network.
  • 39. Social networks are enormously IT’S NOT THAT EASY complex, dynamic, living entities. People add, remove, and amend links in their social networks everyday. The network we map today could be irrelevant tomorrow. Even if we perfectly mapped the people who are most able to spread our content, it does not mean we have solved the virality equation. We should not make the same mistake we currently make; expecting a simple idea such as “highly embedded nodes” to solve a complex problem like virality.
  • 40. THE SECRET SAUCE There is no secret sauce. If there was we wouldn’t have jobs. What we can do is create content that activates strong ties to call people to action and weak ties to spread the content through the network. Starting with the people who are most centrally embedded within their social networks is a good start. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying.
  • 41. THANK YOU By James LaPorte @jlp
  • 43. SUMMATION -  Good content is important, but it is not possible to plan for. -  Focusing on content alone will not lead to virality. -  “Mass influencers” do not exist. -  Some people are more influential because of where they are located in their social network. -  Strong ties tend to call people to action and weak ties tend to transmit information between groups. -  The actions of one person can affect the actions people up to three degrees away. -  The single decision of one person can cause thousands of people to unwittingly follow suit. -  The more central a person is within their social network the more likely they are to be influential. -  There is no secret sauce to creating popular content. -  The best we can do is create content that can spread through weak and strong ties and seed it through the most centrally located people in their social networks.
  • 44. PHOTO CREDITS Slide 1: Kheel Center Slide 2: Slide 3: Wayne Large Slide 5: NS Newsflash Slide 6 Digitopoly Slide 8: Austin Even Slide 9: Please Request (missing) Slide 12: Pierre Guinoiseau Slide 13: Please Request (missing) Slide 14: Avixyz Slide 16: Benson Kua Slide 17: jez.atkinson Slide 18: Twenty_Questions Slide 19: Wayne Large Slide 23: Clif1066 Slide 24: Horia Varina Slide 25: Please Request (Missing) Slide 26: Please Request (missing) Slide 27: Nicholas Christakis, James Fowler Slide 28: RFDuck Slide 29: TheSeanseter93 Slide 30: Luke Peterson Slide 32: Didbygraham Slide 33: Zigazou76 Slide 34: Yuliya Libkina Sldie 35: kyz Slide 36: Tristam Sparks Slide 37: Marc_Smith Slide 38: josullivan.59 Slide 39: Wayne Large Slide 40: Wayne Large Slide 41: Anna Tesar